Astm Volumetrcos
Astm Volumetrcos
Astm Volumetrcos
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
calibration may be required at the International Standards a film of solution will cover the entire interior surface. A break
Organization (ISO) recommended temperature of 27°C. Equa- in the film indicates a contaminated area. For filling a buret
tions are given to correct the calibrated volume to other with cleaning solution, it should be held in a vertical position
temperatures as this may be required or desired. and filled by pouring into the top. Open the stopcock to drain.
Regardless of the type of vessel, always rinse thoroughly, first
6. Apparatus with tap water and then with distilled water. Plastic volumetric
6.1 Balance, having sufficient capacity to weigh the loaded ware should be cleaned in an appropriate manner before
vessel. The sensitivity of the balance will be a limiting factor calibration.
in the accuracy of the measurements. Either a single-pan, 7.3 Reading and Setting a Liquid Meniscus:
direct-reading balance or an equal-arm balance of adequate 7.3.1 Reading the Meniscus—For all apparatus calibrated by
sensitivity and capacity may be used. In either case the weights this procedure, the reading is made on the lowest point of the
must be calibrated with adequate accuracy. Ordinarily, weights meniscus. In order that the lowest point may be observed, it is
with NBS Class S-1 tolerances are required. The balance must necessary to place a shade of some dark material immediately
have physical dimensions to accept the size of the vessels below and behind the meniscus, which renders the profile of
which need to be weighed. the meniscus dark and clearly visible against a light back-
6.2 Thermometer, for measuring the temperature of the ground. A convenient device for this purpose is a collar-shaped
water. The accuracy of this calibration will depend upon the section of thick black rubber tubing, cut open at one side and
accuracy requirement of the volumetric calibration (see Section of such size as to clasp the tube firmly. Alternatively, black
14 for tolerances). paper may be used. “Short line” graduated vessels where the
lines are less than one half of the circumference may be read
6.3 Barometer, capable of providing atmospheric pressure more accurately by placing a mirror against the rear of the
measurements, consistent with the tolerances given in Section vessel to reflect the front line.
14. Alternatively, the existing barometric pressure may be 7.3.2 Setting the Meniscus—Setting of the meniscus shall be
obtained from the local weather service. performed by one of the two methods detailed below. Wher-
6.4 Distilled or Deionized Water, suitable for general labo- ever practical the meniscus should descend to the position of
ratory purposes. setting. The position of the lowest point of the meniscus
7. General Considerations with reference to the graduation line is horizontally tangent to
7.1 This section describes manipulative techniques required the plane of the upper edge of the graduation line. The position
to obtain accurate and reproducible volumetric measurements. of the meniscus is obtained by having the eye in the same plane
of the upper edge of the graduation line.
7.2 Cleaning Procedures: The position of the lowest point of the meniscus
7.2.1 It is important that volumetric ware be thoroughly
with reference to the graduation line is such that it is in the
cleaned before being tested or used. Glass apparatus must be
plane of the middle of the graduation line. This position of the
sufficiently clean to permit uniform wetting of the surface.
meniscus is obtained by making the setting in the center of the
When clean, the walls will be uniformly wetted and the water
ellipse formed by the graduation line on the front and the back
will adhere to the glass surface in a continuous film. The clean
of the tube as observed by having the eye slightly below the
walls of some plastic apparatus, however, will not be wetted.
plane of the graduation line. The setting is accurate if, as the
(Follow the instructions of the manufacturer. Do not use
eye is raised and the ellipse narrows, the lowest point of the
materials which will attack, discolor, or swell the plasticware.)
meniscus remains midway between the front and rear portions
Lack of cleanliness causes irregularities in capacity by distort-
of the graduation line. By this method it is possible to observe
ing the water surface. The liquids usually used for cleaning
the approach of the meniscus from either above or below the
glassware are sodium dichromatic-sulfuric acid cleaning solu-
line to its proper setting.
tion (commercially available from laboratory supply houses),
nitric acid, fuming sulfuric acid, alcohol, and water. The choice NOTE 1—The difference between meniscus positions resulting from the
of cleaning agent to be used depends on the nature of the alternative methods of adjustment is the volume equivalent of one half the
thickness of the graduation line. In the case of articles where the capacity
contaminant. After cleaning with the cleaning solution and is read as the difference between two meniscus readings (for example on
thoroughly rinsing with tap water, the vessel should be rinsed a buret), then no error results if the article is manufactured using one
with distilled water. method of adjustment and is later used by the other method.
