16 Aspects of Production Planning - Operating Layout and Phase Plans

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Thomas R.

Pincock, Allen & Holt, Inc.

Thomas R. Couzens has over 20 years of experience

i n open pit operations in the southwestern United
States. He was senior pit engineer at the Questa, NM,
mine of the Molybdenum Corp. of America. He has
direct working experience with the varied components
of successful pit operations, with premining activities
including planning of exploratory drilling, ore reserve
estimates, mine access, and waste disposal. He also
has considerable experience i n applying computer
techniques to the needs of the mining engineer. He
i s presently the manager of mine planning for Pin-
cock, Allen & Holt, Inc., Tucson, AZ.
He received his B.S. in mining engineering from the
University of California and his A.B. from Stanford
University. He is a member of AlME and of Tau
Beta Pi.
Introduction estlmatlon and commonly Include a number of years of
yearly plannlng for long-range guldance and perhaps
This chapter covers certaln aspects of open plt pro-
quarterly or monthly plans for short-range plannlng.
ductlon plann~ngbased on experience. polntlng out
The operatlng staff may develop weekly or dally plans
approaches to plannlng that may help produce a real-
wlthln this framework. The whole process is t ~ e dto-
1 s t picture
~ for evaluation and operatlon The subjects
gether by productlon report~ngand regular comparison
dlscussed are roads, preproduction stnpplng, dump
In order to g u ~ d efuture est~mat~ng. The mlne operators
plann~ng, dewater~ng, the relationship of product~on
and their associated planners have the task of making
plannlng to equlpment select~on,and computer meth-
the operatlon work. The operations planner may feel
ods for the short-range or operatlonal pit plannlng
that he 1s caught In the m~ddlebetween the mlne super-
process Actual determination of ore llmits, p ~ des~gn,
~ntendent,who 1s saddled wlth many problems, such as
and product~onschedules are covered In other chapters
cost control, labor relations, and equlpment availab~l~ty,
This discussion is somewhat general. Specific prob- and the long-range planners, who have lndlcated that
lems that occur In mlne plannlng are extremely vaned, thlngs should go smoothly ~f the long-range plan 1s
and ~t 1s not poss~bleto cover many of them In a chap- followed. It 1s often not so slmple, however, and the
ter, therefore, only some of the pr~nclplesthat are problems dlscussed in this chapter may Indicate how
Important in the approach to open pit productlon plan- difficult and demanding operations plannlng can be
nlng problems wlll be dlscussed.
Much of the emphasls In publ~shedworks on plan-
Certaln characterist~csof open p ~ tplanning should nlng has been from the long-range planning and feasi-
be kept In mind even though they may seem elementary bll~ty study approach. However, it is important for
Flrst, we must keep our objectives clearly defined people In long-range plannlng to thlnk llke operatlonal
whlle reallzing that we are deallng w ~ t hestimates of planners at certaln stages of their work. Obviously,
grade, projections of geology, and guesses about eco- there are many deta~lsthat a long-range planner cannot
nomlcs We must be open to change Second, we must go Into as deeply as the operatlonal planner, but anyone
communlcate. If planning 1s not clear to those who in long-range plannlng should frequently ask hlmself,
must make decisions and to those who must execute "How would I plan this ~f I had to be the mlne super-
the plans, then the planning wlll be either m~sunder- ~ntendentand actually make it work?"
stood or ignored Thlrd, we must remember that we
At operatlng mlnes, there 1s usually reasonably good
are dealing with volumes of earth that must be moved
lnteract~on between long- and short-range plannlng,
In sequence; geometry 1s as Important to a planner as 1s
but In new property stud~esor feas~bllltystudies, pro-
arithmetic Fourth, we must remember that we are
duct~ontype plannlng may be neglected By the time
deallng wlth time, that volumes must be moved rn time
the production plann~ngstage of the feas~bll~ty study 1s
to real~zeour product~ongoals, and that the productive
reached, many calculat~onshave probably been made
use of tlme wlll determine efficiency and cost effectlve-
on the backs of envelopes and on scratch paper and
ness. Finally, we must seek acceptance of our plans
perhaps ~n a prel~minaryfeas~bll~ty report In addition,
such that they become the company's goals and not
some of the executives have probably roughed out thelr
just the planner's ~deas.
ideas of what 1s requlred to make a worthwh~leInvest-
ment ~onslderabletlme and money may have been
Long-Range and Short-Range spent assembling the baslc deposlt model data, perhaps
Production Planning lnvolvlng several months of lntenslve computer work
Open pit product~onplanning 1s of two kinds Flrst, At thls point, there 1s a temptation to take some
there is the short-range product~onplannlng that 1s a shortcuts through the product~onplann~ngstage Some-
necessary function of an operatlng mine. It can be one has made some operatlng cost calculat~onson the
called operational plannlng. The second klnd of pro- bas~sof average grade, average waste ratio, and total
ductlon plannlng is connected w ~ t hlong-range feasi- tonnage, and these have entered Into the economics of
b111ty type planning T h ~ slong-range productlon plan- definlng the ultimate pit At t h ~ sstage, there may be
ning supplements the p ~ des~gn
t and reserve estimation several Ideas about operatlng rates, operatlng costs, and
work that 1s usually done for feas~billty or budget equlpment. Also, the feasiblllty study may be exceed-
studies and 1s an Important element of the dec~sion- lng the ongnal schedule both In tlme and cost, and
mak~ngprocess. there may be pressure on the planners to supply num-
At an operatlng property, it is common to have cer- bers. Often the mill has been part~allydesigned on the
tain regularly scheduled planning procedures and re- b a s ~ sof certaln throughputs, and everyone IS somewhat
ports. These are often related to an annual ore reserves surpr~sedat the way capital costs are mount~ng.
220 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design

