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Assessing and mapping barangay level social vulnerability of Tacloban City

and Ormoc City to climate-related hazards

Article · December 2015

DOI: 10.18783/cddj.v001.i01.a04


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4 authors:

Luigi Toda Justine Orduna

Oxfam University of the Philippines


Rodel D. Lasco Carlos Tito Santos

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research 6 PUBLICATIONS   3 CITATIONS   

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Assessing and mapping barangay level
social vulnerability of Tacloban City and Ormoc City
to climate-related hazards

Luigi Toda1,4 ∙ Justine Ravi Orduña1,5 ∙ Rodel Lasco1,2 ∙ Carlos Tito Santos1,3
Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc.
World Agroforestry Centre
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Australian National University
University of the Philippines Diliman

Received: 16 April 2015 / Accepted: 20 November 2015 / Published online: 29 December 2015


The destruction left by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines highlighted not only the exposure of the country
but also the underlying vulnerability of barangays (villages) to climate-related hazards. This study used
geographic information system (GIS) tools to characterize social vulnerability to climate-related hazards
of barangays of Tacloban City and Ormoc City using a modified social vulnerability index (SoVI). The
SoVI used socioeconomic data mainly drawn from census and was computed from 11 indicators influencing
sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure. Social vulnerability varies spatially across the study areas,
where Barangay 88, said to be the worst-hit barangay in Tacloban, and Barangay Naungan in Ormoc,
recorded the highest vulnerability scores. Demographic and socioeconomic shifts are likely in both cities,
given the population growth and increasing density of settlements already concentrated in hazard-prone
barangays. Measures to reduce vulnerability should be a local priority and would require political will
for community-based climate action, disaster risk reduction and management, and risk-sensitive land use
development. This study provides an approach for assessing social vulnerability using available census and
climate-related hazard data to determine areas for intervention at the barangay level.

Keywords: social vulnerability ∙ climate-related hazards ∙ geographic information systems (GIS) ∙

vulnerability assessment ∙ Haiyan


Corresponding Author:
Luigi Toda
Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc.
Australian National University
[email protected]
Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Introduction Two years after the typhoon struck, recovery and

rehabilitation efforts in affected areas are moving at a
Hazards that cause vulnerability have unequal distribution slow pace. Most of the displaced populations are still
of impacts on a population (Zahran, Brody, Peacock, living in temporary shelters where exposure to other forms
Vedlitz, & Grover, 2008) and across geography (Cutter of hazards may still be likely. The disaster did not only
& Finch, 2008) due to factors other than forces of nature, challenge local capacity to face critical pre- and post-
such as social systems and power (Wisner, Blaikie, disaster issues, but it also put to question the country’s
Cannon, & Davis, 2003). Considering the characteristics social, economic, and even political structures, the very
or the conditions of social processes, economic systems, foundation of sustained, if not lessened, vulnerability.
and power relations which render people susceptible to
damage or injury (Cannon, 1994; Wisner et al., 2003), This study attempts to assess the extent to which
the concept of vulnerability has evolved over time, Tacloban City and Ormoc City are vulnerable to climate-
addressing one of the missing links in how to measure related hazards by measuring the social vulnerabilities
social vulnerability (Cutter & Corendea, 2013). of their barangays. The social vulnerability index
(SoVI) was built on available and recent barangay-level
Vulnerability is the characteristic of a system that datasets classified into sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and
refers to its susceptibility to the negative impact of a exposure, then measured using statistical approaches and
natural hazard (United Nations International Strategy mapped using geographic information systems (GIS).
for Disaster Reduction, 2009) or the adverse effects of
climate change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Materials and Methods
Change, 2007); or how that system’s ability to prepare
for, respond to, and recover from such hazards and Scope and Limitations
adverse effects is affected. Accordingly, disaster impacts
are more experienced by communities with the most The geographical scope of the study covers the barangays
vulnerable populations, rampant poverty, and least of Tacloban and Ormoc in Leyte Province, coastal cities
political influence (Asuero et al., 2012). which were heavily affected by the impacts of the
Typhoon Haiyan (Figure 1).
Social vulnerability provides an understanding of the
factors that make some communities more susceptible
to the impacts of disasters and of their capacity to
recover (Cutter, Boruff, & Shirley, 2003). Vulnerability
varies because natural environments, social structure,
and housing differ spatially (Uitto, 1998). Accordingly,
social vulnerability also varies across geography (Cutter
& Finch, 2008) and across many levels of interaction
(e.g., individual, community, regional, local) (Thomas,
Philipps, Lovekamp, & Fothergill, 2013). Changes in an
area’s socioeconomic and demographic characteristics,
such as population increase due to rural-to-urban
transition, brings a certain pattern of exposure to hazards
on the changing landscape and the built environment,
particularly along coastal areas (Cutter, Johnson, Finch,
& Berry, 2007). There have been attempts to incorporate
vulnerability metrics at different subnational spatial
scales and sub-county units (Cutter & Finch, 2008) such Figure 1. Location map of study sites.
as the model developed by Yusuf and Francisco (2009)
to measure sub-national vulnerability to climate change Typhoon Haiyan had a devastating impact on the cities
in Southeast Asia. of Tacloban and Ormoc where most of the fatalities
and damage occurred due to storm surge and wind. In
Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda) is considered particular, the effects in Tacloban were aggravated
the most destructive typhoon ever recorded in the because the coastal area is below sea level and has many
Philippines. It hit the country in November 2013, key public infrastructures such as schools, hospitals,
leaving over 6,300 dead, 1,061 missing, and 28,689 and private residences. Tacloban has had an average of
injured and affecting 12,139 barangays, 44 provinces, 2.3 typhoons per year in the last 50 years, and is now
591 municipalities, and 57 cities (National Disaster considered as among the Philippines cities that are most
Risk Reduction and Management Council, 2014). Such vulnerable to climate change (WWF & BPI, 2013).
devastation highlighted the underlying vulnerability of
the country, particularly those living near natural hazards The mapping extent is barangay level, with raw scales
and those with low socioeconomic status. of 1:50,000 for flood and landslide hazard maps and

