Goals Ratings Descriptors: Ref: GHR - GPA - Exec&Sup - July2015

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Goals and Performance Appraisal (GPA) for Executives & Supervisors

Employee Name: [Please provide]

Employee Information

Current Position : [Please provide] Payroll Company :[Please provide]

Employee Number : [Please provide] Date Joined : [Please provide]
Job Grade : [Please provide] Department : [Please provide]
Work Location : [Please provide]

Review Period Information

Review Period : From July 2017 to June 2018

Section 1a – Goals Setting & Review (60% of Overall Performance)

Instructions: Please record up to 5 goals which you have discussed and agreed with your Supervisor.
The Goals should be prioritised in terms of importance and alignment with your
Company/Departmental objectives. As the year progresses and prior to mid-term review, you may
enter relevant performance evidence corresponding to each goal. Your Supervisor will enter his/her
assessment and rating for each goal based on the evidence you provide.

Click on Comment box on the right for: Goals Ratings Descriptors

Goal : [Please provide] Rating: Please select

Description: [Please provide]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

Goal : [Please provide] Rating: Please select

Description: [Please provide]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

Goal : [Please provide] Rating: Please select

Description: [Please provide]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

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Goal : [Please provide] Rating: Please select

Description: [Please provide]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

Goal : [Please provide] Rating: Please select

Description: [Please provide]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

Additional Accomplishments

Describe specific accomplishments you have achieved during the year which are outside the scope
of your established Goals.
1. [Please provide where necessary]

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Section 1b – STAR Competencies Assessment (40% of Overall Performance)

Instructions: The Group’s STAR Competency assessment is carried out in this section. Please record
up to 5 STAR Competencies which are relevant to your Goals and job role, which you have discussed
and agreed with your Supervisor. As with Goals, you will provide evidence of demonstrated
competency which you have attained during the year. Your Supervisor will assess your performance
for each of the STAR competencies against the target competency levels which were agreed at the
start of the GPA process.

Click on Comment box on the right for: Lion Group STAR Competencies Dictionary

STAR : Please select Target: Please select Rating: Please select

Description: [Please key in]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

STAR : Please select Target: Please select Rating: Please select

Description: [Please key in]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

STAR : Please select Target: Please select Rating: Please select

Description: [Please key in]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

STAR : Please select Target: Please select Rating: Please select

Description: [Please key in]

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

STAR : Please select Target: Please select Rating: Please select

Description: [Please key in]

3|P a g e Ref: GHR_GPA_Exec&Sup_July2015

Employee Evidence : [Please provide] Supervisor Assessment: [Please provide]

Section 2 – Final Performance Assessment (Following Performance Calibration process)

Instructions: At the end of the performance year, you and your Supervisor shall jointly conduct a
review of the performance Goals and STAR Competencies. The review process will be the basis for
your Supervisor to compare/review the performances of peers within a prescribed calibration pool,
a process referred to as Performance Calibration.

Upon completion of Performance Calibration, you will receive feedback of your final performance
rating. Your performance rating will be expressed in terms of an Individual Performance Factor (IPF)
ranging in value from 0.00 to 1.50 (incremental units of 0.05), based on your relative performance
within the performance calibration pool.

Your GPA is considered formally completed upon sign off by yourself, your Supervisor and the Next
Level Manager (where applicable).

Employee’s Comments on Overall GPA Process and Outcome

[Please comment]

Supervisor’s Comments on Overall GPA Process and Outcome

[Please comment]

Next Level Manager’s Comments on the Overall GPA Process and Outcome

[Please comment]

Individual Performance Factor (IPF)

Individual Performance Factor (IPF): [Please provide]


Section 3 - Salary Administration and Justification for Promotion/ Upgrading/

Redesignation (if applicable)

Instruction: This section is for Operating Company HR (OC-HR) to record appropriate

recommendations where applicable and for salary administration purposes.

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Date of Confirmation: Date of Last Upgrading/ Promotion:

Current Basic Salary: Date of Last Salary Increment:

New Designation/ Job Title: Existing Allowance(s):

New Job Grade: New Allowance(s):

Instruction: For Promotion/ Upgrading/ Redesignation, please state the current and new job
function/ responsibilities and justifications for the employee.

Current Functions/ Responsibilities: New Functions/ Responsibilities:



Jointly Prepared by:

Operating Company-HR Supervisor/ Section Head

Date: Date:

Concurred by:

Head of Department


Before printing GPA form for signatures, click “REVIEW” then change “Final: Show Markup” to
“Final”. Then, click “File” and “Print”.

For employee signature: I have read all sections of this GPA review and have discussed my
performance with my Supervisor.

Employee : [Please sign off]

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Immediate Supervisor : [Please sign off]

Next Level Manager : [Please sign off]

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