Abortion in The Philippines

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A Position Paper in Social Studies 10

Submitted by

Luigi Dianne C. Guioguio

Grade 10 – Phi

Submitted to

Ma’am Evedanie G. Beldad


December 3, 2018

Table of Content

Content Page

Table of Contents i

I. Introduction 3

II. Counter Argument 7

III. Your Argument 10

IV. Conclusions 13

Bibliography 14


Survey Questionnaire

I. Introduction

Life is sacred on all levels. In Genesis 9:5 “God said that he will demand an accounting
for the life of a human being.” I came to realize that life is a gift from God.

The researcher is against abortion because it is a crime to humanity. The researcher

believes that abortion is morally wrong and is the taking of human life. Individual human life
begins at fertilization, and therefore abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being.
It inflicts suffering on the unborn child. Life begins at conception so unborn babies are human
being with a right to life. This individual has a fundamental right to life, which must be
protected. As such, having an abortion is committing murder.

The researcher’s stand is that she is against abortion because it destroys the fetus’ right to
live and may lead to many complicated problems to the mother’s body. This procedure may help
lessen overpopulation but it is unethical and against the rule in the Bible.

What is Abortion?

Abortion is a procedure to end an on-going pregnancy. It is when a pregnancy is ended so

that the child will not be born. Sometimes it is called 'termination of pregnancy'. It uses medicine
or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is done by
a licensed health care professional. The decision to end a pregnancy is very personal. If you are
thinking of having an abortion, most health care providers advise counselling. An abortion that
occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage. When deliberate steps are taken to end a
pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently an "induced miscarriage". The
word abortion is often used to mean only induced abortions. A similar procedure after the fetus

could potentially survive outside the womb is known as a "late termination of pregnancy" or less
accurately as a "late term abortion". If abortion happens spontaneously before 24 weeks of
pregnancy, it is called a miscarriage. An induced (or "therapeutic") abortion is caused
deliberately in order to end the pregnancy.

Abortion has 2 procedures; medical abortion and surgical abortion. A medical abortion
involves taking medication to end the pregnancy. It doesn't require surgery or an anaesthetic, and
can be used at any stage of pregnancy. During the first 49 days of pregnancy, a medical
termination is possible without surgery. It uses two different drugs, methotrexate or mifepristone,
which may be followed by another drug called misoprostol. It involves several appointments at
the physician's office or clinic, and it often results in a fair amount of cramping and bleeding at
home. A medical abortion is only effective within the first 49 days of pregnancy. If a medical
abortion isn't successful, you'll need a surgical abortion (if you still want an abortion). Surgical
abortion involves having a procedure with local anaesthetic (where the area is numbed),
conscious sedation (where you're relaxed but awake), or general anaesthetic (where you're
asleep). Surgical abortion involves a quick, minor operation. Vacuum aspiration (the suction
method) is the most common type of abortion. It is a surgical procedure that involves anaesthesia
(mild sedation) and can be performed within the first trimester of pregnancy.

Risks in Abortion

Abortions are generally very safe and most women won't experience any problems to
licensed clinics. But like any medical treatment, there is a small risk that something could go
wrong. The risk of complications increases the later in pregnancy an abortion is carried out.

The main risks associated with an abortion are; infection of the womb which occurs in up
to 1 in every 10 abortions; it can usually be treated with antibiotics, some of the pregnancy
remaining in the womb which occurs in up to 1 in every 20 abortions; further treatment may be
required if this happens, continuation of the pregnancy – occurs in less than 1 in every 100
abortions; further treatment will be needed if this happens, excessive bleeding which occurs in
about 1 in every 1,000 abortions; severe cases may require a blood transfusion, damage of the
entrance to the womb (cervix) which occurs in up to 1 in every 100 surgical abortions, damage to
the womb which occurs in 1 in every 250 to 1,000 surgical abortions and less than 1 in 1,000
medical abortions carried out at 12 to 24 weeks.

Women who have an abortion are no more likely to experience mental health problems
than those who continue with their pregnancy. The possible risks of taking abortion pill are; the
abortion pills don’t work and the pregnancy doesn’t end, some of the pregnancy tissue is left in
your uterus, blood clots in your uterus, bleeding too much or too long, infection. Having an
abortion won't affect your chances of becoming pregnant and having normal pregnancies in the
future. Many women are able to get pregnant immediately afterwards, so you should start
using contraception right away if you don't want this to happen. You should be advised about
this at the time you have the abortion. However, there's a very small risk to your fertility and
future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection that isn't treated promptly. The infection
could spread to your fallopian tubes and ovaries – known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Why do people decide to have an abortion?

