Xiaobo Zhang CV

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Ph.D. in Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University January 2000

MS in Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University January 1998
MS in Economics, Tianjin Univ. of Finance and Economics, China May 1990
BS in Mathematics, Nankai University, China May 1987


National School of Development, Peking University, China

“National One Thousand Talent Program” Chair Professor of Economics 2012-present

International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC

Senior Research Fellow February 2006-present
Co-Leader, Rural-urban Linkage Program 2009-present
Leader, China Program August 2005-March 2009
Research Fellow February 2003 – January 2006
Postdoctoral Research Fellow February 2000 - January 2003
Research Analyst September 1998 – January 2000
Intern Summer 1996

Zhejiang University
Visiting Guangbiao Professor 2008-present

The World Bank, Washington, DC May-August, 1997

Summer intern, with Michael Ward, Statistical Advisory Service, Development Data Group

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

World Bank Graduate Scholar 1994-1996
Research Assistant for Professor Tim D. Mount. 1996-1997
Teaching Assistant for Professor R. N. Boisvert (Quantitative Methods). 1997-1998

Institute of Economics, Nankai University, China 1990-1994



Refereed journal papers in English

“Clustering as an Organizational Response to Capital Market Inefficiency: Evidence from

Microenterprises in Ethiopia.” (Ali, Merima, Jack Peerlings, and Xiaobo Zhang). Small
Business Economics, forthcoming, 2014.
Agostini, Claudio A., Philip H. Brown, and Xiaobo Zhang. “Neighbor Effects in the Provision of
Public Goods in a Young Democracy: Evidence from China,” Pacific Economic Review,
forthcoming 2014.

“Gender and Public Goods Provision in Tamil Nadu’s Village Governments,” (Kiran Gajwani
and Xiaobo Zhang), World Bank Economic Review, forthcoming, 2014.

“Overcoming Successive Bottlenecks: The Evolution of a Potato Cluster in China,” (Xiaobo

Zhang and Dinghuan Hu), World Development, available online at
10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.003 , 2014.

The Role of Elected and Appointed Village Leaders in the Allocation of Public Resources:
Evidence from a Low-Income Region in China,” (Ren Mu and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of
Development Economics, 107: 17-27, 2014.

“The Rapid Rise of Cross-Regional Agricultural Mechanization Services in China,” (Jin Yang,
Zuhui Huang, Xiaobo Zhang, and Thomas Reardon), American Journal of Agricultural
Economics (Paper and Proceedings), 1-7, 2013.

“Has the flying geese paradigm occurred in China?” (Yue Qu, Fang Cai, and Xiaobo Zhang),
China Economist, 8(6): 18-31, 2013.

“Challenges of Creating Cities in China: Lessons from a Short-lived County-to-City Upgrading

Policy,” (Shenggen Fan, Lixing Li, and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics,
40: 676-291, 2012.

“Patterns of China's Industrialization: Concentration, Specialization, and Clustering,” (Cheryl

Long and Xiaobo Zhang) China Economic Review, 23(3): 593-612, 2012.

“Credit Constraints, Clustering and Profitability among Chinese Firms,” (Jianqing Ruan and
Xiaobo Zhang), Strategic Change, 21: 159–179, 2012.

“The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings in China,”
(Shang-jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Political Economy, 119 (3): 511-564, 2011.

“Positional Spending and Status Seeking in Rural China,” (Philip H. Brown, Erwin Bulte and
Xiaobo Zhang) Journal of Development Economics, 96: 139–149, 2011.

“Cluster-Based Industrialization in China: Financing and Performance,” (Cheryl Long and

Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of International Economics, 84 (1): 112-123, 2011.

“Infrastructure and Cluster Development: A Case Study of Handloom Weavers in Ethiopia,”

(Xiaobo Zhang, Lisa Mooman, Gezahegn Ayele), Journal of Development Studies, 47:12,
1869-1886, 2011.

“China Has Reached the Lewis Turning Point,” (Zhang, Xiaobo, Jin Yang, and Shenglin Wang)
China Economic Review, 22 (4): 542–554, 2011.

