M. A. Tsfasman, S. G. Vlăduţ Auth. Algebraic-Geometric Codes PDF

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Algebraic-Geometric Codes

Mathematics and Its Applications (Soviet Series)

Managing Editor:

Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Editorial Board:

A. A. KIRILLOV, MGU, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Yu. I. MANIN, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
N. N . MOISEEV, Computing Centre, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
S. P. NOVIKOV, Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
M. C. POLYVANOV, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
Yu. A. ROZANOV, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Volume 58

M. A. Tsfasman
Institute of Information Transmission,
Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, U.S.S.R.

S. G. Vlädut
Centrai Economical Mathematical Institute,
Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, U.S.S.R.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Tsfasman, M. A. ( M i c h a e l A . ) , 1954-
A l g e b r a i c - g e o r o e t r l c codes / by M,A. Tsfasman and S.G. V l ä d u j .
p. cm. — (Mathematics and I t s a p p l i c a t i o n s . S o v i e t s e r i e s ;
T r a n s l a t e d from R u s s i a n .
I n c l u d e s b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l r e f e r e n c e s and Index.
ISBN 978-1-4020-0335-6 ISBN 978-94-011-3810-9 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-3810-9
1. Coding t h e o r y . 2. Geometry, A l g e b r a i c . I. v l ä d u t , S. G.
(Serge G . ) , 1954- . II.Title. I I I . S e r i e s : Mathematics and i t s
a p p l i c a t i o n s (Kluwer Academic P u b l i s h e r s ) . S o v i e t s e r i e s ; 58.
QA268.T75 1991
003.54—dc20 91-12192
ISBN 978-1-4020-0335-6

Printed on acid-free paper

All Rights Reserved

©1991 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1991
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1991
No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

'Et moi, ..., si j'avait su comment en revenir, One service mathematics has rendered the
je n'y serais point aIle.' human race. It has put common sense back
Jules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next
to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non-
The series is divergent; therefore we may be sense'.
able to do something with it. Eric T. Bell
O. Heaviside

Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non-
linearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for
other sciences.
Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as:
'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered com-
puter science ...'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And
all statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d' etre of this series.
This series, Mathematics and Its Applications, started in 1977. Now that over one hundred
volumes have appeared it seems opportune to reexamine its scope. At the time I wrote
"Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and
textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the 'tree' of knowledge of
mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It
also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely
disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication
of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years:
measure theory is used (non-trivially) in regional and theoretical economics; algebraic
geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure
of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal
defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are
relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces. And
in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisciplines as 'experimental
mathematics', 'CFD', 'completely integrable systems', 'chaos, synergetics and large-scale
order', which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes. They
draw upon widely different sections of mathematics."
By and large, all this still applies today. It is still true that at first sight mathematics seems rather
fragmented and that to find, see, and exploit the deeper underlying interrelations more effort is
needed and so are books that can help mathematicians and scientists do so. Accordingly MIA will
continue to try to make such books available.
If anything, the description I gave in 1977 is now an understatement. To the examples of
interaction areas one should add string theory where Riemann surfaces, algebraic geometry, modu-
lar functions, knots, quantum field theory, Kac-Moody algebras, monstrous moonshine (and more)
all corne together. And to the examples of things which can be usefully applied let me add the topic
'finite geometry'; a combination of words which sounds like it might not even exist, let alone be
applicable. And yet it is being applied: to statistics via designs, to radar/sonar detection arrays (via
finite projective planes), and to bus connections of VLSI chips (via difference sets). There seems to
be no part of (so-called pure) mathematics that is not in immediate danger of being applied. And,
accordingly, the applied mathematician needs to be aware of much more. Besides analysis and
numerics, the traditional workhorses, he may need all kinds of combinatorics, algebra, probability,
and so on.
In addition, the applied scientist needs to cope increasingly with the nonlinear world and the


extra mathematical sophistication that this requires. For that is where the rewards are. Linear
models are honest and a bit sad and depressing: proportional efforts and results. It is in the non-
linear world that infinitesimal inputs may result in macroscopic outputs (or vice versa). To appreci-
ate what I am hinting at: if electronics were linear we would have no fun with transistors and com-
puters; we would have no TV; in fact you would not be reading these lines.
There is also no safety in ignoring such outlandish things as nonstandard analysis, superspace
and anticommuting integration, p-adic and ultrametric space. All three have applications in both
electrical engineering and physics. Once, complex numbers were equally outlandish, but they fre-
quently proved the shortest path between 'real' results. Similarly, the first two topics named have
already provided a number of 'wormhole' paths. There is no telling where all this is leading -
Thus the original scope of the series, which for various (sound) reasons now comprises five sub-
series: white (Japan), yellow (China), red (USSR), blue (Eastern Europe), and green (everything
else), still applies. It has been enlarged a bit to include books treating of the tools from one subdis-
cipline which are used in others. Thus the series still aims at books dealing with:
- a central concept which plays an important role in several different mathematical and/or
scientific specialization areas;
- new applications of the results and ideas from one area of scientific endeavour into another;
- influences which the results, problems and concepts of one field of enquiry have, and have had.,
on the development of another.

In designing an (error correcting) code one naturally, given certain desiderata such as the number of
errors that can be automatically corrected, desires to code as efficiently as possible. For a long time
there was a conjectural bound, the Gilbert-Varshanov bound. Then came Goppa with his algebraic-
geometry based codes (now usually called Goppa codes) and using these ideas the bound was
broken by Th. Zink and the authors of the present volume (1981).
There are now two books on these codes in this series and they complement and supplement
each other. The first, by Goppa himself, stresses the intuitive basic ideas. But these codes are based
on algebraic geometry, mostly the problem of the number of rational points of curves defined over
finite fields. And that is a technically complicated subject. The present book is a complete full treat-
ment of the subject by two authors who have been in the forefront of the research on these codes
for the full 10 years of their history.

The shortest path between two truths in the Never lend books, for no one ever returns
real domain passes through the complex them; the only books I bave in my library
domain. are books that other folk have lent me.
J. Hadamard Anatole France

La physique ne nous donne pas seulement The function of an expert is not to be more
l' occasion de resoudre des problemes ... elle right than other people, but to be wrong for
nous fait pressentir la solution. more sophisticated reasons.
H. Poincare David Butler

Bussum, 5 March 1991 Michiel Hazewinkel


Series Editor I s Preface. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Preface. . • . . • • . • • . • • • • . • . • . • • • . • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Advices to the reader................................ xxi
PART 1. CODES····..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1.1. Codes and their parameters........... 5
1.1.1. Definition of a code........ 6
1.1.2. [n,k,d]q-systems............ 9
Spectra and duality .........
1.1.3. 14
1 . 1 . 4 . Bounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Chapter 1.2. Examples and constructions . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1.2.1. Codes of genus zero ......... 38
1.2.2. Some families of codes ...... 43
1.2.3. Some constructions . . . . . . . . . . 59
Chapter 1.3. Asymptotic problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
1.3.1. The principal asymptotic
problem. • . . . • . . • . . . • • • • . . . . . 68
1.3.2. Asymptotic bounds ..••....... 71
1.3.3. Polynomial families of codes 79
1. 3.4. Polynomial bounds........... 81
1.3.5. Some other asymptotics ...... 86
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 1 .. 92
PART 2. CURVES··.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Chapter 2.1. Algebraic curves •...........•........ 101
2.1.1. Quasi-projective varieties .. 102
2.1.2. Quasi-projective curves ..... 115
2.1.3. Divisors ...••...•.••........ 120
2.1.4. Jacobians ..••...•..•......•. 131
2.1.5. Riemann surfaces ...••.••.... 135
Chapter 2.2. Riemann-Roch theorem .•..•.•.••..•.... 141
2.2.1. Differential forms .......... 142
2.2.2. Riemann-Roch theorem .•...... 150
2.2.3. Hurwitz formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
2.2.4. Special divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
2.2.5. cartier operator . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Chapter 2.3. Rational points ••••..•..••..••....... 169
2.3.1. Rational points and divisors 170
2.3.2. Curves over a finite field .. 176
2.3.3. Asymptotics •...••.•••....... 181

Chapter 2.4. Elliptic

curves •...•...•••••..•••.... 191
Group law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1. 192
Isomorphisms and j-invariant
2.4.2. 197
Isogenies ...•....•.......... 199
Elliptic curves over finite
fields ••..•••....••......... 205
2.4.5. Complex elliptic curves ....• 211
Chapter 2.5. Singular curves .........••........... 215
2.5.1. Normalization ..••.•......... 216
2.5.2. Divisor of double points .... 217
2.5.3. Plane curves ..•.•........... 220
2.5.4. Desingularization •........•. 224
Chapter 2.6. Reductions and schemes .•••........... 233
2.6.1. Reduction of a curve ....... . 234
2.6.2. Spectra of rings ...•........ 236
2.6.3. Sheaves and ringed spaces ... 240
2 . 6. 4 . Schemes •..•••..•••.......... 245
2.6.5. Representable functors .•.... 254
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 2 .. 256

PART 3. AG-CODES.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 261

Chapter 3.1. Constructions and properties ......... 265
3.1.1. AG-constructions ............ 266
3.1.2. Some additional remarks ..... 277
3.1.3. Duality and spectra ......... 288
Chapter 3.2. Examples •...••.•...•...•.••.•.•...... 297
3.2.1. Codes of small genera ....... 298
3.2.2. Elliptic codes •••........... 302
3.2.3. Other families of AG-codes .. 316
3.2.4. Some particular examples .... 325
Chapter 3.3. Decoding .•.•.•.........•••........... 331
3.3.1. Basic algorithm ............. 332
3.3.2. Modified algorithm .....•.... 337
3.3.3. Some remarks ..••............ 341
Chapter 3.4. Asymptotic results ..•..•••..•........ 349
3.4.1. Basic AG-bound .•.••......... 350
3.4.2. Expurgation bound .•......... 353
3.4.3. Constructive bounds •........ 370
3 . 4 . 4 . Other bounds................ 376
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 3 .. 386

PART 4. MODULAR CODES...··........·..·..·....·..······· 3 89

Chapter 4.1. Codes on classical modular curves ... . 395
4.1.1. Classical modular curves ... . 396
4.1.2. Reductions of modular curves 413
4.1.3. Codes ...•...•.•.•..•........ 429
Chapter 4.2. Codes on Drinfeld curves ••.••........ 435
4.2.1. Elliptic modules •••......... 437
4.2.2. Drinfeld curves ••..•........ 444
4.2.3. Codes ..........•...•........ 464

Chapter 4.3. Polynomiality •.••••••.•.•.••......... 471

4.3.1. Classical case .••.•......... 473
4.3.2. Drinfeld case .••.••...•..•.. 496
4.3.3. Complexity ••..•.......•..... 503
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 4 .. 511

PART 5. SPHERE PACKINGS···.· .... ·.···.···· .. · .. ········ 515

Chapter 5.1. Definitions and examples •..•..••..... 519
5.1.1. Parameters ....•............. 519
5.1.2. Examples •.••••••.•••.••..... 525
5.1.3. Asymptotic problems ...•..... 530
5.1.4. Codes and packings .•........ 535
Chapter 5.2. Asymptotically dense packings ..•...•. 539
5.2.1. Constructions ..•..•..••...•. 539
5.2.2. Results .•......•....••...... 546
Chapter 5.3. Number fields •.....•.....•........... 551
5.3.1. Algebraic integers .......... 551
5.3.2. Extensions. • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 560
5.3.3. Curves and number fields .... 564
Chapter 5.4. Analogues of AG-codes .•.•....•....... 567
5.4.1. Additive constructions .•.... 568
5.4.2. Multiplicative constructions 575
5.4.3. Congruence constructions ..•. 583
5.4.4. Remarks and open problems ... 592
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 5 .. 594
Appendix. Summary of results and tables ..•..•.......... 597
A.1. Codes of finite length .........••••..... 599
A.1.1. Bounds •.•..••.....•.•.••.... 599
A.1.2. Parameters of certain codes. 600
A.1.3. Parameters of certain
constructions. . . . . . . . . . • . . .. 603
A.1.4. Binary codes from AG-codes .. 606
A.2. Asymptotic bounds •.•.•.•.•••..•......... 607
A.2.1. List of bounds ...•.......... 607
A.2.2. Diagrams of comparison •..... 612
A.2.3. Behaviour at the ends .•..... 616
A.2.4. Numerical values ••.••.•..... 618
A.3. Additional bounds •.•••.•••.•••••••••.... 624
A.3.1. Constant weight codes ......• 624
A.3.2. Self-dual codes •..•....•.... 625
A.4. Sphere packings •...•..•••..••.•..•...... 626
A.4.1. Small dimensions .•.•...•.... 626
A.4 .2. certain famil ies. . . . • . . . . . .. 627
A.4.3. Asymptotic results .•........ 628
Bibliography ............•......•.•.•............•.•..... 631
Author index ............••.........•....•....•..•....... 647
Index .•.•••.•••.•..•.....•..••......••.•••..•.••••.•.... 651
List of symbols •....•...•.•.••••••••.•.•••.••.••.•....•. 661

This book is devoted to algebraic-geometric codes - the

recently emerged area which combines algebraic geometry and
coding theory. Its interdisciplinary nature - which makes it
so beautiful - also leads to some difficulties for those who
want to master it. We try to help all those coming in touch
with this field, from students to specialists. starting from
essentially first principles, the text leads the reader to
the most recent published and unpublished results. We do not
assume any initial knowledge either of coding theory or of
algebraic geometry.
Algebraic-geometric codes open new rather exciting
possibilities in coding theory and related topics (such as
sphere packings). They also lead to a lot of deep and
sometimes very difficult questions in algebraic geometry and
number theory. We think that the next decade will witness
many new interesting results, methods, and problems in this
fruitful area. We hope this book to be of some use for those
who choose this area for their own.

To make reading more interesting we have included a lot

of exercises (with hints to those that do not look easy to
us) and many open research problems.

The book is divided into five parts, first two being

introductory. The first part contains basic notions of
error-correcting codes: there is no algebraic geometry in
it, but the style of exposition and some statements are
motivated by AG-codes. In comparison with the classical book
by MacWilliams and Sloane there are almost no new results.
The main methodological difference is that we are always
speaking about codes over an arbitrary finite field IF q
The notion of [n,k,d] q -systems makes the exposition more
The second part contains an introduction to the theory
of algebraic curves. The choice of its material is
determined by needs of AG-codes. The main topics are the
Riemann-Roch theorem and properties of curves over finite
fields. Relatively new results here include asymptotic
bounds for the number of points on a curve and its Jacobian
and the theorem on the structure of the group of rational
points of an elliptic curve over a finite field.
In the third part we describe various constructions of
AG-codes, their spectra, some examples, decoding algorithm,
etc. We also analyze various bounds of algebraic-geometric
origin, which demonstrate the possibilities of AG-codes.
The fourth part is devoted to modular curves (both
classical and Drinfeld) and to codes obtained from them. Two
main properties are proved: asymptotically good behaviour
and polynomial i ty of their construction complexity. This
part is the most difficult to read, since it involves some
subtle algebraic-geometric techniques and rather cumbersome
In the fifth part we use AG-codes to construct dense
sphere packings in IRn. The most interesting algebraic-
geometric and number-theoretic constructions of packings are
direct analogues of AG-codes.

The appendix contains equations and tables of some

asymptotic bounds, tables of parameters of certain families
of codes, and tables of dense sphere packings.

Algebraic-geometric codes (AG-codes) were discovered by

V.D.Goppa [Go 1]. This beautiful discovery came as a result
of many years of thinking over the possible generalizations
of Reed-Solomon codes, BCH-codes and "classical" Goppa
codes. In the beginning of 1981 he presented the
construction at several seminars. Yu.I.Manin was the first
to understand and appreciate the sudden strange link between
algebraic geometry and coding theory: he talked about it at
his seminar, where the authors were also present. His
question about the number of points on curves over a finite
field quite soon (Spring 1981) led Th.Zink and the authors
[TsjVljZ] to ameliorating asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov bound
for q large enough. This paper started both our interest
to coding theory, and those of coding theorists to
algebraic-geometric constructions. Our book describes the
results of the first ten years of fruitful development of
algebraic-geometric codes, started at that point. More
detailed information about the history is given in
historical and bibliographic notes at the end of each part.

We are deeply grateful to our teacher Yu.I.Manin (who

has drawn our attention to this theme), to V.G.Drinfeld (who
has explained his theory to us), to G.L.Katsman (who has
taught us coding theory), to S.N.Litsyn (who has drawn
our attention to sphere packings), to A.M.Barg (who computed
most of the numerical tables of asymptotic bounds), to
A.N.Skorobogatov (conversations with whom were extremely
useful), to M.Yu.Rosenbloom (whose ideas influenced our
attitude to analogues of algebraic-geometric codes a lot),
to G. Lachaud (for his interest in our work), and to many

other mathematicians for their invaluable help. We are also

grateful to N.Fliorova (who helped us to translate some part
of this book into English), to L.Kadlubowich (who typed most
of the English text), and to J. F. Kaashoek (who helped us
with the final output). We would like to express our
gratitude to the editor of this series M.Hazewinkel, to
D.J.Larner, and to the staff of Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The first named author wants to thank his parents for their
care and his wife for her tender love. The second named
author is also deeply grateful to his family.

* *

We are pure mathematicians, working mostly in the

beautiful domain where algebraic geometry and number theory
meet. This determines our viewpoint on coding theory, which
may of course differ from an "insiders" point of view, we
shall now express this impression of codes (to be precise,
of block error-correcting codes only).
A finite-dimensional vector space over a normed field
(e, ~p' etc.) has a natural metric. A vector space over

~ or over another algebraic number field, or a free

Z-module of finite rank, has a number of metrics
corresponding to different possible embeddings into normed
fields or rings. The same happens to a global field of a
finite characteristic, Le. to IFq(T) or to its finite

How is it possible to define a metric space structure

on IF~, a finite-dimensional space over a finite field? We
know nothing more natural than the Hamming metric:

i. e. the distance equals the number of positions where x

and y differ; the corresponding norm is

IIxll = I {i I xi "$ O} I

This norm has a significant disadvantage, it depends on the

choice of basis in ~~, but, alas, we know nothing better.
The space ~~ being metricized, we arrive at a
problem, which is quite parallel to the classical problem of
finding dense sphere packings in Rn; to find an
arrangement of spheres of equal diameter d in ~~ which
has the largest possible density (the notion of volume in
q is much more natural than the notion of metric; the
volume of a subset is just its cardinality). The problem
almost equivalent to this is to find (the largest possible)
subset C ~ ~n such that the distance between each two
elements of C is at least d. Each such subset C is
called an [n,k,d] -code, where
q , k = logqlCI • The question
of finding the largest possible k for given q, n, and d
looks quite natural.
Among all codes, those which are linear subspaces are
of particular interest, and we call them linear. There are
at least three sound reasons to study linear codes. First,
the theory of linear codes is parallel to the theory of
lattice packings of spheres in Rn. Next, they are easier
to construct, and they produce quite a number of nice
examples. The third reason which is of particular importance
to us deserves some explanation: linear [n,k,d]q-codes
correspond to systems 'P of n ~ q -points in the
(k - 1) -dimensional projective space IPk-1 over ~ q , and
(n - d) equals the maximum number of points in 'P lying in
a hyperplane (for a more detailed exposition see
section 1.1.2, we call such 'P a projective
[n,k,d]q-system). So we arrive at another problem: how to

put n points in ~k-l so that there are many of them out

of any given hyperplane (a condition of the "general
position" type). Note that here we have dispensed with the
choice of basis and with the metric which looked a bit
Having read the last paragraph, every algebraic
geometer would ask: what if for ~ we take the whole or a
part of the set of IF q -points of an algebraic variety w?
For a curve the answer is rather simple. Let V be an
algebraic curve defined over IFq together with a projective
embedding V ~ ~k-l then n is at most the number
IV (IFq) I of IF q -points of andV (n - d) is just the
degree of the curve V c ~k-l
and the question about the
possible values of n, k, d is that of algebraic geometry.
The most part of the book is devoted to the properties of
such codes.
The point we have just mentioned determines in a way
our point of view on codes. Codes over all finite fields IFq
are equally interesting to us (though for applications
binary codes, i.e. those over IF 2 , are most important), and
linear codes are of especial interest. The main problem for
us is the problem of finding out the possible parameters of
a code (and also of actually finding a code with such
parameters). This problem can be stated in several possible
ways, which we are going to explain. Let IFq be fixed.
Let first the code length n be fixed. For a given d
find the largest k = K (n, d) such that there exists an
[n,k,d]q-code (or a linear [n,k,d]q-code). An almost
equivalent question is to find the largest d = D(n,k) for
a fixed k Let us remark that if there is given an
[n,k,d]q-code it is possible to construct [n + 1, k, d]q- ,
[n, k - 1, d]q-' and [n, k, d - l]q- codes, therefore
solving these problems we also describe all the possible
parameters (not only the best). The third question of the

same type is to find the least possible n = N(k,d) for

fixed k and d
since nowadays we are unable to solve these problems,
the question is divided into parts (for simplicity we
concentrate now on the K(n,d) problem). On the one hand it
is useful to look for some conditions satisfied by the
parameters of any code. Such conditions bound the possible
volume of a code from above K(n,d)!S Kup(n,d) . Therefore
they are called upper bounds or possibility bounds. On the
other hand it would be good to show some concrete codes with
more or less good parameters; for a given nand d each
such code gives a lower bound or an existence bound
Klow(n,d) !S K(n,d) ; of course normally a code appears not
alone but as a member of a large class. If by chance for a
given pair (n,d) these bound coincide, then the problem is
The principal disadvantage of stating the problem this
way is that we obtain not one but infinitely many problems,
and right now we are quite far from being able to solve
them. A partial answer for small n is given by tables of
known Kup (n, d) and Kl ow (n, d) . These tables help one to
compare new methods of constructing codes with the known
Another type of question arises when we are interested
in the behaviour of the parameters when n grows. How can
k and d behave for a family of codes with n ~ 00 ? The
correct statement of an asymptotic problem always depends on
the actual asymptotic behaviour of parameters. In our case
there are at least three natural asymptotic problems (for
precise information see Chapter 1.3):
The first one is how k depends on n for a fixed d.
Here is how the answer behaves: set

K (d) = lim inf ( n - K(n,d) )

q n ~ 00 logqn

then 0 < Kq(d) < 00 and the question is that of its value.
One is able to give lower and upper bounds for
Kq(d)/(d - 1) which do not depend on d . Roughly speaking,
for any d we have

~ ~ Kq(d)/(d - 1) ~ (q - l)/q

The second problem· is how d depends on n for a

fixed k . Here we have even more precise answer. Set

o (k) = lim sup ( D(n,k) )

q n~oo n

q (q - 1)
0q(k) = qk
- 1

The third problem looks most interesting, and we call

it the principal asymptotic problem. Let n, k, d ~ 00 ,
kin ~ R, din ~ 0 , how do Rand 0 depend on each
other? This problem can be stated precisely, and the
dependence is non-trivial. A significant part of this book
is devoted to this problem. There exist some other possible
statements of asymptotic problems, but they seem somehow
more artificial.

This constitutes in our opinion the most important

subject of mathematical coding theory, the parameter
We approach the second subject using what we have
already understood about the first one. We know some upper
bounds. Do there exist codes whose parameters lie on the
bounds? Usually such codes have some nice property, such as,
for example, perfect codes, or equidistant ones. Moreover we
know rather a lot about particular classes of codes and we
can put questions concerning parameters of codes belonging
to a given class (such as, for example, questions about the

parameters of cyclic codes, of self-dual codes, of

MDS-codes, etc.). It is also interesting to know the
properties of such codes, namely their weight spectra (see
Section 1.1.3), their automorphism groups, their behaviour
under a natural duality, and so on. This subject in general
can be called the property problem, questions being quite
We would be happy if we are not only aware of the best
possible parameters but also able to actually construct
codes with these parameters more or less explicitly. To
construct a code is just to find an algorithm producing its
elements (for a linear code, for example it is enough to
produce its generator matrix). Of course, there always
exists a "silly" universal algorithm searching over all the
subset or linear subspaces of ~n; we would like to exclude
"solutions" like this. This can be done using the
computational complexity theory, but only when stating
asymptotic problems. We just require the algorithm to be
polynomial in n (precise definitions are given in Section
1.3.3). Today we know no other precise statement of the
question of constructing codes explicitly, so we hold to it.
This constitutes the third subject, the constructivity
problem, we are also going to study it extensively in this
There is also a fourth subject, which we almost do not
touch upon in this book, that of codes which are good for
practical applications. Let us recall that error-correcting
codes can be used to correct errors appearing in the process
of data transmission over channels of certain types or data
storage. To be used in practice, codes should be: usually
binary (or at least 2 m-ary with m not very large), rather
but sensibly long, having a fast and simple (not just
polynomial) algorithm of construction, and having a simple
and fast decoding algorithm. This is the problem of
practical applicability. This subject is also connected with

some interesting algebraic-geometric problems (see Chapter

3.3) and we suppose that algebraic-geometric codes should
lead to significant progress also in this direction.
Last but not least is the subject which can be called
the analogue problem. It is the subject which, in our
opinion determines the place of coding theory in the whole
edifice of modern mathematics. It turns out that there is a
beautiful parallelism between linear codes and lattices in
Euclidean spaces which in a way corresponds to one of the
deepest parallelism of mathematics, that between algebraic
curves and number fields (see Chapter 5.4). The hope of
getting to grips with this analogy is, in fact, the core of
our own interest in algebraic-geometric codes.
Advices to the reader

We do not assume any knowledge either of algebraic

geometry or of error-correcting codes; therefore first two
parts of our book are devoted to a brief review of these two
topics. These parts are not textbooks in algebraic geometry
and coding theory but we hope that the reader, ready to
spend some of his time and force over them, will be able to
understand the most part of modern literature on the subject
with the help of these two parts. Note also that exercises
constitute an essential part of our book. Their statements
are of the same importance as other statements in our book.
If the reader does not want to solve an exercise he must
think about its statement as about proposition given without
proof. Our advice is nevertheless to solve some part of
exercises since it is indispensable for more profound
knowledge of the subj ect. Mostly the exercises are not
difficult and can be solved even by a non-experienced
reader. The authors hope that they can solve all the
exercises. Those exercises that we cannot solve are called
We hope that our book will be useful for several groups
of readers.


If you are a specialist in codes interested in a fast

introduction to algebraic-geometric codes, we advice you to
look through Chapters 1.1 and 1.2 just to get acquainted
with our terminology which is not completely standard.
section 1. 1.2 deserves more thorough reading. Then it is
necessary to read sections 2.1.1 - 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2,
2.3.1 and 2.3.2. After that you can read the third part,
containing the theory of AG-codes. You will be able to read
Chapter 3.1 (except for the material on self-dual codes in
Section 3.1.3), Chapter 3.2 (except for section 3.2.2), and
sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. Before reading about self-dual
codes it is necessary to read section 2. 1. 4; to understand
section 3.2.2 one should read Sections 2.4. 1 and 2.4.2;
before reading section 3.3.3 it is necessary to read
section 2.2.4. This course gives a basic knowledge of
AG-codes. After that you can look through the rest of the
book to get a general acquaintance with other topics in
If you are interested mostly in asymptotic problems of
coding theory or in dense sphere packings you have to look
through Chapters 1.1 and 1.2, and to read Chapter 1.3 more
thoroughly. Then follow sections 2.1.1.-2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2,
2 . 3 . 1 and 2. 3 . 2. After reading Section 3. 1. 1. you can pass
to Chapter 3.4 (note that to read section 3.4.2 you need
sections 2.1.4 and 2.3. 3). Then you can read Chapters 5.1
and 5.2. This piece of the book shows asymptotical
possibilities of AG-codes and similar objects (note however
that these results are in fact based on the results of the
fourth part).
If you are an algebraic geometer we advice you to read
thoroughly the first part and to look through sections
2.1.2.-2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.1 and 2.3.2; after that you
are ready to read Part 3. In any case you have to read
section 3.1.1 first and then you can follow your tastes.

If you are neither a specialist in codes nor an

algebraic geometer and you wish to get quick acquaintance
with the basic notions of AG-codes then you can follow this
way: sections 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 2.1.1-2.1.3, 2.2.1,
2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.3.1 and

Our advice is also to use tables and diagrams from


To avoid misunderstanding we would like to remark that

we use some non-standard terms and notation. Namely:

AcB means that the set A is a proper subset

of B, Le.A*B If the possibility A = B is not
excluded we write A ~ B • The difference of sets is denoted
A - B ;
a ~ b means that a E A is mapped to b E B by a
map A ~ B

an [n,k,d]q-code can be non-linear and thus k can be

a non-integral real number;

by group codes we mean codes which are obtained from

ideals in group algebras, see section 1.2.2;

by modular codes we mean codes obtained from modular

curves, see sections 4.1.2 and 4.2.2;

algebraic-geometric are
codesdenoted (X, 'P ,D) L '
(X,'P,D)Q' etc., while in many other papers they are denoted
C(G,D) and C* (G,D) , respect1vely,
. see section 3.1.1;

by Q(D) we denote the space

Q(D) = {w E Q(X) * I (w) + D ~ O} u {O}


which in some other books is denoted n (-D) , see Section


describing families of codes and code constructions

we keep the general ideas but some details can be changed
(see Sections 1.2.2 and 1.2.3);

rxl is the integer part of X e IR, i.e. rxl e 71. ,

rx 1 ::5 X < rxl + 1 1x r means an integer such that
x ::5 lxr < x + 1

In means loge

exp(x) = eX

the symbol
• denotes end of proof (or its absence);

iff means "if and only if".


This part is an introduction to the theory of
error-correcting codes. Presenting principal notions and
examples we always keep in mind the "algebraic-geometric
philosophy", which will come out explicitly in Part 3, but
here we do not touch any results using algebraic-geometric
Chapter 1.1 contains principal definitions and
properties of codes, and also some motivations. Chapter 1.2
is devoted to some examples, or, to be precise, to diverse
interesting classes of codes and various constructions of
new codes starting with those already known. In Chapter 1.3
we discuss different asymptotic problems (i.e. the rigorous
way to put questions about codes of large length), the
algorithmic point of view included. We end this part with
some notes on history and bibliography.
4 CODES Part 1

Chapter 1.1. Codes and their parameters

1.1.1. Definition of a code

1.1.2. [n,k,d]q-systems
1.1.3. Spectra and duality
1.1.4. Bounds

Chapter 1.2. Examples and constructions

1.2.1. Codes of genus zero

1.2.2. Some families of codes
1.2.3. Some constructions

Chapter 1.3. Asymptotic problems

1.3.1. The principal asymptotic problem

1.3.2. Asymptotic bounds
1.3.3. Polynomial families of codes
1.3.4. Polynomial bounds
1.3.5. Some other asymptotics

Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 1



In this chapter we define principal notions of the

theory of error-correcting codes (coding theory).

In Section 1.1.1 we define an [n,k,dJq-code (linear

and non-linear) and explain why it is called
error-correcting. In section 1. 1. 2 we give another - more
invariant - definition of a linear code, as of a system of

points in a linear or a projective space; we think that this

approach is natural and fruitful. In section 1.1.3 we
analyze spectra of linear codes and introduce notions of
self-dual codes. We end (in section 1.1.4) with discussing
how good can the parameters of a code be, i.e. with some
bounds on the parameters.

6 CODES Part 1

1.1.1. Definition of a code

Let A be a finite set, which we call an alphabet.

The set An = Ax ..• xA is equipped with the Hamming metric:
the distance d(a,b) is the number of coordinates in which
a and b differ:

By q = IAI we denote the cardinality of the alphabet.

Any non-empty subset C S; An is called a q-ary code
of length n . The cardinality of C is H= ICI e IN , and
the log-cardinality is k =logqlCI e IR The minimum
distance is defined as

d min d (a, b) I a,b e C , a ;II: b }

A code with these parameters is called an

[n,k,d]q-code. Elements of C are called code vectors, and
their components are called coordinates or positions.
Sometimes (especially in asymptotic problems, see section
1.3) the following relative parameters are quite useful:
the rate R = kin, and the relative minimum distance
8 = din . Of course O::s R ::s 1 , O::s 8 ::s 1 .

Remark 1. 1. 1.
In the coding theory there is a good
tradition attaching symbols C, n, k , d , q, R, c5
to the defined notions. We try as far as possible to hold to
this tradition.

Remark 1.1.2. Let us briefly explain why codes are

called error-correcting. The notion appeared in the

information theory. Start with a given message which is long

enough and written in the alphabet A. When this message is
transmitted over a channel it is distorted by random
fluctuations (noise) . Here is a way out. Take an
[n,k,d]q-code C. Let (for simplicity) k be an integer.
Cut the message into pieces of length k each. Map every
word of length k (there are qk possibilities) to an
element of C , i . e. f i;x: an embedding -
E:A k ~CS;A n ,

and instead of the piece a E Ak of the message let us

transmi t the corresponding word E (a) of length n (we
encode the message). The transmission is now R times
slower, which justifies the term "rate" for R. On the
other end of the channel we obtain a distorted word
E(a)' E An and we transform it into the nearest word
E (a) E C
II ( i . e. we decode the message on the maximum
likelihood basis); this transformation can be defined by
some decoding map D : An ~ C. If the number of
distortions is at most r
d ; 1 1
then E(a) = E(a) , II

i.e. the decoding is correct. The maximum likelihood

decoding is almost an ideal out of reach. Usually we just
give a map D: U ~ C U S; An being the set of words
which are at most at the distance t s d ; 1 r from C1
i.e. U is the union of all balls of radius t centered in
the elements of C. In this case we speak about
decoding up to t (or correcting t errors). Usually
t = rd
; 1 1,but sometimes it is less. Let 't: = tin. If
the error probability per symbol transmitted is p < 't: and
the length n is large enough, then the probability of
correct decoding is large enough (since the probability that
number of errors in n transmitted symbols is at most t ,
is large enough).

Therefore, a "good" code is an [n,k,d]q-code with

large nand R and 8 as large as possible.
8 CODES Part 1

Both for the construction of good codes and for the

design of algorithms realizing coding and decoding
procedures, the notion of a code over an arbitrary alphabet
is too poor in structure . It is possible to enrich this
structure introducing the notion of a linear code.

Now let field, q = pm A linear

q be a finite
is a linear subspace C IF n
code C of length n q ; for

linear codes k = dim C , d = min {liall I a e C , a '" O} ,

lIall = I { i I a i "" O} I being the weight of a

Any choice of basis in C yields an embedding

C : IF~ <----+ IF~ , which we usually denote by the same symbol
as the code itself. The matrix of this map, usually denoted
by G , i s called a generator matrix of the code. The map
C is included into a short exact sequence

(i. e. C is an embedding, H is a surjection, and kernel

of H equals the image of C).

The matrix of H (which we also denote by H) is

called a parity-check matrix of the code C (since the
condition x e C is equivalent to the equality H·x = 0 ).

Exercise 1.1.3. Let H be a parity-check matrix of an

[n,k,d]q-code C. Show that any (d - 1) columns of H
are linearly independent (as vectors in IFq and there
exist d linearly dependent columns.

According to our definition H has n columns and

(n - k) linearly independent rows. Sometimes, by abuse of
language, any matrix H' such that H'·x = 0 iff x e C ,
is also called a parity-check matrix. Any such H' has
r ~ n - k rows, only (n - k) of which are independent.

Equivalence and automorphisms. Let be defined as a

subgroup in the group of linear automorphisms of IF n
generated by transpositions of coordinates and by
multiplications of i-th coordinate by elements of IFq * The
group A acts on subsets of IF q i.e. on codes. Two codes
C and C' are called equivalent iff C' = A (C) for some
A EA. The subgroup Aut C ~ A, consisting of elements
preserving C, is called the automorphism group of the
code. If is natural to consider codes up to equivalence, in
many cases speaking of a code we mean rather its equivalence
class. The group A is represented by monomial matrices
(i.e. matrices such that each row and each column contains
one non-zero element) and is isomorphic to a semi-direct
product of (1F*)n and n
q Sn ; IAI = (q - 1) ·n!

A linear [n,k,d]q-cOde C can be defined by its

generator matrix G. The choice of G corresponds to a
choice of basis ek } in the
{e 1 ' k-dimensional linear
••• ,

space. The group GL(k,lF q ) acts on the set of such bases,

and two matrices G and G' define the same code iff
G' = B'G for some B E GL(k,1F )

1.1.2. [n,k,d]q-systems

The notion of a linear code can be reformulated in the

following nice way.

Let v be a linear space over a finite field

q -system is an ordered finite family ~ of points of
V (in general, the points of ~ need not be distinct) such
that ~ does not lie in a hyperplane. The parameters of a
system are defined as

n = I~ I, k = dim V, d n - max I ~ n HI;: 1

10 CODES Part 1

(the maximum being taken over all hyperplanes He V).

Two [n, k, d] q -systems 'P and 'P' in V and V',

respectively, are called equivalent iff there is and
isomorphism V '" V' mapping 'P isomorphically to 'P'. A
natural object to consider is a class of equivalent systems.

Proposition 1.1.4. There is a one-to-one correspond-

ence between the set of classes of [n,k,d]q-systems and the
set of linear [n,k,d]q-COdes.

Sketch of proof: Let V* be the space of linear forms

on V , (V * ) * V • Let 'P = (P1 , · · · ,Pn) . Consider a map
rp : V * ~IF~ defined by rp(Q) = (rpl(Q),···,rpn(Q» ,
rpi(Q) = Q(P i ) . This map rp is injective, let C = Im rp
The other way round, for C ~ IF n the coordinate forms
define elements of v=c *

Exercise 1.1.5. Give the complete proof, checking in
particular that the parameters do coincide.

Projective systems. Let is introduce a more invariant

object. Let ~ = ~(V) be a projective space (i.e. the space
of lines in a linear space V) over IFq . A projective
[n,k,d]q-system is a finite unordered family 'P of points
of ~ which does not lie in a (projective) hyperplane
(note that I 'P I ~ dim ~ + 1 = dim V ). By abuse of notation
we write 'P c ~ (though in general there are
multiplicities). The parameters [n,k,d] are defined as

n = I'PI, k = dim ~ + 1, d = n - max I'P n HI ~ 1 •

Just as for [n,k,d]q-systems, 'P c ~ and 'P' c~' are
called equivalent iff there is a (projective) isomorphism
~ "'~' mapping 'P onto 'P' •

We call a linear code C c IF~ degenerate iff

C s;; IF qn - 1 c IF q , where IF qn - 1 is the subspace of vectors
having 0 in some fixed position.

Theorem 1.1.6. Let k ~ 1 and d ~ 1. There is a

one-to-one correspondence between the set of equi val ence
classes of non-degenerate linear [n,k,d]q-codes and the set
of equivalence classes of projective [n,k,d] -systems.
q •

Exercise 1.1.7. Prove the theorem.

projective systems have an advantage of dispensing with

a choice of some particular code in its equivalence class;
they also look more natural than codes since there is no
choice of basis involved. Besides the problem of possible
parameters of a projective system looks quite natural, being
just a question of how general a position of n points in
IP - 1 can be.

Remark 1.1.8. Sometimes it is indeed necessary to

consider systems with multiplicities (for example when
constructing codes whose parameters lie on the Griesmer
bound, cf. Theorem 1.1.38).

The language of proj ecti ve systems is good for the

problem of spectra (cf. section 1.1.3). It is less clear how
to put in these terms the notion of duality. The following
research problem looks rather important and interesting:

Problem 1.1.9. Rewrite existent books on coding theory

in terms of projective systems (you can start with this
chapter) .

Dual systems. Let us present another approach. A dual

[n,k,d]q-system is a finite ordered family Q of points of
12 CODES Part 1

a linear space W (multiplicities are again allowed) which

does not lie in a hyperplane. The parameters are defined in
the following way: n = IQI, k = n - dim W (note that
k ~ 0 ), d is the minimum number of linearly dependent
vectors in Q (in particular, if Q includes
multiplicities, then d ~ 2 ).

Exercise 1.1.10. Define a dual projective [n,k,d]q-

system and a proper notion of equivalence. Then prove the
following theorem.

Theorem 1.1.11. There is a one-to-one correspondence

between the set of equivalence classes of dual [n,k,d]q-
systems and the set of linear [n,k,d]q-codes, and also
between the of classes of dual projective [n,k,d]q-systems
and the set of equivalence classes of non-degenerate linear
[n,k,d] -codes.
q •

n-sets. Projective systems (or dual projective

systems) show immediately that k + d ~ n + 1 In fact,
there is a hyperplane passing through any (k - 1) points
IP ,i. e . n - d ~ k - 1 ( an argument for dual
systems: no (n - k - 1) points in IP
n-k-1 can be in
general position). A projective en, k, n - k + 1]q-S y stem
is called an n-set. The corresponding code C is called
a maximal distance separable code (an HDS-code) .

In sections 1.2.1 and 3.2.2 we give some examples of

such codes, namely, Reed-Solomon codes on the proj ective
line; their length n ~ q + 1 .

We get a very interesting problem: For given k and

q find the maximum possible length mq(k) for which
their exists an [mq(k) , k, mq(k) + 1 - k]q-code.

Let us expose some known results (without proofs) :


there always exist [n,1,n]q , [n,n,1]q' and

[n, n - 1, 2]q-codes (see section 1.2.1), i.e.
mq (1) = m, mq(k) ~ k + 1 ;

m (k) ~ q + 1 ;
if q is even then
mq (3) ~ q + 2

if k ~ 2 then mq(k) s.q+k- 1 ;

if k ~ 3 and q is odd then mq(k) s. q + k - 2
if k~q then mq(k) = k + 1 .
Problem 1.1.12 (the main conjecture on MDS-codes).
Prove that for 2 s. k < q

mq(k) = q + 1

except for the case mq (3) = mq(q - 1) = q + 2 for even q.

This conjecture is proved whenever q s. 11 , or

or k < (v'q'" + 9) /4 ). These results are obtained by
k s. 5 ,
the theory of finite geometries. The main conjecture is
very beautiful but it seems that we are rather far from its

Let g ~ 0 • Let mq(g,k) denote the maximum length

for which there exists an

In Chapter 3.2 we construct algebraic-geometric codes that

give some lower bounds for mq(g,k) when g is small. The
question about the precise value of mq(g,k) is most likely
very difficult; it would be interesting to find some good
14 CODES Part 1

1.1.3. Spectra and duality

An important invariant of a code is its weight

enumerator or spectrum. We are going to study spectra of
linear codes.

Let e be a linear [n,k,d]q-code, define

as the number of code vectors of weight r
course, Ar 2! 0 , for o< r < d and
L Ar qk
The enumerator is a homogeneous polynomial

n n-r r
L A·x .y
r=O r

it is easy to see that

L. x n-lIvll .y IIvll

Sometimes non-homogeneous coordinates are more

convenient, then we consider polynomials

n n r
'\' n r
L. A ·x - or W'e ( y ) L A .y
r=O r r=O r

A code e has only one vector of weight 0 and has no

other vectors of weight less that d. Hence, A = 1

n-d i n-d-i
L Ad+i·Y·x

Since in many cases we know not the precise value of d

but only some lower estimate for it, the following form is
rather convenient. Let a be some integer such that
d ~ n - a . Then

xn + L A .·X

Exercise 1.1.13. Show that if d ~ n - a, then

L B 1... (x - l)i

L A. E (-1) n+ i + j . ( j.). B .
j=n-a 1. j=n-i n-1. )

A bit later (Exercise 1.1.27) we explain conceptual

meaning of Bi in terms of [n,k,d]q-systems, and in Section
3.1.3 we give an interpretation of B. for the case of
algebraic-geometric codes.
For a linear code C the dual code Ci is defined as

ci = { X E ~n I x·y
o for any y E C }

(here x-y L x.-y_ is the inner product).
i=1 1. 1.

Remark Sometimes it is more convenient to

1. 1. 14 •
define duality according to some hermitian product
(x,y) = L x_1. -Y-1. , where for a E ~q , q=p a is
defined either as a = a P or (for even e ) as
a = aP • The choice of definition does not influence the
results we present below. The same is also valid for the
twisted inner product (x,y) = L xi-Yi-ai ' where ai E ~q *
16 CODES Part 1

The parameters of the dual code are [n, n - k, d ol ]

a generator matrix of the code is a parity-check matrix of
its dual and vice versa; the dual distance dol depends
(not in an easy way) on the equivalence class of the code
e (and not only on its parameters [n,k,d]q)' It can be
calculated if we know the enumerator We'
Moreover, there is a beautiful relation between the
spectrum of a code and that of the dual one:

Theorem 1.1.15 (the MacWilliams identity).

-k x - y)
W (x:y) q 'We(x + (q - l)'Y

We prove this theorem a bit later, right now let us

introduce one notion more. Let g be a non-negative
A code e is called a code of genus at most g iff the
following relations hold:

k + d ~ n + 1 - g

(n - k) + d ~ n + 1 - g

(we consider only non-negative values of g since Exercise

1.1.3 shows that for any linear code k + d ~ n + 1 ).
Of course, in this case the dual code Col is also a
code of genus at most g

Theorem 1.1.16. Let e be an [n,k,dJq-code of genus

at most g. Let a = k + g - 1 . Then in the representation

L B"(X-1)i

for a - 2g + 2 ~ i ~ a the coefficients B.~ satisfy


(?). (qa-i+l
... _ 1) 2: Bi 2: max { (
0 ,n )
i· (q a-i-g+l - 1) }

and for i ~ a - 2g + 1

Proof: Theorem 1.1.15 gives

w -k
(x: y) q ·wC(x + (q - l)·y x - y)

Passing to non-homogeneous coordinates and setting

a =n - k + g - 1 and we

xn + L B '.. (x - 1) i
i=O ~

q - k . ( (x + q - 1) n + aLB .. q.
i (x - 1) n-~ .J
i=O ~

Expanding in powers of z = x-I we get

18 CODES Part 1

Hence for n - a == i == n we have

(7)' (q-n+k+i - 1) for i ~ a

+ 1
{ (7) .(q-n+k+i - 1) + B', .q-n+k+i
for i == a

i. e. (substitute j =n - i using k a - g + 1 and

= n - k + g - 1 = n - a + 2g - 2 ):

(j)' (qa- j - g +1 _ 1) for j==a-2g+1

B, {
(j)' (qa- j - g +1 _ 1) + B' ,'qa-J'-g+l
for a-2g+2==j==a .

The lower bound and the equality are proved. The upper bound
will be proved below, after we interpret the values Bi in
terms of [n,k,d] -systems (see Theorem 1.1.26 and Exercise
1.1.27) .

Remark 1.1.17. It is easy to see that B = B'
k n-k

Exercise 1.1.18.
Show that if k+d~n+1 then
k + d =n + 1
and (n - k) + d.L = n + 1 t.e. that in
this case the code is of genus 0 (an MDS-code) .

Example 1.1.19. Consider [ 4 , 2 , 1] 2 -code C generated

by the matrix
o 0
(~ 1 0 ~)
The dual code has the same parameters. The spectrum is

Ao = 1, Al = 2 , A2 = 1 , A
= A
= o. It is a code of
genus at most 2 a = 3 the calculation of B.
B3 = Al 2, B2 = 3Al + A2 = 7 , Bl = 3Al + 2A2 + A3 = 8,
Bo = Al + A2 + A3 + A4 = 3. Let us point out that in this

case Bi > (7)' (ql(a-i)/21+ 1 - 1) for i = 2 .

Example 1.1.20. Consider an [n, k , d] -code C of

o 0 q 0
genus O. Let Ho be its parity-check matrix. Add to Ho
one row of weight v which is not a linear combination of
rows of Ho. We get a matrix H such that each (do - 1)
columns of it are linearly independent (that is so already
for Ho). The parameters of the corresponding [n, k, d] q -
code Care k = ko - 1 and d ~ do' i. e. k + d ~ n . If

v < n - d then dl. s v < n - d (since the additional row

is a code vector of cl.), therefore dl. + kl. dl. + n - k <
< 2n - d - k s n . If k + d were more than n then we
would have got k + d = kl. + dl. = n + 1 Hence we have
constructed a code C with k+d=n which is not of
genus at most 1 (since dl. + kl. < n ).

Exerci se 1. 1. 21. Consider a [6,4,2] 2 -code C generated

by the matrix

[ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~l
000 110
000 011

Calculate the spectra of C and cl. in terms of B.

(Ansver: B 15, B 42 B 45 , B = 24
0 1 2 3
= 6 , B'
= 3 B'
= B'2 = 6 B'
2 ) .

Before we pass to the proof of Theorem 1.1.15, let us

recall that an additive character of ~q is defined as a
homomorphism X from the additive group of !C *• It
20 CODES Part 1

is easy to see that its image lies in the group of

p-roots of 1.

Exercise 1.1.22. Prove that the character group of q IF

is isomorphic to IF this isomorphism mapping the trivial
character Xo(a) ;: 1 to oe IF q

Lemma 1.1.23. For any non-trivial character

X IFq ~ IJ.p

E x(a'b) __ { qO
for b * °
q for b °
Proof: Let b '" 0, choose ao such that X (a 'b) '" 1.

x(a 'b)'E x(a·b) = E X( (a + a) ·b) E x(a' 'b)

o aelF aelF q 0 a'elF
q q

since the shift by a o maps IFq onto itself bijectively.

If b = 0 then always x(a·b) = 1 .

Fix a non-trivial character Xl For u, V e IF qn let
U'V e IF q be their inner product. Set

X1 (U'V)

is an additive character of

Let A be an arbitrary ~[lJ.p]-mOdule. For a function

f n
IF ---+ A define the transform
feu) = L X
velF n

Lemma 1.1.24. For any linear subspace e s; IF qn

L f(u) Ter nee
L f(u)

Proof: L f(u) = L n L Xu(v) -f(v)
ueC velF q uee

=L f(v) L Xv(u) + L f(v) L Xv(u)

veel. uee v~cl. uee

If v e el. then u-v o for all u e e , thus

L x 1 (O) lei •

Let v be such that there exists


x (u) - L X (u) = L X (u + u)
v 0 uee v uee v 0

since u0 + e = e ; hence L Xv (u) = 0

It is left to prove that i f Xv(u) 1 for any u e e
then v e el.. In fact, in this case X (o:-u)
=X (0:- (u-v» = 1 for any 0: e IF q' and, since there is
1 * -1
(3 e IF q such that Xl «(3) * 1 setting 0: = (3- (u-v) we
get a contradiction, i. e. u-v = 0 • The vanishing of the
second term in (1.1.1) proves the lemma .

In the course of the proof we have also established the
following fact:

Corollary 1.1.25. For any linear subspace

for v ~ el.
for v e el.

22 CODES Part 1

Proof of Theorem 1.1.15: Let A = ~[x,y] ,

f .• IFq
n ----7 A , f (u) = x n-liull 'y lIuli

The left hand side of the identity of Lemma 1.1.24 equals

W (x: y) • Let us calculate "f(u) . Let u = (u l '··· ,un) ,

using the fact that
v= (vl' ••• 'V n ) viq-1 = 1 for vi *- 0
and Lemma 1.1.24 we get

"f(u) =L Xu (v) 'x

velF q

= L X (u v
1 1 1
v 1 elf q v 2 elFq

q-1 q-1
n 1-V. v.~ n
IT LX 1 (u.v.)·x
~ ~
.y IT(x + y' L
*X 1 (u.v.))
~ ~
i=l v.elF
~ q

IT (x - Y + y' L X (u.· a) )
i=l aelF q 1 ~

n u,?-l 1-u,?-1
IT( (x - y) ~ . (x + (q - 1) .y) ~ )

(x + (q - 1) 'y)n-lIuli. (x _ y) lIuli

and the theorem is proved .


Here is a strengthening of Theorem 1.1.16 (for an

arbitrary linear code) .

Theorem 1.1.26. C be a linear [n,k,~d]q-code,

and let the minimum distance of the dual code be at least

dL • Then

xn + LB . . (x - 1) i
i=O ~

where for dL _ 1 ~ i ~ 0

B. = (~) . (qk-i
- 1)

and for n - d ~ i ~ dL

~ max {0, (n)i . (qk-i - 1 )}.

Exercise 1.1.27. Check the following interpretation of
in terms of [n,k,d]q-systems. Let 1> = {P l , · · · ,Pn } be
an [n,k,d] -system, P. e V . By H. denote the hyperplane
* q ~ ~
in V corresponding to Pi For 'R s;; 1> let
£ ('R) dim ( n Hi) . Then
P .e'R


'Rc1>, I 'R I =i

Using this interpretation prove Theorem 1.1.26.

Self-dual codes. A linear code C is called self-dual

iff C = CL . A code C is called quasi-self-dual iff there
exists a vector y= (Yl'···'Yn ) e IF qn , y.~ '" 0 for all
24 CODES Part 1

i 1, ... ,n, such that y·C = C.L . Here

A code C is called formally self-dual if W = W . Of

course, any self-dual code is quasi-self-dual, and any
quasi-self-dual code is formally self-dual. If q = 2 then
any quasi-self-dual code is self-dual. The following fact is
quite easy to prove:

Exercise 1.1.28. Let q = 2 or q = 3 . Show that the

weights of all code vectors of a self-dual q-ary code are
divisible by q.

Note that for formally self-dual codes this statement

is wrong: a [2,1,l]2-code spanned by the vector (1,0) E 1F2
is formally self-dual.
If an [n,k,d] -code C is (at least formally) self-dual
q k
then n = 2k (since q = WC (l:l) is uniquely determined by
the enumerator).

Everywhere below, whenever we consider some question

concerning self-duality, we restrict ourselves from the very
beginning to [n,k,d] -codes with
n = 2k .

The most beautiful theorem on formally self-dual codes

is proved with the help of classical invariant theory.
Unfortunately we have space only for the statement:

Theorem 1.1.29. For any formally self-dual code C

there exists a homogeneous polynomial P(x:y) such that

2 2
Wc(x:y) = P(x + (q - l)·y : y·(x - y»

Remark 1.1.30. Of course, not every polynomial of this
form is in fact an enumerator of some linear code. For

example the polynomial y. (x - y) cannot be an enumerator,

since it lacks the term xn corresponding to the zero code
vector. Another example of the same kind is
2 2
2x + 2 (q - 1)· Y • For q = 2 the enumerator of any self-
dual code must be an even function in x (see Exercise
2 2
1.1.28). A question which polynomials in x + (q - l)·y
and y·(x - y) are actually enumerators of self-dual codes
(or of any codes) is very subtle.

Let us present some other results (without proofs) .

Theorem 1.1.31. The enumerator of a binary self-dual

• 2 2 2 2 22
code is a polynom~al in x + y and x .y. (x - y )
(the same is valid for a formally self-dual code such that
all its weights are even). The enumerator of a 3-ary
self-dual code is a polynomial in and
3 3 3 3
Y . (x - y ) (the same is valid for a formally self-dual
code such that all its weights are divisible by 3). The
enumerator of a 4-ary formally self-dual code such that all
its weights are even a polynomial in
is X + 3·y2 and
2 2 2 2 •
X . (x - y) • The enumerator of a b~nary formally self-
dual code such that all its weights are divisible by 4 is a
polynomial in x B + 14.x4 + yB and X 4 .y4. (x 4 _ y4)4 • .l

Theorem 1.1. 32. Suppose that all the weights of a
formally self-dual q-ary code e are divisible by an
integer t > 1 . Then either e is an [n,n/2,2]q-code and
We = «q - 1) ·x2 + y2)n/2, or (q,t) = (2,2), (2,4), (3,3),
or (4,2) •

Exercise 1.1.33. Check that if e is quasi-self-dual
w~ . th respec t t 0 some y E (IF*)
q n an d f or any....; th ere

exists x. E IF * such that Yi = 2

Xi ' then there exists some
~ q
such that x·e is self-dual. Check that any
26 CODES Part 1

element of a finite field of characteristic 2 is a square,

and hence if q = 2 m then for any quasi-self-dual code C
there exists a self-dual code equivalent to c.

1.1.4. Bounds

We have already explained that a good code should have

large k and d for a given n. Let q be fixed. For
which n, k, d does there exist a linear [n,k,d]q-COde (or
just some [n,k,dJq-code)? Of course, o s k s n , 1 s d s n .
start with a rather strange but quite useful
statement that having a good code we can get a lot of worse

Lemma 1.1.34 (the spoiling lemma). Suppose that there

exists a non-degenerate [n,k,dJq-code c. Then we can
construct a non-degenerate linear code with parameters

a) [n + 1 , k , dJ q

and if k ~ 1 and n > d ~ 2 then also linear codes with


b) [n - 1 k - 1 dJ q
c) [n - 1 k d - IJ q
d) [n k - 1 d Jq
e) [n k d - IJ q

Proof: k-l n-k-l

Let 'P c IP and Q c IP be projective
and dual projective systems corresponding to C (see
section 1.1. 2) .

Choose a hyperplane H c IPk - 1 such that

max IHo n:P1 • Add to one more point from H
(it does not matter whether it already belongs to or
not) .
b) be a linearly dependent set of d
vectors. Exclude from Q any vector which does not belong
to Qo (it is possible since d < n ). Then n is lessened
by 1, and d and (n - k) do not change.
c) Chose H as in a) and exclude from any point
which does not belong to Ho . Since d 2: 2 we get a
system again (the remaining points cannot all lie in a
hyperplane); k and (n - d) do not change.
d) Use the operations of b) and a) .
e) Use the operations of c) and a) .

Exercise Prove the spoiling lemma for
degenerate linear codes. State and prove the spoiling lemma
for non-linear codes. (Hint: In this case (k - 1) is
changed by logq(lqk-l r) ).
In many cases it is difficult to calculate precise
values of parameters but it is possible to bound them. The
spoiling lemma makes it possible to pass from an
[:s n, 2: d]q-code
k, 2: C to an [n,k,d]q-code. In such a
situation we say that up to a spoiling the code C is an
So we can always spoil parameters, but of course we
cannot always make them better. Here are some restrictions.

Proposition 1.1.36 (the Singleton bound). For any

linear [n,k,d]q-code
28 CODES Part 1

Proof: Let us argue in terms of [n,k,d]q-systems.

Each set of (k - 1) vectors in a k-dimensional linear V
lies in a hyperplane, hence n - d = max I~ HI ~ k - 1 n

Exercise 1.1.37. Prove that the Singleton bound is
also valid for non-linear codes. (Hint: Different shifts of
c by vectors of the form (v l ' • • • ,vd-1 ' 0, •.• ,0) do not
intersect each other).

In the next statement linearity is essential.

Theorem 1.1.38 (the Griesmer bound). For any linear


n ~ L

Proof: Consider the corresponding projective system

'P c IP k - 1 . Let

= max I~ n HI n - d .

Set 1P' =H ~' = 'P n Ho C 1P' • This is a projective

en' , k' 'd']
q -system , where n' =n d , - k' = k - 1 Let
H' be a hyperplane (of dimension k - 3 in IP' such that
I 'P' n H'I = n' - d' There are (q + 1) hyperplanes H_
of IP passing through H' and IHi n 'PI :5. n - d

(q + 1)-(n - d) ~ L IHi n ~I IV n 'PI + q-IH' n 'PI

= n + q- (n - d - d') ,

since UH.~ = V , nJ.1.

= H' • We get d' l!:: 1 ..!!.
q r . Iterating

this operation k times we get an [n (k) ,0, d (k)] -system

k-1 q
with n (k) = n - d - d' - ... s n -
E l..!!.·
rThe condition

n(k) 0 proves the theorem •


The following bounds we prove for any codes.

Theorem 1.1.39 (the Plotkin bound). For any [n,k,d]q-

code C

d s
n·qk . (q - 1)
(q - l)·q

Proof: The minimum distance d cannot exceed the

average pairwise distance between the elements of c:

d s E d(x,y)

Set X • = I {x e C I x.~ = a} I ; E X qk for any

a,~ a,i
aelF q
i Let IS be the Kronecker symbol.

E d(x,y) E E (1 - IS )
x,yeC i=l x,yeC xi'Yi

L E (1 - IS )·X .·X . s n·max Q(Z)
i=l a,belF a,b a,~ b,~ Z

where Q is a quadratic from whose matrix is b) (1 - IS

Z = (Za) aelF ' Za e IR , and the maximum is taken over Z
subj ect to the conditions l!:: 0 , Now the
30 CODES Part 1

theorem is implied by the following fact:

Exercise 1.1.40. Prove that maximum equals

2k-1 are equal.
q . (q - 1) and is reached when all

Theorem 1.1.41 (the sphere-packing bound, or the
Hamming bound). For any [n,k,d]q-code e

n - k L
. (q -

Proof: Consider spheres in Wq of radius t I --,d-211
centered at the code vectors (by definition a sphere of
radius t centered at a is

Bi (a) = {X e W~ I IIx - all s t} ).

These spheres do not intersect, hence the product of

lei = qk and the volume (the number of elements) of such a
sphere is at most Iwnl = qn . Now the theorem is implied by
the following statement.

Lemma 1.1.42. The volume of a sphere of radius t in

IFn equals

IB t (a) I L (~). (q - 1) i
i=O •
Exercise 1.1.43. Prove the lemma.

The following theorem is obtained by combining the

averaging procedure with the sphere-packing argument.

Theorem (the Bassalygo-Elias bound).

1.1.44 For any
[n,k,d]q-COde and for any integer such that 1:5 v :5 n
A = d - 2 ·V + (q q·v > 0
_ l).n

the folloving inequality holds:

n - k ~ (n)
logq v + v·logq (q - 1) - logq d + logqA

Sketch of proof: The idea is us follows: first we

establish some relation between the possible cardinality of
a code in IF n and that of a spherical code on Sn (v) =
n q
{x E IF q I IIxll = v } . Then we use the Plotkin method to
estimate the cardinality of the spherical code. Let us start
from the following mean inequality:

Lemma 1.1.45. Let A(n,d) = q , k = max{k} , the
maximum being taken over all [n,k,d] -codes C vith given
nand d ; let A(n,v,d) be the maximum possible number of
vectors of veight v in IF n such that the distance betveen
any tvo of them is at least d . Then for any

A(n,d,v) A (n ,d)
(Z).(q - l)v qn

Exercise 1.1.46. Prove the lemma. (Hint: use the fact
that for any code C there exists a sphere of radius v
such that the volume of its intersection with the code C
is at least the average volume of intersection of C with
such spheres).
32 CODES Part 1

Lemma 1.1.47. We have

+ q 2 ·W
(q _ l).n
whenever the denominator is positive .

Exercise 1.1.48. Prove the lemma. (Hint: Estimate the
sum of all pairwise distances in a spherical code, as it is
done in the proof of Theorem 1.1.39).

Exercise 1.1.49. Derive Theorem 1.1.44 from Lemma

1.1.45 and Lemma 1.1.47 .

The next idea is to use spectra. Let C be a linear
code. By Theorem 1.1.15 we know that

W (x: y) q 'Wc(x + (q - l)y x - y)

or, in terms of coefficients:

A'. q -k L AJ.·P i (j)

where P.(x) is the Krawtchouk polynomial defined as


Note that P. (0)

= (~).(q - l)i . The generating function of
polynomials Pi(x) is

L P. (x) ·zi

Since A'. are the coefficients of Ii .I. (x:y) they are

non-negative integers, i,e. for any i

E A). . Pi (j) ?! 0
We want to give an upper bound for qk = 1 + E Ai' i.e. to
solve the following linear programming problem (note that
E A .• p (j) ?! 0 for A.?! 0 ):
j=O J 0 )

H 1 + E x. -----+) max
i=d ~

(j) . (q - E
PJ.(j) ·Xi ?! 0 for j 1, ... , n

x.~ ?! 0 for i = d, d + 1, ... , n

Solving the dual problem we obtain the following statement:

Theorem 1.1.50 (the linear programming bound). For a

given set of non-negative real numbers al, ... ,a n such that
for any j = d, d + 1, ... , n

1 + E a.·P.(j) :S 0
i=l ~ ~

and for any C we have

Let us remark that this result can be strengthened if
we apply the linear programming method to the
34 CODES Part 1

constant-weight (spherical) codes and then use Lemma


At last we come to an existence theorem.

Theorem 1.1.51 (the Gilbert-Varshamov bound). Whenever

q <

there exists a linear [n,k,d]q-code c

Proof: We are going to construct a dual [n,k,d]q-

system Q c W, dim W = n - k For we take any
non-zero vector. Suppose that we have already constructed a
system consisting of i vectors Ql' ••• , Q i such that any
(d - 1) of them are linearly independent. consider the set
Si of vectors which are linear combinations of at most
(d - 2) elements from {Ql, ... ,Qi}

L (~J'.). (q - 1) j

If Hi < IWI we are able to choose Qi+l II! Si . Then any

(d - 1) vectors from the set {Ql' ••• ,Qi+l} are linearly
independent. Proceeding 1 ike that we get Q = {Q1'···' Qn}
of cardinality n defined in the theorem .

Remark 1.1.52. It is easy to see that there are many
codes having parameters which are the best satisfying the
inequal i ty of the theorem (because of the mul tiple
possibility of choice at each step). In a certain way (see
Remark 1.3.17) we can say that the parameters of almost

every code are quite near to those predicted by Theorem

1.1. 51.

Exercise 1.1.53 (the Varshamov procedure). Suppose

that the parameters of an [no,ko,do]q-COde C
satisfy the
inequality of Theorem 1.1. 51. Prove that there exists an
[n ,k ,d) -code C 2 C such that its parameters also
OlOq 1 0
satisfy the inequality and the triple [no' kl + 1, do]
does not satisfy it.

Remark 1.1.54 (the Gilbert bound). It is possible to

prove a slightly weaker result: if

q < L (~). (q -

then there exists a (non-linear) [n,k,d]q-COde; this can be

proved by choosing coding vectors in F~ one by one so that
each point does not lie in the union of spheres of radius
(d - 1) centered in the previolls points.

The results we have exposed in this section (Section

1.1.4) somehow bound the possible values of parameters.
still the problem of actually finding out what is possible
and what is not is very difficult.


In this chapter we present several examples of codes.

Each example is in fact a method to construct some family of
codes, which (in some way or other) have rather good
parameters. since in many cases these families are
predecessors of algebraic-geometric codes, we try to choose
constructions that are easy to generalize in that
Section 1.2.1 is devoted to the example most important
for us, to Reed-Solomon codes, which - as we shall see in
Part 3 - are just algebraic-geometric codes of genus zero.
We discuss them in detail, calculate the spectra, and give a
decoding algorithm. In section 1.2.2 we briefly discuss
other interesting families of codes. section 1.2.3 is
devoted to a number of rather simple constructions which
produce new codes starting with some codes we already know.

38 CODES Part 1

1.2.1. Codes of genus zero

Recall that a code of genus zero (or an MDS-code) is an

[n,k,d] -code C such that k + d =n + 1 this yields
q .L .L
(n - k) + d = n + 1 Le. C is also an MDS-code (see
Exercise 1.1.18).

Trivial codes. For any n there are three simple

q-ary codes which it is naturally to call trivial. These
[n , n , 1] q -code C1 = IF~ ,

[n,n - 1,2] q -code C 2 = {(v 1 , ... ,vn ) e IFnq I LVi~ O}

(called the parity-check code), and

[n , 1 , n ] q -code C 3 = {v = ( ex, ••• , ex) e IF~} , ex elf q

(called the repetition code).

Now we are passing to a more conceptual construction.

Reed-Solomon codes. Let 'P = {P , •• • ,P } S; IF

1 n q
be a
subset of cardinality n. Consider a linear space L(a) of
all polynomials in one variable of degree at most a with
coefficients in IF
• dim L(a) = a + 1 . For n > a a
non-zero polynomial f(x) e L(a) cannot vanish at all
points of 'P, moreover, it has at least (n - a) non-zero
values at points of 'P. The "evaluation" map

Ev'P : L(a) ~ IFq

Ev'P : f ~ ( f (P 1 ) , • • • , f (Pn »

is injective for n > a and its image C is an


[n, a + 1, n - a]q-code called a Reed-Solomon code of

degree a (traditionally this name is reserved for the codes
of length - 1 withn "P = IF * , the rest are called
=q q
extended or shortened Reed-Solomon codes; but for us it is
natural to give one name to all of them). The parameters of
such a code satisfy the condition k + d = n + 1 which is
very good (by Proposition 1.1. 36 it cannot be better), and
k = a + 1 can be freely chosen between 1 and n. Moreover,
Reed-Solomon codes form an embedded family,
L(a) c L(a + 1) • Unfortunately, their length cannot exceed
q. In section 3. 1. 1 we shall see that these codes can be
naturally extended to codes on the projective line with
k + d =n + 1 , n s q + 1
2 a
Choose the basis {l,x,x , ... ,x } in L(a)
basis the generator matrix of c is
j = O,l, ... ,a; i = 1,2, ... ,n .

The dual code. Let us start with the simplest case.

Exercise 1.2.1. Let 'P = IFq or "P = IF * Prove that

is also a Reed-Solomon code with a i = '; - a - 2 and
parameters [n, n - a - 1, a + 2]q . (Hint: Use the fact that
L xi = 0 for i < q - 1).

Then let us find the dual code for the case of an

arbitrary "P S; IF . Set

P . e"P
(x - Pi)

Cons ider the vector space n (a) spanned by the functions

40 CODES Part 1

ge (x) for e ~ n - a - 2.
0 ~ Consider a function
F (x)= f (x) . go (x) , f (x) being a polynomial. Recall the
definition of the residue of F at Pi

Res p F = f ( P . ) . n (P. _ P .)-1

i ~ j*i ~ J

Exercise 1.2.2 (the residue formula). Prove that for

deg f ~ n - 2 we have L ResP F = 0 •
P .e'P i

Proposition 1.2.3. The dual code for the

Reed-Solomon code C of degree a is the image of O(a)
under the map

Res'P g 1---7 (Res p g , ... I Res p g)

1 n

The code C~ is equivalent to some other Reed-Solomon code.

Proof: Let f e L (a) g e 0 (a) Then

L f(P')'Res p g = L Res p (f·g) o.

p . e'P ~ i P . e'P i
~ ~

Since dim L(a) + dim n(a) =n , we get C~ = Res'P(n(a» .

Then note that if g (x) = h (x) . go (x) I h (x) being a
polynomial, then
Res p .g = y. ·h(P.)
~ ~


Yi =n
. . (P.~ - P J.)

i.e. C~ can be obtained from a Reed-Solomon code

C' = Ev'P(L(a~» I a~ =n - a - 2 by multiplying i-th

coordinate of all vectors *

Fq by We write
Yi E

C~ = Y'C' , Y = (Yl""'Yn) E {F;)n and call such codes

generalized Reed-Solomon codes. They are equivalent to
Reed-Solomon codes in the sense of definition of
section 1.1.1.

Whenever l' = F q or l' = Fq* , multiplication by Y
is an automorphism of C' •
Let us remark that if n is even and a="2+ 1 ,
then C is quasi-self-dual: C~ = y' C , and if l' = Fq or
l' = F* it is self-dual: C~ = C •

Spectra. Applying Theorem 1.1.16 to codes of genus

zero, we get a complete answer.

Proposition 1.2.4. If C is an [n,k,d]q-Code of genus

zero then

k-1 .
xn + L (~).{qk-2 - l)'{x _ l)i
i=O 2

Exercise 1.2.5. Establish this formula for Reed-
Solomon codes by a direct computation. Check that for i * 0

Decoding. Consider an [n, n - a - 1, a + 2]q-code C

dual to a Reed-Solomon code of degree a. Recall that
decoding up to t = fd ;
11 means an algorithm that makes
it possible, starting with some v E F~ which is at most at
distance t from some code vector u e C, to find this
u. Let v - u = e, lIeU:s t , e is called the error
vector .
42 CODES Part 1

So we are given some v e ~n

. Start with a calculation
of so-called syndromes:

s j (v) L V.·p~
1. 1.
o s j s 2t - 1 .

Note that e . . p~ , where

SJ. =L I= {i Ie ... O} is the
ieI 1. 1. 1.

