Reading and Grammar Exercises - 1st ESO

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Reading and Grammar Exercises – 1st ESO

Read the text and answer the questions.

LARA CROFT is a famous computer game character. She’s from London and she’s about 34 years
old. She’s 1 metre 75 centimetres tall and she’s got long, brown hair, dark skin and brown eyes.
She’s got a big mouth and a small nose.

Lara’s interested in cars, classical music, and photography. She’s got a big collection of photos
from many different countries. She’s good at sports (especially skiing) and she likes languages, but
she’s not very good at French or Italian. She likes animals and she’s got two dogs and a cat. She’s
also got a website and three computer games.

Next week Lara’s got a film shoot on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday she’s got a
TV interview. On Friday and Saturday she’s got a karate class at three o’clock. On Sunday she
hasn’t got classes. She’s got a great job, but she’s very busy!

1. What nationality is Lara Croft? ____________________________________________

2. Has she got fair hair? __________________________________________________
3. What colour eyes has she got? ____________________________________________
4. Has Lara got a big collection of videos? _______________________________________
5. Is she interested in photos? __________________________________________________
6. Is she good at languages? __________________________________________________
7. How many animals has Lara got? ____________________________________________
8. When has she got a film shoot? _______________________________________
9. Has she got a karate class on Friday? ____________________________________________
10. Is she busy on Sunday? ____________________________________________

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb TO BE in positive or negative.

I (1) _____________ from London. My best friend, Mike, and I (2) ____________ 12 years old, but
my friend Paul (3) ________________ (not) 12, he’s 13 years old. They (4) _____________ (not)
interested in computers, they like sport. We like school. It (5) _________________ interesting.

Write questions using the verb TO BE and answer with short answers.

1. you / English?
______________________________________________ _____________________
2. Antonio Banderas / from Spain?
______________________________________________ _____________________

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3. Rivaldo and Ronaldo / famous for football?
______________________________________________ _____________________
4. Chinese / an important subject in Spain?
______________________________________________ _____________________
5. your teachers / nineteen years old?

______________________________________________ _____________________

Complete the questions with a Question Word and then answer them.

1. ___________________ is your favourite subject? _________________________

2. ___________________ are you from? _________________________
3. ___________________ old are you? _________________________
4. ___________________ is your favourite teacher? _________________________
5. ___________________ is the Geography class? Is it at 10 o’clock? _____________

Write the sentences with the correct form of Have Got.

1. my dog / big nose

2. I / computer game
3. you / not / 100 books
4. they / five CDs
5. I / not / a website

Complete the table. Write the questions using Have Got and answer them with short answers.

a website a history book 20 CDs

Jack   
Sara   

1. Jack / a history book?


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2. Sarah / a website?
3. you / a history book?

4. Jack and Sarah / 20 CDs?

5. how many / CDs / you?

Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns

1. James is from London. _______________ is British.
2. ‘Where are ______________ from?’ ‘I’m from Madrid.’
3. My cat is big, but ______________ hasn’t got a big nose.
4. Jean and Pierre are from France. ________________ are 15 years old.
5. My friend and I are in class 7C. _____________ like Art and Science.

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Read the two emails and answer the questions


My name’s Alexander. I’m 12 years old and I’m a student at Thornleigh School in Manchester,
England. My favourite subjects are Art and Information Technology. What are your favourite
subjects? I’m good at Maths and sports (especially football and tennis), but I’m not very good at
languages. We study French – it’s difficult. What about you?

I like martial arts (I’m in the karate club at school) and I like music. My favourite pop singer is
Robbie Williams. He’s British. He’s really cool! What are your interests? Who’s your favourite pop

Write soon. Alexander



I’m Sarah. My best friends are Janice and Chris. Janice and I are Australian, but Chris is British.
They’re 12 and 13 years old. Chris is good at Music. He plays the violin in the school orchestra.
Janice is a chess expert and she’s president of the photography club. She isn’t very good at
Geography. What about your friends? How old are they? What are they good at? What are their

Write soon. Sarah

1. How old is Alexander? __________________________________________

2. What sports is Alexander good at? ____________________________________
3. Is he good at French? ________________________________________________
4. Is he in the karate club? ________________________________________________
5. Is Robbie Williams American? __________________________________________
6. Who are Sarah’s best friends? __________________________________________
7. Is Janice Australian? ________________________________________________
8. Where is Chris from? ________________________________________________
9. Is Janice in the school orchestra? __________________________________________
10. Who is president of the photography club? ______________________________

Complete the conversation. Write the questions.

