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Unit III Atd

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1. What Is Variable Flow Process? Give Examples.

The rates of energy and mass transfer into and out of the control volume are not same in the cases of
variable flow process or transient flow process.


Tank filling process

Tank emptying process

2. Write Equation Of Mass Balance And Energy Balance For Filling Process?

Mass balance

Mi = M2 – M1

Energy balance:

 Vi 2 
M2 u2 – m1 u1 = Mi hi   gzi   Q
 2 

Suppose K.E = P. E = 0

 M2 u2 – m1 u1 = mi [hi] + Q
Suppose no heat transfer ie   0

M2 u1-m1 u1 = Mi hi

3. Write Equation Of Mass Balance And Energy Balance For Emptying Process?

Mass balance

Me = M1-M2

Energy balance

 Ve 2 
M1 u1 – M2 u2 = he   gze   Q
 2 

Suppose K.E = P.E = 0

 M1 u1 – M2 u2 = Me he – Q

Suppose no heat transfer ie Q = 0

M1 u1 – M2 u2 = Me he
4. Write The Equation Of Mass And Energy Conservation Of Control Volume?

Mass balance:

The rate at which the mass of fluid within the control volume is accumulated as equal to the net rate of
mass flow across the control surface, as given below.

dmv dM 1 dM 2
 
dt dt dt

Where my is the mass of fluid within the control volume at any instant.

Energy balance:

The rate of accumulation of energy within the control volume is equal to the net rate of energy flow
across the control surface. If Ev is the energy of fluid within the control volume at any instant.

dEv  V 12  d  V 22  dwx
 M 1 h1   gz1   m2 h2   gz 2  
dt  2  dt  2  dt

 MV 2 
Where Ev = U   mgz v
 2 

5. Prove That The Enthalpy Is Converted To Internal Energy For Charging The Tank If It Is Initially

Mass balance for charging the tank.

Mi = M2-M1

But M1 = 0

1  Mi = M2

Energy balance for charging the tank

M2 u2 – M1 u1 = Mi hi

But M1 =0

 M2-u2 = Mi hi From eq 2 we get hence proved.

u2 = hi
6. What Are The Assumption For Transient Analysis?

1. The control volume remains constant relative to the coordinate frame.

2. The state of the mass within the control volume may change with time, but at any instant of time the
state is uniform throughout the entire control volume.
3. The state of the mass crossing each of the areas of flow on the control surface is constant with time
although the mass flow rates may be time varying.

7. Write The Equation For Availability In Transient System?

In the case of an unsteady (variable flow) open system or closed system, the volume of the system
changes. Hence, when a system exchanges heat only with the atmosphere,

(dWo) max = dm1

 V 12   V 22   mV 2 
 h1  ToS1   gz1  dm 2 h 2  ToS 2   gz 2   d U  PoV   mgz  Tos 
 2   2   2 

Where (dWu) max  maximum useful work for an Unsteady flow (Availability)

8. Write The Availability Equation For Closed System? For Unsteady?

For closed system, dM1 = dM2 = 0

 mV 2 
U  PoV  Tos   mgz 
(dWu) max = - d  2 
  d [ E  PoV  Tos ]

Wu  max  E1  E 2  poV 1  V 2  ToS1  S 2

Suppose K.E = P.E = 0

(Wumax) = (U1+PoV1-ToS1) – (U2+PoV2-ToS2)

9. Write The Expression For Irreversibility Or Energy Loss In A Process Excited By A) Closed System
B) Open System

Closed System:

I = Wmax – W
= [U1-U2 – To (s1-s2)] – (U1- U2 +  )
= - To (s1-s2) - 
= To (s2-s1) – Q But Q =  ssurTo
= To Ssys  ToSsurr
= To [ Ssys  Ssurr ]
= To  S universe
Open System:
I = Wmax – W
 M 1V 12   M 2V 22 
  H 1  Tos1   M 1gz1   H 2  Tos 2   mgz 2 
 2   2 
 M 1V 12   M 2V 2  
  H 1   M 1gz1   H 2   M 2 gz 2    
 2   2  
 ToS1  ToS 2  
 ToS 2  S1   But  = -To  Ssurr
 ToSsys  ToSsurr
 ToSsys  Ssurr 
 ToSuniverse

10. State The Gouy – Stodola Theorem.

The gouy – stodola theorem states that the rate of loss of available energy or exergy in a process
proportional to the rate of entropy generation, Sgem

I = Wlost

= To Suniv

= to Sgen

This is known as Gouy – stodola equation. A thermodynamically efficientprocess would involve

minimum exergy loss with minimum rate of entropy generation.
1. Derive The Equation For General Conservation Of Man And Energy Of Variable Flow Procom.

 Many flow processes, such as filling up and evacuating gas cylinders are not steady.
 Such process analyzed by control volume technique.
 Consider a device through which a fluid is flowing under non – steady state conditions.
1 M2
M1 Control volume

1 2

Conservation of mass:-

 The rate at which the mass of fluid within the control volume is a cumulated as equal to the net rate of
mass flow across the control surface, as given below.
  M1  M 2

dmv dm1 dm 2
 
dt dt dt

Where Mv is the mass of fluid within the control volume at any instant.

Over any finite period of time

mv  M 1  M 2

Conservation of Energy.

