World Sight Day - 10 October 2019

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Know when to take action

Because vision loss can creep up at any age and catch people off guard,
it is crucial for everyone to go for regular eye check-ups.
2 World Sight Day THE STAR, THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019

Protect your eyes

OUR eyes are not good at blocking blue light. Unlike L and Z, MZ is not present in a
With its short- and high- energy typical diet. It is produced in the retina
wavelengths, it scatters more easily and is from L via an isomerisation process.
not easily focused. This causes reduced However, this process is disrupted as you
visual contrast, which can lead to digital eye age. It is therefore essential to replenish
strain. these carotenoids, particularly MZ, through

Limiting blue light exposure

Symptoms of digital eye strain include dry supplementation.
or irritated eyes, headaches and blurred The different absorption spectra of L, Z
vision. Long-term exposure to blue light has and MZ results in a collective optimal
been linked to increased risk of developing filtration of blue light at the macula, which
age-related macular degeneration, which is would not be achieved by any of these HOW often do you let your child watch light and reduce the development of age-
the leading cause of vision loss. carotenoids in isolation. Studies have also television and use handphones and tablets in related degenerative diseases, as listed
The macula is the most sensitive part of shown that the inclusion of MZ resulted in a day? Half a day? Or as long they can be below.
the retina, responsible for sharp, detailed a greater increase in MPOD in comparison occupied, till you are done with your daily l Spinach and kale – These leafy greens
central vision and colour discrimination. It to supplements lacking this central job? In fact, if your children are below five are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are
is made up of three xanthophyll carotenoids carotenoid. years old, you should limit them to less than widely used to maintain eye health. They
– lutein (L), zeaxanthin (Z) and meso- MZ accounts for about a third of total MP an hour a day of screen time, according to are high in antioxidants that may protect
zeaxanthin (MZ), which are collectively at the macula. Of the three the American Academy of Pediatrics. the eyes from the damaging effects of
known as macular pigment (MP). carotenoids, MZ has the greatest Blue light is a type of light wave released sunlight, cigarette smoke and air pollution.
MP plays a vital role in raising the capability of quenching oxygen naturally by the sun and unnaturally by l Carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato –
macular pigment optical density (MPOD) radicals. electrical devices such as television, Deep orange and yellow vegetables and
for enhanced visual performance, smartphones, tablets and computers. Blue fruits are known for their high beta-
including visual acuity, contrast
sensitivity, glare sensitivity and
Supplementing with L, light from the sun helps the body regulate its
circadian rhythm, which is its natural
carotene content, which is converted into
vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for
photo-stress recovery. Z and MZ 24-hour wake-and-sleep cycle. maintaining your eyes’ photoreceptors.
Of the many types of Too much exposure to blue light, l Fish – Salmon, sardines and halibut
carotenoids in your body, only Supplementation can be a especially late at night before bedtime, can contain DHA: a type of essential fatty acid
L, Z and MZ are deposited in promising way of raising disturb children’s sleep patterns, leading to found in high amounts in the retina. It
the macula. L and Z cannot be MPOD. However, not sleeping problems and tiredness during the helps maintain eye function and its
synthesised by the body. They all macular carotenoid day. This may lead to other potential issues deficiency can impair vision, especially in
can, however, be obtained supplements are such as lack of focus in school. Until the age children. The body cannot produce DHA, so
through diet. Foods rich in L made the same. For of 10, children’s eyes are not fully developed dietary intake of this nutrient is important.
and Z include optimal efficacy, look as their crystalline lenses and corneas are
kale, spinach, for supplements still largely transparent and overexposed to Nature’s Way Kids A+ Blue Light
turnip greens, containing XanMax light. Gummies contains lutein, zeaxanthin and
green peas, formulation, which is vitamin A and is berry-flavoured. One
broccoli, corn
and eggs.
standardised to deliver
high amounts of L, Z
How to protect your child from gummy daily for children four years old
and above can help protect their eyes from
and MZ. blue light? the effects of digital blue light. Nature’s Way
Constant exposure to Blue Light Gummies is available in all
blue light can lead to n This article is brought As the saying goes, a healthy outside starts leading pharmacies.
digital eye strain, which to you by VitaHealth. For from the inside. There are a few foods with
can cause irritated eyes, more information, call nutrients that can help maintain eye n For more information, call 03-7932 2138
headaches and blurred vision. 1800 183 288. function, protect the eyes against harmful or visit
4 World Sight Day THE STAR, THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019