(unknown) set of error locators, since for u e C the

corresponding sum equals zero by definition (the matrix
(Pi) is a parity-check matrix of the code) .
The next step is to find the polynomial

g(x) L y·x =c·TT(x-p.)
l=O l ieI 1.

To do that we solve the system of equations

L y{sJ.+l = 0, 0 s j s t - 1 ,

where Yl are indeterminants. The function g we are

looking for is the solution of the system since
g(P i ) = 0 , hence

t t .+l
L y{S j+l L L y{e .. p~
1. 1.
l=O l=O P .e'P

L e . . prg(P.) 0
1. 1. 1.

On the other hand if {Y e } is some other solution and

t l
g' (x) L y'·x
l=O l

then, setting
Fj(X) .n.
~eI,~*J k=O
L b

for any j e I we have

e .. F . (P . ) . g' (P.)
~ J ~ ~

= L L e .. bk·~·g' (P.)
ieI k=O ~ ~ ~

t-1 t
b k·Ye·
' 'r'
L e.· pkH.
k=O e=o ieI ~ ~

Therefore g' (P j) = 0 for any j e I , i. e. g is the only

solution (up to a multiplicative constant).
Decomposing g into factors we find the set of error
locators I. Let us now solve the system
L e . . p~ = s J. o :S j :S a (in indeterminants e i ). The
~ ~
values of ei we are looking for satisfy this system. If
{e'. } is another solution, then L (e. - e'.) .p~ = 0 i. e.
~ ieI ~ ~ ~
the vector e - e' e C but its weight is at most
2t :S d - 1. The contradiction we get shows that e is
found uniquely.

1.2.2. Some families of codes

Let us discuss some other interesting examples. (In our

exposition, discussing some well known families of codes, we
44 CODES Part 1

diverge in minor details from traditional constructions and

definitions) .

Reed-Muller codes of the first order. Consider a linear

space Lm of polynomials of degree 0 and 1 in m
variables; dim Lm = m+ 1 ; let 'P = {P 1 ,···,Pn} s; IF~ be a
subset of cardinality n such that no non-zero linear
polynomial vanishes at all points P1 , • • • ,Pn (it is surely
so if n > qm-l since the number of zeroes of a linear
polynomial in m variables is at most q
m-l ). The image of
the evaluation map

Ev 'P Lm ----7 IF~

is an [n, m + I, n - q
m-l ]q-COde with n ~ q

Let us generalize this construction. Consider all

homogeneous linear forms in (m + 1) variables. Together
with zero they form a linear space L' of dimension
(m + 1) over Then let 'P c IFm+ 1 be such that
Pi ~ (0, •.• ,0) P e 'P yields for any

a e IF q* - {I} • Consider again the evaluation-at-'P map. A

non-zero form f e L' has at most qm zeroes in IFm+1

m q
Recall that 0 li!! 'P and if [(P . )
o for then

also [(a·P.)
= 0 for all a ~ 0, 1 Therefore the number
of zeroes of [ in is at most q q -- 11 . The maximum
m+l _ 1
cardinality of is (take for example all
q - 1
non-zero elements of IF m+ 1 such that their first non-zero

coordinate is 1 ). We
obtain an [n, m + I, n -
qm _
q - 1

qm+l _ 1
code for n :s ........----,:--- in particular a code C with
q - 1

[q q _- 1
1 m]
,m + 1, q

This is a very good code, the best possible for din> q q- 1

(cf. Theorem 1.1.39, this code lies on the Plotkin bound).

Exercise 1.2.6.Show that all non-zero code vectors of

C are of the same weight qm i.e.
n m+l qm
Wc(x) = x - (q - 1) oX

Hamming codes. Consider the code CH = Col dual to the

above Reed-Muller code. Theorem 1.1.16 makes it possible to
find out the spectrum.

Exercise 1.2.7. Calculate this spectrum.

The spectrum shows that d ~ 3 • This can be seen also

without knowing the spectrum. In fact, the parity-check
matrix of CH has no proportional columns (if for
P P e IFm+ 1 all linear forms are proportional,
l' 2 q
f(P 1 ) = a f(P 2 ) , then
o P 1 = a P 2 ) . Hence any two
o columns
are linearly independent and (Exercise 1.1.3) d ~ 3
So we have constructed codes with parameters

qm+l _ 1
[n, n - m - 1, 3 1q n :s
q - 1

m+1 1
(and for n -- q q _ - 1 we know the spectrum of such codes).
These codes are good if we are interested in codes with
n = qm+1 - 1
d=3. For they lie on the Hamming bound
q - 1
(cf. Theorem 1.1.41).
46 CODES Part 1

Reed-Muller codes of order r < m· (q - 1) •

r. Let
Consider the linear space Lm(r) of all polynomials of
degree at most r in m variables. Fix a subset
~ = {Pl, •.• ,Pn} ~ ~~ and consider the evaluation map:

Ev ep : Lm (r) -----+ ~~

Set C = Evep(Lm(r» • Finding out the parameters of C is

rather difficult. For simplicity let us suppose that
ep = ~~ , n = ~ . The map Evep in general is not injective.
In fact Evep(f) = Evep(fq) for any f . Let L:n(r) be the
space spanned by monomials of degree at most r which are
not divided by any q-power (i.e. those of the form

Exercise 1.2.8. Let

n = ~ , r = a· (q - 1) + b ::s m· (q - 1) , 1::s b ::s q - 1 •

Prove that then

d = (q - b) .q

In particular, for q = 2 we get a

r (m)i
[2m'i~O ,2
m-r] 2- code .

(Hint: To compute one can calculate the number of ways

to place m objects in i cells such that no cell contains
more than j objects and then apply an exclusion-inclusion
argument. To compute d one can just use induction over m) .

Problem 1.2.9. Generalize this definition to the case

of a projective space.

Cyclic codes. We can only just mention here this

important topic which is mostly left out from this book.
A code C IFn
S;; is called cyclic if it is invariant
with respect to the cycl ic shift of coordinates, i. e.
(c t ' • • • ,cn ) e C yields (c 2 , ••• ,cn'c t ) e C. Note that
cyclicity is not an invariant of the equivalence class of

The cyclicity condition is so strong that it is

possible (in a way) to describe a cyclic code. Identify IF nq
with the ring Rn IFq[X]/(X n - 1) . A code is cyclic iff it
is invariant under the multiplication by x (in fact, if


is its cyclic shift) . The condition X'C S;; C is equivalent

to C being an ideal in Rn Since R is the principal
ideal domain, C= (g) S;;R
Let us take for g the
representative g(x) of the lowest degree in IF q[X] It is .
obvious that n
g(x) I (x - 1) ; let r = deg g then the
dimension of the code is k = n - r . An element c (x) e R
belongs to C iff there exists f(x) elFq[X], degf:sk
such that c(x) = f(x)'g(x) . The polynomial g(x) is
called the generator polynomial of C, and
h(x) = (x n - l)/g(x) is called its parity-check polynomial.
48 CODES Part 1

Exercise 1.2.10. Prove that the Reed-Solomon codes with

* are cyclic. The same is also true for P = W (for
P = Wq
a prime p).

Let us
consider the case (n, q) = 1 , then the
polynomial n
(x - 1) has n distinct roots in ifq'. let
W be the splitting field of this polynomial, Le. the
smallest extension of IFq where (x n - 1) decomposes
into a product of linear factors.

Exercise 1.2.11. Check that m is the smallest integer

such that nl (qm - 1) •

The group *
Wqm is cyclic, its subgroup Iln of n-th
roots of 1 is also cyclic, fix its generator a, then

Since g(x) I (xn - 1) , g(x) = ~ (x - a i ) for a subset

IS; {O,l, ... ,n - 1}.

Exercise 1. 2 .12. Prove that the coefficients of g(x)

belong to Wq iff q-I;: I (mod n) .

Now it is quite clear that c(x) e C iff

for every i e I . Hence a parity-check matrix of C can be
written as follows (here I = {i1, ••• ,i r } ):

i 2i 1 (n-1)i 1
1 a a a


(n-1)i r
1 a a a

Attention: H is a parity-check matrix in a pickwick sense,

its entries do not lie in IF q To put it precisely we
should change each element h ij e H by the column of its
coordinates in a basis of IF over IFq' the matrix H'
we obtain is in fact the parity-check matrix of dimension
mor x n •

We are in the situation of the field restriction,

discussed below in section 1.2.3. Suppose that we are given
an [n,k,d1qm-code C', choose code vectors of C' all
coordinates of which I ie in IF q i. e. consider the q-ary

code C = C' n IFn •

q' its parameters are at worst

En, n - moen - k), dl q

It can in fact happen that some rows of H' are
linearly dependent. For example if then
IF q -expansions of a 1 and have the same set of
coordinates, hence rk H' :s m s , s = II0 I , where Io 0 is
such that Io U qoI o U ••• U q m-1 oIo = I •

Summing up we get:

Theorem 1.2.13. Let (n,q) =1 0 Any cyclic [n,k,d 1q -

code C is the field restriction of the [n,k' ,d' 1 -code
C' defined by the parity-check matrix

i a(n-1)i 1
1 a

H =
ir a(n-1)i r
1 a

where m is the smallest integer such that n I (qm - 1) ,

<a> = j.Ln S; *
IF qm the set I = { i , ••• , i }
1 r
has the property
50 CODES Part 1

q·I ~ I (mod n) • r =n - k' and d ~ d' , k ~ n - m·r .

Moreover, k ~ n - m·s, where s = minlIol over all
Io ~ I such that Io U q·Io U ..• U q ·I o =I •

It would be also good to know how to estimate the
minimum distance of a cyclic code. In general, this is a
very subtle question. Here is an important example.

BCH-codes. Let nl (q - 1) , Le. m = 1. Consider a

cyclic code with I = {O,l, ... ,r - I}. This is a Reed-
Solomon code, its dual (which is also a Reed-Solomon code)
is built from polynomials of degree at most (r - 1) being
evaluated at 2
"P = {I, ex, ex , .•• , ex
n-l }. For such codes
k = n - r and we know the minimum distance:
d n + 1 - k = r + 1 . Let us generalize this example.

A C is a cyclic code such that
I ;2 b + 1 ,
{b , , b+ l!. - 2} ...
for some b ~ 0 and
l!. ~ 2 We call. l!. the designed distance of C. A BCH-code
in the narrow sense is a BCH-code with b = 1, a primitive
BCH-code is a BCH-code of length n = qm - 1 (in this case
ex is a primitive element of F ).

Exercise 1. 2 .14. Prove that for a BCH-code

(Hint: This can be done at least in two ways. You can write
out explicitly the condition for (l!. - 1) columns of H
to be linearly dependent, and see that it is a Vandermonde
determinant. You can also reduce everything to the case
b = 0 , consider a Reed-Solomon C' , and

use d ~ d' ).

Then we are going to estimate the dimension k of C.

Recall that I ~ q·I(mod n) and by Theorem 1.2.13

n - k :s m·s, where s = min IIol over such that

I I o U q·I 0 U ••• U q ·I0

Further on we suppose that C is a primitive BCH-code

in the narrow sense (i. e. b = 1 , n = qm - 1 ), and that
m ~ 2 • Set

let I 7l./n be the smallest set such that I = q·I (mod n)

- r~ ~ 11

and I ;2 I1 s :s IIol = ~ - 1 . We get

n - k :s m· (d - 1 - r ~ 11)

Summing up, we have proved

Theorem 1.2.15. For any m~ 2 and n = q - 1
there exists a primitive q-ary BCH-code in the narrow sense
whose parameters are

d = 2, 3, ... , 1 + m. (q _ 1)

In particular, for d q·e + 1 and n qm _ 1 we get

n - k :s m·e· (q - 1) .

Of course, the most advantage when compared with the
standard estimate for the field restriction we get for
q = 2 . In section 3.4.3 we return to the idea of "throwing
out q-th powers" in a more refined version.
There are many other interesting cyclic codes, for
example such are post factum Golay codes, some Goppa codes,
52 CODES Part 1

Reed-Muller codes with 'P = IF q - {O} , etc. It is a pity we

cannot answer the following important question:

Problem 1. 2.16. Do there exist infinite families of

cyclic codes with n ------7 00 and k·d/n 2 ~ c > O? (such
families are called asymptotically good, cf. section
1.3.1) •

Let us remark that if we weaken a bit the condition of

cyclicity, this problem has a positive answer: there exist
asymptotically good families of quasi-cyclic codes, Le.
codes that are invariant under a cyclic s-shift

s ~ 2 being fixed, n ------7 00 •

Here is another example of cyclic codes.

Quadratic-residue codes. Let q=p be a prime and

let e be another prime such that e:;l: 2 and p is a
square modulo e. Let I be the set of quadratic residues
modulo e. Recall that a quadratic residue is an element
i e 71./e· 71. such that i == a 2 (mod e) for some a i is a
quadratic residue iff i (e-1)/2 == 1 (mod e) • Since p is a
quadratic residue, p·I - I (mod e) •

Exercise 1.2.17. Prove that a cyclic code C

corresponding to the set I of quadratic residues (see
Theorem 1.2.13) is a [i, i + 1 , ~ 1v7 r ] q -code.
-2- Let us add
to a vector
v (VI'··· ,v e) e C one coordinate more

vl+ 1 = - E
i=l ~
v. . Prove that for i == -1 (mod 4) the new code
C' is self-dual.

Alternant codes. Let Co be a generalized

Reed-Solomon code over ~ (cf. the definition given after
proposition 1.2.3). The code C = C~ n ~~ is called an
alternant code.

Exercise 1.2.18. Prove that the parameters of Care

at worst [n, n - m·(d - 1), dl q .

There is a lot of al ternant codes, much more than

BCH-codes, that is why there are many good codes among them
(e.g. there is no infinite family of BCH-codes with
k·d/n 2 ?! c > 0 but there are such families of alternant
codes). Here is an important subclass of these codes:

Goppa codes. Let G(x) be a polynomial over ~ qm

and let "P -

- {P1'···' P n } -c ~ qm be such that G(P i ) '* 0 •
The al ternant code constructed from the generalized
Reed-Solomon code corresponding to "P and
-1 -1.
Y = (G(P)
, ... , G(P) ) 1S cal led a Goppa code.
Consider another definition. For any

n vi
i=l Z - Pi

The code
C = (v e ~~ I Rv (z) = 0 (mod G (z) ) }

is called a Goppa code.

Exercise 1.2.19. Check that these definition are

equivalent and prove that the parameters are at worst
[n, n - m·r, r + llq' where r = deg G(z) •
54 CODES Part 1

Exercise 1. 2.20. Let q = 2 • Show that i f G(z) has

no multiple roots then d ?:: 2r + 1. (Hint: In this
situation Rv(Z) = f~(z)/fv(z) for some polynomial fv(z) ,
and f~(z) is a square for any polynomial fv(z».

.Justesen codes. Consider a qm-ary Reed-Solomon

[n, k, n + 1 - k) qm-COde co' and let

y = (l,a,a , •.• ,a

a being a primitive element of

i. e.

and consider C as a q-ary code.

Exercise 1.2.21. Prove that C is an

e being the largest integer such that

f (2~).
i=1 ~
(q - 1) i !O n - k + 1 •

n-1 .
(Hint: The line (c ,c iC ,c ·a i ••• iC ,a ·c) 1ncludes
1 1 2 2 2 n n i-I
at least n + 1 - k different q-ary vectors (ci,a ·C i )
of length 2m i estimate the total weight).

Golay codes. Speaking of interesting examples it is

impossible not to mention such a phenomenon as Golay codes.
These codes can be described in several different ways.

Consider the field f" 211 - 1 = 2047 = 23·89 ,

hence the roots of 1 of degree 23 lie in this field. Let
a e f" be such a primitive root. Let
= {x e f"23 i
2 E x.·a ~
= O}

The code C23 is in fact a [23,12,7]2 -code. It is easy to

check that this code is given by Theorem 1. 2 .13 for q = 2,
m = 11, n = 23, Io= {I}; in this case

I = {I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18} •

Its minimum distance is much larger than it is natural to

expect. This code is, of course, cyclic. Its generator
polynomial is either


(it depends on the choice of a ; in fact

X 23 _ 1 = (x - l)·g (x)·g (x) ).

1 2

The automorphism group M23 of the Golay [23,12,7]2-

code C23 is of order 23·22·21·20·48 = 10200960. Its
spectrum is

W23 (x) = X 23 + 253 X 16 + 506 XiS + 1288 Xl2 +

+ 1288 x 11 + 506 x8 + 253 x7 + 1 = X 23 ·W


This code is a quadratic-residue code: the roots of its

generator polynomial are ai, i being a quadratic residue
modulo 23 (the set of quadratic residues is I). This code
56 CODES Part 1

has also something to do with quadratic residues modulo

11. Consider the vector
v (l,O,l,O,O,O,l,l,l,O,l),

Vi = 1 iff i is a quadratic residue modulo 11. Let A be

the matrix whose rows are formed by all cyclic shifts of
this vector. Adding to A the row of ones we get a matrix
B . Then the code C23 is given by the generator matrix

E = E 12 being the unity matrix.

The code C24 obtained from C23 by adding the
parity-check {i.e. the column (1,1, ... ,1,0) is even more
wonderful. Its parameters are [24,12,8]2' its automorphism
group H24 is 24 times larger:

244823040 .

This group is 5-transi ti ve.

H The spectrum has only
weights 24, 16, 12, 8, and 0:

W24 (x) = X24 + 759 X 16 + 2576 X12 + 759 x8 + 1

= X 24 -W24 (l/x)

A similar situation takes place over IF

3 Consider
IF 5; 3 - 1 = 242 = 11-22.
5 Let a e IF 5 be a primitive
3 3
root of degree 11. Let
1 1
C {x e 1F1l E x_-a i O}
11 3 1.

This is an [ll,6,5]3-code. For this code Io = {l} ,

I= {1,3,4,5,9} is the set of quadratic residues modulo 11.

It is cyclic and quadratic-residue:

= (x - 1)' (x
+ x - x
+ x
- 1)' (x
- x + x - 1) .

The generator matrix of C 11 can be written out by a

similar method, starting with (0,1,-1,-1,1) , Le. using
quadratic residues modulo 5.
Adding a parity-check (which in this case is the column
(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0) we get a [12,6,6]2-code C
order of its automorphism group is
12'11'10'9'8 95040 The spectrum of C 12 is

Exercise 1.2.22. Prove all the above statements.

(Hint: This is rather difficult, use some book on codes) .

Perfect codes. A code C is called perfect if

d = 2t + 1 and IF n is the union of spheres of radius t
centered at code vectors. It is clear that this property
depends only on the parameters [n,k,d]q •

Theorem 1.2.23. Let an [n,k,d]q-cOde C (linear or

non-linear) be perfect. Then either k = or k = n , or °,
q = 2 , k = 1 and n = d is odd, or the parameters of C
are exactly those of Hamming or Golay codes, i.e. either

or [23,12,7]2' or [11,6,5]3 •

58 CODES Part 1

Group codes. The notion of a cyclic code can be

generalized to the case of any group G.
Recall that a group algebra of G is an algebra of

where the multiplication is defined as convolution

The group G acts on from the right:

(fg) (h) = f (hg) For a subgroup the invariant space
is defined as

IF q[G/H] = (f E IF q[G] I f(gh) = f(g) for any g e G, h E H} •

Any module IF q[G/H] has a natural basis f l , • • • , fe '

where e= [G:H] , and the functions f i have the property

1 if i j
f i (gj"H) ={ 0 if i ;t j

G = g "H U ••• U g{H being the decomposition of G into

disjoint right cosets over H.

Thus any subspace C ~ IFq[G/H] can be naturally viewed

as a linear code, since the choice of basis (f l , · · · ,ff)
gives an identification IF q [G/H] '" 1Ftq • The same is valid
for any permutational G-module H = IFq[G/H]@ • • • @lFq[G/Hm ] ,
where Hi' ••• , Hm are arbitrary subgroups in G, so that
any subspace C ~ H is a linear code over IFq
Then let G ~ (Sn n Aut C) be a subgroup of the
automorphism group of C ~ IF q acting by permutations of
coordinates. Let B = {e , •.. ,e } be the basis of IF~. The
1 n

group G acts on B, hence B is a disj oint union of

G-orbits B = 01 U ••• U Om' where °
i = Gb i is an orbit
of some b i e B . Let Hi be the stabilizer of b i , so
that there is an isomorphism of G-sets 0i ~ G/H i • Then ~q
is identified with a G-module ~ q[G/H1 ] ® • • • ® ~ q[G/Hm] •

In particular, if G acts transitively, then ~n

q is
identified with ~ q[G/H] I and C is a G-submodule in
~ q[G/H] • Since ~ q[G/H] is a right ideal in the group
algebra ~q[G], the code C is in this case also a right
ideal in this algebra.
For example, if Aut C contains a cyclic subgroup of
order n permuting c is embedded into
the group algebra Rn as an ideal, i.e. C
is a cyclic code.

1.2.3. Some constructions

There are many ways to construct new codes starting

with some known ones. The simplest were used above to prove
the spoiling lemma (Lemma 1.1.34).

Exercise 1.2.24. Given an [n,k,d]q-Code C, construct

[ n + t"k q
d] - ' [n - t I t d] q -
k -' and [n - t"k dq- t] -
codes. (Attention: There is an abuse of notation here, if
k E 71. one should write log <l qk-t
q r) instead of
(k - t) ). If C is linear new codes should be also linear.
Here we give some constructions more, starting with
those that do not change q .

Direct sum. Let us start with two given codes

n1 n
C ~ ~q and C ~ ~ 2
1 2 q
60 CODES Part 1

Their direct sum

n +n
C=C eC S;IF I 2
I 2 q

is the set of vectors v = (V I 'V 2 ) where VI e Cl '

v 2 e C2 It is easy to see that C is a linear

[n l + n 2 , kl + k 2 , dl q -code with d = min {d 1 ,d2 } . We can
also consider direct sums of any finite number of codes. If
all these codes are eCNal, we get the pover ce of the
original code C; if C was an [n,k,d1q-code we get an
[eon,eok,dl q -codes for all e = 1,2 , ••••

Tensor product. Consider the tensor (or Kroneckerian)

product of codes
and C S; IF 2
2 q
i.e. the subspace

consisting of matrices such that all their rows are elements

n n2
of Cl and all their columns of C2 (lFql is identified
with the space of n xn matrices) •
1 2

Exercise 1.2.25. Prove that the obtained code C is an

We can, of course, consider the tensor product of any

finite number of codes, in particular the tensor pover c®e
e e 1.
of a code. Its parameters are [n ,k ,d- 1q •

Pasting. Start with an [nl,k,d1lq-code

IFk ---+ IF I
q q

and an [n ,k,d] -code

2 2 q
IFk ------+ IF 2
q q

It is natural to consider the diagonal map

Its image C = (C IC ) is called the pasting of C and

1 2 1
C2 It is easy to see that C is an

Applying this construction several times to one and the same

code we get t-time repetition of the code. Its parameters
are [t-n,k,t-d]q.

A code from an embedded pair. Let codes C 1 :l C 2 have

parameters, respectively, (n,k,d]q and en, k - 1, d + 1]q •
Chose v e C 1 , v ~ C2 • Any vector of C
is of the form
W + x-v w e C x e IF Consider the extension of C
2 q 1
adding to w + x-v the (n + 1)-coordinate equal to x We
obtain an [n + 1, k, d + 1] -code.

(ulu+v)-construction. Let C and

S;; IF n C S;; IF n
1 2q
lie n
in the same space IF q Consider the subspace
C= C1 + C) of vectors of the form (u, u + v) ,
where u e C1 , vee2 . It is easy to see that C is a
[2n, k
+ k 2 , d] q -code with d = min{2d1 ,d2 }

Shortening by the distance. In the proof of Theorem

1.1.38 it is shown that starting with a linear
[n,k,d]q-code C we can get an

[n - d, k - 1, l!: 1~ r ] q -code.
62 CODES Part 1

Shortening by the dual distance. Let C be a linear

[n,k,d]q-cOde such
that its dual code has the minimum
distance dJ.:s k. Choose a parity-check matrix H such
that one of its rows v is of weight dJ.. cross out this
row v and dJ. columns where v has non-zero coordinates.
We get an [n - dJ., k - dJ. + 1, d] q -code.

Parity-check. Let q = 2 • Then we can lengthen

[n,k,d]2-code with odd d putting the sum of n
coordinates for the additional one. Since now every code
vector has an even weight, we get an

[n + 1, k, d + 1]2-code •

Exerci se 1. 2 • 26. Which of these constructions can be

applied to non-linear codes?

Now we pass to the other type of constructions, where

we change q. We start with linear ones. Let C be a
linear [n,k,d]q-code and q = rm

Subfield restriction. Let C' = C n IF nr S; IFqn (recall

that IFr is naturally embedded into IFq )., C's;; IF n is a
linear IFr-subspace. This is an [n,k' ,d']r-code and clearly

d' ~ d , k' ~ n - m· (n - k) •

This construction makes sense when applied to high-rate

codes (i.e. when kin is not too far from 1).

Concatenation. Let Co be an [N,m,D]r-Code (we call it

the inner code, and C the outer code). We define a new
code C' as the composition of maps

and call it the concatenation of C and C


Exercise 1.2.27. Prove that the minimum distance of C'

is at least d·D.

So we have constructed (up to a spoiling) an

[N·n,k·m,D·d]r-code .

When for the inner code we take the [m,m,1]r-code,

this construction is called the field descent, and the
parameters are [n'm,k'm,d]r .

Generalized concatenation. We are now starting with a

family of [n,k.,d.] -codes i = 1 , ••. , t , and an
~ ~ qi

embedded family of [N,K.,D.] -codes

~ ~ r

{ O} = C~ c C~ c c Ci

i m.
such that Ki = L m. , qi = r
Consider C'
as a direct
j=1 J
t i
sum Ci = e
V. such that C'. = e V. Let w.
be the
j=1 J ~ j=l J
concatenation of V.
and Ci (note that dim V.
= m. ).

Set C = e W ••
i=1 J

Exercise 1.2.28. Show that the code C is an

[N'n, L m.·k., l!: min {d"D.}] -code.
i=l ~ ~ 1:si:st ~ ~ r

Remark 1.2.29. It is possible to generalize both

concatenation and generalized concatenation to the case of
non-linear codes. The same is true about subfield
restriction (subalphabet restriction), but instead of C' we
should take "the best" of its shifts.
64 CODES Part 1

Now we are going to present two essentially non-linear

constructions. Let C be a given arbitrary [n,k,d]q-
code kelR, qeZ, q~2.

Alphabet extension. Let r ~ q. Let us embed an

alphabet A of cardinality q into an alphabet B of
cardinality r. Considering an embedding C ~ An ~ B n i
we obtain an [n,k·logrq,d]r-code.

Alphabet restriction. Let, vice versa, r:s q . Embed

B S;; A and make A an abel ian group (setting, for example,
A '" Zlq ). Consider all
shifts Cy of C by vectors
YeAn, C y = {y + c Ice C} • In the totality of sets Cy
each word of An appears H times. Consider all
intersections Bn n Cy , there are qn of them and their
total cardinality is H'r n , hence there exist Cy such that

IBn n Cyl ~ H' (~)n •

Since the shift does not change the minimum distance,
we have obtained an [n, ~ n - (n - k) ·logr q , ~ d]r-code.

Decoding. When we construct a code using one or several

others, there is a question how to decode the code we get,
supposing that we know decoding algorithms for the codes we
start with.

For the most part of the above constructions there is

no problem to find a decoding algorithm, the interesting
question is how to construct a "good" algorithm (from the
point of view of the complexity theory).
For example, if there is a decoding algorithm of a
q-ary code IFq'
the same algorithm decodes the field
C S;;

restriction C' = C n IF nr s; IF nr •
It is more difficult with the concatenation. We need
the following notion: erasure is an error whose position we

know. Suppose that we have transmitted u e C and received

v e IF q , v = u + e + c I = {i I ~ '"
e. O} , J = {j I c J. '" O} ,
I being unknown to us (it is called the set of
error locators) and J being known (the set of
erasure locators). The vector e is called the
error vector, and c the erasure vector. If there is an
algorithm which finds out the nearest code vector u
(starting with v ) for any e and c such that III :s t
and IJI:s s , we say that the code corrects t errors and
s erasures.

Exercise 1.2.30. that there is given an

algorithm decoding any shortening C' s; IF q of the code C

up to t ' :s rd'-
1l , where C is an [n,k,dJ q -code and

d' = d - (n - n') Construct a decoding algorithm for c

correcting any t errors and s erasures for 2t + S :s d - 1

Then we turn to the decoding of concatenated codes.

Proposi tion 1.2.31. Let C be a linear [n,k,d J q -

code, q = r m , which is given together with a decoding
algorithm correcting t errors and s erasures for any t
and s such that 2t + S :s d' - 1 , d' :s d . Let C
be an
[N,m,DJr-code given with a decoding algorithm correcting any

T :s D'; 1l errors, D' :s D. Then the concatenated
[n'N,k'm,d'DJr-code C' has a decoding algorithm correcting

any u:s r d ' 'D' 2 - 1l errors._

Exercise 1.2.32. Prove the proposition. (Hint: Decode

the given vector first with the decoding algorithm for C ,
then decode the obtained vector and all vectors got from it
by erasing one symbol using the algorithm for C; among the
vectors you get there is one you want) .


The parameters of codes of large length n are of

particular interest. As it happens quite often, if a problem
has no easy answer for each particular n - just as our
problem of finding out the best possible parameters of a
code - passing to the limit for n ~ 00 helps us to avoid
"deviations" and to understand the behaviour of parameters
better. In this chapter we state the problems rigorously and
discuss those results that do not use algebraic-geometric
codes. We shall return to asymptotic problems in
Chapter 3.4, since asymptotic results are the best to
demonstrate the power of algebraic-geometric methods.

In section 1.3.1 we put the main asymptotic problem

( n, k, d ~ 00; kin, din ~ const ). In Section 1.3.2
we discuss known results in the direction of its solution
(except those applying algebraic geometry), i.e. upper and
lower asymptotic bounds. section 1.3.3 is devoted to the
problem of effective construction of asymptotically good

68 CODES Part 1

codes, and Section 1.3.4 to the results in this direction

(i.e. to the polynomial bounds). In section 1.3.5 we discuss
other asymptotic problems (e. g. n, k ~ co , d = const )
and present some results.

1.3.1. The principal asymptotic problem

Fix the alphabet cardinality q . Each q-ary code e

defines a pair of its relative parameters (0 (e) ,R(e» ,
i.e. a point in the unit square [0,1]2 on the plane with
coordinates (o,R). All such points form the family of code
points V q • Let U q denote the set of limit points of this
family. We call Vq and Uq code domains. In other terms,
(o,R) E Uq iff there exists an infinite sequence of
different codes C. such that

lim (o(Ci),R(C i » = (o,R)

i -+ co

since there is only a finite number of codes of each given

length, for each sequence n (C.) ~ co. If <5 > and °
R > ° ~

such a sequence (a family) of codes Ci is called

asymptotically good. Sometimes, by abuse of language, we say
just good codes.

Theorem 1.3.1. There exists a continuous function

<Xq(o), <5 E [0,1] , such that

moreover <xq(O) = 1 <Xq(<5) = ° for (q - l)/q :s 0 :s 1 ,

and decreases on the segment [0, (q - l)/q] .

Proof: Let (<5 ,R ) E U • Consider the corresponding

o 0 q
family of codes C and apply the spoiling lemma to each of

them. For a given [n,k,d]q-code Lemma 1.1.34.b yields an

[n - i, k - i, d] -code for any i :5 k . The corresponding
q n - k
code points lie on the segment of the line R = 1 - 5 '--d-
passing through the points (~,*) and (0,1) lower and to
the left of the point (d/n,kln). If [n.,k.,d.]
~ ~ ~ q are the
parameters of C. , n. ~ 00 , k.ln. ~ R ,
~ ~ ~ ~ 0
dilni ~ 00 ' then the. points we obtain fill this segment
in more and more dense manner (at each lin.), and at the

limit we get the statement that each point of the segment of

the line passing through (5,R)
o 0 and (0,1) for 5 ~ 00
belongs to Uq (see Fig. 1.1).

A \\
\ D



Similarly, by Lemma 1.1.34.c we get a segment of the

line through (5, R)
o 0
and (1,0) for 5:5 50 • This line
is given by R = Ro' (1 - 0)/(1 - 50) •
70 CODES Part 1

Let aq(o) = sup {R I (o,R) e Uq } , this function

satisfies the first condition of the theorem. Let us check
that it is continuous.

By A = A (0 0' Ro) we denote the upper and by

B = B(oo,Ro ) the lower triangle between the lines
L1 = L1 (oo,Ro ) given by R =
1 - (1 - Ro) ·0/00 and
L2 = L 2 (00,R o ) given by R = Ro· (1 - 0)/(1 - 00) (see Fig.
1.1). Let Ro = aq(oo) ,i.e. (oo,Ro ) is a point of the
boundary of the code domain, and let o· Ro *' o. We are °
going to show that all the rest points of the boundary
belong to the triangles A and B (this immediately yields
the continuity of the boundary at the point (oo,Ro ) ) . In
fact, if a point (0 1 ,R)
of the boundary lies in C(O
,R0 )
(which is defined as the domain below both lines), then,
since the point with the same 01 and larger R, lying on
the segments of L1 (° 0 ,R) 0 and L2 (oo,Ro ) , lies in the
code domain, we come to a contradiction: (01 ,R1 ) cannot
lie on the boundary. If the boundary point (ol,R l )
lies in D(oo,Ro ) (i.e. above both lines), then (oo,R o )
lies in C(01,R1 ) and cannot be a boundary point. The fact
that the boundary lies in sectors A and B also yields
its decreasing (up to the point where aq(o) = 0 ).

Let us now show that a q (0) = 0 for ° ~(q - l)/q

Use the Plotkin bound (Theorem 1.1.39): for any code

.5 :s q . (q - 1)
(~ - 1)·q

If (o,R) is a code point with R > 0 which is the limit

one for the family of [n. ,k. ,d.] -codes then k; ~

(XI ,
~ ~ ~q .4

hence 0:S (q - 1)/q. Thus for (q - 1)/q we have

aq(o) = 0 , by continuity aq«q - 1)/q) = 0 as well.
The only thing we have not proved yet is that
aq(o) > 0 for 0 :s < (q - l ) / q . °
This follows from
Theorem 1.3.15 which we shall prove a bit later .


Now let q be a power of a prime.

Define the code domains ylin and Ulin for linear
q q
codes similarly to the definition of Yq and Uq
(considering only points (<'l ,R) corresponding to linear
q-ary codes) .

Exercise 1.3.2. Check that Theorem 1.3.1 is also valid

for u~in and a~in (instead of Uq and

Of course, a~in(<'l) ~ aq(<'l) .

To find out the functions aq and a lin is
doubtlessly one of the central of problems the coding
theory. Nowadays there are no ideas how to answer these
questions. Moreover, we are even unable to solve the
following problems:

Problem 1.3.3. Are these functions differentiable in

the interval (0, (q - 1)/q) ?

It is not difficult to prove differentiability at 0 and

at (q - 1)/q (an Exercise!).

Problem 1.3.4. Are these functions convex?

Problem 1.3.5. Is it true that


1.3.2. Asymptotic bounds

Upper bounds. Having no knowledge of exact values of

aq and lin
aq we have nothing to do but to satisfy
ourselves with upper and lower bounds for these functions.
72 CODES Part 1

Let us first consider the form the results of section 1.1.4

take when n --+ co .
The Singleton bound yields

The Griesmer bound gives

The same inequality is also true for non-linear codes:

Theorem 1.3.6 (the asymptotic Plotkin bound) .

Exercise 1.3.7. Prove the theorem. (Hint: Cf. the
proof of Theorem 1.3.1; the Plotkin bound yields
CX q ( (q - l)/q) = 0, the rest follows from the spoiling
lemma) .

Let us introduce the q-ary entropy function

Hq (x) = x'logq (q - 1) - x'logq x - (1 - x)'logq (1 - x)

Theorem 1.3.8 (the Hamming bound).

Exercise 1.3.9. Prove that

!'log ( ~
n q i=O
- l)i) =H
q n
(£) + 0(1)

for n--+co, tin --+ canst . Using this fact derive


Theorem 1.3.8 from Theorem 1.1.41. Prove that

(Hint: Use the Stirling formula).

Theorem 1.3.10 (the Bassalygo-Elias bound).

q - 1
1 - Hq ( - q - -
q - 1
q .
I 1 -
q. 0 '
q::-r )

Proof: For djn ~ 0, ~.lOgqA(n,d) = kin ~ R ,

and vjn ~ w Theorem 1.1.44 yields

subject to the condition that

tending c~o and choosing the largest w ~ 1 with

this property, i.e.

q - 1·0

we get the statement of the theorem .

The linear programming bound (Theorem 1. 1. 50) can be
also used to get upper bounds, but one has to apply rather
subtle technic which does not fit into the frames of this
book. Here is the result:
74 CODES Part 1

Theorem 1.3.11 (the McEliece-Rodemich-Ramsey-Welch

bound) .

Hq( (q - 1) - o· (q - 2) -q 2v'(q - 1) ·0· (1 - 0)')

Linear programming applied to the constant-weight codes
(cf. Remark 1.1. 51) for q = 2 leads to the following

Theorem 1.3.12 (the second McEliece-Rodemich-Ramsey-

Welch bound).

2 2
min (1 + h(u) - h(u + 20·u + 20»


h (x)

Functions R4 and R4 (2l are sometimes called the
bounds of four. Let us point out that for q =2 and for
o 0.273
~ the bound R4 (2l equals R4 (since the minimum
is achieved for u = 1 - 20 ).

For q large enough the bound R

Remark 1.3.13. is
not convex. Moreover, it can be ameliorated by the help of
the spoiling lemma (cf. Exercise 1.3.7). More precise
argument leads to the bound


where the function f q (E,1}) is defined as follows:

f q (E,1}) = Hq(1}) + (1 - 1})-Hq (i = ~) -

- E-logq (q - 1) + 1}-logq (q - 2)

the minimum being taken over L, v, E, 1}, and ~ subject to

the conditions

0 S L S 1 , 0 s ~/L s 1/2 0 s v s 1,

0 s 1} s (q - 2) -v/(q - 1)

0 s E- 1} s min {v - 1), 1 - v}

- 1})-h(~ - 1)
~) s v - q - 1
(3 (1
- 1} 1 - 1} q 2-1}

IS ~ 2~ + (2(3 + (v - (3) -K
q-1 (_1}_))
v - (3 - (1 - L)

x- (1 - x) - y- (1 - y)
h(x,y) ,Os x, y s 1
1 + 2/y- (1 - y) ,

q - 2 q - 3 2
q _ 1 - q _ 1- x - q _ 1- / (q - 2) -x- (1 - x)'

Here we stop to discuss upper (i.e. possibility)

bounds, and pass to existence bounds.

Lower bounds. Let

This curve is called the Gilbert-Varshamov curve.

76 CODES Part 1

Exercise 1. 3.14. Check the following facts. On the

segment [O,(q - 1)/q] the curve RGV(o) is differentiable
(of class COO and convex; RGV(O) = 1 ,
RGV«q - 1)/q) = O. For o~o there is the
asymptotical equality

In particular, the tangent at 0=0 is vertical. For

o ~ (q - 1)/q there is the asymptotical equality

q - 1 _
x) 2(q-1)·lnq·x
q2 2 + 0 (x2)

The tangent at (q - 1)/q is horizontal and the tangent

order is two. Tangents to RGV(O) are of the form:

Each Rt(o) is tangent to RGV(o) at the point

0 g: - 1
0 t
q + q - 1

R(o 0 ) 1 + - 10gq(qt + q - 1)
qt + q - 1

Now it is time to explain the role of RGV(o) in the

coding theory.

Theorem 1.3.15 (the Gilbert-Varshamov bound) .


Exercise 1. 3.16. Prove the theorem using Exercise

1.3.9 and Theorem 1.1.51.

Remark 1.3.17. The Gilbert-Varshamov bound has

remarkable statistical properties. The following facts,
which can be easily stated rigorously, are valid:
a) The parameters of almost all linear codes lie on
the curve R GV '

b) Let us allow "to correct" each non-linear [n,k,d] -

n - 1 k q
code, crossing out at most --_.q code vectors. Then
almost every code can be corrected so that the parameters of
the correction lie on the curve R GV ' Note that
log ( qk/ n) = k - log n - k , i.e. correction does not
q q
change asymptotic parameters.

Exercise 1.3.18. State rigorously and prove the above


Thus codes whose parameters lie higher than the

Gilbert-Varshamov bound are quite rare. "Bad" codes are also
quite rare. Nevertheless it is more than easy to construct a
bad code, and very difficult to construct a good one. It
would be nice to understand the reason. Here is an ad homini
argument: if it were vice versa, the mathematical coding
theory would not exist.

connections between different q's. Let us derive some

corollaries from the constructions of section 1.2.3.

Theorem 1.3.19.

max {I - (1 - a:: ,( 0 ) ) . log q'} ,

q q
q' 2:q

max {a:: q , (0) 'logqq'}}

q' ::sq •
78 CODES Part 1

Exercise 1. 3.20. Prove the theorem. (Hint: Apply

alphabet restriction and alphabet extension, cf. section
1.2.3) .

Concatenation helps us to prove the following important


Theorem 1.3.21. If there exists an [n,k,d]q-code

Co , q being a prime power and k being an integer, then

CXq(oS) ~
n cx
If C is linear, the same is valid also for cx qlin

Corollary 1.3.22.

where max is taken over all [n,k,d]q-codes such that k

is an integer. The same is also valid for linear codes .

Exercise 1.3.23. Prove the theorem and the corollary.

Other problems. Besides the main functions cxq and

it is reasonable to consider asymptotic problems with
some algorithmic constraints (as we do later, cf. sections
1.3.3 and 1.3.4).

Self-dual problem. We can also put an asymptotic

problem for self-dual codes. For such codes R = 1/2 . Set

0q = I'
sup Ii

the limit being taken over all self-dual codes (and,


similarly, cS~Sd for quasi-self-dual ones). There is a

"Gilbert-Varshamov bound" in this case:

Theorem 1.3.24. is the

inverse function to the q-ary entropy .

1.3.3. polynomial families of codes

Effectiveness problems play an important role in the

coding theory. It would be nice to be able to construct good
codes explicitly (effectively). The only rigorous notion of
effectiveness we know is given by the computational
complexity theory. The results of this theory are mostly
asymptotic themselves, i.e. we should consider sequences of
codes of growing length, and not separate code with given
parameters. There are three main questions about a code (or
a class of codes): construction, encoding, and decoding.
Therefore we arrive at three corresponding questions on the
complexity of construction, the complexity of encoding, and
the complexity of decoding of some class of codes. We first
consider the question of the complexity of construction, and
then briefly discuss two others. Let us remark that for all
codes considered in this book there is no real problem in
encoding, since the most part of them is linear and (knowing
the generator matrix) their encoding procedure is trivial,
and all the considered non-linear codes differ from linear
ones "in a finite number of times", and they are also easy
from the point of encoding algorithms.

Let {C i } be a family of q-ary codes of growing

length. This means that for any i = 1,2,... there is an
[ni,ki,di]q-code Ci (the alphabet cardinality q = IAI is
always fixed). We also suppose that the family is ordered in
80 CODES Part 1

such a way that n i +1 ~ n i for any i , and that each two

codes in the family differ (as subsets in An). The last
condition yields n i ~ ~ for i ~ ~ . We also suppose
for simplicity that q = pa p being a prime, A = IF q ,
and that all codes C. are linear (later on we are going to

comment on the non-linear case as well). Let

G. e Hat (n. x k. , IF) be a generator matrix of C.~ The
~ ~ ~ q
family C. is called polynomial (or having a polynomial

construction complexity), iff there exists an algorithm a,

constructing matrices G., whose complexity (the number of

elementary operations in IFq needed) is bound by a

polynomial in the length of the code. "Algorithm" here means
any reasonable definition of this notion you like, since the
particular computational model does not influence the
polynomial class.
In general, a construction algorithm for a family of
codes {Ci} is an algorithm a which for each i produces
an algorithm Ai of encoding for Ci (to be precise a text
Ai of this algorithm written in some language). The
produced algorithm Ai applied to a vector x e IF~ (for
simplicity we consider the case of k e Z, otherwise
instead of x e IFk one should consider x e {1, 2 , ... ,qk} )
q n
gives an element A. (x) e C. S;; IF
~ ~ q
which is different for
different values of x. It is clear that a generator matrix
Gi of a linear code (together with the rule of multiplying
a vector by a matrix) is a particular case of such Ai'
Saying that a family of codes {Ci } is polynomial we
mean that not only the construction algorithm a is
polynomial in n i , but also that the encoding algorithms
Ai are polynomial, in the sense that for any x the
calculation of A.(x) needs a polynomial in n. number of
~ ~

operations in IFq
We define families of codes having a polynomial
decoding procedure in a similar way. Decoding of a code C

up to is given by a map D:U--7C, U

being the set of vectors in IF n whose distance to the

nearest point of C is at most t , such that D(x) = x
for x e C , and D(x) is the nearest to x vector of C
in the general case. Let there be given a family {C i ) of
codes equipped by decoding algorithms {B i } defining maps
D. : U. - - 7 C.
~ ~ ~
such that D. (x)
is the point of C.

nearest to x E Ui . Then we call ({Ci},{B i }) a

polynomially decodable family (or a family with a polynomial
decoding algorithm) iff there exists a universal algorithm
b generating all Bi which is polynomial in n i and the
number of operations needed to apply each Bi to a vector
is also polynomial in n.. If t ./n. - - 7 1:" we say that
~ ~ ~
the family is polynomially decodable up to 1:".

1.3.4. Polynomial bounds

Now we are going to expose some definitions and results

which are the polynomial analogues of those of
section 1.3.1. They are all proved by thorough study of
corresponding proofs of sections 1.3.1 and 1.1.4, therefore
we mostly abstain from giving any proofs here. Of course,
not every result can be transferred to the polynomial
situation; we shall point this out each time we come over
such a case.
Define u~Ol c [0,1]2 as a set of limit points of
relative parameters for polynomial families of codes,
i.e. (a,R) E u~Ol iff there exists a pOlynomial (in
n. - - 7 (0) family of [n.,k.,d.] -codes with d./n. - - 7 a ,
~ ~ ~ q P 1 l' ~ ~
ki/n i - - 7 R. The definition of Uq O , ~n (for linear
codes) is similar.
82 CODES Part 1

Theorem 1.3.25. There exist continuous functions

CX~Ol(~) and cxpol,lin(~),
~ E [0,1] such that

Uq * = {( ~ ,R) I *
0 ~ R ~ cx q (~) }

Moreover, *
CXq(O) *
= 1, CXq(~) =0 for (q - 1) /q ~ ~ ~ 1 ,
and on the segment [0, (q - l)/q] the functions are
decreasing (here the upper * means ei ther or
pol,lin ) .

Exercise 1.3.26. Prove the theorem, supposing that we
already know that cxpol,lin(~) > 0 for 0 ~ ~ < (q - l)/q
(this is really so, see Theorem 1. 3.31 and Exercise 1. 3.32
below) .

Of course,

CX PqOl,lin(~)
o ~ CXpOl(~)
q U ~ CX q (~)
0 ,

The main problems about the polynomially constructable

codes are the following.

Pr o bl em 1 •3• 27 • Fl.'nd out cxPqOl(r)


Problem 1. 3.28. Is it true that

cx~ol,lin(~) = CX~in(~) , or not?

Problem 1.3.29. Is this at least true for the

asymptotic behaviour of these bounds for and
~ ~ (q - l)/q ?

We do not know a single specifically polynomial upper

bound. All the known upper bounds are those for CXq(~)

Codes on the Gilbert-Varshamov bound are constructed by

an essentially non-polynomial method, on the way one uses an
exponential (in n > search out.
Concatenation is polynomial in the following sense:

Exercise 1.3.30. Start with two polynomial families of

codes wi th parameters [N i ,Ki ,Di ]Qi and

Qi = q k i . Prove that their pairwise concatenations form a

polynomial family of [Ni ·n i ,Ki ·ki ,Di ·di ]q-codes, and that
the same is even true if the family of [ni,ki,di]q-Codes is
polynomial only in N. (it can be exponential in n.).
~ ~

The last point is used to prove the following bound:

Theorem 1.3.31 (the Zyablov bound) •

Proof: Consider a family of Reed-Solomon [N.,K.,D.] -

~ ~ ~ qi

codes, qi... = qk i such that k. ~ co, D./N. ~ 81 ,

~ ~ ~

Ki/Ni ~ R 1 , 81 + R1 = 1, Ni = qi ' and a family of

Gilbert-Varshamov [n i ,ki ,di ]q-codes with n i ~ co ,
di/n i ---+ 15 0 ' ki/n i ---+ Ro ' Ro 1 - Hq(8 0 )
Concatenation gives us [ni·Ni,ki·Ki,di·Di]q-codes with
R = Ro ·R1 = (1 - Hq(c5 o » . (1 - 15 1 ) , 15 = 80 .8 1 We get the
line (1 - 8/15 0 ) • (1 - Hq (c5 o »'
where the parameters of
concatenated codes (asymptotically> lie. Since we can choose
any 8 such that 8 ~ 15 ~ q - 1 (then Ro ~ 0) and
o 0 q
o ~ 81 8/8 0 ~ 1 (then R1 ~ 0 ), we get the right-hand
side of the inequality. We could have chosen the codes to be
linear, so the only point left is to prove that the
84 CODES Part 1

construction is polynomial in the length n.·N.

J. J.
of the
codes obtained. Indeed, the Gilbert-Varshamov codes are
exponential in and all the rest
being polynomial .

Remark 1. 3.32. Justesen codes considered in Section
1.2.2 yield a bit worse bound (for q = 2

where is the inverse function to

H- 1
(1/2) By some elaboration of this construction
(using so called punctured Justesen codes) this inequality
can be made a bit better.

Remark (the
1. 3.33 Blokh-Zyablov bound) . using
generalized concatenation one can do better than in
Theorem 1.3.31. The bound obtained is



RGV (0) = 1 - Hq (0) =

and R~~ is the inverse function to R GV ). This bound is the

best lower polynomial bound known which does not use
algebraic-geometric codes.

Exercise 1.3.34. Prove that both Zyablov and Bloch-

Zyablov bounds are smooth curves passing through (0,1) and

((q - l)/q,O) . Find out their asymptotics at the ends.


q - 1
-"--q-=-- - 8 ----7 ° ).

Theorem 1.3.31 uses concatenation with outer codes over

growing alphabets. Let us see, what can be done over a fixed
field IF k

Theorem 1.3.35. If there exists an [n,k,d]q-COde C


if the code Co is linear then

Corollary 1.3.36. a~OI(8) ~ m~x { ~.a:~I(a·8) },
where max is taken over all q-ary codes ( [n,k,d]q C
being the parameters of C ). The same is valid for
aq (max being taken over all linear codes).

Exercise 1.3.37. Prove the theorem and the corollary.

For non-linear codes (and arbitrary alphabets) we have

the analogue of the second half of Theorem 1.3.19:
86 CODES Part 1

Exercise 1.3.38. Show that


Remark 1.3.39. On the contrary, the alphabet

restriction uses an exponential search out of different
shifts of the code and is not suitable to bound fXq •

We shall return to bounds for fX~OI in Chapter 3.4 I

after we learn the main properties of algebraic-geometric

1.3.5. Some other asymptotics

The problem we have studied up to this moment can be

called the main asymptotic problem of the coding theory:
n, k, d -----+ co , k/ n -----+ R , d/ n -----+ 5, find the
relations between and R. There are several other
natural asymptotic questions. In any asymptotic problem
n -----+ co I but for k and d it is not necessarily so (in
all the problems we suppose that q is fixed).
Fix the minimum distance d, and let n ----7 co I how
can one express the relation between n and the largest
possible k? Set

I · . f (nlog- k)n
~m ~n

the limit being taken over all [n,k,dJ -codes with fixed q
lin q
and d. The definition of K-q (d) (for linear codes) is

Theorem 1.3.40.

Proof: Spheres of radius centered in

vectors of C do not intersect each other. The volume of

such a sphere is _~ t
v t = i~O (n)i . (q - 1) i ~ (n)t . (q - 1) t . The

total volume V ~ c/'. (~) . (q - 1) t is at most the volume of

the whole space ~~, i.e. c/'.(~).(q - 1)t ~ ~ • Hence

The first term of the sum disappears when we divide by

log~ , and for n ~ co (usinq the asymptotical equality

(~) - nt for a fixed t ) we qet:

"q(d) ~ f 11
d -2

Essentially, this is the same Hamminq bound as in

Theorem 1.1.41.
To prove the existence bound (which in this case is the
upper bound) consider BCH-codes with parameters

Usinq m = logq (n + 1) - logq n we qet

88 CODES Part 1

Remark 1.3.41. For q = 2 and an odd d the

inequalities of Theorem 1.3.40 give the answer:

d - 1
IC q (d) = ICqlin (d) 2

For q = 2 and an even d we can use the

[n = 2 m , k
d - --
= n - m'---
, d]2-codes

obtained by adding the parity-check position to the BCH

m d - 2
[n = 2 - 1 , k = n - m'---
2-- , d - 1]2-codes.

These codes give us r

ICq(d) = d ; 2 = d 2 -11 •

Let us also remark that for any q and d = 3 , using

Hamming [n=qm_ 1
q - 1 '
n-m, 3] q -codes, we get IC q (3) = 1.

There are some nice results also for d = 4, 5, 6 .

Problem 1. 3.42. Find out the precise value of

for q > 2 •

Consider another natural asymptotical question. Set

lim sup d

the limit being taken over all [n,k,d]q-COdeS with fixed q

and k; 5 qlin (k) is defined similarly.

Theorem 1.3.43.

5qlin (k) =

Proof: The inequality eS (k) :5 kc! .q - 1 is given

q q - 1 q
by the Plotkin bound (Theorem 1.1.39). The opposite estimate
(the existence bound) is given by the Reed-Muller codes of
order 1, their parameters being

There are other possible asymptotic questions. Since
n ~ t o , and we have already considered the situations
when either k or d is constant, the only cases left are
those when n, k, d ~ to and either kin ~ 0, or
din ~ 0 (if neither, we come to the main asymptotic
problem). Here are some examples.

Exercise 1.3.44. Let eS

> 9:......::.-.!.
qProve that in the
class of codes with n~
eS o the dimension is bounded:

Thus there are two classes of asymptotic problems left:

either eS ~ 0 and R ~ 1 , o r eS ~ (q - l)/q and
R ~ 0 Here is a way to put problems. Let ~(n) be some
increasing function with ~(n)/n ~ 0 .
p~(n) = inf(n - k)

inf being taken over all [n,k,d]q-cOdes with the given n

and d 2: ~(n) . What is the asymptotic behaviour of p~(n)
for n ~to?

The other problem is to find out the asymptotic

90 CODES Part 1

behaviour of the best possible distance

dl{>(n) = sup(d)

sup being taken over [n,k,d]q-codeS with k ~ I{>(n) •

Sometimes we can answer these two questions using
results on the asymptotic problem and on those about K.

Exercise 1.3.45. Prove that for I{> o < a < 1 ,

< min {I - a , q ~ I}
(Hint: The lower estimate is given by the Hamming bound,
the upper by the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and by BCH-codes,
cf. Theorems 1.1.41, 1.1.51, and 1.2.15).

Exercise 1.3.46. Prove that for I{> = n a O<a<l,

I{> (n) - ~·n

(Hint: Use the bounds for the main asymptotic problem).

What is it possible to say about the second asymptotic

Remark 1.3.47. Up to now, studying existence bounds in

all asymptotics we considered limits over subsequences
{n i } S; IN for which the parameters are as good as possible.
The other way round also gives rather interesting problems:
what is it possible to say about any infinite subsequence
{n i } S; IN ? For example, set

lim sup ( inf n - k )

n logqn

inf being taken over all codes of length n and minimum

distance d (recall that before we have considered

limn inf (inf ~O~q~) ). What can one say about

Kq(d) ? The same type of questions is also interesting for

the main asymptotic problem, and for other asymptotics.

To finish this section, here is a question more, which

is of particular interest because of algebraic-geometric
Let us call a family of [n,ki,di]q-COdeS,
i = O,1, ••• ,n+ 1 - g a g-family for some gelN iff

ki !: i

k. + d. !: n + 1 - g
~ ~

(n - k i ) + d:
!: n + 1 - g

Problem 1. 3.48. Set

lim sup - z -

ng being the maximum possible length of a q-ary g-family.

Find out or bound the value Vq
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 1

The theory of error-correcting codes was born about

forty years ago. Though the theory is rather young it is
possible to say that the most part of this chapter is quite
classical. We are not planning to write a history of the
coding theory here, an interested reader should turn to the
books [MW/SlJ, [Pe/WeJ, [Ber 2J, [Lin] and to the collection
of papers [Ber 1] Our exposition of classical results
mostly follows an excellent book by F.J.MacWilliams and
N.J.A.Sloane [MW/SlJ with the difference that we always try
to work over an arbitrary finite field (not only over ~ 2 ).

Let us briefly list the authors of the principal

achievements. The notion of an error-correcting code was
discovered by R.V.Hamming, and of a linear code by
D.Slepian. Cyclic codes are due to E.Prange, I.S.Reed, and
G.Solomon: BCH codes to A.Hocquenghem, R.C.Bose, and
D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri. The spectrum of a dual code was
calculated by F.J.MacWilliams. The most part of classes of
codes, and of asymptotic bounds are named after those who
discovered them. Let us remark that the Gilbert-Varshamov
bound was first established by E.N. Gilbert for non-linear
codes, and then by R.R.Varshamov for linear ones. The
Bassalygo-Elias bound was independently discovered by


P.Elias and L.A.Bassalygo. The statement of the first bound

of four (due itself to R.J.McEliece, E.R.Rodemich,
H.C.Rumsey Jr., L.R.Welch) for an arbitrary q is due to
V. I. Levenshtein. Concatenation is due to G. D. Forney,
generalized concatenation to E.L.Blokh, V.V.Zyablov, and
V.A.Zinoviev. First asymptotically good codes of polynomial
construction were discovered by V.V.Zyablov, almost
immediately the construction by J . Justesen followed. The
fact that the list of perfect codes is complete was proved
by A.Tietavainen (basing on results of S.P.Lloyd, J.H.van
Lint, V.A.Zinoviev and V.K.Leontiev). Applications of the
invariant theory to self-dual codes is due to A.M. Gleason.
Computational complexi ty in coding theory was studied by
L.A. Bassalygo, V.V.Zyablov, M.S.Pinsker, and others.

We must apologize that in this brief list we are not

able to review many excellent advantages (including those we
have mentioned in this chapter), and proceed to a bit more
detailed review of those results of this chapter which
appeared directly or indirectly because of algebraic-
geometric codes.

The importance of asymptotic questions was understood

from the very beginning of the coding theory. The rigorous
approach to these problems (Theorem 1.3.1, Exercise 1.3.2)
is due to Yu.I.Manin (cf.[Ma), [Ma/Vl), and independently
to M.J.Aaltonen [Aa 1].

Results on spectra and duality (Exercise 1.1.13,

Theorems 1.1.16 and 1.1.26) are taken from a paper by
G.L.Katsman and M.A.Tsfasman [Ka/Ts 1] (statements and
proofs are slightly changed).

Remark 1.3.13 is due to M.J.Aaltonen [Aa 2], S.N.Litsyn

and V .A. Zinoviev. Theorem 1. 3.21 and Corollary 1. 3.22, as
well as Theorem 1.3.35 and Corollary 1.3.36 are taken from
94 CODES Part 1

papers by G.L.Katsman and the authors [Ka/Ts/Vl 1],

[Ka/Ts/Vl 2]; the results of Theorem 1. 3 .19 and Exercise
1. 3.38 come from a note by S.N.Litsyn and M.A.Tsfasman
[Li/Ts 1] .

Our main goal, when writing this part, was to

understand the coding theory results from the point of view
of mathematics as a whole. To do that we introduce a simple
and natural notion of [n,k,d] q -systems (cf. Section 1.1.2,
especially Proposition 1.1.4, Theorems 1.1.6 and 1.1.11) and
try to use it in proofs. Let us remark that earlier mostly
dual systems were used. The same attempt of understanding
concerns our point of view on asymptotic problems (Chapter
1.3, cf. also Introduction and section A.2 of the Appendix).

This part contains the algebraic geometry we need.
Almost all constructions of our book use only algebraic
curves, that is the reason why in this part we concentrate
mostly on the theory of algebraic curves. Multi-dimensional
algebraic-geometric obj ects appear as instruments for the
study of curves. We try to use the possible minimum of
technical devices, and to work mostly with objects lucid for
one's geometric intuition. For example schemes appear rather
late when we are just absolutely unable to avoid them.
Notwithstanding our strife to restrict ourselves to
elementary means, the scope of information we really need
for algebraic-geometric codes is such that this part may
happen to be rather difficult for a non-algebraic-geometric
reader. However we hope that (using may be some extra books
and papers quoted in our bibliographic notes) the reader
with any background will be able to read this part, or at
least sections he needs most.
Chapter 2.1 presents principle definitions and tools
concerning curves (Jacobians included); for curves over the
field C of compex numbers we also discuss the connections
wi th Riemann surfaces. Chapter 2.2 is consentrated around
differential forms and the Riemann-Roch theorem; we also
discuss the Hurwitz formula and some properties of the
cartier operator. In Chapter 2.3 the curves are mostly over
a finite field, we are interested in their points and
98 CURVES Part 2

divisors defined over the ground field. Chapter 2.4 is

devoted to a particular non-trivial case to elliptic
curves - and contains many important and beautiful results
specific for such curves. Up to this point all the curves
are smooth. Chapter 2.5 deals wi th singular curves.
Chapter 2.6 studies reductions of curves; to study
reductions one needs some scheme theory which we introduce
(up to representable functors we need to study modular
curves in Part 4). We end the part with some historical and
bibliographic notes.
Chapter 2.1. Algebraic curves
2.1.1. Quasi-projective varieties
2.1.2. Quasi-projective curves
2.1.3. Divisors
2.1.4. Jacobians
2.1.5. Riemann surfaces

Chapter 2.2. Riemann-Roch theorem

2.2.1. Differential forms
2.2.2. Riemann-Roch theorem
2.2.3. Hurwitz formula
2.2.4. Special divisors
2.2.5. Cartier operator

Chapter 2.3. Rational points

2.3.1. Rational points and divisors
2.3.2. Curves over a finite field
2.3.3. Asymptotics

Chapter 2.4. Elliptic curves

2.4.1. Group law
2.4.2. Isomorphisms and j-invariant
2.4.3. Isogenies
2.4.4. Elliptic curves over finite
2.4.5. Complex elliptic curves
100 CURVES Part 2

Chapter 2.5. Singular curves

2.5.1. Normalization
2.5.2. Divisor of double points
2.5.3. Plane curves
2.5.4. Desingularization

Chapter 2.6. Reductions and schemes

2.6.1. Reduction of a curve
2.6.2. Spectra of rings
2.6.3. Scheaves and ringed spaces
2.6.4. Schemes
2.6.5. Representable functors

Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 2



In our book we are mainly concerned with algebraic

curves. This chapter contains a description of their basic
properties. We use the geometric language but the algebraic
approach is also considered; over Ie we use also analysis
and topology. We do not consider arithmetical questions in
this chapter; the ground field k is assumed here to be
algebraically closed.

section 2.1.1 contains elementary properties of

quasi-projective varieties; the next section 2. 1. 2 is
devoted to quasi-projective curves. section 2.1. 3 contains
definitions and properties of divisors, linear systems, and
of line bundles on curves. section 2.1.4 is devoted to
Jacobians. In Section 2.1.5 we describe how complex
algebraic curves are connected with Riemann surfaces.

102 CURVES Part 2

2.1.1. Quasi-projective varieties

By IAn
we denote here and below the n-dimensional
affine space over k ; its points P E IAn are n-tuples
P = (x1' ••• 'xn ) , xi E k. The projective space of
dimension n is denoted by IP n its points Q E IP n are
equivalence classes of n-tuples Q = (yo : Y1 : ••• : Yn ) , where
not all of Y.;... vanish, and n-tuple (y : •• • :y)
1 n
equivalent to (A·y :A·y : ••• :A·y)
o 1 n
for A E k , A*-O.
Note that there is a natural embedding IAn ~ IP n , given
by (x , ••• ,X) ~ (l:x : ..• :x) Hear and below we use
1 n 1 n
this inclusion of IAn into IP n unless the contrary is
mentioned explicitly. When it is necessary to stress the
dependence of IAn and IP n on k , we write IAn (k) and
IP n (k) •
Sometimes it is convenient to use a coordinateless
definition of IP n which follows. Let V be a vector space
over k of dimension (n + 1) • By IP(V) we denote the set
of lines in V, i.e. the set of equivalence classes {v},
v E V - CO} , v being equivalent to A·V for
A E k - {O}. Fixing a basis in V one obtains
identifications V ~ IA n + 1 , IP(V) ~ IP n .

Closed sets. By a closed set X in IAn (an affine

closed set) we mean the set of mutual zeroes of a finite
number of polynomials F1, ... ,Fs E k [T1, ... ,Tn ]

X (P (x, ••• ,x)
1 n

O} •
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 103

(Note that if s = 0 then X = IAn ). A subset U e IAn is

open in IAn iff its complement IAn - U is closed in IAn. A
closed subset Y S;; IP n in IP n (a projective closed set) is
the set of mutual zeroes of a finite number of homogeneous
polynomials (forms) G1 , •.• ,Gr e k[T , •.. ,T ]

(here we need forms since the vanishing of Gi should

depend only on the equivalence class of Q). A complement
IP n - Y of a closed set is called open in IPn. From any
closed affine set X S;; IAn one can obtain a projective
closed set X S;; IAn which is called the projective closure
of X let F 1 = ... = F s = 0 be the equations defining X
where F1 , • • • ,Fs e k[T 1 , • • • , Tn]' and let the forms
Fi e k [To, ... ,Tn] be such that

deg Fi

for i

deg F.

E F .. (T , •.• , T ) = F. (T , ... , T ) •
j=O ~J 1 n ~ 1 n

Then X S;; IP n is defined by

For an arbitrary subset 5 of we

closed in 5, iff T = 5 n X for a closed
104 CURVES Part 2

subset U S;; S is called open in S iff S - U is closed

in S .

Exercise 2.1.1. Check that the above definitions make

S a topological space. This topology on S is call the
Zariski topology.

Exercise 2.1.2. Show that and fAn are

irreducible in the Zariski topology (recall that a
topological space is called irreducible iff any two its
non-empty open subsets U and V have a non-empty

Thus and are non-separable in the Zariski


Quasi-projective sets. An open subset U of a closed

projective set X is called a quasi-projective set. In
particular, any affine closed set is quasi-projective. A
quasi-projective set X!;; IP n is called reducible if there
exist a pair of non-empty proper closed subsets
Xl ' X2 C X such that X = X U X If it is not the case
1 2
the set is called irreducible.
X An irreducible
quasi-projective set is called a quasi-projective variety.
We often omit "quasi-projective" and just speak about
varieties. If a variety is closed in IP n then it is called

Theorem 2.1.3. Any quasi-projective set X can be

uniquely represented as a union of a finite number of
non-empty varieties Xi such that Xi does not contain X.
for i '" j .

Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 105

The varieties are called irreducible components

of X.

Exercise 2.1. 4. Check that is a

quasi-projective variety which is not projective.

Exercise 2.1.5. Check that the set

(T 0: T1:2
T ) being the homogeneous coordinates on 1P2 , is a
reducible closed projective set. Find its irreducible

Dimension. Let X be a variety. The dimension

n dim X is the largest integer n such that there exists
a strictly descending chain of varieties

Xi being closed in Xi - 1 for i = 1, ... ,n If Y is

closed in X, then we define its codimension in X as
codimXY = dim X - dim Y .

Exercise 2.1.6. Show that dim An = dim IP n = n .

Exercise 2.1.7. Let Xc Y be proj ective varieties.

Show that dim X < dim Y In particular, if X is closed
in IP n then dim X < n .

The dimension of a quasi-projective set is, by

definition, the maximum of the dimensions of its irreducible

Rational functions. Let X ~ IP n be a quasi-projective

variety, let F, G e k[To, ... ,Tn J be forms of the same
degree in homogeneous coodinates on lPn, and let G(P) ~ 0
for some P eX. We say that the ratio FIG e k(T , ••• , T )
o n
106 CURVES Part 2

defines a rational function. Another ratio F'IG' defines

the same function as FIG iff (F' oG - FoG') vanishes on X
The set of rational functions on X is denoted by k(X)

Exercise 2.1.8. Check that k(X) is a field (rational

functions are added and multiplied in the usual way:

FIG + F'IG' = (FoG' + F' oG)1 (FoG) ,

(FIG) o (F'IG') = = (FoF')/(GoG') ).

This field is called the field of rational functions on X.

A function f e k(X) is called regular at P e X iff

there exists a representation f = FIG with G(P) *" 0 If
this is the case, f(P) = F(P)/G(P) is called the value of
f at P.

Exercise 2.1.9. Show that for any f e k(X) the set

of P e X such that f is regular at P is open and

If f e k (X) is regular at any PeX then it is

called regular on X. The set k[X] of regular functions
on X is a k-algebra.

Exercise Show that k[X] is an integral ring
(i.e. that it has no non-trivial divisors of zero).

Exercise 2.1.11. Show that k[~n] = k and that

k[A ] = k[T1, •.. ,Tn ] is a polynomial ring.

Exercise 2.1.12. Let

X be an affine variety. Then
the fraction field of k[X] is k(X). (Hint: Consider the
restrictions of coordinate functions to X).
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 107

Exercises 2.1.11 and 2.1.12 show that the properties of

regular functions on affine varieties and on ~n are quite
different (cf. also Corollary 2.1.23 below).

Rational maps. A rational map f from a variety

X s; ~m to IAn is given by an n-tuple f 1 , ••• , f n '
f i ek(X) ; we write f = (fl, ••• ,fn ) . If all fi are
regular at PeX then f is called regular at P. If f
is regular at any P e X then it is called a regular map
from X to IAn.
A rational map f from X S; ~n to ~n is given by
an (n + 1) -tuple (Fo :F1 : • • • :Fn ) , f'i being forms of the
same degree on ~m such that there exist i e {1, ••. , n }
and P e X with Fi (P) '" 0 • We say that (n + 1) -tuples
(Fo:Fl : • • • :Fn) and (F~ :F~: ••• :F~) define the same
rational map iff all the forms (F. ·F'. - F'.·F .) vanish on
~ J ~ J
X • If there exists a representation (Fo :F1 : · · · :Fn) of f
such that F.~ (P) '" 0 for some i e {1, .•• ,n} then f is
called regular at P eX.

Exercise 2.1.13. Show that for any rational map

f : X ~ ~n the set Uf ' formed by PeX such that f
is regUlar at P, is open in X. If f is regular at any
P e X then f is called a regular map (or a morphism) of
varieties. Thus a rational map of X is a regular map of
its open subset. If there exists a variety Y S;; ~n such
that F(P) e Y for any P e U f then we write f : X ----+ Y
and call f a rational map from X to Y.

Exercise 2.1.14. Show that a regular map f : X ----+ Y

is continuous in the Zariski topology (i.e. that f-l(U) is
open in X for any open U s;; Y ) •
108 CURVES Part 2

Exercise Show
2. 1. 15. that a rational map
f : X - - 7 IAn n
defines a rational map f : X -----7 IP . If f
is regular then f is also regular. The converse of the
last statement is false (give a counter-example).

Let f : X --7 Y be a rational map. The set

f(U f } = Im f is called the image of f . If it is dense in
Y (Le. its closure equals Y) then f is called
dominant. Clearly, any rational map f : X -----7 IPn can be
considered as a dominant map f : X - - 7 Y, Y being the
projective closure of Im f .

