Hitler Rise and Consolsition

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Date of submission- February 17, 2019

Name -Siddhant Surana

Hitler’s rise and consolidation of power

Adolf Hitler was dictator of Germany. Hitler joined the Germans workers party
after the first world war and soon became the leader of the party and changed
its name to the Nazi party. Hitler was imprisoned due to the beer hall putsch.
President Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as the chancellor of Germany.
Soon after his appointment the Reichstag fire broke out. He soon became the
Führer of Germany after president Hindenburg’s death. As the dictator he
passed the enabling act. During his reign as the dictator he also took out an
operation known as the knight of the long knives. Thus this essay will cover
Hitlers rise and consolidation of power.

Adolf Hitler joined a small political party , the German workers party founded
by Anton Drexler and Karl Harrer. The party promoted German nationalism.
The treaty of Versailles was signified as being harsh on the German people.
Hitler emerged as an excellent speaker and attracted new members by
blaming Jews and Marxists for the defeat of Germany. In July 1921 he assured
leadership and change the name to Nazi party. Under Hitler the Nazi grew
steadily in its home base of Bavaria. Hitler organised arm groups to protect the
Nazi meeting and rallies. These groups drew people from the members from
war veterans groups and parliamentary organisations

Hitler tried to take advantage of the hyperinflation in November 1923. The

crisis faced by the Weimar Republic. The beer hall putsch also known as the
Munich putsch was Hitlers first step of trying to gain power. it was a perfect
opportunity to take power but lack of planning led in the failure of the beer
hall putsch. The events that led to putsch were the Nazi party becoming
stronger with 55,000 members. The government was in difficulty because of
the hyperinflation. Hitler assumed he would be helped by the nationalist
Bravian politicians. Even though the beer hall putsch was a failure it carved the
way for Hitler’s rise to power
Adolf Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in prison for leading the Nazis
unsuccessful Munich putsch in Bravia. The beer hall putsch was Nazis first
attempt to seize power from the Weimar government by force. Hitler hoped
the national revolution would dissatisfied German army which would bring
down he Weimar government but the uprising was suppressed immediately.
During his time in Landsberg jail he spent his time writing his autobiography
the Mein Kampf and worked on his public speaking skills. Even though Hitler
had beed sentenced to 5 years in prison political pressure form the Nazi parry
forced his release. Hitler spent only 9 months in jail instead of 5 years

Paul von hidenberg , with the help of the emergency powers in the Weimar
constitution took direct control of Germany. he feared that Hitler would try to
seize power by force in order to prevent this hitler was appointed as chancellor
in 1933 by the president. Along with 3 other nazi party member and the SA
which hilter uses as his pirate army scared opponents to challenge hitler.

The Reichstag building was burnt down on 27 February 1933. The Nazis blamed
he communist for the fire because a Dutch communist by the name of Van Der
Lubbe was spotted in the building during the fire. The Nazis exploited the fire
as Hitler banned the communist from the parliament. He turned the German
population against the communist deeming them too dangerous for the
country which intern gained the Nazi party new supporters. Due to the fire
president Hidenberg declared a state of natural emergency using article 48. All
these actions helped the Nazis to win more seats in the elections of 5th March
1933 as the seats percentage had risen to 44 percent from 33 percent.

The Reich march of 24 march 1933 is also known as the enabling act was the
corner stone for helping Adolf Hitler gain doctorial rights. With the help of the
enabling act hitler was able to violate the Weimar constitution without the
permission of the parliament and president Hidenberg. Since the Nazis gained
two thirds of the vote in parliament, the Nazi and Hitler set used intimidation
to get the outcome they wanted. The Nazis did not allow all 86 communists
and 26 of 120 social democrats to take their seats. The communists and the
democrats were sent to Nazi controlled camps. The SA and SS members were
sent to reap fear to the remaining representatives.

On January 30th 1934 the Nazi leaders persuaded hitler the SA was turning out
to be extremely powerful. Fearing this hitler orders The SS guards to slaughter
the organization’s leaders. By may 1934 hitler had completed 16 months
chancellor and 14 months at the Fuhrer. Even though hitler gained dictatorial
rights two of his obstacles remained one was his comrade Earnst Rohm chief of
the brown shirts and second president Hidenberg. Since Hidenberg was still in
office he could had stop hitlers plans. Hitler knew the necessity of a strong
military force for the success of his foreign policy Hitler sacrificed Rohm. Hitler
believed that Rohm had been planning of putsch hitler called a massacre. June
30 1934 witnessed the deaths of Rohm any more SA leaders by the members
of Hienrich Himmler’s. Some of hitlers foes also died because of this including
the last chancellor of the Weimar government Kurt Von Schleicher and the vise
chancellor Frans Von Papen. Hitler made an attempted to settle the union with
Austria with a few weeks after Rohm’s death with help of violence. With the
help of ausrirain Nazis in Vienna hitler tried taking over Austria. The Austrian
chancellor Engelbart Dollfuss was murdered in the process. With the death of
president hidenberg the generals agreed to merge office of president of Reich
and chancellorship with supreme head of the armed forces.

The death of president Hidenberg assured hitlers rise to power. Hitler squired
dictatorial powers under the title of Fuhrer. The army of Germany swears
alliance to its new commander in chief. Germany’s democratic government
had been dismantled for hitlers third Reich. Hitler assured lasting of the third
each would be for at least 1000 years but in only lasted 11 years.

One of the fist ting hitler did as the further was militant foreign policy which
lasted from 1933 to 1939. Soon after hitler gained control of the government
he directed Nazi Germany’s foreign policy by undoing the Versailles treaty.
Hitler wanted to reunite all Germans in a greater Germany by winning back the
territories lost or given because of the treaty of Versailles. the mid and late
1930s saw Hitlers undermine the postwar step by step. The first step was the
withdrawal from the league of nations in 1933. He exceeded the army of
Germany more then what was permitted by the treaty of Versailles. Hitler
recouped Rhineland in 1936. 1938 followed the annexation of Austria.
Czechoslovakia was invaded in 1939. When hitler set his eye on Poland France
and Britain warned hitler that the invasion of Poland would men war hiter
turned a deaf ear and invaded Poland stating the second world war. Hitler was
set to dominate Europe after he was successful in the conquest of Poland. He
turned his focus to defeat Britain and France. Japan Italy and Germany signed
the tripartite pact of 1940. The Nazi party tried defeating the world bigger
communist power. Hitler had initially wanted to take Germany a supreme
nation but by the end of the war Germany was fighting to exist.

However, Hilter wanted to seek out revenge for the first world war he failed.
The events that led to rise of hitler play a major role during his time as the
dilatator even though all his plans weren’t successful like the beer hall putsch it
carved his path for dictator ship. The knight of the long knives and joining of
the Nazi party turned to be major successes for hitler. The treaty of Versailles
also played a major role in hitlers rise and consolidation of power as if it wasn’t
for the treaty hitler would never have risen to power.

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