To Ascertain The Relevance of Flexible Working On Employee Performance Level: A Case Study of Starbucks

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To ascertain the relevance of flexible

working on employee performance

level: a case study of Starbucks
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION (2000) ........................................................................................3
Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Rationale of the research ............................................................................................................. 5
Aim of the research ..................................................................................................................... 6
Objectives of the research ........................................................................................................... 6
Research questions ...................................................................................................................... 6
Potential Significance of the study ............................................................................................. 6
Limitations of the research.......................................................................................................... 7
Dissertation structure .................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW (2500) .............................................................................8
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Concept of flexible working ................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Importance of flexible working .......................................................................................... 10
2.4 Importance of employees’ performance level..................................................................... 11
2.5 Ascertainment of relevance of flexible working on employee’s performance level .......... 12
2.6 Relationship between flexible working and employee’s performance level ...................... 14
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (2000)................................................................15
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Research philosophy ........................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Research approach .............................................................................................................. 15
3.4 Research technique ............................................................................................................. 16
3.5 Research design .................................................................................................................. 17
3.6 Data collection .................................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Sampling ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.8 Data analysis ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.9 Ethical consideration ........................................................................................................... 19
3.10 Validity and reliability ...................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS (1500) .....................................................................................20
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Thematic analysis................................................................................................................ 20

CHAPTER 5: FINDINGS AND RESULTS (1000) ......................................................................27
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS (1000) .......................................27
5.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 27
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................28
APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................................31

Flexible working for employees is the method of working that suits their requirements.
Common example of flexible working is flexible start and finish timing, facility to work from
home etc. This type of working may not be common in various companies, but a lot of
organizations are involved in flexible working set up. In UK, employees enjoy legal right to opt
for flexible working on certain conditions, such as, if they are parents, or have the responsibility
to care some child, etc (Shagvaliyeva and Yazdanifard, 2014). Flexible working can also be
enjoyed by the parents of a child as well who is school aged or belongs to the lower age group as
It has been ascertained that flexible working helps in developing effective employer and
employee relationship where a compressing relationship is relieved by providing a free and
workable environment for people working in the organization. Apart from fulfilling the
requirements of the entity, the employee can easily balance up their personal and professional life.
They can easily handle and meet the requirements of family, personal requirements, personal
obligations and responsibilities of life. It also plays a crucial role in reducing employee burnout
due to overload and hence, a strong impact has also been found on overall employee turnover ratio
as well (Hörning, Gerhardt and Michailow, 2015).
Starbucks is an American Coffee Company and is a successful coffee house chain. It was
founded is Seattle, Washington in 1971 and currently it is operating 27,339 location all over the
world. The company is commonly represented as “second wave coffee”. Coffee is quite popular
for taste, quality and customer experience. The company have been working upon adoption of
flexible working hours. The present report deals in understanding the relevance of flexible working
on employee performance level at Starbucks.
Employers having positive attitude towards flexible working helps in improving the over
all loyalty aspects of the employees. It ultimately leads to positive impact on overall performance
of the employees. It helps in making people enjoy their tasks where they work hard in order to
achieve their tasks. It is not only beneficial to the employees but adequate and equal benefits are
enjoyed by employers as well (Atkinson and Storey, 2016). The employer is able to develop its
image in front of the prospective employees and hence right kind of talent can be attracted towards
the organization.

Hence, it can be stated that flexible working plays a crucial role in handling the employees
in a well defined manner. It helps in increasing the morale of the employees that ultimately helps
in enhancing their commitment. It also plays an important role in reducing absenteeism and
tardiness of the employees which enhances their overall performance that leads to enhancement of
the productivity as well. There personal control over the activities of the organization and they can
decide their own schedule as per their convenience in the duration in which they are highly
energetic and motivated towards performing the task. In the end, it can be stated that it is important
to introduce flexible working in the environment of the entity. It helps in better achievement of the
tasks. Since one set of employees can be early birds and on the other hand, the other set can be of
night owls. There is no evidence that may be present with them, hence, the same can only be
benefitted only if the organization is adopting simplified and flexible culture at the workplace. The
sense of belongingness of the individual is also increased towards the organization which helps in
enhancing employee retention. Moreover, the challenges that come over the entity can be sort out
easily due to appropriate and full support extended by the staff of the organization.
Rationale of the research
It is important that any that has been conducted must hold certain relevance. It helps in
serving a specific purpose that can ultimately help in better functioning of the organization. The
present research has been conducted on flexible working and its direct impact on employee
performance. The researcher does not hold adequate amount of knowledge regarding flexible
working. Hence, the subject matter holds importance through the academical aspects. The topic is
also important for various companies who have been facing issues regarding high employee
turnover ratio where the satisfaction level of the employees is quite low.
The organizations are currently focussing upon high employee satisfaction so that employee
turnover ratio can be reduced to minimum. It helps in better serving the customers (Demerouti and, 2014). Flexible working is the concept which has direct relation to proving better
environment to the employee so that no negative impact can be drawn on their performance level.
In this case, the research plays an important role in understanding that how the same can be adopted
by various organizations.
Another important aspect of this present research is to address the issues being faced by the
organization in handling its employees who may not be able to handle its employees in effective
manner (Dex and McCulloch, 2016). Hence, the present research holds adequate amount of

