MMZG 513: Maintenance Engineering

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MMZG 513

Maintenance Engineering
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus Lecture -09 (28/09/19 )

BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling

Chapter – 7
Topics to becovered

 Job Planning
 Job manuals
 Job scheduling
 Scheduling techniques
 Job scheduling within limited resources
 Short term planning
 Long term planning

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Planning
 Planning of maintenance job basically deals with
answering two questions “ What” and “How” of the
job- that is, “What” jobs/ activities to be done ? And
“How” those jobs/ activities are to be done ?
 Persons responsible for job planning should have the
following qualities/capabilities:
 Knowledge about jobs, available techniques and
 Conceptual logical ability.
 Creativity.
 Analytical ability.
 Judgemental courage etc.
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Steps of JobPlanning
 Knowledge about equipment, job, available techniques
and facilities etc. Planner should have understanding
of workorder requirement and should know and refer
to –
 Correct equipment number and coding
 Refer to CMMS for details and previous history of job .
 Drawings , Instruction manuals, Maintenance manuals
including dismantling, assembling and packing
 Job manuals
 Experience on similar machines/jobs
 Departmental maintenance workshop
 Near by ancillary industries etc.
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Steps of JobPlanning
 Job Investigation at Site-
 Physical access and space limitations
 Facilities for disposal of water, oil, gases and hazardous
which may leak or come out during dismantling
 Space for keeping the dismantled parts and safety
enclosures for machine under repair
 Proximity of other jobs , going on at potentially the same
time .
 Safety issues like requirement of permit , clearance ,
putting danger tags , any hot / cold / wet situation
 Identify any reference point / bench mark for ease of
assembly .
 Take necessary photographs before dismantling.
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Steps of JobPlanning

 Identify and document the work

 Based upon previous steps and needs of preventive ,
predictive and other maintenance jobs , a complete job/
work list is made.
 Pending and left over jobs from previous schedules may
also be included .
 Planner also consults concerned operating and
maintenance personnel for any specific problem and cross
checking .
 A trained planner may review the inspection results for
common problems ( mis-alignments , imbalance ) and also

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Steps of JobPlanning
 Development of Repair Plan
 Preparation of step by step procedure for accomplishing the
work with most economical use of time , manpower and
material .
 It may include making of sketches , line diagram and rough
networks etc .
 For first time Jobs , provision of still and videography can also
be planned at start and during critical dismantling .
 Weight of each item to be determined / estimated before
hand and planning to be done to avoid multiple handing of
same item.
 Total Job should be broken in small measurable activities
at this stage .
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Steps of JobPlanning

 Preparation of a list of special tools, tackles and

special facilities required
 Estimation of time required to accomplish the job/ work
 Work simplification
 Work measurement
 Critical path analysis
 Provision of necessary safety devices and safety
 Work order feed back forms / plan

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Planning

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Planning Techniques

 Work Break down structure

 This involves breaking the total job down into lower and lower
levels of tasks that have to be carried out .
 Good test is to easily estimate how long the task will take and
who will be required .
 There is never wrong and right answer how we do WBS.
 It is up-to planner to come up with best solution.
 The pre- requisite for a planner is -
 Should be able to estimate the resources
 Should be able to design the work
 Should think about reporting cycle

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Planning Techniques
 Work Measurement
 Careful analysis of task , its size , the methods used in its
performance and its efficiency .
 The objective is to determine the WORKLOAD ( the amount
of work assigned to or expected from a worker in specified
time period ) in an operations, the time that is required and
number of workers needed to perform the work efficiently .
 The purpose of measurement is to collect data about actual
events .
 It has three components .
 Preferred method
 Time values
 Reporting
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Planning Techniques
 Work measurements methods
 All work measurements systems are based upon simple three
stage procedure
1. Analysis
2. Data collection and measurements
3. Synthesis
They differ in nature and degree of analysis , the nature and level
of data collection and measurement and nature of synthesis
process .
Four Measurement methods
1. Historical data 2. Work sampling 3. Time study 4.
predetermine motion / time systems
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Planning Techniques
 Work Packages
 It involves details of work is required and when it is to be
 Negotiation to agree for the work with line manager and for
necessary clearances .
 Arranging the broken down works in some logical sequence ,
determining what work to be done in parallel and putting them
on paper .
Tools and technique used
1. Gantt Chart – Planning technique
2. PERT and CPM – scheduling and monitoring technique