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

1:25,000 for storm surge maps. However, a careful Table 1. List of vulnerability components, indicators and
recognition of the complexity of integrating hazard sub-indicators used for computing barangay SoVI.
datasets of varying scales used to calculate areas per Indicators Major Sub-indicators and Unit Functional Source
component/ classification/ranking relationship
level of hazard susceptibility with socioeconomic data is Factor to vulnera-
required in the use and interpretation of the vulnerability bility

maps. In addition, the vulnerability maps do not represent Unemployment Sensitivity Proportion of % NSCB
the absolute and actual vulnerability of barangays due persons in the
labor force
to scarcity of other important indicators available at the (15 y.o. and
barangay level. However, the measurement of relative above)

vulnerability among barangays allows for informed Population Sensitivity Population pop/ha NSCB
at risk density
interventions aimed at reducing vulnerability. Sensitivity Proportion of % NSCB
(>65 y.o.)
Moreover, there may be discrepancies on the barangay Sensitivity Proportion of % NSCB
children (0-5
boundaries between the maps generated by the study and y.o.) - 0-17
the boundaries Tacloban City currently uses. During the Sensitivity Proportion of
persons with

course of data gathering, the available shapefiles were disabilities

Sensitivity Proportion % NSCB
still based on the old city boundaries despite the fact that of informal
the city already uses a different boundary configuration settlers
on the ground. This study opted to refer to these outdated Poverty Adaptive Poverty NSCB
shapefiles because the census data and other local reports Capacity incidence

are still based on them. Climate induced Exposure Landslide Very high ha
hazards susceptibility landslide
Construction of Social Vulnerability Index bility
High ha
(SoVI) landslide
suscepti- UP
bility DREAM
The first step in measuring the social vulnerability of Moderate
ha YoRInfo
barangays was to identify relevant indicators from suscepti-
existing knowledge and literature on social vulnerability. Low ha
All dimensions of vulnerability were assessed using GIS landslide
with respect to the susceptibility of the barangays to bility
Exposure Flood Very high ha
climate-related hazards, such as landslide, storm surge, susceptibility flood
and flood (Figure 2), to classify the level of vulnerability suscepti-
of barangays. High ha
flood UP
suscepti- DREAM
Secondary data used included National Statistical bility
Moderate ha
Coordination Board (NSCB) 2010 demographic and flood
employment data, GIS vector climate-related hazard bility
datasets from the Yolanda Rehabilitation Scientific Low

Information Center (YoRInfo Center), and Community suscepti-

Based Monitoring System (CBMS) 2011 data on Storm surge High ha
households living in makeshift houses (CBMS, 2011, susceptibility storm
NSCB, 2010, NSCB, 2012, NSO, 2007, NSO, 2010). suscepti-
bility UP
Moderate ha DREAM
The SoVI per barangay (Table 1) was derived using storm
indicators representing exposure, adaptive capacity, and suscepti-
sensitivity adopted from the Economy and Environment Low ha
Program for South East Asia (Yusuf & Francisco, storm
2009), focusing on generally accepted aspects of social suscepti-
vulnerability as proposed by Cutter et al. (2009).
Indicators Major Sub-indicators and classifi- Unit Functional Source
The sub-indicators under each major component were component/ cation/ranking relationship
given equal weights relative to the number of indicators Factor to vulnera-
in that component. This balanced weighted approach Housing Exposure Proportion % CBMS
(Hahn, Riederer, & Foster, 2009; Sullivan, Meigh, & materials of HH living
in makeshift
Fediw, 2002) was used due to the arbitrary relationships houses
among different indicators. Thus, the components of
vulnerability (Table 2) were assessed at the scale of 0 Abbreviations. NCSB = National Statistical Coordination Board; CBMS =
to 1 with equal weighting given to all associated sub- Community Based Monitoring System; UP DREAM YoRInfo Center = University
indicators. of the Philippines Disaster Risk and Exposure Assessment for Mitigation,
Yolanda Rehabilitation Scientific Information Center; HH = household

