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WebSphere IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.



Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating

Before using this information, be sure to read the general information under Appendix A, “Notices,” on page 123.

Compilation date: July 26, 2008

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2008. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
How to send your comments . . . . . v Migrating a previously non-root configuration to
root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chapter 1. Migration, coexistence, and Rolling back your environment . . . . . . . . 80
Rolling back a Network Deployment cell . . . 80
interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rolling back a federated node . . . . . . . 83
Overview of migration, coexistence, and Rolling back a standalone application server . . 85
interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Migrating and coexisting . . . . . . . . . . 4
Premigration considerations . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 3. Migrating Web server
API and specification migration . . . . . . . 12 configurations . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Programming model extension migration . . . . 14
Chapter 4. Migrating administrative
Chapter 2. Migrating product scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
configurations . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Migrating administrative scripts from Version 5.1.x 91
Configuration mapping during product- Example: Migrating - Allowing configuration
configuration migration . . . . . . . . . . 18 overwrite when saving a configuration . . . . 92
Using the migration tools to migrate product Example: Migrating - Changing transaction log
configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 directory using scripting . . . . . . . . . 93
Using the Migration wizard to migrate product Example: Migrating - Changing process
configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 definitions using scripting . . . . . . . . 94
Using the utilities disk to migrate product Example: Migrating - Modifying Web container
configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 port numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
clientUpgrade command . . . . . . . . . 42 Migrating administrative scripts from Version 6.x to
convertScriptCompatibility command . . . . . 43 Version 7.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
WASPreUpgrade command . . . . . . . . 47 Updating SSL configurations to Version 7.0
WASPostUpgrade command . . . . . . . . 49 configuration definitions after migration . . . . . 96
Migrating standalone application servers for
distributed operating systems . . . . . . . . 54 Chapter 5. Coexisting . . . . . . . . 99
Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application Coexistence support . . . . . . . . . . . 99
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Setting up Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version
Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application 7.0 coexistence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
server on a remote machine . . . . . . . . 57 Setting up Version 7.0 coexistence . . . . . . 104
Migrating a standalone application server from
an operating system that is no longer supported . 59 Chapter 6. Interoperating . . . . . . 105
Migrating Network Deployment configurations for
distributed operating systems . . . . . . . . 61
Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager 61
Chapter 7. Configuring ports . . . . . 107
Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated Port number settings in WebSphere Application
node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Server versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Migrating a large Network Deployment
configuration with a large number of applications 67 Chapter 8. Troubleshooting migration 113
Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager
on a remote machine . . . . . . . . . . 69 Appendix A. Notices . . . . . . . . 123
Migrating a deployment manager from an
operating system that is no longer supported . . 72 Appendix B. Trademarks and service
Migrating IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby
databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
marks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Migrating from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver 76
Migrating a previously root configuration to
non-root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 iii

iv IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
How to send your comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information.
v To send comments on articles in the WebSphere Application Server information
1. Display the article in your Web browser and scroll to the end of the article.
2. Click on the Feedback link at the bottom of the information center article,
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3. Fill out the e-mail form as instructed, and click Submit feedback .
v To send comments on PDF books or readme files, e-mail your comments to
[email protected] or fax them to 919-254-0206.
Be sure to include the document name and number, the WebSphere Application
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figure number on which you are commenting.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or
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obligation to you.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 v

vi IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 1. Migration, coexistence, and interoperability
The goal of migration is to reconstruct your earlier version of WebSphere®
Application Server in a Version 7.0 environment. Coexistence allows you to create
a mixed-version environment that is not in conflict and allows the nodes of all
versions to start and run at the same time. Coexistence also facilitates rollback and
allows one or the other version to run at one time. Interoperating is exchanging
data between two coexisting product installations or between products on different

Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability

The goal of migration is to reconstruct your earlier version of WebSphere
Application Server in a Version 7.0 environment. Coexistence allows you to create
a mixed-version environment that is not in conflict and allows the nodes of all
versions to start and run at the same time. Coexistence also facilitates rollback and
allows one or the other version to run at one time. Interoperating is exchanging
data between two coexisting product installations or between products on different


WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 can coexist with Version 5.1.x and
Version 6.x. Depending on the previous version of WebSphere Application Server,
port conflicts might exist that must be resolved. Read “Coexistence support” on
page 99 and Chapter 7, “Configuring ports,” on page 107 for more information.

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 migration leverages the existing

configuration and applications and changes them to be compatible with the
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 environment. Existing application
components and configuration settings are applied to the Version 7.0 environment
during the migration process.

If you use an earlier version of WebSphere Application Server, the system

administrator might have fine-tuned various application and server settings for
your environment. It is important to have a strategy for migrating these settings
with maximum efficiency.

You can perform incremental migration of your WebSphere Application Server

Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration by running the migration tools multiple
times, each time specifying a different set of instances or profiles.

Migration involves the following main steps:

1. Test your applications in a non-production WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 environment, and make any changes to the applications that are
necessary to ensure that they run in that environment.
2. Migrate those applications and your configuration to Version 7.0.
You can complete this task by using the migration tools that are included with
the product.

© IBM Corporation 2008 1

Use the migration tools to migrate applications and configuration information to
the new version as described in Chapter 2, “Migrating product configurations,” on
page 17. Read “Using the migration tools to migrate product configurations” on
page 25 for more information.

The Migration wizard provides a graphical user interface to the migration tools.
The Migration wizard can call the migration tools, or you can run them directly.
Read “Using the Migration wizard to migrate product configurations” on page 27
for more information.

Important reference articles for this migration include the following articles:
v Creating profiles using the graphical user interface
v manageprofiles command.
v Migrating servers from multi-broker replication domains to data replication
v Comparison of multi-broker versus data replication domains
v Migrating to Version 3 of the UDDI registry
v Migrating a complete gateway configuration
v Migrating from Version 5.1 embedded messaging
v Managing WebSphere Application Server Version 5 JMS use of WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 messaging resources

If you neither migrate nor coexist with an earlier version of WebSphere Application
Server, you are choosing to ignore the previous installation and you can run only
one version at a time because of conflicting default port assignments. It is possible
for both versions to run at the same time without conflict if you use non-default
ports in one version. To set up coexistence with WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x, ensure that unique ports are selected during profile
creation for the Version 7.0 installation. To set up coexistence with an existing
installation of Version 7.0, select the Install a new copy of the V70 Application
Server product radio button during installation.

You can resolve conflicting port assignments by specifying port assignments for
coexistence during profile creation, by wsadmin scripting, or by using the Servers
> Application Servers > server1 > Ports administrative console page to ensure that
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 can run with an earlier version. Read
the ″Wsadmin tool″ article in the information center for more information on
wsadmin scripting.

Coexistence processing changes the following configuration files:

v virtualhosts.xml
– HTTP transport port
– IBM® HTTP server port
– HTTPS transport port
– HTTP administrative console port
– HTTPS administrative console secure port
v serverindex.xml
– Bootstrap address
– SOAP connector address
– Data Replication Service (DRS) client address

2 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
– Secure Authentication Service (SAS) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ServerAuth
listener address
– Common Secure Interoperability Protocol Version 2 (CSIV2) SSL ServerAuth
listener address
– CSIV2 SSL MutualAuth listener address
– Administrative console port
– HTTP transport port
– Distribution and Consistency Services (DCS) unicast address
– Administrative console secure port
– HTTP transport secure port
– Service Integration Bus (SIB) endpoint address
– SIB endpoint secure address
– SIB MQ endpoint address
– SIB MQ endpoint secure address

Read “Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions” on page

107 for more information.

Consider the following issues in a migration or coexistence scenario:

v Conflicting context roots when attempting to share the same Web server.
Follow the procedure in Chapter 3, “Migrating Web server configurations,” on
page 87 to learn how to configure a Web server for sharing between WebSphere
Application Server versions.
v If your deployment manager is configured to run as non-root, follow the
instructions in “Migrating a previously non-root configuration to root” on page
79 to change the ownership and file permissions of the deployment manager
directories after running the WASPostUpgrade command.
This task must be completed before you start the WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 deployment manager.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.
v If your node agent or application server has been configured to run as non-root,
follow the instructions in “Migrating a previously non-root configuration to
root” on page 79 to change the ownership and file permissions of the node
directories after running the WASPostUpgrade command.
This task must be completed before you start the WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 node agent or application server.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.
v A WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Network Deployment cell can
contain mixed releases of Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x nodes, but there is no
mixed-node management support for Version 6.0.0.x and Version 6.0.1.x.
The Version 7.0 migration tools still migrate these nodes during
deployment-manager migration, but the tools issue a warning message that the
nodes cannot be managed by the Version 7.0 deployment manager. You can then
perform one of the following actions based on your needs.
– Upgrade all Version 6.0.0.x and Version 6.0.1.x nodes to at least Version 6.0.2.
This action allows the nodes to be administered by a Version 7.0 deployment
– Migrate these nodes to Version 7.0.

Chapter 1. Overview 3
Migrating and coexisting
Migrating involves collecting the configuration information from a previous release
of a WebSphere Application Server product and merging it into a configuration for
a new release. Coexisting involves running a new release of a WebSphere
Application Server product on the same machine at the same time as you run an
earlier release.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

The migration tools basically save the existing WebSphere configurations and user
applications in a backup directory and then process the contents of this backup
directory to migrate the configurations and your applications from previous
WebSphere Application Server releases to the latest release.

If you have a previous version of WebSphere Application Server, you must decide
whether to migrate the configuration and applications of the previous version to
the new version.

Migration does not uninstall the previous version.

v For standalone application server migrations and for deployment-manager
migrations in which you do not choose to disable the previous deployment
manager during migration, the earlier release is still functional.
v For federated-node migrations and for deployment-manager migrations in which
you do choose to disable the previous deployment manager during migration,
the earlier release is disabled after migration completes successfully. You can
re-enable the earlier version using the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl script.

If you run an earlier release at the same time as the WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 installation, the two versions are coexisting.

To support coexistence, you must either use the -portBlock and -replacePorts
options when you migrate a profile or you must resolve port conflicts manually so
that the two releases do not attempt to use the same ports. Any ports bound when
the first profile starts will prevent the second profile from starting because the port
is in use. No port changes are required if only one release of the profile is active at
any given time.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, read Chapter 8,

“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

For information on migrating to Version 7.0, read Chapter 2, “Migrating product

configurations,” on page 17. For more information on coexistence among releases,
read “Coexistence support” on page 99.
1. Update product prerequisites and corequisites to supported versions.
Refer to the IBM WebSphere Application Server supported hardware, software,
and APIs site for current requirements.
2. Install the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 product.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.

4 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
3. Migrate your WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
product configuration to Version 7.0.
You have the choice between migrating your configuration automatically using
the migration tools or manually.
v Use the migration tools to automatically migrate your configuration.
Read “Using the migration tools to migrate product configurations” on page
25 for more information.
The following two Network Deployment migration scenarios are possible:
– Automated migration with all-node upgrade
In this scenario, you use the migration tools to migrate the deployment
manager as well as all of its federated nodes.
There are the following advantages and considerations with this approach:
- Advantages
v You copy the old configuration automatically.
This includes all resource definitions, virtual host definitions, security
settings, cluster definitions, and so forth.
v You recreate the same exact Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration
in Version 7.0, including the node definitions, server definitions, and
deployed applications by default.
v You can enable support for script compatibility.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more
- Considerations
v You should have a good idea of how long it will take to migrate the
configuration before you begin.
v You should migrate within a maintenance window.
– Automated migration with mixed-node utilization
This scenario involves the following activities:
- You use the migration tools to migrate the deployment manager only.
- You add Version 7.0 nodes.
- You move your applications to Version 7.0 as they are tested on Version
- You remove a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x cell when it is no longer
There are the following advantages and considerations with this approach:
- Advantages
v You copy the old configuration automatically.
This includes all resource definitions, virtual host definitions, security
settings, cluster definitions, and so forth.
v You recreate the same exact Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration
in Version 7.0, including the node definitions, server definitions, and
deployed applications by default.
v You can have a mixed-node configuration.
v You can enable support for script compatibility.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more
v You can move applications iteratively.
- Considerations

Chapter 1. Overview 5
v You should have a good idea of how long it will take to migrate the
configuration before you begin.
v You should migrate within a maintenance window.
v Manually migrate your configuration.
Migrating your configuration manually involves the following activities:
– You start with a clean slate and build up a new environment for Version 7.
– Ideally, you would use an existing set of administration scripts to set up
the complete Version 7.0 environment.
– You move your applications to Version 7.0 as they are tested on Version 7.
– You remove a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x cell when it is no longer needed.
Consider the following points related to manually migrating your
– Advantages
- You can reuse the scripts for maintenance, replication, and disaster
- You can easily refactor the topology if you desire.
– Considerations
- A complete set of administration scripts is a significant investment.
- You must address script incompatibilities and changes before you
- You cannot have a mixed-node configuration.
4. Migrate Web server plug-ins as described in Chapter 3, “Migrating Web server
configurations,” on page 87.
5. Optional: Set up multiple versions of WebSphere Application Server to coexist.
No runtime conflicts can exist for multiple instances and versions of WebSphere
Application Server if they are going to run at the same time on the same
machine. Potential conflicts can occur with your port assignments. Read “Port
number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions” on page 107 for
more information.
v Set up your system to run Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version 7.0
together as described in “Setting up Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version
7.0 coexistence” on page 101.
v Set up your system to run two concurrent Version 7.0 profiles as described in
“Setting up Version 7.0 coexistence” on page 104.
v Create more than one Version 7.0 profile on the same machine as described
in the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article in the
information center.

Premigration considerations
Before you begin the process of migrating to WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0, there are some considerations of which you need to be aware.
v After you install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0, you might want to
build a complete Network Deployment cell configuration and verify that it
works correctly before you attempt to migrate an existing cell or node.
This process ensures that your system has all of the necessary prerequisites and
supports the new level of WebSphere Application Server.
v Before you perform the migration, evaluate the items deprecated in WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0.

6 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
For more information, read the ″Deprecated and removed features″ article in the
information center.
v High-availability manager (HAM) and core-group functionality are included in
WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 and later.
Read the ″Core group migration considerations″ article in the information center
for core-group configuration and topology considerations that might impact
your migration from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.0.

Note: The migration tools add all servers to the default core group during
migration from Version 5.1.x. In most cases, however, the recommended
number of servers in a core group should not exceed 50. You receive a
warning message when the migration tools add a server that exceeds the
recommended upper limit.
v Before you migrate to Java™ Standard Edition (SE) Development Kit (JDK) 6
from JDK 5 or JDK 1.4 , review your applications for necessary changes based
on the Sun Microsystems Java specification.
Read “API and specification migration” on page 12 for more information.
v When migrating a cell with multiple nodes, the applications must remain at the
lowest JDK level until all nodes are migrated.
v Java Native Interface (JNI) applications that work with WebSphere
Application Server Version 6.0.2 on Solaris x64 must be recompiled in a 64-bit
environment for them to work with WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
This includes all JNI applications that run in a WebSphere Application Server
process—code called from Enterprise JavaBeans™ for example.
On Solaris x64, WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.2 runs as a 32-bit
application even though the underlying operating system supports a 64-bit
environment. This is because the underlying Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is
32-bit. WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 runs as a 64-bit application
because the underlying JVM is 64-bit. JNI applications compiled in a 32-bit
environment for Version 6.0.2 cannot run in the 64-bit environment of Version
v The Web server plug-in configuration file, plugin-cfg.xml, that is generated after
successful migration from Version 5.1.x to Version 7.0 is topology centric—that
is, it includes all the applications within a cell. You cannot manage this cell-wide
plug-in configuration file from the administrative console until you have
manually configured it.
Read Chapter 3, “Migrating Web server configurations,” on page 87 for more
v The migration articles in this information center assume that WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 is being installed in an environment where it
must coexist with prior levels of WebSphere Application Server.
Consider the following items when planning to enable coexistence:
– Update prerequisites to the levels required by WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0.
Prior levels of WebSphere Application Server continue to run at the higher
prerequisite levels.
– Review the ports that have been defined to ensure that the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 installation does not conflict.
Read “Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions” on
page 107 for default port information.
Read Chapter 5, “Coexisting,” on page 99 for more information.

Chapter 1. Overview 7
v Consider the following information if you are planning to have any
mixed-release cells:
– You can upgrade a portion of the nodes in a cell to WebSphere Application
Server Version 7.0 while leaving others at the previous release level. This
means that, for a period of time, you might be administering servers that are
at the previous release level and servers that are running the newer release in
the same cell.
In this mixed-release environment, some restrictions on what you can do with
servers at the previous release level might exist. For details, read the
″Creating application servers″ article in the information center.
– A WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Network Deployment cell can
contain mixed releases of Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x nodes; however, no
mixed-node management support exists for Version 6.0.0.x and Version 6.0.1.x.
The Version 7.0 migration tools still migrate these nodes during
deployment-manager migration; however, these tools issue a warning
message that the nodes cannot be managed by the Version 7.0 deployment
manager. You can then perform one of the following actions.
- Upgrade all Version 6.0.0.x and Version 6.0.1.x nodes to at least Version
6.0.2. This allows them to be administered by a Version 7.0 deployment
- Migrate these nodes to Version 7.0.
v During migration, Version 7.0 cluster information is distributed throughout the
cell. Version 6.0.x nodes that are not at Version or later fail to read this
information and the cluster function might fail. Therefore, upgrade all Version
6.0.x nodes that will be contained in or interoperating with a Version 7.0 cell to
Version or later before migrating your deployment managers to Version
v WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 migration converts HTTP transports
to channel-framework Web container transport chains.
For more information on WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 transport
support, read the following articles in the information center:
– Configuring transport chains
– HTTP transport channel settings
– Transport chains
v The default profile location was changed in WebSphere Application Server
Version 6.0.x. The previous file path app_server_root/profiles/<profile>/<node>/
installedApps/<ear>/<war> was changed to app_server_root/profiles/<profile>.
To avoid configuration errors, use servlet APIs to control the file location instead
of using the default location.
v The following restrictions apply to a deployment manager migration:
– The Version 7.0 cell name must match the cell name in the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration.
If you create a profile with a new cell name, the migration will fail.
– Either one or the other of the following options must be true:
- The Version 7.0 deployment manager node name must be the same as the
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager node name.
- The Version 7.0 deployment manager node name must be different from
every node name in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration.
Otherwise, the migration fails with the following message:

8 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
MIGR0488E: The deployment manager node name in the new configuration
({0}) cannot be the same as a nodeagent node in the old configuration.
v When migrating a federated node, the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
cell name and node name must match their respective Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x names.
v If you create a profile that does not meet the migration requirements such as
naming requirements, you can remove the previous profile and create a new one
rather than uninstalling and reinstalling the WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 product.
v If you migrate a node to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 and then
discover that you need to revert back to Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x, read
“Rolling back your environment” on page 80.
v If you have a Web services gateway running on a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x application server that is part of a Network
Deployment cell and you want to migrate the cell from a Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x to a Version 7.0 deployment manager, you must first preserve the
gateway configuration as described in the ″Coexisting with previous gateway
versions″ article in the information center.
v If you have a Web services gateway running on a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x application server that is part of a Network
Deployment cell and you want to migrate the cell from a Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x to a Version 7.0 deployment manager, you must first preserve the
gateway configuration as described in the information center.
v The migration tools create a migration backup directory containing a backup
copy of the configuration from the previous version. The following guidelines
might help you to determine the amount of file-system space that this directory
might require:
– If you are migrating from Version 5.1.x, the space available for this directory
must be at least the size of the configuration directory and applications from
the previous version plus the size of the configuration directory and
applications for any WebSphere Application Server instances (wsinstances)
that you have defined.
– If you are migrating from Version 6.x, the space available for this directory
must be at least the size of the configuration directory and applications from
the previous profile.
v If you use the migration tools to create more than one Version 7.0 target profile
on the same host or installation instance and you use the default port settings,
there is a chance that the target profiles will share the same ports for some of
the new Version 7.0 port definitions. This will cause startup problems if both of
the migrated profiles are used.
If you are migrating two or more profiles that reside on the same host or
installation instance, perform the following actions for each additional target
1. Before using the migration tools, use the Profile Management tool or
manageprofiles command to create the target profile and make sure that you
select unique ports rather than using the default ports.
2. When you use the migration tools, select the target profile rather than letting
the tools create it.
v The amount of storage that your system requires during migration to Version 7.0
depends on your environment as well as on the migration tool that you are
– WASPreUpgrade storage requirements

Chapter 1. Overview 9
- Location: Backup directory specified as a parameter of the WASPreUpgrade
- Amount: For an estimate of your storage requirements when using this
command, add the following amounts.
v Size of the following items for all of the profiles in your previous
– profile_root/installableApps directory
– profile_root/installedApps directory
– profile_root/config directory
– profile_root/properties directory
– Shared libraries referenced in the libraries.xml configuration files
– Resource adapter archive (RAR) files referenced in the resources.xml
configuration files
v If trace is enabled, which is the default, up to 200 MB (depending on the
size and complexity of your configuration)
For more information about this command, read “WASPreUpgrade
command” on page 47.
– WASPostUpgrade storage requirements
- For an estimate of your storage requirements when using this command,
add the following amounts.
v Location: New configuration relative to the new profile_root directory
Size of the following items for the previous profile that you are
– profile_root/installableApps directory
– profile_root/installedApps directory
– profile_root/config directory
– profile_root/properties directory
– Shared libraries referenced in the libraries.xml configuration files
– RAR files referenced in the resources.xml configuration files
v Location: Backup directory specified as a parameter of the
WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade commands
If trace is enabled, which is the default, up to 1 GB (depending on the
size and complexity of your configuration)
For more information about this command, read “WASPostUpgrade
command” on page 49.
v If you use isolated data repositories—specifically, nonshared data repositories
such as transaction logs for SIB and IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby
databases—and you migrate from a previous release, your existing databases
and transaction logs are saved when the WASPreUpgrade tool is run. Any
database changes that you make after the WASPreUpgrade tool is run will not
be reflected in the migrated environment.
– If you have mission-critical information that is stored in these local data
repositories, you should safely shut down all servers that interact with those
repositories before attempting migration. Those servers should remain offline
until the migration has been successfully completed or rolled back.
– If you make multiple attempts at migration, either because of unexpected
rollback or to apply fixes, rerun the WASPreUpgrade tool so that any changes
to your isolated data repositories are reflected in the migrated environment.

10 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
After the migration is complete or you have rolled back to the previous version,
you can restart the servers that interact with these isolated data repositories.
v If you try to run the WASPreUpgrade command to migrate from
Version 6.1 with the node and application server that own the SIB file store still
running, you might get an error similar to the following:
C:\was70A\bin>WASPreUpgrade c:\bkupWAS6.1.0.17June30B C:\was61B
MIGR0385I: Starting to save profile AppSrv01.
MIGR0215W: The migration function cannot copy the file and open the destination file
MIGR0272E: The migration function cannot complete the command.

If you then shut down the application server and node, the WASPreUpgrade
command completes.
v Before you migrate an Apache Derby database, ensure that any application
servers hosting applications that are using the Apache Derby database are
closed. Otherwise, the Apache Derby migration fails.
v You should be aware of the following rules related to migrating security
– If you migrate a deployment manager that has a security domain with a
cell-level scope, the migration tools take the following actions:
- Migration creates a domain in the new configuration called
PassThroughToGlobalSecurity if it does not already exist.
- Migration adds a cluster mapping to the new configuration for all clusters
that existed in the old configuration.
v Clusters that only existed in the Version 7.0 deployment-manager
configuration before migration do not have their mappings to
PassThroughToGlobalSecurity changed.
– If mappings for the Version 7.0 clusters exist before migration, they
still exist after migration.
– If no mappings for the Version 7.0 clusters exist before migration, they
still do not exist after migration.
v If a cluster exists in both the previous configuration and the Version 7.0
configuration before migration, the cluster in the new configuration is
added to the PassThroughToGlobalSecurity domain and behaves like the
cluster in the previous release.
- Migration adds a bus mapping for any busses that exist in a migrated
Version 6.1.x configuration.
Bus mappings are updated following the same rules as those for cluster
mapping that are described above.
- Administrative servers (deployment manager) are not added to the
PassThroughToGlobalSecurity domain.
– If you migrate a federated node that has a security domain with a cell-level
scope, the migration tools take the following actions:
- Migration creates a domain in the new configuration called
PassThroughToGlobalSecurity if it does not already exist.
- Migration adds a server-level mapping to the PassThroughToGlobalSecurity
domain for all non-clustered servers in the old node’s configuration.
v Servers on the node that is being migrated that are part of a cluster do
not receive entries in the PassThroughToGlobalSecurity domain because
this was addressed through a cluster mapping during
deployment-manager migration.
If you have removed that mapping, migration maintains that behavior.

Chapter 1. Overview 11
v Administrative servers (node agents) are not added to the
PassThroughToGlobalSecurity domain.
Read the ″Security domains in a mixed-version environment″ section of the
″Multiple security domains″ article in the information center.
v After you use the migration tools to migrate to WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0, you might need to perform some actions that are not done
automatically by the migration tools.
– Examine any Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) security settings
that you might have used in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x, and verify that Version 7.0 security is set appropriately.
Read the ″Lightweight Third Party Authentication″ article in the information
center for more information.
– Check the WASPostUpgrade.log file in the logs directory for details about any
JavaServer Pages (JSP) objects that the migration tools did not migrate.
If Version 7.0 does not support a level for which JSP objects are configured,
the migration tools recognize the objects in the output and log them.
– Review your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings to verify that you are using
a heap size of at least 50 for improved startup performance.
Read the ″Java virtual machine settings″ article in the information center for
more information.
If you have used a smaller heap size before, you can use the default heap size
of 50.
– Verify the results of the automatic Apache Derby database migration, and
manually migrate any Apache Derby databases that are not automatically
migrated by the tools.
Read “Migrating IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby databases” on page 74 for
more information.
– WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 does not include the WebSphere
Connect JDBC driver for SQL Server. The
WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion tool is provided to convert data
sources from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver to the DataDirect Connect
JDBC driver or the Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver.
Read “Migrating from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver” on page 76 for
more information.

