Management Information System (Mis)
Management Information System (Mis)
Management Information System (Mis)
Information Definition
According to Wikipedia −
"Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any
kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the
Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed.
Therefore, in a general sense, information is "Knowledge communicated or
received, concerning a particular fact or circumstance". Information cannot be
predicted and resolves uncertainty."
Information Vs Data
Data can be described as unprocessed facts and figures. Plain collected data as raw
facts cannot help in decision-making. However, data is the raw material that is
organized, structured, and interpreted to create useful information systems.
Data is defined as 'groups of non-random symbols in the form of text, images, voice
representing quantities, action and objects'.
Information is interpreted data; created from organized, structured, and processed data
in a particular context.
According to Davis and Olson −
"Information is a data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to recipient and is of
real or perceived value in the current or the prospective action or decision of recipient."
Information can be classified in a number of ways and in this chapter, you will learn two
of the most important ways to classify information.
Classification by Characteristic
Based on Anthony's classification of Management, information used in business for
decision-making is generally categorized into three types −
Strategic Information − Strategic information is concerned with long term policy decisions
that defines the objectives of a business and checks how well these objectives are met. For
example, acquiring a new plant, a new product, diversification of business etc, comes under
strategic information.
Tactical Information − Tactical information is concerned with the information needed for
exercising control over business resources, like budgeting, quality control, service level,
inventory level, productivity level etc.
Operational Information − Operational information is concerned with plant/business level
information and is used to ensure proper conduction of specific operational tasks as
planned/intended. Various operator specific, machine specific and shift specific jobs for
quality control checks comes under this category.
Classification by Application
In terms of applications, information can be categorized as −
Planning Information − These are the information needed for establishing standard norms
and specifications in an organization. This information is used in strategic, tactical, and
operation planning of any activity. Examples of such information are time standards, design
Control Information − This information is needed for establishing control over all business
activities through feedback mechanism. This information is used for controlling attainment,
nature and utilization of important processes in a system. When such information reflects a
deviation from the established standards, the system should induce a decision or an action
leading to control.
Knowledge Information − Knowledge is defined as "information about information".
Knowledge information is acquired through experience and learning, and collected from
archival data and research studies.
Organizational Information − Organizational information deals with an organization's
environment, culture in the light of its objectives. Karl Weick's Organizational Information
Theory emphasizes that an organization reduces its equivocality or uncertainty by
collecting, managing and using these information prudently. This information is used by
everybody in the organization; examples of such information are employee and payroll
Functional/Operational Information − This is operation specific information. For example,
daily schedules in a manufacturing plant that refers to the detailed assignment of jobs to
machines or machines to operators. In a service oriented business, it would be the duty
roster of various personnel. This information is mostly internal to the organization.
Database Information − Database information construes large quantities of information that
has multiple usage and application. Such information is stored, retrieved and managed to
create databases. For example, material specification or supplier information is stored for
multiple users.
Information processing beyond doubt is the dominant industry of the present century.
Following factors states few common factors that reflect on the needs and objectives of
the information processing −
Increasing impact of information processing for organizational decision making.
Dependency of services sector including banking, financial organization, health care,
entertainment, tourism and travel, education and numerous others on information.
Changing employment scene world over, shifting base from manual agricultural to machine-
based manufacturing and other industry related jobs.
Information revolution and the overall development scenario.
Growth of IT industry and its strategic importance.
Strong growth of information services fuelled by increasing competition and reduced product
life cycle.
Need for sustainable development and quality life.
Improvement in communication and transportation brought in by use of information
Use of information processing in reduction of energy consumption, reduction in pollution and
a better ecological balance in future.
Use of information processing in land record managements, legal delivery system,
educational institutions, natural resource planning, customer relation management and so
In a nutshell −
Information is needed to survive in the modern competitive world.
Information is needed to create strong information systems and keep these systems up to
The following list summarizes the five main uses of information by businesses and
other organizations −
Planning − At the planning stage, information is the most important ingredient in decision
making. Information at planning stage includes that of business resources, assets, liabilities,
plants and machineries, properties, suppliers, customers, competitors, market and market
dynamics, fiscal policy changes of the Government, emerging technologies, etc.