Let f: X --7 be a dominant rational map, and let

g e keY) • Define f * (g) by

f * (g) (P) = g(f (P) ) (2.1.1)

P being a point such that P e Uf ' and f (P) e U


Exercise 2.1.16. Check that f * (g) e k(X) •

Thus a rational dominant map f : X - - 7 Y defines an

embedding f* k (Y) '----+ k (X) which is identical on k.
(Check that f* is an embedding!).

Exercise 2.1.17.
Let If>: keY) '----+k(X) be an
arbi trary embedding over k Show that there exists a
rational dominant map f : X -----7 Y such that If> = f *

If f: X and f ' : Y ~ Z are rational maps

--7 Y
and f is dominant, then one can define the composition
f' of in the usual way, namely (f' of) (P) = f' (f (P) ) for
P eX. Since f is dominant, U f , n Im f *" 0 and f' of
is a rational map.
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 109

Exercise 2.1.18. Let f and f' be dominant. Show

that (f' of) * = f * of' *

Let f: X ~ Y be a regular map (we do not assume

it to be dominant). Then (2.1.1) defines a homomorphism of
k-algebras f * : k[X] ~ keY] .

Exercise 2.1.19. Let f: X ~ Y and f' Y~Z

be regular maps. Show that (f'of) * = f * of' *

If k(X) is isomorphic to k(Y) as a k-algebra then

X and Yare called birationally isomorphic. According to
Exercises 2.1.17 and 2.1.18 this is equivalent to the
existence of dominant rational maps f: X ~ Y and
f' : Y ~ X such that f' of and fof' are (as rational
maps) identical automorphisms of X and Y, respectively.
If f and f' are regular then X and Yare called
isomorphic. It is possible to consider isomorphic varieties
as just one variety with different projective embeddings.

Exercise 2.1. 20. Show that a variety is birationally

isomorphic to any its open non-empty subset.

Exercise 2.1.21. Let X be a hyperbola in /A 2 given

by x·x = 1 and let Y = /A 1 - {O}. Show that the
1 2
projection f X~Y defines an isomorphism from X
to Y.

If a variety is birationally isomorphic to /An (or,

which is the same, to IP n ), then it is called a rational
variety; for example Exercise 2.1.21 shows that hyperbola is
a rational curve. If a variety is isomorphic to an affine
closed set then it is called an affine variety. Note that
Exercise 2.1. 21 shows that an affine variety can be
110 CURVES Part 2

non-closed while embedded into an affine space. For

projective varieties the situation is completely different.

Theorem 2.1.22. Let f : X -----+ IP n be a regular map,

being a projective variety. Then f(X) is closed in

Corollary 2.1.23. k[X] k for a projective X

Corollary 2.1.24. An affine variety of positive
dimension is never isomorphic to a projective variety .

In contrast with Corollary 2.1.23 an affine variety is
completely determined by its algebra of regular functions.

Let X and Y be affine varieties.

Exercise 2.1.25.
Show that for any k-l inear morphism ~ : k[X] -----+ keY]

there exists a unique regular map f Y ----+ X such that

~ = f
* (Hint: n
k[X] = k[A ]/IX ' being an ideal
formed by polynomials vanishing on

Exercise 2.1. 26. Deduce from the last exercise that

affine varieties X and Yare isomorphic iff k[X] and
keY] are k-isomorphic.

Local ring of a point.P be a point of X . The

set of rational functions which are regular at P is
denoted by 0p; it is clear that Op is a ring. When we
want to stress its dependence on X we denote it by Ox , p .

Exercise 2.1.27.
Check that Op has a unique maximal
ideal mp formed by f e Op with f (P) = 0 (recall that a
commutative ring with unique maximal ideal is called local) .

The ring Op is called the local ring of P.

Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 111

Exercise 2.1.28. Show that Oplmp k .

is an algebraic extension of k).

The factor-group mplmp is an 0plmp-module, Le. it
2 *
is a k-vector space. The space sp = (mplmp) dual to
mplmp is called the tangent space to X at P (and mp/mp2
itself is called the co-tangent space to X at P ).

Exercise 2.1.29. Let X ~ ~n. Show that for any P E X

Smooth and singular points. A point p is called

smooth (synonims: non-singular, regular, simple) iff
dimk Sp = dim X . If it is not the case p is called

Exercise 2.1.30. Show that p = (0,0,0) is singular on

the surface X c IP? defined by x·x = 2
X3 All the other
1 2
points Q E X are smooth.

If each point of X is smooth, X is called a smooth

(or a non-singular) variety.

Exercise 2.1.31. Show that ~n and f!p are smooth


Proposition 2.1.32. The set Xsmooth formed by

non-singular points of X is open and non-empty .

Product of varieties. Let and Y ~ lAs. The
set of pairs (P, Q) E IA r + s for P E X and Q E Y is called
the product of X and Y.
112 CURVES Part 2

Exercise 2.1.33. Check that if X and Yare closed

sets then X x Y is also ciosed in ~r+s.

Exercise 2.1.34. Show that if X and Y are

varieties then X x Y is also a variety.

Now let and be varieties, and let

XxY be the set of pairs (P,Q) for PeX and QeY.
We want to find an embedding rp: X x Y '---+ pN (for some
N) such that rp(X x Y) is a quasi-projective subvariety of
pN. It is sufficient to consider the case X = rP n ,
Y = rPm. Indeed, if I/J pn x rPm '---+ pN is already
constructed then rp : X x Y '---+ pN is obtained by
restriction of I/J to X x Y s; pn x pm .

To construct we set
N = (m + l)·(n + 1) - 1 = m"n + m + n . Let Tij be
homogeneous coordinates on rPN for i=O,1, .. ",n and
j O,l, •.. ,m For P = (x :
o :x ) e X
m and
Q rp(P, Q) = (xi"Yj)

Exercise 2.1.35. Show that rp (pn x rPm) is closed in

pN . (Hint: rp(rP n x pm) is defined by the equations
Ti{Tkl = TU"Tkj ) .
Proposition 2.1.36. For any varieties X and Y

dim X x Y = dim X + dim Y .

Line bundles. Let X be a variety. A family of vector
spaces on X is a regular map p: 15 ----+ X such that for
any P e X its fibre 15 p = P -1 (P)
is a vector space over
k , and two structures of a variety on lffp coincide (the
first structure being that of a vector space over k and
the second being that of a closed subset in 15 i note that
lffp is closed by Exercise 2.1.14).
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 113

from a family
Morphism p: g~X to a family
pi : g' ~ is a regular map
X f : g ~ g' such that
p = pi of and for any P e X the induced map of fibres
f P : lJp ~ lJp is k-linear. Isomorphism of families is
defined in a natural way.
The simplest example of family of vector spaces is the
product X x Am with its natural projection
Px : X x Am ~ X. This family is called trivial. If U
is open in X and p: g ~ X is a family then the
restriction pi : p-l (U) ~ U is also a family of
p-l (U)
vector spaces over U, which is called the restriction of
g to U, and is denoted glu.
Further on we consider only line families (Le. with
dim lJp = 1 for any P eX). A line family p::e ~ X
is called a line bundle on X iff for any P e X there
exists an open set U, P e U eX, such that glu is
isomorphic to the trivial family. We denote line bundles by
:e, M, N etc., the trivial line bundle is denoted by 0. A
regular map s : X ~:e such that pos = id x is called a
section of the bundle p::e ~ X . In particular any line
bundle :e has the zero-section So such that
so(P) = 0 e Yp. The set of sections s : X ~ :e is a
vector space over k with operations

(s + s') (P) = s(P) + s' (P), (ex's) (P) = ex·s(P)

for P e X
and ex e k • This vector space is denoted by
If(X,:e). In particular, one easily checks that
If(x,o) = k[X] . Any s e If (X,:e) defines a map
S : °
~:e which is uniquely determined by the condition
s(l) = s(P) , 1 being a fixed constant section of 0 . The
set T s = {P e X I s (P) = O} is called the set of zeroes of
s . From the definition of a line bundle and Exercise 2.1.14
one can deduce that Ts is a closed subset of X.
114 CURVES Part 2

Let p : !f -----+ X be a line bundle, and let X = UU

a a
be an open covering of X such that !fIUa is trivial for
any a. Let ~a: !flu ~ U x fAl be corresponding
a a
isomorphisms. Let us consider the map

It is an isomorphism of trivial families over Ua n U~ . Let

P E Ua n U~ then (~ao~;l) P is a k-automorphism of }p
and since dim"Ip = 1 it is given by an element Ap E k
Therefore (~ao~;l) defines a function fa~ E k[Ua n U~]
which vanished nowhere on U a n U ~ • For any a one can
check that f
a,a = id , and for any triple (a,~,~) one can
check that fa7 = fa~'f~~ on Ua U~ n
U~ • Conversely any n
family of functions fa~ E k[Ua n U~] satisfying these
requirements determines a line bundle.

Let !f and At be line bundles given by families

{fa~} and {ga~}' respectively, with fa~ and
ga~ E k[Ua n U~] (one can easily show that there exists an
open covering {Ua} of X trivializing both !f and At).
The family {fa~·ga~} defines a line bundle !f ® At which
is called the (tensor) product of !f and At • The family f-!
-1 a,..
defines a line bundle !f- l = !f®-l such that !f ®!l = 0 •
The tensor product of m > 0 copies of !f is denoted !l®m
or ~; for m < 0 we set ~ = !f®m = (!f-l)®(-m) • By
definition, !f0 = !l®o = o. One can check that the set
Pic (X) of line bundles on X is a group which is called
the Picard group of X.

Here is the most important line bundle on pn. Let V

be a vector space of dimension n + 1 such that
pn=p(V). Let
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 115

ip being the line in V corresponding to P, and let

p : g ---+ IP n be the restriction of the natural proj ection
IP n x V ---+ IP n . One can show that g is a line bundle on
IP n which is denoted by 0(-1). Let 0(1) = 0(_1)-1 and
let Oem) = O(I)®m • For any n
s E HO(lP ,O(l» its zero-set
Ts is a hyperplane in IPn . Conversely, for any hyperplane
H c IP n there exists s E HO (lPn, 0 (1»
with T = H
Moreover, there is a natural isomorphism HO(lP n ,O(l» = V
V * being the space dual to V.

Exercise 2.1. 37. Prove all the above statements about

line bundles.

2.1.2. Quasi-projective curves

Quasi-projective variety of dimension 1 is called a

quasi-projective curve (algebraic curve or just a curve).
Since for any non-empty variety X any P E X is closed in
X , one can define a curve to be a variety such that any its
closed subvariety is a point. If a curve X is a closed
subset in IP n it is called projective (or complete); note
that by Theorem 2.1.22 this property depends only on the
isomorphism class of X

Example 2.1.38. The zero set in 1P2 of an irreducible

form F is a complete curve; A1 is not complete.

Sometimes we call the union X
X. = U
of several
i=1 ~
curves a (reducible) curve; in this case curves are
called irreducible components.
116 CURVES Part 2

Non-singular points on curves. From Proposition 2.1.32

it follows that a curve X has only a finite number of
singular points. Let P e X be an arbitrary point.

Exercise 2.1.39. Show that PeX is non-singular iff

the ideal mp is principal (Le. mp = tp·Op with
tp e Op ) •

If P is non-singular then any tp e Op with

mp = tp·Op is called a local parameter at P. To check
non-singularity of a point p e X it is convenient to use
the differential criterion of non-singularity. Let
p e X S; IP • without loss of generality we can assume that
p e X n IAn (since IP n is a union of (n + 1) copies of
IAn ). Let (Xl' • •• ,xn ) be coordinates on IAn, and let
Fl , ••• ,FN e k[x l , ••• ,Xn ] be generators of the ideal I
(recall that I is the ideal of polynomials vanishing
on X n IAn ) • Thus is a complete

system of equations defining X n IAn • Consider the matrix

[ax. (P)
) ~=1, ••• ,N
j=1, ... ,n.

Proposition 2.1.40. P is non-singular iff the rank of

~~(P) equals n - 1 .

In particular, if N=1, n =2 (the case of a plane

curve with affine equation F(X l ,X2 ' =0 ) a point p is

non-singular on X iff either aF
(P) 'It 0 or aF (P) 'It 0 •
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 117

Exercise 2.1.41. Which of the points listed below are

2 3
a) P (0,0) on X given by x1 x2

b) P (0,1) on X {x: + 1 = X3}


c) P = (0,0,0) on X : {X 2
x2 + x3
x3 + x2} .
Power series expansions. Non-singular points have the
following important property: a function which is regular at
a non-singular point p has a unique power series expansion
provided that a local parameter tp is fixed.

Let p be a non-singular point of X Fix a local

parameter tp at P. For any power series
00 •

F(t) = La. ·t~ e k[ [t)) and for a positive integer m by

i=O ~
m i
we denote the polynomial L a.·t of degree m .
i=O ~

Proposition 2.1.42. There exists a unique embedding of

k-algebras "t p : Op ~ k[ [tpJ J such that f - "tp(f) n e mp
for any n > °.

Exercise 2.1.43. Let X = /A 1 , p= to} , tp = t ,
f= (1 - t) -1 • Find "tp(f) . (Hint: This is a geometric

Note that any rational function f can be uniquely

expanded into a Laurent series at any non-singular p e X
since there exists an integer m such that tm·f
p e Op , and
-m m
we can set "tp(f) = tp ·"tp(tp·f) . Thus we obtain a field
embedding "t p : k(X) '-----+ k( (tp» for any nonsingular

Smooth complete curves. Smooth complete curves are the

most important. They have the following useful property.
118 CURVES Part 2

Theorem 2.1.44. Smooth complete curves are isomorphic

i f f they are birationally isomorphic .

Exercise 2.1.45. Let X C (p2 be the curve defined by
2 3
o 1 = x
. Show that X is birationally isomorphic to (pI

(Le. X is a rational curve). Is X isomorphic to

Since it is clear thatAl and (pI are birationally

isomorphic, but are not isomorphic, we see that for
non-complete or singular curves Theorem 2.1.44 is not valid.

Remark 2.1. 46. For higher-dimensional varieties

Theorem 2.1.44 is also wrong. For example smooth projective
surfaces (p2 and (pIx (pI are not isomorphic, being
birationally isomorphic.

One can describe fields of the form k(X) for a

complete non-singular curve X.

Proposition 2.1.47. A field K containing k is

isomorphic to k(X) for a complete non-singular curve X
iff K is of transcendence degree one and is finitely
generated over k

These results make it possible to use both equivalent
languages - algebraic and geometric - when studying smooth
complete curves.
Let as explain how one can algebraically express the
notion of a point on a curve.
Let be an arbitrary proper subring in k(X), and
let V::> k • The ring V is called a valuation ring iff
the condition f ~ V implies rl E V. Let as show that
the local ring 0p, P being a non-singular point of X,
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 119

is a valuation ring. To prove this we introduce the

following important notion. For f E Op , f * 0 we set

k k+1
ordp(f) max { k I f E mp f E mp }

For any f g/h, g,h E Op we set

Since 0p::> k[U) for any open neighbourhood U of P, the

fraction field of Op is k(X) • Thus ordp(f) is defined
for any f E k(X) - {OJ • It is called the order (of zero)
of f at P . If ordp(f) < 0 then I ordp (f) I is called
the order of pole of f at P. Hence, ordp is a
surjective group homomorphism ordp : k(X) * ~ 71. such
that for any f ,g E k(X) *

Such a homomorphism is called a discrete valuation on

k(X) Note that

Op = {f E k(X) * I ordp(f) ?! O} U {OJ

From this description it is obvious that f E k(X) , f E Op

implies f E Op Hence Op is a valuation ring.
Moreover, one can prove

Theorem 2.1.48. Let X be smooth projective curve.

Then P ~ Op is a bijection of the set of points P E X
onto the set of valuation subrings in k(X) •

Degree of a map. Note that if is a
non-constant rational map then f is dominant. Hence
120 CURVES Part 2

f* : keY) ~ k(X) is an embedding. Since k(X) and keY)

are of transcendence degree lover k and are finitely
generated, the degree [k(X) : f * (k(Y»] is finite; it is
called the degree of f and is denoted by deg f . In the
next section we give another interpretation of deg f .

2.1.3. Divisors

Let X be a smooth projective curve over k (recall

that we assume k to be algebraically closed and X to be
irreducible). A divisor D on X is a finite formal sum
D = r
ap·p , P EX, ap being integers. The set
{P E X I a p '" O} is called the support of D and is
denoted by Supp X. Sometimes we wri te D = a.· P .
~ ~
instead of D = r a p . P., where a.; = a • The set of
i ~ ... Pi
divisors on X is denoted by Div(X) ; it is an abelian
group since we can add and subtract divisors: if D = a .p rp p
and E = r bp ·P , then D ± E =r (ap ± bp)·P • The degree
deg D of D is r a p , the degree map Div(X) ----? 71. is
surjective, its kernel is denoted by Div (X) • If o ap ~ 0
for any p r
then we call D = ap.p an effective divisor
and write D l!: O. If moreover D'" 0 we call it
positive. The set of effective divisors is denoted by
Div + (X) • This definition induces a partial order on
Div(X) : D l!: F iff D - F E Div + (X). Note that any
divisor is a difference of two effective ones.
For a function f E k (X) * let

(f) is called the divisor of f . Note that (f) is indeed

a divisor since any f E k(X) * has only a finite number of
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 121

zeroes and poles and thus ordp(f) '" 0 only for a finite
number of points p eX. Note also that

(f) = (f) - (f)

° Q)


(f) ° = L ordp (f) .p

ordp(f) >0

(f)"" = L (-ordp(f»·P
ordp(f) <0

are effective; (f) ° is called the divisor of zeroes, and

(f)"" is called the divisor of poles of f .

Exercise 2.1. 49. Find (f) on 1P1 for a polynomial

f = F(X) e k[x] , x = T/T o being a coordinate on /A l c 1P1

Divisors of the form (f) are called principal. Since

it is clear that (f·g±l) = (f) ± (g) , principal divisors
form a subgroup P(X) in Div(X). If Dl - D2 e P(X) then
Dl and D2 are called linearly equivalent (or just
equivalent); in this case we write D1 - D 2

Theorem 2.1.50. The degree of a principal divisor

equals zero .

Thus, P(X) ~ Divo(X) . The theorem implies that we can
speak about the degree of an equivalence class of divisors.
Factor-groups Cl(X) = Div(X)/P(X) and Clo(X) = Divo(X)/P(X)
play a crucial role in the study of curves. One can check
that the group Cl(X) is canonically isomorphic to Pic(X)
(we shall discuss it later). Further on we use the notation
Pic(X) for Cl(X) and Pico(X) for Clo(X) •
122 CURVES Part 2

Let D be a divisor on X. Let

L(D) = (f e k(X) * (f) + D ~ O} U to}

L(D) is a vector space over k called the space associated

to D. Its dimension is denoted l(D) •

Theorem 2.1.51. L(D) is fini te-dimensional for any

D e Div(X) .

Proof: Let where Dl ~ 0 , D2 ~ 0 •

Since L(D) S; L(D l ) we can assume D to be effective so
that D = L ap.p and • Choose a local parameter
at some P e Supp D • Since t p· f is regular at P
any f e L (D), we can define a linear functional
~p : L(D) ~ k setting ~p(f) = (tp ·f) (P) • It is clear
that the kernel of ~p lies in L(D') where D' = D - P
is an effective divisor with deg(D') < deg D. Since
l(D) ~ l(D') + 1 we can apply the induction on deg D •

Corollary 2.1.52. If D ~ 0 then l(D) ~ deg D + 1

Exercise 2.1.53. Show that for any D e Div(X)

l(D) ~ max {O , deg D + 1}

Exercise 2.1. 54. Let X = 1P1 , D = n·oo. Show that

L (D) is the space of polynomials of degree at most n.
Thus l(D) = n + 1 .

Proposition 2.1.55. l(D) depends only on the linear

equivalence class of D.

Proof: If with f e k (X) * then

Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 123

multiplication by f defines an isomorphism of L(D1 ) onto

L(Dz ) ••

Linear systems. Let H ~ CO} be a subspace in L(D) •

The set of effective divisors of the form (f) + D ,
f e H - {O} , is called a linear system and is denoted by
IHI • If H = L(D), IHI is called a complete linear
system and is denoted by IDI.

Exercise 2.1.56. Show that IHI = P(H) •

The dimension of P (H) is denoted by dim IHI • Thus

dim IHI = dim H - 1 ; in particular, dim IDI = teD) - 1

There exists a close connection between linear systems

on a curve X and rational maps from X to projective
spaces. Indeed, let ~: X ~ pn be a rational map ,


and suppose that Im (~) is not contained in a hyperplane

H c pn (if the last condition does not hold ~ can be
considered as a map from X to pm for m < n ). Let

=I:a. , p.p
i = O,l, ••• ,n ,
and let

Le. D = L a·P for ap = min a. p • It is clear that

p Osisn ~,
thus f. e L(-D) • Letbe a linear
subspace in L(D) generated by f i . So we have associated
with ~ a linear system IH~I • Conversely, let IHI s;; IDI
and IHI ~ 1ZI. Let {fo ' ••• ,fn} be a basis in H, the
formula (2.1.2) defines a rational map ~: X ~ pn for
124 CURVES Part 2

n = dim IHI • In this situation we have (f.)

- D = I{> * (H.)
where Hi is a hyperplane defined by xi = 0 . Moreover if
A = (Ao:"':An) and HA is the hyperplane with the
equation I: Ai'xi = 0 then f * (H A ) = (I: Ai'fi ) - D
One can also describe I{> in invariant terms. Indeed
for any P E X - Supp D there is a functional I{>p on H
given by I{>p(f) = f(P) Thus we can define

I{> = I{>H X - Supp D ----+ IP(H * )

by I{>H(P) = I{> for P E X - Supp D , i.e. a rational map

P *
from X to IP(H ) . Further on we use the notation I{>H for
the map defined by a linear system IHI in the case
IHI = IDI we write I{>D for I{>H • Using the connection
between linear systems and rational maps one can prove the
following important fact:

Theorem 2.1.57. Any rational map of a smooth complete

curve X to a projective space is regular.

Proof: Let I{>: X ----+ IPn be given by (2.1. 2). It is

clear that I{> is regular at any P E Supp D. Let
Q E Supp D and let tQ be a local parameter at Q. Let
I{>' : X ----+ IP n be defined by

I{>': P t----+ (f~ (P): ••• :f~ (P))

-a Q .
where fi = tQ f i By the definition of D any f'.
regular at Q and there exists io with f'. (Q) '# 0 •
Hence I{>' is regular at Q. It is sufficient to note that
I{> and I{>' coincide as rational maps .

Corollary 2.1.58. Let be a rational
map , X and Y being smooth complete curves. Then I{> is
regular .

Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 125

One can also obtain Theorem 2.1.44 as a corollary of

Theorem 2.1.57.

Lattices. Now we shall describe how one can speak

about divisors on X in terms of the function field k(X)

For any P e X let there be given a lattice, i.e. a

free 0p-submodule !i p in k(X) or rank 1 ; !i p = ip'O p
for ip e k(X) • In this situation we say that there is
given a family of lattices (!i p ) PeX If for all but a
finite number of point we have !i p = Op then the family
(!i p ) PeX is called an asymptotically standard family of

To any D e Div (X) we can associate an asymptotically

standard family of lattices. Let D = [ ap'D , then

for P ~ Supp D
for P e Supp D

tp being a local parameter at P.

Proposition 2.1.59. The formula (2.1.3) defines a

bijection of Div(X) onto the set of asymptotically
standard lattice families on X

Proof: Let us construct an inverse map

For any P e X we have !ip = tp ·Op , being an
integer; since for all but a finite number of P,
!i p = we can define a divisor
0P' D = [(-ap)·p. It is
clear that maps D ~ (!i p ) PeX and (!i p ) ~ Dare
inverse to each other .

Let !i (!ip)pex be an asymptotically standard lattice
126 CURVES Part 2

family. We call the intersection n ~p c k(X) the space of

sections of ~ and we denote it by HO(~); its elements
are called sections of This definition immediately

Proposition 2.1.60. Let ~ = (~P)PeX and D e Div X

correspond to each other. Then ~(~) = L(D) •

By the fibre of a family (~p)PeX at P e X we mean
the one-dimensional space Yp = ~p/tp'~p over
k = Op/tp'Op. The image of s e ~ (~) in Yp is called
the value of s at P.
If s e ~ (~) - {O} , being an asymptotically
standard lattice family, then we call

= pE (ord(s) - ap)'p

the divisor of zeroes of s , where for any P.

Exercise 2.1.61. Show that Ds is well-defined and


We call asymptotically standard lattice

~ = (~p) and .M = (.M p ) linearly equivalent iff there
exists f e k(X) * such that ~p = f·.M p for any P eX.

Exercise Show that asymptotically standard

lattice families are linearly equivalent iff corresponding
divisors are.

Cartier divisors. One can give an alternative

definition for divisors (Cartier divisors), which is very
useful. Let De Div(X) , D = E ap'P, and let U be an
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 127

open subset in X. We denote by DiU the following divisor

on U:

DI =Ea .p

Exercise 2.1.63. Show that for any D e Div (X) and

any P e X there exists an open U = U(P,D) such that
P e U and Diu is a principal divisor on U, Le. there
exists f e k(X) with DiU = (f) IU •

Exercise 2.1.64. Deduce from the previous exercise

that for any D e Div(XJ there exists a finite open
covering {U i } of X such that Diu. = (f.) IU • Show that
~ ~ i
(fi'f j
) e k[U i n U j ]*. Conversely for any family
({Ui},{f i }) , where {U i } is a finite open covering of X

are rational functions, and

exists a unique divisor D e Div(X) with

We call ({Ui},{f i }) a Cartier divisor.

Behaviour under maps. using cartier divisors we can

define the inverse image rp * (D) e Div (X) of a divisor
D e Div (Y) under a regular map rp: X ~ Y of smooth
irreducible complete curves. Let ({Ui},{f i }) be a Cartier
divisor on Y corresponding to D e Div(Y) • Then rp * (D)
is defined on the covering {rp(U i )} of X by the family
{rp (f i )}. One can easily show that rp * is a group
homomorphism rp * Div(Y) ~ Div(X) note also that
rp (P(Y» !: P(X) since rp * «f» = (rp * (f» for any f e keY) •
Thus we get a homomorphism * Pic(Y) ~ Pic(X) •
Moreover, rp * (Divo (Y» S; Divo (X) (see Corollary 2.1. 65
below), and thus rp*: Pico(y) ~ Pico(X) •
128 CURVES Part 2

Using cartier divisors we can also define the divisor

(F) E Div (X) of a form F of degree s on IP n . Indeed
let Ui = {T i :f;. O} n X and let f i = FIT i •

Exercise 2.1.65. Check that ({Ui},{f i }) is a cartier


In particular if F = L is a linear form then (L) is

called the divisor of a hyperplane section; all such
divisors are linearly equivalent. The degree deg(L) is
called the degree of X, deg(X) = deg(L) • If a map
f : X ~ IP m is given by HS:;L(-D) then effective
divisors D' E IHI are precisely inverse images of
hyperplane section divisors (L) E Div(f(X)) •

connection with line bundles. Let us show that

divisors and line bundles are closely connected. If
is a cartier divisor we can set
since functions
bundle on X which is denoted by OeD) .

Exercise 2.1.66. Show that the correspondence

D ~ OeD) is a bijection of the set of linear equivalence
classes of divisors on X onto the set of isomorphism
classes of line bundles on X

Thus we have a canonical isomorphism Cl (X) '" Pic (X) •

Further on we use only the notation Pic (X) and Pico(X) .
By Exercise 2.1.66 we can speak about the degree deg(£) of
a line bundle £ on X; if £ '" OeD) we denote the map
'PD by 'P£.

Exercise 2.1.67. Let £ 0 (D) • Show that

is isomorphic to L(D)
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 129

Let and let X=Uu be an open

ex ex
covering such that .flU is trivial for any ex • Since
.flU '" 01 the restriction of s can be regarded
ex Uex
as a regular function on Let D

Exercise 2.1. 68. Show that there exists a unique

divisor Ds such that Dslu = Ds,ex for any ex.
Divisor Ds ~ 0 is called the divisor of zeroes of
s Ds - D for any D e Div(X) with .f '" OeD)

Inverse images of points. To study non-constant maps

f : X ~ Y it is important to consider divisors of the
form f * (P), P being a point of Y.

Proposition 2.1.69. For any P e Y

deg f * (P) = deg f ,

and for any D e Div Y we have

deg f * (D) = (deg D)·(deg f)

Exercise 2.1.70. Deduce Theorem 2.1.50 from Proposition
2.1. 69. (Hint: Apply this proposition to the map
f : X ~ ~1 and to D = (0) - (00) )

Ramification points. Let f: X ~ Y be a regular

map, X and Y being smooth complete curves. Let P e X
and f(P) = Q. It is clear that P e Supp(f * (Q» If
f * (Q) = P + D' with P Ii! Supp D' , we call f unramified
at P. If it is not the case, and thus f * (Q) ep'p + D'
with ep ~ 2 and P Ii! Supp D', then f is called ramified
at P , and P is called a ramification point of f; ep
130 CURVES Part 2

is called the ramification index of f at P. From the

defi~ition of f * (a) it follows that f * (ta) = tp·u ep with

U E 0p, and tatp being local parameters at P and
a, respectively. If for a E y the map f is unramified
at any P E f- 1 (a) , we say that f is unramified at a • If
it is not the case a is called a ramification point of f.

Remark 2.1.71. One can define divisors and related

objects for any variety X (which we assume to be smooth
and projective). Simple divisor F on X is a subvariety
in X of codimension one (F can be singular). Divisor D
on X is a finite sum

~ ~

ni being integers, and Fi being simple divisors on X.

The set Div(x) of divisors on X is an abelian group; the
set Div+ (X) of effective divisors D i!! 0 (Le. with all
ni i!! 0 ) is a subsemigroup in Div(X) • If f E k(X) * and F
is a simple divisor on X one can define an integer
ordF(f) as follows. It can be shown that there exists an
open affine set U c X such that F n U '1:" and F nU is
defined by g = 0 with g E k[U] • Set

ordF(f) = {min l I f gl.h with h E k[U]} •

One can check that ordF(f) is well defined (i.e. it does

not depend on U) and that

for any f l' f 2 E k (X) * , and

Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 131

order of zero of f at F. If ordF(f) < 0 then

lordF(f) I is called the order of pole of f at F. We can
define the divisor (f) of f by

For any D e Div(X) let

L(D) = {f e k(X) *I (f) + D ~ O} U {OJ

Using properties of ordF(f) one can easily show that

L (D) is a vector subspace in k (X) ; one can also prove
that it is finite-dimensional for any D; its dimension is
denoted by t(D). The connection between divisors and
rational maps takes place for arbitrary smooth proj ecti ve
varieties. The theory of cartier divisors and the connection
between divisor classes and linear bundles is also quite

2.1.4. 3acobians

In the study of algebraic curves an important role is

played by their Jacobians. The Jacobian of a curve is an
algebraic group, i.e. an algebraic variety which is a group
such that the group structure is compatible with the
structure of the algebraic variety.

Algebraic groups. Let G be quasi-projective variety

which is a group. Then G is called an algebraic group iff
the maps

G ~ G, !peg) g
are regular.
132 CURVES Part 2

Exercise 2.1.72. Check that the following varieties

are algebraic groups:
a) ~1 with standard addition. This algebraic group is
called additive and is denote by Ga.
b) ~1 - to} with multiplication of coordinates. This
algebraic group is called multiplicative and is denoted
by Gm .
c) The set
GL(n) = GL(n,k) =

= {A is n x n-matrix over k I det A * O}

with standard matrix multiplication. This algebraic group is

called the general linear group (over k). Note that
GL(l) = Gm •

Note that for a fixed h e G the map L h : G -----+ G ,

Lh (g) = h· g is an isomorphism (of varieties but not of
groups), since 1 L Lh h- 1

Proposition 2.1.73. If G is an algebraic group then

G is a smooth variety.

Proof: On G there exists a non-singular point.

Applying L h , where h runs over all elements of G, we
obtain the proposition .

Abelian varieties. If G is an algebraic group and G
is projective then G is called an abelian variety.

Theorem 2.1.74. An abelian variety is a commutative

group .

Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 133

Proposition 2.1.75. Let 1/1: G ~ H be a regular

map from an abelian variety to an algebraic group. Then
there exists a morphism of algebraic groups rp: G ~ H
(i.e. a regular map which is a group homomorphism) such that
1/1 = Lhorp , where h = I/I(e) E H

Corollary 2.1.76. If A and B are abelian varieties
which are isomorphic as varieties then they are also
isomorphic as algebraic groups .

Thus on abelian varieties "algebra is determined by
geometry" .

Jacobian of a curve. Let X be a smooth proj ective

curve. Recall that Pico(X) = Div(X)/P(X) is the group of
equivalence classes of divisors of degree zero.

Theorem 2.1.77. For any smooth projective curve X

there exists a unique abelian variety J x such that
a) JX is isomorphic to Pi CO (X) as a group;
b) the map

ip : X ~ J x , ip P ~P-P

° ° °
is regular for any Po E.X ;

c) for any regular map rp: X ~ A from X to an

abelian variety such that rp(Po ) is the neutral element of
A there exists a morphism of abelian varieties

The abelian variety JX is called the Jacobian of X
The dimension of the Jacobian is called the genus of X
and is denoted g(X). One can show that this definition
coincides with the definition of genus in terms of
134 CURVES Part 2

differentials given in section 2.2.1 below; for k = Ie it

also coincides with topological definition of genus given in
section 2.1. 5.

Example 2.1.78. a) If x = 11'1 then is trivial

since Pico(X) = 0 . Therefore g«(p1) = 0 •

b) If X a smooth plane curve of degree 3 then

JX ~ X (see section 2.4.1 below). Hence g(X) = 1 .

Functoriali ty. For a regular map f: X ~ Y of

smooth projective curves one can define two morphisms of
Jacobians f*: J X ~ Jy and f*: J y ~ JX ; for
f : X ~ Y and g: Y ~ Z one has (gof) * = g*of * and
(gof) * = f * og *

Exercise 2.1.79. Deduce the existence of the map

f* Jx ~ Jy from the last statement of Theorem 2.1.77.

Theorem 2.1.80. Let f: X ~ Y be a regular map.

Then the map f* Jy ~ Jx ' defined by the inverse image
of a divisor, is a morphism of abelian varieties .

Embedding into Jacobian. It should be remarked that
any curve which is not isomorphic to 11'1 can be embedded
into its Jacobian:

Proposition 2.1.81. If X~Jx is not

injective then X ~ 11'1 •

Proof: If ip is not injective then there exist p

and Q e X P * °Q such that P = Q + (f) for some

f e k(X) - k Consider f as a regular map
f : X ~ (pl. since (f) =P - Q we have (f) ° = P and
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 135

by Proposition 2.1.69 deg f = 1 hence f is an

isomorphism .

Note that J x can be also identified with the set of
isomorphism classes of line bundles of degree zero. If !£
is a line bundle of degree a, the map Al 1---+ Al ®!£ is a
bijection of Jx onto the set of isomorphism classes of
line bundles of degree a.

Proposition 2.1.82. The set of isomorphism classes of

line bundle of a fixed degree is in a natural bijection with

2.1.5. Riemann surfaces

If the ground field is C, any smooth algebraic curve

can be considered as a Riemann surface, which is compact in
the case of a complete curve.
Recall that a Riemann surface is a one-dimensional
complex-analytic manifold. To be more precise, a Riemann
surface is a connected Hausdorf topological space T with
an atlas S. By an atlas S we mean a family
S = {(Ua,Pa) I a e A}, A being an arbitrary index set,
{Ua}aeA being an open covering of T, and Pa: U a ~ Va
for a e A being a homeomorphism of U a onto an open set
VaS;; C such that the map

is complex analytic for U a n U {3 ¢ 0 • Usually one requires

S to be a maximal set satisfying these conditions. In fact
136 CURVES Part 2

this requirement is not essential since for any 5 there

exists a maximal set 5 ' ;2 5 . Further on we do not require
5 to be maximal.

Let X be a smooth quasi-projective curve over C

Let us define a complex topology on X. We begin with some
elementary remarks on the complex topology of AN and pN .
It is clear that AN (C) '" cN is homeomorphic to 1R2N We .
define the complex topology on pN (C) as the
factor-topology under the canonical projection

AN+ 1 _ {O} ~ pN(C) .

Since the restriction of this map to the (2N+l)-sphere

N+l N 2
{z = (zo, ••• ,ZN) E A (C) - {O} I L Iz.1 I}
i=O ~

gives a surjection 5 2N+ 1 ~ pN (C) , we see that pN (C)

is compact in the complex topology. Now we define the
complex topology on X c pN as the restriction of the
complex topology of pN(C) . Note that if X is projective
then X is a closed set in pN (IC), X being the
intersection of zero sets of continuous functions on
pN (C) . Therefore a projective curve is compact in the
complex topology.

Now let us check that the complex topology on X is

well-defined, i.e. that it does not depend on the embedding
of X into a projective space. It is sufficient to define a
fundamental basis of neighbourhoods for any P E X Let
P E X be an arbitrary point (by our assumptions it is
non-singular). Let U be an affine open neighbourhood of P
so that U c AN (IC) and let tp be a local parameter at
p . Since tp is a rational function which is regular at
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 137

p , there exists e: > 0 such that Ue: = (Q e X I tp(Q) < e:}

is continuously mapped to a:: by tp . Consider the
restrictions tt'··· ,tN to X of coordinate functions

T t ,··· ,TN on IAN , and let ~i (t) = 1:p Ct i ) be the power

series expansions of t. at P. Using the implicit function


theorem one can prove

Lemma 2. 1. 83 • There exists e: > 0 such that power

series ~i(t) converge in a disc of radius e:

Let us define a map by
u : D ~ IANCIC)
u(t) = (~1 (t), ••• '~N(t)), De: being the disc of radius
in a::. One proves that the maps tpou and uotp are
identical on some neighbourhoods of 0 and P in a:: and
Ue: 'respectively. Therefore tp is a homeomorphism of a
neighbourhood Up of P in X onto a neighbourhood V p
of 0 in IC. Since this argument is valid for any choice
of tp the complex topology on X depends neither on the
choice of tp nor on the choice of an embedding X c: IPN •
Moreover Lemma 2.1. 83 implies that the family (Up, t p ) is
an atlas on X. To prove that X is a Riemann surface one
should prove

Theorem 2.1.84. Any algebraic curve is connected in

the complex topology.

For simplicity we assume X to be complete. We

use here the immediate corollary of the Riemann-Roch theorem
which follows (note that the proof of the Riemann-Roch
theorem in Chapter 2.2 below does not depend on this
section). Let Po eX, then there exists a non-constant
rational function f e k (X) which is regular at all points
138 CURVES Part 2

of x except P o • Suppose that X = X1 U X2 Xl and X 2

being non-empty non-intersecting closed subsets of X . Let
P e X
o 1
and let f be a non-constant rational function
which is regular everywhere except Po Since f is
regular on X2 and X2 is compact, fix is constant;
hence f itself is constant, a contradiction.

since Riemann surfaces can be considered as two-
dimensional orientable differentiable manifolds, i.e. as
orientable surfaces, any smooth complex algebraic curve X
is an orientable surface. If X is complete then this
surface is compact. Recall the following fact.

Theorem 2.1.85. Let 5 be a compact orientable

connected surface. Then 5 is diffeomorphic to the sphere
with g handles, g being a non-negative integer .

This integer g is called the genus of S (and if 5
corresponds to an algebraic curve X it is also called the
genus of X).

In particular, for g = 0 the surface 5 is

diffeomorphic to the sphere 52 for g = 1 it is
diffeomorphic to the torus T2 = 51 X 51 •

One can show that this topological definition of the

genus coincides with the above denition in terms of the
Jacobian and with the definition in terms of differentials
given below.

In fact in the compact case the construction of Riemann

surfaces from algebraic curves can be inverted. This deep
statement is called the Riemann existence theorem:
Chapter 2.1 ALGEBRAIC CURVES 139

Theorem 2.1.86. Let Y be a compact Riemann surface.

There exists a unique (up to an isomorphism) smooth
projective curve X with Y = Xan ' where is the
Riemann surface associated to X

Moreover one can show that for any curves X and X'
the set of complex analytic maps from Xan to X'
coincides with the set of regular maps from X to X' •

Therefore the notions of a smooth complete complex

curve and a compact Riemann
of surface are essentially
equivalent. This makes it appropriate to use powerful
technique of complex analysis to the study of complex
algebraic curves. We shall use the connection between curves
and Riemann surfaces to construct some classes of algebraic
curves which arise naturally as Riemann surfaces (see Part 4


since many important questions of the geometry of

curves are reduced to the calculation of teD) for various
divisors D, an explicit expression of teD) plays an
essential role in the theory of curves. Such an expression
is given by the Riemann-Roch theorem which is the crucial
result of the theory. To state it one should study
differential forms on curves which are also useful in many
other questions.
In this chapter we give a brief exposition of this
subject. In section 2.2.1 the definition and basic
properties of differential forms are given; Section 2.2.2
contains the statement and the scheme of proof of the
Riemann-Roch theorem and of some of its corollaries. Next
section is devoted to the Hurwi tz formula which describes
the behaviour of genus under regular maps; this result is
rather useful to compute the genus of many curves. In
section 2.2.4 we describe basic properties of special

142 CURVES Part 2

divisors and weierstrass points on curves. section 2.2.5 is

devoted to the cartier operator, useful to study curves over
fields of positive characteristic.

In this chapter by x we mean a smooth irreducible

curve over an algebraically closed field k .

2.2.1. Differential forms

Let P e X and let f e Op • Let dpf be the image of

2 2
f - f(P) e mp in mp/mp i note that mp/mp is a
one-dimensional vector space over k • We call dpf the
differential of f at P.

Exercise 2.2.1. Check that the map dp

is k-linear and for any f, g e Op

Let U be an open subset of X and let f e k[U] .

Let ~[U] be the set of maps rp which send each P e U to
some rp(P) e mp/mp it is clear that ~[U] is a
k[U]-module. Any f E k[U] defines df E <Ii [U] by
(df) (P) = dpf . We call rp E <Ii [U] a differential form
regular on U iff for any P E U there exist an open
neighbourhood V of P in U such that rpi v lies in the
k[V]-submodule L k[V] ·df of ~[V] • Differential forms
which are regular on U form a k[U]-module (l[U] i in
particular for U = X we obtain a k-vector space (l[X] .
sometimes we write (l for (l[X] .

Theorem 2.2.2. dim k (l[X] is finite.


A proof of the theorem will be given later (after the

proof of Corollary 2.2.8) ; g(X) = dimkO[X] is called the
genus of X. One can show that this definition coincides
with definitions given above in section 2.1.4 and 2.1.5.

Proposition 2.2.3. Let P e X and 1 et t = tp be a

local parameter at P. Then there exists an open
neighbourhood U of P such that O[U] = k[U] ·dt

Sket ch of proof: Note that for any

and any fl, ••• , fN e k[U] one has

which easily follows from d(f·g) = f·dg + g·df Let now

V be an open neighbourhood of P which is an affine curve,
let VelA , and let F l , • • • ,Fm e k[T l , ••• ,TN] be a basis
of the ideal IV' formed by Fe k[Tl, ••• ,TN ] vanishing on
V . since Fi'V = 0 for i = 1, ... ,m we obtain

N aFi
L aT .. dt J. o for i 1, .•. , m (2.2.1)
j=l J

where t.=T·,vek[V] Since is non-singular, the

rank of (aF ./aT . (P)) equals N - 1 . without loss of
1. J
generality we can assume that t t One can express dt.
1 J
for j = 2 , ••. ,N from (2.2.1) :

dt . f .·dt

fj being rational functions regular at P. Let U be an

open subset in V such that f . e k[U] • Then O[U] = k[U] ·dt
since we can express any w e 0 [U] in dt l ' ••• , dt N and
hence in dt •

144 CURVES Part 2

Corollary 2.2.4. Let w e n[U] Then the set Fw of

zeroes of w is closed in U

Let U be an open subset in X, and let w e n[U]
We say that w defines a rational differential form on X
if w e k[U] and w' ek[U' ] satisfy wlu"u, = w' 'U"U '
then we say that w and w' define the same rational
differential form on X . The set of rational differential
forms on X is denoted by n(x) n (X) ; clearly is a
k(X)-vector space. Moreover Proposition 2.2.3 implies

Proposition 2.2.5. dimk(X)n(X) 1

Canonical class. From the definition of a differential
form w it follows that for any P e X there exists an
open neighbourhood U of P w = f dt
such that for 0

f e k (X), where t - t (P) is a local parameter at any

P e U • It follows that for any W" 0 there exists an open
covering {U i } of X such that wi U = f;odt;
... ... for any
i . Since fiodti = fjodtj on Ui n Uj , ti - ti (Q) and
t j - t j (Q) being local parameters for any * Q e U i n U j ,
we see that f ;/f)o and f olf e (k[U n U oJ) Therefore
... ) ~


{Ui,f i } is a Cartier divisor which is denoted by (w); it

is called the divisor associated to w. Since any w' e n(X)
can be written as w' = fow with f e k (X)
(Proposition 2.2.5) we see that (w') = (w) + (f) Hence
the class K = KX of linear equivalence of (w) does not
depend on the choice of W; it is called the canonical
class of X. Sometimes we denote by KX a divisor from the
canonical class of X.

Example 2.2.6. a) Let X 1P1 , w dt , t being a


coordinate on 1P1 , let u t- 1 , and let

Uo = 1
{x e IP I u '" O} ,

then 1P1 = Uo U U1 is a local parameter at any

t - t (P)
P e Uo ' u - u (0) is a local parameter at any 0 e U 1 • In
Uo we have w = d(u- 1 ) = -u- 2 ·du. Thus (w) = -2·00, 00

being a point of 1P1 with u (00) = o. Therefore K

consists of divisors of degree -2.

b) Let x be the curve in defined by

x~ + x: + x~ = 0 and let U i j = (P e X I xi (P) .xj(P) '" O}

for i 0,1,2 X = U 01 U U 02U U 12 Let x = x 1 /XO '

y = x 2 /X O ' and let W = dy/x

= dx/y 2
in U
w = -dv/u in U12 where u = X 2 /X 1 ' V = X O/x 1 ' and
w = -ds/e in U where S = XO/X2 ' t = x/x
02 1 2
Therefore w e Q[X] and one easily checks that (w) = 0 .
Hence KX = 0

Smooth plane curves. Let F(x :x :x ) = 0 be a

o 1 2
homogeneous equation of degree m, which defines a smooth
curve X c 1P2 • Let x = x /x, y = x ~Ix0 be coordinates
1 0
on fA2 C 1P2, and let G(x,y) = F(1:x:y) = 0 be the equation
of the affine curve X' = X n fA 2 • Let us consider rational
differential forms on X given by

w G' (2.2.2)

where G' 8G/8X , P e k[x,y]


Proposition 2.2.7. A form given by (2.2.2) is regular

iff deg P ::5 m - 3 . Conversely any w e Q[X] can be
146 CURVES Part 2

written in the form (2.2.2) with P E k[x,y] ,

deg P ~ m - 3 Hence

n[x] = { p~zy IP E k[x,y], deg P ~ m - 3 }

Moreover KX = (m - 3)'L , L being the class of a

hyperplane section.

Proof: Let clearly it is regular at any

Wo = dy/G~ ;
P = (x,y) E X' = X n with G~(x,y) * o. Moreover since
/A 2
G (x, y) = 0 for P = (x, y) EX, Wo = -w~, where
w' = dX/G' • Therefore, Wo is regular at any P = (x, y)
o Y
with Gy(X,y) * o. Since X is smooth for any point,
either G'x or G'y does not vanish and Wo is regular on
X' • It is clear that (w) I X' = o. Let us consider the
behaviour of wo at a point of X n (1P2 - fA2). Let
X' = X
n /A2
fA~ = {(XO:XI :x 2 ) E 1P2 I Xl * O}.
that u = l/x and v = y/x are coordinates on /A 2 and one
2 I 2
has x = l/u, y = v/u, dx = -du/u , dy = (u'dv - v·du)/u •
The equation of X' = X n /A 2 is H(u,v) = um'G(l/U,v/u) ,
m-l m-3
and H~(u,v) = u 'GY(X,y). Thus Wo = u 'du/H~ and we
get (w o ) lX' = (m - 3)'(U) = (m - 3)'(Xo) • Therefore
Kx = (m - 3)'L, L being the class of a hyperplane section.
From the above argument it is clear that
O[X'] = {p·wo I P E k[x,y]} Indeed, the condition
(f'wo ) ?! 0 is equivalent to (f)IX'?!O i. e.
( f ) = D - m' (x0) with D ?! 0, m?! 0 Let now w = p·w
with P E k[x,y] , deg P = s. Then on X'
one has
- m-3-s - s
w -P(u,v),u 'du , where P(u,v) = u 'P(l/u,V/U) • Thus
w is regular in X' iff s ~ m - 3. Applying the
same argument to the other neighbourhood X; = X n fA~ ,
where fA2 = {(x : x : x ) E 1P2 I x 2 * o} one obtains the
2 0 I 2
proposition .


Therefore D E IKXI iff it is of the form (F) , F

being a form of degree (m - 3) • It is possible to say that
these divisors are intersections of X with curves
F = 0 , for deg F =m - 3 • Such curves are called adjoint
for X; for m~ 3 there are no adjoint curves.

Corollary 2.2.8. For a smooth plane curve X

(m - l)-(m - 2)
g(X) 2

Proof: Since the space of polynomials in 2 variables

of degree at most m - 3 has the dimension
(m - l)-(m - 2)/2 it is sufficient to note that if P and
Q are polynomials of degree at most m - 3 and
pow = Q-wo then P - Q is divisible by G , thus P= Q
° •
Note that the condition (w) ;:= 0 is equivalent to the
regularity of wHence n[X] "" L(KX ) for KX = (w) ,
w ¢ 0 being an arbitrary rational differential form on X.
This remark and Theorem 2.1.51 imply Theorem 2.2.2. We also
need the following space n(D) for D E Div(X)

n(D) = {w e n(X) - {O} I (w) + D ;:= O} U {O} .

From this definition it is clear that n (D) "" L (K + D) ; in

particular, n(D) is finite-dimensional for any D e Div(X)
The line bundle () (K + D) is sometimes denoted by 0 (D) ,
thus n (D) "" H O (0 (D) )

Functoriality. Let If>: X ~ Ybe a regular map of

smooth projective curves, and let w = L f _-dg _ E n (Y) . We
i=l ~ ~

If> (w)
148 CURVES Part 2

Check that
Exercise 2.2.9. I(> * (w) is well defined,
Le. it does not depend on the choice of representation
W = L f _-dg _ • Show that if w is regular at Q E Y then
the inverse image
* (w) is also regular at any PEl(>
* (Q) •

Therefore, there exist k-linear maps

I(> * O(Y) ~ O(X)

I(> * O[Y] ~ O[X]

Exercise 2.2.10. Show that if I(> is a separable map

(i.e. the extension k(X)/1(> *keY) is separable) then I(> * is
an inclusion. If it is not the case I(> * is trivial. Show
that if 1(>: X ~ Y , 1/1 : Y ~ Z are regular maps then

(1/101(» * I(> * 01/1 *

Remark 2.2.11. Note that in general q> * «w» ¢ (I(> * (w»

(consider any map I(> : X ~ (pI of degree more than 1 ) •
Hence, the maps I(> * for divisors and differential forms do
not commute with each other. The precise commutation rule is
given below in section 2.2.4 (the Hurwitz formula).

Automorphisms. An isomorphism g: X ~ X of a
curve X onto itself is called its automorphism. The set of
automorphisms of X is denoted Aut(X), or Autk(X) i f it
is necessary to indicate its dependence on k ; it is clear
that Aut (X) is a group.

Show that
Exercise 2.2.12. Aut «(pI) = PGL(2,k) ,
PGL (2, k) being the factor-group of GL ( 2 , k) over its
center (recall that the center of GL (2, k) consist of
matrices of the form (~~) for a E k* ).

Thus Aut (1P1) is an infinite group. In Section 2.4.1

we shall see that if g(X) = 1 then X is an abelian
variety (of dimension one) and hence Aut (X) contains X
as a subgroup; this subgroup is normal in Aut (X) and
Aut (X)/X is a finite group of order 2 , 4 , or 6 (for
char k * 2,3; for p = 3 the order of G is a divisor
of 12 and for p = 2 it is a divisor of 24 ). Therefore for
g(X) = 1 the group Aut (X) is also infinite. On the other
hand we have

Theorem 2.2.13. If g(x) ~ 2 then Aut (X) is

finite .

Remark 2.2.14. If p=chark=O then

I Aut (X) I ~ 84· (g - 1) •

The same is true for + 2

p with the unique exception
~ g
of the curve y2 = x P - x ( for p*2) with g=(p-1)/2
and IAut (X) I = 2p· (p2 - 1) . For p ~ g + 1 we shall see
(in Chapter 4.2) that the group Aut (X) can be very large
also for some other curves.

Let H be a finite subgroup of Aut (X) ; it is clear

that H also acts on k(X) • Consider the field K = k(X)H
of invariants of this action; since K is finitely
generated and has the transedence degree 1 over k, by
Proposition 2.1.47 and Theorem 2.1.44 there exists a unique
smooth projective curve Y such that keY) = K. The
embedding keY) ~ k(X) defines a regular map X ----+ Y
of degree h = IHI • In this situation Y is denoted X/H.
In particular, if H = <g> is a cyclic subgroup in Aut (X)
generated by g e Aut (X) then X/H is denoted X/<g> or
xg •
150 CURVES Part 2

Exercise 2.2.15. Show that Y X/H as a set.

Exercise 2.2.16. Let Y = X/H, let f: X --7 Y be

the natural map, and let D E Div(Y) Show that H acts on
L(f*D) and L(f*D)H is naturally isomophic to L(D) .

2.2.2. Riemann-Roch theorem

Theorem 2.2.17 (the Riemann-Roch theorem). Let X be

a smooth projective curve, K = Kx being its canonical
class. Then for any D e Div(X)

t(D) - t(K - D) = deg D - g + 1 (2.2.3)

We do not prove this profound result; we just describe
the main points of its proof. By the way we introduce some
important notions of geometry of algebraic curves. Note that
(2.2.3) is valid for D = 0 since teO) = 1, deg(O) = 0 ,
and t(K) g by the definition of g.

Let R = R(X) be the algebra of distributions on X,

i.e. of families {rp}peX' rp e k(X) such that rp E Op
for almost all P e X (i.e. for all but a finite number).
For D::;: L ap'p e Div(X) by R(D) we denote the set of
distributions r = {rp}pex such that ordp(rp) ~ -a p for
any p e X Since for any f e k (X) we have f e Op for
almost all P eX, k(X) is a subalgebra of R(X). Let us
consider a k-vector space

I(D) = R/(R(D) + k(X)) ;

we shall see below that I(D) is finite-dimensional. Let

i(D) = dimkI(D) .

Here is a preliminary version of the Riemann-Roch theorem.

Theorem 2.2.18. For any D e Div X

LCD) - i(D) = deg D - g + 1 (2.2.4)

Proof: To prove (2.2.4) for D = 0 it is sufficient

to check that i (0) = g ; this follows from Theorem 2.2.22
below. Now it is sufficient to prove that (2.2.4) is valid
for D iff it is valid for D' = D + P, P being an
arbitrary point of X. Indeed, any divisor can be obtained
from the trivial one by successive addition and subtraction
of points. We have

deg(D') - g + 1 = (deg(D) - g + 1) + 1 •

Therefore one has to show that

l (D') - i (D') = (l (D) - i (D» + 1 .

In fact we shall prove that either t(D') = teD) and

i (D') = i (D) - 1 , or t (D') = l (D) + 1 and i (D') = i (D) •
To begin with, we note that the argument in the proof
of Theorem 2.1.51 shows that teD') equals either teD) or
teD) + 1 .
since dim R(D')/R(D) = 1 it is clear that i (D')
equals i (D) or i (D) - 1 . From the definition of I(D)
and I(D') it follows that the sequences

o ~ R(D) + k(X) ~ R ~ I(D) ~ 0

o ~ R(D') + k(X) ~ R ~ I(D') ~ 0

are exact. (Recall that a sequence of abelian groups

O~A~B~C~O is called exact iff f is
injective, g is surjective and Im(f) = Ker(g) , i.e. g
152 CURVES Part 2

induces an isomorphism B/f(A) ~ C). It follows that the


o ~ (R(D) + k(X»/k(X) ~ R/k(X) ~ I(D) ~ 0

o ~ (R(D') + k(X»/k(X) ~ R/k(X) ~ I(D') ~ 0

are also exact. Using the "modular" isomorphism

(A + B)/B ~ A/(A n B) which is valid for any subgroups A
and B of an abelian group C, we obtain the exact

o ~ (R(D)/L(D» ~ R/k(X) ~ I(D) ~ 0

o ~ (R(D')/L(D» ~ R/k(X) ~ I(D') ~ 0

since L(D) = k(X) n R(D) for any D e Div(X). Since

dim R(D)/R(D') = 1 leD) =t(D') implies i (D' ) i (D) - 1
and leD) = l(D') + 1 implies i (D) = i (D') •

Residues. To deduce Theorem 2.2.17 from Theorem 2.2.18
it is necessary to consider the following important
construction. Let w e !leX) , let t be a local parameter
at p e X , and let w = f·dt for f e k (X) Expanding
f into a Laurent power series in t we get

f L a. ·t i

We call the coefficient a -1 the residue of w at P and

denote it by Resp(w) . The basic properties of residues can
be summed up as follows

Proposition 2.2.19. a) Resp(w) does not depend on

the choice of local parameter t = tp

b) Res p is a k-linear functional on n(X) ;

c) If w is regular at P then Resp(w) = 0

d) Resp(df) = 0 for any f e k(X) *

e) Resp(df/f) ordp(f) for any f e k(X) *

Proof: Properties b), c), and d) are obvious. Let us

prove e) : if f = tn·u with ordp(u) = 0 then
df/f = n·dt/t + du/u hence Resp(w) = n since du/u is
regular at P. We shall prove the property a) only in the
case char k = 0 ; the general case can be deduced from this
case. Let us write

being regular at P . Let us choose another local
parameter u at P and let Resp(w) be the residue of w
at P defined by this choice. By the properties b) and c)
we have

Res p' (w) =La ·Res' (dt/tn)

m::1 n p

since char k = 0 the rational function gn = t / (n - 1)
is well defined for n 2:: 2 and we obtain
Resp(dt/t ) = ReSp(dgn ) = 0
n by the property d) • Hence
Resp(w) = Resp(w)

Here is the most important result on residues.

Proposition 2.2.20 (the residue formula). For any

w e n(X)

o (2.2.5)

154 CURVES Part 2

Note that the formula (2.2.5) makes sense since

Resp(W) = 0 for all but a finite number of points p eX.
We do not prove this proposition. Note that if k = ~ then
X has a natural structure of a Riemann surface, and one can
prove that ReSp(w) = f wj2rri . Hence (2.2.5) for k=~
follows from the Stokes theorem.
Let us now define a pairing

< , > : Q(X) x R ~ k

Exercise 2.2.21. Show that

a) if r e k(X) c R then <w,r> = 0 ;

b) <w,r> o for any w e Q(-D) and any r e R(D)

c) <f·w,r> <w,f·r> for any f e k(X) .

Let W e Q ( -D). Then r 1---+ <W, r> defines (by

Exercise 2.2.21. b) a linear functional 8 (w) on the space
I(D) = Rj(k(X) + R(D» .

Theorem 2.2.22 (the duality theorem). The map

w 1---+ 8(w) defines an isomorphism of Q(-D) onto the
space dual to I(D)

From Theorem 2.2.22 and Theorem 2.2.18 the Riemann-Roch
theorem follows since n(-D) L(K - D) • Now let us give

some of its corollaries.

Exercise 2.2.23. Let X be a smooth projective curve,

let KX be its canonical class, and let g = g(X) be its
genus. Show that:

a) deg KX = 2g - 2 ;

b) t(K - D) = 9 - 1 - deg D for deg D < 0 ;

c) t(D) = deg D - 9 + 1 for deg D > 2g - 2 •

(Hint: t(D) = 0 for deg D < 0 ).

sometimes it is convenient to write the Riemann-Roch

theorem using the language of line bundles. Let be a
line bundle on X. Let ~ = OeD) and thus

Theorem 2.2.24. Let J!. = OeD) be a line bundle on

X , and let Xx = O(KX ) be the canonical line bundle on X.

deg J!. - 9 + 1

Corollary 2.2.25. a) deg X
= 2g - 2 ;

b) hO(J!.) = deg(J!.) - 9 + 1 for deg(J!.) > 2g - 2

Note that the uniqueness of the curve of genus zero
also easily follows from the Riemann-Roch theorem.

Exercise 2.2.26. Show that if g(X) = 0 then X"" 1P1

(Hint: Apply the Riemann-Roch theorem to D = P ,P being a
point of X).

Embeddings into pro jecti ve spaces. The Riemann-Roch

theorem makes it possible in many cases to prove that the
map ~: X ~ IP n defined by a complete linear system IDI
is an embedding, i.e. defines an isomorphism of X onto its
image in IPn. This can be done using the following result:
156 CURVES Part 2

Proposition 2.2.27. Let D be a divisor on X such

that for any P, Q e X

teD - P - Q) = teD) - 2 (2.2.6)

Then ~D: X ~ ~n is an embedding (n = dim IDI ).

Sketch of proof: For P*-Q the equality (2.2.6)

implies that ~D(P) *- ~D(Q) , i. e. ~D is injective. For
P = Q (2.2.6) implies that ~D * defines an isomorphism of
mp,/m;, onto mp/m;, where P' = ~D(P) and mp ' is the
maximal ideal of the local ring of P' on the image of
X .. Thus ~D is an injection which induces isomorphisms of
all tangent spaces. Any such inj ection is an imbedding.
Indeed, the injectivity of ~D (together with ~; *- 0)
implies that deg ~D = 1 . Hence there exists an inverse
rational map ~~1 Y = ~D(X) -----+ X. Since the map
~D : mp,/m 2p' 2
~ mp/mp ~s .an.~somorp h·~sm f or any P , th e
curve Y is smooth and hence ~D is an isomorphism .

Exercise 2.2.28. Give a complete proof of the

Applying Exercise 2.2.23.c we obtain

Corollary 2.2.29. If deg D ~ 2g + 1 then ~D is an

embedding of X into ~n

The maps ~mK defined by multiplicities of the
canonical class K = KX are of particular interest. For
these maps we get

Corollary 2.2.30. If X is a curve of genus at least

2 then rt>3K is an embedding. If the genus of X is at
least 3 then rt>2K is an embedding .•

Remark 2.2.31. There exist curves of arbitrary genera

such that ~K is not an embedding. These curves are called
hyperelliptic. Let X be a smooth projective curve of genus
g(X) > 0 with the canonical class K. If ~K is not an
embedding then there exist points P and Q such that
(2.2.6) is not valid, hence

t(K - P - QJ ~ t(K) - 1 = g - 1 •

since t(K - P) ~ t(K - P - Q) , the equality e(K - P) =g

implies that

t (P) = 1 + 1 - g + t (K - P) 2

and hence there exists a non-constant map f: X ~ !pI

such that deg f = deg P = 1, Le. X = !pI and g(X) = 0 .


e(K - P - Q) = e(K - P) = g - 1

for some P, Q EX. By Riemann-Roch

t(P + Q) 2 - g + 1 + t(K - P - Q) 2

hence there is a map f : X ~ !pI of degree 2.

Conversely, if f : X ~ !pI is a regular map,
deg f = 2 , and g(X) > 0 then f* (Q) = P + p i , Q E !pI ,

P, pi E X and by Riemann-Roch

t(K - P - Pi) 2g - 2 - 2 + 1 - g + t(P + PI) = g - 1 ,

t(K - P) 2g - 2 - 1 + 1 - g + t(P) = g - 1

( t (P) 1 since X is not rational and t(P + Pi) 2

158 CURVES Part 2

since P + pi f * (Q) ); thus IPK is not an embedding. It

can be proved that hyperlliptic curves are in some (precise)
sense rare exceptions, but we do not explain this here.

Noether theorem. The canonical class of a non-

hyperelliptic curve has an important property which can be
proved using the canonical embedding of X into ~g-l. For
any D, D' e Div(X) there exists a natural map

L (D) ® L (D') ------t L (D + D')

f ® f' ~ f·f'

In particular, for any m ~ 1 we have the map

L(D)®m ------t L(m'D)

Moreover, since for any permutation rr of the set

{l, . . . ,m} the images of f t ®···® fm and frr(t)®" .®frr(m)
in L(m'D) coincide, there exists a natural map of m-th
symmetrical power smL(D) to L(m'D) •

Theorem 2.2.32. For a non-hyperellitic X the map

smL(K) ------t L(m'K) is surjective .

A curve Y which is the image IPK(X) in ~g-l of
some X under the canonical embedding is called a canonical

Exercise 2.2.33. Show that Theorem 2.2.32 can be

restated as follows: a canonical curve in ~g-l is
projectively normal, D e Im(L) I , (L)
i.e. for any being a
hyperplane section divisor, there exists a form F of
degree m such that (F) = D .

2.2.3. Hurwitz formula

Let f: X -----+ Y be a non-constant regular map of

smooth complete curves. A formula due to Hurwitz gi ves an
expression of g(X) in terms of g(Y) and some invariants
of f . Let us consider the field extension k(X)/f * (k(Y» ,
and let K' be the maximal separable over f * (k (Y) )
subfield of k (X); thus, f* (k (Y» S;; K' S;; k (X). By
Proposition 2.1.47 there exists a smooth proj ecti ve curve
X' such that k (X') = K' • Therefore the map f can be

f' f"
f X~X' ~Y

f' being purely inseparable, and f" being separable. Let

us show that g(X) = g(X') To do this indroduce the
following definition. Let X be a smooth projective curve
over the field k of positive characteristic p > 0 , let
K = k(X) and let Kp = K 1/ p be the field

Kp {a e K I a P e K}

Again by Proposition 2.1.47 there exists a unique smooth

projective curve Xp with Kp = k(Xp) and the inclusion
K c Kp defines the map IPp: Xp -----+ X which is called the
p-linear Frobenius map (or the Frobenius map over IFp ).
Since the trancendence degree of K equals 1 , deg IPp = P .

Proposition 2.2.34. Let f : X -----+ Y be a non-

constant purely inseparable map. Then g(X) = g(Y) .

Sketch of proof: Let deg f = Pr • By induction one

can assume that r = 1 In this case k(X) S;; f*(k(y)1/p)
160 CURVES Part 2

and since [k(X):f * (k(Y»] =P the map f coincides with

and X = YP • Let us show that the dimension of O[Y]
equals that of O[Yp ]. Indeed, for w = f·dg e O[Y] the
form w' = f' . dg' belongs to 0 [Yp] where f' and g' are
obtained from f and g by raising all their coefficient
to the p-th power; conversely, for w' = f'·dg' e O[Y]
p the
form w = f·dg lies in O[Y], here f and g are obtained
from fl and g' by exracting the p-th power root from
all their coefficients .

By Proposition 2.2.34 computing g(X) we can assume
that f is separable.

Proposition 2.2.35. The set of ramification points of

a separable map f: X ~ Y is finite.

Proof: Deleting finite sets of points from X and Y

we can assume X and Y to be affine curves. Let k[X] = A
and k [Y] = AI , I et a e A be a primitive element of the
extension k(X)/f*(k(Y» and let F(T) be the minimal
polynomial of a D(F) e A' being its discriminant. Since
f is separable, D (F) ~ 0 and hence D (F) vanishes only
on a finite set S c Y; at any P~S the map f is
unramified .

Let f: X ~ Y be a non-constant separable map of
smooth proj ective curves, let P eX, let f (P) = Q, and
let tp and tQ ~e local parameters at P and Q,
respectively. Then f (dtQ) = g'dtp for some g e ()p . Let
ordp (g) = bpi it is clear that bp ~ 0 only for
ramification points p of f. Let

Bf is called the ramification divisor of f.


Theorem 2.2.36. Let f : X -----+ Y be a separable

non-constant map of degree n Then

2g(X) - 2 = n'(2g(Y) - 2) + deg Bf

Proof: By Exercise 2.2.23.a and Proposition 2.1.69 it

is sufficient to show that KX = f *Ky + Bf Let.
we n(Y) - (OJ be such that Supp«w» is disjoint from
the finite set where f is ramified. Let us compute the
divisor KX = (f * (w» If f is unramified at Q e Y and
w = g'dt Q ' tQ being a local parameter at Q then f* (tQ)
is a local parameter at any P e X with f(P) = Q and
hence KX'U = f *Ky'u where u = X - Supp B f If f is
ramified at Q e Y then w = h·dt with ordQh = 0 and
hence we see that
(f (w» = (g)p
where f(P) = Q , and
f * (dtQ) = g'dt Q ' since ordp(f * (h» o

We call f : X~ Y tamely ramJfied iff p./'e p for all
p e X (here p = char k ).

Corollary 2.2.37 (the Hurwitz formula). Let a map

f : X-----+ Y be seperable, non-constant, and tamely
ramified. Then

2g(X) - 2 = n'(2g(Y) - 2) + L (e - 1) (2.2.8)


Proof: It is sUfficient to show that

deg Bf =L (e p - 1)

provided f is tamely ramified. Indeed, if

with ordph = 0 then

* e p -1 ep
f (dtQ) = h·ep·t Q ·dtp + tp ·dh

and since ep 0 in k we obtain the formula .

162 CURVES Part 2

Note that for p = char k = 0 any f is separable and

tamely ramified. A form of the Hurwitz formula which follows
is of particular interest.

Corollary 2.2.38. Let f: X ~ [pl be a non-constant

map of degree n which is tamely ramified. Then

g(X) 1 - n + !. L (e - 1) (2.2.9)
2 PeX P

2.2.4. Special divisors

We call a divisor D special iff l(K - D) > 0 .

Exercise 2.2.39. Show that D is special iff D - K - D'

for an effective D' •

Exerci se 2.2.40. Show that any divisor of degree at

least 2g - 1 is non-special and any divisor of degree at
most g - 2 is special.

Exercise 2.2.41. For any divisors D and D' show

t(D + D') 2: teD) + t(D') - 1 I

i. e.

dim ID I + dim ID' I ::5 dim ID + D" I .

(Hint: Consider the natural map IDI x ID' I ~ ID + D' I ).

Using the result of the last exercise one can prove


Theorem 2.2.42 (the Clifford theorem). For any special

effective divisor D

dim IDI ~ ~'deg D

Proof: By Exercise 2.2.39 D' = K - D is equivalent

to an effective divisor. Applying the result of Exercise
2.2.41 to D and D' we obtain

dim IDI + dim IK - DI ~ dim IKI g - 1

By Riemann-Roch

dim IDI - dim IK - DI = deg D + 1 - g

Adding these formulae we obtain the theorem .

Remark 2.2.43. Usually one includes into the statement
of the Clifford theorem the following complement. If
dim IDI = ldeg D then either D = 0 , or D = KX ' or x
is hyperelliptic. We do not need this fact in the book.

Weierstrass points. The simplest example of an

effective divisor is D = a'P , P EX. Considering divisors
of such a form it is possible to define Weierstrass points
which play an essential role in the study of geometry of
Let P EX, let g = g(X) 2: 2 and let a 2: 1 be an
integer. We call a a gap at P if e(a'P) = e«a - 1) 'P)
and a non-gap if it is not the case. In other words a is a
non-gap at P iff there exists f E k(X) with
ordp(f) = a .
If such f does not exist then a is a gap
at P .
164 CURVES Part 2

Exercise 2.2.44. Show that for any P E X :

If a and b are non-gaps at P then a + b is
also a non-gap;

b) 1 is a gap at P ;

c) The number of gaps at P equals g ;

d) If a ~ 2g then a is a non-gap at P .
We call P E Weierstrass point iff
X a the gap
sequence {at I • • • I a g } at P with a l < ••• < a does
not coincide with {l , ... , g}

Exercise 2.2.45. Let P EX. Show that the following

conditions are equivalent

a) P is a Weierstrass point;
b) Divisor g.p is special;

c) Divisor a·P is special for some a ~ g .