“China's One-Child Policy and ‘the Mystery of Missing Women’: Ethnic Minorities and Male-
Biased Sex Ratios” (Erwin Bulte, Nico Heerink and Xiaobo Zhang). Oxford Bulletin of
Economics and Statistics, 73 (1): 21-39. 2011.
“Estimating the Returns to Rural Investment in Nepal Food Policy,” (Andrew Dillon, Manohar
Sharma, and Xiaobo Zhang), Food Policy, 36: 250–258. 2011.

“Why Does the Great Chinese Famine Affect the Male and Female Survivors Differently?
Mortality Selection versus Son Preference.” (Ren Mu and Xiaobo Zhang) Economics &
Human Biology, 9: 92–105, 2011.

“China’s Regional Disparities: Experience and Policy,” (Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur, and
Xiaobo Zhang), Review of Development Finance, 1: 47–56, 2011.

“The Evolution of an Industrial Cluster in China.” (Belton Fleisher, Dinghuan Hu, William
McGuire, and Xiaobo Zhang), China Economic Review, 21(3): 456-469, 2010.

"Finance and Cluster-Based Industrial Development in China," (Jianqing Ruan and Xiaobo
Zhang), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 58:143–164, October 2009.

“Community Poverty And Inequality In Western China: A Tale of Three Villages in Guizhou
Province,” (L. Xing, S. Fan, X. Luo, and X. Zhang), China Economic Review, 20(2): 338-
349, 2009.

“Public Expenditure, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural Uganda,” (Shenggen Fan and
Xiaobo Zhang), African Development Review, 20 (3): 466-496, 2008. [Also reprinted as a
chapter in Public expenditures for agricultural and rural development in Africa, ed. Tewodaj
Mogues, and Samuel Benin. Routledge studies in development economics. London:
Routledge. Chapter 7. Pp: 178-201.]

“Resource Abundance and Regional Development in China,” (Xiaobo Zhang, Li Xing, Shenggen
Fan, and Xiaopeng Luo), Economics of Transition, 16(1): 7-29, 2008.

“The Role of Clustering in Rural Industrialization: A Case Study of Wenzhou's Footwear

Industry.” (Zuhui Huang, Xiaobo Zhang, and Yunwei Zhu), China Economic Review, 2008,
19: 409–420.

“Impact of Famine during Pregnancy and Infancy on Health in Adulthood,” (Z. Yang, W. Zhao,
X. Zhang, R. Mu, Y. Zhai, L. Kong and C. Chen), Obesity Reviews 9 (Suppl. 1), 95–99,

“Rural Industrialization in China and India: Role of Policies and Institutions,” (Anit Mukherjee
and Xiaobo Zhang), World Development, 35 (10): 1621-1634, 2007.

“Asymmetric Property Rights in China’s Economic Growth,” William Mitchell Law Review, 33
(2): 101-116, 2007.

“Incremental Reform and Distortions in China’s Product and Factor Markets,” (Xiaobo Zhang
and Kong-yam Tan), World Bank Economic Review, 21(2): 279-299, 2007. [Reprint as
chapter 8 in Policy Reform and Chinese Markets: Progress and Challenges, Edited by Belton
M. Fleisher, Nicholas C. Hope, Anita Alves Pena, and Dennis Tao Yang. Cheltenham, UK &
Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, 2008.]
“Patterns of spatial convergence and divergence in India and China” (Gajwani, Kiran, Ravi
Kanbur, and Xiaobo Zhang) in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics
2007, Regional: Beyond Transition, eds. F. Bourguignon and B. Pleskovic, page 155-178,

“Is the Relationship between Aid and Economic Growth Nonlinear?” (Andros Kourellos, Chih
Ming Tan, and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Macroeconomics, 29: 515-540, 2007.

“Fiscal Decentralization and Political Centralization in China: Implications for Growth and
Regional Inequality,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 34 (4): 713-726, December, 2006.

“Famine and Overweight in China,” (Zhehui Luo, Ren Mu, and Xiaobo Zhang), Review of
Agricultural Economics, 28 (3): 296-304, 2006.

“Spatial Inequality in Education and Health Care in China,” (X. Zhang and R. Kanbur), China
Economic Review, 16: 189-204, 2005. Reprint as Chapter 3, in Market Development In
China Spillovers, Growth and Inequality, Page 41-60. Edited by Belton M. Fleisher,
Haizheng Li, and Shunfeng Song. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

“Fifty Years of Regional Inequality in China: A Journey Through Central Planning, Reform and
Openness,” (R. Kanbur and X. Zhang), Review of Development Economics, 9(1): 87-106,
January 2005.

