Risk-Based Performance Management - Making It Work: Gary Cokins

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Journal of Risk Intelligence

Gary Cokins Risk-Based Why risk-based

performance management?
CPIM, is a
strategist with
Performance Risk governance awareness from gov-
SAS. He is an Management – ernment legislation, such as Sarbanes
ally recognized
Making it Work Oxley and Basel II is clearly on the
minds of all executives. Accountability
expert, speaker By Peyman Mestchian, SAS EMEA
and responsibility can no longer be
and author in and Gary Cokins, SAS International evaded. However, risk-based perfor-
advanced cost mance management allows firms to
management and performance Performance management is now more
move beyond compliance and derive
improvement systems. Following correctly being defined as a much
real business value from their compli-
receipt of an industrial engineer- broader umbrella concept of integrated
ing degree from Cornell Univer- ance initiatives.
methodologies – much broader than its
sity in 1971 and an MBA from previously misconceived narrow defini-
Northwestern University Kellogg Risk management is not about mini-
tion as simply being better strategy,
Graduate School of Manage- mizing an organization’s risk expo-
financial budgeting, and control. What
ment, Gary began his career as sure. Quite the contrary, it is all about
a financial controller and opera- could possibly be an even broader
exploiting risk for maximum com-
tions manager with FMC Corpo- definition? Our belief is performance
petitive advantage. A risky business
ration. He served fifteen years management is only part – but a cru-
strategy always carries the highest pre-
as a consultant with Deloitte & cial, integral part – of how an organiza-
mium prices. Once risk-return profiles
Touche, KPMG Peat Marwick, tion realizes its strategy to maximize its
and risk-adjusted performances are
and finally with Electronic Data value to stakeholders. This means that
comparable across business lines, and
Systems (EDS) where he headed performance management must be
measurable for the entity as a whole,
their Cost Management Consult- encompassed by a broader overarch-
ing Services. firms can address two key objectives:
ing concept – intelligent risk manage- • Specify risk profile to debt-holders
Peyman • Generate value for shareholders
Mestchian Risk-based performance management
BEng, MSc, Risk can be defined in terms of unex-
has been evolving for a number of
MBA, FIRM pected losses. Expected losses are
years in the financial services industry.
is Head of changes in values that can be derived
However it has attained a new focus
the Risk or anticipated from data currently
Intelligence and urgency as a result of the regula-
available, while unexpected losses are
Practice for tory mandates of the Basel II Capital
potential deviations from the expected
SAS EMEA. Accord. By better aligning banking
losses or, indeed, gains.
He has over 15 years experi- risks and their management with
ence in risk management, having regulatory capital requirements, Basel
In the banking sector, there are three
previously worked as director II provides a new incentive for banks
main types of risk:
of the Business Risk Consult- to renew their efforts in this area, by
• Market Risk – Unexpected fluctua-
ing Practice at Ernst & Young, developing a capital planning approach tions in market values (e.g. equities,
where he led numerous board- that integrates regulatory and eco- commodity prices, interest rates)
level consulting assignments on nomic capital models into an overall
enterprisewide risk management. • Credit Risk – Unexpected amounts
framework. of loan-defaults (e.g. due to a
He is a Fellow of the Institute of
Risk Management and holds an national economic crisis)
MBA from the London Business • Operational Risk – Unexpected
School. internal or external loss events due to
people, process or technology fail-
ures (e.g. due to fraudulent activities
by staff)

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Journal of Risk Intelligence

Many observers view operational risk The four step sequence includes direc- manageable projects and select core
as the key lever for enterprise risk man- tion setting from the executive leader- processes to excel at that will help it
agement (ERM), where organizations ship – “Where do we want to go?” – as attain the multiple strategic objectives
can match their risk exposure to their well as the use of a compass and navi- causally linked in the strategy map.
risk appetite. This is where they can gation system to answer the questions This is also where research and devel-
wager the big bets. These include the “How will we get there?” and “How well opment, plus innovation projects are
potential benefits from risks taken and are we doing trying to get there?” incubated.
from missed opportunities of risks not
taken. Should we enter a market we 1) Risk Management – Here the exec- 3) Investment Evaluation – Resources,
are not now participating in? Should utives stand back, identify and assess financial or physical, must always be
we offer an innovative product or ser- the market and environment, a process considered as being scarce, so they
vice-line while unsure of the size of the that includes the identification of their must be wisely chosen. The capital
market or competitor reactions? How key risk indicators (KRIs). Formulating markets now ultimately judge com-
much should we rely on technology to KRIs is essential to understand the root mercial companies on their future net
automate a process? But organizations causes of risk. They include a predic- positive free cash flow. This means that
need to first measure their operational tive capability, so that by continuously every incremental expense or invest-
risk exposure and appetite, in order to monitoring variances between expected ment must be viewed as contributing to
manage it. against re-forecasted KRIs, the organi- a project requiring an acceptable return
zation can react before rather than after on investment (ROI), including recover-
A Risk-based Performance a future event occurs. Firms need to ing the cost of capital. Spending con-
Management Framework utilise a combination of qualitative and straints exist everywhere. That is, cus-
The premise is to link risk performance quantitative techniques. tomer value and shareholder value are
to business performance. As it is popu- not equivalent and positively correlated,
larly described in the media, perfor- 2) Strategy and Value Management but rather they have trade-offs with an
mance management, whether defined – A key component of the portfolio of optimum balance that companies strive
narrowly or ideally more broadly, does Performance Management methodolo- to attain. This is why the annual bud-
not currently embrace risk governance. gies is formulated here: the organiza- get and the inevitable rolling spending
It needs to. The figure below illustrates tion’s vision, mission, and strategy map. forecasts, typically disconnected from
how risk management and performance This is how the executive team both the executive team’s strategy, must be
management combine to achieve the communicates to and also involves its linked to the strategy.
ultimate mission of any organization: to managers and employee teams. Based
maximize stakeholder value. on the strategy map, the organization 4) Performance Optimization – In this
collectively identifies the vital few and last step, all of the execution compo-
nents of the Performance Management
��������������������������������� portfolio of methodologies kick into