API and specification migration

Migrating application programming interfaces (APIs) and specifications involves
moving to the current Java component level as well as to other technologies that
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 supports. If your existing applications
currently support different specification levels than are supported by this version
of the product, it is likely that you must update at least some aspects of the
applications to comply with the new specifications.

In many cases, IBM provides additional features and customization options that
extend the specification level even further. If your existing applications use IBM
extensions from earlier product versions, it might be necessary for you to perform
mandatory or optional migration to use the same kinds of extensions in Version

Notes on the use of Java SE Development Kit 6:

12 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
v WebSphere Application Server
began supporting Java SE
Development Kit (JDK) 6 in
Version 7.0.
Read JSR 270: Java SE 6
Release Contents and Java SE
6 for more information about
JDK 6.
v In general, existing Version
5.1.x and 6.x application
binaries that were developed
using JDK 1.4 and 5 are
highly compatible and
typically do not require
modifications to run.
However, recompilation of the
JDK 1.4 or 5 applications at
the JDK 6 level might
necessitate modifications of
the source code to conform to
incompatible changes that are
present in JDK 6. As part of
your migration planning, you
should review the JDK
compatibility restrictions that
are documented by Sun
Microsystems at Java SE 6
Release Notes®: Compatibility.
v A mixed cell containing
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
and Version 7.0 nodes requires
that all application binaries
deployed on Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x remain at the
lowest JDK level associated
with the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x nodes. Although
you can successfully migrate
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
applications to Version 7.0,
this is only meant to be a
temporary state as you
transition to Version 7.0. After
you begin migration to
Version 7.0, plan to complete
the migration of the entire
cell, update your tooling to
Version 7.0, and update your
applications to conform to
JDK 6 requirements. Complete
this action before any further
application changes. After you
have completely migrated
your cell to Version 7.0,
upgrade your application

Chapter 1. Overview 13
binaries to the JDK 6 level the
next time that you make
application modifications that
require recompiling. This
action might require source
code changes to your
application to conform to the
JDK 6 API changes as
documented by Sun
v The Java Virtual Machine
Debug Interface (JVMDI) and
the Java Virtual Machine
Profiler Interface (JVMPI)
were deprecated in JDK 5 and
removed in JDK 6.
Read Java SE 6 Release
Deprecated API for more

Read the ″Specifications and API documentation″ article in the information center
for a summary of the specifications and API documentation supported in current
and prior product releases.

For more information on the items deprecated in WebSphere Application Server

Version 7.0, read the ″Deprecated and removed features″ article in the information

Programming model extension migration

This product edition contains several programming model extensions (PMEs) that
previously were available only by obtaining a different product edition.

This article describes the movement of a subset of PMEs to WebSphere Application

Server Version 7.0 from the following products:
v WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation Version 5.1.x
v WebSphere Process Server for Multiplatforms Version 6

Overview of PME migration

The migration of PME services to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 is

handled on an individual basis. For PME services that are not supported in
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0, all configuration information is
removed. For PME services that are supported in WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0, the configuration from the previous release environment overwrites the
values in the new release.

Validating PMEs

As part of application installation, both during migration and outside of migration,

applications are validated to ensure that they only use resources for services that
are supported by WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0. Any application that
uses a resource for a service that is not supported by WebSphere Application
Server Version 7.0 will not work correctly, and an error will be issued indicating
that the application cannot be installed.

14 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Running a mixed-node environment

When running in a mixed-node environment such as a WebSphere Application

Server Version 7.0 deployment manager managing WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation Version 5.1.x nodes, the first syncNode performed by the
system downloads a configuration from the WebSphere Application Server Version
7.0 deployment manager to the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation
Version 5.1.x nodes. Therefore, any PME service that is not supported by
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 will be rendered inoperable on the
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation Version 5.1.x node.

Chapter 1. Overview 15
16 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations
Use the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 migration tools to migrate your
product configurations. These migration tools support migration from Version 5.1.x
and Version 6.x.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

The following configuration upgrades of WebSphere Application Server versions

and offerings are directly supported.
Table 1. Directly Supported Configuration Upgrades
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Target

Migration Source Network Deployment

Network Deployment Standalone
Deployment-Manager Management
and Custom Profiles
WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x base Supported Not supported
standalone application server
WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Network
Supported Not supported
Deployment standalone application
WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Network
Supported Not supported
Deployment federated application
WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Network Not supported Supported
Deployment deployment manager
WebSphere Application Server
Not supported Not supported
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Client
WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Express Supported Not supported
standalone application server
WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation Version 5.1.x base Supported * Not supported
standalone application server
WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation Version 5.1.x
Supported * Not supported
Network Deployment standalone
application server
WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation Version 5.1.x
Supported * Not supported
Network Deployment federated
application server

© IBM Corporation 2002, 2008 17

Table 1. Directly Supported Configuration Upgrades (continued)
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Target

Migration Source Network Deployment

Network Deployment Standalone
Deployment-Manager Management
and Custom Profiles
WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation Version 5.1.x
Not supported Supported *
Network Deployment deployment
* WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 supports the migration of a subset of programming model extensions
(PMEs) from WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation. Read “Programming model extension migration”
on page 14 for more information on this support.

You can migrate your product configurations using the WebSphere Application
Server Version 7.0 Migration wizard or the command-line migration tools.

Before using the migration tools, consult the IBM WebSphere Application Server
supported hardware, software, and APIs Web site to understand what fixes you
must apply to earlier versions. Applying fixes to an earlier version might also
apply fixes to files that have a role in the migration. Apply any fixes to ensure the
most effective migration of configurations and applications.

Configuration mapping during product-configuration migration

Various configurations are mapped during product-configuration migration.

Migration always involves migrating a single profile to another single profile on

the same machine or a separate machine. Examples include a WebSphere
Application Server Version 6.x deployment manager migrating to a Version 7.0
deployment manager and a Version 6.x application server migrating to a Version
7.0 standalone application server.

Many migration scenarios are possible. The migration tools map objects and
attributes existing in the version from which you are migrating to the
corresponding objects and attributes in the Version 7.0 environment.
Bootstrap port
The migration tools carry the old release value into the Version 7.0
If a value for the -portBlock parameter is specified during the call to
WASPostUpgrade, however, a new port value is given to each application
server that is migrated to Version 7.0.
Command-line parameters
The migration tools convert appropriate command-line parameters to Java
Virtual Machine (JVM) settings in the server process definition. Most
settings are mapped directly. Some settings are not migrated because their
roles in the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 configuration do not
exist, have different meanings, or have different scopes.
For information on how to change the process-definition settings, read the
″Process definition settings″ article in the information center. For
information on how to change the JVM settings, read the ″Java virtual
machine settings″ article in the information center.

18 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Generic server
In WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, a generic server was an
APPLICATION_SERVER fitted to manage external resources. In Version 6.x
and later, it has its own type called GENERIC_SERVER. Migration will
perform this conversion, but migration cannot accurately migrate the
external resources that the generic server references. After migration has
completed migrating the generic server settings, you might need to
perform additional tasks. If the old resource that the generic server was
managing is located under the old WebSphere Application Server
installation, perform the following tasks:
1. Copy any related files to the new installation.
2. Run any setup required to put the external application back into a valid
and working state.
It is best that you reinstall the resource into the new WebSphere
Application Server directory. Whatever you choose to do, the final step
is to reset the reference to the new location of the application.
If the old resource that the generic server was managing is not installed
under the old WebSphere Application Server installation, nothing further is
Java heap size for migrating EAR files
When migrating all WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x EAR files to Version 7.0 using the wsadmin tool, the WASPostUpgrade
tool uses the default maximum Java heap size value of 64 MB to install the
EAR files.
If a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x EAR file fails to install during migration
because the Java heap size is not large enough, you see a message similar
to the following message:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError JVMXE006:OutOfMemoryError
Increase the maximum Java heap size and follow the example below to
install the application.
Example of installing the application on WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0
Assume that:
Installation root
Number signs (###)
Maximum heap size value
Name of the EAR file
Name of the application
Name of the server on which the EAR file installs
Name of the node on which the server is configured

The command is displayed on more than one line for clarity.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 19

wsadmin -conntype NONE
-c "$AdminApp install
-appname app_name
-server server_name
-node node_name}"
Example of installing the application on WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment Version 7.0
Assume that:
Installation root
Number signs (###)
Maximum heap size value
Name of the EAR file
Name of the application
Name of the cluster on which the EAR file should be installed

The command is displayed on more than one line for clarity.

wsadmin -conntype NONE
-c "$AdminApp install
-appname app_name
-cluster cluster_name}"
JMS server
The JMS server was changed in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x
queues or topics that it owned have been migrated into the default
messaging provider, which is based on service integration technologies. In
Version 5.1.x and earlier, jmsserver was its own MESSAGE_BROKER server
in a Network Deployment environment; in the base environment, it was
contained within APPLICATION_SERVER types.
All JMS resources were left untouched and should work without
modification. Further migration of these resources can be performed by
running scripts or bats provided by the Version 7.0 default messaging
Migration of a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x node to a Version 7.0 node
You can migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x node that belongs to a cell without removing the node from the cell.
Migrate the deployment manager first, before migrating any base nodes in
the cell.

20 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Important: Use the same cell name when migrating Network Deployment
from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.0. If you use a
different cell name, federated nodes cannot successfully
migrate to the Network Deployment Version 7.0 cell.
Migrating a base WebSphere Application Server node that is within a cell
to Version 7.0 also migrates the node agent to Version 7.0. A cell can have
some Version 7.0 nodes and other nodes that are at Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x levels. Read “Coexistence support” on page 99 for information on
restrictions on using mixed-release cells.
Policy files
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 migrates all the policy files that
are installed with Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x by merging settings into the
Version 7.0 policy files with the following characteristics:
v Any comments located in the Version 7.0 policy files will be preserved.
Any comments contained in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x policy files
will not be included in the Version 7.0 file.
v Migration will not attempt to merge permissions or grants; it is strictly
an add-type migration. If the permission or grant is not located in the
Version 7.0 file, the migration will bring it over.
v Security is a critical component; thus, the migration makes any additions
at the end of the original .policy files right after the comment MIGR0372I:
Migrated grant permissions follow. This is done to help administrators
verify any policy-file changes that the migration has made.
Properties directories
Migration copies files from prior version directories into the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 configuration.
Property files
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 migrates all the property files
that are installed with Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x by merging settings into
the Version 7.0 property files with these exceptions for Version 5.1.x files:
v j2c.properties (migrated into resources.xml files)
v samples.properties
Resource adapter archives (RARs) referenced by J2C resources
RARs that are referenced by J2C resources are migrated if those RARs are
in the old WebSphere Application Server installation. In this case, the RARs
are copied over to the corresponding location in the new WebSphere
Application Server installation. Relational Resource Adapter RARs will not
be migrated.

Migrating cluster-level resources:

WebSphere Application Server Version

6.0 introduced the concept of
cluster-level resources. These are
configured in resourcexxx.xml files
under the cluster directories. For
<resources.j2c:J2CResourceAdapter xmi:id="J2CResourceAdapter_1112808424172"
name="ims" archivePath="${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}\installedConnectors\x2.rar">

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 21

If you have a cluster-level resource, this
resource must be in the same location
on each cluster member (node). Using
the above example, therefore, each
cluster member must have the RAR file
installed at location
${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT} is resolved on
each cluster member to get the exact

In the migration of a deployment

manager, the tools migrate the cluster
files on the deployment manager,
including the resourcexxx.xml files.

In the migration of a federated node,

the tools process each J2C adapter. Files
such as RAR files are migrated
differently depending on whether you
are migrating from Version 5.1.x to
Version 7.0 or from Version 6.x to
Version 7.0.
v Version 5.1.x to Version 7.0 migration
Because the profile structure changed
in Version 6.0, migration from Version
5.1.x to Version 7.0 copies files such
as RAR files from the location set for
the WAS_INSTALL_ROOT variable to
the location set for the
USER_INSTALL_ROOT variable and
modifies any paths to reflect these
v Version 6.x to Version 7.0 migration
Migration from Version 6.x to Version
7.0 copies files such as RAR files
If you have a RAR file in the
6.x, for example, the migration tools
do not automatically copy the file
would do in a Version 5.1.x to 7.0
migration. This maintains the
integrity of the cluster-level J2C

Limitation: If you hardcoded a path

to a RAR file

22 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
x2.rar″ for example) in
Version 6.x, however, the
Version 7.0 migration
tools cannot change the
archivePath attribute to
reflect this because that
would break all of the
other cluster members
that have not been
During the migration of the deployment manager, only WebSphere
Application Server Version 5.1.x samples for federated nodes are migrated.
Equivalent Version 7.0 samples are available for all other Version 5.1.x
samples and all Version 6.x samples.
Java 2 security is enabled by default when you enable security in
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0. Java 2 security requires you to
grant security permissions explicitly.
There are several techniques that you can use to define different levels of
Java 2 security in Version 7.0. One is to create a was.policy file as part of
the application to enable all security permissions. The migration tools call
the wsadmin command to add an existing was.policy file in the Version 7.0
properties directory to enterprise applications as they are being migrated.
When migrating to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0, your choice
of whether or not to migrate to support script compatibility results in one
of two different outcomes.
v If you choose to migrate to support script compatibility, your security
configuration is brought over to Version 7.0 without any changes.
This is the default.
v If you choose not to migrate to support script compatibility, the security
configuration is converted to the default configuration for WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0. The default security configuration for
Version 6.1 and later acts almost the same as in the previous versions,
but there are some changes.
For example, existing keyfiles and trustfiles are moved out of the
SSLConfig repertoire and new keystore and truststore objects are created.
For more information on migrating your security configurations to Version
7.0, read the ″Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating – Security
considerations″ article in the information center.
Stdin, stdout, stderr, passivation, and working directories
The location for these directories is typically within the installation
directory of a previous version. The default location for stdin, stdout, and
stderr is the logs directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
installation root.
The migration tools attempt to migrate existing passivation and working
directories. Otherwise, appropriate Version 7.0 defaults are used.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 23

In a coexistence scenario, using common directories between versions can
create problems.
Transport ports
The migration tools migrate all ports. You must resolve any port conflicts
before you can run servers at the same time.

Note: If ports are already defined in a configuration being migrated, the

migration tools fix the port conflicts in the Version 7.0 configuration
and log the changes for your verification.
If you specify the -portBlock parameter in the WASPostUpgrade command,
a new value is assigned to each transport that is migrated.
If you specify true for the -replacePorts parameter in the WASPostUpgrade
command, all port values from the old configuration are used in the new
configuration. If you specify false for the -replacePorts parameter, the
default port definitions in the new profile are not replaced with the values
from the old configuration during migration. .
Choosing -scriptCompatibility=″true″ or -scriptCompatibility=″false″ results
in two different outcomes for transport ports if you are migrating from
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x:
v -scriptCompatibility=″true″
This results in your transport ports being brought over as they are. This
is the default.
v -scriptCompatibility=″false″
This results in the transport ports being converted to the implementation
of channels and chains. From an external application usage standpoint,
they will still act the same; but they have been moved to the
For more information on the WASPostUpgrade command, read
“WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49.
For further information on transport chains and channels, read the
’Transport chains’ article in the information center.
You must manually add virtual host alias entries for each port. For more
information, read the ″Configuring virtual hosts″ article in the information
Web modules
The specification level of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
implemented in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.x required
behavior changes in the Web container for setting the content type. If a
default servlet writer does not set the content type, not only does the Web
container no longer default to it but the Web container returns the call as
″null.″ This situation might cause some browsers to display resulting Web
container tags incorrectly. To prevent this problem from occurring,
migration sets the autoResponseEncoding IBM extension to ″true″ for Web
modules as it migrates enterprise applications.
JVM system properties
If you migrate a Version 6.1 configuration that has feature packs installed,
the migration tools might add one or two JVM system properties for each
Java server in your configuration, including your administrative servers.

24 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Web servers are not affected. The properties are set to indicate to the JVM
that the configuration should use a Java annotation scan policy other than
the Version 7.0 default scan policy.
v If you migrate a Version 6.1 profile that has the Feature Pack for EJB 3.0
installed, the migration tools add the following system property to the
JVM definitions for all Java servers defined on that node:
com.ibm.websphere.ejb.UseEJB61FEPScanPolicy = true
v If you migrate a Version 6.1 profile that has the Feature Pack for Web
Services installed, the migration tools add the following system property
to the JVM definitions for all Java servers defined on that node:
com.ibm.websphere.webservices.UseWSFEP61ScanPolicy = true
v If you migrate a Version 6.1 profile that has both the Feature Pack for
EJB 3.0 and the Feature Pack for Web Services installed, the migration
tools add both of the system properties to the JVM definitions for all
Java servers defined on that node:
com.ibm.websphere.ejb.UseEJB61FEPScanPolicy = true
com.ibm.websphere.webservices.UseWSFEP61ScanPolicy = true
A Network Deployment configuration requires that the deployment
manager profile be augmented with all of the feature packs used in the
cell. This means that the deployment-manager profile can potentially
have both feature packs installed even if none of its federated nodes
have both installed.
If these properties are set, the following two changes take place in the
default Version 7.0 behavior:
v Application installation generates classes based on the annotation scan
policy associated with the settings for those two properties.
This means that you can potentially use the following four annotation
scan policies:
– Version 7 default behavior
– Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 behavior
– Feature Pack for Web Services behavior
– Net behavior from having both the Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 and the
Feature Pack for Web Services installed
v The servers use the generated annotation classes based on the properties
set, resulting in four potential behaviors.
You can change the scan policy behavior by adding or removing the
custom JVM system properties from your server.xml files.

Important: To evoke the correct installApp behavior, the server.xml file for
the deployment manager must retain any property specified for
any node in the cell.
After changing the properties, you must reinstall or update your
applications and then resynchronize the cell to implement the change.

Using the migration tools to migrate product configurations

Migration support consists of tools that included with WebSphere Application
Server Version 7.0. These tools primarily provide support for saving the
configuration and applications from a previous version of the product into a
migration-specific backup directory and then importing that configuration into
Version 7.0.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 25

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and
“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Important: Use the migration tools for the version of WebSphere Application
Server that you are installing. The tools change over time. If you use
migration tools from an earlier release of WebSphere Application
Server, you are likely to encounter a problem with the migration.

The migration scripts are located in the app_server_root/bin directory after


The WASPreUpgrade tool is also on the utilities disk so that you can store the
configuration of an existing release before installing the Version 7.0 product. The
tools on the product disk provide the necessary function for migrating from a
previous release of WebSphere Application Server to the one on the product disk.

Select the appropriate migration tools to migrate your product configurations.

Migration wizard
You use the Migration wizard to migrate an earlier supported version of
WebSphere Application Server to Version 7.0.
The wizard is the graphical interface to the primary Version 7.0 migration
tools, the WASPreUpgrade and the WASPostUpgrade commands.
The Migration wizard cannot run in a non-graphical environment.
Examples of non-graphical environments include telnet sessions. If you
want to run migration in a non-graphical environment, use the
WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade commands.
Read “Using the Migration wizard to migrate product configurations” on
page 27 for more information.
WASPreUpgrade tool
You use the WASPostUpgrade tool to save the applications and
configuration data from a previous installation of WebSphere Application
Server to a backup directory.
The WASPostUpgrade tool restores the configuration data from the
directory to the new installation.
The Migration wizard calls the WASPreUpgrade command during
migration. You can also use the command to perform a manual migration
after installing the new version.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
WASPostUpgrade tool
You use the WASPostUpgrade tool to restore the configuration data from a
previous release.
The WASPostUpgrade tool reads the data from the backup directory where
the WASPreUpgrade tool stored the data.
The Migration wizard calls the WASPostUpgrade command during
migration. You can also use the command to perform a manual migration
after installing the new version.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.

26 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
clientUpgrade tool
You can use the clientUpgrade tool to upgrade the client application to a
new release level.
Read “clientUpgrade command” on page 42 for more information.
convertScriptCompatibility tool
Administrators use the convertScriptCompatibility tool to convert their
configuration from a mode that supports backward compatibility of
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x administration scripts to a mode that is fully
Version 7.0.
Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43 for more
convertSelfSignedCertificatesToChained task
Chained certificates are the default certificate type in Websphere
Application Server Version 7.0. Administrators can use the
convertSelfSignedCertificatesToChained task with the wsadmin tool to
convert self-signed certificates to chained certificates.
Read the ″SSLMigrationCommands command group for the AdminTask
object″ article for more information.

Tip: For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

Use the selected tools to migrate your product configuration.

Using the Migration wizard to migrate product configurations

Use the Migration wizard to migrate an earlier supported version of WebSphere
Application Server to Version 7.0.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Before using the Migration wizard, you must have access to the existing, previous
version of WebSphere Application Server.

Migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment

manager to a Version 7.0 deployment manager moves all of the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x federated nodes to become Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated nodes
in the Version 7.0 cell. If you are migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated
node that is part of a Version 7.0 cell to Version 7.0, do not federate the node when
you create it with the Profile Management tool but do be sure that the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version 7.0 node names match. Migrating the Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x federated node to Version 7.0 also federates the node.

The Migration wizard was introduced in WebSphere Application Server Version

6.0. The wizard is the graphical interface to the primary Version 7.0 migration
tools, the “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and the “WASPostUpgrade
command” on page 49, which are command-line tools.

Select the appropriate option to obtain instructions on how to migrate from your
old version of WebSphere Application Server using the Migration wizard.
v “Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server using the Migration
wizard” on page 28

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 27

This article contains instructions for migrating a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile to a Version 7.0 standalone application server
using the Migration wizard.
v “Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node using the Migration
wizard” on page 32
This article contains instructions for migrating a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile to Version 7.0 using the Migration wizard.
v “Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager using the Migration wizard”
on page 37
This article contains instructions for migrating a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to a Version 7.0 deployment manager using the
Migration wizard.

Tip: For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server using

the Migration wizard
Use the Migration wizard to migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application server to a Version 7.0 standalone
application server.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and “WASPostUpgrade command”

on page 49 for descriptions of the parameters related to the information that you
need to collect before you begin this procedure. (The Migration wizard prompts
you for the information during the migration.)

Before using the Migration wizard, you should have installed Version 7.0 already.

You can first use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command to
create a valid new target Version 7.0 application server profile if one does not
already exist, or you can create a target profile later using the Migration wizard.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles on the
following platforms:
v 64-bit platforms
v Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit

The WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment product does not create a
profile during installation because there are four profile types. The Installation
wizard prompts you to create a profile, but that action is optional during

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
application server, use the backupConfig command or your own preferred
backup utility to back up your existing configuration if you want to be able to
restore it to its previous state after migration. Read the ″backupConfig
command″ article in the information center for more information. Make sure
that you note the exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.

28 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
The Migration wizard was introduced in WebSphere Application Server Version
6.0. The wizard is the graphical interface to the primary Version 7.0 command-line
migration tools, which are the “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and the
“WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49.

After gathering all of the information that is required during the migration, use the
wizard to migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
application server to a Version 7.0 standalone application server.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, see Chapter 8,

“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.
1. When migrating a standalone application server from WebSphere Application
Server Version 5.1.0.x, look for the app_server_root/properties/version/
ND.product file and delete it if it exists.
The file is created if the standalone application server was ever federated into
a deployment manager cell. Version 5.1.1 deletes the file when a node is
unfederated; earlier versions do not. The Migration wizard reacts to the
presence of the file by identifying the standalone node as a federated node. If
the node names do not match, a failure occurs.
2. Start the Migration wizard.
Perform one of the following actions to access the Migration wizard:
v Go to Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server V7.0
Network Deployment, and click Migration wizard.
v Run the following command:
– app_server_root/bin/
– app_server_root\bin\migration.bat
3. Read the Welcome panel to learn about the migration process, and then click
4. Select or specify a previous version of WebSphere Application Server from
which to migrate, and then click Next.
Select the check box and enter the location of the previous installation if it
does not display in the selection list.
5. Select the source profile or instance that you want to migrate, and then click
6. Select the target profile to which you want to migrate from the list of valid
profiles for the installation or select Create new profile, and then click Next.
Select the check box to create a backup copy of the target profile’s
configuration before migrating the source profile. If you select the check box,
the backup copy of the target profile will be written to profile_root/temp/
MigrationBackup.time_stamp.zip. You can use the restoreConfig command to
restore the configuration after migration if necessary.