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Manuals
 Job manuals are almost permanent records about
methodology, spares, tools and facilities etc. for all
maintenance job which may have to be done in future.
 Following steps are generally involved in preparing job
 Make a list of all major and medium maintenance jobs of the
plant and codify them (numerical codes) for proper identification
 For each coded job, a separate job manual is to be made
 Each job manual, thus prepared, should be cross-checked and
okayed by maintenance incharge.
 Different job manuals should be bunched and sent to
respective/potential users
 Necessary updating of job manuals
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Job Manuals

 Job Manuals are quite useful for maintenance

organization and plant .
 Few main uses are
 For actual planning and scheduling of any job , the job manual
provide ready information for use for further micro planning .
 Used for reference before start of Job for ensuring to follow
correct procedures and to take necessary tool and spares to
avoid frequent visit to store and save time
 Material department may use job manual for better material
procurement strategy .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Scheduling
 Scheduling of maintenance job basically deals with
answering two question-
 “Who” would do the job and
 “When” the job is to be done or started?
 Scheduler must obtain knowledge about the following
aspects before starting-
 Man-power availability by trade, location, shifts, crew
arrangement and permissible overtime limits etc.
 Man hour backlog on current and unfinished jobs
 Availability of proper tools, tackles, spares, consumables,
structurals and other required materials
 Availability of the equipment or area where the work has to
be performed
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Job Scheduling

 Availability of special tools, special equipments, jigs and

fixtures, special facilities and handling/lifting equipments
and cranes
 Availability of external manpower and their capabilities
 Starting date for the job
 Past schedules and charts (updated) if the same job has
been done earlier also; this may give an idea of any
unforeseen problem which cropped-in.

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Scheduling

 Availability of special tools, special equipments, jigs and

fixtures, special facilities and handling/lifting equipments
and cranes
 Availability of external manpower and their capabilities
 Starting date for the job
 Past schedules and charts (updated) if the same job has
been done earlier also; this may give an idea of any
unforeseen problem which cropped-in.

 A schedule without a plan is like wish list .

 It requires realistic thinking , based upon substantial
data and records .
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Principles
 Job plan should provide number of workmen required with
lowest required skill / craft level and Job duration .
 Entire plant must respect the importance of schedules and
Job priorities .
 Special or heavy demands jobs cannot be schedule
unless backlog is addressed by providing additional
 Lobs will not be schedule unless all planned materials are
available in time and in required quantity .
 Each available maintenance trade must be scheduled for
full day of productive work for every day of availability.
 Scheduler should develop a one week schedule for each
crew based upon craft hour availability .
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Principles
 Preference must be given for completing higher priority
work even by under- utilizing available skill level over
completing lower priority work .
 Wrench Time is primary measure of planning and
scheduling efficiencies .
 Advance scheduling – It deals with more allocation of work
rather than detailed scheduled of exact personnel and
time assignment .
 .Scheduling differ from Job loading
 Job loading is the jobs listed in sequence of agreed upon
importance during weekly or other coordination meetings
This sequence may not be chronological with in week or
that period .
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Techniques
 The first step in job scheduling is to break the total job
into smaller measurable elements called activities and to
arrange the activities in logical sequence to determine
preceding, concurrent and succeeding activities.
 Following two types of techniques are more
commonly used in industries/plants-
 Bar charts/Gantt charts
 Network Technique
 Gantt chart is a project planning tool that can be used to
represent the timings of tasks required to complete the
 Each task / activity takes up one row and dates run
along the top in increments of days , weeks and months
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Techniques
 Bar charts/Gantt charts
 Bar chart is a simple chart indicating the list of activities,
agencies doing those activities and their calendar time
interval in the form of a bar infront of the activity.
 It is commonly used by technical analysts .
 The horizontal scale on bottom of chart indicates the
passage of time .
 Time scale is usually shift wise , daily , weekly or monthly
 It visualizes two major tasks .
 Time flow of individual processes for all project
workspace members
 To provide project manager with functionalities for
individual processes .
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Techniques
 Bar charts/Gantt charts
 Bar chart Is a Gantt chart in maintenance on slightly
lower scale for scheduling maintenance Jobs and
employ same principles as Gantt chart .
 Maintenance Bar Charts are of two types –
 Over all chart – All activities of repair plan in one chart
 Individual chart – Two types
o Individual section / area such as separate charts for
maintenance crews , heavy maintenance crews ,
o Individual crew or workmen wise chart within each
individual agency .
 Individual workman chart is also called Manpower chart
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Bar chart/Gantt chart