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Table 2. Categorization, description, and sources of selected (AC) and exposure (E). The maximum and minimum
sub-indicators (mostly adopted from [Cutter et al., 2003]). values of the barangays were used to convert the indicator
Indicators Sub-indicators Concept and Sources to a normalized index so it could be incorporated into
(Major description the components of the SoVI. For units such as the
‘proportion of unemployed persons in the labor force
Unemployment Unemployed Employment loss Mileti, 1999
(Sensitivity) persons in the (15 years old and above)’, the minimum value and the
labor force maximum value were set at 0 to 100, respectively, which
Population at risk Population density Population growth/ H. John Heinz III represent percentage, and were standardized in a scale
(Sensitivity) density Center for Science, from 0 to 1.
Economics, and the
Environment, 2000;
Age spectrum Cutter, Mitchell, The scores of the components were then multiplied
extremes & Scott, 2000;
Special needs Morrow, 1999; and equally by 0.33 and added altogether for the SoVI which
populations Puente, 1999 ranges from 0 to 1, and classified into three classes using
Cutter et al., 2000;
Elders children O’Brien & Mileti,
natural breaks (Jenks) method in GIS. Features are divided
1992; Hewitt, 1997; into classes whose boundaries are adjusted where there
and (Ngo, 2001 are relatively huge differences in the data values, such
Morrow, 1999 and
Tobin & that high values for the index imply high vulnerability,
Ollenburger, 1992 moderate values imply moderate vulnerability and
Persons with Special needs H. John Heinz III low values imply low vulnerability. The indicators
disability populations Center for Science, were normalized using the methodology employed
Economics, and the
Informal settlers Renters/informal Environment, 2000
to calculate the Human Development Index (United
settlers and Platt, 1991 Nations Development Programme [UNDP], 2014).
Poverty (Adaptive Poverty incidence Socioeconomic H. John Heinz III Because all indicators have functional relationship with
capacity) status Center for Science, vulnerability, normalization was calculated as follows:
Economics, and the
Environment, 2000;
Burton, Kates, I i = X i – MinX i (1)
& White, 1993;
Wisner et al., 2003;
MaxX i - MinX i
Peacock, Gladwin,
& Morrow, 1997; where X i is the actual value, MinX i is the minimum value,
Hewitt, 1997;
Puente, 1999; and and MaxX i is the maximum value of the indicator.
Platt, 1991
Climate induced Flood Susceptibility Balica, Wright, The ranks of certain indicators and sub-indicators
hazards (Exposure Storm surge to floods, storm & Meulen, 2012;
Landslide surges and Cannon, 1994; and (e.g.,‘area of level of hazard susceptibility’) were
landslides Hammill, Bizikova, assigned to values arranged in ordinal numbers which
Dekens, &
McCandless, 2013
correspond to weights that add up to 1 (100%). The area
per level of susceptibility of each hazard was calculated
Housing materials Households living Housing and the Bolin & Bolton,
(Exposure) in makeshift built environment 1986; Bolin & using calculate geometry function of ArcGIS 10.2.
houses Stanford, 1991;
Godschalk, Brower,
& Beatley, 1989; Table 3. Ranking and assignment of ordinal weights for storm
Mitchell, Abdel- surge vulnerability.
Ghaffar, Gentry,
Leatherman, & Storm surge Rank relative to Ordinal weight
Sparks, 1986; and susceptibility vulnerability
White & Haas,
1975 High susceptibility 1 0.5
Moderate susceptibility 2 0.33
The indicators used and prescribed by Cutter et al. (2009)
in their study were modified in this study based on the Low susceptibility 3 0.167
context of the study areas and the availability of data. A Total 1
SoVI was constructed with the same indicators as that of
Cutter’s but the sub-indicators were redeveloped to fit Ordinal weight is computed as:
the situations and conditions in the study areas. These
sub-indicators were chosen to ensure that the units and
sources of data are consistent for standardization (Figure (2)
where r is the rank, n is the number of ranks, and k is 1.
Indicators were normalized to a value between 0 and 1, SoVI was then calculated as follows:
multiplied by the assigned relative weights to generate
the normalized indicator scores (I i). These normalized SoVIb = WbSb+ WbACb+ WbEb (3)
indicator scores (I i) were combined to generate the
normalized scores of sensitivity (S), adaptive capacity, where b is the barangay, S is sensitivity, AC is adaptive

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

capacity, and E is exposure; such that barangay b equals geographically more exposed to hazards than Tacloban
the equally weighted values of S, AC, and E. The weight City. A number of barangays in Ormoc are located along
of each major component (W Ci), where C is one of the the shore and a number of those are prone to riverine
major components, indexed by i, is measured by 1 over flooding. Furthermore, the remaining parts of Ormoc
the number (n C) of the major components, which is 0.33 are the rural areas whose populations are dependent to
(Table 3). fishing and planting—livelihoods at risk to disasters.
Thus, all barangays are almost equally vulnerable to
W Ci = 1/ n C (4) disasters.

The same approach was used to calculate the weights Tacloban City
(W Sc) of the sub-indicators (Table 3).
Based on the computed vulnerability, Barangay 88
W Sc= 1/ n Si (5) is consistently highest in all factors of vulnerability,
recording a large differential vulnerability value relative
Table 4. Weights of sub-indicators. to other barangays. The overall social vulnerability of
Major Weight of major No. of indicators Weight of sub- every barangay is determined by its respective sensitivity,
Components components (nsi) indicators (Wsi) exposure, and adaptive capacity indices. The values were
(WCi) classified into the clusters of low, moderate, and high
Sensitivity 0.33 6 0.17 (Table 5). Tacloban yielded a value of 6.52%, or 9 of its
Adaptive 0.33 1 0.33 barangays with high vulnerability index. Among these
Capacity barangays, Barangay 88 got the highest index of 0.66792
Exposure 0.33 4 0.25 (Table 6), almost twice as high as the second highest,
Barangay 99 (Diit), with the next highest vulnerability
S = f(U, PAR) (6) index of 0.39874. Barangay 88 consistently got the
highest index for all the indicators whereas Barangay 99
where U is unemployment and PAR is population at risk consistently got high indices.

