Personal Pronouns 2 Pages

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I. Write the correct personal pronoun under each picture.

___________ ___________ ___________ ______________

___________ ___________ ___________ ______________

II. Replace these words with the correct personal pronoun.

Eva............................. good films .............................
my book ............................. an apple .............................
John and his father ............................. you and I .............................
Brian ............................. my grandfather .............................
Elisabeth and Ann ............................. Mr Green’s car .............................
this house ............................. their school .............................
our teachers ............................. this woman .............................
money ............................. chocolate .............................
these pictures ............................. students .............................
the sun ............................. water .............................
III. Rewrite the sentences and replace the words in bold
with the correct personal pronoun.
1. Robert is a student. ............................................................................
2. My parents are at home. ............................................................................
3. Water is life. ............................................................................
4. Paula loves flowers. ............................................................................
5. Joe and Eric are friends. ............................................................................
6. The house is very modern. ............................................................................
7. Tom’s grandfather is old. ............................................................................
8. This exercise is easy. ............................................................................
9. Tigers are dangerous. ............................................................................
10. Honey is good for you. ............................................................................
11. Mr Grey’s wife is intelligent. ............................................................................
12. Tomato soup is the best. ............................................................................

IV. Complete the sentences with the missing personal

1. Adam is in bed. .................... is ill.
2. This is Rita. .................... is my sister.
3. Mr and Mrs Sanders have got six dogs. .................... love animals.
4. I love milk. .................... is good for children.
5. Ronald and Brian are students. .................... study history.
6. That tree is very old. .................... is one thousand years old.
7. Don’t eat this meat. .................... is raw.
8. These are our rooms. .................... are very big.
9. ‘Where is jam?’ ‘.................... is in the jar.’
10. That is a bee. .................... is an insect.

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