The nuisance and

misery of dry eyes
THE tear film is a layer on the eye surface patient and practitioner, as it often interferes reactions taking place after the procedure
which maintains the smoothness of the with the overall management and perceived that stimulates the secretion and
surface for good vision and comfort. It is satisfaction of the patient. There are contraction of the glands and improves
made up of three layers: mucin, water and significant symptoms, which are either not microcirculation.
lipid. A disturbance in the balance of all treated effectively or ignored by the eye care The treatment effect is cumulative. It
three components may lead to symptomatic practitioner. Usually, this happens when generally lasts a week after the first
dry eyes. there is not much time or it is perceived that session, between two and three weeks after
Dry eye disease is a common pathology the complaint is insignificant or untreatable. the second session and six months to two
affecting more than 20% of the population, Although lubricating eyedrops may years after the third to fourth sessions. This
with symptoms increasing with age. provide some relief, it is often not enough in is a promising mode of treatment to help
Conditions of a modern lifestyle, including more severe conditions. Depending on the alleviate or negate the miseries of dry eyes.
working on computer screens, driving, cause of the dry eyes, treatment will include – By Dr Norazlina Bachik Ng, cataract,
artificial lights, air pollution and wearing eye drops such as cyclosporine, steroid refractive and anterior segment surgeon
contact lenses makes dry eye syndrome a eyedrops and lipid-based drops. Manual at KPJ Pusat Pakar Mata Centre for Sight
frequent nuisance. expression, Meibomian gland probing and a
Generally speaking, it is a result of tear procedure called Blephex may also need to n For more information, call 03-4022 6222
film issue, either caused by insufficient tears be done. (KL), 03-7880 8222 (PJ) or 03-6093 1051
or excessive evaporation. It is recognised The latest addition to this armamentarium (Rawang), or visit
that a large majority of cases are caused by of treatment modalities is Intense Pulsed KKLIU No.2720/2018
the evaporation form, mainly due to an Light (IPL) therapy. It involves applying
insufficiency of the external lipid layer of the perfectly calibrated, homogenously
tear film secreted by glands in the eyelids sequenced, sculpted light pulses. The energy,
called the Meibomian glands. spectrum and time period are precisely set
Dry eye disease is an unpleasant sensory to stimulate the Meibomian glands to cause
and emotional experience for patients. them to return to their normal function.
Burdened with discomfort and fear, patients Each treatment session takes only a few
often feel miserable, not knowing how to minutes, during which the patient is seated
precisely describe what they are feeling. comfortably. The ophthalmologist will adjust
Most will end up feeling exasperated a protective eyeware to protect the patient’s
because no one understands what they are eyes from the light. A hydrogel will be
going through. Mild conditions can lead to applied onto the skin beneath the eyes for
frequent visits to eye care practitioners, protection. A series of five flashes is applied
while moderate to severe cases are often under the lower eyelid. The same procedure
associated with significant pain, limitations is then repeated under the lower eyelid of
in performing daily activities, reduced the other eye.
vitality, poor general health and, in some IPL doesn’t directly affect the Meibomian
cases, depression. glands. It is the stimulation of the nerves
The treatment is particularly frustrating to supplying the glands via a series of chemical
THE STAR, THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019 World Sight Day 5