It is important that production-type planning not be efficient operating manner. The practical width is not a
slighted at this stage because it will influence a number fixed dimension but must be related to the size of the
of decis~onsthat can be cruc~alto the success of the equipment and to the amount of equipment used in a
evaluation of the operation if it goes into production. stage or pushback or slice. For example, if there will
Most of us have seen examples where hasty decisions be two shovels working on the stripping In the same
at this point have been extremely costly in the long run slice, there must be enough width to allow room for
or have led to operating conditions that later proved drilling to the bench below as well as for haulage, power
unworkable. Though the production planning in a cables, and whatever else is required while a bench 1s
feasibility study is not truly a detailed operational plan, being mined.
it should be made as close to an operating plan as lt Once the phases are designed and measured, the
can be in order to estimate realistically how the opera- planner can determine the approximate total materlal
tion wlll go. The planner should have the attitude that movement requlred to provide a continuing ore supply
he will not be confined to certain operating slopes, with a reasonable ore exposure. When the level of
waste ratios, or preproduction stripping numbers until annual tonnage output is decided, he can then go back
he is satisfied that he has a truly workable mine plan and draw up the yearly ore time period plans, measur-
Such a plan must allow for access, haulage, enough ing them, and tabulating results. It may be necessary
operating room to work mining equipment efficiently, to go through this process two or three times before an
and enough ore exposure to assure a proper mill feed adequate plan is developed. Even then, after each
even in the face of some uncertainty. pass, a planner may see things he would probably
change if he were going to do it again, unless the de-
Use of Phase Plans posit and the mining are so regular that he is sure that
a given amount of stripping will automatically release
Thls subject may be a partial repetition of material
covered in other chapters but it is reviewed here be- a given amount of ore I don't know any good substi-
cause of its relevance to equipment selection, dump tute for this process and lt may take considerable time,
especially when the plans are balanced to equipment
planning, and other aspects discussed in t h ~ schapter.
In order to break up the overall pit reserve Into more
manageable planning un~ts,planners usually make some Development of phases also makes it possible to
kind of phase deslgns Ideally these are made for time determine the amount of preproduction stripping re-
periods, probably years, for the first few years, and quired and to get a more exact determination of the
then perhaps for multiple-year periods on to the ex- actual best fleet of equipment We commonly develop
haustion of the reserve. In the beginning, however, it a graph that shows time relationships through phases
may be useful to take a look at the pattern of mining with total tonnage movement and waste/ore ratio On
in a coarser division than years so phases or stages are such a graph, the planner can see what has to be done
developed. Phase plans are a preliminary attempt to to smooth out or otherwise adjust the production. It is
relate the geometry of mining the ore to the geometry not usual to operate with one waste ratio for the entire
of the d~stributionof the ore in the deposit. They are mine life, but within certain periods, a somewhat even
the framework wlthin which more detalled time period production rate will be maintained. Adjusting produc-
plans can be made tion in thls way avoids the need for sudden buildups In
Ordinarily, there IS some amount of stripping, waste, equipment or per~odsof surplus equipment, it also
or low-grade materlal above the ore which must be lessens problems of labor supply.
removed before the ore is exposed to minlng. Unfor- When a mine is worklng several large shovels, cer-
tunately, it is not always a simple matter to schedule tain combinations appear to be best from the standpoint
this waste removal. Consequently, the planner needs of utiliz~ngboth equipment and manpower This may
to develop a plcture of the pit at the end of each phase affect the waste ratio or indicate when an operation
in order to start to visualize the waste/ore relationships should go to a certain waste ratio An example of this
We usually start with an approximate tonnage of ore is Included in the discuss~onof equipment selection.
to be developed In each phase and then, uslng whatever Two examples of product~on graphs are shown
slope criteria we have, we determine the waste that Fig 1 illustrates a plan where the milling rate was con-
must be removed to release this ore stant and the plan was worked out to achieve a good
It is Important to show at least one haul road in each blend of ore, good ore exposure, and good operating
phase to be sure that enough volume has been allowed conditions The waste was determined as required to
to prov~dea way out The phases need to be wide achieve these requirements. Consequently, the yearly
enough for the equipment to work ~ t sway down In an waste/ore ratios fluctuated An average waste/ore ratio
Aspects of Production Planning



was then shown wlth a dashed line through the heavy are sufficient to set the overall pattern. The yearly
stripping period (end of year 13). Replannlng with plans enable definite production goals to be set In space
t h ~ sratio In mind would enable a better equipment and as well as in quantities of material to be moved, and
manpower estimate to be made. they allow better economlc evaluat~ons than phase
Fig. 2 lllustrates a different type of production sched- averages can provide. Also, the yearly plans glve a
ule graph. It lllustrates the various relationsh~psin a better defin~tionof the relationship of the phases to
fin~shedplan between total tonnage movement, ore re- each other as they overlap in the complete mlne opera-
qulrements, waste ratio, and shovel sh~fts.T h ~ sklnd of tion, thus showlng actual operating slopes and haulage
presentation to management makes it poss~bleto com- routes.
munlcate the mlning schedule better than just bare
statements of tonnage and waste/ore rat~os. Graphic Methods
It IS Important to make the transltlon from phase One of the most Important aspects of any pit plan-
plans to time per~odplans as soon as the phase designs nlng is graphlc representatlon More mlsunderstandings
Open Pit Mine Planning and Design