AC = f(Pov) (7) Barangay 88 is located in San Jose area in the peninsula

facing San Pedro Bay (Figure 2). It is where Daniel Z.
where Pov is poverty Romualdez (DZR) Airport is located and according to
the interviews and other accounts, the most devastated
E = f(CH, HM) (8) barangay during Typhoon Haiyan. The barangay was
practically washed out, the airport included, when the
where CH is climate-induced hazards (landslide, flood typhoon hit. Barangay 88 is a highly-urbanized, densely
and storm surge) and HM is housing materials populated barangay with a number of commercial
establishments within the residential areas. Most of
Results and Discussion its former residents were fisherfolks dependent on San
Pedro Bay for income.
From the identified indicators, the social vulnerabilities
of the barangays were evaluated and ranked. These Barangay 99 is located in the central part of the City. It
indicators have sub-indicators that could determine the has the highest unemployment rate and the most number
characteristics of a particular barangay that make it more of persons with disabilities among all the barangays. It
vulnerable to disasters relative to other barangays. For is facing the Samar Island in the east and is thus at lower
instance, in Tacloban City, the most socially vulnerable risk to storm surges relative to Barangay 88, but has
barangay has the demographic and socioeconomic Tigbao River connected to San Juanico Strait, making it
characteristics that make it more sensitive to climate- as flood-prone as Barangay 88.
related hazards: it is the most populated, it is highly
exposed due to its location, and it has the least adaptive Table 5 . Range of values for sensitivity, adaptive
capacity due to its high poverty incidence. Therefore, capacity, exposure, and overall social vulnerability for
its social vulnerability score is the highest among all Tacloban City.
barangays in Tacloban. S AC E V
Low 0.00148- 0.00000- 0.00328- 0.00749-
In the case of Ormoc City, the barangay that got the 0.02870 0.03753 0.02372 0.09772
highest social vulnerability index is the barangay most Moderate 0.02975- 0.04012- 0.02542- 0.09772-
exposed to climate-related hazards and also has the 0.08384 0.10784 0.05634 0.24304
highest number of population at risk. However, unlike
High 0.08769- 0.05694- 0.05833- 0.24304-
in Tacloban, the SoVI scores of the barangays in Ormoc 0.20234 0.33000 0.13559 0.66792
do not have significant differences. Ormoc City is

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Among the 51 barangays with moderate vulnerabilities, Table 6. Barangay in Tacloban City with the highest values
only Barangay 71 (Naga-Naga) has high sensitivity and for sensitivity, adaptive capacity, exposure, and overall social
exposure, while the rest merely have high indices on vulnerability.
exposure. Barangay 71 is a densely populated coastal Barangay Score
community near Anibong District where Barangays 68, Sensitivity Barangay 88 0.20234
69, and 70 are located. The latter barangays also have
Adaptive capacity Barangay 88 0.33000
moderate vulnerabilities computed from their high
exposure indices and moderate sensitivity and adaptive Exposure Barangay 88 0.13558
capacity indices. Anibong District has several coastal Social vulnerability Barangay 88 0.66792
communities with a high number of houses on stilts over
the waters. It was also where the 8 cargo vessels were
swept inland by the storm surges brought by Typhoon

More than half or 78 of the total barangays have low

vulnerability (Figure 3). These are mostly the barangays
in the downtown area and a few small communities in
the outskirts of the city.

Figure 3. Number of barangays in Tacloban City per degree of

social vulnerability.


The proportions of unemployed persons in the labor

force (15 years old and above), informal settlers
households, vulnerable sectors, and the population
density were considered in measuring sensitivity.
These proportions were normalized then ranked to
assess the sensitivity among the barangays. Out of
the 138 barangays of Tacloban City, 13 fell within the
range of ‘high sensitivity’ (Figure 4). These are among
the most populated barangays with a high number of
informal settlers, according to the data from the CBMS.
Barangay 88 has the highest sensitivity with 0.202469. It
consistently has the highest number of population at risk
and unemployed. The increasing number of population
during daytime and the concentration of settlements in
Figure 2. Social vulnerability, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and Tacloban can be attributed to the series of migrations from
exposure maps of Tacloban City, per barangay. neighboring towns for economic reasons. Furthermore,
fish vendors and other informally-employed residents
were rampant in the barangay because of the coastal
location of the barangay.

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Figure 5. Landslide, flood, and storm surge susceptibility maps of

Tacloban City.