“China, Economic Development and Mortality Decline,” (Judith Banister and Xiaobo Zhang),
World Development, 33(1): 21-41, January 2005.

“Local Governance and Public Goods Provision in Rural China,” (Xiaobo Zhang, Shenggen Fan,
Linxiu Zhang, and Jikun Huang) Journal of Public Economics, 88(12): 2857-2871, 2004.

“How Productive Is Infrastructure? New Approach and Evidence from Rural India,” (X. Zhang
and S. Fan), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(2): 492–501, May 2004.

“Reform, Investment and Poverty in Rural China,” (S. Fan, L. Zhang, and X. Zhang) Economic
Development and Cultural Change, 52 (2): 395-422, January 2004.

“Spatial Patterns of Crop Yields in Latin America and the Caribbean,” (Stanley Wood, Liangzhi
You, and Xiaobo Zhang), Cuadernos de Economia (Latin American Journal of Economics),
41 (December): 361-382, 2004.

“Public Investment and Regional Inequality in Rural China,” (X. Zhang and S. Fan) Agricultural
Economics, 30(2): 89-100, 2004.

“Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development in Rural China,” (S. Fan and X. Zhang)
China Economic Review, 15 (2): 203-214, 2004.

“Industrialization, Urbanization, and Land Use in China” (X. Zhang, T. Mount and R. Boisvert),
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2(3): 207-224, September 2004. [Reprint
as a chapter in The Great Urbanization of China edited by Ding LU, page 99-124, Series on
Contemporary China Volume 30, World Scientific, 2012.]
“How China’s WTO Accession Affects Rural Economy in the Less-Developed Regions: A Multi-
Region, General Equilibrium Analysis,” (X. Diao, S. Fan, and X. Zhang), Journal of
Comparative Economics, 31: 332-351, June 2003.

“Does Guanxi Matter To Nonfarm Employment?” (X. Zhang and G. Li), Journal of Comparative
Economics, 3: 315-331, June 2003.

“Structural Change and Economic Growth in China”, (S. Fan, S. Robinson, and X. Zhang), Review of
Development Economics, 7(3): 360-377, 2003. [A Chinese version targeting to general readers is
in China Economics Quarterly, October 2002]

“How Agricultural Research Affects Urban Poverty in Developing Countries?” (S. Fan, C. Fang,
and X. Zhang), World Development, 31(4): 733-741, April 2003.

“How Does FDI Affect Regional Inequality within a Developing Country? Evidence from China”
(X. Zhang and K. Zhang), Journal of Development Studies, 39 (4): 47-67, April 2003.
Reprinted in Globalization and the Third World, edited by B. N. Ghosh and Halil M. Guven,
Palgrave MaCmillan, 109-128, 2006.

“The Emerging Urban Poverty and Inequality in China: Evidence from Household Survey” (C.
Fang, X. Zhang, and S. Fan), China Economic Review, 13 (4): 430-443, December 2002.

‘The Path of Technological Diffusion: Which Neighbors to Learn from?” (X. Zhang, S. Fan, and
X. Cai), Contemporary Economic Policy, 20 (4): 470-478, October 2002.

“Production and Productivity Growth in Chinese Agriculture: New National and Regional
Measures,” (S. Fan and X. Zhang), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 50 (4):
819-838, July 2002. Reprint in China's Agricultural Development: Challenges and
Prospects, edited by Xiao-yuan Dong, Shunfeng Song, and Xiaobo Zhang, Ashagate, p. 129-
151, 2006.

“How Does Public Investment Affect Growth and Poverty in China?” (S. Fan, L. Zhang, and X.
Zhang), World Economy & China, 9 (4): 9-19, July-August 2001.

“What Difference Do Polarisation Measures Make?” (X. Zhang and Ravi Kanbur), Journal of
Development Studies, 37(3): 85-98, February 2001.

“Estimating Crop-Specific Production Technology in Chinese Agriculture: A Generalized

Maximum Entropy Method,” (X. Zhang and S. Fan), American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, 83(2): 378-388, May 2001.

