As You Like It PDF
As You Like It PDF
As You Like It PDF
l Symbols ..................................................................................................... 33 outside the city limits of London. In addition, acting was viewed
as unseemly for women and in fact was illegal. Because of this
m Themes ...................................................................................................... 34 female roles were played on stage by young boys.
e Suggested Reading ............................................................................. 36 Gender roles were a common subject in the plays produced.
Many of the stereotypes of women of the era were not
flattering. Even married women were seen as licentious or
easily seduced, hence the constant, uncomfortable jokes about
j Book Basics horns and cuckolding in Shakespeare's works. Chastity until
marriage was an absolute must, and women were to be kept in
AUTHOR line by the men in their lives, first by their fathers and then by
William Shakespeare their husbands. In As You Like It the character of Rosalind
alludes to this custom when, in Act 5, Scene 4, she first gives
YEARS WRITTEN herself to her father and then to Orlando, both times using the
c. 1598–1600 line, "To you I give myself, for I am yours."
Court Life You Like It from already published popular literature and other
sources. His main source was the romance Rosalynde (1590),
authored by English physician Thomas Lodge. Shakespeare
The lives of nobles at court were vastly different from those of
adopted most of his characters from this work, the major
the average merchant, villager, or farmer. Social rank dictated
events of the plot, and also its pastoral elements. Pastoral
life at court; the higher one's rank, the more power one had
literature, quite popular at the time, focused on the pleasant
and the greater one's entourage would be. Queen Elizabeth,
country life of shepherds. It often featured romantic love and
for example, had a court of about 1,000 people who attended
included elements of verse or song. Lodge's Rosalynde was
on her and cultivated her favor. If a courtier fell out of favor
itself inspired by an earlier work, "The Tale of Gamelyn" (author
with his patron—or if the patron suffered a reversal of
unknown). In that tale Gamelyn is denied his inheritance from
fortune—the courtier's rank and fortunes could quickly fall.
his scheming older brother, Johan, and escapes to safety in
This social hierarchy is illustrated in As You Like It through the the forest with his servant Adam.
two sets of brothers. When Duke Frederick banishes his
Stories of Robin Hood were also popular in Shakespeare's day,
brother, Duke Senior's attendant lords retire with him to exile in
and he doesn't miss the opportunity to plant references to
the country (although in this case they do so voluntarily out of
them in this play. Duke Senior and his men are directly
loyalty to Duke Senior). And though Oliver holds power over his
compared to Robin Hood in Act 1, Scene 1, where Charles
brother Orlando, Duke Frederick holds power over Oliver. Duke
points out that "he is already in the Forest of Arden, and a
Frederick confiscates his lands and wealth in a single breath in
many merry men with him; and there they live like the old Robin
Act 3, Scene 1. This hierarchy of power was a constant in court
Hood of England." Another example is Amiens's song in Act 2,
life, and courtiers were continually jockeying for position. The
Scene 5, which begins with the line "Under the greenwood
courts were seen as a place of whispered rumors, intrigue,
tree," an allusion to earlier Robin Hood ballads that would have
flattery, and bribery. Strict social etiquette was required, and
been familiar to the audience.
courtiers were expected to dress fashionably.
Shakespeare most likely died on April 23, 1616, leading to the Touchstone
romantic notion he was born and died on the same date,
although there are no records of the exact date of either event. Touchstone loves being himself. He revels in his position at
He was 52 at his death and was buried on April 25 at Holy court, his cleverness, and his worldly cynicism. Although his
Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon. Over 400 years after lifestyle changes when he goes with Rosalind and Celia into
his death, Shakespeare is still regarded as the greatest the forest, his attitude doesn't, until he meets Audrey. At first
playwright of the English-speaking world. he just wants to bed her, but this notion soon gives way to
honorable marriage as he sees both its inevitability and the
Duke Frederick
Duke Frederick is all about power and money and easily ruins
the lives of others in order to further his own position. His
sudden conversion into a man of religion is unexpected but
shows a complete turnaround in his character. Power and
money mean nothing to him as a convert, and he tries to make
amends for past wrongs by transferring his former wealth and
power back to Duke Senior and his loyal followers.
Duke Senior
Duke Senior's sturdy character doesn't change much even as
his circumstances shift throughout the play. During his exile he
looks for the bright side of his situation, and when his fortunes
are restored he doesn't take forest life for granted and rush
right back to the court. He enjoys every moment and serves as
a model of loyal, loving leadership.
Oliver, despite having all the wealth and power in the family, is
jealous of his youngest brother Orlando for his virtues and
popularity. He treats him abominably, withholding education
and opportunity from Orlando. He even plots to kill him. When
Duke Frederick confiscates his lands, though, Oliver suffers in
the forest and faces his own mortality when threatened by wild
animals. When Orlando saves his life, Oliver sees what a villain
he has been, and they reconcile. Good luck smiles upon Oliver,
too, when he meets and falls in love with Celia. In the end he
decides to remain in the forest, living a simple life with his love.
Character Map
Brave, romantic nobleman;
down on his luck
Would-be Duke Senior
Jealous, malicious man;
lovers Optimistic banished lord
undergoes transformation
Would-be Confident, witty young
lovers woman; disguises herself;
goes into exile
Duke Frederick
Loyal young woman;
Companion Spiteful, usurping lord;
disguises herself;
undergoes transformation
voluntarily goes into exile
Clever, philosophical man
Main Character
Minor Character
Adam is initially a servant to Oliver, but Jaques, the middle brother to Oliver
his true loyalty lies with Orlando. This and Orlando, has been away at school
Adam Jaques de
older man goes with Orlando to the but appears in the final scene to deliver
forest. Boys
news of Duke Frederick to Duke
Senior's party in the Forest of Arden.
Amiens is a lord who voluntarily goes
Amiens into exile with Duke Senior. He sings to Le Beau is a shrewd courtier of Duke
entertain those around him. Le Beau Frederick's. He warns Orlando to leave
the court after the wrestling match.
Attendants serve the dukes throughout
the play.
grabs Oliver by the throat and defies his older brother before
Unnamed lords attend on the dukes
Lords Frederick and Senior throughout the releasing him. After the fight Oliver persuades the wrestler
play. Charles to injure Orlando in a wrestling match the next day.
Meanwhile Frederick's daughter Celia tries to cheer up her
Sir Oliver Martext is a lowly country dear cousin Rosalind, who is depressed because her father,
Sir Oliver
priest who is supposed to marry Duke Senior, has been banished by his usurping brother, Duke
Touchstone and Audrey.
Musicians perform during various Rosalind and Celia attend the wrestling match and there meet
scenes of the play. Orlando, who easily bests Charles despite the brute's
undefeated status. Orlando and Rosalind fall in love at first
Phoebe is a scornful shepherdess who sight, and Rosalind gives him a necklace as a prize for winning.
