ASTM C1708 Self-Leveling Mortars Containing Hydraulic Cements

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C1708/C1708M − 16

Standard Test Methods for

Self-leveling Mortars Containing Hydraulic Cements1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1708/C1708M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 These test methods are appropriate to evaluate the 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
performance of self-leveling mortars containing hydraulic C109/C109M Test Method for Compressive Strength of
cements that are used to improve the levelness, smoothness, Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube
and flatness of existing floors. These materials may be used as Specimens)
an underlayment to receive floor finishes, or as an overlayment C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
to serve as the wear surface. The self-leveling mortars covered gregates
by these test methods consist of proprietary blends of hydraulic C157/C157M Test Method for Length Change of Hardened
cements, along with fine aggregate, polymers, fillers, and other Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete
additives. C191 Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement
1.2 Units—The values stated in either SI units or inch- by Vicat Needle
pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The C305 Practice for Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic Cement
values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Consistency
therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. C348 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic-
Combining values from the two systems may result in non- Cement Mortars
conformance with the standard. Some values have only SI units C490 Practice for Use of Apparatus for the Determination of
because the inch-pound equivalents are not used in practice. Length Change of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the for Test Methods for Construction Materials
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- C778 Specification for Standard Sand
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- C928/C928M Specification for Packaged, Dry, Rapid-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. (Warning—Fresh Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs
hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may cause C1005 Specification for Reference Masses and Devices for
chemical burns to skin and tissue upon prolonged exposure.)2 Determining Mass and Volume for Use in the Physical
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor- Testing of Hydraulic Cements
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- C1107/C1107M Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the Cement Grout (Nonshrink)
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- D1200 Test Method for Viscosity by Ford Viscosity Cup
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical D5125 Test Method for Viscosity of Paints and Related
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. Materials by ISO Flow Cups
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on Determine the Precision of a Test Method
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C09.43 on Packaged Dry Combined Materials.
Current edition approved Dec. 15, 2016. Published January 2017. Originally
approved in 2011. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as C1708/C1708M – 15. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
DOI: 10.1520/C1708_C1708M-16. contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing, Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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C1708/C1708M − 16
3. Terminology 7. Mixing
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in these test 7.1 Apparatus
methods, refer to Terminology C125. 7.1.1 Use the mixer and scraper as specified in Practice
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: C305. The standard batch size is 3000 g (See Note 1) of dry
3.2.1 flow, n—of self-leveling mortars, the ability of a self-leveling mortar. Use a splash guard to prevent excessive
freshly-mixed, self-leveling mortar to spread under its own splashing.
weight or flow through an orifice. Warning—The clearances between the paddle and the bowl
3.2.2 healing, n—of self-leveling mortars, the ability of a specified in Practice C305 are suitable when using mortar made
self-leveling mortar to return to its original state of levelness with standard sand as described in Specification C778. To
and smoothness after a specified cut is introduced into the permit the mixer to operate freely and to avoid serious damage
surface. to the paddle and bowl when coarser aggregates are used, it Discussion—The specified cut is described in may be necessary to set the clearance adjustment bracket to provide greater clearances than those specified in 4.1 of
Practice C305.
3.2.3 mortar, self-leveling, n—mortar containing hydraulic
7.1.2 Weighing devices used in determining the mass of
cement that, in the fresh state, exhibits flow sufficient to seek
materials shall conform to Specification C1005.
gravitational leveling.
7.1.3 A timer accurate to 1 s with a range of at least 60 min.
3.2.4 overlayment, n—in flooring, a layer of material usu-
ally placed upon the sub-floor that provides a smooth, even NOTE 1—This batch size is used for self-leveling mortars with a typical
surface to be left exposed as the wear surface of the floor. freshly mixed density of approximately 1920 kg/m3 [120 lb/ft3]. Adjust
the batch size as needed to accommodate densities significantly different
3.2.5 time, healing, n—of self-leveling mortars, the period from the typical value.
from the starting time until the moment when a specified cut 7.2 Procedure
leaves no observable indentation or ridge on the surface after
7.2.1 Mix the self-leveling mortar with liquid as prescribed
by the manufacturer. In the absence of manufacturer’s instruc- Discussion—The specified cut is described in
tions the liquid content shall be adjusted to achieve an initial
flow of 125 to 150 mm [5 to 6 in.] as per 8.4.
