Pozzolanic Pulverized-Fuel Ash Cement: Specification For

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B S I BS*bbLO 96 1624669 0542235 2 3 6


Specification for

pulverized-fuel ash


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BS 6610 : 1996

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee
W516,Cement and lime, to SubcommitteeB/516/6,Cement specincations,upon
which the following bodies were represented

British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries

British Cement Association
British Precast Concrete Federation
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Cement Admixtures Association
CementitiousSlag Makers’ Association
County Surveyors’Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of fiansport (H@ways Agency)
Electricity Association
National Rivers Authority
Quality Ash Association
Society of Chemical Industry

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Board for
Building and Civil Engineering,
was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
15 June 1996

O BSI1996

First published July 1985

Second edition November 1991 Amd. No. Date Text affected
Third edition June 1996

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference Bí51W6
Draft for comment W100796 DC

ISBN O 680 26411 9

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BSI BS*bblO 96 a Lb24669 0 5 4 2 2 3 7 009 W

BS 6610 : 1996


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword 11

1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Cement 1
5 Constituents 1
6 Composition and manufacture 2
7 Compressive strength 3
8 Physical properties 3
9 Chemical properties 3
10 Marking 3
11 Information to be provided 3
12 Sampling and testing for acceptance inspection at delivery 4
13 Heat of hydration 4
A (informative) Conformity criteria (cement manufacturer’s autocontrol) 5
B (informative) Compositional requirements for all cement types 8
C (informative) Product guidance 8
1 Chemical properties
2 Acceptance inspection limits
A.l Minimum testing frequencies
A.2 Parameters determining the conformity procedure
A.3 Major defects
A.4 Acceptability constant ICA
A.5 Acceptable number of defects CA 8
B.l M e m e compositional possibilities 8
List of references inside back cover

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B S I BS+bb30 96 m 3 6 2 4 6 6 9 0542238 T 4 5 m
BS 6610 :1996


This edition of this British Standard has been prepared by SubcommitteeEY516/6. It

introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a füll revision or review of the
standard, which will be undertaken in due course. It is based on the work of Technical
Committee 51, Cement and building limes,of the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), which has prepared a European Restandard specincation for
cements published as DD ENV 197-1. A s an intrinsic part of this activity, CEN has
published EN 196, a series of methods of testing cement, which the UK is
implementing to replace the relevant Parts of BS 4550. In consequence this Brifish
Standard specifies requirements in terms of the test procedures in BS EN 196. It
supersedes BS 6610 : 1991which is withdrawn.
In the United Kingdom, experience of pozzolanas is limited to pulverized-fuel ash and
only this material is specified in this British Standard. Pozzolanic cement will generally
be used as low heat cement to reduce the temperature rise in concrete. It can be used
to impart a degree of resistance to the action of sulfates and weak acids (seeBS 8110
and BRE Digest 363).
If a value for the heat of hydration is required, a method can be agreed between the
purchaser and the manufacturer.
BS 6588 for Portland pulverized-fuel ash cements is published for cements containing
not more than 35 % ( d m )of pulverized-fuel ash. The greater proportion of
pulverized-fuel ash in the cement specified in this standard, 36 % ( d m )to 55 % ( d m ) ,
enables it to be deemed to pass the pozzolanicity test.
This standard specincation thus covers a cement with uses and s t r e w characteristics
different from those in the European Prestmdard specification for common cements.
The requirements for compressive strength, physical and chemical properties are
specified as characteristicvalues and conformity is assessed by means of a sMstical
procedure for continuous inspection operated by the cement manufacturer
(autocontrol) (see annex A, derived from DD ENV 197-1).This includes the concept of
‘major defects’which are ‘likelyto reduce materially the usability of the cement for its
intended purpose’. However, DD ENV 197-1is considered to be inappropriate in its
entirety for the manufacture of cement in the UK and the annex therefore incorporates
several footnotes i d e n m g specific aspects. In particulw, it is assumed, for this
edition of this British Standard,that some limits are required for acceptance
inspection. Clause 12 therefore gives appropriate values which in several cases are
more stringent than those for major defects given in annex A.
The strength requirements are based on the BS EN 196 : Part 1mortar prism test
at 28 days but are lower than those in DD ENV 197-1.
This edition introduces the foilowing changes.
(a) The two methods of producing pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash cement, i.e. by
intergrinding and by dry blending, have been retained (see 6.2). A procedure for
combining Portland cement and pulverized-fuelash in the concrete mixer is
included in BS 5328 : Part 1.
@) Composition requirements are expressed as a percentage of the total mass of the
constituents but exclu- calcium sulfate and any additives. This departure from
the traditional method of calculation in the UK is fully explained in annex B.
(c) The pulverized-fuelash constituent is required to be siliceous with a minimum
reactive silicon dioxide (Sioz) content of 25 % ( d m ) .The proportion of
pulverized-fuel ash is specified as 36 % ( d m )to 55 % ( d m ) , expressed as a
percentage of the total mass of the constituents but excluduig calcium sulfate and
any additives; the minimum value avoids an overlap with the scope of BS 6588 and
the maximum is slightly higher than the current value of 53 % (dm), expressed as a
percentage of the nnal cement.
(d) Requirements are not specined for fineness, but the limit in BS 3892 : Part 1is
applicable to the pulverized-fuelash constituent where the dry blending method is
used (see 6.2).