Phoebe disdains the love of Silvius, even
though she herself is no prize. When Duke Frederick learns that Orlando's father is his former
enemy, he is displeased, and courtier Le Beau warns Orlando
to clear out. Immediately thereafter, Orlando is warned by his
Second lord of The second lord attending Duke
Duke Frederick reports to the duke that servant Adam that his brother plans to kill him that night. Faced
Frederick Celia may have gone off with Orlando. with no options, Orlando flees to the Forest of Arden, and loyal
Adam accompanies him. Orlando is not the only one to
The second lord attending Duke Senior displease Duke Frederick; Duke Frederick has become
Second lord of in exile tells the duke about Jaques
disenchanted with Rosalind, as well, believing that she
Duke Senior weeping over an injured deer. He later
sings a song about deer horns. outshines his daughter Celia. He banishes Rosalind from court,
and Celia decides to follow her into exile in Arden as she
The second page attending Duke cannot bear to be parted from her dearest friend. The two
Second page Senior in exile sings a song about adopt disguises, with Rosalind becoming the young man
spring for Touchstone and Audrey. Ganymede and Celia pretending to be Aliena, a peasant girl.
Touchstone the fool goes with them.
Silvius, a young shepherd, is deeply in
Silvius love with Phoebe even though she
treats him terribly.
Act 2
William is a simple country youth who
William says he is in love with Audrey but easily Duke Senior, Rosalind's father, and his men have taken up
gives her up to Touchstone. residence in the Forest of Arden during his exile. All of the men
have given up their lands and wealth to follow Duke Senior into
banishment. Among them is witty, philosophical Jaques, who
k Plot Summary
enjoys being depressed and never misses an opportunity to
bemoan his situation. The men hunt for deer and set up a
picnic under a tree when Orlando bursts upon them with a
sword. He is desperate for food for himself and Adam as the
Act 1 old man is weak from hunger and travel. Duke Senior
graciously invites them both to join his party.
As You Like It is set in France in the early 1600s and follows
the love story of Rosalind and Orlando. The action takes place
at the court of Duke Frederick and in the nearby Forest of Act 3
Arden. As the play opens Orlando is quarreling with his older
brother Oliver over his inheritance. He complains that Oliver Back at court Duke Frederick has discovered Celia missing,
has not given him a proper gentleman's education after the and he believes she and Rosalind have gone off with Orlando.
death of their father. Oliver threatens Orlando, and Orlando He then takes Oliver's lands into temporary custody and sends
Oliver to find his brother in hope of locating Celia. life of religion and has returned his wealth, lands, and position
to Duke Senior. The nobles resolve to return to court after the
Orlando writes love poems to Rosalind and posts them on wedding celebration, but Jaques vows to follow Duke
trees throughout the forest. In her disguise as Ganymede, Frederick instead, preferring to learn what he may from the
Rosalind issues a witty challenge to Orlando. She claims she convert rather than return to court. The play ends with an
can cure him of his love if he will woo her as if she were epilogue in which Rosalind begs the favor of the audience in
Rosalind. He agrees to do so and promises to meet her later. the form of applause for the actors.
At the same time Touchstone has fallen in love with goat
herder Audrey and tries to arrange a quickie wedding, which
Jaques talks him out of in favor of a more official ceremony. As
Rosalind and Celia wait for Orlando, they witness a spat
between the young shepherd Silvius and shepherdess Phoebe,
who scorns his love. Rosalind butts in as Ganymede, advising
Phoebe to accept the young man, but instead Phoebe falls
instantly for Ganymede.
Act 4
Orlando arrives late, and Ganymede scolds him for his
tardiness, claiming there is no true love in him. Nonetheless,
she allows him to woo her, and they agree to meet again later
that day after he attends on Duke Senior. This time while they
wait, Silvius delivers to Ganymede a letter from Phoebe and is
crushed to learn that it is a love letter. He departs, and Oliver
arrives bearing a bloody handkerchief. He explains that
Orlando has rescued him from a snake and a lion, and was
wounded in the fray. The two have been reconciled through
Orlando's brave act. Ganymede faints but quickly comes to
and says it was merely playacting.
Act 5
Ganymede devises a plan to bring all the couples together to
be married the next day. She promises to marry Phoebe if
Phoebe will have her and extracts a promise from Phoebe that
she will marry Silvius if she doesn't marry Ganymede.
Plot Diagram
10 Falling Action
Rising Action
4 12
3 Resolution
Introduction Climax
1. Orlando fights with Oliver, who plots to kill him. 9. Oliver reveals Orlando has been wounded; Rosalind faints.
2. Rosalind and Orlando meet and fall instantly in love. 10. Rosalind arranges marriages among several couples.
3. Duke Frederick banishes Rosalind from court. 11. Duke Senior is restored to his power and wealth.
Timeline of Events
1600s, France
Meanwhile, Arden
Immediately thereafter
Soon after
Soon after
Sometime later
Immediately after
Immediately after
men. Duke Senior's relationship with his brother Duke irritated with Rosalind because the people praise her virtues
Frederick parallels that of Orlando and Oliver: they are more and pity her situation. Le Beau ominously predicts that Duke
enemies than friends at the opening of the play, and Duke Frederick's "malice 'gainst the lady/Will suddenly break forth."
Frederick has power over Duke Senior. By having Charles relay
the news of the court to Oliver, Shakespeare sneaks in an
exposition of the events that happened before the play, which Analysis
are critical for the reader to understand as new events unfold.
This scene sheds light on the relationship between Celia and
Rosalind, who, as the reader knows from Scene 1, are not just
Act 1, Scene 2 cousins but also bosom friends. The close companions discuss
important issues in life with each other. Rosalind's position at
court, however, is tenuous simply because of who she is: the
daughter of Duke Frederick's brother and enemy, Duke Senior.
Summary When her father was banished, Rosalind was just a child, and
Frederick allowed her to stay at court for Celia's sake.
Celia tries to cheer up Rosalind, who is sad over her father's
However, the cousins are no longer children, and Frederick
exile. They discuss Fortune and Nature, trying to understand
views Rosalind as a rival who eclipses his own daughter by her
how each influences life. Touchstone, the court's fool, comes
virtues. The fact that the people pity her also rubs him the
to fetch Celia to her father, and in doing so relates the tale of a
wrong way; he wants no sympathy to go toward anyone
dishonorable knight who nonetheless swears by his
associated with the banished Duke Senior.
(nonexistent) honor. The courtier Le Beau then arrives and
tells of "good sport" to be had in the form of the wrestling Touchstone is also introduced in the scene and immediately
match that is to take place shortly. He revels in sharing the establishes the type of character he is: a wise fool. His
details of the three brothers that Charles the wrestler has just anecdote about the knight brings up the topic of honor, a trait
defeated, who are all now on the verge of death from broken that is noticeably present or lacking in many of the characters
ribs. Touchstone remarks, "It is the first time that ever I heard of the play. It may be that Shakespeare chose the anecdote
breaking of ribs was sport for ladies." Nonetheless, Celia and specifically to make the reader consider the honor of the
Rosalind stay to view the match. characters in general.