The rate of accumulation of energy within the control volume is equal to the net rate of energy flow
across the control surface. If Ev is the energy of fluid within the control volume at any instant.

dQ dWx
dt dt

1 2
d  mV 2 
U  mgz r
dt  2 
 V 12   V 22 
M 1 h1   gz1 1 M 2 h 2   gz 2  2
 2   2 
Rate of energy increase = Rate of energy inflow – Rate of energy out flow.
dEv  V 12  d dWx  V 22 
 M 1h1  gz1    M 2 h 2   z2g 
dt  2  dt dt  2 
 mV 2 
ButEv  U   mgz U
 2 
dEv d  mV 2 
  U  mgz 
dt dt  2 
dm1  V 12  d dWx dM 2  V 22 
  h1   gz1     h2   gz 2 
dt  2  dt dt dt  2 

For any finite time interval, equation --------- 4 become

 V 12   V 22  
Ev  Q  Wx   h1   gz1dM 1   h 2   gz 2 dM 2      5
 2   2  

This is general energy equation.

2. Explain Charging And Discharging In A Variable Flow Procem.

Let us consider a tank discharging a fluid into a supply line. Since dwx = 0 and dmin = 0

Applying first law to control volume.

Supply line

Value c.s

Control volume

 V2 
dUv = dQ +  h   gz outdmout
 2 

Assuming K.E and P.E of the fluid to be small and dQ = 0

 dU = hdm
But U = mu
 d (mu) = hdm
But h = u + pv
 d (mu) (u + pv) dm
Differentiate on left side
Mdu +udm = udm + pvdm
Mdu = pvdm
du dm

p m

Again v = mv = constant

Differentiate on both sides

Mdv + vdm = 0

Mdv = -vdm

d dm
 
p m

From eq 2 & 3 we get

du d
 
p m

Vdu = - pvd v

Vdu + pvdv = 0 h = u+pv

 d(u + pv) = 0 dh = du + pdv + vdp


dQ = 0

Which is shows the process is adiabatic and quasi – static.

For charging a tank:

hdm in   Uv
 m2 u2-m1u1 = himi

Suppose tank is initially empty

M1 = 0

Eq 6 becomes  mihi = m2u2

From man balance mi = m2

 hi = u2
Enthalpy is converted to internal energy.

If the fluid is an ideal gas, the temperature of the gas in the tank after it is charge is given by


T2 = Ti

T2 = Ti

3. Explain Availability In Transiting Analysis

Availability in transistent system:

In the case of an unsteady (variable flow) open system or closed system, the volume of the system
changes. Hence, when a system exchanges heat only with the atmosphere, the maximum useful work becomes.

(dWU)max dWmax – Podv

But dWmax =
     
 mgz  Tos   d U  Pov  Tos
V 12 V 22 mV 2
dm1 h1  Tos1   gz1  dm2 h2  Tos2   gz 2   d U 
 2   2   2 

Put 2 in 1 we get

dWu  max  dm1 h1  Tos1  V 12  

  dm 2 h 2  Tos 2 
V 22  
 gzx   d U 
mV 2 
 mgz  Tos   Podv
 2  gz1   2   2 

dWu  max  dm1 h1  Tos1  V 12  

  dm2 h2  Tos 2 
V 22  
 gzx   d U 
mV 2 
 mgz  Tos   Podv
 2  gz1   2   2 

 V 12   V 22   mV 2 
 dm1 h1  Tos1    dm 2 h 2  Tos 2   gzx   d U  Pov   mgz  Tos 
 2  gz1   2   2 

This is the maximum useful work for an unsteady open system.

For the closed system,

Eq 3 dm1 = dm2 = 0

dWu  max  d U  Pov  Tos  mv 2  mgz 

 2 
  d E  Pov  Tos WhereE  U 
mV 2
 mgz

 (Wu)max = E1-E2+Po(V1-V2)-To(S1-S2)

If D.E and P.E are neglected, eg 4


 (Wu)max = (U1-U2)+Po(V1-V2)- To(S1-S2)

This can also be written in the following form

 (Wu)max = (U1+PoV1-ToS1) - (U2+PoV2-ToS2)

= 1   2

Where  is called change in availability function for a closed system given by

 = U + Pov – ToS

The useful work per unit mass becomes

 (Wu)max = (U1+PoV1-ToS1) - (U2+PoV2-ToS2)

4. Explain Irreversibility Concept In Transiting Flow.

The actual work done by a system is always less than the idealized reversible work, and the difference
between the two is called the irreversibility of the process.

I = Wmax –W

This is also sometimes referred to as ‘degradation’ or “dissipation”.

For a non – flow process between the equilibrium states, when the system exchanges heat only with the

I = [(U1-U2) – To (S1-S2)] – (U1-U2+Q)

= (U1-U2) – To (S1-S2) – (U1-U2) – Q

= To (S2-S1) – Q But   Ssun

= To S sys  ToS surr

= To S Syst  S surr 

= To Suniverse

IIIly, for the steady flow

I = Wmax – W

 mV 1   mV 2 
 H 1  ToS1  2  mgz1   H 2  ToS 2  2  mgz 2 
=    
 mV 12   mV 22  
  H 1   mgz1   H 2   mgz 2    
 2   2  
= -ToS1+ToS2 - 

= To (S2-S1) - 

= ToSsyrt   ToS surr

= ToSsys  Ssurr 

= ToSuniv.

The same expression for irreversibility applies to both flow and non – flow process.

The Gouy – Stodola theorem states that the rate of loss o available energy or exergy in a process in
proportional to the rate of entropy generation, Sgen.

Eq 2 & 3

I = Wlost

= ToSuniv

= To Sgen

This is known as Gouy – stodals equation.

A thermodynamically efficient process would involve minimum exergy loss with minimum rate of
entropy generation.

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