NCP For Pregnant

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Client: D.W. Age: 16

Medical Diagnosis: Deficient fluid volume Gender: Female
Prepared by Athena Irish D. Lastimosa From Group 5-A Amojedo, Bacsain, Catalan, Lastimosa, Olivar

Dolores Wellbeing, a 16 y/o student, comes in for consultation with her mother and is 4. Compute for the AOG (Date of consultation is today).
having an unintended pregnancy. The mother stated that lately, her daughter is
experiencing severe nausea and vomited 3-4 times almost every day accompanied by March 1, 2019 – April 24, 2019
lightheadedness, cramping of legs and a feeling of irregular heartbeat. The mother also = 54 days or 7 weeks 5 days
informed the nurse that her daughter is having dysuria for a week, flank pain, spotting and
loss of appetite. During interview, the mother additionally stated that her daughter has 5. Compute for EDC.
been emotionally upset since the boy who got her pregnant disclaims that baby but still has
March 1, 2019 + 280 days
the conviction to take care of herself and her present condition. On assessment of the client,
she is coherent, states her pain is 7 on a scale of 1-10, and minimal blood on her vaginal pad. = December 7, 2018
Her temperature is 380C, Pulse 115 bpm, respiration 20 cpm, BP 140/ 100. LMP is March 1,
2019, height 4’11 and weighs 40 kgs. Laboratory results are as follows: March 1, 2019

Hgb- 9 gm/ dl +9 +7

Hct- 51.4 % = December 8, 2019

WBC in U/A- 12,000 mcL 6. Compute for the BMI.

Na- 114 mmol/L lbs/m2

K-2.5 mmol/ L 17.8 – normal for a 16 year old girl

1.Formulate 3 NCP (ADPIRE) based on priority need. AOG - 54 days or 7 weeks 5 days

2. Formulate long and short term goals. EDC - December 8, 2019

BMI -17.8
3. Identify independent, dependent and collaborative nursing interventions

 Remember to set your priorities and be SMART

Client: D.W. Age: 16
Medical Diagnosis: Deficient fluid volume Gender: Female
Priority #1 Deficient Fluid Volume
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Deficient Fluid Volume Short-term: Dependent: Short-term:
The patient’s mother stated that related to electrolyte  patient exhibit signs of  Administration of IV fluids  Fluids are necessary to maintain After 4 hours of nursing
lately, her daughter is experiencing imbalance and increased improvement and other electrolyte hydration status. Determination of the intervention, the
severe nausea accompanied by metabolic rate secondary to  patient will have normal replacements. type and amount of fluid to be replaced  patient exhibited signs of
lightheadedness, cramping of legs infection as evidenced by vital signs. and infusion rates will vary depending improvement and is
and a feeling of irregular high WBC, increased heart on clinical status. normovolemic as evidenced
heartbeat. rate, vomiting and Long-term: Independent: by normal vital signs and
weakness.  Assess lifestyle changes  Urge the patient to drink  Oral fluid replacement is indicated for electrolytes, Sodium and
Objective: that will help prevent or prescribed amount of fluid. mild fluid deficit and is a cost-effective Potassium.
 Weak reduce Deficient Fluid method for replacement treatment.
 Pale Volume. Long-term: After 5 days of
 Vomited 3-4 times almost every  Talk about causative  Educate patient about  Enough knowledge aids the patient to Nursing intervention, the
day factors and behaviors possible cause and effect of take part in his or her plan of care.  Patient demonstrates lifestyle
 AOG - 54 days or 7 weeks 5 days essential to correct fluid fluid losses/decreased fluid changes and knowledge about
 EDC - December 8, 2019 deficit. intake. Deficient Fluid Volume by:
 BMI -17.8  Educate about the  verbalized awareness of
measures that can be  Enumerate interventions to  Patient needs to understand the value of causative factors and
 V/S taken as follows: taken to treat or prevent prevent or minimize future drinking extra fluid during bouts of behaviors essential to correct
T- 38.0 fluid volume loss. episodes of dehydration. diarrhea, fever, and other conditions fluid deficit
P - 115 bpm causing fluid deficits.  knew the measures that can
RR - 20 cpm be taken to treat or prevent
BP - 140/ 100  Emphasize the relevance of  Increasing the patient’s knowledge level fluid volume loss.
maintaining proper will assist in preventing and managing
 Lab results as follows: nutrition and hydration. the problem.
Hgb- 9 gm/ dl
Hct- 51.4 %  Teach family members how  An accurate measure of fluid intake and
WBC in U/A- 12,000 mcL to monitor output in the output is an important indicator of
Na- 114 mmol/L home. Instruct them to patient’s fluid status.
K-2.5 mmol/ L monitor both intake and