importance in understanding the concept of flexible working in a deep manner. The researcher will
also be able to understand the challenges that are faced by the organization in adoption of flexible
Aim of the research
In order to analyse various aspect related to the subject matter and concrete the current
understanding regarding it. Hence, it becomes significant to prepare a specific aim that can be
attained at the end of the research. Following aim can be framed:
“To ascertain the relevance of flexible working on employee performance level: a case study of
Starbucks, UK”
Objectives of the research
Based on the above aim, following objectives can be framed:
To understand the concept of flexible working
To assess the relevance of flexible working on employee performance level on Starbucks
To recommend Starbucks regarding appropriate adoption of flexible working for employees.
Research questions
Based on the objectives framed for the research. Following research questions can be
What is the concept of flexible working?
What is the relevance of flexible working on employee performance level on Starbucks?
What are the recommendations that can be extended regarding appropriate adoption of flexible
working for employees?
Potential Significance of the study
The aims and objectives that has been prepared by the researcher must be significant enough
that can help in serving certain purposes. Understanding the main requirements of employees that
makes them and keep them happy helps in their retention for longer period of time. Studies have
been able to state that happy and satisfied employees tend to give their best that can ultimately
help in achieving objectives and goals being prepared (Puig-Barrachina and, 2014). However,
there are certain organization who may not be aware of what are the strategies that can be adopted
by them that can implement and promote flexible working at the workplace. In that case, the
research will be able to provide the methods that can be adopted by them. Hence, it is important
for the researcher to conduct research on the stated topic.

A significant impact on the working pattern of the employees have also been noticed due to
flexible working. People tend to become more enthusiastic that ultimately leads to present more
effective environment to the employees and longer duration than normal is spent by the employees
in the office. Hence, it is a strong indication of enhanced performance of the enhanced performance
of employees. Hence, an adequate amount of importance is possessed by employee on overall
performance. Its direct positive impact have also been noticed on overall achievement of objectives
(European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2014).
Limitations of the research
It has been noticed that no study can be perfect and hence there are certain loopholes that
can identified that can ultimately deviate the conclusion and recommendation aspects of the overall
research. Hence, there are certain constraint of the research that have been identified which may
or may not affect the ultimate results of the research. Some of the common constraint which have
high probability of impact have been discussed as under:
Time: A specific time is allotted to conduct all the task as there is specific duration in which the
whole research has to prepared ad conducted (Angrave and Charlwood, 2015). In this case, there
may not be adequate time to conduct certain tasks such as preparation of literature review due to
which a high deviation can be noticed on the overall research. Hence, a bit of deviation can be
noticed on the results on to availability of time constraints.
Budget: A specific budget is assigned to the overall dissertation due to limited finance available
with the researcher. In that case, it becomes important to assign finances to each task involved in
the investigation. Inadequacy of budget could deviate the results. Hence, to avoid this constraint,
it becomes important to prudently define the budget and work upon it (Dixon and, 2014).
Lack of availability of reliable data: It becomes difficult to assess that which data is reliable.
Hence, prudently deciding the same is important. Unavailability of reliable data acts as an obstacle
in conducting the overall research. Moreover, another important aspect regarding the same is
related to using the same in reaching to the effective results.
Fluency in the language: There are various journals and research paper which may not be
available in English language. Hence, it becomes difficult in understanding different language due
to English only being the native one. Hence, it becomes a barrier where the researcher may not be
able to understand the information in some other language (Berg, Bosch and Charest, 2014). It can
act as a constraint where it becomes difficult in reaching to an effective and meaningful results.

Dissertation structure
It is important that a specific format is followed by the researcher so that the researcher can
read the same and get the best out of it. Therefore, the present research will be formed and
presented in a specific format. The format is presented and discussed below in brief:
Chapter 1: Introduction: It is the first and foremost chapter of any dissertation which helps in
providing over view of the research. It helps in defining the aim and objectives of the research a
w7ell based on which the whole dissertation is prepared. Moreover, rationale and significance of
the research is also discussed in the report in detail to ascertain its importance and relevance.
Chapter 2: Literature review: It is another important chapter of the dissertation where the opinions
and research findings of various other researchers is critically analysed. In that case, the process
of conducting literature review is generally considered as conducting literature review.
Chapter 3: Research methodology: It is another important chapter of dissertation which helps in
defining the research process and methods that will be use by the researcher in conducting the
present research. It helps in ascertaining research approach, design, philosophy, data collection
methods and analysis methods.
Chapter 4: Data analysis: In this chapter of the dissertation, data collected by the researcher will
be analysed. The responses being given by the respondents will be presented in charts and bar
graphs format for concrete understanding. The responses will then be analysed and understand the
crux so that scholar can reach to specific and effective results.
Chapter 5: Findings and discussion: This chapter also plays a very crucial which helps in
understanding and analysing the results being found in chapter 4 of data analysis. Hence, the
chapter, findings and discussions will help in reaching to effective and concrete results ultimately
reaching to satisfy the framed aim and objectives.
Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendations: It is the last and most important chapter of the
dissertation. It helps in concluding the overall research and objectives being formulated for the
research. Further, recommendation to Starbucks regarding flexible working will also be extended.

