A Case Study On Severe Malaria
A Case Study On Severe Malaria
A Case Study On Severe Malaria
30 AUGUST, 2017
Science, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Jos, carried out this study under
Science University of Jos in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award
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We wish to extend our profound gratitude to God Almighty for giving us the Grace to
start and finish this course despite all odds, all Honour and Glory to His Holy Name
our profound gratitude also goes to my supervisor, MR MANGAI who made out time
from his tight schedule to supervise this work. Thank you very much sir.
Our appreciation also extends to our families and loved ones God bless u all.
Certification ...............................................................................................................................ii
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 31
female Anopheles mosquito vector. Malaria is a severe condition that causes high
fever and chills. It is gotten from a bite by an infected mosquito. Malaria is rare in the
United States. It is most often found in Africa, Southern Asia, Central America, and
South America.
Malaria is preventable and curable, and increased efforts are dramatically reducing the
malaria burden in many places. Between 2010 and 2015, malaria incidence among
populations at risk (the rate of new cases) fell by 21% globally. In that same period,
malaria mortality rates among populations at risk fell by 29% globally among all age
disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2015, the region was
We choose severe malaria as our case study during community clinical posting at
Bukuru express Primary Health Care (PHC). We found out the case when the patient
was first admitted into the PHC 15/08/2017 in the ward room on bed 3, the patient
was brought by her mother and siblings. The patient is a 9year old B.M a primary 3
pupil of the government primary school at gyel bukuru. She presented with the history
of chills, headache, tiredness, nausea, vomiting with bitter taste and diarrhea of two
days which equals to 48 hours duration but at arrival which is the third day patient
was brought in not conscious, severe breathing difficulties and when several
investigation were performed patient has low blood hemoglobin ( severe anemia). The
To define severe malaria and identify the cause of the disease process
To identify the life cycle of malaria
To identify the diagnoses procedure
To understand the pharmacological treatment.
To examine and correlate actual assessment of the patient with severe malaria
To appreciate nursing interventions to put in to practise in rendering care.
Name: B.M
Age: 9 years
Gender: Female
Nationality: Nigeria
Tribe: Berom
Religion: Christianity
Occupation: Student
Number of admission: 1
A 9 year old primary school student right handed, English, Hausa and Berom
Vomiting with bitter taste
Difficulty breathing
severe anemia
A female child, dark in complexion was brought into the PHC wearing a yellow top
and a blue trouser looking averagely neat and hair fairly kept.
hours after the initiation of treatment and are fever free after 96 hours. P. falciparum
infection carries a poor prognosis with a high mortality rate if untreated. However, if
the infection is diagnosed early and treated appropriately, the prognosis is excellent.
Physician in charge
Miss B.M has since been admitted and managed in the ward room of the Primary
2.1 Definition
in the red blood cells, is transmitted by the bite of anopheline mosquitoes; and is
You cannot get malaria just by being near a person who has the disease.
Malaria occupies a unique place in the annals of history. Over millennia, its victim s
have included Neolithic dwellers, early Chinese and Greeks, princes and paupers. In
the 20th century alone, malaria claimed between 150 million and 300 million lives,
accounting for 2 to 5 percent of all deaths (Carter and Mendis, 2002). Although its
chief sufferers today are the poor of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Amazon basin, and
other tropical regions, 40 percent of the world's population still lives in areas where
malaria is transmitted.