 Refer patient to home  Continuity of care is facilitated by
health nurse or private community resources.
nurse in order to assist
patient, as appropriate.
Priority #2 Acute Pain
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Acute pain related to Short-term: Dependent: Short-term:
The mother informed the nurse infection as evidenced by  Patient exhibit signs of  Administration of unusual  Giving the right kind and dosage of a After 4 hours of nursing
that her daughter is having dysuria complains of pain, changes improvement with a methods of handling pain painkiller to the patient is the key for a intervention, the
(painful urination) for a week, flank in autonomic responses. satisfactory pain control requires a doctor’s order. faster way of getting rid of the pain  patient exhibited signs of
pain, spotting and loss of appetite. at a level less than 3 to 4 which is usually prescribed by the improvement and is normal
on a rating scale of 0 to 10 doctor. with less to no pain.
Objective:  Patient will have normal Independent:
 Weak vital signs.  Foresee the need for pain  Preventing the pain is one thing that a Long-term: After 2 days of
 Pale relief. patient experiencing it can consider. Nursing intervention, the
 Flank pain scaling at 7 Long-term: Early intervention may decrease the  Patient demonstrates lifestyle
 Minimal spotting in pad  Assess lifestyle changes total amount of analgesic required. changes and knowledge about
 AOG - 54 days or 7 weeks 5 days that will help prevent or Acute Pain by:
 EDC - December 8, 2019 reduce acute pain.  Acknowledge reports of  Pain can be aggravated with anxiety and  verbalized awareness of
 BMI -17.8  Talk about causative pain immediately. fear especially when pain is delayed. An causative factors and
factors and behaviors immediate response to reports of pain behaviors essential to cope
 V/S taken as follows: essential to cope with may decrease anxiety in the patient. with acute pain
T- 38.0 acute pain. Demonstrated concern for the patient’s  knew the measures that can
P - 115 bpm  Educate about the welfare and comfort fosters the be taken to treat or prevent
RR - 20 cpm measures that can be development of trusting relationship. acute pain.
BP - 140/ 100 taken to treat or prevent
acute pain.  Get rid of additional  Patients may experience an
 Lab results as follows: stressors or sources of exaggeration in pain or a decreased
Hgb- 9 gm/ dl discomfort whenever ability to tolerate painful stimuli if
Hct- 51.4 % possible. environmental, intrapersonal, or
WBC in U/A- 12,000 mcL intrapsychic factors are further stressing
Na- 114 mmol/L them.
K-2.5 mmol/ L

 Teaching cognitive-  These techniques help an individual

behavioral strategies like decrease the pain experience and to
imagery, distraction lessen the stress, tension, subsequently
techniques and relaxation decreasing the pain.

Collaborative:  Patients who demand pain medications

 Report to the physician at more frequent intervals than
when interventions are prescribed may require higher doses or
unsuccessful and more potent analgesics.
Priority #3 Nausea
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Nausea related to pregnancy Short-term: Dependent: Short-term:
The patient is having an as evidenced by reports of  The patient will have  Applying acustimulation  Stimulation of the Neiguan P6 After 3 hours of nursing
unintended pregnancy and she severe nausea that leads to decreased severity of bands or acupressure are acupuncture point on the ventral surface intervention, the
went to her check up with her vomiting multiple times a nausea. as ordered by the doctor. of the wrist has been found to control  patient exhibited decreased
mother. The mother stated that day.  The patient will know nausea in some points but should be severity of nausea
lately, her daughter is experiencing about the correlation of ordered by the doctor before  patient understood that
severe nausea and vomited 3-4 nausea and pregnancy. Independent: administering. nausea is a part of pregnancy.
times almost every day  Provide an emesis basin
accompanied by lightheadedness. Long-term: within easy reach of the  Nausea and vomiting are closely related. Long-term: After 2 days of
 Assess lifestyle changes patient. Keep emesis basin out of sight but Nursing intervention, the
Objective: that will help prevent or within the patient’s reach if nausea has a  Patient demonstrates lifestyle
 Weak reduce nausea. psychogenic component. changes and knowledge about
 Pale  Talk about causative  Assist the patient in Deficient Fluid Volume by:
 AOG - 54 days or 7 weeks 5 days factors and behaviors diagnostic testing  A series of tests may be used to  verbalized awareness of
 EDC - December 8, 2019 essential to avoid nausea. preparation determine the contributing factor (e.g., causative factors and
 BMI -17.8  Educate about the upper gastrointestinal tract study, behaviors essential to correct
measures that can be abdominal computed tomography scan.) fluid deficit
 V/S taken as follows: taken to treat or prevent  Educate patient about  knew the measures that can
T- 38.0 nausea. possible cause and effect  Enough knowledge aids the patient to be taken to treat or prevent
P - 115 bpm of nausea and identify the take part in his or her plan of care and fluid volume loss.
RR - 20 cpm triggers avoid the triggers herself.
BP - 140/ 100