Let {al, ••• ,a g } I 1:s at < a < .•• < ag:s 2g - 1 I

be the gap-sequence at P EX. We call

w(P) = L (a. - i)
i=l ~

the (Weierstrass) weight of P w(P) > 0 iff P is a

Weierstrass point.

We have a mass-formula which follows:

L w(P) g. (g - 1)· (g + 1) + ex (X)


where ex(X) ~ 0 ; ex (X) = 0 if P = char k = 0 I and for

p > 0 the value ex(X) vanishes for all but a finite number
of "exceptional" curves.

Therefore the number of weierstrass points on X if

finite and does not exceed g.(g - l)·(g + 1) + a(X)

Exercise 2.2.46. Show that w(P) ~ g' (g - 1)/2 and

w(P) = g' (g - 1)/2 iff 2 is a non-gap at P.

A P with w(P) g' (g - 1)/2 is called a
hyperelliptic point.

Exercise 2.2.47. Show that X has hyperelliptic

points iff X is a hyperelliptic curve.

For p =char k '* 2 any hyperelliptic curve has

2· (g + 1) weierstrass points all of them being
To construct Weierstrass points one can use the
following result.

Proposition 2.2.48. Let rp : X~Y be a regular map

of smooth projective curves of degree n , let Q E Y be
such that rp-l (Q) is a single point P and let
g(Y) ~ [g(x)/nl - 1 . Then P is a Weierstrass point.

Proof: By Riemann-Roch we have t(g(Y) + 1) .Q) 2:: 2

hence there exists a non-constant f E keY) having the pole
of order at most g(Y) + 1 at Q and regular outside Q.
Let us consider rp * (f) Its unique pole is P and

lordp(rp * (f» I = n'lordQ(f) I ~ n' (g(Y) + 1) ,

since the ramification index of p equals n. Since

n' (g(Y) + I} ~ g(X) we see that t(g(X) 'P) 2:: 2, thus p
is a weierstrass point .

We shall use this result in the following situation:
166 CURVES Part 2

Corollary 2.2.49. Let h e Aut (X) be of order n

h(P) = P , and let g(Xh) :s fg(X)/nl - 1 . Then P is a
Weierstrass point .

2.2.5. Cartier operator

If the characteristic p of the ground field k is

positive, one can define an operator on n(X) which plays
an important role in the study of curves in a positive
characteristic. Let K = k(X) , X being a smooth projective
curve over k , let t e K be such that t ~ KP and
thus K = KP(t) • We can write any w e n(X) in the form


C(w) = y p-1 'dt

One can show that this definition does not depend on

the choice of t . The formula (2.2.10) impl ies that any
w E n(X) can be uniquely written in the form
w = df + gP'dt/t then it is easy to cheek that
C(w) = g·dt/t .

Exercise 2.2.50. Let z E K . Show that:

a) C(zP' w ) z'C(w)
b) C(dz) = 0
c) C(dz/z) dz/z
d) if w is regular at P E X then C(w) is also
regular at P ;
e) for any P E X
(ReSp(C(w»)p Respw

We can now give a characterization of exact (i. e. of

the form w = df) and of logarithmic (i. e. of the form
w = df/f) differential forms.

Proposition 2.2.51. Let w E n(X) . Then

a) C(w) o iff w df for some f E K

b) C(w) w iff w df/f for some f K


Note that the property a) is obvious.

The operator C = C is called the Cartier operator
over IFp ; if q = p
m p
then we call its m-th power Cq c;
the Cartier operator over
In Part 3 we shall need the following fact.

Exercise 2.2.52. Let D = P + ..• + P n E Div (X) ,

where P1, ... ,Pn are distinct points of X, let P EX,
P *' Pi' i = 1, . . . , n, and let w E neD - a·P) Show that
Cq (w) E neD - r~l'p)
q .


In Chapters 2.1 and 2.2 we have assumed the ground

field k to be algebraically closed. In fact there are many
cases in which the consideration of non-closed field such as
Q or Wq is indispensable. For example, applying algebraic
geometry to coding theory one should study curves over Wq
and their points with coordinates in Wq (such points are
called wq-rational). This section is devoted to the basic
properties of curves over a non-closed (mainly finite) field
and of their points. In section 2.3.1 we give the definition
and basic properties of rational points and divisors on a
curve over a non-closed field; section 2.3.2 contains basic
properties of Wq -rational points on a curve over Wq ,
including the question about the number of points. In
section 2.3.3 we study the asymptotic behaviour of the
number of wq-rational points on a curve of high genus.

170 CURVES Part 2

2.3.1. Rational points and divisors

Recall that a field k is called perfect iff its

algebraic closure k is separable over k.

Rational points. Let k be a perfect field (one can

assume k : we need only this case) I let
= IFq k be its
algebraic closure and let G = Gal (k/k) be its Galois
group. It is not convenient to define a curve over k as a
set of points. For instance some non-trivial systems of
equations have no solutions in k. We shall define a smooth
projective curve over k in terms of its field of rational

Let k be a finitely generated field of transcendence

degree one over k which does not contain any non-trivial
algebraic extension of k. If k is algebraically closed
then by Proposition 2.1.47 and Theorem 2.1.44 there exists a
unique smooth projective curve X with K = k(X) . Let now
k be a non-closed field. We say that in this case K = k(X)
is also the field of rational functions on a smooth
projective curve X over k . It should be pointed out that
we do not give any other definition of X except this one.
Let K' = k·k (X) where k and k (X) are considered as
subfields of an algebraic closure K of K = k(X) . Let X
be a smooth projective curve over k such that K' = k (X)
Note that X is indeed a curve, i.e. it is irreducible: to
emphasize this fact we say that X is absolutely
irreducible: sometimes we denote X®k One can show X by
(in a way similar to the proof of Proposition 2.3.4 below)
that the curve X c JPN can be defined by a system of
equations F = ••• = F = 0 F. being forms wi th
1 m l.
coefficients in k. For any algebraic extension k' of k
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 171

the subset of X consisting of points with coordinates in

k' is denoted by X (k' ) and is called the set of
k' -rational points of X. In particular I X (k) = X and
X(k) is the set of k-rational points of X. The points of
X are described in terms of K as follows. Let V be a
proper valuation ring in K I containing k I V :# k I and
let m be its maximal ideal.

Exercise 2.3.1. Show that the extension k(V)/k is of

finite degree (here keY) = Vim ) .

Let s = [keY) :k] ; we say that V determines a point

P of X of degree s and write V = Op I m = mp I

s = deg P

Let P E X and let k(P) be the normal extension of

k generated by the coordinates of P (we assume an
embedding X ~ pn to be fixed); it is easy to check that
k(P) is the intersection of all normal extensions k' of
k with P e X(k') . Let s = deg P ; one can show that
s = [k(P) :k] . For any cr e Gal (k/k) the conjugate point
cr(P) E X(k(P» since X can be defined by equations with
coefficients in k s;; k (P) Since s = [k (P) : k] the set
{cr (P) I cr E Gal (k/k) } has s elements Pl, ... ,P s Let
Vi 0p. be the local ring of Pi in K' = k (X)

Proposition 2.3.2. Let Then

for any i = l , ..• , s V is a valuation subring of
K = k(X) which defines a point of X of degree s I

s s
V= nV., k·V= U V .•
i=l ~ i=l ~

Vice versa for any valuation ring V with k eVe K which

defines a point of X of degree s there exists
P e X (k' ) , k' being an extension of k of degree s I

such that V= K n Op .
172 CURVES Part 2

Proof: Note that if CT (P1 ) = Pr ' CT E Gal (k/k) , then

CT(V1)=V r , r = l , ... ,s. Hence KnV1=KnVr for
r = 1, ... ,s since K = (K') G; V 1 nK is a valuation ring
since f E K, f E : = V1 n K implies s f- 1 E V1 and hence
f- 1 E V. Clearly n V. 2 V; since (n V.) c (K') G =K we
i=1 ~ i=1 ~
s s
have n v. = ( n V.) n K = V • The proof of the second part
i=1 ~ i=1 ~
of the proposition is similar .

Exercise 2.3.3. Prove the second part of Proposition

Therefore any point of x of degree s defines a

unique s-tuple of points of which are conjugate to each
other under the action of the Galois group and vice versa,
any such s-tuple defines a unique point of X of
degree s

Rationaldivisors. We call a divisor on X (a

k-rational or a k-divisor) a finite formal sum
D = L ap ' P , a p being integers and P being points of X
(in general, of different degrees). We call

the degree of D. Since any P of degree s defines an

s-tuple {P1, ••• ,Ps } ' Pi EX, D determines the divisor

on X with
deg D •

Conversely, let
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 173

and let ap = a crp for any cr Gal (k/k) Then there exists
a unique k-rational divisor D on X such that D is
obtained from D by the above construction.
Hence we can look at a k-rational divisor on X in two
ways: as at a divisor D on X or as at a divisor D on
X which is invariant under the Galois action. Further on we
identify the divisors D and D and use these two points
of view simultaneously.

Proposition 2.3.4. Let be a Galois invariant

divisor on X (i.e. corresponding to a k-rational divisor
D on X). Then L(D) has a basis whose elements belong to
L(D) n k(X)
Proof: Let f e L (D) It is clear that f e k' (X)
for a finite Galois extension k' of k •Let
Gal (k'jk) = {cr 1 , ••• ,crn } , let be a basis of
the extension k'/k and let

s s
g. = L cr.(w.·f) = L cr.(w.)·cr.(f)
J i=l ~ J i=l ~ J ~

for j 1, . . . , n . By the Galois theory the determinant of

the matrix IIcr. (w .) II does not vanish. Therefore, if
~ J
L(D) f.·k

then the corresponding functions gl1' ••• ,gln' ••• ,gmn

generate L(D) over k, on the other hand g .. e k (X) •
~J •

Define for a k-divisor

L(D) D as L(D) n k(X) .
From Proposition 2.3.4 it follows that

L(D) = {f e k(X) I (f) + D~ O}

We set l(D) dim k L (D) .

174 CURVES Part 2

Corollary 2.3.5. Let D be a k-rational divisor on

X. Then L (D) = L (D) ®k ; in particular l (D) = l (D) .


Exercise 2.3.6. Let D and D' be divisors on X

and let 15 - 15' • Show that there exists f e k(X) such
that 15 = 15' + (f)

Line bundles. By an asymptotically standard family of

lattices ~ = (~P)PeX on X we mean a family (~P)PeX of
free 0p-submodules ~P c k{X) of rank one such that
~P = Op for all but a finite number of P . The fibre £p
of the family ~ = (~p) PeX at P e X is the one-dimensional
space £p = ~p/mp· ~p over k (P) = Op/mp As above we
denote the intersection n ~p c k(X) by HO{~). The
family ~ = (~p) PeX on X defines a family 'i = ('iQ) QeX
on X where 'iQ k· ~P c k (X) for any point Q e X
corresponding to P eX.

Exercise 2.3.7. Show that the correspondence between

asymptotically standard families of lattices and divisors
takes place on X and is also a bijection. Define line
bundles on X and show that line bundles on X can be
identified with line bundles on which are invariant
under the Galois action.

Exercise 2.3.8. Deduce from Corollary 2.3.5 that

hO (~) = hO (£), ~ being a line bundle on X and £ being
the corresponding bundle on X.

Therefore the Riemann-Roch theorem and its corollaries

are valid for divisors and line bundles on X.

Remark 2.3.9. In the case of a multi-dimensional smooth

projective variety X we can also consider the notion of
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 175

rationality. In particular, x is called defined over k

iff it can be given in ~N by a system Fl = ... = Fm 0
where all the coefficients of Fi lie in k ; for any
algebraic extension k' /k the set X(k') is defined
similarly to the case of curves. A k-rational divisor
D = L aFoF e Div (X) can be defined as a Galois invariant
divisor on X (where X is the variety over k defined by
F = ••• = F
1 m 0). The s.paces L(D) for D e Div(X) and
line bundles on X are defined similarly to the case of
curves. All the above results on k-rational divisors, linear
systems, and line bundles are valid for any (smooth
projective) variety X defined over k.

k-rational maps. Let X and Y be smooth projective

curves over k. We say that a field embedding
cp : keY) ~ k(X) which is identical on k defines a
(regular) map f:X----+Y over k (a k-morphism) and
write cp = f * (note that since X and Yare smooth and
projective every rational map is regular). The set of
k-maps from X to Y is denoted by Homk(X,Y) •

Exercise 2.3.10. Show that

Exercise 2.3.11. Let f X ----+ Y be a k-map, let

P eX, let V = Op , and let

Show that there exists a unique point Q = f (P) e Y such

that V' = 0Q • Show that for any algebraic extension k'
of k if P e X (k' ) then f (P) e Y (k') • In particular,
f(X(k» s; Y(k) •
176 CURVES Part 2

2.3.2. Curves over a finite field

Weil theorems. Let now k = IF be a finite field of

a q
characteristic p wi th q = p elements. For any integer
s ~ 1 the set X(lFqs) is finite~ let Ns be its
cardinal i ty . In particular, N = N1 is the number of
IFq-points of X. To study Ns it is useful to consider the
following formal power series with rational coefficients

Z(t) Z(X~t) exp ( E N rot r / r )

which is called the zeta-function of X over IFq • Here is

the main result concerning Z(t) .

Theorem 2.3.12 (the Weil theorem). Z(t) is (a power

series expansion of) a rational function of the form

z (t) (1 - t)(1 - qt)

g 2g 2g-1
where Px(t) = q ot + Plot + 00. + P2g_1ot + 1 E ?let]
is a polynomial with integral coefficients. Moreover

where Iw.1 =..;q for any i 1,0 •• ,2g

Wg+i Wi ' and ~

The very last statement of the theorem is called the
Riemann hypothesis (since it is equivalent to the statement
that Z(q ) = 0 only for Re(s) = 1
2" ).
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 177

From this theorem we can easily obtain formulae for Ns

which follow.

Exercise 2.3.13. Show that

1 dS
(s - 1)! - ( l o g Z(t» It=o
dt S

Exercise 2.3.14. Deduce from the last exercise that

Ns qs + 1 - L w.s (2.3.1)

In particular,

INs - (q + 1) I ::s 2·qS/2 .g (2.3.2)

since IW i I ::s ..;q. In terms of Ns we can give also an

expression for the number of line bundles on X of degree
zero (and hence of line bundles of any fixed degree).

Theorem 2.3.15. 11 = I1(X) be the number of line
bundles of degree zero on X (i.e. the cardinality of the
set of ~q-rational points on the Jacobian J x of X). Then

11 = PX (l) = ~(W. - 1) .
j=l J

In particular,

The number Nq(g). For any X over ~q the inequality
(2.3.2) implies

IN - q - 11 ::s f2g·v'qj (2.3.3)

178 CURVES Part 2

It is interesting to know whether this inequality can be


Let us consider the number N (g) = max IX(lF q ) I where

q X
X runs over all curves over of genus g.

Theorem 2.3.16.

Nq (g) :s q + 1 + g' f2Vq1 (2.3.4)

Small genera. For g 1 and 2 we know the value of
Nq(g) .

Theorem 2.3.17. Let q = pa , p being a prime. Then

with the exception of the case when pi f2Vq1 , a ~ 3 , and

a is odd. In this case Nq (l) = q + f2Vq1 '.

Theorem 2.3.18. Let q Then

a) if a is even and q * 4 or 9 then

b) N 4 (2) = 10 , N 9 (2) = 20 ;

c) let a be odd; we call q special iff either

pi f2Vq1 or q = m2 +1, q = m2 + m + 1 or q = m2 + m+ 2
for some integer m. If q is not special then

q + 1 + 2 f2Vq1
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 179

if q is special then

Nq (2) r+ 2 rvCfl

q + 2 rvCfl - 1

2v'q' - r 2 vCfl > v'5' 2 - 1

2v'q' - r2vCfl < v'5' 2 - 1

For g = 3 we know Nq(g) only for some values of q •

Theorem 2.3.19. The value of Nq (3) for q :S 25 is

given by

q = 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 13 16 17 19 25

Nq (3) = 7 10 14 16 20 24 28 28 32 38 40 44 56

Proofs of these results are rather delicate; they have
two parts: the first gives estimates for Nq(g) which are
based on so called "explicit formulae" for the number of
rational points of a curve over a finite field (cf. Remark
2.3.22) and uses some technique from algebraic number
theory; the second part is a construction of curves with
required number of points and uses various methods of
algebraic geometry.

Another form of Z(t). In many questions it is

important to study the numbers Bs of points on X of
degree s . Since any point of degree s on X gives
exactly s points of X(F qs ) , we see that

One can express Z(t) in terms of Bs

180 CURVES Part 2

Exercise 2.3.20. Show that

Z(t) (2.3.5)

(Hint: Consider in Z(t) ). Show that

Z(t) 1 + L R. ·t i
i=l ~

Ri being the number of effective divisors on x of

degree i .

Canonical class. Curves over finite fields have a

special rationality property which concerns their canonical

Proposition 2.3.21. Let X be a complete projective

curve over IFq and let ICX be its canonical class. Then
ICX - 2'D for some IF q -divisor D on X

In the general case the proof of this proposition is
based on the class field theory. Nevertheless for
p = char IF = 2 it can be proved in a quite elementary way.
Indeed let f e IFq(X) - IFq ' let w = dE, let P e Supp(w)
and let t = tp be a local parameter at P. Then
00 00 •
dE = E a 2i + 1 ·t 'dt where "epeE) = Ea. ·t~ is the power
i=i i=m ~
series expansion at P, and io is the least integer i
with a 2i + 1 *0 . Hence (w) = (dE) = 2io·P + (w') with
p ~ Supp(w') and the induction gives (w) = 2D for some
IFq-divisor D
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 181

2.3.3. Asymptotics

The number of points on a curve. Let us fix a finite

field ~q' Theorem 2.3.16 gives an upper bound for Nq(g) •
As we have seen above in many cases this bound is exact for
curves of low genera (g= 1,2, and 3). Let us now consider
the behaviour of Nq(g) for g --+ 0 0 . To state the
corresponding results it is necessary to introduce the
following definition

A(q) lim sup

g --+ 00

Theorem 2.3.16 implies the inequality

A(q) ~ f2v'ql

In fact it can be ameliorated:

Theorem 2.3.22 (the Drinfeld-Vladut bound).

A(q) ~ v'q - 1

Proof: Let x be a curve of genus g and let

a i = wi/v'q for i = 1, ... ,2g in the notation of Theorem
2.3.12; hence lail == 1 . Since Nl ~ Nr for any r ~ 1 we
N 1 • q -r/2 ~ = qr/2 + q-r/2 _ L a~
i=l ~


2g r qr/2 + q-r/2 _ -r/2

L ai ~ N1-q (2.3.6)
182 CURVES Part 2

On the other hand for any a. E ~ and any positive integer


m we have

m m
0 s
L a. 12 L a.r-s
r=O ~
m + 1 + L (m + 1 - r) . (a ir + a i-r ) .

Summing (2.3.7) over i = 1, ... ,2g and applying (2.3.6) we


m 2g
o s 2g·(m + 1) + 2· L (m + 1 - r)· L a.r s
r=l i=l
s 2g· (m + 1) + 2· L (m + 1 _ r). (qr/2 + q-r/2 - N .q-r/2)
r=l 1 •


N m m
1 L m + 1 - r -r /2 s 1 + 1 L m + 1 ~ r. (qr/2 + q-r/2) .
g m + 1 .q g r=l m +

If g and mtend to in such a way that

m/lo g q g ~ 0 then it follows that for any c > 0

1 1
s 1 + c
,;q - 1

and we are done .

Remark 2. 3 • 23 • Developing the method of the proof of
Theorem 2.3.22 we come to an "explicit formula" for the
number of rational points of a curve over
Let f(~) = 1 + 2· L c ·cos(m·~) for be an
m=l m
N m
even periodic function in ~ , and let 1/1 1 (t) L c ·t
m=l m
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 183

"/.., c md . t m Then we have an "explicit formula"
which follows

d'B 'I{J (q
-1/2 )
d d

where cxk = e k and CX t ' ••• ,cx 2gare ordered in such a
way that cx k ' cx k +g = 1 • If c m 2: 0 for any m = 1, ... , N
and f (cp) 2: 0 for any cp then the "explicit formula"
implies that

For f(cp) = 1 + cos cp we obtain the Weil bound

N ~ 1 + q + 2g·~. The bounds which are used to prove
Theorems 2.3.18 and 2.3.19 are obtained for

or for

f(cp) (a o + at·cos cp + ... + an·cos(n·cp» '(1 + cos cp)

The bound of Theorem 2.3.22 is tight provided that q

is a square, i. e. q = p2m for a prime p. This fact
follows from an explicit construction of the corresponding
family of curves which is described below in Part 4
(Theorems 4.1.52 and 4.2.38). Hence we have

Theorem 2.3.24. For q = p2m

A(q) = .;q - 1

184 CURVES Part 2

In the general case (for odd powers of a prime) only

the following facts are known:

Theorem 2.3.25. a) There exists an absolute constant

c ~ 0 such that


c) let r > 4l + 1 , l be i ng an odd prime, and

either q = /' and r;;; 1 (mod l) , or r is1 (mod l) and
q = rk ;;; 1 (mod l) then

A( ) ~ ..fl. (r - 1) - 2l
q l - 1

The proof of a) consists in an explicit construction of

a family of curves such that N/g ~ c·log2 q for
g ~ 00. It is done by the class field theory which
provides a family {X n } of curves of genus at least 2,
n = 0,1,... with maps 7ln : Xn ~ Xo which are unramified
and such that any ~ -point P of X is completely split
. 5lt 0 •
by any 7ln (1.. e. 7l n (P) ~ Xn (~q» • Hence by the Hurw1. tz

IXn(~ q) I IXo(~q) I
g(Xn ) - 1 g(X o ) - 1

The proof of c) is based on similar considerations.

The proof of b) is based on the study of some special
curves on Shiroura varieties which asymptotically have the
required ratio N1/g.
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 185

Asymptotic for Jacobians. We are also interested in

the asymptotical behaviour of when
g(X) ~ 00 • Theorem 2.3.15 implies that

log H
2ologq(~ - 1) ~ ~ g ~ 2 ologq (~ + 1)

One can ameliorate it in the following situation. Let X be

a curve from a family of curves of growing genus such that

N 1 (X)
lim g(X) A > 0

Then we have

Proposition 2.3.26.

lim inf

Proof: By Theorem 2.3.15, since -n ~).

i=1 ~
Iw 1 2g
= qg

we have

H n(wo - 1)
i=1 ~


In H goln q + L In(l
- a ° oq-1/2 )


goln q m -m/2/m
L L aooq
i=l m=l

-m/2 2g m
- m=l
_q_ _ o
goln q L m L ao
i=l ~
186 CURVES Part 2

Note that (2.3.1) can be rewritten as

- L a.m (2.3.9)

Replacing the left-hand side of (2.3.9) by its right hand

side in all terms of the sum with m ~ b = iIogqgl we see

b q-m/2 -m/2 m/2 -m/2

In 11 g'ln q + L - - ' (N 'q - q - q )-
m=l m m

CD -m/2 2g m
L ~. L a i
m=b+l m i=l

Note that

b b 1 b qm
L L L m
m=1 m=l m m=l


L q -m1m
In q=-r

Since b + 1 > Iogqg , we have

CD -m -(b+l) CD _j
L ~ < q L q q - (b+l) < .!._q_
q - l·q g q - 1
m=b+l m j=O

Note also that

L m· q
Nm -m
;:: N .
L ~
CD -m)
m m
m=l 1 m=l m=b+l m
Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 187

Therefore we see that

L.. q -m/2 . (Nm·q -m/2 _ qm/2 _ q-m/2)/m >

N 1 ·q q
> N ·In -q-- g(q _ 1) - b - In q _ 1
1 q - 1

On the other hand,

2g m co -m/2
L (Xi :::s 2g· L -q-- <
i=1 m=b+l m

< 2g'q-(b+l)/2. E q-j/2 < 2'~' ~

j=O ~ - 1


In M ?! g'ln q + N
'In --q-
q - 1
- o(g) .

Dividing by g·ln q , we obtain the proposition .

Exercise 2.3.27. Show that for A = ~ - 1 we have

lim g 1 + A'lOgq(q ~ 1)

Show that i f for a family {X} of curves of growing genus

for m = 1, ... , r there exist limits

188 CURVES Part 2

(recall that Bm = Bm(X) is the number of points of degree

m on X) then

lim inf
log M
q ~ 1 + L A olog q
r (m )
g~m g m=l m q qm - 1

Moreover, if L moArn!(qm/2 - 1) 1 then

Points of degree ~ 2 • The proof of Theorem 2.3.22

implies that for any fixed r and any family {X} of
curves of growing genus such that

N 1 (X)
..;q - 1

we have
Nr (X) - Ni (X)
lim g(X)

Since roB r ~ Nr - Ni ' we obtain

lim o

In fact there exists a more precise form of this relation:

Proposition 203.28. Let q ~ 4 let X be a curve

over IF q with and let
c = 120logqgl Then for any s such that 2 ~ S !5 C we
~ 9g q o

Chapter 2.3 RATIONAL POINTS 189

Proof: Note that for any a e ~ * - {1} we have

n-1 n oa n + 1 - (n + l)oa n + 1
L (j + 1) oa j (2.3.10)
j=O (a - 1) 2

n-1 n oa n + 1 - (n + 1) oa n + 1
L (n-j)oa- j (2.3011)
j=O a n-1 (a - 1) 2 0

n-1 n+1
L (n - j) oa j
a - (n + 1) °a + n (2.3012)
j=O (a - 1) 2

The formulae (2.3.11) and (2.3.12) easily follow from

(2.3.10), and (2.3.10) can be obtained from the formula

1 _ a n +1
1 - a

by taking its derivative.

We use the notation of the proof of Theorem 2.3.22. We
can rewrite the first inequality of (2.3.8) in the form

L (m + 1 - r) 0 (N oq -r/2 - q r/2 - q -r/2) :s go (m + 1)
r=l r

since Bl Nl and roBr:S Nr - Nl for r ~ 2 it follows


m m
L (m + 1 - r) oq-r/2 0roB - L (m + 1 - r)0(qr/2 + q-r/2) +
r=l r r=l
+ N 0 L (m + 1 - r) q -r /2 :s go (m
0 + 1)
1 r=l

Using (2.3.11) and (2.3.12) for a=v'q', the inequality

N ~ (v'q' - 1) og and the non-negativity of Br for any
190 CURVES Part 2

r , for any s with 2 ~ s ~ m we obtain

B ~ . [(m+2)/2
q S/2 _.;;oq_ _ _ __
s s· (m + 1 - s) (v'q"' _ 1)2


+ g + m' (v'q"' + 1) .
v'q"' - 1 (v'q"' _ 1)2 1
Setting m c s we end the proof.


Remark 2.3.29. Note that in Proposition 2.3.28 we have

assumed that N ~ (v'q"' - 1)·g rather than
lim sup 2 = v'q"' - 1 . In fact this inequality holds for any
g ~ (10 g
family of curves with N1 /g ----+ v'q"' - 1 known to us. Hence
Proposition 2.3.28 will be sufficient for our purposes. Note
also that the proposition is valid for q = 2 and 3 with
the right-hand side multiplied by a suitable constant but we
do not need this fact.

Exercise 2.3.30. Check that (2.3.14) implies the

proposition and that (2.3.13) implies (2.3.14).


Theory of curves of genus one which are called elliptic

is of special importance. Elliptic cuves have many
remarkable properties~ the most important is that any
elliptic curve is an abelian variety. In this chapter we
present some basic notions and results concerning elliptic
In section 2.4.1 we give a description of the group law
on an elliptic curve; Section 2.4.2 is devoted to
isomorphism classes of elliptic curves and to the
j-invariant. In Section 2.4.3 we consider morphisms of
elliptic curves. section 2.4.4 contains the theory of
elliptic curves over a finite field~ section 2.4.5 is
devoted to complex elliptic curves and elliptic functions.
In this chapter all the curves are smooth and
projective defined over an algebraically closed field k
(with the only exception of Section 2.4.4 where the ground
field k is finite~ in Section 2.4.5 k = C ).

192 CURVES Part 2

2.4.1. Group law

The group structure on an elliptic curve is essentially

unique; nevertheless it can be defined in different ways. We
begin with the most general (and most abstract) way and then
translate it into more down-to-earth terms.
Let E be an elliptic curve, i.e a curve of genus one.
Let us fix a point PEE and let us consider the map
Ap : E -----+ Pico (E)
Ap (P) = {P - Po} , being
° class of P-P in° Pico (E) In Section 2.1.4 we
° that Pico (E) is an abelian variety
stated (without proof)
and that Ap is an isomorphism. We do not use these facts
here; on the ° contrary, we obtain them as corollaries of our

Proposition 2.4.1. The map E -----+ Pico (E) is


Proof: Let D be a divisor of degree 0 on E

Appling the Riemann-Roch theorem to the divisor D + Po we
see that leD + Po) - l(K - D - Po) = 1 ; note that
deg K = 2g - 2 = 0, hence l(K - D - Po) = 0 and thus
leD + Po) = 1 . It follows that there exists a unique point
PEE which is equivalent to D - P . Therefore for any
D E Divo(E) there exists a unique ° PEE such that
D-P-P and we are done.
° •
Since PicO(E) is a group, E is also a group whose
zero is P Let as describe the group law by geometric
means. To °do this we consider the map IP3P: E ~ 1P2
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 193

which is defined by the divisor 3'Po (note that

t(3 'Po ) =3 by Riemann-Roch). Applying Corollary 2.2.29 we

Proposition 2.4.2. The map ~3P is an embedding of E

into !pOl •

Therefore any elliptic curve is isomorphic to a plane
cubic. Conversely, Corollary 2.2.8 implies that any smooth
irreducible plane cubic is an elliptic curve. Further on we
assume E to be a plane cubic. Let P, Q, and R be any
points of E. The condition P + Q + R = 0 (where + is
the group law on E) can be written as P + Q + R - 3Po •
Since 3Po is a line section divisor (Le. it is of the
form (L), L being a linear form) it means that P, Q,
and R belong to a line t (with the equation L = 0 ).
If P = Q it means that t is tangent to E at P and if
P = Q = R it means that P is a flex point of E (if the
ground field is IR , the notions of a tangent line and a
flex point are well-known; in general one can consider the
above statements as definitions).

Coordinate expression. To express the group law on an

elliptic curve in coordinates it is useful to write its
equation in a special form. Note that by Riemann-Roch
t(n'po ) = n for n =:; 1 • Let

Then the functions 1, x, y, x'y, x , y , x lie in
L(6'Po ) and thus are linearly dependent. Since only yOl

and x 3 have a pole of order 6 at Po their coefficients

in this linear equation do not vanish (if they did vanish
. 2 2
then el.ther the functions 1, x, y, x'y, x , y or the
2 3 .
functions 1, x, y,. X· y, x ,x would be ll.nearly dependent
194 CURVES Part 2

which is not the case since E is not rational).

Mul tiplying x and y by appropriate elements of k we
can assume that the linear equation is of the form

x 3 + a .x 2 + a .x + a (2.4.1)

where ai e k Assume for simplicity that char k '" 2

(note that similar results are also valid for char k = 2 ).
Making the sUbstitution y ~ y + (al·x + a 2 )/2 we
obtain y2 = (x - a) . (x - b) . (x - c) for some a b , and
c from k. Now we sUbstitute x ~ (x - a) I (b - a) and
obtain the equation

x· (x - 1)· (x - A) (2.4.2)

with Ae k i A is called the Legendre modulus of E.

In homogeneous coordinates (2.4.2) can be rewritten as

X ·X x . (x - x ). (x - A·X )
o 2 1 1 0 1 0'

x = x Ix
1 0
, y = x Ix
2 0
• Note that Po = (0:0:1) • Let
Yo = a· (a - 1)· (a - A) • The 1 ine x1 = a· x
intersects E
at points Po' Q = (l:a:yo) ,and Q' = (l:a:-yo) • The
points Q and Q' are opposite to each other (i. e.
Q = -Q' ). Now it is easy to describe the addition law in
geometric terms and to write it out. If P1 = (l:X l :Yl) and
P 2 = (1:X 2 :Y2) then Q = P1 + P2 can be obtained as
follows: let Q' (1: X3: y) be the third point of
intersection of the line joining P
and P
with E then
P 1 +P 2 =Q is the reflection of Q' (see
Fig. 2.1).
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 195

Here is a picture, illustrating the addition law on an

elliptic curve.

Fig. 2.1

Exercise 2.4.3. Express X3 and Y3 in Xl' x2

Y1 Y2 ' where Pi (l:X i :Yi) for i = 1, 2, 3, and

P3 = Pl + P2 • (Answer:

x3 - x1 - x2 -
[~: 2
+ A + 1


X 2 "Y l
"Y 2
_ X
" [YX l

-~:l ) .

The formulae (2.4.3) immediately imply that the

addition map 11 ExE----+E , 11 (P l ,P 2 ) =P 1 + P 2 is
regular (note that (2.4.3) is valid only for x ;t.x but it
1 2
is easy to get a similar expression for P =P , and in
1 2
the case P ;t. P
and x =X
we have Yl , + Y2 = 0 ,
1 2
196 CURVES Part 2

Pl = It is obvious that the map

-P2 ). P ~-P is also
regular. Hence E is an abelian variety which can be
identified with its Jacobian. Usually this group is denoted
by E(k) to stress its dependence on k .

Divisibility of E(k) Here is an important property

of E(k) .

Proposition 2.4.4. The group E(k) is divisible, i.e.

for any positive integer n and any P e E(k) there exists
Q e E(k) such that n'Q = P in this group.

Sketch of proof: We can assume that P (l:x:y) since

if it not the case then P = P and Q = P . Let
o 0
Q = (l:z:w) , (z,w) being unknown coordinates of Q The
group law makes it possible to express x and y in z
and w. We obtain two equations F n (z, w) 0 and
Gn(z,w) = 0 where Fn and Gn are polynomials whose
coefficients depend on x, y, and i\. It can be shown
that since k is algebraically closed this system has a
solution .

For k = a:: the group E(k) has a more precise
description which is given below in Section 2.4.5.

Automorphisms. Since E is an abelian variety we have

Proposition 2.4.5. For any fixed P e E the map

Lp : Q ~Q+P is an automorphism of E (as of an
algebraic variety, not as of a group) .

Corollary 2.4.6. The group Aut (E) acts on E
transitively .

Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 197

2.4.2. Isomorphisms and j-invariant

Let us assume that char k * 2 • Note that the value A

from (2.4.2) can be different for isomorphic elliptic
curves. In particular, the equations of the form (2.4.2)
with A and A' = l/A define isomophic curves. Let us set

j j (E) (2.4.4)

This value is called the j-invariant (or the absolute

invariant) of E Note that the coefficient 2 8 is
introduced to make sure that j has integer coefficients
being expanded into a power series in some natural variable
q (cf. Section 4.1.1 below).
The importance of j-invariant in the theory of
elliptic curves is shown by

Theorem 2.4.7. a) The value j=j(A) =j(E) ek is

well-defined, i.e. it depends only on the isomorphism class
of E.
b) Elliptic curves E and E' are isomorphic iff
j (E) = j (E') •

c) For any j e k there exists an elliptic curve E

over k with j(E) = j

Therefore the rule E ~ j(E) defines a bijection of

the set of isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over k
onto fAl (k)

Sketch of proof: a) Note that j(A) j(A') for any

198 CURVES Part 2

i\' Ell. = {i\, 1/i\, 1 - i\, 1/(1 - i\), i\/(i\ - 1), (i\ - 1)/i\}
which can be verified by brute force. If we write an
equation of E in the form (2.4.2) then the projection
f(x,y) = x defines a map f E ~ 1P1 of degree 2 with 4
ramification points 0, 1, i\ , and 00 • Let

y2 = x. (x - 1)· (x - i\')

be another equation of E; we obtain another map

f' E~ 1P1 of degree 2 with ramification points 0, 1,
i\' , and 00 Let P and P' E E be such that f (P) = i\
and f (P') = i\' • By Corollary 2.4.6 there exists
cr E Aut (E) with cr(P) = P' Since f is defined by 12·PI
and f' by 12 .p' 1 the maps f and f' 0 cr are defined by
the same linear system and thus differ by an automorphism of
1P1 • Such an automorphism (being an element of PGL (2 ,k) )
sends the 4-tuple (0,1,i\,00) to the 4-tuple (O,l,A' ,(0)
iff i\' E A and a) is proved.

E and E'
b) Let
be elliptic curves, let i\ and
i\' be their Legendre moduli and let j(i\) = j(A') .
Considering i\' as a variable and A as a parameter, we
obtain an equation of degree 6 in i\', vanishing on A.
Therefore it has no other roots and hence E and E' are

c) Let j E k and let i\ be a root of the equation

Then (2.4.2) defines an elliptic curve E with j(E) j

Remark 2.4.8. For char k ~ 2, 3 another form of the
equation of an elliptic curve E is quite useful. Making
i\ + 1
the sUbstitution x ~ x - --3- in (2.4.2) we obtain an
equation of E of the form

2 3
Y = X + a·x + b (2.4.5)
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 199

usually one makes the sUbstitution y ~ 4y , x ~4x

in (2.4.5) and writes the equation in the form


which is called the Weierstrass normal form of E. In

section 2.4.5 we shall explain why this form is useful (this
is connected with the theory of elliptic functions). It is
easy to verity that
j (E) 1728·g/(g - 27g)
2 2 3

Remark 2.4.9. Theorem 2.4.7 also remains valid for

char k = 2 . We do not give its proof for this case. Let us
only define j(E) for a curve E over a field of
char k = 2 • Making the SUbstitution x ~ x + a 2 we get

x 3 + a 4 ·x + a 6 (2.4.7)

Then j(E) = a 12
/A , where

Exercise 2.4.10. Let F : E ~ E(P) be the

Frobenius morphism of E . Show that j(E(P» = j(E)P .

2.4.3. Isogenies

Let f : E ~ E' be a non-constant map of elliptic

curves, let Po be the zero of the group law on E and let
P'o = f (P)
be the zero of the group law on E' • Then by
Proposition 2.1.75 f is a morphism of abelian varities. We
200 CURVES Part 2

call such f an isogeny: since E and E' are curves we

can speak about its degree. Since E '" J E any isogeny
f : E ~ E' gives rise to the dual isogeny (or the
transpose of f ) ft = f* : E' = J(E') ~ J(E) = E •

Exercise 2.4.11. Show that ftt = f for any f.

Proposition 2.4.12. Let f: E ~ E' be an isogeny

t t t
of degree n 0 Then deg f = n , fof = n E , and f of = n E '
where n E and n E , are morphisms of multiplication by n
on E and E' , respectively

In the case of complex elliptic curves this will be
proved in the next section.

Corollary 2.4.13. The degree of nE equals n2

We denote Ker(n E ) c E by En or E[n] •

Exercise 2.4.14. Let pkn. Show that

E[n] ... (Z/n) 2

(Hint: Study the case of a prime n and then use the

induction on the number of divisors of n).

Exercise 2.1.15. Let f be an isogeny of degree

n = n' on" ,where n' and n" are coprime. Show that there
exists isogenies f' and f" such that f = f' of"
deg f' = n' and deg f" = n" •

Now let us describe E[pa] for p = char k , a ~ 1 .

To being with, we assume that a = 1 • Let F: E ~ E (p)
be the Frobenius morphism and Y = Ft its transpose. Then
by Proposition 2.4.12 we have FoY = YoF = PE and since F
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 201

is purely inseparable, PE is not separable. Let us

consider two cases: a) V is a separable morphism, b) V
is not separable. In the first case we call E an ordinary
elliptic curve, in the second case we call E a
supersingular elliptic curve (in this case PE is purely
inseparable). Note that for supersingular E we have
V = F , since F is the only purely inseparable map of
degree p.

Proposition 2.4.16. The kernel of the multiplication

by pa on E(k) is trivial for a supersigular E and is
isomorphic to Z/pa for an ordinary E.

Sketch of proof:
From the above argument it follows
that the proposition holds for a = 1 . For any a ~ 1 it
can be easily deduced by induction over a .

Supersingular curves. For a fixed p there exists
only a finite number of non-isomorphic supersingular curves
in characteristic p. Their moduli can be found out:

Theorem 2.4.17. Let p = char k > 2 and let E be

the curve defined by y2 = x· (x - 1)· (x - i\) . Then E is
supersingular i f f

o (2.4.8)

Therefore all supersingular values of the modulus i\
and of the i-invariant lie in a finite field. Moreover, one

Proposition 2.4.18. Let p = char k > 2, and let i

be a supersingular value of i-invariant (i.e. i = j(E)
202 CURVES Part 2

for a supersingular curve E). Then j e IF


Proof: Theorem 2.4.17 implies j e if . Hence it is

2 P
sufficient to show that jP = j. Indeed, for a
supersingular curve V=F and since j (E(P» = jP we see
that (jP)p = j .

Example 2.4.19. For P = 2 there exists only one
supersingular curve E which can be g~ven by y2 + y = x3 •
Note that j(E) = 0

The group Hom(E,E'). Let now E and E' be elliptic

curves. The set of algebraic group morphisms f : E ~ E'
(i. e. of regular maps which are group homomorphisms) is
denoted by Hom(E,E'); if E = E' it is denoted by End (E) .
Note that Hom(E,E') is an abelian group since we can add
its elements: (f + g) (x) = f (x) + g (x) ; moreover End (E)
is a ring: multiplication is the composition of maps. It is
clear that Hom(E,E') has no torsion since the condition
n·f = 0 implies that fee) is contained in the finite set
E[n] and hence is trivial. Studying the behaviour of
morphisms at torsion points of E one can prove the

Proposition 2.4.20. The rank of Hom(E,E' ) equals 0,

1, 2, or 4 .
If it is equal to 4 then E and E' are
supersingular (and hence the characteristic of k is
positive) .

If Hom(E,E' ) t:. 0 then we call the curves E and E'
isogenous. Note that if E and E' are isogenous then
Hom(E,E')®([J = End(E)®([J, which follows from Proposition
2.4.12. Note that End (E) is embedded into
End (E) = End (E) ®([J since they have no torsion. Moreover
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 203

from Proposition 2.4.12 it follows that EndO (E) is a

division algebra.

Theorem 2.4.21. There are the following possibilities

for the division algebra En dO (E) :

a) En~ (E) = 10
b) Endo(E) is a complex quadratic field;

c) Endo (E) is a quaternion algebra over 10 which is

ramified at p and at Q) this is the case if
p = char k > 0 and E is a supersingular curve over k

Recall that a quaternion algebra over 10 ramified at
P and at Q) is a division algebra Hp,oo of degree 4 over
10 such that for any prime £ * P the algebra
p,oo®lDo<- '" H 2 (10<-0 ) , H2 (10£) being the matrix algebra of
degree 2 over l-adic field 10£, whereas H ®ID
p,oo p
Hp,oo®IR are division algebras over lOp and IR ,
respectively. It is well-known that there is a unique
division algebra over 10 with these properties.
Therefore End (E) is an order in the division algebra
End(E) of degree 1, 2, or 4 over 10 (this means that
End(E) is a free ~-module generating Endo (E) over 10).

Theorem 2.4.22. There are the following possibilities

for the order End(E)

a) End(E) = ~

b) End(E) =+ c·Ok
~ where c E ~ , p~c, Ok being
the maximal order in the complex quadratic field
k = En~ (E) (in this case c is called the conductor of
End (E) ) ;
c) End (E) is a maximal order in the quaternion
algebra End (E) °

204 CURVES Part 2

Proofs of Proposition 2.4.10 and of Theorems 2.4.21 and

2.4.22 are rather cumbersome. For k = C there are more
simple proofs which are given in section 2.4.5 below (note
howeover that the most complicate case c) of Theorems 2.4.21
and 2.4.22 does not occure for the complex ground field).

Automorphisms. Theorem 2.4.22 makes it possible to

determine the group Auto(E) of automorphisms of E as of
an algebraic group (i.e. of those preserving the initial
point Po) which is isomorphic to the group End (E) * of
units of End(E) . Here is the answer:

Theorem 2.4.23. a) If j(E) ~ 0 or 1728 then

b) For p ~ 2, 3

if j (E) 0 then Auto (E) 116

if j (E) 1728 then Auto (E) 114
where Il n {( e C * I (n = 1) is the cyclotomic group of
order n .
c) If P = 2 and j (E) = 0 1728 then Auto (E)
SL(2,1F 3 ) is of order 24
If P = 3 and j(E)
d) o = 1728 then Auto (E) is
the semi-direct product of 71./3 by 71./4 of order 12

Remark 2.4.24. a) since the group Aut (E) of
automorphisms of the curve E is a semidirect product of
E(k) by Auto(E), Theorem 2.4.23 gives also a description
of Aut (E).
b) One has a noteworthy mass-formula:

L IAut (E) 1-1 = (p - 1)/24 (2.4.9)

Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 205

where the sum is taken over the set of isomorphism classes

of supersingular curves in characteristic p > 0 .

Exercise 2.4.25. Find the number of isomorphism

classes of supersingular curves in characteristic p . Find
supersingular values of j-invariant for p!5 11 (Hint:
Use (2.4.9) which implies that this number is of the form
rp/121 + ~p , where ~p e {O,1,2} depends on the residue of
p modulo 12 ).

2.4.4. Elliptic curves over finite fields

The theory of elliptic curves exposed above concerns

the case of an algebraically closed ground field, while we
are mainly interested in elliptic curves over a finite field
k = IF wi th q = pa elements. To study this case one
should make some changes in the theory. The definition of an
elliptic curve over a finite field is the same as in the
case of an algebraically closed field. For a finite ground
field it is necessary to check that an elliptic curve has an
IFq-point. This follows from (2.3.2), since

IE(lF q } I ~ q + 1 - 2·~ = (~ - 1}2 > 0

and hence IE (IF q) I ~ 1 • Let P o e E(IF q ) • If we use Po as

the zero we obtain a group structure on the finite set
E(IF q) . (Note that, say, for an algebraic number field k
there exist curves of genus one with no k-point). We can
write down an equation of E in the form

since it can be done using the Riemann-Roch theorem which is

206 CURVES Part 2

valid over an arbitrary ground field. We have seen above

that for an algebraically closed ground field j-invariant
classifies isomophism classes of elliptic curves. This is
not the case over a finite field (nor for the most part
of non-closed fields). From Theorem 2.4.23 one can deduce

Proposition 2.4.26. Let j (E) = j (E') . Then E and

E' are isomorphic over a finite extension K of the ground
field k such that [K:k] divides 24.
If P = char k ~ 2, 3 then [K:k] divides 4 or 6. If
j(E) 0 or 1728 then [K:k] = 1 or 2


Note also that there exist elliptic curves E and E'

over IFq such that j (E) = j (E' ) e IF q and Hom lF (E, E' ) 0 ,
i. e. E and E' are not isogenous over IFq

Theorem 2.4.27. Let E and E' be elliptic curves

over a finite field IFq . Then E is isogenous to E' iff
IE(lF q ) I = IE' (IF ) I .
q •

Exercise 2.4.28. Let

2 3
E' : y2 + Y = x3 + X + 1

be elliptic curves over IF 2 Show that j (E) = j (E') .

Compute IE(IF r) I and IE' (IF r) I for r = 1, 2 , ••• Find
2 2
the least field over which E and E' are isomorphic.

Endomorphisms. Elliptic curves over finite fields have

sufficiently many endomorphisms. To be more precise, let
End lF (E) be the subring of End (E) which is formed by maps
defined over IFq
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 207

Proposition 2.4.29. End~ E * Z .


Sketch of proof: We prove this statement for ordinary

curves and supersingular curves E with j(E) E ~ •
a p
Indeed, let q = pa and let Fa: E ~ E(P) be the
power of the Frobenius morphisms. Since E is defined over
a a
E(P ) = E and hence F E End~ (E) If E is an
ordinary curve then since no fEZ is purely
inseperable. If E is defined over then a = 1 and
FeZ since its degree equals p degree of n E Z
equals n'2 ). For supersingular curves E with j (E) e ~
one needs slightly more elaborate argument .

Therefore End~ (E) contains an order in a complex
quadratic field.

Zeta-function. By Theorem 2.3.12 the zeta-function

ZE(t) of an elliptic curve E over Fq is of the form

1 - m·t + q·t
ZE(t) = (1 - t ) ' ( l - qt)

where m E Z and IE(Fq )I = q + 1 - m ;·the integer m is

called the trace of Frobenius. This name is due on the
following fact: for any prime there exist a
two-dimensional vector space Ve (E) over e-adic field tOe
and an embedding !Pe: End F (E) ~ EndtO (Ve (E) ) such that
q e
the trace of !Pe(Fa ) equals m. The endomorphism
Frob = Fa E End~ (E) is called the Frobenius endomorphism

E is an ordinary curve then there exists a

two-dimensional vector space VeE) over to and an
208 CURVES Part 2

embedding ~ : End~ (E) ~ End~(V(E» such that

Tr ( ~ (Frob» =m ( and hence one can set

~e = ~®~e ). Indeed we can set Vee) = End~ (E) which is a

complex quadratic field.

Structure of E(~q) . One can describe all the

possible types of the group E(~ q) We begin with a
description of their order (note than E(~q) ~ EN ~ (Z/N)2 ,
where N = IE(~ q) I ).

Theorem 2.4.30. The set of isogeny classes of elliptic

curves over ~q is an a natural bijection with the set of
integers m such that Iml ~ 2'~ and one of the following
condition holds

(1) (q ,m) 1 ;

(2) q is a square and m = ±2'~ ;

(3) q is a square, p ~ l(mod 3) and m= ±~ ;

(4) q is not a square , p = 2 or 3 , and m = ±~;

(5) q is not a square and m= 0

or q is a square, p ~ l(mod 4) and m= 0 .
Moreover E(~ q} = q + 1 - m for any curve E from the
isogeny class which corresponds to m

Now we can give a description of all possible types of
groups E(~ q) •

Theorem 2.4.31. A group G of order N=q+l-m

is isomorphic to E(~q) for some elliptic E over ~q iff
one of the following conditions holds

(1) (q ,m) 1 Iml ~ 2'~ and G ~ Z/A x Z/B

where BIA, BI (m - 2)
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 209

(2) q is a square, m = ±2·.;q , and G '" (Z/A) ,
where A = .;q + 1

(3) q is a square, p ~ l(mod 3) , m ±.;q , and G

is cyclic;

(4) q is not a square, p = 2 or 3 , m = ±~ , and

G is cyclic:
(Sa) q is not a square and p ~ 3 (mod 4) , or q is a
square and p ~ l(mod 4), m = 0 , and G is cyclic;
q is not a square, p
(Sb) 3(mod 4) , m = 0 , and G =
is either cyclic or G '" Z/M x Z/2 where M = (q + 1)/2 _

Sketch of proof: Since E(lFq) s; (Z/N)2 we see that

E(IF q) '" Z/A x Z/B , where BIA , A-B = N. Let us choose a

basis in EN such that is generated by and

Let be the matrix of the Frobenius endomorphism
Frob = ~ in this basis. Then MF = (~~), where
a,b,c,d e Z/N • By the above remark on the zeta-function of
E we have Tr MF =
m (mod N) , det MF = q (mod N) • Since
E(lFq) is the subgroup of EN formed by elements invariant
under MF , we see that a-A A (mod N) , d·B =
B (mod N) • =
Hence (m - 2) = (a - 1) + (d - 1) is divisible by B,

since BIA. Note also that if BI (m - 2) then for

I = (m B- 1 -A)
1 we have Tr M'F-
"" m , det H'F ""- q ,
a·A =A , d·B =B (mod N) •

Let us now consider the cases of Theorem 2.4.30 one by


In case (1) it can be shown that for any matrix MF

such that Tr m , det MF =q (mod N) MF =
there exists an
elliptic curve E over IFq such that is the matrix of MF
the Frobenius endomorphism (it follows from the fact that
210 CURVES Part 2

any endomorphism of E can be lifted to characteristic

zero, which can be proved along the same lines as Theorem
2.4.22 and proposition 2.4.29). Applying this result to

M' = ( m B- 1 we obtain (1) of Theorem 2.4.31.


In case (2) of Theorem 2.4.30 it is not hard to show

that MF is a scalar matrix (one can just use the fact that
any i-adic lifting of Mf is semi-simple) and (2) of
Theorem 2.4.31 follows.

In case (3) q == N - 1 + m == 1 (mod B)

we have since
BI (m - 2) and BIN Further on, q = m2 == 4 (mod B) • Note
that B * 3 , since B = 3 would imply m == 2, 5 or 8 (mod 9)
and q == 4,7 or 1 (mod 9) , respectively: thus N == 3 (mod 9)
which contradicts the condition B2IN. Nence B = 1 and
thus E(IF q) is cyclic.

In case (4) we have either p = 2, m == 2 (mod B) , N

and B being odd, 2q =m 2 == 4 , q == 2 , N == 1 (mod B) and
hence B = 1 or p = 3, (B, 3) 1, m == 2, 3q = m2 == 4 ,
3N == 1 (mod B) and hence B = 1. Therefore is

In case (S) m = 0 and thus B = 1 or 2 • If B = 2

then 41N and hence q == 3 (mod 4) •
Since in cases (2), (3), (4), and (Sa) the group E(lF q }
is uniquely determined by its order and Theorem 2.4.30
implies the existence of a corresponding curve in these
cases we are done. Let us consider the case (Sb) and show
that both possibilities B = 1 and B = 2 can be realized.

Let us first show that in this case for a curve E

with a cyclic E(lFq) there exists an isogeny E ~ E' of
degree 2 such that E' (IFq) is not cyclic. Indeed, let
E(lF q } be cyclic, then EnE(lF}
4 q is also cyclic, let v be
its generator. Let E
= {0,2v,e,f = e + 2v}. Since E
does not lie in E(lFq) , the Frobenius endomorphism permutes
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 211

e and f . Let If>: E ~ E' be the isogeny whose kernel

is generated by 2v. It is clear that the Frobenius
endomorphism of E' preserves If> (v) and If> ( e ) = If> (f) and
thus E;(Fq) = (Z/2)2.
Conversely, let E (F ) ;2 (Z/2) 2 • Then
q E (F)
4 q equals
(Z/2)2 or (Z/2)x(Z/4) (since E4 (F q ) s;; E(F q ) s;; Z/2xZ/N ).
If E4 (F q ) = (Z/2)2 then E'(F q ) is cyclic for any isogeny
E ~ E' of degree 2 • If E4 (F q ) = Z/2t:iJZ/4 = <u,v> and
If> E ~ E' is the isogeny whose kernel is generated by
U + 2v , then E' (Fq) is cyclic .•

2.4.5. Complex elliptic curves

The theory of complex elliptic curves is closely

connected with the theory of elliptic functions which are
very useful in the study of such curves.

Elliptic functions. Let A be a lattice in ~, i.e.

a free subgroup in of rank 2 which generates over
~. Therefore if A = Z·w t:iJZ·w then 1:" = W2 /W 1 e; ~
1 2
Without loss of generality we can assume that Im(1:") > 0 •
By an elliptic function f with the period lattice A
we mean a meromorphic on ~ function f such that
fez + w) = fez) for any z e ~ with fez) *- 00 and for any
w eA. Note that any integral (i. e. analytic on the whole
plane ~) elliptic function is constant by the Liouville
Elliptic functions really do exist. Let

7'(z) + (2.4.10)
212 CURVES Part 2

Exercise Show that the series

2.4.32. (2.4.10)
converges absolutely and uniformly on any compact K such
that K n A = ~ •

Therefore (2.4.10) defines a meromorphic function which

is called the Weierstrass 'P-function (or just a
'P-function) •

Exercise 2.4.33. Show that 'P(z) is an even elliptic

function with the period latiice A which has a double pole
at any w e A and no other poles. Show also that

'P' (z) =- 2' L
(z - w) 3

is an odd elliptic function with the period lattice A

which has a pole of order 3 at any w e A and no other

Theorem 2.4.34.

'P' (Z)2 = 4''P(Z)3 - g ''P(z)

- g

where 60' L and g3 = 140' L W


weA-{O} weA-{O} •
Exercise Prove Theorem 2.4.34. (Hint:
Consider expansions of 'P (z) and 'P' (z) into Laurent
series at the origin).

Uniformization. Theorem 2.4.34 shows that points of

the form ('P (z) ,<p' (z) ) lie on an elliptic curve with the
Chapter 2.4 ELLIPTIC CURVES 213

Moreover one has

Theorem 2.4.36. The map

rp : !C ~ 11'2 (!C)

(l:7'(z):7"(Z)) ,if Z E A
z f------7 {
(0:0:1) , if Z E A

defines an isomorphism of Riemann surfaces !C/A and E(!c) ,

which is a group homomorphism, where
also E is the
elliptic curve with the homogeneous equation

It is said that elliptic functions uniformize elliptic

Corollary 2.4.37. E(!c) is isomorphic to the torus

(R/I)2 as a real Lie group .

Corollary 2.4.37 implies Propositions 2.4.4 and 2.4.12
for complex elliptic curves. Theorems 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 can
be also deduced from Theorem 2.4.36 using the following

Exercise 2.4.38. Show that for any f E End (E) there

exists cx f E!C such that cxfoA ~ A and the endomorphis
rp-1 oforp of !C/A coincides with the multiplication by CX f .
(Hint: Consider the Tailor expansion of rp oforp at the
origin) •

Exercise 2.4.39. Deduce Theorems 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 for

k !C from the previous exercise and Theorem 2.4.36.


The study of non-singular curves is most important for

the theory of curves. Nevertheless the study of singular
curves is in many cases indispensable, since many smooth
curves have singular models which are useful to prove some
of their properties. For example, any curve has a plane
(singular) model. In this chapter we discuss some properties
of singular curves and describe their connections with
smooth curves.
section 2.5.1 is devoted to the normalization of a
curve which is the simplest way to obtain a smooth curve
from a singular one. In section 2.5.2 we define the divisor
of double points of a curve which is essential for the
theory of singular curves. In section 2.5.3 we give some
properties of plane singular curves, in particular a
description of differential forms on these curves;
section 2.5.4 is devoted to a desingularization technique
for plane singular curves.

216 CURVES Part 2

In this chapter we assume the ground field k to be

algebraically closed.

2.5.1. Normalization

Let A be a domain (Le. a commutative ring without

zero-divisors) let K be its fraction field, and let x e L ,
where L is an extension of K. We call x integral over
A iff there exist elements ao' a 1 , ••• , an- 1 e A such that
x + a n _ 1 ·x
n-1 + ... + a = o. The set AL formed by
x e L which are integral over A is called the integral
closure of A in L. The set AK is denoted by A. If
A = A we call A integrally closed.

Exercise 2.5.1. Show that for any A and any L the

set AL is an integrally closed domain.

We call a curve X normal iff is integrally

closed for any P eX.

Exercise 2.5.2. Show that X is normal iff k[UJ is

integrally closed for any open U eX.

Exercise 2.5.3. Show that a smooth curve is normal.

Moreover, one has:

Proposition 2.5.4. Any normal curve is smooth .

Hence the normality and non-singularity conditions for
curves are equivalent.
Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 217

Remark 2.5.5. These conditions are equivalent over an

arbitrary perfect field. If the ground field is not perfect
there exist normal singular curves.

Exercise 2.5.6. Let X be a affine curve, and let

A = k[X] . Show that there exists a unique affine curve XV
such that k[Xv] = A •

The embedding k [X] !:;; k [Xv] defines a regular

surjective map XV ~ X which is called the normalization

Theorem 2.5.7. Let X be a quasi-projective curve.

There exist a unique smooth curve XV, such that there is a
regular surjective map v: XV ~ X which is a birational
isomorphism. If X is a projective curve then XV is also
projective .

We call V the normalization map and the
normalization of X.

Exerci se 2. 5 • 8 • Let U be an affine open subset in

X , let V: XV ~ X be the normalization map, and let
V V (U) . Show that V = U V •

2.5.2. Divisor of double points

Local invariants. To study singular curves it is

important to consider some characteristics of a point P on
a curve X which depend only on the local ring Op. such
characteristics are called local invariants of P Let
V : XV ~ X be the normalization map, and let Op
be the
integral closure of Op.
218 CURVES Part 2

Exerci se 2. 5 • 9 • Show that the set 5 (P) = V -1 (P) is

finite for any P e X and that Op = Os (P) , where Os (P)
is a ring of rational functions on XV which are regular at
any Q e 5 (P) • = n 0
Show that and that0 Os (P)
S(P) QeS(P) P
is a semi-local ring, i.e. it has a finite number of maximal
ideals (this number equals the cardinality of S(P) ).

Let cp be the annihilator of the 0p-module Opl0p'

Le. the set c p = {a e Op I a·Op s; 0p} • It is clear that
cp is an ideal both in Op and in Op. It can be shown
that cp is the largest ideal in Op which is also an
ideal in op. We call cp the conductor of the extension

Exercise 2.5.10. Show that cp is nontrivial. (Hint:

dimk OplOp < <II ).


we call and ~p fundamental local invariants of P.

Exercise 2.5 .1l. Show that the following conditions

are equivalent:
a) is a non-singular point;
b) o
c) o

Hence and do not vanish only for singular


Exercise 2.5.12. Show that ~p ~ 0 implies

(Hint: Op 2 k + c p ).
Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 219

One can also prove

Proposition 2.5.13. For any P e X

Exercise 2.5.14. a) Let be defined by
X=+ x for char (k) '" 2 and let P = ( 0 , 0) • Show
that XV = fAl and that V can be given by
vet) (t 2 - I, t- (t 2 - 1» t being a coordinate on
fAl. Show that
S(P) {Q, Q' } where Q = {t = I} ,
Q' = {t' = -I} e fAl • Show that Op consists of quotients
P(t)/Q(t) where Q(t) is divisible neither by (t + 1)
nor by (t - 1) and that C p = (t - l)-Op,Op=k+c p '

be defined by Y = x3
p = (0,0) Show that then vet)
S(P) =Q= {t = O} ,

06 = {P(t)/Q(t) I P,Q e k(t) , Q(O) '" O}

A point P e X is called a simplest singularity iff

<') P = (and hence np = 2 ). For such a point S (P) has
either one or two elements. If S(P) has two elements then
P called a simplest double point, if S (P) consist of a
single point then P is called a simplest cuspidal point.
Thus P is a simplest double point in Exercise 2.5.14. a,
and P is a simplest cuspidal point in Exercise 2.5.14.b.

Di visor of double points. Let X be a projective

curve, let P e X and let Q e S (P) • since Q is a
220 CURVES Part 2

non-singular point we have for a non-negative

integer nQ . The divisor

D = L L n .Q
P QeS(P)

is called the divisor of double points (or the conductor) of

x .
Note that D is well-defined since for a non-singular
P we have IS(P) I 1 and n = 0 for Q e S(P) . Thus D
is a divisor on XV . Q
It plays a crucial role in the study
of the connection between X and XV .
Exercise 2.5.15. Show that L nQ .

Exercise 2.5.16. Find out divisors of double points

for projective closures of curves from Exercise 2.5.14.

Exercise 2.5.17. Let X c p2 be defined by

and let P = (1:0:0) . Compute np ' op , and D. Is P a

simplest singularity?

2.5.3. Plane curves

Note that for any smooth projective curve there X

exists a projective plane curve X' which is birationally
isomorphic to X. We call such X' a plane model of X.
Indeed, let f e k(X) - k be such that k(X)jk(f) is a
separable extension (it is not hard to show that f does
exist). By the primitive element theorem there exists
g e k(X) such that k(X) = k(f,g) It is clear that
Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 221

F(f,g) = 0 for some Fe k[T 1 ,T 2 ] • Let G be a polynomial

such that G (f ,g) = 0 and which has the least possible
degree. Then G is irreducible and we can define X' as
the proj ective closure of the plane affine curve defined
by G(x,y) = 0 .

As a rule, it is impossible to choose a nonsingular

X' • Indeed, the genus of a smooth projective plane curve
equals (m - 1)' (m - 2)/2 where m is its degree. Since
the genus of a curve can be arbitrary non-negative integer
(for example, for char k '" 2 the genus of the curve
y2 = f(x) , f e k[x] equals f(deg f - 1)/21 ) many smooth
projective curve are not isomorphic to smooth projective
plane ones. Therefore the study of singular plane curves is
indispensable. Let X be a smooth proj ecti ve curve, X'
its plane model, and let f and g e k(X) be as above.
Then the rational map I{> : X - - + X' defined by
x ~ (f(x),g(x» is regular by Theorem 2.1.57. Since the
normalization of the curve is unique we see that X = (X/)V
and the map I{> is the normalization map for X' • The main
question is to express main invariants of X in terms of
invariants of X' or rather of its equation in 1P2

Genus. By definition, the genus of a singular curve is

the genus of its normalization.

Theorem Let X' be a projective plane

(singular) curve of degree m, let X be its normalization
and let g = g(X/) = g(X) be its genus. Then

(m - 1) (m - 2) _
g 2 L ~p (2.5.1)

where the sum is taken over all singular points of X'

222 CURVES Part 2

The number p (X') = (m - l)·(m - 2)/2 is sometimes

called the arithmetic genus of X' . Thus for smooth plane
curves (and only for them)


Example 2.5.19. The curve x o ·x:2:2 =x31 - x 0 ·x:21 (or

:2 3 :2
y = x - x in affine coordinates) is of arithmetic genus
1 (its genus being equal to 0) • The same is true for the
curve x 0 ·x:2 x 31

Differentials. In fact one can describe n [X] in a

way similar to that of Proposition 2.2.7 for smooth plane
curves. Let F(x:x:x)
= 0 be a homogeneous equation of
X' and let G(x,y) = F(l:x:y) be its affine equation. For
any P and Q e k[x,y] the expression P(x,y) ·dy/Q(x,y)
defines a rational differential form on X.

Proposition 2.5.20.

n[x] ~ { P(x,y) ·dy I deg P(x, y) ~ m - 3 }


A polynomial P(x,y) is called adjoint (for X') iff

P(x,y) ·dy/G~(x,y) e n[x] ; if X = X' then any P with
deg P ~ m - 3 is adjoint by Proposition 2.2.7. Let us
describe adjoint polynomials in the general case. Note that
to any P (x, y) wi th deg P = s one can associate a form
Fp of degree s, namely

In section 2.1.2 we have seen that any form F defines a

cartier divisor (F) = ({U.,f.}) on a smooth plane curve
~ ~

X . In fact one can notice that this definition does not use
Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 223

non-singularity of X and thus is valid for any plane curve

X • The cartier divisor ({v -1 (U i ) ,v * (f i )} on X , where
v : X --+ X' is the normalization map, is called the
divisor of F on X and is denoted also by (F) .
that by, D we denote the divisor of double points of X'.
In the above notation we have

Proposition 2.5.21. A polynomial P e k[x,y] of degree

s :s m - 3 is adjoint for X' iff (Fp) ~ D in Div(X)

Thus for an adj oint P the curve F (x :x :x ) = 0
P 0 1 2
contains all the singular points of X' • If X' has only
simplest singularities then this condition is sufficient for
P to be adj oint for X' in this case Theorem 2.5. 18
follows from Propositions 2.5.20 and 2.5.21.

Roether theorem. In the study of plane curves an

essential role is played by the following result which is
called the Noether (A·~+B,W)-theorem.

Theorem 2.5.22. Let F be a homogeneous equation of

X' and let G and H be forms in (xO 'X 1 ,X2 ) . Then the
condition (G) O!! (H) + D implies that there exist forms A
and B such that

G = A'H + B'F

In other words, the condition (G) ;e (H) + D is
sufficient for the divisibility of G by 11 in the
homogeneous coordinate ring RX = k[XO ,X1 ,X2 ]/(F) of X' ,
where G and 11 are the images of G and H in RX
224 CURVES Part 2

Corollary 2.5.23. Let X' be a smooth complete plane

curve. Then (G) ~ (H) implies that G is divisible by H

Auxiliary formulae. Let in the above notation the
degree of G as a polynomial in x be equal to m and as
a polynomial in y be equal to n , let its total degree
equal r and let g be the genus of X' .
Proposition 2.5.24.

deg D = (r - l)·(r - 2) - 2g

We also need expressions for the divisors (dx) and
(G~) of the differential form dx and of the function
G~, respectively. Let Bx (respectively By ) be the
ramification divisor of the map X ---+ 1P1 defined on X'
by (x,y) ~ x (respectively by (x,y) ~ y ).

Proposition 2.5.25.

(dx) = Bx - 2'(X)m

(G~) = By - (m - 2)'(X)m - n'(Y)m - D

vhere, as usual, (f)m is the divisor of poles of f e k(X).

Exerci se 2.5.26. Prove proposition 2.5.25 and deduce
proposition 2.5.24 from it.

2.5.4. Desinqularization

Theorem 2.5.7 states the existence of the normalization

of a curve but it gives no idea of how to construct the
Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 225

normalization. For a plane curve X there exists a

techinique to construct XV explicitly. To describe it we
have to start with the following construction from the
theory of surfaces.

Monoidal transformation. Recall that an algebraic

surface is a two-dimensional algebraic variety. Let us begin
with an example. Let .1P 2 be the projective plane with
homogeneous coordinates (x:x:x ) and let 1P1 be the
projective line with coordinates (Yl :y2 ) Consider the
closed subset W in 1P2 x 1P1 defined by


It is clear that W is a surface, i. e. that W is

two-dimensional and irreducible. The map (J" W ~ 1P2
which is the restriction of the natural projection
1P2 x 1P1 ~ 1P2 is called the monoidal transformation
centered at the point Po = (1:0:0) • Note that for
P = (x0:x1:x)
"* P0 from (2.5.2) it follows that
(y 1 :y2 ) = (X 1 :X 2 ) and hence the map

is inverse to (J" on 1P2 - { Po} • Thus the restriction of (J"

defines an isomorphism of W - {(J"-1 (Po) } with 1P2 - {Po} •

For (x :x :x ) = P
012 0
from (2.5.2) it follows that
(J"-1 (Po) = {Po} x 1P1. One says that the monoidal
transformation blows up Po into the projective line
{Po} x 1P1 • Let us now consider an open subset Ui in W
defined by x"* 0
and y."* 0
for i = 1 or 2 • We can
set x = 1 o
and y.~ = 1 and thus the equation (2.5.2)
takes the form on and on
226 CURVES Part 2

U Thus is isomorphic to with coordinates

(X 1 'Yl) and U2 is isomorphic to wi th coordinates /A 2
(Y 1 ,x). To clarify the picture of the monoidal
transformation it is useful to consider the restriction of
the rational map u : 1P2 ------+ W to the line L with
the equation a"x1 (3"x containing Po Since L is a
smooth curve and W is projective, this restriction is a
regular map. In fact one easily shows that

u IL : (x:x:x)
t------+ (x :x :x ;(3:a)

Therefore the intersection point of the curves U- 1 (L) and

u- 1 (Pa ) runs over u- 1 (Pa ) when L runs over all lines
containing P a . Let X be a plane curve with the equation
F(XO:Xl :x2 ) = °, and let Po eX. Let Xl be the closure
of u- 1 (X - {Po}) in W it is called the proper inverse
image of X under u. Note that if Po is a non-singular
point of X u to X is regular
then the restriction of
and hence Xl is isomorphic to X. We shall see below that
if Po is a singular point of X then X
is never
isomorphic to X •

Example 2.5.27. Let X: {Xo" x~ = X~} • Then the point

Po = (1:0:0) is singular on X. The curve (J' (X - {Po})
is defined by X 2
o "X 2 = x 31 X 1 "Y2 = X 2 "Y1 and
(x 1 ,x) "" (0,0) Let U1 = {Xo "" °, Y1 "" o} be an open
subset of W the curve u (X - {Po}) is defined
by X 2 = Y 2 "X l which is
equivalent to Y 2 = Xl '

The closure u- 1 (X - {Po}) is defined in by

Hence is a nonsingular

curve. similarly, for the curve

Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 227

0-- 1 (X - (P })
n U2 is also non-singular. Therefore the map
o-I X Xl ~ X is the normalization map.

