Quiz Contest A Quiz Application A PROJEC

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Quiz Contest
(A Quiz Application) A


Submitted by



Certified that this project report on ‘Quiz Contest’ – a Quiz Android application
is the bonafide work of Paritosh Ram who carried out the project work under
my supervision.

Students’ Name Signature of

Paritosh Ram

Signature of Mentor


Jaydeep Mondal

Pvt. Ltd.

Salt Lake,kolkata

I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and most sincere thanks to
my project mentor, Jaydeep Mondal for giving most valuable suggestion, helpful
guidance and encouragement in the execution of this project work.

I would like to thank my mentor for guiding me. Last but not the least I'm
grateful to all the team members of HPE.

Paritosh Ram

Page no.

1.1 Relevance………………………………………………
………………. 5
1.2 Problem
1.3 Objective…………………………………………………
…………….. 6
2.Basic Concepts & Tools
2.1 Introduction to
Java……………………………………………….. 7-9
2.2 Android…………………………………………………
3.System Analysis
3.1 Feasibility

3.2 Existing
3.3 Proposed
4.Software requirements……………………………..
……………….. 17
5.Hardware requirements………………………………………………
3.2 Use-case
3.3 Entity-relationship
Diagram……………………………………… 20
3.4 Table
.. 20
………. 21
8.1 Objective…………………………………………………
……………….. 21-22
8.2 Process
.. 22-23
8.3 Testing
… 23-25
8.4 Testing
…. 25

8.5 Test
…….. 26-27
………..................... 27-31
10. Future scope and further enhancement of the Project…… 32
11. Code ………………………………………………………..
12. Conclusion……………………………………………………
………………… 48
13. References…………………………………………………
……………………. 48
14. Bibliography

Quiz Contest is an android application that has general questions
related to current affairs and computer. It has multiple choice
questions with time limit and it also calculate scores of each
correct answer. It is good for students of every age group it helps
in increasing general knowledge about world ,Sports and
computer etc. Don't need register simply give any user name and
password it will saved automatically and you can login again with
same user name and password don’t have to worry about the
past score. The application helps the user to increase his/her
knowledge. Since Smartphone mobiles are being widely used by
general population and students, the Quiz Contest application
can provide on the Student's mobile.

Problem Definition:

Quiz Contest is a application developed to conduct an quiz

based on time constraints. Quiz Contest system is accessed by
entering the user name and password which is added to the
database. Before start of the quiz, the rules and regulations are
displayed that includes description of the time limit, number of
questions to be answered and scoring methods. Quiz is started
by displaying one question with four options each based on
computer and general knowledge. if the answer is correct,
score is incremented by four and no negative marks for wrong
answers . If the time exceeds 20secs next question will come
automatically after giving few limited question's answer quiz
application will finally direct you to the score page. Final score
will be displayed and updated in the database with username.

The main objective of “Quiz Contest” is to facilitate a user
friendly environment for all users and reduces the manual
effort. In past days quiz is conducted manually but in further
resolution of the technology we are able to
generate the score and pose the queries automatically. The
functional requirements include to create users that are going
to participate in the quiz, automatic score and report generation and
administrative tasks like add, delete, update for admin privilege
users. In this application, all the
permissions lies with the administrator i.e., specifying the details of
the quiz with checking result will show to interviewee or not,
addition of question and answers, marks for each question, Set timer
for each quiz and generate report with score for each quiz.
Basic Concepts &Tools :

Introduction to Java

Java is a programming language created by James Gosling from Sun

Microsystems (Sun) in 1991. The first publicly available version of
Java (Java 1.0) was released in 1995. Sun Microsystems was
acquired by the Oracle Corporation in 2010. Over time new
enhanced versions of Java have been released. The current version
of Java is Java 1.7 which is also known as Java 7. From the Java
programming language the Java platform evolved. The Java
platform allows software developers to write program code in
other languages than the Java programming language and still runs
on the Java virtual machine. The Java platform is usually associated
with the Java virtual machine and the Java core libraries.

Java Virtual machine

The Java virtual machine (JVM) is a software implementation of a

computer that executes programs like a real machine. The Java
virtual machine is written specifically for a specific operating
system, e.g. for Linux a special implementation is required as well
as for Windows.