Millions of people face unplanned pregnancies every year, and about 4 out of 10 of them
decide to get an abortion. Some people with planned pregnancies also get abortions because of
health or safety reasons. Most respondents to a survey of abortion patients in 1987 said that more
than one factor had contributed to their decision to have an abortion; the mean number of reasons
was nearly four. Three-quarters said that having a baby would interfere with work, school or
other responsibilities, about two-thirds said they could not afford to have a child and half said
they did not want to be a single parent or had relationship problems. A multivariate analysis
showed young teenagers to be 32 percent more likely than women 18 or over to say they were
not mature enough to raise a child and 19 percent more likely to say their parents wanted them to
have an abortion. Unmarried women were 17 percent more likely than currently married women

to choose abortion to prevent others from knowing they had had sex or became pregnant. Of
women who had an abortion at 16 or more weeks' gestation, 71 percent attributed their delay to
not having realized they were pregnant or not having known soon enough the actual gestation of
their pregnancy.

Almost half were delayed because of trouble in arranging the abortion, usually
because they needed time to raise money. One-third did not have an abortion earlier
because they were afraid to tell their partner or parents that they were pregnant. A
multivariate analysis revealed that respondents under age 18 were 39 percent more likely
than older women to have delayed because they were afraid to tell their parents or
partner, According to an article regarding Abortion in US.

According to research collected from 2008 through 2010, the most frequently cited answers
women provide as reasons for abortion (and the percentage of women who provided them) are
the following. Note that women were able to give multiple reasons in this survey:

 Not financially prepared: 40 percent

 Bad timing, not ready, or unplanned: 36 percent
 Partner-related reasons (including the relationship is bad or new, she doesn't want to be a
single mother, her partner is not supportive, does not want the baby, is abusive, or is the
wrong guy): 31 percent
 Need to focus on her other children: 29 percent
 Not emotionally or mentally prepared: 19 percent
 Interferes with educational or vocational plans: 20 percent
 Health-related reasons (includes concern for her own health, the health of the fetus, use of
prescription or non-prescription drugs, alcohol, or tobacco): 12 percent
 Want a better life for a baby than she could provide: 12 percent
 Not independent or mature enough for a baby: 7 percent
 Influences from family or friends: 5 percent
 Doesn't want a baby or to place the baby for adoption: 4 percent
 Partner-related issues: 31 percent

(Credits: Very Well Health)

II. Counter Argument

The stigma of Abortion brings arguments to many views of the people. In the Philippines,
which is a catholic country, has many beliefs that are against the stated problem but also many
people says that abortion should be legalized in the country. So in this part of the paper, the
advantages and why abortion will be legalized in the Philippines will be stated. Abortion is a
personal decision. Just like every other personal decision that has to be made, really. It is up to
the person and their spouse to decide NOT society.

Advantages of Abortion


1. This procedure helps women redo their pregnancy and may go one with their normal lives
after the procedure. They may stop this undesired pregnancy and they will not suffer the
consequences of being a mother where they will sacrifice many things like money, time and
strength but the child will suffer from this action.

2. Pregnancies which are undesired may harm a woman mentally or physically, because to
have a baby, she needs to be prepared mentally as well as physically. Also, women are not
burdened with unwanted responsibilities like child rearing and other financial
responsibilities. Abortion is also beneficial for those who want to continue with their career
or have some health conditions. It is the choice of the woman involved what she will do to
her body.


1. Women can choose whether they will accept the child or not. They may decide if they
want to abort the child then live their life before the pregnancy ever happened. For some, this
pregnancy may be unintended and abortion gives them the advantage to stop it. If they can’t
provide the needs of the child in the future then abortion will help them counter the

2. Abortions allow women the ability to choose whether or not they want to have the baby
they have been impregnated with. For some women they may not want the baby because they
can’t afford one, it is the wrong time for their careers, they are in a position with their
lifestyle that they can’t provide for one, they were raped, it is a child of incest, or they are
with an abusive partner. Any of these reasons may be causing them to not want to go through
with a pregnancy that will be emotionally taxing as well as expensive. Having an abortion
can be emotionally devastating, but for many women, it is what they need to do for


1. Overpopulation is becoming a big problem in the Philippines. This is mostly because of

unplanned pregnancy and lack of family planning. In the Philippines, jobs can’t be provided
for each individual so some are unemployed so they reproduce then increase the number of
family members in their home. If abortion is legalized in the country, this may lessen
overpopulation. This is a good way to stop the increase of overpopulating citizens in the

2. Another advantage is the fact that the foster care system is already overloaded, and if
abortion was made illegal, there would tens of thousands of more kids being put into a
system that has too many kids, not enough stable foster parents, and even fewer people who
actually adopt. And the reasons why people can’t adopt is another story entirely, but one big
issue that is starting to pop up more and more is religious based or religious funded adoption
agencies that will not let parents adopt children unless they are religious and will raise the

child into the proper religious home. So religious people are the ones who want to make
abortions illegal, but they are also denying loving parents the ability to adopt because they
aren’t religious enough.

