Use of Blogging Media in Improving Students Narative Skills in SMK Cordova Margoyoso Pati 2019
Use of Blogging Media in Improving Students Narative Skills in SMK Cordova Margoyoso Pati 2019
Use of Blogging Media in Improving Students Narative Skills in SMK Cordova Margoyoso Pati 2019
Arranged by :
A. Background
As we realize that English is popular because it becomes an International Language. It is
used by millions of people throughout the world. Nowadays, English has become the
language of commerce, technology, politics, and also education.
For Indonesia, English is a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is an integrated
process so students must learn four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. We
use it to understand our world through listening and reading and to communicate the needs
and desires of our feelings through speaking and writing. By having more knowledge about
language skills, we have better opportunities to understand and be understood and get what
we want and need from people around us.
Writing is one of the four basic skills, very important in teaching and learning
English. Writing involves several language components (spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and
We all realize how important English is for our children. That authority requires all
Education officials in all provinces in Indonesia to give lessons in each school. All
Indonesians agree with this curriculum that can make their children know English from the
start. Better than before which they took last year. All components in this country must
support this policy with all their capabilities.
There are many things that can be obtained from English. Like senior high school
students, they can continue their academic performance in English. As is well known, most
source books, whether social or natural sciences, are written in English. In addition, English
is also important for the next generation to be able to compete for an international settlement
and prepare our human resources in a global settlement.
To make students able to use English for communication, one of the skills that must be
understood is writing. Therefore the basic elements of language learning to write are higly
needing sin. This is the basis for mastering any language. From writing they can tell and
explain something even if it is just a simple statement . This skill must be trained to bring up
the ability in the writing process to the writer as well.
In writing something we must have more knowledge. How can we produce information if
we don't provide information. Just like an empty kettle that won't give water to any
body. Through writing, we can transfer our ideas and information in the newspaper with good
sentences. We can express everything in our mind in written form. Teachers as managers in
the class must be creative in transferring knowledge that students are bored of. The teacher
must do his job well using technical aids. Media can also be an instrument in teaching. We
focus on information technology media, such as Blogging.
In choosing media, you will find that the media itself has its own characteristics. So it has
weaknesses and strengths. Usually we use conventional media such as tapes or vcd players
but now we try to teach English by using internet media in class. This media is stronger than
conventional media. Because students can visually learn English by expressing their media in
writing and at the same time they can see responses from their ideas from chat partners
directly online.
The author has chosen the title about writing in teaching writing in high school, because
there are some problems in the Vocational School that arise in teaching writing activities. Just
as Cordova vocational students still lack training, lack of motivation from teachers, no media
to express student writing, and also students' weaknesses to understand topic sentences and
their lack of vocabulary, never use learning media in teaching writing, teachers don't make
innovation for teaching etc. In addition, according to some English students have symbols
that are difficult to understand by students, so the teacher must provide many assignments to
practice writing in class.
Based on the above problem, the writer has chosen blogging to complete the writing
process in class. Students will be more motivated to express their thoughts on blogging
because it is like their personal diary. Students can express wherever they want in the
classroom, their room or in the park.
There are many techniques and methods in teaching language, especially in teaching
English writing. What's new is blogging. Here, the authors consider this method very
enjoyable and increase student motivation.
C. Research purposes
Seeing the problem formulation above, the purpose of this study is as follows:
1. For students: with new media for writing, the authors hope this technique provides
motivation for them in writing, especially writing through blogging.
2. For teachers: the results of this study can provide them with alternative methods of
teaching English writing.
3. For SMK Cordova : the results of the study are expected to contribute to solving
problems faced by students in writing English.
4. For writers: this technique can be a tool for writers now and in the future to improve
teaching writing through blogs.
