Wallace-Hadrill 2011-Herculaneum Past Future

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Some of the key takeaways are that the book discusses the geology, archaeology, ruins, inhabitants and public spaces of Herculaneum. It provides historical context and discusses ongoing and future excavation and preservation efforts.

The book discusses the history, excavation, architecture, inhabitants and future of the ancient Roman town of Herculaneum, which was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.

The book focuses on discussing the location of Herculaneum, an ancient Roman town located near present-day Ercolano, Italy that was buried and preserved by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.


her cul aneum 1

pa st and f uture
andr e w wa ll a c e-h a drill

2 her cul aneum in associa tion with


Preface 6
Frances Lincoln Ltd
4 Torriano Mews
Torriano Avenue
London NW5 2RZ
1 Geology 14 9 Low Life 256

Copyright © Frances Lincoln Ltd 2011 2 The Politics of Archaeology 40 10 The Tale of Two Cities 286
Text copyright @ Andrew Wallace-Hadrill 2011
Illustrations copyright listed in page 352.
3 Ruins Restored 64 11 The Future of the Past 306
Published in collaboration with
The Packard Humanities Institute
Los Altos, California
4 The Town and its Setting 88 Further Reading 340
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or 5 Inhabitants 122 Glossary 345
otherwise, without either prior permission in writing from the
publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying. In the United
Kingdom such licences are issued by the Copyright Licensing 6 The Public Face of the Town 146 Chronology 347
Agency, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.

ISBN: 978-0-7112-3142-9
7 Standards of Living 1987 Index 349
Printed and bound in China

987654321 8 High Life 222 Acknowledgments 352

p r efa ce

ompeii has been the subject of a flood of of a lost library of antiquity, something like the lost
books, one that grows every year. The site, library of Alexandria, rather than anything visible
now attracting not far short of 3 million visi- on the ground (let alone readable in a library).
tors a year, has become one of our principal, perhaps Herculaneum has not merited this neglect. Even
the principal window on the Roman world and on this is to put it too negatively. Herculaneum is an
everyday life in antiquity. It is studied in schools and extraordinary site, of the very highest world class.
universities all over the world, and is the focus of Small it may be, at least compared to the rolling
a steady stream of television documentaries. Novels acres of Pompeii, but in quality it has no match. The
like Robert Harris’s excellent Pompeii only increase freak of chance that meant Pompeii was blanketed
the appeal. But the focus on Pompeii is not limited in ash and pumice pebbles, while Herculaneum was
to ‘popularizing’ works: over the last decade, several covered in the fine, hot dust of pyroclastic surges
dozen teams from universities in at least ten countries and flows, resulted in the extensive preservation
have undertaken projects of archaeological investi- at Herculaneum of organic material – principally
gation in Pompeii. It has benefited from publication, wood, but also foodstuffs, papyrus and cloth. At
house by house, in a ten-volume encyclopaedia, and the same time, the depth of cover in Herculaneum,
the aim to provide scholarly publication block by much closer to the crater of Vesuvius than Pompeii,
block of houses is rapidly progressing. is three or four times greater, resulting in the exten-
In all this, Herculaneum has progressively been sive preservation of upper floors. Measured from
left behind. There are at most two books in English the ancient seashore to the highest level preserved,
devoted to the site, one by a passionate but frustrated Herculaneum can account for no less than six storeys.
Cambridge professor, Sir Charles Waldstein, who at Only in Herculaneum is it possible to examine a
the beginning of the twentieth century led an unsuc- latrine two floors above the street level; only in
cessful campaign to relaunch the excavation of the Herculaneum is it possible to examine a sewer 50
site, and one by an American amateur (in the best metres long, full to a depth of up to half a metre with
sense of the word) with a passion for things Italian, the contents of ancient kitchens and human bowels.
Joseph Jay Deiss. There are still only a handful of Only in Herculaneum is it possible to put names to
books devoted to the site in any language, mostly nearly half the free, adult, male inhabitants of the
guidebooks and exhibition catalogues, though, as the final years, and through its documents enter into the
Further Reading list shows, there are interminable intimate detail of their legal and commercial lives.
scholarly articles. The site has, until recently, had few I would not suggest for a moment that Hercu-
foreign projects, no encyclopaedia, and a tenth the laneum can be a substitute for Pompeii. There are
number of visitors that Pompeii boasts. It was also, by several things in which Pompeii is much richer
the end of the twentieth century, entering a precipi- (more sex, more violence). These do much to explain
tous state of decay. The Villa of the Papyri was the Pompeii’s popular appeal. But at the very least, we need
View across Cardo IV from
only aspect of Herculaneum that seemed to capture to look at both sites together. They are complementary,
the upper balcony of the
House of Wattlework (a the popular imagination, and even this because of and each offers its own angle. Nobody would want to
Graticcio). the prospect it seemed to dangle of the rediscovery suggest that the 2.5 million visitors to Pompeii should

preface 7
or understand about Herculaneum; about what has I am deeply grateful to the members of the
attracted interest in the past, and why, and what the Herculaneum Conservation Project team, both
potential is for future insights. The game is certainly individually and as a group. I owe a particular debt to
not over until the analysis of the skeletal remains, the Domenico (Mimmo) Camardo, our lead archaeolo-
new publication of the waxed wooden tablets, the gist, and his collaborators from Sosandra, especially
study of the finds, including the organic remains from Domenico (Mimmo) Esposito, and to the geological
the sewers, are all complete, not until new excavations team of Aldo Cinque, Professor of Geology at the
and investigations have cast light on the frustrating University of Naples Federico II, and Linda Irollo,
question of where the forum and heart of the city whose work on the ancient seashore has produced
was, and the basic question of where the town walls vital new evidence of the changing morphology of
ran, especially to the north, all areas in which we can the town; likewise to Mark Robinson, Professor of
expect to see progress in the next decade. Nor will Environmental Archaeology at the University of
the visitor experience have achieved its full potential Oxford, and Erica Rowan, for their analysis of the
until the museum containing the site’s rich harvest of contents of the great sewer, and to our lead archi-
finds is open, and until the two great excavations of tect, Paola Pesaresi, for showing what can be learnt
the eighteenth century – the theatre and the Villa of from reopening Bourbon tunnels. Gionata Rizzi,
the Papyri – are reconnected to the main site. conservation architect, introduced me to some of the
That I have been able to write this book is wholly great debates about restoration, and taught me that
due to my participation in an exceptional project. In restoration is open to as many interpretations as a
2001, the Packard Humanities Institute of California musical score. From Monica Martelli Castaldi I have
launched the extraordinary initiative of a collabo- learned that the key to conservation lies in a constant
rative project with the local heritage agency, the and thorough programme of maintenance, and that
transfer their affections to Herculaneum: much of up their daily lives. What emerges is in many ways Detail from the marble Archaeological Superintendency of Pompeii (now it is indeed possible if not to stop then at least to slow
funerary altar of Marcus
the appeal of Herculaneum lies in being smaller and surprising. We knew for instance that this was a slave Nonius Balbus.
Naples and Pompeii), with the aim of addressing down decay. From engineer Ippolito Massari I have
quieter. Any visitor to Herculaneum is struck by its society, and that slaves could be freed and flourish. some of the root causes of decay on the site. Invited learned how the acute problems of damage caused by
intimacy and immediacy. A higher proportion of But the evidence, as we will see, suggests that freed by Dr David Woodley Packard to set up the project, I water can be managed, and an ancient drainage system
the visitors to Herculaneum are schoolchildren. The slaves outnumbered the freeborn (which necessarily have had the privilege of working closely since 2001 reactivated. From the late Giorgio Torraca, Professor
appeal is instant, and the stimulus to the imagination means that slaves outnumbered them both). Trying with a talented team of (mostly Italian) special- Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Rome, and
effective at almost any age. to understand such a society stretches our imagina- ists drawn from a wide range of disciplines. There his numerous collaborators in the Getty Conservation
The intimacy which attracts the visitor is also tion, and requires patient attention to minute detail. is no point at which my understanding of the site, Institute and universities all round the world co-ordi-
what makes the site so important for understanding This is no guidebook, though I hope that visitors and consequently my framing of this book, has not nated by Alessandra De Vita, I have learned that we
the ancient world. We know plenty about the cities to the site will find it helpful both before and after benefited from their insight and enthusiasm, and cannot expect ancient frescoes, surface and wooden
of the Roman empire, their urban form, their a visit. A guidebook needs to be descriptive and the numerous new results they have generated. It elements to survive without the support of research
administration and economy, and about Roman law thorough; and though there are few corners of the is only too rare for archaeologists and historians chemists. To Massimo Brizzi and his patient team of
and society and politics. What makes Herculaneum site I do not discuss, there is no itinerary. Several to work hand in hand with conservationists, archi- archaeological surveyors I owe a new set of plans of
special is not any addition to our knowledge on adequate guidebooks already exist. Nor does this tects, engineers, surveyors, materials scientists and a degree of accuracy that was previously lacking. To
the grand scale, but the chance to look in intimate book attempt to offer a definitive account. It is too geologists. Our experience, from the beginning of Ascanio D’Andrea I owe the use of a database that
detail at the workings of one particular city at one early for any account to be definitive, and both new the project, has been that, through collaboration makes possible the co-ordination of vast amounts of
moment in time. We can look at this society under evidence and new questions are constantly emerging. in a multidisciplinary team, addressing seemingly information, archival and new. To Sarah Court I owe
the microscope: whether the contents of their bowels Instead, this book attempts an overview of what we banal issues of conservation can deliver a stream of the co-ordination of the multiple lines of communica-
or the legal and economic transactions that made do and, equally interesting, what we do not know exciting results. tion with the scholarly and scientific and educational

8 preface preface 9
world – the constant stream of researchers, interns, former Director General, Dr Nicholas Stanley-Price, in Cambridge in 2008; to my friends in the Faculty attractive house plans. To two institutions I owe the
student and teacher groups that visit the site – and and his colleague Dr Valerie Magar, helping us to see of Classics, especially Mary Beard, Henry Hurst and gift of time: to the British School at Rome for enabling
the local community, of schools, local residents and the problems of Herculaneum in a broader interna- Martin Millett I owe much stimulating discussion. me to continue to work on Herculaneum despite
members of the local administration, from whose tional context, and to recruit the advice and comments Mary did the further favour of reading the text of leaving them, to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
interest and appreciation the site can only benefit. of many participants in ICCROM courses. this book and helping removing errors and stumbling for enabling me to continue to work despite joining
To our Project Manager, Jane Thompson, I owe the We have also been fortunate in the support of the blocks, as did Kenneth Lapatin, Alex Hall repeat- them. To David Packard I owe not only the chance to
vision and the reality of a team that works together municipal authority, the Comune di Ercolano. Three edly combed through the text, always improving it, work on this magical site, but the encouragement and
effectively through the regular exchange of informa- city mayors in succession, Luisa Bossa and Gaetano and made the index. Michael Brunström, as editor, financial support to write the book. My greatest debt,
tion, and which allows the constant evolution in the (Nino) Daniele and Vincenzo Strazzullo, have proved lavished equal care on text and illustrations. To all both as ever, is personal: Jo encouraged me to write when
Below: Detail of a theatrical
light of experience of the aims and priorities of the enthusiastic allies, and helped us to set up together mask from the so-called
I and the reader are deeply indebted. Amy Richardson I should have been sorting out a move, read each
project. an Association and an International Centre for the College of the Augustales. came to my rescue for a second time in sorting out the chapter as it came out and helped ensure that it would
Beyond the conservation team, I have enjoyed the Study of Herculaneum. Massimo Iovino, the architect endless mass of illustrations. Brian Donovan, to whose be readable. To her this book is dedicated.
Overleaf: View of the site from
support of many allies. Professor Pietro Giovanni responsible for Ercolano’s ambitious plan of urban skill as a photographer this book owes much of its
the north-east towards the
Guzzo, Archaeological Superintendent of Pompeii regeneration (‘Urban Herculaneum’), worked with west. appeal, was generous as ever with his time in making AWH
from 1995 to 2009, and latterly also of Naples, was Jane Thompson and Sarah Court to see through all the
the key figure without whose courageous openness to practicalities of a collaboration between local authority,
experiment the project could not have happened: he the Italian State, represented by the Superintendency,
has supported it throughout with his wisdom, deter- and the Herculaneum Conservation Project and the
mination and friendship. He made an inspired choice international community, represented by the British
in appointing Maria Paola Guidobaldi as Director School at Rome. The first Centre Manager, Christian
of the site when the project started; she, supported Biggi, has successfully brought together these diverse
by a fine team on site, has been the staunch ally of interests, and launched a programme of seminars,
the project, and the Further Reading shows how initiatives with local schools, and research into
much I owe to her in writing this book. The project local oral history. The President of the Association,
has been overseen by a scientific committee whose Professor Dieter Mertens, has brought us the great
distinction is equalled by their passion for the site. benefit of his long experience with similar challenges
Professor Stefano De Caro has helped us through in Sicily.
the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the Italian State, Without the Herculaneum Conservation Project
first as Superintendent at Naples, then as Regional and the contributions of all those named, and many
Director for Campania, finally as Director General more, I would not have dreamed of writing this book.
of Archaeology. Professor Fausto Zevi has brought But though it comes out of and has been inspired by
us the fruit of decades of knowledge and experience the project, and reflects many of its new findings,
of Campanian archaeology. My former colleagues as this is not a publication of the results of the project.
Directors of Foreign Institutes at Rome, Professor Several volumes are planned and under way. This is
Herman Geertman at the Dutch Institute and a completely personal interpretation of Herculaneum,
Professor Paul Zanker at the German Archaeological and none of the others should be blamed for my views
Institute, have shown that archaeologists can care or errors. John Nicoll persuaded me of the need to write
about conservation. Rome is the seat of ICCROM, a book on Herculaneum: his tenacity and enthusiasm
the international body dedicated to the conservation brought it to fruition, and in a more lavish format
and management of heritage across the world; we are than I had ever dreamed possible. Further stimulus
especially lucky to enjoy the support and advice of its came from an invitation to deliver the Gray lectures

10 preface
12 her cul aneum her cul aneum 13

Let us stop listening to people who have abandoned Campania and riting in the immediate aftermath of
who have moved out after this catastrophe, saying they will never the major earthquake in Campania
again return to the region. . . . For we are wrong if we think that any that shook the cities of Pompeii and
part of the earth’s surface is safe and immune from this risk [earth- Herculaneum to their foundations, on a date he gives
quakes]. Everywhere is subject to the same laws: nature conceived very precisely as 5 February ad 63, Seneca, one of
nothing to be unmoveable. Things collapse at different times: just the major figures of Latin literature – dramatist, letter
as in cities different houses collapse at different moments, so on the writer, philosopher and, until shortly before, adviser
earth’s surface flaws make themselves apparent at different times. to the Emperor Nero – considers the implications of
(Seneca, Natural Questions 6.1.10–12) this natural event with Stoic detachment. He wishes
to account for natural phenomena, winds, thunder
and lightning, snow, comets, as well as earthquakes,
in the purely scientific terms established by Greek
science. There is no room here for the gods, for
natural phenomena as a manifestation of divine
anger and retribution. For him, there is no predicting
earthquakes or natural disasters, let alone propitiating
Amiata the gods. Humans just have to realize that the laws of
Vulsini nature allow no risk-free life. The earth’s crust, the
Cimini (vico) ADRIATIC
SEA very element which humans count on to be stable,
is in fact fluid, subject to constant and unpredictable
Colli Albani
Campi Flegraei movement.
The science of geology has been transformed in
Ponza Vulture the intervening two millennia, yet his fundamental

SEA point remains true. Italy, itself the product of the

slow shifting of plates over tens of millions of
years, the African plate pushing against and sliding
beneath the Eurasian plate to create the ridge of the
Active volcano
Ustica Stromboli
Apennines and Alps, remains a zone of persistent
Dormant/inactive volcano
Vulcano seismic and volcanic activity. The western coast of
Major volcanic techtono-
stratigraphic units
Tectonic collision front
Crustal failure

0 km 200 Opposite: View of the seafront of the town from the west.

Left: Map of Italy showing principal volcanic areas.

geology 15
Italy is characterized by a long string of volcanoes, Vesuvius has been dormant since the eruption of
some live, some dead, from the Tuscan lakes to the 1944, strangely coincident with the Allied advance
Aeolian islands and Etna. To the north, it is so long through Italy, and that means that modern tourists
since these volcanic formations have seen activity are deprived of the frisson of this spectacle, and can
that human life has long flourished on the mineral- only imagine the likely impact of a new earthquake
rich soils, in Tuscany, northern Lazio and the Alban or eruption on the hundreds of thousands of modern
hills, and as far south as Roccamonfina on the north dwellings in the immediate shadow of the mountain.
of the Campanian plain. To the south, the spectacular Civil defence would love the volcanologists to be able
activity is visible on a daily basis, on Stromboli with to make a prediction. Yet, short of this, they collabo-
its constant fountains of magma, and Etna, with lava rate with archaeologists in trying to understand the
flows that cause regular problems. The Campanian anatomy of past eruptions. It is a rich field for inter-
volcanoes are more intermittent. West of Naples, disciplinary collaboration.
the Campi Flegraei offer ongoing reminders of the Seneca quite evidently could not predict. In
danger beneath with their sulphurous geysers. There scoffing at the Campanian landowners who fled the
has been no major eruption since 1538, when the area, swearing never to return, quite rightly as it
mound of Montenuovo appeared overnight, deleting turned out, he did not even succeed in associating
the village of Tripergole and causing great destruc- earthquakes with volcanic activity. Indeed, he does
tion to nearby Pozzuoli. But Pozzuoli remains today not discuss volcanoes at all in his Natural History.
a highly unstable area. Its historic centre, Rione Earthquakes were a far more frequent phenomenon,
Terra, has been abandoned, officially evacuated after and only rarely are they in fact associated with
the catastrophic earthquake of 1980, and the area volcanoes, though it is the same deep shifting of
today shows the clear signs of the ‘slow quaking’, the plates that generates both phenomena. By quirk of
bradyseism which makes the earth’s crust expand and fate, neither Seneca nor any other Greek or Roman
contract, creating the false impression that the sea is author witnessed a volcanic eruption until of course
rising and falling. the young Gaius Plinius Secundus, and his uncle, the
Vesuvius itself is evidently still active, though on distinguished naturalist and admiral of the imperial
the slow and unpredictable rhythms of geology it fleet, witnessed the eruption of 79. It is significant that
is impossible and absurd to suggest we can predict the uncle’s first reaction was to go to study it closer:
when the next eruption is ‘due’. A major eruption as author of thirty-six volumes of Natural History, he
in 1631 initiated a phase in which low-level activity shared Seneca’s scientific interests and approach, and
was regular for 150 years. It was in this phase that wanted to find out more.
the Grand Tourists gathered to admire the spectacle, This innocence about volcanoes meant of course
and commissioned or bought paintings, whether by that the inhabitants of the area had little idea, even
major artists like Hackert or Volaire or Joseph Wright after the earthquake dated by Seneca to 63, but by
of Derby, or by the hundreds of local craftsmen who the historian Tacitus to 62, of the imminent danger
churned out charming gouaches. The phase of activity in which they stood. But even if they had done so,
also coincided with the long stay in Naples of Sir there is little probability, especially to judge by the
Left: Day and night views William Hamilton, a volcano lover, and his reports behaviour of the contemporary population, that
of Vesuvius from Naples by
to the Royal Society and his beautifully produced they would have abandoned their lands and houses.
an anonymous local artist
in gouache, c.1815 (British Campi Phlegraei (1776) are among the first significant Then, as now, there was too much profit to be made,
School at Rome collection). contributions to the emergent science of volcanology. whether from the fields with their boosted fertility,

16 geology geology 17
or from the flourishing trade that spread its tentacles Not only could they see the evidence of previous
around the Bay of Naples, the best natural harbour activity, but in their mythology they associated the Left: Clearance of the seafront with remains of quarrying outside
in Italy, and the focus, over the preceding three area with the gateway to the underworld (Aeneas the Suburban Baths (2008).
centuries, of the massive trade and importations that descends there at Lake Avernus), with the titanic
Right: The tower of the House of the Telephus Relief before
sustained Rome as the capital of a new global power. battle of the gods and giants, whose bodies lay (above) and after (below) conservation work.
To understand the degree and urgency of the danger, beneath, smitten by the thunderbolts of Jupiter (‘it
you have to speed up the passage of time beyond the is the wounds of the fallen giants, inflicted by the
rhythm of human generations. It is only archaeology, thunderbolts, that pour forth those streams of fire
a science intimately linked in its methods to geology, and water’, says Strabo of the fumaroles of the Campi
which allows us to say how frequently the Vesuvian Phlegraei), and with Vulcan, god of blacksmiths, in
region is devastated by eruptions. Preparations for whose furnaces beneath the ground the magic armour
the construction of a new NATO base at Gricignano of Aeneas was forged. It is not that the ancients were
showed three successive episodes in which human completely innocent, merely that they lacked the
cultivation was covered under a blanket of ashes, on experience over two millennia to foresee what might
top of which later cultivation began. Over the course happen.
of 20,000 years, there have been no less than five In fact, the signs of big trouble brewing are clear,
‘Plinian’ eruptions, of the magnitude of that of 79, if only in retrospect. Recent work down by the
each of which will have impacted on human inhabit- ancient seashore of Herculaneum in the context of
ants. The one most clearly visible today is that called the Herculaneum Conservation Project has revealed
‘the pumice of Avellino’, which took place around a dramatic sequence of seismic activities, stretching
1700 bc, destroying, and thereby preserving the over a century. At the south-eastern corner of the
traces of, early Bronze Age settlements. The remains city, an impressive tower-like building juts out over
of oval huts near Nola, preserving timbers, pottery the edge of the shore, providing the House of the
wares, and even the bodies of goats and livestock Telephus Relief with a series of rooms with wonderful
tethered in their pens, is a vivid reminder of what views out to sea. As it survives today, this structure
was absolutely invisible 2,000 years later to the inhab- stands on three levels. But a test trench has revealed
itants of Pompeii and Herculaneum, separated from that beneath the ground level was originally an entire
this catastrophe by an interval very nearly as long as additional floor, built with the same style of arches
that which separates us from them. and columns as the floors above. Plaster survives on
It would be wrong to suggest that the Romans had the outer face, but also on the inside edge of the arch.
no inkling that Vesuvius was a volcano. The Greek Yet this arch was blocked up in antiquity, implying
geographer, Strabo, writing at the end of the first the abandonment of the floor. Not only that, but
century bc, describes how the summit of Vesuvius is the masonry that blocks the arch shows clear signs
ash-coloured and entirely unfruitful: of erosion by water. The sea had invaded, not only
forcing them to abandon the ground floor, but even
It shows pore-like cavities in masses of rock causing damage to their new defences. The final
looking as though they had been eaten out by fire: response was to build an enormous containing wall,
one might infer from this evidence that the area between the sea and the building, and to backfill the
was previously burning and had craters of fire, area, raising it with 3 metres of Roman rubble. The
which were extinguished when the fuel ran out. black, volcanic sand of the ancient beach could be
(Geography 5.4.8) seen at the foot of the containing wall.

18 geology geology 19
Left: Excavation beneath Far left: Plan of the tower of SOPRINTENDENZA ARCHEO

ground level at the base of the the House of the Telephus



House of the Telephus Relief Relief. BRITISH SCHOOL AT R

reveals signs of an abandoned

Herculaneum Conservation
+16 m. +16 m.

lower floor. Left: Black volcanic sand of the Insula Orientalis I

Saggio A
+14 m. +14 m.

ancient beach.
Posizione del saggio e
Scala 1:5
prospetto del muro orientale
integrato nel Prospetto Giugno 2

Below: 3D model of the House +12 m. +12 m.


of the Gem (Akhet). Below: Elevation of the east



façade of the House of the

+10 m. +10 m.

+8 m.
Telephus Relief. +8 m.

+6 m. +6 m.

+4 m. +4 m.

+2 m. +2 m.

0 0

-2 m. -2 m.

-4 m. -4 m. SOPR

+18 m. +18 m. PAC

+16 m. +16 m.

Insula O
+14 m. +14 m.
prospetto de

+12 m. +12 m.

+10 m. +10 m.

+8 m. +8 m.

+6 m. +6 m.

+4 m. +4 m.

+2 m. +2 m.

0 0

-2 m. -2 m.

-4 m. -4 m.

20 geology geology 21
Such a dramatic change of sea level is compatible
with the phenomenon of bradyseism, still visible at
Pozzuoli. As activity in the magma chamber, many
kilometres below the earth’s surface, builds up,
the ground above expands and rises, and the sea
level apparently falls; as the activity in the magma
chamber recedes, so the ground falls again, and the
sea invades. The Telephus tower was built some-
where around the beginning of the first century
ad, in one of the phases when the ground was high
and dry; the floor was abandoned as it progres-
sively sank. The great earthquake of 62/63 probably
belongs to a turning point in this slow process.
Further evidence is visible a little further round
the seafront in the walls of the Suburban Baths,
built, as was the fashion of the first century ad,
right down by the sea (bathing in the sea was not
yet a fashion; bathing close to it was). Under the
foundations of the baths, caught in the cracks in the
tufo bank (see page 25) on which it stands, there
are grains of sand, mixed with fragments of Roman
pottery. The baths were built on what evidently had
been a beach, though the sea must have by now
been far enough away as to constitute no imminent
threat. Yet the walls of the baths show that the sea
came back, with a vengeance. Sand was piled up to a
metre high against the walls, where it formed a solid
crust. The walls were extensively repaired, adding
a whole extra skin of construction in the contem-
porary ‘network’ style known as opus reticulatum
(see image, right). Windows on the first floor were
blocked up to waist level on the side closest to the
sea; and the old back door that led down a ramp to The Suburban Baths viewed
the beach had also been blocked up. The baths, like from above (top) and below
the tower, had suffered badly from ‘marine ingres-
sion’, not that long before the eruption. Right: Detail of the wall
But this episode was almost certainly the second of the Suburban Baths,
showing second skin in opus Façade of the Suburban
time in the course of a century that the sea had
reticulatum added after Baths, showing masonry
invaded and retreated. The ‘shore’, on which ancient damage by the sea. blocking above original
sand can be seen, is in fact an abandoned quarry. wooden sills to protect from
Numerous rectilinear edges show where blocks of damage by the sea.

22 geology geology 23
tufo had been cut out and removed. It cannot have Pliny watched from the safety of his uncle’s house on

Metres above sea level (current)

Metres above sea level (ancient)

been a shore when it was a quarry, so the sand repre- the far side of the bay. It is only over the last twenty
sents a first phase of marine ingression, followed by years or so that the mechanics of the eruption have
retreat and the building of baths and tower, followed been fully understood by scientists. It used to be
Upper pyroclasts by the second ingression and the abandonment of normal to speak of Herculaneum as having been
the bottom level. If Seneca had been able to place buried in an avalanche of mud. So in 1908 Charles
this evidence in the context of the great earthquake, Waldstein accounted for the unique preservation of
Reddish tufo
and if only he had known what the modern geolo- Herculaneum in these words:
gist knows, he would have been a good deal less
sanguine about whether to flee Campania or not. . . . suddenly there appeared the torrent of
The catastrophe of 79 thus had long precursors, liquid mud, of ashes mixed with water from

Metres above sea level (current)

stretching over at least a century. A generation ago,
Metres above sea level (ancient)

torrential rains or from the lakes and rivulets,

scholars still assumed that there were only two along the courses of which it moved down the
Topography before quarrying Upper pyroclasts
events that disturbed the calm of the Bay of Naples: slope, and this swept all before it. . . . Gradually
Possible the earthquake and the eruption. Increasingly, signs it penetrated the houses, and in these, gently,
of quarrying
Edge of quarry have emerged of repeated seismic activity doing without violent breakage, it filled up the
Quarry floor
Upper pyroclasts repeated damage to buildings, even if not on the interior, preserving the articles of furniture and
dramatic scale of 62/63. One of the telltale signs is decoration from undue pressure and from the
the frequency of new construction work, typically corroding influence of moisture and chemical
repairs, and new decoration going on in the houses, disintegration, except for the carbonization of
right up to the moment of the eruption. In some wood . . .
cases, as most clearly in the House of the Painters
at Pompeii, we find all the traces of redecoration Waldstein could not have been more wrong, and
underway on the very day of the eruption, with strangely enough, he did not even heed the advice
walls half-plastered, decorations half-complete, and of the geologist he consulted, Professor McKenny
ceramic pots of pigment, plumb-bobs and compasses Hughes, whom he cites as saying: ‘Nor can tuff
close to the paintings. Geologists confirm that we like that seen in Herculaneum be due to a flow of
should predict a continuum of seismic activity in mud from the volcano.’ Hughes rightly identifies
Above: North–south section of seafront the build-up to a major eruption, and the signs of the material as tuff or tufo formed by consolidated
of Herculaneum showing situation before major changes in ground level, in both directions, ash (rejecting the older idea of a lava flow), casting
(above) and after (below) quarrying. in the decades preceding the eruption, offer strong strong doubt on the presence of water. Later volca-
Left: Phases of the marine invasions of
confirmation. What is most impressive is how, in nology was to prove him right, but the Waldstein
Herculaneum. A (early first century bc): the face of what in retrospect can be read as signals interpretation of a mud flow persisted, and even
lower floor of the House of the Telephus of the disaster to come, the inhabitants continued today, the word ‘fango’ is used to describe the deep
Relief accessible and quarry still visible. B
to make good the damage and rebuild their lives. wall of tufo that covers the site.
(late first century bc): the sea rises, covering
quarry and lower floor. C (early first century In any case, the scale of the catastrophe of the As Haraldur Sigurdsson and his colleagues have
ad): the sea retreats and Suburban Baths eruption itself was beyond human imagination. worked out the sequence, we must distinguish two
constructed on the shore. D (mid-first The pyrotechnic displays that Sir William Hamilton separate major phases of the eruption. The first
century ad): the sea rises, damaging the
and his friends watched with such morbid fascina- phase was described by Pliny, watching from his
baths. E (ad 79): the sea has retreated again
as the earth rises in preparation for the tion, knowing the damage done in the past, were vantage point in the admiral’s villa at Misenum, 30
eruption. completely trivial compared to what the younger kilometres away from the cone:

24 geology geology 25
A cloud rose, from which mountain one could eruptive column, progressively rising higher into the been found in excavations beneath the cathedral of
not make out (later we learned it was Vesuvius), atmosphere under the force of a series of explosions Positano, 20 kilometres south of the cone), whereas
the shape and form of which could best be equivalent to a nuclear bomb exploding every few Herculaneum was wholly unscathed by this phase of
compared to a pine tree. It rose up on high with seconds. On reaching an altitude of about 27 kilome- the eruption.
an extremely long trunk, then spread out into tres, and penetrating the thin air of the stratosphere, The second phase, as Pliny hints, is when, with the
branches, I imagine because it was carried out by it spreads laterally, producing the rain of tiny pellets progress of time, the force of the eruption slackens
the fresh breath, then as the breath grew older, of pumice called lapilli, which we find blanketing and the column can no longer sustain its own very
it was let down or even spread laterally and Pompeii to the depth of several metres. The erup- considerable weight. At this point, when the eruption
vanished under its own weight. tive column continues to rise, to a maximum of itself is reaching its end, it enters its most destruc-
(Letters 6.16.6) about 33 kilometres. The winds in the stratosphere tive form. The billowing hot gases, mixed with a
Below: Skeletons in the vaults
were southwards that day, so that Pompeii, Stabiae, dense cloud of extremely fine ash, begin to collapse
by the seashore.
The observation, according to volcanologists, the Sarno valley and even as far as the ridge of the down the side of the mountain in great swirling
is accurate. The initial eruption produces a tall Sorrentine peninsula received this cover (lapilli have Inside: Panoramic view of the clouds. Their heat is intense; by the time they reach
seafront and vaults.
Herculaneum, where the volcano meets the sea, they
Right: Detail of skeleton are still at a range of 400–500˚C, not hot enough for
showing ‘pugilist’ pose cause
a ceramic furnace, but hot enough to ensure instant
by muscle contractions.
death to any living being in its path, and the conse-
Below: Plan of positions of quent carbonization of wood. It was a joint team of a
the skeletons excavated in
volcanologist and a physical anthropologist who were
1981 by the seashore (Amy
Richardson). able to make sense of the skeletons at Herculaneum,
and detect from their ‘pugilistic’ poses, the muscles
Overleaf: View of the site from
involuntarily contracted like those of boxers in the
the seafront towards Vesuvius.


26 geology geology 31
32 her cul aneum her cul aneum 33
final spasm, and the signs of crania that exploded under the force of the instant
vaporization of the brains, that their end was quite different from that of the
corpses at Pompeii.
For long, it was one of the curious contrasts between Pompeii and Herculaneum
that corpses were found in the former but not the latter. (We will see in a later
chapter that there are many contrasts between the sites, and the importance of
Herculaneum is to offer an alternative perspective on similar issues.) Hence it
was in Pompeii that the archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli in the second half of
the nineteenth century developed his technique of making ‘casts’ of corpses,
by filling with cement the voids left by the rotted organic matter of the bodies.
Such casts were never possible at Herculaneum, because the more intense heat
stripped the bodies of their organic matter, and left only the skeletons encased
in rock. But even skeletons were rare on site, not more than a dozen or two, until
the new phase of excavations in the 1980s down by the ancient seashore revealed
where the victims were concentrated.
The lowest level of the seafront of the city consists of a series of arches or
vaults. They are sometimes referred to as ‘boat sheds’, but there is no trace of
marine equipment, and they seem simply to have served the function of substruc-
tures to the terraces above them. Nevertheless, they offered the inhabitants the
equivalent of a dozen or so ‘bomb shelters’, where people could take refuge from
the blast. Several dozen bodies, of people young and old, male and female, rich
and poor, master and slave, have been found crowded into each of these arches,
giving a total of more than 300 victims. Almost certainly there were others, and
if one day the location of the ancient harbour is excavated, perhaps immediately
to the east of the town, many hundreds more might emerge.
Why did they take shelter here? Their virtual absence from the houses of Above: The body of the marble the other side of the bay, Pliny could watch: great and tiles everywhere. The body of the marble statue
statue of Nonius Balbus
the town, in contrast to Pompeii, suggests that they had good warning of an flashes of fire, then the cloud descending to the land, of Nonius Balbus was found down by the sea, many
is unearthed in 1981 and
impending event so catastrophic that it was no longer safe to wait in their houses. reunited with the head, which covering the sea, and removing Capri from his sight. metres away from his head, which had rolled off to
Pliny’s second letter evokes the context of midnight on the day of the eruption. He had been discovered in 1941 He was observing what we now know as pyroclastic the base of his tomb on the terrace above.
confirms that ‘for many days before [the eruption] there had been earth tremors, (watched by Giuseppe Maggi surges and flows, the descent of the clouds of hot The site witnessed by the modern visitor has been
and Fausto Zevi, centre left
less frightening because it was so common in Campania, but that night [i.e. of gas. At Herculaneum, we can observe the long and carefully recomposed. It creates the impression of a
and right).
the eruption] it became so strong that everything seemed not simply moving, remorseless sequence. The first or second surge to city ‘frozen in time’, preserved intact by the disaster
but turned upside down’ (Letters 6.20.4). His mother insisted on flight, and they Left above: Roof timbers reach the city will have killed all those left. They that overwhelmed it. But if you look attentively at
excavated on the seashore.
found themselves on the road amid crowds of terrified refugees. They looked in advanced through the streets like a firestorm, ripping the excavation reports, you discover that the state of
astonishment to see the sea had retreated, leaving marine life high and dry on Left middle: Detail of wooden off roofs, and smashing down walls. Heavy material what was excavated was far different. The destruction
the shore: another observation of the movement of the crust that had affected coffering of ceiling, decorated was carried for considerable distances. Down by was so widespread and chaotic, with vast chunks of
in blue and gold.
Herculaneum over the years before. the seashore, we have found an entire roof, beams, masonry tossed sideways, that the archaeologists
If that is what it felt like at distant Misenum, the effect in Herculaneum must Left below: Detail of inverted rafters and roof-tiles hurled down. The lowest levels could not excavate before restoring, but had literally
have been truly terrifying, and it is interesting that the places they chose to take column, beams and building of the wall of rock that blankets the site are full of to put buildings back together again as they were
material in the edge of the
refuge, deep concrete vaults, were indeed ideal in the case of an earthquake rather building materials: a column, inverted like a projec- exposed. There were even situations where a wall
than an eruption. They could not imagine what was about to descend. Even from tile, tossed down from a terrace above, and beams initially exposed seemed intact, yet below it emerged

34 geology geology 35
that the lower levels of the wall had been swept away, so that the
portion above was suspended in mid-air.
The pyroclastic surges and flows were not merely hot and
destructive; they also came under high pressure. The dense ash
did not simply settle on surfaces: it penetrated cavities, with all the
force of injection moulding. A sewer, deep beneath a block of flats,
was filled floor to ceiling with dense rock throughout its entire
length. Even the pottery tubes stacked in the Suburban Baths, and
still awaiting installation as heating flues, are completely filled
with the material. It found every void, penetrated every crevice,
and gradually entombed the town in a total shroud of stone. The
pyroclastic surges probably started, to judge from Pliny’s descrip-
tion, around midnight. They continued for at least twelve hours,
covering Herculaneum in layer after layer of solid material. The
deepest point is down by the shore. When a surge hits the sea, it
starts to cool, and back up, so that the depth of cover increases
to some 25 metres. But the surge continued to advance, and the
modern shoreline is a full 400 metres further out than the ancient.
The sheer quantity of solid material moved in the course of
twenty-four hours – calculated at 4 cubic kilometres of material
devastating an area of 300 square kilometres – is scarcely imagi-
nable in ordinary human terms.
This is the ‘avalanche of mud’ which was the standard descrip-
tion in the mid-twentieth century. A natural event had moved
mountains. It is the ideal material for tunnelling. Such ‘tufo’ is
soft enough to hack through with a pickaxe, yet rapidly sets hard
enough not to collapse on your head. And it was by tunnelling that
the site was first explored.

Stack of terracotta heating flues

awating installation in the
Suburban Baths: every flue is full
of ash from the pyroclastic flow.

36 geology geology 37
site PLAN OF

Villa of the Structures known only from Bourbon plans


Theatre Visible excavated structures

Plan of modern city

Edges of excavation

Cardo I

Cardo II

Cardo III

Cardo IV

Cardo V

Decumanus Maximus

Decumanus Inferior

geology 39

hy dig up the past? Archaeology is a came across. Nevertheless, the idea of digging
recent science, one which depends on systematically in order to study the past was foreign
geology for its ‘stratigraphic method’, to them.
of looking at the build-up of layers of human activity Why then do we dig up our past? After centuries
over the course of time. Though we use it to study of modern excavation, and after discoveries that
antiquity, it did not exist in antiquity, even if the make as big an impact on the public imagination
word (literally ‘the study of the ancient’) is Greek. as Pompeii and Herculaneum – Troy and Mycenae,
Had Seneca and his contemporaries studied the or the Valley of the Kings – the question of why we
ground they excavated to build their great villas, dig seems too obvious to ask. Yet to understand the
Left: The eighteenth-century
access shaft to the Theatre. they would have been driven to ask questions about rediscovery of Herculaneum, we have to project
the previous volcanic catastrophes of the area. ourselves backwards to a time when such activity,
Below: The Peutinger map The emperor Augustus had a collection of ‘giants’ and the considerable strain on resource that it
of the Roman empire, still
bones’, perhaps dinosaur fossils, but these were a implies, was anything but obvious. The question
marking Pompeii and
curiosity. Cicero explored the cemetery of Syracuse usually posed is why and how the excavation of the
Herculaneum in the fourth
to rediscover the abandoned and overgrown tomb Vesuvian sites started in the early eighteenth century.
century ad.
of Archimedes. When they talked about the ‘heroic The answer reads like, and indeed is, propaganda
Overleaf: Panoramic view of ages’ that preceded recorded history, they doubtless for the the Spanish regime of Charles Bourbon and
a reopened Bourbon tunnel to had in mind the traces of the past they necessarily his heirs, so heroically responsible for initiating the
the north of the Basilica.

the politics of ar chaeology 41

42 her cul aneum her cul aneum 43
excavations, though this in turn is undercut by the the mills of Torre Annunziata. The canal cuts across
rejection of Bourbon propaganda by the nationalist the entire breadth of the ancient city, so that there
Italian regime that replaced it in the mid-nineteenth is no way he and his engineers missed it. And yet
century. It is more revealing to start from the oppo- there were no dramatic announcements of the redis-
site question: why did nobody think of digging up covery of an ancient city. It has been suggested, quite
these cities before? plausibly, that the silence was in order to avoid the
The implicit answer in the standard version is attention of the Office of the Inquisition, established
that the cities were lost, and had to be rediscovered in Naples in the sixteenth century. The rediscovery of
by happy chance under an enlightened regime. But antiquity did not square with Inquisition ideology.
the truth is that the cities were never completely lost. That this is right is supported by the parallel story of
Even in antiquity, their position was clearly marked Pozzuoli. In antiquity, the key Roman port of Puteoli
on the fourth-century ad road map known as the was far richer and more important than either of the
Peutinger Table, along with Oplontis, where a cluster Vesuvian cities. Never affected by volcanic eruption
of villas was to be found in the 1970s. Knowledge of in antiquity, it continued to flourish into the Middle
the position of the cities must have persisted long Ages, and the Temple of Augustus on the summit of
in antiquity. Indeed, Roman treasure-hunters did the promontory turned seamlessly into the cathedral
their own explorations, and the numerous tunnels and seat of the bishop. Grave damage was done to
crisscrossing Pompeii, long taken to be the result the town, as we have seen, by the nearby eruption
of Bourbon exploration, can be nothing of the in 1538, and various efforts were made to rebuild
sort, and must represent treasure-hunting in antiq- the city until the arrival, in the early seventeenth
uity. The Forum of Pompeii, so much easier than century, of the vigorous Spanish bishop, Martino
Herculaneum to explore beneath its soft blanket of de Leòn y Càrdenas. His predecessor, Monsignor
lapilli, was stripped of marble and bronze by the Lorenzo Mongiojo, had been disgraced for greed
time that modern excavators reached it. and witchcraft; it is a good guess that he had been
Some knowledge of the position of Pompeii poking around in the ruins of the ancient city for
certainly survived into the Middle Ages. A ninth- marble statues, by now collectors’ items in Rome. In
century chronicler, Martin of Monaco, spoke of any case, when Martino de Leòn started his vigorous
a ‘Pompeio campo’ which he thought was named campaign of building a new city above the ruins of
after ‘Pompeii, the ancient city of Campania’. In the the old, he took no care to extract antiquities. On
Renaissance, the location of Pompeii was frequently, the contrary, a spectacular collection of statues
and correctly, identified with the area by then called was found in the 1990s, virtually intact, beneath
‘La Cività’. To call a patch of farmland ‘the City’ his building rubble. In this Counter-Reformation
already implies knowledge. By 1689 an inscription world, pagan antiquity was simply too dangerous to
had been found there mentioning Pompeii, and rediscover.
Above: Mimmo Camardo and Maria Paola Guidobaldi inspect a
confirming the identification. But it suited Bourbon Something of the same story can now be told
Bourbon tunnel. propaganda to play down this background, and to at Herculaneum, on the basis of the reopening of
emphasize its own ‘discovery’. earlier tunnels. It was standard practice among the
Opposite above: Renaissance and medieval pottery from the
More significantly, the first modern excavations early explorers of the site to backfill tunnels after
back-filled tunnels.
of Pompeii belong to the late sixteenth century, in extracting the treasures they were hunting, typically
Opposite below: Fragments of a Harlequin plate dated to the the years 1592–1600, when the architect Domenico slabs of coloured marble, always good for recycling.
seventeenth century. Fontana cut a canal to bring water from Sarno to They backfilled because to bring all the material

44 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 45

they removed the marble plaques of the pavement. the inscription itself does not specify the name of
The pottery they left behind was all medieval, from Herculaneum, only a ‘municipium’, Giordano had
the thirteenth century, a period when, thanks to the no hesitation in identifying it correctly.
model of the Cosmati brothers in Rome, patterned The story of Prince d’Elbeuf, which traditionally
pavements in coloured marbles were popular. The represents the first stage in the ‘discovery’ of the site,
inhabitants of the village above Herculaneum, then belongs within this older tradition of local explora-
called Resina, were probably aware of this local tion. Emmanuel-Maurice de Lorraine, later promoted
resource for centuries, though they will not have to the title of Prince d’Elbeuf, was a commander of
been too keen to share their knowledge with the the Austrian army, which for a brief period at the
authorities, let alone the world at large. beginning of the eighteenth century controlled
In fact, the Bourbon tunnellers themselves came Naples (1707–34). In the course of building his vast
across these earlier attempts to explore and rob the villa on the port of Granatello, a kilometre or so north
site, though they attributed them to the ancient of Herculaneum, he became interested in stories of
Romans. Thus Father Piaggio, the antiquarian who locals finding marble underground, and specifically
made his name by his machine to unravel papyri, a local smallholder called Cola Aniello Nocerino,
noted: nicknamed (in local style) ‘Enzecchetta’. He bought
up his land, and conducted excavations under his
It frequently happens that during excavation they own authority, finding himself directly above the
encounter similar tunnels made by the ancients, ancient theatre, rich with coloured marbles (some of
but so low and so narrow that one cannot under- which ended up in the church of Saint Etienne in his
to the surface was hard work, and pointless. In the
stand how a man could walk. Upon finding one home town of Elbeuf sur Seine) and with statuary, the
process, these explorers left traces of themselves.
of these, they can be certain that some precious most famous examples of which, the ‘Herculaneum
By emptying carefully the backfill, we can get an
statues already have been carried off. women’, he had to surrender to his commander,
idea of when the tunnels were explored. The most
Prince Eugene of Savoy, who took them off to his
astonishing finding is that the pottery left by the
Whether statues had such a high value in antiquity new palace in Vienna. D’Elbeuf, just as generations
tunnellers is not just of the eighteenth century, the
as to be worth risking life and limb may be doubted. of explorers before him, did not announce to an
period of Bourbon tunnelling, but of the seventeenth
The pottery finds that have emerged to date point expectant world that he had rediscovered an ancient
and sixteenth, and even the Middle Ages. Sometimes
to the later Middle Ages and early modern periods, city, but kept it strictly under wraps, hoping to hang
these ceramics can be dated with considerable accu-
though it cannot be ruled out that there were antique on to the finds, only to find his cover blown.
racy. A rather handsome plate, broken into several
explorers too, as is certainly the case at Pompeii. Our story thus changes complexion. No longer can
pieces, but nevertheless nearly complete, showing
Clear evidence of the knowledge of the site of it be a question of how the cities that were lost were
a soldier in brightly coloured trousers, belongs to
Herculaneum in the sixteenth century comes from triumphantly rediscovered, but rather a question
the ‘Harlequin’ series of the Montelupo pottery,
the manuscript of the Neapolitan antiquarian Fabio of how what had been local knowledge, suppressed
dated closely to the period 1590–1630. It is not very
Giordano, whose Historia Napolitana belongs to on account of a mixture of greed and fear, became
obvious why Bourbon tunnellers should have taken
the second half of the century. In it he reports the a matter of public concern and excitement. The
this plate down over a century later; it surely belongs
‘recent’ discovery of a long inscription ‘in the village answer, inescapably, is political. In general, major
to an earlier, unrecorded phase of exploration.
Top: Plan of the upper terrace above the Palaestra. The medieval of Resina, four miles from the city [of Naples], by excavations are far too expensive to make sense
In another case, we seem to be looking at an
well and tunnel are located in Room 13 (marked in green). the ancient town of Herculaneum’, where were dug except in a context of public opinion and political
exploration closely datable to the Middle Ages. The
out ‘from an ancient building of wonderful elegance’ strategies. Excavation is an ideological activity,
down-shaft of a well hit an ancient pavement, then Above: Fragments of pottery dated to the twelfth or thirteenth
some iron and bronze smithing tools, and a long impossible when the dominant ideology is hostile
travelled laterally across it. Where the tunnellers went, century found in this test trench.
honorific inscription. It is notable that though (the Inquisition), only desired when a regime sees

46 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 47

it as serving its direct purposes, as with the estab- and attractive in Europe. He built magnificent
lishment of the Bourbon dynasty, the establishment modern palaces, at Capodimonte, at Portici and,
of the new nationalist regime of the Risorgimento, rivalling Versailles, at Caserta. He changed the
and the Fascist era. Spanish rule in the south of Italy, face of the Grand Tour. In increasing numbers, the
over the ‘Two Sicilies’, went back to the fourteenth aristocracy and educated elites of Europe made their
century, yet the arrival of Charles Bourbon was a way to Naples, drawn by the glittering court life
new start in many senses. and the romance of what was one of Europe’s most
In the delicate balance of powers in Europe, the populous cities. But above all, archaeology worked
Left: View of the new royal
death of Charles II of Spain in 1700 and the succession for him. Already he had, from his mother, the finest
palace at Portici by Giovanni
to the Spanish throne of Philip d’Anjou, grandson of collection of antique statues in Italy, built up by the
Battista Lusieri.
the French Louis XIV, as Philip V, provoked turmoil. Farnese family, which were eventually moved down
The Emperor Leopold of Austria laid counterclaim to to Naples. But the knowledge that more statues were Below: Plan of the area
the throne, and the British under Queen Anne and emerging to grace the court of Vienna, from a site around Resina (Ercolano) in

her general, the Duke of Marlborough, supported only 10 kilometres from his palace in Naples, was an 1796 with the Villa d’Elbeuf
bottom left, by Francesco La
Austria for fear of a unification of the crowns of irresistible pull. Excavating more made sense for the
France and Spain. The battle of Blenheim (1704) was first time in terms of Realpolitik.
fought to keep the French and Spanish in check. In A further twist was that his new bride, Maria
1707 the Austrians seized the kingdom of the Two Amalia of Saxony, happened to come from the
Sicilies. The War of the Spanish Succession ended very court at which the statues of the Herculaneum
with an agreement to keep the French and Spanish women had ended up through diplomatic exchange
crowns permanently separate. Philip V therefore in Dresden. It was said that she recalled as a girl
had to respect the idea of a balance of powers, and seeing them unpacked, ‘wrapped up like sardines in
to recover his lost Italian realm without upsetting a box’. There is no need to attribute the excavations
the balance. The solution was to send out his son, of Herculaneum to Maria Amalia’s girlish enthu-
Charles, to make for the first time an independent siasm; rather she is a vivid illustration of how the
kingdom, one that would not threaten the Austrians news of Prince d’Elbeuf ’s hot finds were travelling
or the other European powers. Charles arrived in around the courts of Europe creating excitement,
Italy in 1732, to take possession of the Duchy of and offering an obvious incentive to a regime keen
Parma inherited from his mother Elisabetta, last heir to make friends and cut a figure.
to the Farnese dynasty. Within two years he wrested Charles Bourbon arrived in Naples in 1734. By
Naples from the Austrians. A new deal was cut with 1736 he was at work on his new palace at Portici. So
the European powers that allowed the Bourbons to close to the site of Herculaneum is it that the south-
reign in the Two Sicilies provided they remained eastern edge of the palace gardens overlaps with the
independent from Spain, an arrangement that was north-western corner of the Villa of the Papyri. By 3
to survive through his heirs for 127 years. November 1738, a major royal project of excavation
The archaeological ambitions of the young king was under way. Inescapably, the project picked up,
are the direct outcome of his political ambitions. in location and in method, where the last episode of
Charles Bourbon needed to establish the validity of tunnelling had left off, in the Theatre. Now the project
his dynasty, its quasi-independence from Spain, and was under military engineers, with Rocque Joaquim
keep the other European powers happy. One tactic de Alcubierre in charge. Military engineering
was to make his court one of the most spectacular probably brought a quantum leap in sophistication

48 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 49

compared with the furtive explorations of
previous tunnellers. They could use forced
labour (prisoners of war), easily disposable
manpower in tunnels that were dark, dusty,
liable to collapse and afflicted by the noxious
gas they called ‘mofeta’, probably pockets of
carbon dioxide. Today, too, the tunnels are
dangerous, but the radon gas that lurks in
them is thought not to constitute a risk to life
except after prolonged exposure.
The excavations, despite a good deal of
acrimonious dispute, characteristic of the
Neapolitan court, moved with astonishing
speed. The Theatre rapidly gave up its crop of
statues, and within a year a new dig had been
opened up, in the area just east of the via Mare,
the ancient track that led down from the centre
of the village of Resina to the sea. The new dig
hit the monumental core of the town. The
military engineers not only dug more quickly
and efficiently, but made accurate plans of what
they excavated. The major public building,
a portico, which they called the Basilica, is
still only known from the plans made by the
engineer Pierre Bardet de Villeneuve, refined
by the French architect Jérome Bellicard, who
happened to be doing his Grand Tour in 1745.
Their plans show not only the cluster of three
public buildings which stood at the heart of
the town, but a dense pattern of private houses
to the north of the principal street, which
today lie under the modern town. Challenging
though it was to explore an ancient city like
some great coalmine by subterranean tunnels
known as cunicoli, they recovered an aston-
ishing amount of information. Despite the Above: Aerial view looking Right: Plan of Resina in
difficulties of surveying in tunnels (the instru- north-west from the site the late nineteenth century,
(bottom) to the nearby Royal showing fields and houses
ment, the ‘circumferentor’, could not even
Palace at Portici (top right). covering the site (in red, the
turn round, as it had to do to work, in some),
excavations carried out in this
at least fourteen plans were produced between period).
1739 and 1750.

