Mtap-Deped Math Challenge Grade 1 Mtap Reviewer - Set 1

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MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge

Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 1


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1. ________What is the place value of 8 in 789?

2. ________ How many 12’s are there in 60?

3. ________How many hours are there in 3 and a half days?

4. ________What is the largest 2-digit odd number?

5. ________ What is the difference between the sum of 12 and 18 and the sum of
18 and 12?

6. ________What is the next number in the pattern 7, 15, 23, 31?

7. ________Which number does not belong to the group {16, 24, 34, 40}?

8. ________What even number comes after the largest 2-digit number?

9. ________What is the area of the square with perimeter 24?

10. ________The long hand of a clock is at 8 and the short hand is between 6 and
7. What is the time?

11. _______Anna is twice as old as Mika. Mika is 7 years old. How old is Anna?

12. _______What is 15 more than half of 28?

13. ________How many seconds are there in 2 and a half minutes?

14. ________Ayin bought 3 mangoes for 20 pesos each. How much is her change if
she paid a 100-peso bill?

15. ________In the sentence 18 – 12 = 6, what do you call 12?

MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 2


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)__________ What is the sum of the 83 and 49?

2.)_________ What time does the clock below show?

3.)_________ How many minutes are there in 2 hours?

4.)_________ What is the place value of 9 in 2938?

5.)__________ Pamela was assigned by her teacher to read pages 28 – 35 of the

text book. How many pages did Pamela read?

6.) __________ is three times as large as 4.

7.)__________ Look at the numbers below. 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, ___What number goes
into the blank?

8.)___________ Jasmine bought 20 candies. She gave 5 to Ria and 6 to Lyka. How
many candies were left to her?

9.)___________ If , then what is ?

10.) __________ What part of the circle below is colored?

11.) ___________ If March 3 is Wednesday, then what date is the nearest Saturday?

12.)____________ A pencil costs Php6.00 and a notebook costs P15.00. How much will
2 notebooks and 1 pencil cost?
MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 3


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)___________ What number is 3 more than 84?

2.)___________ Which even number comes after 16?

3.)___________ What is the missing number: 18, 23, 28, 33, ____

4.)____________ If the time is 2:15, where is the long hand (minute hand) of the clock

5.)____________ What is the place value of 7 in 837 234?

6.)____________ How many faces does the figure below have?

7.)____________ What is the sum of 8 + 12 + 15?

8.)____________ What sign should be places in the blank to make the sentence true:

8 __ 5 = 3

9.)_____________ Lito has 35 pesos. He gave 12 pesos to his younger sister. How much
money did Lito have left?

10.)___________ What number is 3 less than 32?

11.)________ If January 11 is Wednesday, then what day is January 14 of the same


Write 1287 in words.
MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 4


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)________________What is the value of N? N – 5 = 12

2.)_______________ What shape has four equal sides?

3.)_______________ The number 87 has ___ tens and ___ ones.

4.)_______________ What is the number that is equivalent to the roman numeral IX?

5.)_______________ What unit of measure should be used to describe the length of a


a. centimeter
b. meter
c. kilometer
d. grams

6.)______________ Jaya has 13 notebooks. She gave 4 to Arlene. How many

notebooks does she have left?

7.)______________ Fill in the blanks with the correct answer: 10 is _______ 9.

a. greater than
b. less than
c. equal to

8.)______________ What is the 8th month of the year?

9.)______________ Which of the following is an odd number? 12, 45, 68, 92

10.)_____________ Maria is a flower shop owner. Today, she sold 8 roses, 3 orchids,
and 5 adelfa. How many flowers did she sell?

11.)_____________ Jimmy went to Ron’s house at 11 o’clock in the morning. The two
of them studied mathematics for 2 hours. What time did they finish studying?

12.)_____________ Mary Anne has four 5-peso coins and one 25-centavo coins. How
much does she have?
MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 5


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)_______________ What number is 3 less than 75?

2.)_______________ What sign makes this sentence true? 8 __ 5 = 3

3.)_______________ What number goes into the blank: ____ + 8 = 17.

4.)_______________ What is the next letter in the pattern below? P, R, T, V, ___?

5.)_______________Karen gave Nina one 20-peso bills and three 10 peso bills. How
much did Karen give Nina altogether?

6.)________________ What is the next number in the pattern? 65, 61, 57, 53, ____

7.)________________ What is 2 tens and four ones?

8.)_________________ The movement below is a ____.

a. flip
b. turn
c. slide

9.)________________ What fraction of the group is the green colored figure?

10.)_______________ The fraction 1 is equal to . What is the value of N?

11.)_______________ Aron has 18 marbles. He gave half of it to his brother, and then
he lost another 1. How many marbles were left?

12.)_______________ Fill in the blanks with the correct answer:

4 tens = ____ ones.

MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 6


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)_______________ What is the missing number? 12 – __ = 5

2.)_______________ Leah uses 24 beads to make one bracelet. Last week, she made
12 bracelets. How many beads did she use altogether?

3.)_______________ In a restaurant, for every cup of coffee, 2 teaspoons of sugar is

used. If yesterday, the restaurant served 99 cups of coffee, how many teaspoons of
sugar were used?

4.)_______________ If we skip count by 3, what number comes before 24?

5.)_______________ Which of the following units is used when you buy rice?
a. kilogram
b. gram
c. milligram

6.)_______________ What does the Roman numeral IX represent?

7.)_______________ What is the next number in the pattern? 8, 15, 22, 29, ___

8.)_______________ How many faces has the figure below?