Recording − Business processing these days involves recording information about each
transaction or event. This information collected, stored and updated regularly at the
operational level.
Controlling − A business need to set up an information filter, so that only filtered data is
presented to the middle and top management. This ensures efficiency at the operational
level and effectiveness at the tactical and strategic level.
Measuring − A business measures its performance metrics by collecting and analyzing
sales data, cost of manufacturing, and profit earned.
Decision-making − MIS is primarily concerned with managerial decision-making, theory of
organizational behavior, and underlying human behavior in organizational context.
Decision-making information includes the socio-economic impact of competition,
globalization, democratization, and the effects of all these factors on an organizational
In short, this multi-dimensional information evolves from the following logical
foundations −
Operations research and management science
Theory of organizational behavior
Computer science −
o Data and file structure
o Data theory design and implementation
o Computer networking
o Expert systems and artificial intelligence
Information theory
Following factors arising as an outcome of information processing help speed up of
business events and achieves greater efficiency −
Directly and immediate linkage to the system
Faster communication of an order
Electronic transfer of funds for faster payment
Electronically solicited pricing (helps in determining the best price)
Enterprise applications are specifically designed for the sole purpose of promoting the
needs and objectives of the organizations.
Enterprise applications provide business-oriented tools supporting electronic
commerce, enterprise communication and collaboration, and web-enabled business
processes both within a networked enterprise and with its customers and business
6.MIS – Introduction
Management covers the planning, control, and administration of the operations of a
concern. The top management handles planning; the middle management
concentrates on controlling; and the lower management is concerned with actual
Information, in MIS, means the processed data that helps the management in planning,
controlling and operations. Data means all the facts arising out of the operations of the
concern. Data is processed i.e. recorded, summarized, compared and finally presented
to the management in the form of MIS report.
Data is processed into information with the help of a system. A system is made up of
inputs, processing, output and feedback or control.
Thus MIS means a system for processing data in order to give proper information to
the management for performing its functions.
Management Information System or 'MIS' is a planned system of collecting, storing, and
disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.
Objectives of MIS
The goals of an MIS are to implement the organizational structure and dynamics of the
enterprise for the purpose of managing the organization in a better way and capturing
the potential of the information system for competitive advantage.
Following are the basic objectives of an MIS −
Capturing Data − Capturing contextual data, or operational information that will contribute
in decision making from various internal and external sources of organization.
Processing Data − The captured data is processed into information needed for planning,
organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling functionalities at strategic, tactical and
operational level. Processing data means −
o making calculations with the data
o sorting data
o classifying data and
o summarizing data
Information Storage − Information or processed data need to be stored for future use.
Information Retrieval − The system should be able to retrieve this information from the
storage as and when required by various users.
Information Propagation − Information or the finished product of the MIS should be
circulated to its users periodically using the organizational network.
Characteristics of MIS
Following are the characteristics of an MIS −
It should be based on a long-term planning.
It should provide a holistic view of the dynamics and the structure of the organization.
It should work as a complete and comprehensive system covering all interconnecting sub-
systems within the organization.
It should be planned in a top-down way, as the decision makers or the management should
actively take part and provide clear direction at the development stage of the MIS.
It should be based on need of strategic, operational and tactical information of managers of
an organization.
It should also take care of exceptional situations by reporting such situations.
It should be able to make forecasts and estimates, and generate advanced information, thus
providing a competitive advantage. Decision makers can take actions on the basis of such
It should create linkage between all sub-systems within the organization, so that the decision
makers can take the right decision based on an integrated view.
It should allow easy flow of information through various sub-systems, thus avoiding
redundancy and duplicity of data. It should simplify the operations with as much
practicability as possible.
Although the MIS is an integrated, complete system, it should be made in such a flexible
way that it could be easily split into smaller sub-systems as and when required.
A central database is the backbone of a well-built MIS.
It should be able to process data accurately and with high speed, using various techniques
like operations research, simulation, heuristics, etc.
It should be able to collect, organize, manipulate, and update large amount of raw data of
both related and unrelated nature, coming from various internal and external sources at
different periods of time.
It should provide real time information on ongoing events without any delay.
It should support various output formats and follow latest rules and regulations in practice.
