Green Strategies of Healthcare Design: Case Studies of Medical Centers

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Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 431

Green Strategies of Healthcare Design: Case

Studies of Medical Centers

Farshin Salehi, Sima Vaez Eslami

Sharif University ofTechnology, Iran

Our Common Future begins by stating that "The Earth is one but the world is
not." This simple statement means that we all live here and we all need to share
our resources. Whatever affects the world affects us all. The problem is that most
communities only think of themselves. They consume their resources in vast
quantities which would leave a void for future generations. Sustainable
architecture focuses on environmentally-conscious design techniques. lt seeks to
minimize negative environmental impact by enhancing efficiency and
moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. It challenges
the design to have a healthy process and to utilize renewable energies and site
specific resources. Sustainable architecture has proven that people who live
andlor work in such buildings are happier, healthier, and have higher work
productivity. The same affect applies to patients in hospitals. Recognizing the
connection between health care and the building designs has help health care
leaders/providers, designers, and architects engage in sustainable design and
construction for healthy 'green' buildings. One could even label it healthy
architecture. Healthy architecture has made the role of architects and designers to
very important one for future development on healing centers.
To meet patient needs healthcare facilities consume tremendous amount of
energy and resources; hospitals use twice energy per square foot as office
buildings. So, the necessity of having sustainable hospitals is obvious.
In conclusion, it would be impossible to have healthy people on a sick planet. In
order to keep people healthy and provide proper medical treatment and to reduce
the negative effect on the surrounding environment, a sustainable "healthy"
architecture must be considered.

Keywords: healthcare, sustainable, case Study, green building, hmpitals

432 Farshin Salehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

1 Introduction

Sustainable architeeture foeuses on environmentally-eonseious design

techniques. lt seeks to minimize negative environmenta~ impact by enhaneing
efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development
space. It challenges the design to have a healthy process and to utilize renewable
energies and site specific resourees. Sustainable arehitecture has proven that
people who live and/or work in such buildings are happier, healthier, and have
higher work productivity. The same affect applies to patients in hospitals.
Recognizing the connection between health care and the building designs has
help health ca re leaders/providers, designers, and architects engage in sustainable
design and construction for healthy 'green' buildings. One could even label it
healthy architecture. Healthy architecture has made the role of architects and
designers to very important one for future development on healing centers.
If you were asked to identify the one building type that needed the highest
quality indoor air, the lowest levels of toxic off-gassing. the greatest access to
daylighting and outdoor views for oecupants, the most efficient energy and water
usage- in other words, the greenest building- what would you think of first?
Hospitals, right? Sure you would. Hospitals should be leading the way in
providing patients. experienee. Sick people should have the greenest buildings of
In many ways, hospitals are particularly weil suited to be green, high­
performance buildings. Hospital operators typically own their buildings and thus
bear the life cyc\e implications of their construction choices. Normal hospital
operation consumes large amounts of resources and energy, and thus presents a
great opportunity for savings from effieiency measures.
Hospitals are also particularly complex and provide unique building
challenges healthcare facilities are most often multiple-building campuses of
varying ages, conditions, and systems, and construction frequently occurs
adjacent to occupied buildings. The design and operation of healthcare buildings
is highly regulated with intense economic and life-safety oversight. Moreover,
Adapting green building design to the healthcare facilities market will help
ensure that future healthcare buildings are healthier, more effective, cost less to
operate, and are more enjoyable places in which to work and heal.
Sustainability trends are gaining tremendous momentum in the healthcare
industry. In addition to green building initiatives like building for maximum
energy efficiency and reducing the use of potable water, eco-friendly work tools
and furniture are integral in any effort to achieve maximum "green" in a
healthcare environment. What's more, eco-friendliness in the healthcare industry
may cease to be an option- and instead, become a requirement as
environmental awareness and the benefits of green building spreads.
This article is going to discuss three benefit aspects of sustainability in the
healthcare industry as bellow:
Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 433

Environmental benefits:
Enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity
Improve air and water quality
Reduce solid waste
Conserve natural resources

