Ba Hindi
Ba Hindi
Ba Hindi
(Courses effective from Academic Year 2015-16)
Disclaimer: The CBCS syllabus is uploaded as given by the Faculty concerned to the Academic
Council. The same has been approved as it is by the Academic Council on 13.7.2015 and
Executive Council on 14.7.2015. Any query may kindly be addressed to the concerned Faculty.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has initiated several measures to bring equity,
efficiency and excellence in the Higher Education System of country. The important
measures taken to enhance academic standards and quality in higher education include
innovation and improvements in curriculum, teaching-learning process, examination and
evaluation systems, besides governance and other matters.
The UGC has formulated various regulations and guidelines from time to time to improve
the higher education system and maintain minimum standards and quality across the
Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in India. The academic reforms recommended by
the UGC in the recent past have led to overall improvement in the higher education system.
However, due to lot of diversity in the system of higher education, there are multiple
approaches followed by universities towards examination, evaluation and grading system.
While the HEIs must have the flexibility and freedom in designing the examination and
evaluation methods that best fits the curriculum, syllabi and teaching–learning methods,
there is a need to devise a sensible system for awarding the grades based on the
performance of students. Presently the performance of the students is reported using the
conventional system of marks secured in the examinations or grades or both. The
conversion from marks to letter grades and the letter grades used vary widely across the
HEIs in the country. This creates difficulty for the academia and the employers to
understand and infer the performance of the students graduating from different
universities and colleges based on grades.
The grading system is considered to be better than the conventional marks system and
hence it has been followed in the top institutions in India and abroad. So it is desirable to
introduce uniform grading system. This will facilitate student mobility across institutions
within and across countries and also enable potential employers to assess the performance
of students. To bring in the desired uniformity, in grading system and method for
computing the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) based on the performance of
students in the examinations, the UGC has formulated these guidelines.
The CBCS provides an opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses
comprising core, elective/minor or skill based courses. The courses can be evaluated following the
grading system, which is considered to be better than the conventional marks system. Therefore, it is
necessary to introduce uniform grading system in the entire higher education in India. This will benefit
the students to move across institutions within India to begin with and across countries. The uniform
grading system will also enable potential employers in assessing the performance of the candidates. In
order to bring uniformity in evaluation system and computation of the Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA) based on student’s performance in examinations, the UGC has formulated the
guidelines to be followed.
Outline of Choice Based Credit System:
1. Core Course: A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement
is termed as a Core course.
2. Elective Course: Generally a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may
be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ subject of study or which
provides an extended scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain
or nurtures the candidate’s proficiency/skill is called an Elective Course.
2.1 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses may be offered by the main
discipline/subject of study is referred to as Discipline Specific Elective. The University/Institute
may also offer discipline related Elective courses of interdisciplinary nature (to be offered by
main discipline/subject of study).
2.2 Dissertation/Project: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge,
such as supplement study/support study to a project work, and a candidate studies such a course
on his own with an advisory support by a teacher/faculty member is called dissertation/project.
2.3 Generic Elective (GE) Course: An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated
discipline/subject, with an intention to seek exposure is called a Generic Elective.
P.S.: A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as an elective by other
discipline/subject and vice versa and such electives may also be referred to as Generic Elective.
3. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)/Competency Improvement Courses/Skill Development
Courses/Foundation Course: The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of two kinds: AE
Compulsory Course (AECC) and AE Elective Course (AEEC). “AECC” courses are the courses
based upon the content that leads to Knowledge enhancement. They ((i) Environmental Science, (ii)
English/MIL Communication) are mandatory for all disciplines. AEEC courses are value-based
and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc.
3.1 AE Compulsory Course (AECC): Environmental Science, English Communication/MIL
3.2 AE Elective Course (AEEC): These courses may be chosen from a pool of courses designed to
provide value-based and/or skill-based instruction.
