Smile Analysis: A Review Part I

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International Journal of Contemporary Dental and Medical Reviews (2015), Article ID 210115, 3 Pages


Smile analysis: A review Part II

Suchita Madhukar Tarvade (Daokar), Gauri Agrawal
Department of Orthodontics, CSMSS Dental College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Correspondence Abstract
Dr. Suchita Tarvade (Daokar), Plot Smile design is the important aesthetic goal of every clinician. As in today’s era smile
No. 1, Bharatnagar Housing Society,
is more important than ideal occlusion. But it’s a multi-factorial process. There is no
Jyotinagar, Aurangabad, Maharashtra,
universal “ideal” smile. Smile analysis is first based on soft tissue repose, how the lips
India. Phone: +91-9822523556,
E-mail: [email protected]
animate on smile, gingival display, crown length, and other attributes of the smile.
The second is the facial change throughout a patient’s lifetime. Clinician should rank
Received 17 January 2015; these smile attributes in order of their importance in creating a balanced smile. There
Accepted 19 April 2015 are various methods of smile analysis. Developing a “standard of normalcy” for smiles
is important as it would give guidelines for orthodontist and clinicians to have better
doi: 10.15713/ins.ijcdmr.68 treatment results. This article deals with all the different process of smile designing and
lays norms for a beautiful smile.
How to cite the article:
Suchita Madhukar Tarvade, Gauri Agrawal, Keywords: Balanced smile, smile analysis, smile design
“Smile analysis: A review Part II,” Int J Contemp
Dent Med Rev, vol.2015, Article ID: 210115,
2015. doi: 10.15713/ins.ijcdmr.68

Smile Design incisors and canines. DFAR is evaluated at a 90° view from the
frontal plane.
Smile design is the next step in giving you a new, more radiant
The objective of this method was to give an exact idea of the
smile. Smile design is a multi-factorial process, with clinical
positioning and ratios between teeth in the frontal plane as well
success determined by an understanding of the patient’s soft-
as their relationship with the gum and lips. DFAR will have four
tissue, treatment limitations and the extent to which orthodontics
or multidisciplinary treatment can satisfy the patient’s and lines, formed by the following structures.
orthodontist’s esthetic goals. • Cervical line - gingival apexes
Janzen emphasized that a well-balanced smile is the utmost • Papillary line - papillary tips
treatment objective. It must be understood that there is no universal • Contact points line - contact points
“ideal” smile. The dentist must work with two dynamics. The first • Incisal line - incisal edges.
is that of soft tissue repose and animation assessed at the patient’s
examination and includes how the lips animate on smile, gingival Cervical line
display, crown length, and other attributes of the smile. The second Line formed from the union of the apexes of the canines,
is the facial change throughout a patient’s lifetime - the impact of maxillary lateral and central incisors is the cervical line. The apex
skeletal and soft tissue maturational and aging characteristics. in maxillary teeth is usually located distal to the long axis of the
The clinician should rank these smile attributes in order of tooth. But in maxillary lateral incisors, the gingival limit may be
their importance in creating a balanced smile. The final problem centered on the long axis.
list will help the orthodontist to assess the viability of different Because the apexes of the maxillary canines are higher
treatment options and select the appropriate mechanotherapy than the lateral incisors and about the same level as the central
for optimal smile design. incisors, the cervical line attains a convex aspect in relation to the
occlusal plane. That would be the ideal form of the cervical line.
Methods of Smile Analysis The line becomes plain when the lateral incisors are
positioned more apical, at the same height as the canines and
Diagram of facial aesthetic references (DFAR)[1] central incisors. Line becomes concave when the gingival
This method was given by Carlos Alexandre Câmara. contour of the canines is below the lateral incisor and is the least
The diagram consists of six frames that surround the maxillary pleasing among the three possibilities.