1. __________________________________________? I’m from Japan

2. __________________________________________? My name is Masato, Ken Masato
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3. __________________________________________? It’s 32 Main Street, Tokyo
4. __________________________________________? I can speak Japanese, English,
but not Spanish.
5. __________________________________________? Sushi is very popular in my

Look at the information and write sentences about the city. Use the correct form of There is or
There are.

restaurant? , 8
games arcade? 
Internet café? 
swimming pool? , 2
hotel? , 3
museum ? , 1

1. _________________________________________________________________________?
2. _________________________________________________________________________?
3. _________________________________________________________________________?
4. _________________________________________________________________________?
5. _________________________________________________________________________?
6. _________________________________________________________________________?

Complete the sentences with A, AN, SOME or ANY.

1. Have you got ________________ postcards?

2. This is _________________ emergency.
3. I’m staying at _________________ campsite in France.
4. I don’t need _______________ warm clothes, it’s hot today.
5. I haven’t got ________________ rucksack.
6. I need to do ________________ preparation for my trip.
7. I haven’t got __________________ boots.
8. There’s ________________ sports centre near my house.
9. Are there ________________ cinemas in London?
10. There isn’t __________________ arcade next to my school.
11. I’ve got _________________ food for the party.

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Read the text and answer the questions.

Kate and Phil live in Melbourne in Australia. They’re teachers and they’ve got a very active and healthy
lifestyle. They walk to school every day. After school Kate goes to a karate class and then she goes
home by bus. Phil likes sports and he exercises every day. He cycles and swims, but he doesn’t do

At the weekend Kate and Phil relax together. They read books and listen to music. Phil likes pop music
and jazz, but Kate prefers classical music. She’s very musical – she plays the guitar and the violin. They
don’t watch much TV, but they like films and documentaries.

Kate and Phil aren’t vegetarians, but they don’t eat much meat. They eat a lot of fish, vegetables and
fruit. Kate eats a lot of chocolate, too!

1. Do Kate and Phil live in Spain? ______________________________________________

2. Does Kate walk to school every day? ________________________________________
3. Does Phil do karate? ____________________________________________________
4. Do they like the same type of music? ________________________________________
5. Does Kate prefer classical music or pop music? __________________________________
6. Does she play an instrument? ______________________________________________
7. Do Kate and Phil watch TV for six hours a night? __________________________________
8. Are they vegetarians? _____________________________________________________
9. Do they like fish? ___________________________________________________________
10. Is Kate a chocoholic? _____________________________________________________

What’s the time? Write the time in words.

1. 6.00 It’s ___________________________________________________________

2. 9.15 It’s ___________________________________________________________
3. 5.45 It’s ___________________________________________________________
4. 8.30 It’s ___________________________________________________________
5. 12.25 It’s _________________________________________________________

What time do you usually get up in winter? _______________________________________

What time do you usually get up in summer? _______________________________________

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Look at the table and write sentences with the adverbs of frequency.

Volleyball Golf football

Tom usually never sometimes
Ellen sometimes always often

1. Tom / golf on Sunday

2. Ellen / football after school
3. Ellen / golf at the weekend
4. Tom / football with the school team
5. Tom / volleyball on Tuesday and Thursday

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

prefer go play not listen not

1. John ______________________________ to music every night.

2. Peter and I ________________________________ comics to books.
3. Sally ____________________________________ the guitar.
4. Vegetarians ___________________________________ meat.
5. I __________________________________________ to the dentist every six months.

Ask questions in Present Simple.