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Scheduling Techniques

 Network Technique:
 Bar Chart do not clearly define interdependencies of
activities , which activity must precede and which
succeed and how much delay in one activity actually
affects other activities.
 To overcome this demerit , Network technique have
come up .
1. PERT ( Programme Evaluation and Review
technique )
2. CPM ( Critical path method )
 The network are made of Activities and Events .
 Activities tells the actual job to be done and in the
form of straight line
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Techniques

 Events tells the actual beginning and ending of

activities and designated by a circle or smtimes by
 Event do not consume any time but activities do
consume time .
 All events are numbered and an activity is indicated
by two connecting events .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Scheduling Techniques

After plotting the network following steps are followed.

1. Total repairs / shutdown Job is divided into small
measurable activities called WBS .WBS is a hierarchic
decomposition or breakdown of major activity into
successive levels , in which each level is finer breakdown of
preceding one .
2. All activities are arranged in logical sequence and plotted on
paper so that succeeding activity and event must follow the
preceding activity and event
3. The network is not drawn on time scale , but it has time
sense , means each event starting earlier than few events
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Techniques

After plotting the network following steps are followed.

must be on left side of those events . Similarly , an event
finishing later than the few events , must be on right
side of events .
4. From one event many activities can start and many activities
can end at one event.
5. There can be only one activity between two events .If there
is no activity between two events , they are connected by
dummy activities ( doted lines ) to show the time sense
6. The activity may or may not have arrow head .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Scheduling Techniques

7. Based upon activity time , Calculate the Earliest start time

and Latest finish time . Similarly Latest start time and
Earliest finish time is calculated . Then Slack time for each
activity ( Amount of time the activity can be delayed past its
EST or EFT without delaying the job ) and Float for each
event ( the amount of time an activity can be delayed without
affecting subsequent activities ) are calculated . Float is also
called node
8. Each network will have at least one critical path having
zero slack and zero float.
9. The total time duration of the repair job is obtained by adding
all the activity times of the critical path.
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Scheduling Techniques

Many network techniques are in use but the most

common ones are:
 Program Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT):
– Developed to manage the Polaris missile project
– Used for bigger works , involving uncertainties
– It allows randomness in activity time .
– It has three estimates , ‘Optimistic’ ,’Most likely’ and
pessimistic .
– Exp. activity time = { OT +4(MLT) +PT } /6
– Many tasks pushed the boundaries of science &
engineering (tasks’ duration = probabilistic)

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Scheduling Techniques

Many network techniques are in use but the most

common ones are:
 Critical Path Method (CPM):
– Developed to coordinate maintenance projects in the
chemical industry
– A complex undertaking, but individual tasks are
routine (tasks’ duration = deterministic) , Uses the
fixed time estimate for each activity .
– Similar to PERT chart and sometimes called PERT/
– It does not consider time variation that have great
impact on completion time of complex project or repair
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Advantages and Disadvantages

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

Use of nodes and arrows

Arrows An arrow leads from tail to head directionally

– Indicate ACTIVITY, a time consuming effort that is required to
perform a part of the work.

