Esophagostomy Tube Complications in Dogs and Cats

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Received: 7 April 2019 Accepted: 1 July 2019

DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15563


Esophagostomy tube complications in dogs and cats:

Retrospective review of 225 cases

Olivia Nathanson1 | Kathryn McGonigle1 | Kathryn Michel1 | Darko Stefanovski2 |

Dana Clarke1

Department of Clinical Sciences and
Advanced Medicine, University of Abstract
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Background: Esophagostomy feeding tubes (E-tubes) are an essential tool for
Department of Clinical Studies-New Bolton
management of hyporexic patients' acute and chronic nutritional requirements.
Center, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Despite their routine use, limited information is available regarding E-tube compli-
cations, especially in the recent veterinary literature.
Olivia Nathanson, School of Veterinary Objective: To provide an updated descriptive account of E-tube complications in cats
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 3900
and dogs, and to evaluate potential prognostic factors to determine if certain patients
Delancey Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Email: [email protected] are at increased risk for complications.
Animals: One hundred two dogs and 123 cats.
Methods: Retrospective study evaluating patients that had E-tubes placed between
March 2014 and March 2017.
Results: One hundred patients (44.4%) experienced a complication related to
tube placement, with a similar complication rate among dogs (43.1%) and cats
(45.5%). Twenty-two cats (17.8%) and 14 dogs (13.7%) developed signs of
infection at the E-tube site, with 5 cats (22.7%) and 5 dogs (35.7%) requiring
surgical debridement. Regurgitation of food through the E-tube stoma was
noted in 7 dogs and 1 cat. Three patients were euthanized as a result of tube-
related complications.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: We have provided an updated descriptive
review of complications associated with E-tube placement in a large population
of dogs and cats at a tertiary referral center. Although E-tubes are essential
tools that generally are safe and well tolerated, several complications can occur.
We did not identify any specific factors that increase patient risk for these com-
plications, and therefore it is important that all patients are closely monitored
and clients are educated to pursue prompt veterinary assessment when such
complications arise.

cachexia, canine, critical care, enteral nutrition, feline, nutrition

Abbreviations: E-tube(s), esophagostomy tube(s); PEG, percutaneous endoscopic


This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2019 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

J Vet Intern Med. 2019;1–6. 1


1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N visits. Patient data included signalment, clinicopathologic abnormalities,

primary disease processes, and comorbidities (including immunosup-
Esophagostomy feeding tubes (E-tubes) are an essential tool for manage- pressive conditions). Placement data included tube size, mode of
ment of hyporexic patients' acute and chronic nutritional requirements, confirmation, procedural complications, anesthesia data, and concur-
as well as a method for provision of medications and supplemental rent procedures. Records were reviewed for daily observations and
free water in patients intolerant of IV fluid support. Despite their changes in management of E-tube sites (if applicable). If aerobic
common use, limited information is available regarding E-tube culture and sensitivity were performed, the results were recorded.
complications, especially in the recent veterinary literature. Previous Cultures were obtained using skin swabs and placed in a sterile

studies have reported complication rates ranging from 13 to 71%, culture tube in all cases. Follow-up visits, surgical reports, and anes-

with major complications being far less common.1-3 The most thetic records also were reviewed. Primary care veterinarians were

common complications reported with E-tube placement included contacted for follow-up data after discharge. Reason for removal,

vomiting, patient removal of the tube, mechanical difficulties (eg, infection outcome, duration of time the tube was in place, and eutha-

tube obstruction, tube nozzle dislodgement), and vomiting of the nasia (if applicable) were recorded.

tube. Peristomal inflammation, infection and abscess formation,

and necrotic tissue were noted to be less common (13%-25%). 2.1 | Statistical analysis
In most cases, infections were associated with poor at-home stoma
care and were easily manageable.1-3 All statistical analyses were performed using standard statistical

In a retrospective study of cats undergoing E-tube placement, software (Stata 15MP, StataCorp, College Station, Texas), with a

