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The document discusses the Tejeros Convention of 1897 where the Katipunan was divided into the Magdiwang and Magdalo factions. It also led to the failure of properly establishing a revolutionary government due to disagreements between Bonifacio and Aguinaldo.

The two factions involved in the Tejeros Convention were the Magdiwang faction and the Magdalo faction.

The Tejeros Convention failed because Daniel Tirona insulted Andres Bonifacio by saying the position of Secretary of Interior should go to someone educated like Jose del Rosario, not Bonifacio. Bonifacio got angry and annulled all decisions made in the meeting.

Primary Source vs Secondary Source

Name: BATIS, Vinzon C. Ratings: .

CABANAS, Mheybel P.
CADAWENG, Malana Zussette A.
ODASCO, Jessica P.
SANGGALANG, Kierly Zheeryne F.

Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Categories Memoirs of a General by Santiago Alvarez a.k.a Gen.
Revolt of the Masses by Teodoro Agoncillo

Gen. Santiago Alavarez is also known as General

Teodoro Agoncillo is a prominent Filipino historian.
Apoy. He was a Magdiwang man and the
His book, The Revolt of the Masses: The Story of
Author’s Background Commander-in-Chief of the said faction. He was an
Bonifacio and the Katipunan, is one of the most
eye-witnessed because he personally experienced the
influential books in Philippine history.

Santiago Alvarez focus and further explain what

Teodoro Agoncillo indicates the events before Tejeros
happened in the said election made by two factions-
convention. It was mentioned the dates, battle and
Objective of the Author Magdiwang and Magdalo in Tejeros convention. It is
important events that was different in Alvarez’
detailed and mentioned the delagations of the person
involved that only happens the day of the election.

In our handouts Revolt of the Masses by Teodoro

Memoirs of a General by Santiago Alvarez was
Agoncillo was published year 2002. But in other
Date written or published published in the year 1992 at Loyola Heights, Quezon
source (internet) it was written in 1947 and was
City; Ateneo de Manila University Press.
published in 1956.
 Middle of December 1896 – Aguinaldo,
Tirona, and Evangelista meets Bonifacio
 March 25, 1897 – Failed assembly at Tajeros
 January 2, 1897 – Bonifacio wrote to Mariano
 March 26, 1897 – Another meeting called by
Alvarez about the Magdiwanf rebels; at 3pm, a
Pres. Baldomero Aguinaldo, but only some
parade took place in Noveleta
Magdiwang leaders attended
Mention of dates  April 1897 – the Spaniards conquered the town
 March 27, 1897 – Meeting at Tanza (Oath-
that Bonifacio stayed in
taking ceremony)
 March 22, 1897 – A battle happened between
 April 3, 1897 – The Supremo made a bid to
the Spaniards and Magdalo Soldiers in
recapture Noveleta
Salitran; Aguinaldo’s birthday; and a meeting
at Tajeros oddured

 Cavite – were the Katipunan is divided into

two factions, Magdalo and Magdiwang
 Talisay, Batangas – where Magdalo
government resides
 A friar Estate house in Tajeros – venue for the  Nasugbu, Tuwi, and Look – where Magdiwang
meeting of Lumbreras of the Magdiwang government resides
Council; another meeting was held here after  Zapote – where Emilio Aguinaldo, Candido
the past tumultuous event Tirona, and Edilberto Evangelista will meet the
 Catholic church in Tanza – Trias, Tirona, de Supremo, Andres Bonifacio
Mention of places
Dioss, Rillo, and others were rumored thay  Imus, Cavite – where Supremo took his
they held a meeting here with Fr. Cenon position for granted to capture Vicente
Villafranca; Meeting held on March 27 (Oath- Fernandez; where the leaders of the Magdalo
taking ceremony) and Magdiwang decided to have an assembly
 Cavite -  An estate house in Tajeros – where the
Magdiwang planned to call another assembly
 Mapagtiis (San Francisco de Malabon) –
where the first election was held and where
Emilio Aguinaldo won as President
 Jacinto Lumbreras – Secretery of the
 Andres Bonifacio – the Supremo; the Supreme
Magdiwang council
head of the Katipunan – obeyed by all; founder
Key personalities  Anres Bonifacio – the Supremo; won as the
of the Katipunan; and the initiator of the
Secretary of the Interior at the Election,
however, he did not took an oat
 Ariston Villanueva – Secretary of War of  Mariano Alvarez – president of the
Magdiwang Magdiwang council
 Mariano Alvarez  Pascual Alvarez – executive secretary of
 Pascual Alvarez Magdiwang
 Ariston Villanueva  Emiliano Riego de Dios – Minister of the