Java Runtime Environment vs. Java Development Kit

A Java distribution comes typically in two flavours, the Java

Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Development Kit
(JDK).The Java runtime environment (JRE) consists of the JVM and
the Java class libraries and contains the necessary functionality to

start Java programs. The JDK contains in addition the development

tools necessary to create Java programs. The JDK consists
therefore of a Java compiler, the Java virtual machine, and the Java
class libraries.

Characteristics of Java

The target of Java is to write a program once and then run this
program on multiple operating systems.
Java has the following properties:

Platform independent: Java programs use the Java virtual

machine as abstraction and do not access the operating system
directly. This makes Java programs highly portable. A Java
program (which is standard complaint and follows certain rules)
can run unmodified on all supported platforms, e.g. Windows
or Linux.

Object-orientated programming language: Except the

primitive data types, all elements in Java are objects.

Interpreted and compiled language: Java source code is

transferred into the byte code format which does not depend
on the target platform. These byte code instructions will be
interpreted by the Java Virtual machine (JVM). The JVM
contains a so called Hotspot-Compiler which translates

performance critical byte code instructions into native code


Automatic memory management: Java manages the memory

allocation and de-allocation for creating new objects. The
program does not have direct access to the memory. The so-
called garbage collector deletes automatically objects to which
no active pointer exists.

Android is a software platform and operating system for mobile
devices. Android is available as open source. It allows developers
to write managed code in the Java language, controlling the device
via Google-developed Java libraries.

Android SDK was released by Open Handset Alliance in the month

of November of the year 2007. Android was actually developed
using the kernel of Linux 2.6 and the highlighting features of
Android include the following:

• No fees for licensing, distribution and releaseapproval

• GSM, 3G EDGE networks for telephony
• IPC message passing
• Background processes and applications
• Complete multimedia hardware control
• API’s for location based services such as GPS.

Architecture of Android OS

The skeleton of Android framework and its constituents are shown

in the following figure:

Architecture of Android OS

Applications Layer
Android ships with a set of core applications including an email
client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts and
others. All applications are built using the Java. Each of the
applications aims at performing a specific task that it is actually
intended to do.
Application Framework Layer
The next layer is the application framework. This includes the
programs that manage the phone’s basic functions like resource
allocation, telephone applications, switching between processes
or programs and keeping track of the phone's physical location.
Application developers have full access to Android's application

framework. This allows them to take advantage of Android's

processing capabilities and support features when building an
Android application. We can think of the application framework
as a set of basic tools with which a developer can build much
more complex tools.
Libraries Layer
The next layer contains the native libraries of Android. These
shared libraries are all written in C or C++, compiled for the
particular hardware architecture used by the phone and
preinstalled by the phone vendor.

Android Runtime Layer

Android Runtime layer includes Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) and

a set of core java libraries. Every
Android app gets its own instance of DVM. Dalvik has been written so
that a device can run multiple virtual machines efficiently and it
executes files with .dex (Dalvik Executable Format) extension
optimized for minimum memory.

Components of Android

The basic components of an Android application include Activity,

Broadcast Receiver, Service, and Content Provider. Each of the
above, which when used for any application, has to be declared in
the AndroidManifest.xml. The user interface of the component is
determined by the Views. For the communication among these

basic components we use Intents and Intent filters which play

crucial role during app development.
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Android Components

An Activity is, fundamentally, an object that has a lifecycle. An
Activity is a chunk of code that does some work, as necessary.
The work can include displaying a UI to the user, though it
doesn't have to as some Activities never display UIs. Typically,
we designate one of our application's Activities as the entry
point to our application.

Broadcast Receiver
Broadcast Receiver is yet another type of component that can
receive and respond to any of the broadcast announcements.

A Service is a body of code that runs in the background. It can
run in its own process, or in the context of another application's
process, depending on its needs. Other components "bind" to a
Service and invoke methods on it via remote procedure calls. An
example of a Service is a media player; even when the user quits

the mediaselection UI, she probably still intends for her music to
keep playing. A Service keeps the music going even when the UI
has completed.