It should provide organized and relevant information for all levels of management: strategic,
operational, and tactical.
It should aim at extreme flexibility in data storage and retrieval.
Why of ERP?
ERP is very helpful in the following areas −
Business integration and automated data update
Linkage between all core business processes and easy flow of integration
Flexibility in business operations and more agility to the company
Better analysis and planning capabilities
Critical decision-making
Competitive advantage
Use of latest technologies
Features of ERP
The following diagram illustrates the features of ERP −
Scope of ERP
Finance − Financial accounting, Managerial accounting, treasury management, asset
management, budget control, costing, and enterprise control.
Logistics − Production planning, material management, plant maintenance, project
management, events management, etc.
Human resource − Personnel management, training and development, etc.
Supply Chain − Inventory control, purchase and order control, supplier scheduling,
planning, etc.
Work flow − Integrate the entire organization with the flexible assignment of tasks and
responsibility to locations, position, jobs, etc.
Advantages of ERP
Reduction of lead time
Reduction of cycle time
Better customer satisfaction
Increased flexibility, quality, and efficiency
Improved information accuracy and decision making capability
Onetime shipment
Disadvantage of ERP
Expense and time in implementation
Difficulty in integration with other system
Risk of implementation failure
Difficulty in implementation change
Risk in using one vendor
Why CRM?
To keep track of all present and future customers.
To identify and target the best customers.
To let the customers know about the existing as well as the new products and services.
To provide real-time and personalized services based on the needs and habits of the
existing customers.
To provide superior service and consistent customer experience.
To implement a feedback system.
Scope of CRM
Advantages of CRM
Provides better customer service and increases customer revenues.
Discovers new customers.
Cross-sells and up-sells products more effectively.
Helps sales staff to close deals faster.
Makes call centers more efficient.
Simplifies marketing and sales processes.
Disadvantages of CRM
Some times record loss is a major problem.
Overhead costs.
Giving training to employees is an issue in small organizations.
Attributes of a DSS
Adaptability and flexibility
High level of Interactivity
Ease of use
Efficiency and effectiveness
Complete control by decision-makers
Ease of development
Support for modeling and analysis
Support for data access
Standalone, integrated, and Web-based
Characteristics of a DSS
Support for decision-makers in semi-structured and unstructured problems.
Support for managers at various managerial levels, ranging from top executive to line
Support for individuals and groups. Less structured problems often requires the involvement
of several individuals from different departments and organization level.
Support for interdependent or sequential decisions.
Support for intelligence, design, choice, and implementation.
Support for variety of decision processes and styles.
DSSs are adaptive over time.
Benefits of DSS
Improves efficiency and speed of decision-making activities.
Increases the control, competitiveness and capability of futuristic decision-making of the
Facilitates interpersonal communication.
Encourages learning or training.
Since it is mostly used in non-programmed decisions, it reveals new approaches and sets
up new evidences for an unusual decision.
Helps automate managerial processes.
Components of a DSS
Following are the components of the Decision Support System −
Database Management System (DBMS) − To solve a problem the necessary data may
come from internal or external database. In an organization, internal data are generated by
a system such as TPS and MIS. External data come from a variety of sources such as
newspapers, online data services, databases (financial, marketing, human resources).
Model Management System − It stores and accesses models that managers use to make
decisions. Such models are used for designing manufacturing facility, analyzing the
financial health of an organization, forecasting demand of a product or service, etc.
Support Tools − Support tools like online help; pulls down menus, user interfaces,
graphical analysis, error correction mechanism, facilitates the user interactions with the
Classification of DSS
There are several ways to classify DSS. Hoi Apple and Whinstone classifies DSS as
follows −
Text Oriented DSS − It contains textually represented information that could have a bearing
on decision. It allows documents to be electronically created, revised and viewed as
Database Oriented DSS − Database plays a major role here; it contains organized and
highly structured data.
Spreadsheet Oriented DSS − It contains information in spread sheets that allows create,
view, modify procedural knowledge and also instructs the system to execute self-contained
instructions. The most popular tool is Excel and Lotus 1-2-3.
Solver Oriented DSS − It is based on a solver, which is an algorithm or procedure written
for performing certain calculations and particular program type.