Messrs. who attended the

 Mriano Trias Interior (pagpapaunlad) of Magdiwang

assembly at Tajeros
 Diego Mojica  Mariano Trias – Minister of Grace and Justice
 Emiliano de Dios of Magdiwang
 Santiago Alvarez  Ariston Villanueva – Minister of War of
 Artemio Recarte Magdiwang
 Santos Nocon  Santiago Alvarez – Commander-in-Chief of
 Luciano San Miguel Magdiwang
 Pablo Mojica  Diego Moxica – Minister of Finance of
 Severino da las Alas Magdiwang
 Santiago Rillo  Artemio Rcarte & Meriano Riego de Dios –
Military Commanders of Magdiwang
 Baldomero Aguinaldo – President of the
Magdalo Council  Baldomero Aguinaldo – President of the
Magdalo government
 Daniel Tirona
 Candido Tirona – Minister of War of Magdalo
 Cayetano Topacio
 Cayetano Topacio – Minister of Finance of
 Emilio Aguinaldo – winner of the elections for
the position President
 Emilio Aguinaldo – Commander-in-Chief of
 Mariano Trias – winner of the elections for the
position Vice-president
 Edilberto Evangelista – Lieutenant General of
 General Vibora – won over General Apoy as
Captain General in the election
 Vito Belarmino & Crispulo Aguinaldo –
 Emiliano de Dios – won the position of
Military Commanders of Madalo
Secretary of War in the election
 Jacinto Lumbreras, Teodoro Gonzales, &
Severino de las Alas – the acting officers of
othe Magdiwang in the assembly at Tajeros
- The assembly was convened in Tejeros on March - Katipunan of Cavite divided into two factions, the
25, 1897. Secretary Villanueva received confidential Magdiwang and Magdalo. The Magdiwang proceeded
information. Chairman Lumbreras declared the an election. They elected who'll take the reins of its
assembly open and announce the main topic of government.
- Capital was moved to San Francisco de Malabon and
- They argued about the revolutionary government. later to Naik.
Captain General Apoy ordered an arrest for Maj.
Damaso Fojas and Mr. Lumbreras let Supremo preside - Both factions made an attempt to make their
the assembly. respective armies wear the same uniform.

- The chair proceeded to prepare for an election. - Bonifacio acceded to the request of Mariano
Supremo appointed the people who got the different Alvarez. He left for Cavite in December 1896 with his
positions and also he won as the secretary of war. But wife and two brothers.
Mr. Daniel Tirona requested for restoration of order
and elect Mr. Jose del Rosario. - Bonifacio was brought by the rebel at Imus to meet
Emilio Aguinaldo, Candido Tirona and Edilberto
- Magdalo Pres. Baldomero Aguinaldo request for a Evangelista and upon seeing Fernandez, as he
meeting to reconvene it but they did not even came. remembered what Fernandez did, he ordered an arrest.
Sequencing of events They held their own meeting in March 27, 1897 at
Tanza parish house. - In January 2, 1897, Bonifacio wrote from San
Francisco de Malabon to his uncle-in-law, Mariano
- Spaniards captured and occupied the town of Imus in Alvarez.
March 25, 1897. A pitched battle ensued. After the
battle, Spaniards rested in Bakaw but harrased with - Bonifacio was invited to the demonstration of the
potshots by small Katipunan bands. Magdiwang rebels in Noveleta. He arrived at Noveleta
and a parade took place. Spaniards captured the town
- In April 3, the Supremo made a bid to recapture in April 1897.
- Polaviejas's counter-offensives led to the fall of
- General Apoy visited Tarike fort to boost the morale several towns. Magdiwang and Magdalo convened an
of the troops. assembly at Imus.

- Gen. Pio del Pilar and his troops, made a withdrawal - The assembly opened with Bonifacio and occupy the
before the enemy could attack. presidency. Magdiwang argued that there's no
necessity for establishing new government. The
- Spanish reinforcements arrived to the west of assembly was adjourned with unaccomplished
Bakaw, Noveleta and Salinas. Artillery fire began discussion and result.
battering San Francisco de Malabon, Tejeros to
Tarike. The bloody and miserable battle lost many - Petty quarrels continued to come up. In Janunary
gallant troops. 1897, when a town fiesta was held, the rebels
disturbed by a series of rifle shots.

- In March 22, 1897, Magdiwang held another

convention at Tejeros which not all Magdalo leaders
were able to attend because the battle ranged.

- Jacinto Lumbreras opened the convention. De las

Alas and Bonifacio argued about the "K" in the
Katipunan flag and the government they had.

- Antonio Montenegro stood up and shouted agreeing

to the suggestion of De las Alas that made Santiago
Alvarez pricked to anger.

- The assembly discontinued. Bonifacio acceded for

the petition.

- The election of officers was then prepared. Emilio

Aguinaldo won for the presidency and others were
appointed to their respective positions. Bonifacio won
as the Director of Interior.