7.2.2 After cleaning, the vessel should be rinsed with ethyl Even in the most unfavorable cases of single-mark articles (for example
alcohol and dried with clean air at room temperature. It is not large flasks), when working to the highest attainable accuracy, the
difference between the two methods of adjustment is unlikely to exceed
necessary to dry any vessel marked “to deliver.” When 30 % of the Class A (precision apparatus) limit of error and a correction
cleaning small articles such as pipets, it is usually easier to fill can be calculated where necessary.
them with cleaning solution by suction, using a vacuum line, if
available, or a small rubber bulb, but never by mouth. The 8. Calibration Procedure for Burets
solution should be drawn through the pipet several times until 8.1 Clamp the buret vertically on a support stand; also
the entire inside surface is evenly coated. Rinse thoroughly clamp a plain glass test tube, large enough to hold a
with tap water and then with distilled water. For cleaning thermometer, near the buret if the buret is of such a size that it
flasks, pour in enough cleaning solution while rotating so that is not large enough to insert a thermometer in the top for
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Apr 14 12:36:17 EDT 2013
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
observing the temperature of the water. Fill the buret from a 10.1.1 After cleaning and drying, weigh the empty flask
reservoir or storage bottle, in which the water has reached including the stopper. Place an appropriate sized funnel or
equilibrium with room temperature, and check to verify that other filling device in the flask to discharge the water below the
there is neither leakage from the tip nor from the stopcock capacity line. Fill from beaker or supply line taking care to
plug. Drain and record the delivery time. Delivery time is avoid wetting neck above capacity line.
determined by the unrestricted outflow of the water from the 10.1.2 Place the flask under a buret and complete filling and
zero mark to the lowest graduation mark with the stopcock setting the meniscus, taking care not to splash water on the
fully open. Refill the buret to approximately 10 mm above the walls, after which place stopper in neck to lessen evaporation
zero mark and fill the test tube that holds the thermometer; and weigh. A pipet or dropper with a finely drawn tip may be
record the temperature. Set the meniscus on the zero mark used to adjust the meniscus instead of the buret. Determine the
using the buret stopcock to lower the liquid level and touch the temperature by placing a thermometer in the filling beaker or in
tip with the wetted wall of a beaker to remove any excess one which has been filled from the water supply. The tempera-
water. A weighing flask that has been tightly stoppered and ture may be taken after final weighing by placing a thermom-
weighed empty is placed with the inside of the neck in contact eter directly in the flask, provided the flask is of sufficient size
with the tip of the buret (the flask will be at a slight angle). to accommodate it.
8.2 Fully open the stopcock until the water is only a few 11. Calibration of Flasks (to Deliver)
millimetres above the line being tested and then the stream is
slowed so as to make an accurate setting. When the setting has 11.1 Do not dry flasks that are calibrated to deliver prior to
been completed, move the flask horizontally, breaking the the test. Fill the flask to approximately the index line and
contact with the buret. Recheck the setting. empty rapidly by gradually inclining the flask so as to avoid
splashing on the walls as much as possible. When the main
8.3 Then stopper and weigh the flask a second time, after drainage stream has ceased, the flask will be nearly vertical.
which refill the thermometer tube and test the next interval in Hold in this position for 30 s and touch off the drop of water
the same manner as the first one—from the zero mark to the adhering to the top of the flask. Place a watch glass or plastic
next interval needed. cap on the flask to reduce evaporation and weigh immediately.
8.4 For burets with a specified waiting time, use the Take a water temperature reading, fill the flask, and make the
following procedure: after adjustment to the zero mark, fully meniscus setting on the index line, taking care not to splash
open the stopcock until the meniscus has reached a position a water on the walls. Place the same cap or watch glass on the
few millimetres above the graduation line for calibration. After filled flask and weigh. The reverse of this procedure may be
the specified waiting time (for example, 30 s), adjust the used, if desirable.
meniscus to the graduation line, remove the flask, and weigh.