• lsesLVj 1
• lsesLVj 2
• lsesLVj 3
• lsesLVj 4
• lsesLVj 5
1- fganh dh ekSf[kd vkSj yksd&lkfgR; ijaijk vFkok vfLerkewyd foe'kZ vkSj fganh lkfgR; vFkok
• lsesLVj 5
2- fganh Hkk"kk dk O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k vFkok dks'k foKku % 'kCndks'k vkSj fo'odks'k vFkok
Hkkjrh; lkfgR; dh laf{kIr :ijs[kk
• lsesLVj 6
3- yksdukV~; vFkok fgUnh dh Hkkf"kd fofo/rk,¡ vFkok Hkkjrh; lkfgR; % ikBijd vè;;u
• lsesLVj 3
3- lks'ky ehfM;k
4- vuqokn&dkS'ky
• lsesLVj 4
1. dk;kZy;h fganh
dqy 26 iz'ui=k
bdkbZ&3 % HkkoukRed miU;kl vkSj xqy'ku uUnk] tufç; miU;kl vkSj ;FkkFkZcks/ µ bCus 'kiQh ch,]
tufç; ys[kd vkseçdk'k 'kekZ] lqjsUæ eksgu ikBd vkSj osnçdk'k 'kekZ
bdkbZ&4 % dfolEesyuh dfork % Lo:i ,oa izeq[k yksdfç; dfo µ cs<c cukjlh] dkdk gkFkjlh
ls vkt rd ds yksdfç; xhrdkj vkSj gkL;dfo
lgk;d xzaFk %
^miU;kl vkSj izfrjksèk* ¹^vfHkuo Hkkjrh* (vyhx<+ eqfLye fo'ofo|ky; ds fganh foHkkx dh
'kksèk&if=kdk dk fo'ks"kkad o"kZ&2008)º
lgk;d xzaFk %
(d) dfork % laosnuk] dkO;:i] Hkk"kk&lkS"Bo] Nan] y;] xfr vkSj rqd
bysDVªkWfud ekè;e % jsfM;ks] nwjn'kZu] fiQYe iVdFkk ys[ku] Vsyhfotu iVdFkk ys[kuA
lgk;d xazFk %
lgk;d xzaFk %
1. ltZukRed lkfgR;
2. Kku&foKku vkSj rduhdh lkfgR;
3. lkekftd foKku
1. tulapkj
2. iz'kklfud vuqokn
3. caSfdax vuqokn
4. fof/ vuqokn
lgk;d xzaFk %
lgk;d xzaFk
bdkbZ&4 % varjkZ"Vªh; fganh lEeysu % ”k:jr vkSj Hkwfedk] 21oha lnh esa fganh dh oSf'od pqukSfr;k¡
lgk;d xzaFk
bdkbZ&2 % Hkk"kk f'k{k.k dh vk/kjHkwr ladYiuk,¡ (ts-,l- czwuj] okbZxksRLdh] fgyxkMZ] fi;kts)
• izFke Hkk"kk] ekr`Hkk"kk rFkk vU; Hkk"kk (f}rh; ,oa fons'kh) dh ladYiuk
• ekr`Hkk"kk] f}rh; Hkk"kk vkSj fons'kh Hkk"kk ds f'k{k.k esa varj
• lkekU; vkSj fof'k"V iz;kstu ds fy, Hkk"kk f'k{k.k
lgk;d xzaFk
lgk;d xzaFk
fganh Hkk"kk dk bfrgkl µ /hjsanz oekZ
Hkkjrh; iqjkfyfi µ MkW- jkecfy ik.Ms; (yksdHkkjrh izdk'ku)
fganh Hkk"kk dk mn~xe vkSj fodkl µ mn;ukjk;.k frokjh
fganh Hkk"kk dh igpku ls izfr"Bk rd µ MkW- guqekuizlkn 'kqDy
fyfi dh dgkuh µ xq.kkdj eqys
Hkk"kk vkSj lekt µ jkefoykl 'kekZ
bdkbZ&2 (d) dchjnkl & dchj xzaFkkoyh] laik- MkW- ekrk izlkn xqIr
(yksdHkkjrh izdk'ku_ izFke laLdj.k_ iQjojh] 1969)
lk¡p dkS vax (lk[kh 2] 16)
/eZ fo|kSl.k dkS vax (1] 10)
Hks"k dkS vax (2] 12)
Lk/k lk"khHkwr dkS vax (3] 4)
Lkjxzkgh dkS vax (3]4)
