Free Term Insurance Buying Guide
Free Term Insurance Buying Guide
Free Term Insurance Buying Guide
Value Research
w w w. v a l u e r e s e a r c h o n l i n e . c o m
Buying Guide
Looking to secure your wife’s and children’s financial future? Read on
Myth busted: You have life insurance but not term insurance. Term plans offer
high cover at substantially lower premiums than other types of insurance.
The purpose of term insurance is to cover the finan- of life insurance, term plans are able to offer a high
cial aspect of risk. It is essential that the family’s insurance coverage at premiums substantially lower
breadwinner buys adequate term insurance to secure than other types of insurance.
the financial future of the family. The way to go
about it is to calculate how much insurance cover How to buy a term plan online?
you need and then buy a good term insurance of Buying online is the preferred way among buyers
that amount. and we also recommend that one should buy a term
plan directly from an insurance company’s website.
What is term insurance? The online plans are cheaper than the offline ones
Term insurance is a basic and the simplest form of as the insurance company does not have to pay any
life insurance which pays the insurance amount commissions to the agent, a benefit which they pass
known as Sum Assured to the beneficiary/nominee on to the consumers in the form of lower premiums.
in case the insured dies. The insured has to pay a A policy bought online or offline is a contract with
premium towards the policy which can be paid in the insurance company and the claims are processed
quarterly, monthly or annual instalments. Annual by the company itself.
and monthly options are the most preferred
among buyers. A term plan does not Process to buy online
pay back any amount if the 1. Go to insurance company’s
insured survives through website. Select the online
the tenure of the plan you wish to
policy. Being the purchase.
cheapest form 2. You will be
asked to enter personal details such as gender, your you an option to e-verify your identity and address
smoking habits, date of birth or age, policy term and by providing your Aadhaar number. This allows the
the amount of sum assured. On basis of these basic insurer to process your application and issue your
details the company provides you a policy faster since no separate documen-
premium quote. If you get stuck some- tation is required for address & identity
where, you can seek the help of the Online term proofs.
customer care team by calling them or
through the online chat facility.
plans are 4. Companies provide various options to
submit the required documents. You can
3. You need to fill other information cheaper and upload them on their website, email them
such as your employment details, health provide a or simply send them through whatsapp for
details, address along with nominee faster processing. Depending on your age,
details required by the company and longer Free- the insurance company may ask you to go
pay the premium through netbanking look period. through certain medical tests as well.
or other digital modes. Insurer provides
We recommend
l Calculate the required life cover using a detailed l If you smoke, even if only occasionally, make sure
need analysis as mentioned in Chapter-4. However, to disclose it correctly. Most insurance companies
as a thumb rule, it should be at least 10-12 times of consider you a non-smoker only if you haven’t
your annual income. Also, do not round off the cover. smoked at all in the last 5 years.
Every penny of life cover is important. l Make full disclosures of any existing and previous
l Your policy should remain in force till the time you are medical conditions. If any material fact is not
earning, i.e., till the age of 60-65 years. Choose the disclosed, the insurance company may repudiate any
policy term accordingly. claim arising out of the insurance policy on the basis
l Annual premiums are usually cheaper than monthly of non disclosure.
premiums because of loading. l Keep your PAN/AADHAAR handy while filling the form.
l Choose the payout option that best suits your Aadhaar card alone is enough for age, identity and
requirement. Income payout option comes at a lower address proof.
Select a plan Fill up the required Upload documents: Photo, Pay premium
on insurer’s website: information: Many age proof, identity proof, online: Choose the
A plan could be a companies have made address proof and frequency of paying
plain vanilla term online form filling quite income proof. premiums (monthly/
plan or a term plan user friendly. It has now quarterly/yearly) as
with critical illness or become much easier to per your budget and
accidental benefits. buy on mobile devices. suitability.
Do You Need
Term Insurance?
You must adequately insure yourself if your demise will
cause financial hardship to your loved ones.
Life insurance isn’t needed for everyone at every stage cause financial hardship to someone - your parents,
of life. You do not need life insurance if you do not spouse or children.
have any financial dependants. On the contrary, you Here’s a broad framework to think about your insur-
must adequately insure yourself if your demise will ance needs at different stages of life.
One must compare the prices of policies from differ- Some policyholders may find it more convenient to
ent insurers and their claim settlement ratios. Some pay the premiums at a monthly frequency. One must
policies provide discounts on higher sums assured or explore the options available to choose the most suita-
charge lesser premiums from women. But do ensure ble one. Monthly premium option is generally costlier
that discounts offered are genuine and not compelling than the annual one because of loading.
What should be the policy term?
Is a cheap policy always good to select? Before buying any term insurance plan, an individual
It is prudent to opt for a product that is fairly-priced, must assess the time left to retire. Time remaining to
however one must remember that cheap does not retire here does not necessarily mean retirement from
mean the best. You must scan all term insurance your job, it means the time period till your fami-
plans and pick a policy that offers pure life insur- ly members will depend on you for their financial
ance at a bargain. You may consider the monthly needs. Once you know the number of years for which
premium payment option if paying in one you have to stand as the financial support, look out
go is difficult for you, but don’t settle for policies that offer the matching policy term and
for a cheap plan if it doesn’t meet maturity age.
your requirements. For instance if you plan to retire after 20
Term insurance policies are years, make sure that you take a minimum
associated with level premiums or policy term of 20 years. It is fundamentally
increasing premiums depending on important to be insured at least till you pass
the type of policy and the insur- on the baton to another family member.
