Effects of Valence, Geometry and Electronic Correlations On Transport in Transition Metal Benzene Sandwich Molecules
Effects of Valence, Geometry and Electronic Correlations On Transport in Transition Metal Benzene Sandwich Molecules
Effects of Valence, Geometry and Electronic Correlations On Transport in Transition Metal Benzene Sandwich Molecules
D. Jacob
Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, 06120 Halle, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]
We study the impact of the valence and the geometry on the electronic structure
and transport properties of different transition metal-benzene sandwich molecules
bridging the tips of a Cu nanocontact. Our density-functional calculations show that
the electronic transport properties of the molecules depend strongly on the molecular
geometry which can be controlled by the nanocontact tips. Depending on the valence
of the transition metal center certain molecules can be tuned in and out of half-metallic
behaviour facilitating potential spintronics applications. We also discuss our results in
the framework of an Anderson impurity model, indicating cases where the inclusion
of local correlations alters the ground state qualitatively. For Co and V centered
molecules we find indications of an orbital Kondo effect.
1. Introduction
Nanoscale devices such as atomic and molecular conductors offer an experimental handle
to control the electronic and transport properties of these systems by manipulation of the
molecular geometry [1, 2]. Particularly interesting systems both from the point of view
of application and fundamental physics are magnetic molecules deposited either on metal
surfaces or contacted by metallic contacts. From the point of view of application such
devices built from molecular magnets[3] offer the possibilty of ultimately miniaturized
magnetic storage devices and/or for spintronics applications [4, 5, 6, 7].
On the other hand, whenever a magnetic atom or molecule is coupled to a metal
substrate or metal electrodes the Kondo effect can arise [8, 9]. Usually, the Kondo effect
leads to the screening of the magnetic moment by the conduction electrons of the metal
due to the formation of a total spin-singlet state, and is signalled by the appearance of
a sharp and strongly temperature-dependent resonance in the spectral function at the
Fermi level, the so-called Kondo resonance or Abrikosov-Suhl resonance. The Kondo
resonance in turn gives rise to a zero-bias anomaly in the conductance characteristics of
the nanoscale device. In fact, such zero bias anomalies have been observed in numerous
experiments involving magnetic atoms and molecules depositied on surfaces or attached
to leads [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].
Here we study the very simple molecular magnets, formed by one transition metal
ion from the 3d series (Sc,Ti,V,Co,Ni) between two benzene (C6 H6 ) rings, trapped
in a Cu nanocontact. We calculate the densities of states as well as transmission
functions using the Landauer formula for different electrode separations. We find that
a manipulation of the molecular geometry by applying pressure with the nanocontact
tips can change the low-bias transport properties of the molecules qualitatively from
insulating to metallic, via a half-metallic magnetic phase. This indicates that these
molecules could be used in spintronics applications. An analysis of the local electronic
structure of the central ion in terms of an Anderson impurity model gives a hint towards
the expected electronic correlation effects in these systems. In a paper of ours [21] we
demonstrated that electronic correlations can lead to the occurence of the Kondo effect
in the CoBz2 system. Here, we show that the same seems to occur in VBz2 albeit in a
different set of orbitals.
2. Methodology
The now standard approach for calculating the electronic structure and transport
properties of nanoscale conductors consists in combining the Kohn-Sham density
functional theory (DFT) calculations with the Landauer or non-equilibrium Greens
function approach[22, 23]. In this approach the Kohn-Sham DFT effectively yields
a (static) mean-field approximation for the complicated many-body problem.
Here we will employ the DFT based transport approach for nanoscopic conductors
implemented in the ALACANT software package[24, 25]. This package has recently been
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 3
Figure 1. Schematic picture showing the division of the system into device region D
and the two leads L and R. The periodic supercell as well as the wire unit cells are
used in DFT calculations of the system. The device region is the primary scattering
region in the subsequent transport calculations. The lead self energies representing the
coupling of the device region to the semi-infinite leads are indicated by ΣL and ΣR , a
possible local Coulomb interaction on the central atom is indicated by U .
extended by one of us[26, 27, 28, 29] in order to capture the effect of dynamic correlations
arising from strong local interactions by adapting the DFT++ approach which is the de
facto standard in the theory of solids[30, 31] to the case of nanoscopic conductors. In
this approach the incorrect behaviour of the Kohn-Sham DFT for strongly correlated
electrons is remedied by augmenting the DFT with a local Hubbard-like interaction. We
will limit ourselves to the DFT based transport calculations, however, since the required
solution of the Anderson impurity model is very time consuming.
For the DFT calculations we use the CRYSTAL06 code[32] employing the LDA[33],
PW91[34] and the hybrid functional B3LYP[35], together with the all electron Gaussian
6-31G basis set. The geometries of the wires were relaxed beforehand and kept fixed
during the calculations. The geometry of the molecule in contact with the wires was
relaxed employing the B3LYP functional.
In order to perform the DFT electronic structure calculations, the system is divided
into three parts: The two semi-infinite leads L and R and the device region D containing
the molecule and part of the leads. The schematic in Fig.1 shows the different regions
used here. The calculations on the DFT level commence as follows: First, a calculation
with the periodic unit cell shown in Fig.1 is performed. Additionally, the infinite wire
is calculated using both left and right unit cells. Then the device region is cut out and
the semi-infinite leads are attached on both sides. The Kohn-Sham Green’s function of
region the device region D can now be obtained from the DFT electronic structure as
GD (ω) = (ω + µ − HD0 − ΣL (ω) − ΣR (ω))−1 (1)
where HD0 is the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian of region D and ΣL,R (ω) are the so-called lead
self-energies which describe the coupling of the device region to L and R and which are
obtained from the DFT electronic structure of the nanowire leads.