2.1 Introduction
After Introduction, literature review is considered to be the most important chapter of the
dissertation where, all the important aspect of the aim and objectives are analysed which have
already been assessed by other researcher. Hence, the same is considered as a part of secondary
research conducted by the researchers. To perform the activity, themes will be formulated based
upon the framed aim and objectives so that each and every aspect can be analysed in a well defined
and detailed manner.
2.2 Concept of flexible working
According to Ryu, Lee and Gon Kim, (2012) flexible working is considered to be way of
working which directly suits the needs and requirements of the employees. It mainly focusses on
giving flexibility in starting and finishing of the job. It also considered the aspect of working from
home flexibility as well. There are different rules that can vary from nation to nation. As per the
law, enforceable in UK, all the employees, irrespective of the fact that whether they are carers and
parents or not, have right to request for flexible working format. However, the eligibility starts
only if the employee has already worked with employer for the duration of at least 26 weeks.
However, it is important that the employer only allow and deal with the request in reasonable
manner after assessing all the advantages and disadvantages of the request. The employer can also
arrange a meeting to assess the reasonability of the application by offering a specific process to
appeal the same. If the request of employee is not handled in a reasonable manner, hence in that
case, the employee have right to reach and approach employee tribunal based on which decision
can be made by the team in the tribunal. However, in contrast to this, as per the views of
Grissemann and Stokburger-Sauer, (2012) every employee have the right to request and appeal for
flexible working hour but the same can only be requested with a reasonable reason. The specific
meaning of flexible working is to give the employees, the flexibility on how long, where and when
to work. The employees can have access to flexible working with the help of flexible human
resource policies which ultimately requires permission or approval from department supervisor
and manager. The method of working and policies and procedures are tailored as per the
requirements of the employees. Some of the business consider it as a draw back, but the same can
be used as the opportunity to enhance employee retention. It can be the best method for the
employers to work with by 2020, as per the findings of the research.

According to Halpin, (2015) flexible working comprises of three main arrangements. These
are, full time, part time and career flexibility. Full time flexibility includes, flexibility in working
hours, non-specific in and out time, flexibility in core working hours of the day etc. It is also
inclusive of working from home or working at another place for certain period of time. Time of
compensation and compensating for overtime, compressing long working hours or dividing them
at the time of holidays is another option available to the employees working full time. However,
in comparison to this, as per the views of Chawla, (2012) part time working flexibility is working
few specific hours in a week instead of working for traditional 5 hours a day. The main aim is to
achieve the target rather than sitting in front of the computers for specific period of time. Another
concept that has direct relation to it is career flexibility, where the individual has right to change
careers and take break from the same for personal and family reasons without suffering from any
career penalties. It helps in challenging traditional career ladder and hence leads to continuous
improvement in the path.
2.3 Importance of flexible working
According to Nienaber and Bussin, (2012) flexible working is not only important for the
employees but for the employers as well. It helps in enhancing and stabilizing the employee
retention ratio where the staff members stays with the organization for longer period of time. It
helps the staff members to work at flexible schedules that helps in attaining maximum productivity.
It helps people achieve their personal and professional goals both. Flexibility helps in meeting the
requirements of family, personal responsibilities and responsibilities of life conveniently.
Providing them work from reduces their cost of commutation and decreases the cost of fuel
expenses as well. Work from home helps in saving, time, gas, fuel and wear and tear of the road
as well. Employees are able to avoid traffics and stress of commuting from one place to another as
well and they can give more time working rather then spending time in commutation. However,
as per the views of Van Oort, (2015) there are certain disadvantages to the employers as well. It
becomes difficult to provide on the job training to the employees which reduced their efficiency
to provide effective work to the ultimate client. Hence, it becomes difficult to watch over the work
of employees and correct them at right point of time. There are team oriented departments, which
require their team members to be physically present in the office rather than sitting at home. It
becomes difficult to work with people opting for flexible working. It also becomes difficult to
judge their productivity at the end.