Rules Oriented DSS − It follows certain procedures adopted as rules.
Rules Oriented DSS − Procedures are adopted in rules oriented DSS. Export system is the
Compound DSS − It is built by using two or more of the five structures explained above.
Types of DSS
Following are some typical DSSs −
Status Inquiry System − It helps in taking operational, management level, or middle level
management decisions, for example daily schedules of jobs to machines or machines to
Data Analysis System − It needs comparative analysis and makes use of formula or an
algorithm, for example cash flow analysis, inventory analysis etc.
Information Analysis System − In this system data is analyzed and the information report
is generated. For example, sales analysis, accounts receivable systems, market analysis
Accounting System − It keeps track of accounting and finance related information, for
example, final account, accounts receivables, accounts payables, etc. that keep track of the
major aspects of the business.
Model Based System − Simulation models or optimization models used for decision-
making are used infrequently and creates general guidelines for operation or management.
All the systems we are discussing here come under knowledge management category.
A knowledge management system is not radically different from all these information
systems, but it just extends the already existing systems by assimilating more
As we have seen, data is raw facts, information is processed and/or interpreted data,
and knowledge is personalized information.
What is Knowledge?
Personalized information
State of knowing and understanding
An object to be stored and manipulated
A process of applying expertise
A condition of access to information
Potential to influence action
Definition of KMS
A knowledge management system comprises a range of practices used in an organization to
identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption to insight and experience. Such insights
and experience comprise knowledge, either embodied in individual or embedded in organizational
processes and practices.
Purpose of KMS
Improved performance
Competitive advantage
Sharing of knowledge
Continuous improvement by −
o Driving strategy
o Starting new lines of business
o Solving problems faster
o Developing professional skills
o Recruit and retain talent
Advantages of CMS
Content management system helps to secure privacy and currency of the content and
enhances performance by −
Ensuring integrity and accuracy of content by ensuring only one user modifies the content at
a time.
Implementing audit trails to monitor changes made in content over time.
Providing secured user access to content.
Organization of content into related groups and folders.
Allowing searching and retrieval of content.
Recording information and meta-data related to the content, like author and title of content,
version of content, date and time of creating the content etc.
Workflow based routing of content from one user to another.
Converting paper-based content to digital format.
Organizing content into groups and distributing it to target audience.
Executive support systems are intended to be used by the senior managers directly to
provide support to non-programmed decisions in strategic management.
These information are often external, unstructured and even uncertain. Exact scope
and context of such information is often not known beforehand.
This information is intelligence based −
Market intelligence
Investment intelligence
Technology intelligence
External databases
Technology reports like patent records etc.
Technical reports from consultants
Market reports
Confidential information about competitors
Speculative information like market conditions
Government policies
Financial reports and information
Advantages of ESS
Easy for upper level executive to use
Ability to analyze trends
Augmentation of managers' leadership capabilities
Enhance personal thinking and decision-making
Contribution to strategic control flexibility
Enhance organizational competitiveness in the market place
Instruments of change
Increased executive time horizons.
Better reporting system
Improved mental model of business executive
Help improve consensus building and communication
Improve office automation
Reduce time for finding information
Early identification of company performance
Detail examination of critical success factor
Better understanding
Time management
Increased communication capacity and quality
Disadvantage of ESS
Functions are limited
Hard to quantify benefits
Executive may encounter information overload
System may become slow
The term 'Business Intelligence' has evolved from the decision support systems and
gained strength with the technology and applications like data warehouses, Executive
Information Systems and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
Business Intelligence System is basically a system used for finding patterns from
existing data from operations.
Characteristics of BIS
It is created by procuring data and information for use in decision-making.
It is a combination of skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices.
It contains background data along with the reporting tools.
It is a combination of a set of concepts and methods strengthened by fact-based support
It is an extension of Executive Support System or Executive Information System.
It collects, integrates, stores, analyzes, and provides access to business information
It is an environment in which business users get reliable, secure, consistent,
comprehensible, easily manipulated and timely information.
It provides business insights that lead to better, faster, more relevant decisions.
Benefits of BIS
Improved Management Processes.
Planning, controlling, measuring and/or applying changes that results in increased revenues
and reduced costs.