From the Green function GD we can calculate the transmission function which
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 4
Figure 2. (Color online) The three structures found in the literature for TMBz2
molecules: (a) the so-called onion structure, (b) the symmetric sandwich structure
and (c) the asymmetric sandwich structure. Relaxed geometries of CoBz2 between
Cu nanowires obtained starting from a distance d = 3.6 Å between Co atom and Cu
tip atoms and (d) a linear geometry, (e) a stronlgy tilted geometry, (onion state). (f)
Geometry obtained with the same starting molecule structure as in (b) but with a
smaller electrode separation d = 3.4 Å.
ĤAIM = εν ĉ†ν ĉν − µ dˆ†i dˆi + Vνi ĉ†ν dˆi + Vνi∗ dˆ†i ĉν
ν i νi
X 1X
+ εi dˆ†i dˆi + Uijkl dˆ†i dˆ†j dˆl dˆk , (3)
2 ijkl
| {z }
where ĉν and dˆi are the bath and impurity degrees of freedom respectively. Here we
identify the transition-metal center of the molecules as the impurity and absorb the rest
of the system into the bath, which is assumed to be well described by DFT. We have
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 5
also included a static shift of the impurity versus the bath given by µ along with the
static crystal field εi and the full local Coulomb interaction Uijkl in the last two terms.
The energy levels of the bath are given by εν and the hybridization parameters Vνi give
the amplitude for transitions of particles from the bath onto the impurity and vice versa.
The model is completely defined by the Coulomb interaction parameters U and J, the
energy levels ǫi of the 3d orbitals and the so-called hybridization function ∆i (ω) (we
assume a diagonal hybridization function). The latter describes the (dynamic) coupling
of the transition metal 3d-shell to the rest of the system and is obtained by integrating
out the bath degrees of freedom to yield
X V V∗
νi νi
∆i (ω) = .
ω − εν + iδ
It can equivalently be obtained from the Kohn-Sham Green’s function as
∆i (ω) = ω + µ − ǫi − [G0i (ω)]−1 , (4)
where µ is the chemical potential, ǫi are the Kohn-Sham energy levels of the 3d-orbitals
and G0i (ω) is the Kohn-Sham Green’s function projected onto the 3d subspace. To
solve the local impurity problem we use the one-crossing approximation (OCA) [37, 38].
Within this implementation the Coulomb interaction is treated approximately including
density-density terms ∝ n̂iσ = dˆ†iσ dˆiσ , as well as the spin-flip term of the Kanamori
Hamiltonian [39]. In this approximation the Coulomb interaction part of the local
Hamiltonian can be written as
OCA 1X 1 X 5J
Ĥee = U n̂i,σ n̂i,−σ + U− n̂iσ n̂jσ′ − J Ŝ i Ŝ j ,
2 i,σ 2 i6=j,σ,σ′ 2 i6=j
with the spin-vector-operators Ŝ i . Here we neglect the pair-hopping term [39] and use
a simplified interaction which only takes into account the direct Coulomb repulsion
U ≡ Uijij and the Hund’s rule coupling J ≡ Uijji . We assume that the interaction
is somewhat increased as compared to the bulk values since the screening should be
weaker than in bulk. Ab initio values for the bulk obtained by the constrained random
phase approximation (cRPA) have been reported, e.g., in Ref. [40]. The values used
here will be provided below; but indeed we find that our results are qualitatively stable
for a reasonable range of values for U and J (see below). An estimation based on the
work by Solovyev et al. [41] performed in Ref. [42] for TiBz and VBz clusters indicates
also a value of U ∼ 3eV for these molecules. We note that the method presented in Ref.
[41] only the t2g states are assumed to be correlated, while the eg states are treated as
itinerant and contribute to the screening.
As usual in DFT++ approaches a double counting correction (DCC) has to be
subtracted to compensate for the overcounting of interaction terms. In the calculations
involving Co and Ni we employ the so-called fully localized (FLL) or atomic limit
correction [43]
1 N3d 1
µDC = U N3d − −J − . (5)
2 2 2
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 6
This approach was successfully applied to single 3d transition metal atoms (Fe, Co,
Ni) in nanocontact junctions [26]. We find that this correction works well also for the
molecules with the late transition metals Co and Ni as centers. However, we have
found that the FLL correction leads to unrealistically high occupancies when applied
to molecules centered on the early transition metals Sc, Ti, V. The same would be true
on an even larger scale for the AMF correction. As is known already from DFT+U
and related approaches, that the double counting can not be rigorously defined. For the
early transition metal sandwiches we have thus adjusted the occupation of the 3d shell
to be close to the value obtained from DFT. The DCC can be viewed as an impurity
chemical potential and gives one the freedom to shift the impurity levels around to a
certain degree. This can be exploited to mimic the effect of an additional gate electrode
on the nanosystem and to push the system into different regimes.
The Anderson impurity model was introduced for the description of d or f shell
impurities in simple metal hosts and is capable of describing local correlation physics,
like the Kondo effect [44, 9]. An analysis of the hybridization function and interaction
can already give a strong hint towards the expected many-body behaviour in the system,
since they, enter as the determining factors in the estimate of the Kondo temperature.
In a simple model of the Kondo effect, i.e. the one-band case with a flat bath[45, 9], the
Kondo temperature TK is given by the following formula:
Γd U πεd (εd + U)
kB TK = exp , (6)
2 Γd U
where U is the Coulomb repulsion energy between single and double occupied state, εd is
the energy level of the single occupied state, and Γd is the (constant) substrate-induced
broadening of these states, proportional to the hybridization function.
metal atoms, whereas the late transition metals form so-called rice ball structures where
one or more metal atoms are covered by benzene rings in an almost spherical fashion.
Stern-Gerlach experiments for the early transition metal sandwiches revealed a magnetic
moment of 0.4µB (0.4 Bohr magnetons) for ScBz2 and 0.7µB for VBz2 and no magnetic
moment for TiBz2 [54].