Note: When migrating a standalone application server from Version 6.x to

Version 7.0, you can choose a standalone application server node that
has already been registered with an administrative agent as the target
of the migration.
7. If you selected Create new profile on the last panel, enter the parameters for
creating the new profile and then click Next.
8. Specify a migration backup directory in which to place a backup copy of the
configuration from the previous version, and then click Next.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 29

The directory is created if it does not already exist. If the directory exists, it
should be empty because the backup operation might overwrite existing
backup files.
9. Select one of the options for migrating the applications installed on the source
profile, and then click Next.
You can choose to do any one of the following with the applications:
v Include your enterprise applications as part of the migration.
v Prepare your enterprise applications for installation in the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 installableApps directory without actually
installing them during migration processing.
Scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and
saved in the migration backup directory. You can then run these files at any
point and in any combination after the migration. You can also reorganize
and combine these files for better applications installation efficiency if you
v Do nothing with your enterprise applications during migration processing.
10. If you selected the option to install your applications, specify where the
migrated applications should be located and then click Next.
You can choose any one of the following options:
v Keep the applications in the same directories in which they are currently

Restrictions: If you choose this option, the location is shared by the existing
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
installation and the Version 7.0 installation. If you keep the
migrated applications in the same locations as those of the
previous version, the following restrictions apply:
– The WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 mixed-node
support limitations must be followed. This means that the
following support cannot be used when evoking the
wsadmin command:
- Precompile JSP
- Use Binary Configuration
- Deploy EJB
– You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if
you later delete applications from these locations when
administering (uninstalling for example) your Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x installation.
v Choose to install the applications in the default directory of the target
v Specify the directory in which to install the migrated applications.
11. Select one of the options for setting port values, optionally specify a starting
port value for resolving port conflicts, and then click Next.
You can choose to do ether one of the following with the port values:
v Use the port values assigned to the previous (source) installation.
v Use the port values assigned to the target profile.
By default, a port conflict is resolved by incrementing the port number by one
until an unused port number is found. Instead, you can specify a starting port
number to be used when a conflict is detected. If the starting port number is
in use, it will be incremented by one until an unused port number is found.

30 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
12. Select the check box if you want to migrate to support script compatibility,
and then click Next.
If you select this option, migration creates the following Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration definitions:
v Transports
v ProcessDef
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x SSL
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x ORB service threadpool
instead of the following Version 7.0 configuration definitions:
v Channels
v ProcessDefs
v Version 7.0 SSL
v Version 7.0 ORB service threadpool
Select this option in order to minimize impacts to existing administration
scripts. If you have existing wsadmin scripts or programs that use third-party
configuration APIs to create or modify the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration definitions, for example, you might want to select this option
during migration.

Note: This is meant to provide a temporary transition until all of the nodes in
the environment are at the Version 7.0 level. When they are all at the
Version 7.0 level, you should perform the following actions:
a. Modify your administration scripts to use all of the Version 7.0
b. Use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert your
configurations to match all of the Version 7.0 settings.
Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43 for more
13. Specify the administrative console workspace user root directory where the
″My Tasks″ user information is stored in the previous installation, and then
click Next.
This panel displays only if you are migrating from Version 6.1.x.
14. Enter the administrative security credentials for the source WebSphere
Application Server installation, and then click Next.
This panel displays only if security is enabled and if the server user identity is
not stored in the repository.
15. Check the information in the summary panel and make sure that it is correct,
and then click Next to start the migration.
16. If the wizard indicates that the profile-creation process was successful, click
This panel displays only if you selected the option to create a new target
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
17. If the wizard indicates that the pre-upgrade process was successful, click Next.
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 31

18. If the wizard indicates that the post-upgrade process was successful, click
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
19. If the wizard indicates that the migration was successful, click Next.
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
migration is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
20. Click Next to migrate another profile, or click Cancel to exit the Migration

You can now start the migrated standalone application server in the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 environment.

Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node using the

Migration wizard
Use the Migration wizard to migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x federated application server.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Tip: When migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
federated node, you must perform the following actions if you want to be
able to roll it back to its previous state after migration:
1. Back up your existing configuration.
v Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility to back
up the Version 7.0 deployment manager configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
v Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility to back
up the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
2. Migrate the federated node.
3. If necessary, you can now roll back the federated node that you just
Read “Rolling back a federated node” on page 83 for more information.

The Migration wizard was introduced in WebSphere Application Server Version

6.0. The wizard is the graphical interface to the primary Version 7.0 command-line
migration tools, which are the “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and the
“WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49.

32 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, see Chapter 8,
“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.
1. Perform a typical or custom WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
2. Migrate the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager to Version 7.0 as described in “Migrating to a Version
7.0 deployment manager using the Migration wizard” on page 37.
3. Collect the information that the Migration wizard will prompt you for during
the migration.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and “WASPostUpgrade
command” on page 49 for descriptions of the parameters related to the
information that you need to collect.
4. Optional: Use the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Profile
Management tool or the manageprofiles command to create a application
server or custom profile, but do not federate the node.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles on
the following platforms:
v 64-bit platforms
v Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit
You can first use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command
to create a valid new target Version 7.0 application server profile if one does
not already exist, or you can create a target profile later using the Migration
wizard. Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article
in the information center for more information.
For migration to be successful, you must use the same node names and cell
names for each node that you migrate from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to
Version 7.

Tip: If you make any cell-level changes to the new Version 7.0 node before
migration, such as changes to virtual-host information, these changes will
be lost during migration. Therefore, you should wait until after the node
has been migrated before making any such changes. Otherwise, you will
have to manually remake all of the changes to the new cell after
migration using the administrative console running on the deployment
manager. This tip is reflected in message MIGR0444W.
5. Ensure that the Version 7.0 deployment manager is up and running.

Note: You can migrate a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x node whether the node is
running or stopped. The migration tools can retrieve all the
configuration data either way. You must stop the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x node before you can start the Version 7.0 node that you are
installing, however, so it makes sense to stop it now.
6. Start the Migration wizard.
Perform one of the following actions to access the Migration wizard:
v Go to Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server V7.0
Network Deployment, and click Migration wizard.
v Run the following command:
– app_server_root/bin/
– app_server_root\bin\migration.bat

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 33

7. Read the Welcome panel to learn about the migration process, and then click
8. Select or specify a previous version of WebSphere Application Server from
which to migrate, and then click Next.
Select the check box and enter the location of the previous installation if it
does not display in the selection list.
9. Select the source profile or instance that you want to migrate, and then click
10. Select the target profile to which you want to migrate from the list of valid
profiles for the installation or select Create new profile, and then click Next.
Select the check box to create a backup copy of the target profile’s
configuration before migrating the source profile. If you select the check box,
the backup copy of the target profile will be written to profile_root/temp/
MigrationBackup.time_stamp.zip. You can use the restoreConfig command to
restore the configuration after migration if necessary.
11. If you selected Create new profile on the last panel, enter the parameters for
creating the new profile and then click Next.
12. Specify a migration backup directory in which to place a backup copy of the
configuration from the previous version, and then click Next.
The directory is created if it does not already exist. If the directory exists, it
should be empty because the backup operation might overwrite existing
backup files.
13. Select one of the options for migrating the applications installed on the source
profile, and then click Next.
You can choose to do either one of the following with the applications:
v Include your enterprise applications as part of the migration.
v Prepare your enterprise applications for installation in the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 installableApps directory without actually
installing them during migration processing.
Scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and
saved in the migration backup directory. You can then run these files at any
point and in any combination after the migration. You can also reorganize
and combine these files for better applications installation efficiency if you
v Do nothing with your enterprise applications during migration processing.
14. If you selected the option to install your applications, specify where the
migrated applications should be located and then click Next.
You can choose any one of the following options:
v Keep the applications in the same directories in which they are currently

Restrictions: If you choose this option, the location is shared by the existing
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
installation and the Version 7.0 installation. If you keep the
migrated applications in the same locations as those of the
previous version, the following restrictions apply:
– The WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 mixed-node
support limitations must be followed. This means that the
following support cannot be used when evoking the
wsadmin command:
- Precompile JSP

34 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
- Use Binary Configuration
- Deploy EJB
– You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if
you later delete applications from these locations when
administering (uninstalling for example) your Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x installation.
v Choose to install the applications in the default directory of the target
v Specify the directory in which to install the migrated applications.
15. Select one of the options for setting port values, optionally specify a starting
port value for resolving port conflicts, and then click Next.
You can choose to do any one of the following with the port values:
v Use the port values assigned to the previous (source) installation.
v Use the port values assigned to the target profile.
By default, a port conflict is resolved by incrementing the port number by one
until an unused port number is found. Instead, you can specify a starting port
number to be used when a conflict is detected. If the starting port number is
in use, it will be incremented by one until an unused port number is found.
16. Select the check box if you want to migrate to support script compatibility,
and then click Next.
If you select this option, migration creates the following Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration definitions:
v Transports
v ProcessDef
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x SSL
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x ORB service threadpool
instead of the following Version 7.0 configuration definitions:
v Channels
v ProcessDefs
v Version 7.0 SSL
v Version 7.0 ORB service threadpool
Select this option in order to minimize impacts to existing administration
scripts. If you have existing wsadmin scripts or programs that use third-party
configuration APIs to create or modify the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration definitions, for example, you might want to select this option
during migration.

Note: This is meant to provide a temporary transition until all of the nodes in
the environment are at the Version 7.0 level. When they are all at the
Version 7.0 level, you should perform the following actions:
a. Modify your administration scripts to use all of the Version 7.0
b. Use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert your
configurations to match all of the Version 7.0 settings.
Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43 for more
17. Specify the administrative console workspace user root directory where the
″My Tasks″ user information is stored in the previous installation, and then
click Next.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 35

This panel displays only if you are migrating from Version 6.1.x.
18. Enter the administrative security credentials for the source WebSphere
Application Server installation, and then click Next.
This panel only displays if security is enabled and if the server user identity is
not stored in the repository.
19. Verify that the Version 7.0 deployment manager is running, and then click
20. Check the information in the summary panel and make sure that it is correct,
and then click Next to start the migration.
21. If the wizard indicates that the profile-creation process was successful, click
This panel displays only if you selected the option to create a new target
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
22. If the wizard indicates that the pre-upgrade process was successful, click Next.
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
23. If the wizard indicates that the post-upgrade process was successful, click
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
24. If the wizard indicates that the migration was successful, click Next.
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
migration is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
25. Click Next to migrate another profile, or click Cancel to exit the Migration
26. Stop and restart each of the application servers on the migrated nodes.

You might need to do some things that are not done automatically by the
migration tools.
v Examine any Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) security settings
that you might have used in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x, and make sure that Version 7.0 security is set appropriately.
Read the ″Lightweight Third Party Authentication″ article in the information
center for more information.
v Check the WASPostUpgrade.log file in the logs directory for details about any
JSP objects that the migration tools did not migrate.
If Version 7.0 does not support a level for which JSP objects are configured, the
migration tools recognize the objects in the output and log them.
v Review your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings to verify that you are using a
heap size of at least 50 for improved startup performance.
Read the ″Java virtual machine settings″ article in the information center for
more information.
If you have used a smaller heap size in the past, you can use the default heap
size of 50.

36 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
v Configure WebSphere Application Server to use a database.
For example, you can configure WebSphere Application Server to use DB2®.
v Verify the results of the automatic Apache Derby database migration, and
manually migrate any Apache Derby databases that are not automatically
migrated by the tools.
Read “Migrating IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby databases” on page 74 for
more information.

Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager using the

Migration wizard
Use the Migration wizard to migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager to Version 7.0.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and “WASPostUpgrade command”

on page 49 for descriptions of the parameters related to the information that you
need to collect before you begin this procedure. (The Migration wizard prompts
you for the information during the migration.)

Before using the Migration wizard, you must have access to the existing
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager.
You can first use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command to
create a valid new target Version 7.0 management profile for a deployment
manager if one does not already exist, or you can create a target profile later using
the Migration wizard.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles on the
following platforms:
v 64-bit platforms
v Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit

You should have installed Version 7.0 already.

During installation, the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

product gives you the choice of creating a standalone application server, a
management profile, a cell, a custom profile, or no profile. The Installation wizard
also prompts you to use the Profile Management tool at the end of installing the
core product files; however, using the Profile Management tool at that time is
optional. If the management profile for a deployment manager was not created
during the installation, you can create one using the Profile Management tool or
the manageprofiles command.

The Migration wizard was introduced in WebSphere Application Server Version

6.0. It is the graphical interface to the primary Version 7.0 command-line migration
tools, which are the “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and the
“WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49.

After gathering all of the information that is required during the migration, use the
wizard to migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager to the Version 7.0 deployment manager.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 37

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, read Chapter 8,
“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager, use the backupConfig command or your own preferred
backup utility to back up your existing configuration if you want to be able to
restore it to its previous state after migration. Read the ″backupConfig
command″ article in the information center for more information. Make sure
that you note the exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.
1. Start the Migration wizard.
Perform one of the following actions to access the Migration wizard:
v Go to Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server V7.0
Network Deployment, and click Migration wizard.
v Run the following command:
– app_server_root/bin/
– app_server_root\bin\migration.bat
2. Read the Welcome panel to learn about the migration process, and then click
3. Select or specify a previous version of WebSphere Application Server from
which to migrate, and then click Next.
Select the check box and enter the location of the previous installation if it
does not display in the selection list.
4. Select the source profile or instance that you want to migrate, and then click
5. Select the target profile to which you want to migrate from the list of valid
profiles for the installation or select Create new profile, and then click Next.
Select the check box to create a backup copy of the target profile’s
configuration before migrating the source profile. If you select the check box,
the backup copy of the target profile will be written to profile_root/temp/
MigrationBackup.time_stamp.zip. You can use the restoreConfig command to
restore the configuration after migration if necessary.
6. If you selected Create new profile on the last panel, enter the parameters for
creating the new profile and then click Next.
Restrictions for a deployment manager migration:
v The Version 7.0 cell name must match the cell name in the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration.
If you create a profile with a new cell name, the migration will fail.
v Either one or the other of the following options must be true:
– The Version 7.0 deployment manager node name must be the same as
the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager node name.
– The Version 7.0 deployment manager node name must be different from
every node name in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration.
Otherwise, the migration fails with the following message:
MIGR0488E: The deployment manager node name in the new configuration
({0}) cannot be the same as a nodeagent node in the old configuration.
If you also use the same node name that you used for the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x cell, the node agents will still work after migration without being

38 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
7. Specify a migration backup directory in which to place a backup copy of the
configuration from the previous version, and then click Next.
The directory is created if it does not already exist. If the directory exists, it
should be empty because the backup operation might overwrite existing
backup files.
8. Select one of the options for migrating the applications installed on the source
profile, and then click Next.
You can choose to do any one of the following with the applications:
v Include your enterprise applications as part of the migration.
v Prepare your enterprise applications for installation in the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 installableApps directory without actually
installing them during migration processing.
Scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and
saved in the migration backup directory. You can then run these files at any
point and in any combination after the migration. You can also reorganize
and combine these files for better applications installation efficiency if you
v Do nothing with your enterprise applications during migration processing.
9. If you selected the option to install your applications, specify where the
migrated applications should be located and then click Next.
You can choose any one of the following options:
v Keep the applications in the same directories in which they are currently

Restrictions: If you choose this option, the location is shared by the existing
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
installation and the Version 7.0 installation. If you keep the
migrated applications in the same locations as those of the
previous version, the following restrictions apply:
– The WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 mixed-node
support limitations must be followed. This means that the
following support cannot be used when evoking the
wsadmin command:
- Precompile JSP
- Use Binary Configuration
- Deploy EJB
– You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if
you later delete applications from these locations when
administering (uninstalling for example) your Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x installation.
v Choose to install the applications in the default directory of the target
v Specify the directory in which to install the migrated applications.
10. Select the check box if you want to prevent migration processing from
disabling the existing WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x deployment manager, and then click Next.
If this is selected, you can use the existing Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager while the migration is being completed.

Caution: Select this option with care.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 39

v The reason that WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x deployment manager configurations normally are
stopped and disabled is to prevent multiple deployment managers
from managing the same nodes. You must stop the Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x deployment manager before you start using the
Version 7.0 deployment manager. The most likely error conditions
that will occur if this is not done are port conflicts when the
second instance of the deployment manager is started.
v Selecting this option means that any configuration changes made
in the old configuration during migration might not be migrated.
11. Select one of the options for setting port values, optionally specify a starting
port value for resolving port conflicts, and then click Next.
You can choose to do either one of the following with the port values:
v Use the port values assigned to the previous (source) installation.
v Use the port values assigned to the target profile.
By default, a port conflict is resolved by incrementing the port number by one
until an unused port number is found. Instead, you can specify a starting port
number to be used when a conflict is detected. If the starting port number is
in use, it will be incremented by one until an unused port number is found.
12. Select the check box if you want to migrate to support script compatibility,
and then click Next.
If you select this option, migration creates the following Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration definitions:
v Transports
v ProcessDef
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x SSL
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x ORB service threadpool
instead of the following Version 7.0 configuration definitions:
v Channels
v ProcessDefs
v Version 7.0 SSL
v Version 7.0 ORB service threadpool
Select this option in order to minimize impacts to existing administration
scripts. If you have existing wsadmin scripts or programs that use third-party
configuration APIs to create or modify the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration definitions, for example, you might want to select this option
during migration.

Note: This is meant to provide a temporary transition until all of the nodes in
the environment are at the Version 7.0 level. When they are all at the
Version 7.0 level, you should perform the following actions:
a. Modify your administration scripts to use all of the Version 7.0
b. Use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert your
configurations to match all of the Version 7.0 settings.
Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43 for more
13. Specify the administrative console workspace user root directory where the
″My Tasks″ user information is stored in the previous installation, and then
click Next.

40 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
This panel displays only if you are migrating from Version 6.1.x.
14. Enter the administrative security credentials for the source WebSphere
Application Server installation, and then click Next.
This panel displays only if security is enabled and if the server user identity is
not stored in the repository.
15. Check the information in the summary panel and make sure that it is correct,
and then click Next to start the migration.
16. If the wizard indicates that the profile-creation process was successful, click
This panel displays only if you selected the option to create a new target
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
17. If the wizard indicates that the pre-upgrade process was successful, click Next.
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
18. If the wizard indicates that the post-upgrade process was successful, click
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
process is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
19. If the wizard indicates that the migration was successful, click Next.
If the process is not successful, the wizard displays a failure panel. If the
migration is partially successful, the wizard displays a warning panel. Correct
any problems and retry the migration.
20. Click Next to migrate another profile, or click Cancel to exit the Migration

You can now start the migrated servers in the WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 environment.

You might need to do some things that are not done automatically by the
migration tools.
v Examine any Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) security settings
that you might have used in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x, and make sure that Version 7.0 security is set appropriately.
Read the ″Lightweight Third Party Authentication″ article in the information
center for more information.
v Check the WASPostUpgrade.log file in the logs directory for details about any
JSP objects that the migration tools did not migrate.
If Version 7.0 does not support a level for which JSP objects are configured, the
migration tools recognize the objects in the output and log them.
v Review your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings to verify that you are using a
heap size of at least 50 for improved startup performance.
Read the ″Java virtual machine settings″ article in the information center for
more information.
If you have used a smaller heap size in the past, you can use the default heap
size of 50.
v Configure WebSphere Application Server to use a database.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 41

For example, you can configure WebSphere Application Server to use DB2.
v Verify the results of the automatic Apache Derby database migration, and
manually migrate any Apache Derby databases that are not automatically
migrated by the tools.
Read “Migrating IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby databases” on page 74 for
more information.

Using the utilities disk to migrate product configurations

The WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk can be used to run the
WASPreUpgrade command against an existing Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Use it for migration involving operating systems that are not supported by
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
1. Run the WASPreUpgrade command on the utilities disk against the existing
WebSphere Application Server version on the existing operating-system level.
v Specify the migration backup directory.
v Specify the name of the installation root directory for the current WebSphere
Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x installation.
v Optional: Specify the name of a specific instance or profile to be migrated
from a previous version of WebSphere Application Server.
v Optional: Specify the location of user preferences for the administrative
console for one or more profiles.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
2. Upgrade the operating system.
3. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
Do not use the migration option when you install it.
4. Run the WASPostUpgrade command manually.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.

Tip: For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

clientUpgrade command
Use the clientUpgrade command to migrate previous versions of client resources
to Version 7 level resources.

Use the clientUpgrade command to migrate Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x client
resources to Version 7 level resources. In the process of migrating these resources,
the client-resources.xmi file located in the client jars is migrated to the latest level.
A backup of the client-resources.xmi file is also located in the client jar. If this
command is not executed against the client EAR files before they are installed on
Version 7, the client EARs do not operate or install correctly.

The command file is located in the app_server_root/bin directory.

clientUpgrade.sh EAR_file [-clientJar client_jar ][-logFileLocation logFileLocation]

[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name ]]

42 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
clientUpgrade.bat EAR_file [-clientJar client_jar ][-logFileLocation logFileLocation]
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name ]]


Supported arguments include the following:

Use this parameter to specify the fully qualified path to the EAR file that
contains client JAR files to process.
Use this optional parameter to specify a JAR file for processing. If not
specified, the program transforms all client JAR files in the EAR file.
-logFileLocation log_file_location
Use this optional parameter to specify an alternate location to store the log
-traceString trace_spec -traceFile file_name
Use these optional parameters to gather trace information for IBM Service
personnel. Specify a trace_spec of ″*=all=enabled″ (with quotation marks) to
gather all trace information.

The following example demonstrates correct syntax:

clientUpgrade EAR_file -clientJar ejbJarFile

convertScriptCompatibility command
The convertScriptCompatibility command is used by administrators to convert
their configurations from a mode that supports backward compatibility of
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.0.x administration scripts
to a mode that is fully in the Version 7.0 configuration model.

The scope of the configuration changes depend on the type of profile that is being
v For standalone configurations, the default is to convert all servers owned by the
node in that configuration.
Use the -serverName parameter for more granular control.
v For Network Deployment configurations, the default behavior is to convert all
nodes and all servers owned by those nodes.
Use the -nodeName and -serverName parameters for more granular control.
Nodes are checked to verify that they are at a WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 level before they are processed in order to support mixed-node
configurations. Client environments are not processed.

The following conversions take place with this tool:

v processDef to processDefs
WCCM objects of type processDef from WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x are converted to use processDefs as defined in the Version 7.0 server.xml
model. The existing processDef object remains in the configuration and is
ignored by the runtime.
v transports to channels

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 43

Existing transport entries in the configuration from WebSphere Application
Server Version 5.1.x are mapped to channel support. This affects server.xml and
serverindex.xml files. The values of the transport settings are used to create new
channel entries.
v SSL configuration
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 contains enhancements to SSL
configuration that result in refactoring the existing SSL configuration model.
Both the old and the new model are supported. The default is to map to the
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x SSL configuration
v bootstrapAddress to bootstrapAddresses
Each single bootstrap address configuration is converted to a new bootstrap
address list configuration containing that single bootstrap address.
v ObjectRequestBroker from not using the server thread pool to using it
For example, <ObjectRequestBroker useServerThreadPool="false"...> is
changed to <ObjectRequestBroker useServerThreadPool="true">.


The convertScriptCompatibility command is located in the following directory.

v profile_root/bin
v profile_root\bin


The syntax is as follows:

convertScriptCompatibility.sh -help

convertScriptCompatibility.sh [-profileName profile_name]

[-backupConfig true | false]
[-nodeName node_name [-serverName server_name]]
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]

convertScriptCompatibility.bat -help

convertScriptCompatibility.bat [-profileName profile_name]

[-backupConfig true | false]
[-nodeName node_name [-serverName server_name]]
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]


Supported arguments include the following parameters:

This displays help for this command
This is an optional parameter that is used to back up the existing configuration
of the current profile. The default is true—that is, to use the backupConfig
command to save a copy of the current configuration into the
profile_name/temp directory.
Use the restoreConfig command to restore that configuration as required.

44 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Read the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for more
This is an optional parameter that is used to specify the profile configuration
in the Version 7.0 environment. If this is not specified, the default profile is
used. If the default profile has not been set or cannot be found, the system
returns an error.
This is an optional parameter that is used to specify a particular node name be
processed rather than every node in the configuration. If this is not specified,
all nodes in the configuration are converted.
This is an optional parameter that is used to specify a particular server name
to be processed rather than every server in the configuration. It can be used on
all profile types and can be used in conjunction with the -nodeName
parameter when processing Network Deployment configurations. If this
parameter is not specified, all servers in the configuration are converted. If it is
used in conjunction with the -nodeName parameter, all processing is limited to
the specified node name.
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace
information that you want to collect. To gather all trace information, specify
″*=all=enabled″ (with quotation marks). The default is to not gather trace
information. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the -traceFile
This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the
output file for trace information. If you specify the -traceString parameter but
do not specify the -traceFile parameter, the command does not generate a trace

Standalone application server profile
Example scenario
1. Run the WASPostUpgrade command and specify
-scriptCompatibility=true or do not specify a value for the
-scriptCompatibility parameter (which has a default value of true).
2. Follow these steps to convert all servers under this standalone profile:
a. Open a command window.
b. Change to the Version 7.0 profile’s profile_root/bin directory.
c. Run the following command:


Deployment manager with federated nodes
Example scenario 1
1. Run the WASPostUpgrade command against the deployment manager
as well as all of its federated nodes and specify

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 45

-scriptCompatibility=true or do not specify a value for the
-scriptCompatibility parameter (which has a default value of true).
2. Follow these steps to convert all nodes and servers in this cell.

Important: The following steps should be taken against the

deployment-manager management profile. If you run the
convertScriptCompatibility command against a federated
profile, the changes will be removed the next time the
deployment manager synchronizes with the federated node.
a. Open a command window.
b. Change to the Version 7.0 deployment-manager management
profile’s profile_root/bin directory.
c. Run the following command:


3. Synchronize the deployment manager’s configuration with each
federated node to produce a consistent configuration.
Example scenario 2
1. Run the WASPostUpgrade command against the deployment manager
and specify -scriptCompatibility=false.
2. Run the WASPostUpgrade command against the deployment manager’s
federated nodes and specify -scriptCompatibility=true or do not
specify a value for the -scriptCompatibility parameter (which has a
default value of true).
3. Follow these steps to convert all non-converted nodes and servers in
the cell.