Local monoidal transformation. Let now be the

affine plane with coordinates (X I ,X2 ), and let pI be the
projective line with coordinates
· 1 2
(y:y) • Then the equation
(2.5.2) defines a close subset W' of A2 x pI, which is an
open subset of W. The map 0- I W' : W' ~ A2 is called
the local monoidal transformation centered at Po

Desingularization. Let V be a projective surface

such that any its point has an open neighbourhood isomorphic
to A2 (for example, the surfaces 1P2 and W have this
property). One can show that for any Po e V there exists a
unique projective smooth surface V1 and a morphism
0- : V ~ V such that 0- gives an isomorphism of

with 0-- 1 (Po) is isomorphic to

pI and the restriction of 0- to 0-- 1 (U) coincides with
the local monoidal transformation centered at P where U
is a neighbourhood of Po isomorphic to ",2 • °Th' e map
'" 0-

is called the monoidal transformation centered at Po or

the blow-up of P o . Note that V1 has the above property
and hence any its point can be also blown up.

If X is a curve on V which contains Po then its

proper inverse image is defined as the curve

Here is the basic fact on the desingularization of plane

228 CURVES Part 2

Theorem 2.5.28. Let x C p2 be a plane curve. Then

there exists a sequence of monoidal transformations

V n ----+ V n-l ----+ ... ----+ V 1 ----+ V 0 ----+ p2

such that the proper inverse image Xn of X on Vn is a

smooth curve .

Note that a similar result is valid for curves on any
surface but we do not need it here.

Multiplicity of a point on a curve. Let p be a point

of /A 2 and let X be an affine plane curve. Let
F X (x, y) = 0 be an equation of X . Let mp be the maximal
ideal of the local ring 0 = 0 of P on /A 2 • The
multiplicity ~p(X) of P on X is defined as the largest
integer r such that F X e mp • Thus ~p (X) = 0 for p~X
and ~p(X) > 0 for P eX. Note that ~p(X) = 1 iff p
is a non-singular point of X Indeed, we have
0x,p O/FX·O and the condition FX e mp - mp is
equivalent to mx,p being principal. Therefore ~p(X) 2:; 2
iff X P. Note that since the definition
is singular at
of ~p(X) depends only on the local ring 0 of P, ~p(X)

can be defined for any curve X on a surface V satisfying

the above condition. The proof of Theorem 2.5.28 uses the
fact that for the monoidal transformation centered at P
and for any Q e V1 with <T(Q) = P we have
~Q(Xl) <~p(X) this makes it possible to use the induction
on ~p(X) •

The genus formula. Let

Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 229

be the sequence of monoidal transformations which

desingularizes a plane curve X, and let P eX. The set
of infinitely close points corresponding to P consists, by
definition, of points Q ~
lying over some
P V.
(including P itself). This set can be represented as a
tree whose root corresponds to P, offsprings of the first
order correspond to points obtained by blow-up of P, ... ,
its offsprings of the r-th order for r ~ 2 correspond to
points which are obtained by blow-up of points corresponding
to offsprings of the (r - l)-th order.

Proposition 2.5.29. Let X be a plane curve, and let

P eX. Then
. (r
- 1) /2 (2.5.3)

where rQ = ~Q(Xi) for Q e Xi ' and the sum is taken over

the set of infinitely close points corresponding to P
(including P itself) .

Note that points Q with rQ 1 , i.e. smooth points
make no contribution into ~p.

Corollary 2.5.30. Let X be a plane curve of degree

m . Then


where the sum is taken over the set of all infinitely close
points of X.

In fact the techique of monoidal trans.formations makes
it possible to desingularize a plane curve efficiently. A
desingularization algorithm will be given below in Part 4
230 CURVES Part 2

(for a class of curves we need). Here we give some auxiliary


Desingularization tree. X be a plane curve with Let

a homogeneous equation F(XO:Xl :X2 ) = 0 , and let
P (a O :a 1 :a 2 ) be a singular point of X Without loss of
generality we can assume that ao * 0 Let G(x,y) =
= F(1:x:y) = 0 be an affine equation of X, and let
0: = a/ao
,and (3 = a/ao be affine coordinates of P We
associate with P the desingularization tree r p ' which is
the labeled tree of infinitely close points of P, whose
labels make it possible to construct it inductively
beginning from the root. Any its node s is labeled by the
triple (P(Xs'Ys) , (Xs'Y s ) , A) where Xs and Ys are local
coordinates on Yi in a neighbourhood of the point Qs'
corresponding to s P(Xs'Ys) = 0 is a local equation of
the proper inverse image . Xi of X, i. e. a polynomial
which generates the ideal of functions vanishing on Xi in
the local ring 0y. Q ' Xs and Ys are polynomials in
1.' s
Xs and Ys which give expressions of local coordinates on

~2 in a neighbourhood of P, As is the smoothness mark

of Qs

if X1.. is smooth at Qs

Example 2.5.31. Let us construct the desingularization

tree for P = (0,0) on the curve X: y2 = x 3 • Its root
is labeled by 3
(y2 - x , (x, y), 0) . After blowing-up of p
which is given by y = t·x, (t ,x) being coordinates on
V in a neighbourhood of Q lying over P, we get an
equation of X: x = t 2 and hence Q is non-singular.
Thus rp looks like this:
Chapter 2.5 SINGULAR CURVES 231

free node - x , (x,x·t),l)

root - X , (x,y) , 0)

Exercise 2.5.32. Constuct the desingularization tree

for the point P = (0,0) on the curve X: y4 = X S + x 6

In general it is not hard to write out expressions for

the labels of an immediate offspring of a node.

Proposition 2.5.33. Let s be a node of which is

labeled by (Ps(xs'Ys) , (Xs'Y s ) , As) and let ° (i.e.
Qs is a singular point). Then
a) The set Is of immediate offsprings of s is in a
canonical bijection with the set Ms U Ns ' Ms being the
set of roots of the polynomial P~(O,ts) e k[tsJ where

Ps(xs,xs·t s ) = xss'P~(Xs,ts) and xskP~(xs,ts)

The set Ns has a single element for P;(O,O) ° and is

empty for P;(O, 0) ~ ° , where
Ys s . P"s (u s' ys)

We identify the sets Is and Ms U Ns

b) If
t e M then x t = Xs 'Yt ts - <X t where
is the root of P~(O,ts) corresponding to t , and



232 CURVES Part 2

aPt aPt

~t °
if -a-(O,O) -a-(O,O)
xt Yt
At (2.5.8)
, otherwise

c) If t e Ns then xt = us' Yt = Ys , and

Pt(Xt'Yi) = P"s (x t' Y t ) (2.5.9)

Xt(Xt,Y t ) Xs(Xt"Y t , Y t ) (2.5.10)

Yt(Xt,Y t ) Ys(Xt"Y t , Y t ) (2.5.11)

aPt aPt

if ax (0,0)
aY t (0,0)
° (2.5" 12)
, otherwise

Proof: It follows immediately from the definition of

node labels and from formulae for the local monoidal
transformation .

Proposition 2.5.33 makes it possible to construct ['P
beginning from its root and thus give a desingularization
algori thm for a plane curve. In fact this algori thm is
polynomial, i.e. it uses time and space polynomially bounded
in terms of input length. In cases we need this will be
shown in Part 4.


The idea of specialization (or reduction) of an

algebraic variety is one of the most important for the
geometry and especially for the arithmethic of algebraic
varieties. By specialization one can obtain for example
varieties over finite fields from varieties over algebraic
number fields. The study of specialization using the
language of quasi-projective varieties has many
disadvantages. For these questions the language of schemes
which is now the working language of algebraic geometry is
much more adequate. One can consider the theory of schemes
as the theory of algebraic varieties over arbitrary
commutative rings. It should be also remarked that
specialization was one of the main sources of the theory of
schemes. Moreover the theory of schemes possesses a powerful
technique for constructing algebraic varieties based on the
notion of a representable functor. Many results of this book
can not be obtained without use of moduli schemes. In this
chapter we give a brief introduction to this theme.

234 CURVES Part 2

In section 2.6.1 we discuss a "naive" approach to the

reduction of curves; section 2.6.2 is devoted to the
definition and elementary properties of affine schemes. In
section 2.6.3 we consider sheaves and ringed spaces, in
section 2.6.4 we define schemes and explain their
connections with varieties. section 2.6.5 is devoted to
representable functors which play an essential role in
the construction of many types of schemes.

In this chapter the word "ring" means "a commutative

ring with unity".

2.6.1. Reduction of a curve

Let be a smooth affine curve over a field K.

Let IX be the ideal in K(IA ) = K[X 1 , ••• ,XN ] formed by
f e K(IAN) vanishing on X, and let F1, .•• ,Fn be its

basis; thus I = (F , ••• ,F )

1 n and K[X] = K[IA N ]II X Let o
be a valuation subring in K whose fraction field coincides
with K, let m be its maximal ideal and let k = aim be
its residue field. Since the fraction field of a is K,
we can assume that all coefficients of F.
lie in a and
each Fi has a coefficient which does not lie in m . Hence
for any i = l , ... ,n the polynomial Fi (x) e k[x l , ••• ,XN ]

does not vanish; here F.1. (x) is obtained from F. (x)

reduction modulo m of its coefficients. Let us consider an
affine closed subset X in IAN (k) which is defined by the
system FI (x) = •.. = Fn (x) = o. One can show that there
exists a basis FI, ••• ,Fn of IX such that this subset is
of dimension 1. It is natural to consider X as a reduction
of X modulo m , but it should be pointed out that
depends on the choice of basis in IX' In general, another

choice of basis can give another reduction X' which is not

isomorphic to X, moreover X' can be irreducible while X
is reducible. If X is an irreducible smooth curve, we say
that X has a good reduction modulo m. An affine curve X
can have non-isomorphic good reductions X and X' . If we
assume that X is a smooth projective curve we can define
its reduction choosing a basis {F~, ••• ,F~} in the ideal
I X of formes vanishing on X For a smooth proj ecti ve
curve one can prove that its good reduction is unique (up to
an isomorphic). Thus good reduction of a smooth projective
curve is well-defined.
Let X and Y be smooth projective curves having good
reductions modulo m, and let f: X ~ Y be a regular
map. We can define the reduction I: X ~ Y as follows.
Let r be the graph of f , i.e. the set

r = {(x, f (x» e X x Y I x eX}

r is a smooth projective curve isomorphic to X. Hence it

has a good reduction reX x Y and one can show that
there exists a unique regular map I: X ~ Y whose graph
is r. Similarly one can define reductions of other objects
connected with X such as differential forms, divisors,
The definion of reduction modulo m sketched above has
some disadvantages. First of all it gives no idea how to
find an appropriate basis {F1, •.. ,Fn } in IX in the case
of good reduction. Further on, if X has no good reduction
it is not clear how to define its "true" reduction modulo
m . Note also that the above definition of reduction of a
morphism is an ad hoc definition which is rather difficult
to use. The theory of schemes gives an adequate techinique
to study these questions. We proceed to describe some
elements of this theory.
236 CURVES Part 2

2.6.2. Spectra of rings

As we have seen in Exercise 2.1.25, an affine variety

X over an algebraically closed field k is uniquely
determined by its ring of regular functions k[X] • In fact
the points of X are just maximal ideals of k[X] . Recall
that for a ring A we denote the set of its maximal ideals
by Max(A) •

Exercise 2.6.1. Show that the map X ~ Max(k[X]) ,

defined by P 1-----+ mp , where mp is the ideal of k[X]
formed by f e k[X] vanishing at P, is a bijection.

Note that f (P) e k equals the image of f in

k[X]/mp =k •

We can define a topology on Max(k[X]) requiring the

bijection X ~ Max(k[X]) to be a homeomorphism in the
Zariski topology of X. This topology is also called
Zariski topology.

Using the language of categories we can express the

connection between X and k[X] in the following way:

Exercise Show that the map

2.6.2. X ~ Max(k[X])
defines an equivalence between the category of affine
varieties over k and the category Maxk whose objects are
sets Max(A) where A is an integral k-algebra of finite
type over k, and MorMaX (Max(A) ,Max(B» = Homk(B,A) •
(Hint: If If>: B ------7 A is a k-linear homomorphism and
m e Max (A) then If> (m) e Max (B) ).

Spectra. Let A be an arbitrary commutative ring with

uni ty. The set Max (A) can be considered as a
generalization of the notion of an affine variety. This
generalization has a disadvantage. Let rp: B ~ A be a
homomorphism and let m E Max (A) • Then rp-1 (m) can be a
non-maximal ideal of B. For example, if B is a domain
which is not a field, A is its fraction field, and rp is
the natural embedding then (0) is a maximal ideal of A
but not of B. To avoid this difficulty one has to consider
the set Spec A of all prime ideals of A which is called
the spectrum of A . Since the inverse image of a prime
ideal is also a prime ideal, any homomorphism rp: B ~ A
defines the map

rp * Spec A ~ Spec B

where rp * (P) rp -1 (P) Let us define a topology on Spec A

as follows: for any subset S ~ Spec A we call the set

5 = {P' E Spec AlP' ;2 P for some PES}

its closure •
For example, if A is a domain then (0) is a prime
ideal whose closure coincides with Spec A .

Exercise 2.6.3. Show that if A is a k-algebra of a

finite type over an algebraically closed field k then the
above topology on Spec A induces the Zariski topology on
Max(A) .

We keep the name Zariski topology for this topology as

well. Note that P E Spec A is closed iff P E Max(A) •

Exercise 2.6.4. Show that Spec A is quasi-compact in

the Zariski topology, i. e. any open covering has a finite
238 CURVES Part 2

subcovering (the prefix "quasi-" corresponds to non-

separability of the Zariski topology).

For P e Spec A let k(P) be the fraction field of

AlP • We call elements f e A functions on Spec A ; the
value of f at P is, by definition, the image of f in
k (P) • Note that the values of a function at different
points lie in general in different fields. Note also that
functions with identical values need not to coincide:

Exercise 2.6.5. Show that f1 (P) = f 2 (P) for any

P e Spec A iff (f1 - f) is nilpotent, i. e. if for a
positive integer n we have (f1 - f 2 ) =0 •

The set of all nilpotent elements of A is an ideal in

A which coincides with the intersection of all its prime
ideals; it is called the nil-radical of A. If it is prime
itself then we call it the generic point of X = Spec A ;
note that its closure coincides with X. If A has no
non-zero nilpotent elements we call X reduced.

Exercise 2.6.6. Show that if X = Spec A has a

generic point then X is irreducible in the Zariski

Exercise 2.6.7. Describe Spec k[T1,T21 for a field

k To which obj ect do non-maximal non-zero prime ideals
correspond ?

Tangent space. Let P e Spec A be a closed point,

i.e. P e Max A then Plp 2 1." S a ve ct or space over
k(P) AlP • Let

ep = Homk(p) (PIP ,k(P»

be the vector space dual to p/p2 • We call Bp the tangent

space to X = Spec A at P.

Dimension. The dimension of X Spec A (and of A)

is defined as

dim X = dim A

= sup {n I Po' ••• ' p n e Spec A , Po c P 1 c •.• c P n } ;

dim X is either a non-negative integer or <XI. Note that

there exists a Noether ring A with dim A = <XI (recall
that A is called a Noether ring iff there exists no
infinitely ascending chain of ideals Io c I1 c ...
... c I j c •.. c A ). If A is a local Noether ring then
dim A < <XI One can show that dimk (P) Bp ~ dim X for any
p e Max A •

Singular points. Let A be an integral Noether ring,

and let Ap be its localization at P , i.e. the subring in
the fraction field K of A generated over A by a- 1
for a II! P • Then Ap is a local Noether ring and hence
dim A < <XI • We call P a regular (smooth, non-singular)
point of X = Spec A iff dim Ap = dimk(p)Bp and a
singular point iff it is not the case (and thus
dim Ap < dim Bp ). Note that if X is an affine variety,
A = k[X] and P e Max(A) then this definition coincides
with that from section 2.1.1. If each P e Spec A is
regular we say that Spec A and A are regular.

Exercise 2.6.8. a) Check that Z is a one-dimensional

regular ring.

b) Show that Spec A for A is not regular.

Find out its singular points.
240 CURVES Part 2

The pair (Spec A , A) is called an affine scheme (to

be more precise, an affine scheme is Spec A wi th an
additional structure which is canonically determined by A,
see section 2.6.4 below). The above facts show that affine
schemes are adequate generalization of affine varieties. To
obtain an adequate generalization of non-affine varieties
one has to use sheaves.

2.6.3. Sheaves and ringed spaces

Presheaves. Let X be a topological space. We say

that on X there is given an abelian presheaf F if for
any open U s;; X there is given an abelian group F(U) and
for any pair V s;; U there is given a group homomorphism
PUV : F(U) ~ F(V) satisfying the following conditions:
a) F(0) = {O};

b) Puu: F(U) ~ F(U) is the identity map;

c) for W s;; V S;; U one has Puw = PVWoPUV .
Elements from F (U) are called sections of F over
U ; in particular, elements from F(X) are called global
sections. The maps PUV are called restriction maps.

Sheaves. We call a pre sheaf F a sheaf if it

satisfies the additional requirements which follow:
d) Let U be an open subset of X , let {Vi} be its
open covering, let s e F (U) and let P (s) = 0 for
any i e I . Then s = O.

e) Let U be an open subset of X , let (Vi}ieI be

its open covering, let s. e F(V.) , and let
1. 1.

P (s.) P (s .) for any i and j E I Then

Vi' V i'"'V j ~ V., V .t"\V. J
J ~ J
there exists SEF(U) such that Pu,v.(s) si for

any i .

Exercise 2.6.9. Give an example of a presheaf which is

not a sheaf.

Exercise 2.6.10. Let X be a quasi-projective variety

and let

0X(U) = {the set of functions regular on U}

for any subset openU s;; X; the restriction map

for V s;; U is defined as the usual
restriction of regular functions. Show that 0 is a sheaf
on X in the Zariski topology which is called the sheaf of
regular functions (or the structure sheaf).

Exercise 2.6.11. Let A be an abelian group, let X

be a topological space, let FA (U) = A for any non-empty
open U s;; X, and let PUV be the identi ty map for any
non-empty open U and V such that V s;; U • Check that FA
is a precheaf on X. Find an example of the space X such
that FA is not a sheaf on X, find an example of the
space Y such that FA is a sheaf on Y.

We call FA the constant presheaf (or the constant

sheaf, if it is the case) on X with the stalk A •

Exercise Similarly to Exercise 2.6.10 define
the sheaf of rational functions on a variety X. Show that
this sheaf is the constant sheaf with the stalk A = k(X) .

Stalks. The stalk Fp of a presheaf F at the point

p E X = Spec A is an abelian group whose elements are
242 CURVES Part 2

equivalence classes of pairs (U,s) where U is an open

neighbourhood of s e F(U)
P, and the pairs (U,s) and
(V,t) are equivalent iff there exists an open WS;;un v
such that puw(S) = pvw(t) •

Exercise 2.6.13. Show that the stalk of the constant

presheaf FA at any P e Spec A is equal to A.

Exercise 2.6.14. Show that the stalk of the sheaf Ox

on a variety X at any P e X coincides with the local
ring 0x,p'

Morphisms. A morphism of a presheaf F to a

presheaf F' on X is a system of group homomorphisms
CPu : F(U) ~ F' (U) such that for any pair V ~ U one has

where p and p' are the restriction maps of F and F' ,


If F and F' are sheaves, cp is called a morphism

of sheaves. We call a morphism cp : F ~ F' an
isomorphism iff there exists a morphism cp': F' ~ F
such that cpocp' and cp' ocp are the identity morphisms of
F' and F, respectively.

Structure sheaf on Spec A • Let now X Spec A be

an affine scheme.

Let us recall the definition of a localization of A.

Let S be a multiplicative system in A, i.e. a subset in
A such that 1 e S and if s, t e S then s·t e S . By
S-l A we denote the ring whose elements are equivalence
classes of quotients a/ s where a e A s e S, the
quotients a/s and a'/s' being equivalent iff

t· (a·s ' - a'·s) =

for some 0 t e S In particular if p
is a prime ideal then Sp = A - p is a multiplicative
system and the corresponding localization SpA is denoted
by if S = {1, f , f2 , ... , fn , ... } then S-1 A is denoted

Exercise 2.6.15. Show that:

a) if A is a domain then the above definitions of Ap

b) if f is a nilpotent element then Af = {O} ~

c) if A is a domain then A S; S-1 A for any S which

does not contain o.
Let now

functions s : U ~ ~ Ap such that for

any p e U there exist an open neighbourhood
V 3 P , a e A , and f e A such that
seQ) = a/f , f E Q for any Q e V

(this definition is similar to that of regular functions on

a variety, but we consider functions with values in Ap
rather than in the ground field). The restriction maps are
defined in a natural way.

Exercise 2.6.16. Check that 0 is a sheaf and that

its stalk Op at any P e Spec A coincides with Ap. This
sheaf is called the structure sheaf on Spec A •

Note that all the groups O(U) are rings and all the
maps ~UV are ring homomorphisms. A presheaf (respectively,
a sheaf) possessing this property is called a presheaf
(respectively, a sheaf) of rings.
244 CURVES Part 2

Ringed spaces. A ringed space is a pair (X, OX) , X

being a topological space and Ox being a sheaf of rings on
X . A morphism from (X,OX) to (y,Oy) is a pair (f,£)
where f : X --+ Y is a continuous map, and f is a
system of ring homomorphisms fu : 0y(U) - - + 0x(f -1 (U»
for any open U ~ Y such that p o£ =£ op
UV V U r1 (U) , f- 1 (V)
for V S; U ~ Y • A ringed space (X, OX) is called a locally
ringed space iff all the stalks 0x,P' P E X are local

Exercise 2.6.17. Show that a morphism of ringed space

(f,£) : (X,Qx) --+ (y,Oy) induces a ring homomorphism of

stalks £p: 0y,f(P) --+ 0x,p for any P EX.

A morphism (f, f) : (X, OX) - - + (Y, OX) is called a

morphism of locally ringed spaces iff for any P E X the
homomorphism fp : 0y,f(P) --+ 0x,p is a local homomorphism,
i.e. the inverse image of the maximal ideal in 0x,p is the
maximal ideal in 0y,f(P) • An isomorphism of locally ringed
spaces is defined in a natural way.

Exercise 2.6.18. Show that

a) (Spec A , 0) is a locally ringed space for any A

b) a ring homomorphism !p: A --+ B induces a

morphism of locally ringed spaces

(Spec B , 0) - - + (Spec A , 0) ;

conversely, any morphism of locally ringed spaces is induced

by a ring homomorphism !p: A - - + B ;
c) there exists a morphism of ringed spaces
(f,£) : (Spec B , 0) --+ (Spec A , 0) such that there is
no ring homomorphism !p: A - - + B which induces (f, £) •

(Hint: Let A = R be a valuation ring and let B =K be

its fraction field).

Thus using the language of categories one says that the

category of affine schemes is a full subcategory of the
category of locally ringed spaces but is not that of the
category of ringed spaces.

2.6.4. Schemes

Let (X,OX) be a ringed space and let U be an open

subset in X . The sheaf Ox determines the sheaf 0XIU on
U by

for an open V s; U is called the restriction of

to U.
We call a locally ringed space (X,Ox) a scheme iff
for any P e X there exists its open neighbourhood Up
such that the locally ringed space (Up,OXIU p ) is
isomorphic to an affine scheme (Spec A , 0) . Sometimes we
write X rather than (X,Ox) it means that the sheaf Ox
is also given. A morphism of schemes is a morphism of
locally ringed spaces.

Connection with varieties. In fact the notion of a

scheme is a generalization of that of a variety. To explain
this we need a definition which follows. Let S be a scheme
and let fx: X ~ S be a morphism of schemes. We call X
a scheme over S and write XIS. A morphism of XIS to
Y IS is a morphism of schemes 1(>: X ~ Y such that
246 CURVES Part 2

fyotp = fXIf S = Spec A then we write

• X/A and call X
a scheme over A or an A-scheme.

Exercise 2.6.19. Let k be a field. Show that Spec A

is a k-scheme iff A is a k-algebra. A morphism
Spec B/k ~ Spec A/k corresponds to a k-algebra
homomorphism A ~ B •

Let now k be an algebraically closed field, let X

be a variety over k , and let Ox be the sheaf of regular
functions on X Denote by t (X) the set of all the
non-empty closed subsets of X note that X s; t (X)
Define a topology on t (X) as follows: F is closed in
t (X) iff F = t(Y) for a closed Y s; X .

Exercise Check that

2.6.20. this topology is
well-defined and that the natural embedding X~ t (X) is
continuous and induces a bijection of the set of open
subsets of X onto that of t (X) .
Exercise 2.6.21. Let 0t(X) be the presheaf defined
by 0t (X) (U) = Ox (U n X) for an open U S; t (X) • Show that
0t(X) is a sheaf and that (t(X),Ot(X» is a scheme.

Exercise 2.6.22. Show that the set of k-morphisms

t(X)/k ~ t(Y)/k can be identified with the set of
regular maps X ~ Y •

Therefore t is a functor which identifies the

category of varieties over k with a full subcategory of
the category of k-schemes. We can identify a variety with
its image t(X) and speak about varieties as about schemes.
A scheme of the form t(X) is irreducible (as a topological
space), reduced, and has two additional properties: it is a
scheme of a finite type over k and it is separated over

k . The first property means that t(X) = U Spec A. where
i=l ~
A. is
a finitely generated k-algebra. To explain the

second property we need two more definitions which follow.

Product of schemes. Let f X : X ~ S and

fy : Y ~ S be
schemes over a scheme S We call a
scheme Z the product of X and Y over S, and write
Z = X Xs y iff the following conditions hold:

a) there exist morphisms PX : Z ~ X and

Py Z ~ Y such that f xoPx = f yOPy

b) for any triple (2' ,hX,hy) where 2' is a scheme,

hx : Z' ~ X and hy : Z' ~ Y a r e morphisms such
that f xohX = fyohy there exists a unique morphism
h : Z' ~ 2 such that hx = Px oh , and hy = pyoh

Proposi tion 2.6.23. For any X/S and Y/S there

exists the product X Xs y

If S = Spec A we write X xA y for X Xs y in
particular, if S = Spec 71. we write just X x Y for
X Xs Y •

Exercise 2.6.24. Prove the existence of the product

for affine schemes. Show that if X = Spec A and
y = Spec B are schemes over S = Spec C , i.e. A and B
are C-algebras then X Xs y = Spec (A ®C B)

Exercise 2.6.25. Describe the scheme Spec ~ x Spec ~ •

Closed embeddings. Let f: X ~ Y be a morphism of

schemes. It is called a closed embedding iff any P e Y
has an open heighbourhood such that [1 (U) is an affine
248 CURVES Part 2

scheme and the map fU : 0y(U) ~ Ox (f- 1 (U» is

surjective. In this case y is called a closed subscheme
of X .

Exercise 2.6.26. Let Y = Spec A be an affine scheme,

and let f: X ~ Y be a closed embedding. Show that
X = Spec B for some B and there exists a surj ecti ve ring
homomorphism ~: A ~ B which induces f.

Exercise 2.6.27.Show that for any XIS there exists

a unique morphism (the diagonal) llX: X ~ X Xs X such
that both p 1011x and p 2011x coincide with the identity map
X ~ X , where Pl and P2 are canonical projections of
X Xs X onto X.

A scheme X is called separated over S iff llx is a

closed embedding.

Exercise 2.6.28. Check that for any B-algebra A the

scheme X = Spec A is separated over S = Spec B •

Abstract Thus to any quasi-projective

variety X there corresponds a separated scheme t(X) of a
finite type over k ; moreover t(X) is an integral scheme
(Le. it is irreducible and all its local rings Op are
domains). One can identify X with t(X) and speak about
X as about a scheme. An abstract variety is an integral
separated scheme of a finite type over a field k . An
abstract variety is not in general quasi-projective, i.e. is
not isomorphic to the intersection of an open and a closed
subschemes of t(~n) .

Exercise 2.6.29. Show that a scheme is of the form

t(X) for a quasi-projective variety X iff it is integral
separated quasi-projective scheme of a finite type over k .

Let now X be a scheme, let P be its closed point

and let U = Spec A be an affine neighbourhood of P . We
call the tangent space to U at P the tangent space to X
at P ; we call P non-singular on X if it is non-
singular on U.

Exercise Show that the above definitions do
not depend on the choice of U. (Hint: In fact they depend
only on 0x,p).

If X is irreducible then we define dim U for any

non-empty affine open subscheme U ~ X .

Exercise Check that dim X is well-defined,
i.e. that it does not depend on the choice of U.

Gluing schemes. It is important that one can "glue" a

scheme using its open subschemes. To be precise, let {Xi}'
i e I be a system of schemes, let for any i ,j E I ,
i *- j there be given an open subscheme U" " s; X"~ and let
Ij) ...iJ" : U"~J" ~ UJ~
"" be an isomorphism for any i and
j E I • Let us assume that the following conditions hold:

a) the morphisms Ij)ij0lj)ji and are identical

on U ji and Uij , respectively;

b) lj)ij(U ij n Uil ) = Uji n Ujl and

Ij)"l°lj)" "I for any triple (i,j,l).

J ~J Uij ("\ Un

Exercise 2.6.32. Show that under these assumptions

there exist a unique scheme X and morphisms
such that:
a) is an isomorphism of onto an open
subscheme of X;
250 CURVES Part 2

b) x = U. t/I.~ (X.)

c) t/I.(u .. )
= t/I.(X.)
~ ~
n t/I).(X).)

d) t/I. , = t/I .orp •• ,

~ u.. )~) u ..
~) ~)

In this situation we say that X is obtained by gluing

Xi along Uij .

Exercise 2.6.33. Let k be a field, let X =X =

1 2
= Al Spec k[T] let U12 = U21 = fAl - {O} = Spec k[T,T- 1 ]
and let rp12 and rp21 be the identity maps. Show that the
gluing of Xl and X2 along U12 is not separated over k
(and hence is not affine).

Exercise 2.6.34. Let A be a ring, let


and let rp 12 : U 12 ~U be induced by an A-algebra

-1 -1 -1
isomorphism rp : A[T 2 ,T2 ] ~ A[T 1 ,T 1 ] with rp (T 2 ) = T .

Show that for A=k this scheme coincides with t(1P1) •

The scheme IP~ obtained by gluing Xl with X2 along

U12 is called the projective line over A.

Exercise 2.6.35. Similarly to Exercise 2.6.34 construct

t(lP n ) gluing (n + 1) copies of

along suitable open subschemes.


Geometric points. Let P E X and K = k(P) The

point P defines a morphism f P : Spec K ~ X Indeed,
let Q be the unique point of Spec K , and let f(Q) = P •
Then let l'u(O(U» 0 if P (1! U and let l'u: A ~ K
be the morphism of factorization (over P ) for
P E U = Spec A .

A geometric point of X is defined as a morphism

f : Spec K ~ X, K being a field; we call f also a
K-point of X . The image of f is called the centre of f
thus any geometric point is centered at a point of X.

Exercise 2.6.36. Let X Spec R[T] . Describe R- and

a::-points of X.

Fibres. Let I/J: X ~ Y be a morphism, and let Z

be a closed subscheme of Y. We call the scheme X xY Z the
inverse image of Z.

Exercise 2.6.37. Show that is a closed

subscheme of X.

In particular, if Z = P is a point of Y then

Xp = X Xy Z is called the fibre of I/J at P More
generally, if f : Spec K ~ Y is a geometric point, we
call the K-scheme X Xy Spec K the fibre of t/J over f
(or the geometric fibre). If all the geometric fibres of I/J
are of dimension n then t/J is called a morphism of
relative dimension n

Line bundles and invertible sheaves. In the study of

schemes an essential role is played by line bundles and
invertible sheaves.
252 CURVES Part 2

Exercise 2.6.38. Define a line bundle on a scheme

similarly to the case of varieties (cf. the end of section

Let now F be a sheaf on a scheme X. The sheaf F

is called an invertible sheaf iff for any P e X there
exists its open neighbourhood U in X such that the sheaf
FlU is isomorphic to 0U' where FlU
is the restriction
of F to u , i. e. a sheaf on U such that Flu(V) = F(V)
for V S; U • Note that the notions of a line bundle and of
an invertible sheaf are in fact equivalent. Indeed, let
n : E ----+ X be a line bundle on X, let U be an open
subset in X, and let

the set of sections s : U ----+ E , i.e. }

FE(V) ={
of morphisms such that (nlu)os idu

Exercise 2.6.39. Show that is an invertible sheaf

on X. Check that the rule E 1--+ FE gives a canonical
bijection of the set of isomorphism classes of line bundles
on X onto that of invertible sheaves.

Proper morphisms. Let F:X----+5 be a separated

morphism of a finite type. We call f a proper morphism iff
for any 5' --+ 5 the morphism f l : X x5 5' ----+ 5'
induced by f is closed, i • e. the image of any closed
subset is closed. The scheme X is called a proper scheme
over 5 If 5 = 5pec k , X is an abstract variety over
k , and X is proper over 5 then X is called a complete
variety. Completeness in an analogue of projectivity.

Proposition 2.6.40. Any projective variety is complete .


Exercise 2.6.41. Show that any quasi-projective

complete variety is projective.

It should be remarked that there exist complete

non-projective varieties (of any dimension ~ 2 ), but it is
not easy to construct them. On the other hand:

Exercise 2.6.42. Show that any complete curve is

projective. (Hint: Consider the case of a nonsingular curve,
and then deduce the statement from this case, using the
normalization of an abstract curve which can be constructed
similarly to that of a quasi-projective curve).

Reduction of a curve. Now we can give a definition of

a good reduction of a curve which is more "sophisticated"
than that of Section 2.6.1. Let 0 be a valuation ring with
the maximal ideal m and the fraction field K, and let X
be a nonsingular projective curve over K.
Let now X be an integral scheme of relative dimension
lover a scheme S. We call X smooth over S iff the
image of X is dense in S and all the geometric fibres of
X over S are non-singular. We say that X has a good
reduction modulo m iff there exists a regular scheme I ,
proper and smooth over S = Spec 0 , whose geometric fibre
over the point Spec K ~ S defined by the natural
embeding 0 ~ K , coincides with X
It is not immediately clear that this "sophisticated"
definition is better than the "naive" one of section 2.6.1.
Part 4 of this book gives some evidence of advantages of the
sophisticated definition. Note also that the theory of
schemes makes it possible to define a "genuine" reduction of
a curve which has no good reduction, but we do not need it
254 CURVES Part 2

2.6.5. Representable functors

The techinique of representable functors is a powerful

tool for constructing schemes and varieties.
Let (Sch/S) be the category of schemes over a fixed
scheme S. If S = Spec 71. then (Sch/S) is the category
of schemes which is denoted by (Sch) Let F be a
contravariant functor from (Sch/S) to the category of sets
(Sets). Recall that it means that for any scheme XjS there
is given a set F(XjS) and for any morphism
f : XjS ---+ YjS of schemes over S there is given a map
F(f) : F(YjS) ---+ F(XjS) (note that F(f) has the opposite
direction) such that:

a) F(id XjS ) = idF(XjS) , Le. F sends the identity

map to the identity map;
b) for morphisms f : XjS ---+ YjS and g : YjS ---+ ZjS
of schemes over S one has F(gof) = F(f)oF(g) •
Note that these conditions imply that F maps
isomorphisms of schemes over S into bijections.
Let F and G be contravariant functors from (Sch/S)
into (Sets) • A morphism of functors a: F ---+ G is a
system of maps aXjS : F(XjS) ---+ G(XjS) for any
XjS e Obj (SchjS) such that for any morphism
f : XjS ---+ YjS of schemes over S the diagram

F(XjS) ) G(XjS)

IF(f l IG(f)
F(Y jS) ) G(Y jS)

commutes. In particular if F = G and aXIS is the

identity map for any XIS then a is a morphism of
functors which is called identical.

Exercise 2.6.43. Define the composition of functor

morphisms and isomorphisms of functors. Show that for an
isomorphism of functors a all the maps are

Let now XjS e Obj (Sch/S) • Note that XjS defines a

contravariant functor HX / S from (SchjS) to (Sets)
Indeed, let HXjS(YjS) = Mor(Sch/S) (YjS,XjS) where
Mor (Sch/S) (YjS,XjS) is the set of morphisms in (SchjS)
from Y/S to XjS for f : YjS ~ ZjS the map H XjS (f)
sends g: ZjS ~ XjS to gof: YjS ~ XjS • A functor
F which is
isomorphic to a functor HX / S is called
representable. In this case we say that XjS represents
F .

Exercise 2.6.44. Show that the scheme XjS which

represents a functor F is unique up to an isomorphism over
S • (Hint: if XjS and X' jS both represent F then
Mor(X/S,X/S) = Mor(X/S,X'/S».

We are interested mostly in functors F for which the

set F(TjS) is the set of isomorphism classes of certain
schemes over T (may be, together with some additional
structures). Schemes which represent such functors are
called moduli schemes ~ they play an essential role in
Part 4.
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 2

The material of this part is mostly classical. We do

not try to expose the history of algebraic geometry in these
brief notes. Our purpose is rather to sketch the general
lines of its developement and to point out presice
references for few modern results quoted in this chapter.
One who is interested in the history of algebraic geometry
should turn to the book [Die] by J. Dieudonne and to the
historical sketch in the book [Shf] by I.R.Shafarevitch. The
history of elliptic functions is described in Chapter VII of
the book [Ab], which is written by C.Houzel. Many valuable
information on the history of algebraic geometry can be find
in the book [We 1] by A.Weil which is dedicated to number
The origin of the interest to algebraic curves can be
traced up to Diophatos who in his "Arithmetic" investigated
what in modern terms is the structure of the set of
Ill-rational points on various algebraic curves. All these
curves were of genus 0 or 1; Diophantos worked out a series
of original methods for solving such problems. It was not
until the seventeenth century that the level achieved in


"Arithmetic" was surpassed in the works of P.Fermat, who

investigated a series of problems raised by Diophantos.
Fermat obtained a number of properties of elliptic curves
(using the language of diophantine equations).
Further development of the subj ect proceeded in the
framework of analysis and was concerned with the theory of
elliptic integrals. In the eighteenth century in works of
G.C.di Fagnano and especially of L.Euler the principal
property of these integrals - the addition theorem - was
discovered. In late 1820's N.-H.Abel and C.G.J.Jacobi gave
the inversion of elliptic integrals thus creating the theory
of elliptic functions. Moreover their study of integrals of
the type Jf(x,y)·dy, f being a rational function, for x
and y related by a polynomial equation P(x,y) = 0 led
directly to the theory of Jacobians.
The next important step was made in the middle of the
nineteenth century by G. F. B. Riemann who proceeded also in
the analytical framework. He introduced a new principle for
investigations of functions of a complex variable which used
the idea of Riemann surface. Riemann proved the inequality
t (D) ::: deg D - g + 1 ; the proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem
was completed by his pupil G.Roch.
An algebraic-geometric approach to Abel's and Riemann's
results was pro90sed by R.F.A.Clebsch and was developed in
full in the work of his pupil M.Noether. Their
investigations showed the algebraic-geometric nature of
Abel's and Riemann's achievements; a rich theory of curves
was developed. R.Dedekind and H.Weber proposed a purely
algebraic approach to the theory of curves which was based
on the consideration of function fields.
In the twenties of our century E.Artin, F.K.Smidt and
H.Hasse began to study curves over finite fields. Hasse and
his pupils developed a theory of curves over an arbitrary
258 CURVES Part 2

(non-closed) field. A theory of higher-dimensional varieties

over an arbitrary fields was developed by B.L.van der
Waerden and A.Weil. The latter proved the Riemann hypothesis
for curves over finite fields; this proof used
higher-dimensional varieties. J.-P.Serre gave a new
definition of an algebraic variety based on the notion of a
sheaf. A. Grothendieck made a deep reconstruction of
algebraic geometry on the basis of schemes. Let us now give
some references.
The theory of algebraic curves is contained in the book
[Fu]. The analitic viewpoint (the theory of Riemann
surfaces) is described in [Spr]. A purely algebraic approach
to the theory of curves is presented in the books [Chev],
[Cheb]. The book [Se 5] contains a simple proof of the
Riemann-Roch theorem, the theory of singular curves and of
Jacobians. The book [Shf] contains many facts about
algebraic curves; in this part we have often followed it.
The theory of elliptic curves and functions is contained in
[Lan 1]. A standard textbook on schemes is [Hart]. Many
properties of algebraic curves are described also in
[Gr/Ha] .
The references listed above contain almost all results
of this chapter (and many others as well). Here is the list
of exeptions with respective references.
Remark 2.2.14 is based on [Rog]. Proposition 2.2.48 and
Corollary 2.2.49 were obtained by B.Schoeneberg [Scho]. The
theory of the cartier operator was developed in [Car]; see
also Appendix B in [Lan 1].
Theorems 2.3. 12 and 2.3.15 were obtained by A. Weil
[We 2] and [We 3]. Theorems 2.3.16, 2.3.18, 2.3.19, Remark
2.3.23 and Theorem 2.3.25.a are due to J.-P.Serre [Se 1],
[Se 2], [Se 3] and [Se 4]. Theorem 2.3.17 is due to
M.Deuring [Deu]; see also [Wat]. A proof of Proposition

2.3.21 can be found in the last section of [We 4]. Theorem

2.3.22 was obtained by V.G.Drinfeld and S.G.Vladut [Drf/VI].
Theorem 2.3.24 is due to Y. Ihara [Ih]; independently this
fact (for q = p2 and p4) was discovered by S.G.Vladut and
T.Zink [Ts/VI/Z]. Theorem 2.3.25.b is due to T.Zink [Z].
Theorem 2.3.25. c is due to M. Perret [Pe 2]. Proposi tions
2.3.26 and 2.3.28 are borrowed from [VI 1]. Exercise 2.3.27
is due to M.A.Tsfasman [Ts 5], [Ro/Ts]. Formula (2.4.9) is
due to P.Deligne and M.Rapoport [De/Ra]. Theorem 2.4.30 is
due to W.Waterhaus [Wat]. Theorem 2.4.31 is due to
M.A.Tsfasman [Ts 2] and [Ts 3]; see also the papers [Scf]
and [Va] where essentially the same result is independently
obtained. The lifting theorem used in the proof is due to
M.Deuring [Deu].
Proposition 2.5.33 is due to S.G.Vladut [Ma/VI].

This part is the central one. At last we come to
algebraic-geometric constructions of codes. Besides the
striking link between two disciplines so far from each
other, algebraic-geometric codes (which we abbreviate as
AG-codes) have very good parameters, if of course we choose
the varieties they come from in a proper way. Their
advantages become obvious when we consider asymptotic
problems. The best studied AG-codes are those from algebraic
curves. The main algebraic-geometric hero is a modular
curve, in this part we only list its properties, leaving the
detailed analysis for Part 4. Almost all coding corollaries
are discussed in this part.
In Chapter 3.1 we give the constructions and study some
properties of AG-codes. Chapter 3.2 presents some examples.
In particular we discuss codes from curves of small genera;
the case studied best of all is that of elliptic curves.
Chapter 3.3 is totally devoted to the problem of decoding
AG-codes. In Chapter 3.4 we collect the fruit, applying
AG-codes to asymptotic problems. Algebraic-geometric codes
ameliorate almost every lower bound for the main
asymptotics: for linear and for non-linear codes (for q
large enough), for polynomially constructable codes (for any
q), for polynomially decodable codes, for self-dual codes,
for constant-weight codes, etc. As usual we end the part
with historical and bibliographic notes.
264 AG-CODES Part 3

Chapter 3.1. Constructions and properties

3.1.1. AG-constructions
3.1.2. Some additional remarks
3 . 1. 3·. Dual i ty and spectra

Chapter 3.2. Examples

3.2.1. Codes of small genera

3.2.2. Elliptic codes
3.2.3. Other families of AG-codes
3.2.4. Some particular examples

Chapter 3.3. Decoding

3.3.1. Basic algorithm

3.3.2. Modified algorithm
3.3.3. Some remarks

Chapter 3.4. Asymptotic results

3.4.1. Basic AG-bound

3.4.2. Expurgation bound
3.4.3. Constructive bounds
3.4.4. Other bounds

Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 3



These exist several essentially equivalent ways to

construct linear codes starting from algebraic curves (and
also from varieties of higher dimensions). For curves, the
codes we get can be rather well described: we can bound
their parameters and weight spectra, we understand the
In section 3.1.1 we discuss four types of
constructions of AG-codes and estimate the parameters.
Then, in section 3.1.2 we study the possibility to
amel iorate the parameters, the automorphism group actions,
and some constructions of the second level obtained by
applying constructions of section 1.2.3 to AG-codes. In
section 3.1.3 we study duality for AG-codes, including the
question about self-dual AG-codes. section 3.1.4 is devoted
to estimates for the spectra of AG-codes.
All the curves considered in this chapter are
projective, smooth, and absolutely irreducible over a finite

266 AG-CODES Part 3

field IF q . Recall some notation: let X be such a curve

then K = IFq(X) is the field of rational functions on X;
n (X) is the space of rational differential one-forms on
X; X(IFqr) is the set of IFqr-Points of X , N r = IX(IFqr) I
is its cardinality, Div(X) is the group of IFq -divisors,
Div+(X) is the semi-group of effective divisors, Pic X is
the divisor class group (or, equivalently, the group of
isomorphism classes of line bundles on X) , J x = PicoX
is the Jacobian of X (identified with the algebraic group
of divisor classes of degree zero); if D e Div(X) then

L(D) (f e IFq(X) * (f) + D ~ O} U CO}

neD) (w e n(x) * I (w) + D ~ O} U CO}

3.1.1. AG-constructions

L-construction. Let X be a curve such

X (IFq) ~ "; let I'PI = n D e Div(X) . Let
Supp D n 'P ="
Consider the map
EV'P : L(D) ----+ IFq ,

EV'P: f ~ (f(P ), ••• ,f(P» ,

1 n

where 'P = {P , ••• ,P } • We get a code C=EV<p(L(D» • We

1 n
use the notation

C = (X,'P,D) L •

Suppose that D is chosen in such a way that any

function f e L (D) has at most b zeroes at IFq-points of

the curve X. If n > b then EVT is an embedding and

k = t (D) ,

The Riemann-Roch theorem makes it possible to estimate the

parameters of c.

Theorem 3.1.1. Let X be a curve of genus g and let

o ~ = a < n = ITI
deg D Then C = (X,T,D)L is an
[n,k,d]q-code with

Proof: Let D = D1 - D2 D1 ~ 0 , D2 ~ O. A
non-zero function f e L(D) has at most a 1 = deg D1
poles and at least a 2 = deg D2 zeroes in Supp D, since
D + (f)o - (f)oo ~ 0 • Hence the number of its zeroes out of
Supp D is at most - a = a . We have supposed that
a < n , therefore we EvT(f) * 0 for any function
f * 0 , i.e. EvT is any embedding. Moreover EvT(f) has
at least (n - a) non-zero coordinates, thus

d ~ n - a .

On the other hand C = EvT(L(D» ~ L(D) , i.e.

k = t(D) ~ a - g + 1

according to the Riemann-Roch theorem (Theorem 2.2.17) .

Remark 3.1.2. The statement of Theorem 3.1.1 is valid
for 0 ~ a < n but the first estimate is non-trivial only
for g - 1 < a < n .
268 AG-CODES Part 3

Remark Later on we shall see that the above

inequalities need not be equalities. Let dc = n - a ,
kc = a - g + 1 the parameters dc and kc are called
respectively, the designed distance and the designed
dimension of the AG-code C. By the Riemann-Roch theorem,
if n > a ~ 2g - 1 then k =k Using the Riemann-Roch
theorem we can also write out the precise formula for the
dimension of C for any a:

k = leD) - leD - P) =a - g + 1 + l(K - D) - leD - P)

where P L Pi • In particular k ~ n - g for a ~ n ,

since + 1 =a - n + 1
leD - P) :s deg(D - P) (see Exercise
2.1.53). (Note that in some papers on the subject the code
(X,'P,D)L is denoted by C(G,D) where G is our D and D
is our P ) .

Example 3.1.4. Let X = 1P1, D = a-oo ,then L(D) is

the space of polynomials of degree at most a . If for 'P
we take all IF q -points of 1P1 except 00, i. e. 'P = IFq ,
then we get a [q, a + I, q - a]q-code which is a
Reed-Solomon code (cf. section 1.2.1).

Exercise 3.1.5. Let

D - D', 'P S; X (IF q) - (Supp D U Supp D') •

How are the codes C = (X,'P,D)L and C' = (X,'P,D')L related?

Remark 3.1.6. Let X be

a curve of genus g I
N= I X (IFq) I If D and 2
areD divisors such that
- D2 ~ 0 then C (X,'P,D i )L 2 C 2 = (X,'P,D)L for any
'PS;;X(lFq) - Supp Di Choose a point Po EX (lFq) and let
D a-P and 'P S;; X(IF ) - {Po} For different values of
a 0 q

a we get an embedded family of AG-codes Ca (X,1',D a )L

Ca s;; Ca + 1 ka + d a a: n - g + 1 . Note that n:SN-1.

Let us remark that the L-construction just described

can be applied not only to a curve but also to any smooth
proj ective variety X over IF q ' to any set l' of its
IF -points, and to any IF -divisor D on X. Contrary to
q q
the case of curves, in general it is difficult to give a
satisfactory estimate for the parameters of the code
C = (X,1',D)L although there are some particular cases when
such an estimate can be given (cf. the end of section
3.2.3). Unfortunately on this way there are still no new
good families of codes found.

O-construction. We still suppose X to be a curve.

Let l' = {P1 , · · · ,Pn } and P = P 1 + •.. + P n e Div (X) •

Consider the space of differential forms

O(P - D) = {w e O(X) • (w) + P - D a: O} U (OJ ,

i.e. the space of forms having an appropriate zero

multiplicities in the support of D and at most simple
poles at the points Pi'
Recall that for any point P of X and for any
non-zero form w e O(X) in section 2.2.2 there is defined
the residue Resp(w) • It is clear that for P e X(IF q) and
w defined over IFq we have Resp(w) e IFq

The map

Res1' : O(P - D) ~ IF~

Res1' : W 1-----+ (Res p (w), ••• ,Res p(w»

1 n

defines a code C = Res1' (O(P - D» • We write

C = (X,1',D)O •
270 AG-CODES Part 3

(In some papers on the subj ect the code (X," ,D) n is
denoted by C* (G,D), where G is our D and D is our P).
Let us estimate the parameters.

Theorem 3. 1. 7. Let X be a curve of genus g,

2g - 2 < a: and let " n Supp D = 121. Then the code
C = (X,",D)n is an [n,k,d]q-code, where


d ;!: a - 2g + 2

Proof: Let K be a canonical divisor (Le. K

belongs to the canonical class), deg K = 2g - 2 • Then

n(p - D) ~ L(K + P - D)

dim n(p - D) = l(K + P - D) ;!:

~ (2g - 2 + n - a) - g + 1 =n - a + g - 1 ,

deg (K + P - D) 2g - 2 + n - a •

For any differential form w

K - (w) = (w) 0 - (w) ...

2g - 2 = deg K = deg (w)o - deg (w) ...

Let D = Dl - D2 , Di ~ 0, Supp Dl n Supp D2 = 121. If

w e n(p - D) then (w)o;!: Dl ' hence

= deg(w)
- 2g + 2 ~ a - 2g + 2 + deg D2 ,

Le. the form w has at least (a - 2g + 2) poles out of

Supp D2
• Since " n Supp D = 121 all these poles are at

points P. E 'P , the poles are of order 1 , and Resp.w", 0


iff Pi E supp(w)oo • We have supposed that a > 2g - 2 ,

therefore Res'P (w) '" 0 for any w '" 0 , i. e. Res'P is an
embedding. Moreover, the number of non-zero coordinates is
at least a - 2g + 2 The dimension k = dim n(p - D) is
already estimated above .

Remark 3.1.8.The estimate for k is non-trivial only
for a::5n+g-1 . As above we call d c = a - 2g + 2 and
k n - a + g - 1 , respectively the designed distance and
the designed dimension of the AG-code C = (X,'P,D)n. For
2g - 2 < a < n we have k kc The precise value of k
for any a is

k = l(K+P-D) - l(K-D) n - a + g - 1 - l(K-D) + l(D-P) •

In particular, if a ::5 2g - 2 then k ~ n - g, since

l(K - D) ::5 deg(K - D) + 1 = 2g - 1 - a .

Remark 3.1.9. The designed parameters both for L-

and n-constructions satisfy

n - g + 1

Both constructions have an essential defect, we have to

choose points P. e Supp D . There are several ways out of

this problem.

Continuation to the points For codes

of Supp D •
c = (X, 'P , D) L there exists an elementary construction of
lengthening which makes it possible to dispense with the
condition Supp D n 'P = (2) Let X be a curve, 'P!;; X (IF q) ,
I'PI = n , D E Div(X), and let D = D' + D" where
Supp D' n 'P (2), Supp D" ~ 'P. For any point Q i E Supp D"
272 AG-CODES Part 3

choose a local parameter t. . If D" = L b. 'Q. then for
i=l ~ ~
t. ~·f
any f e L (D) the function
is regular at Q.
~ .
Consider the map

EV(P L(D) ~ IFn


where {P l , • • • ,Pr } = 'P - Supp D" • The code C' = Ev' (L(D»,
which we denote by (X,'P,D)', is a lengthening of (X,'P' ,D)L
(where 'P' = 'P - Supp D" ) by s positions corresponding to
the points of Supp D" = Supp D n 'P • The parameters of C'
also satisfy the estimates of Theorem 3.1.1.
In fact the described construction of lengthening can
be changed for the following much more conceptual one, which
is valid for any variety X.

H-construction. Let X be a smooth projective variety

over IF q , f a line bundle on X defined over IF q , and HO (f)
the space of its sections. Let 'P = {Pl, ••• ,Pn } S; X(lFq) • It
is impossible to map HO(f) to IF~ by evaluation at points
(as it has been done in the L-construction) since the value
of a section at a point is not well defined. But the
vanishing of a section at a point is well defined, which is
quite near to what we want. There is a natural map (cf.
section 2. 1. 3)

HO(f) ~ e '!P.
i=l ~

where '!P. is the fibre of f at P. i. e. a one-


dimensional vector space over IF q .


Fix an arbitrary trivialization at the fibres f. p . '

i.e. an isomorphism f. ~ F (which is of course equivalent
Pi q
to a choice of a non-zero vector in each f. p . ) . We obtain
the map

_ _ _ _~) F n
Germ'P q

~ n!_
s :e p .
i=1 1.

and consider the code C which we denote

C = (X,'P,:e)H •

Just as above good estimates for the parameters can be

given in the case of curves.

Theorem 3.1.10. Let X be a curve of genus g,

let n = I'PI , and a = deg :e , O!Oa<n Then the code
C = (X,'P,:e)H is an [n,k,d]q-code, where


Proof: For any non-zero section the

divisor D of its zeroes belongs to the divisor class
corresponding to the bundle (cf. section 2.1.3 ).
Therefore the total number of ,zeroes of s equals a (if
counted with proper multiplicities), and the number of
zeroes belonging to 'P is at most a. Thus d ~ n - a If
a < n then the map Germ'P is an embedding and
k hO(:e) ~ a - g + 1 because of the Riemann-Roch
theorem .

274 AG-CODES Part 3

Corollary 3.1.11. Let X be a curve of genus g over

IFq and let N = IX(lFq) I> g - 1 . Then for any
n = g + 1, ... ,N and for any k = 1, ... ,n - g there exists
a linear [n,k,d]q-code whose parameters satisfy

k + d =n - g + 1

Proof: Choose a set <J> = {P1 , ... , P n } S;; X (IF)

q and a
bundle !£ e Pic X of degree a = k + g - 1, g - 1 < a < n
(on X there exist IF q -bundles of any given degree since
X(lFq) is non-empty and we can take a divisor class which is
a multiplicity of an IF q -point). By Theorem 3.1.10 the
parameters of C' = (X,<J>'!£)H satisfy

k' ~ a - g + 1 = k ,

d' ~ n - a

The spoiling lemma (Lemma 1.1.34) shows that then we

can construct an [n,k,d]q-code C with


i. e.

k + d n - g + 1

Remark 3.1. 12. strictly speaking the code C = (X, <J>,!£) H
depends on the choice of trivializations, and also (just as
the codes (X,<J>,D)L and (X,<J>,D)n) on the ordering of
<J> . However any other choice of trivialization corresponds
to the multiplication of i-th basis vector of IF n by a
non-zero constant
y. elF,
and any other choice of
1. q
ordering of <J> to some permutation of the coordinates, i.e.
both choices lead to an equivalent code (see section

1.1.1). Thus the equivalence class of the code (X,T'£)H is

well defined.

Remark 3.1.13. Let

D be a divisor corresponding to
the bundle £ , i. e. D is the divisor of zeroes of some
section So E HO (£) • The section So uniquely defines the
following trivialization of £p. for any Pi E Supp D any
t E £p. is mapped to an element such that
t = x·so(Pi) Thus D defines trivializations of the

fibres £p. up to a mutual non-zero constant (from


Exercise 3.1.14. Using the last remark prove that if

T n Supp D = I2l then this trivialization yields a code
(X,T'£)H coinciding with (X,T,D)L. What is the relation
between the codes (X,T'£)H and (X,T,D)' for Supp D n T * I2l ?

Now we are going to translate the H-construction into

another language.

P-construction. Recall (cf. section 1.1.2) that the

equivalence class of a non-degenerate linear [n,k,d] q -code C
is uniquely determined by a projective [n,k,d]q-system T.
If a variety X is given together with its projective
embedding X c!p m then any choice of T s;; X (IF q) , such that
ITI > m and T does not lie in a hyperplane, yields a
projective [n,k,d]q-system with n = ITI, k = m + 1 ,
d = n - max {IH n TI}, the maximum being taken over all
IF q -hyperplanes H c !pm .
For a curve X (given with an embedding) its degree
deg X is defined as the number of Wq-points (counted with
proper multiplicities) in its intersection with an arbitrary
276 AG-CODES Part 3

hyperplane (cf. section 2.1.3). In any case we have

max {I H n "P I} ~ deg X, so we have proved the following

Proposition 3.1.15. Let X c IPm be a curve and let

N = IX(lF q ) I . For any n such that N ~ n > max{m,deg X}
there exists a non-degenerate linear [n,k,d]q-cOde with
k = m + 1 and d ~ n - deg X

Let X be a variety and f a line bundle (a divisor
class) on it. The bundle f corresponds to a map

'P f : X ---~) IP (Ho (f» °

'" IPh (f)-l

(cf. Section 2.1.3). For a projective [n,k,d] -system let

us take some subset "P ~ X (IFq) mapped to IPq(H°(f» (if
some points are glued together, they are counted with the
corresponding multiplicities); here n = I"PI, k = hO(f) •
According to section 2.1.3, inverse images of hyperplane
sections of IP(Ho(f» are effective divisors D belonging
to the class f . Therefore d = n - max {ID n "PI} (with the
obvious definition of ID n"Pl ).

Consider now the case of curves. If X is a curve of

genus g and a = deg f then k = hO(f) ~ a - g + 1 •
Moreover ID(lFq ) I ~ deg D = a , L e . d ~ n - a . So we have
constructed a linear [n,k,d]q-code c = (X,"P,f)p •

Exercise 3 .1.16.
Prove that the projective systems
(X, "P, f) H and (X, "P, f) p are isomorphic, L e. that the
corresponding codes are equivalent.

Remark 3.1.17. If a ~ 2g + 1 then according to

Corollary 2.2.29 the map 'P f is an injection and we get a
projective system without multiplicities.

Remark 3.1.18. There is an interesting question: how

large is the class of AG-codes? Let C be an arbitrary
non-degenerate linear [n,k,d]q-code. It corresponds to a
proj ecti ve ElY stem 'P i. e. to a set of points in IP k - 1
with mUltiplicities. If there are no multiplicities then it
is possible to prove that there exists a smooth curve X
passing through all these points and through no other
~ q -point of IPk - 1 . So, in a sense, any projective system
without multiplicities is algebraic-geometric. (The same is
also true for systems with multiplicities if we consider
maps X ~ IP k - 1 with singular images instead of smooth
embeddings X ~ IPk - 1 ). However the embedding
X ~ IP - k 1 in general is not given by a complete linear
system (i.e. by a line bundle £). We come to the following

Problem 3.1.19. Characterize those linear codes

(projective systems) which can be obtained by the
H-construction, i.e. by complete linear systems on curves.

3.1.2. Some additional remarks

Parameters. It is fruitful to remember that the

parameters of algebraic-geometric codes are not found but
only estimated. Some AG-codes have better parameters. To be
more precise, for deg D a < n the L-construction gives
k=a-g+1+t(K-D) where t(K-D) 0 for
a ~2g - 1 , and o oS t (K - D) oS 2g - 1 - a for
a ~ 2g - 1 . The problem of finding t(K - D) is rather
On the other hand a function f e L (D) has at most a
poles, but it can however happen that for any f e L(D)
some of its poles are situated out of the set of ~q-points.
278 AG-CODES Part 3

This remark is analyzed minutely in section 3.4.2 below.

It can therefore happen that k > k c or d > d c and
there are cases when it is possible to prove one of these
inequalities (or both). We start considering the simplest
case when it is possible to ameliorate the estimate of k
for L- and H-constructions. As we have already seen such
an amelioration (for L-construction) is possible only for
a = deg D < 2g - 1 and it does take place whenever
l(K - D) > 0, i.e. when D is a special divisor.
Unfortunately the information on wq-rational special
divisors we dispose of is rather scarce. However there are
still some results in this direction. We start with a bound
on how strong such an amelioration can be.

Proposition 3.1.20. Let D be a special divisor of

degree a on a curve X, !l = OeD) , and let C = (X,'P,!l)H
be the corresponding [n,k,d]q-Code. Then 2k + d c :s n + 2.

Proof: The Clifford theorem (Theorem 2.2.42) gives

k :s ~ + 1 . Since d c = n - a, we are done.

Let us expose a case when this bound is attained. Let
X be a hyperelliptic curve, D = m·F , F being a
hyperelliptic divisor (i.e. F = rr* (P) , where rr: X ~ !p 1
is a proj ection of degree 2, and P is an arbitrary
wq-point of !p1), then a = deg D = 2m, leD) = m + 1, and
for any 'P!; X (Wq) the code C = (X, 'P, 0 (D) ) H satisfies
2k + d c n + 2. Unfortunately, codes on hyperelliptic
curves cannot be longer than 2(q + 1) •

Remark 3.1.21. The second part of the Clifford theorem

(cf. Remark 2.2.43) shows that for an [n,k,d]q-COde
C = (X,'P,!l)H' where 1 :s deg !l :S 2g - 3, the equality
2k + d = n + 2 can take place for hyperelliptic curves

The obtained estimate (Proposition 3.1. 20) does not

minorate the bounds of section 1.1.4 . Thus the bounds for
parameters of codes lead to some bounds for parameters of
special ~q-rational divisors on curves. For the most part

of these bounds we do not know how to obtain them by purely

algebraic-geometric means. Here is the simplest example: the
Plotkin bound applied to AG-codes can be written as

n . qk-1. (q - 1)
n-a=d ~d~
c qk _ 1


n ~ a·

for any divisor D of degree a on X, where


k = t(D) n = X(~ q) For k 2 we obtain the simplest

bound n~a'(q+1) which can be easily proved by
geometric means.

Exercise 3.1.22. Write out the relations between

n = I X (~ q) I , deg D, and teD) corresponding to other
upper bounds for codes.

An important feature of the obtained upper bound

2k + d c ~ n + 2 is that it does not prevent AG-codes to be
very good. In particular, it might even happen that AG-codes
from curves over ~ lie over the asymptotic Gilbert-
Varshamov bound.

Exercise 3.1.23. write

out the relations between
IX(~) I , deg D, and teD) which yield the parameters of
C = (X,X(~q),O(D»H to be over the Gilbert-Varshamov bound
for q =2 .
280 AG-CODES Part 3

Our present knowledge of special divisors is, alas, too

poor to give any idea how to construct divisors satisfying
this relation (and whether they do exist or not).
One of the few classes of special divisors which we
know a bit better are multiplicities of weierstrass points
(cf. Section 2.2.3). Let P e X(~q) be a weierstrass point
on a curve of genus g 2: 2 and let (a l , • • • ,a g _ 1 ) be the
sequence of its non-gaps (2 ~ a < ••• < a
1 g-
1 ~ 2g - 1 )
i.e. l(a.·P) > l ( (a. - 1)· P) for any i = 1, ••• , g - 1. Then
~ ~

l(a i ) = i + 1 and choosing D = a.·P we get a code

C = (X, 1', () (D) ) with k = leD) = i + 1 , de = n - a.~ The
obtained value of k is better than ke for any i
satisfying i + 1 > a.~ - g + 1 • Since P is a weierstrass
point this inequality holds at least for one i . If P is
a hyperelliptic point we get the example discussed after
Proposition 3.1.21.
weierstrass points and some more subtle technique using
the cartier operator sometimes lead to sharper estimates for
the parameters of AG-codes obtained by the C)-construction.
Let C = (X,'P,D),.., and D = Ea. ·P. where P; are prime
.. i=1 ~ ~ ...
divisors, i.e. points of X rational over some extension of
the ground field ~q (cf. section 2.3.1). Let a i = ~i·q + r i
with ~i,ri e 71 , 0 ~ r i ~ q - 1 and let (si1~" .~Sig) be
the sequence of gaps at the point Pi' Let

SUP {h I sih ~ if ~i > 0

w.~ {
o if (3 i 0

if a.~ = -1 (mod q) and

c.~ (a i +1)/q is not a gap at

else .

As usual,
a = deg D = L a i deg Pi' 0 n = 11>1 0

Proposition 3.1.24. For n s a s n + 2g - 2 the

parameters of the code C = (X,<J>,D)O satisfy the following

k ;: n - L (a; - (3 0 + W 0 ) 0 deg Po + g - 1 ,
i=l .... ~ ~ ~

d ;: a + Leo deg P 0 0 - 2g + 2
i=l ~ ~ •

We cut the proof of the proposition into a series of


Exercise 3.1.25. Prove that

k ;: n + g - 1 - a - (3 - w

whenever D = aoQ, Qe X(~q). (Hint: Consider the filtration

O(P) 2 O(P - Q) 2 .•• 2 O(P - aoQ)

Then use Exercise

2.2.52 and the equality
O(-aoQ) = O(-(a + 1) oQ) (a + 1) is a non-gap at
Q to prove that in the filtration there are at least (3 - w
equalities) .

Exercise Prove that in the above situation

3.1. 26.
d ;: a + 1 - 2g + 2 . (Hint: If (a + 1) /q is a non-gap at
Q then O(P - aoQ) = O(P - (a + l)oQ) ).

Exercise 3.1.27. Investigate the case D = a L ~i(Q),

where Q is a point of X of degree m, and ~ is a
282 AG-CODES Part 3

generator of Gal(F rolF ) . (Hint: Consider the filtration

q q

n(p) 2 n(p - R) 2 n(p - 2·R) 2 n(p - a·R) ,

m .
where R = LUI(Q) ).

Exercise 3.1.28. Prove the proposition in the general

case. (Hint: Consider the filtration

2 n (P - a1 2 ••• 2 n (P - D + R ) 2 n (P - D)
.R - R2 )1 m

I .
where Ri = L u~ (P.) for a point Pi of degree bi ' and
j=1 I I

u.I is a generation of Gal(F IF) , qi = qb i ).

qi q

The amelioration of parameters given by Proposition

3.1.24 is also most significant in the case of hyperelliptic

Exercise 3.1.29.
Let X be a hyperelliptic curve such
that no hyperelliptic point of it lie in X(F q) , and let
D = L a i ·Qi be an Fq-divisor. write out the estimates
for k and d given by Proposition 3.1.24.

Automorphisms. Aut F (X)

Let G
be a subgroup in the
group of F q -automorphisms of X. In general there is no
G-action on the AG-code (X,1',D) L . However if the set l'
and the divisor Dare G-invariant then G acts naturally
on (X, l' , D) L . Indeed in this case for any g e G and any
f e L (D) *
the function g (f) lies in L (D) since gD = D .

Therefore a (f (P ) , ••• ,f (P »
code vector is mapped
(g (f)
(P 1
1 *
(Pn » = ( f(g(P 1
),··. ,g (f)
,f(g(Pn »,··· ») ,
which is also a code vector. Thus G is naturally mapped to
Aut(C) n Sn and, according to the properties of group codes
(cf. section 1.2.2), we have C ~ ~q[G/H1]@ ••• @~q[G/Hm]
where Hi is the stabilizer of a point Qi e ~ • We obtain

Proposition 3.1.30. Let G ~ Aut~ (X) , let ~ be a

G-invariant subset of X (~q) , and D be a G-invariant
~q-divisor on X, Supp D n~ = 121 _ Then C = (X,~,D)L is
a group code: C ~ ~ q[G/H1]@ •• • @~ q[G/Hm] ,where Hi is a
stabilizer of Q_ e ~, {Q , ___ ,Q} being the set of orbit
~ 1 m
representatives of the action of G on ~

Later on, in Part 4 , we shall show that such codes are
sometimes obtained from modular curves.

Example 3.1.31. Let

X = !p 1 , D a-~ , ~ = X(~q) - {~} , Aut(X) = PGL(2'~q) •

The subgroup G of affine automorphisms x ~ a-x + b ,

a e * , b e ~ q ,stabilizes
~q ~ and D . Hence G acts on
the Reed-Solomon code C = (X,~,D)L moreover C ~ ~ q[G/H]
since G acts transitively on ~, H being the stabilizer
of P = 0 e X (~ ) ,
1 q
* '" ~ q*
H = {x ~ a - x I a e ~ q} Let
us remark that G/H '" ~ q

The example a-~ , ~ is

quite similar.

Concatenation. Let us apply concatenation (cf. section

1.2.3) to AG-codes we have just constructed.

Recall the definition the

284 AG-CODES Part 3

maximum being taken over all curves over ~q of genus g.

It is known that Nq(g)!5 q + 1 + r2Vq'l°g (cf. section
2.3.2, some other estimates for Nq(g) are also given
Corollary 3.1.11 tells us that there exist [N,K,D]q-
codes with N !5 Nq(g) and K+D=N-g+1 for any
sensible K (Le. K l!: 0 and D = N - g + 1 - K l ! : 1 ) .

Proposition 3.1.32. For any linear [n,k,d]q -code,

any g l!: 0 and any K such that O!5 K ::s N keg) - g there
exists a linear code with parameters

[noN keg) , koK , do (N keg) - K - g + l)]q •

q q .

Exercise 3.1. 33. Prove the proposition. (Hint: Use

concatenation and Corollary 3.1.11).

In particular, the field descent (i.e. [n,n,l]q-code)


Corollary 3.1.34. For any g l!: 0 ,any n l!: 1 , and an:

K such that O!5 K ::s N (g) - g there exists a linear code
with parameters

Remark 3.1.35. To use Proposition 3.1.32 and Corollary

3 • 1.34 we surely need some lower estimates for Nq (g) • In
Chapters 3.2 and 3.4 we shall give some results of this

Exercise What codes can be obtained from

AG-codes by using other constructions of section 1.2.3 ?

Subfield restriction. The restriction of AG-codes also

gives many interesting codes. Recall that restricting codes
of genus zero we obtain Goppa codes and BCH-codes (see
section 1. 2 . 2) .

Proposition 3.1.37. For any g 2:: 0 , m 2:: 1 and any

K such that

there exists a linear

[N m(g) , m·K - (m - l)'N m(g), N m(g) - K - g + l]q-Code .•

q q q

Exercise 3.1.38. Prove the proposition.

Remark 3.1.39. Let n = Nqm(g) , K =n - a + g - 1 .

