Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
Employee’s Name
Position Title
Position Number
Work Phone
Supervisor's Name
Supervisor's Title
In the space provided below, briefly explain in one or two sentences the general purpose of your position.
List in order of importance the major duties and responsibilities of your position. Indicate whether each duty
or responsibility is essential or marginal by noting the appropriate letter (E or M) next to each duty
statement. Indicate also the average percent of time spent performing each separate duty and responsibility.
Percentages should total 100%.
Note: Essential functions are job tasks that are fundamental to accomplishing the work. Marginal
functions are those tasks that are performed either very infrequently or could be performed by others
without altering the underlying reason the position exists.
1. What specific degrees, vocational or technical training, high school/GED or post-high school
course work and the field of study, if any, are required to qualify for this position?
2. What licenses, certifications, or registrations (e.g., electrician’s license), if any, are required
to qualify for this position?
1. Please describe the least amount and type of work experience required, if any, for a person
entering this position.
Consider only the position's minimum requirements and not your own qualifications.
2. After being hired or moved into this position, how much on-the-job training and experience is
required for a new employee to learn and perform all the major duties of the job?
This question addresses the degree of problem solving required, the types of problems encountered, and how
these problems are solved. It also addresses the degree of original thinking required to perform a job that is
creative or artistic in nature.
In your response, please give one or two examples of the more difficult and complex tasks/projects/ problems
that you have handled in the past twelve months. Consider the amount of judgment and thought required and
the availability of policies, procedures, and standards to guide you in solving problems. Also consider the
degree to which creative thinking is required to organize or develop new or improved methods, ideas,
procedures or techniques.
1. Describe the positive impact this position has on the operations in your area of involvement and/or
on the institution when it is being performed well.
2. Describe the types of negative consequences for the College that might result from an error made by
someone in this position who does not possess good job knowledge or does not use sound judgment.
1. Describe the type of guidance and review given to this position by the supervisor and how often
(e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) that guidance and review occurs -- for example, supervisor checks
work daily, supervisor spot-checks work only occasionally (monthly), supervisor sets goals for the
employee and reviews progress quarterly, etc.
2. Describe the departmental policies and procedures, or formalized regulations that guide the actions
of this position (e.g., policies or procedures for handling an overdue account or dealing with a
student's complaint).
1. Is this position formally responsible in any way for the supervision of other College employees,
student workers, temporary workers, and/or volunteers?
3. How many staff employees (indicate whether full or part-time) if any, are supervised?
Directly Total
(Immediate subordinates, e.g., (all subordinates e.g., the total
Employees who report directly to you) number of employees in your line
of authority)
of authority)
4. Briefly describe the nature and extent of your responsibility for supervising these employees.
Indicate the scope of your authority for training employees, coordinating work activities, hiring,
conducting performance reviews, handling disciplinary actions, etc.
5. List the title(s) of staff employee(s) that this position directly supervises:
These questions address the responsibility for working with or through other people inside and outside the
institution to get results. Considerations should be given to the nature of contact, and level of interactions
encountered on a regular, recurring, and essential basis during normal work operations.
1. With whom do you regularly communicate inside the institution in order to perform your duties
(e.g., clerical workers, department heads, etc.)? What do you normally communicate about with
these individuals? How often do you communicate (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)? Please
list only those contacts outside your immediate work area.
2. With whom do you typically communicate outside the institution (e.g., the public, vendors or
suppliers, government officials, etc.)? What do you normally communicate about? How often do
you communicate (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)?
This question considers the hazards encountered in the performance of the position, e.g., exposure to fumes,
chemicals, radiation, contagious diseases, heights, and/or other related hazardous conditions. In your
response, describe any unusual hazards you might encounter, e.g., injury or illness from exposure to
chemicals, fumes, and contagious diseases, a broken arm, a crushed foot, etc.
This question addresses the physical demands of the position as measured by the amount of physical effort
required to perform the work as determined by stress placed on the skeletal, muscular, and/or cardiovascular
systems. In your response, describe any unusual physical effort in the job, such as standing, lifting (list the
number of lbs. that must be lifted), carrying, bending, walking, etc., and list how often (daily, weekly, etc.) it
This question considers the quality of working conditions as measured by lighting adequacy, temperature
extremes and variations, and noise pollution. In your response, describe the working conditions of this
position, including any unpleasant features like heat, cold, high levels of noise, prolonged or near-continuous
use of a video display terminal, etc.
Because no single questionnaire can cover every part of your position, can you think of any other information
that would be important in understanding your position? If so, please give us your comments below.
This portion of the questionnaire is reserved for comments by a second level of management above the
immediate supervisor who indirectly supervises this position. As a higher level of management over this
position, it is important that you review this questionnaire and note and initial any comments you may
have next to the employee's responses, preferably in blue ink. The space provided below is for general
remarks you may have.
This portion of the questionnaire is reserved for comments by a second level of management above the
immediate supervisor who indirectly supervises this position. As a higher level of management over this
position, it is important that you review this questionnaire and note and initial any comments you may
have next to the employee's responses, preferably in green ink. The space provided below is for general
remarks you may have.
This portion of the questionnaire is reserved for comments by a second level of management above the
immediate supervisor who indirectly supervises this position. As a higher level of management over this
position, it is important that you review this questionnaire and note and initial any comments you may
have next to the employee's responses, preferably in black ink. The space provided below is for general
remarks you may have.