50 the politics of ar chaeology

the admiring gaze of visitors from all over Europe. Charles Bourbon’s policy
started to reap its rewards, and the heavy investment paid back (the engineers
constantly complained at court of underfunding, but the costs were enormous).
It was in these years that Herculaneum revealed its most important buildings:
the Theatre, the so-called Basilica and the so-called Galleria Balbi (now the
Basilica Noniana), the Palaestra complex and a series of private houses, among
which pride of place went to the Villa of the Papyri, explored by Weber from
1750, with its unparalleled crop both of statues and carbonized papyri. A total
of as many as 1,800 carbonized scrolls containing literary texts caused a sensa-
tion throughout Europe, dangling the prospect of a lost ancient library and the
recovery of precious texts. Above: A point where six tunnels

As the fame of these finds spread round Europe, the Grand Tour definitively converge, showing the red bricks of a
triumphal arch collapsed on its side.
shifted its terminus to Naples: ‘see Naples and die’ meant that until you had
been there, your life was not yet complete. So effective was this propaganda that Below: The access shaft to the
tourism has never flagged, with numbers gradually mounting over the years to Theatre.

Plan of Herculaneum in
The 1740s and 1750s were the glory years of reveal. To reopen their tunnels is to discover just
the late nineteenth century,
excavation at Herculaneum. Under a succession of how astonishingly thorough they were, crisscrossing
showing in red the location
engineers (Alcubierre from 1738, Bardet displacing buildings in a dense maze, with nodal points where of buildings mapped by the
him from 1741–5, Alcubierre back 1745–9, handing as many as six tunnels converged, each opened up Bourbon excavators.
over to the Swiss Karl Weber from 1750 to his death progressively, often over a period of many years.
in 1764, to be replaced by Francesco La Vega), the The fruits were an astonishing collection of marble
city was extensively explored. When Amedeo Maiuri and bronze statues, fresco paintings, inscriptions
launched the modern excavation of the site in the and a host of household objects and furnishings,
early twentieth century, he complained of the diffi- particularly in bronze: lamps, candelabra, basins,
culties of excavating structures already undermined jugs, pans, ladles, tables, stools, ornamented
by a diabolical network of Bourbon tunnels. They couches, braziers and water-heaters. Gathered and
reached a good deal further than the known plans displayed in the palace at Portici, they attracted

52 the politics of ar chaeology

the many millions today. It is a sort
of virtuous circle: the more people
who visit the Vesuvian cities, the
more coverage they receive from the
media, so providing free advertising
and stimulating yet more visitors
and encouraging local authorities
to invest in and promote tourism
for the benefit of the local economy.
All that has its origins in the reign of
Charles Bourbon; he might not have
envisaged the scale of mass tourism
in a global economy, but at least he
could try to persuade the wealthy
elites of Europe to come.
It is remarkable how soon they
came, and how enthusiastically they
commented. Already in 1741, two
English gentlemen, Horace Walpole,
son of the former Prime Minister,
and his Etonian friend Thomas Gray,
Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge,
and budding poet, made their visit. The work is unhappily under the direction of Spaniards, people of In this period, Herculaneum, not Pompeii, was the name to
Although by then only the Theatre no taste or erudition, so that the workmen dig, as chance directs conjure with. The exploration of Pompeii started a decade later
and Basilica had been explored, Gray them, wherever they find the ground easiest to work without any than that of Herculaneum, in 1748, and despite the considerably
could say that the king’s workmen, in certain view. They have been fearful of the earths falling in, & with greater ease (and lower expense) of excavation, initial results
looking for statues, ‘came to what one reason, for it is but soft, & crumbling, so that the passage they have were disappointing. There were two reasons for this. One is that
may call a whole city under ground’. made, is but just sufficient for one person to walk upright in. the conditions of its preservation, a blanket of 5–7 metres of light
He was less than impressed by their (‘Notes on Travel’, from Gray and his Friends: Letters lapilli, easily shovelled away, meant that Pompeii had been system-
methods: and Relics, Cambridge University Press, 1890) atically ransacked from antiquity onwards, and there were fewer
statues and objects of value to find. If you were looking for marbles
Thomas Gray reckoned they had excavated about a mile of such and bronzes, the deeply buried Herculaneum offered a far richer
a winding passage, and saw ‘buildings of brick with incrustations seam. The second is that, even in antiquity, Herculaneum seems to
of marble, & here & there a solid column of it’, saw plaster ‘painted have been a wealthier place, with an extraordinary density of fine
Left: The Theatre: detail of the proscenium.
in square compartiments, either green, or red, & sometimes little houses, and a far more lavish use of coloured marble claddings than
Opposite left: La calata nelli scavi (Visit to figures’, and saw ‘a mixture of woodwork amongst the brick, all black, in Pompeii. So long as the priority remained the discovery of finds
the Excavations of the Theatre), by Giacinto as a coal, & tho’ so firm as to show one even the Grain distinctly, which could be carried to the surface and installed in a new setting
Gigante (1806–76).
yet upon being touch’d, moulders away into dust’. Gray’s experience in the Portici palace, Herculaneum was more promising.
Opposite right: L’escalier du théâtre can still be reproduced in the tunnels of the Theatre. One senses But priorities changed under the impact of a series of external
d’Herculanum (anon.), engraved by the mixture of excitement at touching the crumbling remains of the factors. In September 1759, on the death of his half-brother
Migliorato (1865). past, combined with dismay at the methods of the excavators. Ferdinand, Charles Bourbon left to become Charles III of Spain,

54 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 55

leaving his eight-year-old younger son, another court on the importance of the recording of context. in 1757, in the magnificent series of folio volumes But in the meantime, from the death of Weber in
Ferdinand, to succeed as King of Naples. The regime What mattered was the shockwave of bad publicity for issues by the Royal Press in Naples, they were still 1764, exploration at Herculaneum fell off dramati-
of a minor, under the regency of Bernardo Tannucci, the Bourbon court of the Sendschreiben of 1762, and titled, despite reporting material from both sites, Le cally, and the site was virtually untouched for the
and closely watched over from Spain, was more the more so (since German could be to some extent Antichità di Ercolano Esposte, just as their production next sixty years. Francesco La Vega continued work
sensitive to foreign criticism than that of his father, ignored) of the French translation of 1764. The court was supervised by the Royal Herculaneum Academy in the Theatre, principally in order to complete the
consolidated over twenty-five years. It was at precisely of the boy king Ferdinand was highly sensitive to such of Archaeology, established by Charles in 1755. That plan begun by Weber, but there were few new finds.
this time that the excavations, mildly criticized by high-profile criticism. To look like a European prince, the name of Herculaneum still had significant reso- As far as visitors were concerned, although the visit
those like Thomas Gray, came under a blistering it was no longer enough to have a fine collection of nance was increasingly due to the circulation, often in to the subterranean theatre had its charms, for the
attack from an authoritative foreign visitor, Johannes statues: you had to take account of the opinions of pirated versions, of The Antiquities of Herculaneum. rest of the site, the experience of going down tunnels
Joachim Winckelmann. Visiting Herculaneum first foreign visitors. Antagonizing Winckelmann by the The first, unauthorized, English translation, by by torchlight could not compete with the experience
in 1758, then in early 1762, he experienced enormous usual dog-in-the-manger tactics was a PR disaster. It two Fellows of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Pompeii now offered, of a dead city ‘brought back
frustration. First, he was appalled by the uncollabora- was time for a shift of tactics. Thomas Martyn and John Lettice, came out in 1773, to life’. Only in 1828, after the accession in 1825 of a
tive approach of the Bourbon officials; despite a letter At the same time, Pompeii came to the rescue. and was promptly brought to a halt at the request new sovereign, Francis I, at the end of the long reign
of introduction from Frederick Christian, Elector of After some years of rather frustrating results, exca- of the court of Naples. Something of the impact of of his father Ferdinand, did attention return briefly
Saxony, to his sister Maria Amalia, he experienced vations started to concentrate on the area of the the name can be caught in the choice to name the to Herculaneum, and the first attempt was made to
constant difficulties of access to the material. If the Theatre, and a new policy was adopted, impossible pottery at Toxteth in Liverpool, producing neo- give the site something of the appeal of Pompeii by
court treated a well-recommended visitor like this at Herculaneum, of leaving the excavated structures classical pieces as fine as those of Josiah Wedgwood’s ‘open-air’ excavations, exposing a short stretch of
so poorly, it is clear that they did not understand exposed to visitors. In August 1764, work started, ‘Etruria’ pottery, the Herculaneum Pottery. street (Cardo III) and the houses of Argus and Io
the promotion of cultural tourism. Indeed, it is to under Francesco La Vega, replacing Karl Weber, on
this period that belongs the extraordinary policy of the Theatre of Pompeii. By November, the nearby
destroying frescoes that were not brought to the palace Temple of Isis was beginning to emerge, and work
at Portici, for fear that they be sold off to foreigners. continued without a break until September 1766.
Winckelmann took remorseless revenge in his Then, in October 1766, work started on the portico
Sendschreiben von den herculanischen Entdeckunden behind the Theatre, excavations which continued
(Account of the Discoveries at Herculaneum), into summer 1768, producing sensational finds:
excoriating the excavators, especially Alcubierre, the gladiators’ barracks, complete with gladiatorial
notoriously characterized as having as much to do armour, the stocks in which the gladiators were
with antiquity, in the Italian expression, ‘as the moon confined, together with a number of skeletons,
with crabs’, and the antiquarian Camillo Paderni, including that of a lady with much jewellery. The
‘as much an impostor as a nitwit and an ignoramus’. Theatre, the Temple of Isis and the barracks produced
While rubbishing Bourbon archaeological technique, a sensation that had little or nothing to do with
by the entire structure of his letter he underlines the statues. Here was ancient life, in its most extreme
importance of archaeological context. He is not, as forms, being laid bare: an exotic Egyptian cult and
art historian, content to describe the artworks in the the most brutal of entertainments. The international
museum, but precedes it with a careful account of the interest was immense. Numerous artists captured
site. And he pays full tribute to the intelligent Karl the Temple of Isis, during and after excavation, in a
Weber for his insistence on making exact plans of the way unparalleled at Herculaneum.
buildings discovered. Public attention thus shifted decisively from
Winckelmann’s observations were not original: Herculaneum to Pompeii, and this was never to La Decouverte d’Herculanum
Spanish excavation methods had been under fire be reversed in the popular imagination. True, as (H. Robert), engraved by C.
from the first, and Weber had been long insisting at the finds of the two sites started to be published Guttenberg.

56 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 57

Oil painting recording the
visit to the excavations of
King Vittorio Emanuele II on
8 February 1869. Giuseppe
Fiorelli stands facing the king
on the far left.

above it, have an indescribable influence on the replaced. His successor was the ambitious young
mind. One consequently ascends into light and scholar, Giuseppe Fiorelli, who had for some time
life again with feelings of melancholy, which not served the king’s uncle, the Count of Syracuse, as
even the beautiful scenery that courts the eye can secretary, publishing his collection of coins, and
banish for some time. also drafting a famous letter in which the king was
urged to adopt more liberal policies.
The Bourbon ‘kingdom of the Two Sicilies’ Fiorelli’s period in prison after the uprising
and of the Skeleton. But work was suspended on 18 visitors, including the novelist Edward Bulwer Plan of excavations of collapsed in 1860 as Giuseppe Garibaldi success- of 1848, when he had incited the guardians of
Herculaneum between 1828
March 1837 by royal rescript, and the funding for Lytton, to Pompeii, and helped further to spread the fully advanced through the south. The last of Pompeii to arm themselves against the regime,
and 1875 (E. Tascone).
excavation was transferred to the Amphitheatre at fame of that site. She records: the Bourbons, Francis II (Francischiello, ‘Little gave him credibility as an anti-Bourbon, and had
Pozzuoli. The moment for Herculaneum had not Francis’), was manoeuvred into abandoning his also given him the leisure to pull together the old
yet come. Activity was resumed briefly in the 1850s, 12th– Went to Herculaneum yesterday, accom- capital without a blow. The deal had been negoti- records of excavations at Pompeii as Antiquitates
when the House of Aristides, with its precious upper panied by Sir William Gell. This excursion may ated between Garibaldi at Salerno and the principal Pompeianae. A staunch supporter of the new
floors, had to be propped up, an early sign of the well be called a descent into the grave of a buried figures of the government, led by the liberal Liborio national government, he would receive his reward
problems of conservation that were to dog the site. city. . . . Romano, through the mediation of Alexandre in promotion to national Director of Antiquities in
The melancholy feel of Herculaneum in the 1830s The wild and grotesque figures and animated Dumas, author of The Three Musketeers, who, 1875. He is rightly remembered as one of the prin-
is vividly evoked by the Countess Blessington’s gesticulations of the guides, waving their torches, having followed Garibaldi’s advance, moored his cipal figures in the archaeology of Pompeii, rather
memoirs, The Idler in Italy. She visited the site in which cast lugubrious gleams of light around this yacht, the Emma, beneath the windows of the royal than of Herculaneum. Yet he did not completely
the company of the indefatigable Sir William Gell, sepulchre of a dead city; the dense and oppressive palace in Naples. Dumas asked for, and received, neglect the site, and in 1869 he reopened the
author of the much-read volumes of Pompeiana, who air, and the reverberation of the sound of the as his reward, responsibility for Pompeii, but his excavations abandoned in 1837, inviting King
in the 1820s and 1830s introduced so many English carriages passing and repassing through the streets position proved untenable, and he was rapidly Vittorio Emanuele to a grand opening ceremony

58 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 59

Photograph of the nineteenth-century
excavations, viewed towards the houses on the
via Mare.

on 8 February 1869: the moment was memorial- for his work on the sanctuary of Hera at Argos and familiar colonialist venture of so much nineteenth- writing a series of popular works and guidebooks,
ized in a contemporary photograph and a large on the Greek sculptor Pheidias. What caught his century archaeology. Nevertheless, the Italians, reaching a culmination in his monumental publi-
oil painting based on the photograph, now in the interest about Herculaneum was its exceptional including the great Giacomo Boni, excavator of cation of 1958, Ercolano: i nuovi scavi (1927–1958),
Naples Museum. It seems to trumpet a grand new potential as a source of Greek art. He knew that the the Roman Forum, had deep misgivings, and in printed with all the elegance and style of which the
beginning. For four years the excavations produced ninety-eight sculptures found in the Villa of the the end his scheme was blocked, the Italian State Poligrafico dello Stato, the Italian State press, was
results, including the exceptional silver bust of Papyri were among the best collections of ‘Greek’ undertaking to do the excavation itself. The Italian capable. With his retirement in 1961, the period
Emperor Galba (see page 185), found outside the works yet found; he belonged to a period when the funds, as Waldstein realized when he published his of new exploration came to a halt, and exten-
house consequently named the House of Galba, most interesting thing about the art of Roman sites account – full of enthusiasm cut with bitterness – sions since then have been intermittent, notably
though the bust had been swept down the street by was its potential to reconstruct the lost master- were simply not forthcoming, and the venture had the excavation of the seashore in the 1980s, and
the pyroclastic surge many metres from its place pieces of classical Greek art. Funerary urn of Charles to wait a full twenty years for the arrival of a Fascist of the area towards the Villa of the Papyri in the
in a public building. But with Fiorelli’s departure Walston (Waldstein), a government, committed as none since Charles 1990s. There are many grounds on which Maiuri
for Rome in 1875, the excavations ground to a halt . . . the fact remains that, from the actual finds Roman vase donated by Bourbon to archaeology as a source of national can be criticized, as we shall see: his restorations
again. made in earlier excavations, we are justified to Amedeo Maiuri (courtesy prestige. Waldstein died in 1927, but not before ran ahead of the evidence, and sometimes his
James Walston).
Late nineteenth-century guidebooks were hope, nay, bound to expect, that discoveries he had taken a final cruise to the Mediterranean, narratives involved distortion or falsification of
singularly unenthusiastic about Herculaneum. of valuable works of Greek art will be made in disembarked at Naples, and gone to visit Amedeo the evidence. Nevertheless, it is to his drive, vision
Typical is the John Murray handbook of 1892: the future, and this to a far higher degree than Maiuri on site at Herculaneum, just as the new exca- and skill that Herculaneum owes the reversal of the
at Pompeii or any other site hitherto known in vations were beginning. Maiuri was deeply moved fall from grace that it has experienced ever since
The Scavi Nuovi are entered by an iron gate classic lands. to be able to realize the dream of a dying man, and Winckelmann’s letter of 1762. Waldstein under-
on the l[eft] of the Vico di Mare, 5 min. from (From Herculaneum Past Present when Waldstein died shortly after, Maiuri sent his stood the importance of the site, ranking it higher
the entrance to the theatre; for those who have and Future, 1908, page 12.) widow an original Roman glass funerary urn from than Pompeii. Maiuri gave reality to that vision.
already seen Pompeii a sufficiently good idea his excavations, in which the ashes lie still.
of the whole can be obtained from the entrance His prophecy has indeed been borne out, at The Herculaneum we see today is essentially the
without. least to some degree, by subsequent excavations, result of Amedeo Maiuri’s work. A man of aston-
though we are less inclined to define the works of ishing energy, he combined a deep knowledge of
The iron gate can still be seen, hidden behind a art as ‘Greek’, rather than contemporary Roman classical antiquity and an exceptional capacity to
low wall and bushes, on the left (as you go down- versions of older Greek works. communicate with the ability to organize with mili-
hill) of the Vico Mare: a reminder of how small Waldstein led a vigorous international campaign tary precision a massive project of engineering and
and unappealing the site was until transformed by to raise funds for the excavation of Herculaneum complex reconstruction that demanded the close
Maiuri’s excavations. But though the public had between 1903 and 1907. In a remarkable model of co-operation of numerous trades and skills and the
deserted the site, there were scholars who under- a spirit of internationalism, urging that the vast co-ordination of hundreds of workers. Without the
stood its importance and potential. costs of excavation were beyond the reach of any willingness of Mussolini’s government to invest
Charles Waldstein was primarily a Greek one nation state, and that our ideal must be to in recreating ‘ancient Rome’, he could never have
archaeologist. Born in New York, he took up a post overcome the barriers of chauvinism and national started, and a large proportion of the excavation
in classical archaeology at Cambridge in 1880, rivalry, he set about finding support at the highest was indeed carried out between 1927 and the
and became Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, levels: King Edward VII, President Roosevelt and collapse of the regime in 1943. Nevertheless, he
Director of the American School of Archaeology President Loubet of France promised patronage, kept his project going not only through the war
at Athens, and Slade Professor of Fine Art at and the Giolitti government was talked round, not but into the post-war period, and played a crucial
Cambridge, a career of some distinction, even if he without difficulty. Finance was forthcoming, with role in relaunching the Bay of Naples as a prime
was not always welcomed by the British establish- the support of figures such as Pierpont Morgan. destination for the new post-bellum mass tourism.
ment. By the end of the nineteenth century, he was From the first Waldstein stressed internationalism, He was not only the excavator and restorer of
an international authority on Greek art, respected leaving Italy in the lead to avoid any hint of the ancient Herculaneum, but its principal publicist,

62 the politics of ar chaeology the politics of ar chaeology 63


e think of the traces of the past buried the mythological scenes that occupied the walls of
beneath the earth’s surface as having the great public buildings, the scenes of Theseus and
been ‘lost’, and the role of the archae- the Minotaur, Hercules and Telephus or Achilles
ologist as being to ‘save’ them. Lost to sight, certainly. and Chiron, each with dimensions ranging from 1
But at least what is below the ground is in a more to over 2 metres. It was an enormously delicate job
or less stable condition. The damage has been done, to remove these from their walls in a single piece, let
and it has reached some sort of equilibrium with the alone carry them up to the surface without damage.
environment – until, that is, human action comes to The workmen cut through the thick layers of plaster,
disturb it again. The moment we ‘expose’ antiquities and then secured the works in frames of solid wood,
(in the words of the Bourbon publication of The reinforced behind with slates to keep the plaster rigid.
Antiquities of Herculaneum Exposed), we subject The weight was enormous, but the frescoes were in
them to new damage, and to the risk of a second, and the end well preserved in the dry atmosphere of the
this time terminal, destruction. palace museum. What might seem like vandalism
This reflection, familiar to a modern world in turned out to save them.
which conservationists have made their voices heard, Not everything was treated with the same respect.
never troubled the Bourbon tunnellers. They treated Whatever was not a masterpiece could be destroyed.
the remnants of the past with a strange mixture of Frequently the tunnels cut straight through frescoed
reverence and contempt. Statues and frescoes instantly walls and fallen structures. What did not seem worth
achieved the status of ‘lost masters’ and were reveren- preserving was often smashed, and as the suspicions
tially taken to the royal palace for display. Heaving of the court grew that workmen were illicitly selling
them up to the surface, often pieces weighing several fragments to tourists, the king, anxious to maintain
tons, via the rabbit warren of their cunicoli (‘burrows’, his monopoly, ordered that frescoes not brought to
as these tunnels were known), was no joke. Frescoes the surface should be gouged to render them unus-
presented a particular difficulty, because they formed able. We can still see in the Villa of Arianna at Stabiae
part of the integral decoration of walls. Some were the results of this wilful barbarism, which upset many
relatively easy, panels only a few centimetres wide observers at the time. Not even material brought to
and deep, depicting still lives, or landscape vignettes, the surface was safe. Numerous bronze fragments
or cupids at play. These could be hacked out of their were found of a group showing an emperor in a four-
Archival photograph (1930s) original decorative context. This did a permanent horsed chariot, probably from the top of the arch by
of the shop in the front damage to that context, as Maiuri was to discover the Basilica. The task of reassembling these proved
of the House of Neptune when, for instance, he excavated the House of the to be too much of a challenge, and Winckelmann
and Amphitrite, with
Stags to find all the vivid still lives hacked from the lamented that they were first abandoned in a heap in
reconstructed balcony and
wine-rack, and amphorae, walls of the portico. But at least one could re-establish the courtyard of the palace, and then partially melted
grain and a lamp on display. what came from where. Much more challenging were down to make a statue of the Bourbon king himself.

ruins restored 65
The Bourbons had not moved all that far from their predecessors who thought the seeing the houses of the ancient city (which is infinitely more considerable than
classical past was best left buried. Herculaneum) as commodiously as Naples itself.
But voices of concern over the cause of conservation were raised from an
early stage. Winckelmann’s protests rang out across Europe, and King Ferdinand Such advice turned Pompeii into the visitor attraction it is. But it also created
needed to repair his reputation as a barbarian. In July 1766, Conte Coppola, the new levels of risk for the remains. None saw that as clearly as the other English
Royal Chamberlain, commissioned an architect, Ferdinando Fuga, and a painter, knight whose name became so closely associated with the site, Sir William Gell. In
Francesco di Mura, to report on the condition of the frescoes in the royal collection. 1832, after more than a decade of repeated visits to the site, he expressed his deep
Both reported extreme concern at the damage done by the application of modern concern:
varnishes to ‘preserve’ the paintings. Fuga pointed out, correctly, that the paintings
were not pure frescoes, but also had layers of colour applied after the plaster was It has often been noticed, during the winter months, that the stuccoes which
dry, which consequently had a tendency to flake off. The varnishes exacerbated this had been observed perfect, during a first visit to a newly-discovered edifice,
tendency, and he urged careful research into the different pigments and varnishes. had entirely disappeared on a second examination; so that, no traces being left,
The painter di Mura was even clearer. He said the varnish only did damage to the many of the prettiest fancies of antiquity are irrecoverably lost; while the order
paint and made it darker, and that the sort of plaster on which they were based continues to prevent strangers from drawing till three or four years have expired,
would tolerate neither this nor any other sort of varnish or preparation. and the objects become defaced.

Wherefore in all humble respect to Your Majesty, in my feeble opinion I would Gell was of course expressing a personal frustration that he himself, a consum-
say that to conserve as much as possible of the air and spirit of antiquity of these mate draftsman, was being prevented from recording new finds, thanks to a
noble paintings, it is not at all appropriate either to tint them or bathe them in monopoly granted to an Italian architect, who did not even bother to exercise
varnish or in any other type of liquid, but simply to keep them guarded and his right to make images. Even today, the state authorities jealously guard their
protected from the air and the sun’s rays. copyright over the images in their sites, and restrict access to ‘unpublished’ build-
ings (which remain such for many decades). A more enlightened viewpoint might
The authorities did not listen. They continued to apply ever-more modern suggest that images are better conserved by allowing access than by restricting it.
and scientifically advanced preparations up to the paraloids of the late twentieth Once the policy had been adopted at Pompeii of preserving material in the
century, each doing damage. In the nineteenth century it was standard practice to position found on site, a deep, new problem of conservation was created. If you
hurl a bucket of water over a fresco to ‘freshen it up’ for the visitors, doing incal- leave frescoes on their broken walls, open to the weather (let alone ‘refresh’ them
culable damage, and leaving them ultimately faded to nothing. In the twentieth with buckets of water), you guarantee their destruction, and any visitor to Pompeii
century, a mixture of wax and paraffin was designed to rub into the frescoes to today can see the acres of devastation left by this policy, which lasted at least a
keep them bright for longer than the water. Two hundred and forty years after century. The only way to save such frescoes (save removing them from site, which
Francesco di Mura, the modern conservator would say the same thing: protect is maybe not such a stupid policy, after all) is to put a roof over their heads. But in
them from the damp and the sun, and put no liquids and no chemical prepara- that case, you have to decide what sort of a roof. Most of the houses of Pompeii had
tions on them. upper floors, yet only the ground floor was preserved under the blanket of lapilli.
At first it seemed that the priority was to deter the Bourbons from hacking Those who leapt to publish the excavations, with François Mazois, the architect
paintings from the walls. Sir William Hamilton, newly arrived as ambassador supported by Caroline Murat, the French Queen of Naples, dominant during the
to the Bourbon court in 1764, was soon offering advice to the Prime Minister, period of French occupation (1801–15), and William Gell in the vanguard after
Tanucci. The following year, in a letter dated 12 November 1765, he reports: the Bourbon restoration, took particular pleasure in re-imagining the houses
Above: Frescoes damaged by Bourbon excavators. A panel as they were before the eruption, and juxtaposing ‘before’ and ‘after’ views. The
The Marquis Tanucci . . . has lately shown his good taste by ordering that cut out of the Basilica (above) and a figure deliberately scored views of the post-excavation state reveal the absence of roofs; the reconstruc-
through, from the Villa of Ariadne at Stabiae (below).
for the future the workmen employed in the search for Pompeii should not tions put back the original antique roofs (along with the missing decoration,
remove any inscriptions or paintings from the walls, nor fill up after they have Inside: Panoramic view of the Atrium of the Suburban Baths. the furniture, etc.). Consciously or unconsciously, such publications influenced
searched, so that travellers will have the opportunity of walking the streets and the excavators, and when it became clear, under Fiorelli, that it was necessary to

66 ruins restored ruins restored 71

Left: Drawings of the House
of the Tragic Poet by Sir
William Gell. The actual state
(above) and the proposed
reconstruction (below).

Right: Photograph of
Amedeo Maiuri, excavator of
Herculaneum (1927–61).

re-roof a house in order to conserve it, the conclu- Hence, by the time that Amedeo Maiuri set about
sion seemed obvious that a ‘reconstruction’ of the excavating Herculaneum in 1927, the experimenta-
original condition was the way to go. By the end of tion of a previous century of restoration determined
the century, when the House of the Vettii in Pompeii the broad approach he would use. Material should be
was excavated in a remarkable state of preservation by left, so far as possible, on site in its original position,
Fiorelli’s successor Giulio De Petra, it was equipped not sent back to the museum in Naples, and the struc-
with a series of rooflines that certainly evoked the tures, where the conservation of valuable decoration
impression of a Roman building, even if the use of demanded, should be restored so far as possible to
cement and iron was modern. It was thus not until their original condition in the original style. There
the 1890s that the model of ‘reconstruction’ that was was already a cautionary tale on site that underlined
to become typical was born. the importance of immediate reconstruction. When

72 ruins restored ruins restored 73

Reconstruction by Maiuri Original structures

the House of Argus was excavated in the first half of where careful volumetric measurements have been Above: North–south cross-
sections of the House of the
the nineteenth century, it was found to have a partial undertaken, the House of the Telephus Relief, the
Gem and the Telephus Relief,
upper floor (something exceptional in Pompeii, but architects calculate that no more than 50 per cent of looking west (above) and east
normal in Herculaneum), including a consider- what is standing is antique: the rest is Maiuri’s recon- (below). Parts shaded in blue
able quantity of carbonized foodstuffs stored there. struction. We have to remind ourselves continuously are modern reconstruction
(drawing by Gionata Rizzi).
The upper floor was left unprotected, and, already that what we see is not the raw evidence, but a
weakened by earlier tunnelling, it started to collapse. re-presentation, one done with consummate skill by Right: Archival photographs of
With great regret, the architect Carlo Bonnucci, who an outstanding archaeologist, but incorporating his Maiuri’s excavations, showing
the compressor for pneumatic
was in charge of excavations from 1828 to 1855, was own interpretations.
drills (above left), trucks for
forced to demolish what remained, something that Because these excavations were documented spoils (above right) and horses
later to Maiuri seemed a scandalous loss. He did not photographically, and occasionally even filmed, as for towing (below).
intend to make the same mistake himself. well as painstakingly recorded in the daybooks of the
The consequence, one which every visitor to the excavations, we can follow the process in detail. In
site needs to keep in mind, is that what we see is not doing so, our admiration for Maiuri only grows. He
an ancient town as preserved by an eruption, but was fearless in using modern technology. A splendid
fragments painstakingly pieced together, stabilized, Ingersoll-Rand compressor powers his pneumatic
reinforced and ‘restored’ by Maiuri. In one house drills, and is proudly recorded for posterity. Tracks

74 ruins restored ruins restored 75

are laid for a railway for removing the spoils, with iron skips pulled
by horses. (The tracks were also recycled as joists for reconstructing
concrete lintels.) The army of workmen, whose names are daily
recorded in the diary, are carefully co-ordinated. They move with
seamless speed from excavation to reconstruction.
Three shots from the same spot taken over three successive
years show the progress of the reconstruction of the atrium of the
House of the Telephus Relief. In 1934, the tops of three columns
peep shyly from the volcanic shroud. A year later, the columns are
not merely exposed, but have had an architrave and roof restored
above them. In the foreground two other columns can be seen,
these without architrave. In the final shot, belonging to 1936, the
reconstructed architrave is complete, turning the corner closest
to the camera. Between the columns the original marble plaques
have been suspended, called oscilla because of their oscillation in
the wind, to reveal fine low-relief carvings on both sides. In the
background, the excavation appears to have been pushed back to
embrace the peristyle garden. The scene is decked out festively for
the arrival of Mussolini. The speed of reconstruction is admirable,
and the impact on visitors, with the original marble decorations in
place, impressive (the viewer cannot see behind their right shoulder
the larger marble plaque depicting the healing of the wounded
Telephus by Achilles, a magnificent neo-Attic relief – moved for
the convenience of visitors from its original position elsewhere).
The whole is a careful composition, with the visitor in mind. It is
also in part false, because the central basin, or impluvium, with
its high edging, shows that the atrium roof originally covered the
central space. Maiuri has used the columns which supported an
upper floor to turn it into a peristyle-type atrium.
Another eye-catching example of visitor presentation is the
House of Neptune and Amphitrite, or rather the shop with flat

Right: Archival photographs of the excavation of the atrium of the House of the
Telephus Relief in 1934 (top), 1935 (middle) and 1936 (bottom).

Opposite: Archival photograph of the site c.1937, looking over the House of the
Gem and the House of the Telephus Relief from the south-east. Note the relief
after which the house is named is still in its original position.

Overleaf: Marble neo-Attic relief showing Achilles consulting the Delphic Sybil
(left), and healing the seated Telephus with the rust from his spear (right).

76 ruins restored ruins restored 77

above in its frontage. The fact that the street where
it is located, Cardo IV, is rather narrow and rises
steeply, combined with the fact that the pavement
opposite is unusually high, means that the visitor
can see this house as a sort of cross-section or
cut-away, operating on two levels. Below, the shop
is revealed in more intimate detail than any other
surviving Roman shop. The counter is visible with
its earthenware containers (dolia), rendered easier to
see by the partial collapse of a part of the counter.
The dolium at the end of the counter has been filled
with the carbonized grain it ‘originally’ contained.
On the counter is displayed in a glass case a range
of the pottery used in the shop. Behind, to one side,
the ‘original’ carbonized wooden rack supports the
‘original’ amphorae from which various wines were
served. At the back, even more amazingly, is the
‘original’ wooden partition with screen, creating
a small backroom for the shop, with a storage area
above, and amphorae duly stored there. From the
beam hangs – delightful detail – an ‘original’ bronze
lamp; below it is the cooking hearth. But then, step
back and look into the upper portion of the cut-away.
Because no upper wall has been restored, we see
directly into the bedroom, with a small marble table,
and a leg of the ‘original’ bronze couch attached to
the wall. Here is an independent flat, with its own
stove and latrine. Ancient life reaches out to touch us
with extraordinary immediacy.
Yet it is all stagecraft. The wood is not original – it
is largely modern reconstruction, with some frag-
ments of carbonized wood prominently incorporated.
We know from the excavation diaries that, where
necessary, Maiuri had no scruples about displaying Left above: Archival view of the façade of the House of Neptune Interior of the shop in the House of Neptune and Amphitrite, in an
and Amphitrite, showing ‘cut-away’ effect of restoration of upper archival photograph (above) showing the display of artefacts on
artefacts actually found elsewhere. There is no reason
floor. the counter, as well as amphorae and a suspended lamp, and in a
to be confident that this grain was found here, not watercolour reconstruction by Maiuri (opposite).
(as so often) in an upper storey. The amphorae may
be reassembled from this and other houses. What
we are looking at is a skilful composite, true to the
spirit of the original, but not actually archaeological
evidence of what was found.

80 ruins restored ruins restored 81

In another case, the shop of the ‘weaving girl’, Maiuri’s passion
for a good story evidently carried him away. As displayed to
the public, the backroom of the shop contained the skeleton of
a teenage girl lying on a couch. By her couch is the little loom,
on which she was weaving before the eruption, a small stool with
marquetry decoration in front of it for her to work from. A small
marble table rests against the left-hand wall, and a bronze cande-
labrum provides illumination on the right. The excavation diaries
tell a very different story. They report the bed and the skeleton of
a ‘young boy’, and otherwise ‘no finds’. Maiuri has carefully put
together this composition, and the entire story of the weaving girl.
Deeply touching, but not actually true.
It is not clear that Maiuri was actually in the business of
misleading the public. It was a new, and inspired, idea to display a
good selection of the objects excavated actually on site, so restoring
a sense of ‘real life’, aided by the survival of carbonized wood and
grain, going well beyond what was possible at Pompeii, as in the
House of the Vettii. In moving things around, like the fine Telephus
relief, he did not want to deceive (he left the hole from which it was
removed clearly legible) but to save the visitor effort, to give them
a more immediate experience. In his guidebook, published with looked. Closer inspection reveals that 70 per cent of the roofed
great promptness, he explains precisely where the Telephus relief spaces have modern flat roofs in poured concrete. It is a clever
was found, and the fact that the atrium had a Tuscan roof above solution, because they are virtually invisible from above, and save
a second floor, so that the roof above the columns of the peristyle the archaeologist from having to reconstruct what he knew to have
was not the original one. But gradually, the reconstructions came been there: an upper storey. And they work well to protect the
to assume the value of original evidence, and by 1958, in his prin- frescoed walls and marble-inlaid floors below, so long, that is, as
cipal publication of the site, he had completely fallen for his own they are properly maintained, gutters and downpipes unblocked,
story of the little weaving girl. plants kept at bay from the roofs and wall-crests. The modern
From the point of view of presentation of evidence, Maiuri does crisis of Herculaneum started when the maintenance programme
not pass today’s much higher standards of purism. His reconstruc- established by Maiuri stopped.
tions have come to be seen as a sort of falsification. Might it have Just how well he did, and how far short more recent times have
been better to leave the ancient structures stabilized but not recon- fallen, is clear when one considers the excavations of the 1990s that
structed, and instead create some great shelter over them, like the made a first step towards the planned excavation of the Villa of the
structure that now covers a block of houses at Ephesus in Turkey? Papyri. The project was proposed and financed as a project of pure
This is a conservation debate that will long rumble on, reflecting excavation without provision for conservation of the site. The exca-
the changing ideological priorities of each age. What Maiuri, vation revealed (as excavations always do) many surprises. Instead
however, achieved very effectively was the reliable conservation of of finding an empty seashore separating the villa from the town, it
the remains. Seen from the modern approach to the south, the site revealed an impressive series of buildings, the lower, seaward parts of
Above: View of the upper floor of the House of Neptune and gives the impression of a little hilltop town, with charming tiled the most westerly blocks of the town, then a bathing establishment,
roofs sloping down, and palms, pines and pomegranates growing and finally the lower terrace and swimming pool associated with
Opposite: Detail of bed. in the gardens. For a moment, you can believe this is how the town the villa. Unlike Maiuri’s excavation, restoration did not go hand-in-

82 ruins restored ruins restored 83

Above: The ‘room of the little weaving girl’ as reconstructed
by Maiuri, showing the skeleton on the bed, the loom, and
furniture. Everything except the bed and skeleton has been
moved from other locations.

Left: Detail of the same loom.

Right: Aerial view of the site c.1955, before the expropriation

and demolition of the houses in the north-western corner.

84 ruins restored
Left: Excavation trench
running to the Villa of the
Papyri, seen in 2006 before
conservation work.

Below left: Details of

structures scored by the teeth
of a mechanical digger.

Below right: Flooding of the

seashore in 2000 caused by
the breakdown of the pumps.

hand with excavation, and archaeological supervision allowed the water to penetrate, destroying the mosaics View of the site from the
south, looking over the House
was minimal. Workmen with heavy earth-moving below. To make matters worse, the pumps necessary of the Stags towards Vesuvius.
equipment tore through ancient structures, leaving to keep a site such as this dry, lying partly below the
the marks of metal teeth in wooden beams, plaster- water table, were underspecified, and rapidly broke
work, even gouged deeply into brick masonry. There down, causing a major inundation.
was no money, and no time, to put shelters over what The entire site was at risk, and voices from abroad,
had been found, and large plastered surfaces were left the modern successors of Charles Waldstein, pleaded
exposed to the pitiless elements. Only the atrium of desperately for the excavations to continue. What they
the villa itself was given a temporary cover, and one did not understand is that excavation, in itself, does
so crude and flimsy as to offer as much damage as not save a site: it subjects it to the risk of destruction.
protection. Concrete footings were laid on mosaic Until, after over two and a half centuries of excavation
floors, and the plastic sheet roofing, bombarded by at this site, we learn to save what we expose, we must
rubbish hurled from the modern town above, soon continue to ask: ‘Why do we dig up the past?’

86 ruins restored ruins restored 87


hy this town here? Location, location, Municipality of Ercolano), such ravines would be
location. The Augustan geographer particularly deep. Herculaneum lay on soft rock,
Strabo, in his sweep around the Bay formed by an eruption perhaps no more than 8,000
of Naples, speaks with particular enthusiasm of the years before the present, and then modified by water
position of Herculaneum, ‘set on a promontory that into a promontory with steep sides.
juts into the sea, and wonderfully exposed to the Its south-westerly exposure and its flanking rivers
breezes of the south-westerly Libyan wind, making also made Herculaneum a good anchorage. Another
it a healthy place to stay’. The eruption so dramati- Greek writer, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, in his
cally transformed the landscape that it is now hard Roman Antiquities written in the late first century
indeed to imagine this promontory kissed by the bc, attributes the name of the town to Hercules (in
sea breezes. The shoreline moved outwards by 400 Greek Herakleion, named after Heracles) and to the
metres in a matter of 24 hours, and Ercolano now fact the hero anchored his fleet in the safe haven
forms one unbroken strip with neighbouring Portici here, adding that ‘it has safe moorings in all seasons’.
and Torre del Greco. Gone too are the rivers about Strabo’s gentle Libyan winds meet Dionysius’ safe
which a Roman historian wrote (his history survives haven, and conjure up an image of a spot that was
only in fragments – if only the Villa of the Papyri truly blessed, between the fertile green slopes of
would restore us texts like this!). Cornelius Sisenna, Vesuvius and the glittering crescent of the bay. It is
before his death in 67 bc, wrote about the Social harder to imagine today, amid the discordant chaos
War of 91–89 bc, the brutal civil war in which many of one of the most densely inhabited areas in Europe;
of Rome’s Italian allies, especially those who spoke yet in the evening, when the setting sun bathes the
not Latin but Oscan, made a bid for independence. site in golden light, you can catch for a moment
Herculaneum, like its neighbour Pompeii, took sides the advantages of the south-westerly exposure, and
with their fellow Oscan-speakers against Rome. In understand why the rich were so keen to build houses
a citation that survives by chance, he describes a on the lip of the promontory that caught the healthy
Roman commander approaching Herculaneum as breeze and enjoyed the incomparable view.
‘a town on a steep rise by the sea, with little walls, How long before the eruption had this promon-
between two rivers beneath Vesuvius’ (he made tory been inhabited, and by whom? To recognize
the Latin for ‘river’ feminine not masculine, and so Hercules as the founder was inevitable: the busy
Cardo IV viewed from the caught the eye of a grammarian). The soft volcanic hero in his travels around the Mediterranean
north. Note the columns to tufo is easily gouged by torrents descending the steep founded many cities in his name, including Iraklion
support the upper balconies,
slopes of the mountain, and since Herculaneum is (Herakleion) in Crete, the harbour of the Minoan
and the lead pipes running
close to the surface of the at the point of the coast closest to the crater (most palace of Knossos. He thus links two famous archae-
pavement. of which still lies within the jurisdiction of the ological sites. Hercules had been busy in Italy, and

the town and its set ting 89

Panoramic view of the site
more specifically at Rome, getting rid of the monster Cacus, and the historian distant past, from before historical times. On the Bay of Naples, historical times
from the south.
Dionysius suggests that after founding Herculaneum, the Italians gave him begin with the arrival of the Greek colonists in the eighth century bc. First was
divine honours in thanks for everything he had done for them. Certainly, by the the settlement on Ischia, which they called Pithecoussa, ‘Monkey Island’; then
time it was a Roman city, Hercules was worshipped in Herculaneum, and the in the late eighth century bc came the foundation of the important colony of
inhabitants were doubtless well aware of the Roman links. The town, as we will Cumae, named after the Euboean city of Kyme, which had particularly strong
see, was very conscious of its divine patron. presence here, and left its variant of the alphabet for locals to imitate. Finally
Nevertheless, the archaeologist is hard pressed to give substance to this story. came Neapolis, the ‘new city’ of the fifth century that replaced the older settle-
Of course, you cannot excavate the founding of a city by a mythological hero, ment (in retrospect, Palaeopolis, but named mythologically Parthenope) of the
but at the very least, the story should imply continuous inhabitation since the seventh century. A foundation by Hercules implies something earlier than these.

90 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 91
Strabo, more prosaically, says that Herculaneum On one point all these ancient sources are agreed,
had the same story as Pompeii, being held first at least by silence. Nobody wants to say, despite its
by the Oscans, then by the Etruscans, next by the name, that Herculaneum/Herakleion was a Greek
Samnites, and finally by the Romans. This rather town founded by Greek colonists. We had better
schematic account would also push the foundation assume they knew what they were talking about,
before the arrival of the Greeks, since the arrival of as Greek colonial foundation myths were proudly
the Etruscans in Campania in the seventh and sixth treasured by their inhabitants.
centuries was a response to the Greek presence, and To return to location: Herculaneum is very close
Strabo is suggesting there was a local Oscan settle- indeed to Naples. It is 5 kilometres to the outskirts
ment before ever the Etruscans arrived. Strabo may of Naples, 10 to the centre. Nor, apart from the
not be the only source who located Etruscans in rivers that once flanked the promontory, are there
Herculaneum. The Greek philosopher and botanist any significant geographical obstacles. The route is
Theophrastus, writing his History of Plants in the flat, and indeed attracted the first railway line built
Left: View of the site from the early third century bc, talks of a noxious herb called in Italy, by the Bourbon Ferdinand II in 1839. This
south at sunset.
‘ephemerum’ against which there is no remedy, proximity means that whoever lived in Herculaneum
Below: View from the north- favoured by slaves trying to poison their masters, had to take account of Naples. Even if Oscan was
western corner looking south. about which, he throws in casually, ‘the Etruscans their first language, they are liable to have been
in Heraclea’ have made sufficient researches. Our Greek speakers too, so long as the Greek language
‘Heraclea’ is the only one within Etruscan territory. was dominant on the northern bay (as it still was



Cumae Neapolis

Dicaearchia Palaeopolis
Pithecoussa Pompeii
Equense Pontecagnano

Plan of the Bay of Naples,

Greek colony
indicating the location of
Greek colonies founded in Etruscan influence
the eighth to sixth centuries
0 10 20km
bc, and the local Oscan
foundations under Etruscan
influence in the same period.

92 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 93
in the first century ad). One of the striking features of Greek colonization of
southern Italy is how, having occupied an unbroken stretch of coast from the
heel of Italy to the colony they called Poseidonia, and the Romans Paestum,
there is a break, without Greek settlements, from Salerno to Vesuvius. The north
of the Bay of Naples then forms an island of Greekness, after which, north of
Cumae, no further settlements occurred. Evidently the people from the sea had
tough negotiations with the locals, and lines were drawn. And much though they
doubtless would have liked to continue the settlement strip southwards from
their first foothold in Ischia, the locals were strong enough to keep them out.
These locals, speaking the central Italic language called Oscan, had links through
to the peoples of the interior, including those whom the Romans called Samnites.
They were also reinforced in their separateness, at least from the seventh to the
fifth centuries, by the Etruscans, who left traces of their own language from
Pompeii to Salerno. Hence Herculaneum represents the northernmost bulwark
of a non-Greek block.
It would be fascinating to recover traces of what Herculaneum was like in this
period, as has been done for Pompeii. But the archaeology of the site is obstinate
in disgorging no sign of life earlier than the fourth century bc, a period in which
Greek influence, after a series of defeats, was very much on the wane, and the
Samnites of the interior were, as Strabo states, dominant. Perhaps the oldest visible
feature of the site is its street plan. It forms a grid of rectangular blocks, or insulae,
sloping down to the seawall, with which it aligns. The pattern is one familiar from
many Italian cities. In Roman towns, a distinction was drawn between the broad
streets that cut horizontally across the town, preferably west–east (decumani),
and the narrower vertical streets that dropped from north to south (cardines).
(The Latin word cardo also means the hinge of a door, that is, the vertical axis on
which it turns.) Herculaneum fits this pattern; if we take Vesuvius as north, as
is traditional for sheer convenience, the three visible cardines are north–south,
though of course the south-westerly orientation that so impressed Strabo means

Left: Cardo IV viewed from

the south.