On the theory side these complexes were studied using different methods ranging
from simple ligand field calculations over Xα and DFT calculations up to wave function
based quantum Monte Carlo by various authors usually focussing on a specific metal
center. The generic bonding mechanism for the MBz2 complexes was established from
ligand field theory arguments supported by Xα calculations for CrBz2 [55, 56] and VBz2
[49]. The mechanism is similar to the bonding of single transition metal atoms to a
single benzene ring [57]. First, ligand field theory for the C6v symmetry dictates that
the 3d orbitals of the metal center will be split into three irreducible representations:
aσ1g (dz 2 ), eπ1g (dxz , dyz ) and eδ2g (dxy , dx2 −y2 ). Notations concerning the symmetry differ
in the literature, the representations sometimes being called a1 , e1 , e2 or just using
the symbol for the symmetry group and representation synonymously, capitalizing the
symbol A1 , E1 , E2 . In the results section we will use the latter notation. The z-axis
is here the axis going through the center of the benzene rings and constitutes the 6-
fold rotation axis. The eδ2g orbital has a strongly bonding character through in-phase
combinations of the in-plane metal orbitals with the benzene π orbitals, leading to its
energetic stabilization, i.e. it is energetically most favorable and occupied preferentially.
The eπ1g orbitals form out of phase combinations with the ligand π electron system and
are thus antibonding in character, while the a1g remains nonbonding since it points
through the center of the benzene. The primary bonding interactions are brought about
by electron transfer from the benzene π to the metal eπ1g relieved by backtransfer from
the metal eδ2g to the π ∗ orbitals of the ligands. In Xα calculations by Andrews et al.
[49] it could be shown that the attachment of benzene rings to a V atom leads to the
loss of 0.5 3d electrons per benzene attached, leading to a 3d4 configuration on the
metal. At the same time the direct interaction between the benzene rings is small due
to their relative large distance. These mechanisms in principle apply to the whole series
of TMBz2 molecules.
Following the successful preparation of TMBz2 complexes in the gas phase the
interest in these complexes was renewed. A DFT study for the whole series from Sc to
Ni was carried out by Pandey et al. [58] who investigated TMBz and TMBz2 complexes
and their respective cationic and anionic versions. Assuming a hexagonal D6h symmetry
(i.e. the form of the complex shown in Fig. 2 (b)) they find a nonmonotonic evolution of
the size of the TMBz2 complexes. By size, here, the distance between metal atom and
center of the benzene rings is meant. The authors, however, note, that although their
calculations agree quite well with experiments for Sc to Cr, the agreement is poor for
Co and Ni complexes. They speculate that the assumption that the CoBz2 and NiBz2
complexes have a D6h symmetry might be incorrect, as is actually the case as we will see
below. Pandey et al. calculate also the valence configurations and spin multiplicities for
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 8
all complexes, assuming D6h symmetry. Weng and co-workers [42, 59] performed GGA
and for the first time also GGA+U calulations for the symmetric sandwich structures of
Sc,Ti and V centered clusters with TMn Bzn+1 typically for n = 2. The authors focussed
on magnetic properties, especially on how they can be manipulated and tuned from
FM to AFM order within the cluster. They found that an increasing local Coulomb
interaction U leads to a general increase of the magnetic moment in the Vanadium 3d
shell in a finite cluster as well as for an infinite chain.
More recent calculations for CoBz2 [60] and NiBz2 [61] revealed that the ground
state of these systems is an asymmetric sandwich arrangement with merely C1 symmetry
(see Fig. 2 (c)). The lowering of energy by breaking the D6h symmetry can be
understood as an effect of the 18 electron rule [62, 63], that causes the complexes with
more than 18 valence electrons (CoBz2 , NiBz2 have 21, 22 respectively) to bend due
to the symmetry of the HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital). The HOMO is
lowered in energy when the relative orientation of the two benzene rings is tilted. In the
asymmetric sandwich structure the magnetic moments were found to be 1µB (one Bohr
magneton) for CoBz2 and vanishing for NiBz2 . The quenching of the moment of Ni was
explained by the strong hybridization between the Ni 3d states and the π electrons of
benzene [61].
A recent study of the structural properties of TMBz and TMBz2 with TM=Sc,. . .,Zn
within Møller-Plesset second order perturbation theory (MP2) calls the established DFT
results into question [64]. The authors find that the perfectly symmetric sandwich
structure with D6h symmetry is formed only by VBz2 . CrBz2 and MnBz2 form
sandwiches where the two benzene rings are slightly rotated around the z axis (their
respective C6 axis) with respect to each other. The other complexes show either strongly
distorted sandwich structures (Sc, Ti, Fe, Ni) or a completely different arrangement
(Cu, Zn). The authors note in passing, that they were not able to obtain a geometry
for CoBz2 due to convergence problems. An ab initio wave function based QMC study
could probably settle the matter of the structures, unfortunately it is computationally
so demanding that at the moment only studies of TMBz half-sandwiches are possible
and have been performed [65]. Since the structures of TMBz show qualitatively the
same structure for the whole 3d series the comparison between MP2 and QMC in that
case can only give weak hints for TMBz2 . In addition the methods generally do not
agree on the metal-benzene distances, MP2 giving values up to 0.5Åsmaller than QMC.
Considerable effort from theory was invested in the understanding of multidecker
vanadium sandwich complexes [66, 67, 68, 69, 59, 70], since they showed half-metallic
behavior possibly allowing for spintronics applications. The Vn Bzn+1 complexes or
nanowires show a half-metallic ferromagnetic behavior, which means that one spin
species shows weight at the Fermi level and is available for transport, while the other
spin species is gapped and thus insulating. Such a situation is shown for example in
Fig.6 (b) for the aσ1 channel of VBz2 in a nanocontact and could be exploited to build
a spin filter device. Since we are not aware of any experimental confirmations of this
behavior the discussion remains theoretical at this point. Additionally, it is unclear how
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 9
h (Å)
3.3 ScBz2
3.2 TiBz2
3.1 VBz2
3 CoBz2
2.9 NiBz2
Figure 3. (Color online) (a) The geometry used in the nanocontact calculations along
with definitions of the distances d and h. (b) Dependence of the molecule size on the
electrode to TM center separation. Equilibrium sizes of the free molecules are indicated
by corresponding dashed horizontal lines in the same linestyle and color.
a possible Kondo effect (see below) in such devices would influence the conductance
characteristics of a general Vn Bzn+1 device.