3.2.6 time, starting, n—of self-leveling mortars, the time
when water is brought into contact with the dry ingredients of NOTE 2—Water is the most common mixing liquid although latex
admixtures or other liquids may be recommended by some manufacturers.
a self-leveling mortar.
3.2.7 underlayment, n—in flooring, a layer of material 7.2.2 Add the entire quantity of mixing liquid to the bowl.
usually placed upon the sub-floor that provides a smooth, even Start the mixer on speed 1 and start the timer. Mix times are to
base for flooring. be observed within 65 s of the recommended times.
7.2.3 Add the dry self-leveling mortar to the mixer while
4. Significance and Use mixing at speed 1 during the first 30 s. (0-30 s on timer)
4.1 The test methods in this standard are used to evaluate 7.2.4 Mix for an additional 30 s period, at speed 1. (30-60 s
freshly mixed properties such as the initial flow, flow retention, on timer)
and healing time as well as hardened properties such as 7.2.5 Stop the mixer and quickly scrape down into the batch
compressive strength, setting time, and flexural strength, of any mortar that may have collected on the side of the bowl or
self-leveling mortars. blade. This must be completed within 30 s (60-90 s on timer)
4.2 Tests are conducted under standardized conditions for 7.2.6 Mix at speed 2 for 240 s. (90-330 s on timer)
comparative purposes and results are not intended to be 7.2.7 In any case requiring a remixing interval, any mortar
representative of performance under field conditions. adhering to the side of the bowl shall be quickly scraped down
into the batch with the scraper prior to remixing.
5. Standard Laboratory Conditions
5.1 Unless otherwise specified, curing and testing of speci- 8. Initial Flow, Flow Retention, Viscosity by Flow Cup,
mens shall be conducted at standard laboratory conditions and Healing Time
which are defined as 23.0 6 2.0 ºC [73.5 6 3.5 ºF] and the 8.1 Scope—This test method measures the flow of freshly-
relative humidity of the laboratory shall be not less than 50 %. mixed, self-leveling mortar by releasing it from a rigid tube
The self leveling mortar dry powder and mixing liquid must be after a given time. The diameter of the spread mixture is
equilibrated to 23.0 6 2.0 ºC [73.5 6 3.5 ºF] prior to mixing. measured after a specified time. Flow retention is measured by
For optional tests at the manufacturer’s stated temperature repeating the test on aged material. Viscosity by Flow Cup is
extremes, the curing and testing temperatures must be within measured using an ISO flow cup and a modified Test Method
62.0 °C [63.5 °F] of the stated extreme temperatures. D5125 procedure on self leveling mortars that do not contain
fibers greater than 1 mm in length. Healing time is determined
6. Sampling by making specific cuts in the surface of the self-leveling
6.1 Sample according to the Sampling section of Specifica- mortar at regular time intervals and determining the latest time
tion C1107/C1107M. for which the mortar will still heal as evaluated after setting.

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C1708/C1708M − 16
8.2 Significance and Use—The flow of a self-leveling mor- Repeat the flow test at 20 min and 30 min from the
tar is a measure of its placeability. Establishing an acceptable starting time and record the flow. Remix the material by using
flow range for the self-leveling mortar is critical to the proper the Practice C305 mixer, speed 1, for 5 to 10 s before filling the
use of the self-leveling mortar. If the flow is too low, the flow ring.
self-leveling mortar will not be self-leveling and if the flow is Report the flow retention as the flow, mm [in.] at 20
too high, the designed properties of the self-leveling mortar min and 30 min.
will be compromised. A proper flow range must be established
NOTE 5—Self-leveling mortars with flow retention times either shorter
in order to determine the proper water content to use when or longer than 20-30 min reported in may be measured at
evaluating the physical properties of the mortar. The flow appropriate 10 min intervals until material no longer flows out of the flow
retention and healing time provide an indication of the useful ring.
working time of the mortar. The viscosity of the mortar gives NOTE 6—An alternate procedure for flow retention is to fill three flow
additional information about the rheological characteristics, rings after the completion of mixing. The first ring is lifted immediately
and the second and third rings are lifted at 20 min and 30 min respectively
such as but not limited to, information about the ability to from the starting time. This procedure is not recommended as the primary
convey the material in a mechanical pump. method of measuring flow retention but may be used to provide additional
information about the behavior of the material in a completely undisturbed
8.3 Apparatus
condition. The precision of this method is included in section (2).