Improved business operations.
Fraud detection, order processing, purchasing that results in increased revenues and
reduced costs.
Intelligent prediction of future.
Approaches of BIS
For most companies, it is not possible to implement a proactive business intelligence
system at one go. The following techniques and methodologies could be taken as
approaches to BIS −
Capabilities of BIS
Data Storage and Management −
o Data ware house
o Ad hoc analysis
o Data quality
o Data mining
Information Delivery
o Dashboard
o Collaboration /search
o Managed reporting
o Visualization
o Scorecard
Query, Reporting and Analysis
o Ad hoc Analysis
o Production reporting
o OLAP analysis
Characteristics of EAI
EAI is defined as "the unrestricted sharing of data and business processes among any
connected applications and data sources in the enterprise."
EAI, when used effectively allows integration without any major changes to current
Extends middleware capabilities to cope with application integration.
Uses application logic layers of different middleware systems as building blocks.
Keeps track of information related to the operations of the enterprise e.g. Inventory, sales
ledger and execute the core processes that create and manipulate this information.
Reduce the on-going cost of maintenance and reduce the cost of rolling out new systems.
Challenges of EAI
Hub and spoke architecture concentrates all of the processing into a single server/cluster.
Often became hard to maintain and evolve efficiently.
Hard to extend to integrate 3rd parties on other technology platforms.
The canonical data model introduces an intermediary step.
Added complexity and additional processing effort.
EAI products typified.
Heavy customization required to implement the solution.
Lock-In − Often built using proprietary technology and required specialist skills.
Lack of flexibility − Hard to extend or to integrate with other EAI products!
Requires organization to be EAI ready.
Types of EAI
Data Level − Process, techniques and technology of moving data between data stores.
Application Interface Level − Leveraging of interfaces exposed by custom or packaged
Method Level − Sharing of the business logic.
User Interface Level − Packaging applications by using their user interface as a common
point of integration.
Objectives of BCP
Following are the objectives of BCP −
Reducing the possibility of any interruption in regular business processes using proper risk
Minimizing the impact of interruption, if any.
Teaching the staff their roles and responsibilities in such a situation to safeguard their own
security and other interests.
Handling any potential failure in supply chain system, to maintain the natural flow of
Protecting the business from failure and negative publicity.
Protecting customers and maintaining customer relationships.
Protecting the prevalent and prospective market and competitive advantage of the business.
Protecting profits, revenue and goodwill.
Setting a recovery plan following a disruption to normal operating conditions.
Fulfilling legislative and regulatory requirements.
Traditionally a business continuity plan would just protect the data center. With the
advent of technologies, the scope of a BCP includes all distributed operations,
personnel, networks, power and eventually all aspects of the IT environment.
Phases of BCP
The business continuity planning process involves recovery, continuation, and
preservation of the entire business operation, not just its technology component. It
should include contingency plans to protect all resources of the organization, e.g.,
human resource, financial resource and IT infrastructure, against any mishap.
Deciding maximum tolerable downtime, also known as MAO (Maximum Allowable Outage)
Quantifying loss due to business outage (financial, extra cost of recovery, embarrassment),
without estimating the probability of kinds of incidents, it only quantifies the consequences
Choosing information gathering methods (surveys, interviews, software tools)
Selecting interviewees
Customizing questionnaire
Analyzing information
Identifying time-critical business functions
Assigning MTDs
Ranking critical business functions by MTDs
Reporting recovery options
Obtaining management approval
Recovery Phase
This phase involves creating recovery strategies are based on MTDs, predefined and
management-approved. These strategies should address recovery of −
Business operations
Facilities & supplies
Users (workers and end-users)
Data center (technical)
Data (off-site backups of data and applications)
Final Phase
The final phase is a continuously evolving process containing testing maintenance, and
The testing process generally follows procedures like structured walk-through, creating
checklist, simulation, parallel and full interruptions.
Maintenance involves −
Objectives of SCM
To decrease inventory cost by more accurately predicting demand and scheduling
production to match it.
To reduce overall production cost by streamlining production and by improving information
To improve customer satisfaction.
