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A Novel Efficient Remote Data PossessionChecking Protocol

in Cloud Storage

As an important application in cloud computing,cloud storage offers user scalable,

flexible and high quality datastorage and computation services. A growing number
of dataowners choose to outsource data files to the cloud. Because cloudstorage
servers are not fully trustworthy, data owners needdependable means to check the
possession for their filesoutsourced to remote cloud servers. To address this
crucialproblem, some remote data possession checking (RDPC) protocolshave
been presented. But many existing schemes havevulnerabilities in efficiency or
data dynamics. In this paper, weprovide a new efficient RDPC protocol based on
homomorphichash function. The new scheme is provably secure against
forgeryattack, replace attack and replay attack based on a typicalsecurity model. To
support data dynamics, an operation recordtable (ORT) is introduced to track
operations on file blocks. Wefurther give a new optimized implementation for the
ORT whichmakes the cost of accessing ORT nearly constant. Moreover, wemake
the comprehensive performance analysis which shows thatour scheme has
advantages in computation and communicationcosts. Prototype implementation
and experiments exhibit that thescheme is feasible for real applications.


 The first RDPC was proposed by Deswarte et al. based on RSA hash
function. The drawback of this scheme is that itneeds to access the entire file
blocks for each challenge.
 In 2007,the provable data possession (PDP) model was presented
byAteniese et al., which used the probabilistic prooftechnique for remote
data integrity checking without accessingthe whole file. In addition, they
supplied two concrete schemes(S-PDP, E-PDP) based on RSA.
 Although these two protocols operations had good performance, it's a pity
they didn't support dynamicoperations.To overcome this shortcoming, in
2008, theypresented a dynamic PDP scheme by using symmetricencryption.
Nonetheless, this scheme still did not supportblock insert operation. At the
same time, lots of research worksdevoted to construct fully dynamic PDP
protocols. Forinstance, Sebé et al. provided a RDPC protocol for
criticalinformation infrastructures based on the problem to factor
largeintegers, which is easily adapted to support data dynamics.


 Did not Support Dynamic Operations.

 Heavy Computation Cost.
 Insecure against replay attack and deletion attack.
 These schemes are either insecure or not efficient enough.


 We present a novel efficient RDPC scheme with data dynamics. The basic
scheme utilizes homomorphic hashfunction technique, in which the hash
value of the sum for twoblocks is equal to the product for two hash values of
thecorresponding blocks.
 We introduce a linear table called ORTto record data operations for
supporting data dynamics such asblock modification, block insertion and
block deletion. Toimprove the efficiency for accessing ORT, we make use
ofdoubly linked list and array to present an optimizedimplementation of
ORT which reduces the cost to nearlyconstant level.
 We prove the presented scheme is secure againstforgery attack, replay attack
and replace attack based on atypical security model. At last we implement
our scheme andmake thorough comparison with previous schemes.


 Experiment results show that the new scheme has better performance and is
practical for real applications.
 We show the advanced RDPC scheme supporting fully dynamic block
operations based on ORT.
 Minimum Computation Costs.
 The data owner can perform dynamic operations of the files



 System : Pentium Dual Core.

 Hard Disk : 120 GB.
 Monitor : 15’’ LED
 Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
 Ram : 1 GB

 Operating system : Windows 7.

 Coding Language : JAVA/J2EE
 Tool : Netbeans 7.2.1
 Database : MYSQL


Hao Yan, Jiguo Li, Jinguang Han, Member, IEEE and Yichen Zhang, “A Novel
Efficient Remote Data PossessionChecking Protocol in Cloud Storage”, IEEE

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