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BS 6610 : 1996

(e) The limit for total sulfur (expressed as SO3) of 3.0 % ( d m )has been changed to
an autocontrol maximum for sulfate of 3.5 % ( d m )(corresponding to an acceptance
inspection limit of 3.6 % (din) of the ñnal cement).
(f) Guidance on the use of cement has been included in annex C and attention is
drawn to the safety precautions recommended therein when working with cement.
Cement will partialìy hydrate when exposed to water vapour; annex C also includes
guidance on storage.
New editions of other British Standards for cement, i.e. BS 12, BS 146, BS 4027,
BS 4246, BS 6588 and BS 7583 have been revised at the same time.
Product certqication.Purchasers are recommended to speciSl cement manufactured
and supplied to a nationally recognized third party product certification scheme.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

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BS 6610 : 1996


1 Scope 4 Cement
This British Standard1) specifies requirements for the NOTE 1. Cement is a hydraulic binder, Le. it is a finely ground
composition and the manufacture and for the inorganic material which, when mixed with water, forms a paste
which sets and hardens by means of hydration reactions and
strength, physical and chemical properties of processes and which, after hardening, retains its strength and
pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash cement as stability even under water.
characteristic values. Requirements for marking, Cement conforming to this British Standard shall,
provision of information, sampling and testing for when appropriately batched and mixed with
acceptance at delivery are also specified. It gives the aggregate and water, be capable of producing mortar
procedures for the manufacturer's autocontrol or concrete which retains workability for a sufficient
system to ensure conformity. time and shall after defined periods attain specified
strength levels and also possess long-term volume
2 References stability.
NOTE 2. Hydraulic hardening of cement conforming to this British
2.1 Normative references Standard is primarily due to the hydration of calcium silicates')),
This British Standard incorporates, by reference, but other chemical compounds may also participate in the
hardening process, e.g. aluminates.
provisions from specific editions of other
publications. These normative references are cited at The sum of the proportions of reactive calcium oxide
the appropriate points in the text and the and reactive silicon dioxide ( S i o ~ )shall
~ ) be
publications are listed on the inside back cover. not less than 50 % (dm).
Subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of Cement conforming to this British Standard
these publications apply to this British Standard only ultimately consists of individual small grains of
when incorporated in it by updating or revision. different materials but it shall be statistically
homogeneous in composition. A high degree of
2.2 Informative references
uniformity in all cement properties shall be obtained
This British Standard refers to other publications through continuous mass production processes, in
that provide information or guidance. Editions of particular adequate grinding and homogenization
these publications current at the time of issue of this processes.
standard are listed on the inside back cover, but NOTE 3. Qualified and skilled personnel and the facilities to test,
reference should be made to the latest editions. evaluate and adjust product quality are essential for producing
cement conforming to this British Standard.

3 Definitions During the cement manufacturing process and its

control, the composition of the cement shall be kept
For the purpose of this British Standard the within the limits specified in this British Standard.
definitions in BS 6100 : Section 6.1 apply together
with the following.
5 Constituents
3.1 characteristic value
That value of a property corresponding to an 5.1 Portland cement clinker
acceptable percentage of defects, generally 10 % Portland cement clinker is a hydraulic material
but 5 % for the lower strength limits. which shall consist of not less than two-thirds by
mass of calcium silicates ((CaO)3.SiO:,
and (CaO)2.SiOz), the remainder containing
aluminium oxide (AlzO3), iron oxide (Fe2O3) and
other oxides. The ratio by mass (CaO)/(SiO2) shall be
not less than 2.0. The content of magnesium
oxide (MgO) shall not exceed 5.0 % (dm).

') Other types of cement standardized in the UK are specified in BS 12, BS 146, BS 915, BS 1370, BS 4027, BS 4246, BS 4248, BS 6588
and BS 7583.
2, There are also cements whose hardening is mainly due to other compounds, e.g. calcium aluminate in high alumina cement.
'3 Reactive calcium oxide (Cao) is considered to be only that fraction of the Ca0 which under normal hardening conditions can form
calcium silicate hydrates or calcium alununate hydrates. To evaluate this fraction, the total Ca0 content is to be reduced by the part
calculated as calcium carbonate on the basis of the measured carbon dioxide (COZ)content and the part calculated as calcium
sulfate (CaSO,) on the basis of the measured sulfate content (expressed as SO,) disregarding the SO, taken up by alkalis.
Reactive silicon dioxide (30,) is defined as that fraction of the Si02 which, after treatment with hydrochloric acid (HCl), is soluble in
boiling potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. The quantity of reactive Si02 is determined by subtracting from the total Siop content
(see 13.9 of BS EN 196 : Part 2 : 1995) that fraction of the SiO, contained in the insoluble residue (see clause 10 of BS EN 196 :
Part 2 : 1996), both on a dry basis.