8.3.1 Flow Ring: A tube made of smooth, non-corrosive
material of 30.0 6 0.1 mm [11⁄4 6 1⁄16 in.] internal diameter 8.4.3 Viscosity by Flow Cup Time:—
and 50.0 6 0.1 mm [2 6 1⁄16 in.] high. Verify the cup is standardized using the procedure
8.3.2 A clean, dry 400 × 400 × 6 mm [16 in. × 16 in. × 1⁄4 outlined in Test Method D5125. Standardization shall be
in.] square glass plate. performed at least every 2 years and more frequently if wear of
8.3.3 A timer accurate to 1 s with a range of at least 60 min. the cup is evident or if errant results are present.
8.3.4 A length-measuring device such as a ruler or tape Position the flow cup in a stand and level the stand
measure divided into 1 mm [1⁄16 in.] divisions at least 300 mm and cup. Position a receiving container under the cup.
[12 in.] long. Within 30 s from the completion of mixing, close the
8.3.5 Rectangular pan with inside dimensions of at least 210 orifice with finger and slightly overfill the flow cup with
mm × 210 mm [81⁄2 × 81⁄2 in.] with a nominal depth of at least self-leveling mortar by pouring slowly over 10-15 seconds.
9 mm [3⁄8 in.] made of metal or glass not attacked by the Remove any meniscus formed by drawing straight
self-leveling mortar. edge across the top of the cup.
8.3.6 A metal bar 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] thick, with square edges, Remove the finger to start the flow and simultane-
and at least 150 mm [6 in.] long. ously start a stopwatch. Watch for consistent flow. If sand or other contami-
NOTE 3—The side of a mold used to prepare specimens for Test Method nant interrupts flow discard test and repeat with new material.
C157/C157M is acceptable for this purpose. Looking into the top of the cup, stop the stopwatch
8.3.7 ISO Capillary Flow Cups as described in Test Method when the orifice first becomes visible.
NOTE 7— The cup need not be completely empty; some material may
NOTE 4—ISO cups look like Ford cups, but instead of the non-capillary remain on the sides. It is not necessary to see daylight through the orifice.
hole in the bottom of the Ford cup, the ISO cup has a 20 mm long capillary
and is more like a true capillary viscometer. The typical orifice openings Report the cup used and the time that the hole
used for self-leveling mortar are 6 mm and 8 mm. Ford cups are described became visible as the flow time.
in Test Method D1200.
NOTE 8—This value can be used to determine the viscosity by looking
8.4 Procedure up the correct value on the chart provided with the flow cup.
8.4.1 Initial Flow: NOTE 9—The test result can be influenced by the mixing energy
imparted to the mix. For laboratory testing purposes it is important to Place the flow ring centrally on the glass plate and follow Practice C305 and use the recommended mixing procedure. For
place this assembly on a firm horizontal surface not to depart field testing the results may differ due to the different mixer used.
from horizontal by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent NOTE 10—The flow test can be repeated at later times as needed. If
to 1 mm in 100 mm [0.12 in. in 12 in.]). performed, remix the material by using the Practice C305 mixer at Speed Within 30 s from the completion of mixing, com- 1 for 5 to 10 s before sampling.
pletely fill the flow ring, immediately lift the flow ring and 8.4.4 Healing Time:
simultaneously start the timer. Lift the flow ring from the glass Place the pan on a level, vibration free surface.