Avoid sacrificing your vision

“I ALWAYS feel like certain forms of
blindness shouldn’t be so prevalent,
because they are avoidable,” says
Datuk Dr Linda Teoh Oon Cheng,
consultant ophthalmologist and
glaucoma specialist at Subang Jaya
Medical Centre. She refers
specifically to instances in which
patients know that there is a high
chance their vision could become
damaged, yet do nothing about it.
Avoidable blindness includes
conditions such as diabetic
retinopathy and cataract. When
detected early enough, the diseases
can be treated and vision can be Datuk Dr Linda Teoh Oon Cheng.
restored. According to the
Malaysian National Eye Survey “I once had a patient who had
published last year, the most something in his eye, so he closed
common causes of blindness were and rubbed that eye to relieve the
untreated cataracts (58.6%), itch. To his shock, he then realised
diabetic retinopathy (10.4%) and he couldn’t see in the other eye.
glaucoma (6.6%). Overall, 86.3% of When he went to check, it was
all cases of blindness were discovered that he had already
avoidable. gone blind from glaucoma in one
“A lot of the time, people think eye.”
cataracts are caused by ageing and Often, patients have incorrect
they won’t do anything about it perceptions. Dr Teoh says, “Patients
until they find their vision too often think everything is curable.
blurry,” says Dr Teoh. She also Glaucoma patients tend to only ask
advises that unlike in the past, People above 55 should undergo eye screenings at least once a year as certain forms of blindness can be doctors for help when they’re
there is now no need to delay avoided if treated early. already at an advanced stage of the
cataract removal with the disease when we can no longer do
advancement of technology. compulsory for those with On the other hand, if your sight sight”, many patients who have anything to restore their vision.”
“Long ago, people feared surgery diabetes, irrespective of age, to is affected by diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma are diagnosed in the Glaucoma is related to genetics,
because the wound is large and it attend an eye screening. This is you can prevent yourself from later stages as it is painless and so if there is a history of glaucoma
takes time to heal, so people were because diabetes can cause going blind just by going for your people don’t know they are losing in your family, it is advisable to get
advised to wait until their cataract changes in your eyes. When your regular screenings and check-ups their sight because they don’t feel checked as early as possible,
is mature before opting for diabetes isn’t controlled, you can and treating your diabetes. pain. They only see the doctor because if detected early on,
surgery.” get cataracts early, which will Another kind of preventable when they realise something is doctors can assist in preventing it
Having said that, Dr Teoh urges affect your vision. “We still have blindness is glaucoma. While really wrong with their vision and from progressing.
those 55 years old and above to patients who have had diabetes for glaucoma cannot be cured, it can start knocking into things, or even
undergo eye screenings at least many years who never attend be controlled when detected early. discovering they can’t see as well n For more information, call
once a year. She says it is regular eye check-ups,” she shares. A disease known as “the thief of by accident. 03-5639 1212.

Worried about lumps and bumps?