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BSI BS+bb30 96 = Lh24bh9 0542223 5 3 T

BS 6610 : 1996

Portland cement clinker shall be made by burning, at 5.5 Additives

least to sintering, a precisely specified mixture of If the total quantity of additives exceeds 1.0 % ( d m )
raw materials (raw meal, paste or slurry) of the cement, the type and quantity shall be stated
containing Cao, SiO2, Al203 and small quantities of on the packaging and/or on the delivery note.
other materials. The raw meal, paste or slurry shall NOTE 1. These additives are constituents not specified in 5.1 to
be finely divided, intimately mixed and therefore 6.4 which are added to improve the manufacture or the properties
homogeneous. of the cement, e.g. grinding aids. They should not promote
corrosion of the reinforcement or impair the properties of the
5.2 Pulverized-fuel ash (siliceous fly ash) cement or of the mortar or concrete made from the cement.
Siliceous fly ash, a fíne powder of mainly spherical NOTE 2. The total quantity of additives should not
particles having pozzolanic properties, shall contain exceed 1.0% (Wm).
at least two-thirds of glassy particles by mass. It
shall consist essentially of reactive Si02 and A l 2 0 3 6 Composition and manufacture
NOTE. The remainder contains Fe,O3 and other oxides.
The proportion of reactive Ca0 shall be less
6.1 Composition
than 5 % (dm). The composition of the ‘nucleus’ (see B.l) of
pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash cement shall be as
The reactive Si02 content in siliceous fly ash
conforming to this British Standard shall be not less
than 25 % ( d m ) and the loss on ignition shall not 45 % ( d m )to
Portland cement clinker
exceed 5.0 % ( d m )(see also 6.2).
64 % ( d m )
NOTE 1. During the lifetime of DD ENV 197-1, siliceous fly ash
with a maximum loss on ignition of 6.0 % ( d m ) may be used,
provided that this is reported on the test certificate and that the
acceptance inspection limit does not exceed 7.0 % ( d m ) Pulverized-fuel ash 36 % ( d m ) to
(see 11.1f) and table 2). (fly ash) 55 % ( d m )
NOTE 2. Siliceous fly ash is obtained by electrostatic or
mechanical precipitation of dust-like particles from the flue gases
from furnaces fired with pulverized hard coal. Ash obtained by
other methods is not considered in this British Standard.
Minor additional o % ( d m )to
constituents 5 % (dm)
NOTE 3. The term ‘siliceous fly ash’ in this British Standard
covers pulverized-fuel ash (pfa) which has been in common use in
the UK for many years. The latter is the more precise term for NOTE. For clarity in definition, calcium sulfate (see 6.4) and
describing siliceous fly ash produced from electricity generating additives (see 6.5) are excluded. The final cement is to be
power stations burning pulverized hard coal. understood as the nucleus plus the necessary calcium sulfate and
any additives to the cement.
5.3 Minor additional constituents
6.2 Manufacture
Minor additional constituents if present shall be one
or more of granulated blastfurnace slag, natural The materials shall be thoroughly and intimately
pozzolana or filler. mixed together in a dry state to form a uniform
NOTE 1. The minor additional constituents should not promote
corrosion of the reinforcement or impair the properties of the When the cement is produced by intergrinding, the
cement or of the mortar or concrete made from the cement. Portland cement clinker shall be capable of
NOTE 2. Granulated blastfurnace slag is made by rapid cooling of producing a cement conforming to BS 12. The
a slag melt of suitable composition, as obtained in smelting iron pulverized-fuel ash shaíl conform to all the
ore in a blastfurnace. requirements specined in BS 3892 : Part 1 except that
Natural pozzolanas are usually substances of volcanic on@ or for fineness. The Portland cement clinker, pulverized
sedimentary rocks with appropriate chemical and mineralogical
composition. fuel-ash and set retarder, as specified in 6.4, with
For the purposes of this British Standard, the term ‘fiìler’covers minor additional constituents and additives if
any naturai or artificial inorganic mineral materials other than required, shall be mixed together and ground.
blastfurnace slag, natural pozzolana or pulverized-fuel ash, When the cement is produced by dry blending, the
e.g. calcareous materials, which, after appropriate preparation, due
to their particle size distribution, improve the physical properties
Portland cement shall conform to BS 12 and the
of the cement (such as workability or concrete bleeding). pulverized-fuel ash shall conform to all the
requirements specified in BS 3892 : Part 1. The
5.4 Calcium suifate Portland cement and the pulverized-fuel ash shall be
Calcium sulfate shall be added in small quantities to thoroughly mixed to form a homogenous blend.
the other constituents of cement during its
manufacture in order to control setting.
NOTE. Calcium sulfate can be gypsum (calcium sulfate
dihydrate, CaS0,.2H20), hemihydrate (partidy dehydrated
gypsum, Caso4.IhH20), or anhydrite (anhydrous calcium
sulfate,CaSO,) or any mixture of them. Gypsum and anhydrite are
found naturaily. Calcium sulfate is also available as a by-product
of certain industrial processes.