4. DFT calculations
When the molecules are brought in contact with electrodes, say in a break-junction or
scanning tunneling microscope (STM) experiment, they will interact with the electrodes
and their structure will be subject to change. We have used copper electrodes in a
hexagonal geometry, as proposed in Ref. [71]. For ScBz2 , TiBz2 and VBz2 , only small
changes in geometry occur, the molecule remains in its symmetrical sandwich structure
and can, in our idealized picture, only be compressed or elongated by the electrodes.
Conversely, the asymmetric structures as formed by CoBz2 and NiBz2 , show
considerable changes in geometry when in contact with electrodes. In general though
the benzene rings are brought into a more symmetric arrangement as shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2d shows the relaxed geometry using d = 3.6Å and starting from the linear
configuration of the CoBz2 sandwich aligned with the axis defined by the Cu nanowires.
In this case the linear geometry and alignment is preserved. Figure 2e shows the
relaxed geometry obtained when starting from a strongly tilted geometry of the sandwich
molecule (onion state).
In this case the linear configuration of the idealized sandwich molecule is
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 10
4 4
(a) Sc d=3.2 Å A1 (b) Sc d=3.8 Å A1 8 (c) Sc d=4.6 Å A1
E1 E1 E1
2 E2 2 E2 E2
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
0 0 0
−2 −2 −4
−4 −4
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
3 3 3
(d) (e) (f)
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−2 −2 −2
−3 −3 −3
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
Figure 4. (a) Projected density of states for the 3d shell of Sc for d = 3.2 Å, (b)
d = 3.8 Å and (c) d = 4.6 Å. The corresponsing transmission functions are shown in
panels (d), (e) and (f) respectively.
approximately recovered, but the molecule as a whole is slightly rotated with respect to
the Cu nanowire axis. The lifting of the orbital degeneracy in the E2 channel is on the
order of few tens of meV. We additionally show (Fig. 2f) that the effect of the leads is
even stronger at smaller lead-molecule separation. The relaxed geometry obtained for a
distance d = 3.4 Å between the Co atom and the Cu tip atoms shows an even smaller
tilting of the Benzene rings, leading to a reduced splitting in the E2 channel.
Even starting from the strongly asymmetric sandwich structure the presence of the
leads favours a parallel arrangement of the Bz rings. Thus in the end the molecules
we investigated here are brought closer to the symmetric sandwich structure, when in
contact with the leads. Hence for the present study we have assumed the symmetric
sandwich structure for all molecules.
We investigate the different molecules at different Cu-tip-TM distances. In the Case
of Co and Ni we use 3.6 Å, 4.0 Å and 4.3 Å (see Fig. 3a,b), whereas for ScBz2 , TiBz2
and VBz2 we used 3.2 Å, 3.4 Å, 3.8 Å, 4.2 Å and 4.6 Å. The Bz-Bz distance h varies
depending on the distance d of the Cu tip to the TM atom in the center of the molecule.
Figure 3b shows the general trend of the molecule size versus the electrode distance,
the free diameters (obtained for the symmetric sandwich structure) of the molecules are
indicated also, showing that the molecules are compressed at small electrode separations.
Horizontal lines with the same linestyle and color indicate the equilibrium geometries
of the free molecules.
We begin by discussing the electronic structure of the molecules in contact with
the nanowires on the level of DFT. We have performed calculations using DFT with
the L(S)DA and B3LYP functionals. We have collected data concerning occupancies in
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 11
4 4
(a) Ti d=3.2 Å A1 (b) Ti d=3.8 Å A1 8 (c) Ti d=4.6 Å A1
E1 E1 E1
2 E2 2 E2 E2
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
0 0 0
−2 −2 −4
−4 −4
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
3 3 3
(d) (e) (f)
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−2 −2 −2
−3 −3 −3
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
Figure 5. (a) Projected density of states for the 3d shell of Ti for d = 3.2 Å, (b)
d = 3.8 Å and (c) d = 4.6 Å. The corresponsing transmission functions are shown in
panels (d), (e) and (f) respectively.
table 2 and magnetic moments in table 1. The LDA will show the smallest moment,
while B3LYP contains a 20% admixture of exact exchange and thus yields a moment
hihger than LDA at all times.
As we mentioned already the hexagonal symmetry of the sandwich structure leads
to a lifting of the degeneracy of the 3d shell. The strong crystal field splits the shell
into a singlet A1 consisting of the d3z 2 −r2 and two doublets E1 consisting of the dxz and
dyz orbitals and E2 consisting of the dxy and dx2 −y2 orbitals. We assume an atomistic
point of view concerning the 3d shell of the central atom in the light of our subsequent
Anderson impurity model treatment, i.e. we define the symmetry adapted basis in terms
of the orbitals of the metal of the corresponding symmetry. Since the 6-31G basis set
provides 10 (or 12 depending on the representation [72]) basis functions for the d shell
our five orbitals are formed by diagonalization of the 10 orbital set within the crystal
field. The diagonalization yields in all cases five 3d orbitals in the vicinity of the Fermi
level and five 3d orbitals very high ∼ 20 − 50eV above the Fermi level. In this manner
we obtain the best symmetry adapted atomic-like orbitals for our subsequent analysis.
Let us begin with Sc. The projected densities of states (PDOS) of the 3d shell of Sc
obtained from LSDA is shown in Fig. 4 (a), (b) and (c) for increasing electrode-molecule
separation. The two spin projections are plotted as the positive and negative ordinate
respectively. Only a very small spectral weight of the 3d states at the Fermi level is
observed in all cases. The changes over the whole range of d are continuous and towards
larger energy separations the levels become sharper showing the increasing decoupling of
the molecule from the leads. The transmission function also follows this general trend.