When Orlando arrives the ladies exclaim at his youth and try to Le Beau, too, prompts the reader to examine both the court
dissuade him from wrestling. He cannot be persuaded, saying and its characters. In many ways he represents a typical
that he is willing to die, having no friends to lament him and no courtier. He keeps his eyes and ears open and is up on the
place in the world. The wrestling proceeds, and to everyone's latest gossip and intrigue at court. He doesn't mind spreading a
great surprise Orlando defeats Charles, who is carried away in sensational story, either, such as Charles crushing the ribs of
a stupor. Duke Frederick is displeased to discover that Orlando the three brothers. In fact he calls such violence "good sport,"
is the son of his enemy, Sir Rowland de Boys, and speaks which reveals something of the bloodlust that pervades courtly
brusquely with him rather than honoring him for winning the life: it's considered fun to watch someone else get beaten to a
impossible match. Celia is shocked at her father's behavior, pulp, so long as it isn't you. Touchstone's comment that such
while Rosalind exclaims that Sir Rowland was a dear friend to sport is not for ladies gives a disapproving hint of gender roles
her father. She presents Orlando with her own necklace as a at the time, but it doesn't deter the women from watching
prize for winning the match. Orlando is speechless, bowled anyway. Despite Le Beau's distasteful love of gossip and gore,
over with spontaneous love for Rosalind. She feels the same he can be both useful and humane. In a not-so-subtle bit of
pull, declaring to him, "Sir, you have wrestled well and foreshadowing, he rightly predicts that Rosalind is in danger
overthrown/More than your enemies." He is unable to answer, from Duke Frederick, and indeed he seems to feel sorry for
and the ladies depart, leaving Orlando to kick himself for his her.
tongue-tied manner. Le Beau then warns Orlando to leave the
area to avoid Duke Frederick's displeasure. Orlando inquires The wrestling match does not turn out as Orlando might have
about the ladies, and Le Beau reveals that Duke Frederick is hoped. Although he wins, he not only is denied either praise or
forest. Duke Senior eagerly asks what Jaques had to say about the fool has also gone missing and shares a bit of gossip.
the situation. The First Lord replies that Jaques launched into Celia's servant, Hisperia, had overheard Celia and Rosalind
"a thousand similes" of mourning, blasting humans as praising Orlando, and she believes the two women may be in
"usurpers" and "tyrants" to so frighten and kill the animals. his company. Duke Frederick orders his lords to fetch Orlando
Duke Senior finds these "sullen fits" of Jaques entertaining, so immediately, and if he cannot be found to bring his brother,
off they go to seek him out in the forest. Oliver, instead. Duke Frederick will then compel Oliver to
locate Orlando. Duke Frederick orders his attendant lords to
search for and inquire after the "foolish runaways" until they
Analysis are brought home.
Duke Senior and his lords have been exiles in the forest now
for many years. Duke Senior's upbeat speech is likely meant to Analysis
comfort his followers, who have become like brothers to him,
and to help them look on the bright side of their situation. Duke Whether Duke Frederick has any fatherly love for Celia is
Senior does make a valid point about the court: it has its unclear; he shows no concern for her safety but rather seems
downside even though life there was easier. Some of Duke angry or annoyed that she is gone. He lumps her in with
Senior's values are revealed in his speech, such as truth over Touchstone, calling them both "foolish runaways" since they
flattery and turning adversity into opportunity—or at least have gone with Rosalind of their own accord. It is likely he
making the best of a bad situation. simply doesn't like to be disobeyed, and he wants to force his
will onto those who are supposed to obey it. His instant
One of the hardships of life in the forest is that the men must suspicion that someone on the inside has aided their escape
hunt for their food. While most of the party take this in stride, hints again at the intrigues of the court as a theme in the play,
even if they don't like the task, the injustice of the hunt affects as does the chain of gossip that reveals clues to Celia's
Jaques far more deeply. Make no mistake, though: Jaques is whereabouts. In the end Duke Frederick acts on secondhand
disposed to being affected deeply and, in fact, revels in his news overheard from servants, guessing that the runaways
misery and depression. On the surface of things, he weeps for have gone with Orlando. He has no way of knowing this for
the deer because it isn't fair that the animals should be sure, but that won't stop him from making life difficult for
frightened, pursued, and killed in their own home. The deer in Oliver. After all he's the duke, and he can do what he wants.
this scene, however, symbolizes a deeper issue that angers
Jaques: social injustice, particularly that social injustice that Duke Frederick and Oliver share some important
has landed them all in exile. When Jaques rants about usurpers characteristics that parallel one another throughout the play.
and tyrants, he isn't really talking about the hunters; he is Both have power over and treat their brothers abominably.
talking about Duke Frederick and men like him, who take over Duke Frederick usurps Duke Senior's throne and exiles him to
and unjustly push people out of their homes. the forest, penniless. Oliver, on the other hand, does provide
something for his brother Orlando, but just barely. In point of
fact it's hard to say who is the greater villain at this stage, but
Act 2, Scene 2 perhaps it is Oliver. At least Duke Frederick never plotted to kill
Duke Senior! Duke Frederick doesn't have much self-
awareness of his own villainy, however; he criticizes Oliver for
Summary not loving his brother but overlooks the same trait in his own
behavior. Oliver, though, recognizes his own villainy when he
plots to kill Orlando and when he admits he does not love him.
Duke Frederick discovers that Celia is missing, having joined
Rosalind in banishment. "Can it be possible that no man saw
In contrast to these two scoundrels, the goodness of Duke
them?" he queries, immediately suspecting villainy among the
Senior and Orlando shines all the more brightly. Each pair of
members of his court. The First Lord assures Duke Frederick
brothers has one "good" and one "bad" character, with the
that Celia escaped unseen during the night, her bed being
virtuous brothers (Orlando and Duke Senior) being persecuted
found empty in the morning. The Second Lord points out that
by the villainous brothers (Oliver and Duke Senior). Throughout
the play their paths will continue to parallel each other in the wrong kind of attention; it aroused Duke Frederick's and
various ways. his brother's enmity against him. Orlando's youthful
inexperience shows in his response; he can't imagine how to
remedy his situation but through begging or thievery, neither of
Act 2, Scene 3 which he is willing to do—likely because of pride or moral
scruples. Oliver's desire to kill Orlando shows no brotherly love
in him, but even so Orlando has no clue what to do except to
for the sake of love, including kissing the udders of the cow knows it all and dismisses Corin's advice without even
that his girlfriend had milked. Both Rosalind and Touchstone considering it. Silvius's ideas of love are rather overblown and
declare that they are in the same boat as the poor shepherd, ridiculous: he believes that the more foolish he acts the more
though for Touchstone, "it grows something stale with me." he proves his love. In reality he's just acting foolish, as youth in
love are apt to do. Touchstone gives further proof of this
Meanwhile, Celia entreats Rosalind and Touchstone to universal experience in his admission of kissing a cow's udder!
question Corin about finding food, as she nearly faints from
hunger. Rosalind, disguised as Ganymede, speaks with Corin, Conveniently, Corin presents the traveling trio with an
offering to pay for his help. Corin apologizes that he has little opportunity to gain exactly what they need: food and shelter.
to offer but will try to find something for them. He explains that His offer moves the plot along and handily solves a problem.
he tends another man's flocks, a master "of churlish Such coincidental or "lucky" happenstances are common in
disposition" who doesn't care about offering hospitality or Shakespeare's comedies, where the focus is not necessarily
doing good deeds. He also mentions that his master currently on creating a realistic story but rather on entertaining the
isn't home because his property is for sale. Rosalind seizes on audience and exploring themes.