laxzFkkbZ dkS vax (9)
µ in la[;k 64 µ dkgs jh ufyuh - - -
µ in la[;k 66 µ vc dk d:¡ - - -
([k) ea>u µ ea>u&Ñr ^e/qekyrh*_ laik- ekrk izlkn xqIr
u[k&f’k[k o.kZu
1- ds'k o.kZu (79)
2- ukfldk o.kZu (83)
3- v/j o.kZu (87)
4- vfrl:i - - - (94)
5- f=kcyh o.kZu (97)
bdkbZ&3 (d) lwjnkl % lwjlkxj lkj % èkhjsUnz oekZ_ (lkfgR; Hkou (izk-) fyfeVsM] thjks jksM]
bykgkckn&211003_ v"Ve laLdj.k lu~ 1990)
([k) ehjk¡ckbZ dh inkoyh (laik- vkpk;Z ij'kqjke prqosZnh] fganh lkfgR; lEesyu_ iz;kx]
ckblok¡ laLdj.k 2008 bZ-)
lgk;d xzaFk %
bdkbZ&2 % vkfndky
lgk;d xzaFk %
2. jghe (vCnqjZghe [kku[kkuk¡) µ jghe xzaFkkoyh] laiknd % fo|kfuokl feJ] xksfoan jtuh'k
nksgkoyh µ Nan la[;k 38] 49] 87] 126] 130] 166] 167] 175] 180] 212] 220] 222
3. fcgkjh µ fcgkjh&jRukdj % iz.ksrk Jh txUukFknkl ^jRukdj*] f'kokyk] okjk.klh
Nan la[;k µ 1] 62] 103] 127] 128] 143] 180] 347] 363] 388
4. ?kukuan µ ?kukuan (xzaFkkoyh)_ laik- fo'oukFk izlkn feJ_ forku_ cukjl&1
lgk;d xzaFk %
nso vkSj mudh dfork µ uxsanz
fcgkjh µ fo'oukFk izlkn feJ
Hkw"k.k µ fo'oukFk izlkn feJ
fxfjèkj dfojk; (xzaFkkoyh) & la- fd'kksjhyky xqIr
?kukuan vkSj LoPNanrkoknh dkO;èkkjk & euksgjyky xkSM+
jhfrdkO; dh Hkwfedk & uxsanz
dfooj fcgkjhyky vkSj mudk ;qx & j.kèkhj izlkn flUgk
Hkw"k.k vkSj mudk lkfgR; & jktey cksjk
fganh uhfrdkO; dk Lo:i fodkl & jkeLo:i 'kkL=kh
fganh lkfgR; dk mÙkjeè;dky % jhfrdky & egsanz dqekj
fganh lkfgR; dk c`gr~ bfrgkl] Hkkx&6 & laik- uxsanz
f}tnso vkSj mudk dkO; & vafcdkizlkn oktis;h
?kukuan xzaFkkoyh & fo'oukFk izlkn feJ
lusg dks ekjx & bejS ca?kk
vk;kZ lIr'krh vkSj fcgkjh lrlbZ dk rqyukRed vè;;u & dSyk'k ukjk;.k frokjh
fganh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl ¼vkfndky ls jhfrdky rd½ & iwjupan VaMu
• eè;dkyhu cksèk rFkk vkèkqfud cksèk (laØe.k dh ifjfLFkfr;k¡ uotkxj.k vkSj Hkkjrsanq) uotkxj.k dh
ifjfLFkfr;k¡ vkSj Hkkjrsanq ;qx
• egkohj izlkn f}osnh % fganh i=kdkfjrk vkSj [kM+h cksyh vkanksyu
• Lokèkhurk vkanksyu vkSj uotkxj.kdkyhu&psruk dk mRd"kZ
lgk;d xzaFk
vkèkqfud lkfgR; dh izo`fÙk;k¡ µ ukeoj flag
HkkjrsUnq vkSj fganh uotkxj.k dh leL;k,¡ µ jkefoykl 'kekZ
fganh dk x| lkfgR; & jkepanz frokjh
fganh x| % foU;kl vkSj fodkl & jkeLo:i prqosZnh
vkèkqfud lkfgR; µ uannqykjs oktis;h
Nk;kokn µ ukeoj flag