We want to point out that the transmission function reflects the transport through the
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 12
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
0 0 0
−2 −2 −4
−4 −4
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
3 3 3
(d) (e) (f)
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−2 −2 −2
−3 −3 −3
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
Figure 6. (a) Projected density of states for the 3d shell of V for d = 3.2 Å, (b)
d = 3.8 Å and (c) d = 4.6 Å. The corresponsing transmission functions are shown in
panels (d), (e) and (f) respectively.
whole molecule, not only the transition metal center. It is thus clear, that there are
other states, like the benzene π system contributing here, as one can see in Fig. 4(d),
where the transport at low bias is certainly not brought about by transition metal 3d
states. This effect is strongest at smallest electrode separations, because the benzene
rings are forced closer together leading to direct interactions between their respective π
electron systems and to stronger interactions with the Cu electrodes’ s orbitals. For the
smallest electrode-transition metal distance the Sc atom is occupied by two electrons
equally distributed in the E1 and E2 shells, leaving the A1 shell empty, see table 2.
Towards larger electrode separations the charge redistributes in favor of the E2 set.
Since the free Sc centered sandwich is the largest, its electronic structure is influenced
considerably by the electrodes. One observes, for example, that the E2 orbitals are
energetically stabilized by the increased interaction with the π electron system of the
benzene rings if they are pushed closer towards the metal. Also the population of the
E1 set increases by the stronger interaction with the π system. The system shows
no magnetic polarization within LSDA, but within B3LYP at d = 4.6 Å or without
electrodes a small magnetic moment of about 0.4µB arises in the 3d shell, in accordance
with Stern-Gerlach experiments reported in Ref. [54]. Since the formal spin multiplicity
M = 2S + 1 of the free molecule is 2, one unpaired electron is expected, its moment is
probably quenched by the stronger interaction with the benzene rings at small electrode
separations, similarly to NiBz2 [61].
The case of Ti is different, as the system already shows a large 3d spectral weight at
the Fermi level in LSDA at small electrode molecule separations, see Fig. 5(a) and (b).
This weight is brought about by the A1 channel, which compared to Sc now holds about
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 13
one electron. The A1 channel also dominates the transmission at small biasses as can be
seen best in Fig. 5(e). At the smallest electrode separation states derived from benzene
are pushed towards the Fermi level and contribute significantly to the transmission. The
spin polarization of about 0.45µB arises in LSDA when the molecule is in close contact
with the leads at d = 3.2 Å and d = 3.4 Å. At d = 3.4 Å (not shown) the system
is almost a half metal, one spin channel being conducting the other almost insulating,
see Fig. 5 (b), (e). This behavior makes it similar to the Vn Bzn+1 systems, where this
behavior has been predicted, see the discussion in section 3. At larger distances the
magnetic moment continuously reduces and finally vanishes at d = 4.6 Å as shown in
Fig. 5 (c) and table 1. The occupancies shown in table 2 indicate that the A1 channel
gets depopulated at larger distances and thus the magnetic moment vanishes. B3LYP
calculations show a similar behavior with a moment of 1 µB at small separations and
a vanishing moment at large separations and for the free molecule. It was shown in
Stern-Gerlach experiments in Ref. [54] that the free TiBz2 molecule does not exhibit a
magnetic moment, which is in accordance with our findings and the formally assigned
spin multiplicity of 1, i.e. a singlet.
The VBz2 sandwich shows the converse behavior to the Ti centered sandwich. The
magnetization increases for large d and is quenched when the electrodes are brought
closer. It remains, however, at all times above 1µB in agreement with earlier theoretical
[66, 68] and experimental work [73, 54]. Since the benzene rings carry a small negative
moment the moment of the molecule as a whole will be reduced below the atomic 3d
value by about 0.1 − 0.3µB per benzene ring depending on the electrode separation
[66, 68]. The system is expected to have a spin multiplicity of 2 and to be in a 3d4
configuration, donating 0.5e− to each benzene ring [49]. Figures 6(a) and (d) show the
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 14
Table 2. Fillings of the 3d shell on the LDA and for Co/VBz2 also on the LDA+OCA
3.2 Å 3.4 Å
A1 E1 E2 Tot A1 E1 E2 Tot
Sc (LDA) 0.11 0.87 1.03 2.00 0.10 0.85 1.04 1.99
Ti (LDA) 0.45 1.02 1.36 2.83 0.36 1.00 1.39 2.74
V (LDA) 1.33 1.04 1.59 3.97 1.34 0.98 1.63 3.95
V (LDA+OCA) 0.89 2.58 0.61 4.08 0.90 1.94 1.22 4.06
3.8 Å 4.2 Å
A1 E1 E2 Tot A1 E1 E2 Tot
Sc (LDA) 0.09 0.80 1.07 1.96 0.09 0.75 1.15 1.99
Ti (LDA) 0.24 0.96 1.45 2.65 0.17 0.92 1.53 2.61
V (LDA) 1.27 0.97 1.68 3.92 1.19 0.93 1.76 3.88
V (LDA+OCA) 0.91 1.94 1.22 4.07 0.91 1.93 1.22 4.06
4.6 Å
A1 E1 E2 Tot
Sc (LDA) 0.09 0.75 1.15 1.99
Ti (LDA) 0.17 0.92 1.53 2.61
V (LDA) 1.19 0.93 1.76 3.88
V (LDA+OCA) 0.91 1.93 1.22 4.06
3.6 Å 4.0 Å
A1 E1 E2 Tot A1 E1 E2 Tot
Co (LDA) 1.78 2.75 2.83 7.36 1.80 3.52 2.80 7.85
Co (LDA+OCA) 1.02 3.74 2.74 7.50 0.98 3.78 3.28 8.03
Ni (LDA) 1.82 3.66 3.07 8.55 1.80 3.69 3.02 8.51
4.3 Å
A1 E1 E2 Tot
Co (LDA) 1.80 3.54 2.87 8.21
Co (LDA+OCA) 0.96 3.80 3.50 8.26
Ni (LDA) 1.80 3.74 3.04 8.58
LSDA density of states and the transmission functions for different d. One can see
the increasing polarization inside the A1 channel, also increasing, but still smaller in
the other two channels. This is also reflected in the transmission that especially in the
vicinity of the Fermi level shows increasing spin polarization, since it stems mostly from
the A1 channel. Depending on the bias voltage the current through the VBz2 will be of
one spin species or the other exclusively, making this system interesting in the field of
spintronics [67, 68]. At d = 3.8 Å, for example, the system can be characterized as a half-
metal since the density of states is metallic at the Fermi level for the minority electrons
and shows a gap for the majority electrons. Our calculations agree qualitatively with
the transport calculations by Maslyuk et al. for V3 Bz4 clusters [68].
