Reiki and Its Applications in The Water: by Betsy Hare, MS
Reiki and Its Applications in The Water: by Betsy Hare, MS
Reiki and Its Applications in The Water: by Betsy Hare, MS
By Betsy Hare, MS ii
Reiki is an ancient sacred healing art that Reiki energy helps the receiver's body to relax and
creates a deeply meditative experience for body connect with its own inherent healing processes.
mind and spirit. We are all born with Reiki (hands
on healing) ability. Through a series of three at-
tunements we are able to reopen channels allowing Reiki is a very simple technique taught in
healing energy to enter us and pass to our clients, three or four levels. It is knowledge passed from
family and friends. We do not use our own ener- teacher to student in the form of an attunement.
gy, rather we pass the healing energy received Attunements are special ceremonies that connect
through these channels. Reiki is given fully the healer to his or her spiritual teachers. These
clothed (both the giver and the receiver) using teachers will be present to guide the healer in all
gentle hand positions that mirror the chakras of the future Reiki endeavors. Beginning with the initial
body. attunement, Reiki I, the student's own abilities are
awakened. The basic hand positions are taught at
THE CHAKRAS this level to use on one's self or others. The
"Chakras history of Reiki is also discussed.
(wheel or disc in The Reiki II attunement or second degree
Sanskrit) are the Reiki provides the student with the tools to do
concentrated ener- distance healing. Energy flows with greater
gy centers of the strength as the channel is opened further. This
body." second level uses sacred symbols and sounds in
(The Chakra Ba- addition to the hand positions learned in level I.
sics, 2007). At this
point in time, Reiki III is often taught in one or two parts
chakras have also depending on the teacher. Additional symbols are
been associated incorporated into this level. These symbols are
with nerve plexus added to the symbols taught in level II and the
in the body. Reiki hand positions in level I. This level is taught for
works with the further self-mastery and the ability to attune
seven major cha- others. With each level of Reiki attained, the stu-
kras (see Diagram dent becomes a cleaner, more open channel to the
1) as well as universal life force flowing through all living
several minor chakras in the legs and feet. These things.
energy centers are responsible for the health and HOW IS REIKI USED IN THE WATER
wellness of the body. Each chakra has a physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual component. When In the water Reiki can be used in a variety of
these areas are all in balance the body is in optimal ways. In its most clear form it can be used as a
health. When these chakras show too much relaxation tool with a personal training client.
energy concentration or too little, the body may Ideally a Reiki session is done in a warm therapy
show signs of being unbalanced. These signs may pool or hot tub. Unfortunately many of us do not
manifest as disease in one form or have access to this type of pool. My pool
another. Reiki allows energy to move temperature is about 84o F (29o C). My
more freely in the body. It helps to clients wear a DK Douglas Wet Wrap
unblock congested areas and adds ( to keep them
energy to areas that are depleted in order comfortable at this temperature; other
to bring the body into equilibrium. options for similar apparel can be found
at H20 Wear (
Mind*Body Disciplines Reiki
Clients can be floated or in a seated position Reiki may release emotional issues buried in
against the wall. The position used is determined the body tissues. Your client may experience
by personal preference of both parties. tears, anger, laughter, fear or any number of
reactions as they are released from the body. This
Theoretically the ideal location for a
meditative relaxation treatment would be a single occurrence is a perfectly normal part of the Reiki
experience. There is no need to be fearful if this
use pool. In most cases this opportunity does not
exist due to time constraints and pool budgets. In experience takes place. Just be present to support
your client as they release the necessary emotions.
my current situation I am in a six-lane pool with
The area three to four inches above the client is
children, classes, open swim or even lap swimmers
in the pool with me during a session. We square cleared down the entire length of the client's body
three times. At this point the client is gently asked
out our territory and have the client close their
eyes and focus on their breathing. Often with the to wiggle their hands and feet and, when ready, to
open their eyes. Once the client has fully come
other activities going on around us the pool is very
into their physical body they are gently reminded
loud. Special pool earplugs could be used to
address the noise situation or a waterproof mp3 to drink lots of water throughout the remainder of
the day. The Reiki session is complete but the
player. Waterproof ear pieces and mp3 covers can
pleasant after effects may continue for quite some
be purchased at They also
time. Several sessions may be required to achieve
list store locations where their product can be
the intended outcome as determined by client and
Once the noise level
There is no such thing as receiving too much
has been addressed it is time
or too little Reiki. "The energy has its own innate
to proceed to the Reiki
wisdom to guide itself." (What is Reiki? 2007).
experience. I begin each
Each Reiki session is different and is just what is
session with a private prayer
needed for the moment.
for the client and myself. As
Reiki is not affiliated with OTHER WAYS TO USE REIKI IN THE POOL
any particular religion it is not necessary to say Reiki can be incorporated in group settings,
any specific words but only what is comfortable rather than one on one. In addition, Reiki can be
for the client and for the Reiki practitioner. We used in the pool setting itself; the symbols can be
continue in a typical manner similar to most Reiki used to clear a room energetically, energize the
treatments. Whether on land or in the water I water, or set an intention for a particular class.
place my hands on or hover over various body "Set your attention to set your intention." (Seth
parts. I work from head to toes or toes to head de- Snider-Copley). To set your intention is to clarify
pending on how I am prompted to work in- your personal goal for your class that day. Water
tuitively. Traditional Reiki requires specific hand is an amazing conductor of energy and electricity.
placements starting at the top of the head, ears, It also holds emotions as Dr. Masaru Emoto
throat, heart, etc... moving down the body. I listen discovered in his many scientific studies on water
for what my client may need that day. Working crystals. Why not use this knowledge to create a
the entire body I focus on areas that may need
wonderful healing environment for your class.
extra attention. This experience may last any-
Why not put positive intentions into the water and
where from 5 minutes to 60 minutes depending
room for healing, motivation and success. The
upon what the practitioner and client decide prior
sky, or should I say the water, is the limit.
to entering the water.
1. "Chakra Basics" /Chakra_Basics.htm, 2007
2. "Definition of Reiki" , 2007
3. Emoto,Masaru. The True Power of Water, Beyond Words, 2005
4. Snider-Copley, Seth Anne. "Core Connections" Guest Lecture AEA Continuing Education Workshop, Webster
Aquatic Center, Webster, NY. August 2007.
5. Stein, Diane. Essential Reiki, A complete Guide to and Ancient Healing Art., The Crossing Press Inc. 1996.
AKWA * December / January 2008
Betsy Hare, MS. ATRIC, is a group fitness instructor and personal trainer who specializes in both
traditional exercise in the pool and mind body programs. As an Instructor for over 15 years her extensive
background includes numerous water and land certifications. Betsy is a graduate of the Northeast Academy
of Healing and Psychic Development and a Reiki Master Teacher. Betsy can be reached at