 Lab results as follows:  Allow the patient to use

Hgb- 9 gm/ dl nausea control techniques
 These methods have helped patients
Hct- 51.4 % such as relaxation, guided
alleviate the condition but needs to be
WBC in U/A- 12,000 mcL imagery, music therapy,
used before it occurs.
Na- 114 mmol/L distraction, or deep
K-2.5 mmol/ L breathing exercises.

 Caregivers can promote adequate
 Educate the caregiver
hydration and nutritional status by
about appropriate fluid and
acknowledging dietary points to
dietary options for nausea,
consider when nauseated, following the
importance of Changing
prescribed schedule for medications
positions slowly and proper
reduces episodes of nausea and that
administration of
Abrupt or gross movements may
aggravate the condition.
Priority #4 Situational Low Self-Esteem
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Situational Low Self-Esteem Short-term: Independent: Short-term:
The mother stated that her related to teenage  The patient reports  Act as a role model for the  Assume responsibility for own thoughts After 1 session of nursing
daughter has been emotionally pregnancy and rejection as progress in current patient or significant others and actions by using “I think” language in intervention, the
upset since the boy who got her evidenced by loss of situation. in healthy expression of conversations. Patients may want an  patient reported progress in
pregnant disclaims that baby. appetite and feeling feelings or concerns. example of positive measures to display handling her emotions on the
depressed. Long-term: feelings. situation.
Objective:  Assess lifestyle changes
 Weak that will help with self-  Spend time with the patient;  Having enough time for the patient Long-term: After 3 sessions in a
 Pale esteem. set aside enough time so conveys the nurse’s interest in and week of nursing intervention,
 Worried  Verbalizes positive that the encounter is calm acceptance of the patient’s feelings. A the
 AOG - 54 days or 7 weeks 5 days acceptance of self and and deliberate. trusting relationship is an important  Patient demonstrates lifestyle
 EDC - December 8, 2019 situation. factor in building self-esteem. changes and acceptance of
 BMI -17.8 the situation.
 Provide privacy.  Private discussions need to take place in
 V/S taken as follows: a setting where the patient is free to
T- 38.0 express feelings without being
P - 115 bpm overheard.
RR - 20 cpm
BP - 140/ 100  Apply active listening and  These communication methods permit
 Lab results as follows: open-ended questions. the patient to verbalize interests,
Hgb- 9 gm/ dl concerns, worries, and thoughts without
Hct- 51.4 % interruption. This will convey a sense of
WBC in U/A- 12,000 mcL respect for the patient’s abilities and
Na- 114 mmol/L strengths in addition to recognizing
K-2.5 mmol/ L problems and concerns.

 Consider the “normal”  Disturbances in self-esteem are natural

impact of change on self- responses to important changes.
esteem. Reassure the Reconstitution of the patient’s self-
patient that such esteem occurs as part of the patient’s
modifications often occur in adjustment to change.
a variety of emotional or
behavioral responses.

 Support the patient in his or  The patient needs continuous positive

her attempts to secure feedback and support to manage
autonomy, reality, positive behaviors to promote self-esteem. The
self-esteem, sense of patient will benefit from feedback that
capability, and problem- provides a realistic appraisal of his or
solving. her development and strengthens the
effective change made by the patient.
 Give anticipatory direction  The patient requires a view that places
to reduce anxiety and fear if the change in self-esteem within the
interference in self-esteem context of the normal recuperative
is an expected part of the
process of adjustment to
changes in health status.

 Educate the patient to join in

 The patient needs to explore options to
activities anticipated to
improve self-esteem by substituting
result in healthy self-esteem.
negative behaviors with positive actions.

 Present referral information

 Professional and community sources of
about community resources,
support provide the patient with more
self-help groups, and
resources to sustain the work of
professional counseling.
rebuilding positive self-esteem.
 Present referral information
 Recognition of unfavorable thoughts can
about community resources,
lift the patient to develop new
self-help groups, and
techniques for coping. The patient must
professional counseling.
replace negative beliefs and ideas with
positive thoughts about self.

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