Content Provider
Content Provider is a data storehouse that provides access to
data on the device; the classic example is the Content Provider
that is used to access the user's list of contacts. Our application
can access data that other applications have exposed via a
Content Provider, and we can also define our own Content
Providers to expose data of our own.

System Analysis:

Feasibility Study:
The feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of the
potential of a proposed project which is based on extensive
investigation and research to support the process of decision
making. Depending on the results of the initial investigation the
survey is now expanded to a more detailed feasibility study.

Feasibility Study
System: Quiz Contest Date: 15-03-2017
Author: XXX Page: 1
The project is a Quiz android application . It will help its users to improve their general

Technical Feasibility

The android application will be developed using Android Studio. The team is competent in
that. Social Feasibility
Some training for the users/admin are required but all users are IT literate. Market Research
Market research says that this application would be useful for the users as it could seamlessly
help them for their lifestyle.

Economic Feasibility
The application can be developed within budget.
Alternate Solution
Could be a desktop system but that would not be as portable.

Existing System:

User has to Login first by giving any user name and

password it will be added automatically in database so
that user can login again in future by same user name and
Then Welcome(user profile) will be appear user has to
choose any of three option 'Start Game', 'High Score',
After choosing start game continue page will be appear to
continue game.
After Clicking on continue multiple choice questions will
come automatically one by one with a specific time limit.
User has to choose any of four existing options and then
user has to hit the submit button and each right answer
will automatically count the score.
At the end of the game it will show the score of the user.

All these findings demands new application which will

reduce the manual work & do everything automatically.
Also the existing systems have some major drawbacks
which motivate us to develop new system.

Those drawbacks are as follows:

▪ Quest won't get update automatically need to update

▪ Existing systems has not type of fields in like questions

History,Game,Sports,Geography etc.

▪ There is possibility of hanging down the existing


Proposed System:
Unlike the websites where you need to make account for every
quiz you want to play, using this application based on android,
you just have to login by user name and password and then you
will get access to all quizzes from it. The proposed system is an
application for the Android platform mobiles will help in
improving the knowledge and accuracy. Android is a Linux-
based operating system designed primarily for touch screen
mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers,
developed by Google in conjunction with the Open Handset
The proposed system will be developed for Android mobiles
only because the market share of Android is more than other
operating systems.
Table of Comparison :
Comparison of Existing System & Proposed System Parameters
Existing Proposed
System System
Method Manual Automatic

Time More time Less time

consuming consuming
Database Required Not required Reliability Less More

Software Requirements:
Operating System: Android

Toolkit: Software Development


Platform : Java and Android

Database: SQLite

Hardware Requirements:
2.3 minimum version (API 8)
Android phone (Having Version Above or


Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical
representation of the "flow" of data through an
information system, modeling its process aspects. A
DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create an
overview of the system. DFDs can also be used for the
visualization of data processing.
A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and
output from the system, where the data will come from and go
to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show

information about the timing of process or information about

whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel.

Level 0 DFD:

Use Case Diagram:

Entity-Relationship Diagram:

Table Diagram:

Design of database table which is named as Events is given below ---

Attribute Name Attribute type

Id Int
Name Text
Info Text
Period Text
Period_unit Text
Start_time Text
Form Design:


▪ Linear Layout (Vertical)


▪ Linear Layout (Horizontal)

▪ TextView(Medium)
▪ EditText
▪ Button
▪ CheckBox
▪ ListView
▪ Spinner
▪ ImageView
▪ AlertDialog


The objective our test plan is to find and report as many
bugs as possible to improve the integrity of our
program. Although exhaustive testing is not possible,
we will exercise a broad range of tests to achieve our
goal. We will also test the user friendliness of our app
.The application will be used as an important tool, but
we would like to ensure that it could be run on a variety
of platforms with little impact on performance or

Process Overview :

The following represents the overall flow of the testing


Identify the requirements to be tested. All test cases

shall be derived using the current Program
Identify which particular test(s) will be used to test each
Review the test data and test cases to ensure that the
unit has been thoroughly verified and that the test data
and test cases are adequate to verify proper operation
of the unit.
Identify the expected results for each test.
Document the test case configuration, test data, and
expected results.
Perform the test(s).
Document the test data, test cases, and test
configuration used during the testing process. This
information shall be submitted via the Unit/System
Test Report (STR).
Successful unit testing is required before the unit is
eligible for component integration/system testing.
Unsuccessful testing requires a Bug Report Form to be
generated. This document shall describe the test case,
the problem encountered, it's possible cause, and the

sequence of events that led to the problem. It shall be

used as a basis for later technical analysis.
Test documents and reports shall be submitted. Any
specifications to be reviewed, revised, or updated shall
be handled immediately.