“The Demand for Food Grain in China: New Insights into a Controversy,” (X. Zhang, T. D.
Mount and R. N. Boisvert), Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 30 (1): 1-9, April

“Which Regional Inequality: The Evolution of Rural-Urban or Coast-Inland Inequality in

China?” (R. Kanbur and X. Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, December 1999, 27:

Journal papers in Chinese

“飞雁模式”发生了吗?——对 1998-2008 中国制造业的分析” (曲钥、蔡昉、张晓波)《经
济 学 (季刊)》,12(3), 2013.
[The English version of the paper “Has the flying geese paradigm occurred in China?” was
published in China Economist, 8(6): 18-31, 2013.]

“危机与制造业产业集群的质量升级: 基于浙江产业集群的研究” (阮建青、 张晓波、 卫

龙宝), 《管理世界》,2010 年 2 月.

江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》,40 (1): 54-72, 2010 年 1 月 .

“中国西部地区农村不平等状况研究, 基于贵州住户调查数据的分析” (邢鹂、樊胜根、罗

小朋、张晓波)《经 济 学 (季刊)》,第 8 卷第 1 期 (总第 31 期): 325-346, 2008 年
10 月.

“基于产业集群的包商制与企业家才能。”(阮建青、张晓波、 卫龙宝)《管理世界》, 总
第 182 期): 119-128, 2008 年 11 月.

“资本壁垒与产业集群——基于浙江濮院羊毛衫产业的案例研究,” (阮建青、张晓波、 卫龙
宝) 《经 济 学 (季刊)》,第 7 卷第 1 期(总第 27 期), 2007 年 10 月.

济史研究》2007 年第 4 期。

“社會賦權的交換與區域間、協調發展,” (羅小朋、張曉波) 《二十一世紀雙月刊》 2007 年

2 月號 總第九十九期 13-20.

“农民收入差距问题的一个分析视角:基于农民企业家报酬的考察,” (黄祖辉、张晓波、王
敏) ,《管理世界》, 68-75, 2006.

中国和印度的乡村工业化比较研究,Anit Mukherjee、张晓波,《经济学(季刊)》,2006
年第 1 期。

中国国内产品市场和资本市场的渐进改革和扭曲, 张晓波、陈光炎,《经济学报》,2006
年第 1 卷 2 期。

“The Role of Public Investment in Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction,” (S. Fan, L. Zhang, and
X. Zhang), Journal of South China Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), 1 (1): 1-
13, 2002 (in Chinese).

“Education and Health Inequality in China,” China Economic Quarterly, 2 (2): 405-416, January
2003 (in Chinese).

"Health Inequality and Its Causes: Empirical Analysis Using the China National Child Health
Survey," (Limin Wang, Xiaobo Zhang, and David Coady), China Economic Quarterly, 2 (2):
417-434, January 2003 (in Chinese).

“Divisia Index Theory and Practice,” Journal of Statistics Study, January 1992 (in Chinese).
“An Issue on Regional Comparison,” Journal of Price Theory and Practice, October 1991 (in

“A Solution to the Dilemma of ‘Qiaoweiba’ Index,” Journal of Price Theory and Practice
(Beijing), July 1991 (in Chinese).

“A Social Psychological Analysis on Price Reforms in China,” Journal of Shanxi Statistics Study,
January 1991 (in Chinese).

Books and Special Journal Volumes

Kanbur, Ravi, Shenggen Fan, Shang-jin Wei, and Xiaobo Zhang. Oxford Companion to the
Economics of China. Oxford University Press, forthcoming in 2014.

Zhang, Xiaobo and Jianqing Ruan, The Evolution of Industrial Clusters in China, Zhejiang
University Press, 2011. [in Chinese]

Dillon, Andrew, Manohar Sharma, and Xiaobo Zhang, Estimating the Impact of Access to
Infrastructure and Extension Services in Rural Nepal. IFPRI Research Monograph series,

Zhang, Xiaobo, Arjan de Haan and Shenggen Fan, Narratives of Chinese Economic Reforms:
How Does China Cross the River? World Scientific Publishing, 2010.

Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur and Xiaobo Zhang, Regional Inequality in China: Trends,
Explanations and Policy Responses. Routledge, 2009.

Kanbur, Ravi and Xiaobo Zhang, Governing Rapid Growth in China: Equity and Institutions.
Routledge, 2009.