Economic benefits:

Reduce operating costs

Enhance asset value and profits

Improve employee productivity and satisfaction

Optimize life-cycle economic performance

Health and community benefits:

Improve air, thermal, and acoustic environments

Enhance occupant comfort and health

Minimize strain on local infrastructure

Contribute to overall quality of life

In the healthcare industry, these benefits have far-reaching etfects. Reducing

environmental toxins, increasing natural light and improving comfort overall can
shorten patient recovery time and reduce costs associated with long hospital
Here are some case studies by which, these three benefits are going to be
investigated. All of these cases have achieved a LEED rating. The LEED Green
Building Rating System is a benchmarking and design assistance tool for
building owners, designers, and construction professionals. The system
recognizes and rewards choices that improve the environmental performance of
buildings, while serving as a method to compare buildings of different types and
locations. LEED Version 2.0 is divided into six categories that address different
areas of a building's environmental performance: Site Selection, Water
Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resourees, Indoor
Environmental Quality, and Innovation and Design Process. In eaeh eategory,
LEED eontains credits tha1 a building project ean earn. In most categories,
LEED also includes a few prerequisites, or mandatory features, that the project
must include in order to be considered for a LEED rating (Atwies, 2002). The
cunent Version 2.0 is applicable to new construction and renovation projects for
eommercial and industrial buildings in any U.S. loeation (Atwies, 2002).
In total, there are 69 possible credits that a building projeet may earn. At a
minimum, a project must achieve 26 credits to earn an award from the U.S.
Green Building CounciJ. LEED awards are divided into four levels, ranging from
LEED Certitied starting at 26 credits, to LEED Platinum starting at 52 credits
(Atwies, 2002).
434 Farshin SaIehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

2 Case Studies

2.1 Boulder Community FoothilIs Hospital

Boulder Community FoothilIs Hospital (see tigure I) is a women and children's

center in Bou1der, Colorado. Designed and built by a 10cal team, sustainability
and environmental sensitivity were top priorities. The first hospital in the nation
to eam LEED Certification, Boulder Community FoothilIs Hospital's LEED
Silver sets the standard for energy and environmentally responsive healthcare
facility design. The project included use of environmentally-friendly materials.
an extensive construction waste management plan, use of native plantings, and
exceptional attention to indoor air quality. The result is a facility that maximizes
patient comfort while minimizing environmental impacts and operational costs
(Keeler, 2009).
The designer, OZ Architecture, \vas rctained to design this facility to achieve
many goals. but 1110st speciftcally, to create a facility to nurture the health-related
needs of Boulder County's women and children within a resort-like environment.
To achieve this goal. medical equipment and nursing stations recede into the
background as 10cal art adoms walls and niches, and the pediatric uni! provides a
camp-like setting to help reduce apprehension. Twinkle-stars light the corridor
ceiling at night and colorful porches and murals mark entrances to the children's
cabins. A three-sided court yard, outdoor seating. and nature walk areas foster
healing of patients and visitors alike. Acknowledging evidence that patients heal
more quickly with the support of their families, all patient rooms accommodate
ovemight visitors.

Figure I: Boulder Community Foothilis HospitaL

Parents may remain ovemight during their child's hospital stay and a state-of­
the-art Special Care Nursery provides both a private room for newboms
requiring prolonged medical attention and an adjoining room for the infant's
parents. In addition to labor and delivery, neo-natal intensive care and pediatrics.
the facility also hauses an emergency roOfl1. a surgery department and a full
imaging department. Native Colorado materials were llsed for the structure as
Sustainable Architecture and Urban 435

weil as the building facade, and wherever practical, products and manufacturers
were selected within a 500-mile radius. Many of the products incorporated
recycled material, and 64% of jobsite construction waste was recycled. The
hospital achieved a Silver Rating under thc LEED 2.0 Program. becoming the
first hospital in the country to receive LEED certification from the U.S. Green
Building Council.