the opportunity and asks Corin to act as go-between in buying
the property for them. Corin agrees to do so and to continue
tending the estate's flocks for them as well. Act 2, Scene 5
Analysis Summary
The journey to Arden has been exhausting, but the threesome
The scene opens in the forest with Amiens singing a verse
arrive safely at their destination. Their first encounter in the
about the simple pleasures of the forest, where "Here shall he
forest with Corin and Silvius sets the tone for their entire
see/No enemy/But winter and rough weather." When Jaques
sojourn in the woods: it's all about love. Rosalind and
entreats him to continue, Amiens warns that it will make him
Touchstone immediately engage with the shepherds' topic of
melancholy. Jaques is all for it, proclaiming that "I can suck
conversation and willingly indulge in thoughts of their own
melancholy out of a song as a weasel sucks eggs." Amiens
current and past loves. Rosalind is young and in love for the
tries to beg off, claiming his "voice is ragged" and the singing
first time, while Touchstone is more experienced in romance
won't be pleasant. Nonetheless, Jaques insists. Amiens relents
and thus views it with somewhat more cynicism than she does.
but asks the party of assembled gentlemen to prepare a picnic
Love "grows something stale," he says: he's had time enough
("banquet") under a tree for Duke Senior, who has been looking
to see both the joys and the folly of it. Meanwhile, Celia's mind
for Jaques all day.
is on far more practical matters: survival. Since she is not
currently in love, she couldn't care less about love talk, Jaques admits that he's been avoiding Duke Senior, who is "too
particularly when her stomach is growling from hunger. Once disputable for my company. I think of as many matters as he,
again it is she who initiates action, just as it was she who but I give heaven thanks and make no boast of them." Amien
concocted their plan for escaping court. and the ensemble continue the song, singing to anyone "Who
doth ambition shun/And loves to live i' th' sun,/Seeking the
Silvius and Corin's conversation examines a major theme of the
food he eats/And pleased with what he gets,/Come hither,
play, romantic love. Their perspectives as a young man and as
come hither, come hither." Jaques then proposes his own
an old one cast very different lights on the theme. In Corin's
verse to the song. He parodies himself and the other lords who
statement, "That is the way to make her scorn you still," the
have followed Duke Senior into the forest, calling them "gross
reader doesn't know what "that" is, but based on Silvius's
fools" for leaving their "wealth and ease/A stubborn will to
speech and later actions it's clear that he is being a doormat to
please." Amiens then departs to find Duke Senior, as the
Phoebe. The more he loves her, the more she scorns him, yet
banquet is ready.
Silvius lets her walk all over him. Corin seems to be advising
Silvius to play it cool, or maybe even be a little harder to get, in
order to entice the girl. Like many youths, Silvius is sure he
The theme of court life versus life in the country colors this
scene, with the pastoral songs underpinning the superiority of
country life. In the country there is no enemy but the weather,
in contrast with the many enemies one must face at court. The
Despite his previous claims of strength and stamina, Adam
second song calls on a certain type of person to come to the
proves himself human. His hyperbole ("Here lie I down and
country: a person who doesn't care much for work but prefers
measure out my grave") is more amusing than serious, but it's
to lay around in the sun; a person with simple tastes who is
clear that the poor old man needs sustenance to keep going.
happy to hunt for and eat whatever meager meal comes to
Now it is Orlando's turn to support, encourage, and serve his
hand. Never mind that hunting for food can actually be hard
aged servant, just as Adam supported, encouraged, and
work and might not be all that appealing to a person "who doth
promised to serve Orlando at the beginning of the journey.
ambition shun." The songs idealize the country life to show it in
Here Orlando shows that he returns Adam's love and loyalty,
its best light; after all the exiled singers have no choice but to
two of the major themes of the play, as he promises to bring
live in the country, so they try to make the best of it.
back food or die trying. He adds a tweak of humor by teasing
Naturally, sourpuss Jaques must poke holes in this that if there is no food to be had then Adam has his permission
whitewashing of the country life. His made-up verse to the to go ahead and die. Before he departs, Orlando makes sure
song strikes the opposite note, pointing out the reality that life that Adam is sheltered, not out in the cold air, again returning
was a lot easier at court and that they were all, basically, stupid the care that Adam has previously given him. The reader sees
for leaving. The fact that Jaques has been avoiding Duke Orlando's loyal, nurturing, and responsible side for the first
Senior hints that he is not as enamored of the duke now as he time, which adds depth and maturity to his character.
Summary things.
lecture no one in particular but only speak generally on sins Even without the motley coat, though, one could say that
such as pride, and that any person who objected must surely Jaques already plays the unofficial fool among his comrades in
be guilty of the sin. the forest. The theme of court life is in play here, with its need
to "play the game" in socializing—acting and speaking
Orlando bursts in, brandishing his sword, and orders the entire according to strict protocols that constrain the individual from
party to stop eating immediately. Duke Senior reprimands him, saying what they really feel or doing what they really wish to
asking whether his actions are driven by distress or if he is do. In a way it is only the fool at court who does not wear a
simply being rude. Orlando admits that his situation is dire and disguise—another theme of the play. Though the fool wears a
that he is desperate for food. Duke Senior graciously invites motley coat, he is virtually the only person at court who can
him to dine with them, and a humbled Orlando responds, speak his mind freely; the other members of court must
"Speak you so gently? Pardon me, I pray you./I thought that all disguise their true selves in various ways in order to navigate
things had been savage here,/And therefore put I on the courtly life.
countenance/Of stern commandment." He asks the party to
wait for him to fetch Adam to the table, vowing that "Till he be Orlando's violent entry to the party doesn't make a good first
first sufficed ... I will not touch a bit." Duke Senior agrees, and impression, but luckily for him the no-nonsense Duke Senior
Orlando departs to bring back the old man. has a good head on his shoulders and responds by using that
head instead of meeting sword with sword. Duke Senior sees
Duke Senior then muses that life is a "wide and universal that Orlando must be desperate to threaten a large party of
theater" that "presents more woeful pageants than the people—there would be little hope that Orlando could defeat
scene/Wherein we play." Jaques runs with the theme, stating them all singlehandedly. Duke Senior feels safe, surrounded by
"All the world's a stage,/And all the men and women merely supporters, allowing him to offer gracious hospitality even in
players," who live from birth to death the seven acts of life: the face of Orlando's tasteless breach of etiquette. Orlando's
infant, schoolboy, lover, soldier, judge, old age, and the second youth and inexperience comes through here again. He really
childhood of "oblivion,/Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans doesn't know much of the world and approaches the situation
everything." Orlando returns with Adam, and as they all begin with impetuous bravado rather than thoughtful evaluation. He
to feast Orlando and Duke Senior converse. Meanwhile Amiens naively assumes that all he meets in the forest will be "savage,"
sings about ingratitude, false friendships, and foolish love. but it is he who acts without manners or courtesy. Given his
When Duke Senior learns that Orlando is the son of Sir desperate state of mind, though, his "better safe than sorry"
Rowland, he welcomes him with real warmth and asks to hear actions are understandable. He also immediately makes
the rest of his story in private. amends for his rudeness, and shows the goodness in his
character through his motivation to help Adam. In this scene
the theme of court versus country is evident. Duke Senior still
Analysis upholds some of the more laudable manners of the court,
despite the fact that he now lives in the country. Orlando, who
For years depressive, mopey Jaques has played the role of
has just come from court, is the one who behaves in the
amusing or entertaining the others in the forest, whether he
uncivilized manner that one might expect of country denizens.