Right: Detail of Cardo IV,

with the tenements of the
House of Wattlework (a

Overleaf: Panoramic view

of the central portion of the
site, with Cardo IV, from the

94 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 95
96 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 97
Panoramic view of the that, more precisely, they run from north-east to south-west. of Sisenna’s two rivers. There is evidently more of the town to the north of
western edge of the site, with
The excavated portion we can see consists of two decumani: the more north- the Decumanus Maximus, since houses disappear into the escarpment. If the
Cardo III, seen from the
north. erly is significantly broader, and is evidently the main street of the town, hence Decumanus Maximus bisected the town through the middle, as is often supposed,
called, following Latin practice, Decumanus Maximus. Three ‘vertical’ cardines then there may be two rows of insulae or blocks of houses missing; but the lack
are visible, traditionally numbered, from west to east, Cardo III, IV and V. of evidence emerging from under the modern town, north of its main street, the
Two further cardines were marked on the plans made by the Bourbons, hence Corso Resina, might give pause to wonder. We cannot rule out the possibility
numbered from the west I and II, and the steps at the bottom of Cardo II have that only one row of insulae is missing.
been found in the new excavations towards the Villa of the Papyri. The same The layout, as we have seen, can be described in the standard terms of a
excavations verify the Bourbon maps in suggesting that the westernmost block Roman town. But it can equally be described in the terms of a Greek town.
of the town was thinner than the others, with an offset profile, narrowed by the Naples, according to our valued guide Strabo, was divided into broad plateiai
steep drop in the land presumably caused by the passage of the westernmost and narrow stenôpoi. The word plateia itself indicates ‘broad’ and is the origin of

98 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 99
Panoramic view of the eastern the modern piazza or plaza, while stenôpos indicates ‘narrow’. The street pattern down at the ancient seafront has revealed extensive traces of quarrying. The spur
edge of the site, seen from the
of fifth-century bc Neapolis is still clearly legible in the heart of modern Naples, of tufo, which made up this promontory, will originally have sloped gently out to
and its four plateiai have become the central via Tribunali (‘Spaccanapoli’) and its sea. The impression of a cliff face, along which the town walls run, is not natural
parallels. Naples is a grid of four plateiai by twenty or more stenôpoi, an order of but manmade. By quarrying out the stone below, they both made the town more
magnitude greater than little Herculaneum. If Strabo was right that Herculaneum defensible against attacks from the sea, and provided a ready source of building
went back to antiquity like Pompeii, we cannot see it. The visible remains belong material for construction of the town walls themselves (though it must be admitted
to a city laid out in the fourth century bc at the earliest, and maybe later, with a that the earliest walls we can see are made of river-washed boulders). Cutting the
street grid broadly imitating that of its neighbour Neapolis. cliff face also provided the alignment on which the road system is based, so it
We can add another significant element to the argument. Recent excavation should all have happened at the same time. Who the enemies they feared were, we

100 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 101
can no longer tell, Greeks, Samnites, Carthaginians
coming in from the sea, Romans, or just pirates, ever
a scourge of the Italian coast. Strabo calls the town a
phrourion, meaning a ‘garrison’ or ‘hill fort’. Maybe
it was the last outpost of the local Oscans against the
Greeks, but respectfully modelled on their ideas.
Important new light on the shape of the town has
been cast by recent geological studies. The eastern
(strictly south-eastern) side of the town disappears
rather abruptly into the escarpment, on the top of
which runs the access road established by Maiuri.
This escarpment cuts off the town before its edge: the
Palaestra visibly disappears into the rock face, while
to the south, the garden of the House of the Telephus
Relief and the associated range of rooms similarly
disappear. Ironically, as a series of geological core
samples have demonstrated, the excavation stops
only just too soon. The natural tufo spur drops off
steeply to the east of Cardo V. Both the Palaestra and
the House of the Telephus Relief are constructed on
artificial terraces, ramping out the natural slope to
the east, and so enabling construction on several
levels. Instead of respecting the alignment of the
street grid, they are built at an angle, responding to
the contours of the land as it drops. The edge of these
terraces is only a matter of metres further east, step-
ping down towards the sea.
If one of Sisenna’s rivers sliced down to the east of
the Palaestra, it is surely here we should be looking
for the harbour of the town, so sheltered as to attract
a Hercules. At the foot of the tower-like building
constructed above the shore at the most southerly
point of the House of the Telephus Relief, there
are numerous signs of damage by the sea, coming
Left: Views of the junction in from a south-easterly direction. Had there been
of the Decumanus Maximus
further buildings in this direction, this could not be
and Cardo IV, from the
west (above) and the north so. The mouth of the harbour will lie just beyond,
(below). approximately under the new ticket office for the
Right: View down Cardo
IV from the north, with the On the other flank, we can be reasonably confi-
Superintendent, Piero Guzzo. dent of the location of Sisenna’s second river. As

102 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 103
The Herculaneum South-eastern valley
Valley flank

Area detailed in B and C

Upper pyroclasts

Valley bottom

About 20 metres
Reddish tufo River bed

A Alluvium

About 20 metres Left: Sections showing the House of the Telephus Relief terraced out over the
natural drop in levels.
on landfill
Below: Test trench in the Vicolo Meridionale to the south of the Palaestra,
showing steep drop in natural terrain to the east.


we have seen, the insulae to the west are narrowed, curtailed by

the edge of the ravine. The westernmost building of the town is
the Theatre. This is slightly off alignment with the main street
grid. Presumably, like the Palaestra to the east, it had to take into
account the steep contours of the land. Then, between the western
insulae and the Villa of the Papyri itself, there is a sort of blank
without ancient constructions, which has been taken to mark the
mouth of the river. The villa itself, distinctly built like a country
residence as opposed to a town one, must be outside the town
walls, and is on a different alignment from the town, responding
instead to the angle of the coast.
We have, then, not a bad idea of the outlines of the town,
to south, west and east. The only real uncertainty is how far it
stretched north. The present excavations, at their widest dimen-
sions roughly 200 × 230 metres, cover approximately 4.5 hectares.
The full town must have been at least 15 hectares, perhaps 20
at the most. Compared to Pompeii’s 66 hectares, Herculaneum
is truly a pocket city, not even a third, maybe a quarter the size
of its neighbour. Pompeii in turn is much smaller than the 90
hectares or so of ancient Neapolis. Scale makes a big difference.
By modern standards, Herculaneum is no more than a village of
Above: Plan of site, showing at best a few thousand inhabitants.
isomorphs which reveal The basic outline of the town, then, probably goes back to a
the underlying shape of the
local Oscan-speaking settlement of the fourth century bc, if not
natural terrain (heights above
modern sea level marked in before. Its origins lie in the period when the main players in the
metres). area were the Greek colonists of the south and the Samnite peoples

104 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 105
of the interior. But of this settlement, scarcely a trace Herenteis. The dedication is enough to remind us of Above: Excavation trench Above: View of the Sanctuary the wrong side of Sulla was no comfortable experi- imported food supply. Where business (negotium)
leading to the Villa of the of Venus on a terrace outside
remains except in its street pattern. The context of a pre-Roman past largely deleted by the buildings of the town walls.
ence, and Herculaneum doubtless suffered severe led, leisure (otium) followed. Near modern Pozzuoli,
Papyri, after conservation
the Bay of Naples was transformed by the arrival the first centuries bc and ad. work and new protective punishment, including confiscation of lands. This its Roman phase now dramatically visible beneath
of Rome, first as an ally of Naples in 327 bc, and What spelled the end of this phase when shelters (2009). There is no Overleaf: Aerial view of the might explain in part why it is hard to see the Oscan the earthquake-damaged centre, the sulphur springs
sign of a river between the site towards the north-east.
tightening its grasp of the area in the early third Herculaneum spoke a language other than Latin, town – but only in part, since Pompeii, which fell to of Solfatara still attract intermittent tourist interest.
town and the Villa of the
century bc. Just how hard it is to see pre-Roman and called its magistrates and gods by non-Latin a Sullan siege, preserves many traces of this past. The sulphur springs were more active in antiquity,
Herculaneum is reflected in the fact that one soli- names, though nevertheless fighting alongside By the first century bc, the degree and char- especially at Baiae, across the bay immediately west
tary public inscription has been found in the Oscan Rome as an ally, was the Social War of 91–89 bc. Inside: Panoramic view of acter of the Roman presence in the area was much of Puteoli, and the hot steam attracted the interest
Cardo IV from outside the
language, in contrast to the dozens known from Herculaneum, as we have seen, featured with its two changed. The turning point is marked by the foun- of Greek doctors like Asclepiades of Bithynia, who
House of the Wooden Screen.
Pompeii. A marble altar top bore the dedication to rivers in the narrative of the Social War by Sisenna. dation, by Scipio Africanus, the Roman general recommended hot steam baths as a cure-all. Just
Venus by a local magistrate: ‘Lucius Stlabius, son It was probably the scene of the siege and capture who defeated Hannibal, of the Roman colony of as centres like Bath and Brighton flourished in
of Lucius, Aucilus the meddiss tvtiks had it made of Herculaneum by Sulla’s legate, Titus Didius, Puteoli in 194 bc. Deliberately competing with the Georgian England under medical advice, and gener-
for Herenteis Erucina’. He has the authentic title of supported by the loyal Hirpinian commander, old Greek centres of Cumae and Neapolis, it created ated an entire social life in its own right, so Baiae
a Samnite chief magistrate, meddix tuticus as the Minatius Magius of Aeclanum, from whom the a naval and commercial base for Rome that rapidly flourished in the first century bc, and attracted
Romans transliterated it, and Venus, recipient of a Roman historian Velleius Paterculus was proud to established itself as the most important harbour in crowds from Rome. The cocktail of good health,
famous cult at Eryx in Sicily, has her Oscan name of trace his descent (Velleius, Histories 2.16). Being on the western Mediterranean, and a key to Rome’s Greek culture and fashionable company offered

106 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 111
112 her cul aneum her cul aneum 113
by the area turned the entire Bay of Naples into a landowners like Cominius Primus bought and sold properties, With good reason, the original owner of the villa has been
centre for villeggiatura, the Roman rich on holiday. argued over boundaries, and cared for their valued vineyards and identified as Lucius Calpurnius Piso, consul in 58 bc, father-in-
Few members of the Roman elite of this period woodlands. At the heart of each of these estates, fundi, was in all law of Julius Caesar, and target of one of Cicero’s most spectacular
are not attested as owning villas, which stretched, probability a farmhouse or villa. It is only in modern times that invectives, the speech Against Piso. The evidence is circumstantial,
in Strabo’s words, like a continuous development ‘villa’ has come to indicate a lavish building. The basic distinc- not documentary. Of the papyrus scrolls that have been painstak-
around the entire crescent of the bay. It is this tion in Latin is between a town house, domus, and a country ingly unfurled and deciphered, a very large proportion contain
massive presence of Roman wealth, both through house, villa. The architect Vitruvius, writing towards the end of works of Epicurean philosophy, in which the work of Philodemus
the trade of Puteoli and the spending of the leisured the first century bc, had considerable qualms about suggesting of Gadara is dominant. Piso was a prominent patron of Epicurean
rich, that is the context for the transformation of any particular recipe for the construction of a villa other than the philosophy, and Cicero represents him in his invective as living on
visible Herculaneum. provision of suitable farm buildings, cow-byres, stables, haylofts, particularly close terms with a particular Epicurean philosopher,
By no coincidence, Herculaneum is as well threshing floors and the like. Rather grudgingly, he concedes that a man of great learning and humanity (unlike Piso himself). The
known for a single villa outside its walls as for those wishing to build more ‘delicately’ can apply exactly the same philosopher is not named, but is surely, as the ancient commenta-
the town itself. The relationship of the Villa of the rules as for building a town house, though he is sarcastic about tors claimed, Philodemus, who explicitly dedicated to him his essay
Papyri to the town is emblematic of the relation- this taste for ‘suburban’ comfort. ‘On the Good King in Homer’. It is a little difficult to imagine who
ship of Roman to local. When the elder Pliny took As Vitruvius was well aware, his ideology was out of step with would have kept such a comprehensive collection of the works of
a squadron of ships into the path of the erupting contemporary practice. Luxury villas were a major expression Philodemus in his library, if not Piso.
volcano, it was not to rescue the local population, west to the unexplored limit to the east, exceeds 220 Above: An example of partly of wealth and status, and had developed an idiom of their own, Whether or not Piso was the owner, the villa is anything but the
unrolled papyrus scroll from
but to respond to the urgent message of a villa metres, and is comparable to the excavated seafront characterized by spaciousness, laxitas, built round successions of country house attached to a country estate of one of the population
the Villa of the Papyri.
owner: Rectina the wife of Tascius, or Cascus or of the town. Contemporaries complained of villas colonnaded porticoes or ‘peristyles’. Vitruvius ironically expresses of Herculaneum. It only makes sense as the luxury villa of a member
Caesius (Pliny the Younger, Letters 6.16.8). By a bold built like cities, and this sort of scale shows why. Overleaf: Panoramc view of the villa as an inversion of the town house: whereas in the town, of the high Roman aristocracy. It is not difficult to imagine that
the newly excavated room on
leap of etymology, the Bourbon antiquarians saw in But it was the finds that gave the villa its fame and the atrium precedes the peristyle, the suburban villa proceeds the villa was built on land confiscated by Sulla from Herculaneum
the lower terrace of the Villa
her name the origin of the name of the village that name: first the exceptional collection of statues, of the Papyri. from peristyle to atrium. That succession, which is far from after the Social War, and awarded to one of his friends. Nor is its
was then still named Resina, until its renaming as some sixty-three in bronze and some twenty-four being a universal rule, can be seen in the Villa of the Mysteries at collection of statues the usual garden furniture that Vesuvian town
Ercolano in 1969. The idea still occasionally reap- in marble, and then the 1,800 or so carbonized Pompeii, the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum – and also the houses, or even a grand villa like that at Oplontis, could display.
pears, in the context of the relaunch of a tourist jetty rolls of papyrus. Much has been written of this Villa of Arianna at Stabiae and the villa at Settefinestre, near Cosa Cicero, who used his friend Atticus as agent in his pursuit of suit-
called Portus Resinae. The connection will not work, villa and its collections, and the papyri themselves in Etruria. But the cases are very different. The peristyle of the able sculptures for his own philosophical villa, the ‘Academy’ at
because, even if Rectina could become Resina (as are of such outstanding importance as to merit a Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii is part of a working farm: the Tusculum, could never rise to the level of this collection. It is at a
opposed to Rettina), Roman naming conventions learned journal in their own right. There is no need rooms that open off it include the kitchens and the wine-pressing level to which only the high elite of the late Roman republic could
would ensure that the villa, if called after her rather to add to this discussion here, except in so far as the room, and none of the elegant reception rooms of the house open aspire, ransacking the east for statuary and libraries in their desire
than after her husband, would be in adjectival form, understanding of the villa adds to that of the town. on this space, but instead concentrate around the atrium. There is to look like eastern kings. The model is neither the country villa
ending ‘-iana’, and based on her (unknown) gentile Herculaneum, like any Roman town, had a a distinct contrast of rustic and urban, utilitarian and luxurious. nor the town domus, but the palaces of the Hellenistic kingdoms.
name. Nor, it is clear, was the Villa of the Papyri her surrounding territory under its jurisdiction. The The Villa of the Papyri also has fine reception rooms around This is a mouseion, a place dedicated to the Muses, to collections
villa. But the point is that the admiral of the Roman territory of the present Comune di Ercolano its atrium, which cannot be the entrance area to the complex of art and philosophical texts. By no coincidence did J. Paul Getty
fleet could unthinkingly give priority to a villa over stretches as far as the crater of Vesuvius, though it since it stands over an edge dropping down to the sea, allowing use it as the basis for his own museum at Malibu; the architec-
a city, something that the sheer wealth of the Villa is bounded to the west by that of Portici, and to the magnificent views for those rooms. But on the other hand, there ture, which makes no sense either for a Roman farmhouse or for
of the Papyri makes a little less incomprehensible. east by Torre del Greco. Such settlements did not is nothing remotely rustic about either of its peristyles, both of a Californian ranch, is perfect for a collection of antiquities. The
Since its exploration by tunnelling, at the hands exist in antiquity, and the boundaries of the ancient which were crammed with valuable works of art. The Villa of modern world constantly reproduces effects designed in antiquity.
of the excellent engineer, Karl Weber, between 1750 town must have been with Neapolis to the north- the Papyri therefore represents a large step further away from The modern tourist industry, in turning the Bay of Naples into a
and 1760, this villa has held an exceptional place in west and Pompeii to the south-east: where exactly the rural origins of the villa ideal. It does not form part of the world of hotels, seemingly living in a parallel universe to the local
the popular imagination. This is due only in part to we cannot tell. It was a territory rich with farmland, integral relationship of town and country, the symbol of the rural social and economic realities, reproduces the effect established by
its size; its seafrontage, from the Belvedere in the and we will meet (page 143–5) documents in which productivity that supports the town, but represents a rupture. the Romans with their luxury villas.

114 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 115
Our understanding of the Villa of the
Papyri and its relationship to the town
of Herculaneum will be limited until
the modern campaign of excavations is
carried to a more satisfactory conclusion.
The campaign of excavation undertaken
between 1996 and 1999 uncovered no
more than a corner of the villa, limited to
its atrium area. Yet it gave results of funda-
mental importance for the understanding
of the villa’s context. By opening a vast
trench to connect the villa to the main site,
and by taking the excavation down to the
level of the ancient shore, it demonstrated
that both the villa and the houses on the
western edge of the town had lower levels
reaching down to the shore. The hasty and
crude work of the initial excavation was put
right in part by a campaign conducted by
the Soprintendenza in 2008. It confirmed
the magnificence of the lower terrace of
the villa, with its pool close to the seashore,
Opposite: Ivory relief depicting a scene of
and its exquisitely carved furniture in wood vintage, discovered in conservation work near
and ivory. Simultaneously, it demonstrated the Villa of the Papyri.
the splendour of the house at the western
This page: Marble relief depicting a religious
edge of the town, decorated with hand- scene, Zeus and a dancing Maenad, at the
some neo-Attic reliefs. What is missing is moment of discovery in a house in the south-
the gap in the middle, a stretch of about western edge of the town (left), and after
restoration (above).
50 metres between the edge of the villa
terrace and the baths, which represent the Overleaf: View of the eastern end of the
westernmost building of the town. In that Decumanus Maximus.

gap is supposed to be the outlet of Sisenna’s

second river, and possibly a secondary port
or haven. Further excavation should answer
these questions.

118 the town and its set ting the town and its set ting 119

n the vaults down by the
seashore, the bodies of the last
inhabitants were found in their
hundreds, crowded by the dozen into
each space. There they took refuge
from a catastrophe that they hoped
they might survive, one in the form
of a tremendous earthquake, only to
find themselves overwhelmed by the
catastrophe they had never imagined,
a pyroclastic surge that reduced their
bodies to skeletons in a matter of
seconds, if not fractions of a second.
When someone dies of thermal shock,
their tendons involuntarily contract
into the ‘pugilist’ position of a boxer
in self-defence. The sight is familiar
in the victims of catastrophic fires
and bomb explosions. But so swift
was their death that the process of
involuntary contraction was not even
complete before they died. What is left,
after careful excavation, is a shocking
sight. One can only look with dismay
at the remains of fellow humans so
instantaneously snuffed out. The effect
of the intense heat is to deprive the
skeletons of their humanity, of all the
elements that enable us to recognize
Left: Bronze portrait from the someone, to ‘put a face to them’. Yet
House of the Bronze Herm. the paradox is that this state of fright-
ening anonymity is, after all, legible.
Right: Skeletons from the
seashore, as discovered in Advances in forensic science and
1984. palaeo-osteology, the science of study

inhabitants 123
of the bones of the past, mean that each skeleton can to work with a giant jigsaw puzzle in which many or
be carefully individuated, by gender, age, medical most of the pieces are missing, and those that survive
history and (to some extent) social condition. can only too easily be confused for something else.
Much, as we will see, can be said about these How rewarding it would be to take a skeleton from
victims. Yet nothing will restore their names. We the arches, give him or her a name, assign them a
do indeed have names of the inhabitants in great house, find their dossier of legal documents, identify
abundance. Inscriptions and dedications allow us to their portrait, and then recount the details of their
reconstruct much about the town’s ruling elite over diet. It is never going to work like that. We have to
at least a century. The largest and most important operate at a more generic level, characterizing the
inscription preserved in Herculaneum gives us sort of population they were, what their names,
more than this: the names of up to 500 inhabitants, documents, houses, portraits and diet may tell us
all male and of free status. Even more precious, we about them. Like ghosts, their faces will slip in and
have dossiers of wooden tablets, archives from no out of focus, at one moment vividly present, at the
less than eight of the houses, totalling some 160 next frustratingly out of reach and unknowable.
separate documents. These not only illustrate vividly The skeletons are a good place to start. We have
the life histories of a select group of inhabitants, but, the advantage of knowing that they are all precisely
thanks to the Roman insistence of having every legal contemporary, though on which day exactly they died
document witnessed by at least seven people, provide we can no longer say, since the scientific evidence
hundreds of names from the last two decades of the piles up against the traditional date of 24 August
town’s life, as many as 650 separate individuals. It ad 79 being right. To judge from the ripe pomegran-
is rare, anywhere in the Roman world, to have the ates and other botanical evidence, it was a day in late
evidence of hundreds of contemporary skeletons, or October or November. The date of 24 August given
to know hundreds of contemporary names, let alone in the younger Pliny’s vivid description is, after all,
to have both such sources of information. But that is only one of a number of variants given by the manu-
not, of course, all. We have a good proportion of their scripts, and another source speaks clearly of the ‘late
houses too, the residences, shops and flats in which autumn’. In any case, the same point of death has the
they lived. And in one extraordinary case, which we rare advantage, archaeologically speaking, of freezing
will look at in detail, we have, thanks to the great sewer a cross-section of the population, of different ages
or cesspit that ran under the block of shops and flats and social standing. The excavations that discov-
by the Palaestra, the organic remains that enable us to ered the skeletons, amid considerable international
analyse in detail the diet of several dozen inhabitants excitement, had been instigated by the then director
over the course of a couple of decades. And indeed, of excavations at Herculaneum, Giuseppe Maggi.
if more was needed, we actually can put faces to a Funding for new work had effectively dried up
few dozen of the more wealthy inhabitants, thanks to with Maiuri’s retirement in 1961, and gradually the
their fondness for portraits in marble and bronze. It skilled team of workmen and restorers he had built
is hard to imagine any other ancient population that up was reduced to a rump. Maggi, as director from
can be known in such close-grained detail. 1971, watched helplessly as the site began to disinte-
This chapter will try to pull together some of grate for lack of funding. Then in 1980, despairing
these clues, to build up a picture of the sort of human of support from the Ministry of Culture, he turned
Skeleton of a ‘wealthy matron’
found with a bag of jewellery society which the last inhabitants of Herculaneum to Paolo Martuscelli, responsible for special funding
(National Geographic). represent. To piece together a picture of antiquity is for Naples. Funds were provided for a project to

inhabitants 125
excavate the ancient seashore, with the double aim of addressing Above: Archival photographs of
excavations of the seashore in the
the persistent problems of water management on site (problems
which were to trigger further works twenty-five years later), and
of providing a new visitor access. In summer 1980, the first few Right: Archival photographs of the
skeletons emerged, and Maggi realized both the solution to the old boat as discovered on the ancient
conundrum of where the people of Herculaneum had disappeared
during the eruption, and the potential of the story for attracting
the attention of the international press. By the time in 1982 that
the main groups of skeletons started to emerge in what were then
called ‘boat sheds’ (despite the fact that only one small boat was
found, and not in the so-called ‘sheds’), Maggi had a powerful inter-
national alliance on board, led by the National Geographic Society,
enabling the involvement of American scientific specialists, Sarah

126 inhabitants inhabitants 127

Bisel for the anthropological study of the bones, and the remaining skeletons were left as a tourist Of the 139 skeletons studies by Bisel, 51 were But there is another factor to take into considera-
Haraldur Sigurdsson for the volcanology of the spectacle, gradually to disintegrate and disappear males, 49 female, and 39 children (thus harder to sex tion. In a society with a high proportion of slaves,
eruption and Richard Steffy for the marine archae- under a growth of weeds. Not till 2009 was excava- reliably). This sounds like a normal population, and where humans are acquired from the slave market
ology of the boat. But just as Charles Waldstein’s tion resumed. the spread of ages from unborn foetuses to people and not from reproduction, there might be a peak
proposed international project had run aground Modern scientific study of skeletons has advanced over fifty-five sounds normal enough. But a surprise of numbers in the year groups when slaves were at
in 1907, so in 1984 the voices of local chauvinism, by leaps and bounds over recent decades, and even if is the lack of young people in their teens and early their most active and useful, that is, in their twenties.
against which Waldstein had railed, made their the study of the 300 or so bodies had been completed twenties. Numbers peak at those in their late twen- Perhaps, if this sample is remotely representative, we
corrosive impact. In an account published in 1985, in the 1980s, it would be desirable to repeat the study, ties, of whom there are four times as many as those in are looking at a population distorted by the opera-
Maggi asked whether the voices that ‘we should do with new techniques, like the potential of strontium their late teens or early twenties. Luigi Capasso’s study tion of the slave market.
it all ourselves’ (‘potremmo fare tutto da noi’) would isotope analysis to reveal the composition, and thus of a marginally larger group (143 individuals) gave a Nevertheless, even though many of these indi-
bring about a repetition of history. They did: Maggi’s the origin, of the water consumed by the individual different distribution, with a more equal distribution viduals must have been slaves or ex-slaves, they are
directorship was terminated and the international in various growth stages, so distinguishing those of people in the early and late twenties, but a similar notably healthy. Their average heights seem to be
collaboration came to an abrupt end, with disastrous locally born from immigrants from elsewhere. In a dip for those aged fifteen to nineteen. He also came above those for Naples in the mid-twentieth century
results for the study of the skeletons. Some 139 had population with an abundant supply of slaves, this up with a large proportion of males (81) to females (around 160 cm for men, 150 cm for women), though
been excavated for study by Sarah Bisel. These were can be particularly revealing. The studies to date, (61). There are too many judgement calls involved new research suggests that the formula used for
then handed to another group of Italian experts, with then, are partial and to some extent contradictory. for anyone to be certain of the age of a skeleton, but extrapolating heights may have led to exaggeration.
less established claims to international recognition, Even so, they evoke a vivid picture. both authors were confident of a big dip in numbers Their teeth are remarkably low in caries, though this
of teenagers. They offered different explanations. will have been helped by the exceptionally high levels
Sarah Bisel pointed to reduced fertility and inability of fluoride – the local bottling plant in Ercolano was
of the population to replace itself, Capasso to the closed down only recently because it exceeded the
impact of the earthquake of ad 62/63, which might maximum levels permitted by European legislation.
have led to a reduced birthrate for a number of years. Levels of lead are not particularly high, despite the

Age and sex distribution of
Age and sex distribution of the skeletons studied by Luigi
AGE GROUPS skeletons studied by Sarah Capasso: he suggests that the AGE GROUPS
Bisel. Note the shortage of big dip in numbers coincides
unsexed males females unsexed males females
young people. with the earthquake.

128 inhabitants inhabitants 129

well-known use of lead piping in the Roman world, man suffering from conspicuous signs of overwork,
and the use of lead in sweetening wine and other thin bones suggesting poor nutrition, overdeveloped
foods. Anaemia was quite common, which suggests a upper body muscles, and a spine with seven thoracic
paucity of meat in the diet, but in a seaside town fish vertebrae fused by disease.
may have provided a commoner source of protein: Potentially, each and every skeleton can offer a
Neapolitans remain dedicated fish-eaters. However, vivid life history, though we need to resist the temp-
though reasonably well nourished and growing to tation generated by the constant media interest in
good heights, a high proportion of the skeletons this site to let imagination run away in the telling
showed signs of stressful hard work: excessive devel- of heart-breaking life stories. So Capasso offers
opment of limited muscle groups and injuries, both a characterization for each of the skeletons: the
breakages and conditions like arthrosis and hernias. consumptive, the cart driver, the spinning woman,
Many of the young too were overworked. the flautist, the boxer, the old horse rider, the young
The impression is indeed of a population with a shepherd, the limping Maltese, the woodcutter, the
number of rich people, but a significant proportion young fisher, the soldier, the old sailor, the porter, the
of slaves, or of those who still carried the scars of javelin thrower, the little rower, the hunchback, the
servitude on their bodies. Case studies illustrate the old tailor, the swimmer, the shepherd with sandals,
potential of the study of skeletons to tell individual and so on and so on. It evokes a colourful picture of a
life histories. Sarah Bisel, whose premature death varied society, and one in close contact with the sea,
deprived us of a full study, offered some vivid illus- but the cautious may ask whether the osteological
trations. Skeleton Erc65 was one who caught the eye evidence can bear this weight of interpretation. Only
of the National Geographic photographers, thanks when the remaining 150 or so skeletons have been
to the rich haul of jewellery and money with which fully analysed can we be on firmer ground.
she was found, including two handsome gold snake- For real life histories, we are better off with docu-
headed bracelets. A woman in her middle years ments, and in these Herculaneum abounds. It is the
(around forty-six), she had excellently formed teeth, population of the final century, and above all of the
but was suffering from periodontal disease. Above last few decades before the eruption, that reveals itself
average in height (157.2 cm), with strong bones, she most clearly: the people of pre-Roman Herculaneum,
may have had two or three children. It is not hard to and even of the last decades of republican rule at
see her as a well-off Roman matron, a materfamilias. Rome, are largely invisible, and everything changes
Erc10, by contrast, is taken to be a slave girl, found with the rise to power of Augustus as emperor, and
together with a baby, taken to be her master’s. Only the new social order he established. Inscriptions in
fourteen years old, her bone development suggested public places were designed to commemorate, to
‘a lot of running up and down stairs or hills’. Grooves ensure that future generations would not forget the
of hypoplasia in the enamel of her teeth are attrib- names and faces of the leading citizens. Among these,
uted to severe malnutrition while still a baby herself. none is so conspicuous as Marcus Nonius Balbus, the
Erc 26 is a soldier of around thirty-seven, at 174.5 great (but by no means the only) benefactor of the
cm well above the local average height. That he was a town, one who rose to the rank of praetor in Rome,
soldier is inferred from the sword he carried, but the and to the governorship (with rank of proconsul)
signs of his calling can also be seen in the remains of Crete and Cyrene. We meet him in the building
Funerary altar dedicated to
of a stab-wound on his left femur, and three missing that bears his name, the Basilica Noniana, where his Nonius Balbus, with his statue
front teeth. Erc27 is a middle-aged (forty-six years) portrait, in the toga of a citizen, is accompanied by behind.

130 inhabitants
that of his father, with the same name, his mother used his power of veto to block him. If Balbus were
Viciria, probably his wife Volasennia, and possibly not, thanks to Herculaneum, someone known to us,
his daughters. We meet him in the Theatre, where we would pass over his name, which never comes
his statue in heroic nudity left the impression of his up again in the history books. But evidently, his
face in the tufo. We meet him and his father again, intervention at a critical moment won the future
each on horseback, in a public square outside the emperor’s gratitude, and the reward of promotion to
Theatre, where the inscription recalls his benefac- the praetorship and a province, Crete and Cyrene,
tions to the town, the building of the Basilica and which offered exceptionally rich pickings. Indeed, to
the rebuilding of walls and gates. Finally we meet judge by a long inscription that survives in Cyrene,
him on his terrace below the walls, in the armour governors like Balbus pushed their luck too far,
of a Roman commander, by the funerary altar that and elaborate measures were set up, not long after
bears the full text of the honorific decree passed by Balbus’ tenure, to limit the rapacity of the provincial
the local council after his death, providing that an government.
equestrian statue should be erected to him in the Where does this place our Balbus on a Roman
most crowded place in the town (if only we knew scale? By no means one of the Roman nobility, he
just where it was found, we would have found our did not make it to the peak of a senatorial career
forum), that a marble altar be put up to him at public in a consulship (who knows, maybe protests from
expense (the one we are looking at), that on the day of the fleeced provincials may have stopped him in his
the Commemoration of the Dead, the Parentalia, the tracks). He is what the Romans called a ‘new man’,
procession should start here, that a day of the annual one whose family had not made it to office before:
athletic festival be dedicated to him, and finally that the inscription to his father Nonius Balbus Pater lists
an empty place should be left in his honour in the no claims to distinction. He came from an insignifi-
Theatre. There was no getting away from Nonius cant provincial town, not Herculaneum but Nuceria,
Balbus, wherever you turned. at the other end of the Sarno valley from Pompeii.
Who was he, and how did he rise to this promi- We know this much because his fellow townsmen,
nence? By chance, his name survives in a passing ‘Nucherini municipes sui’, put up a statue to him in
mention in a historical account, that of the histo- Herculaneum. There were plenty of people living in
rian Cassius Dio. The year 32 bc was a critical the area who outclassed him by far: people like Lucius
one for Octavian, the future Augustus. The pact Calpurnius Piso, if it is right that the Villa of the
between him and Antony called the ‘triumvirate’ Papyri belonged to him, consul and father-in-law of
was disintegrating, as they squared off for their Caesar, member of an old and distinguished Roman
final showdown. Each accused the other of being family; or Appius Claudius Pulcher, consul in 38 bc,
the obstacle to peace and the return to normal life. member of one of the most famous Roman families
The consuls at the beginning of the year were both of all, who shared the stage of the Herculaneum
supporters of Antony, and took the opportunity of Theatre as an honorand with Balbus.
the opening of the year’s proceedings to launch an The fascinating thing about Nonius Balbus is that
attack on Octavian. The consul Sosius, whom we he was not, beyond the confines of Herculaneum and
now remember for the elegant Temple of Apollo by his native Nuceria, all that important. He played a bit
The funerary altar of Nonius
the Theatre of Marcellus in Rome, was on the point part in history, and got his reward. But he behaved
Balbus today (above) and at
the moment of its discovery in of introducing measures against Octavian when like a good Augustan. Just as the emperor enriched
1941 (below). Nonius Balbus, one of the ten tribunes of the people, the capital with buildings, turning it famously ‘from

132 inhabitants inhabitants 133

brick to marble’, so Nonius Balbus enriched his little relatively small group of families, whose prestige
seaside town, making a disproportionate impact was marked by the reciprocal deal of benefaction
such as he could never have made at Rome. One in exchange for honour, or, in the Greek expression,
of the clearest traces he leaves of his importance is ‘euergetism’. The rich paid for the public buildings
in the survival of his name in the next generations. of the town, and celebrated them by offering public
Whether he had a son, we do not know, but every dinners to the townsfolk, especially the two ‘orders
time an owner formally freed a slave, so making him of dignity’, the decuriones or members of the local
a Roman citizen, the slave took his first two names, council, all of whom (at least in theory) had to be
the praenomen (Marcus) and the nomen (Nonius). freeborn, and the Augustales, members of the quasi-
We meet endless men named Marcus Nonius in the religious order dedicated to the cult of the emperor,
next generations in Herculaneum: men with names who were typically slave-born freedmen. The return
of Greek origin typical of slaves, like M. Nonius for acts of generosity was ‘honour’. Election to a
Anthus, M. Nonius Eperastus, M. Nonius Hermeros, magistracy itself was regarded as an honour by
M. Nonius Stephanio or M. Nonius Terpnus, and men the people, as was election to a priesthood, and to
with ambiguous names that could be slave or free, be a member of the priestly college of the imperial
like M. Nonius Carus, M. Nonius Celer, M. Nonius cult was equally an honour. But serious generosity
Ianuarius, and M. Nonius Severus. Twenty-five can merited further honours, escalating from a mere
be counted on one inscription alone, the great album statue to the sort of extraordinary posthumous
of 500 names, and adding in witnesses from docu- honours Nonius Balbus enjoyed. The richness of the
ments raises the score to fifty. No single name occurs public buildings of Herculaneum, despite its small
so frequently in the town as M. Nonius. size, shows that the system was working well for
But there were others too in the league of big them. There was real wealth on the Bay of Naples,
spenders. Another frequently recurrent family name and it ended up benefiting the community as well as
is that of Lucius Mammius. A group of inscriptions private individuals.
celebrated an important local figure together with But in a sense, the fact that Herculaneum had
his father and a cousin, both of whom made the a rich elite and fine public buildings makes it like
rank of equestrian military tribune under Augustus so many other cities around the Roman world. We
(equestrians ranked second only to senators). We do not need the eruption of Vesuvius to tell us this.
are told that Augustus made a point of encouraging What is special about Herculaneum is that it allows
towns to recommend local men for promotion to us to look at a far broader social spectrum. You could
military rank at equestrian level, and these might be call them ‘ordinary’ people, if it wasn’t for the fact
examples. Evidently the family were local benefac- Claudius, including Antonia mother of Claudius, Above: Marble portrait of to show in his obsession with the imperial family. that the set-up of a slave-owning society makes it so
a young man, found in the
tors. The man who financed the orchestra of the Agrippina his wife, and Germanicus, his father-in- Suburban Baths.
Another of the family, Lucius Mammius Flaccus, extraordinary to our own eyes. Who were the ‘ordi-
Theatre, Lucius Annius Mammianus Rufus, must law. The historian Tacitus records that it was one was one of the two senior magistrates of the town nary’ people? The less-well-off freeborn, who mostly,
have been born into the Mammii, and given in Mammius Pollio who as consul designate in ad 49 Right: Portrait of ‘Terentius’, in ad 61. Other big local families, whose names are however poorly off, will have had slaves of their own,
from the Bourbon excavations
adoption (as the tell-tale ending ‘ianus’ shows) to proposed that the young Nero should be engaged recurrent in the lists, are the Quinti Junii, probably the slaves who did so much of the work, or the freed
near the Theatre, now in
another family, that of the Annii. One of the biggest to Claudius’ daughter Octavia, a recommendation Naples Museum. linked to the senator Q. Junius Blaesus, and the Marci slaves who, by that arrangement so distinctive to the
benefactors of the town during the reign of Claudius that was followed (Annals 12.9). It is clear that this Calatorii, a name rarely met outside Herculaneum. Romans, acquired full citizen status on gaining their
was Lucius Mammius Maximus, who built or rebuilt Mammius enjoyed high favour at the imperial court. M. Calatorius Rufus, like L. Mammius Maximus, freedom, and who consequently were so keen to set
the Macellum, the market, and dedicated a batch L. Mammius Maximus on the other hand was a enjoyed the honour of a statue in the Theatre. a visible distance between themselves and those who
of statues to members of the family of the Emperor freedman and Augustalis, but the family links seem The town, as was normal, was dominated by a were still slaves? The norms of ordinariness read

134 inhabitants inhabitants 135

Bronze statues of Marcus
Calatorius Quartio (left) and
Lucius Mammius Maximus,
Augustalis (right), both
found during the Bourbon
excavations near the Theatre,
now in Naples Museum.
rather differently for this Roman imperial world there was space for three columns of names on each
than for our own. panel, each about sixty-six names long. Six panels
The first document that takes us into the world with 200 names each suggests 1,200 names, and of
of the ‘ordinary’, or rather the rank and file of free course there is no guarantee that there were no other
people, is the great album of names. Numerous frag- panels. One cannot imagine more than a few dozen
ments, with names carefully cut into handsome white Augustales for a small town like this. In any case, if
marble slabs, emerged from the earliest Bourbon the standard guess of 4,000 to 5,000 inhabitants is
excavations, on 26 May and 1 July 1739. Because at the right, given that half should be women and a good
time there were two excavations, at the Theatre and half of the men children or slaves, we cannot imagine
at the ‘new excavations’ (‘nuevas grutas’ in Spanish) that the entire adult, male, free population much
near via Mare, there was continuous confusion over exceeded 1,200. If the Augustales were a privileged
what came from where, and it was long believed they group (as was certainly the case), they should not
came from the Theatre. Only when, at the end of his have numbered more than a hundred at most.
career, Amedeo Maiuri was exploring the area of So what did the list represent? It is still too early
the Basilica did three new fragments emerge, one of to be sure, but it looks like everyone entitled to a
which matches perfectly an old fragment. Not even vote locally. Roman citizens born in a municipium
the excavation reports of the time are precise about such as Herculaneum were automatically voters;
the find-spot, but it appears to have been between those born elsewhere, like Nonius Balbus from
the outer wall of the Basilica and the raised platform Nuceria, who took up residence in the town counted
that blocks the road that defines the western edge of as incolae, inhabitants, and they too were entitled to
the excavations, Cardo III. Their importance was not the vote. Those passing though were not. Nor were
recognized for over a decade. those who did not enjoy full Roman citizenship.
The great Roman historian Theodore Mommsen, There was an important category of these, known
who published the initial fragments in 1883, did not as ‘Latins’. Originally applied to the citizens of Latin
attempt to specify what the list was, beyond saying towns around Rome which did not enjoy Roman
‘fragments of some album’ (an ‘album’ being simply a citizenship, since by the first century bc these all
list) and recognizing that it included names of tribes, automatically were Romans, the term was reapplied
the basic Roman subdivision of the citizen body. By by an Augustan law, the ‘lex Junia’, to a special cate-
Maiuri’s time, the conviction spread, driven by the gory: those ex-slaves who had been given freedom
high proportion of freedmen’s names, that it was a by their owners informally, without respecting the
list of the Augustales. Maiuri, who was extremely strict terms of the legislation. They could thus be
Fragments of the great marble
attentive to the phenomenon of the rich freedman, referred to as ‘Junian Latins’. Romans in the period list of names, as discovered in
was convinced that the neighbouring building was of Augustus fretted about the excessive number of the eighteenth century, with
the ‘College of the Augustales’. Hence, when the new ex-slaves making their way into citizenship, in a way names of freeborn citizens
(top left), the new fragments
fragments were published by Guadagno, the assump- not completely unlike contemporary European anxi-
found in 1961 (top right), and
tion persisted that they were all Augustales, and many eties about illegal immigration. Augustus imposed the join between old and new
(including the author) repeated the assumption. strict terms on how many slaves you could free, and fragments (below). The first
Simple maths should have told us we were wrong. at what age. The minimum age was thirty, and given two columns of names are
those who have neither fathers
Something like 500 names survive. But the inscrip- the short life-expectancy of antiquity, especially
nor masters named; the third
tion is fragmentary. There must have been at least among those exposed to heavy labour, many slaves column names freedmen with
six panels, each measuring about 3 × 5 Roman feet; could not expect to live much longer (the skeletons masters.

138 inhabitants inhabitants 139

examined by Sarah Bisel actually to M.l.). On this document, just to
included plenty in their thirties and underline the difference between the
forties, and the steep drop off comes two classes, the freeborn also are given
in the fifties). the name of their voting tribe, though
Thus a slave freed under the age freedmen too were assigned to voting
of thirty counted as a ‘Junian’ Latin, tribes: thus M. Nonius. M.f. Men(enia)
lacked the right to vote, and lacked Fuscus, Marcus Nonius son of Marcus
the ability to inherit or leave property, of the Menenian tribe Fuscus. The two
since all reverted to the owner. Yet categories are kept rigidly separate:
perversely, those freed under thirty on no fragment are freeborn and
were the lucky ones, their owner’s freedmen listed mixed up together.
favourites. A mechanism was needed But there is also a third category
to convert their disadvantage into an which is neither the one nor the other,
advantage, and this was found in the neither freeborn nor freed, neither
legislation which allowed a Latin who fish nor fowl. With equal consistency,
had a child that survived to the age of there is a group that has just three
one by a legitimately married wife to names, and neither patronymic nor
declare the birth to the magistrates and name of patron. They cannot be free-
claim promotion to full citizenship. As born Roman citizens, otherwise they
we will see, Herculaneum preserves would have their fathers’ names. Even
the one known case study of this law bastards had to have a father’s name,
in action. Does the list, then, include Spurii filius, ‘son of Spurius’, abbrevi-
Latins or former Latins? ated Sp.f. There is just one of these, M.
One of the mostly puzzling features Livius Sp.f. Sabinus, and he is indeed
of the list is that names are given in not listed among our third category. But
two but three forms. The two standard if they were all bastards, they should
name forms for citizens were those for all be called ‘Sp.f.’ In theory, they
the freeborn (ingenui) and those for might not be Roman citizens at all.
the freed (liberti). The freeborn were They might be peregrini, foreigners
flagged by the use of the patronymic, who were not Roman citizens, but not
the father’s name: Marcus Nonius son of slaves either. On the other hand, it was
Marcus Balbus (Marcus Nonius Marci a serious offence for a non-Roman
filius Balbus, abbreviated to M. Nonius to pretend to be a Roman by having
M.f. Balbus). The freed were flagged by ‘three names’ – the praenomen, nomen
the name of the former slave-owner: and cognomen. Claudius had banned
Marcus Nonius freedman of Marcus peregrini from using Roman look-a-
Anthus (Marci libertus, abbreviated like names and had men executed at

Peristyle of the House of the Black Saloon, possibly owned by

Venidius Ennychus, whose documents were found in an upper
room on the far side of the peristyle.

140 inhabitants inhabitants 141

the Esquiline Gate for pretending to citizenship. There was a lot in L. Mammius Flaccus with the decuriones made a decision. What
a name. They might be Junian Latins and others who could legally that was emerges from the third document, dated 22 March ad 62.
use the three-name formula but were not full citizens. But this can Here the Roman praetor, L. Servenius Gallus, states that he has been
be ruled out because on one of the panels, there are two columns approached at his tribunal at Rome in the Forum of Augustus in the
of these people preceding a third column of freedmen. Romans Julian portico (even the number of the column is specified, but lost
were insistent on hierarchical precedence when they listed people: in a gap) by a delegation from Herculaneum, led by the magistrates
thus witnesses always occur in their social rank order, freeborn Marcus Ofellius Magnus and Tiberius Crassius Firmus, to report
before freed. No list could give precedence to non-citizens over that they have examined the case of Lucius Venidius Ennychus and
citizens, so citizens they must be. Livia Acte, who have had a daughter by a legitimate marriage who
How people could achieve this halfway house remains to be has survived to the age of a year, and declares his finding that under
fully explained, and there may be several routes. But at least one the terms of the lex Aelia Sentia, they are now Roman citizens.
was the route that L. Venidius Ennychus took, because he is one of Before finding these documents, we knew from the Roman lawyers
the names on the list. And at this point we are helped out by his that a Junian Latin could be promoted to citizen on the survival
surviving dossier, and to this we may turn before going back to the of a child to the age of a year, but we had no idea of the elaborate
album of citizens. Ennychus lived in one of the swankier houses in procedure it might involve, requiring not only a meeting of the
town, that of the ‘Black Saloon’, or at least it was here that he left on local council, but a delegation to the praetor in Rome. Ennychus
an upper floor a basket full of at least thirty-nine of his documents. had reason to be proud of these documents, as of the later ones,
Important legal records were kept on bundles of wooden tablets, in which he applied to the council for promotion to the order of
either in two or (from ad 63) three pieces, with the text given the Augustalis, and named ten good men and true who could be
twice, once scratched with a stylus (graphium, whence graphics) warranty for his standing and character.
on a thin wax film, and once in black ink. Often there was also Ennychus’ dossier gives us an important insight into the great
an index or summary of contents written in ink on the edge of list of names. Since he belongs to the third category, those who
the tablets, so that some elements of the document were given had neither a father (freeborn citizen) nor a patron (legally freed
three times, a great help in revealing carbonized fragments, where former slaves), it follows that the third group comprised those
black ink is against blackened wood and the wax of the interior has citizens who were neither freeborn nor regularly set free or ‘manu-
disappeared, leaving only scratches in the wood left by the point mitted’, but who had nevertheless, like Ennychus, been promoted
of the stylus. to full citizenship. It might be imagined the group were not citizens,
The bundle was of crucial importance to Ennychus, because including people like Junian Latins who had not been promoted.
they guaranteed his status. The earliest seems to date to ad 40–1, But the fact that this group comes before the lists of freedmen on What this list of people, born or officially resident in Wooden tablet from the archive of Venidius Ennychus.

recording a loan of money to one L. Mammius Rufus. Another one panel is a clear indication, in a society where questions of rank Herculaneum, who were full Roman citizens, reminds us is how
loan dates to ad 52, to one Volusius Crescens. Money lending was order were observed scrupulously, that they ranked higher, and little we understand about this society with its rigid distinctions
a classic way of making a fortune in this booming economy, and must therefore be citizens. This does not mean that all followed of slave and free, but numerous and complex ways of passing from
by the year ad 60, he was ready for some social acknowledgement. the same route as Ennychus, of declaring the birth and survival of one status to the other. Slavery is a theme we meet again and again
The first in a series of documents records that on 24 July ad 60 he a year-old child. This was just one of the incentives to reproduce in these legal records. We meet records of sales of slaves, like the
officially declared the birth of a daughter by his wife Livia Acte. The which Augustus introduced. But promotion to citizenship was girl Olympias, bought from Ennychus by M. Nonius Hermeros
name Acte shows that his wife, like Ennychus, started life as a slave, offered as an incentive to others: by the Emperor Claudius to those (another of the M. Nonius clan) on 30 November ad 47. There is
but the family name ‘Livia’ shows that she had been freed. Their who built a ship of a certain capacity and brought grain to Rome C. Iulius Phoebus, who sells a slave girl to one Calatoria and guar-
daughter will have been called Venidia. The declaration must have for at least six years; by Nero to those who built a house of a certain antees her to be free of hidden fault: buying a slave could be a risky
been made on the day of her birth. The next is a document of exactly value in the city of Rome; by Trajan to those who ran a bakery in business if they proved to be a runaway or improperly acquired. Or
a year later, dated 25 July ad 61, and records that in the Basilica Rome for at least three years. Full citizenship was an important we find Lucius Cominius Primus making a loan of 600 sesterces
Noniana in Herculaneum, the magistrates M. Antonius Rufus and inducement to do what the State considered advantageous. from his strongbox to M. Nonius Fuscus, and receiving the slave

142 inhabitants inhabitants 143

It may seem to us astonishing that so essential a piece of infor- to have been a close friend of the family, was present when some
mation as Justa’s birth status was not properly documented and (now illegible) transaction took place that for him proved that the
agreed by all. It was agreed that her mother, Petronia Vitalis, was girl was the freedwoman of Calatoria Themis. If so, calling herself
the freedwoman of Gaius Petronius Stephanus, the husband of Petronia Justa was quite wrong. Presumably on this scenario she was
Calatoria Themis. The point at dispute is whether Justa was born inherited by Calatoria from her husband Stephanus on his death.
while Vitalis was still a slave (in which case, so was she) or after If she was Calatoria’s freedwoman, her name would be Calatoria
her manumission, in which case she was born a Roman citizen, C.l. Iusta: Calatoria Justa freedwomen of a woman (women did
even if to an unmarried mother. This in itself may surprise us: the not have first names, praenomina, so a reversed C was used to
child of an unmarried ex-slave mother would even so have full indicate a woman or Caia). Another witness, Marcus Calatorius
citizen status. But the Roman rule was that you took your status Marullus, an illiterate, and possibly a freedman of Calatoria, was
from your mother, not your father, who was a figure harder to be equally confident that Calatoria Themis had manumitted the
sure of in days before DNA testing. girl.
To settle the argument, a number of witnesses were called On the one hand, it is curious that there were no birth certifi-
Fragment of marble inscription from the Basilica, possibly naming Viciria, to give evidence. Their depositions are curiously circumstantial cates or manumission certificates to prove the matter one way or
mother of Nonius Balbus.
and inconclusive. Among those who were sure that Justa was other. On the other hand, the survival of these wooden tablets
freeborn was Gaius Petronius Telesphorus, surprisingly enough shows the importance people attached to hanging on to legal
the legal tutor of Calatoria Themis. Swearing the customary oath documents that could demonstrate their own status (think of
by the gods and by the genius of the Emperor Vespasian and his Venidius Ennychus) or their claim over others (like the slaves they
girl Nais as security. Strange indeed to think of humans used much children, he stated that he knew that Justa was born free to his bought, sold, or left as warranty for loans). The documents show
as we use documents in mortgage deeds. But we also find slaves as fellow-freedwoman, Vitalis, and had made an agreement with above all how important, and at the same time slippery, issues of
trusted agents of their owners, engaging in business, like Venustus, Petronius Stephanus and Calatoria Themis that she should have status were. Maybe Justa was indeed born a slave and left behind
the slave of Ulpia Plotina, to whom Cominius Primus repaid a loan her daughter returned to her, in exchange for payment of the costs in her owner’s household; maybe Vitalis came into money, and
on 19 July ad 69. There is a good chance that Ulpia Plotina was the of upbringing. From this emerges the surprising fact that, even if saw the chance of buying her daughter back, repaying costs of
aunt of the future Emperor Trajan and a major local landowner. she was freeborn, the baby Justa was left behind in the household upbringing, as happened in cases of the assertion of free-birth,
Her slave agent could be an important figure. of Vitalis’ former owners and brought up by them. and entering into a quiet conspiracy that she had been freeborn
The most moving example of an argument over the difference This much was confirmed by another witness, Quintus all along. And maybe Calatoria, after the death of the husband
between slave and free has always been the bundle of wooden Talmudius Optatus. Swearing the same oath by gods and emperors, who treated the slave girl like his daughter and fudged the issue
tablets found in 1938, just two hundred years after the first exca- he recalled Petronius Stephanus saying to the mother, Petronia of her birth, decided to grab back a slave whom she regarded as
vations, in the House of the Bicentenary the case of the so-called Vitalis, something to the effect of, ‘Why do you grudge us your part of her inheritance.
Petronia Justa. The story has been told many times; but we still daughter, when we treat her like a daughter?’ That, to Optatus, It is a society in which your legal status has an overwhelming
await the new edition by Giuseppe Camodeca, which, to judge by showed she was freeborn, though in truth it might have shown importance. But at the same time, it is a society characterized by
his patient and skilful re-readings of so many other documents, the opposite, for a slave born in the home could be a favourite, movement between status groups to a degree that may astonish us.
may put an entirely new complexion on the story. As it stands, treated like a child, but even so legally a slave, and waiting to It is too soon to tell just how many of the citizens of Herculaneum
the story is as follows. A court case is in progress to determine the age of thirty before receiving legal freedom. The freeborn were born free; but on the six marble panels that carried their
whether the woman who calls herself ‘Petronia Sp.f. Iusta’ is, as Publius Arrius, son of Publius (his last name does not survive) names, just over three panels carried the names of freedmen, just
she asserts, a freeborn citizen, albeit born without a legal father, bore witness to the same effect. under two carried the names of those who were neither freedmen
‘daughter of Spurius’, or is rather, as one Calatoria Themis asserts, Another witness, the freeborn Marcus Vinicius, son of Marcus, nor freeborn, and only one carried the freeborn. There may be
slave-born and her freedwoman. The parties give bail to appear Proculus swore that he had heard Petronius Stephanus, at the time other panels yet to emerge, but on today’s count only a sixth of the
before the urban praetor in Rome: very precisely on 7 December he freed the mother Vitalis, state that she was his only slave. It Roman male citizens in Herculaneum could name their freeborn
ad 74, in the Forum of Augustus before the praetor’s tribunal at followed that the daughter Justa could not be a slave. But others were Marble statue of Viciria Archais, mother of Nonius Balbus, found in the Basilica fathers. Even if we double the proportion to a third, it leaves them
the second hour. convinced of the opposite. Sextus Vibidius Ampliatus, who claims Noniana. massively outnumbered.