12. Calibration of Other Volumetric Glassware
9. Calibration Procedure for Pipets (One Mark) 12.1 Measuring Pipets—Measuring pipets may be cali-
9.1 Fill the pipet with distilled water by suction to the index brated by a similar procedure as described in Section 8, except
mark and measure the delivery time with the tip in contact with that the tip must be in contact with the wet wall of a beaker or
the glass surface of the internal side of a beaker. Refill by other vessel when the setting is made on the zero line of a
suction slightly above the index line. Record the temperature of measuring pipet.
the distilled water in the beaker from which the pipet is filled. 12.2 Graduated Cylinders—Volumetric ware of this kind
Remove any water on the outside of the tip by a downward may be calibrated by the procedures described in Sections 10
wipe with filter paper after the filling is completed. Then or 11.
slowly lower the meniscus to the index using either a stopcock
or hose clamp for “fine control.” The tip must be in contact 13. Weighing Procedure
with the wet wall of a beaker while the setting is made on the 13.1 Two weighings are required, namely IL referring to the
index line. Do not remove any water remaining on the tip at loaded vessel, and IE referring to the empty vessel. Normally,
this time. Hold the pipet in a vertical position and deliver water IE and IL are observed under the same conditions, hence a
into a previously weighed weighing flask with the tip in contact precise zero adjustment of the balance is not necessary. Either
with the inside wall of the neck of the flask. After the water has a single-pan or double-pan balance may be used. For the latter
ceased to flow, wait 2 s, then remove the pipet from contact case, during both weighings, place on the opposite pan a
with the flask. The flask is now stoppered and weighed with its vessel, similar to the one being weighed to serve as a tare.
contained load. Complete both of the required weighings in as short a time
interval as convenient to assure that they have been weighed
10. Calibration of Flasks (to Contain) under similar conditions. Record the temperature of the air in
10.1 After cleaning and drying, weigh the empty flask the balance case and the barometric pressure for use in
including the stopper. Place an appropriate sized funnel in the subsequent calculations.
flask to discharge the water below the stopper. Fill from beaker 13.2 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions in making the
or supply line, maneuvering the funnel so as to wet the entire requisite measurements. Weighings should be made with care
neck below the stopper. Let stand for about 2 min to allow the and made expeditiously to minimize evaporation losses which
walls to drain. would constitute a source of error. The balance used should be
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Apr 14 12:36:17 EDT 2013
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
in prime working condition. The vessels that are weighed error. The tolerances for the parameters involved in the
should be clean externally, and handled carefully to avoid calculation of V20 are as follows:
contamination. Vessels may be wiped with a clean cotton cloth Parametric Volumetric
as required. Handling with clean cotton gloves is considered to Tolerance Tolerance
Relative humidity ± 10 % 1 in 106
be good practice. Air temperature ± 2.5°C 1 in 105
Air pressure ± 6 mm 1 in 105
14. Calculations Water temperature ± 0.5°C 1 in 104
14.1 Calculate the volume from the weight of the water, 14.2.2 It is evident that the measurement of the water
contained or delivered, as follows: temperature is the most critical factor in accurate volumetric
calibration. The values of Z from Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3
V 20 5 ~ I L 2 I E !~ Q ! S 1
ρw 2 ρA DS 12
ρBD@ 1 2 α ~ T 2 20! # (1) introduce no errors greater than 2 in 100 000. For more
accurate values for weighing conditions not applicable to Table
where: 1, Table 2, and Table 3, Eq 1 should be used with appropriate
IL − IE = the difference, in grams, obtained by sub- values of the constants obtained from Appendix X1 of this
tracting the balance indication in grams practice.