plate in a vertical direction to a height of 50 to 100 mm [2 to Upon completion of mixing, pour self-leveling mor-
4 in.] within 2 s and allow the material to empty from the ring tar into the pan until a thickness of 6 61 mm [1⁄4 6 1⁄16 in.] is
onto the glass plate. obtained. Allow the mortar to spread for 240 6 10 s and Start making a full-depth cut in the test specimen at
measure the diameter of the spread in two directions at right 10 min from the starting time using the 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] thick
angles using the length-measuring device. Record the average metal bar (See Fig. 1). Hold the bar at approximately a 45°
diameter as the initial flow of the self-leveling material. angle. Start at the far side of the pan about 25 mm [1 in.] from Report the initial flow, mm [in.]. the left edge of the pan. Pull the bar smoothly through the mix
8.4.2 Flow Retention: stopping at the near edge of the pan. Complete the cut in

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C1708/C1708M − 16

FIG. 1 Full-Depth Cut in Test Specimen

approximately 5 to 10 s. Record the time of the beginning of 9.2.3 Apparatus—Vicat Apparatus, in accordance with Test
each cut from the defined starting time. Method C191. Continue making cuts every 5 min until the material 9.2.4 Test Sample—The test sample shall consist of at least
no longer heals. Each cut shall be made about 25 mm [1 in.] to 300 mL of self-leveling mortar taken from a freshly-mixed
the right of the previous cut. batch prepared in accordance with 7.2. Allow the specimen to cure overnight before rating 9.2.5 Procedure:
healing time. Seal the Vicat ring to the base plate in one of the Healing time is determined by both touching and following ways:
observing the cuts made the previous day. If there is an obvious (1) Sealing wax method: Warm the Vicat conical ring and
ridge or indentation in the cut, the material is not healing (see base plate to approximately 100 °C [212 °F]. Apply a thin film
definition). Make observations near the center of the cuts of paraffin wax to the base of the conical ring and place the
avoiding areas near the edge of the pan. waxed conical ring on the base plate. Place a weight on the Report the healing time as the longest time for which conical ring to ensure intimate contact with the base plate and
no obvious indentation or ridge is observed. allow the conical ring and plate to cool to room temperature.
9. Physical Properties (2) High viscosity lubricant method: Apply a layer of
high-vacuum silicone grease or other suitable material to the
9.1 The following test methods are used to characterize the base of the conical ring. Press the conical ring against the base
time of setting, strength and dimensional stability of the plate so that the grease forms a seal between the ring and base
self-leveling mortar and will require several batches to com- plate to prevent leakage.
plete the testing. In order to ensure valid comparisons, all tests Fill the conical ring apparatus with freshly mixed
shall be conducted at the same liquid content using the amount
self-leveling mortar flush with its top within 2 min after
and type of liquid prescribed by the manufacturer (See Note 2).
completion of mixing. Strike off flush with the top of the
In the absence of manufacturer’s instructions the correct liquid
conical ring by a single oblique stroke of a margin trowel held
content shall be established by using an initial trial batch for
at a slight angle to the top of the ring.
that purpose. Liquid content shall be adjusted to achieve a flow
of 125 to 150 mm [5 to 6 in.]. The trial batch shall not be used Store the specimen on the bench top at laboratory
for specimen preparation. It will then be necessary to mix conditions as described in 5.1.
additional batches of material using the same amount of liquid Determine the time of initial setting and the time of
as was established by the trial batch. Always use freshly mixed final setting using the procedure described in Test Method
material for each test. C191 except that the first reading shall be taken approximately
30 min before the anticipated time of initial setting and the
9.2 Setting Time needle wiped of adhering material between penetrations.
9.2.1 Scope—This method covers the determination of the
time of initial setting and time of final setting of self-leveling NOTE 11—Fast setting self-leveling mortars will normally reach initial
mortars using the Vicat apparatus. Either procedure A or B as setting time in about 1 to 3 h.
defined in Test Method C191 is acceptable. 9.2.6 Report—The report shall include the following:
9.2.2 Significance and Use—This test method determines The method that was used, Method A or B.
the setting time of self-leveling mortars mixed to the normal Time of initial setting and final setting in h and min.
placement consistency as defined in 9.1. Special precautions
are taken to ensure a proper seal around the Vicat ring. 9.3 Compressive Strength

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C1708/C1708M − 16
9.3.1 Scope—This test method covers determination of the (3) The average flexural strength of each age group of
compressive strength of self-leveling hydraulic cement specimens tested.