Testing Process:

The diagram above outlines the Test

Process approach that will be followed.

Organize Project involves creating a System Test Plan,

Schedule & Test

Approach, and assigning responsibilities.

Design/Build System Test involves identifying Test Cycles,

Test Cases, Entrance & Exit Criteria, Expected Results,

etc. In general, test conditions/expected results will be

identified by the Test Team in conjunction with the
Development Team. The Test Team will then identify
Test Cases and the Data required. The Test conditions
are derived from the Program

Specifications Document.
Design/Build Test Procedures includes setting up
procedures such as Error Management systems and
Status reporting.

Build Test Environment includes requesting/building

hardware, software and data setups.

Execute System Tests identified in the Design/Build Test

Procedures will be executed. All results will be

documented and Bug Report Forms filled out and given
to the
Development Team as necessary.

Signoff happens when all pre-defined exit criteria have

been achieved.

Testing Strategy :

The following outlines the types of testing that will be done

for unit, integration, and system testing. While it includes
what will be tested, the specific use cases that determine
how the testing is done will be detailed in the Test Design
Document. The test cases that will be used for designing use
cases is shown below.

Test Cases:

Splash Screen:

Main Activity (Empty):


Login Screen:

User Profile:

Continue page:

Quiz page(GameStart):

Score page(QuizActivity):

Future scope and further enhancement of the Project:

We have put an endless effort on this application& also provided
room for future expansion of this application.
Interface can be enriched later.
Selection of alarm tone are in progress.
Prescription Parameter (PP) contains the necessary information
of a medicine including its name M, the dosage size g and the
amount n to be taken each time (as multiples of the dosage
size) and its therapy duration T during which the patient should
take the medicine. A picture of the medicine is also
incorporated to assist patients identifying the medicine. This
parameter can be added.
Dosage Parameter (DP) states the minimum and maximum dose
sizes [dmin, dmax] and the minimum and maximum
separations [nsmin, nsmax] between two consecutive doses. It
also specifies the supply rate (B, R), which the maximum
dosage B is taken within any time interval R and the demand
rate (L, P) and which the minimum dosage L is taken in any time
interval p. DP parameter should be implemented in future days.

1)MainActivity.java :

package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.os.Bundle; import

android.app.Activity; import
android.content.Intent; import
android.view.Menu; import
android.view.Window; import
android.view.WindowManager; public class
MainActivity extends Activity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Thread t=new Thread()
{ public void run()
{ try {
Intent intent=new
Intent(getApplicationContext(), LoginScreen.class);
catch (Exception e)

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if
it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);
return true;

2)HomeScreen.java :

package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.app.Activity; import

android.app.AlertDialog; import

android.content.Context; import

android.content.DialogInterface; import

android.content.Intent; import

android.content.SharedPreferences; import

android.os.Bundle; import

android.view.Menu; import

android.view.View; import

android.view.View.OnClickListener; import

android.widget.Button; import


public class HomeScreen extends Activity {

TextView tv;

String n;

Button btn,btn2,btn3;

SharedPreferences sharedpreferences;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {






btn3=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button3); Bundle

data=getIntent().getExtras(); n=data.getString("Name");

tv.setText("Welcome "+n);

btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View v) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub





Intent i=new

startActivity(i); } });

btn2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View arg0) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),


i.putExtra("Name", n);



btn3.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Intent i=new

i.putExtra("Name", n);




public void onBackPressed() {

tle("Exit") .setMessage("Are you sure?")