1. Jenny / sleep for eight hours a night?

2. Mike and Pam / have a siesta every day?
3. you / have a healthy diet?
4. they / drink coffee?

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5. your cat / eat meat?
6. you / eat in a restaurant every weekend?

Answer the questions from the above exercise with short answers.

1. () ____________________________________________________________________
2. () ____________________________________________________________________
3. () ____________________________________________________________________
4. () ____________________________________________________________________
5. () ____________________________________________________________________
6. () ____________________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the corret form of the verbs in the box.

not play watch not like prefer relax cycle

1. My brother and his friend _____________________________ pizza to pasta.

2. We ______________________________ with friends after school.
3. Simon __________________________________ TV every night.
4. John ________________________________ two kilometres every day.
5. I _____________________________________ hamburgers.
6. Sarah ____________________________________ computer games every day.

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Read the interview and answer the questions

Ben: Hello, Sarah. Where are you at the moment?

Sarah: I’m with a team of explorers and scientists. We’re on a trip to the North Pole in the
Ben: How are you travelling?
Sarah: On foot.
Ben: How far is it?
Sarah: It’s a long route. We’re walking over 1,000 kilometres!
Ben: And what’s the weather like?
Sarah: It’s very, very cold. During the day it’s often sunny and windy, too.
Ben: Is that a problem?
Sarah: Well, we’re all wearing very warm clothes and sunglasses, so it’s OK.
Ben: Of course, there aren’t any hotels in the Arctic. Where do you sleep?
Sarah: We’ve got special tents and sleeping bags. We need them! The temperature is -35ºC
at night.
Ben: What other problems are there?
Sarah: Well, there aren’t any shops so we’re carrying all our food. My rucksack weighs
about 50 kilos. That’s a lot. Also, there are some dangerous animals – polar bears are
sometimes very aggressive. Apart from that, I’m having a fantastic time!
Ben: Thank you, Sarah. Goodbye.
Sarah: Goodbye.

1. Is Sarah with a team of doctors and scientists? _________________________________

2. Are they on a trip in America? ____________________________________________
3. Are they walking? ________________________________________________________
4. How far are they travelling? ____________________________________________
5. Is it sunny and hot in the day? ____________________________________________
6. Are they staying in a hotel? ____________________________________________
7. Why have they got special tents and sleeping bags? __________________________
8. Are there any shops in the Arctic? ____________________________________________
9. Has Sarah got a rucksack? __________________________________________________
10. Is Sarah having a good time? ____________________________________________

Complete the text with the Present Continuous using the verbs in the box.

eat not listen relax dance play

talk look wear have sing

It’s my birthday and I (1) _____________________________ a party. All my friends are here, it’s
great. We (2) ____________________________________ special costumes. Jane (3) ____________
________________________ the song on the CD – she knows all the words! Peter (4) ___________
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________________________ pizza – he loves Italian food. Jenny (5) ________________________
____________ to her friend, Sam, but Sam (6) __________________________________ to her – he
________________________________________ at Tom and Liz. They (8) _________________
_____________________ together – they’re very good at salsa. Simon (9) ____________________
________________ my new computer game, he thinks it’s fantastic. My parents (10) ____________
_________________________ in the garden. I love birthdays!

Write questions about the previous text and answer the questions.

1. they / wear / jeans and T-shirts?

2. What / Jane / sing?
3. Sam / listen to / Jenny?
4. What / Tom and Liz / do?
5. Who / play / a computer game?

Complete the questions with the correct question pronoun.

1. ‘______________________________ do you play football?’ ‘Every day.’

2. ‘______________________________ do you get up?’ ‘At 7.30.’
3. ‘______________________________ is your favourite tennis player?’ ‘Martina Hingis.’
4. ‘______________________________ students in your class play volleyball?’ ‘About 20.’
5. ‘______________________________ do you do after school?’ ‘I go to football practice.’
6. ‘______________________________ do you swim?’ ‘At the sports centre.’
7. ‘______________________________ do you travel to school?’ ‘I walk.’
8. ‘______________________________ do you play tennis?’ ‘After school and at the

Complete the questions. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Jane (go) ____________________________ to the Internet café every morning.

