1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila: Technological Institute of The Philippines
1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila: Technological Institute of The Philippines
1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila: Technological Institute of The Philippines
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
OJT Faculty-in-Charge
October 2019
CE 500
October 2019
First, I would like to thank God, for giving me this opportunity to live and gave me the guidance,
The success of this paper couldn't be turn into reality without the help of different people who are
willing to share their knowledge and experiences. The skills and knowledge which I have gained throughout
I would like to thank my parents for continually supporting me, loving me and being my companion
all throughout my year of existence. This wouldn’t be possible without their hard work. I would like to take
this chance to say that I love them and thank them for being able to provide for our needs.
I would especially like to thank my brothers and sisters, for their generous support in providing me
the financial provision to enroll this semester. My promise is that I wouldn’t waste the chance to learn and
I would like to convey my gratefulness to the Quantity Surveyor, Engr. Ann Bautista, to the engineers
and staffs of New San Jose Builders, Inc. for this excellent OJT which I have undergone in the company. I
would like to thank them for sharing their expertise with me generously and I have surely learned a lot from
Thank you once again for your great support in the successful completion of my OJT.
Table of Contents
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………i
Table of Contents…………………………………..………………………………………………………………….iii
A. Objectives………………………… ..............………………………………………………………………6
A. Weekly and Daily Report for the Month of June 2019 to August 2019 ......................... .…………..10
1. Week 1
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………12
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………22
2. Week 2
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………23
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………30
3. Week 3
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………31
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………41
4. Week 4
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………42
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………52
5. Week 5
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………53
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………66
6. Week 6
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………67
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………80
7. Week 7
a. Weekly Report………………………………………………… .............. …………………81
b. Rubrics………………………………………………… ......................... …………………94
Chapter 5: Recommendations
Chapter 6: Appendices
L. On-the-Job Trainee Success Story and
M. Copy of On-the-Job Training
N. Photocopy of Certificate for English “Winning Mindset” Seminar…………………………. ............... .
O. Final Written Report Rubric……………………………………… .................................. ……………….
P. Daily Time Record / Time Sheet……………………………………… ........................... ……………….
Q. Soft copy of actual OJT and Final written report in CD……………… ......................... ……………….
New San Jose Builders, Inc. is a privately held real estate company with Mr. Jose L. Acuzar at the
helm as Chairman, Dr. Isagani Germar as Co-Chairman and Engr. Felicisimo Isidoro as President. With their
relentless pursuit for quality, New San Jose Builders Inc. is able to present a robust portfolio of service and
recreational facilities, transport infrastructure, sustainable townships and prime residential condominiums. In
New San Jose Builders, Inc. excellence is not a goal, it is a standard that is continuously upheld in all its
New San Jose Builders, Inc. has a credibility track record spanning 24 years of quality and pioneering
projects that focused on making every Filipino's dream of owning a home come true. Its top managers are
esteemed authorities in their respective fields of architecture, interior design, marketing, sales, engineering
and construction. To maintain the trust vested by its clients, New San Jose Builders, Inc. ensures that every
Our Vision
• Our promise is to bring every Filipino’s dream of owning a home to fruition by maximizing our vertical
integration advantage, so that we can continuously speedily deliver quality, excellent homes at a
Our Mission
• We are one of the most successful 100% Filipino owned Real Estate Development companies in the
country – providing premier lifestyle choices for urban and cosmopolitan living for the modern Filipino
since 1 986. Our commitment is to continuously strive to deliver quality projects that meet the lifestyle
needs of the modern Filipino and to provide our residents with a community that sees value in our
Company Strategy
In its aggressive effort to reach out to more Filipinos who dream of having their own homes, emerging
Filipino property developer and contractor New San Jose Builders, Inc. (NSJBI) turns the volume up and
During the company’s sales rally held last September 29 at the Megatent in Libis, Quezon City,
NSJBI reported its stepped-up marketing campaign it has implemented to widen the company’s reach and
give more Filipinos reasons to say “yes!” to an affordable, accessible, quality, comfortable, secure, and active
NSJBI has reinforced a more solidified strategy, including maximizing the internet through its website
and social media pages; increased television and print advertisements; billboards in NLEX, SLEX, and other
Training started last June 25, 2019 until September 05, 2019. The training was for 248 hours of work
schedule including 120 hours of construction site inspection/checking and 128 hours of office works which
1. General Objective
The on the Job Training goals to expose the students in an actual work setting and accumulate
their academic learning into practical applications under the supervision of experience engineers.