ance company. In term insurance
policies the mortality risk of the Will the insurance company be
insured increases year by year and there to honor the claim?
therefore the cost of insurance also When choosing a life insurance company it is
increases yearly. Consequently, a good idea to make sure that it has financial
the premium chargeable also in- strength and longevity. You want to make
creases annually. However, in many sure that the company is going to be
term policies the insurer averages out around later in life when you need it.
the premium chargeable over the entire policy The insurer you choose must have
period to keep it constant throughout. But some the credibility and integrity to
insurance companies may have a clause to revise fulfil this promise.
the premium every 5 years. Choose a plan that comes
from a highly credible company. Claim Settlement Ra- Are the right riders available?
tio is a good way to gauge this. Claims settlement ratio A term insurance rider is an additional benefit in a
is the total number of death claims approved by an term insurance policy that gives you supplementary
insurance company, divided by the total no. of death coverage. Such riders give additional benefits apart
claims received by it. from the core life cover which pays only the death
However, since the Insurance Act prohibits denial of the policyholder. Some of the important riders to
of claims after three years except in cases of fraud, consider are as follows:
it is advisable to look beyond the Claim Settlement Accidental Death Benefit Rider: Accidental Death Benefit
Ratio and also consider factors such as claim amount rider pays an additional sum to the nominee in case
settled ratio, corporate governance record, solvency the insured dies in an accident. The rider is extremely
ratio, assets under management (AUM) and instances cheap to buy and usually provides a cover equivalent
of violations of IRDAI norms. Claim Paying Ability to the sum assured under the term plan.
(CPA) ratings & CRISIL rating may be useful. Critical Illness Cover: A critical illness benefit pays a
lumpsum with no sub limits or conditions if a speci-
Is there a provision of MWP Act? fied illness is diagnosed. In some plans the rider may
Married Women’s Property (MWP) Act, 1874 enables pay you only a portion of the sum assured. It is im-
a married man to protect an insurance policy only for portant to look a little deeper (survival period clause
the benefit of his wife and/or children. In case of a and illnesses covered) into this benefit with the rise in
death claim, the policy proceeds are received by the lifestyle diseases.
trust and can only be claimed by trustees (wife and/or Waiver of Premium: The policyholder is not required to
children). It cannot be claimed by creditors, relatives pay future premiums on the policy in the event of an
or form a part of the will (estate of the proposer). accident or mishap as defined by the rider. In such
For instance, if you are a salaried person with a cases, the future premiums get waived off but your
home/personal loan or the owner of a business and policy remains in force.
have accumulated debts, your creditors will have the
first claim on your policy proceeds in the event of
your death. When you buy a term insurance online
under MWP Act, your wife and/or children will be
the only ones who will have access to the claim
Don’t unnecessarily take a term plan with high
amount – enabling you to secure their future
cover or a longer policy term.
When faced with the prospect of figuring out how account. Let’s illustrate with an example - Suppose
much insurance to buy, most people pluck a figure you would need `20 lakh in today’s value
out of the air--something that just seems adequate. on your child’s marriage,
This is not the way to make this important decision. assuming you have
The ideal way of making this decision is to
unemotionally create a financial plan that your
family should follow if you die suddenly. Here
are some heads to consider.
Loans and debts: As far as possible, take debt-
ors’ insurance so that your debts can be paid
off straightaway. If you have a housing loan,
the lender has probably made sure that you
already have such insurance for that loan.
Other loans need to be considered. While you
can add these to your main term insurance,
taking a policy where the insurance company
will directly pay off lenders has the advan-
tage that your survivors will not be tempt-
ed to carry the loans.
Do not waste money in insuring unse-
cured personal debt like that for credit
card. The card issuer cannot make your
family pay so there’s no need to cover
that, unlike say, vehicle loans where
you wouldn’t want the family car to
be possessed by the lender.
Future Expenses: The hardest part of
providing for future expenses such
as higher studies of children,
daughter’s marriage, etc. is
estimating and allowing for
inflation. Take a reasonable,
at least 7%, inflation rate into
Earlier, payouts used to happen only in lumpsum. But which you want to stagger the payout.
these days, insurance companies offer several options This option should appeal to those who want to
to choose from. Different firms may call them by dif- provide for the living expenses of their financial
ferent names but in essence they are more or less the dependants post their demise, without entrusting the
same. Here’s a primer. job of managing the money with the nominee. It has
the added advantage of lowest premiums in compari-
Lumpsum son to the other two payout options.
As the name suggests, the entire death benefit is paid
to the nominee in lumpsum at one go. This option
would work well if the nominee can carefully manage
the money so received to fill the financial vacuum
created by the demise of the insured, be it to meet the
family’s living expenses or any other
goals. In fact, a financially literate
nominee may be able to derive better
returns by wisely investing the lump-
sum payout than what is implicit in the
payouts of other two options. But if that’s
not the case, you may consider the other two payout
options because the very purpose of buying insurance
will get defeated if the nominee ends up squandering
the money received in lumpsum.
Payout option
Increasing Lumpsum +
Lumpsum Monthly income monthly income Monthly income
Payout `50 lakh in `40,000 to Starts with `42,000 per `5 lakh in lumpsum followed
lumpsum `50,000 per month; Keeps increas- by about `42,000 per month
month for 10 years ing by 10% every year for 9 years starting after one
for 10 years year of the insured’s death.