EN 13749pr - en - 2008-11
EN 13749pr - en - 2008-11
EN 13749pr - en - 2008-11
English Version
Applications ferroviaires - Essieux montés et bogies - Bahnanwendungen - Radsätze und Drehgestellte -
Méthode pour spécifier les exigences en matière de Spezifikationsverfahren für Festigkeitsanforderungen an
résistance des structures de châssis de bogie Drehgestellrahmen
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 256.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
© 2008 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 13749:2008: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Technical terms..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Symbols and units ................................................................................................................................ 7
4 Co-ordinate system............................................................................................................................... 9
5 Classification ......................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Technical specification....................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................... 10
General requirements ......................................................................................................................... 10
Vehicle conditions and interfaces..................................................................................................... 10
Operational characteristics................................................................................................................ 11
Line characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 11
6.6 Environmental conditions .................................................................................................................. 11
6.7 Maintenance and inspection .............................................................................................................. 12
6.8 Particular requirements...................................................................................................................... 12
7 Verification of the design data........................................................................................................... 12
8 Validation and acceptance of the design ......................................................................................... 12
8.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 12
D.3 Analysis and acceptance ................................................................................................................... 29
D.4 Uncertainty factors ............................................................................................................................. 30
D.4.1 Material parameters ............................................................................................................................ 30
D.4.2 Dimensional tolerances...................................................................................................................... 30
D.4.3 Manufacturing process....................................................................................................................... 30
D.4.4 Analytical accuracy............................................................................................................................. 30
D.4.5 Allowance for uncertainties ............................................................................................................... 30
Annex E (informative) Examples of static test programmes...................................................................... 31
E.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 31
E.2 Static test programme for bogies of passenger rolling stock with body supported
directly to the sideframes (categories B-I and B-II)......................................................................... 31
E.2.1 Tests under exceptional loads .......................................................................................................... 31
E.2.2 Tests under normal service loads..................................................................................................... 32
E.3 Static test programme for bogies with central pivot and two side bearers
(category 5) .......................................................................................................................................... 34
E.3.1 Bogie types .......................................................................................................................................... 34
E.3.2 Tests under exceptional loads .......................................................................................................... 34
E.3.3 Tests under normal service loads..................................................................................................... 34
E.4 Static test programme for bogies of locomotives ........................................................................... 36
E.5 Static test programme for bogies of light rail vehicles and trams ................................................ 36
E.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 36
E.5.2 Tests under exceptional loads .......................................................................................................... 36
E.5.3 Tests under normal service loads..................................................................................................... 37
Annex F (informative) Examples of fatigue test programmes.................................................................... 38
F.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 38
F.2 Fatigue test programme for bogies with the body supported directly on the
sideframes (categories B-I and B-II).................................................................................................. 38
F.3 Fatigue test programme for a freight bogie with a central pivot and two side
bearers (category B-V)........................................................................................................................ 41
F.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 41
F.3.2 Vertical loads....................................................................................................................................... 41
F.3.3 Transverse loads................................................................................................................................. 41
F.4 Fatigue test programme for locomotive bogies (category B-VII)................................................... 43
F.5 Fatigue test programme for bogies of light rail vehicles and trams (category B-IV)................... 43
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the trans-European
conventional rail system, as modified by EU Directive 2004/50/EC of 29 April 2004 .................. 44
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
This document (prEN 13749:2008) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway
applications”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI by the
European Commission and the European Free Trade Association to support Essential Requirements
of EU Directive 2001/16, as modified by EU Directive 2004/50.
For the relationship with EU Directive 2001/16/EC as amended by directive 2004/50/EC, see
informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
1 Scope
This document specifies the method to be followed to achieve a satisfactory design of bogie frames
and includes design procedures, assessment methods, verification and manufacturing quality
requirements. It is limited to the structural requirements of bogie frames including bolsters and
axlebox housings. For the purpose of this document, these terms are taken to include all functional
attachments, e.g. damper brackets.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12082:1998, Railway applications — Axleboxes — Performance testing
prEN 15827-1:2008, Railway applications — Bogies and running gear — Part 1: General principles
prEN 15827-2:2008, Railway applications — Bogies and running gear — Part 2: Structural
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply:
bogie frame
load-bearing structure generally located between primary and secondary suspension
transverse load-bearing structure between vehicle body and bogie frame
longitudinal structural member of the bogie frame
transverse member joining the longitudinal extremities of the bogie sideframes
central transverse structural member(s) of the bogie frame
assembly comprising the box housing, rolling bearings, sealing and grease
box housing
load-bearing structure housing the bearings, grease, sealing and accessories
NOTE Earthing brush, tachogenerator and wheel-slide sensors are typical accessories.
primary suspension
suspension system consisting of the resilient elements generally located between the axlebox and
bogie frame
secondary suspension
suspension system consisting of the resilient elements generally located between the bogie frame
and vehicle body or bolster
static force
force which is constant with time
NOTE Force due to gravity is an example of static force.
quasi-static force
force, which changes with time at a rate which does not cause dynamic excitation
NOTE Quasi-static force might remain constant for limited periods.
dynamic force
transient, impulsive or continuous force, uniform or random, that changes with time at a rate that
causes dynamic excitation
load case
a set of loads or combinations of loads that represents a loading condition to which the structure or
component is subjected
exceptional load case
load case used for assessment against static material properties
fatigue load case
repetitive load case used for assessment against durability
safety factor
a factor applied during the strength assessment which makes an allowance for a combination of the
uncertainties and the safety criticality.
the process of demonstrating by analysis and/or test that the system under consideration meets in all
respects the specification, including requirements due to regulations, for that system.
the process of demonstrating by comparison or testing that an analytical result or estimated value is of
an acceptable level of accuracy.
NOTE Certain symbols used in this standard may have a different meaning to those adopted in related
standards (e.g. EN 13103, EN 13104 and EN 13979-1).