Kanbur, Ravi, Yingyi Qian and Xiaobo Zhang, guest editor, Special issue on Market
Development and Inequality in China, Economics of Transition, 16 (1), 2008. [With an
introduction “Market Development and Inequality in China,” (Ravi Kanbur, Yingyi Qian and
Xiaobo Zhang), Economics of Transition, 16(1): 1-5, 2008.]

China's Agricultural Development Challenges and Prospects, Edited by Xiao-Yuan Dong,

Shunfeng Song, and Xiaobo Zhang, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2006.

Wan, Guanghua and Xiaobo Zhang, guest editor, special issue on China’s Rising Inequality,
Journal of Comparative Economics. December, 2006. [With an introduction “Rising
inequality in China,” Journal of Comparative Economics, (Guanghua Wan and Xiaobo
Zhang), 34 (4): 651-653, December, 2006.]

Kanbur Ravi, Guanghua Wan and Xiaobo Zhang, guest editor, special issue on Growing
Inequality in China Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 10 (4), November 2005. [With an
introduction, “Introduction: Growing Inequality in China,” (R. Kanbur, G. Wan, and X.
Zhang), Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 10 (4): 405-407, November 2005.]

Fan, Shenggen, Linxliu Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang, Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Rural
China: the Role of Public Investments. IFPRI Research Report 125. 2002. [The Chinese
version has been published as a book by the Chinese Agricultural Press, Beijing.] It
underwent rigorous internal and external review.

Book Chapters, Reports, and Other Publications

Zhang, Xiaobo. “Clusters as an Instrument for Industrial Policy: The Case of China,” in The
Industrial Policy Revolution I. The Role of Government beyond Ideology, edited by Joseph E.
Stiglitz and Justin Lin Yifu, International Economic Association Series, Palgrave Macmillan.
Forthcoming in 2014.

Qu, Yue, Fang Cai, and Xiaobo Zhang, 2012. “Has the ‘Flying Geese’ Phenomenon in Industrial
Transformation Occurred in China,” in Rebalancing and Sustaining Growth in China, edited
by Huw McKay and Ligang Song, page 93-110, ANU E Press, Canberra, Australia.

“Agricultural extension, transactions costs, and supply response: Discussion.” American Journal
of Agricultural Economics, 94 (2): 393-394. 2012.

“The Evolution of Chinese Entrepreneurial Firms: Township-Village Enterprises Revisited,” with

Chenggang Xu in China’s Economic Transformation, edited by Ronald Coase, University of
Chicago Press, 2010. Also in Reform and Development in China: What Can China Offer the
Developing World? edited by Ho-Mou Wu and Yang Yao, London and New York:
Routledge. 2010

“China: An Unfinished Reform Agenda, ” with Shenggen Fan and Keming Qin in Agricultural
R&D in Developing Countries: Too Little, Too Late, pp.29-64, edited by P. Pardey, R.
Piggott, and J. Alston, Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2006.

“Introduction: China's agricultural development: challenges and prospects,” Xiao-Yuan Dong,

Shunfeng Song and Xiaobo Zhang, pp. 29-64, in China's Agricultural Development
Challenges and Prospects, Edited by Xiao-Yuan Dong, Shunfeng Song, and Xiaobo Zhang,
Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2006.

“Fiscal Decentralization, Nonfarm Development, and Spatial Inequality in Rural China,” Xiaobo
Zhang and Shenggen Fan, in Dragons with Clay Feet? Transition, Sustainable Rural
Resource Use, and Rural Environment in China and Vietnam, edited by Max Spoor, Nico
Heerink, and Futian Qu, The Hague: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2006.

Uganda and Tanzania: pro-poor public investment. Fan, Shenggen; Nyange, David; Zhang,
Xiaobo. Washington, DC / Entebbe, Uganda: International Food Policy Research Institute
(IFPRI) / Eastern and Central Africa Programme for Agricultural Policy Analysis
(ECAPAPA), 2006.

"Patterns of Regional Inequality in India and China," (Kiran Gajwani, Ravi Kanbur, and Xiaobo
Zhang) Beyond Transition, October-, 16(4), December 2005.

Book review on “Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy Implications” (eds Tho S. Eicher and
Stephen J. Turnovsky. Tokyo, New York, and Paris: Unitated Nations University Press,
2003) and “Pespective on Growth and Povety” (eds. Rolph van der Hoeven and Anthony
Shorrocks. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2000) in Journal of Economic Inequality, 2005.
"The Issues of Education and Healthcare Inequality in China," in Equity and Social Equality in
Transitional China, Ed. by Yang Yao, China Renmin University Press, pp 209-224, 2004.