According to Jianfei, (2014) flexible working helps in enhancing the personal control over
the work It also helps in scheduling the day according to it which make the environment workable
for the employees. They can prepare their own schedule which makes them comfortable and
maintain their zest and enthusiasm to work. It also helps in developing a good image of the
employer as well due to flexible working schedules. There are various organizational challenges
that come up over the entity, which can only be resolved with the help and support of the staff
members. In that case, providing flexible working helps in giving them an edge where they tend
to support the management. However, in contrast to this, as per the views of Agger, (2015) it
becomes difficult for the managers to work based upon the new management style. They need to
change their management perspectives and the way they handle their subordinates with the
adoption of new management styles. It requires trust and training of top level management as well.
There is certain business which requires their client to be present at least 5 days and 9 hours a week
so as to effectively solve out their queries. It becomes easy to handle them which may not be easy
if flexible working is adopted by the management of the company. Moreover, in addition to this,
some jobs may require customer facing where the presence of the employees becomes crucial. In
that case, working from home for the whole day is not an option. Hence, it becomes difficult for
them to adopt the management and handling style of flexible working. There fore, it may not be
suited for all the companies.
2.4 Importance of employees’ performance level
According to Camuffo and De Stefano, (2016) employee’s performance level plays an
important role in laddering the organization towards success. Employees are considered to be a n
important asset of the organization where they are considered to be the people who are responsible
to provide end people who are directly connected to the customers. They are the people who are
the key to success of the organization. Employers are required to keep their employees content and
motivated enough that can help in fulfilling the requirements and objectives of the organization.
Employees are able to manage the output and productivity of the entity as they have important role
in managing the performance of the business. They also play crucial role in increasing profits and
consistently meeting the requirements and goals of sales. However, in comparison to this, asper
the views of Hou and Yang, (2014) employees are considered to be the largest expense of the
organization which are required to be nourished and prepared in such a manner that the ultimate
goals of the organization are achieved. They directly deal with the customers which directly affects

the profits. They tends to make the potential customers for the organization and work upon making
first impress that case, when employees are not performing as per the standards of the company,
the sales of the organization can negatively be affected ultimately affecting its reputation as well.
Another important factor that is related to employee performance is productivity of the
organization. Adequate efforts being put by the employees can only help in generating profits and
reaching to the high standards of productivity as well.
According to Drache, LeMesurier and Noiseux, (2015) important role is played by employee
retention and turnover ratio as well on the overall success of the organization. When an employee
leave the organisation at quite a pre mature level, the financial investment being made on the
employee for brushing up knowledge and skills is lost. For instance, there are certain organizations
who invest 2 to 3 months of salary, only on training the employees and making them familiar
regarding the environment. It given them opportunity to learn and enhance their skill set. The
investment made is revert back by the employee after the completion of pre mature level of the
job. However, in comparison to this, as per the views of Rosenblat and Stark, (2016) the
organization cut down their extra cost of investment only with the aim to provide adequate amount
of benefits to the employees so that they can be retained for longer period of time. Hence, in that
case, it helps in improving the overall performance of the employees that can ultimately help in
producing higher output for the organization as well. On the other hand, adequate amount of
business and profits is loosen by the organization as well if the performance level of the
organization is not up to mark. The competitors in this case, take advantage of the functions and
may enjoy increased profits e to low performance of the organization. Management and
organization generally gets involved in providing various benefits to the employees for their
increased stay. It includes, health insurance, compensation pay, positive working environment,
bonus etc. It helps in improving and enhancing their morale, which ultimately leads to enhanced
employee’s performance. Providing them adequate training and opportunity of advancement can
help in improving their performance and productivity. Hence, in that case, it can be stated that,
employees performance plays an important role in laddering the organization towards success so
that it can ultimately hep in achieving the overall aim, objectives and goals of the organization.
2.5 Ascertainment of relevance of flexible working on employee’s performance level
According to Wetherly, (2014) flexible working plays an important role in enhancing the
overall performance of the organization. Flexible working helps in enhancing the quality of life of

the employees where they can easily coordinate with their work life and personal life as well.
People tends to give equal importance to their work and family, it increases the requirement to
give this much of flexibility to the employees so that it can be easy for them to work. Another
study has been able to reflect that adoption of flexible working model have been able to give
organization and its employee, adequate opportunities to balance their work and sustain in the
organization for longer period of time. It also been able to improve the overall performance of the
employees in the organization as well. Creating innovative model and thereby working and
framing policies based upon the suitability of the employees can help in better implementation of
flexible working in the environment. There is certain business which give adequate number of
holidays each month so that employees can rejuvenate themselves and can join back for work.
Another important role is played by aiming to treat people in the entity wisely. It helps in boosting
up their confidence, ultimately resulting in achievement of the goals and objectives. However, in
contrast to this, as per the views of Simmons, (2012) businesses are expected to treat their
employees in such a manner that they are highly satisfied with their current condition and
contributing to the success of the organization as well. Along with productivity, it also boosts their
morale and motivation level as well. The organization is then able to make their employees
adaptive to the changing conditions that can help in building competitive advantage over other
competitors in the organization. On the other hand, another important aspect that is to be
considered by the management is to handle the employees in such a manner that can help in growth
of their career as well. Hence, in that case, it becomes important to give adequate amount of space
to their life as well. In this case only, the employees can aim for growth and better future with the
success of the organization. Providing flexible working hour has the potential to achieve all the
aims and objectives of the organization with the employees. It can also help in enhancing
satisfaction of work where they may want to devote extra time working and fulfilling the
requirements of the company. It becomes easy to keep them aligned with the organizational
objectives. It also reduces bringing personal concerns in the work environment. Thus, it becomes
easy to maintain the gap between formal and informal working conditions.
According to Ryu, Lee and Gon Kim, (2012) sometimes there are cases where the
environment appears to be flexible but it is actually not. Hence, it becomes important to gain the
right advantage for the same. It can help in better involvement of the organization with the