A. Theoretical basis
1. Narrative Writing Skills
a. Definition of Narrative Skills
A recent meta-analysis, Gersten and Baker, is a research-
based intructional approach to teaching written expressions to students
with learning disabilities, including ways to teach students how to
analyze material learned in class and how to write personal narratives,
persuasive essays, and other genres. According to Gersten and
Baker, "All of the instructional interventions studied improved the
quality of students 'written products, and there was evidence of positive
impact on students' self-effecacy, ie, their senses of being able to write"1
Narrative writing skills tell a story or part of a story. Narrative
writing is found in novels, biographies, autobiographies, free essays and
short stories. Narrative writing depends on one's personal or imaginative
experience. Narrative writing must contain the whole story - beginning,
middle and end. It must include all the necessary details that explain the
story. The narrator must be able to convey his thoughts and views to the
Narrative writing basically means writing that tells a
story. Maybe it's fiction (like writing a personal narrative, or writing a
memory). The main feature of narrative writing is that it spans time and
has a plot — something happens that makes the reader read to see what's
next. A narrative is often (but certainly not always written in
chronological order.
Narrative writing has been defined as a simple type of writing
recording a series of events. The opening sentence of the narrative
paragraph provides information that begins the story to be told or the
event that must be described. Narrative paragraphs can introduce longer
papers mainly related to exposition or analysis. Personal experiences in
the form of narratives usually attract more readers than others. In
addition to providing value to the reader, this approach allows the writer
to direct the material to be analyzed in the essay. Laurence stated in his
book: Reading and writing are inseparable things. To get good writing,
Gersten and Baker, S. (1999) Teaching expressive writing to students with learning disabilities : a meta-analysis.
Eugene, OR : University of Oregon. Hal.211-214
writers are required to have good reading skills, meaning to read
continuously and relate to what they want to write. The goal is the center
of the type of narrative that we write.
From this opinion the writer can conclude that rading is a part of
language skills that cannot be separated, because they support one
another. So if someone wants to make a written form, then he must have
good reading skills.
Writing is an important part of language learning. There are
many aspects to emphasize that writing is an activity or work carried out
by someone to express their ideas clearly in written form to the intended
audience. Writing is a means to communicate, convey messages, ideas,
and print words. And writing can also be read by anyone known as
written language. "Learning to write in essence is a lesson about how to
express one's ideas and feelings through the medium of writing"2. And
another said "writing is expressing someone about their ideas, opinions,
thinking, or feeling using language writing"3
The process of writing by someone, not only involves the ability
to write sentences that are true and right, the ability to use spelling,
punctuation, commas, etc. But also the ability to think creatively
excludes all unnecessary information. It is generally agreed that learning
to write well is a difficult and time-consuming process. In order to write
well, a person needs more than just basic mechanical controls, especially
non-native students who complete writing assignments or projects even
though they have adequate mechanical abilities in foreign
languages. Therefore, the writing process will be better if it involves the
writer's interest in writing.
Writing, as one of the four skills taught in learning and teaching
English, is defined in many ways by many experts. Writing is making
ideas visible and available to readers whether on paper, computer screens
or through other media; use notes, brain stroming outlines or the results
of other planning activities to produce text. This complex activity
involves everything from physical actions to form letters or making key
strokes to mental processes of choosing words, forming sentences,
arranging paragraphs and organizing organizations.
Rainey, M.C. Expression: An Introduction to Writing, Reading, and Critical Thinking. (New York :
Longman, Inc. 2003) hal. 5
Ida Maharani. How to Write Effectively/Menulis Secara Efektif. (Yogjakarta : Citra Aji Parama. 2007) hal. 12
b. Narrative Text
Narrative text is a story with a problematic complication or
event and it tries to find a resolution to solve the problem. An important
part of narrative text is narrative mode, a series of methods used to
communicate narration through the narrative process.
c. General Structure of Narrative Texts
a) Orientation
Set the scene: where and when the story takes place and
introduce the story participants: who and what is involved in the
b) Complications
Tells the beginning of the problem leading to a crisis (climax) of
the main participants.
c) Resolution
The problem (crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a
sad (tragic) ending.
d) Re-orientation / Coda
This is the closing commentary for the story and this is
optional. It consists of moral lessons, advice or teaching from
the author.
2. Writing skills
a. Definition of Writing Skills
Writing skills are very important for sharing information and
documenting ideas. Building writing skills requires practice and hard
work. Students must be taught the basics before they can be expected to
produce quality writing. Once students master the basics, they will be
ready to write both creatively and for a purpose.