Features of SCM
Scope of SCM
SCM Processes
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Service Management
Demand Management
Customer Order Fulfillment
Advantages of SCM
SCM have multi-dimensional advantages −
To the suppliers −
o Help in giving clear-cut instruction
o Online data transfer reduce paper work
Inventory Economy −
o Low cost of handling inventory
o Low cost of stock outage by deciding optimum size of replenishment orders
o Achieve excellent logistical performance such as just in time
Distribution Point −
o Satisfied distributor and whole seller ensure that the right products reach the right
place at right time
o Clear business processes subject to fewer errors
o Easy accounting of stock and cost of stock
Channel Management −
o Reduce total number of transactions required to provide product assortment
o Organization is logically capable of performing customization requirements
Financial management −
o Low cost
o Realistic analysis
Operational performance −
o It involves delivery speed and consistency.
External customer −
o Conformance of product and services to their requirements
o Competitive prices
o Quality and reliability
o Delivery
o After sales services
To employees and internal customers −
o Teamwork and cooperation
o Efficient structure and system
o Quality work
o Delivery
Strategic planning for an organization involves long-term policy decisions, like location
of a new plant, a new product, diversification etc.
Strategic planning is mostly influenced by −
Operational Excellence
New Products, Services and Business Models
Services and Business Models
Customer and Supplier Intimacy
Improved Decision-making
Competitive Advantage, and Survival
Operational Excellence
This relates to achieving excellence in business in operations to achieve higher
profitability. For example, a consumer goods manufacturer may decide upon using a
wide distribution network to get maximum reach to the customers and exposure.
A manufacturing company may pursue a strategy of aggressive marketing and mass
Like any other product development, system development requires careful analysis
and design before implementation. System development generally has the following
phases −
Defining Requirements
The requirement analysis stage generally completes by creation of a 'Feasibility
Report'. This report contains −
A preamble
A goal statement
A brief description of the present system
Proposed alternatives in details
The feasibility report and the proposed alternatives help in preparing the costs and
benefits study.
Based on the costs and benefits, and considering all problems that may be
encountered due to human, organizational or technological bottlenecks, the best
alternative is chosen by the end-users of the system.
Detailed specification
Hardware/software plan
The external functions, by conducting tests to find errors and ensuring that the defined input
will actually produce the required results.
In some cases, a 'parallel run' of the new system is performed, where both the current
and the proposed system are run in parallel for a specified time period and the current
system is used to validate the proposed system.
In MIS, the information is recognized as a major resource like capital and time. If this
resource has to be managed well, it calls upon the management to plan for it and
control it, so that the information becomes a vital resource for the system.
The management information system needs good planning.
This system should deal with the management information not with data processing alone.
It should provide support for the management planning, decision-making and action.
It should provide support to the changing needs of business management.
Major challenges in MIS implementation are −
Quantity, content and context of information − how much information and exactly what
should it describe.
Nature of analysis and presentation − comprehensibility of information.
Availability of information − frequency, contemporariness, on-demand or routine, periodic or
occasional, one-time info or repetitive in nature and so on
Accuracy of information.
Reliability of information.
Security and Authentication of the system.
It should take care of not only the users i.e., the managers but also other stakeholders like
employees, customers and suppliers.
Once the organizational planning stage is over, the designer of the system should take
the following strategic decisions for the achievement of MIS goals and objectives −
Development Strategy − Example - an online, real-time batch.
System Development Strategy − Designer selects an approach to system development like
operational verses functional, accounting verses analysis.
Resources for the Development − Designer has to select resources. Resources can be in-
house verses external, customized or use of package.
Manpower Composition − The staffs should have analysts, and programmers.
Information system planning essentially involves −
Identification of the stage of information system in the organization.
Identification of the application of organizational IS.
Evolution of each of this application based on the established evolution criteria.
Establishing a priority ranking for these applications.
Determining the optimum architecture of IS for serving the top priority applications.
Problem Definition
Feasibility Study
Systems Analysis
System Design
Detailed System Design
In the analysis phase, the following techniques are commonly used −
test inputs
detailed specification of test procedure
details of expected outputs
Each sub-system and all their components should be tested using various test
procedures and data to ensure that each component is working as it is intended.
