7.1 Nutrition and Diet QP Olevel Cie Biology
7.1 Nutrition and Diet QP Olevel Cie Biology
7.1 Nutrition and Diet QP Olevel Cie Biology
Question Paper
Level O Level
Subject Biology
Exam Board Cambridge International Examinations
Topic Animal Nutrition
Sub Topic Nutrients & Diet
Booklet Question Paper 1
Score: /50
Percentage: /100
1 Which two foods would provide the best sources of carbohydrates, calcium, fibre (roughage) and
vitamin C?
A fat.
B protein.
C starch.
D sugar.
4 Which row correctly shows an advantage of feeding babies breast milk and an advantage of
feeding them bottle milk?
A amino acids
B fatty acids
C glucose
D glycerol
When this food is tested with biuret solution and Benedict’s solution which colours would a
student observe?
7 A student grows seedlings in four different test-tubes.
Tube W contains all the mineral ions needed for healthy plant growth.
● wate
● all minerals except magnesium ions
● all minerals except nitrates.
The diagram shows the appearance of these seedlings after two weeks.
healthy little poor growth and hardly any
growth growth yellow leaves growth
A all minerals except all minerals water
magnesium ions except nitrates
B all minerals except water all minerals
magnesium ions except nitrates
C all minerals all minerals except water
except nitrates magnesium ions
D water all minerals except all minerals
magnesium ions except nitrates
8 The health of a population’s teeth can be measured by finding the average number of decayed,
missing or filled teeth per person. This is called the DMFT.
The graph shows the DMFT for four countries in the years between 1980 and 1995. Australia and
the USA have fluoride added to their water but Japan and Belgium do not.
7 Japan
6 Australia
5 Belgium
1980 1985 1990 1995
A amylase
B glucose
C glycogen
D urea
10 Which symptom of malnutrition can be treated by an increased amount of protein in the diet?
A constipation
B heart disease
C obesity
D stunted growth
body weight
age sex level of activity
/ kg
A 5 mal high 18
B 20 ma low 85
C 40 fema high 82
D 65 fema low 75
12 Which substances are present in breast milk but not in bottled milk made from milk powder?
A antibodies
B carbohydrates
C proteins
D vitamins
13 Which combination of mineral and vitamin is required for strong bones?
14 The graph can be used to estimate the daily energy requirements of women, depending on their
mass and level of activity.
12 000
11 000
10 000
daily energy 9000
/ kJ 8000
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
mass / kg
What is the estimated daily energy requirement of a woman of mass 75 kg who has a moderate
level of activity?
A 5000-6750 kJ
B 7000-7750 kJ
C 7750-8750 kJ
D 9250-10 000 kJ
15 Which table states the tests for different food groups?
16 What are the basic units from which molecules of glycogen and of protein are synthesised?
pump pump
tank X tank Y
contains animals and plants contains animals
A carbon dioxide.
B food.
C nitrate.
D oxygen.
21 Which two foods would provide the best sources of carbohydrates, calcium, fibre (roughage) and
vitamin C?
cell X
cell Y
The contents of cell X and the contents of cell Y are each tested with Benedict’s reagent and with
iodine solution.
cell X cell Y
Benedict’s iodine Benedict’s iodine
reagent solution reagent solution
A + + – – key
B + – + + + = positive resul
C – + – + – = negative resul
D – – + –
23 Pregnant women are advised to eat a diet with enough protein, calcium and iron for the
developing baby.
Which needs are supplied by these constituents of food for the baby’s bones, growing tissues
and red blood cells?
24 A person tries eating a diet consisting only of lettuce leaves and water.
A constipation
B heart disease
C rickets
D scurvy
magnification 1000
31 The diagram shows an experiment on amylase.
90 C 35 C 20 C 10 C
starch amylase
solution solution
starch solution
amylase solution
After five minutes, each test-tube of amylase is poured into the test-tube of starch solution in the
same beaker.
After leaving the tubes for 5 minutes, samples of the mixture are then tested with iodine solution
and then tested again at 5 minute intervals.
90 °C 3 °C 2 °C 1 °C
Which shows the recommended daily intake for the 25 year old?
33 The graph shows the pH of the saliva in the mouth after eating sugar.
7 neutral
5 acid
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
time / minutes
When are conditions in the mouth most likely to cause tooth decay?
A 0-5 minutes
B 5-25 minutes
C 25-45 minutes
D 45-60 minutes
34 Which chemical test shows the presence of an enzyme in a biological washing powder?
A Benedict’s
B biuret
C ethanol emulsion
D iodine solution
35 The symptoms of a disease include weakness, fatigue, aching and swollen joints, bruise-like
spots round the hair follicles and swollen and soft gums.
36 Vitamin C changes cholesterol into a form which is less likely to be deposited in artery walls.
37 Which row in the table correctly identifies the deficiency diseases caused by lack of vitamin C,
calcium and iron?
38 Four bags made of partially permeable membrane are placed in tubes of water as shown in the
water water
After 20 minutes at 35 °C a sample of the water around the bag in each tube is boiled with
Benedict’s solution.
A fat
B protein
C reducing sugar
D starch
41 Four tubes containing 10 cm3 of 1 % starch solution were treated in different ways and then
mixed with saliva. After 30 minutes, 1 cm3 of iodine in potassium iodide solution was added to
each tube.
42 It has been shown that animals restricted to a diet of milk only, eventually suffer from blood
disorders involving a lack of pigment in their red blood cells.
A carbohydrate
B fibre
C iron
D vitamin C
A calcium
B iron
C vitamin C
D vitamin D
47 The table shows some of the nutrients present in four foods.
1 bananas 0.4 7 10 0
2 fish 0.4 35 0 6.38
3 lentils 7.6 30 0 0
4 milk 0.1 120 0.5 0.002
Which two foods are best to help the healthy growth of bones and teeth of a child?
48 Four different foods were tested as shown below and the test results were recorded as positive
(+) or negative (–).
A anaemia
B bones breaking easily
C constipation
D gums bleeding
50 Two samples of food are tested. The results are shown in the table.
test used