Table 1 — Forces
Force on centre pivot Fzp Fzpqs Fzpd
Force at (body) C of G Fzc
Transverse Load applied to bogie Fy
Force on axle 1
Force on axle 2
AF Fy1
Force at (body) C of G Fyc
Force due to wind Fw1
Longitudinal Force at each wheel Fx1
Force at (body) C of G Fxc
Force at (bogie) C of G Fx
Table 2 — Accelerations
Acceleration (m/s ) Symbol
Body Bogie
(primary sprung)
Vertical azc azb
Transverse (dynamic) ayc ayb
Centrifugal (quasi-static) aycc aycb
Longitudinal axc axb
Table 3 — Masses
Other Symbol Unit
Wind pressure q N/m
Stress AF σ N/mm
Maximum stress σmax N/mm
Minimum stress σmin N/mm
Mean value of stress σm = (σmax+σmin)/2 N/mm
Amplitude of stress cycle σa = (σmax-σmin)/2 N/mm
Car body surface area Aw m
Roll coefficient α
Bounce coefficient β
4 Co-ordinate system
Figure 1 shows the co-ordinate system adopted in this document.
Lozenge (shear)
Figure 1 — Co-ordinate System
5 Classification
This document covers a wide variety of different bogie types. For reference purposes it is convenient
to assign them to different categories. Although identified generally in terms of vehicle types, the
selection of the category for a bogie should also take into account the structural requirements of the
bogie frame. The structural requirements for bogies in a particular category are not unique and shall
always be defined according to the operating requirements, using the principles presented in this
document. There will be differences in choice between applications. This is to be expected and should
not be considered as conflicting with this standard. Some bogies may not fit into any of the defined
category B-I bogies for main line and inter-city passenger carrying rolling stock including high
speed and very high speed vehicles, powered and un-powered;
category B-II bogies for inner and outer suburban passenger carrying vehicles, powered and un-
category B-III bogies for metro and rapid transit rolling stock, powered and un-powered;
category B-V bogies for freight rolling stock with single-stage suspensions;
category B-VI bogies for freight rolling stock with two-stage suspensions;
The classifications are the same as those given in prEN 15827-1. They are similar to (but not wholly
consistent with) those adopted for vehicle bodies in EN 12663. They are not exclusive and more may be added
as information becomes available.
6 Technical specification
6.1 Scope
The technical specification shall consist of all the information describing the functional requirements of
the bogie frame and the interfaces with associated components and assemblies. It shall also comprise,
as a minimum, the general requirements of use, the conditions associated with the vehicle equipped
with the bogies, the operating characteristics, the conditions associated with maintenance and any
other particular requirements.
The technical specification shall also identify all appropriate mandatory regulations and define the
parts of the acceptance procedure (clause 9) and the quality requirements (clause 10), which are
specifically required, and the way in which evidence to show that the requirements have been met is
to be provided.
NOTE If the bogie frame is to form part of a vehicle subject to Interoperability regulations, or a similar third
party approval procedure is to be followed, the designated approval authority (Notified Body) should be identified.
If the customer is unable to define the specification completely the supplier may propose a specification and
submit it to the customer (and the approval authority) for agreement.
The specification shall indicate the type of bogie required in terms of its use in accordance with the
categories in clause 5. It shall also indicate in the technical specification the intended life of the bogie,
its average annual distance run and its total distance run.
The specification shall include, but not be limited to, information on:
braking equipment;
The specification shall include, but not be limited to, information on the characteristics to which the
bogie is to be designed:
loading conditions (e.g. changes in payload and frequency, dynamic load spectra);
starts and stops (i.e. number and frequency, acceleration rates, deceleration rates, including
effect of wheel slip/slide control);
The specification shall include information on all the characteristics of the railway network for which
the bogie is to be designed that have an influence on the loads applied to the bogie, including the
layout of the tracks, including service depot tracks, (e.g. minimum radius of curves, number of
indication of distance covered on straight lines and on curves, maximum and normal levels of
twist, percentage of use on service depot tracks, number of junctions, cant (this may be supplied
by route reference);
types of track (e.g. classification of quality including construction, roughness and irregularities);
loading gauge.
The specification shall include information on the characteristics of the environment that can have an
influence on the behaviour of the bogie frame and that the bogie frame shall be designed to withstand,
NOTE Information on the environmental conditions to be taken into account is given in the relevent TSIs for
vehicles to be used under Interoperability regulations.
All the conditions of maintenance planned for the bogie and which can have an influence on the
design and behaviour of a bogie frame shall be indicated in the technical specification, including the
wear limits for different components.
It is also important to consider the handling and recovery requirements in the event of a service
incident. This may include additional lifting and jacking requirements, provision for wheel skates or
other specific equipment.
All necessary means (e.g. calculations, drawings, tests) shall be used to carry out the design.
The information supporting the design of the bogie frame shall be verified by the documents defined
in the specification and those required by applicable resolutions (e.g. standards, calculations,
drawings, test reports) which permit:
the supplier to design and manufacture the bogie frames in accordance with the requirements of
the specification and quality plan (see clause 9);
all the checks considered necessary for the validation and acceptance to be carried out.
8.1 General
The aim of the validation programme is to prove that the design of the bogie frame fulfils the
conditions defined in the technical specification. In addition, it shall show that the behaviour of the
bogie frame, constructed according to the design, will give satisfactory service without the occurrence
of defects such as catastrophic rupture, permanent deformation and fatigue cracks. It shall further
demonstrate that there is no adverse influence on the associated bogie components or sub-
Acceptance of the product will normally be dependent on a satisfactory completion of the validation
programme but may contain other conditions outside the scope of this document.
The specification shall include details of how the bogie design is to be validated (including
conformance with any applicable regulations) and shall state all the parameters that are necessary for
the application of the different parts of the procedure. These parameters shall be defined in three
the validation procedure (e.g. combination of load cases for calculations and static tests,
programmes for fatigue tests, routes for on-track tests);
the acceptance criteria (treatment of measured or calculated values, limiting stresses, criteria for
completion of fatigue tests).
Clause 9.2 defines which parts of the validation procedure should be included in any particular case.
The validation procedure shall be consistent with that for the bogie as a whole as specified in
prEN 15827 and in particular the requirements of Part 2 of that standard.
NOTE In order that the acceptance procedure is completely defined, the supplier should identify the
methods of demonstrating conformance to the requirements if they are not incorporated into the specification.