mortars, using 50-mm [2-in.] cube specimens. 9.5 Length Change:
9.3.2 Significance and Use—This test method affords a 9.5.1 Scope—This test method is carried out to assess the
means for determining the compressive strength of mortars that shrinkage and expansion properties of self-leveling mortars by
are used as underlayments and overlayments in flooring measuring the length change of specimens stored in air and
applications. optionally in water for a specified period of time. The initial
9.3.3 Apparatus—As described in Test Method C109/ reading is made at 24 hours after the starting time. Self-
C109M. leveling Mortars exhibiting a fast setting time are known to
9.3.4 Procedure: have significant length change before the initial reading of 24 Prepare nine compressive strength specimens fol- hours. As this length change may affect the performance of the
lowing the consolidation procedure for fluid grouts of the product, other test methods may be needed to evaluate this
compressive strength testing portion of Specification C1107/ early movement.4
C1107M using watertight molds. 9.5.2 Significance and Use—This test method determines Cure the compressive strength specimens one day the length change of self-leveling mortars using an unre-
uncovered in the molds. At 23 6 1⁄2 h from the starting time, strained method as described in Test Method C157/C157M.
remove the cubes from the molds and determine the 1-day
NOTE 13—Length change is a measure of dimensional stability.
compressive strength of three cubes in accordance with Test Dimensional stability is an important characteristic related to volume
Method C109/C109M. change, bond, and cracking potential. Cure the remaining specimens under standard labo- 9.5.3 Apparatus—As described in Practice C490. The molds
ratory conditions as defined in 5.1 and determine the compres- used must be watertight.
sive strength at 7 and 28 days from the starting time in 9.5.4 Procedure—Using freshly mixed mortar mixed in
accordance with Test Method C109/C109M. accordance with Section 7, pour four length change bars (Note Report the average compressive strength in MPa 14) as described for mortars in Test Method C157/C157M,
[psi] at 1, 7, and 28 days to the nearest 0.1 MPa [10 psi]. except consolidate the material in the bars using the consoli-
NOTE 12—For rapid setting self-leveling mortars a 4-h test is optional. dation method described in Specification C1107/C1107M for
fluid grout.
9.4 Flexural Strength:
9.4.1 Scope—This test method covers determination of the NOTE 14—If the optional wet storage procedure is to be used, then an
flexural strength of self-leveling mortars using 40 × 40 × additional 4 specimens will be needed for that procedure.
160-mm prism specimens as described in Test Method C348. Store the specimens uncovered in the molds under
9.4.2 Significance and Use—This test method affords a standard laboratory conditions as defined in 5.1 until
means for determining the flexural strength of mortars that are demolded.
used as underlayments and overlayments in flooring applica- Demold the specimens at 23 6 1⁄2 h unless otherwise
tions. specified by the manufacturer. Take an initial reading at 24 h 6
9.4.3 Apparatus—As described in Test Method C348. 15 min in accordance with Test Method C157/C157M.
9.4.4 Procedure: After the initial reading store the specimens in Prepare six flexural strength specimens following accordance with the instructions for air storage in Specification
the consolidation procedure for fluid grouts of the compressive C928/C928M.
strength testing portion of Specification C1107/C1107M using NOTE 15—If specimens have been prepared for the optional water
watertight molds. storage procedure, then store those specimens in accordance with the The specified batch size will only allow for molding instructions for water storage in Specification C928/C928M.
six specimens. If additional test ages are desired, prepare 9.5.5 Report:
additional batches using the same water content as the initial Report the average percent length change at 3, 7, 14,
batch. and 28 days from the starting time for specimens stored in air. Cure the flexural strength specimens one day uncov- Report expansion as a positive number and shrinkage as a
ered in the molds. At 23 6 1⁄2 h from the starting time, remove negative number.
the prisms from the molds and determine the 1-day flexural NOTE 16—The measurements are taken at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after the
strength of three prisms in accordance with Test Method C348. starting time, which correspond to 2, 6, 13, and 27 days after the initial Cure the remaining specimens under standard labo- reading.
