Teaching Cultural Studies

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Course Handout Part II

Date: 18-07-2019

In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : GS F242

Course Title : Cultural Studies
Instructor-in-Charge : Anhiti Patnaik

Course Description:

This course provides a general introduction to Cultural Studies as a field and practice, the
different types of Cultural Studies and their relation to Critical Theory and Literary Criticism.
The main theoretical approaches taught will be Marxism, Feminism, Psychoanalysis,
Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Media and Communication Studies, Film Studies, and Art
History/Criticism. Students will also examine the societal impact, business relevance, and effects
of myriad practices, institutions, beliefs and varied social structures in contemporary India.

Course Objectives:

1. Examine the different theoretical approaches to Cultural Studies.

2. Analyze contemporary literary, visual, and cultural texts using these approaches.
3. Define key terms and concepts of Critical Theory.
4. Produce original interdisciplinary research through discourse analysis.

Text Book:

Easthope, Anthony, and Kate McGowan. A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader: 2nd Ed.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004

Reference Book:

Barker, Chris. The SAGE Dictionary of Cultural Studies. London and New Delhi: SAGE
Publications, 2004
Course Plan:

Lecture Learning Objectives Topics Chapter Section

1-3 Defining Cultural Studies as Introduction to key concepts and Reference Book
Field and Practice thinkers, problems, methodology

4-9 Examine the major tenets and Readings by Ferdinand de Pg. 5-14
theories of Structuralism Saussure and Roland Barthes

10-16 Examine the major tenets and Readings by Karl Marx and Pg. 37-50
theories of Marxism Friedrich Engels, and Louis
17-24 Examine the major trends and Readings by Sigmund Freud, Pg. 77-80, 102-107
theories of Psychoanalysis and Michel Foucault
25-29 Examine the major trends and Readings by Simone de Pg. 51-54, 184-190
theories of Feminism Beauvoir, and Rajeswari Sunder
30-32 Examine the major trends and Reading by Jean Baudrillard Pg. 218-20
theories of Media and
Communication Studies
33-36 Examine the major trends and Reading by Jacques Derrida Pg. 113-142
theories of Post-Structuralism
37-40 Examine the major trends and Readings by Pierre Macheray, Pg. 15-23, 168-176
theories of Art History/ and Laura Mulvey
Criticism and Film Studies
41-42 Practicing discourse analysis Developing original keywords Lecture Notes
and research topics

Evaluation Scheme:

Weightage Nature of
Component Duration Date & Time
(%) Component
Quiz 40 mins 10 FRI 13/9 In class

Project 40 mins 20 FRI 1/11 In class

Mid Term 90 mins 30 - CB

Comprehensive Exam 3 hrs 40 03/12 AN CB

Chamber Consultation Hour: To be updated on CMS.

Notices: Will be updated on CMS.

Make-up Policy: Make-up for an evaluation component will be allowed only in genuine cases
with prior permission from the instructor, to be requested at least a week in advance. There will be
no last-minute make-up examinations or late submissions. The decision of the instructor will be

Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained
by all the students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.


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