Harendra Pratap Singh Choudhri, Et Al

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Sci (2018) 7(2): 1060-1065

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 02 (2018)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.702.131

Costs and Income Analysis of Maize Cultivation in

Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh, India

Harendra Pratap Singh Choudhri, G.P. Singh, Rajeev Singh, Punam Kushwaha,
Rajeev Kumar* and Ashutosh Kumar Ranjan

Department of Agricultural Economics, N. D. U. A. & T. Kumarganj Faizabad

(U.P.) -224229, India

*Corresponding author


Study was conducted in Tejwapur block of Bahraich district of U. P. A sample of 100
Maize, Costs, respondents was chosen through purposive cum proportionate random sampling and
Income, Farm size, were categorised as marginal, small and medium size group of farms. A survey was
Tabular analysis, conducted by personal interview method with use of pre-structured schedule. Simple
Weighted mean tabular analysis was done to find out the result. It was found that maize cultivation
Article Info was profitable at all categories of farm. The total costs of cultivation and gross income
per hectare were positively related with size of farms, where as negative trend of net
Accepted: income with farm size should that resources are not efficiently used in maize
10 January 2018 cultivation at larger size group of farm, technical, managerial and financial problem
Available Online:
10 February 2018 were noticed as major constraints.

Introduction the country consumed as human food. Several

food dishes including „Chapattis‟ are prepared
Maize is a one of the most important cereal out of maize flour and grains. Green cobs are
crop in the world agricultural economy both as roasted and eaten by people with great
food for man and feed for animals. It is a interest. The special variety called „Popcorn‟
miracle crop having high yield potential. the grains of which are converted into the
There is no cereal on the earth which has so popped form which is the favorites food for
immense potentiality and that is why it is children in cities. It is also a good source of
called „Queen of Cereals‟. Maize is the only feed and fodder for cattle, Poultry and
cereal which can be grown throughout the piggery. The green fodder can be fed to milch
year in all three season of kharif, rabi and cattle to boost the milk production to a
zaid. considerable extent; “South African Maize” is
a best suited variety for fodder. The crop has
Maize crop is utilized in many ways like other to be harvested when the grains are in milky
grain crop. Over 85% of maize produced in stage, this variety is supposed to have

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(2): 1060-1065

Lactogenic effect hence specially suited for categories of marginal, small and medium. To
milch cattle. The digestibility of maize fodder justify the representation of all category of
is higher than sorghum, bajra and other non- farmers‟ proportionate random sampling
leguminous forage crops. Maize plant does not technique was applied. A sum of 52 marginal,
have any problem of poisoning due 35 small and 13 medium size of sample farms
to hydrocyanic acid, hence if necessary crop were studied. Details of sampling are
can be harvested and fed to cattle at any stage presented in Table 1.
of its growth.
Analytical tools
The high carotene content of yellow maize is
considered to be very useful in importing The data collected from the sample farmers
yellow colour to egg yok and yellow tinge to through personal interview with the help of
the milk. No other concentrate is yet known to pre-structured scheduled were analysed and
substitute maize in this respect. estimated with certain statistical and
economical technique like:
Maize stand on second place among all the
kharif crops after rice, and on third place after Average
rice and wheat among the food grown crops.
Seeing the importance of the crop, it seems The simplest and important measures of
necessary to study the economics of maize average which have been used into statistical
cultivation in order to find the costs involved analysis were the simple mean and weighted
in its cultivation and profit received from a average. The formula used to estimate the
hectare, the result of the study can guide the average is:
framers to allocate the opportunity area of this
crop in his crop production plan the study on
costs and income analysis was conducted in ,
Bahraich district with following objectives:
W.A. 
W X i i

To study the different type of costs involve in

W i
maize cultivation.

To study the various income measure received Where, W. A. = Weighted average, =

from maize cultivation. Variable, = Weights of

To study the major constraints affecting the Cost concepts

maize cultivation.
The cost concepts and the items of cost
Materials and Methods included under this study are given below:

Sampling technique Cost A1

Purposive cum random sampling technique This cost approximates and actual expenditure
was used to select the 100 respondents, from 5 incurred in cash and kind.
villages of Tejwapur block of Bahraich
district. For the further study all selected Values of hired/owned human, bullock and
sample farmers were grouped in three machinery& implements laborers

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(2): 1060-1065

Value of seed (both farm produced and Family labour income: Gross income minus
purchased) cost B2.