2. Specific Objectives
a. Enhance the students’ work competencies and discipline as they relate to people in the
b. Develop and instill among students the industry-desired values of positive work attitude good
human relations, competency in technical skills that pertains to their fields of study.
c. Provide students of an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills from the company.
d. Promote competitiveness of students through their training.
e. Provide opportunities to handle new challenges and tasks.
Manolo Acusar 1st Week
Orientation Safety Orientation
Aries de Torres June 25, 2019
Engr. Sonny Rodis Billing of Quantities
Engr. Lady Ann Bautista Estimates 1st - 3rd Week
Engineering Engr. Mary Hope Fetalvero Bidding and Costing June 25, 2019 to July 11,
Engr. Jefferson Calma Concrete Pouring 2019
Engr. Jefferson Calma Encoding
Estimates 4th - 7th Week
Operations Engr. Sony Rodis Cutting Lists July 16, 2019 to August
Monitoring of Man-Power 10, 2019
Site Inspections 8th - 10th Week
QA/QC Engr. Lady Ann Bautista Concrete Pouring August 13, 2019 to
Monitoring September 5, 2019
The training program focuses on actual Civil Engineering practice in a construction site. Areas of training are
as follows:
• Billing of Quantities
The billing of quantities holds all the estimated costs of materials to be used in the project by the company.
This is a closely monitored as to avoid any unnecessary expenditures and to ensure that the company funds
are allocated properly. During my training, I was told to read and to familiarize myself with the BOQ since
most items listed in it will most likely be heard and used during my training. It is very helpful as it made get to
know the terms more and specifically helped me during on-site inspections.
• Estimates
Estimation provides accurate predictions which helps the department in determining the cost in the
construction. This helps the engineers predict the course of action which would ensure the cost of materials
is minimalized but not substandard. During my training, I estimated few parts of the projects where they would
install safety mechanisms. I also estimated the parts of the structure as per plan and determine the cost it
would present as per the design.
The engineering department focuses manly on the bidding and costing which makes them do most of the
paperwork. The bidding takes place when subcontractors are needed for their services, specifically with
materials, inspectors and such it is an important part of the project as it provides the quality of the material if
passes through the standard needed as well if the costs are reasonable and also this promotes future
partnership even if the contract is finished. The costing is the most vital part of the department, this is closely
monitored and thoroughly checked if ever there are alterations in the design of the project. During my
training, the tasks I encountered where mostly summarizations of the costs monitoring.
• Cutting List of Beams
The cutting list of beams bring about information on how the reinforcements of the beams are distributed in
order to avoid waste of materials. This ensures that reinforcements are as minimal as possible to minimize
the cost of steel reinforcements but maintaining the strength of the concrete beam. During my training, I was
exposed to the cutting list of steel reinforcement. The concept of cutting list was explained but the making a
cutting list for a beam is a bit complicated. However, I was able to understand and learn the procedure in my
own though.
• Site Observation/Inspection
Site inspection is important in order to ensure that the constructions are done according to the standard
presented in the design. This is also to address issues that are often presented on the site due to human
errors and natural factors. In the operations, site observation is done to monitor the work being done by the
workers as well as to ensure that the construction is up to date with the estimated project duration. Issues on
site can’t be avoided that is why it is important to address it in order to make possible solutions to the problem
to negate any unwanted liquidated damages. During my training there were a lot of site inspections I’ve been
done to be able to check and monitor things that have been done on site. Also, during my training together
with other interns from the University of Sto. Thomas, I have been assigned to monitor and update the
schedule of construction of specific components.
• Estimates
Unlike the cost estimates done in the engineering department, the estimate done in the operations are more
on how many materials are needed to be used to construct the specific component. During my training, I
have been assigned to estimate length of PVC that are needed in each floor.