19/52 (36.5%) cats experienced a complication after the procedure. 3 P value <.05 as the criterion for statistical significance. For each
continuous variable, a Shapiro-Wilks test for normality was per-
Of these 19 cases, 13 were characterized as mild and did not require
formed. Descriptive analyses included computation of medians,
any adjustments to treatment. Of the more severe complications,
ranges of continuous variables, and frequencies as percentages for
4 cats developed abscesses that required treatment, with 3 of these
categorical data. Exploratory statistical analysis was conducted
cats treated successfully with modifications to home care, cleansing
by Spearman correlation to determine if an association existed
in-clinic, and antibiotics. One of the cats' abscesses was characterized
between independent variables and the outcome of interest.
as more severe and required hospitalization to manage the infection
A P value <0.2 was considered significant for data to be included in
and salvage the tube.
subsequent inference statistical analysis. Univariate binary logistic
Another retrospective study compared complications associated
regression was performed to assess the association of variables
with esophagostomy vs percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
with outcomes of interest, including complications as a whole, as
feeding tubes and found a complication rate of 71.7% in cats with E-
well as individual complications. Chi-squared analysis, Firth logistic
tubes, with 39% of these being classified as minor and 61% moderate
2 regression, and pair-wise comparisons were utilized to compare
in severity. No statistical difference was found between PEG tubes
risk factors and outcomes of interest among dogs and cats.
and E-tubes with regard to complications.
More recent veterinary literature has focused on procedural descrip-
tions4,5 and novel uses of E-tubes, such as indwelling esophageal balloon 3 | RESULTS
dilatation for esophageal strictures6 and continuous suctioning for long-
term management of megaesophagus.7 However, limited information 3.1 | Sample population and clinical data
regarding complications associated with E-tubes has been published in
During the 3-year study period, 250 patients met the initial criteria.
the past decade.1-3
Fifteen were excluded because of incomplete records. An additional
The objectives of our retrospective study were to provide an updated
10 were removed from analysis because the E-tube was in place for
descriptive account of E-tube complications and to investigate novel
<24 hours, resulting in 225 cases for inclusion in the final analysis.
aspects of E-tube management, including time to institution of feeding
Of these 225 cases, 102 were dogs and 123 were cats.
and bacterial isolates causing E-tube site infections.
The median age of cats was 8 years (range, 1-6 years) and
median weight was 4.4 kg (range, 1.75-10.9 kg). One hundred
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS twelve cats had tube size reported, all of which had a 14-French
(Fr) E-tube placed. The primary disease process was recorded for
Medical records of dogs and cats that had E-tubes placed between all cats, with renal disease being most common (52 total, with
March 2014 and March 2017 at the investigators' tertiary referral 11 receiving intermittent hemodialysis). The other patients were
center were retrospectively reviewed. Dogs and cats were included being managed for hepatic disease (23), gastrointestinal disease
if they had an E-tube placed and maintained for at least 24 hours. (14), pancreatitis (10), respiratory disease (7), trauma (6), orofacial
For dogs and cats that met the initial inclusion criteria, medical disease (5), infectious disease (2), diabetes mellitus (1), and neuro-
records were reviewed for patient and E-tube placement data, as well logic disease (1). In terms of concurrent immunosuppressive con-
as complications documented while in hospital and during follow-up ditions, in addition to the 1 patient with diabetes mellitus, 12 cats

were diagnosed with neoplasia. Nine patients were receiving sys- 3.2 | Complications
temic immunosuppressive drugs, including corticosteroids and che-
Of the 225 cases, 100 (44.4%) experienced a complication, with a sim-
motherapeutic agents. Ninety-three cats had received PO antibiotics
ilar complication rate among dogs (44 total, 43.1%) and cats (56 total,
during or after hospitalization. Twenty-two patients were hypoal-
45.5%). Complications were recorded during initial hospitalization as
buminemic (1.4-2.4 g/dL), 31 had a leukocytosis (16 790-39 680/
well as during follow-up visits. Six cats (4.8%) and 4 dogs (3.9%) had
μL), 2 were leukopenic (1000-5060/μL), and 7 had a left shift noted
erythema noted around the stoma in hospital, whereas 14 cats
on CBC.
(11.3%) and 13 dogs (12.7%) were noted to have erythema at follow-
Eighty-three cats had concurrent anesthetic procedures at the
up. Nine cats (7.3%) and 14 dogs (13.7%) were noted to have inflam-
time of E-tube placement, including 4 laparoscopic procedures
mation around the stoma in hospital and 19 cats (15.4%) and 14 dogs
(liver or intestinal biopsies or both), 26 laparotomies (ureteral sur-
(13.7%) at follow-up. Fifteen cats (12.2%) and 12 dogs (11.7%) had
gery or stent placement or both in 21 and exploratory laparotomy
active mucoid, mucopurulent, or purulent discharge around the stoma
in 5), 12 endoscopic procedures, 3 wound treatments, 8 dental
procedures, 11 dialysis catheter placements, and 17 other proce- in hospital and 28 cats (22.7%) and 20 dogs (19.6%) had discharge

dures performed (head or nasal computed tomography [CT] in noted at follow-up.