ratory conditions as defined in 5.1 for 28 days and test the NOTE 17—If the optional wet storage procedure is performed then
report the average percent length change at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days for
second set of specimens in accordance with Test Method C348. specimens stored in water in accordance with Specification C928/C928M. Report the average flexural strength in MPa [psi] at
1 and 28 days to the nearest 0.1 MPa [10 psi]. Report—The report shall include the following: 4
Sant, G., Lura, P., and Weiss, J., “Measurement of Volume Change in
(1) Record the total maximum load indicated by the testing
Cementitious Materials at Early Ages: Review of Testing Protocols and Interpreta-
machine. tion of Results,” Transportation Research Record Journal, Vol 1979 / Concrete
(2) The calculated flexural strength for each specimen. Materials, 2006.

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C1708/C1708M − 16
Report expansion as a positive number and shrinkage as a negative of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the
number. same material are not expected to differ by more than 173 psi.6
10. Precision and Bias Seven day flexural strength results for specimens
with an average flexural strength of 1080 psi.
10.1 The precision of these test methods was developed (1) The single-operator standard deviation for the 7 day test
from a series of ILS studies. All of the studies were conducted specimens has been found to be 126 psi.6 Therefore, results of
using the same commercially available self-leveling underlay- two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the same
ment. Separate lot numbers of the material were used for each material are not expected to differ by more than 353 psi.6
of the studies. One day compressive strength results for speci-
ILS No. 349 mens with an average compressive strength of 3156 psi.
10.1.1 In ILS No. 349 seven laboratories tested the material (1) The single-operator standard deviation for the one day
for flexural strength, compressive strength (over a 28 day test specimens has been found to be 165 psi.6 Therefore, results
period), and also recorded the initial flow, initial set time, and of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the
final set time. The labs reported up to five replicate test results same material are not expected to differ by more than 463 psi.6
for each analysis. Each test result, as reported in this study, (2) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for the one day
consisted of a single observation. Except for the testing of only test specimens has been found to be 379 psi.6 Therefore, results
one material, Practice E691 was followed for the design and of two properly conducted tests from two different laboratories
analysis of the data; the details are given in RR:C09-1040.5 on the same material are not expected to differ by more than Initial Flow (mm) for self-leveling mortar with an 1060 psi.6
average flow of 137 mm. Seven day compressive strength results for speci-
(1) The single-operator standard deviation for flow has mens with an average compressive strength of 4643 psi.
been found to be 1.6 mm.6 Therefore, results of two properly (1) The single-operator standard deviation for the seven
conducted tests by the same operator on the same material are day test specimens has been found to be 156 psi.6 Therefore,
not expected to differ by more than 4.5 mm.6 results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on
(2) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for flow has the same material are not expected to differ by more than 437
been found to be 3.5 mm.6 Therefore, results of two properly psi.6
conducted tests from two different laboratories on the same (2) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for the seven
material are not expected to differ by more than 9.8 mm.6 day test specimens has been found to be 365 psi.6 Therefore, Time of initial setting (min) for self-leveling mortar results of two properly conducted tests from two different
with an average initial set time of 74.5 min. laboratories on the same material are not expected to differ by
(1) The single-operator standard deviation for time of more than 1021 psi.6
initial set has been found to be 4.5 min.6 Therefore, results of Twenty eight day compressive strength results for
two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the same specimens with an average compressive strength of 5678 psi.
material are not expected to differ by more than 12.7 min.6 (1) The single-operator standard deviation for the 28 day
(2) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for time of test specimens has been found to be 125 psi.6 Therefore, results
initial set has been found to be 14.9 min.6 Therefore, results of of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the
two properly conducted tests from two different laboratories on same material are not expected to differ by more than 350 psi.6
the same material are not expected to differ by more than 41.7 (2) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for the 28 day
min.6 test specimens has been found to be 485 psi.6 Therefore, results Time of final set (min) for self-leveling mortar with of two properly conducted tests from two different laboratories
an average time of final set of 98.4 min.6 on the same material are not expected to differ by more than
(1) The single-operator standard deviation for time of final 1357 psi.6
set has been found to be 6.9 min.6 Therefore, results of two ILS No. 400
properly conducted tests by the same operator on the same 10.1.2 In ILS No. 400 each of ten laboratories tested flow
material are not expected to differ by more than 19.4 min.6 and flow retention in a total of three separate mixes of the
(2) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for time of material. Each laboratory reported up to four replicate test
final set has been found to be 12.7 min.6 Therefore, results of results for the analysis. Except that only one material was
two properly conducted tests from two different laboratories on tested, Practice E691 was followed for the design and analysis
the same material are not expected to differ by more than 35.5 of the data; the details are 411 given in RR:C09-1037.7
min.6 Flow Retention: One day flexural strength results for specimens (1) Flow retention for samples that had an average flow of
with an average flexural strength of 654 psi. 144 mm when tested at 20 min (standard method which uses a
(1) The single-operator standard deviation for the one day 5 to 10 s remix).