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BS 6610 : 1996

7 Compressive strength 11 Information to be provided

The compressive strength, determined in accordance 11.1 Test certificate
with BS EN 196 : Part 1, shall be as follows:
a) at 7 days : not less than 12 N/mm2; If a test certificate is requested, it shall be provided
and shall include the method of manufacture,
b) at 28 days : not less than 22.5 N/mm2. i.e. intergrinding or dry blending, the proportion of
NOTE. in special circumstances, one of the standard strength
classes listed in clause 7 of BS 6588 : 1996 can be agreed between
pulverized-fuel ash to the nearest 5 % ( d m ) and
the purchaser and the manufacturer at the time of ordering. results of the following tests on samples of the
cement relating to the material delivered:
8 Physical properties a) compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days,
obtained from tests on mortar prisms in
8.1 Initial setting time accordance with BS EN 196 : Part 1 (see clause 7);
The initial setting time, determined in accordance
with BS EN 196 : Part 3, shall be not less than 60 min. b) initial setting time (see 8.1);
8.2 Soundness c) soundness (see 8.2);
The expansion, determined in accordance d) chloride content (see clause 9);
with BS EN 196 : Part 3, shall be not more e) type and quantity of additives, if
than 10 mm. exceeding 1.0 % ( d m )(see 5.5);
f ) loss on ignition of pulverized-fuel ash, if
9 Chemical properties exceeding 5.0 % ( d m ) (see 5.2).
The properties shall conform to table 1 when tested NOTE. The certificate should be available from the manufacturer.
in accordance with the tests referred to in column 2
11.2 Additional information
of table 1.
The foliowing information shall also be made
I Table 1. Chemical properties available, if requested at the time of ordering,
relating to the material delivered:
Property Test reference a) the type and quantity of any minor additional
Sulfate (expressed b) the fineness;
SOB) BS EN 196 : c) the silicon dioxide, aluminium oxide, iron (III)
Part 2 : 1995 oxide, calcium oxide and magnesium oxide
Chloride Clause 4 of 5 0.102) contents of the clinker;
BS EN 196 : d) the sulfate content expressed as SO3
Part 21 : 1992 (see clause 9);
’) Requirements are given as percentages by mass of the fmal e) an indication of the variability of the chloride
cement. content when its mean level exceeds 0.05 % ( d m ) ;
2, BS 5328 : Part 1 and BS 8110 : Part 1 give recommendations for
the maximum total chloride content of the concrete mix for f) the reactive alkali content, expressed as the
various applications. certified sodium oxide equivalent averaged over
the manufacturer’s latest 25 consecutive composite
samples, when calculated by adding one-sixth of
10 Marking the total alkali content of the pulverized-fuel ash
Pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash cement shall be constituent to the acid soluble alkali content of the
marked on the bag or the delivery note, and on any other constituents, together with an indication of
test certificate, with the following particulars: its variability;
a) the name, trade mark or other means of g) an indication of the water soluble alkali content
identification of the manufacturer to facilitate of the pulverized-fuel ash constituents;
traceability to the works in which the cement was
manufactured; h) an indication of the acid soluble alkali content
b) the name of the material, i.e. pozzolanic of the other constituents.
pulverized-fuel ash cement;
c) the number and date of this British Standard,
i.e. BS 6610 : 19965)

5,Marking ES 6610 : 1996 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, Le. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely the
responsibility of the person making the claim. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of conformity.

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B S I BS*bbLO 9b 0 5 4 2 2 2 3 302 =
BS 6610 : 1996