81.000 TPO

72.000 TPO
- 2.00

54.000 TPO

r - - - - -
1 35
7 1.31

w/o r------ 35.000 TPO


27.000 T P O ~
23.000 TPD

0 44

l ' 2 1 3 1 4 1 S 1 6 1 7 1 B
19 ' 1 0 ' 3 0 MORE YEARS - I

Fig. 2. Example of final production schedule graph after balanced mining plan.
probably occur because of inadequate or nonexistent to numerically schedule production based on average
drawings than from any other factor. Communication waste/ore ratios, and never to draw the final mine plan
of planning goals to upper management requires clear period maps to see how the plan fits together. This
and presentable drawings. In many cases, rough or sometimes happens even in good operating companies,
sketchy drawings not only indicate hasty work but and surprises can be encountered that cause both plan-
actually can hide real operating problems that may not ners and operators to develop gray hairs trying to make
show up until committed work is far along. Good rep- things fit. Sometimes even operating at the proper
resentations of each stage of pit planning are not useful waste/ore ratio does not develop the ore properly if
only for cosmetic effect or for selling plans; they also the waste is not moved from the right place at the right
help the planner dlscover needed changes before opera- time.
tional commitments are made and provide realistic ob- The scale of planning maps is an important choice
jectives for the short-range planners to work toward. The main planning should be done at a scale that keeps
Except for illustrative sections or sections used for the whole pit on one sheet, if possible, and yet permits
special derivations, such as pit wall placement, most of sufficient detail to be realistic. For the average medium
the pit planner's work is done on plan maps A set of to large size metal or industrial minerals pit, common
bench maps showing the topography or surface con- planning scales are 1 in. = 100 ft ( 1 mm= 1.2 m) or
tour, location of ore, geologic boundaries, and design 1 in =200 ft (1 mm=2.4 m) or 1.1000, 1:1250, and
limits for each bench IS essential Pit composite maps 1 :2000 in metric ratios A metric scale of 1 : 1250 is
showing the shape of the mine at the end of each plan- very close to the English 1 in. = 100 ft (1 :1200). Ade-
ning period should be kept up as the plan is developed. quate road design can be done at these scales for most
These enable the planner to avoid conflicts between planning purposes, and I£ specific detailed drawings
features of the plan, provide a picture of the access at have to be made for construction of complicated inter-
each stage of development, and illustrate the actual sections or drainage structures, these exceptions can be
working slopes, operating room, and spatial relation- handled at whatever scale is required.
ship between ore and waste. Geologc detail mapping is commonly carried at a
These maps are often neglected We all tend to take larger scale such as 1 500, but this is usually too large
shortcuts under pressure, and one of the easiest short- to keep the entire mine on one sheet. For pit planning,
cuts to take is to develop a general, phased mining plan it is usually better to reduce the necessary geologic
Aspects of Production Planning 223

outlines to fit a convenient planning scale than to ob- less room with more force fitting of haulage than was
scure the planning by havlng it on multiple sheets of possible with railroads As a result, road design is
paper that are difficult to relate to each other. sometlmes neglected in long-range planning. Someone
Finally, there 1s the question of how to depict the has to come to grips with roads at some point, and the
bench locat~onson the mine plan. Personally, I have long-range planner is really letting down on the job if
Iound the use of bench centerlines or midbench con- he leaves it to the mine superintendent and his staff.
tours to be the simplest and most straightforward way He is reducing his own credibility and is forcing the
to represent the shape of the mlne. There is seldom the decision-making process into the short-range phase
necessity to depict toes and crests of each bench except where the decisions sometimes do not adequately reflect
for illustrat~onto people who are unused to looking at the long-range needs If haulage and access are pro-
plannlng maps or for certain other spec~ficpurposes v~dedfor in the long-range planning, a lot of the other
Usually, it is easy for people working with the maps to problems take care of themselves; otherwise, haulage
get accustomed to visualizing the toe and crest loca- and access changes may force operations to depart
tions, and the mine map draftsmen can easily develop from the long-range plans to the point where nobody
toe and crest lines for making field notes for layout considers such planning worthwhile. The ultimate pit
work The drawlng in Fig 3 illustrates a minlng plan design may change several times as new knowledge,
composite map. It shows the bench centerline contours add~t~onal drilling, and changes in economics force
at the end of a year, indicating the haul roads, stripping constant redesign Nevertheless, the final road should
area, and part of the waste dumps. Outside of the pit be shown because it does give an estimate of the ton-
area, the contours are labeled with their true elevations; nage necessary and prevents an uncomfortable awaken-
inside the plt, the elevations refer to the bench toe ing to the fact that the actua?mining is going to be more
elevations, and the bench centerlines are one-half the than initial forecasts called for.
bench height above the labeled elevation. In other The first thing in the layout of a new pit is to declde
words, it is the flat areas between centerlines that are where the road exlt or exlts from the pit will be. T h ~ s
labeled On ramps, the bench centerlines cross the is dependent on the location of crusher or dump points
ramp halfway between benches, and the labels are at and is greatly influenced by topography. Considerable
the actual bench elevation on the road. To those who thought should be given to selecting these exits. De-
are accustomed to uslng toes or crests, t h ~ smay at first pending on need, there may be one or more such exit
seem confus~ng,but in the long run, the ease of relating points
these composite maps to the bench maps for measuring In the intermediate stages, the roads should also be
and the simplicity of the picture offset any initial prob- thought out carefully. It is nlce to develop the final
lem with labeling. road layouts as early as possible, but many roads are
temporary, lastlng for a period of a few months to a
Roads few years, and then they are replaced by other roads
The planning of roads is one of the most important that serve new pushbacks or stages in the pit. Often it
aspects of open plt planning. Because of their effect on seems attractive to try to design some kind of an ex-
everything to do with the plt, road considerat~onsneed ternal haul road that will not be disturbed by the rnin-
to be worked into the plannlng at as early a stage as ing, but in many cases this is not practical because the
possible. Roads are difficult to include In some of the connections to such a road often cause more trouble
computer plt generatlons. For this reason, they are than just movlng a road in the mlnlng phases.
sometlmes left out of the early economic evaluat~ons. Mine superintendents understandably like to have
Plts can be designed without considerat~onof roads but more than one way in and out of the pit in case some-
~t has been my experience that even after an economi- thing happens to a haul road A slide or some other
cally optlmum pit is designed, if roads are absent, the disruption or just the problems of operating a road
changes required to brlng the pit into a realistic mining when there is mining above may cause traffic delays.
configuration are often drastic in terms of tonnage as Sometimes a second road is not feasible if it requires a
well as in the shape of the pit. lot of stripping, but the pit designer and long-range
In rail pits, which were common in the previous planner should always keep in mind a way to get the
generation, a great deal of attention was given to the ore out if there is an interruption in the main haulage
layout of rail haulage. The fact that railroad operations system.
are not as flex~bleas truck operations forced this kind In laying out roads in long-range plans, there is
of planning to be dominant. Now, with the advent of usually a question whether to spiral the road around
truck haulage, some things can be done more easily in the pit or to have a number of switchbacks on one side
224 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design