- Bonifacio felt insulted by Daniel Tirona whom

elected Jose del Rosario for Bonifacio's position.
Ricarte stopped Bonifacio before a tragic affair might
happen. Bonifacio adjourned the assembly and
annuled what has been approved in election.

- Bonifacio wrote a letter to Mariano Lavarez. Emilio

Jacinto explained Bonifacio's side and gave
background of the event.
 The assembly at Tejeros was finally conveyed
on March 25 1897.
 It was March 22, 1897 when simultaneously
 Alvarez's bodyguards stay outside the meeting the battle raged and the assembly conveyed in
place. Tejeros, at the same time it is Aguinaldo's
 General Apoy's last angry sentence was "I am birthday.
now ordering your arrest!"
 Alvarez's bodyguards stayed near the stairs.
 Trining (Dr. Jose Rizal's sister) and his widow,  Santiago Alvarez towards Mr.Montenegro: "
Josephine pleaded with General Apoy not to We of Cavite do not need and will never need
Difference between the two arrest Mr. Montenegro, but to let him stay at any adviser of your own standing only"
the estate house where they themselves were
accounts  Nothing is stated about Trining (Dr. Jose
staying. They volunteered to be held
Rizal's sister) and his widow, Josephine
personally responsible for Mr. Montenegro
pleading to General Apoy not to arrest Mr.
while in their custody.
 The account of Alvarez seems to be a
 The account of Agoncillo is widely narrated by
straightforward narration where the event that
him. It is supported by various documents that
occurred was illustrated as just as it coulee be
also narrate the text. In this effect, the
and there are some information that aren't
narration of Agoncillo is well-narrated.
clarified for the readers to understand the

Upon searching, Santiago Alvarez was a revolutionary

general. The responsibility of being revolutionary
Teodore Agoncillo was a prominent in 20th century
general was to keep the records of the events or
historians. Based on his text "Revolt of a masses", it
important activities in certain places. From the
was all mentioned the events happened before the
definition itself "revolutionary", he was able to write
election occurred. Even the description of the places,
or focus in the events that will be revolutionary. One
reasons why there is two faction and the difference of
Probable reason why the of the example is, “Memoirs of the General".Memoirs
the two and others. Revolt means rise of rebellion. He
difference means a historical account or biography from personal
introduced at the very beggining the two factions until
knowledge or special source. (Oxford dictionary).
the end of the election. As a historian, it is very
That's the reason why it was been titled Memoirs of
important to know the highlightened events that
the general. It is all about the general like what does
shouldn't be forget. It was written, reviewed and been
general do in that meeting, where the general had been
and others. He only mentioned what happen in the day
of the election.
Bonifacio was being invited to an assembly in Tejeros
for the third invitation for having a well-organized and
planned government known as Katipunan. Cavite was
divided into two factions namely Magdiwang and
Magdalo. These both factions were gathered to a
As the President-Supremo of the Most Venerable
meeting to establish revolutionary government, which
Katipunan of the Sons of the People, he assumed the
the two factions would never come to an
chairmanship of the assemby and he presided. He
understanding. The tense were being raised as their
began by elaborating that the people attended the
concerns contradict. Two in the afternoon of 22nd of
meeting should respect all decisions properly and
March 1897 at Tejeros, the meeting was formally
approved. When it comes to election proper, he spoke
opened. Mr. Jacinto Lumberas took the chair and
again that the nominee who would get the largest
opened the meeting. The meeting continues until
number of votes despite of his station of life and any
Bonifacio took as the presiding officer by being the
educational attainment, he will be the winner of a
President of the Supreme Council of Katipunan. He
respective position.
Thematic motivation of authors said that the winner of any position in the election will
As the election continues, Supremo, Andres
(Why the Tajeros meeting be proclaimed despite of his life status. As the election
Bonifacio, wasn't able to occupy the Presidency
failed?) was happening, he was elected as the Director of the
because Emilio Aguinaldo got the place. Moreover,
Interior. Mr. Daniel Tirona added that the position
the Supremo was being elected as the Secretary of
should be given to the one who is a lawyer and he was
Interior but Daniel Tirona says that the position should
pointing to Jose del Rosario. Bonifacio felt insulted
be given to the one who he was an educated, a lawyer.
and he turned crimson with anger. Appointing him to
It should be given to Jose del Rosario. Bonifacio got
such position should be respected by everyone
insulted and he pulled out his revolver and took aim to
because they agreed in the condition. He insisted that
Mr. Tirona. Tirona slid away and got lost in the
Tirona give satisfaction for his defamatory words and
crowd. And that moment, Bonifacio said that he
Tirona tried to lose himself in the crowd. In such
declared null and void all matters approved in the
anger, Bonifacio whipped out his pistol to for at
Tirona but Ricarte grabbed his hand. Bonifacio said
that he annul all that has been approved and resolved
as the chairman of the assembly and the President of
the Supreme Council of Katipunan then left the hall,
followed by his men.

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