Nodes  A node is represented by a circle

- Indicate EVENT, a point in time where one or more activities start
and/or finish.

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Critical Path Method

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Critical Path Method

Activity on Node Activity on Arrow

- A completion of an activity is - An arrow represents a task,

represented by a node while a node is the
completion of a task
- Arrows represent order of

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

Each event has two important times associated with it :

- Earliest time , Te , which is a calendar time when a event can occur
when all the predecessor events completed at the earliest possible
- Latest time , TL , which is the latest time the event can occur with out
delaying the subsequent events and completion of project.

Difference between the latest time and the earliest time of an event is the
slack time for that event

slack : Slack is the amount of time an event can be delayed without

delaying the project completion

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

Immediate Duration
Activity Description
Predecessor (weeks)
A Develop product specifications None 4
B Design manufacturing process A 6
C Source &purchasematerials A 3
D Source &purchase tooling & equipment B 6
E Receive &install tooling &equipment D 14
F Receive materials C 5
G Pilot production run E&F 2
H Evaluate product design G 2
I Evaluate process performance G 3
J Write documentationreport H&I 4
K Transition to manufacturing J 2

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

Paths Path duration

The longest path (ABDEGIJK) limits the
project’s duration (project cannot finish in
less time than its longest path)

ABDEGIJK is the project’s critical path

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

 All activities on the critical path have zero slack

 Slack defines how long non-critical activities can be
delayed without delaying the project
 Slack = the activity’s late finish minus its early finish
(or its late start minus its early start)
 Earliest Start (ES) = the earliest finish of the immediately
preceding activity
 Earliest Finish (EF) = is the ES plus the activity time
 Latest Start (LS) and Latest Finish (LF) = the latest an
activity can start (LS) or finish (LF) without delaying the
project completion

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Path Method

Late Early Slack

Ac t i vi t y
Finish Finish (weeks)
A 4 4 0
B 10 10 0
C 25 7 18
D 16 16 0
E 30 30 0
F 30 12 18
G 32 32 0
H 35 34 1
I 35 35 0
J 39 39 0
K 41 41 0
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Job Scheduling WithinLimited
 Network technique theoretic assumes unlimited
resources and tries to make as much job/activities
concurrent as technically possible. But in actual
maintenance scheduling, following limitations and
constraints are faced:
 Resources (man-power and facilities) are limited
 Occasionally start time and end time are fixed before-
hand because of fitting the job in available shutdown
 Actual site condition and handling facility
constraints/obstructions forces job1 theoretically possible
to start concurrently, to be done one after other.

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Scheduling WithinLimited
 Scheduling of maintenance jobs within limited
resources is a greater challenge. The problem
becomes very complex when the network is large. As
such, following are three basic approaches are
adopted to solve such scheduling problem:
 Subjective Approach
 Mathematical Programming Approach
 Heuristic Approach

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Scheduling WithinLimited
 Subjective Approach
 This is essentially a manual process and scheduler
decide subjectively which activity is to deferred or to be
made from concurrent to succeeding .
 Mathematical Programming Approach
 Considering all the constraints and limitations , a
systematic search is made for optimal solution amongst
various possible alternatives .
 The optimal solution is the schedule of activities which
minimizes the completion time , while observing the
activities precedence and resource limitations .This may
use inter and dynamic programming .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Scheduling WithinLimited
 Heuristic Approach- Rule of thump approach
 The heuristics which may be used include
 Most suited with in limited resources ,
 Involves devising simple procedure of activity scheduling
that do not much affect on critical path activities and do
not much deviate from optical ones .
 It includes :
 Minimum Job / activity slack time method
 Minimum late finish time method
 Greater resource utilization method
 Most Job utilization method .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Job Scheduling WithinLimited
 There are two methods of maintenance scheduling
within limited resources
 Series method.
 Parallel method.
 The series method assumes that once an activity is
started, it cannot be interrupted but the parallel method
scheduling assumes that splitting or postponing and
restarting of an activity is permissible.