Fig. 3. Example of a mining plan composite map for a specific time; pit lines are midbench
Aspects of Production Planning 225

or a combination of both. Sometimes the geometry of Table 1. Minimum Road Design Widths for
the deposit leaves little choice, for example, when there Various Size Rear Dump Trucks
is a gently sloplng ore contact In some area that pro-
vldes room to work In swltchbacks at little strlpplng
Truck Approx 4x Design width
cost. The planner must take advantage of these things size :: width, m width, m m ft
and always deslgn the pit to fit the shape of the deposlt.
Generally speaking, ~t IS deslrable to avold switchbacks 35 37 14 8 15 50
85 ton 5.4 21 6 23 75
because they tend to slow down traffic, cause greater 120 ton 59 23 6 25 85
tlre wear and various maintenance problems, and are 170 ton 6.4 25 6 30 100
probably more of a safety hazard than splral roads
However, I£ there is a low slde to the plt, it may be ::Nornlnal slze In short tons.
better to have some swltchbacks on that slde than to 7Metrlc equivalents' 1 s t x 0 9 0 7 1847=t, 1
accept a lot of strlpplng all the way to the top of the f t x O 3048=rn
high slde to provlde room for a road or serles of roads
on that slde. If switchbacks are necessary, it IS Im- lated to trucks. The design width w~llprobably be
portant to leave enough length at the switchbacks for a adjusted to a rounded standard figure for basic design,
flat area at the turns so that trucks don't have to operate subject of course to varlatlons as at turns, switchbacks,
on extremely steep grades at the inslde of curves and or hlgh traffic denslty areas.
so on. The planner should also thlnk about the dlrec- Some mines have two lanes In one dlrectlon over
tlon of traffic and some of the problems the drlvers part of the haul road For example, they allow passlng
may have wlth vlslblllty on swltchbacks. for uphlll loaded traffic and keep the downhlll empty
One of the important considerations in laying out traffic In a single lane. These things have to be worked
the haul roads IS width. There is a tendency elther to out In some detall by the deslgner after he knows
design roads somewhat narrow to save stripping or to something about the shape of the pit, the equipment,
go the other way and deslgn a great hlghway that may and the traffic denslty
be too costly. Naturally, wlde roads are des~rablebut The second baslc consideration is road grade. In a
we have to balance these agalnst other factors A com- plt where there IS a considerable vertical component to
mon rule of thumb IS that the deslgn width should be the haulage requirement, the grade wlll have to be falrly
no less than four tlmes the wldth of the haul trucks steep to reduce the length of the road and the extra
Thls allows for two-way haul truck traffic and room materlal necessary to provlde the road length. How-
for an outslde berm and an inslde dltch d necessary ever, the practical maxlmum is usually considered to
Large plts commonly have 25- to 30-m roads and there be 10%. A number of plts operate qulte well at 10%
may be stretches of haul road, such as where several both favorable and unfavorable to the loads. If ~t does
streams of traffic come together near a crusher, where not cause too much extra str~ppingor unduly compll-
a greater w~dthwlll be deslrable. Fig. 4 shows a mini- cate the road layout, 8% IS probably preferable because
mum haul-road cross sectlon for an actual truck it glves a blt more latltude In buildlng the road and
Table 1 shows some typlcal haul-road widths as re- fitting in bench entries w~thout havlng some locally

7 +-- 5.4M

5.4M 12.4M

Fig. 4. Typical design

haul-road width for two-
~ $ 1 way traffic using 77.114
(85-st) trucks.