144 inhabitants inhabitants 145


nce we come to terms with the scale of the shops and houses, mostly handsome town houses of
town, the most remarkable thing about a decent size. In the middle, where Cardo III marks
it must be its evident wealth, at least in the central point, there is a cluster of public buildings.
its final phase, and the magnificence of its public The road itself becomes heavily monumentalized,
buildings. Herculaneum is most familiar to us as a with lavish use of marble linings. A double arch
place to look at Roman private buildings, in their made of brick-faced concrete, originally clad in
intimacy, and ranging from the swanky residences of plaster, marks the beginning of this monumentalized
the rich to simple upstairs lodgings of humbler folk part to the east; a symmetrical brick double arch also
with flimsy wooden partitions. If the modern visi- marked its western edge, though this suffered heavy
tors want public buildings, they head for Pompeii. damage in the eruption, and partially collapsed
It is sometimes hard to remember Herculaneum into the façade of the Basilica. To the south of the
has public buildings at all, because the most impor- Decumanus Maximus, flanking Cardo III, are two
tant ones are at least partially buried: the Theatre, significant buildings, the Basilica Noniana, and what
the Basilica and its larger neighbour, the ‘so-called is currently known as the College of the Augustales
Basilica’, and even the Palaestra, disappear under the (see pages 177–8). To the north of the main road is
rock face. Then there are the public buildings down the largest known public building in town, and the
by the seafront: the Suburban Baths (these indeed one which, after the Theatre, produced the greatest
are impressive), and the two temples on the terrace density of statues and inscriptions, often referred to
of the Area Sacra, so easy to overlook because they as the ‘so-called Basilica’.
have never been reconstructed. It requires an effort The frustration, and indeed the mystery, of the site
to see the public life of the town at all. has always been the location of its forum. The forum
Even so, if we peel back the volcanic cover in our was the heart of a Roman town. Around it clustered
imaginations and see the town as a whole, we get a the principal public buildings, the Curia where the
different picture. This tiny settlement is dominated by local senate met, the Basilica where legal cases were
its main drag, the Decumanus Maximus, its equiva- heard, the temples where the most important gods
lent of Spaccanapoli, the main street of old Naples. were worshipped. Without its forum, Herculaneum
A handsome broad road, it defines the public face is little more than a pleasant suburb. Maiuri was frus-
of the community. To the west is the (still buried) trated to find his excavations stopped, by shortage of
Left: Aerial view of the site Theatre: not the biggest in the Roman world, but with time and finance, but above all by the buildings of
seen from the south-west. its 1,350 seats not bad for such a town. To the east is modern Resina above, at a point where he believed
the Palaestra, with its great cruciform pool, built out the most exciting discoveries were yet to be made. He
Inside: Panoramic view of the
Area Sacra outside the walls, on terraces stepping down, if our reconstruction is had not excavated the public heart of the town: the
with the Temple of Venus. right, to the harbour. The road between is lined with Basilica and the ‘so-called Basilica’ lay maddeningly

the public face of the town 151

Views of the portico of the
large house to the north of the
Decumanus Maximus, seen
from the street (left) and the
pavement (right).
Left: Detail of the triumphal arch over the Decumanus

Below: Plan of the three public buildings excavated in the 1740s,

according to Jerome Bellicard.

on the edges of the site, and somewhere beyond, he was sure, must lie the Forum
and a crop of monuments, statues and inscriptions that would beggar those of the
so-called Basilica. There is, however, a problem, a big problem. The Forum should
lie, if anywhere, at the centre of the town, on the intersection of the Decumanus
Maximus and the central cardo. We may imagine it was immediately to the west
of the trio of public buildings so thoroughly ransacked by the Bourbons. But if
so, how was it that they never found this space, potentially full of statues and
inscriptions? If there was empty space west of the Basilica, why should it be that
when Bellicard drew up his plan in 1745, he marked the Decumanus west of the
Basilica as flanked by shops and houses? When Francesco La Vega came to make
his own plan of the town as a whole in 1796, he too showed blocks of buildings
west of the centre.
Far from placing the Forum by the Basilica, La Vega marked as the Forum
an open area immediately south of the Theatre, that is to say, on the extreme
western edge of the town. He also placed here a temple, the basement of which
can still be seen from the tunnels extending from the Theatre. We cannot
exclude that Herculaneum was so eccentric as to place its Forum on its very
edge, but it would be hard to find a parallel. The Forum belongs in the heart of
the town, more or less the centre: if Pompeii’s Forum is well west of centre, it is
clear that it is because the city spread eastwards after the location of the Forum
was fixed. But if the Herculaneum Forum isn’t to the west, where is it? It may
be time to cut the Gordian knot. Perhaps the monumental heart of the town
View of the triumphal
arch over the Decumanus was precisely the group of three buildings we know about. What you see is what
Maximus. you get, sometimes at least. Rather than assuming that the town had a number

the public face of the town 155


0 100 metres




Left: Plan of the site by Francesco La Above: Plan of Pompeii, marking of major missing monuments, it is worth looking more carefully
Vega, 1796. location of public buildings. Note
at the ones we do know about, and starting from the opposite
clusters around Forum, Theatre and
1 Well from which first evidence of the Amphitheatre.
assumption, that these are in fact the principal public spaces of
site emerged Herculaneum.
2 Theatre 1 Forum Public buildings in Roman towns have a distinctive distribu-
3 Forum 2 Temple of Apollo
4 Basilica 3 Building of Eumachia
tion. They are not spread at random through the urban fabric, but
5 Temples 4 Curia cluster. So in Pompeii, the Forum represents the heart of public life,
6 Domus Psedourbana (Villa of the 5 Basilica and round it cluster many of the principal buildings: two temples
Mysteries) 6 Temple of Fortune
(of Apollo and Jupiter), a number of buildings associated with
The tildas mark the Sepulchretum, or 7 Triangular Forum
burial ground 8 Large Theatre
imperial cult, the great porticoed space constructed by the local
9 Small Theatre benefactress, Eumachia, of disputed function (some have seen the
10 Temple of Minerva and Hercules wool exchange, others a slave market), a cluster of what seem to be
11 Temple of Isis
administrative buildings including the Curia, in which the local
12 Temple of Aesculapius
13 Samnite Palaestra senators, decuriones, met, and the magnificent Basilica, tradition-
14 Temple of Venus ally the seat of legal cases. The two northern exits to the Forum are
15 Amphitheatre marked by triumphal arches, designed to support statue groups
16 Large Palaestra
of emperors in four-horse chariots. The Forum then has what we
17 Forum Baths
18 Stabian Baths may think of as a northern extension, marked by a broad stretch of
19 Central Baths road culminating in a further triumphal arch. To the right of this
20 Suburban Baths stretch of road is another temple, that of Fortune, and to the left a
set of public baths.

156 the public face of the town the public face of the town 157
A second cluster in Pompeii is the theatre quarter, sequence of changing room (apodyterium), warm
next to the so-called ‘Triangular Forum’, with two room (tepidarium) and hot room (caldarium),
theatres, one large and open, the other small and they offered a facility to all free inhabitants, male
enclosed, and three temples, of Minerva/Hercules, of and female, at the topographic middle of the town.
Isis, and the minor shrine attributed (erroneously) to Two other, more recently constructed, sets of
Zeus Meilichios, more probably that of Aesculapius, baths marked the western and eastern extremities
the god of healing. There is also a gymnasium, or of the town, standing outside the town walls, like
palaestra, called the Samnite Palaestra, to the east the Suburban Baths at Pompeii, in order to benefit
of the Triangular Forum, though the enormous from the proximity of the sea. The Suburban Baths
four-sided portico behind the Large Theatre may to the south-east are among the most impressive
have replaced its function, before it ended up as the bathing spaces found in the Roman world, thanks
barracks for the gladiators in the final phase. in part to the quality of their preservation. Built
Thus public buildings of various types, religious, out, as we have seen, over the ancient shore, on
administrative and for leisure and entertainment, top of the tufo platform created by quarrying, the
cluster around two ‘central spaces’, one major, one traces of sand trapped under the foundations show
minor. There are further public buildings that defy that they date from the period when the sea had
this pattern of clustering, and instead seem to patrol retreated as a result of the slow expansion of the
the extremities of the city. The Temple of Venus stands earth’s crust. It must have seemed to the inhabit-
at the south-western point of the town, looking out ants of the early first century ad like a gift from the
to sea from its elevation, while the Amphitheatre gods to be able to spread out beneath the sea walls,
occupies the south-eastern corner, fitting neatly and benefit from the gentle sea breezes. They were
into the angle of the walls, while next to it in close built in two episodes: first, the standard cluster of
association opens the Large Palaestra. The Temple entrance (the tall, atrium-like lightwell at the centre
of Venus and the Amphitheatre are the sentinels with its red columns and arches makes this space
of the city, patrolling its furthest reaches, while the particularly evocative) followed by cold, warm and
Forum and Triangular Forum are the double core. hot rooms. This caldarium is small and intimate,
These apart, the only type of public building that is but its luxury is seen in the delicate stucco work
truly scattered through the urban fabric is the baths: and in the glazed bay window, fragments of glass
in addition to the Forum Baths at the edge of the from which remain embedded in the tufo mass,
Forum complex, the Stabian Baths lie a little apart which retains the impression of the circular basin
from the theatre complex, on one of the principal (labrum). The second phase added a new caldarium,
intersections of the road system; the Central Baths but on a wholly different scale. With its own furnace,
are in the middle of a dense area of housing, and the operating by direct heating immediately under the
Suburban Baths are found outside the ‘sea-gate’. bronze ‘samovar’ in the middle of the pool, it offered
Herculaneum too concentrates its public build- an area of warm water big enough for up to twenty
ings in distinct clusters. Baths, as in Pompeii, are to swim in. This second hot room is an enlarge-
relatively scattered. The Central Baths occupy the ment belonging to the final years of the town, after
bottom half of an insula (VI), but do not adjoin Above: Detail of the mosacic floor of the Central Baths of the earthquake of 63. Even so, there was time for
the Decumanus Maximus and the monumental it to suffer severe damage as the land sank and the
complex. With their careful separation of (larger) Overleaf: Panoramic view of the apodyterium (changing room) sea returned a second time, with greater violence,
men’s and (smaller) women’s baths, each with their of the Central Baths. damaging the new building severely.

158 the public face of the town the public face of the town 159
160 the public face of the town the public face of the town 161
Left: Atrium of the Suburban Baths.

Right above: Decorative stucco in the tepidarium (warm room)

of the Suburban Baths.

Right below: The calidarium (hot room) of the Suburban Baths.

To the left is visible the impression left in volcanic ash by the
marble basin (labrum) to the right.

It is remarkable how many bathing establish-

ments a small Roman town could offer, though we
should remember that they served more than the
locals, attracting visitors from the surrounding
area, the bay being famous as a bathing resort. The
association of Hercules with hot baths was old, and
his city was a natural place to join the god’s leisure.
One of the major surprises of the excavations of the
late 1990s, intended to launch the rediscovery of the
Villa of the Papyri, was a large apsidal building, its
roof still perfectly preserved. Initially, it was taken
for a temple. What emerged was a vast bath building,
equipped, like the extension of the Suburban Baths,
with a direct, ‘samovar’ heating system, and again
offering capacity for a large number of bathers.
It was only part of a thermal complex, of which a
colonnaded portico is visible, but the rest remains
buried. A flight of marble steps led down from these
baths towards the sea, through an area with pools,
fountains and gardens. This too belongs to the period
we may regard as the calm before the storm, between
earthquake and eruption, when the sea seemed an
attraction not a threat.
Baths are impossible without a water supply. Up to
the end of the first century bc, the inhabitants relied
on the rainwater collected from their roofs (espe-
cially via the catchment basin called the impluvium)
and stored in cisterns. Many of these survived from
earlier phases and continued to function. What made
the big difference, and enabled public baths, was the
arrival of piped water from an aqueduct. It has been
assumed that Herculaneum was served by the great

the public face of the town 163

aqueduct constructed under Augustus, the Aqua
Augusta, bringing fresh water from the springs at
Serino in the Hirpinian mountains to Pompeii, Naples,
and ultimately to the imperial fleet at Misenum (the
aqueduct that plays so memorable a role in Robert
Harris’s Pompeii). But the Serino supply was heavy
with limescale, and left thick deposits on the pipes.
Pipes in Herculaneum are free of these deposits, and
it seems likely they had their own supply locally. The
local water is rich in fluoride, and that shows up in
analysis of the teeth of the inhabitants. But though
it was separate from the Aqua Augusta, it was surely
built around the same time.
Apart from supplying the baths, the aqueduct
supplied a series of public fountains and many of
the grander houses. We can see at the top of Cardo
IV, where it meets the Decumanus Maximus, a brick
tower to support a water tank, to ensure sufficient

Far left: The large calidarium (hot

room) added to the Suburban Baths,
with underflooor ‘samovar’ heating.

Left: The South-western Baths, with

an abandoned flight of marble steps.

164 the public face of the town the public face of the town 165
pressure. On it, two local officials have painted an inscription in Oscan. It was replaced, perhaps as
announcement to deter the pollution of the water part of Balbus’ programme, by two small temples,
supply by dumping rubbish nearby. Another pres- probably both dedicated to Venus. Four handsome
sure tower is found further down the same street. reliefs in the style of early Greek sculpture, showing
We can also see, close to the surface of the pave- the gods Minerva, Mercury, Neptune and Vulcan, do
ment, the lead piping that runs downhill from the not necessarily indicate who was worshipped. More
tower. Public fountains formed part of a public water worship of Neptune, god of earthquakes, and Vulcan,
supply, and three are visible, each distinguished by god of fire, might seem to have been called for. The
a divinity: one close to the water tower itself with recently reconstructed dedicatory inscription from
the figure of Venus at its head; one at the east end of the pediment reveals that it was indeed the Temple Below and right: The fountain
and water tower at the top of
the Decumanus Maximus with the face of Hercules; of Venus, repaired and partly rebuilt (not necessarily Cardo IV.
one on the junction of Cardo V and the Decumanus
Inferior with the figure of Neptune. It is possible
that the choice of gods was determined by the street
names. The one south Italian city of which we know
the ancient street names, Thurii, called them after
gods, so Herculaneum may have had a via Herculia,
a via Veneria and a via Neptunia. As important
as the water supply is the drainage system, and
Herculaneum, unlike Pompeii, was well supplied
with drains under the streets, of which the one under
Cardo III is the most easily visible.
Baths, then, plotted the city, marking its corners
and centre – what happened further uphill, we
cannot tell. Other public buildings are limited to two
areas. Of these, the less important is the strip outside
the town walls. One of the benefactions of the great
Nonius Balbus to his town was to repair the walls.
We can see how he monumentalized the southern
wall towards the sea, encasing it in the ‘network’
technique of opus reticulatum that was standard
in the period of Augustus (see page 22). He may
also have helped to improve the terraces beneath
the walls. In any case, his statue and funerary altar
were given pride of place on one of them, by the
entrance to the Suburban Baths. To the west, there
had already, probably since the second century bc,
been a small temple, of which the podium has been
glimpsed in an excavation. This may be the temple of
the goddess Herentas Erycina, the Oscan cult name
of Venus, which is mentioned in the one surviving

166 the public face of the town

around a core, Herculaneum stretches them out along a string.
The public buildings at the west and east end mark the edge of
the city, rather like the Temple of Venus and the Amphitheatre in
Pompeii. The Theatre forms part of the Augustan transformation
of the town. Built in concrete, faced with opus reticulatum, and its
steps carved from tufo blocks, it was, according to an inscription,
paid for by the magistrate Lucius Annius Mammianus Rufus, and
designed by the architect P. Numisius. Though Nonius Balbus
did not build this one, he certainly made his presence felt. On
either side of the front stage were dedications by the citizens of
Herculaneum, one to Nonius Balbus, the other to a great Roman
noble, Appius Claudius Pulcher, consul in 38 bc (and nephew of
the rabble-rousing tribune, Clodius Pulcher). A ghostly image
of Nonius remains today in the ceiling of one of the tunnels by
which the Theatre was explored. The ash set round the marble
Details of the fountains decorated with Above: The interior of a drain
different deities: Venus (above left), running down Cardo III. face of Nonius Balbus, standing in the full-frontal nudity appro-
Neptune (above right) and Hercules priate to an athlete. The statue is in the Naples Museum; his face
(left). Below: Terraces beneath the
still looks down from the ceiling (see page 172).
southern walls of the town.

after earthquake damage) by the largesse of two local benefactors, The effect of the terrace beneath the town walls is to create
Vibidia Sabina and her son A. Furius Saturninus. Both were born a strip of public land, comprising sacred area with temples,
slaves, Vibidia being exceptionally the freedwoman of an underage funerary altar of Balbus, and baths. It may be thought of as a
girl (‘virginis liberta’). They paid lavishly, not only reconstructing sort of quid pro quo for the reduction of public land above. A
this building, but contributing to the repair of the Capitolium, the town wall, if it is to serve a defensive function, needs to rise to
Temple of Jupiter echoing that on the Capitoline in Rome, and a good height above ground level, and to have a strip of open
making a distribution of cash to members of the local council, the land behind it for the defending troops to pass along. But Balbus’
augustales, and the priestly college of Venus, as well as a gift to wall provided instead a pleasant low parapet, over which the rich
the town of 54,000 sesterces in recognition of their promotion to houses that were built up to and over the walls could enjoy their
honorary membership of the local senate. Rich freedmen had no treasured sea view.
qualms about spelling out the deal by which they traded money for We may now return to the main public area of the town, the
status and recognition. Decumanus Maximus. While Pompeii clusters its central buildings

168 the public face of the town the public face of the town 169
View of the Temple of Venus.

Above: Negative impression
in the volcanic ash of the
face of the statue of Nonius
Balbus in the Theatre.

Right: Dedicatory
inscription of the same

Marble statue of Nonius

Balbus in heroic posture,
found in the Theatre.

172 the public face of the town

Eighteenth-century tunnellers, led by the Prince d’Elbeuf,
and followed by the engineers of Charles Bourbon, made a
thorough job of stripping the Theatre of its marble cladding and
decorative statues, but the case of Balbus shows how important
it was as a place for honouring the big names of the town, as was
the practice in the Greek east. It was from the Theatre that two
of the most famous marble pieces came – the ‘large’ and ‘small’
Herculaneum women – which made their way to the court of
Dresden. Both are standardized types, used in cities across the
Mediterranean to celebrate the virtues of the leading women,
especially those who had made generous donations. The types
have their origins in the Greek world, and have been found in
hundreds of copies in cities from one end of the Mediterranean to
the other (the current count on the more popular ‘large’ woman
stands at 207, that on the ‘small’ woman at 169). They are the
visual equivalent of the repetitive inscriptions found in Greek
cities, with the citation ‘for piety and sobriety’ – the modest
virtue of sophrosynē was often cited: the restraint of a faithful Left: Portico around the Palaestra. Above: Detail of capital from the
and obedient wife, corresponding visually to the dress wrapped portico.

so comprehensively around the body as to suggest minimal hint

of female form. Other honorific statues (if the reported location
is correct) included bronze portraits of leading citizens in togas, It seems to have been constructed in two separate phases. The
like Lucius Mammius Maximus and Marcus Calatorius Quartio. first involved only the strip of land to the north, which was built
This was a portrait gallery in which, if you wanted be anyone in up under Augustus. Half a century later, perhaps under Claudius,
Herculaneum, you needed to be seen. a programme of extension was carried out, involving major engi-
At the other edge of the town, to the east, the Palaestra neering works to the terracing on the edge of the eastern ravine.
represented a type of structure which, like the Theatre, was It was in this episode that the three-storey block of shops and
considered essential to any self-respecting town in the Greek apartments was constructed, which formed the profitable rental
world: the gymnasium. The Romans were coy about admitting side to an expensive public monument. To this we will return,
that they built gymnasia – the architect Vitruvius goes out of but it is worth underlining the subtle but significant modification
his way to deny it, suggesting that the Italic palaestra was some- that is made to Cardo V in the course of this operation. The new
thing very different. Architecturally, they were variants on a building is set at a slight angle to the road, enabling the road
theme; socially, they may indeed have been different, since the itself to be gradually widened as it slopes downhill toward the
gymnasium was the principal place for the physical training and sea (the widening can be seen in the paving of the road, which
intellectual education of the young citizen, something which changes colour). The result is that by the time the road reaches
to the Roman viewpoint, disapproving of what it interpreted the next crossroads, where the main entrance to the Palaestra was
as an incitement to paedophilia, was inappropriate. We cannot located, it has formed a ‘largo’, a broad area outside the monu-
tell whether Herculaneum’s Palaestra had such an educational mental entrance with its two columns. When this entrance was
function, only that it offered space, in its long colonnades and constructed, the access to the Palaestra had shifted away from the
exterior walkways, for exercise, walking and running, and in its Decumanus Maximus. Even so, that left a large and grand public
cruciform pool for swimming. space opening off the Decumanus, now referred to as the Upper

174 the public face of the town the public face of the town 175
Far left: Western portico of the Palaestra.
Aula, that led to a series of grand rooms above the Palaestra.
Above left: Archival photograph of the bronze statue of the
The precise function is not clear, but it was suitable for gran-
Hydra (the many-headed monster killed by Hercules) found in
diose public ceremonies. The paintings that survive from the Palaestra.
this episode, preserved in Naples Museum, include some of
the most famous ‘masterpieces’ there on display. Above right: Fresco representing an actor as king, found in the
We thus have two of the key areas of public leisure and
entertainment at either end of the Decumanus Maximus.
We may now return to its centre. Three buildings stand, like
the Three Bears, large, medium and small, in a cluster at the
mid-point of the main road of the town. The monumen-
talization of the roads between them makes clear this is a
special area. No wagons and carts carrying supplies to shops
and private houses could pass here: they were blocked off by
the triumphal arches. Even Cardo III, running between the
two smaller buildings, is end-stopped. A rectangular struc-
ture, a little over a metre high, stands in the way of traffic. Its
function is not obvious. It has been identified as a tribunal
or suggestum, from which a magistrate could address the
people, or a public crier could make an announcement or
hold a public auction. If this is right, the paved space in front
of it seems rather cramped. An alternative would be to see it
as the base of a small shrine.

176 the public face of the town the public face of the town 177
Of the three public buildings mapped too. His wife Deianira was Hercules’
in the eighteenth century, only one, the undoing, for, tricked by the dying centaur
smallest, is fully visible today, known to Nessus, she tried to stop his adultery by
visitors as the College or Shrine of the giving him the poisoned cloak that killed
Augustales. Its shape is unusual, with the him. Some of the wives of the divinized
four central columns supporting an upper emperors were uncomfortably reminis-
floor giving the impression of the atrium cent of Deianira: passing over rumours
of a private house, and the central cella about Livia, Agrippina was thought to
or shrine beyond it raised on a platform have poisoned Claudius, leading to his
and decorated in a rich colour scheme, apotheosis, and Seneca made fun of his
in the ‘Fourth Style’ typical of the final admission to heaven not as ‘deification’ but
years of the city, and mythological scenes ‘pumpkinification’.
twice depicting Hercules. In one, he is In identifying the building as the College
bargaining with Achelous, the river god of the Augustales, weight has been given to
whom he fought successfully for the hand two inscriptions, found here or near by.
of Deianira, seen in the background. In the One is the great list of names that was long
second he is seen seated in heaven before taken to be the list, or album, of the augus-
the goddesses Juno (with her rainbow) and tales (discussed in the previous chapter). It
Minerva (with her helmet). As is the way is now agreed that there were far too many
with mythology, the scenes may suggest names for it to be the members of this exclu-
a variety of readings. Those who recalled sive club, and must be the entire citizen
that the river god Achelous was the father body, so one argument falls. The other
of the Siren Parthenope, and hence closely inscription is a dedication to Augustus by
associated with Neapolis, may have seen two brothers, Aulus Lucius Proculus and
a local reference. The scene of Hercules’ Julianus, of something unspecified, but
apotheosis, in the context of early imperial surely not a building but a statue of the
Italy, inescapably recalled the apotheosis divine Augustus. On the occasion of the
of emperors. The ultimate mark of posthu- dedication, the brothers gave a dinner to the
mous respect was for the senate to declare decuriones and the augustales of the town.
them gods, Divi, a privilege restricted by Just as Vibidia Sabina and her son Furius
the time of the eruption to Julius Caesar, Saturninus gave the decuriones and augus-
Augustus, Claudius and Vespasian. There tales a distribution of money to celebrate
were statues of all these ‘Divi’ in the Porticus their promotion, these two brothers were
building opposite, and, more significantly, buying favour with the influential men of
statues to Caesar and Augustus in this the town. It proves no specific connection
building itself. The deification of Hercules of the building with the augustales. It might
was both a mythological charter for what just as well be a meeting place for the town
happened to emperors and, in the context
of the town of Herculaneum, a suggestion
of a particular affinity. But if you wanted, The so-called College of the Augustales, possibly the
you could find subversive readings here Curia, or Senate House.

178 the public face of the town the public face of the town 179
council as for the augustales, and indeed it was identified as the The largest, and certainly most important, of the three Above: Frescoes from the central shrine of the
building, depicting Hercules with Achelous and
Curia in the eighteenth century. In fact, no less than three graffiti public buildings was the one which made the most impact on
Deianeira (left), and his welcome to heaven
on the first column on the right as you enter mention the curia the Bourbon excavators, but which now is hardest for us to by Minerva (with helmet) and Juno (with
or curia Augustiana or curia Augustana, to which body various recapture. Exploration started in 1739, and almost at once rainbow).
candidates are recommended for election. The argument that produced a sensational crop of statues and paintings, which still
because this was the College of the Augustales, the word ‘curia’ have pride of place in the collections of the National Museum
must refer to their college should be stood on its head: because it of Naples. Despite the careful plans and elevations produced by
was the Curia, it cannot have been the College of the Augustales. the Bourbon explorers, there has never been agreement as to its
Herculaneum certainly had a Curia, and this could reasonably be function. Alcubierre initially took it for a Temple of Theseus;
it, loyally dedicated to the Divine Augustus, whose life could be Weber preferred to see it as a Temple of Jupiter or Hercules.
seen as a parallel for Hercules, the great benefactor of mankind. Roofless, it cannot be a temple. Bellicard, following an essay by
M. d’Arthenay published in 1748, identified it as the Forum. But
the identification as a Basilica took root, and is seen in La Vega’s
plans. Later, in the nineteenth century, Michele Ruggiero claimed
Above: Dedicatory plaque from the so-called College of the Augustales. It reads:
it as the Palaestra. Maiuri, who excavated the real Palaestra, then
‘Sacred to Augustus. Aulus and Aulus Lucius, sons of Aulus, of the tribe Menenia,
called Proculus and Julianus, at their own expense, to mark the dedication gave a identified it as the senate house or Curia – another odd sugges-
dinner to the decuriones and the augustales.’ tion for a building without a roof. Jean-Charles Balty rejected
this idea and suggested a market place, or Macellum.
Left: Archival photograph of the discovery of the inscription in 1961.

180 the public face of the town the public face of the town 181
Perhaps we are safest in sticking to architectural form. It had
the plan of a Roman porticus, that is a great rectangular open
space flanked on all sides by porticoes. The closest comparison
is the Eumachia building in Pompeii, but since the function of
that is still hotly disputed, it may not help us. In broad terms,
it was like the type of building that sprang up in Rome under
Augustus, for instance in the Porticus of Livia. Essentially an
open square, it is surrounded by colonnades. The old voting place
of Rome, the Saepta Julia, looked much like this once Augustus
had reshaped it, and it has been noted that some at least of the
decoration was similar. The end walls, as we have seen, were
occupied by grandiose mythological scenes, of Theseus and
the Minotaur, Hercules and Telephus, the musical training of
young Achilles by the centaur Chiron, and the musical training
of Olympus by Marsyas. The elder Pliny tells us that there were
paintings of Olympus with Pan and Achilles with Chiron in the
Saepta Julia, the painters of which were unknown, even though
they were so valuable that the guardians had to answer for their
safety with their lives.
The parallel has suggested that the Herculaneum Porticus
might have a similar function to the Saepta Julia, where the
Romans citizens voted. But in provincial towns, they voted
generally in the Forum itself. The Saepta Julia, like most Roman
public spaces, was used for many things: voting, gladiatorial
shows, athletic competitions, meetings of the senate. We need
to get beyond the idea that buildings were restricted to specific
functions. The important thing was that Herculaneum now had
a big public space just like those in Rome, surrounded by colon-
nades, full of fine works of art. These included, of course, statues,
in profusion, and mostly of members of the imperial family. In
the central niche were the Emperor Titus, flanked by the seated
Augustus and Claudius; in the side niches, before the scenes of
the heroes of old, Theseus and Hercules, were the new heroes,
Augustus and Claudius (again), this time standing in bronze. The

Right above: Fresco depicting Hercules and his son Telephus suckled by a hind in
Arcadia, from the so-called Basilica.

Right below: Fresco of the young Achilles learning the lyre from the centaur
Chiron, from the so-called Basilica.

Opposite: Fresco of Theseus and the dead Minotaur, from the so-called Basilica.

182 the public face of the town

Above: Bronze statues of Augustus as Jupiter with thunderbolt (left), and Opposite: Silver portrait bust of the Emperor Galba, found in the street outside
Claudius (right), found in the so-called Basilica. the House of Galba, perhaps from the so-called Basilica.

184 the public face of the town the public face of the town 185
body of the portico had plenty of other imperial emperors, has led recent scholars to the identifi-
characters: Tiberius and his mother Livia, Claudius cation of the area as one dedicated to the cult of Above: Exterior of the
and his mother Antonia, his uncle Germanicus, the emperors: an ‘Augusteum’. This is supported so-called College of the
his wife Agrippina and his son Britannicus, and by dedicatory inscriptions by the augustales, Augustales, with the possible
location of the weights and
some others. Most of these were dedicated by the recorded in the eighteenth century. But this may
measures office (‘Pondera’) in
rich freedman Mammius Maximus, who was duly be too specific a reading of this space. It was surely front.
rewarded with his own statue in the Theatre, and a principal, if not the principal, space in which
doubtless other privileges. There is a significant citizens could meet. It may be that d’Arthenay Right above: Watercolour
reconstruction of the so-called
absence of dedications to Nero as emperor, which and Bellicard were not far out in identifying it as
Basilica by F. Morghen
were doubtless torn down on his death with the our missing Forum. If it ever started as a forum, (1835).
damning of his memory, but with the arrival of the the central circulation space of the town in which
Right below: Reconstructed
Flavians, new dedications appeared, to Vespasian, people met to do business, to pray, to argue over
elevation of interior wall of
Titus, Julia daughter of Titus, Domitia wife of justice and to elect their magistrates, it had been the so-called Basilica showing
Domitian, and Flavia Domitilla wife of Vespasian transformed typologically into a Roman porticus. dedication by Augustales.
and mother of Titus and Domitian. We will have to wait for the emergence of the right
Inside: Panoramic view of
The sheer frequency of statues to the imperial inscription to know for sure what label they would the so-called College of the
family, or rather, a succession of families of ‘good’ have given it. Augustales.

186 the public face of the town the public face of the town 191
187 her cul aneum 188 her cul aneum her cul aneum 189 her cul aneum 190
The Porticus is connected to the small building on the other further inscription is relevant here. A long text, reported in the they regarded as a portico attached to the Forum. They were need not have come from the ones Bardet mentions. It evidently
side of the main street (whether College of the Augustales or sixteenth century by the antiquarian Fabio Giordano, records also so depicted in the imaginative watercolour of Filippo was an area, just like the Forum of Pompeii, in which the espe-
Curia) by an arcade structure. Its importance is underlined by the meeting of the decuriones in the Curia, with all present, at Morghen in 1835. Bardet was already excavating in this area cial honour of an equestrian statue was suitable. Unfortunately,
the use of marble cladding, at least on the Porticus side, and which Marcus Memmius Rufus, father and son, duumvirs for the in 1743, three years earlier, and though he does indeed report the great honorific inscription on the tomb of Nonius Balbus
the numerous bases for honorific statues. The similarity in plan second time (‘duumvirs’ were the local equivalent to consuls), finding two bases of equestrian statues, he also found fragments states that the statue should be inscribed ‘To Marcus Nonius
to the Eumachia building in Pompeii encourages the identifica- were thanked profusely for their generosity in putting on games of bronze feet attached to them, which means the Nonii (who are son of Marcus Balbus, praetor, proconsul, patron, the universal
tion of this structure as a ‘Chalcidicum’ (a building type that and for building at their own expense ‘Pondera, a Schola and in marble) were not here. But this area is rich with bases of the people of Herculaneum, in recognition of his merits’. In fact, the
should have originated in Chalcis in Euboea, though Latin a Calchidicum’. The pondera or ‘weights’ will have been an right dimensions for equestrian statues, four visible around the surviving inscription is more simple: ‘To Marcus Nonius son of
inscriptions frequently invert the spelling to Calchidicum). One officially checked set of weights and measures, such as are also brick arch, and four more in the area of the arcade, and the Nonii Marcus Balbus, praetor, proconsul, the people of Herculaneum’.
found in the Forum of Pompeii, against which the weights No mention of him as patron, or of the ‘universal’ people, or of
used by traders could be checked by the local magistrates. The his merits. So we have not quite got a smoking gun.
decuriones give the Memmii responsibility for future supervi- Of the three public buildings, only one now seems certain in
Equestian statue of Nonius Balbus, often supposed to be from the so-called Commemorative inscription to Nonius Balbus recording the gratitude of his fellow
Basilica, in fact from outside the theatre. sion of the weights, and for the provision of a slave to keep townsmen, and the posthumous honours voted to him. its identification, and it is here that the best chances of future
permanent watch over them. A schola is a space for gatherings,
sometimes no more than an exedra, or recess within a portico.
A Chalcidicum seems to be a type of arcade attached to a public
building: Augustus built one, identified as that against the senate
house, the Curia Julia, in Rome, and Eumachia built one as part
of the building named after her in Pompeii. The Chalcidicum of
Pompeii is generally understood to be the arcade that opens on
the Forum. If this arcade in Herculaneum is the Chalcidicum
the Memmii built, the Weights and the Schola should be the two
spaces on either side of the entrance to the so-called College of
the Augustales (or Curia). Analysis of the architecture shows
that these two spaces form an integral unit of construction with
the Chalcidicum that fronts the Porticus. A complex which pulls
together Curia, Schola and Pondera, and Chalcidicum makes
the area look even more like the public heart of the town. Why
look further?
Everything would be clearer if we knew where exactly the
two equestrian statues of the Nonii Balbi, which grace the front
hall of the Museum at Naples, were actually found. The inscrip-
tion on Nonius Balbus’ altar, as we have seen, provided that an
equestrian statue should be erected to him ‘at the busiest place
in town’, in loco celeberrimo. That must surely be the Forum. The
equestrian statues of Balbus and his father emerged, according
to Alcubierre’s reports, in June 1746, at a time when explora-
tions stretched from the Theatre to the Palaestra, and there has
always been much confusion about their find-spot. They were
stated by Cochin and Bellicard, who were there only three years
later in 1749, to have come precisely from this arcade, which

192 the public face of the town the public face of the town 193
Left: Fragment of a mable plaque dimly
discoveries lie. This is the partially visible building
inscribed in ink with a list of names.
to the west of Cardo III. We can be reasonably
confident in identifying it as the Basilica which This page: Marble head of a statue of
an Amazon at moment of discovery
Nonius Balbus built, because the records confirm
(below), and detail of the painting
that statues of the members of his family came around the eye (right).
from there, including himself, his father, and his
mother Viciria Archais. Along the now visible east
wall of the building are a series of statue bases, and
it is almost certainly from these that the gallery
of Balbus’ family came (and for this reason it was
referred to in the eighteenth century as the Galleria
Balbi). If confirmation were needed, a fragment
of a new inscription found in the same area, put
up by the Nucerians (Balbus’ fellow townsmen)
to a female (the name is lost) points to a missing
member of the family portrait gallery.
The dossier of legal documents, which we met
in the previous chapter belonging to one Venidius
Ennychus, records that at a meeting of the local the escarpment, undertaken by the Herculaneum
council on 25 July ad 61 in the Basilica Noniana, Conservation Project, coupled with reopening of
Venidius was recommended to the authorities in old Bourbon tunnels, allows us to confirm details
Rome for promotion to full citizenship. The close from the plans by Bardet and Bellicard. And
association of the Basilica with citizenship, its though we may be dismayed by the extensiveness
formal award and documentation, is confirmed of the warren of tunnels made in the eighteenth
by other recent finds. That the Basilica Noniana century, it is also evident that Maiuri’s instinct was
was where lists of citizens were kept and displayed right, and much remains to be discovered from
is suggested by Maiuri’s discovery of three frag- this focal point of the town. Even in the early days
ments of the inscription when he was excavating of the cleaning campaign, there emerged from the
here in 1961, apparently found in the road outside edge of the old excavations the marble head of an
the building. More recently, there emerged from Amazon of the highest quality. The Amazon is one
within the building two broken slabs of white of a type, closely parallel to a similar head found
marble, which at first sight appeared blank. On in the recent excavations of the lower terrace of
closer examination, traces emerged of faded letters the Villa of the Papyri. What makes this example
in ink or paint of a list of names. In fact, Maiuri particularly valuable is the survival of extensive
had already discovered a similar fragment during traces of paint, not only in the hair, but around the
his excavations. If they kept lists of names painted eyes, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and pupils.
on blank slabs, as well as properly inscribed lists, it The fact that it was excavated and cleaned by
suggests the more strongly that the Basilica is where professional conservators does much to explain
records of citizens were officially stored. the survival of these traces of pigment. Too often,
The plan of the Basilica is now known with marble finds have been scrubbed clean by unob-
reasonable certainty. The campaign of cleaning servant excavators.

194 the public face of the town

Our best chance of understanding more about the monu-
mental centre of Herculaneum lies in the full excavation of the
Basilica. Already the ground surface above has been cleared of
ruinous modern buildings. Reopening the Bourbon tunnels has
demonstrated how much they left behind – exquisite details of
decoration that were spared their pickaxes. More significantly
for the topography of the area, exploration of tunnels to the west
of the Basilica has shown that it has other, smaller structures
built up against it. This means that it did not immediately flank
the missing Forum, though it may still be the case that it is only
a narrow row of shops, and the Forum remains to be discovered
to the west.
Our evidence is certainly incomplete, and surprises surely
await any future campaign of excavation. In the meantime, it
is clear that our complex of three buildings at the intersec-
tion of Cardo III and the Decumanus Maximus was of central
importance in the town; if not the busiest place, at least one
of them. What else is missing? Certainly a few temples. There
was a Capitolium – a temple to Jupiter that imitated the temple
to Jupiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline. We know that
because Vibidia Sabina and her son helped to repair it. And
there must have been a temple to Hercules, the patron god of
the town. One or other, even both, might be the temple at the
west end of the Decumanus Maximus, marked on his map by
Francesco La Vega, and today dimly visible in the tunnels by Above: Cleaning of the Amazon Right: Marble head of an Amazon
the Theatre. Then there is the mysterious Temple of Mother of head by conservator-restorer Monica (Riccardo Giordano).
the Gods, Magna Mater, restored by the Emperor Vespasian in Castaldi Martelli.
ad 76: the inscription plaque was found in the entrance to the
Palaestra, with which it seems to have no connection. There is
a missing Macellum, or market, built at his own expense by the
duumvir Marcus Spurius, son of Marcus, Rufus. The unexca-
vated town undoubtedly has other surprises in store. But from
what we can make out, this small community, no more than a
modern village, boasted an impressive and well-organized set
of public monuments, deliberately imitating the style of impe-
rial Rome with lavish works of art. Pre-Roman Herculaneum is
difficult to make out, but imperial Herculaneum, though small,
was disproportionately well endowed.

196 the public face of the town


ust like the skeletons, or the inscriptions and professional middle classes in suburbia and upper
wooden tablets with their hundreds of names, classes in secluded leafy lanes. These distinctions
the houses of Herculaneum offer us a cross- break down completely in the Roman world. In a
section and a vivid insight into how people lived, world in which status not class is what distinguishes,
high and mighty, low and servile. When Amedeo freeborn or slave-born, foreigner or citizen, ordi-
Maiuri published his excavations in two magnificent nary citizen or member of the honoured ‘orders’ of
volumes, he divided up his houses not by area but by decuriones and Augustales, housing patterns worked
status, into eight classes. He started with patrician differently. For one thing, the richer the household,
houses of traditional type, followed by middle class the more numerous were the slaves, so that the
houses of traditional type, which he followed by rich lived not in splendid isolation, but surrounded
grand houses (‘case signorili’) and residential houses by their dependants. You could not be a Marcus
of a non-traditional type. Here he was evidently Nonius Balbus, and leave the town teaming with
torn between two principles of classification, one in your freedmen and the freedmen of your freedmen,
terms of the wealth of the owners, the other in terms without living in a big house full of slaves and other
of the typology of the houses. Why not start with the dependants. We met Venidius Ennychus in the last
grandest houses in town? Alas for Maiuri, they were chapter, the successful businessman whose bundle
not very traditional, in terms of the dominance of of legal documents was found in the House of the
the traditional entrance hall or atrium, so he sepa- Black Saloon. Maiuri had some difficulty in believing
rates these out. Then he slides down his social scale: that this relative ‘upstart’ could live in such a large,
middle class houses with attached shops, multiple- fine house, with its traditional atrium entrance, and
residence houses, tradesmen’s houses and shops indeed we cannot exclude the possibility that he was
with dwellings, and finally shops and workshops in a a lodger or a tenant. But Ennychus was a member of
multi-storey block. an order of dignity in the town, an Augustalis, and
This complicated classification, applied to no we should expect to find him owning a house that
more than sixty units of residence or use, already looked dignified.
suggests how diverse the housing of Herculaneum If we can’t start from modern expectations, where
is, in size, wealth, function and architectural style. can we start? There are few better introductions than
Maiuri’s desire to distinguish houses by social class the extraordinary evocation of life on the Bay of
(flagged by terms like ‘patrician’, ‘signorile’, ‘middle Naples in the first century ad in Petronius’ Satyrica,
class’ or ‘mercantile’) reflects an assumption based one of the two novels written in Latin that gives
Atrium of the Samnite House
on modern western cities that people will gener- us the best insight into Roman imperial society.
with central rainwater basin
(impluvium) and upper ally live clustered by class: the working classes in (Amedeo Maiuri, who himself produced an edition
colonnade. city centre slums or housing estates separate from of the text, would not have disagreed.) In the most

standards of living 199

familiar episode, one among many in a long and was born a slave: as he proudly recounts, he came ‘You a Roman knight, are you? Well, my father need to remember they may be Scintillas, not high-
rambling narrative, the heroes, a group of literary from Asia no bigger than a candlestick, served the was a king! born Romans.
friends, are invited to the home of Trimalchio, rich fancy of his master for fourteen years, and ended ‘Why are you only a freedman?’ did you say? Petronius lays on his satire thick, but the point
freedman and Augustalis. As Trimalchio describes it up his master’s heir with a senator’s fortune – one Because I went into service voluntarily! I wanted remains: a Trimalchio is as proud of his lavish
himself, it is a splendid mansion: he promptly lost in a trading venture, to be rescued to be a Roman citizen, not a subject with taxes to house, his silver plate, his Corinthian bronzes, his
by his wife Fortunata, who sold her jewellery to pay. And today, I hope no one can laugh at the artworks and mythological paintings (however
Thanks to the protection of Mercury, I built this raise the money for a new venture which paid off. way I live. I’m a man among men, and I walk with clumsily misinterpreted), his overflowing strongbox,
house. As you know, it used to be a hovel, now Fortunata, he is equally happy to boast, was born my head up. his slave household and quasi-military divisions, as
it’s a temple. It has four dining-rooms, twenty a slave, became a dancing girl. Now she counts her any freeborn Roman citizen. We are going to find a
bedrooms, two marble colonnades, a row of money by the sackful. His friends are freedmen People so sensitive about status attach impor- major problem telling freeborn and slave-born apart
rooms above, a bedroom where I sleep myself, too, with their own exotic stories: Gaius Pompeius tance to the symbols of standing, their houses, their in Herculaneum, and just because they have a house
a nest for this viper here [his wife], and a really Diogenes, who started out with nothing, humping retinues of slaves, and their public recognition. with a ‘traditional atrium’ does not mean that they
good lodge for the porter. The guest wing takes a wood on his back, but made a mysterious fortune Trimalchio and no less than two of his guests are are well-born patricians, any more than that wealth
hundred guests. (‘stole a hobgoblin’s hat’), and has now put up a To members of the order of Augustales. When one, can be read as a sign of free birth. To speak of a
Let notice by his shop, declaring he is moving into Habinnas, arrives late, it is with a fanfare, proceeded ‘middle class’ in this context is especially misleading.
Scale is vital: there have to be many of everything a house of his own and will let the flat above the by a lictor, and the narrator thinks it must be a chief Freedmen traders are as likely to be found in
and space for vast numbers. Trimalchio’s household shop. Then there’s Gaius Julius Proculus, who started magistrate arriving, rather than Habinnas, ‘Augustalis modestly prosperous houses as in workshops and
pullulates with slaves. Apart from the hordes of cooks free and rich, flourished as an undertaker, but was and monumental mason’. So easily is the successful flats above shops, and the good taste of their decora-
and carvers and pretty-boy waiters and entertainers swindled by his own freedmen and had to auction freedman confused with the local elite. Habinnas’ tion tells us more about the remarkable skill levels
who circulate throughout the meal, there are unseen off his property. wife Scintilla is dripping with gold jewellery, gold of the workshops of craftsmen that flourished on the
crowds in the background, organized by divisions, so Trimalchio’s freedmen friends are hypersensi- bracelets, anklets and a gold hair net, which her Bay of Naples than about the social origins of the
numerous that not one in ten knows his master. The tive about their standing. They feel they are being husband claims to weigh six and a half pounds, and householders.
vital but arbitrary boundary between slave and free sneered at by the well-educated narrators. Hermeros Marble table by the
calls for weighing scales to prove it. When we find Which houses did the rich live in? Where do we
Detail of marble tragic mask
is constantly visible. Trimalchio, whose slaves seem flies off the handle: impluvium in the House of the from the House of Neptune skeletons heavy with jewellery at Herculaneum, we draw the line? It is tempting, and lazy, to imagine the
ever in danger of a flogging for trivial errors, never- Wooden Screen. and Amphitrite. Roman world as having a sharp distinction between
theless gives freedom to his favourites with studiedly rich and poor, the ‘elite’ of the ruling families, with
casual humour: a boy acrobat falls on his master, lavish houses and spreading estates, and the ‘ordi-
slightly grazing him, and is granted his freedom ‘so nary’ people with their humble dwellings. As we have
that nobody can say Trimalchio was hurt by a slave’, seen, it is no easy matter to say who should count as
and he assures the company he will give freedom to ‘ordinary’ in a society so full of slaves and ex-slaves.
all his slaves in his will (something prohibited by In an open and competitive society, wealth distrib-
law, which restricted it to fixed proportions), leaving utes itself in many grades. You can draw no sharp
one, Philargyrus, a farm, and another, Cario, an distinction between rich and poor, because too many
apartment block. are clustered around the dividing line, wherever you
The world of slaves flows constantly into the put it. So it is with the houses of Herculaneum: they
world of ex-slaves, in the company Trimalchio keeps come in all shapes and sizes, and signs of surprising
and the stories he tells about himself and his friends. luxury can turn up in houses of modest size too.
‘My dear people, slaves are human beings too. They If there was a standard house at Herculaneum, it
drink the same milk as everyone else, even if their was that determined by the plot size of the original
luck has been against them.’ This awareness that luck layout. Just as the town is divided by its horizontal
is what makes the difference is pervasive. Trimalchio decumani and vertical cardines, or in the Greek of

200 standards of living standards of living 201

the area, plateiai and stenôpoi, into blocks or insulae town’s military defence against attack from the sea, taken to be a name, possibly of the owner. Hence
of broadly the same size, c.3,000 square metres, so more latterly, in the peaceful prosperity of the early the ‘Samnite’ House, because of its clear signs of pre-
each insula is divided into a number of standard empire, offered instead an opportunity for grand Roman dating.
plots, around 200 square metres each. But over the houses to enjoy the spectacular sea view. The strip of The atrium itself is at first glance a textbook
course of time, boundaries changed continuously, land along which troops must have moved to defend example of an atrium. Its floor, in opus signinum
and you have only to look at the plan to see the the walls has disappeared to make room for their (crushed pottery decorated with white marble chips),
effects. Property outlines come to form a jigsaw of lush gardens. Let us, then, look at examples of houses slopes into the central pool of the impluvium, where
interlocking shapes, as one neighbour sells another from these three areas, the standard plots in the rainwater collected from the roof above, similarly
a room here, a garden there. Then some manage to middle, and turn in the next chapter to the grander sloping inwards to the central rectangular opening
take over a string of properties to make a larger plot, houses, those to the north, and the most spacious of the compluvium. Its edges are decorated with
while others subdivide their properties into smaller houses to the south overlooking the sea, focusing for terracotta plaques with lion’s head spouts, to direct
units, to let out as shops and flats. All this means now on those which show the signs of wealth that the flow of water to the basin below. The walls of the
that, while the norm may cluster around a plot of might make us imagine that the rich lived there. atrium are also eye-catching. It is divided as if into
200 square metres, there is a spread in virtually every By starting from the ‘standard’ plots, we can start two floors. The lower part has decorated plaster, but
gradation of size, from single-room workshops to where Maiuri did, with the Samnite House. Located the other seems to open up into a colonnade. The
spreading properties occupying entire blocks. on the north-eastern corner of what is now the upper part of the wall at the far end from the door is
The more standard units tend to cluster up and central crossroads of the site, it occupies what looks indeed open to the sky, with a row of elegantly fluted
down the side streets, the cardines, in the middle to be a plot eaten away over the course of time. Its Ionic columns in tufo. The other three walls are all
portion of the excavated plot. Further north, the garden peristyle area has been occupied by another
Decumanus Maximus, the town’s most prestigious little house, distinguished by the ‘Grand Portal’ that
street, attracted a string of larger and smarter prop- gives its name: in its walls can be seen remains of grey
erties that open directly onto it. Further south, the tufo columns which arguably once formed the peri-
seawall, which once, as we have seen, represented the style of the Samnite House. But even to the north,
Plan of the Samnite House. its boundary has been eroded by the insertion, on
a slight diagonal, of a staircase leading to an upper
apartment, which was doubtless a valuable source of
revenue. Reduced it may be, but the Samnite House
has an atrium space so fine that Maiuri could treat it as
a model of an older style of living, which he regarded
as ‘patrician’. There is no denying its elegance. As you
enter the narrow fauces, or ‘throat’, which gives access
to an atrium, you notice plaster decoration imitating
slabs of coloured marbles. It was an older style, one
which was common across the Mediterranean in
the second century bc, in the days before the new
imperial peace encouraged the Mediterranean-wide
Above: Detail of ‘First Style’
marble trade and enabled the rich to use real marble decoration of the entrance
slabs. Art historians call this the ‘first Pompeian style’. passage (fauces) of the
Its antiquity is guaranteed by a painted message in Samnite House.