"The Causes of China's Health Inequality," by Limin Wang, Xiaobo Zhang, and David Coady, in
Equity and Social Equality in Transitional China, Ed. by Yang Yao, China Renmin
University Press, pp 225-248, 2004.

“Urban Poverty and Inequality in the Era of Reforms,” with Shenggen Fan and Cheng Fang in
Urbanization and Social Welfare in China, edited by Aimin Chen, Gordon G. Liu, and Kevin
Zhang, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003.

“How Do Industrialization and Urbanization Affect Land Use?” in Urbanization Transformation

in China: Theory, Evidence, and Policy, edited by Aimin Chen and Kevin Zhang, Edward
Elgar, 2003.

“Regional Inequality,” with Kevin Zhang, in Shang-Jin Wei, Guangzhong James Wen and
Huizhong Zhou ed. The Globalization of Chinese Economy, page 118-133. Edward Elgar,

“FDI and Regional Inequality,” with Kevin Zhang in WTO and China: Development Through
Globalization, ed. James Wen, Zhihai Zheng, Xinkui Wang, and Xuejin Zuo, pp. 347-359.
Beijing: China People’s University Press, 2001 (in Chinese).

“Public Spending Spurs Growth,” with Shenggen Fan and Linxiu Zhang, China Daily, August 16,

“Why China Should Invest More in Rural Areas: Sources of Growth Analysis,” with Shenggen
Fan and Sherman Robinson. A Report of ACIAR funded project on public investment in
Chinese agriculture. A Report of ACIAR funded project on public investment in Chinese
agriculture, 2000.

“The Profile of China’s Regional Inequality: The Importance of Nonfarm Sector and Public
Inputs,” with Shenggen Fan. A Report of ACIAR funded project on public investment in
Chinese agriculture, 2000.

“Priorities of Public Investment in Rural China: A County-Level Analysis,” with Shenggen Fan,
Xiaohe Ma, and Linxiu Zhang. A Report of ACIAR funded project on public investment in
Chinese agriculture, 2000.

Working Papers

Zhibo Tan, Shang-jin Wei, and Xiaobo Zhang, 2014. “The Morbidity and Mortality Cost of
Skewed Sex Ratios in China.” IFPRI Discussion Paper, forthcoming.
Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur, Shang-jin Wei, and Xiaobo Zhang. 2013. “The Economics of China:
Successes and Challenges.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No.

Zhang, Chunni, Qi Xu, Xiang Zhou, Xiaobo Zhang, Yu Xie, 2013. “An Evaluation of Poverty
Prevalence in China: New Evidence from Four Recent Surveys,” IFPRI Discussion Paper, No.
Xing, Haipeng and Xiaobo Zhang, 2013. “The Logic of Adaptive Sequential Experimentation in
Policy Design.” IFPRI Discussion Paper # 1273.

Zhang, Xiaobo, Shahidur Rashid, Kaikaus Ahmad, Valerie Mueller, Hak Lim Lee, Solomon
Lemma, Saika Belal, and Akhter Ahmed, 2013. “Rising wages in Bangladesh,” IFPRI
Discussion Paper # 1249. Revise and resubmit in World Development.

Qin, Yu and Xiaobo Zhang, 2012, “The Road to Specialization in Agricultural Production:
Evidence from Rural China,” IFPRI Discussion Paper Discussion Paper #1221.

Chen, Xi and Xiaobo Zhang, 2012. "Costly Posturing: Relative Status, Ceremonies and Early
Child Development." UNU-WIDER Working Paper #2012/70 and IFPRI Discussion Paper

Chang, Simon and Xiaobo Zhang, 2012. “The Economic Consequences of Excess Men: Evidence
from a Natural Experiment in Taiwan.” IFPRI Discussion Paper #01203.

Wei, Shang-jin, Xiaobo Zhang, and Yin Liu, 2012. “Status Competition and Housing Prices.”
NBER Working Paper #18000.

Chen, Xi, Ravi Kanbur, and Xiaobo Zhang. 2011. “Peer Effects, Risk Pooling, and Status
Seeking What Explains Gift Spending Escalation in Rural China?” IFPRI Discussion Paper
No. 01151 (also as CEPR Working Paper #8777).

