Department of Education: Hagnaya Integrated School Second Quarter Examination in Math 6

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Division of Cebu Province
District of San Remigio I

Name:________________________________________________ Grade and Section: _______________

DIRECTIONS: Read, understand and follow the directions carefully. Not following directions
means WRONG.
A. Write the letter of the ratio or proportion that represents the following statements.
________________1) 4 wins and two losses in a basketball.
A. 4:2 B. 2:4 C. 1:2 D. 1:4
________________2.)Eight compared to 28.
A. 8:4 B. 4:28 C. 2:28 D. 8:28
________________3) There are 5 kites to seven boys.
A. 5:7 B. 7:5 C. 7:1 D. 1:5
________________4) In a t-shirt factory, each box contains 3 t-shirts. Give the ratio of boxes
to t-shirts.
A. 1:2 B. 2:1 C. 1:3 D. 3:1
________________5) In a camping, each boy scout was given 4 hotdogs. If there are 5 boy
scouts, 20 hotdogs were cooked. Write the proportion.
A. 4:2 B. 2:4 C. 1:2 D. 1:4
B. Reduce these ratios in simplest form. Write the letter of your answer.
________________6) 10:15
A. 1:2 B. 2:3 C. 2:2 D. 2:1
________________7) 12:15
A. 4:2 B. 4:4 C. 4:5 D. 4:3
________________8) 32:24
A. 4:2 B. 4:4 C. 4:5 D. 4:3
________________9) 21:42
A. 1:2 B. 1:3 C. 1:4 D. 1:5
________________10) 40:100
A. 2:2 B. 2:4 C. 2:3 D. 2:5

C. Solve for the missing term in each proportion. Write the letter of your answer.
________________11. )6 : n = 8 : 12
A. n = 8 B. n = 7 C. n = 9 D. n = 10
________________13.) m : 7 = 6 : 21
A. m = 2 B. m = 3 C. m = 1 D. m = 4
________________12.)20 : 24 = x : 6
A. x = 4 B. x = 5 C. x = 6 D. x = 3
________________14.)y : 6 = 28 : 84
A. y = 2 B. y = 3 C. y = 1 D. y = 0
________________15.)j : 12 = 5 : 4
A. j = 13 B. j = 12 C. j = 16 D. j = 15

D. Answer the following:

________________16.What is 35% of 40?
A. 14 B. 12 C. 13 D. 15
________________17. _____ is 25% of 1,000,000.
A. 250, 000 B. 230, 000 C. 240, 000 D. 245, 000
________________18. N is 50% of 20.
A. 11 B. 12 C. 10 D. 13
________________19.What number is 15% of 1,000.
A. 151 B. 150 C. 152 D. 153
________________20. 18 is N% of 30.
A. 60% B. 59% C. 58% D. 57%
________________21. ___% of 80 = 20.
A. 24% B. 23% C. 22% D. 25%
________________22. 125 is 20% of what number?
A. 623 B. 624 C. 625 D. 622
________________23. What percent of 800 is 400?
A. 52% B. 53% C. 50% D. 51%
________________24. 8 is 20% of what number?
A. 40 B. 41 C. 39 D. 38
________________25. 14% of what number is 11.9?
A. 85 B. 84 C. 83 D. 82

E. Solve each problem below and write the letter of your answer.
________________26. Mr. Relado went to a factory outlet of garments to avail of low prices
and a good profit. Underwear A was originally sold at 5 each. She asked herself the
following: If she was given 20% discount of the original price, how much was the sale price of
A. ₱4.00 B. ₱3.00 C. ₱1.00 D. ₱5.00
_________________27. A salesman sells a car for 860,000. If he receives a commission of
20%, how much will be his commission?
A. ₱172, 000 B.₱171, 000 C. ₱170, 000 D. ₱173, 000

_________________28. Mr. Sapanza bought a picture frame for 510 inclusive of 6% sales tax.
How much is the tax?
A. ₱36.00 B. ₱30.06 C. ₱30.60 D. ₱31.00

F. Give the value of the following and write the letter of your answer.
________________ 29) 63 =
A. 216 B. 215 C. 214 D. 213
________________ 30) 4 =

A. 1024 B. 1014 C. 1013 D. 1012

________________ 31) 2 =

A. 126 B. 127 C. 128 D. 125

________________ 32) 9 =

A. 81 B. 80 C. 83 D. 82

G. Evaluate. Write the letter of your answer.

________________33.) 6  22 + 7
A. 31 B. 32 C. 33 D. 34
________________34.) 3  7 + 5  5
2 2

A. 271 B. 272 C. 273 D. 274

________________35)53 + 7 – 20
A. 41 B. 40 C. 43 D. 42
________________36.)9 - 7 + 10
2 2

A. 21 B. 20 C. 23 D. 22
________________37.)(10 + 2) - 10
2 2

A. 41 B. 44 C. 43 D. 42
________________38) 4 x 3 + 8
A. 21 B. 20 C. 23 D. 22
________________39)84  3 x 4
A. 9 B. 6 C. 8 D. 7
________________40)76 – 8 + 5
A. 61 B. 60 C. 63 D. 62

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