• Material Testing
Material testing is done to ensure that the materials being use during construction are up to standard. The
QA/QC strictly implements this to be able to ensure the quality of the materials as well as to promote safety
during construction and to avoid any accidents and failures throughout the construction
• Site Inspections
Site inspection are done to ensure the quality of the construction being processed. The QA/QC puts itself in
the shoes of the owner when they undergo this inspection in order to ensure the quality of the construction.
The QA/Qc also conducts inspections to ensure that the design plans are being followed not only in structural
but also in the architectural parts as well.
• Monitoring
The QAA/QC simply means Quality Assurance and Quality Control which means that they monitor the overall
quality of the construction during and after construction as t give acceptable results to the owner. It also
monitors the materials being delivered, processed, and the testing of the materials as well as the notices of
inspections. During my training, I monitored door types that are currently at hand and which areas they are
used for, double checking of material test and etc.
• The Great Book by author. The book provides a practical up-to-date description
• Engineering Training Manual 1 by author
• The book provides a practical up-to-date descriptions of engineering methods
Signature Over Printed Name of Trainer TIP-CC-035 Revision Status/Date: 0/2015 OCT 07
1. Time The student failed to The student passed the The student passed the The student passed the
pass a weekly and weekly and daily report. weekly and daily report weekly and daily report
daily report due time. on time. ahead of time.
2. Alignment with Student The weekly report does The weekly report Most assigned task is All assigned task is perfectly
Outcome not contain tasks contains one or two tasks aligned with required aligned with the student
aligned with the aligned with the Program’s student outcome outcomes.
Program’s Student Student Outcome
3. Written Communication Mechanical errors are Major errors are evident Minor errors are evident No grammatical errors found
Skills strongly evident with with the student’s weekly with the student’s weekly in the student report
the student’s weekly and daily report and daily report
and daily report
Total Score
Evaluated by:
Time management – I have learned on how to manage my time by going to the site before 7:00 A.M in
the morning.
Cooperation – I have learned on how to cooperate with my supervisors and laborers because in order
to learn and gain new knowledge in the actual in which are not usually taught inside the school. I need
Interpersonal Skills – I have learned how to get along with other people because by improving this skill
I will be able to get along or “Makisama” with others disregarding or regarding their position for this will
2. Modern Techniques, Skills and Tools Used/Learned
Modern techniques, skills and tools play a vital role in any construction project. Unfortunately, these were
missing in my training. There were no modern tools and techniques used in the project where i had my
My training is more on observation. I was exposed to some skills when it comes to physical work with
some hand tools and power tools used in Masonry works, concrete works and Waterproofing works. Nothing
much on skills regarding management, design, planning, etc. since designs and planning is already taught in
school. Throughout the training I improved my communication skills and interpersonal skills and as well as
3. Equipment, Machinery, Testing Apparatus, etc. handheld
Equipment, Machinery, testing apparatus and etc. have contributed to the advancement of the construction
industry. Work has become easier. At the construction site, I was exposed to simple hand tools in handling
masonry, concreting works and waterproofing. I observed and learned some small basic material, such as
I now know how these tools and equipment work and used because the project mainly involves the
construction of a swimming pool with the aid of concreting and masonry works.
4. Experiences with the Company Personnel Involved in the Training
During my internship, I experienced working with professionals, Engineers and experienced workers. It
was very helpful to me in gaining new knowledge and experience on how the professionals work in the
construction industry. It also helped me understand the different scopes and works in the construction
industry and their roles and importance. I was also able to enhance some of my skills and helped me realized
5. Best Practices used/applied
By having the opportunity to get involved with different people during my internship. It helped me enhance
my communication skills and lifelong learning, as well as gain new experience which would be very valuable
During training, I always thought that I should be inspired as well as be aware of what is happening around
me rather than focusing on a single thing by not seeing the big picture. My supervisors and experienced co-
workers said that when they were young. They were never different to me now because everyone starts in
knowing nothings and in order to advance. I just need to ask questions on what I want to know and observe
6. Discipline Related Solutions Integrated into the Company
As the project is a swimming pool, the company ensures that all workers will strictly comply with the work
and ethical standards set by the company. With the future users in mind who are going to use the swimming
The company uses strict compliance when it comes to standards as well as using the resources efficiently.
