Sec Cert Format

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I, _____________________ of legal age and the Corporate Secretary of _____________________________., a

corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with business
address at _________________________________ do hereby certify that in the special meeting of the Board of
Directors of the ___________________________________________________. called and held in all respects as required
by law and the by-laws of the corporation on _________________________ wherein a majority of the directors
were present, the following resolution was passed and adopted, a full, true and correct copy thereof is
hereby reproduced thus:

"RESOLVED, as it is hereby unanimously resolved that

_________________________________________________________ with full power of substitution, and are
authorized and empowered, to appear and represent
_____________________________________________________________________. at all hearings, and other
judicial/administrative proceedings, negotiations for and conclusion of settlements,
compromises, stipulations of facts and similar agreements with other party litigants and/or
their counsel and/or proper courts relative to the case filed
________________________________________., against _________________________________________________ before
the National Labor Relations Commission docketed as

I further certify that the said resolution is still in force and effect and has not been amended,
revoked or modified and that the signature appearing herein below is the signature of the person
authorized to represent the corporation by virtue of this Resolution.

_______________________ City, Philippines, _____ August 2019.

Corporate Secretary

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in the City of ________________ this ___ August 2019 by
DARYL SATUITO who exhibited to me his _______________________________ as competent proof of his identity.

Doc. No. ____;

Page No. ____;
Book No. ____;
Series of 2019

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