Statement of Purpose Teni

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Statement of Purpose

I am Teni Jose Wilfred from Tamil Nadu, India. I have completed Bachelor Of Engineering. I
wish to pursue Post Graduate Global Business Management
from Kwantlen Polytechnic University Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and my preferred
area of study is to learn Global Business Management .

I did my schooling at Coimbatore, a beautiful city in southern India. I chose science stream
for higher secondary education and I scored nearly 85% and joined St Joseph’s college of
engineering. I chose Electronics and instrumentation engineering as my specialization. My
engineering degree was more of an experience than an actual educational venture. I was
acquainted with people with all walks of life, thanks to my stay in hostel. Every conversation
enlightened me and incited a spark of exploring diverse culture, bridging networks among
people from various parts of the country. My Engineering background has given me a sturdy
and secure ground to build my career on, by providing me with a wide repertoire of technical,
analytical and problem-solving skills. I firmly believe a Master's course at your venerated
institution will help me establish the foundation I require to carve my own niche in the
technological revolution. I strongly believe that these qualities will help in managing the
needs and requirements of people as well as the organization, which I believe is a key factor
in any business.

After completing my Bachelors, I realized that the current level of my knowledge is not
sufficient to reach to higher levels and build a successful career. I feel that I am not equipped
with the knowledge of Business and Management that are fundamental to evolve in this
competitive corporate world. Global Business Management course which I intend to study is a
2 year course and it covers core business topics such as Project Management, business
communications ,financial and managerial accounting ,operations management, human
resource management and leadership in a Global Environment. The topics involved will help
me in my personal growth as well as I will be able to master skills such as analytical and
strategic thinking to avoid crisis situation, problem solving and decision making.

From a very young age, the world of entrepreneurship and business has fascinated me and
eventually led me to start my own company. With my father being in this field since my
childhood, has been an added advantage for me as I could spend most of my free time
observing, exploring and analyzing things in business. I strongly believe that running a
business will not only benefit me or my company but also the society. My experience with
starting my own company taught me that a natural inclination towards entrepreneurship
and technical skill need to be supported by a solid foundation in business and processes to
achieve success. I feel that my skills in business, processes, operations and management
require honing, and this has led me to a decision to expand my knowledge and qualifications,
so I can live my dream. As I grew up learning from experiences, and overcoming small but
significant hurdles along the way, my resolve to realize my aspiration was strengthened
further, making me the persevering and dedicated individual I am today. I am looking
forward to doing a Master’s in Business Administration at Vancouver Island University, as I
believe this would enable myself to develop and demonstrate the abilities required to
manage across borders and bridge across cultures. The course will allow me to gather
complete theoretical knowledge and develop analytical skills which would help me run my
family business efficiently. It will enable me to learn with people from diverse backgrounds,
create networks in a business world, work under pressure, meet deadlines, resourcefulness,
and fill my knowledge gap. Ever since I have had an idea of pursuing a master degree,
Canada was the first and final choice for me when I was in a phase to choose a country for
my post- graduation due to some straight forward reasons. The education system of Canada
is brilliant in all sorts of ways and ranked as the best among the world. In addition to that,
Canada is a safe and peaceful nation with excellent health care facilities,

Canada was the most instant choice I made as the Canadian education system is good and
the degrees from Canada are internationally recognized. Moreover, Canadian culture is more
diverse and vibrant. Studies in Canada would provide me the unique combination of
accelerated growth and the flexibility to pursue this career path. With the worldwide
renowned Canadian Education System tag.

I strongly believe that I have the potential to deliver if given an opportunity to learn more
about what I am passionate about. Having researched about your University from various
sources, and knowing of the long history of excellence, the world-class experiences, and the
quality of education, I believe that taking up this program will add great value to my career. I
am sure the varied culture in the university where students from across the globe would be
present would definitely be an advantage and would grill me to perfection.

Thanking You,

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