Standards should be observed and complied to in order to ensure the capacity of the project is at maximum
7. Strong Points
Comparing on my first day at the internship, I am now comfortable with my fellow workers and superiors
because I keep on practicing my communication skill and interpersonal skills. Critical thinking and problem-
solving skills are also enhanced by thinking and analyzing the problems given at hand in order to come up
with a solution in order to fix the problem. I am now able to speak what I have on my mind in order to help to
solve the problem and also, I am now gaining knowledgeable and experience on some actual methods and
8. Weak Points
One of my weak points is that when it comes to saying what’s on my mind. I can’t say it directly and also,
I easily get bored when the work I worked on is repetitive. I want to learn and see new things in order to learn
and gain new knowledge and experience in which would be very useful to me in the future as I enter the
construction industry. I am also now practicing myself on saying what is on my mind in order to speak up with
confidence because the people that I work with has either a high position or very experienced in which I am
very intimidated and showing respect is a must in order to learn new things, and I also continue to realize the
The company had a specific facility in catering the needs of the private offices in the field of
The company exposed me as an engineering trainee to several equipment and management at the
construction site. I have learned about the use of masonry and concreting equipment materials and
methods in how they are used. I was also exposed in managing the workers on how they run a specific
The people at this company were all very nice and approachable. They are willing to teach you the
things that I don’t know in order to learn new things. They also discussed the things that they are teaching
to you. They are fun to be with. They also respect you for not just being a trainee but a person.
Personally, I think that two hundred forty (240) hours of OJT work is not enough because construction
industry is very dynamic and continues to advance every day. It takes time to learn on how things work in the
construction industry hence I have tried to manage to expose myself in learning as much as possible.
Most of the time was focused on observation and monitoring. I commend some of the workers and site
engineers who are good teachers and listeners. They shared their expertise and experience on how things
work in the construction industry and they made me realize the ups and downs in working at a construction
I was having a difficulty at first because it is my first time that I met those people at work. But as the time
passed by, everything is going fine. I would to suggest that don’t hesitate to ask if you don’t know something
and don’t hesitate to speak up then you are curious and want to learn. Don’t be boastful like you know
everything in the world because we don’t know everything in the world. Learn how to appreciate things that
they are teaching you because for this will be a valuable knowledge and experience in the future.
It would be better if you have knowledge on estimation and site work evaluation for this will help as you
I have several advices to future interns and interns. First, when you are going to enroll OJT in 1 st or 2nd
semester, it would be better if the site and company you will be taking internship at is near at your school and
home for it will not cause any inconvenience in terms of travelling. Second, look for a company that will help
you learn new things as well as help you gain new skills as well as improve some. Third, time management,
DON’T BE LATE for this will practice one’s professionalism. Lastly, respect and appreciate your superior and
co-workers, even if they are construction workers. Don’t underestimate them because they are the one doing
construction works and they also know things that we don’t know in terms of actual application of the
Daniel M. Fiedacan Jr.
BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines- Manila
1st Sem, S.Y. 2019-2020
1. What do you expect to know and be able to do after the completion of the course?
I imagine to know the difference between learning inside and outside the school particularly at the
construction sites. I also expect to know how laborers work and the problems that occur in a particular project.
I was able to know common things which a Civil Engineer mainly know such as beams, columns,
walls, slabs, and footing. I was also thought on how they were built, their functions and their actual design
and uses. I also perceived a criteria and strategic plans in handling a project with the available resources that
a company has.
Daniel M. Fiedacan Jr.
BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines- Manila
1st Sem, S.Y. 2019-2020
Civil Engineering is an application of planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and operating infrastructures
while protecting the public and environmental health, as well as improving existing infrastructures that have been
neglected. Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines because it deals with constructed environment.
I myself, having to attend to such construction project, was overwhelmed of the things that are done within the site.
I learned that there are things to be considered before actually constructing the plan. Things that is not learned in the
four corners of the classroom. I learned to communicate with other people, to assess situations to achieve efficiency
and avoid wasting time. Lastly, the most important thing to remember is to listen to others opinion. Listening to your
co-workers as well as other engineers. It not only lets you learn but it also shows respect.
In conclusion, being a civil engineering student, it made me realize that civil engineering is very vast because there
are many specialties and considerations in pursuing this profession. Such profession is very respectable and as well
Daniel M. Fiedacan Jr.
BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines- Manila
1st Sem, S.Y. 2019-2020
Present Work
Educational Attainment
High school
• American Concrete Institute Philippines Concrete Forum “Bridging the Gap between
May 23, 2019
Daniel M. Fiedacan Jr.
BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines- Manila
1st Sem, S.Y. 2019-2020
I was oriented by the safety officer during my first duty in office for me to embrace the importance of
understanding the safeness inside the job site. He elaborated as well as explained clearly what safety is all
about and why is it important to apply. He also clarified the do’s and don’ts and the proper attire inside the
active area where the on-going job is made. I’ve started by first duty last Tuesday at 1:00 PM because I have
I was given a task to monitor and observe the concrete pouring last Saturday night until Sunday
morning and I found this task a difficult yet beneficial job for me because several of the theoretical designs
and the code based on the NSCP that are being studied in school were applied and used in there. It also
challenged me because I was awake until morning in order to see the process on how concrete pouring was
made. On the same manner, as a new intern in the company of New San Jose Builder’s Inc., I noticed that
the working environment inside the office was pleasurable. The Offices as well as the engineers are all
During my first week as an intern in the company, all the task that have been given to me was a bit
interesting. All in all, what I have learned most throughout the first week of my duty is that “safety comes first”.
It was the most important thing that a company must ensure first before proceeding into a job in order to
attain the goal without losing a people or a man power in a group. Also, to have a safe flow of working area.
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. As I
mentioned, “safety comes first” which a company must ensure first is the key to the accomplishment of the
project. On the other hand, if there is any occurrence, all the people must take responsibility.
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
During the second week of my duty as an intern at New San Jose Builder’s Inc., I was given a task
last week to observed and double check the marks on the formwork of a slab along the Zone B-2 of 12th floor
of the building. It was an interesting job for me because as a future Civil Engineer, one of the most important
mechanisms that an engineer must do is to be precise on the measurement of the structure in order to avoid
failures. Using a metro, I easily measure it correctly and as a result I concluded that there are no misplaced
marks along the slabs. On the other hand, the on-going site has its four major divisions or zones namely,
Zone A-1, Zone A-2, Zone B-1, and Zone B-2. Last week as I have mentioned that there was a concrete
I was also given a task to measure and check the formwork of the columns on the 12 th floor of the
building Victoria de Malate. I used plumb bob to measure precisely the dimension of the formwork as well as
to observe if there is something wrong with it, I was ordered to report if there is something on building those
formworks. This is also an important one because if there is an error in building the formwork of a column, it
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. Because
every small thing was important in conducting a construction because it is the key for the success of all the
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
During my third week of internship, I’ve observed the grouting process conducted at the 9 th floor of
the building and I was surprised because I never seen those process before and that helps me understand
what and how the grouting process has been made. While looking at the procedure, one of my mentors
described what the grouting process is all about and the significance of this process in building of structures.
As what he explained, grouting is a process wherein the mixture of water, cement and sand is used to fill
gaps and voids or used as a reinforcement in the current structure. As I observed the process, it takes time
In the same week, I was given a duty to check and make a site inspection on the floor which already
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. To avoid
failure in the design and building a structure, one of the process is to have a grouting in order to fill a specific
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
My fourth week of internship in New San Jose Builder’s, Inc. was a bit tough because of the task that
had been assigned to me. Last Tuesday, I took a perspective of the building which includes the front, left,
right, and rear view of it. It was a bit tough for me because I wasn’t familiar to the place outside the building
but I was given an instruction and that makes me complete my task. On the same day, I also went up to the
site to inspect and observe the on-going works there. Other activities have gone well on that week and it
In the same week, I was given a duty to check and make a site inspection on the floor which have
been done.
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. The task
that have been assigned to me to took a perspective of the building is one of the basic concepts to know if
the works inside and outside the site have gone well and check the updates on the floors that have been
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
The fifth week of my internship in New San Jose Builder’s, Inc. was a challenging one because of
the task that have been assigned to me. One of the tasks is to encode some of the important component in
building a structure, to be able to monitor and organize everything. This helps me familiarize and to explore
more commands in an excel application which is one of the needed applications for our design project this
In the same week, I was also given a duty to check and make a site inspection in an area that had
been already finished. On the same manner, I have been tried to use the theodolite as one of the important
apparatus in measuring the precise height and (latag) of slab as well as beams and columns. That task was
a bit easy yet a challenging one because I’ve already done my surveying course which is also one of our
major courses in Civil Engineering yet a challenging because the type of theodolite that have been used at
the site was different, so in order to manipulate it correctly, a surveyor guided me throughout of it.