Finch and Crunkilton said that "competence means the mastery
of tasks, skills, behaviors, and rewards necessary for success or an
achievement".4 Padmadewi added that competence is an ability in
subjects and labs that must be possessed by graduates; ability that must
be done by students. Basically, two opinions have the same idea about
the idea that in essence competence refers to the ability of students to do
something with certain standards.
b. Genre in Writing
Mulyasa, E.. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Cetakan Ketiga. (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. 2003) hal. 23
English writing has been divided into several sections, for
example: descriptive text, procedure text, narrative text, recount text,
and report text.
a). Descriptive text is we write to describe a particular
person, place or object.
b). Procedure text is that we write to describe how
something is achieved through a series of actions or
c). Narrative texts are we write to entertain, entertain, and
to deal with actual or representative experiences in
different ways.
d). Recount text is we write to retell events with the aim of
reshaping or intertaining.
e). The text of the report is that we write to explain various
things by referring to a series of natural, man-made, and
social phenomena in our environment.
3. Blog
a. Understanding Blogging
The blog is a personal diary, Your pulpit every day, Space for
collaboration, Political arena of expressing ideas. News outlets. Link
collection. Mind your own. Note to the world ".5 Your blog is whatever
you want it to be. There are millions of blogs, in all shapes and sizes,
and there are no real rules . "A blog (a simple form of a weblog) is a
page (site) for someone who is frequently updated who is often called an
online journal (diary)"6 . Simply put, a blog is a website where you can
continue to write about things. It appears later than new visitors can
read. Then they comment on it or link it or send you an email. Or
not. Since Blogger was launched in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web,
influenced politics, rocked journalism, and allowed millions of people to
speak up and connect with others. And we are very confident that the
whole agreement has just begun.
Blogs allow you to speak on the web. A blog is a place to collect
and share things that you find interesting - be it your political comments,
personal diaries, or links to websites that you want to remember. Many
people use blogs just to organize their thoughts, while others create
blogs that make a lot of influence with thousands of viewers around the
Rouf, I and Y. Sopyan. Panduan Praktis Mengelola Blog. (Jakarta : Media Kita. 2007) p. 30
world. And amateur journalists use blogs to publish the latest news,
while personal journalists express their deepest thoughts.
b. How to create a blog
If you already have a Google account, you can skip the "Create a
Google Account" step and simply log in with your existing Google
account username and password.
Enter the blog name and the corresponding domain name (to
precede '') in the space provided.
Done Your blog is now active and ready for you to write
content .
B. Prior Research
Previous research in this study are as follows:
Hartono, "The Effectiveness of Blog Media on the Ability to Write Narrative
Discourse of Class XI Students in Vocational High School Maetreyawira
Tanjungpinang", in the research conducted it was produced that the use of positive blog
media for Grade XI students of Vocational High School Maitreyawira Tanjung
Pinang. Blogs as a medium in writing narrative discourse activities for students have
proven to be effective. This is evidenced by the acquisition of the value of writing a
narrative discourse of students from the experimental group that uses blog media better
than the results of the acquisition of the value of writing a narrative discourse of students
from the control group. Based on the above conclusions, the Indonesian language teacher
at Maitreyawira Vocational High School should use media that are relevant to the
development of education in teaching writing material in Indonesian language
lessons. Blogs can be used as an effective medium for teachers and students in learning
to write narrative discourse.
C. Framework of thinking
Every teacher would want to succeed in teaching. Especially if the teacher comes
into the world of education based on the demands of conscience. The call of his soul
must have whimpered at the failure to educate and foster students. How important is the
value of success, to the point that a teacher tries his best and mind to prepare his teaching
program well and systematically. But sometimes, successes are aspired to, but failures
are met; caused by various factors as a barrier. Conversely, if that success becomes a
reality, then the various factors also support it. The various factors referred to are internal
factors namely: physical and spiritual state of students which includes; maturity,
intelligence, practice and repetition, motivation, personal characteristics, talents,
interests, health and body condition, and factors of learning, while external factors
include: family, teacher and teaching methods, learning tools, social motivation,
environment and opportunities, evaluation materials and tools, evaluation atmosphere.
English in the world of education has long been held. English began to be taught to
elementary, middle, high school and college students. The current position of English in
the curriculum is not a main subject. Each school is given the authority to organize
English learning or not. If you find a school that does not teach English and there are
schools that teach English it is a different policy that is applied from each school.
Rouf, I and Y. Sopyan. Panduan Praktis Mengelola Blog. (Jakarta : Media Kita.