Ancient writings and artifacts testify to malaria's long reign. Clay tablets with
malaria. Malaria antigen was recently detected in Egyptian remains dating from 3200
and 1304 BC (Miller et al., 1994). Indian writings of the Vedic period (1500 to 800
BC) called malaria the “king of diseases.” In 270 BC, the Chinese medical canon
known as the Nei Chin linked tertian (every third day) and quartan (every fourth day)
fevers with enlargement of the spleen (a common finding in malaria), and blamed
malaria's headaches, chills, and fevers on three demons—one carrying a hammer,
another pail of water, and the third a stove (Bruce-Chwatt, 1988). The Greek poet
Homer (circa 750 BC) mentions malaria in The Iliad, as does Aristophanes (445-385
BC) in The Wasps, and Aristotle (384-322 BC), Plato (428-347 BC), and Sophocles
(496-406 BC). You may be able to prevent malaria by taking medicine before, during,
and after travel to an area where malaria is present. But using medicine to prevent
malaria doesn't always work. This is partly due to the parasites being resistant to some
knowlesi (Perkins et al, 2011). Malaria is most commonly transmitted through female
through contaminated blood, for example via blood transfusion or used needles
Plasmodium parasites in the form of sporozoites are transferred from the mosquito’s
salivary glands into the person’s bloodstream. The parasites are incorporated by
hepatocytes in the liver, where a maturation process results in schizonts. When the
hepatocyte ruptures, the schizont divides into thousands of merozoites (Goering et al,
2007). These merozoites invade erythrocytes, where they mature into either
then develop into schizonts, which later rupture and result in more merozoites that can
invade new erythrocytes, thus repeating the cycle. Gametocytes stay inside the
erythrocytes until they are taken up by a mosquito, which is then re-infected; the life-
cycle is complete, with new sporozoites stored inside the mosquito’s salivary glands.
In addition to the stages described above, P. vivax and P. ovale have dormant stages,
The Plasmodium life cycle is reliant on the Anopheles mosquito as a vector and an
the correct climate. The transmission has traditionally remained at altitudes below
2000 m (Kumar et al, a. 2009). However, in recent years there has been increased
hypoendemic includes areas where malaria transmission is low, defined as prevalence
of parasitaemia below 10% in children between 2–9 years of age (WHO, 2002). The
level of transmission intensity can be simplified further into high, moderate and low
areas, while moderate corresponds to mesoendemic area and low to hypoendemic area
(WHO, 2010).
Individuals with malaria typically acquired the infection in an endemic area following
extremely rare. The risk of infection depends on the intensity of malaria transmission
and the use of precautions, such as bed nets, diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), and
malaria prophylaxis.
The outcome of infection depends on host immunity. Individuals with immunity can
spontaneously clear the parasites. In those without immunity, the parasites continue to
expand the infection. P falciparum infection can result in death. A small percentage of
the mosquito. These can develop into infective sporozoites, which continue the
individuals who develop immunity to malaria who then leave the endemic area may
lose protection. Travelers who return to an endemic area should be warned that
reinfected. These travelers returning to endemic areas are a special population,
When malaria infected erythrocytes rupture, merozoites and digestive vacuoles are
digestion; this pigment activates both the complement system and the coagulation
system, which turns the focus of the immune system away from the merozoites. The
(Dasari and Bhakdi, 2012), and can result in splenomegaly (Kumar et al, b. 2007).
Each erythrocyte cycle lasts about 48 hours in P. vivax, P. ovale and P. falciparum, and
have changed cell surfaces, which affects the interaction with endothelial cells by
making the infected erythrocytes adhere to the vessel walls (Kumar et al, b. 2007).
Research has shown that the Plasmodium species reduces human immune response
immunity against malaria. The acquired immunity protects only against clinical
years to develop, and requires frequent re-infection over a long time period (Hafalla et
al, 2011). As the immunity depends on exposure, the degree of protection is affected
by the transmission intensity in the area. A correlation between the median parasite
density in febrile patients and transmission intensity has been seen. While 95% of
febrile patients with P. falciparum had over 200 parasites per microlitre blood in a
high transmission setting, the same number for settings with lower transmission was
90–95%. P. vivax tends to have higher parasite densities than P. falciparum (WHO,
Until recently, there were four plasmodium species that were considered responsible
2008, P. knowlesi, a species that used to infect exclusively apes of the genous
Macaque, was recognised by WHO as the fifth plasmodium species that infect
Transmission routes
The main mode of transmission of the disease is by bites from infected Anopheles
mosquitoes that have previously had a blood meal from an individual with
parasitemia. Less common routes of transmission are via infected blood transfusion,
transplantation, infected needles, and from a mother to her fetus during pregnancy.