rkjlIrd (igyk laLdj.k vkSj nwljk laLdj.k) vkSj nwljk lIrd dh Hkwfedk,¡ µ laik- vKs;
fganh uoxhr % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl & jktsUnz xkSre
ledkyhu fganh dfork µ fo'oukFk izlkn frokjh
fganh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl µ laik- uxsUnz
fganh ukVd % ubZ ij[k & laik- jes'k xkSre
egkohj izlkn f}osnh vkSj fganh uotkxj.k µ jkefoykl 'kekZ
1- eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr
2- t;'kadj izlkn
3- lw;Zdkar f=kikBh fujkyk
4- jke/kjh flag fnudj
5- lqHknzk dqekjh pkSgku
jpuk,¡ %
1- eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr µ ;'kks/jk (pqus gq, va'k)
l[kh os eq>ls dgdj tkrs - - - 5] 6] 7] 8] 9
vc dBksj] gks otzknfi - - - 7] 8] 9] 10] 11] 12] 13] 14
ekfufu] eku rtks yks] jgh rqEgkjh cku
nhu u gks xksih
2- t;'kadj izlkn µ mB&mB jh y?kq] e/qi xquxquk dj] rqEgkjh vk¡[kksa dk cpiu] vjs dgha
ns[kk gS rqeus] vjh o#.kk dh “kkar dNkj] ys py eq>s Hkqykok nsdj] v'kksd dh
3- lw;Zdkar f=kikBh fujkyk µ laè;klqUnjh] ckny jkx % Ng] og rksM+rh iRFkj] [ksr tksr dj ?kj vk, gSa]
cka/ks u uko] Lusg fu>Zj] oj ns] eSa vdsyk@ns[krk gw¡ vk jgh esjs thou dh
lkaè; csyk] nqfjr nwj djks ukFk] v'kj.k gw¡ xgks gkFk
5- lqHknzkdqekjh pkSgku µ Bqdjk nks ;k I;kj djks] ohjksa dk dSlk gks clUr] eqj>k;k iQwy] esjs ifFkd]
>k¡lh dh jkuh dh lekfèk ij] vuks[kk nku] ckfydk
lgk;d xzaFk
t;'kadj izlkn & uannqykjs oktis;h
eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr % iquewZY;kadu & uxsanz
fujkyk dh lkfgR;&lkèkuk & jkefoykl 'kekZ
;qxpkj.k fnudj & lkfo=kh flUgk
fgUnh LoPNanrkoknh dkO;èkkjk & izse'kadj
eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr % izklafxdrk ds var%lw=k & Ñ".knÙk ikyhoky
t;'kadj izlkn & izse'kadj
vudgk fujkyk & vk- tkudhoYyHk 'kkL=kh
fujkyk % vkRegark vkLFkk & nwèkukFk flag
fujkyk dkO; dh Nfo;k¡ & uanfd'kksj uoy
jkeèkkjh flag fnudj & fot;sanz ukjk;.k flag
Nk;kokn & ukeoj flag
=k;h (izlkn] fujkyk vkSj iar) & vk- tkudhoYyHk 'kkL=kh
vkèkqfud fganh dfork esa fcac&foèkku & dsnkjukFk flag
n`f"Vikr & jktsUnz xkSre
^dYiuk* dk ^moZ'kh*&fookn & laik- xksis'oj flag
mÙkjNk;koknh dkO;Hkk"kk & gfjeksgu 'kekZ
1- mlus dgk Fkk & panz/j 'kekZ xqysjh
2- iwl dh jkr & izsepan
3- NksVk tknwxj & izlkn
4- iktsc & tSusUnz oqQekj
5- rhljh dle &”ojukFk js.kq