.setPositiveButton("yes", new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);



startActivity(intent); finish();

} }).setNegativeButton("no", null).show();


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if

it is present.

return true;

3) LoginScreen.java :

package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.app.Activity; import

android.content.Context; import
android.content.Intent; import
android.content.SharedPreferences; import
android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import
android.widget.Button; import
android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Toast;
public class LoginScreen extends Activity {

public static final String MyPREFERENCES="MyPrefs"; public static

final String Name = "nameKey"; public static final String

SharedPreferences sharedpreferences;
EditText et1,et2;
Button btn; @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String val=sharedpreferences.getString(Name, null); if(val!=null)
Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(), HomeScreen.class);
i.putExtra("Name", val); startActivity(i);
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String name=et1.getText().toString(); String
if(name.equals("") || pass.equals(""))
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "login
details Empty.!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return;
SharedPreferences.Editor editor=sharedpreferences.edit();
editor.putString(Name, name); editor.putString(Password, pass);
Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),
i.putExtra("Name", name);

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_login_screen, menu); return true;

4) GameStart.java :

package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.app.Activity; import

android.content.Context; import
android.content.Intent; import
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import
android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import
android.widget.Button; import
android.widget.RadioGroup; import
import android.widget.Toast; public class GameStart

extends Activity {

RadioGroup rg;
TextView tv; Button
btn; private Cursor p;
String n;
private SQLiteDatabase db;
String q[]={ "UNIVAC is",
"The basic operations performed by a computer are",
"The two major types of computer chips are",
"Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation
"The main electronic component used in first generation computers
"ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What
does EBCDIC stand for?",
"The brain of any computer system is",
"Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on",
"The two kinds of main memory are:",
"A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the
difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is",
"Computer is free from tiresome and boardoom. We call it",
"Integrated Circuits (Ics) are related to which generation of
"CD-ROM is a",
"A hybrid computer",
"Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?",
"The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from",
"Chief component of first generation computer was",
"To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would
want to use a/n",
"What are the stages in the compilation process?",
"Which of the following IC was used in third generation of
"Dos is Spanish for which number?","How many hours are equal to
600 minutes?",
"Can you unscramble this word to find the name of a country:

"What is the meaning of the Latin phrase ‘bona fide’?","What do the
fifty stars on the US flag represent?",
"Which country is first to appear in the English dictionary?","What is
the last letter of the Greek alphabet?",
"What name is given to a triangle with one angle greater than 90
"What is the name of Scooby Doo`s psychedelic van?","What is the
largest island in the Caribbean?",
"Which TV series features a chemistry teacher called Walter
"Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character makes jokes when he is
"If you were born December 4th, which star sign would you belong
"In the film Shrek, what is the name of Shrek`s wife?","What was
the name of the boy in the Jungle Book?",
"What is the name of the actor who played the role of Harry Potter
in the film series?",
"Which Bond movie did Daniel Craig first star in?","Who played Jack
in the film The Titanic?",
"From which movie did this quote come from: A lie keeps growing
and growing until it is as plain as the nose on your face?",
"How many square meters are there in a hectare?","How many
rings does Saturn have around it?",
"Which of the five senses develops first?","How many carats are
there in pure gold?",
"Who scored the winning penalty in the 2006 world cup final?","How
many red balls are used in a game of snooker?",
"Who has won the most FIFA Ballons d Or?","In which sport is the
Davis cup awarded?",
"At what time did Andres Iniesta score the winning goal to help Spain win their first
World Cup ever?"

String a[]={"Universal Automatic Computer","Arithmetic operation","External memory chip","First
Generation","Transistors","Extended Binary Coded Decimal
Interchange Code","ALU","tracks per inch of surface",
"Primary and secondary","Memory","Accuracy","First
generation","Semiconductor memory","Resembles digital
computer","Minicomputers","Primary memory","Transistors","RGB monitor"
,"Feasibility study, system design and
testing","SSI" ,"Transistors","many words","22","20","Uruguay","in good
faith","Presidents","Argentina","Omega","Obtuse","The Mystery Traveller",
"Cuba","Prison Break","Ross","Gemini","Alice","Timon","Daniel
Radcliffe","Spectre","Christan Bale","Toy Story","10000","4","Touch","22",
"Andrea Pirlo","12","Cristiano Ronaldo","Football","117"}; String
b[]={"Universal Array Computer","Logical operation","Primary memory chip","Second
Generation","Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code","Memory","bits per inch of
tracks","Random and
sequential","Buffer","Reliability","Second generation","Memory register","Resembles analogue