3, ultrasound-guided aspirates in 3, pyelogram in 3, endotracheal Seventeen cats (13.8%) and 10 dogs (9.8%) had loose sutures

wash in 2, and 1 of each of the following: rhinotomy, manual relief noted at follow-up, requiring resuturing of the site. Two cats

of obstipation, cholecystocentesis, endotracheal wash, ultrasound- (1.6%) and 2 dogs (1.9%) were evaluated for vomiting of the tube.

guided renal biopsy, and nasal irrigation). Median anesthesia time was Two cats (1.6%) and 5 dogs (4.9%) required tube readjustment

120 minutes (range, 20-450 minutes). One hundred twenty cats had based on radiographs because of tube migration, and 7 cats (5.6%)

mode of tube placement confirmation recorded; 41 patients had tube and 7 dogs (6.8%) required replacement with a new tube because

placement confirmed by radiography (34.2%), 42 by endoscopy (35%), of dislodgement. Two cats (1.6%) and 1 dog (0.9%) were reported

and 37 by fluoroscopy (30%). Feeding was initiated at a median of to have discomfort on examination, and 1 cat (0.8%) presented for
14 hours after E-tube placement (range, 2-144 hours). an obstructed tube requiring removal.
The median age of dogs was 8 years (range, 1.5 months to 15 years) One cat (0.8%) and 7 dogs (6.8%) had evidence of food coming
and median weight was 14.2 kg (range, 1.7-57.8 kg). Sixty-seven dogs through the stoma. Dogs were significantly more likely to develop
had tube size recorded, with 14 Fr in 32 patients, 18 Fr in 27, and 8 Fr this complication, compared to cats (P = .02). Three of the dogs
E-tube in 8 patients. Renal disease was the most common primary dis- (42.8%) with this complication were dialysis patients. Four patients
ease process (59 patients, 18 of which were receiving intermittent (including the 3 dialysis patients) were >20 kg. Tube size was not
hemodialysis). The other patients were being managed for hepatic dis- recorded in these specific cases. One of these patients was under
ease (21), gastrointestinal disease (12), pancreatitis (10), trauma (6), anesthesia for 450 minutes, which was the longest anesthetic
infectious disease (3), neoplasia (1), orofacial disease (1), or immune- event for all dogs. Two of these dogs were hypoalbuminemic
mediated disease (1). (1.7 g/dL and 2.3 g/dL), both of which also had evidence of leukocyto-
Several dogs had multiple comorbidities, including immunosuppres- sis (19 608/μL without a left shift and 48 960/μL with a concurrent left
sive conditions such as diabetes mellitus (3), hyperadrenocorticism (3), shift). Five of these patients were receiving antimicrobials; none were
and neoplasia (8). Seventeen patients were receiving systemic receiving immunosuppressive drugs.
immunosuppressive drugs including corticosteroids, cyclosporine, Twenty-two cats (17.8%) and 14 dogs (13.7%) developed clinical
mycophenolate, and chemotherapeutic agents (vincristine and cyclo- signs consistent with infection, with 5 cats (4%) and 4 dogs (3.9%)
phosphamide). Eighty-one patients were treated with PO antibiotics developing signs during hospitalization and 17 cats (13.8%) and 10 dogs
during or after hospitalization. Forty-nine patients were hypoal- (9.8%) having signs noted at follow-up. Presumed infections were
buminemic (1.3-2.4 g/dL), 48 had leukocytosis (11 520-53 568/μL), noted to occur at a median of 7 days after tube placement in both cats
1 was leukopenic (1771/μL), and 22 had a left shift noted on CBC. and dogs (range, 2-195 days). Six cats (4.8%) and 1 dog (0.9%) devel-
Fifty-eight dogs had concurrent anesthetic procedures at the time oped necrotic skin around the stoma that was noted at follow-up visits,
of E-tube placement, including 17 dialysis catheter placements, 11 lapa- ranging from 2 to 22 days after initial placement.
rotomies (exploratory laparotomy in 7, biliary surgery in 2, splenectomy
in 1, and inguinal hernia repair in 1), 7 laparoscopic liver biopsies,
3.3 | Surgical intervention and outcomes
5 endoscopic procedures, 4 renal biopsies, 3 wound treatments, 3 den-
tal procedures, and 5 other procedures (including, head CT in 2, anthro- Ten patients with stoma site infections (4.4%) required surgical debride-
centesis in 1, buccal mucosal bleeding time in 1, and radiographs in 1). ment, including 5 cats (22.7%) and 5 dogs (35.7%). Of the dogs that
Median anesthesia time was 92.5 minutes (range, 30-480 minutes). required surgical debridement, 6 procedures were performed during
Mode of tube placement confirmation was recorded in 101 dogs; initial hospitalization and 2 at a later date. Both cats had surgical
49 had tube placement confirmed by radiography (48.5%), 35 by debridement performed after hospital discharge. Two dogs required
endoscopy (34.6%), and 17 by fluoroscopy (16.8%). Feeding was initi- 2 surgical procedures for ongoing stoma site infection, 3 and 4 days
ated a median of 12 hours after E-tube placement (range, 2-48 hours). apart, respectively. One of these patients was hypoalbuminemic