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 15
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
0 0 0
−2 −2 −4
−4 −4
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
3 3 3
(d) (e) (f)
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−2 −2 −2
−3 −3 −3
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
Figure 7. (a) Projected density of states for the 3d shell of Co for d = 3.6 Å, (b)
d = 4.0 Å and (c) d = 4.3 Å. The corresponsing transmission functions are shown in
panels (d), (e) and (f) respectively.
PDOS (eV )
PDOS (eV )
0 0 0
−2 −2 −4
−4 −4
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
3 3 3
(d) (e) (f)
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−2 −2 −2
−3 −3 −3
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV) ω (eV)
Figure 8. (a) Projected density of states for the 3d shell of Ni for d = 3.6 Å, (b)
d = 4.0 Å and (c) d = 4.3 Å. The corresponsing transmission functions are shown in
panels (d), (e) and (f) respectively.
weight at energies 2eV below the Fermi level, see Fig. 8(c). The Ni atom is not
magnetic, the asymmetry between spin projections being negligible. This is in line
with measurements and calculations of NiBz2 [61] and also typical for Ni adatoms on
gold and silver surfaces [74, 75, 76], see also the next chapter. Accordingly, the NiBz2
sandwich is never magnetic. The transmission is of course also fully symmetric in both
spin channels, prohibiting possible spintronics applications in this case.
So we find in general three classes of molecules, depending on the valence of the
transition metal center: 1.) Nonmagnetic molecules (ScBz2 ,NiBz2 ) 2.) Molecules whose
moment is enhanced when compressed by electrodes (TiBz2 ) and 3.) Molecules whose
moment is quenched when compressed by electrodes (VBz2 ,CoBz2 ).
−Im∆d/π (eV)
Ni Ni
0 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV)
16 45
(c) E2 channel Sc (d) 3.6
14 Ti 40 4.0
12 V 35 4.3
−Im∆d/π (eV)
−Im∆d/π (eV)
10 Ni
4 10
2 5
0 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
ω (eV) ω (eV)
Figure 9. (a) Imaginary part of the hybridization function for the A1 -channel for
different TM centers. For Ni and Co the distance between lead and TM center is
d = 3.6 Å and for Sc, Ti and V d = 3.2 Å. (b) Same as (a) but for the E1 -channel. (c)
Same as (c) but for the E2 -channel. (d) Total imaginary part of hybridization function
for Co center (summed for all Co 3d-orbitals) in dependence on the distance between
lead and Co center.
from the LDA electronic structure for different TM centers. Obviously, the general
structure of the hybridization function is generic for all molecules: The imaginary part
of the hybridization function exhibits a distinct peak close to the Fermi level (EF ) in
the E2 channel, whose position, width and height depend significantly on the molecular
geometry, specifically on the Bz-TM distance as shown in Fig. 9 (d) for CoBz2 . Close to
EF the E1 channel shows a small hybridization and that of the A1 channel is negligible.
The hybridization in general, however, increases when the molecule is compressed by the
leads. This increase at smaller h could bring about a Kondo effect in the E1 or the E2
channels, as we have shown for CoBz2 [21]. The dominant feature in the hybridization
in the E2 channel stems, similarly as shown for graphene [77, 27] from hybridization
with the πz molecular orbital state of the benzene rings. The feature does not depend
qualitatively on the DFT functional used, as we have found the same feature within
GGA and also in B3LYP calculations. The E1 orbitals show some interaction with
the π system of the Bz rings, but relatively far away from the Fermi level. Close to
the Fermi level the magnitude of the hybridization is quite low compared to the E2
channel. On the other hand, the A1 orbitals do not hybridize with the Benzene rings for
symmetry reasons as we already mentioned above (again similar to the case of Co on
graphene [77, 27]). Hence these orbitals only couple directly to the conduction electrons
in the leads explaining their small to negligible hybridizations. The presence of strong
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 18
molecular resonances in the hybridization function makes this case different from the
case of nanocontacts with magnetic impurities where the hybridization functions are
generally much smoother (see Ref. [26] for comparison).
At larger distances between the molecule and the leads, the molecular character of
the sandwich becomes more pronounced. This is reflected in the hybridization function
as shown in Fig. 9(d) for the CoBz2 sandwich molecule: For larger distances the peak in
the hybridization function corresponding to the E2 channel coupling to the π-molecular
orbital of the benzene rings becomes sharper and shifts to higher energies. This strong
dependence of the hybridization in the E2 channel on the molecular geometry gives us
a handle for controlling the electronic structure and in particular the Kondo effect by
compressing or stretching the molecule with the Cu contacts.
!"!$ &'!(2
ï%! ï#! (! (#! (%! Co (!"' ï%! ï#! (! (#! (%!
t(+0-./ t(+0-./
Ni(d) !")!
(e) #$!!+5
#$!+5 !"(&
!"'! #$+5
!"&! !"($
!"%! !"(!