cares for the role or not (and his avoidance of Duke Senior
The themes of love and loyalty are also addressed through
suggests that he doesn't really care for it all that much). Thus
Orlando's motivation to help Adam. Adam has been loyal and
his delight at finding a fool in the forest—Touchstone, as a
loving to Orlando, and now Orlando returns the favor by risking
fresh face with new ideas and unheard stories—might be able
his own life to save the old servant.
to relieve Jaques of his role to some extent. Moreover,
Touchstone is clever enough to amuse hard-to-impress Jaques's speech on the seven acts of life expounds on the
Jaques himself, so he is a rare find indeed. The fool's witty, theme of disguises and the roles people play in life. Some
sardonic banter suits Jaques perfectly, as he, too, likes to talk characters important to the scene mirror the roles Jaques
philosophy and to point out the folly and foibles of others. names. Orlando is like the soldier, leaping out with his sword to
Jaques's desire to become an official fool suggests that he do battle; although he really only wants something to eat, he
does not currently feel free to speak his mind completely; he feels he must take on the role of soldier to get what he needs.
wants to say whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Adam is the old man, not quite yet to second childhood, but
probably not far off from that oblivious state. Jaques's final
summation that man ends his life "sans everything" is Act 3, Scene 2
appropriately depressing, coming from this self-proclaimed
man of melancholy. There seems to be little in life that is
pleasurable or rewarding for Jaques; instead he prefers to Summary
uncover the darkness and wallow in it. Jaques himself would
probably identify with the judge, being "full of wise saws" or Orlando writes love poems to Rosalind and posts them on the
sayings; he obviously thinks he knows a lot about human trees of the forest. Meanwhile, Corin and Touchstone discuss
nature and thinks that he is a good judge of the character and philosophy and compare shepherding life in the forest to life at
follies of others. court. Touchstone states that "thou art damned" for not having
been at court, since only at court can one learn good manners,
and any other manners must be wicked. Corin replies, "Those
Act 3, Scene 1 that are good manners at the court are as ridiculous in the
country as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the
schooled her in the "many giddy offenses" of women. These conversational opener by asking him the time, but that's all she
secrets she will only share with "those that are sick" with needs—an opening—and after that there is no stopping her
love—such as the poor man pinning love notes on the trees rambling wit. Rosalind is eager to discover if Orlando truly
around the forest. loves her and craves his attention and wooing. She makes up
the elaborate story about her ability to cure love as an excuse
Orlando admits that it is he, and asks for her remedy for love. to see him again and as a way to elicit the words of love that
Skeptical Rosalind says he bears no signs of love: no lean she longs to hear.
cheek, no neglected beard, no carelessness in his dress, and
no general sense of desolation. "But you are no such man," she Orlando seems taken in by her disguise, but is he really? That's
claims, for he is too well dressed, which shows that he loves unclear. He calls Ganymede a "pretty youth," which seems a bit
himself more than any lover. Orlando is eager to prove his love odd—would he normally call an unknown man "pretty"? He also
of Rosalind, who says she will cure him of his love through wise seems quite content to indulge her silly proposal to cure him of
counsel. She will pretend to be his love, and he will woo her by his love, agreeing to meet with Ganymede even though he
the name of Rosalind. In doing so she will exhibit all the worst doesn't actually want to be cured. What's more, Orlando later
qualities of women, from pride to fickleness, and thus change admits to Duke Senior that "the first time that I ever saw
his love to anger. Orlando says that he does not want to be him/Methought he was a brother to your daughter" (Act 5,
cured but agrees to the scheme anyway. Scene 4). It's possible that he isn't fooled by her disguise at all.
It's also possible that Shakespeare is playing with some
gender-bending here, introducing an element of homoeroticism
Analysis between Orlando and this other "man." Perhaps Orlando is
attracted to Ganymede and does in fact think he is a man, or
Touchstone has an unshakeable belief that the people of the perhaps he knows it is Rosalind and it is she he is attracted to.
court are superior to country folk. However, his logic doesn't Or maybe he just doesn't have anything better to do and
hold up under Corin's common sense, who shoots down his decides it's an amusing enough pastime for a while. The reader
argument with the simple opinion that the court appears may interpret this ambiguous scene "as you like it," choosing
equally ridiculous to those who live in the country. The contrast the explanation they prefer. In any interpretation this second
in the way the two men reason reflects how different the court meeting of Orlando and Rosalind increases the rising action of
and the country are. Touchstone uses twisted logic and fancy the play, setting events into faster motion toward the eventual
verbal footwork to try to prove his point, while Corin's speech climax.
is straightforward and sensible.
up as promised.
Act 3, Scene 5
Corin then enters and asks if the two would like to get a peek
at a lovers' scene that is about to play out nearby. It is a young
shepherd they know of, who is fruitlessly in love with a "proud Summary
disdainful shepherdess." Rosalind entreats Celia to go and tells
Corin that she will "prove a busy actor in their play." Rosalind, Celia, and Corin eavesdrop as Silvius, a lovelorn
shepherd, begs his love Phoebe not to be so scornful. Phoebe
doesn't want to hurt him and argues that her scornful looks
Analysis cannot truly hurt him. To prove her point, she gives him a nasty
look, saying, "if mine eyes can wound, now let them kill thee."
Rosalind waffles over Orlando's character because she is She then challenges him to show her where he has been
uncertain of his love. She hopes to find reassurance in Celia, wounded, which of course, he cannot. Silvius retorts that if
but her cousin is skeptical and would rather tear Orlando down Phoebe should ever fall in love, "Then shall you know the
than build him up. Celia's reference to Diana, a virgin goddess, wounds invisible/That love's keen arrows make." Phoebe gives
implies that there will be no warmth of love found in Orlando. him leave to mock her and to show her no pity if she should fall
Celia may be wise in her skepticism since the women really in love, just as she shows him no pity now.
don't know that much about Orlando, or she may simply be
annoyed or jealous that Rosalind's attention is diverted Rosalind (as Ganymede) bursts in and reprimands the girl for
elsewhere rather than on their own friendship. Celia has given acting so high and mighty to the wretched shepherd. She
up a life of ease to follow Rosalind into the forest, and this points out that Phoebe herself isn't all that pretty and is "proud
rapid shift in her cousin's affections must sting and make Celia and pitiless" without reason to be so. Phoebe gives her a funny
wonder about her own future. If Rosalind marries, where will look, and Rosalind realizes that she has caught the girl's fancy.
that leave Celia—stuck in a shepherd's cottage alone? "No, faith, proud mistress, hope not after it," she declares
firmly, then turns to ask Silvius why on earth he follows her
Celia isn't the only one Rosalind is neglecting. She and her around like a fool. "You are a thousand times a properer
father, Duke Senior, have been parted for years and yet when man/Than she a woman," she declares. She encourages
she meets him in the forest she does not reveal her identity. Phoebe to accept this good man's love, "For I must tell you
Instead she remains disguised and speaks to him as if they are friendly in your ear,/Sell when you can; you are not for all
strangers. She has no interest in talking to Celia about Duke markets."