8.2.1 Content
The procedure for the validation of the mechanical strength of a bogie frame shall be established on
the basis of:
static tests;
fatigue tests;
on-track tests.
The content of the procedure shall depend on the importance of the problem to be dealt with and also
take account of economic factors. For a new design of bogie frame destined for a new type of
application all four validation stages shall be used though the fatigue tests can be replaced by other
methods of demonstrating the required fatigue life.
Where the design is a development of an earlier product any previous data, or other evidence of
satisfactory performance that is still applicable, can be offered as validation of the revised product.
In the case of an existing design of bogie frame intended for a new application, or a modification to an
existing design, a reduced programme can be used, depending on the significance of the differences.
If the differences are small, calculations, supported if necessary by measurements made during a
limited test programme, will be sufficient to validate the design.
Static tests and fatigue tests shall be carried out in accordance with the specification and applicable
regulations and to a level that is considered necessary to validate the design satisfactorily.
In the case of an order for a very small number of bogies it might be impractical, for economic reasons,
to justify all stages of the validation procedure. In such cases calculations shall always be carried out
and these shall be complemented by at least one type of test.
In cases where all stages of the validation procedure are not to be applied this can lead to a reduced
confidence in the validity of the design. To compensate for a more limited validation procedure,
greater safety margins shall be adopted in the design and test acceptance parameters, consistent
with the degree of originality in the design or its application and/or a more frequent maintenance
regime can be defined.
8.2.2 Calculations
compatibility of the axlebox with the requirements of the bearings (e.g. permissible deformations);
methods of calculation;
limiting stresses (i.e. static, fatigue);
The structural analysis shall be carried out using the acceptance process and criteria as presented in
Part 2 of prEN 15827.
limiting stresses;
The loads applied in the tests shall be based on the design load cases. Annex E indicates general
considerations and gives examples of programmes for static tests. Again, this data cannot be
considered to apply universally as the load cases do not take into account differences in the bogie
suspension or the vehicle body characteristics. Therefore, these examples shall be followed only
when they can be shown to be applicable.
The tested bogie frame shall be of the same type and manufacture as the bogie frames to be used in
service (i.e. it shall have no differences in any critical factors that could influence the outcome). The
test rig equipment shall be capable of producing, as far as is reasonably practicable, the same
stresses as those which would appear on the bogie frame when placed under its intended vehicle and
supported on its suspension.
forces to be applied (i.e., static components, quasi-static components, dynamic components) and
combinations of different forces, taking into account the phase relationship of different cyclic
forces and their relative frequency;
number of cycles;
acceptance criteria.
The fatigue test programme shall be determined for the specific application. Annex F indicates
general considerations and gives examples of programmes for fatigue tests but, as for the static tests,
these programmes do not take into account differences in the bogie suspension or the vehicle body
characteristics and shall be adopted only if they can be shown to be appropriate to the application.
The tested bogie frame shall be of the same type and manufacture as the bogie frames to be used in
service (i.e. it shall have no differences in any critical factors that could influence the outcome).
Furthermore, the test rig equipment shall be capable of producing, as far as is reasonably practicable,
the same stresses as those which would appear in the bogie frame when placed under its intended
vehicle and supported on its suspension.
The programme for on-track testing shall include at least the following:
description of the test runs to be carried out (e.g. test route, length, type of track, curves,
To produce valid results the track tests shall be carried out with the test vehicle, payloads, track
quality and speed profile all representative of the intended operating conditions.
9 Quality requirements
A quality plan shall be submitted for approval. The quality plan shall include provisions to demonstrate
that quality controls consistent with current industry standards exist in the design, acceptance test and
manufacturing programmes.
All manufactured bogie frames shall be of a quality consistent with the specification and the
assumptions and data used as the basis of the design.
Welded fabrication shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of EN 15085 Part 1 to
Part 5 or to an equivalent process.
Annex A
Load cases
The load cases used for the calculations, static tests and fatigue tests are defined on the basis of the
loading condition of the vehicle equipped with the bogies (see clause 7). EN 15663 provides standard
reference masses from which design loading conditions may be derived for different types of vehicle if
the specification is inadequate.
The load cases can comprise displacements as well as forces, e.g. track twist.
The load cases fall into two groups namely, external and internal.
External load cases can result from:
running on the track (e.g. vertical forces due to the load carried by the vehicle, transverse forces
on curves or when going across points and crossings, twisting of the bogie frame as a result of
the vehicle going over twisted track);
Internal load cases are due to the presence and operation of bogie mounted components (e.g. brakes,
dampers, anti-roll bars, motors, inertia forces caused by masses attached to the bogie frame).
quasi static;
The different load cases can have several levels, such as loads corresponding to normal use or to
exceptional circumstances.
Annex B gives examples of external load cases for different categories of bogie, as well as of load
cases due to normal service and exceptional circumstances. Similarly, Annex C gives examples of
internal load cases.
Annex B
B.1 General
In service, bogies are subject to, and shall withstand, loads caused by the following:
changes in the payload;
track irregularities;
running on curves;
acceleration and braking;
minor derailments (e.g. low speed drop on to ballast)
buffing impacts;
In reality the loads are combined in a complex manner and so it is difficult to represent them exactly in
calculations. Consequently it is generally the practice, for ease of analysis, to represent the true loads
by a series of load cases which include the above effects in a simplified form, either individually or in
combination. It is essential that the simplification ensures that the effects of the true loads are not
A commonly adopted approach for the design and assessment of a bogie frame is to divide the load
cases into two main groups.
The first group comprises static load cases, which represent those extreme (exceptional) loads that
might occur only rarely during the life of the bogie. A bogie structure is required to withstand such
loads without deflecting to an extent that would impair functionality under the application of the loads
or without suffering permanent deformation (see D.6) after removal of the loads.
The second group comprises fatigue load cases, which represent those loads that occur during
normal operation; such cases are used to demonstrate the ability of the bogie to survive its intended
operational requirement without fatigue failure. Where appropriate, account may be taken of quasi-
static loads, which occur at low frequencies.
The load cases required for the design and assessment of the bogie frame will be dependent on the
application being considered.