LOOKING into a mirror, you might
notice a small bump on your eyelid.
You dismiss it, thinking it not worth
the time to go to the doctor to get it Eyelid cancers rarely
checked out. However, Dr Nazila
Ahmad Azli, consultant metastasise although it
ophthalmologist and oculoplastic, can be locally invasive.
lacrimal and orbital surgeon at Ara
Damansara Medical Centre, thinks
The prognosis is
otherwise. also very good when
Dr Nazila says 80% of all
abnormal growths on the eyelid are
detected early.
benign, and malignant growths are
not common in Malaysia. However, Dr Nazila Ahmad Azli.
she asserts, “It is important for the depending on the stage and severity
public to be aware and know how Both types of growths may of the disease.
to differentiate between malignant interfere with the patient’s life,
and benign growths so they can
seek treatment earlier.”
causing blurred vision, eyeball
compression, astigmatism and
Clean lids, clear vision
She says some common causes general discomfort. “Malignant eyelid growth risk
for benign eyelid growth include factors depend on your age, family
infection of the lash follicles, which
causes a stye and clogging of the
Early treatment can yield history, exposure to UV rays and
previous malignoma. Farmers and
eyelid’s oil glands, which causes a good results fishermen, for example, are more
chalazion. likely to have malignant eyelid Though small, any abnormal growth around the eyelid should not be
Dr Nazila says recurrent chalazia If eyelid cancer is allowed to growths. People living in sun- dismissed as it can be an early sign of eyelid cancer.
could be a marker to a more advance, it can cause eyelid and exposed countries, such as Australia,
sinister lesion. “When a chalazion facial disfigurement. Dr Nazila, have heightened risks, too.”
recurs even after treatment, there however, offers good news, saying, Dr Nazila stresses that eyelid Similar but different
is a large possibility that it is a “Eyelid cancers rarely metastasise hygiene is important to halt benign While they may look similar, benign and malignant eyelid growths have their
sebaceous gland carcinoma, as both although they can be locally eyelid growths, as problems own distinct symptoms.
conditions affect the same eyelid invasive. The prognosis is also very normally arise from dirty lashes.
gland.” good when detected early.” “We are exposed to dust every day, Benign Malignant
For malignant abnormal eyelid With early diagnosis, treatment and we expose our eyes to cosmetics
growths, Dr Nazila says basal cell is fairly simple. Dr Nazila that clog up the oil glands of the Usually accompanied by pain, with Usually painless except in the
carcinoma takes up 90% of all illustrates the usual process of lids. This allows for the excess the exception of chalazion advanced stages
malignant occurrences worldwide. either incisional biopsy or excision growth of bacteria that are No loss of lashes Loss of lashes
The bump most commonly appears biopsy coupled with eyelid normally present on the skin.”
in the lower eyelid, but it can occur reconstruction. She says, “When Her advice is to clean your eyelids No loss of lid contour Abnormal or loss of lid contour (The
elsewhere around the eyelid. Risk we carry out a biopsy of the eyelid, at least twice a day with a warm shape of the lid is no longer smooth)
is increased with age and excessive we also take a good amount of towel or lid wipes to clear the debris Stye may develop abscess Breakage or ulceration of the skin
exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. normal tissue around the growth from our eyelids. In addition, warm
Individuals with fair skin are also to ensure all malignant cells are compresses on the eyes can also Does not bleed upon touch or Can bleed upon touch or pressure
at risk. removed from the body.” improve the oil flow from clogged pressure
Other types of eyelid cancer Other treatment options are glands.
include squamous cell carcinoma, Mohs micrographic surgery, frozen Normal surrounding skin Thickening of surrounding tissue or
sebaceous cell carcinoma and section technique excision, n For more information, call
malignant melanoma. radiotherapy and chemotherapy, 03-5639 1212.
6 World Sight Day THE STAR, THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019

Putting vision first


IN 2000, World Sight Day (WSD) was

launched by the Lions Club International With the aim to increase
Foundation. The concept of WSD was then
integrated into Vision 2020: The Right to
global awareness of eye
Sight, a collaboration between the health and prevent avoidable
International Agency for the Prevention of
Blindness (IAPB) and World Health
blindness and vision
Organization (WHO). impairment, WSD dedicates
With the aim to increase global awareness
of eye health and prevent avoidable
the second Thursday of
blindness and vision impairment, WSD October every year to
dedicates the second Thursday of October
every year to drive media attention and
drive media attention and
advocacy. After almost two decades of advocacy.
collaborative efforts, let us take a step back
and reflect on how far this campaign has
brought eye healthcare awareness and annual growth. She says, “Last year, with its ophthalmologist and vitreoretinal surgeon, He attributes this success to the teamwork
services to every corner of the world. theme of ‘Eye Care Everywhere’, WSD says, “In the last few years, we have gone of Malaysian eye care associations and the
recorded celebrations in 149 countries, to different states in Malaysia to organise Government to promote WSD to all citizens.
A dig into the past compared with 115 in 2017 and 92 in 2016.” national campaigns there. Last year, it was