Oscan letters, running right to left, unlike Latin: Left: Atrium of the Samnite
SPUNES LOPI. Otherwise incomprehensible, it is House.

202 standards of living standards of living 203

Atrium of the House of the
closed, but the colonnade continues as a decorative
Corinthian Atrium.
feature, half-columns semi-engaged in the masonry,
with elegant trellis-work between their lower parts.
Our idea of what constituted a ‘traditional’ Roman
house is dominated by the survival of Vitruvius’ ten
books On Architecture, written early in the reign of
Augustus. It is a handy coincidence that his account
falls in the middle of the period of architecture best
represented at both Herculaneum and Pompeii, the
first centuries bc and ad. He devotes the entire sixth
book to domestic architecture, and it is natural to look
in the remains of the Vesuvian cities for illustrations
of the Vitruvian principles of architecture. Maiuri
studied his Vitruvius closely, and was always alert to
the parallels in what he excavated. But Herculaneum
has pride of place in Maiuri’s drive to illustrate and
recreate Vitruvian typologies. In the site as recon-
structed, we can find an illustration of virtually every
domestic form that Vitruvius specifies.
But there is a danger here. When Vitruvius talks
about the atrium, one of the principal distinctions he
draws is in different ways of roofing the space. The
‘Tuscan’ atrium has an inward-sloping roof, with an illustration of Vitruvius. In fact, this house is far from a classic example
compluvium opening and impluvium basin below, Maiuri was rightly proud of his restoration work of a Vitruvian Tuscan atrium. These are defined
and no supporting columns: the Samnite House is a in the Samnite House: ‘thanks however to the resto- not only by roof-lines, but by the layout of rooms,
perfect example. The ‘tetrastyle’ atrium, by contrast, ration which it has been possible to carry out in this and Vitruvius attaches much importance to the
has four supporting columns: the House of the house with the elements and materials recovered cruciform layout, with two alae or ‘wings’ at the
Two Atria gives us an example. The ‘Corinthian’ in the excavation, we have at Herculaneum the sides, and the ritual reception space of the tablinum
atrium had a larger opening, surrounded by a run of most architecturally complete example of this most opening on the central axis of the atrium. As Maiuri
columns: the House of the Corinthian Atrium gives unusual type of atrium with loggia.’ Climb up on the was aware, the next house in his line-up, the House
us our example. The ‘testudinate’ (‘tortoise-shell’) scaffolding erected for more recent conservation, and of the Wooden Screen, illustrates this pattern far
atrium, unlike the others, had outward-sloping roof you discover that a great deal of his reconstruction is better. The Samnite House has rather a strange
lines, like those of a modern house, and no implu- a skilful bluff: most of the elegant tufo semi-columns layout of rooms. It is such a narrow plot that there
vium: the House of the Stags gives us our illustration. surrounding the atrium are of modern concrete, as is little room for manoeuvre. There are no rooms
But ironically, the roofing is the element that least are the ‘original terracotta’ water-spouts with lions’ on the right-hand side as you enter, just the tall
often survives in these houses: Maiuri had to put heads around the roof opening. Again, we cannot wall that borders the street. On the left-hand side,
them together again. It is not so much that his recon- say that Maiuri’s reconstruction is actually wrong, there are three openings, of which the furthest is
structions are at fault, but rather that his strong urge just that it gives an impression of authenticity that is a vestigial ala, which reads visually like a sort of
to recreate sloping roofs over the atria of houses, largely spurious. His projection of a ‘Samnite patri- cubby-hole. The tablinum, which aligns with the
unlike other areas where he frequently inserted flat The House of the Two Atria. Plan (above) and view of the ciate’ which constructed the house is even more a front door and impluvium, has a handsome pave-
roofs, was driven by his desire to present the site as ‘tetrastyle’ atrium (below). reconstruction based on little evidence. ment with geometric decoration, but opens not fully

204 standards of living standards of living 205

on the atrium but with a window. This effect was
probably achieved by inserting a low wall to give the
tablinum better separation, though this was not the
original spirit of the tablinum, conceived as an open
space where the patron could receive his clients of
a morning. In a word, this house is much too pokey
to count as a classic example of a ‘patrician atrium’.
Its loggia, especially as reconstructed by Maiuri, is
indeed of great elegance, and breathes the spirit of
the ‘Hellenistic’ east so typical of the second century
bc. But to leap from this to inferences about the
social profile of the owners is hazardous indeed.
The paradox of Herculaneum is that the place
which at first seems to illustrate the ‘classic’ styles of
Vitruvian architecture is a great deal more compli-
cated and messy when viewed up close. In particular,
far from showing the continued importance of the
atrium in ad 79, Herculaneum seems to illustrate
The House of the Wooden
how Roman domestic architecture was progressively
Screen, plan (below) and view moving away from traditional forms. Let us move on
from tablinum to door (right). to the House of the Wooden Screen, which, as we have
seen, is a better example of a Tuscan atrium, and was
Overleaf: Reverse view of
atrium towards wooden Maiuri’s next case study. We find a similar pattern of
screen and tablinum.

206 standards of living standards of living 207

narrow fauces passage opening on an atrium, with inwards-sloping looks for all the world like a garden peristyle. This survival of what was, at the time of excavation, an
floor with geometrical decoration in marble chips, a marble-lined was a solution used in houses all over the Roman exceptionally well-preserved specimen of a wooden
impluvium, marked out by marble cartibulum or display table, and empire, to substitute the atrium with the peristyle couch, together with a round table with three legs.
an elegant fountain at its head; then to the left the open space of the as its core space. This is an early example, and Romans reclined to eat as well as to sleep, and dining
ala, and in front the high and wide opening of a classic tablinum. done in miniature. The rooms around this atrium/ couches, especially those with legs and supports in
Like the Samnite House, this has only rooms opening out on its peristyle space are nearly all decorated with modest decorative bronzework, could be spectacular objects
left-hand side as you enter. There is, however, unlike the Samnite elegance. Whether Vitruvius would have recognized of luxury. The survival of a wooden couch is valuable
House, plenty of room to the right, only the owners have decided a ‘Corinthian’ atrium here is to be doubted. for its rarity. Fashions in reclining changed through
this space is better used for commercial premises opening directly Back to back with it is the House of Neptune and time, and the original models came from the Greek
on the street. Amphitrite. It has a Tuscan atrium, but the small plot east, where couches had low supports at one end
And then, just as in the Samnite House the tablinum has been leaves no room for a garden. Instead, the tablinum for the diner to rest their left arm on, while eating
blocked in by a partition wall, which reduces the opening to a opens on a tiny courtyard area. Originally decorated with the right. In the second half of the first century
window, in this house the tablinum is blocked off from the sight- with garden paintings, it was evidently intended to ad, a new fashion came in for couches surrounded
line of the visitor by the splendid wooden structure that gives evoke a proper garden. Then, with the arrival of the on three sides with upright elements: these assume
the house its name: the wooden screen. The survival of wood, aqueduct, they inserted a water cistern in this narrow you will prop your arm on a cushion. Our house
carbonized or semi-carbonized, is one of the distinctive glories space. Making a virtue of necessity, they decorated therefore not only offered a rare example of a wooden
of this site, and this beautifully made screen, with its two sliding the structure for the cistern with mosaics, with an couch, but one that was up to date with the fashion of
doors that allow access to the tablinum to be opened and closed eye-catching background of blue glass chips of a type the day. Alas, the decision to leave it on show in the
at will, is a rare and precious find. But the truth is that it cuts off made popular by the fashion for blue glass, which house as a tourist attraction, combined with the lack
the tablinum as effectively as the low wall in the Samnite House. came from Alexandria in Egypt. Most important, of maintenance work, has led to its almost complete
It can be related to a phenomenon well attested in both Vesuvian they inserted a central mosaic panel on the axis disintegration.
cities: the tendency, starting around the early first century bc, to of the entrance, so that every visitor could see it, Like the House of Neptune and Amphitrite, that
shift the focus of the house to the peristyle garden, to ensure that framed by the door and window of the tablinum. of the Carbonized Furniture was organized around
Plan of the House and Shop of
principal reception rooms opened on the garden rather than the Neptune stands magnificently, resting on his trident; a tight atrium with a tiny garden area behind. With Neptune and Amphitrite.
atrium, and to reduce the atrium to a sort of entrance parlour. Archival photograph of the Wooden Screen. beside him a lady, taken to be his wife, the nymph
The House of the Wooden Screen acquired for itself, probably by Amphitrite. In terms of workmanship, it is one of
buying up the house behind it, a fine peristyle garden, and by the the most noticeable sights of the town, yet the plot
time the wooden screen was built, the space looked out primarily size tells us the owner was not among the super-rich,
on this garden. In a word, what we see is not a classic illustration of and Maiuri took him for a trader, one whose ships,
Vitruvian architecture, but of that architecture undergoing a slow protected by the sea god Neptune, plied the trading
process of transformation. route to Alexandria. Maybe.
We started by looking at the ‘standard’ housing units of the town, Just to the south of this house is another, of
which are typically horizontal strips opening on the side roads, the almost identical size, known as the House of the
cardines. It requires a considerable stretch of the imagination to Carbonized Furniture. In fact, carbonized furniture
house the richest elite of the town in these. They are ‘middling’ of various sorts was found in several houses on the
houses, which does not make the ‘middle class’ but middle wealth. site, and Herculaneum offers our best opportunity
Perhaps the most striking feature of them is their extraordinary for studying wooden furniture in the Roman world.
variety, even in architectural terms. There is, as we have seen, the The wooden frames of beds survived in several
House of the Corinthian Atrium. Instead of the atrium–peristyle houses, wooden cupboards and shrines in others,
sequence (for which there is no room), it has an atrium which, sometimes tables and stools, and in one case a baby’s
with its six-columned peristyle and charming central garden, cot. What distinguishes this particular house is the

210 standards of living standards of living 211

Examples of carbonized
wooden furniture from
Herculaneum: a three-legged
stool, provenance uncertain
(far left, above); a small table
with inlaid top from the
House of the Two Atria (left,
above); a baby’s cradle from
the House of Granianus (left,
below); a small cupboard,
provenance uncertain (right).

212 standards of living standards of living 213

an effect similar to that of the eye-catching mosaic of Mosaic decoration of the back courtyard of the House of
Neptune and Amphitrite. Hunting scenes around a small of their social status. On the façade of the house, a recorded in the wooden tablets of Herculaneum,
Neptune and Amphitrite, this house placed a shrine
fountain, or nymphaeum (above); the sea god Neptune with his marble plaque has been hung from an iron fixing (one which had to be resolved in front of an arbitrator. A
in the form of a little temple, with a niche decorated wife Amphitrite (above right); detail of the head of Amphitrite of Maiuri’s reconstructions, of course). Fixed at the parallel, in a more rural context, would be the argu-
with shells, on the axis of view from the front door. (below).
boundary point between this house and its neighbour ment between Cominius Primus and the owner of the
A second angle of view was from the reception room
to the south, each side names its owner and declares neighbouring estate, Lucius Appuleius Proculus, over
that opens on the garden: lying on the wooden couch,
their rights in perpetuity: on one side Julia, on the the removal by Cominius of 306 fencing poles, which
you could see through the broad window to the
other M(arcus) Nonius M(arci) l(ibertus) Dama. the arbitrator Tiberius Crassius Firmus had to hold
garden and its shrine. There are plenty of other signs
Here is one of the innumerable bearers of the name till the dispute was resolved. We cannot reconstruct
of aspirations to elegance in this house: the wall-
of Marcus Nonius, explicitly a freedman, though what it was that made Nonius Dama and Julia argue
decoration in this garden room, in the tablinum, and
one cannot tell whether the owner was a member of over their boundary, but at least it reveals the identity
in the triclinium with its still-life scenes, a cock with
Balbus’ blood family or one of the family’s freedmen. of the owners on the two sides, a freedman belonging
cherries, a spread of fruit, nuts and a mushroom. The
Roman legal texts are full of neighbours squabbling to the biggest family in town, and a woman whose
sleeping quarters were presumably upstairs, accessed
over boundaries, and indeed, having a shared (or imperial name implies that she too was from a family
by the two sets of stairs.
‘party’) wall, as in this case, between two proper- of imperial freedmen. Who owned which side (and if
This house is one of the rare cases where we can
ties was discouraged because it generated so many the plaque has been put back in the right position),
put a name to the proprietors, and catch an idea
disputes. There was probably a legal case, as so many we cannot tell.

214 standards of living standards of living 215

The House of the Carbonized Furniture: plan
(above), archival view of the room with bed
and three-legged table on display (left); recent
photograph of the bed in critical condition (above

Left: Marble plaque marking

the boundary between the
wall (‘private in perpetuity’)
of Marcus Nonius Dama,
freedman of Marcus, and (on
the opposite side) Julia Paris.

216 standards of living standards of living 217

House of the Wooden Shrine:
For a final example of a ‘standard’ plot, we can over his left arm. What the excavation diaries show is
plan (above left), the shrine
(above right); archival briefly look at the House of the Wooden Shrine, that this Hercules was not in the upper ‘temple’ but
photograph of the shrine which backs on that of the Carbonized Furniture, the bottom cupboard, along with an assortment of
in situ, revealing bronze with its front door on Cardo V, to the south of the terracotta lamps, glass jars, bone dice and astragals,
statuettes and other objects
Corinthian Atrium. Slightly narrower than its neigh- and a bronze stamp with the name Lucius Autronius
found inside (opposite).
bours, it represents the most stripped-down form Euthymus. Again the name takes us into the world of
of an atrium house: one room one either side of the freedmen. If this was Euthymus’ house, he does not
entrance passage leads into a small atrium with central seem to have been using his fine piece of wooden
impluvium and no side rooms; beyond it, a central furniture as a shrine for his household gods, but as a
tablinum, with stairs up on one side, and on the other general storage cupboard.
a small room and a narrow passage to a back space. Some of the standard plots, then, could be very
Scarcely any decoration remains, and it looks as if the attractive, and often modern visitors catch themselves
house had been little remodelled since its original thinking, ‘Now here is a house I could live in’. Others
construction, possibly in the second century bc. What are more run down. Yet others, as we will see in the
gives it its interest is a single piece of furniture, found next chapter, formed commercial premises. The old
in the small room to the right of the door, though housing stock that went back to the original layout of
it compensates by its extraordinary quality. This is these blocks in the ‘Samnite’ period could be adapted
a wooden container, its upper part in the form of a and transformed in numerous ways: the old formula
tiny temple, with elaborately carved wooden columns of construction round the partially open space of an
with Corinthian capitals in ivory, and doors opening atrium allowed for endless variations on a theme, with
on an interior. Below is a simpler cupboard structure. plenty of opportunity for improvisation. But for an
Its identification as a ‘wooden shrine’ depends on the understanding of how the richer households lived, we
temple-like form and the presence of an elegant bronze need to move upmarket, to the Decumanus Maximus
statuette of Hercules, standing naked with a lion’s skin and the spectacular houses overlooking the sea.

218 standards of living

The House of the Corinthian
Atrium, view towards the


owever much the little houses on standard common fortune, he says quite explicitly, had no
plots may charm the modern visitor, need of magnificent vestibules or tablina or atria,
especially as enhanced by Maiuri’s restora- because they went round ‘paying court’ to others, not
tions, it is no good looking for the grandees of the being paid court to. The Latin word is ambire (root
town in them. We are much better off looking at the of our word ‘ambition’), meaning ‘go around’, but our
main drag of the Decumanus Maximus. Busy shop- expression ‘pay court’ has the advantage of evoking
ping streets in city centres may not appeal much to the physical space, the ‘court’ which characterized the
the modern powerful and wealthy, but in antiquity residences of early modern princes. How you shape
it was a normal place to find them. The ruling elite a house, what your standing is, and how people treat
expressed their domination through the holding of you are all interlinked. The ‘atrium’ was the court of
political office, the local annual magistracies. These the Roman world, in which the mighty were literally
involved being at the heart of the community – being courted.
known to the voters, taking part, indeed officiating, at That said, we may pause in surprise to note that
the local festivals, and adjudicating the endless local the houses of our standard plots also had ‘atria’. Did
squabbles, for example between people who disagreed the owners expect visitors to court them? Partly, the
over boundary walls or tore down their neighbours’ answer is about ‘trickle down’: how the mighty lived
fencing poles, or who challenged whether a slave girl created an image of success that was reproduced in
was a runaway or maybe not a slave at all. Living close miniature by the less mighty. But another answer may
to the heart of the town was seen as a political advan- be that Vitruvius would have laughed in our faces to
tage, an issue on which Cicero, who spent so much of hear us speak of these tiny entrance halls as ‘atria’
his life in the Forum, whether in the law courts or at just because they had rainwater basins in the middle.
senate meetings, was anxious to stress. The house of What he was thinking of, especially when he speaks
a politician should put him on display to the voters, of ‘magnificent atria’, are central spaces with ample
framed in the view from the open front door as he dimensions, and surely also with the classic cruciform
conducted his business. pattern generated by having ‘wings’ on both sides
What is more, the figure of the magistrate was and tablina with wide openings in the centre. Our
closely associated with the grand atrium, and it is in standard houses, as we have seen, struggle to manage
the houses along the Decumanus Maximus that we open space on either side, and are frequently found
find some of the grandest. The Augustan architect closing up their tablina to become rooms looking
Vitruvius, whose typology, as we have seen, Maiuri over the garden.
was so keen to illustrate, is particularly explicit on the The House of the Bicentenary, excavated in 1938,
linkage between high social standing and architec- at the height of the Fascist excavations, on the anni-
The House of the Black
Saloon: view from atrium tural form. The architect had to build houses suitable versary of two centuries of exploration of the site,
through tablinum to peristyle. for the rank and profession of the owner. People of ticks far more of Vitruvius’ boxes than any house

high life 223

The House of the Bicentenary:
plan (above); façade with
upper floors (left); view of the
atrium towards the entrance

we have considered so far. That is made possible by ‘classic’ aspect. The side alae have marble thresholds
scale: with a plot 18.6 metres (63 Roman feet) wide, that mark off spaces for display, the one on the right
and exactly twice that depth, and covering nearly 700 with wooden sliding doors in position, in which
square metres, it is more than three times the size it would be nice to imagine that the images of the
of a standard plot. It is not clear whether the block ancestors were displayed according to the Roman
was originally laid out like this, or whether the house noble tradition, except that unfortunately not a single
expanded over time, swallowing up smaller neigh- house has produced evidence of this type of ancestral
bours, but in Pompeii too we can see a pattern whereby image. (Those we do meet, as in the House of the
the end plots that fronted on the main streets were Bronze Herm, another ‘standard’ plot, tend to be on
privileged over the smaller plots along the side roads. stands by the side of the tablinum.)
A social division is implicit in this layout. The house But the House of the Bicentenary has some
maximizes its chances to present an appearance of a surprises that rather undermine this grand image.
textbook grand house: an enormous ‘Tuscan’ atrium, The first is the presence of the dossier concerning
with two alae and a tablinum, and beyond, a peristyle Petronia Justa, with its exotic cast of freedmen at
garden surrounded by colonnades, all framed in the loggerheads over an issue of free birth. The dossier was
view from the entrance. Small details enhance this found in a basket in an upper room overlooking the

224 high life high life 225

peristyle. It does not follow that anybody mentioned grandeur was a show, a bluff designed to impress the
in the dossier owned the house as a whole: Petronius visitor awed by the scale of the atrium, and blind to
Stephanus and his wife Calatoria Themis might have the busy units of work and habitation hidden from
been the owners or the principal residents, but the sight by its imposing walls. This house illustrates
very fact that Stephanus declared he had only one vividly the difficulties of drawing inferences about
slave tells against his being a rich man. It is hard too the social standing of inhabitants from architecture.
to imagine a rich man, or his widow, going all the way Its position and form made it suitable enough for the
to the praetor in Rome to dispute the status of a single family of one of the local ruling elite, irrespective of
slave girl. Possibly, then, they were tenants of part of the number of shops and flats. On the other hand, it
the house. is quite conceivable that its inhabitants in ad 79 were
More careful examination of the house plan indeed freedmen.
reveals that it was composed of numerous units, on The House of the Bicentenary is one of a number
both ground floor and upper floors. A series of shops of large and imposing houses that open on the
were built into the frontage: moving east to west, at Decumanus Maximus. In the next insula to the west,
no. 17, there is a shop with two ground-floor rooms, the House of the Black Saloon is not much smaller, at
and stairs up to an apartment above (which may or around 600 square metres. We can safely assume that
may not have been occupied by the shopkeeper); the three shops incorporated into its façade, one with
then at no. 16 is another, single-roomed shop, but rooms above, formed part of the same property. In
with stairs up to an apartment that stretched with a Roman law, ownership went vertically with owner-
The House of the Black
balcony across most of the façade, with as many as ship of the ground, and units on different floors could Saloon: plan (below); entrance
six or seven rooms; then after the main entrance to not be sold off separately. Again, this is a grand town with paintings of priest and
the house at no. 15, two more single-room shops at house that draws profit from its high street posi- wine jugs (right).
nos 14 and 13. There was at least one further upstairs tion. One of the shops was in fact the workshop of a
Inside: Panoramic view of the
apartment, probably two, accessible by a stairway metal worker, a plumbarius (the origin of our word peristyle.
from the peristyle garden. There seems to have been
a third floor, so possibly another unit of habitation.
Maiuri, who saw freedmen as a sort of regrettable
wave of immigrants, read this as the disintegration of
a grand old house in the hands of freedmen upstarts.
Of course, houses did change their social profiles
over the course of time, and there is no doubt that
the density of freedmen in ad 79 was a phenom-
enon of the early empire. We would expect a very
different picture, say, in the second century bc. But
this is a house constructed in its present form in the
early empire, probably under Augustus, and it was
built in the full expectation of precisely the pattern
of shops and apartments that we meet in its final
years. We should not underestimate the extent to
which a grand house was compatible with revenue-
generating activities, and indeed the extent to which

226 high life

‘plumber’, from when pipes were in lead). The front the Stags and the House of the Mosaic Atrium. The
part has the classic layout of a Tuscan atrium, with bedrooms to the south of the peristyle, by contrast,
alae on both sides, and a generously proportioned have a white background, with delicate monochrome
tablinum. It is hard to recapture the feel of this designs in shades of brown. This kind of monochrome
imposing atrium in its present ruinous condition, but brown is also met in the bedroom to one side of the
what makes the house impressive is the peristyle area ‘Black Saloon’ and is one of the characteristics of the
behind. It is clear that the house has absorbed at least decorative schemes of Flavian Herculaneum. It is The House of the Black
one property to its rear, causing its irregular outline. usually assimilated to Pompeian ‘Fourth Style’, but Saloon: exterior with
The peristyle has colonnades on all four sides, and one of the interesting things about Herculaneum is carbonized wooden beams
supporting the roof (above);
round this cluster the most important rooms, most that it had its own distinctive fashions, variations on
detail of entrance (right).
notably the unusually large reception room (the the themes met in Pompeii.
‘Black Saloon’), elegantly decorated in the style of We have already met the owner of the basket Overleaf: The mosaic wall
panel of the sea god Neptune
the last decades of the city with a black background of tablets found in an upper room overlooking the
and his consort, from the
that was fashionable in similar large rooms in others peristyle, Lucius Venidius Ennychus, and the story House of the Neptune and
of the finest houses in town, including the House of of his promotion from Latin to Roman citizen and Amphitrite.

232 high life

orientation of this garden space. On one side is a large
dining room, with elaborate decoration of the final
years of the town, including the figures of Bacchus
and Apollo. At the end are bedrooms, one with an
alcove for the bed with its own lowered ceiling. There
is enough in the house for the gracious entertainment
of guests, a necessity whether you were a member of
the local council or a rich freedman. At the same time,
it conceals in the background shops and an upper
apartment, reached from a side street (even now, it is
hard to realize that the two parts are linked).
The Decumanus Maximus, then, has its fair share
of houses that were grand enough for members of the
elite. Yet, despite the discovery of dossiers of docu-
ments, we cannot be sure of the ownership of any of
them. If we are looking for the sort of person we might
imagine would be a local magistrate, the most plau-
The House of the Black The House of the Tuscan Colonnade: plan (above); details of
eventually augustalis. It is striking that in publishing this house, Maiuri says sible candidate would be Lucius Cominius Primus.
Saloon: large room decorated decoration from the shop showing Hercules sacrificing (below
in black (above left); detail of
nothing of this dossier, and its possible implications for ownership of the house. left), and the main reception room (below right).
We have met him as a landowner, uprooting stakes
decoration (above right). He instinctively rejected the idea of a freedman owning a house this grand. It does from his neighbour’s boundary; we have met him
not follow from the discovery of the dossier that Ennychus either was or was not repaying a loan to the slave of the Emperor Trajan’s
the owner. This house, like that of the Bicentenary, has room for independent flats, aunt; we have met him buying a slave girl, Olympias.
and indeed there are back-stairs from a back entrance that could well lead to the In other documents, he lends sums of money to
room in which the dossier was kept. In Pompeii, where there is a strong tendency various parties – on two occasions, accepting slave
to name houses after any potential owner, however slim the evidence, this would girls as security. He is evidently a landowner and
surely have been called the ‘House of Venidius Ennychus’. We must not press the man of affairs about town. Yet his dossier is found
evidence for certainties, but rather be alive to a range of possibilities. in an upper room above a shop next to the House
The neighbouring house to the west, that of the Tuscan Colonnade, has much
in common with the Black Saloon, despite its rather smaller extent (around 400
square metres). Its irregular, L-shaped plan is due to expansion into the proper-
ties to the rear, so acquiring the space for the colonnaded garden that gives the
house its name. It too has three shops incorporated in its façade. One of the signs
of the fluidity with which the front rooms of such a house could be assigned to
commercial use at will is the handsome decoration, including the representation
of a sacrifice to Hercules, found in shop no. 16, which presumably goes back to
its earlier use as a bedroom, accessible only from within the house. Its Tuscan
atrium is narrower than its neighbour’s, and there is only room for one side wing,
and this is a well-decorated reception room, rather than a standard ala, including
a mythological scene of a Maenad and Pan, probably going back to a remodel-
ling of the house in the Augustan period. The climax is reserved for the peristyle
area reached down a narrow corridor, which obscures the 90-degree change in

236 high life high life 237

The House of the Tuscan
of the Bicentenary, a far world from these gracious to date excavated in Pompeii or Herculaneum has a Colonnade: panoramic view
standard plots in the side streets, so we move again the town walls within their luxurious structures, such
residences. The landowning elite slips through our distinct ‘vestibulum’. Only in the case of the name- of the peristyle and main into a different league with the houses looking out a transformation cannot have taken place without
fingers, just when we hope to pin them down. less house north of the Decumanus Maximus can reception room. over the town wall towards the south and west, and public decisions by the decuriones meeting in council.
The grandest of all the houses on the Decumanus we see a wide entrance lobby, with benches on either the incomparable view of the Bay of Naples. All these It took a figure like Balbus to pull off such a trans-
Maximus lies unexcavated, on the north side of the side, leading to the front door – all that is visible houses belong, as we have seen, to the period of the formation, and it is not hard to imagine that those
road under the escarpment. Its ambitious scale can be of this are the wooden door posts on either side. transformation of the town under Augustus, so closely private individuals who profited from the sudden
seen not only in the impressive brickwork colonnade Maybe if this house is explored one day, a genuine associated with the name of Nonius Balbus. What his availability of public land were decuriones themselves,
that runs along its frontage, supporting rooms and member of the elite may emerge, one of the many we fellow citizens praised him for was his rebuilding of with Balbus and his allies at their head.
balconies above, and in the well-preserved wooden can name as having held the office of duumvir, like walls and gates; and yet, what the evidence shows is a Stretching from the south-eastern to the south-
shutters on the windows, but in the breadth of its Marcus Rufellius Robia and Aulus Tetteius Severus, comprehensive abandonment of the defensive func- western extremities of the town, a zone defined
entrance door. Vitruvius speaks of the vestibulum as the magistrates responsible for posting the notice on tion of the walls, permitting householders to extend by the two rivers described by Sisenna, runs an
the first space you reach in a grand Roman house, as a the opposite side of the street banning people from their holdings, demolish the parapets, and gain access unbroken succession of houses which in scale and
sort of outer lobby where visitors could await admis- dumping rubbish near to the water supply, on pain of to the view. Town walls were naturally public prop- luxury outrank all others. The most familiar are the
sion. Yet, despite the occurrence of benches set on the a fine (for the free) or a flogging (for the slave). erty, as was the strip of land behind them. Here, just two houses, set side by side, the House of the Stags
pavement outside front doors (there is a good example Just as the houses fronting the Decumanus as at Pompeii, where houses like that of Fabius Rufus and that of the Mosaic Atrium, which are among the
outside the House of the Wooden Screen), no house Maximus are a whole league ahead of the ones on were terraced out to the west and south, swallowing most visited in the modern site. Each exceeds 1,000

238 high life high life 239

square metres in ground plan. The House of the Stags square metres are sacrificed to non-living space, in pavements, patterned with colour marble inlay (or
marks itself apart in layout, in richness of decoration a way reminiscent of the much earlier House of the ‘opus sectile’) of outstanding quality. Such opus sectile
and in its collection of statuary. The layout, evidently Faun at Pompeii, with its vast peristyles and scarce is one of the features that marks Herculaneum as in
profiting from the demolition of previous ‘standard’ rooms. But the trade-off for all this airy spaciousness another league of quality from Pompeii. Expensively
plots to the south, as well as the acquisition of the towards the sea is a dense clustering of rooms towards imported coloured marble cost far more than frescoes
public land of the wall, is dominated by its garden. the back of the house, in the area around the kitchen, or mosaics (except the very finest). It is exceptional
The open space is over 200 square metres, the size which cuts jaggedly into a neighbouring house-plot. in Pompeii (the House of the Ephebe offers a rare
of a standard plot. This is surrounded by a covered The service quarters and the service personnel are example there). In Herculaneum, it is a mark of
colonnade or cloister, minimizing the number of crowded to the back. the most prestigious houses. Closely linked to the
usable rooms, and concentrating the enclosed space The prestige of the house is concentrated around use of coloured marble is the occurrence of white
on a series of magnificent rooms looking out to sea. the garden. Both the reception rooms looking out marble sculptures of high quality. The House of the
The cloister is enhanced by a striking series of still to sea, and the great reception room that stands on Stags is distinguished by four pieces – the two stags
lives, scenes of fruit in baskets, or in transparent glass the central axis of the garden, are richly decorated, hunted down by dogs, and the drunken pair of a satyr
jars, as well of scenes of cupids; these are now partly with frescoed walls (notably the black-ground walls pouring wine from a skin (the sign of Bacchic excess)
in the Naples Museum, partly left on site, where of the main reception room, so much finer than and the patron of the town, Hercules, much the worse
the Bourbon excavators missed them. In total, 375 those of the Black Saloon), and above all in the for wear and relieving himself.

The House of the Stags: plan

(above); gazebo built over
the town wall (left); garden
decorated with marble statues
of stags hunted down by dogs

240 high life high life 241

The House of the Stags:
testudinate atrium (left);
still life from decoration of
peristyle (below).

Right: Archival view of the

main reception room with
statue of boy with a wine skin
(found in the garden).

The layout of the house shows an almost complete shift of emphasis from
atrium to peristyle as the core of the house. The entrance, which gave Maiuri his
rare but surprising example of a ‘testudinate’ atrium (see page 204) is evidently no
more than an entrance lobby, a circulation space which offers access on one side
to the upper rooms, on the other to the eye-catching sequence of reception rooms
visible ‘en filade’ through their aligned doors. It is the antithesis of the Samnite
House, in the lofty Tuscan atrium of which Maiuri saw the values of the patriciate
of the old days. But if Vitruvius could scarcely have approved, the House of the
Stags has more in common with the layout of the majority of the luxurious houses
of the imperial period.
Who then lived here? It was not until some forty years after Maiuri’s excavation
of the house that close study of the archives of the Bourbon excavations revealed
this house as the source of one of the most famous finds of the site: the carbonized
loaf of bread, long held in the Museum in Naples, on which are legible the letters
of a stamp: CELERIS Q GRANI VERI SER: ‘of Celer, slave of Quintus Granius
Verus’. Granius Verus is known to have been a magistrate of the town in the 50s or
early 60s ad, and his name appears as high-ranking witness on several of the wax
tablets. A Quintus Granius, freedman of Quintus, Celer also appears on the great
album of the town, one of the names inserted at the end, presumably close to the
time of the eruption. If, as seems likely, it is the same Celer, he must have achieved

242 high life high life 243

his freedom and citizenship shortly before the erup-
tion. Yet the bread must have been more recent than
the inscription. One might have expected it to have
been one of the first things a freedman would change,
to have a bronze stamp with his new name and status.
It is slightly puzzling. Like the dossiers of wax tablets,
these are prima facie evidence for ownership, and the
House of the Stags might therefore belong to Quintus
Granius Verus, one of the leading local citizens. We
could be more confident if we understood better why
people had these bronze stamps made What, apart
from loaves of bread, did they stamp with them?
Indeed, why should anyone think of putting their
name on a loaf of bread in the first place? Because
they had baked it? Because they were going to eat it
in their own homes? Or because, like Gaius Julius
Polybius of Pompeii, who was praised for his panem
bonum (his ‘good bread’), he intended to give it away The House of the Mosaic
Atrium: plan (above); view
free to others?
from atrium to ‘Egyptian
The House of the Mosaic Atrium is virtually the oecus’ (right, above); view
twin of the Stags, occupying a plot of the same shape of room overlooking garden
and advantages, although, thanks to the diagonal (right, below).

course of the town walls at this point, even larger (1,200 Left: Carbonized loaf of bread
square metres). The similarities leap to the eye: the found in the House of the
enormous proportion dedicated to a peristyle garden, Stags, stamped with the name
of Celer, slave of Quintus
occupying even more open space (250 square metres),
Granius, possible owner of the
and the string of richly decorated rooms looking out house.
to sea. But there are also significant contrasts, which
show how dangerous it is to generalize from one
house about changing fashions. Far from reducing
the atrium to an entrance lobby, this house dedicated public basilica (its shape, and especially its clerestory,
the entire area of what had once been a standard plot make it feel very church-like to us). Since Vitruvius
to an enormous atrium, made the more conspicuous happens to specify that the room he calls an Egyptian
by its fine mosaic floor. The undulations now visible oecus was like a basilica, this may well be the right
in it are, of course, the consequence of the eruption, label for it. But it does not follow that this was a
but what they reveal are the blurred outlines of the standard Roman recipe. It is the sequence of atrium
rooms of an earlier house buried beneath. and basilica in place of tablinum that makes this
This atrium is far from standard. Rather than space distinctive and impressive. The garden area is
following an alae and tablinum arrangement, it still where the main reception rooms open, including
culminates in a tall room, architecturally unparal- the central reception space decorated in blue, with
leled in Vesuvian houses, which surely copies a mythological scenes in brown monochrome, in the

244 high life high life 245

idiom favoured in Herculaneum. The richest houses,
then, experimented with the sort of architectural
formulas we meet in Vitruvius’ prescriptions, taking
into account the shape and potential of the plot and
its previous history. Two houses, which at first sight
appear very similar, prove to have different solutions
which produce unique effects.
Further east, the Insula Orientalis I provides
yet another example of an innovative solution to a
particular combination of plot shape and background.
As we have seen, the ground to the east of Cardo V
once sloped steeply downwards. The excavation of the
Vicolo Meridionale, the side lane running just north of
these houses, shows the lane dropping down towards
the river-harbour below. Like the Palaestra, the houses
here are terraced out, to gain the advantage of the
terrain. What by the eruption had become two separate
houses, today called the House of the Telephus Relief
and the House of the Gem, were originally developed,
in the Augustan period, as a single large property. They
occupied the space of a string of previous standard
plots; and the two atria, that became the separate atria
of these houses, reflected the orientation, and partly
used the wall foundations, of the older standard plots.
To have two atria side by side in a single house is a
well-known pattern in Pompeii, going back to the
second century bc, as in the House of the Faun. But
this property was developed in the Augustan period,
and it is noteworthy that the double atrium plan was
still a valid solution. If the House of the Stags mini-
mizes its atrium, and the Mosaic Atrium maximizes it,
this house makes double use of it.
The house also has a very different solution to the
placing of the peristyle garden. Rather than using the
Top: The House of the Mosaic Above: The House of the Gem: Opposite: Corridor leading to strip overlooking the town wall towards the sea, it
Atrium, view of ‘Egyptian kitchen and latrine. marbled room at lower level builds out a terrace for a peristyle that can look both
oecus’. of the House of the Telephus
out to sea, like the others, or down to the river and
harbour. This enables a spectacular succession of
rooms with different orientations at different levels.
The excavations have revealed the string of rooms to
the south of the garden at the ground level. Though

246 high life

The House of the Telephus ruinous, their coloured marble opus sectile pavements been on the eastern side of the peristyle garden, now
Relief: view of tower and
show their quality. Below them, still unexcavated, was disappearing into the high escarpment, on top of which
edge of excavations (left);
marble panelling in the upper another level of rooms. We can see from the excavated runs the access road constructed by Maiuri. Here too
marbled room (above). edges that they were richly decorated and had wide the terracing must have offered the opportunity for
marble thresholds and windows. In front of them rooms with views, terraced down to the port. What
was a portico, the columns of which were tossed like is, however, visible is the most unusual architectural
matchsticks by the violence of the surges to the beach feature of the house: the tower-like structure built out
below. Below them was yet another level of rooms over the shore on what we now know to be four levels,
beneath concrete vaults. The edges of a triclinium the bottom one of which had to be abandoned as the
couch, just visible in the unexcavated rock, show that sea rose. This tower is only conceivable in the context
these too were places of leisure. of Nonius Balbus’ transformation of the town walls.
A sequence of rooms on three levels, going down Protruding southwards beyond the line of the walls,
to the shore itself, was something that the House of it gives the appearance of a defensive structure, and it
the Stags and the House of the Mosaic Atrium could may be that it replaced an original tower or bastion
not boast. We can only speculate as to what must have of the defences. But it is built for pure pleasure. From

high life 249

the eastern side, it presents a series of
half-columns, engaged in the walls, with
between them either arches, or, higher up,
rectangular openings, though these have
been progressively blocked in or reduced
as the structure took the full force of the
incoming sea.
At each level will have been a string of
three of four rooms, but it is the rooms at
the end with the sea view that were the
focus. On the top two levels, these rooms
are decorated with opus sectile marble
floors of the highest quality, and in both
cases, the lower part of the walls are also
clad in coloured marble. The room at
the top level has especially lavish clad-
ding, columns with delicate spiral fluting
dividing carefully selected panels of large
plaques of varied marble, the yellow-orange
of Numidian marble from Chemtou, the
white and red ‘pavonazzetto’ of Phrygia,
with its peacock display of purples, and
green ‘cipollino’ marble (with its onion-
like cross-section) from Greek Karystos.
The style is of the third quarter of the first
century ad, which shows that the owners
continued to improve the property after
its Augustan construction.
Whoever built this house had the
resources not merely to remodel the layout
of an urban block, but also to remodel the
landscape of the south-eastern edge of
the town, with major engineering works.
Who was responsible? Maiuri pointed to
Nonius Balbus. There is no documentary

The upper marbled room of the House of the

Telephus Relief, with opus sectile floor and marble

250 high life high life 251

evidence. The argument depends on the proximity house. But in the original, Augustan, version, the place of military force, Augustan peace and prosperity is on display.
of the funerary altar and commemorative statue of baths were no obstacle, so it does not follow that one It is exactly the sort of message this loyal supporter of the emperor
Balbus on its terrace to the Suburban Baths, and the man built everything. wanted to give, and it makes sense that his own property played
close interconnection of the baths to the great tower What makes so attractive the idea that Nonius part of it. And, as if in confirmation, the marble relief which gives
of the Telephus Relief house. These links suggest that Balbus was the builder is the intimate connection its name to the house, showing Achilles consulting the oracle at
all three areas were architecturally connected. The between the restructuring of the house and the Delphi before going to heal the wound of Telephus, proves to have
development of the baths is now better understood. restructuring of the town walls. Taken together, the its closest parallel in a tondo from the Basilica Noniana. Balbus,
They start as a smaller structure, with only frigi- operation literally changes the face of Herculaneum, whether in his building operations or his home life, shows the inter-
darium, tepidarum and calidarium in the Augustan at least as seen from the sea. Instead of presenting itself dependence of the private and the public.
period; the eastern part, with its vast ‘samovar’ hot as a challenge to attackers, the phrourion or ‘garrison’ We have looked in detail at the easternmost of the grand houses
bath, is built half a century later, and in doing so cuts described by Strabo, it transforms its defences into overlooking the sea. But we should not underestimate the size and
into the Telephus Relief tower, causing its west-facing a display of luxury. Rich houses occupy the place of richness of the others to the west, even though their early excava-
windows to be blocked off. It may also have caused the garrison and the tower protruding over the shore, tion in the nineteenth century means that there is less to see now.
the partial isolation of the lower floors from the rest and the rooms faced with porticoes terraced down to The House of the Hotel (Albergo) derives its name from its vast size,
of the house. The baths therefore cannot have been the sea give the appearance of one of those rich villas The lower marbled room of twice that of the House of the Stags. It has two separate peristyle
the House of the Telephus
extended without the consent of the owner of the captured in the landscape paintings of the time. In areas, the larger of which, covering 500 square metres, is by itself
the size of a large house. It offers an unique example of a sunken
garden, now planted sympathetically but not authentically with
quince trees, set a metre below the surrounding colonnade, to
protect it from the salt breezes of the sea. This house also offers the
one surviving example of a private bath suite in Herculaneum (the
House of the Stags had only a large bronze bathtub). On the other
side of the street from this is what once must have been an impres-
sive property. The House of Argus is only partially excavated, but
Above: Plan of the lower level of a gigantic property on the western edge of
the large peristyle area caught the imagination of the visitors in the
Herculaneum, partly exposed by recent excavations.
early nineteenth century, when it was the ‘show house’ of the town.
The most tantalizing reflection, however, is that what may well Overleaf: Garden of the House of the Hotel (Albergo), today planted with quince
have been the largest private property in the town lies in the unex- trees.

cavated western part of the town. The maps drawn by the Bourbon
engineers indicate that between Cardo I and II lay an enormous
property, occupying the entire insula, and covering a potential had a Greek marble relief fine enough to inspire its modern name,
footprint of over 5,000 square metres. The plans show what seems so the south-western mansion had two fine Greek marble reliefs, of
to be a gigantic peristyle, with dimensions of 40 × 70 metres (2,800 similar proportions, discovered by recent excavations.
square metres). The only part that can now be verified is the portion We can say virtually nothing about house and owner, but the most
that came down to the shore, and was exposed by the trench dug in interesting result is the implication for the appearance of the seafront
pursuit of the Villa of the Papyri. The excavators did not anticipate of the town. At both western and eastern corners were large private
that the edge of the town would protrude this far south, and discov- properties with tower- or pavilion-like structures that defined the
ered to their dismay a very substantial building that blocked their limits of the town. In both cases, public baths with ‘samovar’ pools
proposed drainage channel. The most interesting feature of this is lay immediately adjacent. And in both cases, lower floors had to be
a sort of pavilion with an arcaded façade, reminiscent of the tower abandoned as the sea rose. There is a striking symmetry about the
of the Telephus Relief house. And just as the Telephus Relief house ‘new image’ of the town Nonius Balbus engineered.

252 high life high life 253


ich and poor, we have seen, did not live in mighty and humble, must have got to know each
glorious isolation in Herculaneum. Quite other quite rapidly.
apart from the slaves and dependants under We can go a step further. It is not just that grand
their own roofs, the rich had neighbours. To point houses happen to be next door to humble ones:
out that there was a strip of grand houses looking they seem positively to attract them. Insula IV is
out over the sea may create the impression of some a good example. The Stags and the Mosaic Atrium
sort of wealthy enclave. Yet study the street patterns take up more than half the block, but their neigh-
and you swiftly appreciate that even when two bours are a run-down lot. The House of the Alcove,
grand houses lay alongside, like those of the Stags immediately north of the Mosaic Atrium, is the
and the Mosaic Atrium, the inhabitants could not one other house with pretensions. Occupying two
reach each other’s houses to call or attend a dinner ‘standard’ plots, it has a residential quarter with a
without making their way up the side street, along large triclinium with a marble pavement, and the
the lower Decumanus, and back down the next side room with an alcove or apse that gives the house
street, passing a whole cluster of much humbler its name. But that apart, the remaining units have
dwellings. In this little community, rich and poor, a distinctly commercial flavour. The House of the

Left: Shop and upper

apartment at the north-east
corner of Insula V. The dossier
of Cominius Primus was
found in the upper apartment.

Right: Plan of Insula IV,

showing smaller properties at
the back of larger houses.

Overleaf: Shop on the

north-east corner of Insula IV.
The deep terracotta containers
were for dry food, not for hot
food as is often claimed.

low life 257

Fullery, occupying a standard plot, operated, at
least in its final years, as a laundry. The House of the
Painted Papyrus is a small strip forming a string of
unassuming rooms. Oddly enough, its decoration
included a painting of a papyrus, with the name of
the Greek poet Eutychus, described as ‘choriambic’
(a recherché form of metre), a far from obvious
choice of author – unless the owner was another
Eutychus. It also contained a graffito referring to
shipping, at both Puteoli and Herculaneum. Next to
it is one of two tabernae that stretch along the north
of the insula, with sales counters at the two corners.
Then another taberna, named after the Priapus with
an enormous phallus decorating the area behind
the sales counter. Finally the House of the Fabric
(Stoffa), named after a piece of cloth preserved
there, is a multiple-occupancy dwelling, with two
superimposed sets of wooden stairs leading to the
two floors above.
We can only speculate about the relationship
between the grand properties and their more
modest neighbours. In the original layout of the
plots in the pre-Roman period, each plot may
have been an independent property. But it is also
possible that the big houses, made by swallowing up of houses around the House of the Bicentenary Above: Panoramic view of To the east of the Bicentenary is a sequence of square plots. In each case,
the House of the Beautiful
several smaller ones, also owned some or all of their are an interestingly mixed bag. To the west is the Courtyard.
the frontages are occupied by shops, while the rooms behind them have the
neighbours. The jagged property boundaries imply small but surprisingly elegant House of Apollo the minimum of decoration; but stairs lead to lodgings above, where in at least one
a complex set of transactions: the kitchens of the Lyre-player (Citharoedus), named recently after Right: The decorated tablinum case there is elegant decoration, in the room where the archive of Cominius
of the House of Apollo the
House of the Stags jut into the back of the House of a painting; its atrium and tablinum with hand- Primus was found. It is these units, with commercial premises below and rent-
the Alcove, while the House of the Alcove juts into some marble paving rank it with the more elegant able lodgings above, that begin to point to the pattern of living that is so familiar
the House of the Fabric. The latrine of the House of ‘standard’ plots. Behind it is the most unusual from Rome and Ostia of the imperial period. At Pompeii, which scarcely
the Fabric discharges into the drains of the House of House of the Beautiful Courtyard, dominated on its survives above the level of the ground floor, it is easier to forget that a substantial
the Stags. Maybe the House of the Stags owned that ground floor by an enormous room overlooking the part of the population will have lived, in these cities too, in upper apartments.
of the Fabric, and traded a portion of that property ‘beautiful’ courtyard. The layout is not of a domestic Herculaneum, thanks not only to the depth of its preservation, but the survival
with the House of the Alcove in exchange for what space, and we may speculate that it functioned as a of wooden elements such as stairs, cupboards and beds, gives a reality to such
became the kitchen area. This is pure speculation: collegium or meeting place for a trade society. (This upper lodgings that not even Ostia can match.
the essential point is that there existed close neigh- is the room Maiuri used as an on-site museum.) The Let us look in detail at two contrasting examples. One is the transformation
bourly relations between them. presence of a blocked door between this and the of a traditional house plot; the other involves the building of a new type of multi-
Whether or not there was cause and effect in peristyle of the House of the Bicentenary suggests storey construction that was to prove of major importance in the metropolitan
terms of property ownership, the smartest houses are one was formerly owned by the other. Stairs lead up context of Rome. The House ‘a Graticcio’ or ‘of Wattlework’ owes its name to
frequently neighbours of the less smart. The group around the courtyard to lodgings above. another of Maiuri’s illustrations of the text of Vitruvius. Situated just south of the

260 low life low life 261

House of the Wooden Screen, it occupies a standard
plot of typical size, some 150 square metres, though
the addition of a space carved from the back of the
House of the Skeleton, and the balcony suspended
on pilasters over the pavement, increase the plan
of its upper floor to just under 200 square metres.
The feature that caught Maiuri’s eye was its wooden
frame construction. Although some pillars in brick
and block work ensure structural stability at critical
points, most of the partition walls are of timber
framework, with a rubble infill. As Maiuri was swift
to point out, there were few places in the Roman
world apart from Herculaneum where construction
based on timber could survive, and although this
is by no means the only place in Herculaneum in
which it was found (he lamented the nineteenth-
century demolition of the upper storey of the House
The House of Wattlework (a Graticcio): plan of of Argus, built with similar technique), it is the most
ground floor (above); central court (below).
extensive example excavated.
The reference to opus craticium, however, may
be felt to complicate matters. Crates, ‘wattles’, were
used to make sheep pens and flimsy partitions. Opus
craticium should be partitioning made of reeds or
thin withies, much like the traditional English ‘wattle
and daub’ technique. Vitruvius only mentions it to The House of Wattlework (a Graticcio): upper rooms with
lament its existence, contrasting it with mud-brick, imprint of reeds in plaster (incannucciata) (above); plan
which he regards as durable if properly protected. showing relation of upper to lower floor (right).