test specimens has been found to be 62 psi.6 Therefore, results a. The single-operator standard deviation for flow retention
with remixing has been found to be 1.8 mm.6 Therefore, results
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1040.
6 7
These measurements represent, respectively, the (1s) and (d2s) limits in Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
accordance with Practice C670. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1037.

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C1708/C1708M − 16
of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the a. The single-operator standard deviation for length change
same material are not expected to differ by more than 5.1 mm.6 measured at 3 days has been found to be 0.0069 %.6 Therefore,
b. The multi-laboratory standard deviation for flow retention results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on
with remixing has been found to be 5.4 mm.6 Therefore, results the same material are not expected to differ by more than
of two properly conducted tests from two different laboratories 0.0192 %.6
on the same material are not expected to differ by more than b. The multi-laboratory standard deviation for length change
15.2 mm.6 measured at 3 days has been found to be 0.0069 %.6 Therefore,
(2) Flow retention for samples that had an average flow of results of two properly conducted tests from two different
141 mm when tested after being left undisturbed in the flow laboratories on the same material are not expected to differ by
ring for 20 min (alternate method). more than 0.0192 %.6
(3) The single-operator standard deviation for undisturbed c. The single-operator standard deviation for length change
flow retention has been found to be 2.1 mm.6 Therefore, results measured at 7 days has been found to be 0.0059 %.6 Therefore,
of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on
same material are not expected to differ by more than 5.7 mm.6 the same material are not expected to differ by more than
(4) The multi-laboratory standard deviation for undisturbed 0.0165 %.6
flow retention has been found to be 5.7 mm.6 Therefore, results d. The multi-laboratory standard deviation for length change
of two properly conducted tests from two different laboratories measured at 7 days has been found to be 0.0089 %.6 Therefore,
on the same material are not expected to differ by more than results of two properly conducted tests from two different
16.0 mm.6 laboratories on the same material are not expected to differ by
more than 0.0250 %.6
ILS No. 531 e. The single-operator standard deviation for length change
10.1.3 In ILS No. 531 a single laboratory tested the healing measured at 14 days has been found to be 0.0033 %.6
properties of the material, recording observations of three Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by the same
separate mixes. Observations were conducted while the sample operator on the same material are not expected to differ by
was wet and again after the sample had dried. Only the dry more than 0.0092 %.6
tests were considered acceptable for the test method. Except f. The multi-laboratory standard deviation for length change
for the use of only a single laboratory, and the limited number measured at 14 days has been found to be 0.0011 %.6
of replicates reported, Practice E691 was followed for the Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests from two
design and analysis of the data; the details are given in different laboratories on the same material are not expected to
RR:C09-1038.8 differ by more than 0.0312 %.6 Healing time (min) for a material with a healing g. The single-operator standard deviation for length change
time of approximately 25 to 30 min. measured at 28 days has been found to be 0.0031 %.6
(1) The single operator standard deviation for healing time Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by the same
has been found to be 3 min. Therefore, results of two properly operator on the same material are not expected to differ by
conducted tests by the same operator on the same material are more than 0.0088 %.6
not expected to differ by more than 8 min. h. The multi-laboratory standard deviation for length change
ILS No. 532 measured at 28 days has been found to be 0.0117 %.6
10.1.4 In ILS No. 532 four laboratories tested the dimen- Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests from two
sional stability of the self-leveling mortar. Each of the labs different laboratories on the same material are not expected to
tested three separate mixes of the material. Four length change differ by more than 0.0329 %.6
bars were used for each test. Specimens were stored under dry ILS No. 1157
conditions in accordance with Specification C928/C928M. The 10.1.5 In ILS No. 1157 eight laboratories tested the viscos-
average of the four bars is reported as a single result. One ity by ISO No. 8 flow cup of a self-leveling mortar. Each of the
laboratory was excluded from the analysis. That laboratory had laboratories tested one material at two different water contents
a wider variation in humidity than specified and this factor was to produce two materials. Each material was tested for flow
found to be statistically significant. Practice E691 was fol- time at 6, 10 and 15 min after water addition. Each water
lowed for the design and analysis of the data; the details are content was duplicated for all three times. Practice E691 was
given in RR:C09-1039.9 followed for the design and analysis of the data; details are Dimensional stability based on length change of given in RR:C09-1047.10
specimens stored in air. Flow Time of Mortar:
(1) The mean length change values for this study were
(1) The mean flow time at 6 min for the low water mix was
-0.0891 % at 3 days, -0.1157 % at 7 days, -0.1258 % at 14 days
69 s and 42 s for the high water mix. The mean flow time at 10
and -0.1286 % at 28 days.