2. Look at Max and Tina. They (dance) __________________________________ the salsa.
3. He (wear) _________________________________ a tracksuit and trainers today.

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4. I usually (relax) ____________________________________ in my bedroom after school.
5. ‘Where’s Emma?’ ‘She (play) ____________________________________ table tennis.’

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Read the letter. Decide if the information given is True or False. If the sentence is incorrect
write why.

Dear Alex,

How are things with you? My new school is fantastic. As you know, it’s a special sports school and
I’m having a great time here. I love it! We start at 8 o’clock, so I usually get up at 6.30! In the
morning we have normal classes and in the afternoon we do different sports. The school has got
three big gyms and there are two swimming pools, a lot of tennis courts and a sports centre with
special areas for football and other sports. I can play volleyball and I’m good at hockey. I’m
learning basketball, karate and tennis. There’s an important tennis competion in April so we’re
preparing for that. I’m also in the swimming club and we have practice before school. I can swim 2
kilometres now, but I can’t run 10 kilometres. My teacher says I must train more, but I haven’t got
any free time!

What about you? Are you in the school football team this year?

Write soon,


1. Helen doesn’t go to a normal school. ________________________

2. School starts at 6.30 a.m. ________________________
3. Helen studies normal school subjects in the morning. ________________________
4. The school has got two pools. ________________________
5.. There aren’t any tennis courts at the school ________________________
6. You can’t play hockey at Helen’s school ________________________
7. They are preparing for a karate lesson in April. ________________________
8. Helen trains with the swimming club before school. ________________________
9. She can swim 10 kilometres. ________________________
10. She’s got a lot of free time. ________________________

Complete the table and write sentences with Can or Can’t.

Tim Colin You

play the guitar  
sing  
swim 1 kilometre  

1. Tim / play the guitar

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2. Colin / sing
3. Tim and Colin / swim 1 kilometre
4. I / play the guitar

Ask questions and answer with short answers. Look at the previous exercise for information.

1. Tim / sing?
2. Tim and Colin / play the guitar?
3. you / swim 1 kilometre?

Complete the Rules of Survival using Must or Mustn’t and the following verbs.

drink sterilize cook take use

1. You ________________________ water before you drink it.

2. You ________________________ a good insect repellent.
3. You ________________________ a map and compass with you.
4. You ________________________ insects before you eat them.
5. You ________________________ contaminated water.

Complete the sentences. Use Can, Can’t, Must or Mustn’t and the following verbs.

survive play use drink eat

1. ____________________ you _______________________________ a computer?

2. You ___________________________________ strange plants in the jungle.
3. My sister has got a guitar, but she _____________________________ it. She needs lessons.
4. A camel ________________________________________ for many days without water.
5. You _______________________________________ a lot of water in a hot climate.

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Choose the correct answer and complete the text about a famous athlete.

Do you know / You know / Have you got the athlete in the picture. He is strong and fast. He jumps
good / very / high like a superhero and he can / must / mustn’t do amazing things with a
basketball. His name is Kobe Bryant, and he is one of the best players in a / the / some history of
the NBA. It has got / haven’t got / isn’t surprising, because Kobe have got / has got / hasn’t got
basketball in his genes. His father is an ex-basketball player and ex-coach for US and Italian team’s
teams’ / teams. So, Kobe speak / speaks / is speaking Italian (and he also speaks Spanish). He has
got / love / loves football, too. He is a big fan of FC Barcelona.

Maybe Kobe watch / watches / is watching them on television right now!

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Read the following text about a special job.


Steven Boyle has got a very special job. He designs and makes creatures for films. He also puts
make-up on the actors and gives them a completely new and frightening look. You can see Boyle’s
work in many famous films, including King Kong, Star Wars and Under the Mountain.

In Under the Mountain, there are creatures from another planet. These creatures – the Wilberforces
– look like humans in the beginning, but later they change into ugly creatures. Boyle’s make-up and
designs are very unusual. He makes the creatures look very frightening and realistic.