The examples given in B.2, B.3 and B.4 follow the approach described above and have been used for
those bogies which are intended for operation under UIC regulations [1], [7] and [8]. These examples
do not take into account differences in suspension characteristics or vehicle body characteristics
therefore adjustments to the values given in the examples may need to be applied to take account of
the differences in these characteristics for different bogie designs.
Bogies not subject to UIC regulations or operating conditions will normally require other load cases for
their design and assessment; they are not considered in this annex and should be defined, if
necessary, in the technical specification.
Similarly, the examples given in B.5 are often adopted for the design of tram bogies [6], but operators
may consider alternative requirements more appropriate for their applications.
In the following sub-clauses the equations apply to bogies with two axles (with adjustments indicated
for three axle bogies). It should be noted that the equations assume two bogies with an equal loading
on each bogie. If this is not the case then the equations will need to be adjusted accordingly. A
consistent set of SI units is assumed and the forces are in Newtons.
B.2 Examples of loads for bogies of passenger rolling stock – categories B-I
and B-II
Fz1max = Fz2max =
1,4g M v + P1 − 2m + )
2 4
Fymax (M v + P1 )g
Fy 1max = Fy2max = = 10 4 +
2 12
Longitudinal lozenging forces (applied to each wheel and in the opposite sense on the opposite
sides of the bogie frame) :
Fx1 max = 0,1 (Fz max + m g)
Potential shocks
If the vehicle is to be subject to shunting when in service, a shock test by a wagon weighing 80 t and
running at a speed of 10 km/h, should be performed. If this test cannot be done, a static test should
be carried out, in which a longitudinal force equal to the bogie inertia force under an acceleration of
5 g for motor bogies and 3 g for trailer bogies is applied to the bogie attachment.
Case 1 – With the vehicle in the exceptional load state (vertical and transverse),
the bogie frame shall withstand the loads resulting from a track twist of
1 %.
Case 2 – With the vehicle empty (under vertical load only), consider a complete
unloading of one wheel with the vertical displacement of the wheel
being limited to rail height.
Case 2 replicates the effects of a slow speed derailment on, say, depot track. The specification may
permit some permanent deformation of the bogie frame in this case.
Fz ( M v + 1,2P2 − 2m + )g
Fz1 = Fz2 = =
2 4
P2 =
normal service payload (e.g. expressed as a function of the reference masses in
EN 15663)
Fy Fz + m + g
Fy1 = Fy2 = =
2 8
Longitudinal lozenging forces (applied to each wheel and in the opposite sense on the opposite
sides of the bogie frame):
Fx1 = 0,05 (Fz + m g)
Track twist
B.3 Examples of loads for freight bogies with a central pivot and two side
bearers – category B-V
The load cases below are specified for 2-axle bogies. For a 3-axle bogies the same global loads
generally apply with the vertical loads distributed equally on all three axles and the transverse and
longitudinal loads distributed with 37.5% on the outer axles and 25% on the central axle. Where it is
necessary to change the global loads for a 3-axle bogie this is indicated in the text.
Fz1 and Fz2 are obtained by the multiplication of Fz by a coefficient α, representing the effect of
roll. When a force Fz α is applied to one side bearer, the applied force to the pivot
is reduced to Fz (1-α)
Case 1 – The case where the force is applied only to the pivot :
Case 2 – The (roll) case where the force is applied to both the pivot and
one side bearer :
α depends on the service and the distance between the side bearers. (For UIC service with a
distance between the side bearers of 1700 mm, α is taken as 0,3). If the spacing between
side bearers (2bg) differs from 1700 mm then α = 0,3 .
2b g
Fymax Fz + m + g
Fy1max = Fy2max = = 10 4 +
2 6
8 4 Fz + m + g
The total force Fymax shall be increased to 10 + for 3-axle bogies (based on running
3 6
trials of Type 714 freight bogies). For other types of bogie the load distribution recorded during
running trials of a similar type should be used or loads determined from simulations.
Longitudinal lozenging forces (applied to each wheel and in the opposite sense on the opposite
sides of the bogie frame):
Fxmax +
Fx1 max = Fx2 max = = 0,1 (Fz + m g)
Potential shocks
As B.2.1 using a speed = 15 km/h, or apply a static longitudinal force at the attachment position equal
to the bogie mass multiplied by the maximum vehicle acceleration in such a collision.
Track twist
Case 1 – The case where the force is applied only to the pivot :
Fzp = Fz
Case 2 – The (roll) case where the force is applied to both the pivot and
one side bearer :
Fzp = Fz (1-α)
α depends on the service and the distance between the side bearers. (For UIC service with a
distance between the side bearers of 1700 mm, α is taken as 0,2). If the spacing between
side bearers (2bg) differs from 1700 mm then α = 0,2 .
2b g
Fy1 = Fy2 = = 0,1 (Fz + m g)
The total force Fy shall be increased to 0,265 (Fz + m g) for 3-axle bogies, distributed as indicated in
Longitudinal lozenging forces (applied to each wheel and in the opposite sense on the opposite
sides of the bogie frame):
Fx1 = 0,05 (Fz + m g)
Track twist
B.4 Examples of loads for bogies of locomotives (with two bogies) – category
Vertical forces (applied to each sideframe, based on the assumption of vehicles whose mass is
evenly distributed between the two bogies and the body supported directly on each sideframe):
Fzmax 1,4g(M v − 2m + )
Fz1max = Fz2max = =
2 4
NOTE If the operating conditions are considered as very poor, the factor 1,4 may exceptionally be increased
up to 2,0.
Fymax Mv g
Fy1max = Fy2max = = 10 4 +
2 12
For bogies with 3 axles it is assumed that the middle axles do not transmit transverse forces.
Longitudinal force
A bogie longitudinal acceleration of at least 3 g should be considered for all locomotives except
shunting locomotives where the acceleration to be considered should be 5 g.
Track twist
Fz1 = Fz2 =
M v − 2m + g )
2 4
Fy Fz + m + g
Fy1 = Fy2 = =
2 8
Fx1 = 0,1 Mv g / na
Longitudinal lozenging forces (applied to each wheel and in the opposite sense on the opposite
sides of the bogie frame) due to dynamics
Fx1 = 0,05 Mv g / na
Track twist
The bogie shall withstand the loads due to a track twist of 0,5 %.