12 Sampling and testing for 12.4 The limiting values applicable to acceptance
inspection shall be those given in table 2.
acceptance inspection at delivery NOTE. These values are, in general, based on the ‘major defects’,
12.1 For assessing compliance at delivery, when defined in annex A which, however, does not contain a value of
requested a spot sample of the cement shall be taken deviation for loss on ignition of pulverized-fuel ash.
in accordance with 3.6 and 6.2,6.3,6.4 or 6.5 of
BS EN 196 : Part 7 : 1992 either before, or at the time I Table 2. Acceptance inspection limits
of, delivery. A laboratory sample shall be prepared Property Deviation from the
and packed in accordance with clauses 8 and 9 of requirements in
clauses 5.2, 7, 8
BS EN 196 : Part 7 : 1992. A sampling report shall be and 9 in excess of
completed at the time of sampling and shall be
attached to the laboratory sample in accordance with Strength lower limit 28 day - 2.5 N/mm2
clause 10 of BS EN 196 : Part 7 : 1992. 7 day - 2.0 N/mm2
NOTE. Testiig may be delayed for up to 5 weeks from the time of
sampling provided that there is confirmation that the sample has
been stored continuously in the manner described in 9.2 of Initial setting time - 15min
BS EN 196 : Part 7 : 1992. Soundness +lmm
12.2 When the cement is tested for strength Sulfate content + 0.1 % (mdm)
(see clause 7), unless otherwise agreed between the
purchaser and the manufacturer, the pitlquany from Chloride content + 0.01 % (mdm)
which the CEN Standard sand is obtained and the Loss on ignition of + 2.0 % (mdm)
compaction procedure to be used shall be those in Dulverized-fuel ash
use by the manufacturer at the time when the NOTE. The deviation for sulfate content of 0.1 % ( d m )in this
cement was originally tested. table for acceptance inspection lits is reduced from the value
of 0.5 % ídmì in table A3 for maior defects.
12.3 When the cement is tested for chemical
properties (see clause 9) the sample shall be
prepared by the method described in clause 6 of 13 Heat of hydration
BS EN 196 : Part 2 : 1995. If a value for heat of hydration is requested at the
time of ordering, the method of test6) for its
determination, together with the associated limits,
shall be agreed between the purchaser and the

6, A method of test is described in BS 4550 : Section 3.8.

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BS 6610 : 1996


Annex A (informative) A.2 Application of conformity procedures

Conformity criteria (cement A.2.1 Conformity of cements to this standard should
manufacturer’s autocontrol) be continuously assessed. In consequence this standard
NOTE. This annex is based on the text of clause 10 ‘Conformity specifies that the conformity of such cements should
criteria’ from the June 1989 draft European Prestandard be verified by means of a statistical quality control
specification for cements, which has been retained in ENV 197-1. scheme based upon continuous inspection of the
However, some of the details are considered to be inappropriate manufactured cement. This inspection is operated by
for the manufacture of cement in the IJK and the annex therefore the cement producer (autocontrol).
incorporates several footnotes identifying these aspects.
In particular, the concept of ‘major defects‘ (see A.6), i.e. a NOTE. International or national regulations may require the
non-conformity with a requirement ’which is likely to reduce autocontrol of cements to be monitored by an officially recognized
materially the usability of the cement for the intended purpose’, is testing laboratory.
not considered to form a meaningful part of a statistically Terms of delivery or other contractual conditions,
controlled autocontrol system operated by the cement normally included in documents exchanged between
manufacturer. However, a method for assessment by the purchaser
of compliance at delivery has been incorporated into clause 11.
the supplier and the purchaser of cement, are outside
the scope of this standard.
A. 1 Introduction
A.2.2 The European Restandard specincation for
A.l.l A statistically formulated conformity criterion
cements does not deal with acceptance inspection at
includes three elements as follows:
delive$). However, application in this standard of the
a) a definition of the requirement in terms of principles of staüstical quality control puts some
characteristic value, as given in clauses 7,sand 9 constraints on any additional acceptance inspection at
b) the acceptable percentage Pa of defects or, in delivery of cements which have been found to conform
other words, the fractile of the normal (Gaussian) to this standard according to A.3, A.4 and A.5 on
distribution to which the characteristic value continuous inspection.
corresponds. In this standard, this is the 10 % fractile
A sampling plan for additional acceptance inspection at
or, for the lower strength limits,the 5 % fractile;
delivery of a cement should not be allowed to increase
c) the probability of acceptance of a lot7) of cement the producer’s risk of rejection to a higher value than
which does not conform to the requirements. that deduced from the scheme of continuous
A sampling inspection procedure can only produce an inspection, according to A.3, A.4 and A.5.
approximate value for the percentage of defects in a
Pending additional standards on acceptance and other
lot. The bigger the sample, the better the
terms of delivery for cements, specification of
approximation. The probability of acceptance, &o
additional acceptance inspection at delivery has not
known as consumer’s risk, controls the degree of
been dealt with in the European Restandard
approximation by the sampling plan and in this case
specification for cements.
should be 5 % for the continuous inspection which is
the basis for the assessment of conformity. A.3 General procedure for assessing conformity
A.1.2 The conformity criteria for continuous with the characteristic values
inspection (see A.3, A.4 and A.5) are based upon the A.3.1 The assessment should be based upon
principles of A. 1.1. The European Prestandard continuous sampling inspection using spot sampleslo)
specification for cements contains, however, an of cement taken in accordance with BS EN 196 : Part 7.
additional conformity criterion of a different type. In
order to provide means for the rejection of cement A.3.2 The continuous inspection should take place at
which is likely to reduce materially the usabiLity of the the cement plant and be operated by the
cement for the intended purpose, the prestandard producer (autocontrol).
specifies (see A.6) that a quantity of cement containing
one or more so-called major defects does not conform
to the requirementsg).