Sometimes, putting make-up on the actors is more difficult than designing the creatures. One actor
Oliver Driver plays the head of the Wilberforce family. Driver’s make-up is more complicated than
the make-up on the other actors. He has got a silicone face and make-up all over his body. He has
also got false ears, hair and teeth and special contact lenses in his eyes. You can’t recognise him at
all! The transformation is amazing and Boyle is happy with the results. He loves his job!

Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences. Write the Comparative form.

1. Steven Boyle’s job is _________________________ many jobs. (boring / unusual)

2. Boyle makes actors look _______________________________ real people. (frightening /
3. The Wilberforces become ____________________________ other people. (friendly / ugly)
4. Driver’s make-up is __________________________________ the other actors’ make-up.
(easy / complicated)

Complete the sentences with the information from the above text.

1. Steven Boyle puts make-up on ____________________________ (noun) . He makes

_______________________________________ (object pronoun) look very frightening.
2. Boyle’s _________________________________ (noun) are very unusual. You can see
_____________________________ (object pronoun) in many films.
3. ________________________ (name) is an actor in Under the Mountain. Boyle puts make-up
on ___________________________ (pronoun).
4. You can’t see Driver’s real ______________________________ (noun) in the film. Boyle
puts silicone on _________________________________ (object pronoun).

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjectives and then join the
correct endings a-j

1. My MP3 player is ____________________ (new) __

2. The second film was __________________ (bad) __

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3. I think reading is _____________________ (interesting) __
4. Jack thinks Luis Garcia is a _________________ (good) __
5. Villages are _____________________ (peaceful) __
6. Hamsters are ____________ (quiet) and __________ (clean) __
7. I think that maths is __________________ (easy) __
8. The brachiosaurous was _____________________ (big) __
9. My brother is much ___________________ (fast) __
10. My teacher is ________________________ (old) __

a. than a bus.
b. than cities.
c. than watching TV.
d. than the first.
e. footballer than Ronaldo.
f. than Helen’s.
g. in the morning than I am.
h. pets than lots of other animals.
i. than my mum
j. than English.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Object Pronouns.

1. My favourite actress is Nicole Kidman. I really like _________________.

2. My sister and I often play tennis, but our friends Simon and Jane are very good. They
always beat ______________.
3. Volleyball is my favourite sport. I play _______________ at the sports centre.
4. My father is a teacher at my school. I go to school with _______________.
5. You’re very good at tennis. I never beat __________________.
6. I like sports magazines. I often read ___________________.
7. Look at ________________! I’m in all the photos of the football match.

Complete the sentences with the adjective and AS ... AS / NOT AS ... AS.

1. It was 35ºC yesterday and it’s 35ºC again today. Today is __________________________
(hot) yesterday.
2. My dog weighs 25 kilos. My cat weighs 30 kilos. My dog is _________________________
(heavy) my cat.
3. Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen have got the same birthday – 13th June, 1986. Ashley is
____________________________ (old) Mary-Kate.

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4. We get two weeks holiday for Christmas, but one week for Easter. The Easter holiday is
_______________________________ (long) the Christmas holiday.

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Hi everyone!

I’m home in London now, but last week, I was at a friend’s house in Illinois, USA. There’s an
amazing building in the area – a big, gold pyramid. That’s something you rarely see in the USA!
The pyramid is really a house. It was the idea of a man called Jim Onan. Onan’s pyramid isn’t as
big as some of the pyramids in Egypt, but it’s real gold.

Onan loves Egyptian antiques, and the pyramid house is full of old Egyptian paintings, furniture
and statues. There are three living rooms, a dining room, five bedrooms and a kitchen. The rooms
aren’t cold and dark like the real pyramids because there are some windows for light. There are
three small pyramids in the garden for the family’s cars, and there’s a tall statue of the ancient
Egyptian king, Ramses. There’s also a model of King Tutankhamun’s tomb. A few years ago, the
house was open to the public. The rooms were often full of people and there was a shop with
ancient Egyptian art and models.

