Pile Driving Guidelines: Equipment

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Pile Driving Guidelines

Engineers should familiarize themselves with the plans and

specification details dealing with piling in the contract. Initially
acquire the approved "Welding Procedures" (State approval form)
for all welds proposed for the shoes and splices and the "Pile
Driving Equipment" (State Form) sheets from the field office.
Copies should be made and used for cross-referencing when field
verifying these details. List the estimated pile length, bearing
capacity, driving criteria and any field verification comments.

Field pile driving details will be recorded on state forms XX & XY.
Being "source documents", these forms shall be provided to the
field office on a daily basis. Check this detail. Per the forms,
recordation is accomplished based on blows-per-centimeter. This
should be field verified during the inspection (i.e. pile markings).
Check the forms for completeness and note whether final lengths
are exceeding the Plan estimated length. If splices are required, the
soil borings should be reviewed to obtain an understanding of the
possible causes.


Contractors shall obtain approval for pile driving equipment. Verify

that the type, striking energy per blow, rated speed and serial
number are listed on the approved state form, "Pile Driving
Equipment" sheet. Note: the usual striking energy per blow is 17.6
Kilo-Joules (13, 000 foot-pounds) for both Cast-in-Place pile
casings and Steel Bearing piles.

Hammers shall have continuous compressor capacity to assure

that the rated conditions are achieved (single acting: length-of-
stroke or blows-per-minute; double acting: bounce chamber
pressure). All diesel hammers shall have an acceptable means for
measuring hammer energy pressure. When pressure gauges are
included, manufacturers charts and graphs, showing calibration to
energy, shall be furnished to the engineer. Check hammer
operation and these details.


Steel bearing piles shall be rolled "HP" sections of standard

dimensions. They shall be new and un-used and conform to ASTM
A36M materials standards. Cast-in-Place pile casings shall conform
with A252-Grade 2 requirements, unless otherwise specified.
Review the manufacturer's certification for this conformity along
with domestic origin (Buy America provision). Heat numbers should
also be listed for each acceptable lot (this number indicates the
steel meets Charpy V-notch requirements).

Cast-in-Place pile casings can be either pipe or shell having

dimensions no less than 200 mm (8 inches) outside diameter at the
toe and 300 mm (12 inches) OD at the cutoff. Wall thicknesses
shall be no less than 4.76 mm (3/16 inch) for pipe casings and 2.67
mm (1/8 inch) for shell casings. If driven with a mandrel, shell
casings may be thinner. Review the project plans for typical
section, thickness and rate-of-taper. Evaluate stockpiles for these
details along with "lack of damage" from storage and handling (Per
State Construction Manual, any damaged piling will be rejected).

Construction Details

Steel Bearing Piles shall be furnished with a driving shoe, as

detailed on the plans or approved by the State. Shoes shall be
attached by a state DOT certified welder with a minimum 8mm (3/8
inch) fillet weld along the outside edge of the flanges, or welded in
accordance with the plan details. Cast-in-Place pile ends shall be
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. They will be furnished with a
18 mm (3/4 inch) minimum thickness round plate at the end, having
a diameter no more than 15 mm larger than the casing. NOTE: If
welding is not detailed on the plans, then an approved "welding
procedure" is required. (Spec ref.)

Piles shall not be driven until the excavation has been made to the
bottom of footer elevation or tremie per Spec ref. They shall be
driven starting from the center of the foundation outwards or
starting from an outside row and progressing across the foundation.
Piles may be completely driven in one operation or, if directed by
the state, be allowed to set for 2 to 24 hours (or as indicated on the
plans) before driving is resumed. Evaluate the procedure being
followed for this project.

Piles are either plumb (truly vertical) or battered per the plans.
Batter is normally measured with a template in the field. Observe
and record the method being followed. The pile shall not vary from
the planned location by more than 100 mm (4 inches). For
abutments, this tolerance is 25 mm (1 inch). Also, piles may not
have more than a 20 mm per meter (1/4 inch per foot) variation at
their tip from the vertical or batter. Check these details. (Spec ref.)

Splices are a contingent item that is required when the engineer

directs the contractor to drive a pile more than 1.5 meters (5 feet)
beyond the estimated plan length. All splices are subject to the
approval of the DCES. For steel bearing piles, a second splice may
used at 8 meters (25 feet) beyond the estimated length subject to
approval by the State. Welding will be performed by a State DOT
certified welder following an approved Welding Procedure (state
form). For Cast-in-Place concrete piles, the state may approve
mechanical splices. These splices shall meet the requirements for
structural steel (ASTM A36M minimum) and have a seal weld
around the entire pile casing. Spec refs. & State Steel Construction
Pile cutoffs shall be made to the elevation shown on the plans or as
established by the EIC. All cavities created by the pile driving shall
be backfilled. Any pile sections remaining above ground shall be
painted in accordance with the plans. Cast-in-Place pile casings
shall be dry before concrete is placed. They shall be filled with a
continuous pour of Class A Concrete with a slump that shall not
exceed 125 mm (5 inches). Care shall be taken to prevent voids by
internal vibration or other means to the maximum depth practicable,
to consolidate the concrete. (Spec ref.)

Testing and Rejection Details

Where specified on the plans, the contractor shall provide pile

driving equipment, an electrical power source and a suitable test
enclosure for pile field testing and pile hammer efficiency
evaluation. The contractor will perform all incidental work to make
the site accessible. Testing will be performed by State DOT forces
and assistance provided by contractor's crews. If a pile requires re-
driving within 28 hours after the initial test, this shall be considered
as one test. Tests results should be reviewed during the field visit.
(Spec ref.)

Defective piles are categorized by the following deficiencies:

Location or batter incorrect, pile damaged, piles fails to achieve
resistance, tip elevation not within tolerances, EIC determines pile
is unserviceable and the Cast-in-Place pile casing is not free of
water. The contractor shall remove rejected piles or, at the option of
the Engineer, a second pile can be driven adjacent thereto. (Spec

Measurement and Payment

Furnishing Equipment for Driving Piles is a lump sum item for which
75% of the amount will be paid once pile driving has commenced.
The remainder will be paid when the work of driving piles is
completed. This payment should correlate to the date of the first
pile driving record. Confirm. (Spec ref.)

Pile quantity paid will be the number of meters of driven, acceptable

piles measured below cutoff elevation. Pile shoes are included in
the unit price. However, partial payment can be made for the
invoice cost of the shoes in accordance with Section 109-04. For
the piling, progress payment can be made for 80% of the quantity
properly installed. The balance will be paid once cutoffs, concrete
placement and painting are completed. Daily driving records should
be reviewed and correlated to monthly progress payment. (Spec

Dynamic pile tests are paid on an "each" basis. If re-driving is

required after 28 hours, then payment will be made for an additional
test. Splices are also paid on an "each" basis. Check daily driving
records accordingly.

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