B.5 Examples of loads for bogies of light rail vehicles and trams – categories
B-III and B-IV
B.5.1 Application
The load cases apply to multiple, articulated and single car units with bogies. For vehicles with any
other configuration the same principles can be applied to determine the alternative appropriate design
load cases.
The basic load cases, which are given below, are derived from [6]. It is customary to express the
loads per bogie according to the respective bogie axle loads. Load combinations are given in Annex E.
For exceptional loads the effective car body mass m1, including passengers, corresponding to a
particular bogie is:
(M v + P1 )c
m1 = − nb m +
m1 =
(M v + P2 )c
− nb m +
For normal service loads the effective car body mass m1, including passengers, corresponding to a
particular bogie is:
EN 15663);
m+ = bogie mass;
When considering forces resulting from wind pressure, the proportion of the lateral car body surface
area, Aw, assigned to each bogie is determined according to the axle loads, as above.
Inertia forces are assumed to act at the centre of gravity of either the car body or the bogie frame, as
appropriate. Wind forces are assumed to act at the centre of pressure of the car body side.
The load cases below use the additional symbols defined in 3.3.
Fxc = m1 axc
Fzc = m1 (g + azc)
Fw1 = Aw q
Fxb = m2 axb
Transverse force (applied at the centre of gravity)
B.5.3.3 Loads in connection between bogie and car body (collision conditions)
Fxb = m+ 3 g
Annex C
C.1 General
The strength of equipment attachments to the bogie structure should carry the inertia loads generated
by the bogie motion and any loads generated by the operation of the equipment. For all bogie types
and for all applications, the loads can be defined in the same manner as those set out in Annex B,
exceptional loads, which shall not produce permanent deformation or excessive deflections;
However, it should be pointed out that in addition to load magnitudes, it is necessary in any
calculations for fatigue damage to consider the number of applications for these loads. For example,
braking loads have generally similar values for different types of bogies, but their number of
applications can nevertheless be markedly different for underground or suburban railways, inter-city
coaches, freight wagons or high speed trains.
C.2.1 Derivation
The accelerations used to determine the inertia loads should be based on the best available
information for the application. This will depend on the mass, location and orientation on the bogie,
bogie dynamics, natural frequency of the structure, stiffness of local attachment, track quality, speed,
The design loads due to any component which has a significant mass/inertia (i.e. is sufficient in itself
to affect the principal dynamic modes of the bogie) should be individually assessed. The design
requirement may be determined from empirical data proven in a comparative application, test data, or
the results of simulations, etc.
It is acceptable to use general rules for the attachment of small masses (natural frequency of local
structure > 100Hz). The data given in C.2.2 and C.2.3 below makes this distinction between relatively
light and heavy equipment. 50 kg is used as an arbitrary reference to separate equipment that is light
enough to follow the behaviour of the main bogie structure from that which may have a significant
influence on the response.
The acceleration levels given below are indicative of typical design levels applicable to rolling stock
using European TENs routes but designers should be aware that in certain applications the levels can
substantially less or more than these values. For fatigue design the levels in the table below may be
assumed to represent a constant amplitude load acting for 10 cycles that will result in the same
damage as the actual dynamic excitation spectra.
If tests are being performed to determine the inertia loads the data should be sampled and filtered at
an appropriate level for the relevant frequencies. Strain gauge output generally gives a clearer
indication of the effective structural load cycles than data from accelerometers.
The acceleration levels used in any application should be agreed between the interested parties (e.g.
customer, supplier and approval authority where relevant).
These masses can be antennas, lifeguard/railguards, flange lubrication equipment, sand boxes etc.
Lateral ± 10g ± 7g
Longitudinal AF ± 5g ± 3.5g
These masses can be obstacle guards or braking system components as well as various other
components (e.g. speed sensors).
Longitudinal ± 10g ± 5g
The load resulting from a viscous damper is derived from its reference, or blow-off, force. This is the
force applied by the damper when it operates at its definition speed. Typical definition speeds of
dampers are as follows:
Wherever possible the design forces should be based on damper manufacturer’s actual data and the
expected damper velocities associated with the bogie application. In the absence of more accurate
information from the manufacturer, the exceptional load can be taken as twice the reference force, in
the direction of the damper axis. The normal service load can be taken as the reference force, in the
direction of the damper axis.
Braking leads to forces arising from the operation of brake components (e.g. brake shoes on wheels,
pads on discs, magnetic track brake units) and associated deceleration forces. The number of cycles
considered should include the effects of wheelslide control systems.
Exceptional loads can be equal to 1,3 times those produced during emergency braking. For design
purposes, normal service loads are usually taken as equal to 1,1 times the nominal forces induced by
the service braking.
NOTE The above factors can be reduced to 1,2 and 1,0 respectively if the additional variation due to setting
tolerances has already been added to the nominal load values.
An additional factor should be applied to the frictional element of the loads to account for snatch
effects during both emergency and normal braking.
C.2.6 Loads resulting from traction motors
The exceptional loads may be taken as 1,3 times those produced during starting or dynamic braking
with the maximum acceleration or deceleration. Account should also be taken of the high exceptional
loads that may be induced because of failure of the traction motors or associated drive system. Any
cyclic loading that can result from out-of-balance rotating components should also be considered.
The normal service torque loads may be taken as 1,1 times the nominal loads induced during normal
service starting or stopping.
Traction motor inertia loads should be determined on an individual basis depending on the application,
the mass and location of the motor and the method of mounting.
The exceptional loads on anti-roll bar systems correspond to the maximum body inclination, with
respect to the bogie, which may occur in service.
The normal service loads on anti roll-bar systems can be based on the body-bogie inclination angle
derived from the α coefficient given in Annex E.
The loads used should be consistent with the loads and principles used to determine the transverse
load cases on the bogie frame.
Annex D
Calculation methods
D.1 General
The bogies of rail vehicles are required to withstand the maximum loads consistent with their
operational requirements and achieve the required service life under normal operating conditions with
an adequate probability of survival.