Senior but would rather focus her attention on Orlando. Her
dismissal of Duke Senior suggests that Rosalind doesn't yet Phoebe responds that she would rather hear Rosalind scold
want to be back under his wing. She has just gained freedom her than Silvius's words of love. Rosalind tells her in no
of action for the first time in her life and most likely wants to be uncertain terms not to fall in love with her but to take Silvius up
in charge of her own fate, especially when it comes to love. on his offer instead—for no one else may ever think she is
While her father might offer the women protection, he might beautiful as he does. Rosalind, Celia, and Corin exit, leaving
also forbid Rosalind to see Orlando—why risk it? Although her Phoebe to admit to Silvius that she now understands what it
dismissal of her father is a bit cold, it does show she is means to fall in love at first sight. She now feels sorry for him,
confident she can make it on her own. This stronger, more and he proposes the cure: if she would love him back, both his
capable Rosalind contrasts with the confused, depressed grief and her sorrow would disappear. She concedes that
Rosalind who was exiled just a short time ago. She has grown though she still doesn't love Silvius, at least she doesn't hate
in personal power and is more in charge now—no doubt him anymore. She decides to let him tag along with her
facilitated by her disguise as a man. because he could be useful but states clearly he shouldn't
expect anything further. Silvius happily agrees, asking only that
she give him an occasional smile to keep him going.
Phoebe then asks who this boy was who so disdained her. She
speaks of Ganymede's good looks and fine speech and says
that some other woman might fall in love with such a man, but love. While she claims to hate Ganymede, she has also been
not her. "I have more cause to hate him than to love him," she quite complimentary of the "pretty youth." Thus her declaration
assures Silvius. She decides she will write Ganymede that she will write him a "taunting" letter is suspect, at best.
(Rosalind) "a very taunting letter" and tell him off for being rude
to her, and she enlists Silvius to deliver it to him (her).
Act 4, Scene 1
Shakespeare uses Phoebe and Silvius to present a different
version of the romantic love theme to the reader. While
Jaques hails Ganymede (Rosalind) to make his (her)
Rosalind and Orlando share a mutual love, Silvius's love is one
acquaintance. They discuss Jaques's melancholy nature, which
sided and seems hopeless. Phoebe could not be less
he loves better than laughing. His demeanor is "a melancholy
interested in Silvius, which she makes abundantly clear with
of mine own," he explains—unlike the melancholy of musicians,
her sharp, honest tongue. She rationally debunks the "if looks
lovers, or other average people. It has many causes, including
could kill" metaphor that Silvius uses to woo her, but Silvius's
"contemplation of my travels, in which my often rumination
response reminds the reader that love isn't logical—it strikes
wraps me in a most humorous sadness." Rosalind says, "I fear
when and where it will, and it may even strike Phoebe
you have sold your own lands to see other men's," and points
out that he has nothing to show for his travels but experiences
Phoebe's disdain gets Rosalind riled up, and she can't resist that now make him sad. "I had rather have a fool to make me
poking her nose into their business. Perhaps herself being in merry than experience to make me sad," she says.
Until now Rosalind's disguise has been beneficial, allowing her abruptly changes her tune, "for now I am in a holiday humor,"
to travel safely and act freely. However, as with most and gives him leave to woo her. She answers his every word
deceptions, there comes a time when the lies begin to create with sharp wit and retorts, pretending to scorn him as
problems. Rosalind's life becomes more complicated when "Rosalind": "I say I will not have you." He answers that he will
Phoebe falls in love with her. If only she could take off her die, and she mocks the notion, saying that no man has ever
disguise she could end the confusion immediately, but Rosalind actually died for love. She then declares that she will have him
feels she still has need of her male persona, so she is stuck after all and proposes that Celia play the part of a priest and
dealing with this ludicrous situation. She then treats Phoebe to marry them.
some of the same blunt honesty that Phoebe has dished out to
The three of them stumble through a mock ceremony, and
Silvius. "Hope not after it," she warns—in other words, "you
Orlando says that he will love her "Forever and a day." Rosalind
don't stand a chance with me." Her advice to "sell when you
dismisses the notion, saying that love changes quickly once a
can; you are not for all markets" is clearly a putdown meant to
couple is married as the passions of spring change to the chill
detach Phoebe's love from Ganymede and transfer it to Silvius.
of winter. For her part Rosalind swears that she will vex her
Nonetheless, Phoebe has now learned the lesson that love, new husband constantly through jealousy, noisy chatter, and
indeed, is not logical, as she herself has fallen helplessly in unpredictable moodiness, among other unpleasantness. He
responds that the true Rosalind is wise, implying that she dishes out—even her warnings that she will be a difficult,
would not do such things. "The wiser, the waywarder," quips moody wife. His response is that the Rosalind he knows would
Rosalind, explaining that a truly witty woman cannot be not act in such a way. This again raises the question of
silenced. She will never be caught without an excuse for her whether Orlando knows Ganymede's true identity and is
behavior; even if she sneaks off to the neighbor's bed she'll merely indulging her in her playacting. Rosalind's cautions do
simply say that she went to look for her husband there. ring true in one regard, though: she will not want to be silenced
Orlando excuses himself to attend on Duke Senior, earnestly in marriage, and Orlando had best expect that she will continue
promising to return in two hours. Celia, disgusted with her to speak her mind.
cousin, lectures, "You have simply misused our sex in your
love-prate" and she should be exposed so the world could see Rosalind may go a bit too far in her description of the witty,
"what the bird hath done to her own nest." Rosalind tries to cheating wife who has a smooth answer for every situation.
convince Celia how deeply she is in love, but her cousin Celia calls her on it, saying that Rosalind is a hypocrite for
remains skeptical. putting down her own sex in such an unjust way. Practical, not-
in-love Celia doesn't see how Rosalind's actions spring from
her deep love and from her need for proof of Orlando's love.
Analysis Celia's love and loyalty still belongs to Rosalind, but Rosalind's
love and loyalty has shifted away to Orlando. Her reprimand of
Jaques and Rosalind present different approaches to life. Rosalind may serve as a means of venting her frustration with
Jaques purposefully sinks into the sad depths of life, perhaps how the situation has changed; there is nothing she can do to
finding it more "real" or worthy than mere happiness, while change things, but perhaps it feels good to get in a barb or two
Rosalind would rather live a lighter, merrier life. Both probably at her cousin's expense.
think themselves wise and the other a fool. Shakespeare again
avoids giving a clear opinion on the matter, leaving the reader
to decide. Act 4, Scene 2
When Orlando at last arrives, Rosalind blasts him on purpose
rather than out of real anger. In doing so she sets the
precedent for their relationship: she expects specific,
nonnegotiable behavior from Orlando, and if he doesn't toe the
Duke Senior's Lords have killed a deer in their hunt, and
line he can hit the road. In a nod to the theme of disguises, her
Jaques proposes they should present the hunter who took it
guise as Ganymede emboldens Rosalind to act more harshly
down to Duke Senior "like a Roman conqueror," with the deer's
and speak more bluntly than she might if she were being
horns on his head as a sign of victory. He begs a song from
herself. But the true thrust of this scene has to do with the
one of the lords, who obliges him. "What shall he have that
themes of love, marriage, and loyalty. Rosalind tests Orlando's
killed the deer?" the man sings. "His leather skin and horns to
love and loyalty in many ways, trying to find out if he is truly
wear" is the answer. The song advises that one should not be
ready for (and serious about) marriage to her. First she teases
ashamed to wear the horns for they've been worn for many
that she might cheat on him to see how he reacts (as
generations before. The horn "is not a thing to laugh to scorn,"
referenced in the snail's horns, which are a symbol for
the song proclaims in its final line.