Wei, Shang-jin and Xiaobo Zhang, 2011. “Sex Ratios, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth
in the People’s Republic of China.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
No. 16800.

Ruan, Jianqing and Xiaobo Zhang, 2010. “Do Geese Migrate Domestically? Evidence from the
Chinese Textile and Apparel Industry.” IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 1040.

Ruan, Jianqing and Xiaobo Zhang, 2010. “Made in China: Crises Beget Quality Upgrade,” IFPRI
Discussion paper No. 1025.

Derek Headey, Ravi Kanbur and Xiaobo Zhang, "China's Growth Strategies", Department of
Applied Economic and Management Working Paper No. 2008-17, Cornell University,
August, 2008. Published as an introduction chapter in the book Governing Rapid Growth in
China: Equity and Institutions, edited by Ravi Kanbur and Xiaobo Zhang, Routledge, 2009.

Jianqing Ruan and Xiaobo Zhang, “Credit Constraints, Organizational Choice, and Returns to
Capital,” IFPRI Discussion paper No. 830, 2008.

Yao, Yi and Xiaobo Zhang, "Race to the Top and Race to the Bottom: Tax Competition in Rural
China,” IFPRI Discussion paper No 799, 2008.

Zhang, Xiaobo, Marc Rockmore, and Jordan Chamberlin, “A Typology for Vulnerability and
Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa,” IFPRI Discussion Paper NO. 00734, 2007.

Rockmore, Marc and Xiaobo Zhang, “Moving Up and Down: A New Way of Examining Country
Growth Dynamics,” DSG Discussion Paper No. 40, IFPRI, 2006.
Zhang, Xiaobo, “Security is Like Oxygen,” DSG Discussion Paper No. 6, IFPRI, 2004.

Zhang, Xiaobo, Johnson, Michael, Danielle Resinick, and Sherman Robinson, “Cross-country
Typologies and Development Strategies in Africa,” Development Strategy and Governance
Division (DSG) Discussion Paper No. 8, IFPRI, 2004.


1. Co-editor, China Economic Review, 2010-present.

2. Member of review panel, German Research Foundation, 2012.
3. Chair, China Section, American Association of Applied Economics, 2010-2011.
4. Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement Visiting Fellow, Colby College,
September 2009.
5. President (2005-2006), Vice President and member of board of directors (2003-04), Chinese
Economists Society.
6. Member, IFPRI Publication Committee, 2006-present.
7. Member, Academic committee, Fudan Economics Papers. 2006-2008.
8. Reviewer, China National Science Foundation, 2005-present.
9. Editorial board, International Journal of Applied Economics, 2004-2006.
10. Visiting professor, Nanjing Agricultural University, October 2004-present.
11. Visiting Fellow, International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 2004-present.
12. Co-organizer, Pre-Conference Workshop “China and its Development Challenges” at the
26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, August 12,
2006, Gold Coast, Australia.
13. Organizer, Chinese Economists Society annual meetings “Governing Rapid Growth in China:
Efficiency, Equity, and Institution,” Shanghai, July 2-4, 2006.
14. Co-organizer, International Conference on the Dragon and Elephant: China and India’s
Economic Reforms, Shanghai, July 1-2, 2006.
15. Co-organizer, PRCC/IFPRI International Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategy in the
New Millennium: Emerging Issues, Experiences and Lessons, May 23-24, 2006, Beijing.
16. Co-organizer, Cornell/IFPRI Conference on Nonlinearity and Threshold in Development,
Washington, DC, May 11-13, 2005.
17. Organizer, International Workshop on Nonfarm Economy in Developing Countries,
Wenzhou, China, March 19-22, 2005.
18. Co-organizer, Cornell/IFPRI/WIDER Conference on Growing Inequality in China,
September 25-26, 2004.
19. Co-organizer, a workshop on “Priorities for Public Investment in Chinese Agriculture”,
funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Wuxi,
China, November 1-4, 2000.
20. Reviewer for Agricultural Economics, American Economic Review, American Journal of
Agricultural Economics, Area, Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian
Journal of Agricultural Economics, China Economics Quarterly, China Economic Review,
Chinese Journal of Economics and Business Studies, China Review Journal, Contemporary
Economic Policy, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economic Journal,
Economics of Transition, Food Policy, International Journal of Applied Economics, Journal
of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Journal of Asian Pacify Economy, Journal of
Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development
Studies, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of International Trade and Economic
Development, Journal of Public Economics, Pacific Economic Review, Review of
Development Economics, Urban Studies, World Bank Economic Review, and World
21. Invited seminars at Bates College, Beijing University, Central University of Finance and
Economics, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Colby College, Cornell
University, Fudan University, Foundation for Advanced Studies on International
Development in Japan (FASID), IIASA, George Washington University, Hitotsubashi
University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, John Hopkins University,
Kansas State University, MIT, Oxford University, National University of Singapore, Renmin
University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Paris School of Economics, Renmin, Southwestern
University of Finance and Economics, Stanford University, Texas A&M University,
Tsinghua University, University of Maryland, University of Michigan, University of Western
Australia, Wageningen University, World Bank, Xiamen University, Yale University, and
Zhejiang University.