6- phiQ dh nkor & Hkh’e lkguh
7- ifjUns & fueZy oekZ
8- nksigj dk Hkkstu & vejdkar
9- flDdk cny x;k & d`’.kk lkscrh
10- taxy tkrde~ & dk”khukFk flag
11- okilh & m"kk fiz;aonk
12- ?kqliSfB;s & vkseizdk”k ckYehfd
lgk;d xazFk
1- Hkkjrh; dkO;'kkL=k dh ijaijk (vkpk;Z Hkjreqfu ls iafMrjkt txUukFk rd)
2- dkO;&y{k.k] dkO;&gsrq] dkO;&iz;kstu
3- jl % Lo:i vkSj y{k.k] jl ds vax rFkk jl ds Hksn
4- 'kCn&'kfDr;k¡
5- xq.k ,oa nks"k % y{k.k vkSj Hksn
6- vyadkj % y{k.k vkSj Hksn
(d) leof.kZd µ Hkqtaxiz;kr] nzqrfoyfEcr] f'k[] 'kknwZyfoØhfM+r] loS;k (Hksn lfgr)] ?kuk{kjhA
([k) leekf=kd µ mYykyk] pkSikbZ] jksyk] gfjxhfrdkA
lgk;d xzaFk
lgk;d xzaFk
dfork ds u, izfreku & ukeoj flag
u;h dfork vkSj vfLrRookn & jkefoykl 'kekZ
vkèkqfud fganh dfork & fo'oukFk izlkn frokjh
ledkyhu dfork dk ;FkkFkZ & ijekuan JhokLro
ledkyhu dkO;&;k=kk & uUnfd”kksj uoy
dfork dh tehu vkSj tehu dh dfork & ukeoj flag
ledkyhu fganh dfork & johanz Hkzej
lgk;d xzaFk
lgk;d xzaFk
ukVddkj Hkkjrsanq dh jax&ifjdYiuk & lR;sanz rustk
vkèkqfud fganh ukVd vkSj jaxeap & laik- usfepan tSu
fganh ,dkadh dh f'kYifofèk dk fodkl & fl¼ukFk dqekj
fganh ukVd % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl µ n'kjFk vks>k
fganh ds izrhd ukVd & jes'k xkSre
fgUnh ukVdksa esa fonzksg dh ijEijk & fdj.kpan “kekZ
t;'kadj izlkn % ,d iqueZwY;kadu & fouksn 'kkgh
izlkn ds ukVd % Lo:i vkSj lajpuk & xksfoan pkrd
fganh ukVd dk vkRela?k"kZ & fxjh'k jLrksxh
ubZ jaxpsruk vkSj fganh ukVddkj & t;nso rustk
ubZ jaxpsruk vkSj cdjh & dqlqe yrk
,dkadh vkSj ,dkadhdkj & jkepj.k egsasnz
bdkbZ&4 % jkefoykl 'kekZ µ rqylh lkfgR; esa lkeUr&fojks/h ewY;] ukeoj flag & dgkuh % ubZ vkSj
iqjkuh] vKs;] eqfDrcks/] ubZ dfork dk vkRela?k’kZ
lgk;d xzaFk %
fpUrkef.k & vkpk;Z jkepanz 'kqDy
vkLFkk ds pj.k & uxsanz
dfork ds u;s izfreku & ukeoj flag
ik'pkR; lkfgR;&fparu & fueZyk tSu
fganh vkykspuk ds cht 'kCn & cPpu flag
,d lkfgfR;d dh Mk;jh & eqfDrcksèk
vkykspuk ls vkxs & lqèkh'k ipkSjh
fganh x|] foU;kl vkSj fodkl & jkeLo:i prqosZnh
nwljh ijaijk dh [kkst & ukeoj flag
fganh vkykspuk & fo'oukFk f=kikBh
vkykspuk dk u;k ikB & xksis'oj flag
ladfyr fuca/ & ufyu foykspu 'kekZ
fganh vkykspuk dk fodkl & uanfd'kksj uoy
vkLFkk vkSj lkSUn;Z & jkefoykl 'kekZ
bdkbZ&1 fucaèk
bdkbZ&2 fucaèk