Value of manure (owned and purchased) Farm business income: Gross income minus
cost A1 or cost A2 in case of land, leased in
Value of insecticides and pesticides and farm.
chemical fertilizers
Farm investment income: Net income over
Depreciation on implements and farm cost C2 plus rental value of owned land plus
buildings interest on owned fixed capital.

Irrigation charges Imputation procedures: Some of the inputs

used in the production process come from
Land revenue, assets and other taxes family sources. The procedures adopted for
deriving imputed values are as given under:
Interest on working capital
Family labour: On the basis of wages paid to
Miscellaneous expenses (artisans, etc.) attached from servant.

Cost A2: Cost A1 + rent paid for leased in land Owned animal labour: On the basis of
maintenance which includes the following:
Cost B1: Cost A2 + interest on value of owned
fixed capital assets (Excluding land) Cost of green and dry fodder

Cost B2: Cost B1 + rental value of owned land Cost of concentrates

(net land revenue) and rent paid for leased in
land. Depreciation on animals and cattle sheds

Cost C1: Cost B1 + imputed value of family Labour charges

labour Other expenses, if any

Cost C2: Cost B2 + imputed value of family Results and Discussion

The result of the presents study as well as
Cost C3: Cost C2 + 10 % of C2 (managerial relevant discussion has been presented in cost
cost). and returns of Maize crop in the study area:

Income concepts Cost and return

Gross income: Value of farm output (main The cost and return have been summarized in
product and by product) whether sold or this part on the sample farms. Beside the
utilized by the farm family. estimate of total costs, on the basis of six cost
concept i.e. Cost A1/A2, cost B1, cost B2, cost
Net income: It is the difference between gross C1, C2 and cost C3, have been worked out for
income and total cost, i.e. gross income minus estimation of cost.
cost C1 or Cost C2 or Cost C3.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(2): 1060-1065

Table.1 Village wise proportionate selection of sample farmers under

Different size group of farms

Sl. No. Name of Villages Size of farms Total

Marginal (< 1 ha.) Small (1-2 ha.) Medium (2-4 ha.)
1. Maraucha 45 14 44 13 11 3 100 30
2. Singhi 22 7 13 4 3 1 38 12
3. Raipura 28 9 9 3 2 1 39 13
4. Aladadpur 19 6 21 6 9 3 49 15
5. Kirtanpur 52 16 28 9 18 5 98 30
Total 166 52 115 35 43 13 324 100
Note: P= Population and S= Sample.

Table.2 Per hectare costs of different inputs used in Maize production (Rs.)

S. No. Particulars Size group of farms

Marginal Small Medium Overall average
1. Human Labour 16786.26 15697.08 18325.33 16605.13
(35.64) (31.46) (35.89) (34.17)
a. Family Labour 8189.54 2617.63 1649.23 5389.13
(17.39) (5.25) (3.23) (11.09)
b. Hired Labour 8596.72 13079.45 16676.10 11215.99
(18.25) (26.22) (32.66) (23.08)
2. Machinery Charges 8869.23 9190.44 7729.06 8833.43
(18.83) (18.42) (15.14) (18.18)
3. Seed 2549.48 3147.95 3376.32 2866.43
(5.41) (6.31) (6.61) (5.90)
4. Manure and fertilizer 7303.01 8661.31 7937.17 7860.85
(15.51) (17.36) (15.54) (16.18)
5. Irrigation 402.12 763.07 1273.48 641.73
(0.86) (1.53) (2.49) (1.32)
6. Plant Protection 340.98 1376.96 1339.66 883.40
(0.72) (2.76) (2.63) (1.71)
7. Total working capital 28061.54 36219.18 38331.79 32251.85
(59.58) (72.60) (75.06) (66.37)
8. Interest on working capital 187.08 241.46 255.54 215.01
(0.40) (0.48) (0.50) (0.44)
9. Rental value of land 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00
(12.74) (12.03) (11.75) (12.35)
10. Interest on fixed capital 377.70 277.44 187.48 317.88
(0.80) (0.55) (0.37) (0.65)
11. Sub total 42815.86 45355.71 46424.04 44173.87
(90.91) (90.91) (90.91) (90.91)
12. Managerial Cost@10% of sub-total 4281.58 4535.57 4642.40 4417.38
(9.09) (9.09) (9.09) (90.09)
Grand total 47097.44 49891.28 51066.44 48591.25
(100) (100) (100) (100)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(2): 1060-1065