The pyramid house is rarely open to the public now, but you can see it from the street. You can also
see satellite pictures of the pyramids and statues on the Internet. They’re amazing!

Complete the sentences with Present or Past of To Be, There is, There are, There was or There

1. Guy _________________________________ in the USA.

2. ___________________________________ many pyramids in the USA.
3. The pyramid house _________________________________ bigger than the pyramids in
4. The house isn’t dark because ____________________________________ some windows
for light.
5. _______________________________ a tall statue in the garden.
6. _______________________________ kings in ancient Egypt.
7. The pyramid house __________________________________ open to the public every day
last week.

Answer these questions.

1. When was Guy in Illinois?

2. What colour is the pyramid?

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3. How many bedrooms are there?
4. Where can the family put their cars?
5. What items were there in the shop?

Complete the sentences. Use was, wasn’t, were and weren’t.

1. Mozart _____________________ a sports star.

2. Picasso _____________________ Spanish.
3. Shakespeare and Mary Shelley _______________________ Spanish.
4. I ___________________ at school yesterday because it __________________ Sunday.
5. Frankenstein and Dracula __________________ famous characters in books and films.

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of WAS o WERE; positive – negative – or

Peter: In Istanbul? Wow ! ________________ it good? What ________________ your

favourite places?
Mary: Well, I loved the Blue Mosque and the palaces, but they ______________ my
favourite places. My favourite building ___________________ the Grand Bazaar. It
_____________ amazing – we ________________ there all day! It’s a really old
market – it opened in 1461!
Peter: Wow, that’s old!
Mary: Yes! In 1461, the Bazaar - ___________________ very big, but now there are more
than 4,000 shops! I bought you a present ...

Complete the questions and answers. Use the Past Simple with the verb To Be.

1. ________________ Tony and Kate at the disco last night?

Yes, ______________________________ .
2. ________________ the film good?
No, ______________________ .
3. ________________ Madonna and The Spice Girls famous in 1890?
No, ______________________________ .

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4. ________________ it cold yesterday?
Yes, _____________________.

Complete the sentences with There was or There were.

1. _______________________________ an interesting programme on TV yesterday.

2. _______________________________ some good special effects in the film Gladiator.
3. _______________________________ a lot of famous directors at the Oscar ceremony.
4. _______________________________ a talent competition last year.

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Read the text and choose the correct option A, B or C.

Philip Pullman is a British writer who was born in Norwich, in England. His father was a pilot, so
when Philip was a child he lived all over the world. He loved the Superman comics and read them
all. He spent a lot of his time reading literature and so when he was older, he decided to study
English at university. After he graduated, he became a teacher. But then after several years he
stopped teaching and became a writer instead. More than ten years ago, he wrote three very
successful books. He called them His Dark Materials. The book’s main characters are two children,
Will and Lyra.

His Dark Materials is a fantasy and an adventure story. In the first book, Lyra lives in Oxford, but
she leaves and travels to the Arctic. In the second book, she meets Will and they travel to many
different places around the world. They have many adventures together. His Dark Materials is
exciting and scary. Sometimes it’s horrible, but it’s never boring. Once you start reading these
stories you just can’t stop!

1. Philip Pullman lived in ________ when he was a child.

A Norwich, England B Oxford C many different countries
2. He decided to study English at university because _______.
A he enjoyed reading books B he wanted to be an English teacher
C he wanted to become a writer
3. He wrote His Dark Materials _______.
A ten years ago B over five years ago C less than ten years ago
4. His Dark Materials is a _______ story.
A horrible B fantasy and adventure C science fiction
5. Lyra met Will in _______.
A the Arctic B the first book C the second book
6. The reviewer _______ His Dark Materials books.
A doesn’t like B enjoyed reading C wasn’t interested in

Find the words from the text which mean the same as 1-5.