employee/s. hence, as per the research it can be advised to the companies to adopt for flexible
2.6 Relationship between flexible working and employee’s performance level
According to Chawla, (2012) there is a positive relationship between flexible working
environment and employee’s performance level. Enhanced and reasonable flexible working
environment can help in better management of the employees where they can be retained for longer
period of time. It helps in maintain positive interaction of employees on the floor, where increased
quality of working can also be sensed. However, the main limitation is, it may be difficult to
reasonably judge that whether the employee require adequate amount of flexibility in working or
not. Moreover, it can also develop conflicts in the employees for not treating them equally for the
same. However, as per the views of Van Oort, (2015) working satisfactorily in the working
environment is important where management must take appropriate decisions for the employees
without being biased on any base. The negative consequence of adoption of flexible environment
is that it becomes difficult to provide on the job training to the employees which can ultimately
decrease the overall performance level of the employees. Hence, it can be stated that it becomes
important to adopt right kind of methods that can help in achievement of the positive goals of
adoption of flexible working.
According to Nienaber and Bussin, (2012) another method of defining positive relationship
between flexible working and employee’s performance level is that there is a positive impact on
the working life of the people where they can give their best to the projects which ca help the
organization in achieving all the aims and objectives. In this case, they are also able to enhance
their loyalty towards the organization as well. However, in comparison to this, as per the views of
Jianfei, (2014) flexible working is also negatively utilised by the employees where they misuse
the technology that has been given to them to perform official tasks. It allows them to spend less
time at the workplace and more duration outside the office which decreases their scope to learn.
Another important and positive aspect is that employees are able to keep themselves fit and healthy
to work more in comparison to the duration when they spend long hours at the office.

3.1 Introduction
After literature review, research methodology is considered to be the most important chapter
of any study. It helps in understanding various aspects of the research in a rigorous manner with
the help of certain technical terms, such as, philosophy, approach, design, data collection methods,
data analysis tools etc. Another important aspect of research methodology is that it helps in
preserving and applying the right technique over the data set so that effective results can be attained
in the end (Gale and, 2013). Thus, it can be stated that proper selection of research
methodology techniques can help in withdrawing better results that can make the conclusion and
recommendation aspects of the research effective and accurate enough to be incorporated in the
further studies. Hence, the chapter discusses various methods that has been applied in the present
research so as to satisfy the requirements of aims and objectives of the study.
3.2 Research philosophy
Research philosophy is considered to be an overarching term that has strong association to
the idea and knowledge of the entire investigation to be conducted by the researcher. It becomes
difficult to reach to any effective conclusion if the researcher has not considered research
philosophy aspect in its study. The two main methods of research philosophy are positivism and
interpretivism. In the case of positivism research philosophy, hypothesis is formulated so as to
reach to any results. Adoption of this technique helps in providing an opportunity to explain the
knowledge being collected (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). On the other hand, the criteria to use
interpretivism approach is to justify the solution to the problem statement in a suitable format. It
also helps in reaching to an effective and appropriate solutions. In the present research which
revolves around ascertaining the relevance of flexible working on employee performance level,
interpretivism type of research philosophy will be adopted. It will help in understanding various
aspects of the research subject and reach out to an effective yet concrete solution that can easily
be adopted by the other researchers in their further study on the stated subject matter (Bryman and
Bell, 2015).
3.3 Research approach
After research philosophy, research approach is considered to be an important aspect that is
to be drawn by the researcher while defining research methodology. It is commonly referred to a
technique that helps in conducting research with the help of a particular technique in order to attain

effective set of outcomes. It helps n keeping the research specific so that it does not distract itself
from the actual path of the study. With adequate assistance from the side of research approach,
effective outcome can be derived for the readers. Basically, there are two types of research
approach techniques that can be used by the researcher in its research. These approaches are,
inductive and deductive. Inductive approach compels the overall research to move in a direction
of specific to generalise. It rather becomes quite easy to generalise the results, if inductive approach
has been used by the researcher (Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2017). However, in case of deductive
approach, the research moves from general to specific. Research commonly begins with a
statement that is further studied in detail and specific results are attained. Since, the present
research revolves around ascertaining the relevance of flexible working on employee performance
level, inductive approach will be the best suited technique that can be used by the researcher for
the study. Hence, fulfilling the requirements, the same has been used by the researcher for the
present study.
3.4 Research technique
Research technique is considered to be an important aspect that is to be assessed by the
researcher. It helps in collecting, analysing and summarizing the data that has been solely collected
in order to satisfy the aims and objectives of the study. In the absence of research technique, it
becomes impossible to conduct any research. It helps in proving specific answer to the formulated
questions in the most structured manner. The base of entire investigation generally stays on
research technique that has been used by the researcher. Basically, there are two types of research
techniques (Briggs and, 2012). These are, qualitative and quantitative research techniques.
Qualitative research technique is descriptive in nature. It helps in creating in depth knowledge
regarding the subject matter so that effective information can be generated for the readers through
the research. However, in case of quantitative approach of research technique, appropriate
statistical tool is utilized so as to reach to a solution that is specific enough to convey the answer
of problem statement.
The present research revolved around ascertaining the relevance of flexible working on
employee performance level. Hence, in the present scenario, qualitative type of research technique
will be used so as to reach to an effective solution. Moreover, the technique will also be helpful in
easily analysing the outcome as statistical knowledge may not be present in each and every reader

of the research. Hence, it can be stated that, scholar can easily access to the perfect solution with
help of qualitative research method (Padgett, 2016).