associated with the empty weighing flask 14.3 While volumetric glassware is almost universally cali-
from that associated with the loaded flask, brated at a standard temperature of 20°C, the temperature of
Q = the apparent mass conversion factor that use may be different. The calibrated volume for other tempera-
differs from unity for single-pan, direct- tures may be calculated as follows:
reading balances, depending upon the actual V T 5 V 20[11α ~ T 2 20! (4)
density of the weights and the apparent mass
scale to which they have been adjusted by 14.3.1 For commonly used borosilicate glassware, the cor-
the manufacturer. The factor has a maximum rection becomes:
value of 1.000013, hence may be considered V T 5 V 2010.00001 V 20~ T 2 20! (5)
as unity for most volumetric calibrations,
S 1
ρ w 2ρ A
and D
= two density terms which require knowledge
of air density, ρA, water density, ρw, and the
14.3.2 For soda-lime glassware, the correction becomes:
V T 5 V 2010.000025 V 20 ~ T 2 20! (6)
ρB D density of the balance weights, ρB (density
of balance weights taken as 7.78 g/cm3), and
14.3.3 Table 4 gives the correction to various observed
1 − α(T − 20) = the thermal expansion factor used to convert volumes of water, measured at the designated temperatures, to
the volume from the temperature of mea- give the volume at the standard temperature, 20°C. Conversely,
surement in degrees Celsius, to the standard by subtracting the corrections from the volume desired at 20°C,
temperature of 20°C. The symbol α repre- the volume that must be measured at the designated tempera-
sents the coefficient of cubical expansion of tures in order to give the desired volume at 20°C will be
the vessel. obtained. It is assumed that the volumes are measured in glass
apparatus having a coefficient of cubical expansion of
14.2 By multiplying the observed mass of water (IL − IE) by 0.000025 per° C. The table is applicable to dilute aqueous
an appropriate Z factor, the volume of the glassware at the solutions having the same coefficient of expansion as water.
standard temperature of 20°C may be obtained. By substituting Table 5 gives temperature corrections for water, when mea-
Z into Eq 1, the equation may be expressed as follows: sured in borosilicate glass apparatus having a coefficient of
V 20 5 ~ I L 2 I E ! Z (2) cubical expansion of 0.000010 per °C.
where: 15. Precision
Z 5 ~Q! S~ 1
ρ w 2 ρ A! DS 12
ρB D
@ 1 2 α ~ T 2 20! # (3)
15.1 Experience has shown that a competent operator
should be able to repeat volumetric calibrations within the
limits indicated in Table 6.
Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 are provided to facilitate the
calculation of the volume from the observed weighings for the 15.2 The largest source of experimental error associated
weighing conditions and practices commonly used. Table 1, with this measurement is in the adjustment of the meniscus,
Table 2, and Table 3 are applicable when weighings are made which will depend on operator care and is related to the cross
with either a single-pan, direct-reading balance or with a section of the tubing where the meniscus is located. Some
double-pan balance with brass weights. typical values are given in Table 4.
14.2.1 Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 require a knowledge of 15.3 Bias—The procedure in this practice for determining
the temperature of water at the time of measurement (this is volume has no bias because the volume is determined only in
also assumed to be the temperature of the laboratory air) and terms of this procedure.
the barometric pressure. the latter may be measured or obtained
from the local weather service. Nominal values may be used, 16. Keywords
provided it is verified that this will not introduce significant 16.1 apparatus; calibration; laboratory; volumetric
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
TABLE 1 Values of Z in Eq 2 as a Function of Temperature and Pressure for Use in Calibration of Type I, Class A, Borosilicate GlassA
Barometric Pressure Temperature,° C
kPa mbar mm Hg 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
77.33 773 580 1.00179 1.00193 1.00208 1.00225 1.00243 1.00262 1.00281 1.00302 1.00324 1.00347 1.00371 1.00396 1.00422 1.00449
79.99 800 600 1.00182 1.00196 1.00211 1.00228 1.00245 1.00264 1.00283 1.00304 1.00326 1.00349 1.00374 1.00399 1.00424 1.00451
82.66 827 620 1.00184 1.00199 1.00214 1.00231 1.00248 1.00267 1.00287 1.00308 1.00330 1.00353 1.00377 1.00402 1.00428 1.00455
85.33 853 640 1.00187 1.00201 1.00216 1.00233 1.00251 1.00270 1.00290 1.00311 1.00333 1.00356 1.00380 1.00405 1.00431 1.00458
87.99 880 660 1.00189 1.00204 1.00219 1.00236 1.00254 1.00272 1.00292 1.00313 1.00335 1.00358 1.00382 1.00408 1.00433 1.00460
90.66 907 680 1.00192 1.00207 1.00222 1.00239 1.00256 1.00275 1.00295 1.00316 1.00338 1.00361 1.00385 1.00410 1.00436 1.00463
93.33 933 700 1.00195 1.00209 1.00225 1.00242 1.00259 1.00278 1.00298 1.00319 1.00341 1.00364 1.00388 1.00413 1.00439 1.00466
95.99 960 720 1.00198 1.00212 1.00228 1.00245 1.00262 1.00281 1.00301 1.00322 1.00344 1.00367 1.00391 1.00416 1.00442 1.00468
98.66 987 740 1.00201 1.00215 1.00230 1.00247 1.00265 1.00284 1.00304 1.00324 1.00346 1.00370 1.00393 1.00418 1.00444 1.00471
101.32 1013 760 1.00204 1.00218 1.00233 1.00250 1.00268 1.00286 1.00306 1.00327 1.00349 1.00372 1.00396 1.00421 1.00447 1.00474
103.99 1040 780 1.00207 1.00221 1.00236 1.00253 1.00270 1.00289 1.00309 1.00330 1.00352 1.00375 1.00399 1.00424 1.00450 1.00477
106.66 1067 800 1.00209 1.00224 1.00239 1.00256 1.00273 1.00291 1.00312 1.00333 1.00355 1.00378 1.00402 1.00427 1.00452 1.00479
Values of Z assume a relative humidity of 50 %.