1. very popular / makes a lot of money (paragraph 1) _________________________

2. most important (paragraph 1) ____________________________
3. leave university (paragraph 1) ____________________________
4. books, stories and poems (paragraph 1) ______________________________

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Complete the text. Use Past Simple with the following verbs.

paint listen study stop

watch cook not help play

Yesterday morning I (1) _____________________________________ for my exams, but my sister

_____________________________________ tennis. Then I (3) ___________________________
_____________________ lunch. My sister (4) _______________________________________ me
– she (5) ___________ TV. After that she (6) _____________________________________ to her
CDs and I (7) _____________________________________ my bedroom green. I (8) ____________
__________________________ at 7.30. I was tired, but my sister wasn’t!

Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple with the following verbs.

see not know enjoy become pay spend not go

1. Sarah _________________________________ a model when she was only 15 years old.

2. They _________________________________ to Jane’s party.
3. The book was great. I _____________________________ it very much.
4. He ________________________________ three weeks in America last year.
5. We ________________________________ a film about UFOs.
6. I only _____________________________ £15 for my new jeans.
7. I _______________________________ Daniel was Spanish.

Complete the following Expressions of Time in the past.

1. James arrived two days _______________.

2. There was a music festival _________________ night.
3. The weather is fantastic today, but it was terrible _________________ .

Write questions to the following answers.

1. Where _________________________________________________________________?
I went to my friend’s house yesterday.
2. Who ___________________________________________________________________?
I was with Jamie last night.
3. What __________________________________________________________________?
They saw some stars in space.
4. What time ______________________________________________________________?
He got up at 8 o’clock.

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5. How many ______________________________________________________________?
There were 15 students in the class.
6. Why ___________________________________________________________________?
I wore a costume because it was Halloween.

Rewrite these sentences in negative form.

1. Greg prepared the dinner on Monday.

2. Carol washed the dishes on Tuesday
3. Peter did the shopping on Wednesday.
4. Charles wrote some emails on Thursday.
5. Laura watered all the plants in the garden on Friday.
6. Simon built a really nice model on Saturday.
7. Kate went to the cinema on Sunday.

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Reading and Grammar Exercises – 1st ESO


Read the letter and answer the questions.

Dear Rachel,

How are things with you? I’m OK, but I’m sharing a bedroom with my brother at the moment
because I’m going to decorate my room next week. I’m going to paint it light blue. It’s my favourite
colour. I think I’m going to move my desk. I’m going to put it under the window because I want to
see the garden when I’m working. I’m not going to buy any new posters because I haven’t got any

In August I’m going to go to Italy with my family. We’re going to stay in a hotel near the beach for
a week and after that we’re going to travel to Rome, Pisa and Milan. We’re going to visit the
museums and art galleries. We’re going to see the Coliseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and some
other famous historic sites, too. I’m going to take a lot of photos! What about you?

Write soon,

Love Simon

1. When is Simon going to decorate his room?

2. Why is he going to paint his room light blue?
3. Where is he going to put his desk?
4. Is he going to buy any new posters?
5. Where is he going to go in August?
6. Who is he going to go with?
7. Are they going to camp near the beach?
8. Where are they going to travel after that?
9. Are they going to visit any museums?

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Reading and Grammar Exercises – 1st ESO
10. Is Simon going to take any photos?

Write the expressions of the Future in alphabetical order.

tomorrow this Sunday this afternoon the day after tomorrow


now (Thursday morning)

next week

the future

Complete the sentences with Going To and one of the following verbs.

not cook paint revise not go see not play

1. We _____________________________________________ our bedroom next week.

2. John _____________________________________________ football after school.
3. You _____________________________________________ to school tomorrow.
4. I ________________________________________________ for my exam next week.
5. She ______________________________________________ her friends this afternoon.
6. They _____________________________________________ dinner tonight.

Write questions using GOING TO.

1. Sarah / go on a school trip next week?

2. they / buy a new CD?
3. you and Jack / see Brad Pitt’s new film tomorrow?

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Reading and Grammar Exercises – 1st ESO
4. your brother / help you decorate your room?
5. you / eat in a restaurant tonight?

Answer the above questions with short answers.

1. No, ________________________________________
2. Yes, _______________________________________
3. No, ________________________________________
4. Yes, _______________________________________
5. ___________________________________________

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