Adaptive Capacity
Figure 4. Number of barangays in Tacloban City per degree of Barangay 88, having 54.37% of its households earning
sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure. Lightest to darkest below the poverty threshold, scored an adaptive capacity
color denotes low to high index.
index of 0.33, recording a large differential value
About 50 barangays have moderate sensitivity to climate- compared to the 9 other barangays with high adaptive
related hazards (Figure 4). Several of these barangays capacity index. Barangay 103 got the next highest
are along the coast with many informal settlements. The index with 0.16435, almost half of that of Barangay 88.
remaining 75 barangays have relatively low sensitivity. These barangays were spatially scattered showing that
These are mainly the upland barangays whose land poverty in the city is not concentrated in certain areas.
areas are mostly occupied by the mountains rather than The index for moderate exposure is within 0.04012 to
communities. The barangay with the least sensitivity 0.10784, with 43 barangays falling within the range. The
is Barangay 15, located in the highly commercialized remaining 86 barangays whose index is low have the
downtown area. lowest proportions of households with income below the
poverty threshold. The barangays with the lowest indices
Exposure are Barangays 109-A, 77, 80, 109, 17, 62-B, and 16. The
land uses among these barangays are mostly commercial
Due to their natural and built environments, 21 barangays and institutional, with only a few residential areas.
were highly exposed to climate-related hazards (Figure
5). These barangays scored between 0.05833 to 0.13559, Ormoc City
with Barangay 88 scoring the upper limit. This could be
attributed to the high susceptibility of these barangays Typhoon Haiyan did not directly hit Ormoc but still
to particular hazards and to the structure of their houses brought strong winds that caused damage and deaths.
which could not provide protection during disasters. Ormoc is generally vulnerable to disasters due to its
Similarly, 50 barangays were moderately exposed. These exposure to natural hazards, not to mention that the
are the barangays adjacent to those that were identified livelihoods of many residents are dependent on the
to have high exposure score. The remaining 67 barangays environment. Although Ormoc (Figure 6) has a higher
have low exposure; mostly in the downtown area with proportion of barangays (8.18%) with high social
Barangay 16 having the lowest exposure score. Tacloban vulnerability score (Figure 7), its barangays have lower
downtown is a highly built-up, commercialized area and social vulnerability scores compared to those in Tacloban
most of Barangay 16 is in the heart of it. Prior to Haiyan, (Table 7). The highest is that of Naungan with 0.32726
building codes across all development zones and building and the differential value between the index of Naungan
types were not enforced and standard designs for houses and that of the second highest (Cogon Combado) is not
and public infrastructure could only withstand winds of very significant (Table 8). Those with high overall social
200 kph. Most public infrastructure and critical facilities vulnerability are those with high sensitivity indices,
used as evacuation centers such as the Astrodome are indicating that population at risk is the main factor
located in hazard-prone areas. contributing to their vulnerability. Bagong Buhay is the

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

only barangay whose sensitivity is high but has moderate

overall social vulnerability index. On the other hand, Lao
has moderate sensitivity, but has high adaptive capacity
and exposure indices, contributing to a high overall
social vulnerability.

Table 7. Range of values for sensitivity, adaptive capacity,

exposure, and overall social vulnerability for Ormoc City.
Long 0.00067- 0.00000- 0.00237- 0.00574-
0.03649 0.00766 0.02432 0.06546
Moderate 0.03650- 0.00766- 0.02483- 0.06608-
0.09972 0.02143 0.05260 0.16831
High 0.10481- 0.02265- 0.05325- 0.17656-
Figure 7. Number of barangays in Ormoc City per degree of
0.19014 0.06437 0.11370 0.34983
The barangays with moderate social vulnerability have
indices ranging from 0.06788 to 0.16252. These are
49 barangays whose residents are engaged in small-
time commercial fishing and/or subsistence farming,
acquiring irrigation from the tributaries of Anilao and
Malbasag Rivers. Most of these barangays also have
high exposure and high adaptive capacity indices (Figure
8). The 52 barangays that have low social vulnerability
indices are mostly the upland barangays that are sparsely
occupied and the poblacion (town center) barangays that
are commercialized. The least vulnerable among them
is Barangay 5, which is a commercial block along Real
Street in Ormoc City Proper.

Table 8. Barangays in Ormoc City with the highest values

for sensitivity, adaptive capacity, exposure, and overall social
Figure 8. Number of barangays in Ormoc City per degree
of sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure. Lightest to
Barangay Score darkest color denotes low to high index.
Sensitivity Cogon Combado 0.19014
Adaptive Capacity (Lack) Naungan 0.06437
Exposure Naungan 0.08879
Vulnerability Naungan 0.32726 Out of the 9 barangays with high sensitivity, Barangay
Cogon Combado is the area most sensitive to disasters
because it is the most densely populated barangay in
Ormoc City; it scored 0.19014. The other barangays
with high sensitivity are Tambuilid, Naungan, Linao,
Ipil, Punta, Libertad, Bagong Buhay, and Liloan, which
are either coastal communities or barangays with large

There were 39 barangays with moderate sensitivity.

Barangay 14 registered the lowest sensitivity sub-index
among the 62 barangays which have low sensitivity
index. This is likely due to the low numbers of population
at risk because Barangay 14 is in the poblacion (town
center) district and not a residential area. All the
poblacion barangays have low sensitivity.

Figure 6. Social vulnerability, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and

exposure maps of Ormoc City, per barangay.