2.1.1 Environmental and economic benefits Energy
Efficient daylighting and electric Iighting; daylight and occupancy sensors
In this hospital, daylighting is used primarily to light the central, two stories,
and entry space. Lighting does not affect adjacent neighborhoods. Up­
lighting, bleeding and light pollution is non-existent. Day-lighting is
maximized in occupied space. Sensors in rooms shut off lights when no one
is present. Also, BCFH complements the benefits of daylighting with
dramatic views of the Flatirons and natural ventilation. When a patient
opens a window for fresh air, a sensor notifies the HVAC system to shut off
room's air conditioning (Jones, 2008).
Energy Star reflective roof, with high R-value (R-30)
A reflective roof was instalIed and insulation in the roof and exterior walls
was increased to minimize heat gain in the building, which also minimizes
energy usage. To have minimum annual heating and cooling cost, it is
recommended to use a minimum R-30 roof insulation.
Energy-efficient glazing
There is a low E (short for emittance) glass that contains an invisible metal
coating that sandwich between the layers of glazing, which causes the glass
to be reflective. They keep the building warmer in the winter and cooler in
the summer.
Exterior sun shading on west and south
In addition, to capture as much natural light as possible, one wing of the
hospital constructed at apreeise angle to maximize the Colorado sunshine.
Some of the windows are quite large with dimensions sometimes greater
than 46x66-inches.
Highly efficient Central Utility Plant (CUP)
The Hospital made a large capital investment in a central utility plant to
provide a 12 year payback through energy savings. Such an investment as
weil as adhering to the LEED requirements throughout the design and
construction process, c1early demonstrate the hospital's commitment to a
long-term, sustainable approach to building design and operation, and to
first-class patient care. Multiple sustainable design awards and national and
international recognition have followed.
Additional comrnissioning extensive third party
30% savings over LEED baseline
436 Farshin Salehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

2.1.2 Environmenta) benefits SitelWater
1. Maintain wildlife corridor and sensitive to floodplain
To remove the building site from the 500-year floodplain, fill excavated for a
downtown underground parking garage was trucked to the site at no cost to
BCH. And as part of its development agreement with the city, BCH agreed to
make improvements to a flood wall that protects a neighborhood located south of
BCFH (Yudelson, 2006).
Erosion control
Restoring wetlands for filtering storm water (with oil interceptors first)
Permeable pavers for fire lane
To reduce the amount of pavement further, the fire lane on the site has grass
pavers. These pavers allows you 10 park, drive, walk, ride, or lounge on a
beautiful grass surface. It performs, but with the aesthetic of a lawn-all while
enhancing the environment.
Near transit, added bus shelter
Bicyc\e facilities, showers
Reducing parking 25% beyond zoning via variance, preferred parking for
As a long time proponent of alternative transportation modes, BCFH received
four LEED points for the site's proximity to high-frequency transit service and
the provision of employee transit passes, providing bicyc\e storage and easy
access to showers and changing rooms for employees, as weH as offering
dedicated parking spaces for carpools. Beeause of its policy of providing
employees with free transit passes, the hospital was able to vary the city's
building code requirements and build 25 percent fewer parking spaces than
required. The hospital has reserved on-sire space to build more parking in the
future if necessary.

2. Minimized light pollution

In addition to energy saving, BCFH also focused on providing a sustainable
environment around the hospital. Outdoor lighting was carefully designed to
reduce light pollution in the night sky. Light pollution caused by the scattering of
artificial light in the atmosphere, much of which is caused by poorly-designed

3. Waterless urinals and effident sensor fixtures

More explanation about Waterless urinal, it saves on average 20,000 to 45,000
gallons of water a year. Twenty-two Waterless urinals can save up to 1,000,000
gallons of water per year. It can be estimated that there are approximately 8
million urinals installed in the US alone with approximately 100 million people
using these fixtures. Assuming an average 2 gallon flush, the potable water use
of urinals alone, in this country per year, is approximately 160 billion
gallons.160 billion gal10ns of water is equivalent to the water usage of 490,000
Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 437

hornes or 1.9 million people per year. This vast amount of outflow to the sewer
and septic systems can be eliminated and will not run into our natural waterways
and oceans. On your local level this could mean: A typical office building rest
room with three urinals and 120 men equals a yearly water use of 237,600
gallons of potable water flushed down the drain. This assurnes three uses per
person per day and only 220 working days (Waterless, 2009).