cuckolding in the same way that deer's horns are in other
scenes). Naturally he defends his Rosalind's honor. Then she
coquettishly demands that he now woo her; but even though
she has asked for the wooing, Rosalind doesn't let up. She
continues poking holes in Orlando's courtly notions of love with
This scene serves as a pastoral interlude to entertain the
her slippery wit. It isn't courtly love she wants, as courtly love
audience rather than progressing the plot or revealing
often proves false. Everything she says and does is to
important information about the characters. Jaques thinks
determine if Orlando really loves her. Orlando responds gamely
presenting the hunter as a conqueror wearing the deer's horns
to all her ploys and doesn't so much as flinch when Rosalind
will amuse Duke Senior, nothing more, and he asks for a song
suggests the mock wedding. He is able to take whatever she
to lighten the load of carrying the deer back to camp. The song Under the same bush lay a hungry lioness, waiting to pounce.
has as its theme the deer's horns, which are a symbol for Orlando discovered that the beggar was his older brother.
cuckoldry. This alludes to the overall theme of love and Twice he turned to leave, but his kindness won out over desire
marriage in the play, illustrating one more aspect of love that for revenge, and he fought off the lioness to save his brother's
was a common belief of the time: that every man will be life. Both women ask if Oliver is that brother, and he admits
cheated on by his wife, and therefore, there is no shame in it humbly that he is. He then recounts how he and Orlando
since it is a universal condition. exchanged stories and cried together, and how Orlando had
brought him to Duke Senior. There he saw the blood on
Orlando's arm, where the lioness had wounded him, and at last
Act 4, Scene 3 Orlando fainted, crying out for Rosalind. When he awoke he
sent Oliver to relay the news, lest Ganymede think Orlando had
broken his promise. At this news Rosalind faints. She comes to
only creatures stirring in the field. Country lovers, too, lie remarkable wit, indeed.
between the acres of rye—whether or not the "ring time," or
wedding, has happened just yet. Touchstone's displeasure may Rosalind and Celia reenter, dressed as themselves, escorted
show that he doesn't approve of how the song portrays love. by the mythological god of marriage, Hymen. Music plays, and
To Touchstone, who has now set his mind to be properly Hymen begins to sing of the joy in heaven when people come
married, love is no longer frivolous. Lying in the fields with his together to be united. He bids Duke Senior to bestow
lady before marriage may now seem dishonorable to him, Rosalind's hand upon Orlando, and Rosalind confirms, first to
though indeed it was his initial aim with Audrey when they first her father and then to Orlando, "To you I give myself, for I am
met. The song may also remind Touchstone that he hasn't yet yours." With her disguise removed, all recognize the Ganymede
had the pleasure of bedding Audrey, hence his impatience to that was is now changed into Rosalind. Hymen asks the four
be married. couples to join hands so that they may marry, offers insights to
each couple, and sings a hymn praising marriage. True to her
word, Phoebe marries Silvius, saying "now thou art mine;/Thy
Rosalind's plan comes together beautifully, and although their smiles that the men do not hate them), that they with the
people have begun to suspect that Ganymede was not what he women will find the play pleasing. She says that if she were a
appeared to be, it no longer matters. Rosalind has kept up the woman, she would kiss all the men with "good beards, or good
charade just long enough to pull off her marital coup. Following faces, or sweet breaths," and she is sure that these same "will,
the custom of the day in which women were subordinate to for my kind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell."
men, Rosalind gives herself first to her father to give her away,
and then to her new husband. Even Phoebe has had a change
of heart; Silvius's faith has at last won her over, and she Analysis
marries him willingly. The presence of Hymen as the
ceremony's officiant emphasizes the notion that marriage is In Shakespeare's comedies, the epilogue served as an
ordained by the gods and also lends an element of fantasy to unmistakable cue that the play was over, and that it was now
the play that allows the audience to enjoy it as a light farce, time for the audience to show their appreciation of the
rather than serious fare. entertainment. A main character would return to the stage to
humbly make apologies for any defects in the play (such as, in
A final convenient twist in the plot wraps up the happy ending this case, the epilogue being spoken by a female character
for pretty much all of the characters in the play. Duke rather than a male one), to deliver a final joke or display (such
Frederick's renunciation of his crown shifts wealth and status as Rosalind's teasing banter about kissing the gentlemen in the
back to Duke Senior and his loyal followers, and Rosalind will audience), and to ask directly for applause ("bid me farewell").
be able to return to court with her beloved Orlando, triumphant Rosalind's direct reference to gender highlights the convention
in their good fortune. Despite the happy news, Duke Senior in Shakespeare's time of having only male actors in plays, even
urges the party to focus on the merriment at hand, forgetting for the female roles. The actor says that "if I were a woman" he
the "new-fall'n dignity" that a return to the formality of court life would kiss the men, but the audience would have been
will mean. Their time of life in the forest is coming to a close, shocked, indeed, if Rosalind were truly played by a woman at
but they can still kick up their heels together in "rustic revelry" that time.
one last time. Jaques will have none of it; he doesn't want to
return to the court nor to partake in the festivities—both
probably sound like too much fun. His choice to stay with Duke
Frederick instead shows that his character remains steadfast;
g Quotes
he will continue to indulge his melancholy and live life in his
own style, not according to the dictates of society.
"But I, his brother, gain nothing
under him but growth, for the
Epilogue which his animals on his dunghills
are as much bound to him as I."
— Orlando, Act 1, Scene 1
Rosalind addresses the audience directly, saying that while it is
not the custom for a lady to deliver an epilogue, it's no worse
Orlando complains bitterly to Adam of the ill treatment he has
than a man giving the prologue. She says that while a good
received from Oliver since their father's death. Orlando feels
play needs no epilogue, even a good play can be improved by a
like a mere barnyard animal; he has been given food and
good epilogue. However, she has neither a good epilogue, nor
shelter but no opportunity to better himself as his noble birth
can she claim the play is necessarily good. Since she is not
should allow.
dressed as a beggar and thus cannot beg, she will charm the
audience instead. She asks the women to like the play as much
as they want to, for the love they bear for men. Then she asks
the men, for the love they bear women (as she guesses by "Her cousin so loves her, being
his identity, though, and will not dishonor his father's memory
ever from their cradles bred
to earn Duke Frederick's favor.
together, that she would have
followed her exile or have died to
"In my heart/Lie there what hidden
stay behind her."
woman's fear there will,/We'll have
— Charles, Act 1, Scene 1 a swashing and a martial outside."
Charles tells of how Rosalind came to stay at the court when — Rosalind, Act 1, Scene 3
her father Duke Senior was banished. It was Celia's strong love
for her cousin that caused Duke Frederick to keep Rosalind at As Rosalind and Celia prepare to travel to the Forest of Arden
court. in disguise, Rosalind reflects on her adopted role as a man.