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. Surveying
is one of the major components in Civil Engineering course which helps us locate and measure a precise
distance of a structure.
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
During my sixth week, I’ve encountered several things that are not familiar to me which taught me a
lot as an intern. Last week, I’ve been educated with the correct splicing of rebars in beams which are located
at the midspan of the top bars. I was also asked to do some encoding matters inside the office for the records
On the same manner, I was also given a duty to check and make a site inspection in an area that
had been already finished. On the same manner, I have been tried to use the theodolite as one of the
important apparatus in measuring the precise height of slab as well as beams and columns. That task was a
bit easy yet a challenging one because I’ve already done my surveying course which is also one of our major
courses in Civil Engineering yet a challenging because the type of theodolite that have been used at the site
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. Surveying
is one of the major components in Civil Engineering course which helps us locate and measure a precise
distance of a structure.
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
During this week, I was given a task to monitor and observe the concrete pouring last Tuesday night
until Wednesday morning then I log out at exactly 6:15 am in order to attend into my first class on the same
day. That was my second time to attend a concrete pouring and at the same time, I found that task a difficult
yet beneficial job for me because several of the theoretical designs and the code based on the NSCP 2015
that are being studied in school were applied and used in there. On the same manner, as an intern in the
company of New San Jose Builder’s Inc., I noticed that the working environment inside the office was
On the other hand, all the task that have been given to me was a bit interesting. All in all, what I have
learned most throughout the first week of my duty is that “safety comes first”. It was the most important thing
that a company must ensure first before proceeding into a job in order to attain the goal without losing a
people or a man power in a group. Also, to have a safe flow of working area.
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. As I
mentioned, “safety comes first” which a company must ensure first is the key to the accomplishment of the
project. On the other hand, if there is any occurrence, all the people must take responsibility.
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
This week of being an intern is a bit interesting because I was given a task to encode some of the
companies concerns such as sub-contractor billing and materials purchasing request. This task helps me
familiarize the materials and terms that are being used in the construction. It also helps me acquaint the
quantity and units of the materials being purchased. I was also given a task to encode the companies
purchase order record. I wasn’t able to finished it so I continue encoding it the other day of my duty.
On the same week, our OJT coordinator visited us in the site to check for us and to interview our
trainer for some reasons and concerns regarding to our duty at their company.
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. I was being
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
During my ninth week of being an intern at New San Jose Builder’s Inc., I was given a duty to check
and make a site inspection on the floor which have been finished on concrete pouring in each floor. This
week of being an intern is a bit fascinating because of a given task that have been assigned to me. After
encoding a sub-contractor billing and materials purchasing request last Friday. This task helps me familiarize
the materials and terms that are being used in the construction. It also helps me explain the quantity and
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. I was being
Daniel Jr. M. Fiedacan
BS Civil Engineering
1 Semester SY 2019-2020
(Tenth week report August 26, September 03 and September 05, 2019)
During my tenth week, I’ve encountered several things that are not familiar to me which taught me a
lot as an intern. Last week, I’ve been educated with the correct splicing of rebars in beams which are located
at the midspan of the top bars. I was also asked to do some encoding matters inside the office for the records
On the same manner, I was also given a duty to check and make a site inspection in an area that
had been already finished. On the same manner, I have been tried to use the theodolite as one of the
important apparatus in measuring the precise height of slab as well as beams and columns. That task was a
bit easy yet a challenging one because I’ve already done my surveying course which is also one of our major
courses in Civil Engineering yet a challenging because the type of theodolite that have been used at the site
Student Outcome that have been addressed to me is to understand professional, ethical, legal,
security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional practice. Determine the extent of
possible liabilities of professionals with respect to system development and intellectual creations. Surveying
is one of the major components in Civil Engineering course which helps us locate and measure a precise
distance of a structure.