4. Low water use and xeriscape plantings

The hospital architeets focused on loeal and regional low-emitting materials,
reduction of water use through xeriscaping (landscaping that does not require
supplemental irrigation), low-flow fixtures, and energy reduetion. BCFH
ineorporates numerous strategies into its landseaping plan. These strategies,
which heavily rely on the use of native and drought-tolerant vegetation, reduee
the hospital's irrigation water requirements by more than 50 percent. Xeriscaping
is a good example of how the green approach, while initially more costly,
becomes the smartest environmental and economical approach over time
(Yudelson, 2006). Waste/Construction practices

The project also reeeived a LEED point for diverting eonstruction waste,
achieving a 64 percent recycling rate. A strong foeus was plaeed on integrating
reeycIed- eontent building materials and loeally harvested and manufactured
materials into the projeet. 75 percent of the materials used in construetion
eontain reeycled content, and as many loeally manufactured and harvested
materials were used as possible, most visibly in the building's fa~ade where the
briek and sandstone eame from loeal suppliers.
Site fill obtained for free from a nearby site that was exeavating
LEED IAQ protocol is standard practiee
Construetion staging management and flush out period
New filters after flush out
Newly eonstructed, renovated, and remodeled buildings ean emit air pollutants
from various eomponents used in the construetion proeess such as adhesives,
paint, carpet, fumishings, ete. In an effort to remove indoor air pollutants, some
buildings undergo a pre-oeeupaney flush-out where a large amount of tempered
outdoor air is forced through the building via the ventilation system. A flush-out
typieally lasts between 3 to 30 days depending on the building material and
furnishings, allowing the majority of pollutants to be removed from the building
prior to oeeupancy.

2.1.3 HeaIth and community benefits Materials/IEQ:
438 Farshin Salehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

Exemplary indoor air quality was achieved through by specit)!ing low-VOC

materials, installing all materials in proper sequence, and performing a two-week
building flush out prior to occupancy (Guenther & Vittori, 2007).
Volati/e Organic Compounds (VOCs):
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or
liquids. VOCs inc\ude a variety of chemicals, so me of which may have short­
and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are
consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are
emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands. Examples
inc\ude: paints and lacquers, paint strippers, c\eaning supplies, pesticides,
building materials and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers,
correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials
including glues and adhesives, permanent markers, and photographie solutions. Operations

comprehensive recycling and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)

programs in place and designed for in new (Guenther & Vittori, 2007) Innovative
Credits for encouragement of alternative transportation, and extremely high
amounts of local and recyc\ed content materials. (updated September 2005)

2.2 DelI Children's Medical Center

Architect: Karlsberger, Columbus, Ohio

DelI Children's Medical Center of Central Texas is the first hospital in the world
to receive the LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum
designation, given by the U.S. Green Building Council.
Deli Children's, wh ich occupies nearly one-half million square feet on 32
acres, opened in June 2007. lts environmentally-sensitive design not only
conserves water and electricity, but positively impacts the hospital's c1inical
environment by improving air quality, making natural sunJight more readily
available, and reducing a wide range of pollutants.
Inside the facility, sunlight reaches 80 percent ofthe available space. Outside,
sustainable and indigenous building materials were used throughout the fal(ade.
A 4.3 megawatt natural gas-fired power plant produces 100 percent of the
hospital's electricity, heating and cooling.
The planning approach places the inpatient units opposite parking areas, and
develops a therapeutic garden between and around the twenty-four-bed units.
Patient rooms provide views of the gardens and more distant vistas of the
downtown Austin skyline. In addition, the two-story diagnostic and treatment
block is pierced with four plan-enc\osed courtyards. Each of these has a
Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 439

distinctive garden response based on native plants from the seven eco-regions
(forty-two counties) served by the children's hospital. The diverse palette results
in unique, bioregionally focused experiences connecting children to the familiar
while educating them about broader regional differences (Guenther& Vittori,
Within the parking areas, trees are positioned to reduce heat island impacts.
The perimeter site landscaping is based on native, drought-tolerant plants. Where
required, drip landscape irrigation 1S provided by the municipal rec1aimed water