The life cycle (Figure 1) is almost the same for all the five species that infect humans
The two first stages take place exclusively into the human body, while the third one
starts in the human body and is completed into the mosquito organism
The human infection begins when an infected female anopheles mosquito bites a
person and injects infected with sporozoites saliva into the blood circulation. That is
The next stage in malaria life cycle is the one of asexual reproduction that is divided
into different phases: the pre- erythrocytic (or better, exoerythrocytic) and the
erythrocytic phase. Within only 30- 60 minutes after the parasites inoculation,
sporozoites find their way through blood circulation to their first target, the liver. The
sporozoites enter the liver cells and start dividing leading to schizonts creation in 6- 7
schizogony) that are then released into the blood stream marking the end of the
It is worth mentioning that, concerning P. vivax and P. ovale, sporozoites may not
follow the reproduction step and stay dormant (hypnozoites) in the liver; they may be
activated after a long time leading to relapses entering the blood stream (as
merozoites) after weeks, months or even years. The exoerythrocytic phase is not
pathogenic and does not produce symptoms or signs of the disease. Its duration is not
Merozoites released into the blood stream, are directed towards their second target,
the red blood cells (RBCs). As they invade into the cells, they mark the beginning of
the erythrocytic phase. The first stage after invasion is a ring stage that evolves into a
trophozoite. The trophozoites are not able to digest the haem so they convert it in
haemozoine and digest the globin that is used as a source of aminoacids for their
reproduction. The next cellular stage is the erythrocytic schizont (initially immature
and then mature schizont). Each mature schizont gives birth to new generation
merozoites (erythrocytic schizogony) that, after RBCs rupture, are released in the
blood stream in order to invade other RBCs. This is when parasitaemia occurs and
cinical manifestations appear. The liver phase occurs only once while the erythrocytic
phase undergoes multiple cycles; the merozoites release after each cycle creates the
febrile waves.
A second scenario into the RBCs is the parasite differentiation into male and female
mosquito bites an infected person, it takes up these gametocytes with the blood meal
(mosquitoes can be infected only if they have a meal during the period that
gametocytes circulate in the human’s blood). The gametocytes, then, mature and
gametogenesis. The time needed for the gametocytes to mature differs for each
plasmodium species: 3- 4 days for P. vivax and P. ovale, 6- 8 days for P. malariae and
In the mosquito gut, the microgamete nucleus divides three times producing eight
nuclei; each nucleus fertilizes a macrogamete forming a zygote. The zygote, after the
fusion of nuclei and the fertilization, becomes the so- called ookinete. The ookinete,
then, penetrates the midgut wall of the mosquito, where it encysts into a formation
called oocyst. Inside the oocyst, the ookinete nucleus divides to produce thousands of
sporozoites (sporogony). That is the end of the third stage (stage of sexual
The oocyst ruptures and the sporozoites are released inside the mosquito cavity and
find their way to its salivary glands but only few hundreds of sporozoites manage to
enter. Thus, when the above mentioned infected mosquito takes a blood meal, it
injects its infected saliva into the next victim marking the beginning of a new cycle.
returning from endemic areas have reported that P falciparum infection typically
develops within one month of exposure, thereby establishing the basis for continuing
antimalarial prophylaxis for 4 weeks upon return from an endemic area. This should
Rarely, P falciparum causes initial infection up to a year later. P vivax and P ovale
may emerge weeks to months after the initial infection. In addition, P vivax and P
ovale have a hypnozoite form, during which the parasite can linger in the liver for
months before emerging and inducing recurrence after the initial infection. In addition
to treating the organism in infected blood, treating the hypnozoite form with a second
agent (primaquine) is critical to prevent relapse from this latent liver stage.