For the purposes of this standard a lot is defined as a quantity of cement produced under conditions presumed uniform. After
specified tests, this quantity is regarded as a whole ‘conforming’or ‘not conforming’ to the requirements.
For the purposes of this standard the concept of ‘major defects’ is not considered to be a meaningful part of a statistically controlled
autocontrol system operated by the cement manufacturer (see footnote to A.6) which is to be assessed as in A.7. Clause 12 gives the
method for assessment by the purchaser of conformity at delivery.
Acceptance inspection at delivery has been included in this British Standard. The relevant requirements are given in clause 12 and
may increase the producer’s risk of rejection beyond that of the autocontrol procedure.
lo) A spot sample is defined as a sample taken at the same time and from one and the same place, relating to the intended tests. It can
be obtained by combining one or more immediately consecutive increments.

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BS 6610 : 1996

The series of samples used for assessing the In principle, the overall percentage of defects in the lot
conformity should be taken over a period of not less from which samples are taken is estimated from the
than 6 months and not more than 12 months except in test results. Conformity requires that the estimate does
the cased’) of a new factory or a new type of strength not exceed the acceptable percentage of defects.
class of cement at an existjng factmy NOTE. For practical calculations the sc-called acceptability
Minimum testing frequencies are specified in table A.l. constant, k,, is used for the evaluation of conformity instead of
the percentage of defects (see A.7.2).
Table A.l Minimum testing frequencies A.4.3 The sampling plan (including the number of
single spot samples to be taken) is established by
Property I Number of samples means of the following two parametem which are
Strength 2 per week tabulated in table A.2:
Sulfate content a) acceptable overall percentage of defects;
initiai setting time b) acceptable consumer’s risk.
soundness The two parameters together are used for the selection
of sampling plans for continuous autocontrol.
I Chloride content I i per month I Some convenient sampling pians for inspection by
variables have been collected in A.7. Any other plan
A.3.3 An observed test value which does not conform satisfymg the values in table A2 is, in principle,
to the appropriate values in clauses 7 , s and 9 is acceptable for the conformity procedure.
characterized as a defect. The European Prestandard
distinguishes between minor and major defects. A.5 Conformity criteria and procedure for
Separate limits are specified for major physical and chemical properties
defects (see A.6). A.5.1 Clauses 8 and 9 specify requirements for the
A.4 Conformity criteria and procedure for following properties:
strength a) physical properties:
A.4.1 The strength requirements of clause 7 comprise: 1) initial setting time;
2) soundness;
28 day strength, lower limit (L); b) chemical properties:
7 day strength, lower limit (L). 1) suifate content;
2) chloride content.
A.4.2 In the case of the strength requirements, the Conformity should be assessed for one property at a
conformity procedure is based upon sampling time.
inspection by variab1esl2).

I Table A.2 Parameters determining the conformity procedure

7 day and 28 day strength Physical and chemical properties
(lower limit L ) (aii limits)
Continuous inspection procedure
By attributes (by variables is
Percentage of defects, Pa
Consumer’s risk 15% I 5%
NOTE. in the European Prestandard specification for cements, sampling plans for additional acceptance inspection at delivery of a
consignment of cement are, in accordance with A.2.2, chosen on the basis of the producer’s risk instead of the consumer’s risk.

The consumer’s risk is represented by a point on the operating characteristic curve corresponding to a predetermined low probability
of acceptance (ithis annex, 5 86).

The producer’s risk is represented by a point on the operatiig characteristic curve corresponding to a predetermined low probability
of rejection ( i this annex, 5 86).

This note is not amrooriate to this British Standard.

l i ) in these cases, the period for assessing the conformity should be declared by the manufacturer on the certificate but should not be
less than 2 weeks.
12) A.7.2 gives the relevant assessment criteria for inspection by variables.

6 O BSI 1996
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B S I BS+bbLO 96 Lb24bbï 0542226 O L L =
BS 6610 : 1996