It comes as no surprise that kick-starting a

Altogether, 852 events were held in these
149 countries, which included awareness
launched by Queen of Johor Raja Zarith
Sofia. This year, it will be held in Putrajaya.
Community against ignorance
global effort or initiating widespread change events, screening/operations, seminars, Both iterations were organised by the WSD has been held for 19 years.
requires the cooperation of multiple parties launches, donation drives, rallies/walks/ Health Ministry and supported by MSO.” However, there is still much to be done in
and partners. IAPB is one such organisation. marathons, policy updates and online While statistics were not collected in the aspect of universal eye healthcare and
It works closely with WHO and the health events. Malaysia, Dr Fong observes that the awareness.
ministries of many countries, especially on campaign has definitely improved public On the administrative aspect, Davis
WSD. A UK-based global alliance, it comprises
more than 150 organisations dedicated to eye
Malaysia’s progress awareness on eye health. “We see a
general increase of patients coming to get
suggests that eye health and assistive care
need to be better integrated into overall
health, including non-governmental Malaysia is one of the countries their eyes and vision checked after the health services. She says, “Those with
organisations, hospitals, professional bodies, collaborating with IAPB for WSD. Dr campaigns. In 2017, MSO carried out a irreparable vision should have access to
corporations, research institutions and more. Kenneth Fong Choong Sian, president of the state-level eye screening in collaboration assistive devices and services so they may
IAPB Western Pacific regional chair Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO), with the Terengganu Sultan’s charity to live life to the fullest.”
Amanda Davis explains, “IAPB supplies well- says WSD has been carried out in Malaysia screen around 2,000 patients, among other
designed WSD marketing material such as for many years and associations such as eye care activities.” > SEE NEXT PAGE
high-quality posters and social media images MSO, Asia-Pacific Academy of
for free. We have shipped marketing Ophthalmology, International Council of
material to more than 500 organisations Ophthalmology and eye care professionals in How our peers see the world
around the world. The alliance also works the private and public sector have generally
with media and the public to drive worked together to spread awareness on eye Every year, World Sight Day hopes to l One billion people live with near-
awareness and spotlight eye health on WSD.” health in the region. spread key messages on how blindness vision impairment.
Davis is notably excited about WSD’s Dr Fong, who is also a consultant and vision impairment affects people from l Eighty-nine per cent of vision
all walks of life, as listed below. impaired people live in low- and middle-
l As of 2015, 253 million people income countries.
worldwide are blind or visually impaired. l Fifty-five per cent of MSVI patients
l 36 million people are blind are women.
l 217 million people have moderate to
severe vision impairment (MSVI) On a positive note, the prevalence of
l Of those with blindness and MSVI, 124 blindness and vision impairment has
million people have uncorrected refractive dropped from 4.58% in 1990 to 3.37% in
errors and 65 million have cataracts. 2015. Therefore, let us use this information
Hence, more than 75% of all blindness and as motivation to continue our fight against
MSVI cases are avoidable. blindness and vision impairment.

More work to be done

The development of AI and machine see their productivity levels drop.
learning has helped medical professionals l It is now known that more than a
screen and identify people at risk of eye billion people have vision impairment,
problems and provide adequate which are correctable with simple lenses.
intervention. However, we have only l Increased risk of blindness for those
scratched the tip of the awareness iceberg. with diabetes and other conditions.
Eye health has implications on every
aspect of the human condition. Therefore, she says, “IAPB’s
Amanda Davis, Western Pacific regional achievement of the United Nations
chair of the International Agency for the Sustainable Development Goals is deeply
Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) points out linked with our ability to provide quality
a few struggles people with poor eyesight eye health services. World Sight Day helps
can face. us put a spotlight on all the wonderful
l Children without glasses will face work that is ongoing around the world so
difficulties at school. that everyone everywhere can access
l Those with degrading near vision will appropriate eye care.”