It is necessary to demonstrate by calculation that no excessive deflections, permanent deformation
(see D.6) or fracture of the structure as a whole, or of any individual element, occurs under the
prescribed load cases, assessed against the following criteria:
a) service or cyclic loads, which cause fatigue damage, have to be sustained for the specified life
without detriment to the structural safety;
exceptional or limit loading, i.e. the maximum loading which has to be sustained and full
operational condition maintained: this might include loads resulting from minor derailments at low
speed (< 12 kph);
c) an acceptable margin of safety such that, if the exceptional or limit load is exceeded, catastrophic
failure or collapse will not immediately occur. In many cases bogie frames which satisfy b) will
automatically satisfy c), as a consequence of the material properties.
D.2 Loads
All loads used as the basis for bogie design should incorporate any necessary allowance for
uncertainties in their values. The loads specified in Annexes B and C include this allowance.
It is important to ensure that the design loads are expressed in a form that is consistent with the
method of analysis and the way in which the permissible material stress levels are defined.
The analysis should be carried out as required by the validation and acceptance process as
presented in clauses 5, 6 and 7 of part 2 of prEN 15827.
The following clause presents some of the areas of uncertainty associated with bogie frame design
that need to be considered when following the process.
For design purposes the minimum material property values as defined by the material specification
should be used. Where the material properties are affected by:
rate of loading;
welding or other manufacturing process;
New minimum values that incorporate the relevant effects should be determined.
Similarly the S-N curve (Wohler diagram) used to represent the fatigue behaviour of material should
incorporate the above effects.
The performance characteristics exhibited by the material of components in service can differ from
those derived from test samples. Such differences are attributable to variations in the manufacturing
processes and workmanship, which cannot be detected in any practicable quality control procedure.
Every analytical procedure incorporates approximations and simplifications. The designer should be
consciously conservative in the application of analytical procedures to the design.
The uncertainties described in D.4.1 to D.4.4 may be allowed for by incorporating an uncertainty or
safety factor into the design process. This ‘safety factor’, designated S, should then be applied when
comparing the calculated or measured stresses to the permissible stress as indicated in clause 5 of
Part 2 of prEN 15827.
Annex E
E.1 General
The general purpose of static tests is to confirm that:
bogie frames do not run the risk of suffering excessive deflections or permanent deformation
under exceptional loads;
bogie frames have sufficient fatigue strength to withstand, without any cracks, the normal service
The static test programmes, described below by way of example, are derived from the values of loads
given in Annexes B and C, which are based on [1], [6], [7] and [8], and the limitations regarding the
use of these load cases has already been discussed. Bogies for other types of vehicle, running under
different service conditions, may require different test programmes.
Generally these tests consist of strain measurements in the highly stressed areas of the bogie frame
by means of electric resistance strain gauges, which are of the unidirectional type for all points where
stress is in only one direction and of the tri-directional type for all other points.
The four examples illustrate the scope of factors which should be considered. Those based on UIC
requirements for coaches and wagons illustrate two commonly used bogie designs:
bogies where the body load is supported by a secondary suspension evenly distributed on both
side frames;
E.2 Static test programme for bogies of passenger rolling stock with body
supported directly to the sideframes (categories B-I and B-II)
E.2.1.1 General
Two cases should be considered: the exceptional loads resulting from bogie running and those
coming from components attached to the bogie frame. The stresses measured during these various
tests are compared to the yield limit of the material. Furthermore, there should be no permanent
deformation after removal of these loads. If necessary the deflections under load should be compared
with the maximum allowable deflections.
The bogie frame is subjected to all the exceptional loads and all their combinations likely to occur in
service (i.e. Fz,max, Fy,max, Fx,max loads as well as an exceptional twist; see Annex B for a definition of
the parameters). Furthermore, whilst under the load corresponding to an empty vehicle, the frame is
also subjected to exceptional twist owing to a service track derailment as stated in Annex B.
Generally, whilst the frame is subjected to the exceptional vertical load Fz,max, the various exceptional
loads as referred to in Annex C (e.g. loads resulting from braking, dampers, body roll, masses
attached to the frame) are applied separately or in combination as appropriate to service conditions.
E.2.2.1 General
Two cases should be considered: the loads resulting from bogie running and those caused by
components attached to the bogie frame.
The test consists of different phases, each of which corresponds to a load state that could be applied
easily to the bogie frame. The loads are derived from normal service forces and track twist as defined
in Annex B: Fz1, Fz2, Fy1, Fx1 etc. plus the twist moment. Roll and bouncing which induce quasi-static
and dynamic variations of vertical forces are represented by coefficients α and β, for roll and bouncing
respectively. Generally these coefficient values are 0,1 for α and 0,2 for β. These values may be
modified according to operating conditions (e.g. track quality, cant deficiency, centre of gravity
position, track gauge, pendular/tilting train).
The static test corresponding to vertical and transverse force combinations is defined by the nine
cases in Table F.1.
Table E1 — Load cases for static tests corresponding to vertical and transverse force
Load case Fz1 Fz2 Fy
1 Fz / 2 Fz / 2 0
2 (1 + α - β) Fz / 2 (1 - α - β) Fz / 2 0
3 (1 + α - β) Fz / 2 (1 - α - β) Fz / 2 + Fy
4 (1 + α + β) Fz / 2 (1 - α + β) Fz / 2 0
5 (1+ α + β) Fz / 2 (1 - α + β) Fz / 2 + Fy
6 (1 - α - β) Fz / 2 (1 + α - β) Fz / 2 0
7 (1 - α - β) Fz / 2 (1 + α - β) Fz / 2 - Fy
8 (1 - α + β) Fz / 2 (1 + α + β) Fz / 2 0
9 (1 - α + β) Fz / 2 (1 + α + β) Fz / 2 - Fy
1 Side 1
Side 2
Axle 1
Axle 2
Figure E.1 — Sideframe bogie loading arrangement
The results of the measurements carried out during this test are analysed by recording the stresses in all
points for each load case; the maximum σmax and minimum σmin values are used to define the mean
value σm and the amplitude σ a.
σ max + σ min
σ max − σ min
σa =
These values are compared with the fatigue limits of the material. The method to be used for the
treatment of multi-axial stresses should be defined in the technical specification.
