Shift Work Disorder and Associated Health Problems Among Nursing Staffs Working in A Tertiary Health Centre, Chennai, South India

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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Shift Work Disorder and Associated Health Problems

among Nursing Staffs Working in a Tertiary Health
Centre, Chennai, South India
Jayanth Jayaraman III MBBS, Dr. Timsi Jain (MBBS, MD, AHS MHC (Social and Preventive Medicine),
Professor and HOD of Social and Preventive Medicine)

Abstract:- Nurses are healthcare workers who don’t care There is evidence to suggest that SWD can lead to
about their health but their patient. There are evidences headaches, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), hypertension,
that nurses are engaged into improper shift system gastrointestinal tract problems (GIT), type II diabetes
(mainly night shifts)- such work schedules have been mellitus, obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, stroke, acute
related to numerous health problems, which include respiratory infections, back pain, anxiety, mood disorders,
gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular problems, and depression. [2-5]
metabolic syndrome, migraine, anxiety, and depression
.The diagnostic criteria for SWD, as defined by the Individuals vary on how they tolerate shift work, and
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)'s how their body reacts. The diagnostic criteria for SWD, as
International Classification of Sleep Disorders-2 (ICSD- defined by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
20). Here in this study we assess the prevalence of Shift (AASM)'s International Classification of Sleep Disorders-2
Work Disorder and related health problems among (ICSD-2), are as follows: (i) Complaints of insomnia or
nurses in a tertiary care hospital, Chennai, South India. excessive sleepiness temporally associated with repeated
A cross sectional Hospital based study on nurses of shift schedules affecting their sleep pattern, (ii) symptoms
tertiary hospital in Chennai for a duration of 2 months associated with the shift work schedule over least 1 month,
on sample size (N):127 using Standard Shift work Index (iii) sleep disturbance not better explained by another sleep
questionnaire. The results will be tabulated and analysed disorder, mental disorder, a medical or neurological
statistically with appropriate parametric and non- disorder, medication use, or substance use disorder.[6]
parametric tests such as student’s t-test and chi-Square
test. The prevalence of SWD will be assessed and related  Need for the study
health problems among the health care nurses will be Healthcare professionals, such doctors, and nurses are
assessed using the questionnaire as the tool. Shift work at a greater risk of getting SWD and its related health
and related health problems are important topics in the problems. Anxiety and depression are found to be more
health-care sector due to their possible negative impact among shift workers compared to day shift workers due to
on the workers’ health and safety. Health education, their altered sleep pattern.
awareness among workers regarding their work
schedules, shifts, holidays, and treatment plays a major Here in this study, we assess the prevalence of Shift
role in treating SWD. Till now only few studies haves Work Disorder and related health problems among nurses in
been done to assess the shift work disorder hence, this a tertiary care hospital, Chennai, South India.
study will be useful in assessing the prevalence of shift
work disorder and to create awareness among the health II. METHODOLOGY
care individuals whose primary job is taking care of
other people’s health.  Study Design: Cross-Sectional Hospital-based study
 Study Population: Nurses of a tertiary care hospital in
Keywords:- Shift Work Disorder, Health Problems, Night Chennai
Shifts.  Study Duration: March 2019- May 2019
 Sample Size(N) : 127 (P=43.07, L=20%) using the
I. INTRODUCTION formula (4*P*Q)/L^2) using the article [7]as the
reference article
Nurses are healthcare workers who don’t care about  Study Tool: Basic demographic details along with brief
their health but their patient’s. No hospital can function details about their shift working time and A pretested and
effectively if there is a high incidence of health problems validated questionnaire- Standard Shift Work Index
among nurses. The healthy work environment is very Questionnaire.
important for the function of hospitals. Circadian rhythm,
mediated by hypothalamus, is essential for the normal body Nurses working in shifts and those who agree to
function of a person. This circadian rhythm is disrupted in a participate in the study. Clearance from the Institutional
shift worker and can affect a person's health [1]. Poor sleep Ethics Committee was obtained. All the eligible participants
significantly affects a person’s performance. were identified and were invited to take part in the study. All

