Model Agreement of Sale of Immovable Property

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THIS AGREEMENT OF SALE executed on the 28 day of July 2014 between P.uma Shankar-1
son of Mr. Periyasamy resident of 33/30E , Meenatchinagar, Tvs colony , Salem taluk-636007,
Salem district,(Election Identity card No:LVY4308953) (Mobile no:9842256262)and his wife Mrs.
amutha-2 (Election identity no:LVY4308946)(Mobile no:9942977315).

hereinafter called the "Vendor" of the one part and P son of PF resident of......................
hereinafter called the "Purchaser" of the other part.
(The expression "Vendor" and "Purchaser" wherever they occur in these presents, shall also mean
and include their respective heirs, executors, administrator, legal representatives and assigns).

WHEREAS the vendor is the sole and absolute owner of the property more fully set out in the
Schedule hereunder:

AND WHEREAS it is agreed that the vendor shall sell and the purchaser shall purchase the said
property for the sum of Rs....................... (Rupees in words) free of all encumbrances.


1. The price of the property more fully set out in the Schedule is fixed at Rs.......................
(Rupees......................) free of all encumbrances.
2. The purchaser has paid to the vendor this day the sum of Rs......................(Rupees......................)
by way of earnest money for the due performance of the agreement, the receipt of which the vendor
doth hereby admit and acknowledge.
3. The time for performance of the agreement shall be...................... months from this date, and it is
agreed that time fixed herein for performance shall be the essence of this contract.
4. The purchaser shall pay to the vendor the balance sale price of Rs.............
(Rupees.........................................................) before registration of the sale deed.
5. The vendor agrees that he will deliver vacant possession of the property to the purchaser before
registration of the sale deed. Alternatively, the vendor agrees that he will put the purchaser in
constructive possession (if vacant possession is not possible) of the property by causing the tenant
in occupation of it to attorn their tenancy to the purchaser.
6. The vendor shall execute the sale deed in favour of the purchaser or his nominee or nominees as
purchaser may require.
7. The vendor shall hand over all the title deeds of the property to the purchaser or his advocate
nominated by him within................... days from the date of this Agreement for scrutiny of title and
the opinion of the vendor's Advocate regarding title of the property shall be final and conclusive.
The purchaser shall duly intimate the vendor about the approval of the title within................ days
after delivering the title deeds to him or his
8. If the vendor's title to the property is not approved by the purchaser, the vendor shall refund to
the purchaser the earnest money received by him under this Agreement and on failure of the vendor
to refund the earnest money within...................... days he shall be liable to repay the same with
interest thereon at...................... per cent per annum.

9. If the purchaser commits a breach of the Agreement, he shall forfeit the earnest amount of
Rs...................... (Rupees......................) paid by him to the vendor.
10. If the vendor commits a breach of the Agreement, the vendor shall not only refund to the
purchaser the sum of Rs................. (Rupees......................) received by him as earnest money, but
shall also pay to the purchaser an equal sum by way of liquidated damages.
11. Nothing contained in paras 9 and 10 supra shall prejudice the rights of the parties hereto, to
specific performance of this Agreement of sale.

Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction

1. Any dispute, controversy or claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the
breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the provisions of the [Indian] Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

2. The arbitration shall be by the Sole Arbitrator appointed with mutual consent.

3. The place of arbitration shall be at ……………… and any award whether interim or
final, shall be made, and shall be deemed for all purposes between the Parties to be made
in ……………………..

4. The arbitral procedure shall be conducted in the English/Kannada language and any
award or awards shall be rendered in English/Kannada. The procedural law of the
arbitration shall be Indian law.

5. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the Parties,
and the provisions of the [Indian] Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall apply.

6. The rights and obligations of the Parties under, or pursuant to, this Clause, including the
arbitration agreement in this Clause, shall be governed by and be subject to Indian law,
and the agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at
_____________. (place to be named as per the agreement between the parties)

(Schedule of Property)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the vendor and the purchaser have set their hands to the Agreement of
sale on this of...................... 2007 in the presence of the witnesses:
Witness: Vendor
Witness: Purchaser

(2A) Specimen Schedule of the Property

1. Municipal No./Ward No./Plot No./Khasra No.:
2. Location: Street No.:
Street Name:
3. Place/Area North:
4. District /Taluka/Village/Hobli:
5. Police Station:
6. District/State:
7. Exact Measurement:
Total Area: Measurement of all sides:
Plinth area/floor area: Sketch/plan:
Carpet area:

8. Fixtures & Fittings:

9. Any other items to be covered in sale deed.
10. Permitted use of the land/building:
In case of agricultural land, the schedule may be modified to include the Survey Number with area
and location as per the revenue records supplied by the Revenue office of the District
It is also a requirement that a survey is done as to ascertain the exact measurement of area and
compare it with what is mentioned in the title deed. Buyer can make sure that he is buying a
property of a particular measurement.

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