Important: The following steps should be taken against the

deployment-manager management profile. If you run the
convertScriptCompatibility command against a federated
profile, the changes will be removed the next time the
deployment manager synchronizes with the federated node.
a. Open a command window.
b. Change to the Version 7.0 deployment-manager management
profile’s profile_root/bin directory.
c. For each federated node that has not been converted, run the
following command:
./convertScriptCompatibility.sh –nodeName ${non_converted_nodename}

convertScriptCompatibility.bat –nodeName ${non_converted_nodename}

4. Synchronize the deployment manager’s configuration with each
federated node to produce a consistent configuration.

For more information about where to run this command, read the ″Using
command line tools″ article in the information center.

46 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
WASPreUpgrade command
The WASPreUpgrade command for WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
saves the configuration of a previously installed version of WebSphere Application
Server into a migration-specific backup directory.


The command file is located in and must be run from the Version 7.0
app_server_root/bin directory.


The command has the following syntax:

WASPreUpgrade.sh backupDirectory
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name ]]
[-machineChange true | false]
[-oldProfile profile_name]
[-workspaceRoot profile1=user_workspace_folder_name_1;

WASPreUpgrade.bat backupDirectory
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name ]]
[-machineChange true | false]
[-oldProfile profile_name]
[-workspaceRoot profile1=user_workspace_folder_name_1;


The command has the following parameters:

This is a required parameter and must be the first parameter that you specify.
The value backupDirectory specifies the name of the directory where the
command script stores the saved configuration.
This is also the directory from which the WASPostUpgrade command reads the
If the directory does not exist, the WASPreUpgrade command script creates it.
This is a required parameter and must be the second parameter that you
specify. This can be any edition of WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x for which migration is supported.
The value currentWebSphereDirectory specifies the name of the installation root
directory for the current WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x installation.
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace
information that you want to collect.
To gather all trace information, specify ″*=all=enabled″ (with quotation

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 47

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command
creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the -traceFile parameter.
This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the
output file for trace information.
If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command
creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
If you specify the -traceString parameter but do not specify the -traceFile
parameter, the script does not generate a trace file.
This is an optional parameter used for a migration involving cross
operating-system and machine boundaries. If specified as true, this parameter
provides support for changing physical hardware when migrating by backing
up items that are stored outside the WebSphere Application Server installation
or profile folder hierarchy. If specified as false, only files stored under the
WebSphere Application Server installation folder or profile folders are copied
to the backup directory during migration.
The default is true.
This is an optional parameter used for migrating a specific instance or profile
from a previous version of WebSphere Application Server.
In WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, unique instance names were
defined by the concatenation of -instanceName and -hostName. This
concatenation forms the profile_name that you need to use with the -oldprofile
parameter to migrate a specific WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x
This is an optional parameter. The value user_workspace_folder_name_x specifies
the location of the administrative console customized ″My tasks″ settings for
one or more profiles.


The WASPreUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while it runs. The tool also
saves a more extensive set of logging information in the
WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log file written to the backupDirectory directory, where
backupDirectory is the value specified for the backupDirectory parameter. You can
view the WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log file with a text editor.

Migrated resources

WASPreUpgrade saves all of your resources, but it does not migrate entities in
your classes directory.

Migration saves the following files in the backupDirectory directory.

v classes
v config
v properties

48 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
The WASPreUpgrade command also saves all instances created in the Version 5.1.x

WASPostUpgrade command
The WASPostUpgrade command for WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
retrieves the saved configuration that was created by the WASPreUpgrade
command from the backupDirectory that you specified. The WASPostUpgrade script
for WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 reads the configuration from this
directory to migrate to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 and adds all
migrated applications into the app_server_root/installedApps directory for the
Version 7.0 installation.


The command file is located in and must be run from the Version 7.0
app_server_root/bin directory.


The command has the following syntax:

WASPostUpgrade.sh backupDirectory
[-username userID]
[-password password]
[-oldProfile profile_name]
[-profileName profile_name]
[-scriptCompatibility true | false]
[-portBlock port_starting_number]
[-backupConfig true | false]
[-replacePorts true | false]
[-includeApps true | false | script]
[-keepDmgrEnabled true | false]
[[-appInstallDirectory user_specified_directory]
| [-keepAppDirectory true | false]]
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]

WASPostUpgrade.bat backupDirectory
[-username userID]
[-password password]
[-oldProfile profile_name]
[-profileName profile_name]
[-scriptCompatibility true | false]
[-portBlock port_starting_number]
[-backupConfig true | false]
[-replacePorts true | false]
[-includeApps true | false | script]
[-keepDmgrEnabled true | false]
[[-appInstallDirectory user_specified_directory]
| [-keepAppDirectory true | false]]
[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]


The command has the following parameters:

This is a required parameter. The value backupDirectory specifies the name of
the directory in which the WASPreUpgrade tool stores the saved configuration
and files and from which the WASPostUpgrade tool reads the configuration
and files.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 49

This is an optional parameter. The value userID specifies the administrative
user name of the current WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x installation.
This is a required parameter if the following conditions are true:
v You are migrating a deployment manager or a federated node.
v Administrative or global security is enabled in the source installation.
v The administrative or global security user ID is not defined in the
security.xml file.
This is an optional parameter. The value password specifies the password for
the administrative user name of the current WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x installation.
This is a required parameter if the following conditions are true:
v You are migrating a deployment manager or a federated node.
v Administrative or global security is enabled in the source installation.
v The administrative or global security password is not defined in the
security.xml file.

Tip: When you need to specify a password in the Migration wizard or when
you use the WASPostUpgrade command with the -password parameter
on the command line, you can type the password in plain text or use the
xor-ciphered value. To use the xor-ciphered value, type the entire cipher
including the {xor} prefix as the value for the parameter. This
xor-ciphered value can be specified in any one of several WebSphere
Application Server configuration files for your previous configuration,
including the soap.client.props, ssl.client.props, and security.xml files.
This is an optional parameter for migrating instances or profiles from previous
WebSphere Application Server versions. The instance or profile must already
exist in the migration backup directory before running this command.
In WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, unique instance names were
defined by the concatenation of -instanceName and -hostName; this
concatenation forms the profile_name that you need to use with the -oldprofile
parameter. In WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, this concatenation is
stored in the app_server_root/properties directory in a file called
This is an optional parameter for migrating to specific profiles in WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0. The value profile_name specifies the name of the
Version 7.0 profile to which the script migrates your configuration. You must
have already created this profile before calling the WASPostUpgrade
If the -profileName parameter is not specified, the default profile is used. If no
default profile is found, the system reports an error.

Note: When migrating a standalone application server from Version 6.x to

Version 7.0, you can choose a standalone application server node that
has already been registered with an administrative agent as the target of
the migration.

50 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
This is an optional parameter used to specify whether or not migration should
create the following Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration definitions:
v Transport
v ProcessDef
v Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x SSL
instead of the following Version 7.0 configuration definitions:
v Channels
v ProcessDefs
v Version 7.0 SSL
The default value is true.
Specify true for this parameter in order to minimize impacts to existing
administration scripts. If you have existing wsadmin scripts or programs that
use third-party configuration APIs to create or modify the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration definitions, for example, you might want to specify
true for this option during migration.

Note: This is meant to provide a temporary transition until all of the nodes in
the environment are at the Version 7.0 level. When they are all at the
Version 7.0 level, you should perform the following actions:
1. Modify your administration scripts to use all of the Version 7.0
2. Use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert your
configurations to match all of the Version 7.0 settings.
Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43 for more
This is an optional parameter. The port_starting_number value specifies the
starting value of a block of consecutive port numbers to assign when creating
new ports.
If a value is specified for this parameter, any new ports that are assigned are
set based on this value. Every time a new port value is required, the port is
created based on this value and the seed value is incremented for the next
usage. No duplicate ports are assigned. If the -replacePorts parameter value is
not specified, all port values in the profile are based on this value.
This is an optional parameter used to specify whether the existing WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 configuration is saved before any changes are
made by the WASPostUpgrade tool. The default is true—that is, to use the
backupConfig command to save a copy of the current configuration into the
profile_name/temp directory.
Use the restoreConfig command to restore that configuration as required. Read
the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for more
This optional parameter is used to specify how to map port values.
v True
Use all port values from the old configuration in the new configuration.
This value is the default.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 51

v False
Do not replace the default port definitions in the new profile with the values
from the old configuration during migration.
This is an optional parameter that can be specified in the following ways:
v True
Include user enterprise applications as part of the migration.
This value is the default.
v False
Do nothing with user enterprise applications during WASPostUpgrade
v Script
Prepare user enterprise applications for installation in the WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0 installableApps directory without actually
installing them during WASPostUpgrade processing.
Scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and saved
in the backupDirectory directory. You can then run these files at any point and
in any combination after the WASPostUpgrade command has completed.
You can also reorganize and combine these files for better applications
installation efficiency if you want.
WebSphere Application Server system applications migrate regardless of the
value set by this parameter.
This is an optional parameter used to specify whether to disable the existing
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment
manager. The default is false.
If this parameter is specified as true, you can use the existing Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x deployment manager while the migration is completed. It is only
valid when you are migrating a deployment manager; it is ignored in all other

Caution: Use this parameter with care.

v The reason that WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x deployment manager configurations normally are
stopped and disabled is to prevent multiple deployment managers
from managing the same nodes. You must stop the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x deployment manager before you start using the Version
7.0 deployment manager. The most likely error conditions that
occur if this is not done are port conflicts when the second
instance of the deployment manager is started.
v Specifying true for this parameter means that any configuration
changes made in the old configuration during migration might not
be migrated.
This is an optional parameter used to specify whether to install all applications
to the same directories in which they are currently located. The default is false.
If this parameter is specified as true, each individual application retains its
If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the -appInstallDirectory

52 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Restrictions: If this parameter is specified as true, the location is shared by the
existing WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x installation and the Version 7.0 installation. If you keep the
migrated applications in the same locations as those of the
previous version, the following restrictions apply:
v The WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 mixed-node
support limitations must be followed. This means that the
following support cannot be used when evoking the wsadmin
– Precompile JSP
– Use Binary Configuration
– Deploy EJB
v You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if you
later delete applications from these locations when
administering (uninstalling for example) your Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x installation.
This is an optional parameter that is used to pass the directory name to use
when installing all applications during migration. The default of
profile_name\installedApps is used if this parameter is not specified.
If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the -keepAppDirectory
Quotes must be used around the directory name if one or more spaces are in
the name.
If you use this parameter, the migration tools investigate the node-level
variables for the node being migrated both in the backup directory (variables
for the old release) and in the destination profile (variables from the new
release). If the path is part of any of the following variables in either of these
releases, the tools contract the path information to use the related variable:
When the contraction takes place, you receive the following warning message
that tells you that the tools changed your specified value and what that
contracted value is:
MIGR0341W: Application install directory has been updated to {0}.

For example:
MIGR0341W: Application install directory has been updated to

MIGR0341W: Application install directory has been updated to
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace
information that you want to collect.
To gather all trace information, specify ″*=all=enabled″ (with quotation

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 53

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command
creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the -traceFile parameter.
This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the
output file for trace information.
If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command
creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
If you specify the -traceString parameter but do not specify the -traceFile
parameter, the script does not generate a trace file.


The WASPostUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while running. This tool
also saves a more extensive set of logging information in the
WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log file located in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
You can view the WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log file with a text editor.

Security considerations

The target system must have security disabled before migration. If you migrate
from a source configuration that has security enabled, the WASPostUpgrade
command automatically enables security for the Version 7.0 target configuration
during the migration.

Migrating standalone application servers for distributed operating

Use the migration tools to migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application server to a Version 7.0 standalone
application server.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Select the appropriate migration scenario for information on how to migrate from a
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application
server to a Version 7.0 standalone application server.
v “Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server” on page 55
This article contains instructions for migrating a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application server profile to a Version 7.0
standalone application server.
v “Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server on a remote machine”
on page 57
This article contains instructions for migrating a WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application server profile to a Version 7.0
standalone application server on a remote machine.
v “Migrating a standalone application server from an operating system that is no
longer supported” on page 59
This article contains instructions for migrating from a WebSphere Application
Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration that is running on an operating
system that Version 7.0 does not support.

54 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Tip: For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server

Use the migration tools to migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application server profile to a Version 7.0 standalone
application server.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

If your scenario includes migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x

or Version 6.x configuration on one machine to Version 7.0 on another machine,
use the alternate procedure described in “Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone
application server on a remote machine” on page 57.

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
standalone application server, use the backupConfig command or your own
preferred backup utility to back up your existing configuration if you want to
be able to restore it to its previous state after migration. Read the
″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for more
information. Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.

Decide whether you want to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.0 using the Migration wizard or using the
command-line migration tools.
v Migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to
Version 7.0 using the Migration wizard.
1. Stop all of the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
application servers that are running on the node.
Use the stopServer command from the app_server_root/bin directory. Read the
″stopServer command″ article in the information center for more information.
For example, issue the following commands to stop server1 and
server2 on the Linux® operating system:
./stopServer.sh server1
./stopServer.sh server2
If security is enabled, specify the -user and -password parameters on the
stopServer command.
You can migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
node without stopping it; however, you must stop the node before you can
start the Version 7.0 node that you are installing. It is not necessary to have
the node running to migrate its configuration. The migration tools can
retrieve all the configuration data while the node is stopped.
2. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
3. Optional: Use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command
to create a WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 profile.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles on
the following platforms:

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 55

– 64-bit platforms
– Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
4. Use the Migration wizard to transfer configuration settings from Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x to the Version 7.0 standalone application server.
Read “Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server using the
Migration wizard” on page 28 for more information.
Perform one of the following actions to access the Migration wizard:
– Go to Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server V7.0,
and click Migration wizard.
– Run the following command:
- app_server_root/bin/
- app_server_root\bin\migration.bat
This step transfers applications and configuration information for the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x server resources, security, variables, and virtual hosts to
the Version 7.0 standalone application server. All stored information is in
XML files in the app_server_root/config/cells directory of each product.
The Migration wizard uses the WASPreUpgrade command and
WASPostUpgrade command to migrate the data and applications from
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.
The WASPreUpgrade tool saves selected files from the /bin directory to a
backup directory that you specify on a wizard panel. Migration saves files
from the following directories to the backup directory:
– classes
– config
– installableApps
– installedApps (or an alternate directory specified by the user)
– properties
Later, the Migration wizard uses the WASPostUpgrade tool to copy the
environment in the backup directory to the Version 7.0 standalone
application server installation.
v Migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to
Version 7.0 using the command-line migration tools.
1. Stop all of the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
application servers that are running on the node.
Use the stopServer command from the app_server_root/bin directory. Read the
″stopServer command″ article in the information center for more information.
For example, issue the following commands to stop server1 and
server2 on the Linux operating system:
./stopServer.sh server1
./stopServer.sh server2
If security is enabled, specify the -user and -password parameters on the
stopServer command.
You can migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
node without stopping it; however, you must stop the node before you can
start the Version 7.0 node that you are installing. It is not necessary to have

56 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
the node running to migrate its configuration. The migration tools can
retrieve all the configuration data while the node is stopped.
2. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
3. Use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command to create a
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 profile.
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
4. Run the WASPreUpgrade command, specifying the migration backup
directory name and the existing WebSphere Application Server directory
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
The WASPreUpgrade tool saves selected files from the /bin directory to a
backup directory you specify on a wizard panel. Migration saves files from
the following directories to the backup directory:
– classes
– config
– installableApps
– installedApps (or an alternate directory specified by the user)
– properties
5. Run the WASPostUpgrade command, specifying the migration backup
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.
The WASPostUpgrade tool copies the environment in the backup directory to
the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 standalone application server

Note: When migrating a standalone application server from Version 6.x to

Version 7.0, you can choose a standalone application server node that
has already been registered with an administrative agent as the target
of the migration.

Migrating to a Version 7.0 standalone application server on a

remote machine
Use the migration tools to migrate from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to a Version
7.0 standalone application server on a remote machine.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Typically, you can use the WASPreUpgrade and the WASPostUpgrade migration
tools to upgrade from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.0 on the same
machine. However, some scenarios require that you migrate the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration on one machine to Version 7.0 on a different machine.
One of these scenarios is when you install new machines for your Version 7.0
environment but need to migrate your existing Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration from other machines.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 57

To ensure that your operating system is supported by WebSphere Application
Server Version 7.0, visit the following site for the most current list of supported
hardware and software: WebSphere Application Server system requirements.

If you find that your operating system is not supported for migration to Version
7.0, read “Migrating a standalone application server from an operating system that
is no longer supported” on page 59.

The WASPreUpgrade command saves the existing Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration into a migration-specific backup directory. The WASPostUpgrade
command uses this directory to add the old configuration settings to the new
Version 7.0 environment.

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
standalone application server on a remote machine, use the backupConfig
command or your own preferred backup utility to back up your existing
configuration if you want to be able to restore it to its previous state after
migration. Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information
center for more information. Make sure that you note the exact name and
location of this backed-up configuration.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, read Chapter 8,

“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.
1. Obtain the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk.
This disk contains the migration/bin directory. This directory contains a special
environment that you can use to run the WASPreUpgrade command without
installing Version 7.0.
2. Save the current configuration using the WASPreUpgrade script from the
migration/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
utilities disk, which you must mount on the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
Save the configuration in the migration_specific_backup directory on the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x machine.

./WASPreUpgrade.sh /filepath/migration_specific_backup

WASPreUpgrade C:\filepath\migration_specific_backup
C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer

The WASPreUpgrade command provides status to the screen and to log files in
the migration_specific_backup directory. ASCII log file names start with the text
WASPreUpgrade and include a date and timestamp.
3. Copy the migration_specific_backup directory from the WebSphere Application
Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x machine to the Version 7.0 machine.
Use the ftp command, shared storage, or some other mechanism to copy the
directory to the new machine.
4. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 on the new machine.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
Install the same features as the earlier release.

58 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
5. Use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command to create a
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 profile.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles on
the following platforms:
v 64-bit platforms
v Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
6. Add the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration to the Version 7.0 configuration.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.
Use the WASPostUpgrade command in the app_server_root/bin directory of the
Version 7.0 installation to add the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration to
the Version 7.0 configuration.

./WASPostUpgrade.sh /filepath/migration_specific_backup

WASPostUpgrade C:\filepath\migration_specific_backup

The WASPostUpgrade tool records information specific to each enterprise bean

it deploys in the migration_specific_backup/WASPostUpgrade.log file.
7. Modify the configuration using the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
administrative console.
a. Change user IDs and passwords to match security requirements.
You might have to change user IDs and passwords if they are not identical
to those in use on the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x machine.
b. Change other machine-specific information.
The configuration might refer to other software products or configurations
that do not exist on the new machine. For example, the old machine might
have a database. Modify the data source to point to the database on the old

You have migrated WebSphere Application Server from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
to a remote Version 7.0 machine.

Migrating a standalone application server from an operating

system that is no longer supported
Use the migration tools to migrate an earlier WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application server that is running on an
operating system that Version 7.0 does not support.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Tip: Before migrating from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x, use the backupConfig command or your own preferred backup utility to
back up your existing configuration if you want to be able to restore it to its
previous state after migration. Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 59

the information center for more information. Make sure that you note the
exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.

For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

1. Obtain the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk.
This disk contains the migration/bin directory. This directory contains a special
environment that you can use to run the WASPreUpgrade command without
installing Version 7.0.
2. Save the current configuration using the WASPreUpgrade script from the
migration/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
utilities disk.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
Save the configuration in the migration_specific_backup directory. If the
WASPreUpgrade command fails because the Java Development Kit (JDK) on
the Version 7.0 utilities disk is not supported on the operating system that you
are attempting to migrate, perform the following actions:
a. Create a migration directory on your local system.
b. Install an IBM certified JDK that is at the highest level that will run on your
operating system.

Important: Your JDK must be version 1.6 or later if you want to use the
migration tools.
The JDK directory should be in the same directory as the migration
directory that you created on your local system in the last step, or you
should have a working symlink that allows Java to be invoked from that
- migration directory
- JDK/jre.pak/repository/package.java.jre/java/jre/bin/java
c. Copy the WASPreUpgrade.bat (or WASPreUpgrade.sh) and the
setupCmdLine.bat (or setupCmdLine.sh) files from the migration/bin
directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk to
the migration directory that you created on your local system.
d. Edit the setupCmdLine.bat or setupCmdLine.sh file in your new migration
v Change WAS_HOME to point to the fully qualified path to the migration
directory that you created
v Change JAVA_HOME to point to the fully qualified path to your IBM
Developer Kit or Java directory.
e. Ensure that the executable bit is on for the setupCmdLine.sh and
WASPreUpgrade.sh files in the migration directory that you created.
f. Run the command from the migration directory that you created.
Identify the backup directory and the location of the configuration files.
migration_directory\WASPreUpgrade migration_specific_backup_directory
file_path\WebSphere\AppServer node_name
3. Shut down the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
release by stopping all server nodes in the configuration.
4. Tar or zip the migration_specific_backup directory, and FTP it to another system.
5. Install the new operating system, keeping the same host name.
If possible, keep the system name and passwords the same as on the old
system. Place any database files related to applications that you are migrating

60 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
in the same path as on the previous system. In general, try to keep paths the
same. If you do change paths and names, refer to “Migrating to a Version 7.0
standalone application server on a remote machine” on page 57. Make any
changes before running the WASPostUpgrade command as described in a later
6. FTP the migration_specific_backup directory from the other system, and extract it.
7. Install WebSphere Application Server Version Version 7.0.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
8. Use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command to create a
WebSphere Application Server Version Version 7.0 profile.
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
9. Run the WASPostUpgrade command from the Version 7.0 app_server_root/bin
Specify the migration_specific_backup directory that you extracted in an earlier
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for the proper command

Migrating Network Deployment configurations for distributed operating

Use the migration tools to migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x Network Deployment configuration to a Version 7.0 Network
Deployment configuration.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.
1. Migrate your deployment manager.
Read “Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager” for more information.
2. Migrate your Web sever configurations.
Read Chapter 3, “Migrating Web server configurations,” on page 87 for more
3. Migrate your federated nodes.
Read “Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node” on page 63 for
more information.

Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager

Use the migration tools to migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager to a Version 7.0
deployment manager.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 61

Note: Migrate the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager to Version 7.0 before migrating the federated nodes
that comprise the cell. The deployment manager must always be at the
highest release and fix level within a cell for it to manage all nodes in the
cell. The Version 7.0 deployment manager can manage Version 5.1.x, Version
6.x, and Version 7.0 nodes. This allows a cell to be upgraded to a new
release one node at a time, with minimal impact to the applications that are
running within the cell. Read “Coexistence support” on page 99 for
information on restrictions on using mixed-release cells.

Restriction: Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager on a remote machine

is not supported.

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager, use the backupConfig command or your own preferred
backup utility to back up your existing configuration if you want to be able to
restore it to its previous state after migration. Read the ″backupConfig
command″ article in the information center for more information. Make sure
that you note the exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, read Chapter 8,

“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.
1. Stop the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager.
Use the stopManager command from the app_server_root/bin directory.
For example:


Read the ″stopManager command″ article in the information center for more
If you have security enabled, specify the -user and -password parameters of the
You can migrate a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager whether it
is running or stopped. The migration tools can retrieve all the configuration
data either way. You must stop the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment
manager before you can start the Version 7.0 deployment manager that you are
installing, however, so it makes sense to stop it now.
2. Use the migration tools to migrate the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration
to Version 7.0.
The Migration wizard, which is the graphical interface to the Version 7.0
command-line migration tools (WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade), is the
recommended migration tool. For instructions and information on the
Migration wizard, read “Using the Migration wizard to migrate product
configurations” on page 27.
a. Install the Version 7.0 product on the same machine as the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x deployment manager.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
b. Determine the cell name of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Network
Deployment cell.

62 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Note: For a deployment manager migration, the Version 7.0 cell name must
match the name in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration.
c. Optional: Create a new Version 7.0 deployment manager profile with the
same cell name as the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x cell.
Restrictions for a deployment manager migration:
v The Version 7.0 cell name must match the cell name in the Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x configuration.
If you create a profile with a new cell name, the migration will fail.
v Either one or the other of the following options must be true:
– The Version 7.0 deployment manager node name must be the same as
the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager node name.
– The Version 7.0 deployment manager node name must be different
from every node name in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration.
Otherwise, the migration fails with the following message:
MIGR0488E: The deployment manager node name in the new configuration
({0}) cannot be the same as a nodeagent node in the old configuration.
Read the ″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for
more information.
If you also use the same node name that you used for the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x cell, the node agents will still work after migration without
being restarted.
d. Stop the Version 7.0 deployment manager.
e. Use the Migration wizard to migrate the deployment manager to Version
Read “Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager using the Migration
wizard” on page 37 for more information.
f. Start the Version 7.0 deployment manager.
g. Optional: Uninstall the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager.
Read the ″Uninstalling the product″ article in the information center for
more information.
Perform this step only after you are certain that you have successfully
migrated the configuration of the deployment manager that you intend to
h. Read “Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node” for
information on iteratively migrating each federated node to Version 7.0.

After the deployment manager is upgraded to Version 7.0, each node in the cell
can be upgraded incrementally, one at a time. Read “Migrating a Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x federated node” for more information.

Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node

Use the migration tools to migrate WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x federated nodes to Version 7.0.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

Migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated

node requires that you first migrate the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 63

manager to a Version 7.0 deployment manager. This procedure is described in
“Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager” on page 61.

Before starting the migration of a federated node from WebSphere Application

Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x, you can create either a Version 7.0 standalone
application server profile or a custom profile as a target. If you create a Version 7.0
custom node, do not federate the node before migration. The migration tools
federate the Version 7.0 node during migration.

Restriction: Scenarios involving the migration of WebSphere Application Server

Version 6.0.0.x and 6.0.1.x federated nodes directly to Version 7.0 are
not supported. Upgrade all Version 6.0.0.x and 6.0.1.x federated nodes
to at least Version 6.0.2 before attempting to migrate them to Version

Tip: When migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
federated node, you must perform the following actions if you want to be
able to roll it back to its previous state after migration:
1. Back up your existing configuration.
v Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility to back
up the Version 7.0 deployment manager configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
v Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility to back
up the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
2. Migrate the federated node.
3. If necessary, you can now roll back the federated node that you just
Read “Rolling back a federated node” on page 83 for more information.

Decide whether you want to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.0 using the Migration wizard or using the
command-line migration tools.

After migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x

deployment manager to a Version 7.0 deployment manager, the Version 7.0
deployment manager runs in compatibility mode by default. The Version 7.0
deployment manager can manage Version 5.1.x, Version 6.x, and Version 7.0 release
nodes in this mode. The federated nodes of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager are now running as Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated
nodes in the Version 7.0 Network Deployment cell. Read “Coexistence support” on
page 99 for information on restrictions on using mixed-release cells.

Over time, migrate each WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
federated node in the Version 7.0 cell to Version 7.0. After migrating all Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x federated nodes, use the convertScriptCompatibility script to

64 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
change the deployment manager from a node that supports backward
compatibility of Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x administration scripts to a node that
supports only Version 7.0. Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43
for more information.

For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

1. Perform a typical or custom WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
installation as described in the ″Installing the product and additional software″
article in the information center.
2. Migrate the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager to Version 7.0 as described in “Migrating to a Version 7.0
deployment manager” on page 61.
3. Collect the following information (the Migration wizard prompts you for the
information during the migration):
v Migration backup directory name
v Installation root directory
v Administrative user name for the current installation
v Password for the administrative user name of the current installation
v Source profile name
v Target profile name
v Applications to be migrated
v Port value assignments
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and “WASPostUpgrade
command” on page 49 for descriptions of the parameters related to this
required information as well as optional parameters.
4. Ensure that the Version 7.0 deployment manager is up and running.

Note: You can migrate a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x node whether the node is
running or stopped. The migration tools can retrieve all the configuration
data either way. You must stop the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x node
before you can start the Version 7.0 node that you are installing,
however, so it makes sense to stop it now.
5. Migrate as many WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
federated nodes as you intend to migrate by using the following procedure.
a. Determine the node name of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node.
b. Optional: Use the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Profile
Management tool or the manageprofiles command to create a application
server or custom profile, but do not federate the node.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles
on the following platforms:
v 64-bit platforms
v Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
Use the same name for the node that was used for the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x federated node name.

Tip: If you make any cell-level changes to the new Version 7.0 node before
migration, such as changes to virtual-host information, these changes

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 65

will be lost during migration. Therefore, you should wait until after
the node has been migrated before making any such changes.
Otherwise, you will have to manually remake all of the changes to the
new cell after migration using the administrative console running on
the deployment manager. This tip is reflected in message MIGR0444W.
c. Perform one of the following procedures to migrate the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x federated node to Version 7.0.
v Use the Migration wizard to migrate the WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node to Version 7.0 as described in
“Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node using the
Migration wizard” on page 32.
The Migration wizard, which is the graphical interface to the Version 7.0
command-line migration tools (WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade),
is the recommended migration tool. For instructions and information on
the Migration wizard, read “Using the Migration wizard to migrate
product configurations” on page 27.
The Migration wizard copies the configuration and applications from the
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node to the Version 7.0
configuration. After migrating all of the data, the Migration wizard
federates the Version 7.0 node into the deployment manager cell.
v Use the command-line tools to migrate the WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node to Version 7.0.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 and “WASPostUpgrade
command” on page 49 for more information.

Note: When migrating federated nodes from Version 5.1.0 to Version 7.0,
there is a custom property of which you should be aware:
com.ibm.websphere.ObjectIDVersionCompatibility. It might be
possible to gain performance benefits after the entire cell is migrated
to Version 7.0. Read the ″Object Request Broker custom properties″
article in the information center for complete details.
d. Stop and restart each of the application servers on the migrated node.

Note: For migration to be successful, you must use the same node names and
cell names for each node that you migrate from Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x to Version 7.0.
6. If you chose the compatibility option (which is the default) and if all of your
nodes are completely migrated to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0,
run the convertScriptCompatibility script to remove backward compatibility
from the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 deployment manager.
Issue the convertScriptCompatibility command from the bin directory.
v app_server_root/bin/
v app_server_root\bin\convertScriptCompatibility.bat
Read “convertScriptCompatibility command” on page 43 for more information.

Occasionally (after rebooting an application server machine for example), you must
restart the nodeagent server on the application server node by running the
startNode command from the profile_root/bin directory. To keep your application
server nodes running without having to access the bin directory of each one, use
the operating system to monitor and restart the node agent process on each
application server node. (You can also set up the dmgr server as a managed

66 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
process on the deployment manager node.) For more information, read the
″Automatically restarting server processes″ article in the information center.

Adding a node automatically issues the startNode command for the node.

Note: When a deployment manager is migrated, the applications in the cell are
reinstalled. Even though the name is unchanged, the application is different
from the version that was deployed on the previous release. When the
federated nodes synchronize with the migrated deployment manager,
therefore, they detect the new application and download it. After the
application has been downloaded (synchronized), the node agent uses the
new application rather than the old application. If the application is running
on any active servers, the application will appear to restart as the old
application is stopped and uninstalled and the new application is installed
and started.

Migrating a large Network Deployment configuration with a

large number of applications
If you have an existing WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
Network Deployment configuration with a significant number of large applications
and you must meet a specific maintenance window for migration, you might have
some difficulty if you use the standard migration scenario. In this case, you might
want to copy the resources in the configuration tree from a Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x deployment manager configuration to a Version 7.0 deployment-manager
management profile but defer adding applications to the Version 7.0 profile so that
you can continue managing the environment using the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager.

Tip: To avoid possible connection-timeout problems, modify the

connection-timeout value before running the WASPostUpgrade command to
migrate the federated nodes in a cell containing many small applications, a
few large applications, or one very large application. If you use a SOAP
connector, for example, perform the following actions:
1. Go to the following location in the Version 7.0 directory for the profile to
which you are migrating your federated node:
2. Open the ssl.client.props file in that directory and find the value for the
com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property. This is the timeout value in
seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.
3. Change the value of com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout to make it large
enough to migrate your configuration. For example, the following entry
would give you a timeout value of a half of an hour:

Note: Select the smallest timeout value that will meet your needs. Be
prepared to wait for at least three times the timeout that you
select—once to download files to the backup directory, once to
upload the migrated files to the deployment manager, and once to
synchronize the deployment manager with the migrated node
4. Go to the following location in the backup directory that was created by
the WASPreUpgrade command:

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 67

5. Open the appropriate file in that directory and find the value for the
com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property:
v Open the soap.client.props file if you are migrating from Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.0.x.
v Open the ssl.client.props file if you are migrating from Version 6.1.x.
6. Change the value of com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout to the same value that
you used in the Version 7.0 file.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

You can use this strategy to satisfy your specific maintenance-window requirement
by building the full WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Network
Deployment configuration in the background while the existing topology is still
running and being managed.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, read Chapter 8,

“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.
1. Make sure that the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager is running and managing the existing environment, and
make sure that no Version 7.0 deployment manager is running.
This is important in order to prevent two different deployment managers from
trying to manage the same environment.
2. Run the WASPreUpgrade command.
v Run the WASPreUpgrade command from the Version 7.0 app_server_root/bin
v Specify the name of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x migration backup
v Specify the name of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Network Deployment
v Optional: Specify the name of a specific instance or profile to be migrated
from a previous version of WebSphere Application Server.
v Optional: Specify the location of user preferences for the administrative
console for one or more profiles.
For example:
WASPreUpgrade /WAS5.1_backup_directory /WAS5.1_install_directory
For a full explanation of the WASPreUpgrade command and its parameters,
read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47.
3. Run the WASPostUpgrade command.
v Run the WASPostUpgrade command from the Version 7.0 app_server_root/bin
v Specify the name of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x migration backup
v Specify -includeApps script.
This will not migrate your applications, but it will create some scripts that
you can run later to install your applications
v Specify -keepDmgrEnabled true.
v Specify any other options that you want.
For example:
68 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
WASPostUpgrade /WAS5.1_backup_directory -profileName dmgr_profile_name
-includeApps script -keepDmgrEnabled true
For a full explanation of the WASPostUpgrade command and its parameters,
read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49.
At this point, you can exit the maintenance window and still manage the
environment using the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x deployment manager.
4. Customize the administration files.
a. Go to the migration backup directory location that contains the generated
administration files.
b. Combine and tailor the administration files as needed.
This might include grouping applications together in some administration
files or specifying the installedApplications directory using the
installed.ear.destination parameter .
5. Run the wsadmin command to install the applications.
v Install the applications in the Version 7.0 configuration during either normal
operations or in applicable maintenance windows.
v Specify -conntype NONE. For example:
wsadmin -f application_script -conntype NONE
After all applications have been installed, you are ready to start using the
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 deployment manager.
6. Stop the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment
This is important in order to prevent two different deployment managers from
trying to manage the same environment.
You can do this in a number of ways. One easy way is to rename the
serverindex.xml file in the node directory of the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager to something else.
7. Start the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 deployment manager.
Start the deployment manager from its profile_root/bin directory. For example:

At this point, the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 deployment manager
should be running and the normal application synchronization should occur.

You can follow either of the following procedures:

v Migrate the entire cell before installing the applications.
v Perform the following actions:
1. Install the applications and leave the cell in a mixed state.
2. When you are ready, modify the connection-timeout values (as described in
the tip at the beginning of this article) before running the WASPostUpgrade
command to migrate the federated nodes.

Migrating to a Version 7.0 deployment manager on a remote

Use the migration tools to migrate from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to a Version
7.0 deployment manager on a remote machine.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 69

Typically, you can use the WASPreUpgrade and the WASPostUpgrade migration
tools to upgrade from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version 7.0 on the same
machine. However, some scenarios require that you migrate the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x configuration on one machine to Version 7.0 on a different machine.
One of these scenarios is when you install new machines for your Version 7.0
environment but need to migrate your existing Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration from other machines.

To ensure that your operating system is supported by WebSphere Application

Server Version 7.0, visit the following site for the most current list of supported
hardware and software: WebSphere Application Server system requirements.

If you find that your operating system is not supported for migration to Version
7.0, read “Migrating a deployment manager from an operating system that is no
longer supported” on page 72.

The WASPreUpgrade command saves the existing Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration into a migration-specific backup directory. The WASPostUpgrade
command uses this directory to add the old configuration settings to the new
Version 7.0 environment.

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
deployment manager on a remote machine, use the backupConfig command
or your own preferred backup utility to back up your existing configuration if
you want to be able to restore it to its previous state after migration. Read the
″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for more
information. Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, read Chapter 8,

“Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.
1. Obtain the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk.
This disk contains the migration/bin directory. This directory contains a special
environment that you can use to run the WASPreUpgrade command without
installing Version 7.0.
2. Save the current configuration using the WASPreUpgrade script from the
migration/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
utilities disk, which you must mount on the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
Specify -machineChange true when you run the WASPreUpgrade command.
Save the configuration in the migration_specific_backup directory on the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x machine.
./WASPreUpgrade.sh /filepath/migration_specific_backup
/opt/WebSphere/AppServer -machineChange true

WASPreUpgrade C:\filepath\migration_specific_backup
C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer -machineChange true

The WASPreUpgrade command provides status to the screen and to log files in
the migration_specific_backup directory. ASCII log file names start with the text
WASPreUpgrade and include a date and timestamp.

70 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
3. Copy the migration_specific_backup directory from the WebSphere Application
Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x machine to the Version 7.0 machine.
Use the ftp command, shared storage, or some other mechanism to copy the
directory to the new machine.
4. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 on the new machine.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
Install the same features as the earlier release.
5. Use the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command to create a
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 profile.

Restriction: You cannot use the Profile Management tool to create profiles on
the following platforms:
v 64-bit platforms
v Linux for zSeries platform for 64-bit or 31-bit
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
The Version 7.0 deployment manager profile must have the same cell name as
the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile that is being migrated.
6. Add the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration to the Version 7.0 configuration.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.
Specify -keepDmgrEnabled true when you run the WASPostUpgrade command
in a remote deployment-manager migration. If you fail to do so, the
WASPostUpgrade command will fail when it is unable to locate the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x installation on the same machine as the Version 7.0
Use the WASPostUpgrade command in the app_server_root/bin directory of the
Version 7.0 installation to add the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration to
the Version 7.0 configuration.

./WASPostUpgrade.sh /filepath/migration_specific_backup
-keepDmgrEnabled true

WASPostUpgrade C:\filepath\migration_specific_backup
-keepDmgrEnabled true

The WASPostUpgrade tool records information specific to each enterprise bean

it deploys in the migration_specific_backup/WASPostUpgrade.log file.
7. Modify the configuration using the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
administrative console.
a. Change user IDs and passwords to match security requirements.
If you make any changes to the security configuration, you must then
resynchronize all federated nodes in the configuration. If you fail to do so,
the nodes will not be able to communicate with the deployment manager
and migration will not be able to upgrade the federated nodes.
You might have to change user IDs and passwords if they are not identical
to those in use on the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x machine.
b. Change other machine-specific information.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 71

The configuration might refer to other software products or configurations
that do not exist on the new machine. For example, the old machine might
have a database. Modify the data source to point to the database on the old
8. Manually synchronize all federated nodes with the migrated deployment
If you fail to do so, the nodes will not be able to communicate with the
deployment manager and migration will not be able to upgrade the federated

You have migrated WebSphere Application Server from Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
to a remote Version 7.0 machine.

Migrating a deployment manager from an operating system

that is no longer supported
Use the migration tools to migrate an earlier WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager that is running on an operating
system that Version 7.0 does not support.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Tip: Before migrating from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x, use the backupConfig command or your own preferred backup utility to
back up your existing configuration if you want to be able to restore it to its
previous state after migration. Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in
the information center for more information. Make sure that you note the
exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.

For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

1. Obtain the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk.
This disk contains the migration/bin directory. This directory contains a special
environment that you can use to run the WASPreUpgrade command without
installing Version 7.0.
2. Save the current configuration using the WASPreUpgrade script from the
migration/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
utilities disk.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
Save the configuration in the migration_specific_backup directory. If the
WASPreUpgrade command fails because the Java Development Kit (JDK) on
the Version 7.0 utilities disk is not supported on the operating system that you
are attempting to migrate, perform the following actions:
a. Create a migration directory on your local system.
b. Install an IBM certified JDK that is at the highest level that will run on your
operating system.

Important: Your JDK must be version 1.6 or later if you want to use the
migration tools.
The JDK directory should be in the same directory as the migration
directory that you created on your local system in the last step, or you
should have a working symlink that allows Java to be invoked from that

72 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
- migration directory
- JDK/jre.pak/repository/package.java.jre/java/jre/bin/java
c. Copy the WASPreUpgrade.bat (or WASPreUpgrade.sh) and the
setupCmdLine.bat (or setupCmdLine.sh) files from the migration/bin
directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 utilities disk to
the migration directory that you created on your local system.
d. Edit the setupCmdLine.bat or setupCmdLine.sh file in your new migration
v Change WAS_HOME to point to the fully qualified path to the migration
directory that you created
v Change JAVA_HOME to point to the fully qualified path to your IBM
Developer Kit or Java directory.
e. Ensure that the executable bit is on for the setupCmdLine.sh and
WASPreUpgrade.sh files in the migration directory that you created.
f. Run the command from the migration directory that you created.
Identify the backup directory and the location of the configuration files.
migration_directory\WASPreUpgrade migration_specific_backup_directory
file_path\WebSphere\AppServer node_name
3. Shut down the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
release by stopping all server nodes in the configuration.
4. Tar or zip the migration_specific_backup directory, and FTP it to another system.
5. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 on the new operating system.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
Install the same features as the earlier release.
6. Use the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command to create a
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 profile.
The Version 7.0 deployment manager profile must have the same cell name as
the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile that is being migrated.
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article or the
″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for more
7. Add the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration to the Version 7.0 configuration.
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.
Specify -keepDmgrEnabled true when you run the WASPostUpgrade command.
If you fail to do so, the WASPostUpgrade command will fail when it is unable
to locate the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x installation on the same machine as the
Version 7.0 installation.
Use the WASPostUpgrade command in the app_server_root/bin directory of the
Version 7.0 installation to add the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration to
the Version 7.0 configuration.

./WASPostUpgrade.sh /filepath/migration_specific_backup
-keepDmgrEnabled true

WASPostUpgrade C:\filepath\migration_specific_backup
-keepDmgrEnabled true

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 73

The WASPostUpgrade tool records information specific to each enterprise bean
it deploys in the migration_specific_backup/WASPostUpgrade.log file.
8. Modify the configuration using the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
administrative console.
a. Change user IDs and passwords to match security requirements.
If you make any changes to the security configuration, you must then
resynchronize all federated nodes in the configuration. If you fail to do so,
the nodes will not be able to communicate with the deployment manager
and migration will not be able to upgrade the federated nodes.
You might have to change user IDs and passwords if they are not identical
to those in use on the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x machine.
b. Change other machine-specific information.
The configuration might refer to other software products or configurations
that do not exist on the new machine. For example, the old machine might
have a database. Modify the data source to point to the database on the old
9. Manually synchronize all federated nodes with the migrated deployment
If you fail to do so, the nodes will not be able to communicate with the
deployment manager and migration will not be able to upgrade the federated

Migrating IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby databases

The migration tools migrate any IBM Cloudscape® database instances to Apache
Derby instances in the new configuration, and they copy any Apache Derby
instances that are stored in the previous release’s WebSphere Application Server
configuration tree to the new release’s configuration tree. After you use the
migration tools, you should verify the results of the database migration and
manually migrate any Cloudscape database instances or copy any Derby database
instances that are not automatically migrated or copied by the tools.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

v Before you run the migration tools, ensure that any application servers
hosting applications that are using a Cloudscape or a Derby database are
Otherwise, the database migration will fail.
v Before you run the migration tools, ensure that the debug migration trace is
By default, this trace function is enabled. To reactivate the debug
migration trace if it is disabled, set one of the following trace options:
– all traces*=all
– com.ibm.ws.migration.WASUpgrade=all

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 requires Apache Derby Version 10.3 or
later. Apache Derby Version 10.3 is a pure Java database server that combines the

74 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Derby runtime with the opportunity to use the full services of IBM Software
Support. For comprehensive information about Apache Derby Version 10.3, read
the Apache Derby Web site.

For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

Important: Derby-to-Derby migration performs a file-system copy of the data at a

given point in time. This snapshot will not remain in sync with the
database in the previous installation. If you roll back to the previous
release, any updates to the database that you made after migration will
not be reflected in the previous installation.
1. Migrate the configuration to Version 7.0.
2. Verify the automatic migration of Cloudscape database instances or copying of
Derby database instances.
When you migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x to Version 7.0, the migration tools automatically upgrade Cloudscape or
Derby database instances that are accessed through the embedded framework
by some internal components such as the UDDI registry. The tools also attempt
to upgrade Cloudscape or Derby instances that your applications access
through the embedded framework. You must verify these migration results
after running the migration tools.
v To distinguish between a partially and a completely successful
Cloudscape-to-Derby migration, verify the automatic-migration results by
performing the following tasks:
a. Check the general migration post-upgrade log for database error
These exceptions indicate database migration failures. The migration tool
references all database exceptions with the prefix DSRA.
b. Check the individual database migration logs.
These logs have the same timestamp as that of the general migration
post-upgrade log. The individual logs display more detail about errors
that are listed in the general post-upgrade log as well as expose errors
that are not documented by the general log.
The path name of each database log is app_server_root/profiles/
c. Look at the debug log that corresponds with the database migration log.
The WebSphere Application Server migration utility triggers a debug
migration trace by default; this trace function generates the database debug
The full path name of each debug log is app_server_root/profiles/
Performing these tasks gives you vital diagnostic data to troubleshoot the
partially migrated databases as well as those that fail automatic migration
completely. Ultimately, you must migrate databases that were not completely
migrated automatically through a manual process. The log messages contain
the exact old and new database path names that you must use to run the
manual migration. Note these new path names precisely.
Read the ″Verifying the Cloudscape automatic migration″ article in the
information center for more information.
v Verify that any Derby database instances that are stored in the previous
release’s WebSphere Application Server configuration tree were copied to the
new release’s configuration tree

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 75

Check the general migration post-upgrade log for database error messages.
These exceptions indicate database migration failures. The migration tool
references all database exceptions with the prefix DSRA..
3. Manually migrate Cloudscape database instances or copy Derby database
instances where necessary.
v The Version 7.0 migration tools do not attempt to migrate database instances
that transact with applications through the Cloudscape Network Server or
the Apache Derby Network Server framework. This exclusion eliminates the
risk of corrupting third-party applications that access the same database
instances as those accessed by WebSphere Application Server.
To minimize the risk of migration errors for databases that were only
partially upgraded during the automatic migration process, delete the new
database. Troubleshoot the original database according to the log diagnostic
data, then perform manual migration of the original database.
Read the ″Upgrading Cloudscape manually″ article in the information center
for more information.
v The Version 7.0 migration tools do not copy any Derby database instances
outside the WebSphere Application Server configuration tree.
If migration does not copy a Derby database instance automatically, copy the
database instance manually.
4. Manually migrate your UDDI registry if it uses a database on the Cloudscape
Network Server or the Apache Derby Network Server framework.
Read the ″Migrating the UDDI registry″ article in the information center for
more information.

Service integration bus-enabled Web services use a Service Data Objects (SDO)
repository for storing and serving WSDL definitions. If you migrate a configuration
that uses a Cloudscape database as the SDO repository, the SDO application will
still be configured to use Cloudscape in the new configuration. Migration converts
the Cloudscape database to Derby, but you must still update any SDO
application’s backend ID to use the new database. After you migrate all of the
nodes on a server with an SDO repository application that uses Cloudscape,
perform the following actions to reset the database type used by the SDO
application on the new configuration to Derby:
1. Read about the basic usage for the installSdoRepository.jacl script inside the
script file.
2. Run the installSdoRepository.jacl script by changing to the app_server_root/bin/
directory and running the following command:
wsadmin.extension -f app_server_root/bin/installSdoRepository.jacl
-editBackendId DERBY_V10

Read the ″Installing and configuring the SDO repository″ article in the information
center for more information on upgrading the SDO repository application to
Version 7.0 .

Migrating from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 does not include the WebSphere Connect
JDBC driver for SQL Server. Use the WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion
command to convert data sources from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver to the
DataDirect Connect JDBC driver or the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver.

76 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
The WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion command processes resources.xml
files, and there are many options that can be specified to indicate which
resources.xml files to process.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.


[-profileName profile_name]
[-driverType MS | DD]
[-classPath class_path]
[-nativePath native_path]
[-pathSeparator separator]
[[-cellName ALL | cell_name [-clusterName ALL | cluster_name] |
[-applicationName ALL | application_name] |
[-nodeName ALL | node_name] [-serverName ALL | server_name]]]
[-backupConfig true | false]
[-username userID]
[-password password]
[[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]

[-profileName profile_name]
[-driverType MS | DD]
[-classPath class_path]
[-nativePath native_path]
[-pathSeparator separator]
[[-cellName ALL | cell_name [-clusterName ALL | cluster_name] |
[-applicationName ALL | application_name] |
[-nodeName ALL | node_name] [-serverName ALL | server_name]]]
[-backupConfig true | false]
[-username userID]
[-password password]
[[-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]

-profileName profile_name
This optional parameter is used to specify a specific profile configuration
in the Version 7.0 environment.
If this parameter is not specified, the default profile is used. If the default
is not set or cannot be found, an error is returned.
If the command is run from within the profile_name/bin directory, it is
implicit that the profile_name profile should be migrated and this parameter
is not needed.
-driverType MS | DD
This required parameter is used to indicate the type of conversion that you
want to perform.
Specifying MS converts to the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver, and
specifying DD converts to the DataDirect Connect JDBC driver.
-classPath class_path
This required parameter is used to specify the class path for the new JDBC

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 77

-nativePath native_path
This optional parameter is used to specify the native path for the new
JDBC driver.
-pathSeparator separator
This optional parameter is used to specify a path separator other than the
The default is operating-system dependant and is listed in the
command-line help.
-cellName ALL | cell_name
This optional parameter is used to specify the specific name of the cell to
process or to specify all cells.
The default is ALL
-clusterName ALL | cluster_name
This optional parameter is used to specify the specific name of the cluster
to process or to specify all clusters.
The default is ALL
-application nameName ALL | application_name
This optional parameter is used to specify applications to process. (Some
resource.xml files might exist in applications if enhanced EAR file support
is used.)
The default is ALL
-nodeName ALL | node_name
This optional parameter is used to specify the specific name of the node to
process or to specify all node names in the configuration.
The default is ALL.
-serverName ALL | server_name
This optional parameter is used to specify the specific name of a server or
to specify all server names in a node.
The default is ALL.
-backupConfig true | false
This parameter is used to specify whether (true) or not (false) to back up
the existing configuration before the command makes changes to the
The default is true.
-username userID
This optional parameter is used to specify the user name to be used by this
-password password
This optional parameter is used to specify the password to be used by this
-traceString trace_spec
This optional parameter is used with -traceFile to gather trace information
for use by IBM service personnel.
The value of traceString is ″*=all=enabled″ and must be specified with
quotation marks to be processed correctly.