↵ �����������������
gear. These include but are not limited
to: customer relation management
(CRM), enterprise resource planning

���������������� (ERP), supply chain management, activ-

ity-based costing, and Six Sigma/lean
management initiatives. The mission-
critical projects and select core pro-
�������������� cesses that an enterprise must do well
���������� will have already been selected in step
���������� ������

→ 3. Therefore, the balanced scorecard,

�������� ���
������� → �������
������������������ with its predefined key performance

indicators (KPIs) (and KRIs as a subset

of the total universe of KPIs), at this
stage becomes the mechanism to steer

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Journal of Risk Intelligence

the organization. The balanced score- • Value at Risk (VaR) – the idea of • Economic Value Added (EVA) – looks
card includes target-versus-actual KPI VaR stems from the question “how at the creation of value in excess
variance dashboard measures, with much might we lose when things go of the required return on capital (or
drill-down analysis and colour-coded against us? – The question can be hurdle rate).
alert signals. Scorecards provide answered in the form “we are X% EVA = profit – (capital x hurdle-rate)
sure that we will not lose more than
operational and financial performance
$V over the next N days”. $V is then
feedback so that every employee, who • Risk-adjusted return on capital
known as VaR. Regulators gener-
is now equipped with a line of sight (RAROC) - is defined as EVA/capital
ally want to see the value of V when
to how he or she helps to achieve the X=99% and N=10 days, while, for
executives’ strategy, can daily answer internal control purposes, institutions There are in fact, many other risk-based
the fundamental question, “How am can choose whatever values they feel performance measures used in the
I doing on what is important?” The comfortable with. financial services industry, but these are
clockwise internal steps – “Improve, not always clearly defined, for example:
Adjust, Re-Monitor” – are how employ-
Value at Risk (VaR), has become
ees collaborate to continuously re- a very popular risk measure since ROA: Return on assets
align their work efforts, priorities, and the introduction of new regulations ROC: Return on Capital
resources to attain the strategic objec- (Basle 1996 Amendment, CAD2). It is RORAA: Return on risk adjusted assets
tives defined in step 2. accepted by the regulator for calcu- RAROA: Risk adjusted return on assets
lating minimum capital charges.
RORAC: Return on risk adjusted capi-
The four steps are a continuous cycle, Also in this context, Return on VaR tal
where risk is dynamically re-assessed (RoVaR) can be defined as:
and strategy subsequently adjusted. RoVaR = expected return/VaR Increasingly, such measures are used
for a number of business applications,
Risk-based performance for example:
For non-normally distributed assets,
measures • Ranking and deal profitability
RoVaR has the advantage of concen-
There has been some debate in recent trating on the size of the downside • Pricing of risky assets and deals
years about which measures to use risks • Capital allocation decisions
for risk-based performance manage-
• Compensation schemes
ment and what a “good” performance
• Risk-adjusted Profitability (RAP)
measure is. As ever in this field, the
=Profit / Risk Capital - this can be From theory to practice

answer to this question is: it depends

used to measure the performance of
on what the measure is being used The information needed to drive the
individuals. To give an example:
for. For example, is it being used to risk-based measures and KRIs already
establish ‘safe’ but risk sensitive capital exists in most
requirements, (of greatest importance organizations.
Profit Notional Volatility Risk Capital RAP
to bondholders) or is it being used as The challenge
FX Trader 10 100 12% 28 36%
a tool for internal risk management, is getting the
Bond Trader 10 200 4% 19 54%
i.e., not only control but also optimal data out of
resource allocation (of greatest interest a variety of
to shareholders)? We have listed below In this example each trader has made operational, financial and risk databas-
some of the most popular measures the same profit, but the bond trader es. Furthermore, this data needs to be
used today and their application: has used the risk capital more effi- manipulated and presented effectively.
ciently. Figure 2 is a sample topology for such
a “risk dashboard”. It rests on manual
and automated data inputs and gener-
ates views of a common pool of infor-
mation, according to the requirements
of the various end-users: senior execu-
tives, risk managers and BU managers.

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Journal of Risk Intelligence

Figure 2: Topology of a “Risk Dashboard”

A “risk dashboard” should enable the Conclusion

firm to manage risk and performance
Risk-based performance management
metrics to maximise value for the entire
enables firms to identify business lines
enterprise, while addressing the spe-
and business opportunities that create
cific requirements of individuals and
shareholder value – as well as those
groups. A lot of attention needs to be
that destroy or will destroy shareholder
given to the ergonomic representation
value. A focus on these approaches
of KRI information. But most financial
and measures can help a firm optimise
institutions are already familiar with
its incentive systems, to ensure com-
the presentation of KPIs in balanced
patibility and alignment of business
scorecards and process maps. The les-
strategy with the business-unit man-
sons learned should be applied to risk
agement. Such a focus can also drive
management, leading to a seamless
improvement in data collection and
integration of risk data and business
use. It can thus improve knowledge and
performance data.
awareness of risk and risk management
throughout the organisation.
At the senior level, this should support
the firm’s overall understanding of its
Risk-based performance management
corporate performance – e.g. “if we
will inevitably be the overarching inte-
accept this level of operational risk,
gration of methodologies. Advances
what is the likely impact on financial
in information technologies, business
and non-financial KPIs?”
intelligence, and analytical software will
enable this vision.

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