This static test is completed by the superposition of twist, as defined in B 2.2, in both directions, to the
load case numbers. 3, 5, 7 and 9 in Table E.1.
For the load cases resulting from longitudinal forces, the bogie frame is subjected to the vertical
forces Fz1 and Fz2, and the longitudinal forces are applied in each direction as illustrated in the
Table E.2.
1 Fz / 2 Fz / 2 0
2 Fz / 2 Fz / 2 + Fx1
3 Fz / 2 Fz / 2 - Fx1
The results from these three tests are analysed in the same way as those for the vertical and
transverse forces.
Another way to analyse the results is to calculate the cumulative damage for the load cases and the
relevant numbers of cycles as stated in the contract.
The tests to incorporate loads due to attached components should be carried out in accordance with
the following requirements:
the bogie frame is subjected to the two vertical forces Fz1 and Fz2 of Table E.2;
the loads due to dampers, attached masses, traction or brakes or anti-roll bars are applied
alternately in opposite directions (this allows a load case table similar to that given for the
longitudinal forces to be drawn up for each test);
E.3 Static test programme for bogies with central pivot and two side bearers
(category 5)
The load cases below are specified for 2-axle bogies. For a 3-axle bogie the same global loads
generally apply with the vertical loads distributed equally on all three axles and the transverse and
longitudinal loads distributed with 37,5 % on each of the outer axles and 25 % on the central axle.
Where it is necessary to change the global loads for a 3-axle bogie this is indicated in the text.
These tests are identical to those described in E.2.1 except as indicated above.
E.3.3.1 General
Two cases are to be considered: the loads due to bogie running and those coming from components
attached to the bogie frame.
The test comprises different stages, each of which corresponds to a load case which can be easily
applied to the bogie frame. The loads are derived from normal service loads and track twist stated in
annex B: Fzp, Fz1, Fz2, Fy1, Fx1 etc. plus the twist moment. Furthermore the β coefficient (which can be
assumed to be 0,3) represents the bouncing effect.
The static test is conducted in the same way as the one defined in E.2.2, taking into account the
values in Table E.3, which specify the different load cases.
Table E1 — Loads cases for tests under normal service loads resulting from bogie running
1 0 Fz 0 0
2 0 (1 + β) Fz 0 0
3 0 AF (1 - β) Fz 0 0
4 0 (1 - α)(1 + β) Fz α(1 + β) Fz Fy
5 α(1 + β) Fz (1 - α)(1 + β) Fz 0 - Fy
6 0 (1 - α)(1 - β) Fz α(1 - β) Fz Fy
7 α(1 - β) Fz (1 - α)(1 - β) Fz 0 - Fy
The test is completed by the superposition of twist as defined in B 2.2, in both directions on the four
load cases 4, 5, and 7 from Table E.3.
For longitudinal forces, the performance of the test is the same as that described in E.2.2, the bogie
being vertically loaded on the pivot with Fzp = Fz.
Side 1
Side 2
Axle 1
4 Axle 2
The test is conducted as described in E.2.2, the bogie being vertically loaded on the pivot with
Fzp = Fz and the forces due to the components being those defined in Annex C.
E.5 Static test programme for bogies of light rail vehicles and trams
E.5.1 General
The static tests reproduce the same loads as applied in the stress calculations according to Annex B.
The bogie frame is subjected to the exceptional load cases given in Table E.4. In addition these load
cases are also be applied in combination with the following loads from components attached to the
bogie frame:
The bogie frame is subjected to the normal service load cases given in Table E.5. In addition these
load cases are to be applied in combination with the following loads from components attached to the
bogie frame:
Load case Vehicle body masses Bogie masses
azc ayc aycc axc q azb ayb aycb axb
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(m/s ) (m/s ) (m/s ) AF (m/s ) (N/m ) (m/s ) (m/s ) (m/s ) (m/s )
Switches 3,2 2,2 — Emerg- 600 30 16 — Emergency
ency braking rate
braking rate
Running 1,6 1,3 2,0 Emerg- 600 12 6,5 2 Emergency
through ency braking rate
Curves braking rate
Wind speed of 105 km/h
Annex F
F.1 General
The fatigue tests on the bogie frame comprise a main test and possibly additional specific tests.
The main test is intended to confirm that the frame strength is sufficient with regard to the main loads
acting on it. The main loads are those inducing stresses in the entire frame structure, i.e. vertical
forces, transverse forces and twist input.
Additional tests may be performed, if necessary, particularly if indicated by the results of calculations
or static tests. These tests correspond to forces with only local effects on the bogie frame, e.g.
dampers, brakes, longitudinal forces, masses attached to the frame.
The examples of fatigue test programmes described below are relevant only to the main bogie frame
and are derived from the values of loads given in Annexes B and C (and consequently have the same
limitations). They are based on [1], [7] and [8] for coaches, wagons and locomotives, and [6] for light
rail vehicles and trams. Their composition takes into account the following:
in the tests derived from [1], [7] and [8], only the loads encountered when negotiating curves or
switches are simulated; this is because it is well known that in general the loads due to straight
track or large radius curves include very low quasi-static and dynamic components.
generally, for reasons of cost and time, only one bogie frame is tested for fatigue. Once the
specimen is proven to conform to the initial requirements, the test loads are increased in
successive steps to determine the safety margin available to accommodate normal scatter in
fatigue strength. Figure F.1 illustrates this principle.
Other types of vehicle running under different service conditions may require different test
F.2 Fatigue test programme for bogies with the body supported directly on the
sideframes (categories B-I and B-II)
The programme consists of the repetition of cycles based on vertical and transverse forces. The
vertical forces, applied on both sideframes comprise:
a quasi-static part: Fzqs1 = Fzqs2 = ± αFz/2 (see E.2.2 for definition of α);
The variation of these forces with respect to time is indicated in Figure F.2.
For 3-axle bogies the total transverse forces are increased to:
a quasi-static part: Fyqs ± 0,133 (Fz + m g),
a dynamic part: Fyd = ± 0,133 (Fz + m g),
The quasi-static load cycles are normally reversed every 10 to 20 dynamic cycles and the number of
these cycles will be proportionately less than the number of dynamic cycles indicated in Figure F.1.