2.2.1 Economic benefits Sustainable Site

47,000 tons ofMueller airport runway material was reused on the site
About 40% fly ash instead of Portland cement in the concrete mix
yields a drop in carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to taking 450 cars
offthe road
Courtyards provide light to interior spaces; courtyard air intakes provide
cooler air than rooftop intakes for air conditioning
92% of construction waste was recyc1ed on site
Reuse Instead of removing and dumping asphalt from the old airport runways,
general contractor White Construction opted to grind up 35,000 tons of asphalt
and reuse it on the muddy job site as stabilized base for parking areas. Reusing
the asphalt generated LEED points for recycled materials (Durio, 2006).
Less Cement One ofthe team's goals was to reduce cement use, which creates
carbon dioxide and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Instead, they substituted
fly ash [a coal combustion product] tor a portion ofthe cement, pouring 41,000
cubic yards ofthe fly-ash concrete on the foundation and walls (Durio, 2006).
Fly ash- F!y ash (also known as a coal combustion product or CCP) is the
mineral residue resulting from the combustion of powdered coa! in electric
generating plants. Fly ash consists mostly of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide
and iron oxide. It is pozzolanic in nature, meaning it reacts with calcium
hydroxide and alkali to form cementations compounds (Durio, 2006). Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation

Efficiency measures save enough power to fuel about 1,800 hornes
An on-site natural gas turbine supplies all electricity, 75% more efficient
than coal-fired plants: links to the municipal grid and an emergency
generator provides backup
Converted steam energy from a heating/cooling plant supplies all chilIed
Under-floor air distribution in non-clinical, non-patient areas requires less
fan power than above-ceiling ducts
440 Farshin Salehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

Parking lot trees and refleetive surfaee pavement and roof materials reduee
the heat-island effect
Energy Onsite Austin Energy system is eompleting an onsite 4.6 megawatt
heating/eooling plant that will produce steam and ehilled water effieiently, as
we1\ as generate seven to eight LEED energy points. "rt would take a eatastrophe
to lose power at this faeility," said Bell (Durio, 2006).

2.2.2 Environmental benefits Water Efficiency and Water Conservation

Rec1aimed water is used for irrigation, xeriscaped landscaping uses native
plants wh ich require less water
Low flow plumbing fixtures
Water and Energy Conservation ~It is difficult for a hospital to achieve much
water conservation because of cleanliness requirements. But dual flush toilet
valves and motion sensors that automatically control water flow will reduce
water usage by 30 pcrcent (Durio, 2006).

2.2.3 Health and community benefits

2.2.3.J Indoor Environmental Quality and Lighting

Most interior spaces are within 32 feet of a window
Motion and natural light sensors shut off unneeded lights
Natural Light A hub and spoke design incorporates seven interior courtyards
that bring natural light throughout the building. The courtyards represent the
ecosystems found in the hospital's 40-county service area, and plaee natural light
sources within 64 feet throughout the facility. "In addition, the eourtyards are a
great way-finding tool for young patients who can't read signs yet, and provide a
place for families to relax and preoceupy themselves," said arehiteet Zilles
(Durio, 2006).
The hospital features a eombination of natural and artificiallight (see figure
2right) (Kuspan & Mann, 2007). Conservation of Materials and Resources

Use of loeal and regional materials saves fuel for shipping
Mesquite wood and red sandstone are among the natural materials used in the
building's design and are significant wayfinding elements (see figure 2 Left)
(Kuspan, J. F., & Mann, G.1.).
Special paints and flooring emit low levels ofvolatile organic eompounds
Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 441