(cf. the a-construction in section 3.1.1). Then Proposition
3.1.37 yields an

[n, n - m'(a - g + 1) , a - 2g + 2]q-Code;

for any n s N~(g) the parameters are of course the same.

For the BCH case (g = 0 , n = qm - 1) we get

[qm _ 1 , qm - m.(a + 1) , a + 2]q .

Sometimes (cf. Section 1.2.2) the parameters are in fact

better (the codimension is about (q - l)/q times less).

Amelioration of parameters. It turns out that this

phenomenon takes place in the general situation as well.
286 AG-CODES Part 3

Theorem 3.1.40. Let m l1= 1 and 2g - 2 < a<n.

Consider an [n , n - a + g - 1 , l1= a - 2g + 2] m- code

= (X,:P,D)n where :P s; X (IF c:/') , I:P I n , D l1= 0

deg D =a If and O:sa.:sq-l


then the field restriction gives a code C = Co n IF q with

the parameters

[n , 2:: n - m·a·(q - l)/q - 1 , 2:: a - 2g +.2]q'

Proof: Later on (in section 3.1.3) we shall see that

Co is dual to C l = (X,:P,D) L ' Let b = a/q = deg Dl ' and
suppose that b > g. By the Riemann-Roch theorem
l(D l ) l!: b - g + 1 . Let 1,f l , • • • ,fb _ g be independent
vectors in L (D l ) . Let us show that the vectors
q q
1, f , ••. , fb g' f , ••• , f b are also independent. Indeed we
1 - 1 -g
know that Xo + E xi' f i
- E Yi . f i since the left hand side
has a pole of order at most q - 1 (because of the
condition ai:s q - 1) and the order of any pole of the
right hand side is divisible by q (if there is no pole
then ~ y.'
L.. ~
fC?~ = Y0 ' let zi = Yi then ( ~ z.·f .)q = zq
L.. ~ ~ 0 '
Le. zo=EZi'f i contradicting the independence of
1,f , ... , fb
1 -g ).
H = { l , f , ••• , fb g,fq, ••• , fbq }
Extend the set to a
1 - 1 -g
basis of L(D) • since C = ~ n IF~, an element v e IF~
lies in C iff (v, f) = 0 for any element f of this
basis. In general (v, f) e l F , L e. each equation
(v,f) = 0 gives IFq-linear conditions. But in fact for
f =1 it is just one condition and the condition
o is equivalent to (V,fi) = 0 . Thus we see that

the number of F -conditions is at least by


(b - g) 'm + (m - 1)

less that the a priori estimate m·e(D) m' (a - g + 1) ,

Le. dim C ~ n - m' (q - l)·b - 1 •
In the case b:s g we set 11 = {1} and proceed as
before. The a priori estimate m·(a - g + 1) is
ameliorated by (m - 1) and we get dim C ~ n - m' (a - g) - 1
which (for b:s g) is even better than the estimate of
the theorem .

Later on, in section 3.4.3, we shall see that for
large m this amelioration is rather strong. However it
makes sense even for m = 1 , though in a very restricted
zone for a = deg D .

Corollary 3.1.41. Let q'g :s a < n If D = q'D1 and

= La.~ 'Q.,
a.~ :s q - 1
O:s then the parameters of the
code C = (X,~,D)n are

[n , ~ n - a·(q - l)/q - 1 , ~ a - 2g + 2] q

where n = I~ I , a = deg D

Remark 3.1.42. Using a subtler technique of linear
algebra it is possible to show that the statement of Theorem
3.1.40 holds in the following more general situation. For
an arbitrary divisor DIet Dl be such that D ~ q'D 1 '


n - 1 - m' (t(D) - t(D 1 » if D is effective,

n - m·(t(D) - t(D 1 » if D is not effective;

the same technique also leads to some estimates for any

288 AG-CODES Part 3

linear code obtained by field restriction in terms of the

filtration corresponding to the morphism x ~ x q .

3.1.3. Duality and spectra

(L-n) -duali ty. Recall the residue formula: for any

differential form w e nX we have

L ResQw o.
QeSupp(w) co

Theorem 3.1.43. The codes CL = (X,1',D)L and

Cn (X,1',D)n are dual to each other.

Proof: Consider first the case 2g - 2 < a < n when

both maps Evl' and Res1' are embeddings. Let f e L(D) ,
w e n(p - D) where P = L Pi ' then the residue formula
Pi e1'
n n
L f(p')'Res p (w) = L Res p . (f·w) =0
i=l ~ i i=l ~

since all the poles of the form f·w lie in l' (possible
poles of f are killed by zeros of w ). Thus any code
vector of CL is orthogonal to any code vector of

Le. C n S;; C~ On the other hand,

n - dim CL ~ n - (a - g + 1) ~ dim Cn '

hence Cn = C~ and the estimates for the dimensions of CL

and Cn are in fact equalities.

For an arbitrary a we have Ker(Ev1') = L(D - P) ,

Ker(Res1') = n(-D) . The Riemann-Roch theorem shows that the

dimensions of CL and Co are complementary. Since the

proof of orthogonality did not use any condition on a , the
theorem is proved •

H-duality. The line bundle O(P) where P = r Pi
has the canonical trivialization

(recall that elements of the fiber Q(P)P. are classes of


differential forms, whose pole at Pi is at most of order

one, modulo forms regular at Pi).
Let be a line bundle on x and M = OCP)@£l •
--=--+ IFq
Fix a trivialization t i : !p. 1.0 = tiC 1) • Let
us define trivialization t '. : Mp --=--+
by the condition IF
~ i
t i' (m) = ResPi (I. 'm) • We say that ti is concordant with
ti .

Theorem 3.1.44. Suppose that !f. and O(p)@£l have

concordant trivializations. Then the codes C = (X,'P ,!f.) H
and C' = (X,:P,OCP)@!f.-1)H are dual.

Proof: By the Riemann-Roch theorem the codes C and

C' have complementary dimensions. Let v e C and v' e C'
correspond to the sections s e H (!f.)
O and s' e H (M)
O and
let s i e !P. and s'. e Mp. be the images of sand s'.
~ ~ ~

(v,v') = ri t.(s.)·t'.(s~)
~ ~ ~ ~

=r Res p Cs.·s~) =~ Resp . Cs@s') =0

i i ~ ~ ~ ~
290 AG-CODES Part 3

because of the residue formula (since all the poles of a

section of n(P) lie in ~) •

Exercise 3.1.45. Show that for any a such that
o ~ a ~ n - g + 1, the parameters of the code dual to c
kJ. + dJ. l!: n - g + 1 •

Self-dual AG-codes. Let us look at self-duality for

Let y= (Y1'···'Yn) E IFq , y.~ * 0 for any i
Recall that a code C is called quasi-self-dual with
respect to Y E (1F*)n if n = 2k and for any u,v E C

(i.e. if
and v are
u y-orthogonal). A code is called
quasi-self-dual if there exists such y and self-dual if
y = (1, ••• ,1).

Theorem 3.1.46. Let n > 2g - 2 be even, and

a = 2" + g - 1 If K + P - 2D where P L Pi ' then

an n
[ n, 2"' ~_n
~ 2 - g + 1] q - co d e C = (X, ~ ,D) L is quasi-self-
dual. Moreover, there exists a unique (up to a
multiplicative constant) form W
E n(p - 2D) such that
the code C is quasi-self-dual with respect to
y = (Yl' ••• ' Y n ) , where y.
= Res p i (w)
* O. In particular,

if Res p . (wo ) = Res p (Wo ) then C is self-dual.

~ n

Proof: Since n > 2g - 2 we have n > a > 2g - 2 and

n n
hence k=a-g+l=2"' d~n-a=2"-g+l

2D - K + P , then dim O(P - 2D) = dim O(-K) = 1 • Let

w e O(P - 2D) , w '* o.
If we suppose that Res p (w.) = 0
o 0 i ~

for some i then wo e 0 (P - 2D - Pi) which is impossible

since deg (P - 2D - Pi> < 2 - 2g Therefore all residues
y. = Res p (w) are non-zero. For any two functions
~ i 0

f,geL(D) the form w = f·g·w o e O(P) , i.e. it has no

poles out of l' Hence

n n
L f(P.)·g(P.)·y. L Resp w o ,
i=l ~ ~ ~ i=1 i

i.e. any two elements of the code are y-orthogonal .

Corollary 3.1.47. If the image of the divisor
P = L Pi in the group (Pic X) (IFq) is divisible by 2
then there exists a quasi-self-dual AG-code with parameters
n n
En, 2,2: 2 - g + l]q If, moreover, q is even then there
exists a self-dual code with these parameters.

Proof: The class field theory shows that the canonical

divisor K is always divisible by 2 in the group
(Pic X) (IF q) (cf. Theorem 2.3.21). Let D = (K + P)/2 and
use Theorem 3 • 1. 46 • For an even q one can also apply
Exercise 1.1.33

It would be desirable to construct sets l' S;; X(IF q)
with an even sum P and even n = 11'1 as large as

Theorem 3. 1. 48. Let N = IX(IFq> I > 2g Then there

exists with an even n = I l' I 2: N - 2g - 1 and
an even sum.
292 AG-CODES Part 3

Proof: Let 3 = (Pic X) (IF q) and let 30 c 3 be the

kernel of the map deg: 3 ~ 71.. Since 71. has no
torsion, we have 3/2 = 71./2 x 3 0 /2 . On the other hand 30
is finite, hence the order of 3 0 /2 equals the order of
the kernel of multiplication by 2. The latter group is
embedded into (71./2)2g, therefore 3/2 ~ (71./2)2g+1.

Order IFq-points of X in such a way that the images

of P r + 1 , ••• 'PN form a basis of 3/2 over 1F 2 • We have
just proved that r O!: N - 2g - 1 . Let us write out the
image of P l + ..• + P r in 3/2 in this basis:

P l + ••• + P r L e i . Pi (mod 2) ,

where e.
= 0 or 1 . Reorder P r+1' ... 'PN so that e. = 1

for r + 1 ::s i ::s s (if all e. = 0 set s = r and

. ...

e. = 0
for i > s Then P +
+ P S :; 0 (mod 2) ,
S O!: r O!: N - 2g - 1 , and we can take "P = {Pl,···,Ps } Of
course s is always even since a divisor of an odd degree
is never zero modulo 2 •

Corollary 3.1.49. In the notation of Theorem 3.1.48
there exists a quasi-self-dual (self-dual if q is even)
n n
En, 2' O!: 2 - g + l]q-Code with some even n O!: N - 2g - 1

Remark 3.1.50. The sufficient condition of Theorem
3.1.46 is not in general necessary. Consider an elliptic
curve y2 + Y = x 3 • This curve has 3 points over IF 2 '
i. e. IX(IF 2 ) I = 2 + 1 - (w + w) = 3, hence W = ±v'2"i ,
and therefore IX(1F 4 ) I = 4 + 1 - (w + w )
2 2 9 Theorem
2.4.31 shows that X(IF) '" (71./3)2. Let P be the
4 o
infinite point, P (0,0) P 2 = (e,l), P = (e,e) ,
P = (e, ( ) ,
2 where
is a generator of
IF 4
The code
CL = (X, {P , ••• , P }, 2P ) L is a [4,2,3] 4 -code, and the dual

code Co has the same parameters ( L (2Po ) is generated by

1 and x o (PI + P 2 + P 3 + P 4 - 2P0 ) is generated by
'dx x dx
and y-c)' The calculation of w2 =
shows that CL = Co • On the other hand
P +P +P +P - P + 3P is not equivalent to 4Po •
I 2 3 4 I 0

Exercise 3.1. 51. Check all the statements of Remark

3.1. 50.

There are however situations when the condition of

Theorem 3.1.46 is not only sufficient but also necessary.

Theorem 3.1.52. Let g ~ 1 , let D = L a .0Q • be an

effective divisor of degree a = '2 + g - 1 ~ 4g - 1 such

that aj S a - (2g - 1) for any j; 'P ~ X(IF q) - Supp D .

The code C = (X,'P,D)L is self-dual i f f there exists a form
weO(P-2D) vith Resp.(w) =1 for any i = I , •.• ,n.

Proof: Let C = cl. = (X,'P,D)O • Since 1 e L (D) ,

there exists a form 1) e O(P - D) with Res p . (1) = 1 . Let
us show that 1) e O(P - 2D). This condition is local, i.e.
it is enough to prove that (1) ~ 2a j.Q j for any j . Let
Q be one of the points Qj and let D = boQ + Do '
Q E Supp Do' by the supposition of the theorem
deg Do ~ 2g - 1. We can suppose that Q is defined
over IFq (otherwise we can take an extension of the ground
field, the condition (1) ~ 2D does not change). By the
supposition of the theorem there exists a divisor
D' = b· Q
+ D'
o '
0 s D' s D such that deg(D - D') = 2g - 1,
and deg D' ~ 2g. The Riemann-Roch theorem then yields
L(D') * L(D' - Q). Let f e L(D') - L(D' - Q), i.e. f
has a pole of order exactly b at Q. By self-duality
294 AG-CODES Part 3

there exists a form we o (P - D) with Res p

. (w) = f(P.)

(since f e L (D') S; L (D) ). We have f'~ e O(P - (D - D'))

and Res p . (f'~) = Resp . (w) Le. w - f'~ e 0(- (D - D')) ,
~ ~

on the other hand deg(D - D') = 2g - 1 and a non-zero

regular differential form cannot have (2g - 1) zero,
therefore w = f· ~ . Hence the order of zero of ~ at Q

L e. (~) ~ 2b'Q • This is valid for any point Q e Supp D ,

therefore (~) ~ 2D , i . e . ~ e O(P - 2D) •

Remark 3.1.53. It can be shown that for g = 0 the
criterion of Theorem 3.1.52 is valid for any effective
divisor D, and for g = 1 for any effective divisor of
degree a ~ 3 •

Spectra. What is it possible to say about the weight

spectrum of an algebraic-geometric code e? Let

n n-r r
n-v(v) v(v)
L x 'y L Ar'x .y
vee r=d

be the enumerator of e, and We(x) its non-homogeneous

form. In section 1.1. 3 we have described it in terms of
some values Bt . Let d ~ n - a for some integer a ~ 0 ,

Bt = L (n~j)'Aj ,

where we put A
1 Ad - 1 = 0 .

In Exercise 1.1.27 the value Bt is interpreted as a sum

of values (qt(i l , · · · ,it) - 1) , where t(i l , • • • ,it) is the
dimension of the subcode consisting of vectors with zeros at
the positions il, ••• ,i t , the sum being taken over all sets
{i l , • • • ,it} S; {I, ..• ,n} of cardinality t .

Theorem 3.1.54. Let curve of genus g ,

!£ E Pic X , deg !£ =a 11'1 = n a n d let
C = (X,1"!£)H • Then

a t
L Bt' (x - 1)

where for 0::5 t ::5 a - 2g + 1

Bt = (~), (qa-t-g+1 - 1) ,

and for a 2: t 2: a - 2g + 2

(~),(qr(a-t)/21+1_1) 2:Bt2:max{o,(~),(qa-t-g+l_l)}.

Theorem 3.1.10 and Exercise 3.1.45

Proof: show that
the parameters of C satisfy


(n - k) + d~ 2: n - g + 1

i. e. C is a code of genus at most g (in the sense of

definition given in section 1.1.3 ).
For such a code, all the statements of the theorem
except the left inequality follow from Theorem 1.1.16.
Example 1.1.19 shows that for an arbitrary linear code of
genus at most g the left inequality can fail, but its
weaker version with the change of (r(a - t)/21 + 1) by
296 AG-CODES Part 3

(a - t + 1) is always valid. Let us now prove this

inequality for AG-codes. If fact the subcode consisting of
code vectors of C wi th zeros at the positions i l ' ••• , it
is the image at Fqn of the subspace

If the line bundle !£' = !£®O (-p. - ••• -p. ) is non-special,

~1 ~t
i. e. i f hO(Q®(!£,)-l) = 0, then the Riemann-Roch theorem

hO(!£I) = deg !£' - g + 1 a - t -g + 1 ,

but a - t ::s 2g - 2 hence

a - t - g + 1 ::s (a - t) /2 + 1 .

On the other hand, if !£I is special then we can apply

the Clifford theorem (Theorem 2.4.42) showing that
hO(!£I) ::s (a - e)/2 + 1 .

Exercise 3.1.55. Prove Theorem 3.1.54 wi thout using
Theorem 3.1.16. (Hint: Use the Riemann-Roch and Clifford
theorems) .

Thus for an algebraic-geometric code on a curve of

genus g in the spectrum there are (2g - 1) unknown
parameters Be' a - 2g + 2 ::s e ::s a For g = 0 Theorem
3.1.54 completely determines the spectrum of a Reed-Solomon
code. Later on, in Section 3.2.2, we shall write out the
spectrum for the simplest non-trivial case g = 1
(i.e. for elliptic codes).


The general discussion of the previous chapter leaves

us a bit in the air without examples of AG-codes for which
it is possible to calculate the parameters and to compare
them with codes obtained by non-algebraic-geometric
In section 3.2.1 we consider AG-codes on curves of
small genera and calculate parameters of some binary codes
obtained from them. section 3.2.2 is devoted to a detailed
analysis of the first non-trivial case (codes on curves of
genus one); we calculate their spectra, answer the question
whether they can be MDS or not, study when they are
self-dual. In Section 3.2.3 we analyse some other families
of AG-codes, in particular those obtained from curves with
maximum possible number of ~ q -points, and from simplest
higher-dimensional varieties. section 3.2.4 is devoted to
minute analysis of some particular examples (up to writing
out the generator matrix explicitly) .

298 AG-CODES Part 3

3.2.1. Codes of small genera

The less the genus the simpler is mostly the analysis

of curves and of corresponding codes.

Codes of genus zero.Any smooth curve of genus zero

over IFq is IF -isomorphic to the proj ecti ve line pl ; the
q 1
number of IFq-points on P equals q + 1 . We get therefore
a family of [n,k,d]q-COdeS with parameters

n :s q + 1

d = l , ... ,n


Exerci se 3.2.1. Check that in this way for n:s q it

is possible to construct a family of embedded codes with
k = 1, ... ,n . (Hint: Use L-construction with D = k·Po ).

Remark 3.2.2. For n = q + 1 it is already impossible

to construct an embedded family. The reason is that if such
a family existed it would be possible to construct
[q + 2, k, q + 3 - k] q -codes (using the construction of a
code from an embedded pair, cf. section 1.2.3), and for
k =4 such codes do not exist (cf. the properties of n-sets
in section 1.1.2).

As it has been already explained (cf. Proposition

Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 299

1.2.4) for a code C of genus zero the spectrum is uniquely

L (~) . (qk - i _ i ) . (x _ 1) i

The spectrum of the dual code is of the same form. For

n = 2k there is an equality W (x) = Wc(x) , i.e. the code
is formally self-dual. Moreover,

Exercise 3.2.3. Show that an algebraic-geometric

en, nj2, nj2 + 1] -code C of genus zero is always
quasi-self-dual. For an even q there exist self-dual
AG-codes with these parameters. (Hint: If g = 0 then any
divisor of even degree is divisible by 2 and all the
divisors of a given degree are equivalent).

The codes on curves of genus zero (i. e. on X = !pI )

have been essentially described in section 1.2.1: they are
just Reed-Solomon codes for 'P /AI (IF q) and their natural
extensions for 'P = !pI (lFq)

Codes of genus one. Elliptic codes are the codes

obtained from elliptic curves (i.e. curves of genus g = 1) .
They are codes of genus at most one (in the sense of
definition of Section 1.1.3). Elliptic codes exist for any

k = 1, ... , n - 1 ,

where Nq (l) is the maximum possible number of IFq-points on

a curve of genus one. For q = pm Theorem 2.3.17 gives

for , and odd m 2: 3 ,

+ 1 , else .
300 AG-CODES Part 3

The spectrum of an elliptic code C has (in terms of

Bi I cf. Theorem 3.1.54) only one unknown coefficient Bk .
Later on, in section 3.2.2, we shall calculate Bk ; it can
differ for different curves and divisors.

Codes of genera tvo and three. Consider now codes on

curves of genus g = 2 . They exist for any

k=1, ••• , n - 2

moreover (cf. Theorem 2.3.18) for q = pm and m = O(mod 2}

Nq (2} =
r+ 20
4Vq"" + 1 for
q *" 4, 9
q= 9
q= 4

and for m = 1(mod 2}

q + 2· f2v'q'l + 1 if q is non-special,

q + 2' f2v'q'l if q is special and

2Vq"" - f2v'q'l > (v'5' - 1) /2 ,

q + 2· f2v'q'l - 1 if q is special and

2Vq"" - f 2v'q'l < (v'5' - 1) /2 .

Recall that q is special iff either pi f2v'q'l , or q is

of the form q =l + 1 or q=l+e+1 or
q = e2 + e+ 2 for some integer e.
Codes on curves of genus g = 3 satisfy


n :S Nq(3), k = 1 , ... , n - 3
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 301

For Nq (3) the following values are known (cf. Theorem


q 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 13 16 17 19 25

7 10 14 16 20 24 28 28 32 38 40 44 56

Binary codes. Let us briefly consider some binary codes

obtained from AG-codes of small genera by the help of
constructions of section 1.2.3 (cf. also section 3.1.2).
First of all note that restricting the field we get BCH
codes from codes of genus zero. These codes have many
interesting properties, we have already discussed them in
section 1. 2 .2.
Is is also possible to construct binary analogues of
BCH codes from curves of genus g ~ 1 over ~q' q = 2m .

Example 3.2.4. Consider an elliptic curve x over

with the maximum possible number of points. We have
already pointed out that on X there are 25 points, a bit
later we shall give an equation for such a curve (see
Example 3.2.53). Let us construct AG-codes starting with
this curve X, a divisor D of degree 8 , and some 21
points of these 25 . The parameters of C are at least
[21,8,13] 16 . Concatenation of the outer code C wi th the
inner parity-check [5,4,2] 2 -code gives a [105,32,26] 2 -code.
Its shortening is a [104,32,25] 2 -code, which is rather good
(the best [104, k, 25] -code known before AG-codes was
non-linear and had k = 31.585 ).

Example Consider a curve X of genus 3 over
~a with 24 points (cf. Example 3.2.58) and a bundle of
degree 11 . We obtain a [24,9,13]a-code c. Concatenating
it with the parity-check [4,3,2]2-code we get a
302 AG-CODES Part 3

[ 96, 27 , 26] 2 -code. Shortening yields a [95,27,25]2-code.

These parameters are quite good (the best one known before
AG-codes was [95,24,25]2).

Different considerations applied to curves of genera 1,

2, or 3 (using different linear and non-linear
combinatorical constructions like concatenation, generalized
concatenation, shortening, etc.) give a number of binary
codes with good parameters. Table A.l.4 of Appendix
containes some cases when their parameters are better than
those "before AG-codes".
Of course, such tables are not very interesting.
However we know no other ways to compare codes produced by
some new method with those known before, and such tables are
to some extend good to characterize new methods.

3.2.2. Elliptic codes

An elliptic curve X (i.e. a curve of genus 1) is an

algebraic group (cf. section 2.4.1). This determins many
properties of the corresponding AG-codes.

Spectra of elliptic codes. An elliptic code is a code

of genus at most 1. Its weight enumerator according to
Theorem 1.1.16 equals

x n + k-1
L (n) o(qk-i

i=O ~

k + d ~ n
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 303

As we have already mentioned in Remark 1.1.17 B~_k = Bk

and for n = 2k these codes are formally self-dual, i. e.
Wc(x) =W (x) •

There are two cases:

ei ther Bk = B~_k = 0 , k + d = n + 1 , i. e. the code

is a code of genus zero (later on, in Theorems 3.2.19 and
3.2.21, we shall see that this case is quite rare),

or o < Bk = B'n-k ~ (kn) ° (q - 1) k+d=n.

Now we are going to find out Bk . If it is positive

then Bk = Ad is the number of vectors of the minimum

Let x be an ell iptic curve. Recall (cf . section

2.4.4) that X (lFq) is equipped with a structure of an
abelian group which depends on the choice of the zero
element P e X (IF ) • This group is a subgroup of
o q X (ifq) •
Each divisor D = Lao oQ where Q e X (if) corresponds
0 , 0

~ ~ ~

to some point PD equal to the sum (in the sense of the

group law) L ai
If D is defined over
°Qi IF q ' then
P D e X(lFq) ; for a principle divisor (f) this sum is zero:
P (f) = Po ' hence PD depends only on the divisor class,
i.e. we have well defined P~ for a line bundle ~.

Theorem 3.2.6. For an elliptic [n,k,d]q-COde

C (X,:P'~)H

where for a finite abelian group H, its element h e H ,

subset I) s: H, and an integer a > 0 , by M(H, I), h, a)
we denote the number of representation of h as a sum of
a di ff erent el ement s from I) 0
304 AG-CODES Part 3

Proof: The number Bk = A n - k equals the number of

non-zero sections s e HO (!£) having exactly k zeroes.
Exercise 1.1.27 tells us that

L (qe(Q) - 1)
Qc'P, I Q I =k

It is easy to see that

where !£Q =!£ ® ( ® O(-P e)) is a bundle of degree zero.


If !£Q '" 0 then hO (!£Q) = 1, otherwise hO (!£Q) =0

(since any section s e HO(!£Q) yields a homomorphism
o ~ !£Q ' which is an isomorphism since deg!£Q = 0 , cf.
section 2.1.3). Hence

Bk = (q - l)·M

where M is the number of sets Q such that i. e.

!£Q '" 0 ,
!£ '" ® O(Pe) • We know that the group law on X corresponds
to the group law on Pic X , i.e.

where PQ L P e e X (IFq) • On the other hand


Therefore M is the number of sets Q such that PQ p!£,

and the theorem is proved .

Further on we consider the case of codes of maximum
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 305

length, i.e. 'P X(~ ) . For an arbitrary abelian group H

M(H,h,a) M(H,H,h,a)

Proposition 3.2.7. The number M(H,h,a) depends only

on the class of h in the factor-group H/aH_

Proof: Let h = L h_ be a representation of h as a
i=l ~
sum of different elements, then for any h o E H there is a
representation h + a-h = L (h + h) and all the elements
o i=l 0
also different. Therefore the numbers of
representations of hand (h + a-ho) are equal .

Corollary 3.2. 8. If a and the order N of Hare
co-prime, then for any h E H


Proof: in this case aH = H .

Corollary 3.2.9. Let the degree k of a bundle !£ be
co-prime to the order n of X(~ q) . Then the code
c= (X,X(~q) '!£)H is an [n, k, n - k] q -code and its
enumerator equals

L (~)- (qk-i - l)-(X - l)i +

+ (~)-(q - 1) -(x _ l)k


306 AG-CODES Part 3

If a and N are not co-prime then M(H,h,a) can

be still calculated, but it is much more dificult. Here is
the answer.
Let H be an abelian group of order N, H=f.H.,
j=l )
H. '" 7l.lp· being its primary decomposition. Each element
) )
h E H is represented as h = (h 1 , • • • , hG) , where h j E 7l. ,
0 !O h .
!O p. )
- 1 .
Define Cj(h) E 7l. U {co} as the maximum power of Pj
dividing h. (and Cj(h) =co if h . = 0 ) For each prime.
) )
piN set Gp {j I p. = p} set

{ min c .(h) if there exists j E Gp

jEG ) such that C .(h)~co
ep(h) = p )

f. ex. if C • (h) = co for any j E G

lEG ) ) P
oJ P

e (h)
fo(h) n p p

Let t IN and t r-Tp p . Define an integer

f. mi n ( 0 , ex .)
=n p p

In particular, J.l(m) be the Mobius


Theorem 3.2.10. The number M(H,h,a) of representations

of an element h of an abelian group H as the sum of a
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 307

different summands is given by the formula

M(H,h,a) = N.!· L (Nil).

(-1) a-all . L tJ.(l/t)·R (t)
ll(N,a) tl(l,f1(h»

Exercise 3.2.11. Prove the theorem.

Now let us ask another question: what is the minimal

possible value . (q,N,a)
Bk ,ml.n of vectors of the minimum
weight in an elliptic code (for some fixed q, N, and a).
To answer this question one shouls find out the value

M(H,a) min M(H,h,a)


The formula for M(H,a) appeares to be simpler than

that for M(H,h,a) •
For an abelian group H define rH as the maximum
integer such that (Z/2) H ~ H •

Theorem 3. 2. 12. a) If N == 0 (mod 4) , a == 2 (mod 4) ,


M(H,a) ~. [ L
ml (a ,N)
( NI m) .tJ.(m).(-1) aim _

2 H
ml (a/2,N/2)
L (N/2m)
a/2m ·tJ.(m) 1 •

b) For any other pair (N,a)

1 N ) a-aim
M(H,a) ( 1m .tJ.(m).(-1)
If L aim
ml (a,N)

Exercise 3.2.13. Prove the theorem.
308 AG-CODES Part 3

To find out the minimum possible number of vectors of

the minimum weight one should also minimize M(H, a) over
all H = X(W q ) of order N. This is not difficult since we
know the possible structure of the group X(IF q) (see
Theorem 2.4.31). In particular r H = 1 or 2.

Theorem 3.2.14. If N is such that there exists an

elliptic curve over IF q (q = pel having exactly N
points, then

a) if N ;;; o (mod 4) , a = 2 (mod 4) , q is odd , and

moreover either N ii! 1 (mod p) or q a square and
N= (Vq ± 1) 2 , or q is not a square, p - 3 (mod 4) and
N= q + 1 then

1 [
~"L (NI m) "fJ.(m) " (-1) a-aim -
Bk ,m~n
" (N,a)
N ml(a,N) aim

- 4"
ml (a/2,NI2)
L ( NI2m) "fJ.(m)
1 '

b) if N;;; O(mod 4) , a ;;; 2 (mod 4) , and either q is

even, or q is odd and no auxilary condition of a) holds

N ) a-aim
Bk ,m~n
" (N,a) rT -
~" 1 [ L ( 1m "fJ.(m)
"(-I) -
N m I (a ,N)

- 2"
ml (a/2,NI2)
L ( NI2m)
a/2m "fJ. (m) 1 ,

c) i f either N ii! O(mod 4) , or a ii! 2 (mod 4) , then

Bk ,m~n
" (N,a)
q - 1
L.. (Nlm)
"fJ. (m)
ml (a,N)

Exercise 3.2.15. Prove the theorem.
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 309

Remark3.2.16. For given q and N Theorem 2.4.30

tells us whether there exists an elliptic curve over IF q
with exactly N points, or not.

The formulae of Theorems 3.2.12 and 3.2.14 are not very

interesting. What is interesting is that it appears possible
to calculate Bk,min explicitly.

Remark 3.2.17. For curves of genus g ~ 2 it is much

more difficult to calculate Bk , Bk - 1 , , B k - 2g+ 2 • For
example, for g 2 the enumerator equals

xn +
(l!)~ ° (qk-~
- 1) ° (x _ 1) i +

+ B k o(X-1)k+ B o(X_1)k-1+ B o(X_2)k-2

k-1 k-2


It is related to the enumerator of the dual code as follows:

Bk - 1 - (k~l)o(q - 1)
B' q



These codes (unlike codes of genus zero and elliptic codes)

are not in general formally self-dual.

Problem 3.2.18. Calculate for a curve

B k - 1 , Bk , B k + 1
of genus 2 in terms of geometry of the curve and of the
divisor. Calculate Bk - + '
g 1
, B k + 1 for a curve of an
arbitrary genus.
310 AG-CODES Part 3

Elliptic MDS-code5. Recall that an [n,k,d]q-code is

called an MDS-code (or a code of genus zero) iff
k+d=n+1 Such are AG-codes on the projective line,
their length n:s q + 1 . A code of genus at most one is an
MDS-code iff Bk = 0 . Therefore a question: is it possible
to construct an elliptic MDS-code whose length is more than
q + 1 , or not?
We start with elliptic codes with ~ = X(~q) .

Theorem 3.2.19. Let C = (X,X(~q),2)H be an [n,k,d]q-

code constructed from an elliptic curve and all its
~q-points. If k > 0 and Bk = 0 , then either X(~q) = 1/2,
or q is odd and X(~) ~ (1/2)2 .
q •

Exercise 3.2.20. Prove the theorem. (Hint: Either

derive it from Theorem 3.2.12, or prove it directly using
only Theorem 3.2.6).

elliptic codes constructed from proper subsets
~ c X(~ q} the answer is not 50 nice. However it is still
possible to prove the negative answer to the above question.
First of all note that for q :s 11 there is no
non-trivial MDS-code longer than q + 1 (cf. section 1.2.1,
the remark after Problem 1.1.12).
For the rest values of q we have

Theorem 3.2.21. For q ~ 13 there is no elliptic code

of length n > q + 1 such that Bk = 0 .

Proof: Suppose that for an elliptic code

c = (X,~,2)H' i.e. l1(H,~,ho,a) = 0 where H=X(~q) ,

IHI = N, I~I = n , ho = P 2 E X(~q) is the sum of the

divisor points, a = deg 2 •
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 311

Let a = s + 2t , define an (a,s,~)-representation of

as the decomposition

where all the elements are

different and belong to ~

Let us prove several auxiliary lemmas.

Lemma 3.2.22. If ho has an (a,s,~)-representation

and s + a :s 2n - 5 - N then ho also has an (a + 2,s,~)-


Proof: Let

{h E ~ -h E ~, h - -h} •

Since H=X(lF"q) ~ (71./N) 2 (cf. Theorem 2.4.31), there are

at most four elements h E H such that h = -h denote the
set of such elements by Ho • An element h E ~ does not
lie in iff either -h II! 'P (there are at most
IH - ~I = N - n such elements), or he Ho • Hence

I~ *I ~ n - 4 - (N - n) = = 2n - 4 - N .

For a given (a,s,~)-representation of ho let

R ~* - {±h")
"-1 , ... ,s+t

IRI ~ 2n - 4 - N - 2s - 2t = 2n - 4 - s - a .

If h * E R then -h * E R and ±h * are out of the given

(a,s,'P)-representation of h ; adding h * + (-h * ) to it we
get an (a + 2,s,~)-representation. The set R is clearly
non-empty if s + a :s 2n - N - 5

312 AG-CODES Part 3

Remark 3.2.23. It is not difficult to see that the

statement of Lemma 3.2.20 is also valid if either (71/2)2
does not lie in Hand s + a ~ 2n - 3 - N , or 7l/2 does
not lie in Hand s + a ~ 2n - 2 - N .

Lemma 3.2.24. If

n < IN 2 2
N - - --3 - 3 (N

then for any ho E H there is a (3,3,~)-representation

Proof: By Theorem 3.2.12 the number of representations

of ho as a sum of three different elements from H equals

Let us estimate the number of representations

h0 = h + h1 + h such that one of the elements does not
belong to ~ (we suppose that h ~ ~ ). For a fixed h
there are at most (N - 1) /2 possibilities for a pair
{h 1 ,h2 } (of course, {h 1 ,h 2 } = {h 2 ,h 1 } ) . Therefore there
are at most (N - n) . (N - 1)/2 possibilities for
h h + h + h , h ~ ~ , and the lemma follows.
012 •

Lemma 3.2.25. If N - n < I- - 2 - r

N - 4 then for any h
there exists a (2,2,~)-representation

Lemma 3.2.26. If a ~ 2n - 6 - Nand

N - n < A (N) = min { 1N ; 4 r' 1 N ; 2

then for any ho H ve have H(H,~,ho,a) > 0

Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 313

Exercise 3.2.27. Prove Lemma 3.2.25. (Hint: It is

similar to Lemma 3.2.24), and Lemma 3.2.26. (Hint: Use
induction over a applying Lemma 3.2.22).

Now we continue the proof of Theorem 3.2.21. Recall

that we are interested in the case N > n > q + 1 for
q i1! 13 (for q:s 11 we know that there are no non-trivial
MDS-code wi th n > q + 1, and the case N = n is
considered in Theorem 3.2.19). In particular n ~ 15 ,
N ~ q + 3 ~ 16 •

Let us find out when the conditions of Lemma 3.2.26 can

be violated. We start with the inequality for (N - n) . It
is clear that for N ~ 16

A (N) 1N -
2 2
- 3(N - 1)
r 1
i1! N -
2 r
Since q + r2VqJ + 1 ~ N > n ~ q + 2 we have

N - n :s r2VqJ - 1

The inequality for (N - n) can be violated only for

2~ - 1 ~ r2~ - 11 ~ N - n ~ A(N) ~

N - 2 ~ q + 1
3 3

Le. if q - 6~ + 4 :s 0 which is possible only for

q :s 27 . For q= 27 we have r2VqJ - 1 = 9 < lq ; 1 r.
So only the values q = 13, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25 are left,
and are to be considered separately.

Exercise 3.2.28. Check that for all these values of

314 AG-CODES Part 3

q the inequalities

n 2: q + 2 , N::s q + r 2Vq 1 + 1 , N - n 2: 1N ; 2 r
are contradictory, i.e. the condition of the lemma for
(N - n) is always satisfied (for q 2: 13).

Then we pass to the next condition.

For q 2: 13 the other condition of the lemma
a ::s 2n - 6 - N can be in general violated. Let us use the
following trick. If an elliptic code constructed from a
bundle of degree a has Bk = 0 then the dual code has
Bit, = 0 for a' n - a Therefore Lemma 3.2.26 cannot be
applied only if a 2: 2n - N - 5 and n - a 2: 2n - N - 5
Adding these inequalities we get 2(N - n) + 10 ~ n i.e.

2· r2Vq'l + 8 2: 2' (N - n) + 10 ~ n ~ q + 2

and this is impossible for q ~ 27 •

Give the detailed proof for the cases

Exercise 3.2.29.
q = 13, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25. (Hint: Use the description of
the group X(~q) given by Theorem 2.4.31) • •

Self-duality. The formula for the spectrum yields

immediately the following result.

Exercise Check that any elliptic code with

n = 2k is formally self-dual.

The question about longest possible quasi-self-dual

elliptic codes can be analyzed nearly up to the end. We
start with a simple auxiliary statement.
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 315

Proposition 3.2.31. Let H be an abelian group of

order N. If N is odd then the equalityLh = 0 holds
for l' l' = H and l' = l' = H - {O}
a 1
If N is even then
either it holds for l' = l'a and l' = l'1 , or there exists
ha e H such that it holds for l' = l'
= H - {hal and
1'=1' = H - {O, ha}

Proof: Let Ha be the subgroup of elements of order

two. If h II! Ha then -h '* h , hence L h = 0 .
In a group
of odd order Ha = {O} .In a group of even order
Ha '" (71/2)r .If r ~ 2 then L h = 0 (this is proved
heH a
easily using induction over r ). In the case r = 1 we
have to exclude the only non-trivial element of order two •

Theorem 3.2.32. Let N be the number of ~q-points on
an elliptic curve. If N is odd then there exists a
quasi-self-dual N-1N-1]
[N - 1, 2 ' 2 .
-code; ~f N is even
then there exists either a qUaSi-self~dual [N,~,~] -code or
a quasi-self-dual N -
[N - 2'--2-' 2
N - 2]
-code. If
2 q q is even,
there exist corresponding self-dual codes .

Exercise 3.2.33. Prove the theorem.

Remark 3.2.34. Because of Theorem 2.3.17, the maximum

number of ~q-points on an eliptic curve is at least
q + r2vq[l , Theorem 3.2.32 yields the existence of a quasi-
self-dual [n,¥,¥] -code for some n ~ q + r 2Vq 1 - 2
q m
(self-dual for q = 2 ).

Remark 3.2.35. Theorem 3.2.32 is a bit more precise

than Theorem 3.1.46. A similar result can be also obtained
316 AG-CODES Part 3

for hyperlliptic curves of an arbitrary genus g. Such a

curve embedded into its Jacobian JX has the same property:
if P E X then -P EX.

Summing up, we know almost everything about elliptic

codes. In Chapter 3.3 we shall also see that there exists a

decoding algorithm up to fd; 11 . Comparing elliptic codes

with MDS-codes we see that their parameters k + d = n are
worse by 1, but that they are approximately by 2~ longer.

3.2.3. Other families of AG-codes

Up to now we have considered curves of small genera

(g = 0, 1, 2, 3 ). Now we pass to the "middle" case, when
the genus is not so small but is still not very large with
respect to q.

Maximum codes. The parameters of AG-code (to be precise

the sum of their designed parameters) are determined by the
genus of a curve: ke + de = n - g + 1 Hence, the
parameters are the better, the more is the number of
IF q -points on a curve of the given genus. Recall that in
Section 2.3.2 we have defined

max IX(IF ) I
X q

the maximum being taken over all IFq-curves X of genus g.

It is known (cf. section 2.3.2) that

Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 317

A curve attaining the equality is called a maximum

curve. For a fixed q maximum curves exist only for a
limited number of values of g.

Hermitian codes. There exists a class of maximum curves

for which the properties of corresponding codes are rather
well known and interesting. We mean Hermitian curves Xr
with the affine equations

over ~q' where q r , r pm being an arbitrary power
of a prime.

Exerci se Check that the Hermitian curve is a

3. 2 • 36.
smooth plane curve, and that its genus equals (r 2 - r)/2 .

To describe ~q-points of Xr it is rather convenient

to use the following change of variables:

u = b/(y - b·x) v = x·u - a

where a,b e ~
q satisfy (The
existence of such b follows from the fact that ~* is
2 q
a cyclic group of order r - 1 . The existence of such a
is also easy to prove).

Exercise 3.2.37. Show that this change of variables

gives an isomorphism between Xr and the curve X' given

Exercise 3.2.38. Show that the cardinality of X~(~q)

is at least r3 + 1 . (Hint: X~(~q) consists of the unique
318 AG-CODES Part 3

infinite point of X~, i.e. the mutual pole of u and v,

and the points (a,~) ,where a e Fq is arbitrary and ~
is any solution of ~r + ~ = a r + 1 , all these solutions
lying in F q ).

r2 + 1 + 2' gr' r

being the genus of X~, on it there are exactly

(r 3 + 1) points over and the curves X'r and are
maximum curves over
We denote the mutual pole of u and v by Q and the
point (a,~) by P a,,..Q '

Exercise 3.2.39. Check that the principle divisors of

functions (u - a) and (v -~) are given by the following

(u - a) P - r'Q

(r + l)'P o ,~ - (r + l)·Q if
(v - ~) {
L P - (r + l)·Q if
ar+1=~r+~ a,~

Exercise 3.2.40. Check that the principle divisor

of z equals (z) P _ r 3 .Q
P = L P a Q ' Derive that the residue of the differential
a,~ ,,..
form w = dz/z at any points P
equals 1 and its
divisor is given by

(w) = (r 3 + r2 - r - 2)·Q - D
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 319

For any elements '1, 0 e IF q such that or + 0 = '1 r + 1

there is an IFq-automorphism u = u('1,o) of X'r given by

uu u + '1 uv v + '1r·u + 0

Exercise 3.2.41. Show that automorphisms u('1,o) form

a subgroup Gr of order r3 which acts transively on the
set {Pa, {3} and stabilizes the point Q.

Now let n = r3 and m e IN • By Cm we denote the

q-ary code

'P = Supp P = {P
a, {3 } being the set of affine
IFq-points of X~.

Exercise 3.2.42. Prove that for any m the codes Cm

and C are dual. (Hint: Use Theorem 3.1.44 and
r 3 +r 2 -r-2-m
Exercise 3.2.40).

3 2
In particular if q is even and m (r +r -r-2)/2 ,
the code Cm is self-dual.
To calculate k m = dim Cm we need the following

Exercise 3.2.43. Check that for any m ~ 0 the space

L(m·Q) has the following basis:

i·r + j·(r + 1) s m}

For meN define v (m) e IN as follows. Let ms m

be the largest integer of the form i·r+j·(r+l) ,
320 AG-CODES Part 3

i ~ 0 , 0 ~ j ~ r - 1 and let

m t'r + s , 0 ~ s ~ r - 1 .


v(m) 1 + t·(t + 1) + min{t,s}


Exercise 3.2.44. Prove that km dim Cm is given by

v(m) if m~ r - r - 2

km m + 1 - r2 -2 r if r
- r - 2 < m < r

r3 - v(r 3 +r 2 -r-2-m) if m ~ r

(Hint: Use the results of Exercises 3.2.43 and 3.2.42).

We are also able to write out a generator (or a

parity-check) matrix of the Hermitian code Cm Indeed
let Mm be the (v(m) x n)-matrix whose rows are vectors

i'r + j·(r + 1) ~ m , 0 ~ i , 0 ~ j ~ r - 1

for all a, ~ e ~q such that a r+1

Proposition 3.2.45. a) For o ~ m < n r3 the

matrix Mm is a generator matrix of the code C
b) For
r - r - 2 < m ~ r3 + r
r - 2 the matrix -
M is a parity check matrix of C
r 3+r 2-r-2-m m

Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 321

For the minimum distance d m of Cm we have the

usual estimate d m ~ r3 - m . Sometimes one can show this
estimate to be tight.

Proposition 3.2.46. Let m= i -r + j- (r + 1) :$ r - 1
for sOme i ~ 0 and 0 :$ j :$ r - 1 I f either j = 0 or
i :$ r - r
(in particular, if m :$ r 3 2
r ) - then
d = r - m

Proof: Let j = 0 and let a , ••. ,a_ be different

1 ~i
elements of IFq Then the function f n ( u - a e ) has
exactly i -r different zeroes in <p Now let
i :$ r2 - r - 1 _ Consider the set

Its cardinality is r2 - r - 1 , and we can choose i

different elements Let us put
t =
(u - a.) • Choose
j different elements

such that c~ + c = 1 and let It is

easy to check that t = t 1 -t 2 E L(m-Q) has exactly m

different zeroes in <P If m:$ r3 _ r2 then either j = 0
or j ~ 1 and i:$ r2 - r - 1 .

Since the group Gr acts transitively on <P and
leaves Q invariant, the code Cm is represented by an
ideal Im in the group algebra IFq[Gr ].

Exercise 3.2.47. write out the ideal Im explicitly

and estimate the parameters of C without the help of the
Riemann-Roch theorem. (Hint: Use the above representation of
elements of Gr in the form (0,0) Introduce the
322 AG-CODES Part 3

following elements of the group algebra:

u G ~
IFq v Gr ----7 IF q

u ('1,5) f--7 '1 v ('1,5) f--7 5

Show that I is generated by ui·v j for o~ i ,

o ~ j ~ i'r + j·(r + 1)
r - 1 ~m ; this gives a formula
for k .
To estimate d check that a function
F : Gr ----7 IFq lying in Im and having more than m zeroes
vanishes identically; doing this use the properties of
Vandermonde determinants) .

Hyperelliptic codes. A curve X is called

hyperelliptic if it has a map f : X ----7 ~1 of degree 2.
Such a curve always has a singular plane model given by the
affine equation y2 + A(x)·y + B(x) = 0 , the map f being
given by the projection f(x,y) = x . If g ~ 2 , the map f
is unique up to an automorphism of ~1 (i. e. for any
f': X ----7 ~1 , deg f' = 2 , there exists (j e Aut (~1) such
that (jof' = f ), and is therefore defined over IF q For
any g there exist hyperelliptic curves of genus g.
Obviously IX(IF q) I ~ 2g + 2. Hence these curves can be
maximum curves only for g ~ (q + 1) / 12Vcfl being in this
respect worse than the Hermitian curves, for which
g = (q - vq)/2

One of advantages of hyperelliptic codes is the

existence of a decoding algorithm up to (cL
Section 3.3.3).

Multi-dimensional constructions. We are mostly unable

to calculate (or to estimate reasonably) the parameters of
codes constructed with the help of multi-dimensional
varieties. There are however some exceptions.
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 323

Consider the projective space IP m over IF q and the

bundle !£ = (9 (1) on it. Its sections are linear forms in
(m + 1) variables, dim HO(lP m,(9(1)) = m + 1. Zeroes of
such a section form a hyperplane H c IPm; if the form f
is defined over IFq then H is also defined over IF q ,

qm _ 1
IH(lF q ) I
q - 1 '

We obtain a code C with parameters

This code is equidistant, i.e. weights of its non-zero code

vectors are equal (and equal ~); for this code


i.e. the Plotkin bound (Theorem 1.1.39) is tight for it. We

have in fact already considered these codes in Section
1.2.2, these are just first order Reed-Muller codes. Here is
a natural generalization:

Again consider x = IPm, and let !£ = (9 ( r ) . The

sections of (9 (r) are forms of degree r , the zeroes of
such a section form a hypersurface 5 c IP m of degree r
(which can be reducible and non-reduced).

Exercise 3.2.48. Show that for deg 5 =r ~ q there

is an IF q -point in IP m out of S. (Hint: Use induction
over the dimension).
324 AG-CODES Part 3

Exercise 3.2.49. Show that for any hypersurface

S c ~n of degree r ~ q there is an estimate

m _ 1
q ---=-
~ r· ....
q - 1

(Hint: Consider the pencil of lines passing through a point

out of S).

This estimate can be strengthened. If fact it is

natural to suppose that the maximum number of points is
attained when the hypersurface is just a union of r
hyperplanes passing through a fixed plane of codimension

Exercise 3.2.50. Prove that

max{ IS(IF q> I} r.qm-1 + q - 1
q - 1

the maximum being taken over all hypersurfaces S c ~m of

degree r ~ q. (Hint: Consider separately the case when all
IFq -points of S I ie on its hyperplane components. In the
other case fix an IFq -point P0 of S which does not lie
on such components and consider the set of pairs (H,P) , P
being an IF -point of
q S, P'*P o
and H :;, {P,Po } •
Calculate the number of such pairs in two different ways and
compare the results).

Thus the H-construction yields a code C whose

parameters (up to a spoiling) are

[ qq -
- 1
1 , (m;r) , q
m- (r - 1)·qm-l ]
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 325

Hypersurface codes. Consider a smooth hypersurface

X c ~ m+1 of degree r and the bundle !£ = 0(1) Linear
forms s e HO(X,O(l)) vanish on hyperplane sections
s = X n H • Suppose that the set of IF q -points of X does
not lie in a hyperplane. Then the H-construction gives us a
code C whose parameters (up to a spoiling) are

[ n, m + 2, n - r·qm-1
qm _ 1
q - 1 ]

Problem 3.2.51. Estimate the possible length n of

this code, Le. the maximum of IX(lF q ) lover all smooth
m-dimensional hypersurfaces X of degree r .

In general high-dimensional AG-codes are quite poorly

studied. We are not even sure that the H-construction is
good, may be one needs something else. Let us ask a question
in this direction.

Problem Discover a construction of codes

starting from an abelian variety A such that for the
Jacobian A = J x this construction gives an AG-code on the
curve X.

3.2.4. Some particular examples

Now we are going to discuss some examples of AG-codes

without any particular system. All these codes are on
maximum curves.

Example 3.2.53. Consider the plane curve E given

326 AG-CODES Part 3

over IF 2 by the affine equation y2 + Y = x 3 + X + 1 , i. e.

2 2 3 2 3
by the homogeneous equation y·z + y·z = x + x·z + z

Exercise 3.2.54. Check that the curve E C 1P2 is

absolutely irreducible and smooth (therefore it is an
elliptic curve). Check that IE(IF 2) I = 1 , IE(1F 4 ) I = 5 ,
IE(1F 16 ) I = 25. (Hint: The only 1F2 -point is the infinity;

I X (IF q ) I = 2r + 1 - wr - i:;T where q = 2r and Iwl = v'2' ;

since IX(1F 2 ) I = 1 , we get w = 1 + i ). write out the

coordinates of IF 4 - and IF 16 -points of E.

Note that since 25 16 + 1 + 2' 4, E is a maximum

curve over IF 16.

Exercise 3.2.55. Let Q = (0:1:0) be the only

infinite point of E. Prove that for any m ~ o the space
L(m·Q) has a basis {Xi'yj I 2i + 3j ~ m} . write out
generator matrices of codes (E,1',m·Q) L and (E,1" ,m'Q)L
over IF 4 and IF 16 ' respectively, where l' = E(1F 4) - {Q} ,
1" = E(1F 16 ) - {Q} for m = 2, 8, 12, 16 . Calculate their

Example 3.2.56. Consider the curve over

given by y2 + Y = x 3 •

Exercise 3.2.57. Show that E

C 1P2 is a maximum
(over IF 25) elliptic curve, i. e. I El (IF 25) I 36 (one point
at infinity and 35 points in (A2 ) . write out their
coordinates and generator matrices of codes (E 1 ,1'1 ,m'Q) L
for m = 2, 8, 16 , where 1'1 = E(1F 25 ) - {Q} • (Hint: Use the
same method as in Exercise 3.2.55).

Example 3.2.58 (the Klein quartic). Consider the curve

2 3
X c IP given by X· Y + Y3 . z + z 3 . x = 0 .
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 327

Exercise 3.2.59. Show that X is a smooth curve of

genus 3 , and that it is a maximum curve over lFa (Hint:
24 = 8 + 1 + 3 r2V8l ) . 0
Wri te out the coordinates of
IF -points.

Exercise 3.2.60. Prove that the divisor of the linear

form z equals (z) = Q 1 + 3oQ2' where Q1 = (1: 0 : 0) ,
Q = (0:1:0) • Show that the space L(mo(z» is generated
2 0 0

by {X~oyJI2i+3js3m, i-2j:sm}. Restrict this

generating system to a basis of L(mo(z» and write out
generator matrices of codes (x,~,mo(z»L for m = 2, 3, 5,
where ~ = X (IF a ) - {Q 1 , Q 2 } •

Example 3.2.61. Consider a smooth model Y of the

y = x + 1 . The
2 6
curve over IF given by the equation
projection (x ,y) ~x defines a map f : Y - - 7 [pl of
degree two, Le. Y is hyperelliptic.

Exercise 3.2.62. Show that the genus of Y equals 2.

(Hint: Use the Hurwitz formula).

Exercise 3.2.63. Show that I Y (IF 25) I = 46 and Y is

a maximum curve. Find out the coordinates of IF 25 -points.
(Attention: There are two infinite points Ql' Q2 E Y(1F 25 )
corresponding to x = y = m ).

Exercise 3.2.64. Find out a basis of L(D) for

D = 10 (Ql 0
+ Q2) and write out the generator matrix of
the code (Y,~,D) L where ~ = Y(1F 25 ) - {Q1,Q2} (Hint:
Consider Y as a singular plane curve given by
Y oz
=x + z6 6
with one singularity Q = (0:1:0) .
Construct the desingularization tree of Q, according to
Section 2.5.4 and express the local parameters Xl = x/y

and z1 z/y at the points Q1 and Q2 respectively, in

terms of local parameters (U 1 ,t 1 ) and (u,t) . Using
2 2
328 AG-CODES Part 3

these expressions rewrite the condition (P(x,y» + D 2: 0

as a system of linear conditions for coefficients of the
polynomial P(x,y) • Solving these equations find out the
basis) .

Exampl e 3.2.65. Consider the Hermitian curve Xs

(given by XS + 1 )
yS = over 1F16 and the code
C = (X s ,1>,37·Q)L where (in the notation of the previous
section) 1> = Xs (IF 16) - {Q} •

Exercise 3.2.66. Show that C is a self-dual code of

length 64 over IF 16 ' its minimum distance being equal to
27. (Hint: See Proposition 3.2.46). write out a generator
matrix of C. Show that in the spectrum of C we have
Ar > 0 for r 2: 27. (Hint: For all r except 63, 62,
61, 58, 57, 53 this follows from the argument we used to
prove Proposition 3.2.46. Similar functions t can be
constructed for other values of r For example, for
r = 53 one can take

t (u - (Xl) • (u - (X2) • (v - '1 1 ) • (v - '1 2 ) • (v - '1) ,

where o for i 1,2,3; '1.

* '1.

All the curves we have considered up to this moment

were plane. Here is a space curve.

Example 3.2.67. Consider a curve Z c p3 given over

IF 3 by the equations

x.t - Z2 = 0
Y -y·t 2 - x2· z 0
Chapter 3.2 EXAMPLES 329

Exercise 3.2.68. Show that Z is a smooth absolutely

irreducible curve of genus 4 cannonically embedded into
1P3. (Hint: Consider the divisor of the form dx and show
that (dx) = 6 Q , where Q = (1:0:0:0) ).

Exercise 3.2.69. Show that Z is a maximum curve over

1F81 IZ(1F 81 ) I = 154 . Find out the coordinates of
IF 81 -points.

Exercise 3.2.70. Show that L(moQ) has the basis

{yiozj I 5i + 3j ~ m, 0 ~ j ~ 2, i il: O} . Write out a
generator matrix of (Z,1',moQ)L for m = 3, 6, 20, 50,
where l' = Z (IF 81 ) - {Q} •

To end the chapter devoted to examples we express our

regret that such remarkable codes as the Golay codes are
left out of it. The following question looks appropriate:

Problem 3.2.71. Express the Golay codes as AG-codes of

the form (X,1',D)L (X,1',D)g or (X,1',!f.)H for some
curves X over IF 2 and IF 3 ' some sets q> ,
l' s; X (IF and
some divisors D (bundles !f.).


In this chapter we shall see that algebraic-geometric

codes can be effectively decoded. In Section 3.3.1 we
present a generalization of the decoding algorithm for
Reed-Solomon codes (given in section 1.2.1) to the case of
an arbitrary curve; we call it the basic algorithm.
Unfortunately the basic algorithm corrects g/2 errors less
than one would like. The reason is that the Riemann-Roch
theorem does not answer the question about the exact value
of the dimension leD) for 0 s deg D s 2g - 2. section
3.3.2 is devoted to a modification of the basic algorithm
leading in particular in section 3.3.3 to algorithms
decoding elliptic codes and many hyperelliptic codes (for
some proper choice of the divisor) up to the half of the
designed minimum distance. In Section 3.3.3 we also consider
plane curves, for which it is possible to correct about g/4
errors more than in the general case, and also codes
obtained from AG-codes by concatenation and field

332 AG-CODES Part 3

3.3.1. Basic algorithm

Consider an
AG-code C = (X,:P,D)n over If
deg D = a , I:PI = n , 2g - 2 < a s n + g - 1 , its
designed parameters are

= n - a + g - 1

dc =a - 2g + 2

Theorem 3.1.43 shows that a parity-check matrix of C

is given by ( f i (P j» , where is a basis of
L (D) •

Basic systems. For a vector v e and a function

f e L(D) we define the syndrome

Note that if v = u + e , where u e C and e is the

error vector, I = {i e i '" O} being the set of "error
coordinates" (or error locators), then

s (v, f) = L e.' f (P .) •
ieI ~ ~

Let t = III .
Consider an auxiliary divisor D' of degree b such
that Supp D' n :P = fZJ By .
gl,···,gl we denote a basis of
L (D') , and by h 1 , • • • , hr a basis of L(D - D') . Of course
gi·hj e L(D) Let .
s ..
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 333

The crucial role for decoding of C is played by the


o j 1, ..• , r (3.3.1)

Proposition 3.3.1. If

leD') >t

then the system (3.3.1) has a non-trivial solution. If

a - b > t + 2g - 2

then for any solution y= (Y1' ••• 'Yl) of this system, the

g = E y . . g.
Y i=1 ~ ~

vanishes at the point Pi for any i e I .

Proof: If l(D') > t then

lCD' - E P.) ~ l(D') - t > 0 •

ieI ~

Let g e L(D' - E P.) , g '" 0 . Express g over the basis

ieI ~
of L (D'): g = E Yi . g i . The vector Y = (Y1 ' · · · ' Y l ) is a
solution of (3.3.1) since g(Pk ) = 0 for k e I and
334 AG-CODES Part 3

If a - b > t + 2g - 2 then the Riemann-Roch theorem

teD - D' - L P.) a - b - t - g + 1
ieI ~

deg (D - D' - L P.) ~ 2g - 1 •
ieI ~

Because of the same reason,

t(D-D') a - b - g + 1 .

Let 'PI = (Pi}ieI The kernel of the map

EV'P L(D - D') ~ IF~ equals L (D - D' - L P.) however
I ieI ~

t (D - D') - l (D - D' - L P.) = t ,

ieI ~

hence Ev'P is surj ecti ve, and therefore for any

i e I there exists F. e L (D - D') such that F. (P. ) 1
~ ~ ~

and F . (P .) = 0 for j e I - {i} •

~ J
since the functions Fie L (D - D') are linear
combinations of the functions h j' the equations
L s(v,g.·F.) ·x. = 0 follow from the system (3.3.1). For any
i ~ J ~

solution y = (Yl"'" Yt ) we have

= L ek·g (Pk)·F. (Pk ) = eJ.. gy(P J.)

keI Y J

i.e. g (P.) o for any j e I

Y J •
Thus, the above properties of the divisor D' are
sufficient to find a function gy vanishing at all points
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 335

Pi which correspond to error locators (and may be also

vanishing at some "extra" points). Denote the set of points
Pi e ~ such that gy(P i ) = 0 by Iy; we have just proved
that Iy;2 I .
Consider the system

L f.(P.)·Z. (3.3.2)
ieI J ~ ~

fl, .•• ,fmbeing a basis of L(D) . The error vector e is

a solution of this system, since s(v,fi ) = s(e,f i ) .

Proposition 3.3.2. If

a - b > 2g - 2

then the system (3.3.2) has at most one solution.

Proof:Let z and z' be two different solutions of

this system. Then (z - z') is a solution of

L f. (P.) ·x. 0,
ieI y J ~ ~

Le. the vector x = (Xl' ••• ,Xn ) , where X. = z. - z'.

~ ~ ~

for i e I and x.~ = 0 for i t! Iy is a non-zero code

vector: x e C - (OJ Moreover . IIxli :s I I I :s deg D' = b
since gy e L(D'). On the other hand by supposition
b < a - 2g + 2 = d :S d. The weight of a non-zero vector
cannot be less than the minimum distance. The contradiction
proves the proposition .

Algorithm. Thus a choice of an auxiliary divisor D'
yields the following algorithm of decoding the code
C = (X,~,D)Q ' which we call the basic algorithm:
336 AG-CODES Part 3

1. Calculate a basis {f.} of L(D) , a basis {g. }

~ J
of L (D') , and a basis {h k } of L(D - D') .

2. For a given vector V E IF qn calculate its syndromes

S(v,gj.h k ) and s(v,f i ) .

3. Find out a solution y of the linear system

(3.3.1) .
4. Find out (sorting out the points P. those i

for which g
y (P.)
= 0 •

5. Solve the linear system (3.3.2).

Propositions 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 immediately yield

Theorem 3.3.3. Let C = (X,1',D)n , 2g - 2 < a =

deg D :s n - g + 1 . If for a positive integer t there
exists a divisor D' of some degree b such that
Supp D' n l' = (lJ and
leD') > t

a - b > t + 2g - 2

then the basic algorithm corrects terrors .

Corollary 3.3.4. The basic algorithm corrects any

t :S t
max {min (leD') , a - deg D' - 2g + 2}} - 1

errors, the maximum being taken over all divisors D' such
that Supp D' nT =


Note that to use the basic algorithm we must know D'

explicitly. Using the H-construction or choosing D = a·Po
for some P o E X(IF)
we easily solve the problem of
finding D'
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 337

Exercise 3.3.5. Extend the results of this section to

codes C = (X,~,f)H (to dispense with the conditions
Supp D n~ = f2l and Supp D' n~ = f2l ).

Let us estimate t . Knowing the result of Exercise

3.3.5 we just forget the condition Supp D' ~ = f2l n

Proposition 3.3.6.

Proof: Choose a point Po and let D' = bopo ' where

b = to + g By the Riemann-Roch theorem l(D')~to+1.


to ~ a - b - 2g + 1 a - to - 3g + 1 ,
i. e.

2to ~ a - 3g + 1

Exercise 3.3.7. Check that if the bases of L (D) ,
L (D' ) , and L (D - D') are already given then the basic
algorithm uses at most con 3 operations in the field IF q ,
where the constant c does not depend on q. (Hint: In
fact it needs at most c«d + g2)on) operations, which is
better than c n o 3 when q grows. To prove this just note
that a system of m linear equations in n variables needs
O(m on) operations in IFq ).

3.3.2. Modified algorithm

In this section we modify the basic algorithm using it

iteratively for b = 1, 2, . The modified algorithm is
338 AG-CODES Part 3

especially effective for D = aoP ,P being a Weierstrass

point. However it may be of use in many other cases as well,
for example it is possible to apply it to decode elliptic
codes up to r(dc - 1)/21 •
For a fixed D' and a given v e IF~ (which we want to
decode) let V denote the space of solutions of the system

Exercise 3.3.8. Consider the embedding

L (D' - L Po) '---+ V

ieI ~

mapping each function g e L (D' - L Po) !; L (D' ) to the

ieI ~
set of coefficients of its expansion over the basis {gi}.
Check that this embedding is well defined and if
D" = D - D' - L Po is non-special (i.e. if t(K - D") = 0)
ieI ~
then this map is an isomorphism. (Hint: Cf. the proof of
Proposition 3.3.1) •

Now we are going to consider the case D = a oh where

H is an effective divisor of degree h ; a = aloh • Let

then for any i e Z

The value of S (H) influences greatly the correcting

ability of the following method (which we call the modified
algorithm) .
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 339

Algorithm. We shall solve system (3.3.1) for

divisors D' = Let b
H, 2H, 3H,
be the ••• • smallest
integer for which there exists a solution (in particular,
because of Exercise 3.3.8, we have

t((b - l)'H - LP,) 0).

1 ieI ~

Proposition 3.3.9. Let

Then the divisor D" (a l - b )'H - L P. is non-special.

1 ieI ~

Proof: Suppose it is special, Le. t(K - D") > 0 .

Then there exists an effective divisor E equivalent to
K - D" ;

Then the divisor (b l - l)'H - L P. is equivalent to

ieI ~
K - E - (a l - 2bl + l)'H , hence

t(K - E - (a l - 2b l + 1) 'H) 0,

and therefore

t(K - (a
- 2b 1 + 1) 'H) ::s deg E

(adding a point to a divisor we add at most 1 to the

dimension, and adding an effective divisor at most its
degree). By the Riemann-Roch theorem

t(K - (a l - 2b l + 1) 'H)

t( (a
- 2b
+ 1) 'H) - a ·h
+ 2b 1 ·h - h + g - 1 •
340 AG-CODES Part 3

On the other hand, the definition of S(H) yields

~ f_(_a_l_-_2_b_l_+----:~=-)-·-h-+-h-+-11 _ S (H)

__ fal'h - 2g + 11
2 + g - bl·h + h - S(H)

We get

deg E ~ t(K - (a l - 2b l + 1) 'H) ~

~ rdc ~ 1 1 + 2g - 1 - al'h + bl'h - S(H) ~

~ t + 2g - 1 - a ·h + b ·h
1 1
deg E + 1 .

which is contradictory •

This proposition and Exercise 3.3.8 show that when t
satisfies the condition of Proposition 3.3.9 we have

v L(b ·H -

i.e. each solution of (3.3.1) yields a function g

vanishing at error locators. Now we have to find out the
errors, which is similar to proposition 3.3.2.

Exercise 3.3.10. Prove that under the condition on t

the system (3.3.2) has a unique solution. (Hint: Use the
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 341

definition of S(H) and the fact that t( (b

- 1) 'H) !!O t ,
since t«b -1)'H- I:P.)=O).
1 ieI ~

Thus we have proved

Theorem 3.3.11. For a positive divisor H let

D = a 1 'H be such that 2g - 2 < a = deg D !!O n - g + 1 .
Then the modified algorithm described above decodes any

t !!O r dc ~ 1 1- S(H)

errors for the code C = (X,:P,D)g

Exercise 3.3.12. The modified algorithm obviously
needs at most c'n operations in IF q • Find a method to
solve systems (3.3.1) for = i'H, Di
i = 1, ••• ,b1 which
lowers this estimate to c·n3 (Hint: The system (3.3.1)
for D'. is obtained from those for D'. 1 by crossing out
~ ~-
some equations and adding some new variables. If one of the
systems is triangular then the other is "rather close" to a
triangular form).

Remark 3.3.13. Contrary to the situation with the basic

algorithm, we are unable to make the modified algorithm
applicable to the H-construction, or to the case of an
arbitrary D.

3.3.3. Some remarks

Estimation of S(H). The question about the value of

S(H) is now crucial.
342 AG-CODES Part 3

Exercise 3.3.14. Prove that

S(H) !: fh ; 11
and that if either h or r ~ 11
g is even then

S(H) S r h1 -
g ; 1 ,

and if neither of them is even then

S (H) S r +~ -
g 11 .
(Hint: To prove the second inequality use the fact that
S(H) is the maximum of the difference of values at integers
of two functions. One of them is almost linear, and the
other function l(i'H) has a polygon lower bound consisting
of the horizontal line l(i'H) ~ 1 and the line given by
the Riemann-Roch theorem. Maximum is attained at their
meeting point).

If S (H) = 0 , the modified algorithm corrects

r dc -2 1 1 errors, just as one would like. However this is

a rare case.

Hyperelliptic curves. From the definition it is clear

that S(H) is the smaller, the larger is the speciality
index of i·H. Consider the "most favorable" case.
Let a
curve X of genus g ~ 1 have a map
f : X ----+of degree 2, i.e. either g = 1 and X is

elliptic, or X is hyperelliptic. For H we choose a

hyperelliptic divisor, i.e. H=f * (P), P e (pI (IFq)
h = deg H = 2 •
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 343

Exercise 3.3.15. Prove that S (H) = O. (Hint: in

this case the Clifford theorem yields t(i oH) = i + 1 for
i s g )•

Thus for a hyperelliptic (or an elliptic) curve X and a

multiplicity of a hyperplane section D a1 H0 the code

can be decoded up to r dc ~ 1 1 In
particular decoding exists for any curve X of genus g s 2
(for an appropriate choice of the divisor), since any curve
of genus two is hyperelliptic.

Unfortunately this is the only case when S(H) O.

Exercise 3.3.16. S(H) = 0 then either

Prove that if
g s 1 or H is a hyperelliptic divisor (and X is a
hyperelliptic curve). (Hint: set i = 1 and 2 in the
definition of S(H) ).

Plane curves. For a smooth plane curve X c p2 and a

hyperplane section divisor H it is possible to calculate
S(H) precisely. It this case h = deg H = deg X equals the
degree of an irreducible equation defining X.

Exercise 3.3.17. Prove that in this case

S(H) r (h -8 1)2 + 1
-2- 1 •

(Hint: Check that

__ (i + 2) (i + 1)
t (i 0 H) ...>..:;;..-....0:..:2::----'''---...;;...<...

for i < h , and that the value of i defining S(H) lies

in this zone).
344 AG-CODES Part 3

The result of Exercise 3.3.17 means that for large g

it is possible to decode a plane curve code up to about
dc - 1 dc - 1
~ instead of the general estimate ~ .
2 4 2 2

Exercise3.3.18. Estimate S(H) for a smooth

irreducible curve Xc 1P3 and also for X c IPm , m being
fixed. Show that for a fixed m and for large g we get a
bit better estimate than in the general case (which however

tends to ~ when m ~ ~ ).

Fermat curves. Consider the curve

m and q being co-prime. Let p = (1:0:1) E X(Fq) •

Exercise 3.3.19. Show that if m == 0 (mod 4) then

S (P) =m'(m 8 - 4) + 1 .

(Hint: Consider the map Tl: X ~ IP, Tl (x:Y: z) = (Y:x - z)

and use the method of Proposition 2.2.48. Show that the

obtained values of non-gaps determine the gap structure at
P ). Consider the case of other m.

Tightening. In a number of cases Theorem 3.3.11 can be


Exercise 3.3.20. Prove that if D = a 1 'H , a1 being

even and a
> 2g - 2
+ 1 then the modified algorithm
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 345

corrects any ~ dc ~ 1 1- S (H) errors, where

S (H) max { r i· h ; h + 1 1- t (i· H) }


(Hint: Read the proof of Theorem 3.3.11 attentively). Derive

that if X is elliptic and D = 2a 2 ·H , it is possible to

II de errors.