ARE F O R L E C T R A - H A U L M-85.
226 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design

oversteep places Unless there is a long distance to is a natural place to think of cutting back Some of the
travel without requiring much lift, there is normally , suggestions that are brought to the planner are difficult
nothlng to be gamed by flattening the road below 8%; to cope with because they deal with uncertainties, such
the extra length on the grade and the complications of as slopes Someone may suggest steepening the slopes
fitting the road into the available room or doing extra to save stripping expense, assuming that it can be made
stripping would probably offset any increase in uphill up later when the operation starts to show a better cash
haul speed The geometry of the pit is the main con- flow. The planner may not have enough information to
sideration, and the roads must be designed to fit the know how steep the walls wlll stand, and yet he is
particular situation. Often there will be a number of reluctant to take too big a risk. We sometimes see
different grade segments In haul roads for thls reason. mlnes where decisions have been made to open the
Safety features should always be kept In mind, par- mine with an insufficient amount of preproduction
ticularly in the case of downhill haulage; some means strlpping, caus~ngsevere problems later.
must be provided to reduce speed or handle the truck The important thing to remember in preproduction
that loses its brakes. Probably the most successful stripping (and this of course is true in any subsequent
thing In thls area is the center muck berms called phase as well) is that enough work has to be done to
whopper stoppers, straddle berms, and various other expose a sustaining ore supply and to keep the mine in
slang expressions. These should be high enough to a condition that allows it to be operated efficiently at
impinge on the undercarriage of the truck if the driver all times. Setting the amount of preproduction strip-
needs to use the berm to reduce his speed. It is not ping involves determining the volume that must be
necessary to build a big barrier that forms another crash moved to open up the ore and to provide enough de-
hazard. The important thing here, as much as designing veloped ore to last until more is uncovered It may be
something to stop the trucks, is training the drivers to something of a juggling act to fit thls in with production
get on the berm or into the bank immediately if they rates and the equipment buildup schedule and to deter-
start to lose control of the truck, before they develop mine the amount of time required. Scheduling the pre-
such speed that whatever they do 1s hazardous. If the production stripping 1s very important Sometimes the
driver tries to turn lnto a berm or a bank at too high preproduction work 1s contracted but in a large tonnage
a speed, the truck wlll probably turn over new mine, which will use shovels and trucks for both
Other safety features that may be considered are stripping and mining, it is probably better to use the
runaway ramps and turnouts. In time these may be preproduction phase to build an organization and to
required, but again, intelligent operation, good training, gain operating experience. These are all factors that
and thorough equipment maintenance are the main the planner must evaluate
contributors to safety. One aspect of preproduction work that should not be
In the actual construction of main haul roads, super- overlooked is the development of lnltial roads. This
elevation on curves, calculated vertlcal curves, specla1 may lnvolve considerable excavation and construction
surfacing, and such highway type deslgn features may work before the mine is even In condition to get the
be indicated, particularly with large equipment and strlpping started efficiently. This usually requires con-
high tonnage operations. In ordinary mine planning, siderable dozer work, perhaps some scraper excavation,
however, the planners are more concerned with esti- and careful planning of the inltial access road. Ideally,
mating bulk volume removal in the pit and will not the lnltial road should become part of the haul road and
spend too much time In this klnd of detailed design. If should be designed to serve thls purpose by providing
the basic room is left and the routes are well worked good access to the initial dump areas The provision of
out, the minlng department and field engineers can power lines and other services may also enter into the
usually build excellent haul roads to promote efficient preproduction planning.
Dump Planning
Preproduction Stripping Dump planning can be a difficult part of the plan-
One of the biggest challenges in any preliminary ner's job because the volumes he is filling tend to be
feasibility planning is determining the proper amount less definite than the volumes he 1s removlng from the
of preproduction strlpping. By the tlme the feasibility plt. The plt deslgn 1s usually well worked out in order
mining schedule is belng made, it IS usually surprising to provide a good sequence, and considerable time is
how much capital has been estimated for the project, spent on economic evaluations to position the pit walls
and there is often a temptation to save a few million at the rlght place and to develop roads. Then the
dollars by reducing the preproduction stripping. This dumps are often just indicated as "over there." Many
Aspects of Production Planning 227