When P vivax and P ovale are transmitted via blood rather than by mosquito, no latent
hypnozoite phase occurs and treatment with primaquine is not necessary, as it is the
The classic symptom of malaria is high fever spikes every third or fourth day,
depending on the Plasmodium species (Kumar et al, a.2009). This classic fluctuation
is caused by the erythrocyte cycle, but this pattern is not always distinctive. The
fluctuations are less marked with falciparum malaria, and the temperature changes can
be more irregular with all species during the first days of illness. Common symptoms
in addition to fever include vomiting and headache (Kumar et al, a. 2009). The
clinical manifestation is rarely distinctive (Crawley et al, 2010), and even fever is not
always consistent. The lack of fever is not necessarily a sign of mild disease. For
instance, in one African trial, children between 8 months and 4 years of age without
fever or a history of fever had a higher mortality rate than the febrile children among
admitted children with confirmed malaria (Schellenberg et al, 1999). Muhe et al.
observed that splenomegaly, pallor and history of chills were statistically increased in
patients with parasitaemia. They further theorized that detection of splenomegaly and
pallor could increase the probability of making the correct diagnosis when used by
health workers when other diagnostic possibilities are unavailable (Muhe et al, 1999).
In Tanzania, a trial based on children admitted with malaria infection found pallor in
59% and splenomegaly in 56% of children between 1 and 7 months of age. The
association was weaker in older children, where the signs were present in only 31%
and 39%, respectively (Schellenberg et al, 1999). In their review over symptoms and
signs connected to malaria, Chandramohan et al. found that the clinical aspect alone
was not sufficient to separate malaria from other febrile illnesses. They also found
al. 2002). Most malaria infections cause symptoms like the flu, such as a high fever,
chills, and muscle pain. Symptoms tend to come and go in cycles. Some types of
malaria may cause more serious problems, such as damage to the heart, lungs,
2.7 DRUG
There are a limited number of antimalarial compounds which can be used to treat or
prevent malaria. The most widely used are quinine and its derivatives (chloroquine,
pyrimethamine, and trimethoprim) and sulfa (dapsone, sulfalene, sulfamethoxazole,
sulfadoxine, and others) combination drugs, as well as artemisinin and its derivatives
tetracycline and its derivatives (doxycycline) can also be used for treatment and
many malaria endemic regions have shifted to ACT where artemisinin is partnered
with a drug with long half life such as mefloquine or lumefantrine, (Mutabingwa and
Adamu, 2013).
also available but their use is compromised by high costs. The use of combination
therapy, especially when partner drugs have different mechanisms of action has the
potential of acting synergistically allowing rapid parasite clearance and at the same
Early diagnosis and treatment of malaria reduces disease and prevents deaths. It also
Early malaria case detection and prompt treatment with safe and effective antimalarial
drugs still remains the mainstay of malaria case management (Winstanley, 2000). If
not properly managed, either due to missed or delayed diagnoses, malaria may
progress from mild through complicated to severe disease. Case management usually
depends on the severity of infection, age, therapeutic efficacy of the antimalarial drug
as well as their costs and availability (White, a. 1996). Gestational age is also an
important issue to consider prior to prescription of any drugs due to potential risks of
sub- cellular organelles and most of them target the erythrocytic stages. For effective
treatment, antimalarial drugs must be fast acting, highly potent against blood stage
parasites, with minimal toxicity and should be readily available and affordable to
During pregnancy, uncomplicated malaria is treated by quinine as the first line (in
order to avoid risk of harming the embryo/foetus) and artesunate for seven days if this
treatment fails for infections occurring in the first trimester. In the second and third
trimester, first line treatment is usually an ACT known to be effective in the area or
artesunate and clindamycin or quinine and clindamycin. For the Tanzanian setting,
intravenous quinine for severe malaria. Elsewhere, severe malaria during the second
during the first trimester parenteral quinine is used (WHO, 2010).