Exercise 3.3.21. For H = P e X (IFq) let

max {j + 1 - t( (2j + 1) 'P) }


Prove that if D = a·P , a being even, then the modified

algorithm corrects r dc -2 1 1 - So (P) errors. Prove that

if so(P) = 0 then either X is hyperelliptic, or
g(X) oS 4 Give examples of non-hyperelliptic curves of
genus 3 and 4 and points on them such that So (P) = 0 .
(Hint: The gap sequence should be {1,2,4} or {1,2,5} for
a curve of genus 3, and {1,2,4,7} for a curve of genus 4).

To end this discussion let us point out that the main

question on decoding of AG-codes is still open:

Probl em 3. 3 • 22 . Find out an algorithm decoding any

AG-code up to ~ dc ~ 1 1.
Remark 3.3.23. Problem 3.3.22 being open, there are
however some results which can be summed up as follows.
346 AG-CODES Part 3

Let X be a curve of genus g over Fq • Consider the


~ (Div+ l(F ))5 ~ (3 (F ))5-1

5 g- q X q

( D, ..., D ) ~ ([ D - D ] , [D - D3 ],···, [D5 1 - D 5 ])

1 5 1 2 2 -

being the set of effective Fq-divisors of

degree ( Div+
g-l q
(F ))5 being its cartesian
5-power, being the group of Fq -points of the
Jacobian, denoting the image in 3 X of a divisor
of degree zero. If for some 5 the map '" 5 is not
surjective then, applying the basic algorithm parallelly to
some divisors D' =D; , ••• ,D~, we decode C= (X,'P,D)n

up to r de -2 1 1. Moreover, it can be proves that is

not surjective for 5 = 2g at least if either
a) X is a maximum curve, or
b) q ~ 37 , or q ~ 16 and g is large enough.

Thus in these cases there exists an algorithm of

decoding. Unfortunately this is an existence theorem, we are
still unable to find out necessary divisors D;, ... ,D~. In
particular, even for q large enough, this algorithm does not
lead to polynomial decoding of asymptotically good codes

(cf. section 3.4.4) up to r de 2- 1 1.

Concatenated and restricted codes. In section 3.1.3 we
have constructed some families of codes, applying
concatenation and field restriction to AG-codes. It is not
difficult to give decoding algorithms for such codes.
Chapter 3.3 DECODING 347

Exercise 3.3.24. write out a decoding algorithm up to

iI·dO (D-g)-11
c 2 for concatenated codes with a fixed inner
[n,k,dlq-code and outer algebraic-geometric [N, K, ~ Dcl b-
codes, which needs at most c 1 (n oN) 3 operations in IF q ,
where c1 is a constant independent of q, and noN is
the length of codes obtained. (Hint: Use Proposition 1.2.31
and Exercise 1.2.30).

Exercise 3.3.25. write out a decoding algorithm up to

~dC - ~ - 11
for q-ary restriction of c/'-ary AG-codes (m
being fixed), which needs at most c N3 operations in IFq o

Our final remark concerns any linear code.

Remark 3.3.26. The basic algorithm can be in fact

applied to any linear code, having a so-called correcting
pair. Let A, B , C be linear codes in IF n such that

1) A*B ~ cl., where A*B {a*b a E A, b E B} , and

2) k(A) ~ t ;

3) d (Bl.) > t ;

4) n < d(A) + d(C)

Then (A,B) is called a t-correcting pair for C. If there

exists such a pair with t s (d(C) - 1)/2 then there is an
algorithm of complexity O(n 3 ) correcting t errors. For
C = (X,l',D)n we can set A = (X,l',D')L' B = (X,l',D - D')L
and obtain the basic algorithm.


The advantages of algebraic-geometric codes are most

illustrious when we consider asymptotic problems. It turns
out that the parameters of AG-codes constructed from
families of algebraic curves are the better, the higher is
(asymptotically) the ratio of the number of IF q -points on
them to their genus. In section 3.4.1 we establish the basic
algebraic-geometric asymptotic bound, it is a line
intersecting the Gilbert-Varshamov bound if q is large
enough (thus ameliorating it on a segment). This result
shows that highly un-random codes given by subtle algebraic
geometry (modular curves are used) can be asymptotically
better than random codes (recall that with probability one
any linear code lies on the Gilbert-Varshamov bound). Then,
in section 3.4.2, we see that a probabilistic argument can
be also applied to AG-codes themselves. An expurgation
method leads (varying the divisor) to the expurgation bound.
For small q this bound coincides with the Gilbert-Varshamov
bound, and if q is large enough, it is a bit better than

350 AG-CODES Part 3

the maximum of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and the basic

AG-bound, smoothing the angles at points of their
intersection. The basic AG-bound is constructive, applying
to it various constructions of section 1.2.3 we (in section
3.4.3) ameliorate the polynomial Bloch-Ziablov bound for any
q and cS • The progress due to AG-codes leads also to
amelioration of some other asymptotic bounds (in section
3.4.4). For non-linear codes (q being large enough) it can
be shown that the expurgation bound is not the best
possible; moreover, the amelioration of the Gilbert bound
can be extended to arbitrary alphabets. The bound for codes
with polynomial construction and polynomial decoding is now
also sometimes better than the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. The
corresponding bounds for self-dual codes and for constant-
weight codes can be also ameliorated by the use of AG-codes.

3.4.1. Basic AG-bound

Let us apply Corollary 3.1.11 to families of curves of

growing genus.

Theorem 3.4.1. If over ~q there exists a family of

curves Xi of genus g. ----+ co such that

lim inf < 1

where N.~ IX . (~ ) I , then

~ q

Proof: According to Corollary 3.1.11 the codes

constructed from Xi have parameters

ni 1,2, ... ,Ni and ki = O,l, ... ,n i - gi ' and

gi - 1
Le. Ri =l- N. - o ..~
Passing to the limit over i, we

see that the points (oi,R i ) are dense on the line segment

R 1 - '1 - 0,

Consider the quantity
A(q) = lim sup g

the limit being taken over all ~

-curves, and let


Corollary 3.4.2.

Recall (cf. Theorem 2.3.22) that

Corollary 3.4.3. Let q be an even power of a prime.


1 - (v'q" - 1) -1 - 0

Proof: In Part 4 we shall prove that in this case

A(q) = v'q" - 1 (cf. Theorem 4.2.38) .

The bound is called the basic algebraic-
geometric bound.
352 AG-CODES Part 3

Now we are going to compare the obtained bound (right

now we restrict ourselves to the case q = p2m with the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound (cf. section 1.3.2)

The Gilbert-Varshamov bound is concave, its ends are (0,1)

and «q - l)/q,O) . Therefore the basic AG-bound which is a
line segment connecting points (0,1 - (vq - 1)-1) and
(1 - (vq - 1)-1,0», either totally lies below it, or
intersects it in two points, or is tangent to it.

Theorem 3.4.4. The basic AG-bound RTVZ lies totally

lower than the Gilbert-Varshamov bound RGV for
q = p2m < 49 For q = p2m i!: 49 these bounds intersect,
and RTVZ ameliorates RGV on the segment «\,8) , where
01 and 8 2 are the roots of the equation

(8) - 8 = (vq - 1)-1

Consider the tangent to RGV

Proof: parallel to the
basic AG-bound; if it is higher than the basic AG-bound then
the bounds do not intersect, otherwise they do intersect and
the intersection equation is as above.

The tangent is given by

R = 1 - (logq(2 q - 1) - 1) - 8

(cf. Exercise 1.3.14).

The equation has two roots iff

Theorem 2.3.22 i!: (vq - 1) - 1 ,

states that Q and if
q p2m then (cf. Theorem 4.2.38) there is the equality. It

is easy to see that for q p2m the above inequality holds

iff q ~ 49

Exercise 3.4.5. Check the last statement.

Exercise 3.4.6. Check that for q = p 2m+1 :s 41 the

basic AG-bound lies lower than RGV .

Remark 3.4.7. The basic AG-bound does not depend on

the construction of AG-codes we use. Using the
L-construction (or the O-construction) we can put
D = a 'P o ' where P o E X(IF q ) , and construct codes of
length n N - 1 evaluating at the other IFq-points of
x. The loss of 1 in the length does not influence
asymptotic properties. On the contrary the next section will
need the H-construction, notwithstanding the asymptotic
character of the result.

3.4.2. Expurgation bound

The Gilbert-Varshamov bound (cf. sections 1.1. 4 and

1.3.2) is proved by an expurgation method, i.e. we construct
the object we need (linear codes in our case) step by step
(say choosing the basis vectors one by one) using the random
choice till it is for sure possible. The basic AG-bound, on
the contrary, is proved by direct algebraic-geometric
Here we are going to unite these two ideas. An AG-code
is constructed from a curve X and a line bundle ~ on it.
If the curve is fixed, then the estimate for the parameters
(cf. Theorem 3.1.10) depends only on a = deg ~ . However it
turns out that among bundles of given degree one can often
354 AG-CODES Part 3

choose such that the minimum distance is much better than

the a priori estimate given by Theorem 3.1.10. The reason is
that the number of bundles giving codes with at most given
distance can be bound from above, and the total number of
bundles of given degree can be bound from below using
proposition 2.3.26 (the expurgation method!).

In this section q is an even power of a prime. The

codes are constructed by the H-construction using all
IFq-points of X
Let . Let

(1') { D e Div+(X) deg D a , Supp D n X(lFq) ~ l' }

a,r { D e Div+(X) I deg D = a , ISupp D n X(lFq) I = r }

By J
we denote the set of line bundles !£ e Pic(X)
such deg !£ = a
that and the minimum distance of
C = (X,X(lFq)'!£)H equals exactly d •

Lemma 3.4.8. There exists an embedding of sets

ex Ja d , '----+ Ca , n-d

In particular

Proof: Let !£ e J
d. Then there exists a section
s e HO(!£) such that the divisor of its zeros satisfies

n - d

i. e. DeC d Choose any s wi th this property and

s a,n-
let ex (!£) = Ds The divisor class Ds corresponds to the

bundle hence ex never glues non-isomorphic bundles

together •

By Ja J we denote the set of IF q -divisors of
degree a on X.

Lemma 3.4.9. Consider a family of curves X. with

g1.' ~ <XI and limeN ./g.)
1. 1.
= A • Then for any a

Proof: On any curve X having an IFq-point there exist

IF q -bundles of any degree a . Fix one such bundle ~
any bundle of degree a equals ~o® ~ I where deg ~ =a I

i. e. ~ E J X (IF q). Therefore we have an isomorphism

J ~ JX(IF ) . Proposition 2.3.26 now yields the lemma.
X,a q •

Lemma 3.4.10. a family of curves

Consider X. wi th
gi ~ <XI and let sequences of integers { a i } and {t i} be
such that

a. - L
lim inf
1. 1.
> a

and there exists the limit

i\ lim
g. > a
gi~<XI 1.


a"H (L/a.)
1. 21. 1.
for t ./a.1. > (q-l) /q
f {
a. It.
1. 1. a.1. 'log 2 q - t.1. -log2 (q-l)
356 AG-CODES Part 3

Proof: A divisor from Ca,t is determined by a choice

of a set of t points such that {PI' ••• ,Pt }
Supp D n X(IF q) {P 1 , • • • ,Pt } and of an effective divisor
D' = D - (PI + ••• + P t ) of degree (a - t) ; the divisor D'
can be anyone from C .({P, ••• ,p.}) • Therefore
a-<. 1 <.


where da,i. = ICa,t({Pt, •.• ,Pt)}1 depends only on a and

t , and does not depend on the set {PI, ••• ,Pt }.
A divisor of degree (a - t) is a sum of bl points
of degree I, b 2 points of degree 2, etc.;

(cf. the end of section 2.3.1). The points of degree 1 are

taken from the set {PI' ••• ,Pt } , and the rest points are

Thus for a fixed sequence (b 1 ,b2 ,b3 , ••• ,ba - t ) , the

number of divisors from Ca-t({PI, .•• ,Pt }) with given
(b ,b , •• • ,b .)
I 2 a-<.


where for s 2: 2 by Bs we denote (as in section 2. 3 . 2)

the number of points of degree s on the curve X, and
B = t . To give an upper estimate for the product (3.4.2)
we can change Bs by any ts 2: Bs • Let tl = t, and for
s = 2, ••• ,e = r201ogqgl let

So (c + 1 - s)

t because of Proposition 2.3.28), and for

s ~ Bs
s ~ c + 1 let

(we have



d :5
a ,t

the sum being taken over the sequences with

b 1 + 2b 2 + 3b 3 + ••. = a - thence

log2 (da,<-.) :5 log2(p(a - e)) +

+ max { L
lOg2(t s + b s -
the maximum being taken over the same sequences
(b 1 ,b2 , ••• ) , and pen) being the number of partitions, the
well known number theory function satisfying the classical

Since a:5 const·g we see that asymptotically

log2 (p(a - e)) = o(g)

358 AG-CODES Part 3

Let us now bound the maximum value of the sum in

(3.4.3) .
By the Stirling formula (for bs * 0 ) we have

:s log2 ( t s + b s ) :s

Since those bs which are equal to zero do not add

anything, we get

+ 0 (g) •

Dispensing with the condition that bs are integers,

we get

a - l} + 0 (g) ,

Xs being continuous variables.


This expression can be estimated by the Lagrange

method. The derivative over x of the function we maximize
t 5
being equal to log2 (1 + X:) , we see that the maximum is

attained for where is given by the

a-t 5·t 5
L a - t .
5=1 11 5 - 1

Note that 11 > 1 , otherwise the sum would be negative. The

maximum equals

a-e a-e
a, e
L t 5 .log 2 (
- J + L x 5 'log2 (JJ.5)

L t 5 .log 2 (
- J + (a - t)· log 11

On the other hand

(a - t) . t a-t
11 - 1

i. e. :S 11 - 1 , hence

(ta_e = 4qa-tI(a-t) since a - e 2: con5t'g by a supposition

of the lemma).
360 AG-CODES Part 3

Let us estimate the sum

c 9 g.q S/2
In 2 s=2

L + o(g) :s
s=2 s· (c + 1 - s)·q S
9g c
L q-S/2 + O(g) = O(g)
c·ln 2 s=2

and the sum

a-t S a-t 4·q S

L t .log ( :s
s=c+1 S 2
- 1) L
s=c+1 s· (In 2) . (/J.S - 1)

4 a-t a -- t + o (g)
:s L (q//J.)S + 0 (g) :s const·-c o (g)
c·ln 2 s=c+1

substituting these estimates into the formula for f we

a ,t

It is clear that 10g2/J. l!: log2(q) - 0(1) . However to

calculate f • we need more precise information on the
a ,<-
value of /J.. Consider two cases.
a) Suppose that /J. l!: q·(l + c) for some c > 0 . Then

c s·t S c 9g·qS/2· S
:s L :s
s=2 /J. - 1 s=2 s· (c + 1 - s)
9g c
:s -c - ·L s (vq//J.)s + o (g) = o(g)


since the sum L (~/~)s converges. We also have


a-l s·t s a-l

L :s L o (g)
s=c+1 s=c+1


a-l s·t s
~ - 1
(a - l) - L a - l - 0 (g)

L e.

~ a: l + 0 (g)

a'H (lla)
+ o(g).

Note that in this case a

a:-::-l ~ > q Le.

l 1
> 1 -
a q

b) Now let ~:s q • Since 10g2~ ~ log2q - 0(1) , we


a ,l (a - l) '10g 2q + l'10g2 q q 1 + o(g)

a . log 2q - l·l og2 (q - 1) + 0 ( g) •

362 AG-CODES Part 3

In this case (since a - t ~ q-=-r + o(g) ) we get

tla :5 1 -

Note also that for tla 1 -
q the formula for a)
and for b) coincide.

The Stirling formula and (3.4.1) yield

log2 Iea,L.1 = log2 (If)(.

+ log 2 d a,L. : 5 N·H (tiN)
+ f D
+ o(g),

and we obtain the desired result .

Based on the estimate of the total number of
~ -divisors (Lemma 3.4.9) and on the estimate of the number
of divisors whose support includes a given number of
~q-points (Lemmas 3.4.8 and 3.4.10) we are now able to prove
the lower bound.

Theorem 3.4.11. Let q be an even power of a prime.

Fix a family {Xi} of curves of genus gi ~ ro over ~q

IX. (~ )I
such that lim ~ q = ~ - 1 and let be the
lower asymptotic bound for linear codes of the form
c (X.,X.(~
~ ~ q )'£)H . Then

a) If q < 49 , then

b) If q ~ 49 , let r (~ - 1) -1 , and let 0' and


8' be the roots of


(8) + -q-.
q - 1
(1 - 0) 1 + a

and 0'
and 8' be the roots of

1 + a

o < 8' < 8' < 8' < 8' <

1 2 3 4



for 8 e [0 o']U[8' q - 1]
'1 4' q

and for 8 e [8' 8' ]U[8' 8']

l' 2 3' 4
the function
is given by the implicit equation

(R~ (0) + a)' Hq ( 1 - 8 ) + H (8) 1 + a (3.4.4)

R~(8) + a q

Exercise 3.4.12. Check that Ry(8) is everywhere

continuously differentiable, and that the second derivative
is not continuous at 8'l ' 8'2' 8'3' 84 ' .

behaviour of the expurgation bound Ry for
q =p ~ 49 is shown on Fig.3.1 on the next page. Cf. also
Diagrams A.2.2 and Tables A.2.4 of Appendix.
364 AG-CODES Part 3

Behaviour of lower asymptotic bounds for q

RGV is the Gilbert-Varshamov bound;
RTVZ is the basic AG-bound;
RO is the expurgation bound (where it differs from
RGV and RTVZ ).
(For q = 49 we have 5~ <:l 0.28, 51 <:l 0.37, 5; <:l 0.39,
5' '" 0.61, 52 <:l 0.62, 5~ <:l 0.67, 1 - '1 q <:l O. 83 , and
3 1


Proof of the theorem: Fix some R E (0,1) and a curve

X of genus g from the considered family. Let

Then for an AG-code c

(X,X(f'q) ,.f) H' where
= is any
line bundle of degree a , its parameters satisfy

k ~ a - g + 1 ~ ~ -R-g

Since (for g ~ co ) the length n of C, which equals

the number of f'q-pointson X, behaves like g- (v'q' - 1) ,
these inequalities become

kin ~ R

5 = din ~ 1 - R - ~

Using spoiling (Lemma 1.1.34) we can put kin - R . Further

on we consider only the relative distance 5 = din . For any
.f we can of course obtain (as in Corollary 3.4.• 3)
5 - 1 - R - ~ • We are going to prove that it is possible to
choose a line bundle .fa of degree a such that 5 is
asymptotically on the bound of the theorem. For 5 E (5'2' 5')
it is obvious.
For other values of we shall prove that for any
e > 0 and any large enough g we have

where de = n- (5 - e), 5 = RV (R). Indeed from this
inequality and Lemma 3.4.8 one can see that the number of
line bundles of degree a such that the minimum distance is
at most de is less than the total number of f'q-bUndles of
degree a:

E 13 I:s (3.4.5)
d:Sd a,d
366 AG-CODES Part 3

hence there exists a bundle :eo such that the minimum

distance is more than de
Note that de ~ const·g ,and therefore

10gq( L lea n-dl) + 0 (g) •

d~d '

To prove (3.4.5) it suffices to prove (use Lemma 3.4.9

and the logarithm of (3.4.5)) that


According to Lemma 3.4.10 the left hand side of (3.4.6) is

at most

{(~ - l)·H (1 -
+ fig}


y din , f(y) = (~ - 1) ·H2 (y) + f a,n- dig.

since we are interested in asymptotics, we can suppose that

alg = o-l·R + 1 (which is in fact true up to 0(1) ). Then
we see that


and that

-1 -1
fey) + (1' 'R + l' . (l-y) 'log2(q-l) ,

1 - Y 1
R + X :s 1 - q

Passing to derivatives (recall that log ~)

2 X '
we get

1 - y
--- - log2
2 Y 1 - Y

1 ~ 1 - Y ~ 1 _ 1
R + l' q

log 1 - Y + 1 og2 (q - 1)
2 Y

Note that in the first case f'(y) > ° for

(1 - y) 2 > y' (R + l' - 1 + y),

i.e. for < 1 ; however in this case

Y l+R+1'

y:s 1 - (R + 'Y)
• 3 q- 1 < -=--~l=--:--_

(since R + l' ~ r > q 1 1 ). In the second case f ' (y) > °

for y:s ~
• Hence f (y) is increasing on the interval

(0, (q - l)/q). Therefore

max f(d/n)
368 AG-CODES Part 3

Thus the inequality (3.4.6) holds for

f ( eS) :5 1 + '1 . (1 - log 2 (q - 1» (3.4.7)

For 1 ~ 1 - eS ~ 1 _ 1 we have
R + '1 q

feeS) - (1 + '1- 1 • (1 - log2(q - 1»)

- '1 - 1 + log2(q - 1» =

Thus, since feeS) is increasing, the inequality (3.4.7)

(and hence (3.4.5» holds for any IS less or equal to the
solution of

1 + '1 (3.4.8)

subject to the auxiliary condition

1 - (R + D) :5 IS :5 1 - q - 1. (R + D) . (3.4.9)

1 - eS 1
For :5 1 - we get
R + '1 q

f «(;) - (1 + '1- 1 • (1 - log2 (q - 1»)

- '1 - 1 + 1 og2 (q - 1» = '1 . (log q) . (H
2 q ( eS) + R - 1) .

We have proved that (3.4.7) holds for any 0 less or equal

than the solution of

R = 1 - Hq (0) (3.4.10)

subject to the condition

o ~ 1 - q - l·(R
+ ~) (3.4.11)

The equation (3.4.10) is that of the Gilbert-Varshamov

summing up, we have first shown that there exist line
bundles of the given degree on curves of the given family
such that the corresponding codes have the given Rand
o ~ 1 - (R +~) We have also shown that if the minimum
distance is less than the bound given by (3.4.8) and
(3.4.9), (3.4.10) and (3.4.11), then we can choose a bundle
such that the distance of the code is better than 0
The curve (3.4.8) intersects the line o = 1 - (R + ~)
at 0' and 0' and the line 0 = 1 - q - 1. (R + D) at 0'
2 3 ' q 1
and 0'4 (where 0'.
are defined in the statement of the
theorem). The bound (3.4.4) takes place between these lines
(then the condition (3.4.9) is satisfied), i.e. for
o E [0'l ' o']U[o'
3' 4
Over the second line the Gilbert-
Varshamov bound (3.4.10) takes place (since (3.4.11) holds
there). It is easy to check that at 0'1 and 0'4 the bounds
(3.4.8) and (3.4.10) meet.
If q < 49 (i.e. for q = 4, 9, 16, 25) the line

1 - q - 1. (R + ~)

is everywhere lower than (3.4.4) (cf. Theorem 3.4.4) and 0

can be "pulled up" to the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for any
R . For q ~ 49 both equations giving the values of 0'2' 0'3
370 AG-CODES Part 3

and 8' 8' are solvable, and the bound is assembled of

1 ' 4
five pieces .

Corollary 3.4.13. Let q be an even pover of a prime.

The bound Ry is the best estimate known for a~in
(but not for a q , cf. section 3.4.4).

Exercise 3.4.14. Prove that (in the situation of

Theorem 3.4.11) the parameters of C = (X.,
X. (IF ), Ie) H
~ q lie
on the bound Ry(8) with probability one. (It is useful to
compare this result with Remark 1.3.17).

3.4.3. Constructive bounds

AG-codes also make it possible to ameliorate the lower

bounds for a~Ol and a~Ol,lin described in section 1.3.4.

Theorem 3.4.15. If q is an even pover of a prime


1 - (VcI' - 1) -1 - 8

To prove this theorem it suffices to give a polynomial
algorithm of construction for AG-codes on some family of

curves Xi of genus gi ~ 00 over such that

Vq"' - 1

This is rather difficult and will be done later in section

4.3.2. Let us remark that since (for q large enough) the
bound R TVZ is partly higher than RGV , Theorem 3.4.15
obviously ameliorates the polynomial bound R BZ for such q
and some 0 •
Now we are going to use some constructions of Section
1.2.3 (cf. also sections 1.3.4 and 3.1.2).

concatenation bound. Applying Corollary 1.3.36 to the

bound R TVZ we obtain the following result valid for any q .

Theorem 3.4.16. Let

R (0) max {(1 - (qk/2 - 1)-1). kn - kd · O }

KTV(lin) =

the maximum being taken over all linear [n,k,d]q-COdes such

that i f q is an odd power of a prime then k is even.

Exercise 3.4.17. Prove the theorem.

Unfortunately we do
not know the precise value of
RKTV(lin) (0) • The reason is, of course, that we do not
know the parameters of all q-ary codes. However, each code
372 AG-CODES Part 3

from the set described in the theorem gives a line segment

(3.4.12 )

which is a lower bound for and for a~Ol,lin

If we have some subset of such codes then the
corresponding bound is assembled from parts of such
segments. Consider first the behavior of RKTV(lin) at the
ends of the interval.

Proposition 3.4.18. For a --+ 0 the bound

RKTV(lin) (a) behaves at vorst as

1 - R - - 2a lO g q a

For x = (q ~ 1 - a) --+ 0 it behaves at vorst as

-20 (Vq"' _ 1) oq4. 0 (Vq"'3 _ 1) -3 0X3 ologqx for q = p2m ,

R -
-2q 6 (q + 1) 2 (q 3 - 1)
0 0
oX3 ologif' for q = p 2m+1 •

Exercise 3.4.19. Prove the proposition. (Hint:
Estimate the asymptotic behavior of the nodes of the polygon
defined as the maximum of segments (3.4.12) corresponding to
trivial [l,l, 1]q- or [2l, 2l, 1]q-codes and first order
affine Reed-Muller [qm , m + 1 , ~ - ~-1] - or
2m-1 2m-1 2m-2 q
[q , 2m , q - q ] q -codes) .

Remark 3.4.20. To compare recall the behavior of the

Gilbert-Varshamov bound at the upper end

1 - RGV (a) - - aologq a for a --+ 0


and at the lower end

RGV(~q-1 _ x) _2(q -
1) .In q·x
2 for x ------+ 0

and that of the Bloch-Ziablov bound

for 5 ------+ 0 and

q _
RBz (--q- -
x - 6 (q
2 ·X

- 1) ·In q

for x ------+ 0 (cf. Exercises 1. 3 .13 and 1. 3.34, and also

Tables A.2.4 of Appendix).

Theorem 3.4.21. For any q (equal to a poyer of a

prime) and for any 5 E (o,q ~ 1) ve have

Sketch of proof: We do not give the details here

because the proof uses a lot of computation. The idea is as
Consider the polygon of Exercise 3.4.19. Accurate
evaluation of the difference between this polygon and the
asymptotics of Proposition 3.4.18, as well as of the
difference between R BZ and its asymptotics (cf . Remark
3.4.20), proves the theorem for 5 ranging over intervals
(0,0:) and ((3,
q -
for some explicitly calculated 0:
and (3. For large enough values of q we get (3 < 0: and
we are done. For small q one adds some segments (3.4.12)
for few other codes. To prove that the obtained polygon is
higher than R BZ it is enough to show this for its nodes
374 AG-CODES Part 3

(RBZ being concave). Far from the ends of (O,q ~ 1) this

can be done by straight-forward calculation using the
decreasing of R BZ and tables of its values. Since the
constructed polygon is "much higher" than RBZ (cf. Tables
A.2.4), the estimates can be rather rough .

Exercise 3.4.22. Give a complete proof.

For c5 ---+ 0 the bound R.rcrV(lin) behaves twice

worse than R GV • Now we are going to give another bound,
good for small values of c5 •

Restriction bound. Let us now apply the field


Theorem 3.4.23. Let

2m· (q - 1)
R.rcr(c5) = mmax { 1 - -- -
q. (ct'/2- 1)

the maximum being taken over integers m~ 1 such that ct'

is a square. Then

Sketch of proof:
Let ct' be an even power of a prime.
Consider a family of curves X of growing genus g over
F ct' such that the ratio of the number of Fqm-Points to the
genus is asymptotically maximal, i.e.

lim sup ~
= ct'/2 - 1

We shall also need a point over an extension of

which is not defined over any smaller field:

Exercise 3.4.24. Prove that for b ~ g there always

exist an IF q«Ib -point on X which is not defined over any
smaller field. (Hint: Use the fact that

IX(IF ) 1 - qmb - 11 ~ 2g.qmb/2

q mb
cf. Exercise 2.3.14).

Let b ~ g. Fix such a point Q and let

Q = Q1' ••• ,Qb be its conjugates over IF cf' . Let D1 =L Qi'

'P = X (IF qm) • Up to a spoiling Theorem 3.1. 40 yields an

[N, N - m·(q - 1)·b - 1, q·b - 2g + 2]q-code. Asymptotically
we get a family of codes with

R - 1 - m' (q - 1)·(3 ,

15 - q' (3 - 2'a' ,

where 'a' = (qm/2 - 1) - 1 , (3 = lim inf biN ~ 'a'. The latter

inequality is not essential, since for b < g the a priori
estimate k ~ N - m' (q·b - g + 1) is better than that of
Theorem 3.1.40.
A proper choice of (3 (depending on 15) and the remark
that field restriction is a polynomial operation and that we
restrict polynomially constructable codes, yield

1 _ 2m' (q - 1) m' (q - 1)'15

q- (qm/2_ 1)

Theorem 3.4.25. For 15 ----+ 0 the bound
behaves as
376 AG-CODES Part 3

in particular, for q = 2 this bound behaves for 5 ~ 0

exactly as the Gilbert-Varshamov bound (in the sense that
the main asymptotic terms of 1 - R coincide) •

Exercise 3.4.26. Give a detailed proof of Theorem
3.4.23. Check the statement of Theorem 3.4.25.

Let us remark that for q = p2m we have

On the other hand RKT always intersects RTVZ and for

q 2:: 361 it also intersects R GV •

3.4.4. Other bounds

AG-codes lead to ameliorations of a number of other

asymptotic bounds.

Non-linear codes. Since concatenation can be applied to

non-linear codes as well, Theorem 3.4.16 has the following
obvious analogue.

Theorem 3.4.27. Let

the maximum being taken over all (linear and non-linear)

[n,k,d]q-COdes such that k e ~ and k is even if q is
an odd power of a prime. Then


This theorem makes sense since (for a fixed finite

length) there do exist non-linear codes whose parameters are
better than those of linear codes. Numerical values of
RKTV(o) are given in Tables A.2.4.
Now we are going to apply non-linear constructions of
section 1.2.3. Up to the end of the discussion of non-linear
codes the alphabet cardinality q is arbitrary (not
necessarily a power of a prime). Recall that for a
non-linear [n,k,d]q-code C, in general, k = logqlci is
not an integer.

Theorem 3.4.28. Let

(0) = max {(lOg
p2m).(pm - 2)·2m
(pm _ 1).n
_ 2~ .0J}
here the maximum is taken over all [n,k,d] 2m-codes, and a

prime p and an integer m are such thai M = qk ~ p2m


Exercise 3.4.29. Prove the theorem. (Hint: Apply
Exercise 1.3.38 on the alphabet extension to the bound RKTV
for pol)
<Xp2m .

Theorem 3.4.30. Let q ~ 46. Then for c5 from some

interval we have

.... q 0
> R GV (~)
0 •

Applying the part of Theorem 1.3.19 concerning

alphabet restriction to the basic AG-bound

<X1(0)~1- 1 -c5
q Vii" 1
378 AG-CODES Part 3

where q' l!: q , q' p2m is an even power of a prime, we


1 - «R - 1)-1 + 5)'logq (q')

The obtained bound is a line segment, and we can

compare it with the Gilbert-Varshamov bound just as in
the proof of Theorem 3.4.4.
According to Exercise 1.3.14 the tangent to R Gy (5 )
with the angle -log(q') touches RGy (5) at the point

50 = (q - 1) 1 (q' + q - 1)

At this point we have

1 q - 1
1 - R _ 1 + q' + q

The curve RGy (5) and the line RLZ (5) intersect in
two points iff R LZ (5 0 ) > R Gy (5 0 ) , which is clearly
equivalent to



To prove the theorem for a given q it is enough to

show that q belongs to an interval of the form (3.4.13).
Let p = 2 then (3.4.13) becomes

m m m
l!: q > 22m'2 1(2 -1) _ 22m + 1 = 22m. (22m/(2 -1) - 1) + 1

and the intervals corresponding to m and (m + 1)

intersect iff
22(m+1)/(2 m+ 1 -1) < 5

i.e. for m ~ 5 . The left end of the interval corresponding

to m = 5 is less than 258, i.e. for q ~ 258 the theorem
is proved.
Now let successively p = 17, 13, 11 . For m = 1 we
get the intervals [289,124], [169,91], [121,76]. For
p = 3, m = 2; p = 2, m = 3; p = 7, m = 1 we get [ 81 , 61] ,
[64,53], [49,46], respectively.
It is left to prove the theorem for q = 50, 51, 52 .
We apply the alphabet extension (cf. Theorem 1.3.19) to the
basic AG-bound, getting (for p2m s q

The comparison between RGy and RLZ is similar with

the previous argument. Exercise 1.3.14 shows that the
tangent with the angle _lOgqP 2m is tangent to RGy at the
point .s o q - 1
, and
p2m + q _ 1

( 1 _ ---,.::.1__ q - 1 )olOg (p2m)

pm _ 1 p
2m + q - 1

The condition is equivalent to

380 AG-CODES Part 3

Putting p 7, m 1 we get it for q=50, 51

and 52 .

Here is one simple theorem more, bounding cx q (.;) in
the non-linear case. This is the best lower bound known

Theorem 3.4.31. For any q


the maximum being taken over all even powers of primes

q' = p2m ~ q (R(q') (0) being the expurgation bound for
q'-ary codes ), and

R" (0)
= max (R(q') (0) -log (q')}
V q

the maximum being taken over q'

Proof: Apply Theorem 1.3.19 to the expurgation bound .

This result is reasonable even when q is itself an
even power of a prime (this is by no means obvious, since if
in the statement we change the expurgation bound by the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound, we get the same Gilbert-Varshamov

Exercise 3.4.32. Check that for q = 256 there exist
.; such that (Hint: Put .;
= 0.0146

and calculate R TVZ (8 0 ) . Then estimate RLT (8 0 ) , noting


and show that 8 > 8 where 8 is the smallest root of

o 2 2

Hq(8) + (1 - 8)'logq(q - 1) = 1 + ~q

for q 256 2 ) .

It is likely that such 8 exists whenever q is

large enough. On the other hand for small q (say, for
q ~ 256) the bounds and most likely

Polynomially decodable codes. In section 3.4.3 we have

studied asymptotic bounds for codes with pOlynomial
construction complexity. However we have not considered
decoding problem for them. Now let us look for codes that
are both polynomially constructable and polynomially
Consider a polynomially constructable family of
[n ~. ,k~. ,d.]
~ q -codes C.~ and a polynomial (in n decoding
algorithm for these codes correcting any ti errors (we do
not restrict ourselves to the case r
t i = (d i - 1) /21 , t i
can be smaller). Let r = lim inf (t./n.) ~ ~
. The family C...i
corresponds to the point (8 2r , R) ; here 8 can be
smaller than lim inf (d./n.) ~ ~
; 8 is the relative decoding

Exercise 3.4.33. Define

382 AG-CODES Part 3

similarly to the definition of a~Ol (cf. Theorem 1.3.25).

Prove that

.... dec,lin(~)
u ~ RZ ( 0 )

Just as for a~Ol, application of AG-codes ameliorates

this bound.

Theorem 3.4.34. Let q = p2m Then

1 - - 0
v'q' - 1

Exercise 3.4.35. Prove the theorem. (Hint: It follows
from corollary 3.3.4 and Proposition 3.3.6).

Exercise 3.4.36. Check that for q = p2m ~ 361 the

bound RSV is (on an interval of higher than the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound.

Theorem 3.4.37. Let

RSV (lin) (0) max {(1 2

q k/2 - 1
n d

the maximum being taken over all linear [n,k,d]q-CodeS such

that qk is a square. Then

a qPOl dec,lin(o) R' (0)

~ SV(lin)

If we dispense with the linearity condition, we get the

bound RSV(o) for which


Theorem 3.4.38. Let

3m· (q - 1)
q. (qm/2 _ 1

the maximum being taken over integers m ~ 1 such that qm

is a square. Then

Exercise 3.4.39. Prove Theorems 3.4.37 and 3.4.38.
(Hint: Similar to the proofs of Theorems 3.4.16 and 3.4.23,
taking into account Proposition 3.3.6).

Exercise 3.4.40. For q = 2 prove that

for any in the interval (0,1/2). (Hint: Cf. Theorem


Self-dual codes. Consider the asymptotic problem for

self-dual (and quasi-self-dual) codes. For such codes
R = 1/2 and the question is about the value of

= lim sup 0

lim sup being taken over all self-dual codes (respectively,

oqsd for quasi-self-dual, and also osd,pol and oqsd,pol
q q q
for polynomial families).
It is known that there exist self-dual codes on the
Gilbert-varshamov bound (Theorem 1.3.24) . There are
therefore questions about an asymptotic amelioration of this
384 AG-CODES Part 3

bound and about its polynomial i ty . For q ~ 49 we would

like to have an answer to the following

Probl em 3 . 4 • 41 . Do there exist quasi-self-dual

AG-codes lying on the basic AG-bound ? (If yes, then
oqsd > !
q - 2
) .
,;q' - 1

Here is a weaker bound:

Theorem 3.4.42. If q is an even power of a prime

1 1
2" ,;q' - 3

If q is an even power of 2 then

o~d ~ 0Sch

Exercise 3.4.43. Prove the theorem. (Hint: Use
Corollary 3.1.49 for a family of curves with
N/g - ,;q' - 1 ).

Exercise 3.4.44. Show that for q=p 2m ~ 121

(respectively, for q = 2 2m ~ 256) the obtained bound for
o~Sd (respectively, for osd ) is better than the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound.

Note that the method of Theorem 3.1.48 and Corollary

3.1.49 says nothing about oqsd,pol and osd,pol.

Constant-weight codes. A non-linear code C c IF n is

called a constant-weight code of weight 10' iff IIvll = 10'
for any v e e .

Exercise 3.4.45. Let n ~ ~, win ~ w . Define

C(q(w,<3) • Let

Prove that

and generalize this inequality ("the Gilbert bound") to the

case of

Here is a simple construction of constant-weight codes.

Let C be an [n,k,d]q-code. Enumerate the elements of Wq
by integers 1, 2 I • • • , q and map the i -th element to the
binary vector with 1 on place i and 0 everywhere else. Map
each x e wq to ~(x) e W2 qn obtained from x by the above
change of each coordinate.

Exercise 3.4.46. Prove that the image ~(C) e Wqn has

the same cardinal i ty qk, the minimum distance 2d I and
that it is a constant-weight binary code of weight n.

Theorem 3.4.47. Let w = p -2m . Then

-(w - -2-
<3 w'v'W"' ) ·log w
1 - v'W"' 2

Exercise3.4.48. Prove the theorem. (Hint: Apply
Exercise 3.4.46 to AG-codes). Show that for small enough w
the bound of Theorem 3.4.47 is better (for 0 in some
interval) than that of Exercise 3.4.45.

Problem 3.4.49. Generalize the bound of Theorem 3.4.47

to the case of for an arbitrary q.
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 3

Algebraic geometric codes were discovered by V.D.Goppa

[Go 1] in 1980. His discovery was a reward for his more than
ten years research on the possible generalizations of
Reed-Solomon codes, BCH codes, and classical Gappa codes
(cf.[Go 1], [GO 2], [GO 3]). In his paper [Go 1] he used the
O-construction (generalizing that of classical Gappa codes)
and proved Theorem 3.1.7.
After this wonderful discovery it was not difficult to
find the L-construction. It was known to V.D.Goppa, to
Yu.I.Manin, and to other mathematicians. The H-construction
is due to Yu.I.Manin and first appeared in [Ma/VI]. Its
interpretation in terms of projective systems has been never
published before.
Proposition 3.1. 24 is due to Y. Driencourt and
J.F.Michon [Dr/Mi 2]. Proposition 3.1.30 was independently
proved by S.G.Vladut [Vl4] and J.P.Hansen [Ha 1], [Ha 2].
Proposition 3.1. 32 and Corollary 3.1. 36 are due to
G.L.Katsman, M.A.Tsfasman, and S.G.Vladut [Ka/Ts/Vll],
[Ka/Ts/Vl 2]. Theorem 3.1. 40 was proved by G. L. Katsman and
M.A.Tsfasman [Ka/Ts 2]. Remark 3.1.42 is based on the paper
cst 4] by H.stichtenoth.


Duality for AG-codes is first mentioned by V.D.Goppa

[Go 2]. Self-dual algebraic-geometric codes were studied by
Y.Driencourt and J.F.Michon [DrjMi 3], G.L.Katsman and
M.A.Tsfasman (unpublished), and H.stichtenoth [st 2].
Theorem 3.1.48 and Corollary 3.1.49 are due to W. Scharlau
[Sch]: Remark 3.1.50, Theorem 3.1.52, and Remark 3.1.53 to
Y.Driencourt and H.stichtenoth [DrjSt]. Theorem 3.1.54 was
obtained by G.L.Katsman and M.A.Tsfasman [KajTs 1].

Codes of genera 1, 2, and 3 and their binary posterity

were studies by A.M.Barg, G.L.Katsman, S.N.Litsyn, and
M.A.Tsfasman [BajKajTs]. This paper is based on the papers
by J .-P.Serre [Se l]-[Se 4]. Elliptic codes were studied
by Y.Driencourt and J.F.Michon [DrjMi 1]. The calculation of
Bk for such codes and the result on the non-existence of
elliptic MSD-codes of length more than (q + 1) is due to
G.L.Katsman and M.A.Tsfasman [Ka/Ts 1].

Hermitian codes were introduced by V.D.Goppa and

studied by G.Tiersma [Ti] and H.Stichtenoth [st 3]. In our
exposition we follow [st 3]. The result of Exercise 3.2.47
is contained in [VI 4].

The interpretation of Reed-Muller codes as multi-

dimensional AG-codes is due to YU.I.Manin [Ma/VI], who many
times pointed out the significance of multi-dimensional
constructions. Unfortunately here the progress is quite
moderate. The upper estimate in Exercise 3.2.50 was proved
by J.-P.Serre [Se 6].

The examples of section 3.2.4 are mostly new, with the

exception of Example 3.2.65 and Exercise 3.2.66 taken from
[st 3].

The idea of the decoding algorithm (Chapter 3.3) is due

to J.Justesen [Jujal], the precise statements and proofs to
A.N.Skorobogatov and S.G.Vladut [Sk/VI]. The basic algorithm
was later independently discovered by V.Yu.Krachkovskii
388 AG-CODES Part 3

[Kr]~ S.Porter [Par] discovered another algorithm for

decoding AG-codes, generalizing the Euclid algorithm of
decoding Reed-Solomon codes. Remark 3.3.23 (except for
part b) is due to R.Pellikaan [Pel 2], and part b to
S.G.Vladu~ [VI 5]. Remark 3.3.26 is based on the paper
[Pel 1] by R.Pellikaan.
The results of Section 3.4.1 (the basic AG-bound) are
due to M.A.Tsfasman, S.G.Vladu~, and T.Zink [TsjVljZ]~ the
resul ts of section 3.4.2 (the expurgation bound) to
S.G.Vladu~ [VII]. Theorem 3.4.15 is due to S.G.Vladu~
[VI 2], [MajVI] ~ Theorem 3.4.16 and 3.4.21 to G. L. Katsman,
M.A.Tsfasman, and S.G.Vladu~ [KajTsjVll], [KajTsjVI 2]~
Theorems 3.4.23 and 3.4.25 to G.L.Katsman and M.A.Tsfasman
[KajTs 2]. Theorem 3.4.30 is due to S.N.Litsyn and
V.A.Zinoviev [LijZi] ~ Theorems 3.4.28, 3.4.31 and Remark
3.4.32 to S.N.Litsyn and M.A.Tsfasman [LijTs 1] (and
unpublished notes). Theorems 3.4.37 and 3.4.38 are proved by
A.N.Skorobogatov and S.G.Vladu~ [SkjVI]. Theorem 3.4.42 is
due to W.Scharlau [Sch] ~ Theorem 3.4.47 to T.Ericson and
V.A.Zinoviev [ErjZi 1], [ErjZi 2].


This part is devoted to codes arising from modular
curves. We consider two types of curves: classical modular
curves (their reductions in fact) and Drinfeld modular
curves. Classical modular curves yield codes over
IF q322 q = P prime, while Drinfeld curves yield
'2 P being a
codes over IF , where q = p2a is an arbitrary even power
of a prime.
We are going to show that on both types of modular
curves there is a lot of rational points, and therefore the
obtained codes have good asymptotic parameters. Moreover for
codes of both classes there exist pOlynomial algorithms of
construction. For Drinfeld curves these algorithms are much
more conceptual and simple. One can put a natural question:
why should we consider codes on classical modular curves,
those on Drinfeld modular curves being in many aspects more
conceptual and easier to study, and q being any even power
of a prime (and not only p2 as in the classical case). The
answer is that though having the same asymptotic parameters,
in many other aspects the two classes of codes differ
greatly. For example one can rather easily obtain codes of
moderate length on classical modular curves which is quite a
problem for the case of Drinfeld curves, so that the
question of a practical use nowadays makes sense only for
the first class. Besides the two classes have different
group-theoretic properties, and so on. Thus parallel
consideration of classical modular curves and Drinfeld
curves is fully justified. Let us also remark that

reductions of some Shimura curves (which generalize

classical modular curves) also provide asymptotically
maximal ratio of the number of ~q-points to the genus for

any q = p2a Therefore codes on such curves also have very

good parameters. No other property of these codes is yet
In Chapter 4.1, basing on the study of moduli schemes
of elliptic curves, we consider codes on reductions of
classical modular curves. Chapter 4.2 is devoted to codes on
Drinfeld curves representing moduli varieties of elliptic
modules. In Chapter 4.3 we show that both considered
families of codes are polynomially constructable
(unfortunately the proof of this result is rather cumbersome
and technical; to understand it the reader will need a fair
amount of patience and diligence; however having done this,
one will convince oneself in polynomial constructibility of
a large class of AG-codes, not only of modular ones, see
Remark 4.3.33).
Chapter 4.1. Codes on classical modular curves

4.1.1. Classical modular curves

4.1.2. Reductions of modular curves
4.1.3. Codes

Chapter 4.2. Codes on Drinfeld curves

4.2.1. Elliptic modules

4.2.2. Drinfeld curves
4.2.3. Codes

Chapter 4.3. Polynomiality

4.3.1. Classical case

4.3.2. Drinfeld case
4.3.3. Complexity

Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 4



This chapter is devoted to codes on classical modular

curves or, to put it more precisely, on those obtained from
modular curves by reduction to a finite characteristic. As
we have shown in Part 3, the properties of an AG-code
constructed from a curve are determined by its geometry and
arithmetic. Here we give some necessary information on the
structure of modular curves and of their reductions, and
some corollaries for codes on such curves.
section 4.1.1 contains an analytical description of
modular curves, of their morphisms, and of their fields of
rational functions. In section 4.1.2 we present the theory
of moduli schemes of elliptic curves, which makes it
possible to prove non-singularity of reductions of modular
curves and existence of a great number of IF p2 -rational
points on these reductions. section 4.1.3 is devoted to
codes on reductions of modular curves: we estimate their
parameters taking into account the improvements due to


weierstrass points, we also describe the group properties of

a subclass of such codes.

4.1.1. Classical modular curves

The basic method to study classical modular curves is

to consider their analytical description as factors of the
upper half-plane over discrete subgroups of automorphisms.

Riemann surface By H we denote the upper

half-plane of the complex plane C

H ={ z eel Im z > 0 } .

The special linear group over Z

SL(2,Z) = {(~~) I a,b,c,d e Z, a·d - b·c = 1}

acts naturally on H (on the left). This action is defined by
the rule

a·z + b
'¥ z 1------+ c.z + d '

where '¥ = (~ ~) e SL (2, Z) • Here the element (-1o 0)


trivially, so that the action of SL(2,Z) induces an action

of the modular group

r(l) = PSL(2,Z) SL(2,Z)/{±1}

which is the factor group of SL (2, 7l) over its centre.

Further on we write '¥ = (~ ~) e r (l) meaning that '¥ is


the image in r(1) of (~~) E SL(2,7l) •

We are interested in the following standard subgroups

of r(1) . Let us fix a positive integer N and put

r(N) {(~~) E r(1) I a,d = 1(mod N), b,c = O(mod N)}

c = 0 (mod N)} .
Sometimes to define r(N) and ro(N) one writes them in
the following form:

r(N) = {(~ ~) (~~) = (~ ~) (mod N)} ,

asterisks denoting arbitrary elements from 7l. Clearly,

r (N) c r o (N) for N"* 1 . Note that for N ~ 3

(-1o 0)-1 II! r (N) ;

r(N) is called the principal congruence subgroup of level N.

Exercise 4.1.1. Show the existence

a) of a natural group isomorphism

r(1)/r(N) ~ PSL(2,7lIN) ,

PSL (2, 7lIN) being the factor of a special linear group

SL(2,7lIN) over its center; in particular, r(N) is normal
in r (1)
b) of a natural bijection of sets

r(1)/r (N) ~ 1P1 (7lIN) ,


~l(~/N) being the projective line over the ring ~/N, i.e.
the set of one-dimensional free ~/N-submodules of (~/N)2.

Exercise 4.1.2. Deduce from the previous exercise that

for the indices of subgroups r(N) and ro(N) in the group
r(l) we have

{ -N3 ·n (1 -
P ) for N ~ 3
a) [r(l) :r(N)] = : piN
for N 2

b) [r(l):r (N)] =N.Ti(l + p-l) .

a piN

(Hint: Use complete induction over N).

Exercise 4.1.3. Show that for N ~ 3 the group r(N)

contains no element of finite order.

A congruence subgroup of r
r (1) is a subgroup
containing r(N) for some N. Further on by r we denote
an arbitrary congruence subgroup of r (1) (in fact we are
mostly interested in the cases r = r(N) and r = r a (N) ).
Suppose that r is equipped with a discrete topology
while H has a usual complex topology (hence H is
homeomorphic to an open disc).

Exercise 4.1.4. Check that the topological space r\H

is Hausdorf in the factor topology.

The space r\H is canonically equipped by a structure

of a Riemann surface (non-compact!), i.e. by an analytical
structure. Indeed, let N ~ 3 and let r N = r n r(N) .
According to Exercise 4.1.3, the group rN contains no
elements of finite order.

Show that
Exercise 4.1.5. the action of r N on H
is free, Le. has no fixed points. Moreover, for any v e H
there exists an open neighbourhood Uv homeomorphic to its
image V vcrN \H •

Exercise 4.1.6.Show that on there exists a

unique Riemann surface structure such that homeomorphisms
between Uv and Vv are complex-analytic isomorphisms.

Since rN
= r/rN is a finite group, we can define the
Riemann surface r\H as a factor of rN\H over r N.
Exercise 4.1.7. Show that the Riemann surface structure
on r\N does not depend on the choice of N.

An essential disadvantage of the Riemann surface r\H

is that it is not compact. A canonical compactification
r\H * of the surface r\H is constructed as follows.
Consider the set 1
!p (OJ) = OJU{oo} consisting of rational
numbers and of the symbol 00. Each element of !p 1 (OJ) can
be written in the form alb, where a, bell., and for
b = 0 we put a/b = 00 •

The group r(1) acts naturally on !p 1 (OJ): if '1 = (~~) ,

then '1(r) = ~:~ : ~, where '1(00) = alc and '1(r) = 00

if c·r + d =0 .
Let r\H *

Exercise 4.1.8. Show that the factor set r\!P1(OJ) is

finite. (Hint: Apply Exercise 4.1.1.b).

The finite set r\!P1(OJ) is called the set of cusps of

the Riemann surface r\H * (or of the group r).

Let us define a complex structure on such that

its restriction to the open subset r\H coincides with one
defined above, complex-analytic neighbourhoods of r E Gl
being open discs tangent to the line Im(z) = 0 at rand
neighbourhoods of ClO being open half-planes of the form
Im(z) > d .

Theorem 4.1.9. The set r\H * with the above complex

structure is a connected compact Riemann surface .

Exercise 4.1.10. Show that if r = r(l) , then r\H
can be identified with and r\H * with the
Riemann sphere pl(C) •

Let us consider holomorphic functions f

obtained by the composition

H--~ r(l)\H ~ C

for some complex analytic isomorphisms (3,

being the natural projection.

Exercise 4.1.11. Show that the automorphism group of

C as of a Riemann surface consists of affine maps of the
form {z t----+ a·z + b} , a E C* , b e C .

Hence there exists a unique function f of this form

such that f(i) = 1728 and f(p) = 0 , where i = v'="l' and
P = 1 + v'='3'
2 . We denote such a function by j .

Exercise 4.1.12. Let z e H, let Az = Z + z·z be a

lattice in C and let Ez be a complex elliptic curve such
that E z (C) = C/A z • Prove that then j (z) = j (E z ) is the
absolute invariant of E z .

The curves X(N) and Xo(N). If r is an arbitrary

congruence subgroup of r(l), then there exists a unique
(up to an isomorphism) smooth projective curve Xr over C
such that Xr considered as a Riemann surface is isomorphic
to r\H * and the Riemann surface r\H is naturally
isomorphic to the smooth affine curve Yr over C. We call
Xr and Yr modular curves.
We are mostly interested in curves corresponding to the
groups r = r(N) and r = ro(N) , which are denoted by

X(N) = Xr(N)

YeN) = Yr(N) ,

The subgroup r(N) being normal in r(l), the group

r(l)/r(N) '" PSL(2,Z/N) acts on the curve X(N) (and on
Y (N) )according to the usual formula: if 7 = (~ ~) e r (1)
and z is the image of z e H U 1P1 (0) in X (N) , then

'1:Zf--+ (a.z+b)

Since r(N) is normal in r(l) , the action is well-


Exercise 4.1.13. Show that if nlN , then

X (N.) /r (n) = XC n) , being the image of r(n) in
r(1)/rCN) .

The subgroup is not normal in r C1) •

Nevertheless one has

Exercise 4.1.14. Show that for N = m·n the element

= ___1__ .(0-m 10)
e SL(2,~)

lies in the normalizer of ro(N) in SL(2,~) .

Exercise 4.1.15. Deduce from the above exercise that

Lm defines an automorphism of the curve Xo(N). We denote
it by wm • Show that wm are involutions (i.e. elements of
order 2) and that they commute with each other.

Aut(Xo(N» ;;2 (Z/2) 0,

CTO(N) is the number of divisors of N.

The tower of modular curves. Riemann surfaces of the

form r\H * form a natural tower: for two congruence
subgroups r' s; r s;; r (1) , there exists a natural
complex-analytic projection

In particular, for any r there exists a natural


IT r (l),r = ITr : r\H * ~ r(l)\H *

The ramification structure of the projection

ITr,r' : r'\H * ~ r\H *

can be easily found. Indeed, let By

ra c r(l) we denote the stabilizer of a.

Exercise Let a e H * , and let -a be the
image of a in r'\H * . Show that the ramification index of
the projection ITr , r' at a equals [ra : r a' ] .

Hence ramification points of the projection ITr , r' are

exactly the images in r'\H * of points a e H* such that
ra * r a' •

Let 5 (01 -1)0 e r(l) and T = (; i) e r (1 ) .

One can calculate the groups ra for a subgroup
r c r (1) starting from the following result describing the
groups r ( l ) a .

Exercise 4.1.17. Show that 5 is an element of order

2 and U = 5·T = (~ -i) is of order 3 in r (1) .

Remark 4.1.18. In fact r(l) is the free product of
its cyclic subgroups <5> and <U> .This means that any

element , e r(l) can be uniquely written in the form

where a e {O, I} , b k e {O, 1 , 2 } ,

and b j e {1,2} for j * k

Exercise 4.1.19. Prove the following facts:

a) Let z e H, P = (-1 + ".t=3"') /2, i = v'="l'. If
z Ii! r ( 1) . i U r ( 1) . p , then r ( 1) z = {I}. If z = , (i) ,
, e r(l) I then r(l)
= ,·<5>·,-1 is a subgroup of order
2 . If z = ,(p) I , e r(l) , then r(l)
z = '·<U>·,-l is a
subgroup of order 3.
b) The action of r(l) on 1P1 (D) is transitive. If
1 -1
a = 7 ( <XI) I a e IP (D)
7 e r ( 1 ) , then
I r ( 1) a = 7· <T> . 7 ,
<T> being the infinite cyclic subgroup generated by T.

Applying the results of the above exercises together

with the Hurwitz formula to the projection
X r . We
1lr : Xr ~ IP C' one can calculate the genus of
shall write out the answer for curves X(N) and Xo (N) ,
which are most interesting for us.

Proposi tion 4. 1. 20. a) Let N ~ 3 • Then the genus of

the curve X(N) equals

(N - 6) -IlN
g(N) 1 + 12 -N

where 11. = [r(l}:r(N}] =N

(1 _ P-z) •

b) For the genus go(N) of the curves Xo(N) we have

11. v v v
12 4 3 2


and is the number of non-ro(N)-equivalent pOints of

Vz H
which are r(l)-equivalent to z = i :

for 41N

v, - { ~ [1 n 11+ for HN


for p 2
(-~ ) for
= l(mod
= 3(mod

V3 is the number of non-ro(N) -equivalent points of H,

which are r(l)-equivalent to p:

v, ={ p[1 + [-~ II


for P 3
for P !Ii l(mod 3)
for p !Ii 2 (mod 3)

and vm is the number of cusps of Xo(N)

vm = L II' «d,N/d» ,

II' being the Euler function •

Corollary 4.1.21. Let t;t 11 either be a prime or
t = 1 . Then go(llot) =t •

Further on we shall need the description of
ramification in the tower


II' = Rr (11) r (11ot) , ~ = Rr (11) , 8 = ~otp = Rr (llot) •

o ' 0 0 0

Exercise 4.1.22. Check the following facts:

a) The degrees of proj ections cp, '" , and e equal,


deg cp =l + 1, deg '" = 12 , deg e = 12' (l + 1) •

b) The projection e is unramified outside the sets

e- 1 (0) , e- 1 (00) , e- 1 (1728) • At the points lying over 0,
1728, and 00 e IF' ~ , the ramification of e is described as
the set consists of 4·(l+1) points
R1 , ••• ,R 4 (l+1) each of them having the ramification index 3:

the set e- 1 (1728) consists of 6' (i + 1) points

P1'··· ,P 6 (H1) each of them having the ramification
index 2 :

the set a- 1 (00) consists of four points Q Q Q

with ramification indices, respectively,

e1 = i,

= 11, e4

The ramification of the projection '" is described as


the setconsists of points R'1 'R'2 'R' R'

of them having the ramification index 3 :
the set ",-1(1728) consists of points P;, ... ,P~, each
of them having the ramification index 2
the set '" (00) consists of points Q'1 and Q'2 with
ramification indices e'
e Q = 1,
, e'
= e Q, = 11 .
1 2

The proj ection cp is unramified outside e- 1 (0) .


Moreover, IP -1 (Q~) = {Q1' Q 2 } , and the corresponding

ramification indices of IP are equal to e"1 = e Q = 1 ,

e" e = I- I- •
2 Q2

Thus, for the ramification divisor of the

projection a we have:

6·(1-+1) 4·(H1)
L P. + 2· L R +
i=l 2 m=l m

Exercise 4.1. 23. Find out the ramification structure

in the towers
X o (32·1-) ~ Xo(32) ~ !p 1

X (2n) ~ X (32) ~!p1

0 0
Xo(3 m ) ~ X (27) ~!p1 ,

where I- is a prime, n ~ 5 , m ~ 3 being integers. (Hint:

The curves Xo(32) and are elliptic).

Weierstrass points. Since weierstrass points play a

considerable role in the study of AG-codes, we are rather
interested in weierstrass points on curves Xr . A complete
description of Weierstrass points on such curves is obtained
only for several small values of N; however using
Proposition 2.2.48 and Corollary 2.2.49 one can easily find
a rather representative set of Weierstrass points on each of
these curves. Cusps are particularly convenient since they
quite often happen to be Weierstrass points.
Recall that the canonical involution wN permutes 0
and 00; it follows that 0 is a weierstrass point iff 00

is. Here we restrict ourselves to the case of the cusp

p = co (or to o , which is equivalent), since it is this
point that can be most readily shown to be Weierstrass, its
weight being sufficiently high. Moreover we are interested
mostly in the case of curves Xo (p2. n) , p being a prime
and n ~ 2 •

Exercise 4.1.24. Show that the natural projection

X (p ·n) ----+ X (p·n)
o 0

is of degree p, and that the point 0 E Xo (p2. n) has the

ramification index equal to p (i.e. 0 is totally
ramified) • (Hint: write out the set of representatives of
right cosets of ro (p·n) over the subgroup ro (p2· n ) ) .

Exercise 4.1.25. Show that if

then the points 0 and co are Weierstrass points on

Xo(p ·n) • (Hint: Proceed as in Proposition 2.2.48).

Proposition 4.1.26. The point coeX(p2·n)

is a
Weierstrass point at least in the following cases:

a) p ~ 5 andpin , or
p 3 and 31n n ~ 3 n ~ 9 , or
p 2 and 21n n ~ 2 n ~ 2·l , n ~ 4·l ,
l being a prime;
b) n is divisible by three different primes;
c) n is divisible by m
, where p~m and p 2 ·n ~ 36;

d) n is divisible by two different primes and at

least one of two congruences x 2 + 1 :; 0 (mod p·n) , or
x 2 + x + 1 = 0 (mod p·n) has a solution;
e) p:; n :; 1 (mod 12) .


Exercise 4.1.27.
Prove the above proposition, for each
case pointing out a non-gap at 00 not exceeding go (p2. n) .
(Warning: This exercise is intended only for an assiduous
reader) .

Thus for the curves Xo(N), where N is divisible by

a square, 00 is quite often a Weierstrass point.
This effect is most important for curves of the form
X o (2 n ) ,
n ~ 7 (note that for n:S 5 the genus of these
curves is at most 1 , and for n = 6 the point 00 is in
fact a Weierstrass point, but Exercise 4.1.25 does not yield
this fact). Hence for the curves Xo (2 n ) one can point out
many non-gaps which do not exceed the genus of the curve.

Exercise 4.1.28. considering projections

write out non-gaps not exceeding the genus of X o (2 n )

(existing due to the method used in Proposition 2.2.48).
Give a lower bound for the weight of 00 on Xo(2n) •

Hyperellipticity of the curves is the other

problem which is closely connected to Weierstrass points.
One can easily write out a series of small values of n for
which Xo(n) is hyperelliptic, for example n = 37 .
However for large n the curves are never

Proposi tion 4. 1.29. For n ~ 72 the curves

are not hyperelliptic .

Automorphic functions. The elements of the field of
rational functions on the curve Xr ' or in other terms

meromorphic functions on the Riemann surface r\H * , can be

considered as functions on H invariant under r such that
their only singularities (both on ~U{m) and on H) are
poles. These functions are called automorphic under r
Let us start with the case r = r(l) Here
c:::: lP ~ • Hence, the field of functions automorphic under
coincides with C(j) . Any such function has a
canonical expansion into a Laurent series in the
neighbourhood of infinity which is called its q-expansion.
Since T e r(l) , for any f e C(j) and z e H we have
f(Tz) fez + 1) fez)

Exercise 4.1. 30. q = e 2rriz

Check that the function
can be considered as a local parameter in a neighbourhood of
m e !Pc •

A local expansion over q of the function 1 induced

on IP~ by f , is called the q-expansion of f

f = L am'q

The number of negative powers of q in this expansion

is finite since f is meromorphic.

The theory of elliptic functions yields the following

Proposition 4.1.31. For the q-expansion of j we have


j(z) q-l'(l+ LCm'qm)

being integers .

In section 4.3.1 we give more precise information on
the coefficients

Remark that j is normalized (multiplied by 1728) just

in order to satisfy Proposition 4.1.31.
Now let r be a congruence subgroup such that
r 2 r(N) • Then

so that for any automorphic function f on the subgroup r

we have f(TN·Z) = fez + N) = fez) for z e H •
Therefore any such function in a neighbourhood of
infinity has an expansion into a Laurent series of the form


This expansion is called the q-expansion of f at infinity

and is in fact an expansion of the rational function 1 on
Xr defined by the function f in powers of a local
parameter at the cusp of Xr corresponding to 00. In a
similar way one can define q-expansions of automorphic
functions at other cusps, but they are of no use for us.
Note that T e r for r = ro (N) , and therefore the
functions automorphic under r0 (N) have expansions in
integral powers of q.
The field of automorphic functions under has
the following explicit description:

Theorem 4.1.32. The field of functions automorphic

under ro(N) coincides with C(j(Z),j(N·Z»

In particular the function is
invariant under ro (N) • There exists an involution of the

field C(j,jN} which corresponds to the involution wN on

the curve Xo(N} ~ it permutes j and jN.

Modular equation. Thus the functions j(Z) and

j(N'z) satisfy a relation of the form F(j(z},j(N'z» = 0 ,
F being a polynomial in two variables. Moreover, since all
the coefficients of the q-expansions of j(z} and j(N'z}
are integers, one can choose F hav ing integral
coefficients. The minimum relation of the form F(j ,x) = 0
satisfied by j = j (z) and x = jN = j (N'z) is called the
modular equation. The basic properties of the modular
equation can be resumed as follows:

Theorem 4.1.33. Let

tN(x,j} = r-T (x - j(a(z)}} ,


a running over the set A of all matrices of the form

a = (~ ~) , where a,b,d E Z, a > 0, d > 0, a·d = N

o :s b < d , (a, b, d) = 1 , and a'z + b
a(z) = d • Then:
a) tN(X,j} E Z[x,j] , and

tNcx,j} = x~(N} + j~(N) + L cab.xa.jb

a ,b<~ (N)

where ~(N) [r(I} :ro(N}] = N'r-T(l + p-l} moreover


so that

b) The polynomial tN(x,j} is absolutely irreducible


and satisfies the relation

Thus, the modular equation ~NCx,j) =0 defines an
affine model of the curve XoCN) . Moreover, since ~N has
integral coefficients, the curve XO CN) is defined over
(IJ • Further on we shall be interested mostly in the curve
Xo(N) over (IJ , however to study its properties one has to
use the Riemann surface ro(N)\H* as well.

4.1.2. Reductions of modular curves

To study reductions of modular curves, one has to

consider moduli schemes of elliptic curves.

Modular curves as moduli varieties. Above we have

already mentioned that the function j : H ~ P~ defining
the isomorphism

is in fact the absolute invariant of a variable elliptic

curve C/CZ + z'Z) • Since the absolute invariants are equal
iff complex elliptic curves are isomorphic, we see that the
set r(1)\H=Y(1) is in a bijection with the set of
isomorphism classes of complex elliptic curves, the
bijection being defined by the absolute invariant

j : (elliptic curve E) ~ j(E) .

This is the basic fact for the further argument,

leading to an interpretation of modular curves as moduli

varieties of elliptic curves with additional structures.

Before we pass to the general theory let us give two
examples more.
Consider the curve Yo (N) = r 0 (N) \H and its natural
projection onto Al = Y(l). The fibre of

Y (N) ~ Y(l)

over the point j (z) coincides (according to Exercise

4.1.1) with the set pl(Z/N) of cyclic subgroups of order
N in the group EN ~ (Z/N)2 of points of order N on the
curve E = ~/(Z+z'Z) . This shows that the set Yo(N) is in
a natural bijection with the set of isomorphism classes of
pairs (E,eN)' E being a complex elliptic curve and eN
being its cyclic subgroup of order N (clearly, eN c EN) .

To state a similar result for YeN) we need the

following fact.

Exercise 4.1.34. Show that the following construction

defines a non-degenerate skew-symmetric pairing (the Weil

(s , t) 1----+ e(s,t) ,

which defines a canonical identification The

construction is as follows: let ~/ (Z+z'Z) --=---+ E(~) be an
analytic isomorphism; EN = ~ A/A, where A = Z + z·z . Then
sEEN is defined by a pair (a,b) of residues modulo N.

Let e (s, t)
__ e2rri' (a·b'-a'·b)/N for s = (a,b) and
t = (a' ,b') •

Considering the curve YeN) and its proj ection onto

Y(l) , we see that the points YeN) are in a natural
bijection with the set of pairs (E,a N ) , E being a complex
elliptic curve and aN a so-called "structure of level N
with det aN = 1 ", i.e. an isomorphism

such that the isomorphism

maps e 2rri / N to 1 .

Exercise 4.1.35. Verify the assertion on the

interpretation of points of YeN) as pairs (E,a N ) .

The above examples motivate the choice of additional

structures necessary to interpret modular curves as moduli
The general theory of moduli schemes requires relative
elliptic curves over schemes.

Relative elliptic curves. Let S be a scheme. A

relative elliptic curve E/S is a proper smooth morphism
p : E ~ S such that all its geometrical fibres are
elliptic curves and the following requirements are
a) there is a morphism e: S ~ E called the zero
section of E over S such that the map poe: S ~ S
is identical:
b) there is a morphism (of addition) m E Xs E ~ E

such that the following diagrams commute

m x idE
E xs E xs E )E (associativity) ;

idE x m
E Xs E
m E

i ) E Xs E
E Xs E (commutativity),

1 E
1 E

where i : E Xs E ~ E Xs E is the morphism of

permutation (it is defined on coordinate rings of affine
open subvarieties in E by a®b ~ b®a ) I and idE is
the identity morphism;

(the existence of a
neutral element);


c) There exists a morphism (inversion) E~E

such that the following diagram commutes:

'" x idE
E Xs E )E Xs E (the existence

of an inverse).

11 m
p e
E ~s ~ E

Remark 4.1. 36. If a scheme GIS is equipped with

morphisms e, m ,~ satisfying the requirements a) - c) ,
G is called a commutative group scheme. A morphism of
commutative group schemes over S is a morphism of schemes
over S commuting with morphisms e, m, and ~. One

can define an isomorphism of commutative group schemes over

S in a natural way.

Exercise 4.1.37. Show that for S = Spec k , k being

an algebraically closed field, the notions of a relative
elliptic curve EIS and of an elliptic curve over k
coincide. What are the maps e, m ,~ in this case?

Exercise 4.1.38. Define a morphism of relative

elliptic curves EIS ----+ E'ls , in particular define
isomorphic relative elliptic curves.

The category of elliptic curves over S is denoted by

(EllIS) •

Exercise 4.1. 39. Show that if EIS is a relative

elliptic curve then the set E(S) of sections ~: S ----+ E
of the morphism p (i.e. of ~ such that po~ = id) is an
abelian group. (Hint: The group structure on E(S) is
determined b y e , m , and ~).

The subgroup of E(S) consisting of elements of order

dividing N is denoted by EN(S) •
An isomorphism

is called a structure of level N on EIS (or just a level

structure) •

Exercise 4.1.40. Show that if E/5 has a structure of

level N, then N is invertible on 5 , i. e. N is
invertible in all local rings 0P' P E 5

Moduli schemes of elliptic curves. To construct moduli

schemes, one has to use the technique of representable
functors. Let F(N) be the following contravariant functor
on the category of schemes:

the set of isomorphism classes of pairs }

F(N) (5) { (E,a N ) , E/S being a relat1ve elliptic curve
and a being a structure of level N on E/5

Note that for any ring A the category (5ch/A) is a

sub-category in the category (5ch) , and the notion of
restriction F(N)I A of the functor F(N) to the category
(5ch/ A) makes sense. The following fact is basic for the
theory of moduli schemes of elliptic curves.

Theorem 4.1.41. Let N?! 3 • The functor F(N) 11 [l/N]

is representable by an affine smooth over I [liN] scheme
Y(N)/I[l/N] '.

The scheme Y(N)/I[l/N] is called the moduli scheme of

elliptic curves with structure of level N.

The weil pairing makes it clear that Y(N)/ Z [l/N] is

in fact a scheme over the ring AN = 71. [(N' l/N] ,

(N e 2rri / N being a primitive root of unity.