factors enter into dump plannlng and the planners have leaving room down below for later when ~t would be
to balance a variety of factors such as the length of needed for the lower waste
hauls, the requ~redlifts, and the relationship of dumps Unfortunately, In feasibility studies there may not
to property constraints, other ~nstallations, dralnage, seem to be tlme to do such studles. The Important
and, In recent years, reclamat~on or envlronmental polnt is to face the fact that dump planning can have
requlrements. an important bearing on plt planning, particularly in
Pit planning should lnclude an estimate of where the the haulage layout, scheduling, and equipment estlmat-
dumps are going to be at each stage in connection wlth Ing areas. Haulage stud~esare discussed in another
a haulage study and the necessary haul and lift ex- sectlon of thls book so we will not go into detail here,
amlnation The planner can look at the trade-off be- but we need to recognize their importance. For ex-
tween an addltlonal lift and a longer haul. T h ~ is
s valu- ample, the same waste/ore ratlo In different tlme pen-
able knowledge, whlch most often requires an actual ods In a plt may not mean much ~f the haul distances
map layout of the dumps. differ w~delybecause cost and truck requlrements may
Several years ago, I worked as a mlne planner at a be qulte d~fferentat the same ratlo Tdeally, we should
mlne where we had a canyon to dump Into along one have enough planning to be able to opt~mizethe waste/
slde of the mine, and we were pushing a ridge back a ore ratlo on a relatlve cost basis wlthin the ore develop-
few hundred feet As we came off the r~dge,we could ment constraints.
dump around the end of the ridge stralght Into the
canyon. The canyon was almost parallel to the r~dge. Dewatering
By doubling back and hauling up, we could get more There are two reasons for dewaterlng In an open pit
lnto the canyon than by dumping straight out, but at mine First, ~t is very difficult to operate wlth much
the cost of a longer haul and lift. Obviously, the temp- water in the pit. Second, the presence of water in the
tat~onto get production efficiency led us to want to plt walls usually reduces slope stability. Consequently,
dump stra~ghtoff and let the dump run Into the canyon. the planner 1s faced with the problem of considering
The only trouble was that the dump toe would soon get water at nearly every step of his work. Water affects
out to where we would have to stop advancing in that blasting, equipment operation and maintenance, road
d ~ r e c t ~ obecause
n of a major haulageway below If we construction, and even ore quallty. There are experts
. took the easy dump haul wh~lestripping the upper part In the field of rock mechanics who will dlscuss the
of the rldge, when we got down lower on the ridge, we effects of water on slope stability and pit deslgn in this
would find that the easy haul was used up, and we book, so I will not cover this to any great extent except
would have to llft waste farther up the canyon. This to acknowledge the importance of both water and struc-
would mean adding conslderable cycle time because ture in pit design.
we would be mining from a lower elevat~onand dump-
In new plt designs, ~t is lmportant to estlmate the
ing at a much, higher elevation. So when we looked
amount of expected water. This means looklng at ram-
ahead at the truck requirements, they tended to balloon
fall records, drill logs, and hydrologic reports, if they
In the later phases of stripplng. exlst, as well as talking to geologists on the job. It is
To convince ourselves and our superiors, we ended often tempting to ignore the geology but since we are
up building a physical model of the topography out of working in a geologic medlum, attention should be paid
various materials such as egg cartons and modellng to faults, aquifers, or underground worklngs which
clay We measured out volumes of sand representing could indicate potential water problems. Even arid
the waste volumes from each bench, and we actually areas may require conslderable water management
bullt the dumps In several different ways, photograph- plann~ng In wet climates, a constant coplng with water
ing the layout and keeplng track of the haulage and
becomes part of normal operating methods. However
llft lnvolved This was used to predict the number of
trucks needed to keep the pushback going Because of in dry areas, a lot of water may fall In two or three
a tight time schedule for ore development and room storms and though the total precipitation may be low,
for only two shovels (one part of the time), we had to the effect of precipitation IS concentrated into a short
keep the stripplng movlng. We discovered that we per~odand causes much trouble.
would have really hurt ourselves in the long run if we In many places, feasibility studies must be related to
had taken the easy dump haul In the beginning By envlronmental plannlng, and the planner may have to
using this model, we were able to demonstrate to every- consider what happens to water that is removed from
one's satlsfactlon that we should discipline ourselves to the plt. Can it be d~schargedinto natural drainage or
haul to the upper end of the canyon in the early phases, must it be impounded, treated, or recycled? Of course,
228 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design

recycling may have economic benefits to offset the cost operation, of course, a major purpose of the feasibility
consequences. study is to determine equlpment requirements and to
In planning a pit, if it appears that a significant guide equipment selection. Several factors enter into
amount of ground water or surface water will be en- the selection of the klnd of equ~pmentto be used,
countered, plans must be made to remove it. This may including the rock characteristics, the shape and con-
mean peripheral ditches at the pit bottom, as In the case tinuity of the mlneralizatlon, the selectivity needed in
of some of the uranium operations that collect dralnage the mining of the ore, the slze and geometry of the
from the plt walls, and then channel lt to a sump from mine, and the distances required to move the material.
which it is pumped out of the pit. Horizontal dram The amount of equlpment is dlctated partly through the
holes may be needed, or in some mines, it may be nec- efficient size of unlts that can be applled; other factors
essary to drill and blast a collectlng sump and install are the need for geographical distr~but~on in the pit to
a well-type pump that wlll draw the water down enough provlde ore blending or coverage of varlous required
to allow drilling and mining in the bottom. Sometimes working areas, the need for backup, and the mobillty
underground workings can be used, or they may even of the equipment
be driven in order to drain part of the pit walls. Most Attention has to be pald to the work schedule and the
mines at some time use one or more pumps to move labor force. Though equ~pmentproductivitles are often
water out of a sump to the mill or to a dralnage channel glven In such units as tons per hour, actual crew sched-
for discharge. uling is done by shlfts so it is usually best to figure
Perched water bodies can exist in the walls of the equipment productivities In terms of output per shift
pit. These may have an effect on blasting, or they may It is then easy to relate production requirements, equip-
create ground-water problems even in an area without ment requirements, and labor requirements
slides. Equipment delayed on wet or spongy roads can Usually for expensive pieces of equlpment, llke
create problems and add to operating costs Sometimes shovels and trucks, a three-shift operation is the most
these perched water bodies may be carried down the economical. Therefore, it 1s good to have a total shovel
slde of the plt and encountered repeatedly. shifts requirement, for example, In multiples of three
In long-range planning, if ~t 1s known that there are so equipment can be evenly distributed among the
wet areas, cost projections may be influenced by ~ndi- shifts. If you have four shovel shlfts scheduled on one
cating different explosives in certain areas or by dictat- shift and three on each of the others, then you must
lng extra room for sumps, dltches, or pipelines In a own enough trucks to cover four shovels during the one
preliminary study, ~t IS not usually necessary to des~gn sh~ft. Otherwise. you may be limlting the production
In detall the drainage features In the pit, but some allow- of the shovels on the four-shovel shift. This can usually
ance should be made for their handling, and some be best worked out on a trial table of various combina-
money should be budgeted to cope with water. tions, perhaps for each of several sizes of equlpment
Streams or even dry arroyos comlng Into the p ~ area t The planner can then look at the u t ~ l ~ z a t ~that
o n he
may have to be dlverted to avold brlnglng surface water th~nks1s most realistic An example of thls is shown in
Into the p ~ t Another aspect of drainage to conslder 1s Table 2 which glves several optlons for an actual case
the drainage of dumps In order to prevent eroslon or study. In this case the 6-shovel, 12-shovel sh~ftsper
dump instability. In many cases, this lnvolves diversion day situation would probably give the best unit cost
of natural drainage or runoff from collectlng areas effectiveness for the equipment ~f the 152 407 tpd
created by the mine Itself The dumps may have to be ( 1 68,000 stpd) rate fits the material movement needs.
sloped upward toward the crest to prevent rapid gully- Flve shovels at 12 shovel shlfts per day would be diffi-
Ing and crest erosion of lnactlve dumps. cult to continue over a long period of time since it
Most of thls can be handled adequately in the plan- would require working four of the five all the time.
ning stage by the mine planners. In cases where major An example of relationships of shovel utillzatlon to
stability questlons, hydrology studies, or water quallty requlred shovel shlfts for a given size shovel and ton-
questlons are ~nvolved,the services of specialists may nage requirement 1s shown In Table 3 In this case,
be required. the shovel slze was already determined and the questlon
was whether two or three shovels should be used. The
Relationship to Equipment Selection numbers indicated that two shovels would require un-
The level of material movement in an open pit mlne usually high utilization and that three would be more
1s generally set durlng the plannlng process by looking realistic durlng one period Incidentally, it was unlikely
at the requirements for ore and the waste needed to In this case that two shovels could handle the geo-
make that ore available. Before a mine comes into graphical distribution requlred to keep separate areas
Aspects of Production Planning