1. Grant from China National Science Foundation (71350002), joint with Justin Lin. 2013.
2. Grant from China National Science Foundation (71341002), 2013.
3. Keynote speech at Fudan University’s TED conference, September 20-21, 2013.
4. Keynote speech at China Economics Association annual meetings, 2012 and 2013
5. Huang Da-Mundell Lecture, Renmin University, China, 2013.
6. China National One Thousand Talent Program Award, 2012.
7. Keynote speech at the Chinese Economics Society Australia 24th conference, Canberra.
8. Winner of the IFPRI Innovative Research Fund, 2010 ($300,000).
9. The Gregory and Paula Chow Best Paper Award from the Chinese Economists Society
Conference in 2010 for "The Sexual Foundation of Economic Growth: Evidence from China"
co-authored by Shang-jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang.
10. Research award from the National Science Foundation (with Shang-jin Wei), "Competitive
Savings, Competitive Growth, and Global Implications," (Reference No. 1024574),
$325,938, 2010-2013.
11. Overseas Collaborative Research Award, China Natural Science Foundation, 2008-2011.
12. The Gregory and Paula Chow Best Paper Award from the Chinese Economists Society
Conference in 2008 for "Race to the Top and Race to the Bottom: Tax Competition in Rural
China" co-authored by Yi Yao and Xiaobo Zhang.
13. Ford Teaching Fellowship awarded by the Chinese Economists Society, 2004.
14. First prize of the journal articles by the Chinese Association of Agriculture for the paper
"Pubic Investment, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural China" by Shenggen Fan, Linxiu
Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang published in the Journal of South China Agricultural University
(Social Science Edition), 2003.
15. An award of Competent Toastmaster (CTM), Toastmasters International, 2001.
16. Finalist (with Shenggen Fan and Linxiu Zhang), for a research medal in the Escaping Poverty
Category of the Global Awards at the Second Annual Global Development Network
Conference at Tokyo, December 10-13, 2000.
17. Graduate travel grant from the Graduate School at Cornell University. August 1999.
18. Outstanding M.S. Thesis Award from the Northeastern Agricultural Economics Association.
June 1999.
19. Award of Merit for Outstanding M.S. Thesis in the Graduate Field of Applied Economics
1998-1999 from Cornell University. May 1999.
20. Graduate travel grant from the Graduate School at Cornell University. June 1998.
21. L.T. Lam Family Awards for South China research, Cornell University. December 1997.
22. Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honorary Society of Agriculture. 1996
23. L.T. Lam Awards for South China research, Cornell University. December, 1995
24. World Bank Graduate Scholarship 1994-1996.


Associated Press, Bloomberg Business Week, China Daily, Denver Post, Economist, Financial
Times, Forbes, Foreign Policy, Freakonomics, Guardian, New York Times, New Republic, NPR
Radio, Quartz, South China Morning Post, Walls Street Journal and major media outlets in China.


Cornell University: Xi Chen, Kiran Gajwani, Yi Yao, and Yu Qin.

Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium: Xiaoqiang Cheng.
University of Maryland: Lixing Li.
Peking University: Zixuan He, Jincao Huang, Mengqi Niu, Romain Lafarguette, Zhuan Xie,
Dong Yuan, Baiping Zhang, and Xin Zhang.
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics: Mingqiao Li and Lihe Xu.
Zhejiang University, China: Jianqing Ruan, Jin Yang and Yunwei Zhu.

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