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Exposure capacity index (Figure 8). Naungan has the highest

adaptive capacity index, perhaps due to the large number
Past disasters could validate that Ormoc is at risk to of informal settlers in the area. Most of these informal
natural hazards such as flooding and landslide (Figure settlers live in stilt houses over the water, while the rest
9). Thirty barangays have high exposure, with Barangay live in houses that are usually submerged during the high
Naungan having the highest with 0.08879. As a coastal tide. The 49 barangays that have moderate adaptive
community also traversed by Jaoban River, it has very capacities are the rural barangays engaged in fishing and
high susceptibility to flooding and is most likely to subsistence farming, aside from Barangay 29 which is a
be affected by storm surges. The other barangays with poblacion barangay but has residents living under Anilao
high exposure index are its neighboring barangays and Bridge. More than half of the remaining 48 barangays
7 poblacion barangays which are near Anilao River. The that have low adaptive capacity index are located within
remaining 43 barangays have moderate exposure index the poblacion area. These areas are commercialized with
and the 37 barangays have low. only a few residents. Inadequacy in adaptive capacity
due to poverty is observed to be higher in Barangay
Naungan with index of 0.06437 as compared to the other

Conclusion and Recommendation

Typhoon Haiyan highlighted that the combination

of exposure to climate-related hazards, underlying
socioeconomic conditions, and changing demographic
characteristics in Tacloban and Ormoc increases the
threats of climate-related hazards to communities.
Haiyan’s impacts would require the examination of the
various causes of vulnerability to facilitate measures to
reduce these causes or adapt from the combined factors
of disasters.

Barangay 88, said to be the hardest hit barangay in

Tacloban City by Typhoon Haiyan, is consistently
highest in the city in all factors of vulnerability,
recording a large differential vulnerability index relative
to other barangays. Tacloban has 9 barangays with high
vulnerability index. Unfortunately, there is no official
data on the number of deaths per barangay due to
Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban City that can be used to
validate the computed vulnerability scores.

In Ormoc City, Barangay Naungan, located in the western

seaboard of the City, got the highest vulnerability index.
Ormoc has 9 barangays with high social vulnerability
scores, which are lower than those of Tacloban. The
barangays with high overall social vulnerability are also
those with high sensitivity indices, with population at
risk as the main factor contributing to their vulnerability.
However, no association can be established between the
vulnerability score and the impact of Typhoon Haiyan
Figure 9. Landslide, flood and storm surge susceptibility maps of as represented by the number of deaths per barangay
Ormoc City. (see Annex 1). This could be attributed to other factors
not considered by the study such as the use of pairwise
Adaptive Capacity index in evaluating the weights of the sub-indicators.
Furthermore, Ormoc City is located in the southwestern
Ormoc, though highly urbanized like Tacloban, have portion of the Leyte Island and only experienced strong
more families living below poverty threshold. Therefore, winds, which this study was not able to evaluate.
more barangays in Ormoc have high adaptive capacity Typhoon Haiyan hit the hardest in Eastern Leyte and
index. About 13 barangays in Ormoc have high adaptive passed though the province in a northeast direction.

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

While Tacloban City and Ormoc City are examples Barangay Vulnera- Vulnera- Highly No. of Deaths
of a looming and varying social vulnerability across bility bility Exposed to due to Hai-
barangays, it is important not only to consider short- Level Index yan*
term structural mitigation measures but also to adopt Barangay low 0.05439 riverine 0
sustainable and long-term strategies addressing the 15 (Pob.) flooding
underlying factors of vulnerability targeted at the Barangay low 0.03704 riverine 0
community level. This matter will also require basic 16 (Pob.) flooding
social services to be more accessible in barangays Barangay low 0.02823 riverine 0
who score moderate to high vulnerability. Measures to 17 (Pob.) flooding
reduce vulnerability should be a local priority and would Barangay low 0.01361 riverine 0
require political will for community-based climate 18 (Pob.) flooding
action, disaster risk reduction and management, and Barangay low 0.01684 riverine 0
risk-sensitive land use development. 19 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.02637 riverine 0
This study provides an approach for assessing social 2 (Pob.) flooding
vulnerability using available census and climate-related Barangay low 0.03240 riverine 0
hazard data to determine areas for intervention targeted 20 (Pob.) flooding
at the barangay level. Future related research should
Barangay low 0.04844 riverine 0
consider other key indicators available at the barangay 21 (Pob.) flooding
level to capture a more precise vulnerability index.
Barangay low 0.05057 riverine 0
22 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.05257 riverine 0
23 (Pob.) flooding
Annex 1: Comparisons of vulnerability level, index,
exposure and number of deaths per barangay for Ormoc Barangay low 0.04885 riverine 0
City. 24 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.05947 riverine 0
Barangay Vulnera- Vulnera- Highly No. of Deaths 25 (Pob.) flooding
bility bility Exposed to due to Hai- Barangay moderate 0.07102 riverine 1
Level Index yan* 26 (Pob.) flooding
Airport moderate 0.08785 riverine 2 Barangay low 0.03519 riverine 0
flooding 27 (Pob.) flooding
Alegria moderate 0.06788 storm 0 Barangay moderate 0.07474 riverine 0
surge & 28 (Pob.) flooding
riverine Barangay moderate 0.13147 riverine 0
flooding 29 (Pob.) flooding
Alta moderate 0.09294 riverine 1 Barangay low 0.00463 riverine 0
Vista flooding 3 (Pob.) flooding
Bagong moderate 0.15142 landslide 2 Barangay low 0.02466 riverine 0
Buhay & flash- 4 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.00393 riverine 0
Bagong moderate 0.07628 landslide 1 5 (Pob.) flooding
& flash-
Barangay low 0.00735 riverine 0
6 (Pob.) flooding
Bantigue moderate 0.15385 storm 0
Barangay low 0.00839 riverine 0
7 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.01386 riverine 0
Barangay low 0.00609 riverine 0
1 (Pob.) flooding
8 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.1971 riverine 0
Barangay low 0.00811 riverine 0
10 (Pob.) flooding
9 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay moderate 0.07361 riverine 0
Batuan low 0.02924 riverine 0
11 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.02257 riverine 0
Bayog low 0.05176 riverine 0
12 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.04069 riverine 0
Biliboy low 0.05367 flooding 0
13 (Pob.) flooding
Barangay low 0.02251 riverine 0
14 (Pob.) flooding