A.5.2 In the case of the physical and chemical A.7 Sampling plans
requirements, the conformity procedure is based upon
samphg inspection by attribute^'^). A.7.1 General
The number of defective items is counted and This clause contains a number of m p i i n g plans for
compared with an estimated number of defects, the two alternatives which satisfy the conditions of
calculated from the number of tests and the specified table A.2. The alternatives are:
acceptable overall percentage of defects. a) continuous inspection by variables;
In order to improve inspection efficiency, the cement b) continuous inspection by attributes.
producer is allowed to employ inspection by variables The number of samples and the minimum testing
(see A.4). This is preferable for sulfate content and frequency are specified in table Al.
initiai setting time, and for chloride content in the case
where this is close to the specified limit. A.7.2 Inspection by variables
In this case the mean d u e , 2,and the standard
A.5.3 The samphg plan (including the number of deviation,s,of the complete series of test resuits (one
spot samples to be taken) is established on the same result per sample) are calculated. The conformity
basis as in A.4 (see also table A.2). criterion is:
Some convenient sampling plans for inspection by X - k,Q 2 L
attributes have been collected in A.7. Any other plan
satisfying the values in table A.2 is, in principle, where
acceptable for the conformity procedure.
kA is the acceptability constant;
A.6 Limits for major defects14)
L is the specified lower h i t .
A quantity of cement yielding one or more major
defective samples does not conform to the
requirements of the European fiestandard The acceptability constant k A depends on the
specification for cements. parameters specified in table A2 and on the number of
test results (n).Values of k A are listed in table 14.4.
In general t e m , a major defect is deñned as a
deviation from the requirements in clauses 7 , s and 9
so large that the usability of the cement for its Table A.4. Acceptability
- constant kA
intended purpose is likely to be reduced and that in n Pa=5% I Pa=10%
extreme cases even failure may be produced. Table A.3
presents a more specific definition for the different 40 to 49 2.13 1.70
properties. If a test result deviates by more than the 50 to 59 2.07 1.65
value in this table it is denoted major defective. 60 to 79 2.02 1.61
80 to 99 1.97 1.56
Fable A.3 Major defects
100 to 149 1.93 1.53
'roperty leviation from the
-equirements in 150 to 199 1.87 1.48
:lauses 7 , s and 9
n excess of 2 200 1.84 1.45
3trength lower limit 28 day - 2.5 N / m 2
A.7.3 Inspection by attributes
7 day - 2.0 N/mm2
In this case the number CD of defective test results
h t i a l setting time - 15& (one result per sample) in the complete series of
Soundness +IlIlIn samples is counted.
Sulfate content + 0.5 % ( d m ) The conformity is checked by the equation:
Chloride content + 0.01 % (m/m)
where the acceptable number of defects CA depends on
the parameters speciñed in table A2 and on the
number n of test results. Values of CA are listed
in table A.5.

I") A.7.3 gives the relevant assessment criteria to be used for inspection by attributes.
14) The limits for m j o r defects are not appropriate to this British Standard.

O BSI 1996 7
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BS 6610 : 1996

Table A.5. Acceptable number of defects G, I B.2 Calcium sulfate and any additives t y p i d y
amount to about 5 % (d’) of the final cement and
table B.l illustrates the extreme compositional
o to 39 O possibilities using the method of calculation given in
1 the British Smdards. The bracketed values are those
4oto54 which would be obtained if the calculation were based
55 to 69 2 on the sum of all constituents amounting to 100%.
70 to 84 3 B.3 It is important to note that the caicuIations based
Sto99 4 on the cement nucleus refer only to compositional
100 to 109 5 requirements. The chemical requirements specified in
the British Standards are given as percentages of the
final cement, i.e. cement nucleus plus calcium sulfate
and any additives.
Annex B (informative)
Compositional requirements for a l l Annex C (informative)
cement types Product guidance
B.l The constituents of any cement type may C.l General
comprise: Guidance on the use of pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash
a) Portland cement clinkeq cement in concrete can be found in BS 5328 : Part 1,
b) other main consütuents such as granulated BS 6543 and BS 8000 :Part 2.
blastfurnace slag, natural pozzolana, pulverized-fuel C.2 Safety warning
ash or limestone; Dry cement in normal use has no hannful effect on dry
c) minor additional constituents (materiais not used skin. When cement is mixed with water, alkali is
as a main constituent); released. Precautions should therefore be taken to
d) calcium suifate (gypsum or anhydrite or other avoid dry cement entering the eyes, mouth and nose
forms of calcium sulfate, or any combination of and to prevent skin contact with wet cement.
them); Repeated skin contact with wet cement over a period
e) additives. may cause irritant contact dermatitis. The abrasiveness
The British Standard specifications for cement now of the particles of cement and aggregate in mortar or
adopt the common European convention of assuming concrete can contribute to this effect. Continued
that the sum ofa), b) andc) amounts to 100%.This is contact during a working day can lead to cement
referred to as the cement nucleus. The aiternative burns with ulceration but this is not common. Some
approach, which is no longer adopted in the people are sensitive to the small amounts of chromate
British Standards, would regard the sum of a) to e) as which may be present in cements and can develop
amounting to 100%. allergic contact dermatitis, but this is rare.

Table B.l. Extreme compositional possibilities

Au units are percentages
British Clinker Other main constituent (see B.lbN Minor additional Calcium sulfate
Standard (see B.la)) Current edition’) 1986 edition constituents plus additives
(see B.lc)) (see B.ld) and e))
(Minimum) (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) (Typical)
BS 12 95 (90.4) O 5 (4.8)
BS 146 65 (62.0) 35 (33.2) 5 (4.8)
35 (33.2) 65 (62.0) 5 (4.8)
Bs 4027 100 (95.2) O 5 (4.8)
Bs 4246 15 (14.3) 85 (80.9) 5 (4.8)
BS 6588 80 (76.2) 20 (19.0) 5 (4.8)
65 (62.0) 35 (33.2) 5 (4.8)
Bs 6610 45 (42.8) 55 (52.4) 5 (4.8)
Bs 7583 80 (76.2) 20 (19.0) 5 (4.8)
I) ‘Other main constituent’ can include not more tham 5 94 of ‘minor additional constituents’.