bdkbZ&3 thouh@vkRedFkk
bdkbZ&4 laLej.k@js[kkfp=k@;k=kk&o`Ùkkar
lgk;d xzaFk %
fganh dk x| lkfgR; & jkepanz frokjh
HDSE – Elective
funsZ'k % lS¼kafrd fcanqvksa dk lkekU; ifjp; visf{kr gSA yksdxhrksa dh izLrqfr;k¡ vkSj yksdukV~; ds
izn'kZuksa dks lquus&ns[kus dk volj Nk=k&Nk=kkvksa ds fy, mi;ksxh gksxkA
bdkbZ&1 % ekSf[kd lkfgR; dh voèkkj.kk % lkekU; ifjp;] ekSf[kd lkfgR; vkSj fyf[kr
lkfgR; dk lacèa k
lkfgR; ds fofoèk :i & yksdxhr] yksddFkk] yksdxkFkk,¡] yksdukV~;] yksdksfDr;k¡]
igsfy;k¡&cq>kSoy vkSj eqgkojs fganh izns'k dh tuinh; cksfy;k¡ vkSj mudk lkfgR; (lkekU;
ifjp;) ekSf[kd lkfgR; vkSj lektA
bdkbZ&3 % yksddFkk,¡ ,oa yksdxkFkk,¡ foèkk dk lkekU; ifjp; vkSj izfl¼ yksddFkkvksa
,oa yksdxkFkkvksa vkYgk] yksfjd] lkjaxk&lnko`{k] fcgqyk
jktLFkkuh yksd dFkk ua- 2] fganh lkfgR; dk c`gr~ bfrgkl] ia- jkgqy lkaÑR;k;u]
i`"B 10] 11
lksygok¡ Hkkx
ekyoh yksd dFkk ua- 2] fganh lkfgR; dk c`gr~ bfrgkl] ia- jkgqy lkaÑR;k;u] i`"B
voèkh yksd dFkk ua- 2] fganh lkfgR; dk c`gr~ bfrgkl] ia- jkgqy lkaÑR;k;u] i`"B
bdkbZ&4 % yksdukV~; % foèkk dk ifjp;] fofoèk Hkk"kk {ks=kksa ds fofoèk ukV~;:i vkSj 'kSfy;k¡]
jkeyhyk_ jklyhyk ekyok dk ukp_ jktLFkku dk [;ky] mÙkj izns'k dh ukSVadh]
HkkaM] jklyhyk_ fcgkj&fcnsfl;k_ gfj;k.kk&lkax (d) ikB % laf{kIr in~ekor lkax
jkfxuh la[;k 1] 3] 6] 7] 8] 13] 14] 17] 18] 19] 28] 34] 37] 38] 43] 58]
60] 67- (y[kehpan xzaFkkoyh] la- izks- iwjupan 'kekZ] gfj;k.kk lkfgR; vdkneh]
([k) fcnsfl;k % fHk[kkjh Bkdqj d`r yksdukV~;
lgk;d xzaFk
fganh izns'k ds yksdxhr µ Ñ".knso mikè;k;
gfj;k.kk izns'k dk yksdlkfgR; µ 'kadj yky ;kno
ehV ekbZ ihiy µ nsosUnz lR;kFkhZ
ekyoh yksd&lkfgR; dk vè;;u µ ';ke ijekj
jleatjh & lqfprk jkenhu_ egkRek xka/h laLFkku] ekWjh'kl
fganh lkfgR; dk c`gr~ bfrgkl µ ia- jkgqy lkaÑR;k;u_ lksygok¡ Hkkx
okfpd dfork % Hkkstiqjh µ ia- fo|kfuokl feJ
Hkkjrh; yksd lkfgR; % ijaijk vkSj ifjn`'; & fo|k flUgk
dfork dkSeqnh % xzkexhr µ ia- jkeujs'k f=kikBh
y[kehpan dk dkO;&oSHko µ gfjpUnz ca/q
lw=k/kj µ latho
fgUnh lkfgR; dks gfj;k.kk izns'k dh nsu µ gfj;k.kk lkfgR; vdkneh dk izdk'ku
eè;izns'k yksd dyk vdkneh dh if=kdk & pkSeklk
phuh yksddFkk,¡ µ vfuy jk;
lgk;d xzaFk %
bdkbZ&1 % ukVd dh foèkkxr fof'k"Vrk] ukV~;rÙo (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)] ukVd vkSj jaxeap dk