Recent studies have shown parenteral artesunate is more effective than quinine in
resolving fever and parasite clearance for severe malaria cases in children (PrayGod et
al. 2008). Quinine is used during pregnancy despite side effects such as quinine-
glucose level (Pasvol et al. 2005; White et al. b. 1983). As a strategy to prevent
adverse pregnancy outcomes due to malaria infection during pregnancy, all pregnant
women visiting the antenatal clinics (ANC) are given intermittent preventive
medicines usually can treat the illness. But some malaria parasites may survive
because they are in your liver or they are resistant to the medicine.The best available
Roca-Feltrer et al. estimated the incidence of severe malaria to be 5.7/1000 per year
among children below five years of age in malaria endemic areas (Roca-feltrer et al.
2008). Patients with severe falciparum infections often have high parasite counts, and
may develop severe symptoms from several organ systems (Craweley et al. 2010).
The severity of the disease may increase in a short time-span, especially in children
where the situation can deteriorate within hours (Kumar et al. a. 2009. Schellenberg et
al. found that among malarial admissions, half of the mortality cases died within the
first 24 hours (Schellenberg et al. 1999).
A multicenter study from WHO have measured the prevalence of different clinical
features in children with severe falciparum malaria. They found that 54.1% had severe
anaemia, 17.7% had cerebral malaria and 13.2% hypoglycaemia, while jaundice and
respiratory distress were present in less than 2% (WHO, b. 2012). Kidney failure,
metabolic acidosis and high lactate levels have also been associated with severe
Cerebral malaria is a clinical syndrome where the patient has reduced consciousness
that can develop into coma or death (Kumar et al. 2009). Clinical manifestations
Among the children with known outcome 14 days after they were admitted for severe
falciparum malaria, almost 10% had died and 1.7% had neurological sequelae. Most
of the children made a full recovery. In that study, the case-fatality rate of cerebral
malaria was estimated at 17.7% (WHO, b. 2012). Epilepsy may also be a late sequela
to cerebral malaria, which can appear months after the illness itself. It has been
estimated that as many as 10% of children with cerebral malaria may go on to develop
Severe anaemia has been associated with malaria infection (Calis et al. 2008). Malaria
insufficient erythropoiesis, folate depletion and reduced proportion of red blood cells
Perkins et al. claims that the most important cause of severe anaemia with P.
falciparum is suppression of the erythropoiesis (Perkins et al. 2011). The anaemia may
develop rapidly or be of a more chronic character (WHO, a. 2012), the latter caused
children with severe anaemia. A fifth of these had another mechanism causing
anaemia in addition to the reduced erythrocyte production. For those who tested
positive for malaria, the proportion with failure to produce erythrocytes was 42.1%. In
this study, they also found that to reverse the production deficit, all the aetiological
components should be addressed (Boele et al. 2010), which may include bacteraemia,
Schellenberg et al. found that hypoglycaemia was an independent risk factor for
al. 1999). Hypoglycaemia has also been estimated to double the mortality in children
Even though P. falciparum is responsible for most of mortality from severe malaria,
other species may progress in severity as well. There are many similarities between
severe infections caused by P. falciparum and P. vivax, though the latter is less
common (WHO, a. 2012). Vivax malaria often includes respiratory symptoms, and
patients with severe disease may develop acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS). Increased alveolar permeability through cytokine release is believed to be
the mechanism for this. Severe vivax malaria may also progress to coma, though this
is rare. As the mechanism for falciparum malaria is connected to its sequestration, the
mechanisms for vivax- induced coma are more uncertain. Vivax malaria resulting in
renal failure has also been described (Anstey et al. 2009). As P. vivax has hypnozoites,
malaria infections, such as anaemia, more severe (Anstey et al. 2009). Severe malaria