78 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
-traceFile file_name
This optional parameter is used with -traceString to gather trace
information for use by IBM service personnel.

Migrating a previously root configuration to non-root

On Linux and UNIX® operating systems, you can run WebSphere Application
Server Version 7.0 as a non-root user when you previously used a root user ID in
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x.

Previous releases of WebSphere Application Server required root access to the

system. The default migration paths to Version 7.0 carry forward that requirement
unless you modify the standard migration process.
1. Collect related information.
v Collect user and group information on the non-root user profile (referred to
here as nonroot_user) that will run Version 7.0.
v Collect user and group information information on any files outside the
WebSphere Application Server tree that are are referenced by your current
configuration and applications.
– Library files (.jar files)
– Resource Adapter Files (.rar files)
– Keyfiles (.jks and .p12files for example)
– Other files (database driver files and application helper files or services for
v Does your configuration use Run As User on the servers?
If it does, include that in your plans. Ideally, they should use RunAsUser
v Do your applications or your application-server configurations use system
services with user-restricted access?
2. Provide access to all necessary files, including files in the the WebSphere
Application Server configuration directories and all files outside the WebSphere
Application Server tree that you identified in the first step.
a. Perform one of the following actions:
v Change the ownership of the previous version’s installation.
chown -R nonroot_user WAS_HOME
chown -R nonroot_user USER_HOME
v Change the restrictions of the previous version’s installation.
chmod -R 0777 WAS_HOME
chmod -R 0777 USER_HOME
b. Change ownership or group access for all the files outside the WebSphere
Application Server tree that you identified in the first step.
3. Install Version 7.0 using nonroot_user.
4. Create a migration backup directory accessible by nonroot_user.
5. Use the migration tools to migrate your previous configuration to Version 7.0.

Migrating a previously non-root configuration to root

You can run either a deployment manager or application server as root in
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 when you previously used a non-root
user ID on Linux and UNIX platforms in Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 79

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and
“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

Set the ownership of the profile or deployment manager directory to be the same
as the user under which WebSphere Application Server is to run.

This must be done for the deployment manager or application servers to run

As a root user, run the following commands:

cd $WASROOT/profiles/
chown -R wasadmin dmgr/
chgrp -R wasndgrp dmgr/
chmod -R 755 dmgr/
cd $WASROOT/profiles/dmgr/bin

where the profile name is dmgr run as a user in wasadmin with the primary group

Tip: For help, read Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting migration,” on page 113.

You can now run either a deployment manager or application server as root.

Rolling back your environment

After migrating to a WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 environment, you
can roll back to a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x environment. This returns the
configuration to the state that it was in before migration. After rolling back the
environment, you can restart the migration process.

Generally, migration does not modify anything in the configuration of the prior
release; however, there are cases where minimal changes are made that are
v To roll back a Version 7.0 deployment manager and its federated nodes to
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x, follow the instructions in “Rolling back a Network
Deployment cell.”
v To roll back a Version 7.0 federated node to Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x, follow
the instructions in “Rolling back a federated node” on page 83.
v To roll back a Version 7.0 standalone application server to Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x, follow the instructions in “Rolling back a standalone application
server” on page 85.

The configuration should now be returned to the state that it was in before

You can now restart the migration process if you want to do so.

Rolling back a Network Deployment cell

You can use the restoreConfig and wsadmin commands to roll back a migrated
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 Network Deployment cell to Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x. This returns the configuration to the state that it was in before
migration. After rolling back the Network Deployment cell, you can restart the
migration process.

80 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Best practice: When migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x Network Deployment
cell, the best practice is to perform the following actions if you want
to be able to roll it back to its previous state after migration:
1. Back up your existing configuration.
v Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility
to back up the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment
manager configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and
location of this backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information
center for more information.
v Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility
to back up the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and
location of each of these backed-up configurations.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information
center for more information.
2. Migrate the Network Deployment cell.
1. Stop all of the servers and node agents that are currently running in the
Version 7.0 environment.
2. If you chose to disable the previous deployment manager when you migrated
to the Version 7.0 deployment manager, perform one of the following actions.

Note: Disablement is the default.

a. If you backed up your previous deployment manager configuration using
the backupConfig command or your own preferred backup utility, run the
restoreConfig command or your own preferred utility to restore the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration for the deployment manager.

Important: Make sure that you restore the same backed-up configuration
that you created just before you migrated the deployment
Read the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
b. If you did not back up your previous deployment manager configuration,
use the wsadmin command to run the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl
script from the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile_root/bin directory of the
deployment manager that you need to roll back from Version 7.0.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following parameters:
./wsadmin.sh -f migrationDisablementReversal.jacl -conntype NONE

Tip: If you have trouble running the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl

script, try to manually perform the steps in the script.
1) Go to the following directory:

where node_name is the name of the deployment manager node that

you want to roll back.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 81

2) If you see a serverindex.xml_disabled file in this directory, perform
the following actions:
a) Delete or rename the serverindex.xml file.
b) Rename the serverindex.xml_disabled file to serverindex.xml.
3. Perform one of the following actions for each of the Network Deployment cell’s
federated nodes that you need to roll back.
a. If you backed up your previous federated node configuration using the
backupConfig command or your own preferred backup utility, run the
restoreConfig command or your own preferred utility to restore the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration for the federated node.

Important: Make sure that you restore the same backed-up configuration
that you created just before you migrated the federated node.
Read the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
b. If you did not back up your previous federated node configuration, use the
wsadmin command to run the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl script
from the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile_root/bin directory of the
federated node.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following
./wsadmin.sh -f migrationDisablementReversal.jacl -conntype NONE

Tip: If you have trouble running the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl

script, try to manually perform the steps in the script.
1) Go to the following directory:

where node_name is the name of the federated node that you want
to roll back.
2) If you see a serverindex.xml_disabled file in this directory, perform
the following actions:
a) Delete or rename the serverindex.xml file.
b) Rename the serverindex.xml_disabled file to serverindex.xml.
4. Synchronize the federated nodes if they were ever running when the Version
7.0 deployment manager was running.
Read the ″Synchronizing nodes with the wsadmin tool″ article in the
information center for more information.
5. If you chose to keep the installed applications in the same location as the prior
release during migration to Version 7.0 and any of the Version 7.0 applications
are not compatible with the prior release, install applications that are
6. Delete the Version 7.0 profiles.
Read the ″Deleting a profile″ article in the information center for more
7. Start the rolled-back deployment manager and its federated nodes in the
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x environment.

The configuration should now be returned to the state that it was in before

82 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
You can now restart the migration process if you want to do so.

Rolling back a federated node

You can use the restoreConfig and wsadmin commands to roll back a migrated
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 federated node to the state that it was in
before migration. For each federated node that you want to roll back, you must roll
back the federated node itself and the corresponding changes made to the primary
repository located on the deployment manager.

Best practice: When migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node, the
best practice is to perform the following actions if you want to be
able to roll it back to its previous state after migration:
1. Back up your existing configuration.
a. Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred
utility to back up the Version 7.0 deployment manager

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and
location of this backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information
center for more information.
b. Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred
utility to back up the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated
node configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and
location of this backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information
center for more information.
2. Migrate the federated node.
3. If necessary, you can now roll back the federated node that you
just migrated.

Important: If you do not have a backup copy of your Version 7.0 deployment
manager configuration as it was before you migrated the Version 5.1.x
or Version 6.x federated node that you want to roll back, you cannot
use the procedure described in this article and you must roll back your
whole cell as described in “Rolling back a Network Deployment cell”
on page 80.

You must perform all of the backup and rollback actions for each migrated
federated node before you proceed to migrate another federated node.
1. Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility to back up the
Version 7.0 deployment manager configuration at the current state.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this
backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information center for more
2. Stop all servers and the node agent on the Version 7.0 federated node that you
want to roll back.
3. Restore your previous configuration.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 83

a. Run the restoreConfig command or your own preferred utility to restore
the previous Version 7.0 deployment manager configuration.

v Make sure that you restore the same backed-up
configuration that you created just before you migrated the
federated node.
v If you have made changes to your environment (application
or configuration changes for example), these changes are
rolled back at the same time and cause the other nodes to
force synchronization with the deployment manager.
Read the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
b. Perform one of the following actions to restore the Version 5.1.x or Version
6.x configuration for the federated node.
v Run the restoreConfig command or your own preferred utility to restore
the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration.

Important: Make sure that you restore the same backed-up

configuration that you created just before you migrated this
federated node.
Read the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for
more information.
v Use the wsadmin command to run the
migrationDisablementReversal.jacl script from the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x profile_root/bin directory of the federated node.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following
./wsadmin.sh -f migrationDisablementReversal.jacl -conntype NONE

Tip: If you have trouble running the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl

script, try to manually perform the steps in the script.
1) Go to the following directory:

where node_name is the name of the federated node that you

want to roll back.
2) If you see a serverindex.xml_disabled file in this directory,
perform the following actions:
a) Delete or rename the serverindex.xml file.
b) Rename the serverindex.xml_disabled file to
4. Start the Version 7.0 deployment manager.
5. Perform any application maintenance that is required.
6. Synchronize the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node with the
deployment manager.
Read the ″Synchronizing nodes with the wsadmin tool″ article in the
information center for more information.

84 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
7. If you chose to keep the installed applications in the same location as the
prior release during migration to Version 7.0 and any of the Version 7.0
applications are not compatible with the prior release, install applications that
are compatible.
8. Start the rolled-back Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node and servers.
9. Validate that the configuration is satisfactory.
This is the last chance to undo the rollback action by restoring the
deployment-manager configuration that you backed up in the first step.
10. Delete the Version 7.0 profile for the federated node that you rolled back to
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x.
Read the ″Deleting a profile″ article in the information center for more

The configuration should now be returned to the state that it was in before

You can now restart the migration process if you want to do so.

Rolling back a standalone application server

You can use the restoreConfig and wsadmin commands to roll back a migrated
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 standalone application server to the
state that it was in before migration.

Best practice: When migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application
server, the best practice is to perform the following actions if you
want to be able to roll it back to its previous state after migration:
1. Run the backupConfig command or your own preferred utility
to back up the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x standalone application
server configuration.

Important: Make sure that you note the exact name and location
of this backed-up configuration.
Read the ″backupConfig command″ article in the information
center for more information.
2. Migrate the standalone application server.
3. If necessary, you can now roll back the standalone application
server that you just migrated.
1. Stop all of the servers that are currently running in the Version 7.0
2. Perform one of the following actions to restore the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
configuration for the standalone application server.
v Run the restoreConfig command or your own preferred utility to restore the
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration.

Important: Make sure that you restore the same backed-up configuration
that you created just before you migrated this standalone
application server.
Read the ″restoreConfig command″ article in the information center for more
v Use the wsadmin command to run the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl
script from the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x profile_root/bin directory of the
standalone application server.

Chapter 2. Migrating product configurations 85

In a Linux environment, for example, use the following
./wsadmin.sh -f migrationDisablementReversal.jacl -conntype NONE
3. If you chose to keep the installed applications in the same location as the prior
release during migration to Version 7.0 and any of the Version 7.0 applications
are not compatible with the prior release, install applications that are
4. Delete the Version 7.0 profile for the standalone application server.
Read the ″Deleting a profile″ article in the information center for more
5. Start the rolled-back standalone application server in the Version 7.0

The configuration should now be returned to the state that it was in before

You can now restart the migration process if you want to do so.

86 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 3. Migrating Web server configurations
You can migrate a Web server from supporting an earlier version of WebSphere
Application Server to support the current version.
1. Install the IBM HTTP Server Version 7.0 and its plug-in or a plug-in for another
supported Web server.
Install the HTTP Server and its plug-in on a different machine with the
following procedure:
a. Insert the product disk into the machine.
b. Close the launchpad if it starts automatically.
c. Change directories to the IHS directory on the product disk.
d. Install the IBM HTTP Server.
Run the appropriate installation script for your platform.
v InstallIHS.sh
v InstallIHS.bat
This script installs the plug-in that you need and makes the necessary
configuration changes for the supported Web server.
IBM HTTP Server Version 7.0 can coexist with earlier versions, or you can
upgrade earlier versions to Version 7.0. Install Version 7.0 into the same
directory structure as the earlier version to upgrade that version.

Note: The IHS ISMP installer will not allow installing into the previous
directory. The target directory MUST be empty.
If you install the HTTP Server into a different directory, Version 7.0 coexists
with the previous version. By default, the administration server and the Web
Server use the same ports as the previous version, which causes a conflict.
However, you can change the port assignments on the port assignment panel of
the WebSphere Application Server Installation wizard or the Profile
Management tool. Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″
article in the information center for more information.
v Change the port number assignments for the new installation if you install
into a separate directory. You can change port numbers on the coexistence
panel. You can back track through the Installation wizard and change the
port settings if you have not already done so. Or, you can change the port
settings after installation in the httpd.conf file in the HTTP Server directory.
v Update the IBM HTTP Server httpd.conf configuration entries to remove
entries for earlier WebSphere Application Server versions if you install into
the same directory as an earlier version.
Versions 5.1.x, 6.x, and 7.0 of WebSphere Application Server use the same
HTTP transport plug-in binary module. If the Web server configuration file
contains WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x plug-in
information, you must manually remove it. Otherwise when the HTTP Server
attempts to start the second Version 7.0 plug-in binary module, there is an
error. The error indicates that the module is already loaded.
The configuration file might contain duplicate entries for accessing
WebSphere Application Server samples. Remove any aliases for previous
versions and retain the Version 7.0 entries:

© IBM Corporation 2003, 2008 87

Version 5.1.x installation:
Alias /WSsamples "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\WSsamples"
Alias /IBMWebAS/ "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\web\"

Version 6.x installation:

Alias /WSsamples "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\WSsamples"
Alias /IBMWebAS/ "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\web\"

Version 7.0 installation:

Alias /WSsamples "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\WSsamples"
Alias /IBMWebAS/ "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\web\"
2. Migrate plug-ins to work with WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
Starting with WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0, the following are true:
v Web servers can be represented in the administrative console.
v The Web server plug-in configuration file (plugin-cfg.xml) is associated with
every Web server definition instead of one cell-wide plug-in configuration
v The settings in the generated plug-in configuration file are based on the list
of applications that are deployed on the hosting Web server.
Use the following steps to generate a Web server plug-in configuration file that
is based on topology. This method was used for generated plug-in
configuration files in previous releases.
a. Use the GenPluginCfg command to generate the plug-in configuration file.
Read the ″GenPluginCfg command″ article in the information center for
more information.
b. Manually propagate the generated plug-in configuration file from the
machine on which the WebSphere Application Server resides to the remote
Web server.
c. Use the Plug-ins installation wizard to configure the Web server. Instead of
using the default plug-in configuration file location, specify the new location
of the plug-in configuration file that was propagated in the previous step.
Read the ″Installing Web server plug-ins″ article in the information center
for more information.
You should migrate to the application-centric approach that uses the Plug-ins
installation wizard. The Plug-ins installation wizard generates scripts that can
be used to create the Web server definition for that Web server and to map all
of the applications that are currently deployed to the newly created Web server

Plug-in considerations when you are migrating from WebSphere Application

Server Version 5.1.x to Version 7.0 In WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0,
the plug-in configuration file has a one-to-one relationship with a Web server.
v The plug-in configuration file (plugin-cfg.xml) generated after successful
migration from Version 5.1.x to Version 7.0 is topology centric—that is, it
includes all the applications within a cell. You can manage this cell-wide plug-in
configuration file from the Version 7.0 administrative console, by using the
GenPluginCfg command, or by using the Plug-in Config Generator MBean. Read
the ″GenPluginCfg command″ article in the information center for more
Be aware that regenerating the plug-in configuration can overwrite manual
configuration changes that you might want to preserve.
v The application-centric generation of the plugin-cfg.xml file is supported using
the Version 7.0 administrative console. Being application centric means that the

88 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
plugin-cfg.xml file generated in the administrative console has a granularity that
allows each application to be mapped to its specific Web or application server.
v To set up the administrative console so that you can use it to manage the Web
server plug-in configuration, you must first create a default Web server
configuration and then use the administrative console to add the plug-in
properties from your migrated plugin-cfg.xml file to this Web server
– To create a default Web server configuration and then add the plug-in
properties from your migrated plugin-cfg.xml file in a Network Deployment
configuration, use the Version 6.x administrative console to perform the
following tasks:
1. Create a default Web server configuration.
Read the ″Setting up a local Web server″ article or the ″Setting up a
remote Web server″ article in the information center for more information.
2. Add the plug-in properties from your migrated plugin-cfg.xml file to this
Web server configuration.
Read the ″Communicating with Web servers″ and ″Web server plug-in
configuration properties″ articles in the information center for more
– To create a default Web server configuration and then add the plug-in
properties from your migrated plugin-cfg.xml file in a standalone application
server configuration, perform the following tasks:
1. Use the Version 7.0 Plug-ins installation wizard to create a default Web
server configuration.
Read the ″Installing Web server plug-ins″ article in the information center
for more information.
2. Use the Version 7.0 administrative console to edit the configuration and
define the plug-in properties.
Read the ″Communicating with Web servers″ and ″Web server plug-in
configuration properties″ articles in the information center for more

Migrating from WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x: This information is

only applicable if you migrated from WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x; it
is not applicable if you migrated from Version 5.1.x.
v Only Web servers defined on managed nodes are migrated to WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.0.
v If you are migrating a Web server and plug-ins from WebSphere Application
Server Version 6.x to Version 7.0 and the Web server is defined on an
unmanaged node, the Web server creation and application mapping must be
done manually.
To create the Web server definition manually, perform one of the following
– Use the administration console wizard.
To generate mapping to all applications that are installed at Web server
creation, use the mapping ALL option in the wizard.
– Use the wsadmin command.
$AdminTask createWebServer -interactive

and reply ALL to the mapping applications prompt.

– Use the configureWebserverDefintion.jacl script.

Chapter 3. Migrating Web server configurations 89

This script maps all installed applications to the Web server. The script
updates all of the information related to the Web server plug-in such as the
locations of the plug-in installation root, log file, configuration file, and key
stores on the Web server system. However, the script does not update other
properties related to the Web server if the Web server definition already

90 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 4. Migrating administrative scripts
You can migrate administrative scripts using scripting and the wsadmin tool.

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 supports migrating administrative

scripts from Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x.
v If you are migrating administrative scripts from Version 5.1.x, see:
“Migrating administrative scripts from Version 5.1.x”
v If you are migrating administrative scripts from Version 6.x, see:
“Migrating administrative scripts from Version 6.x to Version 7.0” on page 95

Migrating administrative scripts from Version 5.1.x

There are some changes you should be aware of when migrating from WebSphere
Application Server Version 5.1.x.

There are a few changes to be aware of that are required for your existing scripts
when moving to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0. In general, the
administration model has changed very little. However, there are some changes
required when moving from Version 5.1.x to Version 7.0.
v Be aware of the implications of migrating JMS applications from the embedded
messaging in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x to the default
messaging provider in WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
v A new version of Jacl (1.3.2) was shipped beginning with WebSphere Application
Server Version 6.x. With this Jacl version, regexp command supports only Tcl 8.0
regexp command syntax. If your existing Version 5.1.x Jacl script uses the regexp
command syntax that is supported in Jacl 1.2.6 but not anymore in Jacl 1.3.2,
you might not get a match anymore or you might get a compile error for your
regexp command similar to the following:
com.ibm.bsf.BSFException: error while eval’ing Jacl expression:
couldn’t compile regular expression pattern: ?+* follows nothing
while executing
"regexp {(?x)
("if" test expression)
invoked from within
"if {[regexp {(?x)
(file testregexp.jacl line 2)
(file line 2)
invoked from within
"source testregexp.jacl"
There is no workaround for this regression problem. Jacl has indicated that this
is by design and there is no simple patch to fix this design decision.
v For WSADMIN $AdminConfig: The PME CacheInstanceService type is no longer
used. If your scripts contain code to set the enable attribute on the
CacheInstanceService type, remove the code. It is not needed in Version 7.0.
v There are a few changes to be aware of that are required for your existing
Version 5.1.x scripts when moving to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
These types of changes can be evolved directly without the assistance of script
compatibility support. The data can be accessed from multiple locations,
including the old and new locations. As long as the new location is not updated,

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 91

the data is accessed from the old location. Once the new location is updated, it
becomes the current data and is used for further accesses and updates. Warning
messages are logged when the old location is still being used.
Read “Example: Migrating - Changing transaction log directory using scripting”
on page 93 for more information.
v There are a few changes to be aware of that are required for your existing scripts
when moving from Version 5.1.x to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.
These changes are assisted by the compatibility mode provided by
“WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49. During migration, the default is to
migrate using compatibility mode. If this option is taken, then the old object
types are migrated into the new configuration; all existing scripts will run
See the “Example: Migrating - Changing process definitions using scripting” on
page 94 article for more information.
v Be aware of removed features that might have an impact on administration
These might include the following:
– Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) IIOP security protocol
– Support for the Common Connector Framework (CCF)
– Support for the IBM Cloudscape Version 5.1.x database
– Support for the following Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers:
- WebSphere Connect JDBC driver
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC
- WebSphere SequeLink JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Read “Migrating from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver” on page 76 for
information on using the WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion command
to convert data sources from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver to the
DataDirect Connect JDBC driver or the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC
For more information, see the ″Deprecated and removed features″ article in the
information center.

Example: Migrating - Allowing configuration overwrite when

saving a configuration
These examples demonstrate how to enable configuration overwrite in network
deployment for WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x.

Use the following examples:

v wsadmin Version 5.1.x
Using Jacl:
$AdminConfig setSaveMode overwriteOnConflict
Using Jython:
v wsadmin Version 6.x
1. Enable configuration repository to allow configuration overwrite:
Using Jacl:
set s1AdminService [$AdminConfig getid /Server:dmgr/AdminService:/]

set configRepository [$AdminConfig showAttribute $s1AdminService configRepository]

set props [$AdminConfig showAttribute $configRepository properties]
set foundAllowConfigOverwrites ""
if {$props != "{}"} {
foreach prop $props {

92 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
if {[$AdminConfig showAttribute $prop name] == "allowConfigOverwrites"} {
set foundAllowConfigOverwrites $prop

if {$foundAllowConfigOverwrites == ""} {
$AdminConfig create Property $configRepository {{name allowConfigOverwrites} {value true}}
} else {
$AdminConfig modify $foundAllowConfigOverwrites {{value true}}

$AdminConfig save
Using Jython:
s1AdminService = AdminConfig.getid(’/Server:dmgr/AdminService:/’)
configRepository = AdminConfig.showAttribute(s1AdminService, ’configRepository’)
props = AdminConfig.showAttribute(configRepository, ’properties’)
foundAllowConfigOverwrites = ’’
if props != ’[]’:
properties = props[1:len(props)-1].split(’ ’)
for prop in properties:
name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(prop, ’name’)
if name == ’allowConfigOverwrites’:
foundAllowConfigOverwrites = prop

if len(foundAllowConfigOverwrites) != 0:
AdminConfig.modify(foundAllowConfigOverwrites, [[’value’, ’true’]])
AdminConfig.create(’Property’, configRepository, [[’name’, ’allowConfigOverwrites’],
[’value’, ’true’]])

2. Restart the deployment manager. From the bin directory of the deployment
manager profile, run the following:


3. Allow configuration overwrite, for example:
Using Jacl:
$AdminConfig setSaveMode overwriteOnConflict
Using Jython:

Example: Migrating - Changing transaction log directory using

Prepare for evolutionary changes without script compatibility support.

The location of the transaction logs directory attribute has changed from the
ApplicationServer::TransactionService to the ServerEntry::recoveryLogs. As
long as the new location is not used, the value from the old location will continue
to be used. Scripts that modify the old location can still be used; that value will
take effect until a value in the new location is set. The change to scripts to use the
new location is as follows:

Old location:
v Using Jacl:
set transService [$AdminConfig list TransactionService $server1]
$AdminConfig showAttribute $transService transactionLogDirectory

Chapter 4. Migrating administrative scripts 93

New Location:
v Using Jython:

# Select one entry from the list, e.g the entry for server1:
serverEntryId = AdminConfig.getid("/ServerEntry:server1")
serverEntry = AdminConfig.list("ServerEntry", serverEntryId)

recoveryLog = AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverEntry, "recoveryLog")

AdminConfig.showAttribute(recoveryLog, "transactionLogDirectory")
v Using Jacl:
$AdminConfig list ServerEntry $node
set serverEntry <select one of the ServerEntry from output of above command>
set recoveryLog [$AdminConfig showAttribute $serverEntry recoveryLog]
$AdminConfig showAttribute $recoveryLog transactionLogDirectory

Example: Migrating - Changing process definitions using

Prepare for evolutionary changes with script compatibility support.