8 O BSI 1996
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BS 6610 : 1996

When working in places where dry cement becomes C.4 Test temperature
airborne, protection for the eyes, mouth and nose BS EN 196 requires that the strength and setting time
should be worn. tests are carried out at a temperature of (20 1) "C.
When working with wet mortar or concrete, When cement is tested at a different temperature the
waterproof or other suitable protective clothing should results are likely to be affected. Appropriate advice
be worn such as long sleeved shirts, fuil length may be obtained from the manufacturer.
trousers, waterproof gloves and Wellington boots.
C.5 Grouting and rendering
Clothing contaminated with wet cement, mortar or
concrete should be removed and washed before Where cement is to be used in grouts or renders that
further use. are pumped through small apertures, such as spray
nozzles, it is recommended that the user passes the
if cement enters the eye it should immediately be cement or suspension through a screen of suitable
washed out thoroughly with clean water and medical
mesh aperture to retain any occasional coarse
treatment should be sought without delay Wet mortar
or concrete on the skin should be washed off particles.
immediately C.6 Heat generation
C.3 Storage The cement hydration process generates heat,
particularly in the ñrst few days. Cements with higher
To protect cement from premature hydration after
early strength usually have a higher initial rate of heat
delivery, bulk silos should be waterproof and internal
generation than those with lower early strength. A
condensation should be minimized.
higher initial rate of heat generation may be an
Paper bags should be stored clear of the ground, not advantage for thinner concrete sections in cold
more than eight bags high and protected by a weather because it reduces the need for extended
waterproof structure. As significant strength losses striking times and the tendency for early-age frost
begin after 4 weeks to 6 weeks of storage in bags in damage. Conversely, it may be a disadvantage for
normal conditions, and considerably sooner under larger concrete sections in either hot or cold weather
adverse weather conditions or high humidiw, deliveries on account of the temperature gradients which are set
should be controlled and used in order of receipt. up. (See also clause 14).
Manufacturers are able to provide a system of marking
a high proportion of the bags in each delivery to C.7 Alkali-silica reaction
indicate when they were filled. Pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash cement conforming to
this standard, may be beneficial in counteracting
alkali-silica reaction (see 4.2.4 of BS 5328 : Part 1 : 1991
and of BS 8110 : Part 1: 1985).

O BSI 1996 9
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BS 6610 : 1996

List of references clause 2)

Normative references

BSI publications
BS 12 : 1996 Specification f o r Portland cement
BS 3892 : Pulverized-fuel ash
BS 3892 : Part 1: 1993 Specification f o r pulverized-fuel ash for use w i t h Portland cement
BS 6100 : Glossary of building and civil engineering terms
BS 6100 : Part 6 : Concrete and plaster
BS 6100 : Section 6.1 : 1984 B i d s
BS EN 196 : Methods of testing cement
BS EN 1961: 1995 Determination of strength
BS EN 196-2 : 1995 Chemical analysis of cement
BS EN 196-3 : 1995 Determination of setting time and soundness
BS EN 196-7 : 1992 Methods of taking and preparing samples of cement
BS EN 196-21 : 1992 Detevmination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali content of

Informative references

BSI Publications
BS 146 : 1996 Specification f o r Portland b l a s t f u m e cements
BS 915 : Specvication f o r high alumina cernent
BS 915 : Part 2 : 1972 Metric units
BS 1370 : 1979 Specification f o r low heat Portland cement
BS 4027 : 1996 Specification f o r sulfate-resisting Portland cement
BS 4246 : 1996 Specification f o r high slag blastfurnace cement
BS 4248 : 1974 Specification f o r supersulphuted cernent
BS 4550 : Methods of testing cement
BS 4550 : Part 3 : Physical tests
BS 4550 : Section 3.8 : 1978 Test f o r heat of hydration
BS 5328 : Concrete
BS 5328 : Part 1 : 1991 Guide to specifying concrete
BS 6543 : 1985 Guide to use of industrial by-products and waste materials in building
and civil engineering
BS6588: 1996 Specvication f o r Portland pulverized-fuel ash cements
BS7583: 1996 Specification f o r Portland limestone cement
BS 8000 : Workmanship o n building sites
BS80OO: Part2: Code of practice f o r concrete work
BS 8000 : Section 2.1 : 1990 Mixing and transporting concrete
BS 8000 : Section 2.2 : 1990 Sitework with in situ and precast concrete
BS 8110 : Structuml use of concrete
BS 8110 : Part 1: 1995 Code of practice f o r design and construction
DD ENV 197 : Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
ENV 197-1: 1995 Common cements
BRE Digest 363 : 199215) Sulphate and acid resistance of concrete in the ground.

'1 Available from Construction Research Communications, 151 Rosebeiy Avenue, London, EC1R 4QX.

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BS 6610 : 1996

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