3.5 Research design

Research design is also an important technique that is to be taken care of by the researcher
while conducting any research. Its main aim is to ascertain the right results at the right time in the
right format. It is the strategy that is chosen by the researcher with the conglomeration of several
components. It acts as a blueprint that helps in guiding the overall research so that desired
outcomes can be achieved. Researchers have stated that, it is important to choose right type of
research design, as wrong selection can negatively influence the overall results. There are various
types of research design that can be used by the researchers. These are, descriptive, explanatory,
exploratory etc. The present research aims at ascertaining the relevance of flexible working on
employee performance level in Starbucks. Hence, descriptive research design will be the best
suited method to be used in the present investigation. Therefore, the same has been used by the
researcher for the present research. It helps in designing the participants of the research in a n
accurate manner. As the name suggests, descriptive research design helps in describing the results
and solutions of the research in an appropriate format (Fowler Jr, 2013). There are basically three
types of descriptive methods. These are, observational, case study and survey method. In the
present investigation of flexible working at Starbucks, survey method will be considered as the
appropriate method to be used in the research. It has made the overall study effective.
3.6 Data collection
Data collection is considered to be a process that is used to acquire and gather data that has
strong relation to subject matter. There are basically two sources of data collection. These are,
primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are the first-hand sources where the
researcher itself involves in data gathering process in the form of survey, interviews etc. It is the
type of data which may not be collected by any other researcher even if research on similar topic
has already been conducted. However, in case of secondary type of data collection methods, data
that has already been gathered by other researchers previously is used in order to form a knowledge
base (Allen and, 2013). Data can be gathered through, books, journals. Online sources,
websites etc. hence, in the present research of examining flexible working at Starbucks, both
primary and secondary data collection methods have been used to reach to an effective result set.

Secondary data is mainly collected and researched by the professionals who may have been
working in this field since years. The information generated from there is authenticated enough to
be used in the present research. In this context, the effectiveness and preciseness of the dissertation
increases efficiently and effectively. Collected data will help in grabbing the insights and
understand the stated subject matter in a well defined manner. Hence, past information is
considered to be useful in drawing out the results and completing the investigation in the most
suitable manner. However, in case of primary research, it has helped in making the study effective
that can ultimately help in finding out something new through the research. Hence, both types of
data collection methods have been used in the present research. Primary data has been collected
by the researcher in a questionnaire format.
3.7 Sampling
Sample is the subset of whole population. It is quite difficult to gather information from each
and every individual. Hence, in that case, accurate sample is chosen whose results can be
generalised to the whole population. In the present research, the researcher is involved in gathering
primary data for the research. Hence, in that case, sample will be chosen (Anderson, 2013). The
data has been gathered from 50 employees as a sample. It has helped in fulfilling the requirements
of aims and objectives being framed for the present research by the investigator. Sampling acts an
aid for investigating and interpreting the results which also provides brief idea of the overall
3.8 Data analysis
After collecting data, the most important step is to analyse the same in a manner that can
help in reaching to an effective result format. The present research in involved in using qualitative
approach, since data has been gathered from both primary and secondary sources. In order to
analyse the data in qualitative format, thematic analysis has been performed. In this case, themes
have been formulated based upon the results that have been gathered from various sources.
Data analysis part of the research is considerably essential aspect in order to complete the
dissertation in an effective format. Hence, in the present case, it has been able to present effective
yet relevant output that can further be utilized by the readers and other researchers as well. It has
helped in increasing the scope of the business which has helped in postulating the research
outcomes effectively. A precise format results are expected out of data and analysis being assessed
on the present study.

3.9 Ethical consideration
In the research methodology, ethical consideration is one of the major aspect that is to be
taken care of by the researcher while conducting any study. It helps in judging the appropriateness
and effectiveness of the study. Moreover, it is also backed by right kind of output at perfect timing.
Hence, it becomes important to consider all the ethics while conducting any study. One of the
major aspect of ethics is accuracy in collection of data (Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, 2013). The
data that has been collected by the respondents must be authentic and accurate enough. It must be
relevant enough so that authentic results can be attained in the end. Moreover, inaccurate collection
of data set can hugely influence the end results of the research.
Another important aspect that is to be considered by the researcher is citation of work. It
helps in stating that all the work that has been conducted and collected by the researcher is accurate
enough to be relied upon. Hence, to fulfil this requirement, all the research that has been conducted
and stated in the dissertation has been duly cited with the references. The common references have
been taken from books, journals, newspapers, blogs and other online sources.
Another important ethical aspect is plagiarism. It is illegal to directly copy paste the results
or the argument that has already been presented by the researcher in its research paper or books.
Hence, in that case, to avoid any illegal indications in the work, all the work or phrases being used
have been paraphrased (Veal, 2017).
3.10 Validity and reliability
Validity and reliability is the major concern which is to be taken care of by the researcher.
Hence, in that case, it becomes important that the results being generated are valid and reliable
enough that can help the readers in deriving some knowledge out of it. Validity helps in stating
that the results that have been stated are factually and logically correct. It helps in ensuring that all
the data that have been used in reaching to the results are effective and authentic enough to be used
in the further research on similar topics as well (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). Hence, it can be
stated that the results and type of research that has been conducted by the researcher are valid and
reliable enough.