!"$! #$!!+5
!"'* #$!+5
!"!! !"'(
ï*! ï&! +! +&! +*! ï#' ï#! ï' +! +' +#! +#'
t+.3012 t+.3012
Figure 10. (a,d)Atomic states governing the low energy physics of the molecules
for the smallest distance used, for CoBz2 and VBz2 , respectively. The dominant
contribution is shown lowest with a black frame. The fluctuations bringing about
the orbital Kondo effect are indicated by a red frame and arrows along with another
important non-Kondo contribution. (b,e) Low energy spectral functions (c,f) low
energy transmission functions, for CoBz2 and VBz2 , respectively.
regime, where these fluctuations are frozen [9]. Since the OCA solver allows for the
analysis of the contributions of atomic states to the many-body wave function, similarly
to the sector analysis on CT-QMC we can use this information to get more information
about the possible Kondo state and its origin. Analyzing the atomic states of the
Co 3d shell contributing to the ground state of the system we find that the principal
contribution (∼ 45%) is an atomic state with 8 electrons and a total spin of S = 1
(d8 , S = 1) as shown in Fig. 10(a) (upper panels). The total spin 1 stems from holes
in the E2 and A1 channels. The charge fluctuations in the E2 channel are mainly due
to the contribution (∼ 17%) of an atomic (d7 , S = 3/2) state. There are considerably
weaker contributions (∼ 4%) from atomic (d7 , S = 1/2) and (d9 , S = 1/2) states. The
individual contributions of the remaining atomic states are very small (below 1%) but
add up to a total contribution of 34%.
By exclusion of individual atomic states from the calculation of the spectra we can
determine which fluctuations are responsible for the different spectral features. We find
that the fluctuations between the (d8 , S = 1) and the (d7 , S = 3/2) states are primarily
responsible for the spectral features close to EF including the sharp Kondo peak right
at EF .
Note that the fluctuations from the (d8 , S = 1) to the (d7 , S = 3/2) states that give
rise to the Kondo peak at EF actually cannot lead to a spin Kondo effect since the spin
3/2 of the d7 state is higher than the spin 1 of the principal d8 state. This means that
the spin cannot be flipped via virtual fluctuations involving the (d7 , S = 3/2) state.
Instead the fluctuations between the (d8 , S = 1) and the (d7 , S = 3/2) states which
give rise to the Kondo resonance at EF correspond to an orbital Kondo effect in the
doubly-degenerate E2 levels of the Co 3d shell. Here the index labeling the two orbitals
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 20
with E2 symmetry takes the role of a pseudo spin. One can for example assign |+i to
one orbital and |−i to the other akin to the physical spin 21 . In the principal d8 atomic
state the E2 levels are occupied with three electrons and hence have a pseudo spin of
1/2. By excitation to the (d7 , S = 3/2) state the electron with minority real spin and
with some pseudo spin state is annihilated. By relaxation to the principal electronic
(d8 , S = 1) state a minority real spin electron can now be created in one of the two
pseudo spin states. Those processes that lead to a flip of the pseudo spin then give rise
to the orbital Kondo effect and the formation of the Kondo peak at EF .
The absence of a spin Kondo effect where the total spin 1 of the principal d8 atomic
state is screened, is understood on the following grounds: First, in general the Kondo
scale decreases exponentially with increasing spin of the magnetic impurity [79]. In
addition, here the A1 level does not couple at all to the conduction electrons around
EF (no hybridization). Thus the spin 1/2 associated with it cannot be flipped directly
through hopping processes with the conduction electron bath.
On the other hand, an underscreened Kondo effect as reported in Ref. [80] where
only the spin 1/2 within the E2 shell is screened is also suppressed compared to the
orbital Kondo effect due to Hund’s rule coupling: Screening of the spin 1/2 in the E2
shell can take place by fluctuations to the (d7 , S = 1/2) state. However, the Hund’s rule
coupling J favors the high spin (d7 , S = 3/2) state over the low spin (d7 , S = 1/2) state
as can also be seen from the smaller weight of the latter compared to the former. Hence
the Kondo scale is considerably lower for the underscreened Kondo effect than for the
orbital Kondo effect found here. At even lower temperatures (not accessible within the
OCA) the two Kondo effects may in fact coexist. Hence in principle the setup holds the
possibility of an SU(4) Kondo effect [81], as also observed in other molecular systems
We have checked the dependence of the LDA+OCA spectra on the double counting
correction (DCC) as well as on the interaction parameters U and J. We find that the
Kondo peak is qualitatively stable for U ranging from 3 to 7 eV, and for J ranging from
0.5 to 1 eV. The physics of the system is also qualitatively stable against variations of the
DCC of a few eV around the fully localized limit (FLL) correction. The contributions
of atomic states to the ground state show a continuous trend while the parameters are
varied. The largest contribution to the ground states still stems from the (d8 , S = 1)
state. Depending on the choice of parameters the size of the d7 and d9 contributions is
varying. In particular, changes in the DCC (and consequently the filling of the Co 3d
shell) shift the balance between d7 and d9 admixtures to the ground state. So in general
we find the spectra and also the Kondo peak to be qualitatively robust against shifts
of the impurity levels in energy over a range of several electron volts, and changes of U
between 3 and 7 eV, and of J between 0.5 to 1 eV. As expected for the Kondo effect
the sharp resonance stays pinned to the Fermi level when shifting the impurity levels in
energy, and only height and width somewhat change. The stability of the Kondo effect
against variations of J is another hint towards our conjecture that we have found an
effect related to orbital degrees of freedom and not to spin. For the spin Kondo effect
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 21
the dependence of the Kondo temperature on J is exponential [9], and thus we would
expect a strong influence of a variation in J, which is not the case here.
Stretching the molecule by displacing the tips of the Cu nanowires the Kondo
resonance and the concomitant Fano line shape in the transmission disappear for
distances d ≥ 4 Å. This is accompanied by an increase of the occupation of the Co
3d shell, see table 2. The new regime is characterized by a strong valence mixing
between the d8 and d9 atomic state of roughly equal contribution indicating that the
system is now in the so-called mixed valence regime (see e.g. Ref. [9], Chap. 5).