min for the low water mix was 71 s and 43 s for the high water

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1038. Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1047. Contact ASTM Customer
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1039. Service at [email protected].

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SERC (SERC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C1708/C1708M − 16
mix. The mean flow time at 15 min for the low water mix was material are not expected to differ by more than 25 s and 20 s
73 s and 45 s for the high water mix. for the low water and high water mixes, respectively.
(a) The single operator standard deviation for flow time at (e) The single operator standard deviation for flow time at
6 min has been found to be 4 s for the low water mix and 1 s 15 min has been found to be 5 s for the low water mix and 2
for the high water mix. Therefore, results of two properly s for the high water mix. Therefore, results of two properly
conducted tests by the same operator on the same material are conducted tests by the same operator on the same material are
not expected to differ by more than 11 s and 4 s for the low not expected to differ by more than 13 s and 5 s for the low
water and high water mixes, respectively. water and high water mixes, respectively.
(b) The multilaboratory standard deviation for flow time at (f) The multilaboratory standard deviation for flow time at
6 min has been found to be 11 s for the low water mix and 6 15 min has been found to be 10 s for the low water mix and 9
s for the high water mix. Therefore, results of two properly s for the high water mix. Therefore, results of two properly
conducted tests from two different laboratories on the same conducted tests from two different laboratories on the same
material are not expected to differ by more than 30 s and 16 s material are not expected to differ by more than 29 s and 26 s
for the low water and high water mixes, respectively. for the low water and high water mixes, respectively.
(c) The single operator standard deviation for flow time at
10 min has been found to be 4 s for the low water mix and 2 10.2 Bias—At the time of the study, there was no accepted
s for the high water mix. Therefore, results of two properly reference material suitable for determining the bias for these
conducted tests by the same operator on the same material are test methods, therefore no statement on bias is being made.
not expected to differ by more than 13 s and 5 s for the low
water and high water mixes, respectively. 11. Keywords
(d) The multilaboratory standard deviation for flow time at 11.1 compressive strength; dimensional stability; efflux cup;
10 min has been found to be 9 s for the low water mix and 7 flexural strength; flow; flow cup; flow retention; healing;
s for the high water mix. Therefore, results of two properly healing time; hydraulic cement mortar; ISO cup; overlayment;
conducted tests from two different laboratories on the same self-leveling mortar; setting time; underlayment; viscosity


Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this practice since the last issue,
C1708/C1708M – 15, that may impact the use of this practice. (Approved Dec. 15, 2016.)

(1) 2.1—Added references to Test Method D5125 and Test (6) 8.2—Added sentence for flow cup.
Method D1200. (7) Added 8.3.7.
(2) 3.2.1—Revised definition of flow cup. (8) 8.4.3—Added complete procedure for flow cup.
(3) 5.1—Added sentence for temperature equilibration. (9) 10.1.5—Added ILS results for flow cup.
(4) Section 8—Modified title. (10) 11—Added keywords.
(5) 8.1—Added sentence to Scope for flow cup.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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