As of last year, up to 149 countries conducted World Sight Day initiatives to spread
awareness of general eye health.
THE STAR, THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019 World Sight Day 7

The dangers Public awareness vital

of diabetic
> FROM PREVIOUS PAGE devices fitted with artificial intelligence
(AI) are decreasing in size and becoming
In the field, Dr Fong still sees a need for more affordable. Soon, there will come a
constant public education on eye health. He time when people can carry out eye tests

elaborates that some patients prefer to take in the comfort of their own home. He
shortcuts in medical treatment and choose elaborates, “After using the screening
to purchase supplements, special eye device, the AI will present the results to
frames, eye drops and traditional remedies you instantly and refer you to a doctor
both online and through multilevel should it detect a problem with your eyes.”
marketing schemes. These products are not However, before this dream can be
just expensive, but also do nothing to treat realised, Dr Fong says medical
or improve one’s eyesight. professionals should encourage patients to
DIABETIC retinopathy is a group of eye “It is crucial to educate the public to seek seek help through the community first.
conditions that can affect people with immediate professional advice regardless “You do not have to visit a big hospital
diabetes. All forms of diabetic retinopathy of any eye condition. We are also trying to right away for your eye check-up. There
have the potential to cause severe vision loss educate the public on proper eye treatment are other options out there such as your
and blindness. It is the most common cause and the dangers of believing in dubious eye local eye clinic or optometrist, which are
of vision loss among people with diabetes products,” he says. cheaper and more convenient for you to
and the leading cause of vision impairment He cautions that in cases where patients visit.”
and blindness among adults. have a serious eye problem, proper General practitioners are also
Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both treatment is usually delayed because the encouraged to screen patients for eye
eyes. Some facts about this condition are patients waste time trying alternative diseases. Most Government health clinics
listed below. methods, which can cost them their such as Klinik Kesihatan have retinal
l Symptoms may not be apparent in the eyesight. cameras and action will be taken should
early stages the doctors detect any eye abnormalities
l Spots or dark strings floating in the
visual field (floaters)
Foreseeing the future in patients.
Dr Fong advices, “WSD is just a catalyst
l Blurry vision The impact of WSD is certainly positive. towards increased focus on eye health.
l Fluctuating vision Dr Angela Loo Voon Pei. People are more aware of their eye health Eyesight is one of the most important
l Colour vision deficiency and more research and effort is being put senses in your body, especially for young
l Dark or empty spots in your vision increases your risk of developing diabetic into advancing medical technology and children. Those who face a high risk of
l Vision loss retinopathy treatments for eye care. developing diseases such as glaucoma and
l Poor control of blood sugar level Dr Fong is hopeful that in line with diabetic retinopathy should check their
A chronic comorbidity l High blood pressure
l High cholesterol
technological advancements, screening eyes regularly to prevent early blindness.”