"Control section","Vacuum Tubes and

Valves","Plotter","Implementation and documentation","MSI","Vacuum Tubes and
Valves","Ear","1000 words","12","10","Russia","for this","States","Algeria","Alpha","Isoceles","The Van",
Bing","Aries","Rapunzel","Mowgli","Justin Timberlake","Casino Royale","Mathew
String c[]={"Unique Automatic Computer","Storage and relative","Microprocessor chip","Third
Generation","Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code","CPU","disk pack in disk surface","ROM and
RAM","Accumulator","Diligence","Third generation","Magnetic memory","Resembles both a digital and
analogue computer","Mainframe computers","External memory","Integrated Circuits","Ink-jet printer",
"Lexical Analysis","LSI","Integrated Circuits","Stomach","10
words","2","60","USSR","word for word","50 top
cities","Afghanistan","Delta","Acute","The Mystery Van","Barbados",
"Breaking Bad","Joey","Leo","Fiona","Leo","Rupert
Grint","Thunderball","Russel Crowe","Finding Nemo","1","5","Taste","20","Fabio Grosso",
"9","Lionel Messi","Hockey","93"};
String d[]={"Unvalued Automatic Computer","All the above","Both b and c","Fourth
Generation","Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code","Control unit","All of above","All of
above","Address","Versatility","Fourth generation","None of above","None of the above","Super
computer","Cache memory","None of above","Laser printer",
"None of the above","Both a and b","None of above","Liver","100
words","7","600","USA","after death","50 lakes","Australia","Gamma","Scalene","The
Mystery Machine",
"Galle","Game Of
McCauley","Skyfall","Leonardo DiCaprio","Ice Age","100","7","Sight",
"18","Alesandre Del Piero","1","Ronaldo","Tennis","121"};
ans[]={2,1,1,3,2,1,0,3,3,0,2,0,1,1,3,2,0,1,1,2,3,1,2,1,1,0,1,2,0,0,3,0,2,1,3,2,1,0,1,3,1,0,3, 1,1,2,1,2,3,0};
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Bundle data=getIntent().getExtras(); n=data.getString("Name");

//tv.setText(q[0]); createDatabase();
p=db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM questions", null);
if(!p.moveToFirst()) insertDB();
btn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button1); btn.setOnClickListener(new
OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),
i.putExtra("Name", n); startActivity(i);

protected void createDatabase()
{ db=openOrCreateDatabase("QuizDB.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); db.execSQL("CREATE
NUMBER)"); }
protected void insertDB()
//tv.setText("Getting the quiz ready..."); int l=50;
for(int i=0;i<l;i++)
String query="INSERT INTO
questions(question,opA,opB,opC,opD,answer) values('"+q[i]+"','"+a[i]+"','"+b[i]+
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Application ready to use!",
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu); return true;

5) QuizActivity.java :
package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.app.Activity; import

android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor; import
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import
android.media.MediaPlayer; import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.CountDownTimer; import
android.view.Menu; import android.view.View; import
android.view.View.OnClickListener; import
android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ProgressBar;
import android.widget.RadioButton; import
android.widget.RadioGroup; import
android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast;
public class QuizActivity extends Activity {

TextView tv,tv2,tv3,tv4;
RadioGroup rg;
Button btn;

MediaPlayer mp; ProgressBar pb;

int scr,nscr,questions=0; private
SQLiteDatabase db;
private static final String x="SELECT * FROM questions"; private Cursor
c; CountDownTimer timer; String n;
int done[]=new int[11];
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_quiz);
pb=(ProgressBar)findViewById(R.id.progressBar1); pb.setProgress(100);
Bundle data=getIntent().getExtras(); n=data.getString("Name");
openDatabase(); c=db.rawQuery(x, null); c.moveToFirst();
getQuestion(); tv2.setText("Score: 0"); startCount();
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub int
res=rg.getCheckedRadioButtonId(); switch(res) {
case 0: case 1: case 2:
case 3: break;
"Select atleast one option", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return;
"Correct Answer!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
tv2.setText("Score: "+scr);
} else
{ mp=MediaPlayer.create(getApplicationContext(),
R.raw.alert2); mp.start();
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Incorrect
Answer!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }
getQuestion(); timer.cancel();
} else