This technique, by contrast, could only be disastrous,

since it was like a torch to the flames. Fires were a
major problem in Rome when Vitruvius was writing,
and there was doubtless plenty of experience of this
technique, with its high proportion of combustible
material, representing a real fire risk. But it is hard to
imagine that Vitruvius meant to describe the timber
frame construction in general. There is just one wall
in this house where the plasterwork shows the clear
traces of reeds, which were used as a key for plaster
on walls and ceilings. Where Maiuri was right was
to point out that this house opens our eyes to the
Roman use of lighter partition work, with the use of
wood. Whether Vitruvius would have accepted this

262 low life low life 263

house as an example of opus craticium is not so certain, and after
all, he might have been impressed by the success of the timber
framing, which is known elsewhere for its resistance to earth-
quakes, in surviving the trauma of the eruption.
Timber framework is quite likely to have been used extensively
for upper floors, with the advantage of lightness. To this extent,
our House ‘a Graticcio’ offers a window on upstairs apartments
invisible elsewhere. The house consists of at least three, possibly
four, units of habitation. The ground floor has a shop and string
of rooms behind. It was easy, with light partitions, to separate this
off from the rest of the ground floor, accessible down a corridor
that leads to a courtyard. The courtyard is the equivalent of an
atrium, with an impluvium to catch the water. A wooden winch
found near by with a long coil of rope gives a rare illustration of
how water was fetched up. A number of ill-lit and undecorated
rooms open off the courtyard. A set of wooden stairs leads up to an
apartment that seems in every way more desirable than the ground
floor. Two surviving rooms, lit by windows on the courtyard, have
quite elaborate decoration in the style of the final years. But what
makes an impression is the survival of furniture – two beds and
a cupboard in one room, one bed and a cupboard in the other.
One of these wooden cupboards was full of objects. As the exca-
vation diaries describe it, on 9 November 1928 a thunderstorm
caused part of a wooden cupboard found in this room to break,
and there emerged a bronze statuette of Jupiter holding a thun-
derbolt (how appropriate that he emerged in a storm!), and others
The House of Wattlework (a Graticcio): east–west section
showing timber-frame construction (above); wooden bed in of ‘Abundantia’ (perhaps the Egyptian Isis), Aesculapius and
the upper apartment (left); windlass and rope from the well Diana the Huntress. A week later, on 17 November, the rest of the
in the courtyard (right above); decorative wooden element cupboard was broken open in the presence of the Superintendent
portraying a female head found in the house (right below).
(Maiuri). There emerged more bronze statuettes: a matching pair
of Lares, one with its right hand, the other with its left, raised to
hold aloft drinking horns; another ‘Abundantia’ with the horn of
plenty (she is more likely to be Fortuna, then); a Minerva; and
the Egyptian god Harpocrates. It is surely right to see this impres-
sive line-up of divinities, including two Lares, as belonging to the
household shrine, or lararium (contrast the House of the Wooden
Shrine with its one or two statuettes, page 218), but it is worth
noting that plenty of other material was stored in the cupboard,
including a bronze weight, several bronze coins, a glass plate, a
pottery plate, and several glass paste beads. The household gods
were good at keeping their eye on valued objects.

264 low life low life 265

The second flat was accessible directly from the street, and had rather more
rooms, though those in the middle were ill-lit. The most pleasant rooms were at
the end of the corridor, looking out onto the balcony above the street. Here too
Left: Bronze statuettes is decoration and furniture: two beds, one adult, one for a child, and the wooden
from a shrine in the
pediment of another cupboard or shrine, though the contents were missing.
House of Wattlework (a
Graticcio), representing Among the finds in this flat were two objects of marble: one a statue base, appar-
Jupiter, a household god ently inscribed ‘Philadelphia daughter of Gnaeus Octavius’ (the nomenclature
(Lar) and Fortuna. is odd, since a daughter of Octavius should be called Octavia), and the other
Below: View from the
the lower half of a marble oscillum, a half-moon plaque carved on both sides,
balcony of the upper designed to rotate in the wind.
apartment of the House We may share Maiuri’s satisfaction in the close-grained insight into the life
of Wattlework (a
of the inhabitants of these flats. But we may also sound a small note of caution
before accepting the assumption that inhabitants of such flats were necessarily
Inside: Subterranean of low social status. We have already met the puzzle of the dossier of Cominius
view of the piscina of the Views of upper apartment, from outside (below) and inside Primus, a freeborn landowner and moneylender, kept in a small flat above
Palaestra. (bottom).
a shop on the high street. Equally, there is something strange about the best
collection of bronze statuettes of gods from the site coming from a small flat. All
sorts of people might use flats, including those passing through, like the heroes
of Petronius’ Satyrica when they reach Puteoli, or those who required no more
than a pied-à-terre in this particular town. Even the Emperor Vitellius is said by
the biographer Suetonius to have let his house and lodged his family in a rented
flat when he left for his province – though this was a sign that his fortunes were
at a low ebb. A rental notice from Pompeii offered apartments suitable for people
of equestrian status, cenacula equestria. Again, without specific evidence, it is
dangerous to guess who lived where.
Flats were certainly to be found in houses across the site, and we can use
the example of the House of Wattlework (a Graticcio) to help us imagine less
visible situations. In the many cases where stairs lead upstairs directly from
the street, we can be confident that these were apartments to let (and not
to purchase). The standard date on which to start a let was 1 July – as for
Trimalchio’s friend Diogenes, but also in an explicit notice from Pompeii,
where Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius advertised in his Insula Arriana Polliana
‘shops with upper rooms [pergulae], high-class apartments suitable for knights
[cenacula equestria] and houses for rent from 1 July, contact the slave Primus’.
Nor should we exclude the possibility that people took in lodgers in rooms
within their houses. Internal stairs might not be so convenient or so condu-
cive to privacy as external stairs, but lodgers within the house have been a
normal practice in many societies. All these situations, however, involve the
adaptation of the existing housing stock for rental purposes. What makes the
block of apartments next to the Palaestra, the Insula Orientalis II, so different
is that it is purpose-built to this end.

266 low life low life 271

The importance of the Palaestra block is fairly evident. Surviving at least partially Reconstruction drawing of The structure of the block is anything but usual. is defined by the grand new entrance, replacing the
block by Maiuri (R. Oliva).
to three floors, plus the sewer below ground, it represents not only the sole example Large buildings are usually conceived as positive steps. Our block of shops and flats has to occupy
in Pompeii and Herculaneum of a particular type of multi-storey, multi-unit block masses, making the air around them a negative the left-over spaces, and especially around the
which is familiar from Rome and Ostia, but the only case where, unlike Rome and shape. This block is conceived, at least on one side, Palaestra exhedra, the apartments have to follow the
Ostia, the finds were preserved in such a way as to cast unambiguous light on the as a negative, adapting itself to the requirements contours, perched perilously high above the level of
nature of the activities within them. Given how much discussion there has been of of the Palaestra to its side. In the middle, corre- the pool. This negative/positive relationship to the
this insula type in Rome and Ostia, we might have expected rather more interest in sponding to the axis of the great cruciform pool public space makes clear that the construction of
the light the artefactual record here in Herculaneum could cast. But a proper study at the centre of the Palaestra, an exhedra, a large the block is a public initiative, a decision presum-
of the block including finds has never been published, partly because Maiuri never hall-like area open on one side to the portico, runs ably taken by the decuriones, even if financed by a
got round to the second volume of his great publication which would have covered up to the full, three-storey height of the building. private benefactor. Just as at Pompeii where public
the finds. Even so, a widespread impression has been given that we know the finds, To its sides are two reception rooms. The north end baths like the Stabian Baths were constructed to
Apartment block by Palaestra: axonometric reconstruction by
because of the way Maiuri both drew on them in his text to evoke a vivid picture of the block is determined by the junction with the incorporate shops in their street frontages, this
Maiuri (R. Oliva) (above left); archival view of excavation from
of the life of the block and actually displayed them to the public on site. Alas, his north (the red arrow marks the location of the latrine) (top); earlier north wing of the Palaestra, where originally transformation of the Palaestra gives the added
presentation is, at least in part, significantly misleading. view of block from south (above). a set of steps came down to its level. The south end bonus of rental space.

272 low life low life 273

The land runs fairly steeply downhill along the east of Cardo V. There is a
steep drop in two directions, both north–south and east–west: if you stand down
in the Palaestra itself, you understand that the buildings of the Aula to the north
and of the insula to the west are a full storey higher. This all makes better sense
when you consider the original contours of the site: we are on the very edge of
the platform on which the town is built, before it drops off into the ravine below,
where presumably the main ancient harbour lies. The Palaestra was only built by
levelling the terrain with substructures; the natural lie of the land is a steep slope.
At the same time, there is a north–south downhill slope, such that if you enter
the complex from the top of the road at the Aula, you are on the upper level, if by
the monumental gateway halfway down the road, you are only slightly above the
lower level. The insula construction thus forms part of an ambitious engineering
operation to re-contour the eastern edge of the town, an operation that can now
be dated by a recent trench at the south end of the block to the mid-first century,
a few decades later than Maiuri’s Augustan dating. The Augustan phase is limited
to the top end of the Palaestra.
The block is effectively split into three separate units: one on the corner, to the
south of the monumental entrance to the Palaestra; one to its north, up to the
great exhedra of the Palaestra, which rises to the full height of the block without
upper floors; and one further uphill, as far as no. 14 (see section, left), the limit
of the new sewer. No. 15, though later converted into a shop, originally led to a
stairway down to the Palaestra. This is the limit of the new Claudian construc-
tion, and the Augustan part is to its north. The ground floor consists of a series
of ten shop units, many of which had internal stairs to their own upper floors;
in addition, each of the three sections had separate entrances with stairs rising
Apartment block by Palaestra: viewed to the two or more upper floors. The rooms on the first floor follow roughly
from the south (above); north and
south sections of the block by Maiuri
the same plan and layout as the ground floor; generally, the first floor rooms
(R. Oliva) (left); excavation of latrine are associated with the shop rooms below them. The second floor is the least
on the second floor (right). well preserved, though the robust construction of the Palaestra exhedra seems to
have kept the central section more intact. It is here that we can trace the layout of
at least one flat, with several rooms around a central space. The entrance seems
to have been from the wooden balcony that ran across the façade. By a bit of
luck, Maiuri’s men in 1933 failed to complete their clearance of these rooms, and
it was possible in 2006 to excavate the final layers of the latrine of the apartment,
together with its downpipe dropping down to the sewer below. To reach the
latrine from the flat, you had to go out onto the balcony.
Despite the good evidence for the upper floors, Maiuri’s publication
focuses on the ground level (though his architect Oliva’s superb elevations
and axonometric drawings made up for his silence). The story he tells about
the commercial life of a block is a lively one, corresponding closely to his
presentation to the public. Down at the bottom, door 1A leads to a bakery,

274 low life low life 275

with an oven and the familiar flour mills, plus the
bonus of a donkey’s skeleton discovered beside the
mills, rather than in the stable behind. Round the
corner, taberna no.1 is a shop, maybe the baker’s
sales point, with a latrine in the corner and stairs to
an apartment above. No. 3 is a tiny shop, but also
with a latrine in the room behind. Taberna no. 5 is
a dye-shop, officina tinctoria, with a great dolium or
storage jar walled into position for the dye-vat, and
a latrine in the corner. No. 6 is a shop with a sales
counter with four dolia built into it, and a number
of amphorae stacked in the backroom, one carrying
the address label ‘M. Livi Alcimi Herclani’, Marcus
Livius Alcimus of Herculaneum. No. 8 is another
bakery, with two mills, identified by a bronze stamp
as that of Sex(tus) Patulcius Felix. The oven is
particularly well preserved, in the tiny room behind
the great wall of the Palaestra exhedra; no less than
three good luck phalli give additional interest.
Patulcius’ bakery is given closer characterization
(and differentiation from that at no. 1A), thanks to
the presence of a couple of dozen circular bronze
dishes, originally displayed to the viewing public
by hanging them on the back wall of the backroom,
in clear view from the road outside. These bronze
dishes, in a complete range of sizes from large to
Opposite: Archival photograph
small, led to the characterization of the baker as a
of the bakery of Patulcius.
pistor placentarius, maker of placentae or ‘focacce’.
Maiuri cheerfully glosses him as ‘un vero e proprio Top right: Stamp naming (in
reverse) Sextus Patulcius Felix.
pizzaiuolo’: a real pizza man; anything less, on the
Bay of Naples, would be a disappointment. Above left: Drawing of the oven
Moving on, we find next door at No. 9 a wine from the bakery, decorated with
shop, taberna vinaria, complete with a large stack
of amphorae, a mezzanine with an amphora rack Above right: Series of bronze
beneath it and address labels that identify the wine dishes of graded sizes.
merchant as L.R. Antigonus; in the back shop is a
Far left: Shop no. 13, with wares
bed. Next, no. 10 is the shop of a gemmarius, a gem- displayed on counter.
cutter identified by a large haul of gems, partly cut
Left: Watercolour
and partly roughed out. However, the emotional
reconstruction of the wine shop
climax of the house is the room of the embroidery of Antigonus by Maiuri (R.
girl, the ricamatrice, whose teenage skeleton was Oliva).

276 low life low life 277

found lying on the bed, ‘adolescente vittima, chissà, di quale crudele o ango-
scioso abbandono’ (‘adolescent victim of who knows what cruel or anguishing
abandonment’); by her bed is her embroidery frame and a little inlaid stool,
as well as a bronze candelabrum and a marble table. The interconnected shop,
No. 11, is shown by its vats to be another tinctoria. Then comes shop No. 13,
its sales counter found with a large quantity of carbonized grain, beans and
chickpeas, which are duly displayed to the public in glass cases. No. 14 is a
blank, with no finds.
One has to admire Maiuri’s ability to conjure up life, and indeed his ability
to display it to the public. But careful examination of the actual excavation
records for summer 1936 suggests that by the time, twenty years later, he was
writing this all up for publication, he had either lost track of the actual records
or ceased to care, and was more interested in publishing the ‘open museum’ he
had so ingeniously constructed. One major fraud has been mentioned above
(page 83). The little weaving girl is, alas, pure myth. The excavation diaries do
indeed record a skeleton on the bed, but it is that of a young man (giovanotto).
But this apart, there were no finds: nessun ritrovamento. The wooden stool came
from the house opposite, the loom and candelabrum from heaven knows where.
It looked great for the public. Of course, what could not be displayed was the
story of the gem-cutter, since the valuable gems were taken off to the Museum
in Naples. But the diaries also reveal that the rest of house was a treasure trove,
with far more objects than in any other unit in the block: numerous lamps, pots,
bronze vessels, a strigil, glass perfume bottles, a bronze balance, an interesting
little terracotta altar inscribed herculis, a marble bust of Bacchus and an
elegant marble portrait bust of a man with an Augustan hairstyle, with red paint
in its hair. No sign of gem-cutting equipment, but that is no argument against
him being a gem-cutter. The portrait is more likely to be the gem-cutter’s patron
than himself: the hairstyle is too early, harking back to the Augustan age, and
an almost identical portrait was found in Pompeii. That would make our man,
as one might anticipate, a freedman. He either became wealthy on gem cutting
and was able to afford far more objects than his neighbours, or his gems were
part of his wealth; it is interesting to note that a substantial collection of gems
was also found in a chest on the upper floor of a different flat. The discovery
(below) of further gems in the sewer raise the question of whether these too
derive from the gem-cutter.

Right: Objects found in the shop of the gem-cutter: a bronze saucepan (top); a ceramic beaker
(centre); a marble bust of Bacchus from wine shop no 9 (bottom).

Opposite: Marble portrait of a man with an Augustan hairstyle, perhaps the patron of the

278 low life

Ironically, though we must deprive shop No. 10 of its weaving The first point to strike us, as it had Maiuri, was how intimately
girl, we can restore to it a great deal else of interest. The finds the sewer was connected to the construction of the block above
are rich. It is also interesting that they correlate so closely with it. The sewer had two branches, both robustly constructed: one
the sort of material found in the sewers, and these links will running north–south along the length of the street, but set inside
bear detailed investigation. As for the other shops, here too the the outer wall of the insula; the second, of over 40 metres length,
excavation diaries show up Maiuri as less than meticulous. Take cutting west–east under the Palaestra itself. Throughout there are
the ‘pizzaiuolo’. Unfortunately, the bronze pizza dishes were not downpipes feeding into it from above, coming from either indi-
found in the shop, but in an upper apartment unconnected to it. vidual shops and apartments, or clusters of them. The construction
In any case, a set of dishes, each different in size, neatly graded, was all of a single phase, except that at the north end there was a
are not the obvious containers for someone trying to sell food in clear junction with an earlier phase. The sewer was designed from
standard sizes at standard prices. In any case, what pizza man ever the first to service the insula in its entirety.
used a bronze dish? It was not, however, designed as a drain, to remove everything
Then the wine amphora bearing the name of L.R. Antigonus that descended into it and take it out to sea. On the contrary, the
was not found in the wine merchant’s shop, no. 9, but actually sewer was firmly end-stopped at its southernmost point. It became
in the shop of the gemmarius, no. 10, along with no less than clear that it was rather an enormous cess pit, designed for the accu-
four other amphora necks with the initials L.R.A. We can even mulation of all the waste of the block, which could compost and
be specific about the wine they contained, since one also has the rot away until it eventually needed digging out. Drainage water
Greek name Teuponos, a known producer of the sweet Lyttian from the street did indeed enter, but the function was not as a
wine from Crete. It was a wine particularly recommended to drain but as a trap to avoid foul odours rising up the drains, sealed
women, who were not supposed to get drunk on ordinary red off beneath water. What was a disadvantage for our aim to drain
wine: instead they tippled this sherry. On this showing, Antigonus the site of water became an archaeological advantage. Though
is the name of the gemmarius, not the vinarius, and some loans Maiuri had completely cleared the first few metres, he left most of
had to be made from one space to the other to kit it up as a the north–south branch only partially explored, including a layer
convincing wine shop. Doubts fall too on the carbonized grain, of ancient waste material that varied from a few centimetres to
beans and chickpeas found in the dolia in the counter of shop
no. 13. The excavation diaries say nothing of these finds, but do
mention amphorae full of similar carbonized material found in
Sewer beneath the Palaestra block: plan showing sewer (below); excavation of the
the upper floor of a nearby flat. sewer (right).
Maiuri’s reconstruction of a string of commercial units must
be taken as unreliable. It isn’t just that he moved stuff around to
make up stories. He completely failed to analyse the upper floors,
which included, as we have seen, bronze dishes, amphorae full of
foodstuffs, and a chest full of gemstones. This work needs to be
done again. But we now have the advantage of the excavation of
the great sewer that runs under the block, which has the poten-
tial to tell us much else about the inhabitants. Maiuri explored
and mapped this sewer, but, realizing that it was full of organic
material, left it only partially excavated. In the course of trying
to provide an effective drainage system for the site, in 2005–6
the Herculaneum Conservation Project reopened the sewer and
completed its excavation.

280 low life

over a metre in depth. It was evident that this material was completely full of Sewer after excavation, looking south. in Pompeii, and is now in Naples Museum, but these were arriving some time Above left: Exploration of a branch of the sewer.

broken rubbish as well as waste. before the eruption in not insignificant quantities, to be used, broken and disposed Top: Bags containing organic remains.
The Herculaneum Conservation Project’s lead archaeologist, Domenico of); bronze vessels, heavily corroded by the acidic context but recognizable; glass
Above: Corroded rings and coins.
Camardo, therefore adopted an excavation strategy that divided the sewer into perfume jars; a range of oddities, like a terracotta antefix, a small terracotta statuette
1-metre lengths. Each section was excavated stratigraphically, and it was indeed of a mother-and-child figure; and a range of jewellery, especially rings with bronze
possible to distinguish up to three strata in each deposit, divided by fine sandy stamps, gold rings, and semi-precious gemstones.
layers that seemed to result from occasional flooding of the sewer. The earth, rich At this point we called in Mark Robinson from Oxford, an environmental archae-
with organic remains, was carefully separated from the remarkable quantity of non- ologist whose experience with Pompeian cesspits, latrines and waste material went
organic materials, broken pots, lamps etc., which found their way down the drains. back to the late 1990s. He confirmed that the deposit was indeed rich in organic
Everything was carefully bagged up with reference to the context number to allow waste material, including fishbones, eggshells, pips and seeds, and that it would be
association with specific deposits. The non-organic material filled some 177 trays. worth analysing systematically. Since the waste tended to heap beneath individual
Finds include: a large number of lamps, some discarded because broken, others downpipes, it would be worth looking at the material, not as one vast deposit, but
apparently intact; numerous small containers, never as large as a full amphora, as a series of separable deposits associated with individual households. Given the
though with some it is surprising they could travel down the drain intact; vessels, rich variety of commercial and other activities in the units above, it would be the
including red-glazed wares from South Gaul (famously a crate of these was found more interesting to establish whether there were different patterns of consumption

282 low life low life 283

Above left: Fish bones. Above right: Grape pips.

Centre right: Fragments of cloth.

Below right: Egg shells and carbonized olive pits.

and waste disposal. Robinson’s group took a selective sample from the 774 bags that have certainly been digested are the coprolites (these containing
have been set aside, both to try to ensure coverage of all sections of the sewer, and fish bones), mineralized fig pips, a grape pip and a mulberry pip.
so that plenty of untouched material remains for cross-checking. Seventy-six bags, But what strikes one immediately, especially since this is the sewer
or a 10 per cent sample, were examined. These were then separated by wet-sieving of a block of ‘commercial’ units and apartments, not one of the
through a series of meshes, so separating out material by size. A remarkable quan- rich houses of town, is the evident variety and health of their diet,
tity of the coarser material consisted of building materials, including small lumps of with plenty of fish and seafood, poultry, eggs and fruit. The much
concrete, broken pottery and tile, small iron objects like nails, lumps of rusty, black, repeated story that working Romans lived on a dreary diet of pulses
glassy slag-like material, etc. There was also a rich harvest of small finds, beads, and porridge will need some modification.
gaming counters, hairpins, hinges, a gaming die, and no less than three engraved The lesson that comes very clearly out of a re-examination of
gemstones. It is evident, since we are only looking at a 10 per cent sample, that a this block is that we should not underestimate those who lived in
significant number of gems found their way down the drains, and when we look at such surroundings. The temptation is to see the rich restricted to
the material excavated above ground, there are obvious potential associations. their grand houses, and the other inhabitants as being, to a great or
The Oxford team also found a great variety of biological material. Some has lesser extent, poor. Yet, just as when we look more carefully in the
evidently not passed through the gastric tract, and is kitchen waste from the flats of the House of Wattlework (a Graticcio) and find good deco-
cooking process (we may be struck by how undifferentiated their waste was, with ration, well-made furniture, bronze household gods and pieces of
everything from broken household rubbish through kitchen waste to human marble reliefs, so the Insula Orientalis II proves to be full of objects,
Top left: Mark Robinson examines the results of flotation.
waste passing down the same outlets). Large quantities of charcoal, chopped many of which suggest a level well above poverty (marble busts,
Top right: Painting of game birds and mushrooms, from the animal bone and seashells were found, as well as large quantities of eggshell. Other gemstones and good quality bronze-ware), while its sewers point
House of the Stags.
bones could more easily have passed through the digestive system, copious fish to a varied and healthy diet. The imagined ‘low life’ of this Roman
Above: Gems and a gold ring. bones and small bird bones. Sea urchin also seems to have been popular. What town at least is something altogether more complex.

284 low life low life 285

n Tuesday 14 June 1740, just eighteen It would be nearly a decade before Pompeii
months after the Bourbon explorations emerged to fulfil his prediction. His assessment was
of Herculaneum began, Horace Walpole, completely accurate. The Roman world was indeed
son of Prime Minister Robert Walpole, author and known from numerous remains, more of which
collector of antiquities, visited the site in company would continue to emerge. The importance of the
with Thomas Gray, future author of the famous Vesuvian cities lies in their not having suffered
‘Elegy’. He wrote enthusiastically to his friend, the corruption of modern repairs, in the sense of
Richard West, of the special importance of these a city like Rome itself, constantly adapted and
discoveries, accurately anticipating their future recycled through time, and ransacked by barbar-
potential: ians (let alone papal families). But he also rightly
anticipated the dangers. These ruins were precious
There might certainly be collected great light
from this reservoir of antiquities, if a man of
learning had the inspection of it; if he directed
the working, and would make a journal of the
discoveries. But I believe there is no judicious
choice made of directors. There is nothing
of the kind known in the world; I mean a
Roman city entire of that age, and that has not
been corrupted with modern repairs. Besides
scrutinizing this very carefully, I should be
inclined to search for the remains of the other
towns that were partners with this in the general
ruin. ’Tis certainly an advantage to the learned
world, that this has been laid up so long. Most
of the discoveries in Rome were made in a
barbarous age, where they only ransacked the
ruins in quest of treasure, and had no regard to
the form and being of the building; or to any
Left: Detail of marble opus circumstances that might give light into its use
sectile flooring from the house and history.
of the Telephus Relief. (Horace Walpole, Correspondence

Opposite: Casts of skeletons with Thomas Gray, Richard West

from Pompeii. and Thomas Ashton Vol. 13)

the tale of t wo cities 287

Panoramic view of the shop
in the House of Neptune and

and irreplaceable, and needed to be excavated judi- specific to its individual location and historical year, the publishing industry brings out a new spate another is gained, and it is Herculaneum’s skeletons
ciously, by ‘men of learning’ who would keep proper development. Of course, any one site may be taken as of books on Pompeii. Those on Herculaneum can be that offer the best hope for future analysis. At the
records. The Bourbon records, though better than representative, to some extent, of the Roman world counted on the fingers of one hand. same high temperature, organic materials carbonize:
nothing, are fragmentary and inadequate. Worse, and Roman civilization in general. But seeing from What, then, makes Herculaneum different and the wooden elements of Herculaneum, beams, beds,
even in the twentieth century, when a great ‘man the viewpoint of a single site brings a loss of perspec- special enough to give us this depth of perspec- cupboards, winches, and writing tablets, along
of learning’, Amedeo Maiuri, was in charge, the tive. It is like looking with one eye. Put Pompeii and tive? It is precisely the tiny differences that change with the foodstuffs, grain, beans, fruit, nuts, even
records kept were still patently inadequate, and not Herculaneum together, and it is like looking through a flat view into a three-dimensional one. Only 10 loaves of bread, and the occasional pieces of fabric,
even fully consulted by the excavator when he came two eyes. They may be close together, but that is miles separate the two cities, yet in terms of the including above all rolls of papyrus, containing both
to publish. Moreover, he did precisely what Walpole enough to restore a sense of depth. It is because they mechanics of a volcanic eruption, that is enough to literary texts and business documents, all these give
did not want, and left it ‘corrupted with modern are both similar and different that they give us a make a profound difference, between burial under the evidence of Herculaneum a quality absent from
repairs’. The combination of heavy restoration and more three-dimensional view. the ash-fall of lapilli and under the hot clouds of a Pompeii.
inadequate documentation means that what we are The geographer Strabo treated Herculaneum pyroclastic flow. A small difference in distance trans- The differences lie not only in the consequences
left with is not the remains of an ancient city, but and Pompeii as if they had the same history: ‘The lates into a difference in temperature, which brings of heat. The sheer depth of the cover left by the pyro-
an interpretation or presentation of those remains. Oscans held both this town and the one next to it, with it enormous consequences for the preservation clastic flows, at points three or four times greater than
Only too often the above chapters have had to ques- Pompaia, past which the river Sarnus flows, then of materials. At 400–500°C, flesh evaporates: the at Pompeii, ensures the preservation of upper floors,
tion Maiuri. the Tyrrhenians and the Pelasgians . . .’ The fate consequence is that the skeletons of Herculaneum without which the understanding of the working
The other issue to which Walpole rightly drew of these cities which shared a common end is to and Pompeii are wholly different. Fiorelli’s casts of a house must be necessarily partial. Combined
attention was the desirability of exploring more be treated like identical twins, joined together at at Pompeii, which preserve the outline of the with the capacity of carbonization to preserve flimsy
than one ancient city. It is not just a matter of accu- birth. And because they are taken to be identical, body and even of its clothing, are not possible at structures like timber frame-work, often character-
mulating more evidence. Each place is unique, quite Herculaneum is systematically overlooked. Each Herculaneum, but though one kind of drama is lost, istic of upper floors, let alone balconies and wooden

288 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 289

mezzanines, this means the preservation of vital the lands of existing towns and assigning them to of Roman urban community. How do the differ-
evidence invisible at Pompeii. How many shops does his colonists, the land-hungry veterans who had ences show? One very striking contrast between the
the visitor to Pompeii pass with counters containing fought the civil wars. two sites is the frequency of electoral advertisements
terracotta jars, labelled, with characteristic indif- A municipium was in origin an independent, self- or programmata in Pompeii, and their absence in
ference to the evidence or physical possibilities, as governing community, in alliance with Rome, and Herculaneum. The Pompeian programmata take a
thermopolia or hot food shops? (You cannot heat, or providing Rome with certain obligations (munera), standardized form. A candidate’s name is recom-
even keep warm, food in a terracotta container set above all the supply of contingents of troops or ships mended for one of the magistracies, the senior
in a counter; nor can you keep it clean and prevent for war. The area round Naples had been conquered duumvirate (equivalent to the consulship at Rome),
a deadly accumulation of bacteria.) It is from by Rome at the turn of the fourth and third centuries and the junior aedileship (Rome too had junior
Herculaneum that we can see the sort of dry foods bc, and Naples was an important source of ships for magistracies of this title) by an individual or group
these counters were designed to serve. And it is at the Roman navy, which was soon to challenge and of people, with the abbreviated recommendation
Herculaneum that we can reconstruct the complex defeat the Carthaginians, a naval power from the ‘OVF’, ‘oro vos faciatis’, ‘I beg you to make him’. Of
woodwork that turned bare masonry structures into start. Herculaneum, with its idyllic harbour, may these many thousands survive from Pompeii, painted
a working shop – the shelving and wine-racks, the also have been a supplier of ships. The Social War on the plaster of the exterior walls of houses, with
screens for working areas, the lofts for storage. Put of 91–89 bc, when numerous Italian allies rebelled a heavy concentration on the main streets. Some
just one shop from Herculaneum, the one in the front again Rome, radically changed their status. Pompeii candidates score hundreds of recommendations.
of the House of Neptune and Amphitrite, alongside and Herculaneum were among the rebels, and were They may be painted over earlier recommendations,
the dozens from Pompeii, densely distributed round defeated by force. Pompeii was punished by the thus providing a vital clue for the sequence of elec- Painted announcements
from Herculaneum:
the city, and the world of small-scale commerce confiscation of lands and the imposition of a colony. tions and the dating of the magistrates, which cluster
the magistrates Marcus
begins to come into focus. Herculaneum remained a municipium, except that in the last thirty years of the town’s life. The names of Rufellius Robia and
The difference is not only of means of preserva- under the Lex Julia of 90 bc all its citizens became those making the recommendations are also a rich Aulus Tetteius ban the
tion but of scale. Herculaneum, as we have seen, was Roman citizens. In effect, the biggest distinction source, both as possible indications of the names dumping of rubbish in
the vicinity of the water-
a much smaller place than Pompeii, a quarter the size between a colony and a municipium – that its citi- of house owners (at least in some cases, the coin-
tower (above); shop sign
or less. Communities change with scale. The urbani- zens were Roman citizens – had now disappeared. cidence with names on address labels on amphorae ‘Ad Cucumas’ (At the
zation of Italy in the first century ad was dense, with By the time of Cicero, the phrase ‘the coloniae and inside the houses confirms this hypothesis), and of Cooking Pots), with the
the number of ‘cities’ running into hundreds. The municipia of Italy’ became a way of saying, ‘all the the sort of trades and other groupings which could name of the city of Nola
below (right).
elder Pliny, writing not long before the eruption, lists cities and towns of Italy’. Even so, a colonia was seen form (ranging from the bakers, barbers, dyers,
just short of 400 cities in Italy, of which 46 were colo- as ‘ranking higher’ than a municipium, for historical feltmakers, fruitsellers, goldsmiths, innkeepers,
niae. The distinction between a colonia, like Pompeii, rather than legal reasons, and in the first two centu- muledrivers, porters, perfumers, to the followers of
and a municipium, like Herculaneum, was more a ries of empire, there was a stream of municipia Isis, or simply neighbours, to the evidently satyrical
matter of historical origins than of legal status or petitioning for ‘promotion’ to the status of colonia. ‘petty thieves’, ‘toastmasters’ and ‘late drinkers’).
size. A colonia was a community of Roman citizens, When the Emperor Hadrian’s home town in Spain, This entire lively scene is almost completely
subject to the laws of Rome, but with its own local Italica, asked this favour of their most famous son, absent from Herculaneum. To date just one such
magistrates, elected by the assembly of citizens, and he questioned whether it was a promotion at all. But potential programma has been claimed, on the
its council (the decuriones, meeting in the curia), on self-evidently, it was perceived to be so, and there- brick portico of a house on the north side of the
the model of Rome. What distinguished colonies is fore it was so. Decumanus Maximus, bearing the name of Marcus
that they were deliberately created as communities Herculaneum, consequently, was not merely Caecilius Potitus. But it is not written in the clear,
by Rome, even if displacing a former community, by smaller than Pompeii, but had a different legal status, large, capital letters typical of Pompeian advertise-
sending out its own existing citizens, typically army one that was seen as making it less important. This ments, it lacks the letters ‘OVF’, and the name of
veterans. Augustus founded no less than twenty- has the advantage of allowing us to see from the the magistracy, ‘quaestor’, does not correspond to
eight colonies in Italy, in most cases by confiscating contrasting perspectives of the two principal types the two standard magistracies of the municipium,

290 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 291

the duumvirate and the aedileship. So maybe it Herculaneum too. What explains the difference is
served some other function. Otherwise there is no not at all clear. Maybe Herculaneum, being a smaller,
trace of programmata. It is not for lack of plastered ‘face-to-face’ community, depended less on written
façades on which to paint the advertisements. Even communication: it was enough to stand up and
if the side streets, the cardines, were too minor, the harangue your fellow citizens. But possibly too there
Decumanus Maximus should be, if the Pompeian was something about the rhythm of political life in
distribution pattern is anything to go by, a hot spot a municipium that was less aggressively competitive
for programmata. than in a colonia. The important point is that the
Nor can we suggest that the levels of literacy were contrast with Herculaneum warns us against gener-
so much lower at Herculaneum than at Pompeii alizing from Pompeii about all Roman cities.
that the written word had no impact: apart from This contrast goes hand-in-hand with the impres-
numerous graffiti, we can point to the evidence sion that Herculaneum was altogether a quieter
of the wooden tablets, which suggests the literacy place. The account above of ‘low life’ at Herculaneum
not only of those involved in the transactions (the is considerably less colourful than a similar account Above left: Carbonized activity there may have gone beyond the famous
exceptional illiterates were identified as such, and of Pompeii could be. It is tempting to suggest that foodstuffs from Herculaneum:
a loaf of bread, eggshells,
definition by Lewis Mumford of a city that lives by
others wrote for them), but also of the hundreds Pompeii had a livelier commercial life, and that its
walnuts, chickpeas and figs. ‘taking in the neighbours’ washing’.
of locals who witnessed the documents. Painted position at the mouth of the Sarno river did indeed
Herculaneum, then, surely did have commerce,
messages do indeed occur on the streets, espe- give it, as Strabo suggests, a bigger role as the place of Above right: A fresco showing
but a much better case can be made for the shops here
cially the Decumanus Maximus. We have met the exchange between the hinterland upstream and the figs and bread from the House
of the Stags. serving a purely local function, so putting Pompeii
edict of the aediles, Rufellius Robia and Tetteius overseas network to which the Bay of Naples offered
in a perspective more interesting for the economic
Severus, against dumping rubbish by the public access. Pompeii, unlike Herculaneum, can lay claim Right: Carbonized figs.
historian. The farms round Herculaneum were
water supply. Then there are shops, like the wine to the production of commodities that travelled far
evidently productive, and the local wine had a value,
shop ‘ad cucumas’, ‘At the Kettles’, which advertised and wide. The fish sauce, garum, made by the family
otherwise Quintus Junius Theophilus would not have
the prices of different wines. But election advertise- of Umbricius Scaurus, certainly travelled as far as
needed to make such a careful agreement with Aulus
ments are lacking, along with another conspicuous Spain. Pompeian wines, to judge by the elder Pliny,
Tetteius Severus about the fruits of the farm, the
type of public announcement in Pompeii, namely had a good reputation beyond local boundaries, even
fundus Blandianus, he had recently purchased from
announcements of forthcoming gladiatorial fights: if the amphorae found in the city suggest extensive
the latter, allowing Tetteius Severus to continue to
these were principal ways in which the local elite imports from the eastern Mediterranean. It is frus-
store the new vintage in the vats until the following
made their names visible and their presence felt in trating that we cannot say more about the wool trade
1 August. Figs, of which a good number have been
Pompeii. of Pompeii: its position on the Sarno made it an ideal
found carbonized on site, were a local speciality,
The silence of Herculaneum ought therefore to place for exporting woollen goods derived from the
and the elder Pliny mentions the ‘Herculanean fig’
reflect a real difference. It cannot be a difference in flocks of the Monti Lattari to the south and the Monti
as a specific variety to be found in Italy (Natural
social structure. Herculaneum had a ruling elite of Irpini to the east. Attempts to turn Pompeii into an
History 15.70). Several other tablets revolve around
members of the ordo decurionum just like Pompeii, industrialized centre of a wool industry have proved
purchases of farms, like the fundus Linisianus, for
and membership was defined by winning public overambitious, and the ubiquitous fullers have been
which Cominius Primus paid the not insignificant
office. The numerous statues celebrating these demoted from key players in an industry of wool
sum of 295,000 sesterces. There are references to both
people in public places, and the celebration of acts production to neighbourhood laundries. Even so, it
vineyards (vineae) and woods (silvae), and the woods
of public benefaction, like the erection of buildings is the contrast with Herculaneum, with its solitary,
on the middle slopes of Vesuvius were regarded by the
or the distribution of largesse, show this elite to be and very minor, fullery, and its two tinctoriae or
Romans as a resource quite as valuable as vineyards.
in a similar ‘euergetic’ relationship, where gener- dye shops, that suggests there is indeed something
The German sociologist Max Weber (1864–1920),
osities buy public support. The vote had to count in special about the fulleries of Pompeii, and that such

292 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 293

Far left: Scene of a satyr Right: Bronze tintinnabulum
discovering Hermaphroditus in the form of a flying phallus
from the House of the with bells suspended beneath.
Carbonized Furniture.
Far right: Ceramic double-
Top left: Graffiti: ‘Diogenes volute lamp with erotic
the Cynic philosopher, seeing scene on the disc (both from
a woman swept away by a Herculaneum, provenance not
river, said: “Let one bad thing recorded).
carry off another”.’’

Middle left: ‘Apollinaris doctor

of the Emperor Titus here
crapped well.’

Bottom left: View of the

latrine in the House of the
Gem where Apollinaris left his

Below: Paving of a street

without ruts.

followed by Moses Finley, argued that the function it has been possible to suggest that Pompeii had an explicitly representing a variety of sexual acts, and
of an ancient city was to consume the produce of its organized traffic system, with one-way streets and hundreds of graffiti either advertising prices of pros-
hinterland. This model, that of the ‘consumer city’, other zones closed to commercial traffic. The streets titutes or celebrating the satisfaction of their clients,
works rather more convincingly for Herculaneum of Herculaneum have similar paving, but the ruts are is a place where prostitution leaves its unmistakable
than Pompeii. In Herculaneum, the visible signs of rare and unremarkable. The conclusion seems ines- mark. Not so Herculaneum. No space here has been
ostentatious consumption, of costly public buildings, capable: fewer carts plied their way along its streets. identified as a brothel. Sexually explicit scenes are
rich decoration in private houses, and prosperous Just as the commercial pace of Herculaneum absent, unless one counts a version of the standard
material culture, outweigh the visible signs of any seems to have been quieter than that of Pompeii, scene of a satyr surprising Hermaphroditus at rest, or
form of urban productivity. The same is not quite so so other signs of ‘low life’ seem to be less evident. the rare tintinnabulum or lamp with sexual scenes..
true of Pompeii. A familiar aspect of Pompeii is the frequency of a In Pompeii, Matteo della Corte was able to
One sign of commercial activity that always range of features that can be described as ‘porno- decipher numerous graffiti of an erotic nature. His
strikes visitors to Pompeii is the presence of wheel graphic’. The ‘great brothel’ of Pompeii has become harvest in Herculaneum was poor indeed. In the
ruts in the hard stone paving of the streets. Because a major tourist destination, and though the casual peristyle of the House of the Gem he deciphered
most Roman carts had the same axle-span, each cart identification of every house that contains scenes of ‘Bombycion fellat’: the name of this fellator is to
tended to cut down the same parallel tracks, and a sexual nature as another brothel is unjustified, it be corrected to Bombylion. On the ramp to the sea
despite the hardness of the volcanic lava used to pave is evident that there were a good number of estab- beneath Cardo IV he saw in charcoal letters the
the streets, the ruts can be several inches deep. What lishments, including taverns, in which sex was for nonsense sequence, ‘sala . . . glabe rusiunnae lavinia
is more, they are so consistent, carts taking corners sale. Prostitution was an important source of profit futui’, of which only the last word, ‘fucked’, can be
in one direction not another, and wearing down the in a slave-owning society, and Pompeii, between understood. But for unmistakable sexual activity, we
stone curbs on one side of a bend not another, that structures focused entirely on beds, and paintings have to make do with a small group of graffiti in a

294 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 295

of times in Pompeii, futuo: ‘I fuck’. Apelles Mus, an have been characteristic of a Roman society in which slavery The relative absence of pornography, scatology and gladiato-
imperial chamberlain, and his ‘brother’ Dexter ‘dined made the sale of sexual services, even to other slaves, a constant rial violence may make Herculaneum seem less ‘vulgar’ and hence
here most pleasantly and fucked together’, and again fact of life. It is hard to imagine that we would not meet the same more ‘up market’ than Pompeii. This impression is misleading. It
with greater precision, ‘we pleasantly fucked two in Puteoli, a far larger port city. Herculaneum has more the air of is simply quieter. One of the notable features of Pompeian graffiti
each twice’. Another two companions ‘were here and a small town, where neighbours know each other too well for such is their wit and learning, which extends to the ability both to cite
since they long had a servant bad at everything, by vulgarities to be flaunted. passages of Latin verse and to improvise on a theme, even if the
name of Epaphroditus, with difficulty late in the day Less sex, but also less violence. Pompeii is one of the best verses do not always scan perfectly or obey the rules of grammar.
they chucked him out; they spent most pleasantly, places in the Roman world to study gladiatorial games. Its amphi- If Herculaneum had a better-educated population than Pompeii,
when they fucked, 105½ sesterces’. Finally we find theatre is the earliest known specimen of the new architectural it might be expected to have even more of these learned graffiti;
a recommendation to a prostitute (or ‘mistress’) to form to survive. Its activities were conspicuous enough to enter but here too it has little to offer. There is one example of one of
seek him out at home: ‘Hermeros to his mistress the historical narrative, and the great riot that broke out there in the standard verse tags of Pompeii, the archetypal visitor’s graf-
Primigenia: come to Puteoli to the Timnian quarter ad 59, when the Pompeians and Nucerians came to blows, with fito: ‘venimus hoc cupidi, multo magis ire cupimus’, ‘we came
and ask at Messius the moneychanger for Hermeros much shedding of blood, led to a debate in the Roman senate, here keenly, and are even keener to go’. Then there are two verse
the slave of Phoebus’. resulting in a ten-year ban on gladiatorial ludi and the exile of maxims, in the same House of the Gem where Apollinaris made
All the characters here identifiable are slaves, or the senator, Livineius Regulus, who had been responsible for his mark, of the type made popular by the early imperial mime-
possibly imperial freedmen. Their world is recogniz- these particular games (Tacitus, Annals 14.17). The same event writer, Publilius Syrus: ‘qui se tutari nescit, nescit vivere’, ‘he who
ably that of Petronius’ Satyrica (see pages 199–201), is depicted in a familiar painting, which shows not only the riot, does not know how to defend himself, does not know how to
right down to the useless servant. It may be significant but the advertisements for games of Lucretius Satrius Valens. live’, and, rather more wisely, ‘minimum malum fit contemnando
that they are visitors from outside, from the impe- Advertisements for ludi are common on the walls of Pompeii, as maximum’, ‘neglect of the smallest problem makes it the biggest
rial household or Puteoli and not locals. Another are graffiti of gladiators and records of their victories. Then there one’. (The motto would do well for the problem of archaeological
visitor left his mark in the latrine of the House of are the gladiatorial barracks, discovered in the 1760s, with their conservation.) In the Palaestra, some joker has twice written ‘May
the Gem: ‘Apollinaris, doctor of the Emperor Titus, spectacular collection of gladiatorial equipment. Finally, there are the bears eat me!’: the same exclamation is attested in Pompeii.
here crapped well’. References to shitting, cacare, the depictions from various tombs of gladiators fighting, which Finally, we may note a long graffito in Greek found in a backroom
are common in Pompeii, including painted signs remind us of the continuing importance of the fights at funerary of the bar on the corner of Cardo V and the lower Decumanus,
aimed to deter people from fouling the vicinity. But games, from which the tradition originated. which says more for the writer’s knowledge of popular philosophy
good bowel movements were important to ancient Against this, Herculaneum has next to nothing to offer: no than his respect for women: ‘Diogenes the Cynic philosopher,
medicine, and Apollinaris as a doctor is celebrating amphitheatre, no advertisements or graffiti, no painted tombs. Just seeing a woman swept away by a river, said: “Let one bad thing
an act of good health, in a way reminiscent of the once, inside a private house, that of the Corinthian Atrium, we carry off another”.’ The Cynics were notorious for their ‘street-
Baths of the Seven Sages at Ostia, where the sages find an advertisement for the ten pairs of gladiators of Numisius corner’ philosophy, and this disagreeable saying of Diogenes,
offer good, if manifestly humorous, advice on the Genialis that will fight at Herculaneum on 22 February. If it were which is attested by other sources, fully fits the bill.
subject. Titus became emperor on the death of his not for the discovery in the Bourbon excavations of several gladi- While these few graffiti are enough to show that there was
Bronze gladiatorial parade backroom of the Suburban Baths (public baths were father, Vespasian, on 23 June 79, only a few months atorial helmets, beautifully embossed with scenes from the Trojan awareness of both verse and street philosophy in Herculaneum,
helmet, embossed with scenes
frequently associated with sexual activity, as we see before the eruption, so if he really was emperor War, one might almost imagine Herculaneum was innocent of such they are certainly not enough to make the population seem
from the fall of Troy (Naples
Museum, from Herculaneum, in the Suburban Baths of Pompeii, where the ‘Kama when Apollinaris wrote, it was within weeks of the games. Again, scale and status make a palpable difference. There is better educated than that of Pompeii. There is a total absence of
provenance not recorded). Sutra’ series of numbered sexual scenes, whether eruption. On the other hand, Titus shared the title a good argument that it was precisely Pompeii’s status as a colony Virgil, constantly cited at Pompeii, of Ovid and the erotic poets,
humorous or not, make explicit the sexual associa- ‘imperator’ with his father from 70 onwards, so we for Sulla’s veterans that encouraged the early building there of an even of the philosophic Lucretius. While the Villa of the Papyri
tions, and the Stabian Baths, the back door of which cannot be that precise. amphitheatre: games were meant to be good for martial mettle, may have the largest known collection of Epicurean texts, it was
leads to the town’s largest concentration of places Again, the contrast between Pompeii and virtus. Herculaneum’s population, by contrast, may have been felt in Pompeii, in the House of Fabius Rufus looking out over the
of sale of sex). Here a cluster of graffiti make up for Herculaneum serves to put Pompeii in perspective. to be too small to fill an amphitheatre, though amphitheatres have sea, that someone scratched the Lucretian citation, ‘suave mari
rarity with social and topographical precision, and It is a caution against ‘normalizing’ Pompeii. The been found in smaller settlements, like the little market centre of magno’: ‘sweet it is in a great storm’. The full thought is that it is
raises Herculaneum’s score of a word found hundreds sort of sexual activity met in Pompeii may indeed Forum Novum (modern Vescovio in the Sabina). sweet in a storm to watch others in trouble and know that you are

296 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 297

Left: ‘First-style’ false
marbling from the entrance of
the Samnite House.

Right: Examples of inlaid

colour marble: the House of
the Stags (top left); the House
of Apollo the Lyre-player
(middle left); the House of the
Telephus Relief (bottom left);
the House of the Bicentenary
(top right); the House of the
Corinthian Atrium (bottom

298 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 299

has the same range from very grand houses built
over the city wall, effectively urban villas, through
grand town houses of a traditional sort, to a range
of middling houses and small units of shops and
workshops. The underlying architectural grammar,
Details of blue-ground
so to speak, is the same, and Vitruvius proves a decoration from the House of
useful commentary in both cities. But for all that, the Mosaic Atrium (top and
Herculaneum is different: less repetitive and more bottom left) and the House
of the Grand Portal (top and
experimental. The standard size houses display great
bottom right).
cunning in seeming to offer more than their modest
plot-size would suggest: the House of the Corinthian
Atrium, with its charming peristyle-atrium, and the
House of Neptune and Amphitrite, with its spectac-
ular mosaic nymphaeum, offer two examples within
the same block of imaginative uses of a small plot,
hard to parallel at Pompeii. At the other extreme, the
House of the Mosaic Atrium, with its unique atrium-
basilica sequence, and the House of the Stags, with its
unassuming covered atrium leading to a spectacular
suite of rooms facing the garden, are two completely
different, and equally un-Pompeian, solutions to the
use of a large plot of land.
It is frustrating that we know so little about what
housing in Rome itself looked like at this period.
Would we find Herculaneum closer to the metropolis
in its range of innovative solutions and variants on
the old atrium formula? Or was it the influence of
nearby Neapolis at work? Or was it simply a different
set of builders and architects working in this town
to give it its distinctive character? One argument in
favour of closeness to metropolitan Roman fashion
Detail of monochrome
decoration from the House of safe, a state to which Epicurean philosophy would is the Palaestra block. This is so similar to the brick
the Black Saloon. take you. Instead of citing high verse, the people of and concrete blocks familiar from Ostia and the
Herculaneum mostly used their writing for banali- capital itself (a fine example survives at the foot of the
ties like names, numbers and lists: ‘wine received Capitoline hill), and so unlike anything in Pompeii,
from the master, 7 April’. that it is tempting to point to Rome as the model.
The impression that Herculaneum is no carbon Another possible, and closer, source is Puteoli,
copy of Pompeii is strongly reinforced when at this period the most important port city in the
we consider its architecture and decoration. In western Mediterranean. As its architecture gradu-
many ways, as we have seen, the housing stock of ally emerges from the demolition of Rione Terra, we
Herculaneum is comparable to that of Pompeii: it may find the most convincing model there.