Healfhy Inferior - The hospital gained LEED points for healthy interior
selections, such as paints and adhesives with low or no volatile organic content.
For example, most of the flooring is natural linoleum applied with green label
adhesives. In carpeted areas, flooring contractor Intenech Flooring chose carpet
with recycled content and backing made ofrecycled soda bottles (Durio, 2006).
Job Sitc Recycling -- Approximately 70 percent of construction waste is being
recycled through the projecfs aggressive recycling program, which designatcs
different types of dumpsters for drywaJl, stone, woodlpaper, general trash and so
on. "This is something thafs gaining momentum, but is still relatively new in the
building trades," said White Construction Senior Project Manager Alan Harbert.
'There are some additional costs that you don 't traditionally have, but there also
are some rebates for recycling" (Durio, 2006).
Natural linoleum t100ring that is biodegradable. formaldehyde-free and nontoxic
is among the 'green' materials used.

Figure 2: Deli Children's Medical Center.

2.3 Fleteher Allen Health Care

The Fletcher Allen Health Care. located in the heart of Vermont. incllldes new
bllildings and renovations 01' existing bllildings designed to integrate healthcare.
education and research into one cohesive campus environment. Almost the first
thing we noticed was that the project team deserved special credi! for placing the
442 Farshin Salehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

parking for this facility underground, thus preserving the beautiful landscape and
eliminating the dreaded parking-lot deserts common to too many facilities. The
connections of the medical school to the hospital are very nicely done in this
durable, solid, 100-year building. The planning is weil done and the architectural
design is strong and convincing (see figure 3).
In 2009, Fletcher Allen has reduce consumption by another 2.5 million
kilowatt hours and saved an estimated $250,000 in utiIity costs in the first seven
months of the year.
The eITorts also carry over into nutrition services. In 2006, Fletcher Allen
adopted the Healthy Food in Health Care Pledge, which contends that the
methods used to produce and distribute foods often are not aligned with dietary
guidelines and rely too heavily on practices that adversely affect publie health
and the environment. Signing the pledge "solidified" efforts to buy goods from
local farms to cut down on transportation and reduce pollution, says Diane lmrie,
direetor of nutrition services. Managers and supervisors also identified ways to
reduce waste, so everything a person "eats on, in, or with is either recyclable or
compostable," Imrie says (Leiser, 2009).
The hospital stopped using foam and plastic cups and plates, instead
choosing products made from 100% reclaimed fibers that fully degrade into
water, carbon dioxide, and organic material when composted. They replaced
disposable catering trays with reusable trays, a move that saves about $1,000 a
year (Leiser, 2009).
Laer in May, the medical center unveiled its new Harvest Cate. The facility is
designed to be "the most sustainable cafe in healthcare" across the country. Imrie
says. The menu at the cafe---referred to by some in-house as "the starship"~~
incorporates such Iocally grown organic fare as soy milk and squash. It serves
turkey and chicken raised without nontherapeutic antibioties or arsenical
compounds, and it also offers fair-trade coffee, which is produced without
pesticides (Leiser, 2009).

Figure 3: Fletcher Allen Health Care

Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 443

Vermont's Fletcher Allen Health Care purehases Iocal hormone-free meat

rose without the use of antibiotics; serves local produce, fair-trade coffee and
milk produced without the use of rBGH (a hormone given to increase milk
production and banned in most industrialized countries except the United States).
The facility composts waste and educates the community about the links between
local food, nutrition, and health (Harvie, 2008).
The Project received several awards such as Boston Society of Architects,
Healthcare Facilities Design Award 2006, Environmental Excellence 2010
award, among others.

2.3.1 Healtb and community benefits

Materials/IEQ: (Guenther & Vittori, 2007)
Reducing PVC use
TPO (Thermoplastic polyolefin) E star roof
ENERGY STAR qualified roof products reduce the amount of air conditioning
needed in buildings, and can reduce energy bills by up to 50 percent.
Low or no formaldehyde and low or 110 VOC indoor finish materials

2.3.2 Economic benefits

Energy: (Guenther & Vittori, 2007)
High performance glazings
Replaced an aging air handler with a more efficient water-chilled model.
The new unh cost about $57,000, but it is expected to conserve 4.6 million
gallons of water each year. That will translate to $36,000 in annual savings,
helping recoup the initial investment within two years.
Composted more than 286 tons of waste and set a goal to recycle an
additional 40 tons this year, which would save several thousand dollars in
landfill hauling and tipping fees.
Reduced its energy consumption on its main campus by 8% by tackling projects
both large, such as replacing the air handler, and smalI, such as adding insulation
on steam valves and shifting to more efficient lighting.