4.1 Introduction
After research methodology, data analysis is considered to be the most important chapter of
the whole dissertation. It helps in analysing the data that has primarily been collected by the
researcher to serve the aims and objectives of present research. In order to perform this activity,
data will be thematically analysed in this chapter (Panneerselvam, 2014). Hence, themes will be
formulated based upon the results that are being achieved by the survey being conducted by the
researcher. The discussion will be made based upon the findings being received from the primary
sources. It becomes important for the researcher to effectively choose appropriate data analysis
tool for better results.
4.2 Thematic analysis
Theme 1: Majority of the respondents are working for 2 years to 5 years at Starbucks

Question 1 Since how many years are you working in Starbucks?

Responses Respondents
Less than one year 10
1 year to 2 years 12
2 years to 5 years 15
More than 5 years 13





Less than one year 1 year to 2 years 2 years to 5 years More than 5 years

Findings and discussions: From the above question being asked from the respondents, it can be
assessed that there are 10 people in the sample who are working with Starbucks since less than one
year. Further, there are 12 people who have been working with the organization since 1 to 2 years.
There are around 13 employees in the sample who are working since more than 5 years. However,
majority of people are working for 2 years to 5 years in the Starbucks. It shows that these are
people who are still in the survellieance of how the company perform different activities at the
workplace (Tomkos and, 2014).

Theme 2: Job location is the main priority while demanding flexibility at Starbucks

What type of flexibility do you demand at Starbucks?

Question 2 (Mark all that apply)
Responses Respondents
Working hours 17
Duration of work 12
Leaves 17
Job structure 18
Job location 21

20 18
17 17



Working hours Duration of work Leaves Job structure Job location

Findings and discussions: The demand for flexibility may differ from employee to employee.
Hence, in that case, it is important to ascertain that what is the demand of employees with respect
to flexibility in Starbucks. Hence, majority of the employees, that is 21 stated that job location is
the main priority for them and hence demand flexibility in it. However, there were other options

that were also available to the sample employees. In that scenario, 18 demand it in job structure,
17 employees demand flexibility in working hours and leaves and rest 12 employees stated that
they demand flexibility in duration of work.

Theme 3: Majority of flexibility is extended in working hours by the management of Starbucks

What type of flexibility in working is actually offered by

Question 3 Starbucks? (Mark all that apply)
Responses Respondents
Working hours 21
Duration of work 7
Leaves 8
Job structure 12
Job location 9



10 9

Working hours Duration of work Leaves Job structure Job location

Findings and discussions: The demand may differ from what is actually offered by the
organization. Hence, in that case, employees have stated that Starbucks is involved in giving
utmost flexibility in working hours. However, 12 of them have stated that Starbucks tend to offer
flexibility in job structure as well where people can choose that where they are best fit. Apart from
this, there are 9 employees who think that Starbucks give adequate flexibility in job location as

well. There are 8 employees who think they have received flexibility in leaves and only 7 stated
that flexibility is given in duration of work being performed by them.

Theme 4: Adoption of flexible working by the companies help employees in giving their best to
the company

Do you think adoption of flexible working by the companies

Question 4 help you in giving your best to the company?
Responses Respondents
Yes 35
No 7
Sometimes 8



Yes No Sometimes

Findings and discussions: Employees were asked their views regarding adoption of flexible
working by the companies help employees in giving their best to the company. Hence, in that case,
35 respondents have given affirmative reply where they think that flexible working by the
companies help them in giving their best to the company (Types of flexible working, 2016).
However, there were around 8 employees who think that flexibility do not help them in giving
their best to the company. In the end, there are 7 employees who think that flexibility only
sometimes help them in giving their best to the company.

Theme 5: Work from home facility is not extended by Starbucks

Question 5 Does work from home facility is extended by Starbucks?
Responses Respondents
Yes 15
No 25
Sometimes 10

Findings and discussions: Based on the question asked by the researcher, it can be ascertained that
25 people thinks that they are not able to get the work from home facility while working at
Starbucks. Since, they need to directly deal with the end consumers and serve their needs, adoption
of work from home option is not possible in their case. However, in case of other 15 employees,
they think that work from home facility is available at Starbucks and they are able to avail the
same. It is due to their nature of work which helps them to gain this privilege. However, other 10
employees think that they sometimes tend to get access to the facility of work from home.