Chronically high blood sugar from l Pregnancy

diabetes is associated with damage to the l Tobacco use Ongoing efforts
tiny blood vessels in the retina, leading to
diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy Other conditions that may occur as a Every year, World Sight Day strives to: funds for national blindness prevention
can cause blood vessels in the retina to leak result of or with diabetic retinopathy are: l Raise public awareness of blindness programmes.
fluid or haemorrhage (bleed), distorting l Vitreous haemorrhage – New blood and vision impairment as major l Educate target audiences about
vision. vessels may bleed into clear, jelly-like international public health issues. blindness prevention and Vision 2020 and
In its most advanced stage, new abnormal substance that fills the centre of your eye. If l Influence governments and health generate support for Vision 2020
blood vessels proliferate (increase in the amount of bleeding is small, one might ministries to participate in and designate activities.
number) on the surface of the retina, which see only a few dark spots or floaters. In
can lead to scarring and cell loss in the more severe cases, the blood can completely
retina. block vision.
There are three types of diabetic l Retinal detachment – The abnormal
retinopathy: blood vessels stimulate the growth of scar
l Non-proliferative retinopathy is an early tissue, which can pull the retina away from
form of the disease, where the retinal blood the back of the eye.
vessels leak fluid or bleed. l Glaucoma – New blood vessels may
l Proliferative retinopathy is an advanced grow in the front part of the eye and
form of the disease and occurs when the interfere with the normal flow of fluid out of
retina starts growing new blood vessels the eye, causing pressure in the eye to build
(neovascularisation). The new blood vessels up.
are fragile, which makes them more likely to l Blindness – Eventually, diabetic
leak and bleed. retinopathy, glaucoma or both can lead to
l Macular oedema is a swelling of the complete vision loss.
macula, caused by the leakage of fluid from
retinal blood vessels. It can damage central
Treating the condition
Depending on the specific problems,
How it may happen options may include:
l Laser treatment – Can be used to seal
Your risk of developing diabetic off leaking blood vessels
retinopathy can increase depending on the l Vitrectomy – Involves using a tiny
following factors: incision in the eye to remove blood from the
l A longer period of living with diabetes middle of the eye (vitreous) as well as scar
tissue that is tugging on the retina
l Injecting medicine into the eye – An
injectable medication, called vascular
endothelial growth factor inhibitors, may
help stop the growth of new blood vessels by
blocking the effects of growth signals the
body sends to generate new blood vessels.

Keeping diabetic retinopathy

from worsening
Early detection and treatment can reduce
your risk of going blind from diabetic
retinopathy. Listed below are a few well-
accepted strategies.
l Monitor your blood sugar level.
l Keep your blood pressure and
cholesterol under control.
l Stop smoking as it increases your risk of
developing various diabetes complications.
l Attend regular eye examinations and
get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at
least once a year. – By Dr Angela Loo Voon
Pei, consultant ophthalmologist and
vitreoretinal surgeon at Top Vision Eye
Specialist Centre

Early detection and treatment can reduce your n For more information, call 03-3343 9911 or
risk of going blind from diabetic retinopathy. 03-3343 0099, or email [email protected]
8 World Sight Day THE STAR, THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019

Protect your eyes in

DO you spend hours staring at your
smartphone screen every day? Do you know
that long exposure to digital screens can
harm your vision? Blue light – the high

this digital world

energy visible light emitted by digital screens
– is a contributing factor to deteriorating eye
Research by We Are Social shows that 71%
of Malaysians own a smartphone and spend
an average of 5.1 hours a day on the
Internet. Constant eye exposure to
potentially damaging blue light from digital
devices can cause visual stress and lead to
retina damage, accelerate vision
deterioration and increase the risk of
developing age-related eye diseases. Constant eye exposure to
While limiting the amount of time spent potentially damaging blue
on digital screens is a good precaution, good
nutrition is also one of the key factors to light from digital devices can
promoting healthy eyes and sharper vision. cause visual stress and lead
to retina damage, accelerate
Six key nutrients for healthier vision deterioration
eyes and increase the risk of
l Marigold – Naturally rich in lutein and developing age-related eye
zeaxanthin, which are important in
promoting healthy vision. Clinical studies
published by the AREDS2 Research Group
have shown that 10mg of lutein and 2mg of
zeaxanthin is beneficial for eye health. which provides antioxidant protection and
Lutein and zeaxanthin in combination can is essential for visual acuity in dim light and
filter harmful blue light, ultraviolet (UV) rays improving night vision.
and neutralise free radicals.
l Dunaliella Salina – A type of green
l Haematococcus pluvialis – A type of microalgae that is naturally high in mixed
freshwater green microalgae that is carotenoids, including beta carotene, alpha
naturally high in astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, to support
an antioxidant that can promote retinal eye health. It is recommended for ageing adults, Development Department and suitable for
blood flow and alleviate eye fatigue. students, computer users, individuals with vegetarians.
Biogrow OPTIbrite E Capsule is a six-in- vision impairment or poor eyesight, It is available in all leading pharmacies
l Wolfberry (Go-Ji) – Naturally high in one improved formulation with higher individuals experiencing eye strain or tired nationwide.
polysaccharides and carotenoids, they are strength. Each vegetable capsule contains eyes due to reading, driving, prolonged use
traditionally used for improving eyesight, the clinically studied amount of 10mg of of digital devices and individuals who are This article is brought to you by Legosan
especially night vision. lutein and 2mg of trans-zeaxanthin frequently involved in outdoor activities (Malaysia).
extracted from marigolds, astaxanthin from and exposed to UV rays.
l Eyebright – Traditionally used for eye Haematococcus Pluvialis, anthocyanosides Take one capsule daily after a meal n For more information, call 03-7956 2220 or
strain relief, eye fatigue and irritated eyes. from bilberries and other eye health for healthier eyes and sharper vision. visit
enhancing nutrients from wolfberries (Go- Biogrow OPTIbrite E Capsule is certified This is a traditional product advertisement.
l Bilberry – A source of anthocyanosides Ji), eyebright and dunaliella salina. halal by the Malaysian Islamic KKLIU No.2262/2017