Table 2. Possible Shovel Combinations to Meet Tonnage Requirements

Million tpy
Number Tons *
15-Yd * Per Shovel at at
shovels shovel shifts Utiliza- 350 360
in fleet shift per day tion, % T P ~ days days
5 14,000 10 67
5 14,000 11 73
5 14,000 12 80
6 14,000 10 56
6 14,000 11 61
6 14,000 12 67

moving, whlch was an overriding factor. This kind of sortlng problems But there are still widespread weak-
study can be put together for different slzes of equip- nesses In the appllcatlons of computers to the produc-
ment for comparlson. tlon plannlng level. Production planning contalns ele-
Long-range production planning may be done in ments of judgment and subjectivity, and it is subject to
operating mines either for expansion or to modify the the interaction of many variables. It IS still difficult to
existlng operation. This may involve selection of addi- work this Into a fully computerized system.
tional equipment, if targets are not belng met and so on. One of the main shortcomings of computer work in
In this case, there IS considerable influence from the short-range plannlng IS the lack of flexibility of most
equipment already being used. The planner must con- computer systems. This includes lack of flexibility in
sider the problems of mixed fleets both In sizes and programs and the difficulties m tailoring or altering
manufacture and in the applicability of maintenance programs to specific needs which may frequently change
facilities and such considerations. in some detall. Also, planners often have difficulty in
working wlth the computer processing system. This
Computer Methods includes availability of the computer (not the overall
Computer usage is perhaps one of the most difficult availability, but availability to the engineer at the time
areas to comment on in short-range or production plan- he needs his answers), and also communlcatlons be-
nlng There has been a tremendous amount of work in tween the planner and the computer. If the communi-
the last several years on application of computer meth- cation between the planner and the computer has to go
ods to mlne plannlng Much significant work has been through varlous echelons of specialists, systems people,
done in thls area. Some companies have spent large or operators, there is often a klnd of fatal delay that
amounts of money applying computer technology to drlves the planner back to manual methods, usually with
planning problems, and most people are using com- a feellng of frustration.
puters to some extent to help handle large volumes of My own experience has been that the most helpful
data and to speed up some of the classification and computer methods do simple things over and over It

Table 3. Shovel Utilization at Various Schedules--Case Study

No. of 7 days 6 days 5 days 7 days 6 days 5 days
shovels 3 shifts 3 shifts 3 shifts 2 shifts 2 shifts 2 shifts
Case A: First Perlod, Total Tonnage Requires 3 0 Shovel Shifts Per Week
2 3 0 / 4 2 = 0 7 1 3 0 / 3 6 = 0 83 3 0 / 3 0 = 1.00 3 0 / 2 8 = n . g 30/24=n g 30/20=n g
3 3 0 / 6 3 = 0 4 8 3 0 / 5 4 = 0 5 6 3 0 / 4 5 = 0 67 3 0 / 4 2 = 0 7 1 3 0 / 3 6 = 0 83 3 0 / 3 0 = 1.00
Case B: Second Period, Total Tonnage Requires 3 6 Shovel Shifts Per Week
2 36/42=0 86 36/36= 1 00 36/30=n g 36/28=n.g. 36/24=n.g 36/20=n.g.
3 3 6 / 6 3 = 0 57 3 6 / 5 4 = 0 6 7 3 6 / 4 5 = 0 . 8 0 3 6 / 4 2 = 0 . 8 6 3 6 / 3 6 = 1.00 36/30=n.g.