TABLE 2 Values of Z in Eq 2 as a Function of Temperature and Pressure for Use in Calibration of Type II, Soda-Lime GlassA
Barometric Pressure Temperature,° C
kPa mbar mm Hg 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
77.33 773 580 1.00186 1.00199 1.00212 1.00228 1.00244 1.00262 1.00279 1.00299 1.00319 1.00341 1.00363 1.00387 1.00411 1.00437
79.99 800 600 1.00189 1.00202 1.00215 1.00231 1.00246 1.00264 1.00281 1.00301 1.00321 1.00343 1.00366 1.00390 1.00414 1.00439
82.66 827 620 1.00192 1.00205 1.00218 1.00234 1.00250 1.00267 1.00285 1.00305 1.00326 1.00347 1.00369 1.00393 1.00417 1.00443
85.33 853 640 1.00194 1.00207 1.00220 1.00236 1.00253 1.00270 1.00288 1.00308 1.00328 1.00350 1.00372 1.00396 1.00420 1.00446
87.99 880 660 1.00196 1.00210 1.00223 1.00239 1.00256 1.00272 1.00290 1.00310 1.00330 1.00352 1.00374 1.00399 1.00422 1.00448
90.66 907 680 1.00199 1.00213 1.00226 1.00242 1.00258 1.00275 1.00293 1.00313 1.00333 1.00355 1.00377 1.00401 1.00425 1.00451
93.33 933 700 1.00202 1.00215 1.00229 1.00245 1.00261 1.00278 1.00296 1.00316 1.00336 1.00357 1.00380 1.00404 1.00428 1.00454
95.99 960 720 1.00205 1.00218 1.00232 1.00248 1.00264 1.00281 1.00299 1.00319 1.00339 1.00361 1.00383 1.00407 1.00431 1.00456
98.66 987 740 1.00208 1.00221 1.00234 1.00250 1.00267 1.00284 1.00302 1.00321 1.00341 1.00364 1.00385 1.00409 1.00433 1.00459
101.32 1013 760 1.00212 1.00224 1.00237 1.00253 1.00270 1.00286 1.00304 1.00324 1.00344 1.00366 1.00388 1.00412 1.00436 1.00462
103.99 1040 780 1.00214 1.00227 1.00240 1.00256 1.00272 1.00289 1.00307 1.00327 1.00347 1.00369 1.00391 1.00415 1.00439 1.00465
106.66 1067 800 1.00216 1.00230 1.00243 1.00259 1.00275 1.00291 1.00310 1.00330 1.00350 1.00372 1.00394 1.00418 1.00441 1.00467
Values of Z assume a relative humidity of 50 %.