The following changes can be made with with script compatibility support.
v HTTP transports: the architecture uses the new channel framework. HTTP
definitions are mapped on top of this support. When compatibility mode is
chosen, the old HTTPTransport objects are migrated and mapped onto the
channel architecture. Existing scripts can modify these objects and will run
v Process definition: The name of this object is changed from processDef to
processDefs. You can mitigate this change by using the compatibility mode
mapping provided by the migration tools. The change to scripts to use the new
location is as follows:
– Old example:
- Using Jacl:
set processDef [$AdminConfig list JavaProcessDef $server1]
set processDef [$AdminConfig showAttribute $server1 processDefinition]
Using Jython:
processDef = AdminConfig.list(’JavaProcessDef’, server1)
print processDef
– New example. Identify the process definition belonging to this server and
assign it to the processDefs variable:
- Using Jacl:
set processDefs [$AdminConfig list JavaProcessDef $server1]
set processDefs [$AdminConfig showAttribute $server1 processDefinitions]
Using Jython:
processDefs = AdminConfig.list(’JavaProcessDef’, server1)
print processDefs

Example: Migrating - Modifying Web container port numbers

These examples demonstrate how to modify Web container HTTP transport ports
for WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x.

Use the following examples:

v wsadmin Version 5.1.x
Using Jacl:

94 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
set httpPort 7575
set server [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:server1/]
set transports [$AdminConfig list HTTPTransport $server]
set transport [lindex $transports 0]
set endPoint [$AdminConfig showAttribute $transport address]
$AdminConfig modify $endPoint [list [list port $httpPort]]
$AdminConfig save

Using Jython:
httpPort = 7575
server = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:server1/")
transports = AdminConfig.list("HTTPTransport", server).split(java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator"))
transport = transports[0]
endPoint = AdminConfig.showAttribute(transport, "address")
AdminConfig.modify(endPoint, [["port", httpPort]])
v wsadmin Version 6.x
Using Jacl:
set serverNm server1
set newPort 7575
set node [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/]
set TCS [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:server1/TransportChannelService:/]
set chains [$AdminTask listChains $TCS {-acceptorFilter WebContainerInboundChannel}]

foreach chain $chains {

set channels [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $chain transportChannels] 0]
foreach channel $channels {
if {[catch {set channelEndPointName [$AdminConfig showAttribute $channel endPointName]} result]} {
# ignore the error as not all channel has endPointName attribute
} else {
set serverEntries [$AdminConfig list ServerEntry $node]
foreach serverEntry $serverEntries {
set sName [$AdminConfig showAttribute $serverEntry serverName]
if {$sName == $serverNm} {
set specialEndPoints [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $serverEntry specialEndpoints] 0]
foreach specialEndPoint $specialEndPoints {
set endPointNm [$AdminConfig showAttribute $specialEndPoint endPointName]
if {$endPointNm == $channelEndPointName} {
set ePoint [$AdminConfig showAttribute $specialEndPoint endPoint]
$AdminConfig modify $ePoint [list [list port $newPort]]

$AdminConfig save

Using Jython:
serverNm = "server1"
newPort = "7575"
node = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/")
TCS = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:server1/TransportChannelService:/")
chains = AdminTask.listChains(TCS, "[-acceptorFilter WebContainerInboundChannel]").split(java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator"))

for chain in chains:

channelString = AdminConfig.showAttribute(chain, "transportChannels")
channelList = channelString[1:len(channelString)-1].split(" ")
for channel in channelList:
channelEndPointName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(channel, "endPointName")
serverEntries = AdminConfig.list("ServerEntry", node).split(java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator"))
for serverEntry in serverEntries:
sName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverEntry, "serverName")
if sName == serverNm:
sepString = AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverEntry, "specialEndpoints")
sepList = sepString[1:len(sepString)-1].split(" ")
for specialEndPoint in sepList:
endPointNm = AdminConfig.showAttribute(specialEndPoint, "endPointName")
if endPointNm == channelEndPointName:
ePoint = AdminConfig.showAttribute(specialEndPoint, "endPoint")
AdminConfig.modify(ePoint, [["port", newPort]])
# ignore the error as not all channel has endPointName attribute


Migrating administrative scripts from Version 6.x to Version 7.0

There are some changes you should be aware of when migrating your
administrative scripts from WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x to Version
v Be aware of removed features that might have an impact on administration
These might include the following:
– Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) IIOP security protocol
– Support for the Common Connector Framework (CCF)
Chapter 4. Migrating administrative scripts 95
– Support for the IBM Cloudscape Version 5.1.x database
– Support for the following Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers:
- WebSphere Connect JDBC driver
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC
- WebSphere SequeLink JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Read “Migrating from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver” on page 76 for
information on using the WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion command
to convert data sources from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver to the
DataDirect Connect JDBC driver or the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC
For more information, see the ″Deprecated and removed features″ article in the
information center.
v Be aware of the change required when creating Service Integration Bus (SIB)
For more information about the createSIBus command, see the ″createSIBus
command″ article in the information center.

Updating SSL configurations to Version 7.0 configuration definitions

after migration
When migrating to Version 7.0, you can update the format for SSL configuration or
you can continue to use the format of the earlier version. If you encounter errors
with your existing administration scripts for SSL configurations, use this task to
manually convert your SSL configuration to the Version 7.0 format.

When migrating to Version 7.0, you can use the “WASPreUpgrade command” on
page 47 to save the configuration of your previously installed version into a
migration-specific backup directory. When migration is complete, you can use the
“WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 to retrieve the saved configuration and
WASPostUpgrade script to migrate your previous configuration. The
-scriptCompatibility parameter for the WASPostUpgrade command is used to
specify whether to maintain the Version 5.1.x or 6.x configuration definitions or to
upgrade the format to Version 7.0 configuration definitions. If you used the default
value, or -scriptCompatibility true when migrating, you do not need to perform
this task. If you set the scriptCompatibility parameter to false during migration,
you may notice that your existing administration scripts for SSL configurations do
not work correctly. If this occurs, use this task to convert your Version 5.1.x or 6.x
SSL configuration definitions to Version 7.0 This process creates a new SSL
configuration based on the existing configuration.

Follow the steps below to modify the existing SSL configuration:

<repertoire xmi:id="SSLConfig_1" alias="Node02/DefaultSSLSettings">
<setting xmi:id="SecureSocketLayer_1" keyFileName="$install_root/etc/MyServerKeyFile.jks"
keyFilePassword="password" keyFileFormat="JKS" trustFileName="$install_root/etc/MyServerTrustFile.jks"
trustFilePassword="password" trustFileFormat="JKS" clientAuthentication="false" securityLevel="HIGH"
<cryptoHardware xmi:id="CryptoHardwareToken_1" tokenType="" libraryFile="" password="{custom}"/>
<properties xmi:id="Property_6" name="com.ibm.ssl.protocol" value="SSL"/>
<properties xmi:id="Property_7" name="com.ibm.ssl.contextProvider" value="IBMJSSE2"/>

1. Create a key store that references the key store attributes in the old
a. In the existing configuration, find the keyFileName, keyFilePassword, and
keyFileFormat attributes.

96 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
keyFilePassword="password" keyFileFormat="JKS"
b. Use the keyFileName, keyFilePassword, and keyFileFormat attributes to
create a new KeyStore object. For this example, set the name as
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask createKeyStore {-keyStoreName DefaultSSLSettings_KeyStore -keyStoreLocation
${install_root}/etc/MyServerKeyFile.jks -keyStoreType JKS -keyStorePassword
password -keyStorePasswordVerify password }

The resulting configuration object in the security.xml file is:

<keyStores xmi:id="KeyStore_1" name="DefaultSSLSettings_KeyStore" password="password"
provider="IBMJCE" location="$install_root/etc/MyServerKeyFile.jks" type="JKS" fileBased="true"

Note: If you specify the cryptoHardware values in your configuration,

create the KeyStore object using these values instead. Associate the
-keyStoreLocation parameter with the libraryFile attribute, the
-keyStoreType parameter with the tokenType attribute, and the
-keyStorePassword parameter with the password attribute.
<cryptoHardware xmi:id="CryptoHardwareToken_1" tokenType="" libraryFile="" password=""/>

2. Create a trust store that references the trust store attributes from the existing
a. Find the trustFileName, trustFilePassword, and trustFileFormat attributes
in the existing configuration.
trustFileName="$install_root/etc/MyServerTrustFile.jks" trustFilePassword="password" trustFileFormat="JKS"

b. Use the trustFileName, trustFilePassword, and trustFileFormat attributes to

create a new KeyStore object. For this example, set the name as
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask createKeyStore {-keyStoreName DefaultSSLSettings_TrustStore -keyStoreLocation
$install_root/etc/MyServerTrustFile.jks -keyStoreType JKS -keyStorePassword password
-keyStorePasswordVerify password }

The resulting configuration object in the security.xml file is:

<keyStores xmi:id="KeyStore_2" name="DefaultSSLSettings_TrustStore" password="password"
provider="IBMJCE" location="$install_root/etc/MyServerTrustFile.jks" type="JKS" fileBased="true"

3. Create a new SSL configuration using the new key store and trust store. Include
any other attributes from the existing configuration which are still valid.
Use a new alias for your updated SSL configuration. You can not create an SSL
configuration with the same name as your existing configuration.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask createSSLConfig {-alias DefaultSSLSettings -trustStoreName DefaultSSLSettings_TrustStore
-keyStoreName DefaultSSLSettings_KeyStore -keyManagerName IbmX509 -trustManagerName IbmX509
-clientAuthentication true -securityLevel HIGH -jsseProvider IBMJSSE2 -sslProtocol SSL }

The new SSL configuration is:

<repertoire xmi:id="SSLConfig_1" alias="DefaultSSLSettings" managementScope="ManagementScope_1">
<setting xmi:id="SecureSocketLayer_1" clientAuthentication="true" securityLevel="HIGH" enabledCiphers=""
jsseProvider="IBMJSSE2" sslProtocol="SSL" keyStore="KeyStore_1" trustStore="KeyStore_2" trustManager="TrustManager_1"

Note: The default management scope is used if it is not specified.

Chapter 4. Migrating administrative scripts 97

98 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 5. Coexisting
You can create an environment in which multiple versions of WebSphere
Application Server can run independently on the same system at the same time. A
major consideration in coexistence is the avoidance of port conflicts.

Coexisting, as it applies to WebSphere Application Server products, is running a

new release of a WebSphere Application Server product on the same machine at
the same time as you run an earlier release or running two installations of the
same release of a WebSphere Application Server product on the same machine at
the same time.
v Read “Coexistence support.”
This article discusses which coexistence scenarios are supported.
v Read “Setting up Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version 7.0 coexistence” on
page 101.
This article describes how to install a WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
product to coexist with another installation instance of Version 5.1.x or Version
v Read “Setting up Version 7.0 coexistence” on page 104.
This article describes how to install a WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
product to coexist with another installation instance of Version 7.0.

Coexistence support
Coexistence is a state in which multiple installations and multiple nodes from
different versions of WebSphere Application Server run independently in the same
environment at the same time.

As it applies to WebSphere Application Server products, coexistence primarily

refers to the ability of multiple installations of WebSphere Application Server to
run independently on the same machine at the same time. Multiple installations
include multiple versions and multiple instances of one version. Coexistence also
implies various combinations of Web server interaction.

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 products can coexist with the following
supported versions:
v WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x
v WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 5.1.x
v WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x
v WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 6.x

All combinations of Version 5.1.x products, Version 6.x products, and Version 7.0
products can coexist so long as there are no port conflicts.

WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x clients can coexist with
Version 7.0 clients.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 99

Table 2. WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, Version 6.x, and Version 7.0 clients multiversion coexistence
Installed product WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 clients
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x Supported
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
Version 5.1.x
WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x Supported
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
Version 6.x

WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x products can coexist
with Version 7.0 products.
Table 3. WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, Version 6.x, and Version 7.0 multiversion coexistence support
WebSphere Application Server Version
Installed 5.1.x WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
product Application Network Application Network Application Network
Express Express Express
Server Deployment Server Deployment Server Deployment
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 5.1.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 5.1.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 5.1.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Server clients
Version 5.1.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 6.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 6.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Server clients
Version 6.x
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 7
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Version 7.0

100 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Table 3. WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x, Version 6.x, and Version 7.0 multiversion coexistence
support (continued)
WebSphere Application Server Version
Installed 5.1.x WebSphere Application Server Version 6.x WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
product Application Network Application Network Application Network
Express Express Express
Server Deployment Server Deployment Server Deployment
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Server clients
Version 7.0

In addition to multiversion coexistence, WebSphere Application Server also lets

you install multiple times on one machine (multiple installation instances) or
install once and have multiple profiles. Multiple Version 7.0 installation instances
on one machine include the following combinations:
v Multiple application server profiles from multiple installations of the WebSphere
Application Server product
v Multiple application server profiles from a single installation of the WebSphere
Application Server product

Setting up Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version 7.0 coexistence

You can install WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 to coexist with another
installation instance of Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.
1. Be aware of the basic rules of WebSphere Application Server coexistence.
Each installation of the base product is a standalone application server with its
own set of unique configuration files.
Reasons to use multiple installation instances include the following items:
v You can achieve complete isolation between each WebSphere Application
Server instance. You can uninstall one instance independently of the others.
v You can install the base WebSphere Application Server more than once on
the same machine.
v You can install Network Deployment Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x product
and the Version 7.0 product on the same machine.
Reasons to not use multiple installation instances include the following items:
v The machine might have a hard-disk space constraint.
v You can use the operating system registry to locate the last installed instance
of a WebSphere Application Server product only.
When you install any product a second time, the last installation is the one
that is displayed in the registry.
v Uninstalling the last instance removes any record of the product in the
Suppose you have installed three instances of the base WebSphere
Application Server product. You use the remove program function of the
operating system to uninstall the registered third copy of the base product. A
registry record no longer exists that indicates the existence of the other two
installation instances. Other applications cannot use a query of the operating
system registry to detect the presence of either base WebSphere Application
Server product instance.

Chapter 5. Coexisting 101

The ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article in the
information center describes installing the WebSphere Application Server
product once and creating multiple profiles.
2. Use the Installation wizard to install another instance.
Read the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center for more information.
If you intend to share a single Web server among installations, install the
appropriate Version 7.0 Web server plug-in using the standalone Web server
Plug-in installation wizard that is provided on the WebSphere Application
Server product disk.
3. Share a Web server among multiple installation instances.
a. Use the Plug-in installation wizard to select a Web server plug-in.
b. Use the administrative console to generate the plug-in configuration files for
every installation instance and merge them into one primary configuration.
c. Use the administrative console to replace the original plugin-cfg.xml file
with the primary file on the Web server.
You can access samples from only one of the installation instances.
4. Change the port assignments in the configuration files if you have a node that
you cannot start because of port conflicts.
Read “Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions” on
page 107 for more information.

Note: If ports are already defined in a configuration being migrated, the

migration tools fix the port conflicts in the Version 7.0 configuration and
log the changes for your verification .
5. Avoid port conflicts in coexisting Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x and Version 7.0
node agents.
If you create a Version 7.0 federated node on the same system where another
Version 7.0 federated node exists, the addNode command increments the port
assignments of the second node agent process so that no conflict occurs. The
Profile Management tool also handles the port assignments successfully when
you federate a custom node during the creation of the custom profile.
Contrast the Version 7.0 coexistence scenario just described to the following
cross-version scenario where a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node
Assume that you create a Version 7.0 federated node on the same system where
a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x federated node exists. Neither the addNode
command nor the Profile Management tool has a record of the Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x port assignments. Port assignments on the second, Version 7.0 node
agent process are not incremented. Conflicts occur.
The conflicts prevent the second node from starting. If you start the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x node first, the Version 7.0 node cannot start. If you start the
Version 7.0 node first, the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x node cannot start.
Perform the following procedure to create a Version 7.0 federated node with
nonconflicting ports.
a. Create a Version 7.0 application server profile or the custom profile.
Do not federate the node as you create the profile. Select the check box on
the Profile Management tool panel that specifies that you will federate the
node later.
b. Check for ports in use to determine a starting port number for the Version
7.0 node agent process.

102 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Use the netstat -a command to check existing port assignments. Analyze the
port assignments to determine 12 sequential free ports.
This procedure assumes that no port assignments exist between 3320 and
c. Change directories to the bin directory of the new profile.
Assume that you create an application server profile named V70MngNode
in the default installation root directory on a Linux system.
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/V70MngdNode/bin
d. Use the addNode command with the -startingport parameter to federate the
node into the deployment manager cell and to assign ports from a
beginning value.
Assume that the deployment manager has the following characteristics:
v Host name is the domain name system address: nittany.ibm.raleigh.com
v JMX connector type: remote method invocation (RMI)
v RMI port assignment: 8879
v Security status: Enabled
v Applications to install: DefaultApplication and the samples
In a Linux environment, for example, issue the following command:
./addNode.sh nittany.ibm.raleigh.com \
-conntype RMI 8879 \
-includeapps \
-user lions44 \
-password PSU
-startingport 3333
The \ character is a continuation character for using more than one line to
submit commands.
The -startingport parameter supplies the base port number for all node agent
ports and increments all of the port values from the starting point. The
nonconflicting port assignments let the new node agent run when the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x node agent process is already running.
This procedure results in the ability to start your Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
node at the same time as your Version 7.0 node. The node agents can run on
the same server.
You can also assign ports individually using the -portprops parameter. The
parameter identifies a flat file of key words and port number assignments that
you must create. The following example of a portprops file shows all key
words and their default port assignments:
WC_defaulthost 9081
WC_adminhost 9062
WC_defaulthost_secure 9444
WC_adminhost_secure 9045
After migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x deployment manager to a Version
7.0 deployment manager, you can migrate the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
federated nodes incrementally. Read “Migrating a Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
federated node” on page 63 for more information.

Chapter 5. Coexisting 103

Setting up Version 7.0 coexistence
After installing the WebSphere Application Server product, you can install it again
on the same machine.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6.

This is not a typical scenario. One of the main goals of multiple-profile support is
to minimize the need for scenarios like this. One reason that you might want to
install two or more instances of WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 on the
same machine might be a need to have different fix levels of the product on a
machine for some reason.
1. Use the Installation wizard to install another set of the core product files as
described in the ″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the
information center.
Select the new installation option from the Installation wizard panel to install a
new instance instead of adding features to the last installation and to install
into a separate profile directory.
2. Use the Profile Management tool or the manageprofiles command to create
multiple application-server processes.
During profile creation using the Profile Management tool, you can specify
your port settings. Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user
interface″ article in the information center for more information.
During profile creation, the manageprofiles command can use port values that
you specify instead of the default port values. You can use a port file, specify a
starting port, or accept the default port values. Read the ″manageprofiles
command″ article in the information center for more information.
3. If you have a node that you cannot start because of port conflicts, change port
assignments to nonconflicting ports in configuration files.
Use one of the following methods:
v Use the updatePorts tool to change port settings.
Read the ″Updating ports in an existing profile″ article in the information
center for more information.
v Edit the profile_root/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name/
serverindex.xml file to change the port settings, or use scripting to change
the values.

104 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 6. Interoperating
WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 is interoperable with other versions of
the product under certain conditions.

Read “Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability” on page 1 and

“Premigration considerations” on page 6. For resources to help you plan and
perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for
WebSphere Application Server.

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 is generally interoperable with

WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x and Version 6.x. However, there are
specific requirements to address for each version. In general, you should apply the
latest fix level to support interoperability. If this is not possible, then the following
interim fixes can be used to support your environment.

You can upgrade a portion of the nodes in a cell to WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 while leaving others at the older release level. This means that, for a
period of time, you might be administering servers that are at the current release
and servers that are running the newer release in the same cell.

Restrictions on using mixed-release cells:

v A mixed-release environment where
some members are at an older release
level might have some restrictions.
For details, read the ″Creating
application servers″ article in the
information center.
v A WebSphere Application Server
Version 7.0 Network Deployment cell
can contain mixed releases of Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x nodes, but there
is no mixed-node management
support for Version 6.0.0.x and
Version 6.0.1.x.
The Version 7.0 migration tools still
migrate these nodes during
deployment-manager migration, but
they issue a warning message that
the nodes cannot be managed by the
Version 7.0 deployment manager. You
can then do one of the following
based on your needs:
– Upgrade all Version 6.0.0.x and
Version 6.0.1.x nodes to at least
Version 6.0.2. This will allow them
to be administered by a Version
7.0 deployment manager.
– Migrate these nodes to Version 7.0.
v You cannot add a Version 5.1.x or
Version 6.x node to an existing cell

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 105

managed by a Version 7.0
deployment manager. You can only
include Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x
nodes in a Version 7.0 mixed-release
cell through migration. First, migrate
the deployment manager from
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x to Version
7.0; and then either keep the nodes at
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x, or
migrate them to Version 7.0.
1. Apply required interim fixes.
Table 4. Interim fixes to apply to Version 5.1.x
Interim fix Version 5.1.0 Version 5.1.1
PQ84384 Apply (or move to or

All fixes are available on the Support site for WebSphere Application Server
Interim fix PQ84384:
The transaction service is changed so that when a transaction is marked
for rollbackOnly in a subordinate server, the superior server will be
This will allow applications running in the superior server to detect this
status change.
2. Follow the required guidelines for WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x.
Guideline 1:
Be aware of the level of WebSphere Application Server in which each
function you use is supported. Applications that you intend to be
interoperable must only use function that is supported by all levels of
WebSphere Application Server in the cluster. For example, applications
that use the commonj.timer.TimerManager resource, which was new in
Version 6.0, should not be deployed to a cluster including both Version
5.1.x and Version 7.0 servers.
Guideline 2:
If you run related cross-domain interoperating applications (one server
is in rtp.raleigh.ibm.com and the other is in cn.ibm.com for example),
you need to use fully qualified host names (host9.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com
instead of just host9 for example) when installing WebSphere
Application Server Version 7.
Guideline 3:
If you want to interoperate Version 7.0 with Version 5.1.x, you must be
at or above the Version level. Older levels of Version 5.1 do not
support interoperability with Version 7.0.
3. Upgrade the Software Development Kit (SDK) used to one supported by
Version 7.0.
Read Recommended fixes for WebSphere Application Server for more

This information is dynamic and might be augmented by information in technical

articles that are available on the IBM DeveloperWorks WebSphere site. Check the
site for the latest information.

106 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 7. Configuring ports
When you configure WebSphere Application Server resources or assign port
numbers to other applications, you must avoid conflicts with other assigned ports.
In addition, you must explicitly enable access to particular port numbers when you
configure a firewall.
1. Review the port number settings, especially when you are planning to coexist.
2. Optional: Change the port number settings.
During installation, you can use the Installation wizard as described in the
″Installing the product and additional software″ article in the information
You can set port numbers when configuring the product after installation.
v During profile creation using the manageprofiles command, you can accept
the default port values or you can specify your port settings. If you want to
specify ports, you can do so in any of the following ways:
– Specify the use of a port file that contains the port values.
– Specify the use of a starting port value.
– Specify the use of the default port values.
Read the ″manageprofiles command″ article in the information center for
more information.
v During profile creation using the Profile Management tool, you can accept
the port settings recommended by the tool or you can specify your port
Read the ″Creating profiles using the graphical user interface″ article in the
information center for more information.
You can perform one of the following actions to change port settings after
v Use the updatePorts tool to change port settings.
Read the ″Updating ports in an existing profile″ article in the information
center for more information.
v Edit the profile_root/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name/
serverindex.xml file to change the port settings, or use scripting to change
the values.

Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions

You should be able to identify the default port numbers used in the various
versions of WebSphere Application Server so that you can avoid port conflicts if
you plan for an earlier version to coexist or interoperate with Version 7.0.

When you configure WebSphere Application Server resources or assign port

numbers to other applications, you must avoid conflicts with other assigned ports.
In addition, when you configure a firewall, you must explicitly enable access to
particular port numbers.

If ports are already defined in a configuration being migrated, the migration tools
fix the port conflicts in the Version 7.0 configuration and log the changes for your
verification .

© IBM Corporation 2004, 2008 107

Version 7.0 port numbers
Table 5. Port definitions for WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
Port Name Default Value Files
Standalone Federated Deployment Administrative Job Manager Secure Proxy Server Administrative
Application Server Application Server Manager Agent Subsystem
Administrative 9060 ---- 9060 9060 9960 ---- ---- serverindex.xml and
Console Port (WC virtualhosts.xml
Administrative 9043 ---- 9043 9043 9943 ---- ----
Console Secure Port
(WC _adminhost
HTTP Transport Port 9080 9080 ---- ---- ---- 80 ----
(WC _defaulthost)
HTTPS Transport 9443 9443 ---- ---- ---- 443 ----
Secure Port (WC

108 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Table 5. Port definitions for WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 (continued)
Port Name Default Value Files
Standalone Federated Deployment Administrative Job Manager Secure Proxy Server Administrative
Application Server Application Server Manager Agent Subsystem
Bootstrap Port 2809 2809 9809 9807 9808 ---- ---- serverindex.xml
Cell Discovery ---- ---- 7277 ---- ---- ---- ----
Address (CELL
CSIV2 Client 9402 9405 9402 9402 9402 ---- ----
Listener Port (CSIV2
CSIV2 Server 9403 9406 9403 9403 9403 ---- ----
Listener Port (CSIV2
High Availability 9353 9353 9352 ---- ---- ---- ----
Communication Port
Internal JMS Server 5557 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
IPC Connector Port 9633 9633 9632 9630 9631 9633 9634
MQ Transport Port 5558 5558 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
MQ Transport 5578 5578 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Secure Port (SIB
ORB Listener Port 9100 0 9100 9098 9099 ---- ----
RMI Connector Port ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 9810
JSR 160 RMI ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 9811
Connector Port
SAS _SSL 9401 9404 9401 9401 9401 ---- ----
Service Integration 7276 7276 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Port (SIB
Service Integration 7286 7286 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Secure Port (SIB
SIP Container Port 5060 5060 ---- ---- ---- 5060 ----
SIP Container Secure 5061 5061 ---- ---- ---- 5061 ----
Port (SIP
SOAP Connector 8880 8880 8879 8877 8876 ---- 8881
Port (SOAP
IBM HTTP Server 80 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- virtualhosts.xml,
Port plugin-cfg.xml, and
web _server
IBM HTTPS Server 8008 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- web _server
Administration Port _root/conf/

When you federate an application server node into a deployment-manager cell, the
deployment manager instantiates the node agent server process on the application
server node. The node agent server uses these port assignments by default.