Notes Fract~onsrndlcate that requlred shovel shlfts per week/total shovel shlfts for fIeet=ut~l~zatron (In
dec~mal),n g means no good, requlred shovel shlfts exceed available shovel s h ~ f t sfor thls work schedule,
most promlslng work schedules are underl~ned
230 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design

is important that the work is under direct control of the Preproduction Stripping
planning engineer. For this reason, I have had my best 1) How should the timing of preproduction strip-
success in short-range planning w ~ t hthe programmable ping be worked Into planning? Llst some of the factors
calculators or desk-top computers. It IS possible to do that must be taken into account In a feasibility study in
a lot of work on such a system while keeping it totally determining the tlme and cost of preproduction strip-
under one's own control This includes handling large
data files on cassette tape and getting formatted,
2 ) What factors enter into the decision for or against
printed, or plotted output. The execution speed may
contract stripping?
be much less than a large memory computer, but the
actual elapsed tlme for the job may be less because of
Dump Planning
continuous appl~catlonand lack of delays.
1 ) How does the planner figure the trade-off be-
tween extension of a lower dump and starting a dump
Discussion Questions
at a hlgher elevation? (This problem and solution were
A few questions are included to stimulate discussion submitted by R R Leveille of Chlno Mines Div.,
There are so many questions that can present them- Kennecott Copper Corp.) .
selves to the mine planner that it would not be possible
to antlclpate them all Also, many questions have no Assumptions: ( 1 ) truck operating cost per minute is
ample or analytical solution, and the planner is forced the same on level hauls as on a grade, ( 2 ) common
to use trial solutions and compare alternatives. starting polnt, and ( 3 ) road to hlgher dump exists.
The solutions to many of the problems are dictated Definitions: L is incremental height between higher
by various physical, topographic, or legal constraints. and lower dump [meter (feet)], SLG is speed loaded
A basic rule in mine planning is that the planner must on upgrade [km/h (mph)]; SLO is speed loaded on
visualize and simulate using his best estimates of what
level road [km/h (mph)]; SEG IS speed empty return
will happen and then design what appears to be neces-
sary. It is hoped that a discuss~onof these quest~ons on downgrade [km/h (mph)]; SEO is speed empty
will brlng forth ideas as to how to approach problems return on level road [km/h (rnph)]; G is grade of road
and sharlng of experience on how such problems have 1609 m/km = 27
to higher dump; F is factor derived as
been handled by others 60 min/hr
Haulage 1s one of the most important aspects of mlne (5280 ft/mln = 8 8 ) , SDG
60 min/hr IS slope distance to higher
planning. Thls has been discussed in handbooks and
textbooks and is also the subject of another section of dump [miter (feet)]; TTG is round trip travel tlme on
this book, so it is not dealt with in detail in these ques- grade (min); TTO is round trip travel time on level
tions. road (min); and HDO is economic distance from
common starting polnt for advance of lower dump
Roads (TTO= T T G ) .
1 ) How much strlpplng tonnage increase can we Equations:
expect when addlng a haul-road segment to a pit?
Isolate an area with 15-m benches where an average of
20 benches must be str~ppedback 30 m for an average
length of 500 m and a rock tonnage factor of 2.6 t/m3.
That piece of excavation will amount to ( 2 0 x 15) x
500 x 3 0 x 2.6 or 11 700 000 t. Thls, of course, is
oversimplified but ~t gives a feeling for the effect of
adding a segment of road to a pit area.
2) List some of the influences road width can have
on pit production rates and operating costs.
3 ) How does the planner balance additional strip-
ping cost against maintenance and operating cost In
designing roads?
4) How should road ramps be built in a pit? Should
drilling be done to ramp grade or should full bench Example: Given L IS 80, SLG is 9, SLO is 28, SEG
drilllng be done and ramps built of broken material? is 23, SEO is 28, and G is 7%,
Aspects of Production Planning 231

has been performed to help prevent major sliding of

the final pit slope.
The main problem is to be sure that planning and
28 28 designing of the quarry creates a safe final pit slope to
HDO= 756 m (2479 ft). enable maximum limestone extraction at a minimum
cost without hydrostatic pressures causing the footwall
2 ) What factors influence dump location? to slide or the hanging wall to collapse due to entrapped
3 ) How should dumps be drained? water and the close presence of the small running
2 ) What are some of the factors that enter into road
1) This situation was submitted by John H Lucas and dump drainage?
of the Permanente Plant, Kaiser Cement & Gypsum
Corp. It covers a multitude of questions and is a good Equipment Selection
example of the kind of problems that face a planner.
1 ) What are the physical factors to be considered in
The Permanente quarry is a surface m~ningopera-
equipment selection?
tlon encompassing an area approximately 1372 x 762 m
(4500 x 2500 ft) in size coverlng a faulted-fractured 2 ) What are the economic factors to be considered
limestone deposit The general mlning plan is to mlne in equipment selection?
the limestone back to the footwall of the Franciscan 3) What are the operating and maintenance factors
shale formation. There is some trapped water within to be considered in equipment selection?
the footwall and final wall of the quarry. This water 4 ) What is the starting point in equipment selection?
bleeds out continuously and causes a weakness in the 5) How do you determine productiv~tiesfor equip-
final pit slope. Also, the present mining plan will take ment selection?
the final quarry limits to withln 30 48 m (100 ft) of a 6) Select the optimum truck fleet configuration in a
small running stream lying on the hanging wall side porphyry/skarn copper pit with a mlx of 5.5-m (6-yd),
of the quarry. 13.7-m ( 15-yd), and 18.2-m (20-yd) shovels. Con-
Some flatter than 45" back sloping has been done on sider the increased cost of effectiveness of larger haul-
the footwall s~de,where the top of the final slope is ing units, limitations on road width, limited loading
91.44 m (300 ft) above the present top working height of smaller shovels, and the need for a multiple
bench. Ultimate planned mining IS to go 304.8 m of small shovels in the ore areas to provide a reasonable
(1000 ft) deeper than this top bench. Work on hori- blend of mill ore. (This was submitted by R. R. Leveille
zontal drain plpes and vertlcal holes with piezometers of Chino Mines Div., Kennecott Copper Corp.).

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