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You have

completed the quiz", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
timer.cancel(); Intent
i.putExtra("score", scr);
i.putExtra("Name", n); startActivity(i);

protected void openDatabase() {

db = openOrCreateDatabase("QuizDB.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);
protected void getQuestion()
{ boolean f=false;int qid; do { qid=(int)
Math.floor(Math.random()*50); for(int i=0;i<questions;i++)
{ f=true; break;
} while (f);

c.moveToFirst(); boolean flag=true; while (flag) {

c.moveToFirst(); }
else flag=false;
for(int i=0;i<=3;i++)
RadioButton rb=new RadioButton(this);
rg.clearCheck(); done[questions]=qid;
protected void startCount() { tv4.setText("Seconds Remaining");
btn.setText("SUBMIT"); timer=new
CountDownTimer(20000, 1000) {

public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {

tv3.setText("" + millisUntilFinished / 1000); nscr=(int)millisUntilFinished/2000;


public void onFinish() {

pb.setProgress(0); tv3.setText("");
tv4.setText("Sorry...Time Up!");
//btn.setClickable(false); btn.setText("Move to next");

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_quiz, menu); return true;

6) HighScores.java :
package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity;

import android.content.Context; import
android.database.Cursor; import
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import
android.view.Menu; import android.widget.TextView;
public class HighScores extends Activity {

private SQLiteDatabase db; private Cursor c;

TextView tv,tv2; @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
tv2=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView2); openDatabase();
c=db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM scores", null);
if(!c.moveToFirst()) tv.setText("No high scores yet!");

protected void openDatabase() {

db = openOrCreateDatabase("ScoresDB.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); db.execSQL("CREATE
TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scores(name VARCHAR, score

NUMBER)"); }

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_high_scores, menu); return true;

7)FinalActivity.java :
package com.example.quiz_contest;

import android.app.Activity; import

android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface; import
android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import
android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import
android.widget.Button; import
android.widget.TextView; public class FinalActivity
extends Activity {

TextView tv,tv2; private

SQLiteDatabase db; private Cursor
c; Button btn; int s;String n,query;
private static final String x="SELECT * FROM scores";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
btn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button1); Bundle
data=getIntent().getExtras(); s=data.getInt("score");
n=data.getString("Name"); tv.setText("Score: "+s);
createdatabase(); c=db.rawQuery(x, null);
{ query="INSERT INTO scores VALUES('"+n+"','"+s+"')"; db.execSQL(query);
tv2.setText("You got a high score!");
} else
{ query="UPDATE scores SET name='"+n+"', score='"+s+"'
where score='"+c.getString(1)+"'"; db.execSQL(query);
tv2.setText("You got a high score!");

btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),
i.putExtra("Name", n); startActivity(i);

protected void createdatabase()

{ db=openOrCreateDatabase("ScoresDB.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE,
null); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scores(name VARCHAR, score

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_final, menu); return true;

Currently there are many medication reminder systems which
are operable manually. Due to increased manual work, the
available system becomes more time consuming. So in the
given work, an attempt has been made to implement fully
automatic medication reminder system. It eases the user’s task
of recalling when to take the medicine by reminding them of
the particular medicine at the correct time thereby reducing
the much prevalent manual work.

[1] Neil Smyth, Android Studio Development Essentials,1
edition, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform(July 22,

[2]Ronan Schwartz & Phil Dutson, Building Applications with the

Android SDK, 2 edition, Addision Wesley Professional(2013).

[3] David J. Eck, Java Virtual Machine, 7 edition, University

Press of Florida(2014).

[4] Troy Drowning and John Meyer, Java Virtual Machine,

Edition 1, O’Reilly Media (1997).

[5] E. Burnette, Hello Android, the Pragmatic Programmers, 2

Edition, Pragmatic Bookshelf(2009).

[6] R. Meier,Professional Android 2 Application

Development, 2 edition, John Wiley &Sons(2010).


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