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Short-Term Plans
 Short-term planning of maintenance jobs generally includes
small preventive maintenance, diagnostic maintenance,
small defect rectification, adjustments and small corrective
maintenance which are planned and scheduled on day to
day basis.
 Some of the short-term jobs are listed below-
 Lubrication plans and schedules.
 Small defect rectification.
 Vibration monitoring of critical equipments.
 Wear debris analysis and condition monitoring of lube and
hydraulic system
 Thermography and other diagnostic analysis.

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Long-Term Planning

 Long-term maintenance planning include the planning

functions/ jobs which are helpful in maintaining
original level of performance in term of output
efficiency and reliability.
 Following are some of the long-term maintenance plans
used commonly in industries plants:
 Major Repairs and Capital Repairs
 Annual Overhauls and Statutory Overhauls
 Renovation and Revamping
 Modernisation
 5-year Rolling Plans.
 Strategic Maintenance Planning
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Long-Term Planning

 Corporate Planning
 Turn-Around Planning

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Maintenance Turnaround
and outage Management
 Maintenance turnaround
 This term recently used often in industry
 Planned outage of shop /plant to completely overhaul
equipment(s) and plant so that it will become almost new
and will have full operating life . Turn around is a phase
during which actual maintenance is performed as per plan.
 Outage Management
 It means power supply not available when equipment under
 It is effective management of total shutdown period .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Maintenance Turnaround
and outage Management
 cost effectiveness – criteria for turnaround
 Need to consider the following points
 Present condition and its impact on cost
 Possibility of cost effective turn around
 How much of over all budget should be allocated to
 Amount of P/L due to plant being off line during turn around
 Advance preparation is required to keep the turn around as
short as possible .
1) Phase -1 : Initiation Phase -4 : Termination
2) Phase -2 : Preparations
3) Phase -3 : Execution
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Shutdown Planning and Execution

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Shutdown Planning and Execution
1. Shutdown Identification :Study of followings
 No of past failures on each equipment
 Root cause of such failure
 Cost associated with such failure
 Cost associated with loss of production
 Environmental impact of such failures .
2.. Shutdown Planning :Study of followings
 Planning of time period of each activity
 Labour requirement skilled / unskilled
 Procedure for any Job
 Special resources for any particular Job
MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Shutdown Planning and Execution
3. Shut down scheduling
 Preparing Gantt chart
 Preparation of CPM and PERT charts
 Monitoring the progress as per schedule
 Mobilizing extra resources like labour , machines .
4 Shutdown resource Planning
 Planning of labour trained and experience in Job
 Planning of equipment and special tools .
 Work order placement needed to execute like civil ,
structural etc.

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Shutdown Planning and Execution
5. Past history of Maintenance
 Data on supplier reliability
 Data on quality of workmanship on specific contractors
 Time schedule required carrying out specific tasks
 Past mistake in sequence of operations .
6. Budgeting cost
 Collection of labour costs from the past information and
allowing for present cost of living index
 Cost of resource like machines , contractors , special tools
 Work order costs .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Shutdown Planning and Execution
7. Work Execution
 Prepare organization chart showing the responsibility of
each members of the team
 Follow up on work order placed
 Follow up the schedule on hourly basis and reporting for
corrective action
 Prepare contingency plans such as additional emergency
power supply etc .
 Keep the design team to be prepared state for any
modifications to the design such as routing of cables , pipes
etc .

MM ZG513, Maintenance Engineering, 28/09/2019, Lecture-09 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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