TABLE 3 Values of Z in Eq 2 as a Function of Temperature and Pressure for Use in Calibration of Type I, Class B, Borosilicate GlassA
Barometric Pressure Temperature,° C
kPa mbar mm Hg 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
77.33 773 580 1.00182 1.00195 1.00210 1.00226 1.00243 1.00262 1.00281 1.00302 1.00323 1.00346 1.00370 1.00394 1.00420 1.00447
79.99 800 600 1.00184 1.00198 1.00212 1.00229 1.00246 1.00265 1.00284 1.00304 1.00326 1.00348 1.00372 1.00397 1.00422 1.00448
82.66 827 620 1.00186 1.00201 1.00215 1.00232 1.00249 1.00267 1.00287 1.00307 1.00328 1.00351 1.00375 1.00399 1.00425 1.00451
85.33 853 640 1.00190 1.00203 1.00218 1.00234 1.00251 1.00270 1.00289 1.00310 1.00331 1.00354 1.00378 1.00402 1.00427 1.00454
87.99 880 660 1.00192 1.00206 1.00221 1.00237 1.00254 1.00272 1.00292 1.00312 1.00334 1.00357 1.00380 1.00405 1.00430 1.00456
90.66 907 680 1.00195 1.00209 1.00224 1.00240 1.00257 1.00275 1.00295 1.00316 1.00337 1.00359 1.00383 1.00407 1.00433 1.00459
93.33 933 700 1.00198 1.00211 1.00226 1.00243 1.00259 1.00278 1.00298 1.00318 1.00340 1.00362 1.00386 1.00410 1.00435 1.00461
95.99 960 720 1.00200 1.00215 1.00229 1.00246 1.00262 1.00281 1.00301 1.00321 1.00342 1.00365 1.00389 1.00413 1.00438 1.00464
98.66 987 740 1.00204 1.00217 1.00232 1.00248 1.00266 1.00284 1.00303 1.00324 1.00345 1.00367 1.00391 1.00415 1.00441 1.00467
101.32 1013 760 1.00206 1.00220 1.00235 1.00251 1.00268 1.00286 1.00306 1.00326 1.00348 1.00370 1.00393 1.00418 1.00444 1.00470
103.99 1040 780 1.00209 1.00223 1.00238 1.00254 1.00271 1.00289 1.00309 1.00329 1.00350 1.00373 1.00397 1.00421 1.00447 1.00473
106.66 1067 800 1.00212 1.00226 1.00240 1.00257 1.00273 1.00292 1.00311 1.00331 1.00353 1.00375 1.00399 1.00424 1.00449 1.00476
Values of Z assume a relative humidity of 50 %.
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Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Nacional de Colombia pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
TABLE 4 Temperature Corrections for Water Measured in Soft Glass Apparatus Having a Coefficient of Cubical Expansion of
Temperature Capacity of Apparatus in Millilitres at 20°C
of Measure- 2 000 1 000 500 400 300 250 150
ment (°C) Correction in millilitres to give volume of water at 20°C
15 +1.54 +0.77 +0.38 +0.31 +0.23 +0.19 +0.12
16 +1.28 +0.64 +0.32 +0.26 +0.19 +0.16 +0.10
17 +0.99 +0.50 +0.25 +0.20 +0.15 +0.12 +0.07
18 +0.68 +0.34 +0.17 +0.14 +0.10 +0.08 +0.05
19 +0.35 +0.18 +0.09 +0.07 +0.05 +0.04 +0.03
21 −0.37 −0.18 −0.09 −0.07 −0.06 −0.05 −0.03
22 −0.77 −0.38 −0.19 −0.15 −0.12 −0.10 −0.06
23 −1.18 −0.59 −0.30 −0.24 −0.18 −0.15 −0.09
24 −1.61 −0.81 −0.40 −0.32 −0.24 −0.20 −0.12
25 −2.07 −1.03 −0.52 −0.41 −0.31 −0.26 −0.15
26 −2.54 −1.27 −0.64 −0.51 −0.38 −0.32 −0.19
27 −3.03 −1.52 −0.76 −0.61 −0.46 −0.38 −0.23
28 −3.55 −1.77 −0.89 −0.71 −0.53 −0.44 −0.27
29 −4.08 −2.04 −1.02 −0.82 −0.61 −0.51 −0.31
30 −4.62 −2.31 −1.16 −0.92 −0.69 −0.58 −0.35
TABLE 5 Temperature Corrections for Water Measured in Borosilicate Glass Apparatus Having a Coefficient of Cubical Expansion of
Temperature Capacity of Apparatus in Millilitres at 20°C
of Measure- 2 000 1 000 500 400 300 250 150
ment (°C) Correction in millilitres to give volume of water at 20°C
15 +1.69 +0.84 +0.42 +0.34 +0.25 +0.21 +0.13
16 +1.39 +0.70 +0.35 +0.28 +0.21 +0.17 +0.10
17 +1.08 +0.54 +0.27 +0.22 +0.16 +0.13 +0.08
18 +0.74 +0.37 +0.19 +0.15 +0.11 +0.09 +0.06