Table.3 Per hectare costs and income measures from maize production on
various costs concept (Rs.)

S. No. Particulars Size group of farms Overall average

Marginal Small Medium
1. Cost A1/A2 28248.62 36460.64 38587.33 32466.86
2. Cost B1 28626.32 36738.08 38774.81 32784.74
3. Cost B2 34626.32 42738.08 44774.81 38784.74
4. Cost C1 36815.86 39352.71 40424.04 38172.82
5. Cost C2 42815.86 45355.71 46424.04 44173.87
6. Cost C3 47097.44 49891.28 51066.44 48591.25
7. Yield q/ha.
a. M.P 42.00 43.22 43.98 42.68
b. B.P 72.00 71.68 72.50 71.95
8. Grass Income 60360.00 61920.40 62974.00 61245.96
a. M.P 54600.00 56186.00 57174.00 55489.72
b. B.P 5760.00 5734.40 5800.00 5756.24
9. Net return over cost C3 13262.56 12029.12 11907.56 12654.71
10. Family Income 25733.68 19182.32 18199.19 22461.22
11. Farm Business income 32111.38 25459.76 24386.67 28779.10
12. Farm investment income 23921.84 22842.13 22737.44 23389.97
13. Cost of production (Rs./q.) 1023.60 1047.47 1054.11 1035.92
14. Input-Output ratio
a. On the basis of cost A1 1:2.13 1:1.70 1:1.63 1:1.88
b. On the basis of cost B1 1:2.10 1:1.68 1:1.62 1:1.86
c. On the basis of cost B2 1:1.74 1:1.45 1:1.40 1:1.57
d. On the basis of cost C1 1:1.64 1:1.57 1:1.55 1:1.60
e. On the basis of cost C2 1:1.41 1:1.36 1:1.35 1:1.38
f. On the basis of cost C3 1:1.28 1:1.24 1:1.23 1:1.26

Similarly, the various measures of farm profits, cultivation was observed (Rs.48591.25) on
such as net income, family labour income, farm sample farms.
investment income, farm business income,
input-output ratio for maize crop have also been The major component of the cost were human
worked out. labour (34.17 per cent), Machinery charge
(18.18 per cent), manure and fertilizers (16.18
The costs and returns generated by maize crop per cent), rental value of owned land (12.35
are displayed in Table 2 and 3. percent), seed cost (5.90 per cent), plant
protection (1.71 per cent) and irrigation charge
Per hectare costs of cultivation of maize crop (1.32 per cent) respectively of the total costs of
cultivation. Per hectare cost of cultivation was
Per hectare costs incurred on the various input found of positive trend with farm size. Costs of
factor in maize production was worked out and plant protection and irrigation were to less
are given in Table 2. because the crop was not affected by insect pest
and it was grown in kharif season. The cost
Table 2 indicates that, costs of cultivation of increases with an increase in farm size was due
maize was highest on medium farms to higher expenditure on human labour, seed
(Rs.51066.44), followed by small farms and irrigation charges on medium size of farms,
(Rs.49891.28) and small farms (Rs.47097.44) compared to small and marginal size of farm.
respectively. The overall average costs of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(2): 1060-1065

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How to cite this article:

Harendra Pratap Singh Choudhri, G.P. Singh, Rajeev Singh, Punam Kushwaha, Rajeev Kumar and
Ashutosh Kumar Ranjan. 2018. Costs and Income Analysis of Maize Cultivation in Bahraich District of
Uttar Pradesh. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(02): 1060-1065.
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.702.131


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