Chapter 7. Configuring ports 109

Table 6. Port definitions for the Version 7.0 node agent server process
Port Name Default Value File
Cell Node Agent Node Agent for Job Management
Bootstrap Port (BOOTSTRAP _ADDRESS) 2810 2810 serverindex.xml
CSIV2 Server Authentication Port (CSIV2 _SSL 9201 9201
CSIV2 Client Authentication Listener Port (CSIV2 9202 9202
High Availability Manager Communication Port 9354 9354
IPC Connector Port (IPC _CONNECTOR 9626 9626
Node Discovery Address (NODE _ DISCOVERY 7272 7272
Node IPV6 Discovery Address (NODE _IPV6 5001 5001
Node Multicast Discovery Address (NODE 5000 5000
ORB Listener Port (ORB _LISTENER _ADDRESS) 9101 9101
SOAP Connector Port (SOAP _CONNECTOR 8878 8878

Version 6.1 port numbers

Table 7. Port definitions for WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1
Port Name Default Value Files
Application Server Deployment Manager
Administrative Console Port (WC _adminhost) 9060 9060 serverindex.xml and virtualhosts.xml
Administrative Console Secure Port (WC 9043 9043
_adminhost _secure)
HTTP Transport Port (WC _defaulthost) 9080 9080
HTTPS Transport Secure Port (WC _defaulthost 9443 9443
Bootstrap Port (BOOTSTRAP _ADDRESS) 2809 9809 serverindex.xml
Cell Discovery Address (CELL _DISCOVERY ---- 7277
CSIV2 Server Authentication Listener Port (CSIV2 9403 9403
CSIV2 Client Authentication Listener Port (CSIV2 9402 9402
Deprecation: This port is deprecated and is no
longer used in the current version of WebSphere
Application Server.
High Availability Manager Communication Port 9353 9352
Internal JMS Server Port (JMSSERVER 5557 ----
MQ Transport Port (SIB _MQ _ENDPOINT 5558 ----
MQ Transport Secure Port (SIB _MQ _ENDPOINT 5578 ----
ORB Listener Port (ORB _LISTENER _ADDRESS) 9100 9100
Proxy Server Port (PROXY _HTTP _ADDRESS) 80 80
Proxy Server Secure Port (PROXY _HTTPS 443 443
Service Integration Port (SIB _ENDPOINT 7276 7276
Service Integration Secure Port (SIB _ENDPOINT 7286 7286
SIP Container Port (SIP _DEFAULTHOST) 5060 ----
SIP Container Secure Port (SIP _DEFAULTHOST 5061 ----
SOAP Connector Port (SOAP _CONNECTOR 8880 8879
IBM HTTP Server Port 80 ---- virtualhosts.xml, plugin-cfg.xml, and web _server
_root/conf/ httpd.conf
IBM HTTPS Server Administration Port 8008 ---- web _server _root/conf/ admin.conf

When you federate an application server node into a deployment manager cell, the
deployment manager instantiates the node agent server process on the application
server node. The node agent server uses these port assignments by default.

110 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Table 8. Port definitions for the Version 6.1 node agent server process
Port Name Default Value File
Bootstrap Port (BOOTSTRAP _ADDRESS) 2809 serverindex.xml
CSIV2 Server Authentication Port (CSIV2 _SSL _SERVERAUTH 9201
CSIV2 Client Authentication Listener Port (CSIV2 _SSL 9202
High Availability Manager Communication Port (DCS _UNICAST 9354
Node Discovery Address (NODE _ DISCOVERY _ADDRESS) 7272
Node IPV6 Discovery Address (NODE _IPV6 _MULTICAST 5001
Node Multicast Discovery Address (NODE _MULTICAST 5000
ORB Listener Port (ORB _LISTENER _ADDRESS) 9100

Version 6.0.x port numbers

Table 9. Port definitions for WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.x
Port Name Default Value Files
Application Server Deployment Manager
HTTP _TRANSPORT 9080 ---- serverindex.xml and virtualhosts.xml
BOOTSTRAP _ADDRESS 2809 9809 serverindex.xml
Internal JMS Server (JMSSERVER _SECURITY 5557 ----
Deprecation: This port is deprecated and is no
longer used in the current version of WebSphere
Application Server.
IBM HTTP Server Port 80 ---- virtualhosts.xml, plugin-cfg.xml, and web _server
_root/conf/ httpd.conf
IBM HTTPS Server Administration Port 8008 ---- web _server _root/conf/ admin.conf
CELL _DISCOVERY _ADDRESS ---- 7277 serverindex.xml

When you federate an application server node into a deployment manager cell, the
deployment manager instantiates the node agent server process on the application
server node. The node agent server uses these port assignments by default.
Table 10. Port definitions for the Version 6.0.x node agent server process
Port Name Default Value File
BOOTSTRAP _ADDRESS 2809 serverindex.xml

Chapter 7. Configuring ports 111

Version 5.1.x port numbers
Table 11. Port definitions for WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x
Port Name Default Value Files
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
HTTP _TRANSPORT 9080 ---- server.xml and virtualhosts.xml
JMSSERVER _SECURITY _PORT 5557 ---- server.xml
JMSSERVER _QUEUED _ADDRESS 5558 ---- serverindex.xml
IBM HTTP Server Port 80 ---- virtualhosts.xml, plugin-cfg.xml, and web _server
_root/conf/ httpd.conf
IBM HTTPS Server Administration Port 8008 ---- web _server _root/conf/ admin.conf
CELL _DISCOVERY _ADDRESS ---- 7277 serverindex.xml

When you federate an application server node into a deployment manager cell, the
deployment manager instantiates the node agent server process on the application
server node. The node agent server uses these port assignments by default.
Table 12. Port definitions for the Version 5.1.x node agent server process
Port Name Default Value File
BOOTSTRAP _ADDRESS 2809 serverindex.xml

112 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting migration
You might encounter problems while migrating from an older version of
WebSphere Application Server.
v While you are using the Version 7.0 Migration wizard to create a profile before
migrating a configuration, you might see the following profile-creation error
profileName: profileName cannot be empty
profilePath: Insufficient disk space
These error messages might be displayed if you enter a profile name that
contains an invalid character such as a space. Rerun the Migration wizard, and
verify that there are no invalid characters in the profile name such as a space,
quotes, or any other special characters.
v If you encounter a problem when you are migrating from a previous version of
WebSphere Application Server to Version 7.0, check your log files and other
available information.
1. Look for the log files, and browse them for clues.
– migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log
– migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log
– app_server_root/logs/clientupgrade.time_stamp.log
2. Look for MIGR0259I: The migration has successfully completed or
MIGR0271W: The migration completed with warnings in one of the log files.
– migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log
– migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log
– app_server_root/logs/clientupgrade.time_stamp.log
If MIGR0286E: The migration failed to complete is displayed, attempt to
correct any problems based on the error messages that appear in the log file.
After correcting any errors, rerun the command from the bin directory of the
product installation root.
3. Open the service log of the server that is hosting the resource that you are
trying to access, and browse error and warning messages.
4. With WebSphere Application Server running, run the dumpNameSpace
command and pipe, redirect, or ″more″ the output so that it can be easily
This command results in a display of all objects in WebSphere Application
Server’s namespace, including the directory path and object name.
5. If the object that a client needs to access does not appear, use the
administrative console to verify the following conditions.
– The server hosting the target resource is started.
– The Web module or enterprise Java bean container hosting the target
resource is running.
– The JNDI name of the target resource is properly specified.
For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and
their resolution, read the IBM Support page. IBM Support also has documents
that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem.
Before opening a PMR, read the IBM Support page.
v During the migration process, problems might occur while you are using the
WASPreUpgrade tool or the WASPostUpgrade tool.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 113
– Problems can occur when you are using the WASPreUpgrade tool.
- A ″Not found″ or ″No such file or directory″ message is returned.
This problem can occur if you are trying to run the WASPreUpgrade tool
from a directory other than the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
app_server_root\bin. Verify that the WASPreUpgrade script resides in the
Version 7.0 app_server_root\bin directory, and launch the file from that
- The DB2 JDBC driver and DB2 JDBC driver (XA) cannot be found in the
drop-down list of supported JDBC providers in the administrative console.
The administrative console no longer displays deprecated JDBC provider
names. The new JDBC provider names used in the administrative console
are more descriptive and less confusing. The new providers will differ only
by name from the deprecated ones.
The deprecated names will continue to exist in the jdbc-resource-provider-
templates.xml file for migration reasons (for existing JACL scripts for
example); however, you are encouraged to use the new JDBC provider
names in your JACL scripts.
- You receive the following message:
MIGR0108E: The specified WebSphere directory does not contain
a WebSphere version that can be upgraded.
The following possible reasons for this error exist:
v If WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x is installed,
you might not have run the WASPreUpgrade tool from the bin directory
of the Version 7.0 installation root.
1. Look for something like the following message to display when the
WASPreUpgrade tool runs: IBM WebSphere Application Server,
Release 5.1.
This message indicates that you are running the WebSphere
Application Server Version 5.1 migration utility, not the Version 7.0
migration utility.
2. Alter your environment path or change the current directory so that
you can launch the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
WASPreUpgrade tool.
v An invalid directory might have been specified when launching the
WASPreUpgrade tool.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
– Problems can occur when you are using the WASPostUpgrade tool.
- A ″Not found″ or ″No such file or directory″ message is returned.
This problem can occur if you are trying to run the WASPostUpgrade tool
from a directory other than the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
app_server_root\bin. Verify that the WASPostUpgrade script resides in the
Version 7.0 app_server_root\bin directory, and launch the file from that
- You receive the following message:
MIGR0102E: Invalid Command Line. MIGR0105E: You must specify
the primary node name.
The most likely cause of this error is that WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x is installed and the WASPostUpgrade tool was
not run from the bin directory of the Version 7.0 installation root.
To correct this problem, run the WASPostUpgrade command from the bin
directory of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 installation root.

114 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
- When you migrate the federated nodes in a cell, you receive the following
error messages:
MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being restored.
com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorException: ADMC0009E:
The system failed to make the SOAP RPC call: invoke
MIGR0286E: The migration failed to complete.
A connection timeout occurs when the federated node tries to retrieve
configuration updates from the deployment manager during the
WASPostUpgrade migration step for the federated node. Copying the entire
configuration might take more than the connection timeout if the
configuration that you are migrating to Version 7.0 contains any of the
following elements:
v Many small applications
v A few large applications
v One very large application
The best practice is to modify the timeout value before running the
WASPostUpgrade command to migrate a federated node.
1. Go to the following location in the Version 7.0 directory for the profile
to which you are migrating your federated node:
2. Open the soap.client.props file in that directory and find the value for
the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property. This is the timeout value in
seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.
3. Change the value of com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout to make it large
enough to migrate your configuration. For example, the following entry
would give you a timeout value of a half of an hour:

Note: Select the smallest timeout value that will meet your needs. Be
prepared to wait for at least three times the timeout that you
select—once to download files to the backup directory, once to
upload the migrated files to the deployment manager, and once
to synchronize the deployment manager with the migrated node
4. Go to the following location in the backup directory that was created by
the WASPreUpgrade command:
5. Open the soap.client.props file in that directory and find the value for
the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property.
6. Change the value of com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout to the same value
that you used in the Version 7.0 file.
Alternatively, you might want to consider a solution in which you specify
-includeApps script in the WASPostUpgrade command when you migrate
the deployment manager to Version 7.0 if one or both of the following are
true for your situation:
v You want to quickly migrate all nodes in the cell. After the entire cell is
migrated, however, you are willing to manually run the application
installation script for every application in the deployment manager
backup directory and then synchronize the configuration with all
migrated nodes.
v You are able to run without any applications installed.

Chapter 8. Troubleshooting migration 115

Follow these steps to perform this alternative procedure:
1. Specify -includeApps script in the WASPostUpgrade command when
you migrate the deployment manager to Version 7.0.
2. Migrate your entire cell to Version 7.0 before installing any applications.
3. Run the wsadmin command to install each application.
v Install the applications in the Version 7.0 configuration during normal
operations or in applicable maintenance windows.
v Specify -conntype NONE. For example:
wsadmin -f application_script -conntype NONE
4. Synchronize the configuration with all of the migrated nodes.
Read “Migrating a large Network Deployment configuration with a large
number of applications” on page 67 for more information on this
alternative procedure.
- When migrating a node from Version 5.1.x to Version 7.0, you see error
messages similar to those in the following example:
MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being restored.
java.lang.Exception: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException:
Class ’WASQueueConnectionFactory’ not found.
(file:app_server_root/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name/resources.xml, 7, 221)
MIGR0286E: The migration failed to complete.

An incomplete or unsuccessful installation of internal messaging on the

target node might cause the migration to fail in this way. If your
resources.xml file is corrupted by a failed internal-messaging installation,
for example, the file might not include the namespace information that the
WebSphere Common Configuration Model (WCCM) needs during
WASPostUpgrade command processing.
Manually repair your resources.xml file.
v If this error occurs when you migrate a Version 5.1.x standalone
application server, perform the following actions:
1. For your Version 7.0 application server, modify the
resources.xml file so that it contains all of the required namespace
information. For example, modify the xmi:XMI section at the top of
the file to include the following information:

2. Stop and restart the node.

3. Rerun the migration.
v If this error occurs when you migrate a Version 5.1.x federated node,
perform the following actions:
1. For your Version 7.0 deployment manager, modify the
resources.xml file so that it contains all of the required namespace
information. For example, modify the xmi:XMI section at the top of
the file to include the following information:

2. Stop the node.

116 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
3. Run the syncNode command on the node to synchronize it with the
deployment manager.
4. Rerun the migration.
- You receive the ″Unable to copy document to temp file″ error message.
Here is an example:
MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being restored.
Unable to copy document to temp file:
Your file system might be full. If your file system is full, clear some space
and rerun the WASPostUpgrade command.
- You receive the following message:
MIGR0108E: The specified WebSphere directory does not contain
a WebSphere version that can be upgraded.
The following possible reasons for this error exist:
v If WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x is installed,
you might not have run the WASPostUpgrade tool from the bin directory
of the Version 7.0 installation root.
1. Look for something like the following message to display when the
WASPostUpgrade tool runs: IBM WebSphere Application Server,
Release 5.1.
This message indicates that you are running the WebSphere
Application Server Release 5.1 migration utility, not the Version 7.0
migration utility.
2. Alter your environment path or change the current directory so that
you can launch the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0
WASPostUpgrade tool.
v An invalid directory might have been specified when launching the
WASPreUpgrade tool or the WASPostUpgrade.
v The WASPreUpgrade tool was not run.
- You receive the following error message:
MIGR0253E: The backup directory migration_backup_directory does not exist.
The following possible reasons for this error exist:
v The WASPreUpgrade tool was not run before the WASPostUpgrade tool.
1. Check to see if the backup directory specified in the error message
2. If not, run the WASPreUpgrade tool.
Read “WASPreUpgrade command” on page 47 for more information.
3. Retry the WASPostUpgrade tool.
v An invalid backup directory might be specified.
For example, the directory might have been a subdirectory of the Version
5.1.x or Version 6.x tree that was deleted after the WASPreUpgrade tool
was run and the older version of the product was uninstalled but before
the WASPostUpgrade tool was run.
1. Determine whether or not the full directory structure specified in the
error message exists.
2. If possible, rerun the WASPreUpgrade tool, specifying the correct full
migration backup directory.

Chapter 8. Troubleshooting migration 117

3. If the backup directory does not exist and the older version it came
from is gone, rebuild the older version from a backup repository or
XML configuration file.
4. Rerun the WASPreUpgrade tool.
- You decide that you need to run WASPreUpgrade again after you have
already run the WASPostUpgrade command.
During the course of a deployment manager or a federated node migration,
WASPostUpgrade might disable the old environment. If after running
WASPostUpgrade you want to run WASPreUpgrade again against the old
installation, you must run the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl script
located in the old app_server_root/bin directory. After running this JACL
script, your Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x environment will be in a valid state
again, allowing you to run WASPreUpgrade to produce valid results.
- A federated migration fails with message MIGR0405E.
The migration that has taken place on your deployment manager as part of
your federated migration has failed. For a more detailed reason for why
this error has occurred, open the folder your_node_name_migration_temp
located on your deployment manager node under the
...DeploymentManagerProfile/temp directory. For example:
The logs and everything else involved in the migration for this node on the
deployment manager node are located in this folder. This folder will also
be required for IBM support related to this scenario.
- Version 7.0 applications are lost during migration.
If any of the Version 7.0 applications fail to install during a federated
migration, they will be lost during the synchronizing of the configurations.
The reason that this happens is that one of the final steps of
WASPostUpgrade is to run a syncNode command. This has the result of
downloading the configuration on the deployment manager node and
overwriting the configuration on the federated node. If the applications fail
to install, they will not be in the configuration located on the deployment
manager node. To resolve this issue, manually install the applications after
migration. If they are standard Version 7.0 applications, they will be located
in the app_server_root/installableApps directory.
To manually install an application that was lost during migration, use the
wsadmin command to run the install_application_name.jacl script that the
migration tools created in the backup directory.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following parameters:
./wsadmin.sh -f migration_backup_directory/
install_application_name.jacl -conntype NONE
- Version 7.0 applications fail to install.
Manually install the applications using the wsadmin command after
WASPostUpgrade has completed.
To manually install an application that failed to install during migration,
use the wsadmin command to run the install_application_name.jacl script
that the migration tools created in the backup directory.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following parameters:
./wsadmin.sh -f migration_backup_directory/
install_application_name.jacl -conntype NONE
Read “WASPostUpgrade command” on page 49 for more information.

118 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
v When you use the Migration wizard to migrate a profile from
WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.2 to Version 7.0 on a Solaris x64
processor-based system, the migration might fail during the WASPostUpgrade
You might see messages similar to the following in migration_backup_dir/logs/
MIGR0327E: A failure occurred with stopNode.
MIGR0272E: The migration function cannot complete the command.
WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.2 uses a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
in 32-bit mode. The Migration wizard for WebSphere Application Server Version
7.0 calls the WASPostUpgrade.sh script, which attempts to run the JVM for
Version 6.0.2 in the 64-bit mode when the server stops the Version 6.0.2 node.
Complete the following actions to remove the incomplete profile and enable
WebSphere Application Server to correctly migrate the Version 6.0.2 profile:
1. From a command line, change to the app_server_root/bin directory.
For example, type the following command:
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
2. Locate the WASPostUpgrade.sh script in the app_server_root/bin directory,
and make a backup copy.
3. Open the WASPostUpgrade.sh script in an editor, and perform the following
a. Locate the following line of code:
. "$binDir" /setupCmdLine.sh
b. Insert the following line of code after the code that was identified in the
previous step:
c. Save the changes.
4. Use the following command to delete the incomplete Version 7.0 profile that
was created during the migration process:
app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles.sh -delete -profileName profile_name
5. Delete the profile_root directory of the Version 7.0 profile that was removed in
the previous step.
6. Rerun the Migration wizard.
v If you select the option for the migration process to install the enterprise
applications that exist in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration into the
new Version 7.0 configuration, you might encounter some error messages during
the application-installation phase of migration.
The applications that exist in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x configuration might
have incorrect deployment information—typically, invalid XML documents that
were not validated sufficiently in previous WebSphere Application Server
runtimes. The runtime now has an improved application-installation validation
process and will fail to install these malformed EAR files. This results in a
failure during the application-installation phase of WASPostUpgrade and
produces an ″E:″ error message. This is considered a ″fatal″ migration error.
If migration fails in this way during application installation, you can do one of
the following:
– Fix the problems in the Version 5.1.x or Version 6.x applications, and then
– Proceed with the migration and ignore these errors.
In this case, the migration process does not install the failing applications but
does complete all of the other migration steps.
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting migration 119
Later, you can fix the problems in the applications and then manually install
them in the new Version 7.0 configuration using the administrative console or
an install script.
v Version 5.1.x node agents might display as not synchronized or not available
when you change the deployment manager node name in a mixed cell during
migration to the Version 7.0 deployment manager.
Version 5.1.x node agents maintain a link to the Version 5.1.x deployment
manager until they are restarted; therefore, they might fail to synchronize with
the new deployment manager. The discovery problem, which prevents automatic
synchronization, occurs because the node agent is not yet aware of the
deployment manager name change that occurred during the migration. If you
experience this problem, perform these steps on the node.
1. Stop the node.
2. Run the syncNode command.
3. Restart the node.
v After migrating to a Version 7.0 cell that contains or interoperates with Version
6.x nodes that are not at Version or later, the cluster function might fail.
When starting these Version 6.x application servers, you might see the following
– You might see a first failure data capture (FFDC) log that shows a
ClassNotFoundException error message. This exception is thrown from the
RuleEtiquette.runRules method and looks something like the following
Exception = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Source = com.ibm.ws.cluster.selection.SelectionAdvisor.<init>
probeid = 133
Stack Dump = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: rule.local.server
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java(Compiled Code))
at com.ibm.ws.bootstrap.ExtClassLoader.findClass(ExtClassLoader.java:106)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java(Compiled Code))
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java(Compiled Code))
at java.lang.Class.forName1(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java(Compiled Code))
at com.ibm.ws.cluster.selection.rule.RuleEtiquette.runRules(RuleEtiquette.java:154)
at com.ibm.ws.cluster.selection.SelectionAdvisor.handleNotification(SelectionAdvisor.java:153)
at com.ibm.websphere.cluster.topography.DescriptionFactory$Notifier.run(DescriptionFactory.java:257)
at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1462)

– You might see a java.io.IOException that looks something like the following
Exception = java.io.IOException
Source = com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.DescriptionManagerA. update probeid = 362
Stack Dump = java.io.IOException
at com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.ClusterDescriptionImpl.importFromStream(ClusterDescriptionImpl.java:916)
at com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.DescriptionManagerA.update(DescriptionManagerA.java:360)
Caused by: java.io.EOFException
at java.io.DataInputStream.readFully(DataInputStream.java(Compiled Code))
at java.io.DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInputStream.java(Compiled Code))
at com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.KeyRepositoryImpl.importFromStream(KeyRepositoryImpl.java:193)

During migration, Version 7.0 cluster information is distributed throughout the

cell. Version 6.x nodes that are not at Version or later fail to read this
To avoid this problem, upgrade all Version 6.x nodes that will be contained in or
interoperating with a Version 7.0 cell to Version or later before migrating
your deployment managers to Version 7.0.
v After you migrate a federated node to Version 7.0, the application server might
not start.
When you try to start the application server, you might see errors similar to
those in the following example:
[5/11/06 15:41:23:190 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R com.ibm.ws.exception.RuntimeError:
com.ibm.ws.exception.RuntimeError: org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: CREATE_LISTENER_FAILED_4
vmcid: 0x49421000 minor code: 56 completed: No
[5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at
[5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at

120 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
[5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at
[5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at
[5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at
[5/11/06 15:41:23:197 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at

Change the port number at which the federated node’s application server is
listening. If the deployment manager is listening at port 9101 for
ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS, for example, the application server of the federated
node should not be listening at port 9101 for its ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS. To
resolve the problem in this example, perform the following steps:
1. From the administrative console, click Application servers > server_name >
2. Change the ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS port number to one that is not used.
v If synchronization fails when you migrate a federated node to Version 7.0, the
application server might not start.
You might receive messages similar to the following when you migrate a
federated node to Version 7.0:
ADMU0016I: Synchronizing configuration between node and cell.
ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error:
com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.AdminException: ADMU0005E:
Error synchronizing repositories
ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file:
MIGR0350W: Synchronization with the deployment manager using the SOAP protocol
MIGR0307I: The restoration of the previous WebSphere Application Server
environment is complete.
MIGR0271W: Migration completed successfully, with one or more warnings.

These messages indicate the following:

– Your deployment manager is at a Version 7.0 configuration level.
– The federated node that you are trying to migrate is at a Version 7.0
configuration level on the deployment manager’s repository (including
– The federated node itself is not quite complete given that you did not
complete the syncNode operation.
Perform the following actions to resolve this issue:
1. Rerun the syncNode command on the node to synchronize it with the
deployment manager.
Read the ″syncNode command″ article in the information center for more
2. Run the GenPluginCfg command.
Read the ″GenPluginCfg command″ article in the information center for more

If you did not find your problem listed, contact IBM support.

Chapter 8. Troubleshooting migration 121

122 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Appendix A. Notices
References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply
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Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or
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equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM’s
intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or
service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other
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these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the following address:

IBM Director of Licensing

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 123

124 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 7.0: Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
Appendix B. Trademarks and service marks
For trademark attribution, visit the IBM Terms of Use Web site

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2008 125

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