(2.4 g/dL) and receiving IV dexamethasone at an immunosuppressive T A B L E 1 Summary of bacterial culture results in 25 cases of E-
dosage. The other had a mild inflammatory leukogram, normal serum tube stoma site infection
albumin concentration, and no immunosuppressive conditions or treat- Culture result Number of cases
ments. The remainder of the patients with signs of stoma site infection Enterococcus faecium 10
(20 cats and 6 dogs) did not require surgery, and their infections
Escherichia coli 9
resolved with systemic or topical antimicrobial treatment or both. Two
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius 4
patients received topical treatment alone. Four infections resolved after
Enterobacter cloacae 3
removal of the tube.
Pasteurella multocida 3
Esophagostomy tubes were kept in place for a median of 19 days in
Staphylococcus aureus 3
both cats and dogs (range, 1-283 days for dogs, 2-609 days for cats).
Staphylococcus epidermidis 1
Four cats (3.2%) and 8 dogs (7.8%) had their E-tubes removed because
of tube-related complications, and 1 cat (0.8%) and 2 dogs (1.9%) were Staphylococcus schleiferi 1

euthanized because of tube-related complications. The cat developed Klebsiella pneumoniae 2

signs of septic shock and necropsy confirmed an abscess at the Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1
esophagostomy site, with no other source of sepsis identified. One of Proteus mirabilis 1
the dogs developed severe regurgitation and aspiration pneumonia Neisseria animaloris 1
24 hours after tube placement whereas the other was euthanized Neisseria zoodegmatis 1
because of recurrent regurgitation through the stoma and lack of Beta-hemolytic streptococcus spp. 1
response to surgical and medical management. This patient had mild Morganella morganii 1
leukocytosis. No other distinguishing features were noted in these
3 cases.
One dog experienced an esophageal tear, leading to premature
removal of the tube (after being in place for 3 days). The esophageal complications was comparable to that of previous studies,1-3 with
tear was managed medically. Another dog experienced severe hemor- the majority of complications being minor and easily manageable.
rhage after trauma to a suspected anomalous arterial vessel during However, 16% of patients developed infection at the site and 3 patients
tube placement, requiring surgical intervention. were euthanized because of tube-related complications.
Although most of the reported complications in our study have
been noted previously, to our knowledge, regurgitation of food through
3.4 | Bacterial culture results
the stoma has not been previously reported. Eight patients had evi-
Twenty-five patients with signs consistent with infection or discharge dence of food coming through the stoma, with dogs being more
at the stoma had aerobic cultures performed. Three patients had a likely to experience this complication. The E-tubes were removed in
negative culture, but all 3 were on systemic antimicrobial treatment at 2 patients because of this complication; 1 patient was euthanized
the time the culture was collected. The results of the positive cultures because of this recurrent complication and the need for repeated
are presented in Table 1. Fifteen (68%) of these culture results were surgical intervention.
polymicrobial and 10 (45%) had evidence of either methicillin resis- One limitation of the medical records system at our institution is
tance or multidrug resistant patterns. that 30 Fr E-tubes have an ambiguous charge code that did not permit
notation of patients in which this size of E-tube was utilized. Of the
8 patients that regurgitated food through their stoma, 4 patients did
3.5 | Prognostic factors and associations
not have tube size recorded because of this fact. It is possible that
No statistically significant associations were found between any vari- these 4 patients (being larger dogs and having the ambiguous charge
ables of interest (patient weight, age, hypoalbuminemia, leukocytosis, code) had a 30 Fr E-tube in place. Given this limitation, we are unable
leukopenia, use of antimicrobial or immunosuppressive drugs, concur- to draw any conclusions regarding larger tube sizes and the possible
rent disease processes, time to initiation of feeding, duration tube was associated risk of developing a complication. At our institution, 30 Fr
in place, size of tube, and method of confirmation of placement) and
tubes have been used only infrequently in the last few years because
risk of developing an E-tube complication or infection in the cats and
they are anecdotally associated with more complications, such as
dogs in this study (P ≥ .09).
infection or swelling at the site. Future prospective studies may be
useful to investigate this specific variable.
4 | DISCUSSION Ours is the first study to evaluate bacterial isolates from E-tube
site infections. Thirty-six patients developed clinical signs of infection,
Our study provides an updated descriptive review of complica- with aerobic cultures performed in 25 (69%). The 2 most common
tions associated with E-tube placement in a large population of pathogens isolated were Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli. This
dogs and cats at a tertiary referral center. The overall incidence of result is in contrast to previous studies evaluating surgical site skin