1. Intergumentary System:
A) Skin
skin dryness
Increased perspiration
B) Hair
C) Muscle Mass
2. Neuromuscular System.
3 Respiratory System
Difficulty breathing
4. Cardiovascular System.
5. Gastrointestinal System
there is signs of constipation and diarrhoea
6. Urogenital System
Patient has not developed any complication during the cause of management,
Ineffective breathing pattern Patient will breath at the rate of Monitor vital signs To provide ongoing Patient breath with ease
related to disease severity evidence 18-22 times per minute within and auscultate data on patients between 18-22 times per
by difficulty to breath well. 48 hours of admission. lungs every 2-4 response to therapy minutes within 48 hours of
hours. To assess admission.
Monitor arterial oxygenation status.
blood gases if To maximize lung
prescribed expansion.
Position patients in
semi-flowlers or
other comfortable
position for
Altered nutrition less than body Patient will eat at least of meal Monitor weight It serve as indicators Patient eat more than ¾ of meal
requirement related to anorexia, served at any time from second and laboratory of patients response served from second day of
dietary restrictions nausea loss of day of nursing intervention. values to treatment intensive nursing intervention.
nutrients from vomiting and Administer total To provide
impaired digestion evidence by parenteral nutrition carbohydrates and
body weakness if prescribed aminoacides to
Implement prevent negative
measures to reduce nitrogen balance
pain and nausea To increase patient
Provide oral care desire to eat
before and after Helps to decrease
meals foul taste and odour
that inhibit appetite.
Anxiety related to the new Patient fear will be allay Put patient in a Comfortable bed help Patients fear was allayed
environment evidence by crying throughout hospitalization. good comfortable to relax patient throughout hospitalization.
bed thereby reducing the
Create good anxiety.
rapport with the Creating good
patient rapport with the child
Reassure patient will helps the child to
and the parent that trust the nurse better.
with good It makes patient to
medication and her comply with drugs
compliance with thereby hastening her
drugs will improve treatment and relief
her status soon. anxiety.
Day 2- 16/08/2017 Patient temperature is stable; she eats well and talks
about home.
Day 3-17/08/2017 Patient was discharged home and given take home
The family members should a close look on the child and report any abnormal
The relatives should always make nutritive food available and clean water for
Parent should ensure the child sleeps under treated mosquito net at home.
Tell the client and family to report any similar signs and symptoms
Educate the family about what do whenever the temperature gets high
Tell clients and family about the need to continue medication and
Advice the family to ensure the child sleeps under treated mosquito net at
Sleeps well
B.M is a 9 year old student that was brought into the PHC by her mother and siblings,
she is a new patient of the PHC diagnosed with severe malaria on 15/08/2017. Until
the incidence she has been physically active and relate well with family and friends.
This admission is her first hospitalization. Since admission, Miss B. M condition has
gradually improved.
She was discharge on 17th, August 2017, communicating normal, with good appetite
assessment and management. This work reviews that severe malaria is treatable but
when the treatment is delayed can cause organs damage and can even lead to death.
The disease affects more pregnant women, children and the aged, focus has recently
shifted from cure to prevention of the disease (WHO 2013). Treated nets are made
to destroy breeding spaces for the vectors and antimalarial medications are made
available for pregnant women in mild doses. It will cause less to prevent than to cure.
To prevent relapse of the condition and to provide long term monitoring, the
The government should play its part by increasing numbers of treated nets and
it accessibility.
support the financial expenses of malaria such as making some drugs available
and free.
Seminars for the general public on the need to support and participant in the
Awareness should also be done on the important of the used of treated nets.
Anstey NM, Russell B, Yeo TW, Price RN. (2009): The pathophysiology of vivax
malaria. Trends in parasitology. 2009 May;25(5):220-7.
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children. PloS one. 2010;5(9):e12589.
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Crawley J, Chu C, Mtove G, Nosten F. (2010): Malaria in children. Lancet. 2010 Apr
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Kumar PPJ, Clark ML.a. (2009): Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine. 7th edition
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