Theme 6: Enhancement in performance level of the employees is the main motive behind
extending flexible working at Starbucks

What do you think is the motive behind extending

Question 6 flexible working at Starbucks? (Mark all that apply)
Responses Respondents
High employee retention 17
Enhancement in performance level 25
Low employee turnover 15
Effective employer – employee
turnover 16
Increased ability to attract employees 18
Increased productivity 19
Increased competitiveness in the
industry 9

Findings and discussions: The researcher asked the question regarding employer’s motive behind
flexible working. Out of 50 employees, 25 of them think that flexible working is extended to

enhance the performance level of the employees. 19 of them thinks that it helps in enhancing
productivity of the organization. There are other 18 employees who think that it increases the
ability of the organization to attract large chunk of people towards it. There are 17 employees who
think that it helps in increasing employee retention of the employees in the organization. In the
end, there are 9 employees who think that it helps in increasing competitiveness of the organization
in the market.

Theme 7: Flexible working helps in enhancing the productivity of Starbucks

Do you think flexible working helps in enhancing the

Question 7 productivity of Starbucks?
Responses Respondents
Yes 29
No 12
Sometimes 9

Findings and discussions: 29 respondents responded that flexible working has helped Starbucks to
enhance its productivity. However, there are other 12 people as the employees who think that
flexible working does not enhance the productivity of Starbucks. Moreover, there are other 9
respondents who think that it sometimes enhances the productivity. Hence, it can be stated that
there are mixed reactions of the employees regarding relationship between flexible working and
enhancement of productivity.

Theme 8: Employees are happy with the current flexible working practices of Starbucks

Are you happy with the current flexible working practices of

Question 8 Starbucks
Responses Respondents
Yes 32
No 18

Findings and discussions: There are 32 respondents who thinks that they are quite happy with the
current flexible working practices of Starbucks. However, there are other 18 respondents who think

that the current flexible working practices are not appropriate enough to be continued by the
company. Hence, in that case, it becomes important for the organization to update them so that
majority of the employees can be satisfied enough from its practices.

Theme 9: Flexible working practices is the reason of employee’s extended tenure in Starbucks

Is flexible working practices is the reason of your extended

Question 9 tenure in Starbucks?
Responses Respondents
Yes 35
No 15

Findings and discussions: Out of 50 respondents, there are 35 respondents who stated that flexible
working practices is the reason due to which they have been enjoying extended tenure working at
Starbucks. However, there are other, 15 employees who stated that flexible working practices is
not the reason for the extended tenure in Starbucks. However, they are attracted by the workable
and comfortable working environment. Hence, it can be stated that majority of the employees are
attracted towards the flexible working environment of Starbucks. However, there are certain
employees who do not have the same case as that of the majority ones.

Theme 10: Extending the scope of flexible working will be beneficial for the success of

Will extending the scope of flexible working be beneficial for

Question 10 the success of Starbucks?
Responses Respondents
Yes 39
No 7
May be 4

Findings and discussions: There are 39 employees out of the 50 respondents, who stated that
extension of flexible working practices will prove to be beneficial for Starbucks for its successful
career. However, there are other 7 employees, who think that the flexible working practices of the

company are appropriate enough and hence there is no requirement to extend the same in order to
achieve success. In the end, there are other 4 employees who are not sure that whether Starbucks
must extend the scope of flexible working practices or not.


5.1 Introduction
After collecting data, another most important chapter of dissertation is findings and results. It is
the chapter which helps in analysing the results that have already been attained in chapter 4. The
results that are collected from the respondents are analysed in this chapter and then it is critically
compared with the data that are collected from literature review. The chapter also helps in defining
the results in such a manner that it helps in ultimately framing the conclusion and recommendation
aspects of the overall research as well. The chapter will flow in a thematic manner here themes
will be formulated based upon the findings being addressed. In the end, a specific conclusion will
be framed based upon each answer being gathered by the respondents.


5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Recommendations

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Name: _______
Age: _________
Gender: _______
Question 1: Since how many years are you working in Starbucks?
 Less than one year
 1 year to 2 years
 2 years to 5 years
 More than 5 years
Question 2: What type of flexibility do you demand at Starbucks? (Mark all that apply)
 Working hours
 Duration of work
 Leaves
 Job structure
 Job location
Question 3: What type of flexibility in working is actually offered by Starbucks? (Mark all that
 Working hours
 Duration of work
 Leaves
 Job structure
 Job location
Question 4: Do you think adoption of flexible working by the companies help you in giving your
best to the company?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
Question 5: Does work from home facility is extended by Starbucks?
 Yes

 No
 Sometimes
Question 6: What do you think is the motive behind extending flexible working at Starbucks?
(Mark all that apply)
 High employee retention
 Enhancement in performance level
 Low employee turnover
 Effective employer – employee turnover
 Increased ability to attract employees
 Increased productivity
 Increased competitiveness in the industry
Question 7: Do you think flexible working helps in enhancing the productivity of Starbucks?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
Question 8: Are you happy with the current flexible working practices of Starbucks
 Yes
 No
Question 9: Is flexible working practices is the reason of your extended tenure in Starbucks?
 Yes
 No
Question 10: Will extending the scope of flexible working be beneficial for the success of
 Yes
 No
 May be


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