infections that have found Staphylococcal spp. to be the most those receiving hemodialysis treatment, are more at risk for infection.
common organism cultured. This finding may indicate that the At the same time, our results suggest that even the most stable
agents responsible for E-tube site infections are enteric in origin, patient without complicating factors is at a similar risk for developing
rather than skin commensals. Many (45%) of the bacterial organisms a complication and, as such, thorough follow-up and monitoring
isolated in our study were methicillin resistant or had multidrug remain necessary.
resistance patterns. Despite this, the majority of cases experienced Esophagostomy tubes are a beneficial tool to provide nutrition to
resolution with topical antimicrobial treatment alone or a combina- hyporexic patients, but they are not without risk. Severe complica-
tion of topical and systemic antimicrobial treatment without utiliz- tions were rare in our study, which is in accordance with earlier stud-
ing second- or third-tier antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic escalation ies. However, despite their limited occurrence, when these severe
was rarely indicated clinically. This observation serves as a complications occurred, clinically important consequences ensued,
reminder that culture and sensitivity information must always be with 10 requiring surgical intervention and 3 patients euthanized
interpreted with the complete clinical picture in mind and topical because of tube-related complications. Our study provides updated
treatments often can result in sufficient concentrations of antimi- information regarding possible complications associated with E-tube
crobial to overcome reported resistance patterns. placement and management. A prospective study evaluating patient-
At this time, no consensus exists regarding when feeding should specific variables and procedural factors may be helpful to determine
be initiated in patients with E-tubes. Tube feeding was initiated any- if there are any predictive factors that increase a given patient's risk
where from 2 to 144 hours after placement, with a median of of complications.
12 hours in dogs and 14 hours in cats in our study. The ideal time to
institute E-tube feedings is not established, and it is unknown
whether time to initiate feeding relates to risk of complication, par-
ticularly with regard to regurgitation of food through a healing Authors declare no conflict of interest.
stoma. In our study, no association was found between time to insti-
tute feeding and risk of developing a complication. However, it is
possible that, despite large study numbers, our study was underpow-
ered to detect such a difference. Patient factors, such as anesthetic Authors declare no off-label use of antimicrobials.
recovery, gastrointestinal ileus, and nausea, as well as convenience
factors, such as nursing availability and owner schedules often are
considered. Future studies are needed to provide additional insight INSTITU TIONAL ANIMAL C AR E AND USE COMMITTEE

into this particular feature of nutritional management with feeding (IACUC) OR OTHER APPROVAL DECLARATION

tubes. Authors declare no IACUC or other approval was needed.

The major limitation of our study was its retrospective nature.
Although patients were excluded if their medical records were
incomplete, the details recorded for a given patient's tube site HUMAN E THICS APPROVAL DECLARATION
assessment were variable and clinician- or nurse-dependent. It is Authors declare human ethics approval was not needed for this study.
possible that mild complications such as slight erythema or inflam-
mation at the site may have been overlooked. Not all E-tube sites
were thoroughly evaluated daily, and it is possible that some obser- OR CID
vations were not consistently recorded. Follow-up was limited in
Olivia Nathanson
some cases, and although primary care veterinarians were contacted
for additional follow-up data, mild complications again may have
been overlooked. Major complications such as those that required RE FE RE NCE S
surgical debridement were more likely to be recorded in detail and
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