19 +0.38 +0.19 +0.10 +0.08 +0.06 +0.05 +0.03
21 −0.40 −0.20 −0.10 −0.08 −0.06 −0.05 −0.03
22 −0.83 −0.41 −0.21 −0.17 −0.12 −0.10 −0.06
23 −1.27 −0.64 −0.32 −0.25 −0.19 −0.16 −0.10
24 −1.73 −0.87 −0.43 −0.35 −0.26 −0.22 −0.13
25 −2.22 −1.11 −0.55 −0.44 −0.33 −0.28 −0.17
26 −2.72 −1.36 −0.68 −0.54 −0.41 −0.34 −0.20
27 −3.24 −1.62 −0.81 −0.65 −0.49 −0.41 −0.24
28 −3.79 −1.89 −0.95 −0.76 −0.57 −0.47 −0.28
29 −4.34 −2.17 −1.09 −0.87 −0.65 −0.54 −0.33
30 −4.92 −2.46 −1.23 −0.98 −0.74 −0.62 −0.37
In using the above tables to correct the volume of certain standard solutions to 20°C, more accurate results will be obtained if the numerical values of the corrections
are increased by the following percentages:
N N/2 N/10
HNO3 50 25 6
H2SO4 45 25 5
NaOH 40 25 5
KOH 40 20 4
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Apr 14 12:36:17 EDT 2013
Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Nacional de Colombia pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
TABLE 6 Precision Data
Vessel cm3A
Size, cm3
Flasks 10 0.005
25 0.005
50 0.007
100 0.011
200 0.014
250 0.017
500 0.021
1000 0.042
Burets 10 0.003
25 0.005
50 0.007
100 0.012
The term “reproducibility” refers to the maximum difference expected between
two independent determinations of volume.
(Nonmandatory Information)
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Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Nacional de Colombia pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E542 − 01 (Reapproved 2012)
TABLE X1.2 Density of Air, ρA, in g/cm3 A
Barometric Pressure Temperature,° C
kPa mbar mm Hg 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28
77.33 773 580 0.00094 0.00093 0.00093 0.00092 0.00092 0.00091 0.00091 0.00090 0.00090
79.99 800 600 0.00097 0.00096 0.00096 0.00095 0.00095 0.00094 0.00093 0.00093 0.00092
82.66 827 620 0.00100 0.00100 0.00099 0.00099 0.00098 0.00097 0.00096 0.00096 0.00095
85.33 853 640 0.00103 0.00103 0.00102 0.00102 0.00101 0.00100 0.00100 0.00099 0.00098
87.99 880 660 0.00106 0.00106 0.00105 0.00105 0.00104 0.00103 0.00103 0.00102 0.00101
90.66 907 680 0.00110 0.00109 0.00109 0.00108 0.00107 0.00107 0.00106 0.00105 0.00104
93.33 933 700 0.00113 0.00112 0.00112 0.00111 0.00110 0.00110 0.00109 0.00108 0.00107
95.99 960 720 0.00116 0.00116 0.00115 0.00114 0.00114 0.00113 0.00112 0.00112 0.00110
98.66 987 740 0.00119 0.00119 0.00118 0.00118 0.00117 0.00116 0.00115 0.00114 0.00113
101.32 1013 760 0.00123 0.00122 0.00122 0.00121 0.00120 0.00119 0.00118 0.00117 0.00117
103.99 1040 780 0.00126 0.00125 0.00125 0.00124 0.00123 0.00122 0.00121 0.00121 0.00120
106.66 1067 800 0.00129 0.00128 0.00128 0.00127 0.00126 0.00125 0.00124 0.00124 0.00123
Computed for air at 50 % relative humidity.
(1) Hughes, J. C., “ Testing of Glass Volumetric Apparatus,” NBS (3) Pontius, P. E., “ Mass and Mass Values,” NBS Monograph 133,
Circular 602, National Bureau of Standards, April 1959, Washington, National Bureau of Standards, 1974 .
D.C. 20234. (4) Taylor, J. K., “ Measurement of Density and Specific Gravity,”
(2) Lembeck, J., “ The Calibration of Small Laboratory Glassware,” Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, edited by I. M. Koltholl and P. J.
NBSIR 74-461, December 1974, National Bureau of Standards, Elving, Interscience Publishers, New York, N.Y., Part I, Vol 7, 1967,
Washington, D.C. 20234. pp. 4561–4610.
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