var%lacèa k] n`'; vkSj JO; rÙoksa dk lek;kstu rFkk ukV~;kuqHkwfr vkSj jaxkuqHkwfr
bdkbZ&2 % jaxdeZ % ukVddkj] funsZ'kd] vfHkusrk] ik'oZdeZ] ukVd ds lanHkZ esa Hkjreqfu ds jl&fl¼kar
,oa vjLrw ds fojspu&fl¼kar dk fof'k"V vè;;u
bdkbZ&3 % if'peh ukV~;Hksn µ =kklnh] dkenh] esyksMªkek ,oa iQklZ (lkekU; ifjp;)] ukVd ds lanHkZ
esa Hkjreqfu ds jl&fl¼kar ,oa vjLrw ds fojspu&fl¼kar dk fof'k"V vè;;u
bdkbZ&4 % izkphu Hkkjrh; ukV~;:i µ :id] mi:id rFkk buds Hksn (lkekU; ifjp;)] vkèkqfud
Hkkjrh; ukV~;:i µ ,dkadh] dkO; ukVd] jsfM;ks ukVd ,oa uqDdM+ ukVd] VsyhfiQYe vkSj
èkkjkokfgd (lkekU; ifjp;)
lgk;d xazFk %
bdkbZ&2 % 'kCn&fopkj
• 'kCn dh ifjHkk"kk vkSj mlds Hksn (jpuk ,oa lzksr ds vk/kj ij)
• 'kCnksa dh O;kdjf.kd dksfV;k¡ (laKk] loZuke] fo'ks"k.k] fØ;k vkfn)
(dsoy ifjHkk"kk ,oa Hksn)
• 'kCnksa dk :ikarj.k] 'kCnxr v'kqf¼;k¡
• 'kCn&fuekZ.k (milxZ] izR;;] laf/ vkSj lekl)
bdkbZ&3 % in&fopkj
bdkbZ&4 % okD;&fopkj
• okD;xr v'kqf¼;k¡
lgk;d xzaFk %
lgk;d xzaFk %
vkèkqfud Hkkjrh; lkfgR;] Hkkjrh; lkfgR; ds izeq[k vkanksyu &HkfDr vkanksyu] uotkxj.k ,oa jk"Vªh;
vkanksyu] Lokèkhurk vkanksyu] Lokra=;ksÙkj Hkkjrh; lkfgR;] mÙkj vkèkqfud lanHkZ
lgk;d xzaFk
(d) yksdukV~;
lgk;d xzaFk %
bdkbZ&1 (d) okfpd fgUnh ds {ks=kh; :i & fcgkjh] cEcb;k] dydfr;k] eæklh] igkM+h lkfgR;]
flusek] ukVd vkSj ehfM;k esa {ks=kh; fgUnh dk ç;ksx
([k) lkfgfR;d Hkk"kk ds :i esa fgUnh dh fofo/rk & vkjfEHkd fgUnh dfork
¼dchj] vehj [kqljks ½] nDduh fgUnh] mnwZ 'kk;jh vkSj x|] vk/qfud lkfgfR;d fgUnh
bdkbZ&2 (d) dchj µ geu gSa b'd eLrkuk] vehj [kqljks dh eqdfj;k¡
([k) oyh nduh & fd;k eq> b'd us tkfye dw¡ vkc vkfgLrk&vkfgLrk
fd vkfr'k xqy dw¡ djrh gS xqykc vkfgLrk&vkfgLrk
bdkbZ&4 (d) ba'kk va'kk vYyk [kka & jkuh dsrdh dh dgkuh
lgk;d xzaFk %
bdkbZ&1 µ okYehfd µ ^lIri.kkZ*_ jkedkO; dk tUe_ i`"B 115&119_ esa egknsoh oekZ Ñr vuqokn
µ dkfynkl µ ^mÙkjes?k*_ ukxktqZu dh pquh gqbZ jpuk,¡_ i`- 345&349_ Nan la- 22 ls 27]
37] 47_ Hkxor'kj.k mikè;k;@ukxktqZu&Ñr vuqokn
µ ^xkFkk lIr'krh*_ MkW- gfjjke vkpk;Z_ izkÑr Hkkjrh vdkneh] t;iqj_
izFke 'krd_ 'yksd la- 4] 6] 33] 45] 49] 58] 77_
"k"B 'krd_ 'yksd la- 30] 35] 38
bdkbZ&2 (d) ukenso µ lkfgR; vdkneh }kjk izdkf'kr ^fganh Kkus'ojh* ls] vkyokj i| 'kadjnso
dh jpuk,¡
eè;dkyhu rsyqxq dfo oseuk µ lkfgR; vdkneh