III. Your Argument

In the statements stated above, indicates both the pros and cons of abortion and its risk to
the life and the mother and the child. The researcher wants to make clear the she is biased to the
cons of abortion since she stands that it is against human rights and may bring harm to the
mother and the family in the following years. In this section of the position paper, the researcher
will be stating the assert points of her clams against abortion.


1. When undergoing the procedure, many complications may happen such as blood loss or
internal wounds that may left unknown and may lead to bigger issues such as death and disease
in the future. Examples of these diseases are CERVICAL, OVARIAN, LIVER CANCER,

2. Abortion is significantly linked to behavioural changes such as promiscuity, smoking, drug

abuse, and eating disorders which all contribute to increased risks of health problems. For
example, promiscuity and abortion are each linked to increased rates of PID and ectopic
pregnancies. Which contributes most is unclear, but apportionment may be irrelevant if the
promiscuity is itself a reaction to post- abortion trauma or loss of self-esteem. In a survey of
1428 women researchers found that pregnancy loss, and particularly losses due to induced
abortion, was significantly associated with an overall lower health. Multiple abortions correlated
to an even lower evaluation of “present health.” While miscarriage was detrimental to health,
abortion was found to have a greater correlation to poor health.


1. Abortion may affect the mental state of the mother undergoing the procedure. They may face
psychological traumas, sleep disturbances and severe guilt from the act. Many studies show that
many women who have undergone abortion are more prone to depression, eating disorders, Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, drug abuse and many mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and
other. Due to these outcomes, many would conclude with suicidal attempts in the future.

2. Study of the medical records of 56,741 California Medicaid patients revealed that women
who had abortions were 160 percent more likely than delivering women to be hospitalized for
psychiatric treatment in the first 90 days following abortion or delivery. Rates of psychiatric
treatment remained significantly higher for at least four years. n a study of post-abortion patients
only 8 weeks after their abortion, researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders,
36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had
been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor. Researchers have identified a
large number of statistically significant risk factors that identify which women are at greatest risk
of experiencing one or more severe reactions to abortion. Approximately 60 percent of women
who experience post-abortion squeal report suicidal ideation, with 28 percent actually attempting
suicide, of which half attempted suicide two or more times.(13)


1. Abortion violates not only the rights of the child but also violates the right to life. The one
who suffers the most consequence is the child. He or she is not part of the problem created from
its biological parents. It will lose its life without a moment to taste. This may be considered a
crime, a murder for killing a human person. As a Christian, I believe that this act is against God,
for He created everything beautifully and everyone has the right to grab the opportunities but this
is cut off by abortion.

2. According to some United Nations experts, opposing abortion would be a kind of torture, it
would also be a violation of children’s rights. Such an accusation is scandalous; it strongly
undermines free speech and religious freedom and questions the impartiality of some prominent
members of the Committee. It was formulated recently against the Holy-See by members of the

UN Committee against Torture combating the teaching of the Catholic Church on the sanctity of
life. Everyone has the right to access to education, yet we see a continued gap between rich and
poor, and between the percentages of boys and girls who are allowed to attend school, and
complete a course of education. At birth a new born baby possesses so few of the characteristics
required for 'moral personhood' that its right to life can't be based on it being a 'moral person'.
Each one has the right to life.

The Bible has a lot to say about the beginning of life, the taking of life, and the protection of
the unborn. While we don’t find the specific question of abortion answered in the Bible,
Scripture clearly expresses the sanctity of human life. In Exodus 20:13, when God gave his
people the absolutes of spiritual and moral living, he commanded, “You shall not murder.”
The Law of Moses viewed unborn babies as human beings, worthy of the same rights and
protections as adults. God required the same punishment for killing a child in the womb as he did
for killing a grown man.

IV. Conclusion

The stand of the researcher which is against abortion claims that this issue affects the
Physical and Physiological Risk to the mother, the child and her family where the physical aspect
of the mother may be harmed and may lead to illnesses due to abortion and the mental aspect
may also be affected by causing mental traumas, PTSDs and other mental disorders. The main
claim the researcher is emphasizing is the right of the unborn child is being violated. The act
itself is unethical for this is murder to the child. In the Bible, this act is strictly against the law of
God. The child’s right to live is gone. Abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines
because this may lead to complication with the Christian community and the citizens in the
country may abuse it.

Such cases are common in the Philippines where over half of the pregnancies are
unintended, and about 17% and one-third of the unintended pregnancies end
in abortion nationwide and in the National Capital Region, respectively, and where two-thirds of
those who induce abortion are poor but there are other alternatives for abortion. Adoption is
another option. The child may live with another relative for them to take care. People planning to
have a child should consult medical experts to monitor the growth of the child. Pregnant women
should decrease their intake of alcohol and tobacco and illegal drugs to have better nutrition in
the body to avoid damages to the child. Parents should attend maternity programs to be have
knowledge and guidance during pregnancy.


List of Sources


Previous Studies Related to Depression

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4413919/

2. https://www.guttmacher.org/report/unintended-pregnancy-and-unsafe-abortion-philippines-


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