Smile analysis Tarvade and Agrawal

Incisal line
The incisal line follows the edges of anterior maxillary teeth.
The ideal is that in young patients in the frontal plane the incisal
edges of the central incisors be below the edges of the lateral
incisors and canines. So that incisal line resembles the outline of
a “deep plate.”
When the incisal edge of the central incisors is no longer
below the lateral incisors, the outline will become concave in
relation to the frontal occlusal plane, giving an aged and anti-
aesthetic appearance. Also known as “shallow plate,” “inverted
plate” “inverted smile.” Other frequently used terms to describe
the incisal line are the “smile arch,” “incisal curvature,” and
“seagull wing.” Figure 1: The six horizontal smile lines. Cervical line (a); Papillary
line (b); contact points line (c); incisal line (d); upper lip line
Contact points line (e); lower lip line (f)[1]
Whenever there is no discrepancy between the sizes, shapes,
and angles of anterior teeth line that unites contact points will Three groups were formed: Unattractive, average, and
be parallel to the incisal line. The contact between anterior attractive smiles. Eleven smile characteristics were digitally
maxillary teeth is done in a descending fashion, starting from the measured on the photograph. Visible incisor height/smile
canine. For practical purposes, we consider the most apical site height ratio (%), smile arc (consonant, non-consonant) smile
as the reference for the contact point. arc discrepancy/smile frame (%), gummy smile (present, not
Whenever a contact takes place over an area instead of in a present), gingival display/visible dentition display (%), gingival
single point. display (right)/visible dentition display (%), gingival display
(left)/visible dentition display (%), visible dentition width/
Papillary line inter-commissure width (%) dentition during smiling/distance
Ideal line would be parallel to the line formed by the contact between the left cheilion to right cheilion during smiling visible
points. The papillary line is formed by the tips of the gingival dentition display/smile frame (%) right buccal space/visible
papillae located between the canines and lateral incisors, and dentition display (%).
between the maxillary lateral incisors and central incisors.
Left buccal space/visible dentition display (%)
Connector band
Connecting spaces are larger, broader, and contact points According to ABO standards, a harmonious smile arch
are small areas in which teeth touch. The best aesthetic relationship and less gingival display during a smile are
relationship of anterior teeth is the 50-40-30 rule for the significantly associated with smile attractiveness in successfully
connecting space. treated patient.
This rule establishes that the connecting space between the
central incisors should be 50% of the size of those teeth, between Digital Vediography[3]
the central and lateral incisor should be 40% of the length of
the central incisors, whereas between the lateral incisor and the Van der Geld et al. suggested following method of smile
canine is 30% of length of lateral incisor. Small changes in this analysis. The dynamics smile was captured, and the selected
band can make a difference in dental aesthetics. The Figure of video frames were measured with the help of the digora
this band resembles the shape of a “hang glider.” program. For each record, the measurement program was
recalibrated with the filmed reference standard. Displays of
Lip analysis teeth and gingivae were measured on the smiling and speech
In addition to the four dento-gingival lines, there are also upper records. In the maxilla and mandible, a central and a lateral
and lower lip lines. Lip separation can be called “labial unveiling.” incisor, a canine, a first and a second premolar, and a first molar
Evaluation of the relationship between the white (teeth) and were measured.
pink (gums) aesthetics, and their relationship with the lips is The most incisal point of each tooth and the lip edge were
possible because of labial unveiling [Figure 1]. marked with a horizontal line, parallel to the pupil line. The
vertical distance between these lines was measured. If a tooth
was not visible, tooth display was denoted as zero. To test the
Using Visual Analog Scale[2]
suitability of the method for general use, the 4 situations (full
In the method given by Akyalcina et al. using the numeric version dentition, spontaneous smile, posed social smile, and speech)
of the visual analog scale digital smile photographs of the subjects were captured twice (selections 1 and 2), and 2 raters were
taken in a standardized manner were rated. included in the setup of the study design [Table 1].

Tarvade and Agrawal Smile analysis

Table 1: Design of study Direct measurement as a biometric tool[6]

Selection  (video capture) Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 2
According to Singh and Sharma direct measurement also has
1 A B
application in research efforts and the repeatability of the social
2 C D smile.
The following frontal measurements should be performed.
• Philtrum and commissure height,
Analysis of sources of error: Part 1, A versus B - evaluation of
• Interlabial gap,
rater facet (interexaminer reliability); Part 2, B versus • Incisor show at rest and smile,
C - evaluation of selection facet (video captures 1 and 2); Part 3, • Crown height, Gingival display,
C versus D - evaluation of replication facet (intraexaminer • Smile arc[7,8]
reliability); Part 4, A versus C, A versus D - joint evaluation of
This resulted in a total of 3840 measurements (20 Conclusion
subjects - 4 situations - 2 selections - 2 ratings - 12 teeth). Based Occlusion that meets every criterion of American Board of
on this design, various sources of error could be analyzed. Four Orthodontics for a successful treatment may not produce
parts of the study design were defined in which 4 aspects were an esthetic smile.[9] In today’s era smile of the patient
investigated: the error related to different raters (Part 1), is given adequate importance than ideal occlusion and
different records of the same subjects (Part 2), replications pleasing profiles.[10] In order to diagnose and treat problems
with the same rater (Part 3), and combinations of different associated with the smile, clinical observation, photos, and video
raters and records (Part 4). Part 4 addresses the measurement records in various dimensions are required. But, smile design
method in clinical settings; the other parts were included to depends on multiple factors and can vary among different races.
investigate the importance of the various potential sources of Developing a “standard of normalcy” for smiles is important as
error. it would give guidelines for orthodontist and clinicians to have
Application of the videographic method is used when better treatment results.
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The results of this research showed the psychosocial I. Int J Contemp Dent Med Rev 2015;2015:Article ID: 200115.
importance and the dental significance of an attractive smile. doi:10.15713/ins.ijcdmr.64

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