Definition - What Does Consumer-to-Business (C2B) Mean?

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Type Business

What is 'Business to Consumer - B To C

Business to consumer (B2C) is business or transactions conducted directly between a company and
consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.

What does 'Business to Business - B To B' mean

Business to business, also called B to B or B2B, is a type of transaction that exists between businesses,
such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer. Business to
business refers to business that is conducted between companies, rather than between a company and
individual consumers.

What is 'Customer to Customer (C2C)'?

Customer to customer (C2C) is a business model where by customers can trade with each other,
typically, in the online environment. Two implementations of C2C markets are auctions and classified
advertisements. C2C marketing has soared in popularity with the arrival of the internet, and companies
such as eBay and OLX.

Definition - What Does Consumer-to-Business (C2B) mean?

Consumer-to-business (C2B) is a business model where an end user or consumer makes a product or
service that an organization uses to complete a business process or gain competitive advantage. The
C2B methodology completely transposes the traditional business-to-consumer (B2C) model, where a
business produces services and products for consumer consumption.
What is streaming media

Streaming media is the method used to deliver multimedia elements - usually video or audio - from a
data streaming service provider to an end user. It uses basic HTTP, TCP/IP and HTML protocols.

Streaming delivers media as a serial, steady stream. Unlike other download methods, where data order
is not important, streaming media is sent/received according to availability. An example is P2P sharing,
such as torrent, where streaming media must be delivered in the correct order.

Definition - What Does Video on Demand (VOD) mean?

Video on demand (VOD) is a system that allows users to select and watch video content of their choice
on their TVs or computers. Video on demand is one of the dynamic features offered by Internet Protocol
TV. VOD provides users with a menu of available videos from which to choose. The video data is
transmitted via Real-Time Streaming Protocol.

Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah berkembang pesat. Dahulu masyarakat menyewakan
film atau disk DVD di toko, dengan jangka waktu peminjaman yang pendek serta denda yang harus
dibayarkan bila telat mengembalikan. karena itu masyarakat merasa jenuh dengan system penyewaan
seperti ini. Hal tersebut yang menyebabkan penurunan penjualan DVD hingga 14%.

Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan nya sebuah layanan yang praktis untuk menunjang mobilitas yang
tinggi. Hal ini yang menyebabkan masyarakat mulai beralih ke layanan video streaming. Layanan ini
dapat diakses kapanpun , dimanapun, serta dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna dalam jangka waktu yang
lama. Meskipun dalam penggunaannya harus melakukan persyaratan yang ada di layanan tersebut.

Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut maka diciptakan layanan video streaming yang
bernama Netflix. Layanan ini dapat diakses secara online di semua perangkat mobile, layanan ini juga
tersedia untuk offline jika pengguna sudah berlangganan setiap bulan. Layanan ini juga memliki banyak
konten yang menarik dalam segi kualitas video. Layanan ini juga tersedia berbagai pilihan paket
berlangganan dengan harga yang terjangkau.
The current technological development has been developing rapidly. Formerly the public rent a
movie or DVD disks in stores, with a short loan period and fines must be paid when a late return.
Therefore the community feel saturated with this kind of rental system. The thing that causes the drop
in DVD sales by up to 14%.

Therefore it takes her a practical service to support high mobility. This is the cause of the
community began to switch to streaming video service. This service can be accessed anytime, anywhere,
and can be enjoyed by users in a long period of time. Although in its use should do the existing
requirements in the service.

To answer these problems then created the streaming video service called Netflix. This service
can be accessed online across all mobile devices, this service is also available for offline if the user is
already subscribed each month. This service also has a lot of interesting content in terms of video
quality. This service is also available a wide choice of subscription packages at an affordable price.

Bab 4


Netflix adalah salah satu dari teknologi e business yang dibuat dalam hal menunjang tinggi
mobilitas teknologi. Netflix merupakan suatu layanan yang digunakan untuk streaming film-film
berbasis online maupun offline, mudah dan praktis akan tetapi tidak adanya pembatasan usia dalam
mengakses video tersebut. Dengan cara menyiapkan data internet dan sudah berlanggan , jika ingin
offline pengguna harus mendowload film tersebut dan sudah berlanggan. Layanan Netflix mendapatkan
keuntungan dengan cara customer berlangganan setiap bulannya. Layanan Netflix masuk kedalam tipe
e business B2C karena Netflix memberikan layanan langsung kepada penggunanya.

Netflix is one of the e-business technology made in terms of support high mobility technology.
Netflix is a service used to stream movies online as well as offline-based, it's easy and practical but the
absence of age restriction to access the video. By way of setting up internet data and already subscribe,
if you want the offline users must download the movie and has already subscribe. Netflix service benefit
by way of customer subscription each month. Netflix service into e-business type B2C because Netflix
provides services directly to users.

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