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Barangay Vulnera- Vulnera- Highly No. of Deaths Barangay Vulnera- Vulnera- Highly No. of Deaths
bility bility Exposed to due to Hai- bility bility Exposed to due to Hai-
Level Index yan* Level Index yan*
Boroc moderate 0.12073 1 Esper- low 0.01924 landslide 0
(Don anza
Carlos Gaas low 0.02217 landslide 0
Rivilla) & flash-
Ca- low 0.04164 landsline 0 flood
baon-an & flash- Green low 0.05977 riverine 1
flood Valley flooding
Cabintan moderate 0.08457 landslide 0 Guin- moderate 0.09171 riverine 0
Cabuli- moderate 0.08533 landslide 0 tigui-an flooding
han & riverine Hibun- low 0.04108 landslide 0
flooding awon & flash-
Cagbu- moderate 0.08473 landslide 0 flood
hangin & riverine Hugpa low 0.02699 NA 0
Ipil high 0.24413 storm 0
Camp moderate 0.08473 landslide 0 surge
Downes & riverine
flooding Juaton moderate 0.07426 riverine 0
Can-adi- moderate 0.10348 riverine 0
eng flooding Kadao- moderate 0.09428 landslide 0
han & riverine
Catmon low 0.09086 landslide 0 flooding
& riverine
flooding Labrador moderate 0.08146 riverine 0
(Balion) flooding
Cogon high 0.03343 riverine 0
Combado flooding Lao high 0.18155 storm 0
Concep- moderate 0.28843 riverine 0
cion flooding Leondoni low 0.04938 riverine 0
Curva moderate 0.07210 riverine 10
flooding Libertad high 0.18857 storm 1
Danao low 0.13312 riverine 0
flooding Liberty low 0.03215 landslide 0
& flash-
Danhug moderate 0.08139 storm 0 flood
surge &
riverine Licuma moderate 0.07499 riverine 0
flooding flooding

Dayha- low 0.04754 landslide 2 Liloan high 0.18401 storm 2

gan & riverine surge
flooding Linao high 0.25736 storm 1
Dolores moderate 0.08383 riverine 1 surge
flooding Luna low 0.04415 riverine 0
Domonar low 0.06482 riverine 0 flooding
flooding Mabato moderate 0.1000 riverine 0
Don moderate 0.08289 landslide 0 flooding
Felipe Mabini low 0.05082 landslide 0
Larraza- & flash-
bal flood
Macabug moderate 0.10435 storm 0
Dn Po- low 003793 landslide 0 surge
tenciano & flooding Magaswe low 0.03606 riverine 0
Larraza- flooding
Mahayag low 0.04022 riverine 0
Doña moderate 0.11771 riverine 0 flooding
Feliza Z. flooding
Meija Mahaya- low 0.03115 landslide 0
hay & flash-
Donghol moderate 0.08141 riverine 0 food

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Barangay Vulnera- Vulnera- Highly No. of Deaths Barangay Vulnera- Vulnera- Highly No. of Deaths
bility bility Exposed to due to Hai- bility bility Exposdd to due to Hai-
Level Index yan* Level Index yan*
Manlil- moderate 0.07316 landslide 0 San low 0.04400 landslide 0
inao Vicenter
Margen moderate 0.12990 landslide 1 Santo moderate 0.09484 riverine 0
& riverine Niño flooding
flooding Su- moderate 0.08423 riverine 0
Mas-in moderate 0.06948 landslide 0 mangga flooding
Matica-a moderate 0.12063 landslide 1 Tambul- low 0.28127 storm 2
& riverine ilid surge &
flooding riverine
Milagro low 0.06632 landslide 0 flooding
& flash- Tongo- moderate 0.07163 landslide 0
flood nan
Monter- low 0.03772 landslide 0 Valencia moderate 0.16252 riverine 0
ico flooding
Nasuno- low 0.05052 riverine 1
gan flooding City Health Office-Health Emergency Management Staff (CHO-