9.)_______________ What time is 15 minutes after after 11:05 in the morning?

10.)______________ Two days ago, it was your mother’s birthday. If today is

Wednesday, what day is her birthday?

11.)_______________ What time is shown in the clock below?

12.)_______________ If February 12 is Saturday, what day is February 15 of the same

MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 7


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)________________ What is the best unit that can be used to measure the length of
a pen?

a.) millimeter
b.) centimeter
c.) meter
d.) kilometer

2.)________________ Karen has 32 classmates in school. If we estimate the number of

pupils in school in tens, we can say that Karen has about ___ classmates.

3.)________________ Which of the following squares is divided into three EQUAL parts?

4.)________________ If I skip count by 3 starting from 3, what is the 7th number?

5.)________________ A hexagon has ____ sides.

6.)________________ Find the missing number: 8 + ____ + 3 = 17

7.)________________ What number goes into the blank? 28 – ___ = 12

8.)________________ Which is fewer? a. 5 tens b. 2 twenties c. 3 fifteens

9.)_______________ What is the next letter in the pattern B, D, F, H?

10.)________________Sheila has 17 red flowers and Gemma has 15 flowers. How many
flowers are there altogether?

11.)____________Which of the following is not a triangle?

12.)________________What is 6 minutes after 6:55 AM?

MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 8


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)____________________ There are 18 apples and 4 children. If 3 apples are given to

each pupil, how many apples are left?

2.) __________________A box has how many corners?

3.)__________________ Fill in the blank with the correct number. 45 – 12 = 8 + ___

4.)___________________What is the sum of 12 tens and 7 ones?

5.)___________________Faye started studying at 7:30 pm. If she studied for 45 minutes,

what time did she finish?

6.)__________________ Arrange the following numbers from smallest to largest:

11 – 6, 2 + 5, 3 + 6, 8 – 4, 16 – 10

7.)__________________ Children are lined up. Sheryl is 6th from the front and 12th from
the back. How many children are there on the line?

8.)__________________ If April 8 is a Saturday, what date is the next Saturday?

9.)__________________ What is the next letter in the list? B, D, F, H, ?

10.)_________________Pencils are bundled into 12. If there are 8 bundles, how many
pencils are there altogether?

11.)________________ There are 34 cupcakes to be given to a Grade 1 class. If there

are 28 students in the class, how many cupcakes are left?

12)_________________ Which of the following units is the largest?

a. millimeters
b. centimeters
c. inches
MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Grade 1 MTAP Reviewer – Set 9


Name:______________________________________ School:_________________________

1.)_____________________ What is the largest number 3-digit number that can be

formed between 300 and than 800 using the digits 2, 5, 8 and 6 if the digits cannot
be repeated?

2.)_____________________ What is six groups of 3 added to eight groups of 4?

3.)_____________________ Levi divided a cake into 12 equal slices. He gave 3 slices to

his friends and 2 slices each for her mother and father. How many slices of cake
were left?

4.)_____________________ The sum of a number and 12 is 25. What is the number?

5.)_____________________ Three cups of flour are needed to bake 6 pieces of muffins.

How many cups are needed to bake 18 pieces of muffins?

6.)_____________________ Fill in the blanks with the correct number? 8 + 12 = ___ + 11

7.)_____________________ If March 12 is a Monday, what date is the next Monday?

8.)____________________ Sheila studies for 1 and half hours a day. Yesterday, she
started studying at 7:30 pm. What time did she finish?

9.)___________________ Jimmy bought a bag for Php500 and a book for Php300. He
gave the cashier a Php 1000 bill. How much was his change?

10.)__________________ Fill in the blanks with >, =, or <

8 + 12 ____ 5 + 16

11.)____________________ Mario was born on November 16, 2002. How old is he now
(November 17, 2015)?

12.)___________________ One half of a number is 42. What is the number?

MTAP- DEPEd Math Challenge
Answer Keys
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
(1) tens 1. 132 1. 87
(2) 5 2. 8:05 2. 18
(3) 84 3. 120 minutes 3. 38
(4) 99 4. Hundreds 4. 3
(5) 0 5. 8 not 7 5. thousand
(6) 39 6. 12 6. six
(7) 34, all are divisible by 7. 29. The number 7. 35
8 increases by 4 each 8. minus or –
(8) 100 time 9. 23 pesos
(9) 36 8. 9 10. 29
(10) 6:40 9. 2 11. Saturday
10. One third or 1/3 12. one thousand two
11. March 6 hundred eighty seven
12. 36Php

Set 4 Set 5 Set 6

1. 72 1. 7
2. – 2. 288
3. 9 3. 198
4. X 4. 21
5. Php 50 5. a. kilogram
6. 49 6. 9
7. 24 7. 36
8. turn 8. 8
9. 1/6 9. 11:20 in the morning
10. 8 10. Monday
11. 8 11. 10:10
12. 40 12. Tuesday

Set 7 Set 8 Set 9

1.) 685 (read full solution)
1.) 6 2.) 50
2.) c 3.) 5
1.) b
3.) 25 4.) 13
2.) 30
4.) 127 5.) 9
3.) c
5.) 8:15 pm 6.) 9
4.) 21
6.) 8 – 4, 11-6, 16-10, 2+5, 7.)March 19
5.) 6
3+6 8.) 9:00pm
6.) 5
7.) 17 9.) Php200
7.) 16
8.) April 15 10.)<
8.) b
9.) J 11.) 13 years old
9.) J
10.) 96 12.) 84
10.) 32
11.) 6
11.) c
11.) inches
12.) 7:01 AM

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