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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the eligible participants were explained about the nature of The prevalence of SWD was found that 47(36%) out
the study and were given the choice of enrolling for the of 129(64%). Out of this, 44 who’s between the age of 20-
study. People who provide their written informed consent 24, 23 (52%) were affected by SWD, out of 66 between the
for the study were enrolled for the study. The enrolled age of 24-28 years, 22(33%) were affected by SWD and
individuals were given a questionnaire with include details who’s above the age of 28 years only 2(11%) were affected
about their basic demographic data along with brief details by SWD. Those who have an experience of 1-2 years 35
about their shift working time and a pretested and validated (57%) were affected and as the experience increases the
questionnaire Standard Shift Work Index Questionnaire. number of people affected decreased to 20% in case of 2-4
years and 13% in case of more than 4 years. In the 47
 Statistics and Analysis of the Data affected those who worked for more than 56 hours a week in
The prevalence of SWD will be assessed and related shifts, 22(76%) are affected by SWD. Those who travel
health problems among the health care nurses will be around 1-2 hours 29(51% ) and more than 2 hour 2(67%) are
assessed using the questionnaire as the tool. The data were also affected by SWD. Table-2 (Explains the prevalence of
entered and coded in Microsoft Excel and online Chi-square SWD by age and years of experience).
calculator for proportions, frequencies, and associations.
Measures of central tendency, dispersion, and Chi-square Variables SWD SWD P value
tests were used to analyze data. We considered P value of present (%) absent (%)
less than 0.05 as significant. Overall 47(36%)
III. RESULTS Age (in years)
20-24 23 (52) 21 (48)
The study population comprised of 129 nurses. Of the 24-28 22 (33) 44 (67) P-value is
129 nurses, 119(92%) were female nurses and 10(8%) were .005127.
male nurses. Nearly 44(34%) of nurses were less than the >28 2 (11) 17 (89)
age of 24, 66(51%) were between the age 24-28 years and Experience (in
19(15%) were above the age of 28, and the mean age was years)
24.44 ± 2.19 years. Nearly 61(47%) nurses have an 1-2 35 (57) 26 (43)
experience of about 1-2 years, 45 (35%) of nurses have an 2-4 9 (20) 36 (80) P-value is
experience of 2-4 years, and the remaining 23(18%) have .000015.
more than 4 years of experience. Around 66 (51%) works
>4 3 (13) 20 (87)
for about 48-52 hours a week, 29(23%) of the nurses works
Number of hours
for more than 56 hours a week. Majority 69(53%) nurses
worked in a week
stay in the hostel, Around 57 (44%) nurses have to travel
48-52 19 (29) 47 (71)
around 1-2 hour. The basic demographic details of the
nurses are given in Table-1. 52-56 6 (18) 28 (82) P-value is
Variable Category Number Percentage
>56 22 (76) 7 (24)
Sex Female 119 92%
Travel duration
Male 10 8%
NA (in hostel) 16 (23) 53 (77)
Age (in years) 20-24 44 34%
1-2 hours 29 (51) 28 (49) P-value is
24-28 66 51%
>28 19 15%
>2 hours 2 (67) 1 (33)
Marital status Unmarried 119 92%
Married 10 8% Table 2:- SWD and its associated factors
Travel NA 69 53%
1-2 hours 57 44% Related health problems such as Headache, gastritis,
>2 hours 3 3% palpitation, anxiety and depression were the most common
Experience (in 1-2 61 47% complaints related to shift work disorder.[Table 3] Here
years) headache was found to be in around 22 (46%), Gastritis was
2-4 45 35% found to be around in 20(43%), palpitations and tight chest
>4 23 18% were seen in 18(38%) and anxiety and, depression were
Number of hours 48-52 66 51% found to be around 45%. Few had multiple symptoms,
working each week around 9(19%) have all the 4 major symptoms of SWD.
52-56 34 26%
>56 29 23%
Table 1:- Demographic details (N=129)

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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Health problems in Number (out of Percentage management, and colleagues can significantly reduce the
SWD patients 47) affected in SWD stress among the workers and reduce the risk of SWD [11].
Gastritis 20 43%
Palpitations and 18 38% Health education should be provided to nurses about
tight chest SWD and related disorders to shift work. Selecting proper
Headache 22 46% work schedules, selection of appropriate people for work,
Anxiety and 21 45% mandatory time off, and proper treatment for the condition
depression are very helpful in treating SWD.

Table 3:- health problems due to SWD As of today, only a few studies have systematically
assessed the Prevalence of SWD and its related health
Based on the P-value we found that there is a problems. Thus, it’s difficult for an epidemiological
statistically significant association between the presence of researcher to properly assess the symptoms of SWD as the
SWD and age (higher chance in younger age), number of questionnaire used is also under development. Hence, such
hours worked in a week (more the shifts), experience in researches are needed to further understand the dimensions
years (lesser the experience more the chance of getting of SWD and its related health problems.
SWD), it also associated with travel (more the travel hour)
higher the chance of getting SWD. No significant relation V. IMPLICATIONS
was seen between marital status, and gender was seen with
SWD. Shift work and related health problems are important
topics in the health-care sector due to their possible negative
IV. DISCUSSION impact on the workers’ health and safety. Health education,
awareness among workers regarding their work schedules,
Mental and physical illnesses are more among Swift- shifts, holidays, and treatment plays a major role in treating
workers compared to non shift-workers [8]. Night shift work SWD.
is associated with poor sleep, and disturbed sleep is a major
risk factor for Type II Diabetes Mellitus, obesity, and Till now only a few studies have been done to assess
Metabolic Syndrome which is related with poor health and the shift work disorder hence, this study will be useful in
can affect the person’s performance [9]. The prevalence of assessing the prevalence of shift work disorder and to create
SWD among nurses in the present study was found to be awareness among the health care individuals whose primary
36.43%. We found that young nurses who were aged 20-24 job is taking care of other people’s health.
and who have less experience are at a higher risk of getting

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