The load cycle due to twist is composed of loads (or equivalent displacements) at the primary
suspension locations to give a twist of + θy followed by a twist - θy across the bogie frame and should
be reversed in sequence with the quasi-static loads.
NOTE This test programme can also be used for other categories of bogie if they have the same type of
suspension configuration. The relative number of quasi-static and dynamic cycles may need to change for
different applications.
1 Force magnitude
2 1 load sequence
3 2 load sequence
4 3 load sequence
5 Cycles
Figure F.1 — Variation of vertical and transverse forces with respect to time
The fatigue tests also include dynamic twist loads. The twist applied to the bogie frame is the part
taken by the frame when the bogie, complete with suspension, negotiates a track twist of 0,5 %.
The fatigue test programme comprises three stages as indicated in Figure F.1:
the first consists of 6 × 10 cycles of application of the vertical and transverse forces, and
0,6 × 10 cycles of application of the twist loads;
the second consists of 2 × 10 cycles of application of the vertical and transverse forces derived
from those used for the first step, with the static parts remaining as before and the quasi-static
and dynamic parts multiplied by 1,2, then application of the twist loads, multiplied by 1,2, for
0,2 × 10 cycles.
the third is identical to the second, except that the coefficient of 1,2 is replaced by 1,4.
Figure F.2 — Variation of vertical and transverse forces with respect to time
The fatigue tests also include dynamic twist loads. The twist applied to the bogie frame is the part
taken by the frame when the bogie, complete with suspension, negotiates a track twist of 0,5 %.
The fatigue test programme comprises three stages as indicated in Figure F.1:
the first consists of 6 × 10 cycles of application of the vertical and transverse forces, and
0,6 × 10 cycles of application of the twist loads;
the second consists of 2 × 10 cycles of application of the vertical and transverse forces derived
from those used for the first step, with the static parts remaining as before and the quasi-static
and dynamic parts multiplied by 1,2, then application of the twist loads, multiplied by 1,2, for
0,2 × 10 cycles.
the third is identical to the second, except that the coefficient of 1,2 is replaced by 1,4.
The dynamic components of the vertical and transverse forces are applied in phase, at the same
frequency in such a way as to allow a simulation of the loads acting on the bogie frame. The same
applies to the quasi-static components, at a frequency corresponding to the change in curving
direction. The curving direction is normally changed alternately, every ten to twenty cycles of the
dynamic components. The principle of these tests is illustrated by Figure F.2, which shows the
variation with time of the various forces.
The bogie frame is considered to be sufficiently strong if both the following conditions are fulfilled:
no cracks are revealed at the end of the first two steps;
during the third step very small cracks are permitted which, if they appeared in service, would not
necessitate immediate repair.
F.3 Fatigue test programme for a freight bogie with a central pivot and two side
bearers (category B-V)
F.3.1 General
The test is performed according to the same principles as stated in F.2. Only the vertical forces are
different, as shown in F.3.2 and F.3.3, because of their distribution between pivot and side bearers.
The variation of these forces with respect to time is as indicated in Figure F.3.
a dynamic component Fy1d = Fy2d = ± 0,05 (Fz + m g)
For 3-axle bogies the transverse loads are distributed as indicated in E.3.1.
Figure F.3 — Variation of vertical and transverse forces with respect to time
F.5 Fatigue test programme for bogies of light rail vehicles and trams (category
The fatigue test programme represents the same load cases as used for the static test in E.5.3. All
actuators should act in phase and the load directions should be applied in such a way that the
stresses reach the maximum and minimum values that would be expected in service.
running straight ahead 1 000 000
Annex ZA
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI by the
European Commission and the European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming
to Essential Requirements of the New Approach Directive 2001/16/EC, as amended by Directive
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Communities under that Directive
and has been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the
clauses of this standard given in table ZA.1 for Freight Wagons and ZA.2 for Locomotives and
Passenger Rolling Stock confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of
conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 2001/16/EC
Annex C § Environmental conditions, General Clause 1.5 Technical
Annex D
Requirements Specific to Rolling
Clause 5 - Interoperability constituents
Annex E.1, E.3 stock Subsystem
§ List of constituents, Vehicle track
Annex F.1, F.3
interaction, Bogie and running gear
§ Constituents performances and
specifications, Vehicle track interaction, Bogie and
Clause 2.4.2 Reliability and
Clause 2.4.3 §3 Technical
running gear
Table ZA.2 — Correspondence between this European Standard, the CR TSI Locomotive and
Passenger Rolling Stocks and Directive 2001/16/EC
Clause 1.2 Reliability and
Annex D availability
WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling
within the scope of this standard.
[2] Railway Group Standard GM/RT2100, Structural Requirements for Railway Vehicle, Issue 2,
April 2000, Safety and Standards Directorate, Railtrack
[3] NF F 01 301, Matérial roulant ferroviaire; Masses et états de charge des véhicules moteurs et
des véhicules remorqués à voyageurs
[4] Engineering Standard E6325 A1. Passenger Rolling Stock Loadings, London Underground
[6] VDV 152, Empfehlungen für die Festigkeitsauslegung von Personenfahrzeugen nach BOStrab
[7] UIC Leaflet 510-3, Wagons: Strength Testing of 2 and 3 -axle Bogies on Test Rig
[8] UIC Leaflet 615-4, Powered Vehicles: Bogies and Running Gear, Strength Tests of Bogie
[9] prEN 12663-1, Railway Applications – Structural requirements for railway vehicle bodies,
Part 1: Railway vehicles other than freight wagons.
[10] prEN 12663-2, Railway Applications – Structural requirements for railway vehicle bodies
Part 2: Freight wagons
[11] EN13103: 2001, Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Non-powered axles – Design
[12] EN13104: 2001, Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Powered axles – Design
[14] EN 15085-1, Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components — Part 1:
[15] EN 15085-2, Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components — Part 2:
Quality requirements and certification of welding manufacturer
[16] EN 15085-3, Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components — Part 3:
Design requirements
[17] EN 15085-4, Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components — Part 4:
Production requirements
[18] EN 15085-5, Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components — Part 5:
Inspection, testing and documentation