Preventable blindness
cases rising in Malaysia
ACCORDING to the International Agency for eye screenings for people in rural areas
the Prevention of Blindness, preventable or who might not have access to healthcare.
avoidable blindness is described as Thomas shares that MAB has received
blindness that can either be treated or positive responses from the public
avoided through known, cost-effective regarding its efforts in raising awareness of
means. It is responsible for 75% of visual preventable blindness, especially from
impairment cases in the world. Common people in rural areas.
causes of preventable blindness are
cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy
and trachoma.
Efforts in raising awareness
While there are many causes that While certain NGOs do their best to
contribute to preventable blindness, not educate the public on preventable
many are aware that these types of diseases blindness, Thomas says he feels their
can be prevented. Thus, what kind of efforts would be more impactful with
precautions should one take to avoid going increased support from the Government, in
blind? terms of reach and efficacy of treatment.
If you get an eye infection, it is best that Free eye screenings at hospitals and
you undergo an eye checkup. Never wait till public schools are among the initiatives
it’s too late as you don’t know what may already in place, but Thomas mentions how
happen to your vision. Always take raising awareness and educating even
preventative and protective measures in more people on eye health and preventable
situations that can cause eye injuries. If you blindness can be done by extending
work with machines or chemicals, put on existing efforts to secondary schools,
protective eyegear. Women who are looking universities and far-flung villages.
to get pregnant should be vaccinated Thomas also explains that eye care is not
against rubella as contracting rubella when prioritised as much as other conditions
pregnant can lead to the foetus developing such as heart disease, diabetes and a few
congenital cataracts. types of cancer as those are among the top
causes of death in the country. However, he
Local support opines that the Government should pay
more attention to eye care as while it is not
Many non-governmental organisations fatal, the number of patients affected by
(NGOs) in Malaysia are associated with preventable blindness is increasing.
helping the blind and have been Thomas urges everyone to start taking
monumental in spreading awareness about care of their eyes and undergo regular
preventable and non-preventable check-ups. His advice is to not wait till it’s
blindness. too late to see a doctor, because prevention
According to Malaysian Association for is better than a cure. Those above 40 years
the Blind (MAB) general manager George old should attend eye screenings at least
Thomas, NGOs sometimes collaborate with once a year. He also advises parents to pay
private companies and eye hospitals to attention to their children’s vision so
organise events such as free eye screenings preventative measures can be taken to
in primary schools to detect vision avoid early vision impairment, as being
impairments and prevent early vision loss declared legally blind does not only involve
in children. He adds that MAB also provides total blindness.

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