300 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 301

Decoration too at Herculaneum is quite distinctive. What leaps that has fallen out of fashion among modern art historians), at room is occupied by what looks like a curtain in a
at once to the eye is the use of polychrome marbles for flooring in a least as bravura performances in a classical tradition. theatre, against which are represented masks and
breathtaking variety of patterns. This use of opus sectile depended All these decorative contrasts point to Herculaneum as a other details. We can happily attribute this room’s
on a regular supply of marble from quarries in Africa, Egypt, place of greater wealth and sophistication than Pompeii. Even decoration to the Fourth Style, but would struggle
Greece and Asia Minor (Turkey). The port of Puteoli must have the wall painting is different. The standard account points to the to find anything quite like it in Pompeii. Another
been a major terminus for the marble trade. However, to ship the four styles of Pompeian painting as if they were universal in the exceptional decorative scheme is that of the lower
cut and polished veneers from Puteoli to Pompeii will have cost Roman world. The first is false marbling, the second introduces ‘room of the marbles’ in the tower of the House
no more than the trip to Herculaneum. Yet in Pompeii, the use of architectural perspective, the third depends on panels separated of the Telephus Relief. Here, a red background is
opus sectile is very rare. The grandest room in the House of Fabius by more delicate decorative elements, and the fourth returns to enriched by layer after layer of decorative borders.
Rufus at Pompeii, comparable in wealth and size to the House of a use of architectural perspectives, though more fantastical than The individual elements can be paralleled in other
the Stags at Herculaneum, indeed had a marble veneer floor; and those of the second style. There is indeed some truth in this, and Fourth Style schemes, used as borders to panels.
though the slabs of marble have been robbed out, it is evident from wall decoration found elsewhere in Italy, and even in France or What is unusual is their superimposition. The style
the impressions left in the mortar that they formed a very simple Germany, at least when it belongs to the first centuries bc and ad, is more one of a piece of woven fabric or carpet, and
pattern, not approaching the complex geometry of the equivalent can be related to the four ‘Pompeian’ styles. But the same story maybe it is meant to evoke a wall hung with cloth.
in Herculaneum. The main room of the House of the Stags had of gradual evolution of fashion could not have been told starting The loss of woven cloth and tapestries is one of the
flooring composed of 368 separate pieces of marble. Among the from Herculaneum. Surviving decoration from the second or biggest blind spots in our appreciation of ancient
240 that survive, there are 82 different motifs, of which 68 are even first century bc is exceptional in Herculaneum. The Samnite material culture.
unique. This is not like rolling out patterned carpet; it is original House preserves a fine example of the ‘false marble’ idiom of the Where does this leave Herculaneum? The town
craftsmanship at the highest level. Polychrome marble floors are First Style in its entrance corridor, but only there. Otherwise we has picked up something of the reputation of a
found repeatedly across Herculaneum, whether in public buildings are reduced to looking for a faded fragment in the House of the small south-coast resort, populated by rich holiday-
(the so-called College of the Augustales and the Palaestra), grand Wooden Shrine. The Second Style, with its architectural perspec- makers and retired civil servants, a Weymouth
houses (like those of the Stags, the Mosaic Atrium, the Telephus tives, is amply attested in a good number of Pompeian houses, perhaps or a Key West, Florida. But this too may
Relief, the Bicentenary, the Tuscan Colonnade), or even medium- as well as the villas outside the walls (the Villas of the Mysteries, be inappropriate and misleading. It is true that
sized houses like that of the Skeleton, and (with one of the most Oplontis and Boscoreale). At Herculaneum too the Villa of the the Bay of Naples attracted large numbers of the
beautiful examples) the House of Apollo the Lyre-player. Mosaic Papyri with its mid-first century date has the same style, but within White marble plaque with Carbonized Furniture and the Grand Portal, where Roman rich, who lined the crescent of the bay from
drawing of five girls playing
flooring, more standard in Pompeii, exists in Herculaneum too, the town, examples are limited to the baths of the House of the knuckle-bones (astragaloi),
we have to speak of ‘transition’ between the two Misenum to the shrine of Athena at the point of the
alongside the marble, sometimes, as in the House of the Corinthian Hotel (Albergo), and a fragment in the ruinous House with Garden. found in the House of styles: they fall securely into neither one category Sorrentine peninsula, as Strabo describes it, with a
Atrium, combined to great effect in a single design. The rarity of these earlier styles is an effect of chronology. Either Neptune and Amphitrite. nor the other. continuous line of villas. You can reasonably look
Marble in Herculaneum is not limited to floors. Just as was the houses of Herculaneum were more extensively redecorated in All this is quite technical. But from the view- for the metropolitan wealthy, for the retired and
the case in grand houses in imperial Rome, marble panels could the first century ad than those of Pompeii, or, just possibly, real point of the visitor, the walls of Herculaneum have convalescent, in villas like that of the Papyri or at
be used to clad the lower parts of walls. This is what we find used wealth did not reach Herculaneum till later, with Nonius Balbus’ a different feel. One notable feature, met in a series Oplontis. Baiae, the bathing spa on the north of the
to dramatic effect in the two storeys of the tower building of the revival of the town’s fortunes in the Augustan age. of houses, is the use of a monochrome background, bay, comes much closer to the image of the resort
House of the Telephus Relief. Again, Pompeii has no parallels. The decorative styles of the Early Empire, Third and Fourth, are in black, blue or white, against which decorative of the idle rich. Herculaneum is altogether more
Equally, a special feature of Herculaneum is the insertion in rather harder to distinguish from each other, even for experts. The details are picked out in subtle shades of brown modest and down to earth. Its lists of names, both
domestic walls of white marble panels carved in low relief. The classic contrast offered for Pompeii is that in the Third Style walls and white. The effect can be magical, as in the black on the marble inscription and the witness lists of
scene of Achilles healing the wound of Telephus is one of two such are more ‘closed’, with architectural elements reduced to delicate backgrounds of the House of the Black Saloon or the wooden tablets, suggest that part at least of the
reliefs from this house. As we have seen, the even grander house details, whereas the Fourth Style uses architectural perspectives the light blue backgrounds of the grand House of population originated from elsewhere, including
of the south-western corner of the town likewise displayed two to ‘open’ the vista of the wall. This contrast does not work so well the Mosaic Atrium or the tiny House of the Grand no less than Nonius Balbus from Nuceria. Others
reliefs in one of its rooms. Carved in the style of classic Athenian at Herculaneum, where even the architectural perspectives of the Portal. In the latter house we meet another feature included the Marci Stlaccii from Puteoli, Gaius
sculpture, they probably, rather like the versions of the Amazon Fourth Style tend to be reduced to delicate detail. There are cases, that seems special to Herculaneum: the represen- Nasennius probably from Capua, the Gnaei Octavii
head, were intended if not as ‘reproductions of Greek art’ (an idea as in the House of the Black Saloon, the Wooden Screen, the tation of fabrics. The middle zone of one entire from Neapolis, and so on. But the presence of such

302 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 303

incolae, or residents, is far from making it a retirement village, down their roots. It is striking how often the same family names the ingenui, the liberti, and the strange class that is neither the one in which people could mostly know each other personally, and
and rather illustrates a general mobility at the local level. Indeed, recur. By now, what marks family links is the combination of nor the other. Of the 500 or so names preserved, about a fifth have many had complex personal links. This is something that comes
the relative scarcity of freeborn men suggests that slavery was far praenomen and nomen: thus, Marcus Nonius. The older tradition unique praenomen-nomen combinations. The rest have at least two out of the case of the so-called Petronia Justa, the woman whose
more important a route for immigration than retirement. was for the first name, praenomen, to be the element that distin- with the same combination, half have three or more with the same dispute over her status took a little group of people to Rome. Gaius
It is in those lists of names that we have the best chance of guished an individual in a family. Marcus Tullius Cicero might combination, and more than a fifth have five or more individuals Petronius Stephanus, who gave Justa’s mother Vitalis her freedom,
grasping the social realities of Herculaneum, at least as we see have his father’s first name, and pass it to his son, but his brother with the same combination. Again and again, where there are was one of a well-attested family: on the great list of names, we
it in its final two decades. There is still much to be understood was a Quintus, and that distinguished him within his generation. numerous individuals with the same combination, they are found meet the freeborn Gaius Petronius Justus (did his name influ-
about these lists, and much potential insight to be derived about The third name, cognomen, was so far from being his distinctive in more than one category, and not infrequently in all three. So ence Justa’s choice of cognomen?), freedmen called Celsus and
the composition of the society of the town in this period. Given name by the old Roman tradition that the man we call Cicero those with the Marcus Calatorius combination (a family which Stephanus, and neither-nors called Cominianus (which on the face
that the 500 or so names that survive on fragments represent at was referred to in the senate as ‘Marcus Tullius’. But this tradi- produced the Marcus Calatorius Quartio who was honoured with of it implies adoption from the family of Cominius) and (again)
most a half of the thousand and more names that the full docu- tion changed in the early empire, and increasingly the praenomen a fine bronze statue) include one freeborn member, Acceptus, five Stephanus. His wife, Calatoria Themis, belongs to the ‘family’ of
ment originally carried, we must hope that future excavations will became a fossilized element, and the cognomen distinguished freedmen, Fortunatus, Januarius, Menophilus, Pierus and Salvius, Marcus Calatorius, and indeed Marcus Calatorius Speudon is
restore further fragments, and give us for the first time a full view people. This is what we see at work in the Herculaneum tablets. and three in the neither-nor category, Acratus, Crescens and one of those who stood bail for Petronia Justa, while the illiterate
of the free, adult male inhabitants of a Roman community and Partly this is driven by the phenomenon of freedmen who Diodorus. This is a pattern that repeats itself even on a modest Marcus Calatorius Marullus was one who was confident that the
their different statuses. But even the half of the inscription that took their master’s praenomen and passed it on to their children, scale: so of the four bearers of the combination Tiberius Acutius, girl in question was in fact a freedwoman. Calatoria Themis had
survives says much about this community. On the one hand, it almost as a badge of honour. Thus, of the twenty-six men named one is freeborn, Spendon, one is a freedman, Adauctus, and two a tutor, Gaius Petronius Telesphorus, a necessary figure in Roman
illustrates, as we have seen, the geographical mobility of the inhab- Nonius named on the list, all but one is a Marcus. The exception, are neither-nor, Barbula and Paterculus. law for one who no longer had a husband, though he managed to
itants of the towns of the area. This is why Herculaneum can never Quintus Nonius, freedman of Quintus, Faustillus, might be the The strong impression that arises from this is of a closely inter- take the stand against his pupil. Gradually the network extends
make sense as a place apart, but only as an element in a system. freedman of a descendant of the great Marcus Nonius who was linked community. They may be distinguished in the hierarchy from those who are interlinked by name or friendship to the many
Communities of different characters fruitfully interconnected: still, like Cicero’s family, using the praenomen to distinguish of status, but there is a great deal of overlap between each of the witnesses who signed the documents, and draws into the picture
the great Roman colony and port of Puteoli, centre of a network brothers. Of the others, only one is freeborn, Marcus Nonius three categories, and a high proportion belonged to a relatively more and more members of the community.
of trade spreading across the entire Mediterranean, and its coun- Fuscus, and he like all the freedmen preserves the most famous limited number of ‘families’. This underlines what is perhaps the Perhaps because documentation of the same quality does
terpart, the Greek colony of Neapolis (modern Naples), nurtured and familiar combination. In general, the freeborn men on the list most striking characteristic of Herculaneum, which is a function not survive for Pompeii, but surely also because it was a larger
by emperors who welcomed its continued use of Greek language are extremely tenacious of the fixed praenomen-nomen combina- of its small scale: it is what we can call a ‘face-to-face’ society, one community, though there are evidently multiple connections
and social institutions, like the ephebeia, the physical and intel- tion. Of the forty ingenui whose first names are preserved on the there too, the impression is of a society with more players, a larger
lectual training of pubertal males, and promoted its character as list, not one single one has a different first name from that of his and more competitive elite. The fact that it was so easy to know
Marble list of names of citizens.
a western centre of Greek culture by instituting a cultural festival father. Some at least must have been second sons, and if the old each other evidently did not stop the inhabitants of Herculaneum
of Olympic status, the lists of winners in which have recently convention was being respected, at least a proportion should have from quarrelling with each other, though in their nature legal
emerged in the excavation of the new metro line. Further inland praenomina different from that of their fathers. This is the more documents tend to bring out disputes. Nor would we want to
there was Capua, once the city that dominated the Campanian noticeable when, as happens from time to time, two freeborn characterize the community of Herculaneum as inbred. Both the
plain, and still famed in Cicero’s day for its urban amenities, and a men with the same family names are listed one after the other: throughput of outsider residents (incolae) and the high levels of
centre of bronze production. Then inland up the Sarno valley was Gnaeus Lusienus, son of Gnaeus, Justus and Gnaeus Lusienus, son recruitment though slavery must have ensured that the gene pool
Nuceria, the old Oscan town which was in constant contact with of Gnaeus, Probus, or, on the same list Sextus Caecilius, son of was constantly refreshed. Nevertheless, it was a community within
Pompeii, riotously visiting its amphitheatre and supplying some Sextus, Proculus and Sextus Caecilius, son of Sextus, Astus. This which a level of intimacy was possible. Where Pompeii can seem
of its most famed prostitutes. Finally, there was the Roman impe- happens for five pairs, a quarter of the names. To judge by these promiscuous, Herculaneum seems intimate, perhaps because the
rial fleet at Misenum, and nearby the luxury spa of Baiae. They lists, your third name, cognomen, was the way to distinguish the quality of the evidence allows us to get to know its population so
make a set of communities more conspicuous for their variety individual for this population, whether freeborn or slave-born. It well.
than their similarity, and in their context the diversity of Pompeii may mark a change of fashion, and may be a clue of how many of
and Herculaneum should not surprise us. the freeborn are themselves descendants of freedmen.
But though to some extent people flowed round the Bay of Another pattern we may notice is how frequently the same
Naples, we can also see them in the Herculaneum lists putting combination of family names occurs in all three social categories,

304 the tale of t wo cities the tale of t wo cities 305

erculaneum offers a window on the past The evidence is before the eyes of every passing
of unique and irreplaceable value. But it is tourist. Each house that is barred to public access is
also fragmentary, fragile, at constant risk in a critical state: collapsed roofing, water dripping
of loss. It is fragmentary, as the chapters above have over delicate surfaces, frescoes faded and losing
stressed, both in the sense that the site is only partly their pigment in flakes, plasterwork constantly
excavated and, more importantly, in the sense that disintegrating and falling off, mosaic floors blis-
even what has been excavated is partial, the surviving tering up and dissolving into their component
pieces of the violent trauma of a volcanic eruption, tesserae, carbonized wood crumbling to dust, ceil-
then pieced together in a process of ‘restoration’ ings crashing to the floor, walls too long exposed
that both creates a misleading impression about the to the elements unprotected finally slumping to
nature of the evidence and risks putting the values of the ground. Even the passer-by can see this much,
tourist appeal above those of truth to the evidence. and the weeds growing not only on floors but on
But even this concoction of surviving remains and rooftops, and pigeons, despite the deterrence of a
restoration remains fragile and at risk. regime of falcons, obstinately roosting in the site’s

Left: Tourists crowd the shop

on the north-east corner of
Insula IV.

Right: Damaged frescoes

from the House of the Gem,
with black paint faded to
white (left) and from the new
excavations in the south-west
of the site (right).

Inside: The atrium of the

House of the Bicentenary
before conservation.

the future of the pa st 311

abundant nooks and crannies. Not even the finest
houses on the site, and most interesting to tourists,
are spared this agony: the House of the Bicentenary,
with its magnificent atrium and rare upper floor, is
still closed after years: the room once made famous
by the discovery of the mark of the cross in the plas-
terwork, which long attracted attention as potential
evidence for early Christianity, though more recent
scholarship reinterpreted the cross as the trace left
by the support brackets for a cupboard, unusual and
important though it was, lost its floor and no longer
exists, while the roundels of satyrs and bacchants
that decorated the tablinum have seen their brightly
coloured paintwork flake off year by year.
Why? It is right to be angry, and natural to look
for someone to blame. But nearly a decade’s experi-
ence of a project designed to help to remedy these
problems – the Herculaneum Conservation Project
– suggests that the problems are highly complex,
existing at numerous levels, defying any hope of a
Top: Frescoes damaged by quick fix, and rendering it impossible to point the
salts. finger of blame in any one direction. Those who wish
Top left: Detail of a Above: A carbonized wooden to preserve the site must face a daunting concatena-
Middle left: A mosaic floor
in the House of the Stags disintegrating mosaic. beam disintegrates as wax tion of seemingly intractable problems: the iron laws
damaged by standing water. protection drips off. of physics that make decay inescapable, the difficulty
Top right: Wall eroded by
of reconciling the demands of access to visitors with
Middle right: Hawks struggle
to keep the pigeons at bay. those of conservation, the management problems
faced by the country blessed and cursed by what is
Bottom: Standing water soaks often claimed to be the world’s greatest concentration
a frescoed wall.

312 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 313

The House of the Bicentenary in archival photographs before the
damage. The atrium (left) and the upper room with cupboard
and supposed Christian cross (above).

of heritage, and the profound social, economic and

political problems that have haunted the Italian
south for centuries. No problem can be solved at any
one level without attending to the others.
The immediate and visible problems are physical.
Change, not stability, is the natural order of the phys-
ical world: no structure and no object can remain
untouched and unaltered over time unless energy
is continuously injected into keeping it so, and even
then we can only delay or slow down the process
of change, which we see as decay. Conservators
today no longer aspire to stopping decay, only to
minimizing or retarding it. Seneca, whom we met in
Chapter 1, with his understanding of the inherently

314 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 315

Detail of the decoration from fade and crumble, to the sound of whistling wind. It from the varnishes applied by the Bourbons, to the
the tablinum of the House of
is an accurate, if accelerated, representation of the wax and paraffin mixtures of the nineteenth and
the Bicentenary, satyr and
maenad, with the upper layer
consequence of all archaeological excavation. If not early twentieth centuries, to the paraloids favoured
of paintwork peeling off. before our eyes, then in the course of time, visible by restorers in the second half of the twentieth
to anyone who observes over the course of years, century. Each solution is in its own way damaging.
frescoes fade and perish. Anything that forms a new and non-porous crust on
The earliest visitors to the Bourbon excavations the painted surface displaces rather than removes the
in Herculaneum recognized this problem. So Horace problem. The moisture unable to breathe through
Walpole in 1740: the outer surface creates tensions between the outer
layer and the careful build-up of layers of plaster
I forgot to tell you, that in several places the below, causing the layer of paint to blister and flake
beams of the houses remain, but burnt to char- off. A short-term gain and the fleeting opportunity
coal; so little damaged that they retain visibly the of glamorous ‘before and after’ photographs leads
grain of the wood, but upon touching crumble to in the end to irreparable damage. The search for a
ashes. better chemical preparation to apply to the surface
is misplaced. The winning strategy is to create the
It is precisely because the difficulties of preserving equilibrium of temperature and moisture that avoids
such fragile traces of the past have always been the underlying problem. Interestingly enough, the
apparent that the history of the site is one of a long, removal of the fresco from the original context is
and seemingly losing, battle against decay. Not one way in which to achieve a new equilibrium.
infrequently, the attempts to preserve have added The specific conservation problems that the site
further to the damage. The early Bourbon policy faces are the direct consequence of decisions made
of removing frescoes and mosaics, like statues and about presentation. The early Bourbon solution of
small finds, from their archaeological context, removal was driven not by conservation, but by the
although we now dismiss it as treasure-hunting, was desire to make the palace and its new ‘Herculanense
at the same time a strategy of conservation. We may Museum’ the essential place of display. As we have
disagree with it because of the damage caused to the seen, the new policy of leaving material in situ and
archaeological context, yet the frescoes taken up to making the site, especially that of Pompeii, the
the Royal Palace at Portici, and later transferred to the focus of the visitor experience was a response to the
Naples Museum, have generally survived a great deal complaints and requests of the visitors. It was not
better than those left in situ. The moment a fresco is accompanied by a corresponding policy of providing
unstable nature of the earth, already grasped the But it won’t do to cite the second law of ther-
exposed but left in place, in a new atmosphere drier shelters on site, and the damage done in this period
underlying philosophy. We understand better today modynamics, point to entropy, and give up on
than its old volcanic cladding, a thermodynamic was perhaps the most rapid and irreversible of all
the processes of geological change, the shifting of conservation as an impossible goal. The conserva-
imbalance is created and entropy indeed does its phases of decay of the sites. By the late nineteenth
continental plates that remodels the earth’s crust, tion of archaeological remains is a problem that
work. The moisture in the wall behind the fresco is century, a policy of reconstructing roofs enormously
and the longer processes of erosion by wind and we create by the very act of excavating, and if we
drawn out, depositing the salts in the stone or the improved the situation; but it was partial and driven
water and changes of heat that constantly modify excavate, we must take responsibility for the conse-
mortar on the face of the fresco. A fine white coat is as much by the desire to provide the visitor with a
it. If time can make and remove mountains, what quences. In a famous scene in Fellini’s Roma, the
formed, which rapidly hardens, causing permanent more vivid and convincing experience.
chance has a delicate archaeological site? To stand mechanical digger drilling a new metro line reveals
damage to the surface. Amedeo Maiuri took this approach to its most
under the shadow of Vesuvius and demand perma- a room full of frescoes, vivid with images of Roman
The frustration of seeing salts form and colours advanced expression. The ‘living museum’ he
nence and stability is evidently unreasonable. life. But as rapidly as they are revealed, the frescoes
fade has led to a long history of physical interventions, created at Herculaneum allowed a visitor experience

316 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 317

of a quality never achieved before, with extensive a living house, are only possible if they go hand in both an unparalleled degree of protection against the
reconstruction of roofs ad identicum, ‘exactly like hand with a maintenance regime such as a house elements and a visitor experience which, rather than
the original’, and even display of objects in what would have enjoyed in antiquity: a hoard of slaves to presenting the house as if immediately before the
appeared to be, but often was not, the original keep the floors swept, the gardens weeded, the drains moment of its destruction, made visible the process
context. His display solution was also a conserva- unblocked, the missing roof tiles replaced. Maiuri’s of destruction itself, and even the process of archaeo-
tion solution. He was deeply shocked by the speed squad was able to keep on top of the problems for logical exploration. But this solution in turn created
of decay and destruction of the nineteenth-century a time, but they would be needed forever, or rather maintenance problems, as the brittle and inaccessible
excavations, and wished to avoid the same errors, so long as the site survives in that state. The reduc- corrugated plastic roofing sheets broke and let in
employing the best technologies of his day. But the tion of the maintenance team started immediately water. The same problems tormented the temporary
reinforced concrete he used for beams above doors with his retirement, and continued in an ineluctable shelter over the new excavations at the Villa of the
and windows and solid flat roofs proved to have its downward line until its complete elimination by the Papyri, and new roofing in more robust material has
own conservation problems: within half a century, beginning of the twenty-first century. The authori- been recently installed. Its success, like the success of
penetration of damp caused the iron reinforcement ties had enough of a struggle on their hands keeping all previous solutions, can only be judged against the
bars to rust, expanding and causing the outer layer up the team of custodians to police the behaviour of test of time.
of cement to crack off and fall. To span the vast space visitors, and maintenance went by the board. Perhaps the hardest challenge in conservation is
of an atrium in what was supposed to look like the A new generation of conservation solutions was to get the balance right between major interventions,
original fashion, concrete beams of vast weight were already on its way. The conservation community by at high cost but one-off capital investments, and less
inserted, putting new stresses on the structures the late twentieth century was giving considerable ambitious but annually or periodically repeating
below. As they have decayed, a new problem has thought to the problems of roofing archaeological continuous care regimes. There are extraneous
emerged. In theory, the best solution is to substitute sites. Reconstruction ad identicum was becoming political and economic reasons for favouring major,
them with wooden beams. Yet solid wooden beams deeply unfashionable, and the lack of authenticity one-off interventions. In Italy, as in many countries,
of these dimensions are rarely known to modern of the very sites that tried hardest to be authentic, it is easier to find occasional, one-off funding for such
carpentry, hard to source, and difficult to transport like Pompeii or Knossos, brought the traditional major projects than the steady revenue stream which
on site. The alternative of laminated wood was fash- approach into disrepute. Archaeological ‘shelters’, continuous care requires. In particular, the arrival of
ionable in the 1980s and 1990s, but laminated wood which spanned the site on independent supports and what is regarded as windfall funding, notably in the
has its own problems in situations of damp, and the made no pretence to reproduce the original situation, form of grants from the European Union, favours
removal of large concrete beams is a difficult and became increasingly popular. They also provided such ambitious projects which deliver conspicuous
traumatic process. opportunities for the sort of metal-frame architecture results. But these have often proved too hasty in
The success of Maiuri’s solution in terms of visitor which was in vogue in non-archaeological contexts their planning, and too inflexible in their execution,
experience has its cost in terms of conservation like airports. Not all experiments were successful. A trapped in an endless sequence of bureaucratic struc-
problems. The more extensive and sophisticated the segment of the brand new shelter over Akrotiri on tures and processes. And, whether they acknowledge
reconstruction of these Roman house-museums, the Thera, the Minoan site preserved by a volcanic erup- it or not, the major interventions generate a legacy of
more demanding they are in terms of maintenance. tion a millennium and a half before the Vesuvian maintenance needs.
Above: The atrium of the Overleaf left: The House of the
When these solutions were adopted at the heyday of cities, collapsed, killing a visitor and leading to the House of the Gem in 2001, Gem before (above) and after
Whose problem is all this anyway? The Italian
Fascist investment in archaeology, little thought was indefinite closure of the site. The ambitious tensile with collapsed roof tiles. (below) conservation work. State, the local area, or the entire gamut of ‘stake-
given to the cost implications for the future. Maiuri structure over the ‘Hanghäuser’ of Ephesus has holders’, those to whom the site has importance,
Overleaf right: The upper
kept on site a team of dozens of skilled craftsmen proved to create new problems of heat, and has had a including the local tourist industry, the visitors
terrace of the Palaestra before
(maestranze), who not only restored the houses as questionable aesthetic impact on the rest of the site. conservation work. themselves, and the international community of
they emerged but provided the ongoing mainte- Less ambitious experiments were made at Pompeii, scholars? The answer in law is clear. The Italian
nance squad. Many of the conservation solutions and the simple scaffolding roof over the new exca- constitution defines all heritage as the responsi-
of reconstruction ad identicum, the recreation of vations of the House of the Chaste Lovers provided bility of the Italian State. A wise provision makes

318 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 319

320 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 321
illegal the sale of heritage outside the country. All unbalanced, with a dearth of the sort of professional
archaeological heritage is regarded as the property support the site required and a long tail of under-
of the State and inalienable. The responsibility for qualified staff enjoying job protection in roles that
the protection (tutela) of this heritage is delegated were marginal (an excess, for instance, of librarians).
to the Ministry of Culture, which organizes the The effectiveness of the staff, he argued, was stifled
country into regions, each with its own director, by an excess of bureaucratic procedures, diverting
and within the regions into superintendencies. effort into formalities. Above all, the laws which
‘Pompei’, which includes Herculaneum and all the were set up to protect against fraud and corruption
archaeological sites buried by the eruption of ad 79, slowed down urgent interventions to a snail’s pace.
became in 1980 a superintendency in its own right, The law governing public works required contracts
separate from Naples. In 1997, an important reform to be given to the lowest bidder satisfying stated
assigned it partial autonomy, the most important criteria, and thereby generated endless legal appeals,
feature of which was a degree of financial autonomy, and resulting perversely in the award of contracts
in particular the control of the revenues generated to underqualified firms unscrupulous enough to
by ticket sales, and the ability to raise money by sales underbid, and compensate by bad quality work.
(e.g. from the bookshop) and by sponsorship deals, Guzzo’s analysis, building on that on the distin-
including the rental to one of the most prominent guished economist, Luca Zan, never made explicit
wine producers in Campania of the plots within the political dimension of the problem, the peren-
Pompeii where vines had grown in antiquity. As part nial distortion of public administration by political
of this financial independence, the superintendency clientelism, the corrosive trade of jobs for votes
was given its own financial administrator or ‘City and political support. The role of ‘City Manager’,
Manager’, on a par with the superintendent respon- designed to bring healthy managerial experience to
sible for archaeology. This arrangement persisted the administration of an archaeological site run by
until 2008, when Pompeii and Naples were reunited, archaeologists, rapidly proved too tempting to poli-
and the anomaly of the financial administrator not ticians on both sides of the spectrum, who saw in the
reporting to the superintendent was eliminated. The financial management of the site access to Pompeii’s
united superintendency retained the special status of revenues, and to the lucrative contracts those would
financial autonomy previously restricted to Pompei. generate. At one point, resources amounting to tens
Further reforms, however, are imminent. of millions were diverted from the superintendency,
Because the Italian State assumes responsibility allegedly to finance work in the northern city where
for tutela, it follows that any failure in the protection the then Minister was standing as candidate. In any
and maintenance of the site is technically its failing, case, the division of powers between superintendent
and that of the officials to whom responsibility is and administrator only led to stalemate, and the
delegated locally. In a laudable display of candour, the damaging delay of pressing conservation work.
superintendent for the last fifteen years, 1995–2009, The thing that Guzzo, beset by such problems,
Professor Pietro Giovanni Guzzo, drew the attention seized upon from the outset was the role of the inter-
of the Ministry, the public, and the international national community in protecting and supporting the
scholarly community to the crushing difficulties he site. Launching an appeal to universities and learned
faced in delivering what was imposed on him by bodies (such as the foreign academies) both in Italy
The atrium of the House of
law. The bureaucracy of the superintendency, in his and internationally, he stimulated a new generation the Gem after insertion of
analysis, was not fit for purpose. The personnel was of dozens of projects in Pompeii, particularly with temporary roofing in 2006.

322 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 323

the aim of documenting and publishing a still lamen- clogged up by its own bureaucratic procedures and
tably unpublished site. It is rare for archaeological shortage of qualified technical staff, an externally
projects to come with sufficient resource to permit financed and run conservation project could have
conservation work, though even here documentation the freedom to find the right experts and consult-
could provide the superintendency with the essential ants, intervene without the impediments of red tape,
knowledge base for future conservation. It was fully experiment with new and more effective solutions,
in line with this spirit of international collaboration and produce new recipes for conservation that would
Below: Replacement of flat
that when, in 2000, the Packard Humanities Institute eventually translate into a new set of more effective
roofs in the Palaestra block.
expressed interest in a project in Herculaneum that bureaucratic procedures. The project was set up
would address some of the problems of conservation, with American philanthropic finance, a scientific Right: Temporary roof over
the tower of the House of the
Guzzo grasped a potential that went beyond financial committee composed of heritage experts of inter-
Telephus Relief during (left)
resource. If, as he argued, the superintendency was national standing, and a predominantly Italian team and after (right) construction.

on the ground, chosen to pull together expertise in archaeology, The next infrastructural issue was roofing. Damage to decorated
architectural conservation, conservation of surfaces and artefacts, surfaces correlates closely with damage to, or absence of, roofs.
structural and hydraulic engineering, chemical analysis, archaeo- On the traditional model, a roof is only repaired in the context
logical surveying and IT management. of a project on a house as a whole, and the snail-like progress of
The standard model for a conservation project is to take a specific such projects left numerous roofs compromised. By constructing
house or group of structures and attempt to address all problems a project ‘typologically’, aimed at the repair of a series of different
comprehensively. The downside to large projects on isolated areas roofs in different locations that presented similar problems, it is
of a site is that they fail to address the needs of the site as a whole possible to accelerate the process and dramatically slow down the
or see beyond the boundaries of the house or project in question. damage.
A roofing solution which considers only the house in question, The third and most important element is that of continuous
and then, by throwing water on to a neighbouring house, creates care. It is not a substitute for big restoration projects, but some-
new problems there, is merely moving the problem on, not solving thing that must necessarily follow them if the good is to last. If
it. Driven by these considerations, the Herculaneum Conservation the site cannot afford a standing maintenance team such as Maiuri
Project, which had initially aimed to ‘restore’ one insula, the Insula built up, with an accumulation of transmitted knowledge about
Orientalis I (incluing the House of the Telephus Relief and the what the recurrent problems are, and how and when to address
House of the Gem), comprehensively addressing all its conserva- them, the alternative must be to draw up schedules which the
tion problems, shifted its priorities to site-wide infrastructural managers of the site can implement effectively, analysing in detail
issues of three types. the typology of problems that will recur, and providing tested and
The first, and most urgent, was to provide an adequate drainage costed solutions. That in turn requires a continuity of monitoring.
network for the site as a whole, and this could be best done by reacti- Mistakes are inevitable, but a site can learn from them. It is by
vating, so far as possible, the ancient drainage system. Anyone who periodically monitoring how successfully past solutions stand up
has witnessed the damage, across the entire site, caused by water to the test of time that they can be improved.
standing pooled on ancient pavements, seeping though to the very How much can international help achieve, and at what point
rooms which have been protected by roofing, and creeping up the is it better to leave the problems to local hands? The relations
decorative surfaces causing paint to fade and plaster to collapse, between the Pompeian authorities and the international commu-
understands how essential a basic drainage system is. The fact that nity have had a difficult history. The international pressure on the
the one the Romans provided was effective and extensive makes Vesuvian sites is both a blessing and a curse. From the earliest
the intervention less traumatic to the site. visitors, like Horace Walpole and Thomas Gray, and even more

324 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 325

markedly Johann Joachim Winckelmann, foreigners common property of mankind, in legal fact they are
have felt that this is material of exceptional quality the inalienable property of the Italian State, and that
and interest for the international community, morally the sites belong also to the local population,
and that the perceived shortcomings of the local a fragment of whose tangled history they represent.
authorities should not be tolerated. The Bourbon International help can only work if actually wanted
kings learnt that their discoveries were a two-edged by local interests.
weapon: they brought a massive advantage in terms It is perhaps here that the crux of the problem
of international profile, along with a disadvantage in lies. The relationship between local interests and the
exposure to international criticism. Vesuvian sites is ambivalent and complex. Beyond
In 1860, the novelist Alexandre Dumas asked question, the sites are honeypots, attracting millions
Garibaldi, in reward for his significant assistance, of visitors a year, and raising the international fame
for two favours: a permit to hunt in the park of and profile of the area to levels that are the envy of
Capodimonte and the continuation of the excava- other, less fortunate, regions. The profit that visi-
tions of Pompeii. As he wrote to Garibaldi: tors bring to the area, to hotels, restaurants, bars,
souvenir and other shops, agencies, tour guides, let
Do you wish all the papers, all the artists, all the alone employment on the sites themselves, is gigantic
painters, all the sculptors, all the architects to – the Regione Campania reckons its tourist industry
give a cry of joy? Then issue a decree couched in in the area to generate a turnover of tens of billions.
these terms: ‘In the name of the artistic world, In an area whose economy and industry have still not
the excavations of Pompeii will be started again recovered from the lopsided impact of the unifica-
and continued without interruption once I am at tion of Italy in 1860 under the most northerly of its
Naples’. kingdoms, Piedmont, this is all the more significant.
Yet profit does not flow into the hands of those
Garibaldi granted Dumas part of his wish, in who shoulder the burdens and costs. The Ministry
making him Honorary Director of the Museum and itself is well aware of the potential of profiting from
Excavations, but the appointment caused vigorous visitors, has introduced bookshops on site in both
local protests, and eventually a riot demanding Pompeii and Herculaneum, and, rather late in the day,
his dismissal. The figure who emerged from this is beginning to realize the potential of sales of food
confusion as the new excavator of Pompeii was, as and drink. Nevertheless, the real profits go off site,
we saw in Chapter 2, the great Giuseppe Fiorelli, and especially in the case of Ercolano, well beyond
but the episode had exposed the deep ambivalence local hands, to the hotels of Sorrento or Naples, to
of locals towards the wrong kind of international international tourist agencies and the shipping lines
interest. Charles Waldstein encountered the same that run cruises. The ‘Urban Herculaneum’ project
Conservator-restorers at work type of Italian hostility to his project for an inter- has seen a regeneration of local business, with the
stabilizing frescoes.
national excavation of Herculaneum in the first establishment of a luxury hotel, a string of bed-and-
decade of the twentieth century, and Giuseppe breakfast facilities, many in historic buildings, and a
Maggi felt he was faced by something of the same new growth of high-class restaurants. Nevertheless,
in the resistance to his American-funded project for the locals the commonest type of tourist is
in the 1980s. The foreign community, rather than ‘mordi e fuggi’, ‘bite and run’, descending on the site
resenting this, should bear in mind that, while in for a couple of hours, only to hurry off elsewhere.
broad terms the sites may be ‘world heritage’ and the Inescapably, the result is a sense of alienation, a

326 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 327

feeling that the archaeological site is a mere hole in the modern modern city and site, most recently through the most run-down slum area. He sent in photographers
city, a wound in its fabric, run by the State without reference to reinforcement of the north escarpment and the to document, and their images leave no doubt of
local interests and visited by outsiders with equally little interest creation of a new pedestrian access bridge. the poverty and degradation of the area, nor of the
in its local context. It is only by pulling together and combining the grotesque juxtaposition of these slums and the site.
The danger of alienation of the local community is mirrored by efforts of the ‘stakeholders’ – the State, the local The programme he pioneered would bring a double
the equal danger of alienation of the visitor. The proximity to the authorities and the international community – that benefit to the modern city: the demolition of these
site of houses of the modern town, many in a ruinous condition, real progress can be made. The desire on all three slums (together with the rehousing of the population)
leads to the perception of the modern town as an incumbrance, sides to do so led to the creation of the new body, and the addition of a major new attraction to the
one indeed that prevents the full excavation of the site. Nor is the Associazione Herculaneum, and a new institute ancient site. His retirement left this project suspended
the experience of passing through the streets of one of the most under its aegis, the International Centre for the Study midway. While many houses had been demolished
crowded communities in Europe as welcoming as it might be. of Herculaneum, with its mission to foster interna- and the excavations advanced, a cluster of buildings
Add to that the distress caused by persistent problems with refuse tional and local interest in the site. By relaunching above the Basilica and to the north of the site along
collection, and the fear generated by the unseen but ever-present an old initiative of Amedeo Maiuri in the building what was once via dei Cortili were left as abandoned
proximity of organized crime, and it is not surprising that many which housed his study centre and which came to ruins. Some progressively collapsed into the road
see the area as one to be entered with caution and left with haste. It bear his name (the Villa Maiuri), it acknowledges below, leading to the abandonment of via dei Cortili;
takes time, a privilege of those working longer on site, to come to the transformational impact which Maiuri’s excava- some were illicitly reoccupied; some remained as
see the local context with different eyes: the rich historical fabric of tions had upon the modern city. Appropriately, then, gaunt skeletons, overhanging the site, especially the
the string of magnificent eighteenth-century villas spawned by the two of the first initiatives of the centre have been to large block that came to be known as the Barbacane
Bourbon court, strung along the main road of the Corso Resina, gather the oral history of memories of Maiuri’s times, (Barbican) from its fortress-like appearance.
and the rich local colour of the clothing market that stretches up and to generate a new programme in local primary This situation persisted for over forty years, and
via Pugliano. schools of awareness of the site. in the meantime the social degradation of the area
Modern Ercolano is caught between two worlds – of beauty and When Maiuri retired in 1961, he left unfinished kept pace with its physical ruin, as drug-pushers
squalor, of cultural wealth and social degradation. The negative business, to which he rightly attached great impor- moved in on it as a no-man’s land. Visitors to the site
elements are there. The role of the Bay of Naples in the interna- tance. The focus of his excavations of the 1920s were appalled by the spectacle of modern ruins over-
tional drugs trade has led to the growth of powerful local Camorra and 1930s had been determined by the relationship hanging ancient ones. The juxtaposition symbolized
clans (the Ascione and Birra are frequently named in local papers), between the ancient and modern cities. He started the unhealthy relationship of the two worlds, ancient
though no visitor to the ancient site is likely to see any sign of them, with the south-eastern quarter of the ancient town and modern. As this emerged as one of the most
for archaeology has never offered the quick and easy profits they because this was the part least impeded by modern urgent problems of the site to be addressed, and as
look for, and the worst to be feared is extortion from construction housing. But gradually he bought up and demolished the willingness of the Comune to collaborate became
and earth-moving firms. But against this should be set the wide- the houses that overlay the Decumanus Maximus. apparent, an alliance was formed of Comune, State
spread desire of the local population to improve and modernize His major ambition in the 1950s was to push the and Conservation Project. The Packard Humanities
their community, and the determination of the local authorities excavations towards the heart of the ancient town to Institute provided support for acquiring property on
to promote the necessary urban regeneration. The local municipal the north-west. This involved a massive campaign the edge of the site, the project provided technical
authority (comune), which in 1969 sought to take advantage of the Left above: The Villa Maiuri, of expropriations and demolitions, financed by support in resolving questions of legal ownership, and
international reputation of the ancient site by changing its name home to the International funds for the support of South Italy, the Cassa del the Comune embarked, in the summer of 2006, on a
Centre for the Study of
from Resina to Ercolano, and by taking Hercules as its symbol, has Mezzogiorno. Archaeologically, Maiuri was driven major campaign of demolitions that finally cleared a
continued to place the site at the heart of its strategy of regenera- by the desire to reach the monumental heart of the swathe of land to the north and west of the site.
tion. The creation of a new access route, coach park and entrance Left below: Hercules from the town and its trio of public buildings. But he was The demolitions have cleared the way for a new
Villa Comunale of Ercolano,
complex has transformed the accessibility of the site. Major grants also deeply conscious of, and vocal in expressing, campaign of excavation, one which promises to
office of the mayor, celebrating
have been successfully procured from the regione (ultimately from the renaming of Resina as an obligation to the local community. The part of bring to light the Basilica. But it is not a matter of
the European Community) for improving the juncture between Ercolano in 1969. the modern city that overlapped the site was the returning to the days of Maiuri. At least as much of

328 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 329

These pages and overleaf: Photographic
campaign by the Soprintendenza of Pompei
in the 1950s, before expropriation and
demolition in 1955–61.

330 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 331

Herculaneum still lies buried as has been exposed, New excavation can best be justified in the context
including the major part of the Villa of the Papyri. of a strategy that renders the site easier, not harder, to
It is no longer a sustainable ambition to excavate manage. The demolitions carried out in recent years
the entire site. We cannot afford, and would have have been of houses already in a ruinous condition.
difficulty in justifying, the demolition of all modern Many of the remaining houses overlooking the site
buildings above the site. They represent the historical are structurally sound and require upgrading (provi-
Below: Renewed campaign of core of the modern settlement, going back to the sion of modern services, etc.). The enviable views they
demolitions by the Comune of
Ercolano in 2007.
Bourbon period and before, and have their own afford over the site render them an ideal location for
historical value. Even could we simply remove them support services to the site – restaurants, bars, bed-
Overleaf: North-eastern and excavate, who would then sustain the burden of and-breakfast establishments. Here, if anywhere, it
corner of the site with view
maintenance of a much larger site, when the already can be demonstrated that archaeology can work to
over the Palaestra to the
access bridge. existing excavations prove so hard to maintain? the advantage of the local economy. What is needed

332 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 333

is not further enlargement of the site for its own sake, but the completion of unfinished business,
the excavation of a major Roman building left partially exposed, and the definition of a new
boundary to the site that allows it to sit comfortably within the envelope of the modern city.
Twenty-five years ago, Joseph Jay Deiss ended the revised version of his book, Herculaneum:
Italy’s Buried Treasure, with these words:

So far as is known, nowhere else in all the world is such a time capsule waiting to be opened.
Antiquity is Italy’s greatest natural resource, Herculaneum the richest of all fields. It seems
incredible and absurd to discover a buried treasure – and not to dig it up.

Northern escarpment of the

But buried treasure lies secure for future generations. For our own generation, it is enough site with modern housing
to appreciate the extraordinary value of the treasure that has already been dug up, to look after above.
it as it merits, and to pass it on to future generations.
Overleaf: Detail of the
Samnite House.

336 the future of the pa st the future of the pa st 337

furth er re adi ng
On the Prince d’Elbeuf, see: Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, ‘La bottega di un Stefania ADAMO MUSCETTOLA, La Villa dei
Valerio PAPACCIO, Marmi Ercolanesi in Francia. gemmarius (Ins.Or. II,10) e l’ingannevole Papiri ad Ercolano (Naples 2000).
Storia di alcune distrazioni del Principe E.M. “stanza della ricamatrice”’ in Storie da Antonio DE SIMONE and Fabrizio RUFFO,
d’Elbeuf (Naples 1995). un’eruzione (above), 102–119. ‘Ercolano 1996–1998. Lo scavo della Villa dei
Papiri’, Cronache Ercolanesi 32 (2002) 325–44.
The principal eighteenth-century publications are: In general on Maiuri, see:
Antonio DE SIMONE and Fabrizio RUFFO,
Marcello VENUTI, Descrizione delle prime Giuseppe MAGGI, Archeologia magica di Amedeo
General Reading Antonio D’AMBROSIO, Marisa MASTROBERTO, On new evidence for bradyseism at ‘Ercolano e la villa dei Papiri alla luce dei nuovi
scoperte dell’antica città d’Ercolano, ritrovata Maiuri (Naples 1974).
Pietro Giovanni GUZZO (eds), Storie da Herculaneum, see: scavi’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 33 (2003) 279–311.
Books devoted to Herculaneum have been rare. vicino a Portici, villa della Maestà del Re delle Carlo BELLI (ed), Amedeo Maiuri mestiere
un’eruzione. Pompei, Ercolano, Oplontis (Naples Aldo CINQUE and Giolinda IROLLO, ‘La Carol C. MATTUSCH, The Villa dei Papiri at
The principal modern publication is: Due Sicilie (Rome 1748). d’archeologo. Antologia di scritti (Naples 1978).
Museum, 20 March–31 August 2003) (Milan paleogeografia dell’antica Herculaneum e le Herculaneum. Life and Afterlife of a Sculpture
Amedeo MAIURI, Ercolano. I nuovi scavi, 2 vols Charles-Nicolas COCHIN and Jérôme-Charles
2003). fluttuazioni, di origine bradisismica, della sua Maiuri recalls his meeting with Waldstein in: Collection (Los Angeles 2005).
(Rome 1958). BELLICARD, Observations sur les antiquités
Josef MÜHLENBROCK and Dieter RICHTER linea di costa’ in Nuove Ricerche archeologiche Amedeo MAIURI, Dallo scavo di Ercolano allo Valeria MOESCH, ‘La Villa dei Papiri’ in
d’Herculanum; suivies de Lettre sur les peintures
The same author produced more popular (eds), Verschüttert vom Vesuv. Die letzten nell’area Vesuviana, edited by P.G. Guzzo and svolgimento dei papiri: scritti e documenti inediti Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte, 71–9.
d’Herculanum aujourd’hui Portici (Paris 1751,
versions of his excavation results: Stunden von Herculaneum (Mainz am Rhein M.P. Guidobaldi (Rome 2008) 425–38, with (edited by Mario CAPASSO) (Naples 1991). Mantha ZARMOKOUPI (ed.), The Villa of the
reprinted Geneva 1971).
Amedeo MAIURI, Ercolano (Novara 1932), as 2005). ‘Lo scavo dell’Ala meridionale della Casa del Papyri at Herculaneum: Archaeology, Reception
Ottavio Antonio BAYARDI (Accademia
well as his valuable guidebook in the series of Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI (ed), Ercolano. Tre Rilievo di Telefo’ in the same volume, 421–3. Chapter 4 The Town in its Setting and Digital Reconstruction (Berlin 2010).
Ercolanese), Le Antichità di Ercolano Esposte 9
‘Guidebooks to the Museums, Galleries and secoli di scoperte (Naples Museum, 16 October Aldo CINQUE, Linda IROLLO & Domenico For Campania, Naples and the Bay of Naples, see:
vols (Royal Press, Naples 1755–1792, available On the Getty Villa:
Monuments of Italy’ published both in Italian 2008–13 April 2009) (Naples 2008). CAMARDO, ‘Antiche attività estrattive e John D’ARMS, The Romans on the Bay of
online at http://www.picure.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/arc/ Kenneth LAPATIN, Guide to the Villa and its
and English between 1936 (first edition) and cicli bradisismici sulla costa della antica Naples: A Social and Cultural Study of the
ercolano/index.html Gardens (Los Angeles 2005).
1970 (seventh edition). Chapter 1 Geology Herculaneum: percorsi, esisti e prospettive Villas and their Owners from 150 bc to ad 400
Thomas MARTYN and John LETTICE, The Marion TRUE and Jorge SILVETTI, The Getty
Modern guidebooks in Italian include: di una ricerca geoarcheologica’ in Antonella Antiquities of Herculaneum (London 1773). (Cambridge, Mass. 1970). Villa (Los Angeles 2005).
Modern understanding of the eruption starts with:
Mario PAGANO, Ercolano. Itinerario archeologico CORALINI (ed.), Vesuviana: archeologie a Paul ARTHUR, Naples, from Roman Town to
Haraldur SIGURDSSON, S. CASHDOLLAR Original documents of the eighteenth-century On the south-western corner of the site:
ragionato (Naples 1997). confronto. Proceedings of the international City-State (London 2002).
and S.R.J. SPARKS, ‘The eruption of Vesuvius excavations were later published by: Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, Domenico
Mario PAGANO, Gli Scavi di Ercolano (Naples conference, Bologna, 14–16 January 2008 Martin FREDERIKSEN, Campania, edited with
in ad 79: reconstruction from historical and Michele RUGGIERO, Storia degli scavi di ESPOSITO and Eleonora FORMISANO,
2003). (Bologna 2009), 261–76. additions by Nicholas PURCELL (Rome 1984).
volcanological evidence’, Amercian Journal of Ercolano ricomposta su’ documenti superstiti ‘L’insula I, l’insula nord-occidentale e la
Fabrizio PESANDO and Maria Paola Archaeology 88 (1982), 39–57; see also David RIDGWAY, The First Western Greeks
Chapter 2 The Politics of Archaeology (Naples 1885), supplemented by: Villa dei Papiri di Ercolano: una sintesi delle
GUIDOBALDI, Pompei Oplontis Ercolano Haraldur SIGURDSSON, S. CAREY and T. (Cambridge 1992).
U. PANNUTI, ‘Il “Giornale degli Scavi” di conoscenze alla luce delle recent indagini
Stabiae (Guide Archeologiche Laterza, Rome- PESCATORE, ‘The eruption of Vesuvius in On the history of the Bourbon excavations, the On the cult of Hercules, see:
Ercolano (1738–1756)’ Memorie Accademia archeologiche’ in Vesuviana 1 (2009), 43–182.
Bari 2006). ad 79’, National Geographic Research 1 (1985), best account is: Antonella CORALINI, Hercules Domesticus.
Lincei, scienze morali series 8 26 (1983)
Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, Ercolano: Guida agli 332–87. Christopher C. PARSLOW, Rediscovering Immagini di Ercole nelle case della regione
143–410. Chapter 5 Inhabitants
Scavi (Electa Napoli 2006). Haraldur SIGURDSSON and Stephen CAREY, Antiquity: Karl Weber and the Excavation of vesuviana (1 secolo a.C.–79 d.C.) (Naples 2001).
Mario PAGANO, I diari di scavo di Pompei
‘The eruption of Vesuvius in ad 79’ in Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabiae (Cambridge On the excavation of skeletons by the shore and
The most significant book in English is: Ercolano e Stabiae di Francesco e Pietro La Vega Umberto PAPPALARDO, ‘Le culte d’Héraklès à
The Natural History of Pompeii, edited by 1995); see also: their analysis, see:
Charles WALDSTEIN and Leonard (1764–1810) (Rome 1997). Herculanum’, Antike Kunst 36 (1993), 140–1.
Wilhelmina Jashemski and Frederick G. Mayer Sergio PACE, Herculaneum and European Giuseppe MAGGI, ‘Lo scavo dell’area suburbana
SHOOBRIDGE, Herculaneum: Past, Present & Mario PAGANO, I primi anni degli scavi di On the town plan, see:
(Cambridge 2002), 37–64. Culture between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth meridionale di Ercolano’ in Rivista di Studi
Future (London 1908). Ercolano, Pompei e Stabiae. Raccolta e studio di John B. WARD-PERKINS, ‘Note di topografia
Ernesto DE CAROLIS and Giuseppe Centuries (Naples 2000). Pompeiani 9 (1998), 167–72.
The one book written in English for a general documenti e disegni inediti (Rome 2005). e urbanistica’ in Pompei 79 (edited by Fausto
PATRICELLI, Vesuvius ad 79. The Destruction of Sarah BISEL, ‘Human bones at Herculaneum’ in
public is: On the Bourbon Court, the classic account Mario PAGANO e Raffaele PRISCIANDARO, ZEVI) (Naples 1979), 25–39.
Pompeii and Herculaneum (Rome 2003). Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 1 (1987), 123–9.
Joseph Jay DEISS, Herculaneum. Italy’s Buried remains: Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti Werner JOHANNOWSKY, ‘Problemi urbanistici Sarah BISEL and Jane BISEL, ‘Health and
Treasure (first edition, New York 1966, revised On the excavations of the ancient shoreline in the Harold ACTON, The Bourbons of Naples, negli scavi borbonici del regno di Napoli. Una di Ercolano’, Cronache Ercolanesi 12 (1982), nutrition at Herculaneum: an examination of
edition 1985, reissued by the J. Paul Getty 1980s, see: 1734–1825 (London 1974). letteratura integrata, coordinata e commentata della 145–9. human skeletal remains’ in The Natural History
Museum 1989). Giuseppe MAGGI, Ercolano: fine di una città documentazione (Castellamare di Stabia 2006).
On the political background of excavations, see: On the villa of the Papyri and its owners, see: of Pompeii, edited by Wilhelmina JASHEMSKI
(Naples 1985). and Frederick G. MEYER (Cambridge 2002),
Among numerous general books principally on Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘Gli scavi di Domenico COMPARETTI and G DE PETRA, La
Chapter 3 Ruins Restored
Pompeii, one which gives particular space to On the dynamics of the destruction of humans, Ercolano nella politica culturale dei Borboni’ villa ercolanese dei Pisoni. I suoi monumenti e 451–75.
Herculaneum is: see: in Ercolano 1738–1988. 250 anni di ricerca On Maiuri’s excavations, the most valuable la sua biblioteca (Turin 1883, reprinted Naples Luigi CAPASSO, I Fuggischi di Ercolano.
Michael GRANT, Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Giuseppe MASTROLORENZO, Pier Paolo archeologica, edited by L. Franchi Dell’Orto source is the Giornali degli Scavi held in the 1972). Paleobiologia delle vittime dell’eruzione
Herculaneum (London 1971). PETRONE et al, ‘Herculaneum victims of (Rome 1993), 35–40. Superintendency, but now available in digital Robin G.M. NISBET, Cicero, In L. Calpurnium vesuviana (Rome 2001).
Vesuvius in ad 79’ in Nature 410 (2001), 769–70; format. On his vision for Herculaneum, see Pisonem Oratio, edited with introduction and Ernesto DE CAROLIS and Mario PAGANO in
Some of the most valuable recent publications On the Royal collection at Portici, see:
see also: particularly: commentary (Oxford 1961) 183–7. Storie da un’eruzione (2003), 124–49.
have been in the form of exhibition catalogues: Renata CANTILENA and Annnalisa PORZIO
Pier Paolo PETRONE and Francesco FEDELE, Domenico CAMARDO, ‘Gli scavi ed I restauri Marcello GIGANTE (ed), La villa dei Papiri Pier Paolo PETRONE and Francesco FEDELE,
Mario PAGANO (ed.), Gli antichi Ercolanesi. (eds), Herculanense Museum. Laboratorio
Vesuvio 79 ad Vita e morte ad Ercolano. Mostra di Amedeo Maiuri. Ercolano e l’esperimento (Cronache Ercolanesi 13, 1983). Vesuvio 79 ad: Vita e morte ad Ercolano
Antopologia, Società, Economia (Ercolano, 30 sull’antico nella Reggia di Portici (Naples 2008).
fotografica e di reperti archeologica (catalogue di una città Museo’ in Ocnus. Quaderni della R WOJCIK, La Villa dei Papiri ad Ercolano (catalogue of Naples, Museum of Anthropology
marzo–26 luglio 2000) (Naples 2000). of exhibition held at Napoli, Museo di Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia di exhibition of 13 May to 13 July 2002) (Naples
(Rome 1986).
Antropologia 13 maggio-13 luglio 2002). Bologna 14 (2006), 69–81. 2002).