The testing must include the users of the system to identify errors as well as get the
System Operation
Before the system is in operation, the following issues should be taken care of −
Data security, backup and recovery;
Systems control;
Testing of the system to ensure that it works bug-free in all expected business situations;
The hardware and software used should be able to deliver the expected processing;
The system capacity and expected response time should be maintained;
The system should be well documented including;
o A user guide for inexperienced users,
o A user reference or operations manual for advanced users,
o A system reference manual describing system structures and architecture.
Once the system is fully operational, it should be maintained throughout its working life
to resolve any glitches or difficulties faced in operation and minor modifications might
be made to overcome such situations.
Decision-Making Process
Following are the important steps of the decision-making process. Each step may be
supported by different tools and techniques.
In the process of solving the problem, you will have to gather as much as information
related to the factors and stakeholders involved in the problem. For the process of
information gathering, tools such as 'Check Sheets' can be effectively used.
Rational models
Normative model
The rational models are based on cognitive judgments and help in selecting the most
logical and sensible alternative. Examples of such models include - decision matrix
analysis, Pugh matrix, SWOT analysis, Pareto analysis and decision trees, selection
matrix, etc.
A rational decision making model takes the following steps −
Identifying the problem,
Identifying the important criteria for the process and the result,
Considering all possible solutions,
Calculating the consequences of all solutions and comparing the probability of satisfying the
Selecting the best option.
The normative model of decision-making considers constraints that may arise in
making decisions, such as time, complexity, uncertainty, and inadequacy of resources.
According to this model, decision-making is characterized by −
Limited information processing - A person can manage only a limited amount of information.
Judgmental heuristics - A person may use shortcuts to simplify the decision making process.
Satisfying - A person may choose a solution that is just "good enough".
Dynamic Decision-Making
Dynamic decision-making (DDM) is synergetic decision-making involving
interdependent systems, in an environment that changes over time either due to the
previous actions of the decision-maker or due to events that are outside of the control
of the decision-maker.
These decision-makings are more complex and real-time.
Dynamic decision-making involves observing how people used their experience to
control the system's dynamics and noting down the best decisions taken thereon.
Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis is a technique used for distributing the uncertainty in the output of a
mathematical model or a system to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs.
From business decision perspective, the sensitivity analysis helps an analyst to identify
cost drivers as well as other quantities to make an informed decision. If a particular
Resource optimization
Future data collections
Identifying critical assumptions
To optimize the tolerance of manufactured parts
Static models:
Show the value of various attributes in a balanced system.
Work best in static systems.
Do not take into consideration the time-based variances.
Do not work well in real-time systems however, it may work in a dynamic system being in
Involve less data.
Are easy to analyze.
Produce faster results.
Dynamic models −
Simulation Techniques
Simulation is a technique that imitates the operation of a real-world process or system
over time. Simulation techniques can be used to assist management decision making,
where analytical methods are either not available or cannot be applied.
Some of the typical business problem areas where simulation techniques are used are
Inventory control
Queuing problem
Production planning
Heuristic Programming
Heuristic programming refers to a branch of artificial intelligence. It consists of
programs that are self-learning in nature.
However, these programs are not optimal in nature, as they are experience-based
techniques for problem solving.
Most basic heuristic programs would be based on pure 'trial-error' methods.
Heuristics take a 'guess' approach to problem solving, yielding a 'good enough'
answer, rather than finding a 'best possible' solution.
Group Decision-Making
In group decision-making, various individuals in a group take part in collaborative
Group Decision Support System (GDSS) is a decision support system that provides
support in decision making by a group of people. It facilitates the free flow and
exchange of ideas and information among the group members. Decisions are made
with a higher degree of consensus and agreement resulting in a dramatically higher
likelihood of implementation.
Following are the available types of computer based GDSSs −
Decision Network − This type helps the participants to communicate with each other
through a network or through a central database. Application software may use commonly
shared models to provide support.
Decision Room − Participants are located at one place, i.e. the decision room. The purpose
of this is to enhance participant's interactions and decision-making within a fixed period of
time using a facilitator.
Teleconferencing − Groups are composed of members or sub groups that are
geographically dispersed; teleconferencing provides interactive connection between two or
more decision rooms. This interaction will involve transmission of computerized and audio
visual information.