Hence the orbital Kondo effect and the associated spectral features can be controlled
by stretching or compressing the molecule via the tip atoms of the Cu nanocontact.
This strong sensitivity on the molecular conformation stems from the sharp features in
the hybridization function which change considerably when the molecule is stretched
or compressed as can be seen from Fig. 9(d). This peculiar behavior is qualitatively
different from the case of the nanocontacts containing magnetic impurities where the
hybridization functions are much smoother [26].
Let us now turn to VBz2 . Here we employed the parameters U= 3.5eV, J= 0.75eV.
Figure 6(a) and (d) show the LSDA density of states at d = 3.2 Å and the transmission
function for different d. In contrast to the case of Co the density of states at the Fermi
level, as well as the spin, is dominated by the A1 channel. The spin polarization is still
small, the E1 and E2 channels showing no spin polarization at all. The d shell is in total
filled with about 4e− in LSDA as well as LDA, see Tab. 2.
Since the total charge was fixed close to its LDA value of 4e− , for reasons discussed
above in the methodology section, only a redistribution of charge was possible within
the 3d shell. This redistribution is, however, considerable and from table 2 we can
identify two regimes. In the first regime at d = 3.2 Å the E1 channel, formerly occupied
by one electron increases its filling to about 2.6e− at the expense of the other channels,
that are now occupied by less than one electron each. This means, similarly to the
Co E2 shell discussed above, the V E1 shell now predominantly holds 3 electrons and
a S = 1/2, while the remaining channels hold about one electron altogether. In the
second regime at d > 3.2 Å the charge redistributes such, that the A1 and E2 channels
hold one electron each, while the E1 channel is occupied by two electrons.
However, let us for the moment remain at d = 3.2 Å since in this case a sharp
temperature-dependent peak appears at EF , as shown in Fig. 10(b). Its formation can
be observed at temperatures below kB T = 0.005eV ≈ 120K. The resonance develops
only in the E1 channel and only at d = 3.2 Å in the charge regime discussed above.
An analysis of the hybridization function shown in Fig. 9 indicates that the molecule
has been compressed to such extent, that the hybridization in the E1 channel has risen
considerably; higher than for any other molecule we considered.
In this case the 3d shell is filled with ∼ 4e− , distributed to the different channels
as follows: A1 : 0.9e− , E1 : 2.6e− and E2 : 0.6e− . By exclusion of individual atomic
states from the calculation of the spectral functions we can determine which fluctuations
are responsible for the different spectral features. In the case of V there is one atomic
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 22
(d4 , S = 1) state that contributes with ∼ 30% to the ground state, see Fig. 10(a) (lower
panel). Other notable contributions stem from a (d3 , S = 3/2), a (d5 , S = 3/2) and a
(d5 , S = 1/2) state. All these four atomic states have one electron in the A1 channel
and an empty E2 channel.
Our analysis indicates that an orbital Kondo effect now occurs in the E1 channel.
In this case the orbital degree of freedom in the doubly degenerate E1 channel takes the
role of a pseudo-spin, which is then screened by the conduction electrons of the leads.
Here, we can again exclude that the spin degree of freedom is the most important one.
The reasoning here is completely analogous to the Kondo effect in the E2 channel of
CoBz2 . One possibility for a spin Kondo effect would be a spin 1 Kondo effect screening
the total spin in the 3d shell. This is possible, but very improbable since the A1 channel
couples to the bath very weakly, thus a flipping of the spin via exchange of particles
with the bath is very unlikely. A second possibility would be an underscreened spin
S = 1/2 Kondo effect occurring only in the E1 shell. This is again possible, but is
strongly suppressed due to the Hund’s coupling to the A1 electron. Additionally, the
states bringing about the resonance, shown in Fig. 10(a) (lower panel), are not the
ones required for a spin Kondo effect. Thus, the only effect that is consistent with our
observations is the orbital Kondo effect in the E1 channel.
Correspondingly, the transmission function shows a small feature at the Fermi level.
The size of this feature is much smaller than seen for CoBz2 , since the E1 channel has
much smaller hybridization with the rest of the system due to symmetry as discussed
above. Therefore the indirect effects of the local correlations on the surroundings like
the feature in the transmission are much smaller also [82].
6. Conclusions
We have investigated the TMBz2 molecules with Sc,Ti,V,Co and Ni centers coupled to
Cu nanowires. We have computed how the structural parameters as well as the electronic
and magnetic properties change when the molecules are coupled to Cu electrodes in a
nanocontact geometry. We identify potential candidates for half-metallic behaviour
and spintronics applications. Our study shows, that the parameters of a generalized
Anderson model can be tuned using a real material. In the case of TMBz2 molecules
in a nanocontact the hybridization strenght (∆) can be controlled by the proximity of
the electrodes to the molecule, while the local Coulomb interaction (U, J) as well as the
filling of the 3d shell (n) are controlled by species of the central atom. In this way a
direct connection between a simple theoretical model and a realistic experimental setup
can be made. In addition we have identified two molecules, CoBz2 and VBz2 , that in our
model exhibit the unusual orbital Kondo effect. The Kondo effect occurs in the doubly
degenerate E1 or E2 shells in vanadium and cobalt respectively and follows the same
mechanism in both cases. Further studies might be interesting for larger instances of the
TMn Bzm class of systems. Nanowires made from the sandwich molecules can become
important in spintronics applications. It would thus be worthwhile to investigate how
Effects of valence, geometry and electronic correlations on transport 23
the predictions concerning the properties of such wires, obtained mostly from DFT and
other single particle methods, hold up when electronic correlations are included.
Support from the DFG via FOR1162 and ETSF are acknowledged. MK gratefully
acknowledges the hospitality of the Max-Planck-Institute in Halle (Saale).
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