340 further reading further reading 341

On the inscriptional evidence for the inhabitants On the lists of the so-called Augustales, see: Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, ‘L’area sacra Mario TORELLI, ‘Chalcidicum. Forma e Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘Das Hausherr der (catalogue of exhibition at Rome, Castel
of Herculaneum, the two principal sources Giuseppe GUADAGNO, ‘Frammenti inediti di suburbana’ in Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte, semantica di un tipo edilizio antico’ in Ostaka “Casa dei Cervi” in Herculaneum’ in Cronache sant’Angelo, 23–26 April 1988) (Rome 1988).
of information are the waxed wooden tablets albi degli Augustali’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 7 55–8. 12.2 (2003), 215–38. Ercolanesi 5 (1975), 101–3. Stephan T.M. MOLS, Wooden Furniture in
and the list (‘Album’) of names. Both await (1977), 114–22. Giuseppe CAMODECA, ‘Le iscrizioni di dedica Tina NAJBJERG, ‘A reconstruction and Tran Tam TINH, La Casa dei Cervi à Herculanum Herculaneum. Form, Technique and Function
the completion of a fundamental study by Mario PAGANO, ‘Nuovi frammenti di albi da del Tempio di Venere e delle imagines Caesarum reconsideration of the so-called Basilica in (Rome 1988). (Amsterdam 1999).
Giuseppe Camodeca. In the mean time, on the Ercolano’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 22 (1992), ad opera di Vibidia Saturnina e di A. Furius Herculaneum’ in Journal of Roman Archaeology Giuseppina CERULLI IRELLI, Le pitture della Stefan T.A.M. MOLS, ‘Identification of the woods
waxed wooden tablets, see: 189–95. Saturninus’ in Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte, supplement 47 (Portsmouth 2002), 122–65. Casa dell’Atrio a Mosaico (Rome 1971). used in the furniture at Herculaneum’ in The
Giuseppe PUGLIESE CARRATELLI and Paul WEAVER, ‘Children of Junian Latins’ in The 59–61. Fabrizio PESANDO, ‘Appunti sulla cosidetta Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, Domenico Natural History of Pompeii (2002), 225–34.
Vincenzo ARANGIO RUIZ, ‘Tabulae Roman Family in Italy, edited by Beryl RAWSON basilica di Ercolano’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 33 CAMARDO and Gionata RIZZI, Peter I. KUNIHOLM, ‘Dendrochronological
On the terrace of Nonius Balbus and the
Herculanenses’, Parola del Passato i1 81946), 3 and Paul WEAVER (Oxford 1997), 55–72. (2003), 331–7. ‘L’Herculaneum Conservation Project e il investigations at Herculaneum and Pompeii’ in
Suburban baths, see:
(1948), 6 (1951, 8 (1953), 9 (1954), 10 (1955), Andrew WALLACE-HADRILL, ‘Imaginary feasts: Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘L’Augusteum’ in progetto pilota dell’Insula Orientalis I’ in Nuove The Natural History of Pompeii (2002), 235–9.
Mario PAGANO, ‘Iscrizione della statua di
12 81957), 16 (1961). pictures of success on the Bay of Naples’ in Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte, 35–45. Ricerche archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano J.R. STEFFY, ‘The Herculaneum boat:
M. Nonio Balbo trovata davanti alle Terme
Giuseppe CAMODECA, ‘Per una riedizione Journal of Roman Studies supplement 57 (2004), (2005), 9–18. preliminary notes on hull construction’ in
Suburbane’ in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 2 On the so-called ‘College of the Augustales’ or
delle Tabulae Herculanenses. I’ in Cronache 109–26. Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, ‘La Casa del Rilievo American Journal of Archaeology 89 (1985),
(1988), 238–9. ‘Curia’, see:
Ercolanesi 23 (1993), 109–19. Henrik MOURITSEN, ‘The album of Herculaneum di Telefo: considerazioni sulla storia edilizia di 519–21.
Umberto PAPPALARDO, ‘Nuove testimonianze Giuseppe GUADAGNO, ‘Herculanensium
_____, ‘Per una riedizione delle tabulae and the nomenclature of Latini Iuniani’ in una domus aristocratica ercolanese’ in Ostraka A.M. FERUCCI and Costantino MEUCCI,
su M.Nonio Balbo ad Ercolano’ in Römische Augustalium Aedes’, Cronache Ercolanesi 13
Herculanenses. II. I nomina arcaria TH. 70 + 71 Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 161 15.1 (2006), 31–46. ‘Prime osservazioni sulla barca di Ercolano: il
Mitteilungen 104 (1997), 285–97. (1983), 159–75.
e TH. 74’, Ostraka 2.2 (1993), 197–209. (2007), 288–90. ricupero e la costruzione navale’ in Il Restauro
Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, ‘La terrazza di Erich MOORMANN, ‘Sulle pitture dell’
_____, ‘Riedizione del trittico ercolanese TH Giuseppe CAMODECA, ‘La populazione degli Chapter 9 Low Life del Legno I, edited by G. TAMPONE (Florence
Marco Nonio Balbo’ and ‘Le Terme Suburbane’ Herculanensium Augustalium Aedes’, Cronache
77+78+80+53+92 del gennaio 69’ in Cronache ultimi decenni di Ercolano’ in Ercolano. Tre Secoli 1989), 105–12.
in Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte, 63–9. Ercolanesi 13 (1983), 175–7. On Roman rental apartments, see:
Ercolanesi 24 (1994), 137–46. di scoperte (2008), 87–98.
Giuseppe GUADAGNO, ‘I graffiti della Felix PIRSON, Mietwohnungen in Pompeji On the population as revealed by graffiti, see:
_____, ‘La ricostruzione dell’élite municipale On the Basilica Noniana, see:
Aedes Augustalium: documenti sull’accesso und Herkulaneum. Untersuchungen zur CIL (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum) IV,
ercolanese degli anni 50–70 d.C.: problemi di Chapter 6 The Public Face of the Town Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘Das sogenannte
all’Augustalità’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 18 Architektur, zum Wohnen und zur Sozial-uns 10478–10913.
metodo e risultati preliminari’ in Cahiers Glotz Forum von Herculaneum und die borbonische
The public buildings of Herculaneum have (1988), 199–204. Wortschaftsgeschichte der Vesuvstädte (Munich Heiki SOLIN, ‘Die herkulanischen
7 (1996), 167–78. Grabungen von 1739’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 4
been the subject of prolonged and sometimes Robert ETIENNE, ‘A propos du cosidetto édifice 1999). Wandinschriften: ein soziologischer Versuch’ in
_____, ‘Le tavolette cerate di Ercolano’ in Gli (1974), 97–109.
impenetrable debate. For a (not easy) overview, des Augustales d’Herculanum’ in Ercolano Cronache Ercolanesi 3 81973), 97–103.
antichi Ercolanesi (2000), 71–4. Stefania ADAMO MUSCETTOLA, ‘Nuove On commercial life, see:
see: 1738–1988 (1993), 345–9. Giuseppe GUADAGNO, ‘Supplemento epigrafico
_____, ‘Per una riedizione dell’archivio letture borboniche. I Nonii Balbi e il Foro di Nicolas MONTEIX, ‘Fouilles des de l’atelier de
Mario PAGANO, ‘La nuova pianta della città e di ercolanese (I)’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 8 (1978),
ercolanese di L. Venidius Ennychus. I’ in Ercolano’ in Prospettiva 28 (1982), 2–16. métallurgie du plomb (VI,12) et de la boutique
alcuni edifici pubblici di Ercolano’, Cronache Chapter 7 Standards of Living 132–55.
Cronache Ercolanesi 32 (2002), 257–80. Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘Dokumente VI,15 en façade de la Casa del Salone Nero à
Ercolanesi 26 (1996), 229–62. Giuseppe GUADAGNO, ‘Supplemento epigrafico
_____, ‘I papiri documentari ercolanesi (PHERC. des 18. Jahrhunderts zur Topographie von On housing in Herculaneum, in addition to Herculanum, Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 16
ercolanese (II)’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 11
MAN): relazione preliminare’ in Cronache On the theatre: Herkulaneum’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 13 Maiuri’s 1958 publication of his excavations, (2005), 330–41.
(1981), 129–64.
Ercolanesi 32 (2002), 281–96. Francesco PIRANESI, Il teatro di Ercolano (Rome (1983), 139–58. see: Nicolas MONTEIX, ‘Les boutiques et les ateliers
Mario PAGANO, ‘Un’iscrizione elettorale da
_____, ‘Une inedita THerc. E la corretta lezione 1783). Mario PAGANO, ‘Un ciclo di imprese di Ercole John R. CLARKE, The Houses of Roman Italy, de l’insula VI à Herculanum’ in Contributi di
Ercolano’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 17 (1987), 151–2.
di Tacito, Hist. IV 7.2: Cn. Sentius Saturninus, Mario PAGANO, ‘Il teatro di Ercolano’, Cronache con iscrizioni greche ad Ercolano’ in Römische 100 bc–ad 250. Ritual, Space and Decoration archeologia Vesuviana 1 (2006).
Mario PAGANO, ‘Semo Sancus in una insegna di
cos. 41, damnatus ex S.C. nel 66’ in Zeitschrift Ercolanesi 23 (1993), 121–56. Mitteilungen 97 (1990), 153–61. (University of California 1991).
On upper floors, see: bottega ad Ercolano’ in Cronache Ercolanesi 18
für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 144 (2003), Alfredo BALASCO, ‘L’architettura del teatro di Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, ‘Le ricerche Andrew WALLACE-HADRILL, Houses and
James N. ANDREWS, The Use and Development (1988), 209–14.
235–8. Ercolano’ in Gli Antichi Ercolanesi, 79–85. archeologiche nell’area della Basilica Noniana Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (Princeton
of Upper Floors in Houses at Herculaneum
_____, ‘Per una riedizione dell’archivio Mario PAGANO and Alfredo BALASCO, The (VII,16)’ in Nuove Ricerche archeologiche 1994).
(University of Reading PhD thesis 2006). Chapter 11 The Future of the Past
ercolanese di L. Venidius Ennychus. II’ in Ancient Theatre of Herculaneum (Naples 2000). nell’area vesuviana (2008), 410–13. Richard E.L.B. DE KIND, Houses in
Cronache Ercolanesi 36 (2006), 189–211. Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘Il teatro’ in Valerie MOESCH, ‘La testa femminile Herculaneum. A New View of the Town On the Palaestra block and new excavations, see: On problems of conservation in the eighteenth
_____, ‘La società ercolanese alla luce della Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte, 25–32. della Basilica Noniana’ in Nuove Ricerche Planning and the Building of Insulae III and IV Fikret K. YEGUL, ‘The Palaestra at Herculaneum century, see:
riedizione delle Tabulae Herculanenses. archeologiche nell’area vesuviana (2008), 413–5. (Amsterdam 1998). as a new architectural type’ in Eius Virtutis Maria Pia ROSSIGNANI, ‘Saggio sui restauri
On the statues from the theatre:
L’élite municipale fra Claudio e VespasianoI: Agnes ALLROGGEN BEDEL, ‘La Basilica Fabrizio PESANDO and Maria Paola Studiosi. Classical and Postclassical Studies in settecenteschi ai dipinti di Ercolano e Pompei’
Jens DAEHNER (ed.), The Herculaneum Women:
un’oligarchia ritrovata’ in Ostraka 15 (2006), Noniana’ in Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte GUIDOBALDI, Gli Ozi di Ercole. Residenze di memory of F.E. Brown (London 1993), 369–93. in Contributi dell’Istituto di Archeologia
history, context, identities (Los Angeles and
9–29. 47–53. lusso a Pompei ed Ercolano (Rome 2006). Domenico CAMARDO, ‘Lo scavo della fogna dell’Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, series III,
Dresden 2007).
_____, ‘La popolazione degli ultimi decenni di di Insula Orientalis II’ in Nuove ricerche 1 (1967), 7ff.
On the ‘So-called Basilica’ or ‘Augusteum’ or
Ercolano’ in Ercolano. Tre Secoli di scoperte On the Area Sacra and Temple of Venus, see: Chapter 8 High Life archeologiche nell’area Vesuviana (2008), 415–21. P. D’ALCONZO, Picturae excisae. Conservazione
‘Forum’, see:
(2008), 86–103. Alfredo BALASCO and Mario PAGANO, e restauro dei dipinti ercolanesi e pompeiani tra
Mario TORELLI, ‘La Basilica di Ercolano: una On the grander houses in Herculaneum, in
_____, ‘Gli archivi privati di tabulae ceratae e di ‘Indicazioni preliminari per un progetto di Chapter 10 The Tale of Two Cities XVIII e XIX secolo (Rome 2002).
proposta di lettura’ in Eidola. International addition to the books cited for Chapter 7, see:
papiri documentari a Pompei ed Ercolano : documentazione del tempio “della quattro Stefania ADAMO MUSCETTOLA, ‘Problemi di
Journal of Art History 1 (2004), 117–49, Giuseppina CERULLI IRELLI, La Casa del On wooden fittings from Herculaneum, see:
case ambienti e modalità di conservazione’ divinità” dell’area acra di Ercolano’, Rivista di tutela a Pompei nell’ottocento: il fallimento del
reprinted in Noctes Campanae. Studi in Colonnato Tuscanico (Naples 1974). Tommasina BUDETTA and Mario PAGANO,
Vesuviana 1 (2009), 17–42. Studi Pompeiani 15 (2004), 194–8. progetto di esproprio murattiano’ in Pompei,
memoria di M. Frederiksen (Naples 2005), Maria MANNI, Le pitture della Casa del Ercolano: legni e piccoli bronzi. Testimonianze
dell’arredo e delle suppellettili della casa romana Scienza e Società (Milan 2001), 141–6.
105–40. Colonnato Tuscanico (Rome 1974).

342 further reading further reading 343

g lo ssa ry
On recent conservation problems, see: Domenico CAMARDO, ‘Archaeology and e Società (Milan 2001), 119–25 with the round
Gionata RIZZI, Ercolano. Capire un monumento conservation at Herculaneum: from the Mairi table discussion at 164–80.
allo stato di rudere (Naples 2000). campaign to the Herculaneum Conservation Pier Giovanni GUZZO, Pompei 1998–2003.
Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, ‘L’Herculaneum Project’; Paola PESARESI and Monica L’esperimento dell’autonomia (Milan 2003).
Conservation Project: un programma di MARTELLI CASTALDI, ‘Conservation
On Garibaldi and Alexandre Dumas, see:
conservazione per salvare la città antica’ in measures for an archaeological site at risk
Ronald T. RIDLEY, ‘Dumas père, Director of
Ocnus: Quaderni della Scuola di Specalizzazione (Herculaneum, Italy): from emergency to duumvir see magistrates
Excavations’, Pompeii Herculaneum Stabiae: aedile see magistrate
in Archeologia 14 (2006) 135–42. maintenance’; Paola PESARESI and Gionata equestrian An official order of dignity at Rome, junior to that of senator.
Bollettino dell’Associazione Internazionale Amici ala see House Plan, below
Andrew WALLACE-HADRILL, Domenico RIZZI, ‘New and existing forms of protective The name derives from the older practice of awarding a horse for
di Pompei 1 (1983), 259–88. atrium see House Plan, below. The central circulation space or hall
CAMARDO, Monica MARTELLI CASTALDI shelter at Herculaneum: towards improving the military and parade purposes to people of this rank.
On the problems of the Camorra, see: of a traditional Roman house, normally with a central roof opening
and Gionata RIZZI, ‘L’Herculaneum Conservation continuous care of the site’, in Conservation and fundus An agricultural estate.
Roberto SAVIANO, Gomorra. Italy’s Other Mafia for light and water (impluvium). The entrance passage (fauces),
Project’ in Oebalus 1 (2006), 233–72. Management of Archaeological Sites 8.4 (2008), insula Literally, ‘island’. The term used by modern archaeologists to
(2007). normally led directly into this space. Various rooms, including smaller
Domenico CAMARDO, Monica MARTELLI 187–252. describe an urban block, normally described by four roads. The
Raffaele CANTONE, Solo per la Giustizia (Milan bedrooms (cubicula) and larger dining rooms (triclinia), may open
CASTALDI and Jane THOMPSON, ‘Water Maria Paola GUIDOBALDI, Andrew ancient term, rather confusingly, was applied to a block of property
2008). off this space, but these always have doors. A distinctive feature of
supply and drainage at Herculaneum’ in Cura WALLACE-HADRILL et al. in Antonella under a single owner, which could consist of several adjoining houses
Gigi DI FIORE, L’Impero. Traffici, stroie e segreti the Roman atrium is the addition of further spaces not separated by
Aquarum in Ephesus: Proceedings of the Twelfth CORALINI, (ed.) Vesuviana: archeologie a and shops, or as in the case of the property by the Palaestra, a complex
dell’occulta e potente mafia dei Casalesi (Milan walls and doors: the ‘side-wings’ (alae) and the central reception space
International Congress on the History of Water confronto. Proceedings of the international of shops and apartments.
2008). (tablinum), usually on the dominant axis.
Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the conference, Bologna, 14–16 January 2008 lapilli Small pebbles of pumice, produced by the expulsion of material
Augustalis An order of dignity invented under Augustus, junior to
Mediterranean Region (Babesch supplement 12, (Bologna 2009), 199–288. by the eruptive column of a volcano into the upper atmosphere. This
senators and equestrians at Rome, and to decurions in provincial
2006), 183–92. characteristically covered Pompeii in the early hours of the eruption of
On management problems of the towns, typically granted by a decision of the local senate to rich
Andrew WALLACE-HADRILL, ‘The ad 79, but not Herculaneum.
Superintendency of Pompeii, see: citizens of slave origin (freedmen or liberti). The order appears to have
Herculaneum Conservation Project: magistrates Roman cities were administered by officers called
Raffaele ORIANI, Pompei: scene da un patrimonio had a semi-religious role in the imperial cult, but an Augustalis was
Introduction’; Jane THOMPSON, magistrates, annually elected by the citizens from among the better-
(Milan 1998). not a priest of Augustus as such.
‘Conservation and management challenges off citizens, with a mixture of judicial and executive functions. At
Pier Giovanni GUZZO, ‘Autonomia della Marble relief depicting satyrs Bourbons The Spanish royal house (descended from the French royal
in a public/private partnership for a large Rome the two senior magistrates were the consuls; junior to them were
Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei. and a maenda from the family of Louis XIV) set up in 1734 to rule South Italy, known as the
archaeological site (Herculaneum, Italy)’; praetors, aediles and quaestors. An exceptional magistracy was that
Impostazione e strumenti’ in Pompei, Scienza north-western Insula I. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and finally defeated by Garibaldi in
1860. In succession, the kings were Charles, son of Philip V of Spain, of the ten tribunes, who championed the rights of the citizen body,
1734–59 (later king Charles III of Spain), his son Ferdinand I (1759– and rather than enjoying active powers, served to intervene and block
1825), briefly deposed by the ‘Parthenopean republic’ of 1799, and the actions of other magistrates in the interests of the people. The
then by Napoleon’s brother, Joseph, 1801–8, followed by his brother- senate was composed of magistrates and ex-magistrates. In provincial
in-law Murat, (1808–15); Ferdinand’s son Francis I (1825–30); his son, towns, whether coloniae (colonies of Roman citizens) or municipia
Ferdinand II (1830–59), known as ‘King Bomba’ for his bombardment (self-governing townships), the local senate or curia was composed
of Messina; and his son Francis II (1859–60), forced to leave Naples on of ‘decurions’. The senior magistrates were called duumviri, the junior
6 September before Garibaldi entered the city on 7 September. ones aediles.
bradyseism The ‘slow quaking’ (Greek bradys = ‘slow’) caused by the
movement upwards and downwards of the earth’s crust in a volcanic
area. This process, still visible today at Pozzuoli, may take place almost
imperceptibly over decades.
cardo (plural: cardines) One of the relatively narrow ‘vertical’ streets
that cut across the broader avenues or decumani in a Roman city. The
literal meaning of the word is ‘hinge’. peristylium

Colonia see magistrates ala

consul see magistrates tablinum cubiculum

cunicoli An Italian term based on the Latin for ‘rabbit holes’ (cunicula) atrium
to describe the ‘rabbit warren’ of tunnels made by the early explorers impluvium
of Herculaneum. fauces

decumani The broader avenues that cut ‘horizontally’ across a Roman vestibulum
city. The main road is called the Decumanus Maximus.
Decurio see magistrates
dolium A large ceramic container or vat, used to store wine and other
food products.
domus A residential building in a city, contrasted to the ‘villa’ in the
country, but also to the multiple occupancy block in the city (insula).

344 further reading glossary 345

municipium see magistrates to 500°C, dense with ash, and travelling down the sides of a volcano at
negotium The Latin term for ‘business’, literally the negation of otium, speeds up to 100kph, followed by ‘flows’ at lower speed but with more
or leisure. Traders and businessmen were called negotiatores. dense debris inclusions. Pyroclastic surges take place in a secondary
opus craticium As described by the architect Vitruvius, this is a type of stage of an eruption when the force of the eruption diminishes and
flimsy construction, perhaps like the English ‘wattle and daub’, making the eruptive column collapses. The cooled and consolidated debris
use of ‘crates’ or wattles. Taken by Amedeo Maiuri to apply to the becomes the rock known as ‘tufo’ or ‘tuff ’.
House of Wattlework (a Graticcio), which is however of timber and stenopoi The narrow, ‘vertical’ streets of a Greek city, corresponding to BC 1709 The Prince d’Elbeuf builds a palace at Portici and starts
rubble construction. the Latin cardines. excavations in the theatre of Herculaneum
20,000–6,000 A series of major eruptions transforms the landscape of
opus reticulatum A building technique in which an outer skin of regular styles of decoration. Traditionally, Pompeian decoration is categorized 1734 Charles Bourbon becomes King of the Two Sicilies
the Bay of Naples
blocks or ‘teeth’ is laid in a network pattern. The outer skins contain as belonging to four, chronologically sequenced, styles. The First Style, 1736 Work starts on the Royal Palace at Portici
c.1700 Major eruption of Vesuvius (‘pumice of Avellino’) destroys
an inner core of concrete. typical of the second century bc, imitates coloured marble panels. The
Bronze Age villages 1738 Official start of excavations at Herculaneum by Alcubierre
opus sectile Flooring made of different coloured marbles, cut into a Second Style, typical of the middle two quarters of the first century
c.750 First Greek colonists arrive on Bay of Naples 1741–5 Major public buildings excavated by Bardet
variety of geometric patterns. bc, imitates architectural structures articulated by columns. The Third
c.700 First traces of continuous settlement of Pompeii 1750 Excavation starts of the Villa of the Papyri by Weber
opus signinum The modern name for a style of flooring based on Style, typical of the last quarter of the first century bc and the first
crushed pottery or brick and mortar, usually with a decorative quarter of the first century ad, reduces columnar divisions to delicate c.650–474 Etruscans dominate much of Campania 1759 Charles becomes king of Spain, succeeded by his son Ferdinand
pattern of white marble chips. The name is based on an apparent decorations, sometimes as candelabra or plants, while elaborate scenes c.470 Greek colony of Neapolis (Naples) founded 1762 J.J. Winckelmann publishes letter attacking Bourbon excavations
misinterpretation of a passage of the architect Vitruvius. dominate the central panels. The Fourth Style, of the middle two 338 Cities of Campania become subject allies of Rome 1764–1800 Sir William Hamilton envoy plenipotentiary to the court of
otium see negotium: the leisure that the Romans contrasted with quarters of the first century ad, develops more complex architectural c.300 Earliest traces of regular settlement at Herculaneum Naples
business. vistas as dividing elements, and surrounds panels with ‘tapestry’ 211 Romans recover Capua from Hannibal, take over Campanian plain 1801–15 French occupation of Naples
peristyle (Latin: peristylium) see House Plan. An open area in a house or borders. Only the last two styles are commonly met in Herculaneum, 194 Roman colony founded at Puteoli (Pozzuoli), becomes major port 1815–60 Naples restored to the Bourbons
villa surrounded by colonnades or porticos, and typically containing a and often they appear to overlap. 91–89 The Social War: many of Rome’s Italian allies, including Pompeii 1828–37 First open-air excavations of Herculaneum
decorative garden, sometimes with fountains and sculptures. tablinum see atrium. and Herculaneum, rebel 1860 Garibaldi takes Naples from Francis II
plateiai The broad, ‘horizontal ‘ avenues of A Greek city, corresponding tribune see magistrates. 1861–75 Giuseppe Fiorelli directs excavations in Pompeii
89 Pompeii and Herculaneum besieged and captured by Roman armies.
to the Latin decumani. tufo (tuff ) The soft, volcanic stone formed by the precipitation of ash 1869–75 Fiorelli reopens excavations in Herculaneum
Latin replaces Oscan as official language of the cities.
portico (Latin: porticus) Literally, ‘porch’. A roofed walkway with a and pumice in an eruption. Of various degrees of hardness, it was
80 Pompeii becomes a Roman colony; Herculaneum remains a 1907 Sir Charles Waldstein’s appeal for an international excavation of
wall on one side and columns on the other. These may occur either much used as a building material in antiquity.
municipium Herculaneum is blocked
singly, along the edges of buildings, or in a rectangle as a peristyle or villa In Latin, any residential building in the country, including a
43–31 Civil Wars follow assassination of Caesar 1921–43 Fascist government of Mussolini
cloister. The Latin porticus was often applied to public buildings with farmhouse, as opposed to the domus in the city. Modern scholars,
colonnaded walkways on four sides, whereas the same form in a house influenced by the modern meaning of villa, tend to apply it only to 32 Mark Antony denounces old ally Octavian (the future Augustus). 1924–61 Amedeo Maiuri Superintendent of archaeology in the Naples
was called a peristylium. luxurious residences. Some city buildings resembled villas because of Marcus Nonius Balbus as tribune defends Octavian in the Senate area
praetor see magistrates. their size and open space, but these should be called domus. 31 Battle of Actium. Octavian (Augustus) defeats Antony and Cleopatra 1927 Maiuri relaunches excavation of Herculaneum
pyroclastic surge/flow A burning cloud of hot gas, at temperatures up and starts sole rule of empire 1980–2 Excavations by Giuseppe Maggi of the ancient shore of
AD 1995–2009 Piero Guzzo Superintendent of Pompeii, latterly also Naples
14 Death of Augustus, succeeded as emperor by: 1996–9 Excavation by Antonio de Simone of the strip leading to the
14–37 Tiberius Villa of the Papyri
37–41 Gaius (Caligula) 2001 The Packard Humanities Institute launches project to conserve
41–54 Claudius Herculaneum
54–68 Nero
62 or 63* Earthquake causes major damage to Pompeii and
68–9 Civil War: Galba, Otho and Vitellius emperors in quick succession *These are two chronological puzzles. Both the eruption of Vesuvius and the
great earthquake that preceded it are normally dated to the day: 5 February
69–79 Vespasian establishes a new dynasty, with his sons Titus and
62 for the earthquake and 24 August 79 for the eruption. Both seemingly
precise dates are, alas, much disputed. The earthquake is dated by the
79–81 Titus emperor
surviving text of Seneca to 63; the later historian Tacitus dates it instead to 62.
79* Eruption of Vesuvius (traditional date 24 August, but maybe in There are arguments for and against both dates, and certainty is impossible.
autumn) Similarly, the current editions of Pliny’s letter gives the date of 24 August for
472 Minor eruption of Vesuvius the eruption. But that is the version of only some manuscripts, while others
1596 Architect Domenico Fontana digs canal through Pompeii, give alternatives, and the later historian Cassius Dio says it took place in the
discovery not reported late autumn. Some botanical evidence, including a pile of ripe pomegranates,
1631 Minor eruption of Vesuvius is said to support the later date; again, certainty is impossible.

346 glossary CHR ONOLOGY 347

inde x
Illustrations indicated in italics Crassius Firmus, Tiberius, 142, 215
Main entries indicated in bold
A D’Arthenay, M, 181, 186
Agrippina, 134, 178, 186 de Alcubierre, Rocque Joaquin, 48, 52, 56, 181, 192, 347
album of names, 134, 138–45, 139, 178, 242, 342 Deiss, Joseph Jay, 7, 336, 340
Amazon, marble head of, 194, 195–7, 302 d’Elbeuf, Prince, 47, 48, 174, 340, 347
Annius Mammianus Rufus, Lucius, 134, 169 Della Corte, Matteo, 295
Antonia, 134, 186 di Mura, Francesco, 66
Antonius Rufus, Marcus, 142 Diogenes, cynic philosopher, 297
Antonius, Marcus, 133, 347 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 89–90
Apelles Mus, 296 Domitian, Emperor, 186, 347
Apollinaris, 294, 296–7 Dumas, Alexandre, 59, 327, 344
Appuleius Proculus, Lucius, 215
Aqua Augusta, 165 F
Asclepiades of Bithynia, 111 Fabius Rufus, 239
Augustales, 135, 138, 168, 178, 180, 186, 199, 201, 342 Finley, Moses, 294
Augustus (Octavian), Emperor, 41, 130, 133, 134, 138, 142, 165, 166, 175, Fiorelli, Giuseppe, 34, 59, 59, 62, 71, 73, 289, 327, 347
178, 180, 182, 184, 192, 204, 226, 239, 290, 345, 347 Furius Saturninus, Aulus, 168, 178
Autronius Euthymus, Lucius, 218
B Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 59, 327, 344, 345, 347
Balty, Jean-Charles, 181 Gell, Sir William, 58, 71, 72
Bardet de Villeneuve, Pierre, 50, 52, 193–4, 347 Germanicus, 134, 186
Bellicard, Jerome, 50, 155, 181, 186, 192, 194, 341 Getty, J. Paul, 115
Bisel, Sarah, 128–30, 140, 341 Giordano, Fabio, 47, 192
Blessington, Countess of, 58–9 Granius Celer, Quintus, 242
Bonnucci, Carlo, 74 Granius Verus, Quintus, 242
Gray, Thomas, 54–5, 56, 287, 325
C Guadagno, Giuseppe, 138, 342, 343
Caecilius Potitus, Marcus, 291 Guzzo, Pietro Giovanni (Piero), 10, 103, 322, 324, 340, 344, 347
Calatoria Themis, 144–5, 226, 305
Calatorius Marullus, Marcus, 305 H
Calatorius Quartio, Marcus, 136, 174, 305 Hadrian, Emperor, 290
Calatorius Rufus, Marcus, 135 Hamilton, Sir William, 17, 25, 66, 347
Calatorius Speudon, Marcus, 305 Herculaneum,
Calpurnius Piso, Lucius, 115, 133 Area Sacra, 147–50, 151, 342
Camodeca, Giuseppe, 144, 341–2 Basilica (so-called), 53, 138, 151–5, 181–6, 182–5, 191, 329, 342
Campi Phlegraei, 15, 17, 18 Basilica Noniana (Galleria Balbi), 53, 130, 142, 144–5, 151, 194–6, 253,
Capasso, Luigi, 129–30, 341 342
Cassius Dio, 133, 347 Capitolium (Temple of Jupiter), 168, 196
Chalcidicum (calchidicum), 192 Cardo I, 38–9, 253
Charles Bourbon, King of Naples, 41, 48, 54, 55, 63, 174, 347 Cardo II, 38–9, 98, 253
Cicero, 41, 115, 223, 290, 304 Cardo III, 38–9, 57, 98, 98, 138, 151, 166, 169, 177, 194, 196
Claudius Pulcher, Appius, 133, 169 Cardo IV, 7, 38–9, 80, 88, 94–5, 98, 102, 107–10, 165, 166–7, 295
Claudius, Emperor, 134, 140, 142, 175, 178, 182, 184, 186, 347 Cardo V, 38–9, 98, 103, 166, 175, 218, 246, 275, 297
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, 192, 341 College of the Augustales (so-called), 11, 138, 151, 178–80, 178–81, 186,
Cominius Primus, 114, 143–4, 215, 237, 256, 261, 271, 293 187–90, 192, 300, 343

inde x 349
Herculaneum (cont.), Theatre, 9, 40, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54–5, 56, 57, 105, 133, 134–5, 136–7, 138, O T
Decumanus Maximus, 38–9, 98–9, 102, 120, 151, 152–3, 154–5, 158, 165, 166, 151, 155, 169–74, 172–3, 186, 192, 196, 342, 347 Octavia, 134 Tacitus, 17, 134, 297
168, 175, 177, 196, 202, 218, 223, 226, 237, 238, 291, 292, 297, 329, 345 Villa of the Papyri, 7, 9, 48, 53, 62, 63, 83, 87, 89, 98, 105, 106, 114–19, Ofellius Magnus, Marcus, 142 Talmudius Optatus, Quintus, 144
Forum, 9, 133, 151–5, 181, 186, 192, 196 114–19, 133, 163, 194, 253, 297, 302, 303, 319, 333, 341, 347 Ovid, absence of, 297 Terentius, portrait of, 135
Fountain of Hercules, 166, 168 Hercules, 65, 89, 90, 91, 103, 163, 178, 180, 181, 182, 196, 218, 236, 241, 328, Tetteius Severus, Aulus, 238, 291, 292, 293
Fountain of Neptune, 166, 168 328, 341 P Theophrastus, 93
Fountain of Venus, 166, 168 Packard Humanities Institute, 9, 324, 329, 347 Tiberius, Emperor, 186, 347
House of Apollo the Lyre-Player, 260, 261, 299, 302 J Papyri, carbonized, 53, 114–15 Titus Didius, 106
House of Argus, 57, 74, 253, 262 Julius Caesar, 115, 133, 178, 347 Petronia Justa, 144–5, 225, 305 Titus, Emperor, 182, 186, 296, 347
House of Aristides, 58 Julius Phoebus, Gaius, 143 Petronia Vitalis, 144, 305 Trajan, Emperor, 142, 144, 237
House of Galba, 62, 185 Julius Polybius, Gaius, 244 Petronius (author of Satyrica), 199–201, 271, 296
House of Granianus, 212 Junian Latins/lex Junia, 138–40, 142, 342 Petronius Justus, Gaius, 305 U
House of Neptune & Amphitrite, 64, 76–80, 80–3, 201, 211, 211, 214–15, Junius Blaesus, Quintus, 135 Petronius Stephanus, Gaius, 144, 226, 305 Ulpia Plotina, 144
214–15, 234–5, 288–9, 290, 300, 303 Junius Theophilus, Quintus, 293 Petronius Telesphorus, Gaius, 144, 305 Umbricius Scaurus, 292
House of the Alcove, 257, 260 Peutinger Table, 41, 44
House of the Beautiful Courtyard, 260, 260 K Philodemus of Gadara, 115 V
House of the Bicentenary, 144, 223–6, 224–5, 236, 238, 260–1, 299, 302, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 48, 59, 345, 347 Pliny the Elder, 17, 114, 182, 290, 292, 293 Velleius Paterculus, 106
313, 314–15, 316 Pliny the Younger, 17, 25–6, 31, 34, 35, 36, 114, 125 Venidia, 142
House of the Black Saloon, 140–1, 142, 199, 222, 226–36, 226–36, 241, L Pompeii, Venidius Ennychus, Lucius, 140–1, 145, 194, 199, 232, 236
300, 302–3 La Vega, Francesco, 49, 52, 56, 57, 155, 156, 181, 196 Central Baths, 157–8 Venidius Ennychus, Lucius wooden tablets of, 9, 142–3, 143, 199, 292, 303,
House of the Bronze Herm, 122, 225 Lex Julia, 290 House of Fabius Rufus, 239, 297, 302 341
House of the Carbonized Furniture, 211–17, 211–18, 294, 303 Livia, 178, 186 House of the Chaste Lovers, 318 Venustus, 144
House of the Corinthian Atrium, 204, 205, 210–11, 218, 220–1, 297, 299, Livia Acte, 142 House of the Faun, 241, 246 Vespasian, Emperor, 144, 178, 186, 196, 296, 347
300, 302 Livineius Regulus, 297 House of the Painters, 25 Vibidia Sabina, 168, 178, 196
House of the Fabric (Stoffa), 260 Lucius Julianus, Aulus, 178, 180 House of the Vettii, 73, 83 Vibidius Ampliatus, Sextus, 144
House of the Fullery, 260 Lucius Proculus, Aulus, 178, 180 Stabian Baths, 158, 273, 296 Viciria Archais, mother of Nonius Balbus, 133, 145, 194
House of the Gem, 20, 76–7, 246, 246, 294, 295, 296, 297, 311, 319–21, Temple of Isis, 56, 158 Vinicius, Marcus, 144
323, 325 M Villa of the Mysteries, 115, 302 Virgil, absence of, 297
House of the Grand Portal, 202, 301, 303 Maggi, Giuseppe, 35, 125-6, 128, 327, 340–1, 347 Programma (electoral advertisement), 291, 292 Vitellius, Emperor, 271, 347
House of the Hotel (Albergo), 253, 254–5, 302 Maiuri, Amedeo, 52, 62, 63, 65, 73, 103, 125, 138, 151, 181, 194, 199, 202–6, Publilius Syrus, 297 Vitruvius, 115, 174, 204-211, 223, 238, 242, 244, 246, 261–2, 300, 346
House of the Mosaic Atrium, 232, 239, 244–6, 246, 249, 257, 300, 301, 211, 215, 223, 226, 236, 242, 249, 251, 260, 261, 262, 265, 267, 272, 288, Publius Arrius, 144 Volasennia, 133
302, 303 317–18, 325, 329, 340–1, 347
House of the Painted Papyrus, 260 Maiuri, Amedeo (reconstructions by), 73–84, 275–80 R W
House of the Skeleton, 58, 262, 302 Mammius Flaccus, Lucius, 135, 142 Rectina, wife of Tascius, 114 Waldstein, Sir Charles (Walston), 7, 25, 62–3, 86, 128, 327, 340, 341, 347
House of the Stags, 65, 86, 204, 232, 239–44, 246, 249, 253, 257, 260, 284, Mammius Maximus, Lucius, 134–5, 137, 174, 186 Resina, 47, 49, 50, 50–1, 114, 151, 328, 328 Walpole, Horace, 54, 287–8, 317, 325
293, 299, 300, 302, 312 Mammius Pollio, 134 Rome, Saepta Julia, 182 Weber, Karl, 52, 53, 56, 57, 114, 181, 347
House of the Telephus Relief, 18, 19–21, 22, 24, 74–6, 83, 103, 105, 246– Martuscelli, Paolo, 125 Rufellius Robia, Marcus, 238, 291, 292 Weber, Max, 293
53, 247–51, 286, 299, 302, 303, 321, 325, 325 Memmius Rufus, Marcus, 192 Ruggiero, Michele, 181, 341 Winckelmann, Johannes Joachim, 56, 63, 65, 66, 327, 347
House of the Tragic Poet, 72 Mommsen, Theodore, 138
House of the Tuscan Colonnade, 236–7, 237–9, 302 Morghen, Filippo, 193 S Z
House of the Two Atria, 204, 204, 212 Mumford, Lewis, 293 Samnites, 93, 94, 103, 105, 106, 218 Zan, Luca, 322
House of the Wooden Screen, 107–11, 200, 205, 206–10, 206–10, 238, Mussolini, 63, 76, 347 Satrius Valens, Lucretius, 297
262, 302 Scipio Africanus, 111
House of the Wooden Shrine, 218, 218–19, 265, 302 N Seneca, 15, 17, 25, 41, 178, 315, 347
House of Wattlework (‘a Graticcio’), 6, 94–5, 261–71, 285, 346 Nero, Emperor, 15, 134, 142, 186, 347 Servenius Gallus, Lucius, 142
House with Garden, 302 Nonius Balbus, Marcus, 130–4, 135, 138, 166, 169, 194, 199, 239, 249, 251, Sigurdsson, Haraldur, 25, 128, 340
Macellum, 134, 181, 196 252, 302, 303, 342, 347 Sisenna,Cornelius, 89, 99, 103, 106, 118, 239
Palaestra, 46, 53, 103, 105, 151, 174–7, 174–7, 181, 192, 196, 246, 297, equestrian statue, 192, 192–3 Social War, 89, 106, 115, 290, 347
302, 334–5 funerary altar of, 8, 131–2, 133, 166, 168, 193, 193, 252 Stabiae, Villa of Arianna, 65, 66, 115
Palaestra apartment block, 125, 271–85, 272–85, 300, 324, 343, 345 statue, 35, 35, 131, 166, 169, 172–3 Strabo, 18, 89, 93, 94, 99–100, 103, 114, 252, 288, 292, 303
Samnite House, 198, 202–6, 202–3, 210, 242, 298, 302, 338–9 Nonius Dama, Marcus, 215 Suetonius, 271
Suburban Baths, 19, 22, 22–3, 24, 36, 36–7, 67–70, 134, 151, 158, 159, Nonius Fuscus, Marcus, 143, 304 Sulla, 106, 111, 115, 297, 347
162–5, 166, 252, 296, 342 Nonius Hermeros, Marcus, 134, 143
Temple of Herentas Erycina, 166, 170–1 Nonius, Quintus, 304

350 inde x inde x 351

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mark Robinson 284 below, 285 top left and right
Jane Thompson 44, 87, 232, 323
The Italian State, through the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Andrew Wallace-Hadrill 8, 14, 19 all, 21 above right, 22, 23, 26, 31 above,
Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei (SANP), exercises copyright over 32-33, 34 below, 36–7, 40, 53 below, 54, 66 below, 86, 87 above and below
all images generated on site in Herculaneum or in its collections at left, 88, 92, 102 above, 103, 106, 111, 131, 132 above, 138, 140-41, 152, 153,
Herculaneum and Naples. All such photographic images are published with 154, 155 above, 162-63, 164–5, 166, 167, 168, 169 below, 170-1, 172, 174–5,
the kind permission of SANP. The majority of the images in this book were 175, 176–7, 178–9, 186, 193, 198, 203, 208-9, 212 below, 217 below, 220–1,
generated in the course of the Herculaneum Conservation Project, a joint 222, 224 below, 225, 232, 237 left, 240 below, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 254-5,
Initiative of the Packard Humanities Institute, SANP, and the British School 256, 258–9, 261 below, 266 above, 272 below, 274 above, 277 top right, 281,
at Rome (BSR), under the terms of the sponsorship agreement between 283 left and top right, 284 above left, 285 right middle and below, 287, 293
SANP and BSR. The individual authorship of these images is as follows: below, 294 right middle and below, 298, 305, 306, 310, 311 below left, 313
Massimo Brizzi/Akhet 21, 39, 46, 253, 257 and foldout plan at back right, 324, 325, 326 right, 328, 333, 344
Domenico Camardo-Sosandra Srl 19 right, above and below, 20 left, 34 left
top & middle, 45, 46, 53 top, 66 above, 105 below, 144, 169 above, 194, 195 The following images were generated outside the scope of the Herculaneum
below, 275, 282, 283 below right, 284 left below Conservation Project and are reproduced with the permission of SANP.
Aldo Cinque, 24, 105 above
Kate Cook–Firefly Productions 50, 112-13, 150 SANP Photo Archive at Pompeii 1, 35, 60–1, 64, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80 above,
Sarah Court 196 81, 84 above, 119 above, 126, 127, 132 below, 177 left, 180 below, 211, 216
Brian Donovan 2–3, 4–5, 6, 11, 12–13, 27–30, 42–3, 67–70, 82, 83, 90–1, below, 219, 243, 272 right above, 277 middle right and below left, 278 below,
94–5, 96–7, 98–9, 100–1, 102 below, 107–10, 116-7, 120–1, 122, 147–50, 279, 314–15, 315, 330, 331, 332
160–1, 180 above, 181, 187–90, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206–7, 214 above, 215, Museo Nazionale di Napoli 137, 145, 173, 182, 184, 192, 296
217 above, 227, 228–31, 234–5, 238–9, 241, 250–1, 252, 260–1, 262, 263, 264 Studio Fotografico Foglia 158–9, 233, 236 left, 237 below right, 242, 291,
below, 265 above, 266 below, 267–70. 271, 286, 289–90, 307–10, 312, 316, 294 above left, 299, 300, 301
320, 321, 334–5, 336–7, 338-9; and in addition the house plans on 202, 204 Luciano Pedicini 78–9, 114, 134, 135, 136, 177 right, 183, 185, 212 above
below, 206, 211, 216, 218, 224, 226, 237, 240, 244, 262, 263, and 345 left and right, 213, 218 right, 244 below, 265 below, 284 right, 293 above left
Domenico Esposito- Sosandra Srl, 118, 119, 165 and right, 295, 303, 348
Riccardo Giordano 195 above, 197 National Geographic 123, 124
Linda Irollo-Sosandra Srl 104
Monica Martelli Castaldi 311 below right, 312 top, middle left and below, The following drawings are reproduced from Amedeo Maiuri, Ercolano. I
313 left above and below, 326 top, middle and bottom left nuovi scavi (1927-1958) with the permission of the Istituto Poligrafico dello
Paola Pesaresi 195 below Stato: 58, 80, 85, 156, 187, 264, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 280
Amy Richardson (drawings) 15, 31 below, 93, 128, 129, 157
Gionata Rizzi 319, 74 (drawing) All remaining images are believed to be outside copyright and every effort
has been made to trace their authors.

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