Despite any "womanly" fear, she will present a strong,
"mannish" front in order to deter trouble on the road.
"The more pity that fools may not
speak wisely what wise men do
"Now go we in content/To liberty,
and not to banishment."
— Touchstone, Act 1, Scene 2
— Celia, Act 1, Scene 3
will not hear words spoken against her father or his people, forest to help bolster Rosalind's spirits and courage. She
even if they are true. For this Touchstone laments that he, the assures her cousin that this banishment will, in fact, be a good
fool, is reprimanded for speaking the truth to impart wisdom, thing: it will allow them the freedom to chart their own course
while his social superiors ("wise men") may spread the same in life.
Even though Orlando beats Charles handily in the wrestling exile in the forest is better than life at court—now that they've
match, Duke Frederick dismisses him coldly because he is the grown accustomed to its hardships. Though the woods have
son of his former enemy, Sir Rowland. Orlando stands firm in wild beasts and rough weather, Duke Senior feels safer there
than he does among the vipers at court. The "painted pomp" of
jealous courtiers seems superficial and ridiculous to him now. Jaques philosophizes about how life, in its own way, is a
performance. Each person has roles they will play simply by
being human. He compares birth and death to entrances and
"And so, from hour to hour we ripe exits, and by extension the stages of a person's life become
acts in their own ongoing play.
and ripe,/And then from hour to
hour we rot and rot,/And thereby
"Good manners at the court are as
hangs a tale."
ridiculous in the country as the
— Jaques, Act 2, Scene 7 behavior of the country is most
mockable at the court."
Mr. Melancholy, Jaques enjoys nothing more than
philosophizing, especially if the subject at hand is morose. Here
— Corin, Act 3, Scene 2
he discusses aging and the passing of time, how quickly one's
youth turns into overripeness followed by the rotting of old
age. While each person's tale may be different, the effects of Clever Touchstone upholds court manners as superior to
aging will remain a constant. country customs, but simple shepherd Corin points out that
there is more than one view on the subject. His plain-spoken
wisdom is a breath of fresh air, standing in contrast to the
"Speak you so gently? Pardon me, twists and turns of Touchstone's witty philosophizing.
sooner met but they looked, no Senior and his men are interlopers who hunt them, leaving the
deer no peace or sense of security in their own home. Duke
sooner looked but they loved, no Senior's first lord then describes coming upon Jaques in the
forest, weeping over an injured deer that was not cleanly killed
sooner loved but they sighed ..."
by a hunter's arrow. The first lord relates how Jaques had
explored this same metaphor even further, damning the
— Rosalind, Act 5, Scene 2 hunters as "usurpers" and "tyrants." The deer in this scene
symbolizes the injustice of usurpers like Duke Frederick, who
Rosalind tells Orlando of the lightning-bolt love that has struck has taken over lands that are not rightly his. In a broader sense
Oliver and Celia, leading them in rapid succession from first Jaques disapproves of the whole system by which common
glance to love, and thence to marriage. people, who should be free to live in peace and security, are
subjugated to the dictates of the ruling class. The deer in the
scene has been injured, but the hunter has not come to put it
out of its misery; in much the same way the actions of rulers
"It is not the fashion to see the
may harm their subjects, and the rulers may not even notice or
lady the epilogue, but it is no more care.
m Themes
These sets of brothers contrast with Celia and Rosalind, who loyal to Sir Rowland de Boys and is now loyal to his son
are as close as sisters even though they are only cousins. In Orlando, offering the young man his life savings and helping
Act 1, Scene 2 Celia cautions Rosalind that though she may him flee to safety. Orlando remains loyal to his deceased
"make sport" with men—in other words, to flirt and amuse father, declaring that he is proud to be Sir Rowland's son and
herself—that she should "love no man in good earnest" nor wouldn't give that up even to become Duke Frederick's heir.
behave in any way that could damage her reputation. Rosalind Even Silvius is loyal to Phoebe despite how disdainfully she
seems on board with this until she suddenly falls for Orlando, treats him. Oliver, in contrast to these characters, has been
leaving Celia both astonished and disturbed. For their entire disloyal to his father's memory by not honoring his wishes
lives the women have focused their love on one another. Celia regarding Orlando's education and keeping.
many times states her deep love for Rosalind, who now has
shifted her focus from sisterly love to romantic love. Celia
takes jabs at this new love and at Orlando, questioning
whether his love is true and subtly trying to influence her
Court versus Country
cousin against the match. Her tune changes abruptly, of
course, when she meets Oliver and becomes engaged before
her cousin does. Perhaps Celia sees the writing on the wall: The differences between life at court and life in the country are
now that the women are no longer children, the era of sisterly explored by various characters. While life at court may be
love is giving way to adulthood and marriage. glamorous and more comfortable, the country offers a certain
freedom of lifestyle that is not possible within the hierarchy
The two other couples reveal different sides of love and and social rules of the court. Duke Senior speaks of how life at
marriage, beyond "love at first sight" and the courtly love of court is "painted pomp" (Act 2, Scene 1), and that the wild,
Rosalind and Orlando. For Touchstone and Audrey, their hasty wind-whipped woods are "more free from peril than the
marriage is a practical means of having sex in a respectable envious court," where gossip and intrigue are the norm. People
manner. Even a bad marriage is better than being alone to mix more freely in the country, unlike at the court, with exiled
Touchstone, and for Audrey it establishes her position in nobles rubbing elbows with lowly shepherds. The standard of
society as "an honest woman" rather than a "slut." Phoebe and living is similar for everyone in the forest, too; Duke Senior and
Silvius's marriage is also practical, but it is not based on his party have to hunt for their food, just like anyone else. At
physical desire. Silvius's patient, enduring adoration of Phoebe court, though, the rich nobles call the shots and live well, while
at last wears her down even if it doesn't quite bowl her over, servants like Adam and even nobly born younger brothers like
and she accepts the match as, perhaps, the best she is going Orlando must often live in relative poverty.
to get, so she decides to make do with it and be happy.
Touchstone mockingly debates which is better: he likes the love; he is thus conveniently at hand to intercede when Sir
solitude of the country but finds the privacy vile; the fields Oliver Martext appears to marry the couple.
please him but are tedious compared to the court; the "spare
life" suits him, but "as there is no more plenty in it, it goes much Disguises are also present in the way Shakespeare draws
against my stomach" (Act 3, Scene 2). He looks down on Corin attention to the fact that the audience is viewing a play. The
because the shepherd hasn't learned "good manners" at the actors are normal people disguised in costumes in order to put
court, to which Corin blithely replies, "Those that are good on a pretend world for the viewers. This is evident in Jaques's
manners at the court are as ridiculous in the country as the famous speech in Act 2, Scene 7, when he states that "All the
behavior of the country is most mockable at the court." As with world's a stage,/And all the men and women merely players,"
the other themes, Shakespeare doesn't give a definitive and again during the epilogue, in which Rosalind reminds the
answer on which is better; he leaves the reader to decide. audience that she is actually a male actor (as was the custom
of the time) playing a woman pretending to be a man. Thus the
lines of fantasy and reality are blurred across the play, making
the viewer reflect on that which is disguised and those
Disguises and Concealment appearances that are true.