bdkbZ&3 (d) johanzukFk VSxksj xhrkatyh ds dqN va'k lkfgR; vdkneh ds ^johanz jpuk lap;u* ls_
lkfgR; vdkneh_ izdk'ku o"kZ] 1987_ Hkkjr rhFkZ] èkwfy eafnj_ i`- 131&135
([k) lqczg~e.;e Hkkjrh dh dfork,¡_ lkfgR; vdkneh_ laLdj.k 1983_ ^Lora=krk dk xku*
i`- 46&47
(x) oYyrksy dh dfork,¡_ lkfgR; vdkneh- laLdj.k 1959_ ^{kek izkFkZuk*_
i`- 82] 83] 84
bdkbZ&4 (d) miU;kl&va'k % f'kokth lkoar Ñr ^e`R;qat;*_ laLdj.k 39_ o"kZ 2012_ Hkkjrh;
KkuihB_ izFke [k.M (d.kZ)_ i`- 19&117
([k) thouh&va'k % ukjk;.k nslkbZ Ñr ^vfXudqaM esa f[kyk xqykc*_ i`- 95&107
(x) ukVd % g;onu_ fxjh'k dukZM_ jkèkkÑ".k izdk'ku_ laLdj.k&1977_ i`- 17&73
lgk;d xzaFk %
(d) 'kks/&çfof/
'kks/ ds {ks=k
'kks/ ds izdkj
lkfgfR;d 'kks/ dh fo'ks"krk,¡
'kks/ vkSj fo"k;&p;u
'kks/ vkSj rF;&fo'ys"k.k
'kks/ vkSj fu"d"kZ
'kks/&laca/h leL;k,¡
,d vPNs 'kks/kFkhZ ds xq.k
fganh esa 'kks/ dh n'kk vkSj fn'kk
lgk;d xzaFk
vuqla/ku dk Lo:i & lkfo=kh flUgk
vuqla/ku dh izfØ;k & lkfo=kh flUgk@fot;sUnz Lukrd
'kks/ izfof/ & fou;eksgu 'kekZ
lkfgR; ds lekt'kkL=k dh Hkwfedk & eSustj ik.Ms;
jkbfVax bu lkslkbVh & jseaM fofy;El
lajpukRed 'kSyh foKku & johUnzukFk JhokLro
lksf'k;ksykWth vkWiQ fyVjspj & Mk;uk ykSjsalu@,ysu fLoaxoqM
bdkbZ&4 % fojspu] =kklnh] dYiuk] fcEc] izrhd] vkèkqfudrk vkSj vkèkqfudrkokn] mÙkj&vkèkqfudrk]
fucaèk] dgkuh] miU;kl
lgk;d xzaFk %
([k) Lokra=;ksÙkj fganh jaxeap % jax izf'k{k.k ,oa jax xfrfofèk;k¡] jk"Vªh; ukV~; fo|ky;]
ubZ fnYyh
lgk;d xzaFk %
ch-,- ¼vkWulZ½ fganh
HSEC ¼dksbZ nks½
lgk;d xzaFk
lgk;d xzaFk
lgk;d xzaFk
(?k) vuqokn&dkS'ky
1. ltZukRed lkfgR;
2. Kku&foKku vkSj rduhdh lkfgR;
3. lkekftd foKku
1. tulapkj
2. iz'kklfud vuqokn
3. caSfdax vuqokn
4. fof/ vuqokn
lgk;d xzaFk %
vuqokn ds Hkkf"kd fl¼kar µ dSViQksMZ] ts-lh- fl¼kar] (vuqoknd % MkW- jfo'kadj nhf{kr)
izdk'kd % eè;izns'k fganh xaazFk vdkneh] Hkksiky
vuqokn ds fl¼kar µ jsM~Mh vkj-vkj-_ (vuqokn % MkW- ts-,y- jsM~Mh)
lkfgR; vdkneh] eaMh gkmQl] ubZ fnYyh
• lkekU; ifjp;
• dk;kZy; ls fuxZr i=k (Kkiu] ifji=k] vuqLekjd] i`"Bkadu] vkns'k] lwpuk,¡] fufonk vkfn)
• fjDr inksa ij HkrhZ gsrq foKkiu
• vkosnu&ys[ku
lgk;d xzaFk
lgk;d xzaFk
dEI;wVj ,fllVsM ySaXost yfu±x] ehfM;k fMtkbu ,am ,Iyhds'kal µ dhFk dSesjkWu
Hkk"kk f'k{k.k µ johanzukFk JhokLro
l`tukRed lkfgR; µ johanzukFk JhokLro
lgk;d xzaFk