2.3.3 Environmental benefits

Site/Water: (Guenther & Vittori, 2007)
Storm water management retain age basin & filtration

Waste/Construction practices: (Guenther & Vittori, 2007)

Seeking a high diversion of construction and demolition diversion

Operations: (Guenther & Vittori, 2007)

Compost out & organic food in
444 Farshin Salehi & Sima Vaez Eslami

3 Comparison

Green hospitals are creating sustainability councils or "green teams" that involve
many specialties rather than hiring one sustainability coordinator. The groups
usually meet monthly or quarterly. Conversations range from how to reduce
waste and promote alternative transportation, to how to utilize alternative energy
sources, conserve water, and purchase environmentally friendly products. Such
panels are the prominent parameter which is similar among three cases that
provide an excellent opportunity to take an active role in the greening of their
Making general comparison between above cases, results listed points:
Among these three hospitals, BCFH and Deli made innovative strategies to
get a "sustainable site". BCFH is more sensitive on the aspect of natural
features and also site's facilities and transportation, while DelI considered
economic aspects more.
By various techniques BCFH saved energy 30% above LEED. But in
comparison with on-site natural gas turbine, supplies all electricity, DelI is
more successful in "energy saving"
Among these case studies, BCHI is the only one in which light pollution has
been considered. Outdoor lighting was carefully designed to reduce light
pollution in the night sky.
In order to reduce water usage, Deli Medical Centre, used dual flush toilet
valves and motion sensors. While BCFH considered waterless urinals, and
Fletcher Allen replaced aging air handler with a more efficient water-chilled.
In comparison ofthese three ways, BCFH and Fletcher Allen's methods are
more efficient.
Fletcher Allen created a distinctive hospital by integrating medical,
educational and research spaces. This integration cause operation of the
latest research results into medical performances.
The unique strategy in Fletcher Allen is green nutrition services, by usage of
local farm and green materials for dishes. This consideration bolds Fletcher
Allen healthcare among the others.

4 Conclusion

Despite the challenges, today's health care institutions are tinding new ways to
incorporate green design strategies into new construction to speed healing, not
only of patients, but also of the planet. The first challenge involves finding
meaningful ways to identify appropriate strategies and measure their
More than an optimization of any single component, sustainable design and
construction represents the integration of materials and methods that, together,
create the physical manifestation of a building. The entire life cycle of building
materials and products, as weIl as the building as a whole relative to its physical,
Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 445

environmental and human contexts on the local, regional and global scales, must
be evaluated for environmental and health considerations.
According to case studies investigation, we could conclude that a project
checklist for a sustainable design will include:

4.1 Economic considerations

Labour skills and training

Regional economic benefits
Savings through energy reductions
Life cycle cost planning- capital cost vs. maintenance burden.

4.2 Environmental consideration

Use of and specification of sustainable responsible materials

Energy efficiency in design
Water use management- in construction and design
Carbon reduction- efficiency in plant
Waste management- in reuse and minimizing over-ordering. Recycling
Managing noise, vibration, transport disruption to local environs
A voiding pollution locally during construction- water airbome

4.3 Community consideration

ConsuItation and presentation

Health and safety on and around site
Managing disruption to ongoing hospital facilities
Holistic and best practice design- a healthy environment and faster
Supporting green initiatives goes beyond building design and materials. A
sustainable facility that respects its fulltime and temporary occupants as weil as
the Earth, has the potential tor better staff recruitment and retention, greater
control over the spread of infection, better patient outcomes, and improved
stature within the community. Small successes Iike an energy audit or move to a
greener cleaning protocol may break down obstacles to greater innovations.


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