Naungan high 0.32726 strom 1 HEMS), Ormoc City

surge &
riverine Annex 2:Vulnerability level, vulnerability index, and
flooding exposure level per barangay for Tacloban City
Nueva low 0.04133 NA 0
Sociedad Barangay Vulnerability Vulnerability Exposure
Nueva moderate 0.06979 riverine 2 Level Index Level
Vista flooding Barangay 2 low 0.03711 moderate
Patag moderate 0.10018 NA 1 Barangay 5 low 0.02299 low
Punta high 0.19365 storm 0 Barangay 5-A low 0.01646 low
surge & Barangay 6 low 0.06986 low
flooding Barangay 6-A low 0.08478 low
Quezon, moderate 0.08708 riverine 0 Barangay 7 low 0.01922 low
Jr. flooding Barangay 8 low 0.01827 low
Rufina moderate 0.08743 landslide 0 Barangay 8-A low 0.01549 low
M. Tan & riverine Barangay 100 moderate 0.21673 moderate
Barangay 101 moderate 0.10727 high
Sabang moderate 0.07681 riverine 0
Bao flooding Barangay 102 low 0.06355 low

Salva- moderate 0.09689 riverine 0 Barangay 103 high 0.26579 moderate

cion flooding Barangay low 0.09772 moderate
San low 0.05364 storm 0 103-A
Antonio surge & Barangay 104 moderate 0.18604 moderate
riverine Barangay 105 moderate 0.14059 moderate
Barangay 106 moderate 0.12677 high
San moderate 0.13146 riverine 0
Isidro flooding Barangay 107 moderate 0.11479 moderate

San Jose moderate 0.15853 landslide 0 Barangay 108 moderate 0.1134 moderate
& riverine Barangay 109 moderate 0.11885 low
flooding Barangay moderate 0.19379 moderate
San Juan moderate 0.07650 storm 0 109-A
surge & Barangay 110 high 0.29659 moderate
Barangay 12 moderate 0.14724 moderate
Barangay 13 low 0.04870 moderate
San moderate 0.13378 riverine 0
Pablo flooding Barangay 14 low 0.02080 low
(Siman- Barangay 15 low 0.01010 low
Barangay 16 low 0.00749 low

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2016

Barangay Vulnerability Vulnerability Exposure Barangay Vulnerability Vulnerability Exposure

Level Index Level Level Index Level
Barangay 17 low 0.01211 low Barangay low 0.05200 low
Barangay 18 low 0.01391 low 48-A
Barangay 19 low 0.01750 low Barangay low 0.04867 low
Barangay 20 low 0.02621 low
Barangay 49 moderate 0.10501 moderate
Barangay 21 low 0.01259 low
Barangay 50 low 0.04541 moderate
Barangay low 0.01260 low
21- A Barangay low 0.06230 moderate
Barangay 22 low 0.01500 low
Barangay low 0.06625 moderate
Barangay 23 low 0.02670 low 50-B
Barangay low 0.03406 low Barangay 51 low 0.03752 low
Barangay low 0.03478 low
Barangay 24 low 0.03739 low 51-A
Barangay 25 low 0.09707 moderate Barangay 52 moderate 0.13886 high
Barangay 26 low 0.02575 low Barangay 53 low 0.04306 low
Barangay 27 low 0.01580 low Barangay 54 low 0.08507 moderate
Barangay 28 low 0.02083 low Barangay low 0.09310 moderate
Barangay 29 low 0.01325 low 54-A
Barangay 30 low 0.00903 low Barangay 56 low 0.08555 moderate
Barangay 31 low 0.05402 low Barangay low 0.06237 moderate
Barangay 32 low 0.01648 low 56-A
Barangay 33 low 0.01327 low Barangay 57 low 0.7275 low
Barangay 34 low 0.02129 low Barangay 58 low 0.06525 low
Barangay 35 low 0.01706 low Barangay 59 moderate 0.13905 low
Barangay low 0.07173 low Barangay moderate 0.17042 low
35-A 59-A
Barangay 36 low 0.06522 moderate Barangay low 0.04785 low
Barangay low 0.03831 low
36-A Barangay 60 low 0.04741 low
Barangay 37 low 0.28076 moderate Barangay moderate 0.11937 low
Barangay moderate 0.11399 moderate
37-A Barangay 61 low 0.07855 low
Barangay 38 low 0.02877 low Barangay 62 moderate 0.11849 low
Barangay 39 moderate 0.18749 moderate Barangay moderate 0.21872 low
Baragay 40 low 0.01479 low
Barangay low 0.06849 low
Barangay 41 low 0.01716 low
Barangay 42 low 0.06566 low
Barangay 63 moderate 0.16040 moderate
Barangay moderate 0.11472 low
Barangay 64 moderate 0.11326 moderate
Barangay 65 low 0.08539 low
Barangay 43 low 0.03159 low
Barangay 66 moderate 0.11216 moderate
Barangay low 0.06915 low
43-A Barangay 66 moderate 0.11216 moderate
Barangay moderate 0.13364 moderate Barangay moderate 0.11326 moderate
43-B 66-A
Barangay 44 low 0.02740 low Barangay 67 moderate 0.15057 high
Barangay low 0.01278 low Barangay 68 moderate 0.20725 high
44-A Barangay 69 moderate 0.20741 high
Barangay 45 low 0.04316 moderate Barangay 70 moderate 0.13941 high
Barangay 46 low 0.03581 low Barangay 71 moderate 0.23353 high
Barangay 47 low 0.03517 low Barangay 72 low 0.08595 high
Barangay 48 low 0.02361 low Barangay 73 low 0.08052 high

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