PropOSition 4.1.42. Geometric fibres of the morphism

Y(N)/71.[l/N] ~ 5pec AN are smooth affine irreducible
curves •


Exercise 4.1.43. Show that

(Y(N)/7l[1/N) Y(N) •

Thus, for the curve Y(N) there exists a form defined

over the field ~«(N) , which has good reduction over primes
not dividing N
The following functors P(N) and are of
primary importance for us:

the set of isomorphism classes of

P (N) (S) { (E'~N)'
and ~N
E/S being a relative elliptic
being a projective structure of level
where the projective structure ~N is a class of structures
aN of level N up to a multiplication by an element
'0 e (7l/N) *

the set of isomorphism classes of pairs}

F(N) (S) = { (E,CN ) , E/S being a relative elliptic curve .
and CN be~ng a cyclic subgroup E of order N

Unfortunately, the functors P(N) and are

never representable, even when restricted to the category
(Sch/k) , k being an algebraically closed field. Thus the
corresponding moduli schemes do not exist. Let us introduce
the following definition.
Let F : (Sch/ A) 0 - - - 7 (Sets) be a contravariant
functor on the category of schemes over A. A scheme SF
is called a coarse moduli scheme for F iff the following
statements hold:
a) There exists a morphism of functors

b) For any algebraically closed field k , which is an

A-algebra, the morphism ~ induces an isomorphism

~(k) : F(Spec k) ---7 SF(k) .

c) The scheme SF is universal for morphisms of F

to representable functors, i.e. for any morphism

to a functor representable by an A-scheme B, there exists

an A-morphism f : B ~ SF such that the diagram

A Hom SCh / A (. ,B)

F/ r 8f

~HomSCh/A (. ,SF)
commutes, the functor morphism 8f being induced by f.

The definition yields the uniqueness of the coarse

moduli scheme for F, once it exists.

Theorem 4. 1.. 44. The restrictions of functors peN)

and Fo(N) to a sUbcategory of Z[1./N]-schemes have coarse
moduli schemes and Yo(N)/Z[l/N] .•

Proposi tion 4. 1.. 45. The scheme is a

form of the scheme yeN) over the ring BN = K~Z[(N,l/N] ,

KN being the unique quadratic subfield in ~«N) , i.e.



Corollary 4.1.46. The fibres of the morphism

Yp(N)/Z[l/N] ~ Spec BN are smooth absolutely irreducible
affine curves, and

Proposition 4.1.47. The fibres of the projection

Yo (N)/Z[l/N] ~ Spec Z[l/N] are smooth absolutely
irreducible affine curves, and

Thus Yp(N)/ Z (l/N] is a form of the complex curve

YeN) over the ring B N , and Yo (N) I Z [liN] is a form of
Y (N)
over Z[l/N] •

clarify the situation described by Proposition
4.1.45 and Corollary 4.1.46, let us describe the case of
Y (N) and Y p (N) considered over Q. To put it more
exactly, let


The curve Y (N) Q is a curve over Q which becomes

reducible when considered over Q«(N) • This curve has ~(N)
irreducible components (note that ~(N) = [Q«(N) :Q] ) and
the action of the Galois group Gal (Q«(N)/Q) permutes these
components transitively. In terms of function fields this
means that the field contains Q«(N) and
Q(Y(N)Q) = Q«(N) (Y) for some curve Y. Considering the
subfield in Q(Y(N)Q) fixed under the subgroup
Gal (Q «(N) /K N ) , which is of index 2 in Gal (Q«(N)/Q) , we

obtain the field such that Y p (N) ttl is an

absolutely irreducible curve defined over the field KN
(when considering over ttl it has two irreducible

Schemes X(N)/Z[l/N] and The schemes

give a satisfactory description of reductions of affine

curves Y (N) and Yo (N) • The study of reductions of
projective curves X (N) and Xo (N) is also important. A
more thorough investigation of moduli schemes of elliptic
curves makes it possible to prove the following fundamental

Theorem 4.1.48. a) There exists a regular proper over

Z[l/N] scheme X(N)/Z[l/N] containing Y(N)/Z[l/N] as an
open set and such that all fibres of the projecton
X (N) I Z [liN] -----+ Spec Z [liN] are smooth proper curves and
the closed subscheme X(N)/Z[l/N] - Y(N)/Z[l/N] is a
disjoint union of several copies of Spec AN ; moreover
X(N)/Z[l/N] is a scheme over AN' fibres of the projection
X(N)/Z[l/N] -----+ Spec AN are smooth absolutely irreducible
curves, and

b) There exists a regular proper over Z[l/N] scheme

Xp (N) I Z [liN] containing the scheme Yp (N) I Z [liN] as an
open dense subset. The scheme Xp(N)/Z[l/N] is a scheme over
BN and

c) There exists a regular proper over 71. [liN] scheme

Xo (N) 171. [liN] containing Yo (N) 171. [liN] as an open dense
subscheme ~ moreover, fibres of Xo (N) 171. [liN] ~ Spec 71. [liN]
are smooth absolutely irreducible curves, and the closed
subscheme Xo (N)/71. [liN] - Yo (N)/71.[l/N] is isomorphic to a
disjoint union of several copies of Spec 7l.[1/N], and

(Xo (N) 171. [liN]) ®71. [liN] Ie '" Xo (N) ••

Thus, the curves X (N) and Xo (N) have good

reductions over any prime ideal not dividing N. Since the
curve Xo (N) can be defined over Ill, for any p~N there
exists a good reduction Xo (N) Ip of the curve Xo (N)
modulo p, Xo(N)/p = (Xo(N)/71.[l/N])®71.[l/N]~P •

Note that by Theorem 4.1.48 the genus of curves X(N)

and Xo (N) is preserved under reduction. Moreover, the
reductions inherit a number of structures of X (N) and
Xo (N) • In particular Xo (N) Ip form towers similar to the
towers described in Exercises 4.1. 22 and 4.1. 23, with the
same degrees of maps and the same ramification structures.
Moreover, the curve Xo (N) Ip inherits from Xo(N) the set
of involutions wd ' diN Remark as well that the
hyperellepticicity of Xo (N) is equivalent to that of
Xo(N)/p •

Exercise 4.1.49.Prove the last statement. (Hint: The

reduction of a map defined by the canonical class gives a
map defined by the canonical class of the reduction).

Proposition 4.1.29 together with Exercise 4.1.49 yield

non-hyperellepticity of curves Xo(N)/p for N ~ 72 .
The reductions of X(N) also inherit a number of its
properties~ later on we shall need the action of the group

PSL(2,Z/N} on these reductions. To be more precise recall

that PSL(2,Z/N} acts on X(N}. By Theorem 4.1.48 X(N}
can be defined over the field KN . The action of PSL(2,Z/N)
is also defined over KN and can be extended to the action
of PSL(2,Z/N} on Xp (N}/Z[l/N]' preserving fibres of the
proj ection Xp (N) -----+ Spec B N • Therefore, if p is a
prime ideal dividing p in KN (Le. either p = (p) or
(p) = P'P' for the complex conjugate ideal p'), then the
reduction X(N}/p of the curve X(N) (to be more precise
of its form over KN ) over the ideal p is good, i.e. it
is a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve over the
res idue field k (I') of I' and PSL (2 , Z/N) acts on this
curve (note that k(p) is isomorphic to for p = (p)

and to for (p) = P'P' ).

Remark 4.1.50. It is possible to describe the action

of PSL (2, Z/N) on X(N)/p in more invariant terms.
Indeed, if e: F -----+ F is a morphism of representable
contravariant functor F: (Sch/ A) -----+ (Sets) to itself
which is an isomorphism (i.e. it has an inverse morphism),
then e induces an automorphism e * of the scheme
representing F This follows immediately from
definition of a representable functor. In particular an
action of a group G on the functor F induces an action
of G on MF •

The functor F(N) has a natural action of the group

GL(2,Z/N} defined by

aN being a structure of level N obtained by composing aN

and '1 e GL(2,Z/N} :

a' (Z/N) 2 (Z/N) 2 •


Hence, the scheme Y (N) 171.[ liN] is equipped with the

action of the group GL ( 2 ,71.IN) which can be extended to
the action of GL (2, 7l.1N) on X (N) 171. [liN] • This action
preserves the fibration over Spec AN and defines the
action of GL(2,71.IN) on the fibres. In fact the action of
GL (2, 7l.1N) on a fibre over p e Spec AN permutes its
components, on the contrary the action of SL(2,71.IN)
preserves them. When passing to the scheme Xp (N) 171. [liN] ,
we get the described action of PSL(2,71.IN) •

Exercise 4.1. 51. Show that the factor of the curve

Xp(N)/p over PSL(2,71.IN) coincides with 1P1, and the
projection Xp(N)/p ~ IP~(P) is given by j-invariant
(i.e. a pair (E'~N) representing a point of Xp(N)/p is
mapped to j(E) ).

IF p2-rational points. As we have already seen, the

theory of moduli schemes of elliptic curves shows that X(N)
and have good reductions outside the divisors of
N. The same theory shows that on such curves the upper
asymptotic bound for the ratio of the number of
IF 2-rational points to the genus is tight. To be more
precise let us fix a prime p coprime to N. Then there
exists a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve
XN = Xo(N)/p over IF p; moreover, over the field

k (p) S;; IF p2 ' p being a prime ideal dividing p in the

field KN , there exists a smooth projective absolutely

irreducible curve Xli = Xp (N) Ip· Let gN = g (X N ) = go (N) ,

= g(X') = g(N)
and let be the number of

IF 2-rational points on R' the number of

IFp2 - p oints on Xli. We have

Theorem 4.1.52.

lim (4.1.1)


Proof: To begin with, we remark that there exists a

tower of curves

eN being a map of degree

defined by j-invariant, and the composition

is also defined by j-invariant and is of degree equal to

the order ~N of the group PSL (2, 7l./N) , i. e. to
- .I
I II (1 - l -2 ) , so that A is of degree
2 liN

Hence it suffices to prove the formula (4.1.1') since it is

clear that RN ~ RN/deg AN' and by the Hurwitz formula

lim sup RN/gN :s p - 1 follows from Theorem 2.3.22. To prove

(4.1.1') if suffices to give an adequate lower estimate for

RN . To do this let us consider all points of XN lying
over supersingular values of j-invariant. The estimate for
RN is implied by the following facts:

n - 1
a) the number of such points equals ~N'~

b) all such points are IF -rational.



which yields (4.1.1'), since (cf. Proposition 4.1.20)

~N' (N - 6)
g'N = g(N) 1 + 12.N

We start with a). The point P e XN is represented by

a pair (E'~N)' E being an elliptic curve and ~N being a
projective structure of level N. The group PSL(2,Z/N) of
order ~N acts on the fibre over the point j (E) e!p i in
such a way that the order of the isotropy group of this
point equals IAut EI/2 (since isomorphic curves give the
same point of X(N)). Hence the fibre over j(E) contains
2· ~N/ I Aut EI points, and the total number of points lying
over supersingular values of j (by (2.4.9) ) is equal to

L 2'~N'IAut EI- 1 = ~N'(P - 1)/12 ,

j (E)

the sum being taken over all supersingular values j(E) .

Now we are going to prove b) . Let (E, ~N) be a
supersingular elliptic curve over ifp with a projective
structure of level N. It suffices to prove that the pair
is preserved by the action of the Frobenius
endomorphism F over IFp2 which is a topological generator
of the group Gal(iF~1F 2) • since the degrees of F and of
the endomorphism of multiplication by p coincide, and both
morphisms are purely inseparable, F = cop in the ring

End if (E) , c being the automorphism of EIf I Aut EI 2

then c = ±1, F = ±p, and F preserves (3N. If I Aut EI '" 2 ,
then one has to consider the representative of the point p
on X Ndefined by the pair (E,(3N) obtained from (E,(3N)
by the action of c. For this representative F coincide
with ±p .

Exercise 4.1. 53. Check the assertion on the order of
the isotropy subgroup of a point and the last assertion in
the proof of the theorem. Check that for a supersingular
curve E there exists c e AutiF (E) such that F = cop.
(Hint: Since p annihilates the kernel of the IFp-Frobenius
morphism Fo : E -----+ E', we see that p = foFo '
f : E' -----+ E being a morphism of degree p now check
that any morphism of degree p is of the form

Remark 4.1.54. In fact

RN = (
P1- ) ogN + 2/3
cogN + a (gN

for some c > 0 0 From the proof of Theorem 2.3.22 one can
conclude that
~ (p - l)og + o (g/log g) ,

Nl being the number of IFq-points on a curve of genus g.

We do not know whether the difference Nl - (p - 1) og can
grow faster than o(gN2/3 ) , or not.

4.1.55. From the proof of Theorem 4.1. 52 it

follows that the points of XN lying over supersingular
values of j , are IF 2 -rational and that their number is at
least (p - 1) ogo(N)

Exercise 4.1.56. Calculate the number of

"supersingular" points on reductions Xo(N)/p for N = £,
n m
11·£, 2 , 3 , where £ is a prime, £ '" 11 , £ '" P , and n
and m are positive integers. Calculate the genus of
corresponding curves.

4.1.3. Codes

Let us now consider some properties of codes obtained

by the help of reductions of modular curves.

Parameters. We use the notation introduced in the

proof of Theorem 4.1.52. Thus XN = Xo (N) /p is an
absolutely irreducible smooth projective curve over ~p of
genus gN = go (N) and Xiv = Xp (N) /p is an absolutely
irreducible smooth projective curve of genus giv = g(N)
over ~ or ~p By <P we denote the set of
supersingular points of <P S; XN(~ 2) , by <P' the
set of supersingular points of we know that
<P' s; Xiv (~ ) • Let N ~ 3 •

Proposition 4.1.57. a) Let D be a divisor of degree

a on XN defined over Supp D n <P = I2l • The

[n,k,d] 2-code has the following parameters:

n = 1<P1 = 1, ..• ,no ' where


here the product is taken over all prime divisors of Nand

go(N) is given by the formula of Proposition 4.1.20.b .

b) Let D' be a divisor of degree a' on X'N defined

over IF 2 and 1 et Supp D' n 'P' 121. The en' " k' d'] 2 -code
C' (Xiv ,'P' ,D' ) L has the following parameters:
n' I 'P I = 1, . . . , n~ ,where

> N . (p - 1) . IT 2
n' - 24 I I (1 - e-) ,
o elN

k' ?! a' - if· (N - 6) . IT (1 _ e-2 ) ,

24 e IN
d' ?! n' - a' ,

the product being taken over all prime divisors of N.

Proof: The proposition follows immediately from

Proposition 4.1.20 and Theorem 4.1.52 •

Remark 4.1.58. Since the length of C can be at least

N· (p - 1)

shortening it (if necessary), we can assume that

n = 1 N· (p - 1)

The set of numbers of such form is rather dense:

Exercise 4.1.59.
a) Show that the number pen) of the
positive integers of the form

m =1 N·(p - 1)
e IN
+ e- r , m ~ n
1) ,

p - 1 n
is asymptotically at least ~-ln n' i. e. pen) 2: f(n),
where lim 12-f(n) -In n = 1 (Hint: Consider the case of a
(p - 1)-n

prime N and apply the prime distribution theorem).

b) For p = 7 (i. e. for codes over IF 49) check the

following table giving the code length n as a function of
N :

N 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
n 3 3 6 4 6 6 9 6 12 7 12 12 12 9 18 10 18 16 18

N 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
n 12 24 15 21 18 24 15 36 16 24 24 27 24 36 19 30 28 36

Using weierstrass points, we can as usual ameliorate the

code parameters for small k. We shall now consider only
the point co on Xo (N) and restrict ourselves to the
values N = 2 m , in this case the effect obtained by using
Weierstrass points is maximal. Recall (cf. Proposition
4.1.20) that the genus gN=go(N) of the curve XN=Xo(N)/p
is given by:

go (2m) 2m- 3 + 1 - 0


{3.2 m/ 2-2 for an even m
m 2 (m-l)/2
for an odd m

Proposition 4.1.60. Let D a-co be a divisor of

degree a on and let C = (X m' 'P , D) L be an

[n , k , d] p2 -code. Then for the parameters of c we have:

n = 11' 1 = 1, ... , no ' where

no 2! 2 . (p - 1) ,

k 2! k(m,a) ,

and k(m,a) is defined as follows:

k(m,a) n
iff m-2-t
2 m-3 - 2 : S a < 2 m- 3 - 2m- 3 - t ,

t= 1,2, ... ,r~ - 1 .

(Note that for such a the standard estimate

a - g + 1 is not positive) .

Proof: The only estimate which really needs a proof is

that for k . Considering proj ections X ~ X2. and
2m 2 J
X m ~ X 2 ·+1 for 2j + 1 oS m, we get the following
2 2 J
estimates (using Exercise 4.1.25):

t ( 2 m- 2 j -1. (2 2 j - 2 - 2j + 1 + i)· 00) 2! i + 1 .

The maximum of these estimates for

j 1,2, ... , r~ coincides with k(m,a)

Exercise Check the formula
4.1.61. for k(m,a)
Deduce an analogue of Proposition 4.1.60 for XN , N = 3m

Group properties. Since the group PGL (2, 7l./N) acts

on the curve Xiv preserving fibres of the projection
Xiv ~ (p1 , in particular preserving the set 'P' and the
set of cusps of Xiv, it is natural to expect the codes on
X' constructed from 'P' and cusp divisors to be group

To be precise, let be the set of points on Xiv

which are mapped to by the natural projection
Xiv ~ (p1 • Every point Q e 5 00 is a ramification point of

this projection with index N, hence

v 00 = 1500 I

Consider a divisor F 00 E Q of degree deg Foo = Voo = IS",I.


Since the point is IF P -rational, the divisor F 00

is defined over IFp (and hence over IF ). Let D' = b· F
p2 00

be a divisor supported in 5 00 Consider the code

C' = (Xiv,'P' ,D')L over IF 2
The definition of 'P'
D', under the invariance of
PGL(2,71./N) , and Proposition 3.1.30 yield the following

Proposition 4.1.62. The code C' has a natural action

of the group PGL (2, 7l./N) . The number of orbits of this
action equals the number s(p) of supersingular values of
j-invariant in characteristic p •

Corollary 4.1.63. The code C' can be realized as a
PGL(2,71./N)-submodule in the algebra IF 2[PGL(2,71./N)]S(P)
P •
Remark 4.1.64. If we restrict ourselves to the values
of N such that p t (t - 1) for all prime divisors tiN
(recall that we have also assumed ptN) then the algebra

IF 2[PGL(2,7lIN) ] is semi-simple (since the order is not

divisible by p which essentially simplifies the study of
the group code C' . Note that for p ~ 5 such N can be
as great as you like.

Problem 4.1.65. Give an explicit description of C'

as of a submodule in IF p2 [PGL (2, 7lIN) ] and estimate its

parameters without any use of the Riemann-Roch theorem.

Remark 4.1. 66. Al though we cannot sol ve the above

problem, the Riemann-Roch theorem gives us some information
on the structure of C' as of a PGL (2, 7lIN) -module. Let
Then by the Riemann-Roch theorem, for

since deg (moFm) > 2 g 0

N- 2 • Thus

is a PGL(2,7lIN)-module of dimension

Hence considered
C' as a PGL(2,7lIN)-module has a
filtration of the form: ::> C , where
Cm for b ~ m ~ ao is the image of L(moFm) in C', and
all the factors Cm+1/Cm for m = ao, ••• ,b - 1 are
PGL(2,7lIN)-modules of dimension ~NIN. In fact, applying a
more subtle algebraic-geometric and group theory technique,
one can determine the isomorphism classes of
PGL(2,7lIN)-modules of the form Cm+1/Cm. However this
procedure is far beyond the methods of this book.

It looks likely that a solution of Problem 4.1.65 lies

on this lines.


Considering codes on reductions of classical modular

curves we obtain codes over IF p2 wi th good asymptotic

properties. To obtain codes wi th similar properties over

q being an arbitrary power of a prime p, one has

consider Drinfeld modular curves. The latter have a

number of advantages as compared with the classical modular
curves; they are in many aspects simpler. Unfortunately this
does not regard all the aspects of the theory of modular
curves. In some cases classical modular curves are more
convenient since they come from characteristic zero, which
gives a number of essential results unknown for Drinfeld
modular curves (e.g. a characterization of their Weierstrass
points) .

In this chapter we give the necessary information on

Drinfeld curves and codes on them. In section 4.2.1 we
discuss the basic properties of elliptic modules which in


the Drinfeld theory play the role of elliptic curves.

section 4.2.2 is devoted to the construction and basic
properties of Drinfeld modular curves. In section 4.2.3 we
consider codes on these curves.
Throughout this section we use the following notation:
A = IFq[C'] ,where C' = C - {oo} is an affine absolutely
irreducible smooth curve obtained from a complete curve C
over IFq by deleting an IF -rational point 0 0 . In fact we
q 1
are interested here only in the case C = IF', C' = fAi ,
A = IFq[T] , and the reader loses almost nothing by
restricting himself to this case. For a E A we write
lal = lal oo for the value of normalized absolute value
corresponding to the point 00 E C • For A = IFq[T] we have
lal = q-de a • By k = IFq(C) we denote the fraction field
of A; the extension of 1·1 to k is denoted by the same
symbol: = l~l lEI
for a,b E A, b;l: 0 • By koo we denote
the completion of k by this absolute value, by k 00 the
algebraic closure of k 00 • Reading this section it is useful
to keep in mind the following list of analogies between the
objects of classical theory and those of Drinfeld theory.

Ring 71.. Ring A

Field QJ Field k

Absolute value 1·1 Absolute value 1·1 00

Field IR Field k 00

Field Ie Field k 00
Elliptic curve E Elliptic module rp

Abelian group Hom (E,E' ) A-module Hom (rp, 1/1)

Ring EndQJ(E) Ring Endk(rp)

Algebra EndQJ (E) ®QJ Algebra Endk ( rp ) ®Ak


Lattice A c Ie Lattice r c k 00
positive integer N Ideal I c A
(structure level) (structure level)

Group PSL(2,71) Group GL(2,A)

Complex modular curve X(N) Drinfeld curve M(I)®k 00

Field Q«(N) , (N = e 2rri / N Field k(I)

Groups ro(N) and r1(N) Groups ro(I) and r 1 (I)

Reductions of modular Curves Xo (I) and C(I)
curves Xo(N)/p and Xp(N)/p over IFq
Supersingular elliptic curve Supersingular elliptic
E in characteristic p module rp of
"characteristic" (T)

4.2.1. Elliptic modules

Elliptic modules over a field. Let K be a field of

characteristic p which is an
A-algebra, and let
i : A---+K be the structure morphism, i. e.
i (a) = a·l. The ideal Ker i E Spec A is called the
"characteristic" of the field K and is denoted by
"char"K. If Ker i = (0) , we say that K has a "general
characteristic", and if Ker i * (0), then K is a field of
"finite characteristic".

By we denote the ring of non-commutative

polynomials in ~, i.e. of expressions of the form

n i
L a.·~
i=O ~

with multiplication defined by ~·a for a E K . By


D we denote the natural projection

D K{1:} ~ K

n i
D La.·1: f----+ ao
i=O 1.

The degree map deg K{1:} ~ l is defined by

An elliptic A-module over K is a ring homomorphism

1/>: A~K{1:}

such that I/> (A) is not contained in K and the composition

DOl/> coincides with i.

Proposition 4.2.1. a) The homomorphism is


b) There exists a positive integer d such that for

any a e A
deg '{>(a) la I •

a) If Ker '{> '" (0) ,then

Proof: I/> (A) is a subfield
in K{1:} , and hence '{>(A) ~ K which contradicts the
definition of an elliptic module.

b) Let us consider the map a f----+ deg '{> (a) from A

to l . It is easy to check that this map can be extended to
an absolute value on k. Since for a e A , a '" 0 we have
deg '{>(a) ~ 1 this absolute value cannot correspond to a
point veSpecA. Hence deg,{>(a)=lal d for some

positive rational d later on (in Corollary 4.2.8) we

shall show that d is an integer.

A positive integer d defined in Proposition 4.2.1 is
called the rank of the elliptic A-module ~. Later on we

shall be mostly interested in the case d = 2 and

A = Wq[T] . In this case the elliptic A-module over K is
defined by one element ~(T) EA.

Exercise 4.2.2. Show that

where F = -rm denotes the Frobenius element over Wq

q =p (Hint: This follows from the commutativity of the
ring ~(A».

Homomorphisms. A homomorphism from an elliptic

A-module ~: A ~ K{-r} to an elliptic A-module
I/J : A ~ K{-r} is an element U E K{-r} such that
u·rp(a) = I/J(a)·u for any a EA. The set of homomorphisms
from the module ~ to the module I/J is denoted by
Hom(rp,l/J) It has a natural structure of an A-module. A
non-zero element from Hom(rp,l/J) is called an isogenYi if
Hom(rp,l/J) * (0), the modules rp and I/J are called

Exercise 4.2.3. Show that isogenous modules are of the

same rank.

An element u E K{-r} defines an isomorphism of

elliptic A-modules rp and I/J over K iff UEK * and
I/J(a) = u·~(a)·u for any a E A
In the case when d = 2 and A Wq[T] one can easily

give a criterion for elliptic A-modules to be isomorphic

and obtain a complete description of the group AutK(~) of
automorphisms of an elliptic A-module ~ over K.

Exercise 4.2.4. Let

~ (T) =i (T) + c 1 ·F + c 2
.~ '

!/J(T) =i(T) +d'F+d'~

1 2'

be elliptic A-modules over K. Show that ~ is isomorphic

to !/J iff for some A e K* we have

q2 1
and d
= A - ·c2

Exercise 4.2.5. Show that


for o

Note that the value j (~) = c q1 + 1 /C 2 depends only on

the isomorphism class of ~ ~ it is an analogue of the
classical j-invariant of an elliptic curve.

Exercise 4.2.6. Let ~: A - - - 7 K{~} be an elliptic

A-module and let B be a K-algebra. Let us define an
action of A on B by a·b = ~(a)·b. Show that this
equips B with a structure of A-module G~(B). Show that
for B =K the structure of A-module G~ (K) does not
coincide with the initial one defined by the morphism i

Points of finite order. The points of finite order of

an elliptic A-module ~ are elements of A-torsion in the

module GI{> (1<) , K being the algebraic closure of K. The

submodule of A-torsion in GI{>(K) is denoted by T(I{» •

Proposition 4.2.7. There is an isomorphism

where Ay is the completion of A defined by y, ky is

its fraction field, the sum is taken oyer all closed points
Y E Spec A, dy are integers, d y = d for y *' "char" K
and d y < d for v = "char" K • In particular, if K has a
"general characteristic", then T(I{» = (k/A)d •

Proof: Since the A-module T(I{» is divisible and is a

module of A-torsion, it is of the form ~(ky/Ay) • Let
my E A be the maximal ideal in A corresponding to the
point v . Since the class number of A is finite, there
exists n such that m~ = (a) for some a EA. Let

M= {XEGI{>(K) I a·x O},

then M (A/(a» y , hence

d d
IMI IA/ (a) I y lal y

On the other hand it is clear that IMI:s deg I{>(a) = laid,

the condition IMI = laid being equivalent to the fact that
the constant term of I{> (a) does not vanish, i. e. that
y *' "char"K .

Corollary 4.2.8. The rank d is an integer .

The group Hom (I{>, I/J) (which is an A-module) closely

resembles the group Hom(X,Y) , X and Y being elliptic


Proposi tion 4.2.9. Let I{J and be elliptic

A-modul es over K. Then Hom (I{J, 1/1) is a projective A-module
of rank at most ct, and the map

is injective for any v '" 00 , v '" "char"K ,where Tv(l{J) is

a submodule of T(I{J) consisting of elements annihilated by
some power of the ideal mv

Exercise 4.2.10. Prove proposition 4.2.9. (Hint:
Consider the action of homomorphisms on points of finite
order) .

Corollary 4.2.11. The ring is a skew

field. If K has a general "characteristic", then
End(I{J)®Ak is a field of degree at most dover k.

Propositions 4.2.7, 4.2.9 and Corollary 4.2.11 show

that for d = 2 the points of finite order and the
endomorphism rings of elliptic modules have structures
entirely parallel to the case of elliptic curves.

Lattices. Just as in the case of elliptic curves over

C which can be described in terms of lattices, there is a
similar description for elliptic A-modules over a finite
extension L of k
The field L is complete with
respect to a non-archimedian absolute value which extends
that on k 00
A lattice over L is a finitely generated discrete
A-submodule r in the separable closure Ls of L which

is invariant under the action of the Galois group

Gal (Ls/L) • Such a module is projective over A; the rank
of r
is the rank of the corresponding projective module. A
morphism from the lattice r 1 to a lattice r 2 is an
element a e L such that a·r 1 ~ r 2 A morphism
composition is just multiplication in L.

Proposition 4.2.12. The category of elliptic

A-modules of rank dover L is equivalent to that of
lattices of rank dover L

Recall that it means that to any lattice r there
corresponds an elliptic module ~r' and to each morphism of
lattices a: r ~ r there corresponds a morphism of
1 2
elliptic modules ua : ~r ~ ~r ' such that any elliptic
1 2
A-module ~ is of the form ~r for a suitable lattice r
and the map HomL (rl ' r) ~ HomL (~r '~r) is bij ective.
1 2

We are not going to prove this assertion, we just give

a method to construct the elliptic A-module ~r

corresponding to a lattice r.

Exercise 4.2.13. Show that the following product

converges and defines an integral function f r : L ~ L ,
00 •

i. e. a function of the form L a.·z ~

where a. e L
i=O ~ ~


z· n (1 - Z'o-l) •

(Hint: Use the discreteness of r).

Exercise 4.2. 14. Show that the function is


Exercise 4.2.15. Let us consider the A-module

structure on def ined by the restriction of
fr : L - . . L to A • Show that there exists a unique (up
to an isomorphism) elliptic A-module cp = CPr over L such
that the obtained A-module is isomorphic to the A-module
Gcp (L) •

4.2.2. Drinfeld curves

Now we proceed to the construction and basic properties

of Drinfeld modular curves. Here we assume that A = IFq[T]
and d = 2 . Note however that a great deal of results of
this section is valid mutatis mutandis for any A and d.

Moduli schemes and their compactifications. To define

moduli schemes of elliptic modules, one has to consider
elliptic modules over an arbitrary A-scheme S. An
elliptic module over S is a pair (L,cp) consisting of a
line bundle L on S and an IF'q-linear homomorphism

cp : A - . . EndlF' (L)

such that the following conditions hold:

a) For any a E A we have

2· I al i
cp (a) = i (a) + L cp. (a)'F ,
i=l ~

i(a) being the image of a under the natural action of A

on L a n d F E EndlF' (L) being the morphism of raising to
the q-th power, here

b) For any a E A, a.. 0 , the section

2· la I )
ip2.lal (a) E HO ( S,L®(l- Q )

never vanishes on S.

Exercise 4.2.15. Check that for S = Spec K the

definition of an elliptic module over S coincides with the
definition of that over K given above.

To construct moduli schemes of elliptic modules one has

(just as in the classical case of elliptic curves) to fix
some additional data called "level structure".
Let (0) .. I c A be a proper ideal, PI a monic
polynomial generating this ideal, and
G = (L,ip) an elliptic module over S.

Exercise 4.2.16. Consider the maximal subscheme GI

in L x S such that the element ip(P I ) vanishes on it.
Show that GI is a commutative group scheme. In particular
if S = Spec K then GI is a subgroup in Gip(K)
annihilated by multiplication by PI.

Astructure of level I on the module is an

isomorphism of commutative group schemes over S
-1 2
A : (I /A) x S -------7 GI '

which is compatible with the action of A.

Proposition 4.2.7 describing division points of
elliptic A-modules shows that a structure of level I on G
can exist only in the case when for any point S its

"characteristic" does not belong to the set

v (I) = {P e Spec A I P 2 I} .

F(I) : (Sch) 0 --~) (Sets)

we denote the following functor:

the set of isomorphism classes of pairs (G'~)'}

F(I) (S) { where G = (L,~) is an elliptic A-module
over S and ~ is a structure of level I

There is the following important

Theorem 4.2.17. The functor F(I) is representable by

an affine scheme M(I) of a finite type over A. Fibres of
the morphism H (I) -----+ Spec A over Spec A[I ] =
= Spec A - V(I) are smooth curves, and over V(I) they are
empty •

The scheme M (I) is equipped by a natural action of
GL (2,AII) since this group acts on the functor F(I) in
the following way: if G S ,
is an elliptic module over
-1 2 -
i\. (I IA) x S -----+ GI being a structure of level I and
h e GL(2,AII), then the action of h is given by
h (G,i\.) ~ (G,i\.') , i\.' being a structure of level I
on G defined by the composition

Note that here the subgroup IF q* C GL ( 2 , AI I) acts on

H(I) trivially and thus in fact it is the action of
GL(2,AII)/lF q* .

The scheme M(I) has a canonical compactification. Let

k[I] be the maximal abelian extension of k of conductor
I in which the point ~ splits completely, and let B(I)
be an integral closure of A[I- 1 ] in the field k[I] The
splitting condition means that the ring k(I)®kk~ is
isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of k and the prime

ideals completely splitting in k(I) are just prime ideals

p E Spec A of the form (ex), where ex E A, ex = 1 (mod I)
(condition of complete splitting of p means that the ring
k(I)®kk p is isomorphic to the direct sum of k p ' where kp
is the completion of k by the norm defined by p) •
According to the class field theory, k(I) does exist, it is
unl.que, and there . . .
l.S a canonl.cal . of A(I) */IFq*
onto the group Gal (k(I)/k) (this isomorphism is defined by
so-called Artin symbol). We write Ml (I) for the scheme
Spec B(I) •

Theorem 4. 2. 18 • There exists a unique scheme

containing H(I) as an open dense subscheme, whose fibres
over 1
Spec A [I- ] are smooth compl et e curves, and the
scheme Cusps (I) = M(I) - M(I) is isomorphic to a
disjoint union of finite number of copies of Hl(I)

Irreducible components of the smooth complete curve
H(I)®Ak~ are analogues of the Riemann surface r(N)\H* and
can be similarly described in terms of non-archimedian
function theory. We are unable to discuss this description
now; here are two corollaries. The first concerns cusps and
the second the genus of irreducible components of
M(I)®Ak~ •

Proposi tion 4.2. 19. On any irreducibl e component of

the curve H(I)®Ak~ the part of the finite set
CuspS(I)®Ak~ = M(I)®Ak~ - M(I)®Ak~ lying on this component

is canonically bijective to the factor-set

under the natural action of r (I) on 1P1 (k) :

a'z + b
Z 1-----+ c.z + d


reI) = {(~~) e GL(2,A) I (~~) = (~ ~) (mod I)} C GL(2,A)

is the principle congruence subgroup of level I in

GL(2,A) •

Proposi tion 4.2.20. The genus of any irreducible
component of the curve H(I)®Ak~ equals

where m = deg PI ' and the product is taken over the set of
irreducible monic polynomials r dividing PI •

The reducibility of H(I)®AkctJ is closely connected
with the fact that the above field k(I) is the natural
field of definition for this curve. This is parallel to the
fact that classical modular curves X(N) are defined over
«l (i: n ) •

Proposition 4.2.21. There exists a morphism

IT (I) : H(I) -----+ Hl (I) whose fibres are complete smooth
absolutely irreducible curves .

The action of GL(2,A/I) on H(I) extends to its
action on H(I). On the other hand the scheme Hl (I) has
the action of the finite Galois group Gal (k(I)/k) , which

is canonically isomorphic (by the class field theory) to the

group (A/I) */F q* . Note that the morph1sm
. rr(I) is
compatible with these actions. To be more precise:

Proposition 4.2.22. For every g E GL ( 2 , A/ I) the

following diagram:

M(I) ) M(I)

(I) det g ) M1
rr (I)


commutes. Here we write for the image of

det g (A/I) * in (A/I) */F q*


Modular curves over Fq Further on we suppose the

ideal I to be prime so that the polynomial PI is
irreducible. We also assume the degree m of the pOlynomial
PI to be odd and co-prime with (q - 1) . We are interested
in modular curves over. Fq , i.e. curves obtained from the
smooth complete (reduc1ble) curve X(I) = M(I)®AFq over
Fq . Here (and further on) the expressions of the form ®AF q
mean that the structure of A-algebra on Fq is determined
by the factorization morphism over the ideal generated by
T, v: A ~ A/ (T) = Fq . Thus all the elliptic A-modules
considered below are of "characteristic" (T). From
Theorems 4.2.17 and 4.2.18 it follows that Propositions
4.2.20 and 4.2.22 remain valid for the curve X(I) •

Let us consider the following subgroups of GL (2, A)

which are analogous to the subgroups of the classical

modular group PSL(2,Z) introduced above:

{(~~) e GL(2,A) I c e I} ,

{(~ ~) e GL(2,A) I c e I , a - 1 e I} ,

H(I) { (~ ~) e GL (2 , A) I b e I , c e I , a - d e I} .

Let r o (I) , r('If

, and be the images of these
subgroups in GL(2,A/I). Thus ro(I) is the subgroup of
upper triangular matrices, i. e. of matrices of the form

rl (I) is the subgroup of matrices of the form

and H(I) coincides with the centre of the group

GL(2,A/I) consisting of matrices of the form

for r e (A/I) *

Let us define smooth complete curves Xo (I) , Xl (I) ,

and e(I) as follows:

Xo (I) X (I) fro (I) ,

Xl (I) X (I) /r 1 (I) ,

e(I) X(I)/H(I) •

In our assumptions
on the ideal I these curves
possess a number of nice properties:

Proposi tion 4.2.23. a) The curves

and e(I) are absolutely irreducible.

b) The curve e(I) is a form of a component of XCI) •


Proof: a)
By Proposition 4.2.21 the fibres of the
morphism XCI) ~ Ht (I)®AlFq are absolutely irreducible.
using Proposition 4.2.2 and surjectivity of the map
det : G ----+ (A/I) * where G is any of the groups
1 0 (1), 1 1 (1), or H(I) , we get the assertion.
b) This assertion follows from the fact that in our
assumptions about I the determinant defines an isomorphism

- - q* ~
H(I)/lF - (A/I)/lF q * *

Exercise 4.2.24. Give a detailed proof of Proposition

Embeddings H(I) c 1 o (I) , 11 (I) c 10 (I) define

natural projections e(I) ~ Xo(I) , Xl (I) ~ Xo(I) •

Note that there exists a canonical isomorphism

- ---
1 0 (I)/1 -*
1 (I)'lF q = (A/I) * *q
/lF .

Proposition 4.2.25. The action of the group

- ---
1 0 (I)/1 -*
1 (I)'lF q = (A/I) * *
/lFq on Xl (I) is free.

Proof: The fact follows from the description of

automorphism groups of elliptic modules of rank 2 given at
the end of section 4.2.1, since our assumptions imply that
the group (A/I) */IF * does not contain IF * /IF * Indeed,
q q2 q
since m is odd we have

* * m _ 1
I (A/I) /lFql = qq _ 1 - l(mod(q + 1»

Since is identified with the factor of
over the action of (A/I) */lFq'
* we obta1n

Corollary 4.2.26. The morphism Xl (I) ~ Xo(I) is

unramified. Its degree equals (qm - 1)/(q - 1)

Proposition 4.2.19 gives the description of the set
Cusps (I) which is the image of M(I) - M(I) in X(I).
Hence we can deduce the following description of the sets
cuspso (I) and CUSPSl (I), i. e. of the images of
M(I) - M(I) in Xo(I) and Xl(I) , respectively.

Proposition 4.2.27. a) The set Cuspso(I) consists

of 2 points.

consists of m
b) The set Cusps 1 (I) 2· (q - l)/(q - 1)
points .

Exercise 4.2.28. Prove Proposition 4.2.27, using
Proposition 4.2.19. (Hint: b) follows from a) and Corollary
4.2.26; to prove a) consider the set ro(I)\~l(k) ).

A more detailed analysis considering the action of

Galois groups makes it possible to prove

Proposition 4.2.29. a) Any point of cuspso (I) is


b) There exists a unique point of cuspso(I) such that

all points of CUSpSl(I) lying over it are Ir -rational.
q •

Further on we shall write Q1 for the point from

CuspSo(I) defined in Proposition 4.2.29.b and Q2 for the
other point from Cusps (I) . Let us remark that no point of
cuspSl(I) lying over Q2 is Irq-rational.

Modular equation. The classical modular equation

defines a plane (singular) model of the curve Xo (N) • In
the case of Drinfeld curves the curve Xl (I) rather than
has a convenient plane model, this explains our
interest to Xl (I) •

To write out the corresponding equation explicitly, one

has to appeal to an interpretation of Xl (I) as a moduli
variety over ~q. To be more precise, let

Y 1 (I) = X1 (I) - Cusps 1 (I)

be the corresponding affine curve.

Proposi tion 4.2.30. For any extension L of

there exists a canonical bijection of sets

the set of isomorphism classes of pairs}

Y l (I) (L)
~ { (~,c), where ~ is an elliptic A-module
over Land c $ 0 is a point of .
order I on ~ I i.e. ~(PI) (c) = 0

Sketch of proof: The fact follows from a more general

result that the scheme M(I)/l l (I) represents the following
contravariant factor F(I) from the category of A-schemes
in the category of sets:

the set of isomorphism classes of pairs}

Y (I) (S) ~ { (~/C)' where ~ is an e~liptic A~module
1 over Sand c $ 0 ~s a po~nt of .
order I on ~ i.e. ~(PI) (c) = 0

The last assertion follows from Theorem 4.2.17 together

with the fact that pairs of the form (~/C) have no
non-trivial isomorphisms and that the set of orbits of
1 (I) -action on the set of structures of level I on an

elliptic module can be canonically identified with the set

of points c "* of order I on

0 ~

Exercise 4.2.31. Give a detailed proof of Proposition


Now we can write out the equation of a plane model of

Xl (I) • Let us introduce some notation. ak
Let be the
coefficients of the polynomial PI which we assume to be

P (T) ~ a o~ a E IF 1 .
I k~O k 'k q

Let us define the polynomials PkEIFq[X,y] by induction,

setting Po(x,y) = 1 , and

P k + 1 (x,y) = xoPk(X,y)q + yoPk(X,y)q for k 2:: 0 0

Exercise 4.3.32. Show (by induction over k) that if

~ : A ---+ if {1:"} is an elliptic A-module over of
characteristic (T),

~(T) = ao~ + boF ,

a, b E ifq then for the action of ~(Tk) on the element

1 E ifq we have:

F(x,y) L akoPk(x,y)

The equation o is an analogue of the modular


equation. To state the corresponding result more rigorously

we use the following notation. If I = (p) is a prime
ideal in A, we say that the ideal I' is conjugate to I
(over the prime field if I is generated by a
p' L a' oTk
I k=O k

where a I = era for some element er e Gal (~ <I~ p) In

k k
particular if ak e ~p for k = O, ... ,m then I = I' •

Proposition 4.2.33. Let Xl (I) c (p2 bea plane curve

with the affine equation FI(X,y) = 0 Then

a) The curve X1 (I) has exactly two singular points

P ( 0 : 0: 1) and P = (0: -1: 1) •
1 2

b) X1 (I) is birationally isomorphic over to

X1 (I') , I' being an ideal conjugate to I over ~p

Proof: a) Let us check that X1 (I) has no

singularities in the finite part of the plane, i. e. that
the system of equations

FI = 0
{ o

aFI/ay o

has no solutions. Indeed, it is easy to check that

since PI is irreducible, and a0 ;t 0 , we are done. Let

be x = Z/Zo ,
coordinates on (p2 such that
(ZO:Zl :Z)
y = Z2/ Z 0 . The homogeneous equation G(Z :Z :Z ) = 0

the curve X1 (I) can be written as follows:

2m-2 2 2m-2
= Z(q -l)/(q -1). (Z + Z )q + Z ·H(Z :Z :Z )
1 12 0012

for a form H(Z :Z :Z ) of degree


Hence Xl (I)n{ZO = O) consists exactly of two points

{P l ,P2 > , and it is easy to check that they are both

b) Let us construct a map II : Xl (I) ~ Xl (I) • To

do this, we use Proposition 4.2.30 and define this map on
Y l (I) • Any point from Y l (I) (0='q) is
defined by a pair
(rp,c) , where tp is an elliptic A-module over IF q ,
tp(T) = a·~ + b·F, and C;l: 0 is a point of order PI
on tp, a,b,c e o='q. The point Y l (I) defined by (rp,c)
we map to the point

Since tp(P I ) (c) = 0 , one can easily deduce that

q2 1 q-1
F (c -·a c ·b) = 0,
I '

so that this point lies on X1 (I) . It is easy to check that

II is well defined. Indeed note that a pair (tp, c) is
isomorphic to a pair (tp' ,c'), where

rp(T) = a·~ + b·F ,

tp' (T) = a'·~ + b'·F ,


if and only if

a' 1\
q 2 - 1 • a , b' = i\ q-l . b , c' i\

for some 1\ E ifq This also shows that the map

is bijective. It is also clear that the map v is defined

over ~q Being bijective on ~q-points, it is a
composition of a birational isomorphism v and some power of
the Frobenius endomorphism, and the assertion of b) follows .

Thus, the curve X1 (I) is biratonally isomorphic to
the curve Xl (I' ) for an ideal of the same type as I.
Note that the birational isomorphism v: Xl (I') ~ Xl (I)
is the normalization map for the curve X1(I) .

Exercise 4.2.34. Show that for (m,a) = 1, where

a = logpq, there is a prime ideal I c A, generated by a
polynomial PI of degree m , whose coefficients lie in a
prime field F p ' so that I I'.

Exercise 4.2.35. Check the following assertions which

are used in the proof of Proposition 4.2.33:


b) Points P1 and P2 are singular. (Hint: Write

out local equations of Xl (I) in neighbourhoods of these
points) .

c) We have
2 1
F (c q - ·a o •

(Hint: Use Exercise 4.2.32).

d) Any regular map tp:X~Y of the curves over

IF q which maps X (ifq) onto Y (ifq) bij ecti vely I is a
composition of a birational isomorphism and some power of
the Frobenius endomorphism.

The image of the set CUSPSl (I) on X1 (I) is

described as follows.

Corollary 4.2.36. The image of the set of IFq-rational

points from cusps l (I) coincides with {P l, P2 } . The set of
points from CuspSl(I) which are not IFq-rational is mapped
bijectively onto the intersection of Xl(I) with the
y-axis I i.e. onto Xl (I) n {x = O} .

Proof: Since Y (I) (if )

1 q is bijective to IFq-points of
- 2
Xl(I)n(~ - {x = O}) I v(CUSpSl(I» coincides with

(X (I)n{x = O})U{P ,P )
1 1 2

The set of ordinates of points from O} is

defined by the equation

F(y) F (O,y) =~ a .y(qk_ 1 )/(Q-1) o.

I k=O k

This set contains (qm _ l)/(q - 1) elements no one of

which lies in IF q since PI (T) is irreducible. Hence it
coincides with the image of non-rational points of
cusps l (I) and with the image of rational ones.


It is not difficult to give also an explicit

description of the action of the group H = (A/I) */IF q* on
the curve X1 (I) :

Corollary 4.2.37. Let

reT) L r oTk E A
k=O k

be a polynomial of degree at most m - 1 whose image in

(A/I) */lFq
* is a generator e of this groupo Then the action
of e on the point (x,y) E X1 (I) is defined as


A L rkoPk(x,y) .

Proof: The assertion follows from the fact that the

action of e on triples of the form (a,b,l) is given by

e (a,b,l) ~ (a,b,c) ,

c L rkoPk(a,b)

ao~ + boF

IF 2-rational pointso Similarly to the curves Xo (N) /p
and Xp (N) /p, the curves and C(I) have many
IF -rational points.

Theorem 4.2.38. Let N(I) be the number of

IF -rational points of the curve e(I) , g(I) its genus,
and m(I) the degree of an irreducible polynomial
generating I , Then

N(I) _
lim g(I) - q - 1 .

Proof: It suffices to prove that

lim N(I)/g(I) ~ q - 1 ,

since the inverse inequality follows from Theorem 2.3.22.

According to Proposition 4.2.20,

g (I) = 1 + (q2m _ 1)' (qm _ q _ 1) / (q2 - 1) ,

where m = m(I) • Let us consider the projection

e(I) ~ e(I)/PGL(2,A/I) = p1

of degree qm, (q2m - 1) = IPGL(2,A/I) I . The points of

e(I) , corresponding to the pairs of the form (~O,A), ~o

being an elliptic A-module such that ~o (T) = ~ (it is

natural to call this module supersingular) are ramification
points of this projection with indices (q + 1) , which
follows from the description of the groups Aut (~) for
elliptic A-modules ~ (cf. Exercise 4.2.5). Hence the
number of such points is equal to

(q + 1) -1, I PGL ( 2 , A/ I) I = qm, (q2m - 1) / (q + 1) •

It suffices to prove IF -rationality of these points, since


it would yield

N(I) qm. (q2m _ 1)/(q + 1)

g(I) 1 + (q2m _ 1). (qm _ q _ 1) I (q2 - 1)

Let us consider a point of M(I)®IF q defined by a pair

(rpo' ~) where, ~ is a structure of level I on rp TO
show that (rpo'~) defines an IF -rational point C(I) , it
is sufficient to show that under the action of the generator
r of the group Gal (0:'q/lF) the structure
~ is mapped
to the structure ~' such that ~ = ~' ·h for some
h E H(I) • To do this, we remark that lies in the
center of End (rpo) , since, as it is easy to check,

1F 2 {F} and Cent(End(rpo»


Hence, the image of r

under the representation of
(End ( rp 0) ® A (AI I) ) *
in GL(2,AII) , defined by the action on
the set of structures of level I , belongs to the centre of
GL (2 , AI I) , i. e. to H (I) •

Remark It is clear that the proof of
Proposition 4.2.38 is completely analogous to that of
Theorem 4.1.52 with the only simplification that there
exists only one supersingular elliptic module rpo.

Exercise 4.2.40. Show that the module rpo has no

non-trivial points of period p. This justifies the term

Remark 4.2.41. similarly to Remark 4.1.54 I for the

number N(I) for some c > 0 we have

N (I ) 2: (q - 1)' g ( I ) + c' g ( I) 2/3 + 0 (g ( I) 2/3) •

The existence of a surjection C(I) ~ Xo(I) yields

Corollary 4.2.42. Let be the number of

IF -rational points of Xo (I) I and let go (I) be the genus
of the curve Xo(I) • Then

No (I)
go (I) =q - 1 '.

To get more precise information on-rational points IF

of the curve Xo (I) , one has to refer to the modular
equation FI(X,y). Since the only fact garanteed by
Proposition 4.2.33 is that the equation FI(X,y) = 0 gives
the model of the curve X1 (I') for some ideal I'
conj ugate to I l i t is necessary to use the curve Xo (I' )
instead of Xo (I) • Note however that if I runs over the
complete system of ideals I c A conjugate over IF p I then
I' also runs over the same system (may be in some other
order) I hence considering the curve Xo (I' ) instead of
Xo(I) we do not loose generality.
Supersingular points of Xo(I') I i.e. images of points
of the form (/po,A) on C(I') I are pulled up to points
with y = 0 on X1 (I) whose abscissae satisfy the equation

F(X) o

Proposition 4.2.43. The number of supersingular

IF -points of Xo (I') equals (qm + 1) / (q + 1)

Proof: The polynomial F(X) is separable, hence it

2m 2
deg F(x) = (q -l)/(q -1)

roots. These roots correspond to the points of Xl (I')

lying over "supersingular" points of Xo (I') , hence the
number of the latter equals

(qm + l)/(q + 1)

The action of H = (A/I) */IF q* makes it possible to
describe the decomposition of F(x) into factors
irreducible over IF Let Hi be the subgroup in H
generated by the image of the element T and let hl = IHil
be its order and its index in H, h = h ·h
1 2

Proposition 4.2.44. The polynomial F(x) decomposes

into n·h irreducible factors, each one of


Note that the generator 8 1

Proof: (the image of T
in H) of the group Hi acts on points of X1(I) in the
following way:

81 : (x,y) (x. (x + y) q2_1, y. (x + y) q-1) ,

which follows from Corollary 4.2.37. Hence, on


supersingular points of 51: (I) with Y = 0 , the action of

e1 coincides with that of the
(topological) generator r
of Gal (0:' iflFq 2) • Since the action of H1 on the set of

points of the form (x,O) is free, we obtain the required

assertion .

Corollary 4.2.45. Let R be the set of roots of
F(x) . Then:

a) Each orbit of the action of H on R is of the

H·r U H. ~

where r E R , and Hi is the set of roots of irreducible

over IF q2 polynomial Fi of degree h 1 dividing F(x) .

b) The set R lies in the field IF 2h

q 1 •

4.2.3. Codes

Now let us pass to the description of codes obtained on

Drinfeld curves.

Parameters. on curves C(I)

Consider codes over IF
and Xo(I). The information on the structure of the set of
their IF -rational points, obtained in the previous
section, makes it possible to estimate parameters of these
codes. We still suppose the above assumptions about I

Proposition 4.2.46. Let C= (C(I),1',!f.)H be an

algebraic-geometric [n,k,d]q-code constructed from the
curve C(I) , the set l' of its supersingular ~
points, and a line bundle of degree a. Then for
parameters of C we have:

n = qm.(q2m - l)/(q + 1) ,

k ~ a - (q2m _ 1)' (qm _ 1)' (qm _ q _ 1) / (q2 - 1)

d ~ qm. (q2m - l)/(q + 1) - a

Remark 4.2.47. The set of possible length values for
codes obtained from curves C(I) and the set of their
"supersingular" points is quite rare in positive integers:
passing from m to (m + 2) (m should be odd), the length
of such codes multiplies approximately by q6. Such codes
are of particular interest for q ~ 7 (i.e. q2 ~ 49) , and
in this case n grows with fantastic speed. The first
non-trivial code over ~
, corresponding to m = 5 (for
m = 1 the genus of C(I) equals 0 and m = 3 is not
co-prime with (q - 1) ) is of length exceeding 6 billions.
This simple estimate shows that codes constructed from the
curves C(I) are not for practical use.

Proposition 4.2.48. Parameters of an [n,k,d] -code

C = (X o (I),1',!f.)H' constructed from the curve Xo(I), the
set l' of its supersingular points, and a line bundle !f.
of degree a , satisfy the conditions:

n = (qm + l)/(q + 1) ,

k ~ a - q. (q2t - 1) / (q2 - 1) + 1 ,

d ~ (qm + l)/(q + 1) -a ,

where t = ["m/21 .

Proof: It suffices to show that

2£ 2
go(I) :s q' (q - l)/(q - 1) ,

which follows from that fact that, by the Hurwitz formula,

g (I) :s fg(I)/(q2m - qm)l since the degree of the
o m m
projection C(I) ~ Xo(I) equals q . (q - 1)

Exercise 4.2.49. Using the formula for g(I) , check

Remark4.2.50. Remark 4.2.47 is valid, though to a

lesser extent, for codes on curves Xo (I) . The length of
such codes in passing from m to (m + 2) is multiplied by
q2 . Codes whose length is not exceedingly high are obtained
only for rather small m.

Example4.2.51. The value m=3 is admissible for

q = 2 (mod 3). In this case the
q -ary codes on Xo (I)
have the parameters:

n q2 - q + 1


d 2: q2 - q + 1 - a .

One can see that the parameters of these codes are

worse than those of Reed-Solomon codes.

Example 4.2.52. The value m= 5 is admissible for

q ;l! 1 (mod 5) • For codes on Xo (I) we have q2 -ary codes

k ~ a - q. (q 2 + 1) + 1 ,
d~q -q +q -q+1-a.

Parameters of these codes are already not so bad as for

m 3 . In any case, for low values of q the code length
n lies in reasonable limits. For example, for q = 7 we
have: n = 2101, k + d ~ 1852 (for an IF 49 -code)·' for
q = 8 we have: n = 3301 , k + d ~ 2782 (for an 1F 64 -code).

Group properties. Similarly to codes on reductions of

X(N) , codes on C(I) can be interpreted in terms of ideals
in the group algebra. Moreover, because of uniqueness of the
"supersingular" elliptic module IPo' the situation for
C(I) is simpler than that for Xo(N)
Let Cusps (I) be the image of Cusps (I) in the curve
C(I) ; Le. Cusps (I) is the set of cusps of the curve
C(I) The set Cusps (I) can be otherwise defined as the
inverse image of 00 e (p1 under the natural projection
j : C(I) ~ (p1 defined by j-invariant of elliptic
modules. Let us consider the divisor

F 00 P

The given interpretation of the set Cusps (I) shows that

the divisor FOIl is IFq-rational.

Proposi tion 4.2.53. The degree of F 00 is equal to

q2m _ 1 .

Proof: The degree of F 00 is equal to the number of

cusps on C(I). This set can be identified with
r (I) \1P1 (k) Since 1P1 (k) is identified with PGL(2,A)/B,
where B is a subgroup of matrices of the form (~~) ,
a e A , we have
Cusps (I) = r(I)\PGL(2,A)/B .

Noting that

r(I)\PGL(2,A)/B = PGL(2,A/I)/B ,

B being the image of B in PGL(2,A/I) , i.e. the subgroup

of matrices of the form 1

[0 a)1 ' -a e A/I , we see that

deg Foo = I Cusps (I) I = IPGL(2,A/I) I'IA/II- l = q2m - 1

since the projection j : C(I) ----+ 1P1 is defined by
factorizing over PGL(2,A/I), the divisor F 00 is
PGL (2 ,A/I) -invariant. Let D = a l 'Foo ' al being a positive
integer. Noticing that the group PGL(2,A/I) acts
transitively on the set l' of "supersingular" IFq2- rational
points of C(I) , we get

Proposition 4.2.54. The code Cal = (C(I) ,1',D) Lover

IF constructed from the curve C(I), the set l' and the
divisor D = a 1 'F00 has a natural transitive action of the
group G(I) = PGL(2,A/I)

Corollary 4.2.55. The code C can be realized as an
ideal in the group algebra IF 2[G(I)] lying in the ideal
IH = IF 2[G(I)/H] H being the image of IF * in G(I)
q q


Problem 4.2.56. Give an explicit description of C

as of an ideal in IF [G(I)] and estimate its parameters
without using the Riemann-Roch theorem.

Remark 4.2.57. Knowing no solution of Problem 4.2.56

we can nevertheless obtain (using the Riemann-Roch
theorem) some information on the structure of the ideal in
obtained from Ca. Let

where l = r~l . For b 2: ao by the Riemann-Roch theorem we

l(b·F,) = b· (q - 1) - g(I) + 1 .

Thus, L( (b + 1) ·F,)/L(b·F",) for b 2: a is a

G(I)-module of dimension q2m - 1 Hence, the code Ca as
a G(I) -ideal has a filtration by G(I)-submodules of the
form Ca J Ca -1 J ••• J Ca ' where for a 1 2: b 2: a is
1 1 0
the image of L(b·F,) in Ca and all the factors
for b= are of dimension
Unfortunately the group algebra IFq2 [G (I) ] is
never semi-simple and thus the above filtration is here less
useful than for classical modular curves.F


In this chapter we show that codes on modular curves

and Drinfeld curves have polynomial construction complexity.
To be precise, one has

Theorem 4.3.1. a) There exists a polynomial algorithm

constructing a generator matrix for the code c = (X,~,D)L
over IF r ' r p'2 where X = Xo (N) /p is the reduction of
Xo (N) over pkN, ~ being the set of supersingular
IFr-points of X and D being an IFr-rational divisor on X
such that Supp D n ~ 0.

b) There exists a polynomial algorithm constructing a

generator matrix for the code C' = (X',~' ,D') L over IF r
'2 2e
r = q = p ,where X' = Xo (I) , the ideal I c A = IF q[T]
is generated by an irreducible polynomial of an odd degree
m relatively prime to (q - 1 ) , ~' is the set of
II IF r -rational points of X' , and D is an
IFr-rational divisor, Supp D' n~ =0 •


Remark 4.3.2. We should remark that in the proof of

the theorem the corresponding algorithms are written out
explicitly, their time complexity being estimated by
T :S c 1 ·n ,where n is the code length. The exact values
of c and c depend on the model of computation which is
1 2
used (in contrast to the polynomiality result valid for any
reasonable model of computation). For example, in the case
of the Turing machine one can take c 2 = 40 and 60 for
parts a) and b), respectively, with moderate values of c 1
For a model of computation close to a real computer one can
take c 2 = 20 and 30, respectively. We should also point
out two other facts: on the one hand more thorough estimates
of time complexity of our algorithms can give lower values
c 2 than above, on the other hand (which is more important)
the algorithms constructed on the same principle and having
a structure similar to that of ours, cannot be realized on a
modern computer. Thus the polynomiality result is a purely
theoretical one: it is not difficult to write a program
constructing codes of Theorem 4.2.1 for a real computer, but
its rate would surely be unsufficient to make this program
We believe that ways to obtain more effective
algorithms lie in more thorough study of the structure of
modular codes, especially of their group-theoretic
properties (cf. Problems 4.1.65 and 4.2.56).
The rest of this chapter is devoted to the proof of
Theorem 4.3.1. Here we restrict ourselves to the proof of
some particular cases of parts a) and b) of the theorem in
order to simplify reading. Exact additional assumptions in
which we prove parts a) and b) of the theorem, are stated at
the beginning of sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2, respectively.
In section 4.3.1 we describe an algori thm of
construction for codes on reductions of classical modular
curves and in section 4.3.2 an algorithm for Drinfeld
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 473

curves. section 4.3.3 contains a description of standard

procedures, necessary for the work of the algorithm; we also
explain there why these algorithms are polynomial (main
conceptual ideas of these algorithms are summed up in Remark

4.3.1. Classical case

Now we shall describe an algorithm of construction of a

generator matrix for the code C = (X,~,D)L over ~ 2 in
the following particular case: N = 11·t, where l is a
prime, l ~ 133 , the divisor D being of the form

where g and h are integers such that

1 :s g :s (p - 1) / 2 , 0:$ h :s t - 2 ,


F = (t - 1)· Q2 + (l - 1)· Q4 '

Q2 and Q4 being cusps of X (recall that on X there are

four cusps Q, Q, Q, Q, see Proposition 4.3.3). The
1 2 3 4
parameters of the code C = C
corresponding to the pair
(g,h) are

n = (p - 1) (t + 1)

k ~ (2g - 1)· (l - 1) - 2h ,

d ~ (p - 1)· (l + 1) - 2h - l - (2g - 1)· (l - 1)

Further on we also need the following notation: X is a

plane singular model of X (over ~p ), defined by the

modular reduced modulo p, Le.

equation FN(x,j) = 0 ,
F N = ~N (mod p ) • By z we denote the elliptic curve
Xo (ll)/p over IFP • The field of ratonal functions IFp (X)
on X is of the form IF p (X) = IFP (x, j) where j is
j-invariant, and x = jN is the image of j under the
canonical involution wN .

Divisors and linear systems on X. We need some facts

on divisors and linear systems on X. Let I = (x) and IX)

J = (j)1X) be the divisors of poles of functions x and j .

Proposition 4.3.3.

I l1otoQl + 11 0Q
+ toQ
+ Q

J Q + toQ + 110Q + 11 0t oQ
1 2 3 4

Proof: defines the map

j j X ~!pl • The formula
for J follows from the description of ramification of j
(cf. Exercise 4.1.22 where this map was denoted b y e ) .
Since the involution W110t permutes x and j and thus
also I and J , it suffices to note that W110t acts on
the 4-tuple (Ql,Q2,Q3,Q4) as follows:

Exercise 4.3.4. Check the formula for the action of
TV110t on the 4-tuple (Ql,Q2,Q3,Q4). (Hint: compute the
action of TV11 t 0 on r 0 ( 11 0 t) \!Pl (aJ) ).

We also need
an explicit description of the space
L(goF - hoQ 2 - hoQ4)used in the definition of the code.
Our immediate purpose is to show that this space contains a
basis of some special form consisting of rational functions
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 475

wi th bounded degrees of numerator and denominator. To be

precise, set s = 24·£ + 19 , and let

rational functi:ns on x®Wp of th~ form P(X,j),}

where p(x,j) e ~p[X,j] , deg p(x,J) s g·s

rational functions on X of the form}

{ p(x,j), where p(x,j) e ~p[X,j] ,
deg p(x,j) s g's

Proposi tion 4. 3. 5. The space L (g. F) for g ~ 2

has a basis of the form f /f , where
ex °
e VO
g n L(2g· (6£ + 5)' (I + J) - g'D) ,

f e VO n L(2g· (6£ + 5)' (I + J) - g'D - g'F) ,

° g

D being the conductor of X.

Proof: Since the divisors D, I , J, and F are

~ -rational it suffices to show that
p2 '

L(g'F) ® Wp {f/f e W (X) I f e Vi ' f e V2 } (4.3.1)

° °
= Vg n L(2g' (6£ + 5) . (I + J) - g'D) ,

v2 = V g n L(2g' (6£ + 5)' (I + J) - g'D - g'F) .

Throughout the proof we denote we denote X®Wp simply by

X. Since for any divisors D, and D' and functions
f e L (D) and f' e L (D - D') the function f/f' lies in
L(D') (check!), the right hand set of (4.3.1) lies in the

left hand set. Besides, by the Riemann-Roch theorem

l(g'F) = 1)' (t - 1).
(2g - Hence, to verify (4.3.1) it
suffices to check that

dim V l ~ (2g - 1)' (l - 1) (4.3.2)

dim V ~ 1 (4.3.3)

Then we shall get (4.3.1) (note also that (4.3.2) and

(4.3.3) are in fact equalities rather than inequalities).
Let us consider the space L(g'K) , where K = (dj) is
a divisor from the canonical class of X. We are going to
show that f E L(g'K) implies

f'F~ E (Vg n L(2g· (6t + 5)' (I + J) - g'D)

which yields (4.3.2), since t(g'K) = (2g - 1)' (t - 1) by

the Riemann-Roch theorem. Indeed let f E L(g'K) • Since X
is non-hyperelliptic by Proposition 4.1.29 and Exercise
4.1.49, using Theorem 2.2.32 and Proposition 2.5.21, we
prove that f is of the form PI (F~) g , where P E Vg ,
since the degree of a homogeneous equation of X is less
that s + 4 = 24·l + 23 . Indeed, by Theorem 2.2.32, f is a
sum of functions of the form fl" ••• f g , where fi E L(K) ,
i = 1, ... ,g • Hence, by Proposition 2.5.21 any f e L(K) is
of the form PIF~, P e V l • Thus f e L (g'K) implies
f e Vg On the other hand, if f = P/(F~)g, f e L(g'K) ,
(f) + g' (dj) = (P) - g' (F~) + g. (dj) ~ 0 •

Using Proposition 2.5.25 and the formula for the

ramification divisor B of j (Exercise 4.1.22), we get

(P) - g'D + 2g'(6t + 5)'(I + J) ~ 0,

which proves (4.3.2).

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 477

Now let ns prove (4.3 .3) • Let W * 0 be a

non-vanishing regular differential form on Z . Consider its
pull-back w' on X. From the description of the
ramification of X~Z (cf. Exercise 4.1. 22) we get
(W') = F (check!). Proposition 2.5.21 gives W' = f·dj/F~

for some

f e V1 n L ( 2· (6t + 5) . (I + J) - D) •

f e V
g n L(2g·(6t + 5)·(I + J) - g·D) ,

and thus the last space is non-trivial .

The space W Let

Wg (p(x,j) e IFp [X,j] I deg p(x,j) oS g·s} ,

where as above s 24·t + 19

dim lF W (g·s + 1)· (g·s + 2)/2 •


To construct modular codes, it is necessary to consider

some linear functionals on Wg . To define them one needs to
use two types of operators which act in the ring of Laurent
formal series. Let K be a commutative ring, let K«t))
be the ring of Laurent formal series over K, and let m
be an integer. If
f L a. ·t ~
E K«t)) I


a. e K
, then by definition

Rn(f) L a. ·t
] , Qn (f) an e K .

Thus, Rn and Q are morphisms of K-modules:


K( (t» ~ K[t, t ], Qn K«t»~K.

Exercise 4.3.6. Prove that

0, then for any integer g

b) For any integers g and m

In order to emphasize (when necessary) the dependence

of Rn , Qn on t (i.e. to indicate the variable of their
action) sometimes we denote them by Rn,t' Qn,t •
Let us now recall that for a singular point P of a
plane curve X we have defined in section 2.5.4 a labeled
tree rp of its infinitely close points (desingularization
tree) such that the label of any of its nodes s e Vp is of
the form

where P (x s' y s) = 0 is a local equation of the proper

inverse image of X in a neighbourhood of an infinitely
close point Qs corresponding to s , (X s ' Y s) are the
polynomials expressing local coordinates in a neighbourhood
of P in terms of local coordinates in a neighbourhood of
Qs ' and As indicates whether Qs is smooth, or not.
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 479

Let P be a singular point of X, i.e. either a point

with local coordinates (x - a p ' j - (3p) , or one of the
points P 1 = (0:0:1) and P 2 = (0:1:0) • We use x = l/x ,
j l = j/x as local coordinates in a neighbourhood of P1
and x 2 = x/ j , j2 = 1/ j in that of P2. Let rp be the
desingularization tree associated to P. The points of the
normalization X of X lying over the point P,
correspond to free nodes of rp (i.e. to the nodes s such
that As = 1 ). For Q = Qt corresponding to a node t we
can define functionals A
m, t ' melon the set W ®IF
g r ,
rt = p , IF
r t
being the field of definition of Qt

Let us fix a node t labelled by (Pt,(X t ,Jt ),l) and

an integer m , and let H (x , j) e W ®IF
g r The polynomial
H(x,j) defines a rational function H on X . since the
point Qt is smooth, one of the functions x t or jt is a
local parameter on X in a neighbourhood of Qt· Let j t '
for example, be such a parameter. Then H can be expanded
into a Laurent formal series

By Am , t(H)denote thewe m-th coefficient of this

expansion: Am,t(H) = c m, t In a more formal way one can
define the functional Am, t as follows. Since jt is a
local parameter on in a neighbourhood of Qt' the value
of aPt/ax t at is not zero. Hence there exists the
unique power series f t (j t) e IF r [[j t ] ] such tha t
f t (j t) is the expansion of the
function into a power series in

Exercise 4.3.7. Prove that


Let us remark that for the points P e Sing X other

than P
and P2 ' i.e. for points in

X n~ 2
the functionals A with negative m vanish, since for
m, t
HeWg®1fp the function of the form i1 is regular on

Exercise 4.3.8. Prove that the condition

m, t (H) = 0 for any m ~ g

is equivalent to

ordQ (i1) 2: g + 1 .

It is the result of this exercise which motivates

consideration of functionals A
m, t

Proposi tion 4.3. 9. The set of functionals {Am, t} ,

t e U Vp , is defined over IFp
PeSing X

Proof: The action of the Galois group Gal (Ifpi IFp)

generates its action on U Vp • It is clear that
PeSing X
for any t e Uvp we have cr (Am, t) = Am, crt ' and
cr e Gal (lfpllFp) which proves the proposition .•

construction of the codes. One can use functionals

{Am , t} to describe codes on X. To begin with, we
introduce some notation. For Q e X by nQ we denote the
multiplicity of Q in the divisor D of double points
of X:

If we write for n Q . • Since the

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 481

equation F N(x, j) = 0 of X is invariant under the

involution wN ' we get n l = n 4 and n 2 n 3 • Let

/1 (Ill + 1) ·g·s

v = (i + 11) ·g·s ,

A 2 . (l1i + 1)· (6i + 5) . g

II:. = 2· (i + 11)· (6i + 5)· g ,

11:.' K - g·n 2 - g. (i - 1)

A' A - g·n 2 - g. (i - 1)

here, as above, s = 24·i + 19 , it is clear that /1 > A ,

v > II:.

V' U Vp ,
PE(Sing X)n 1A2

be the set of free nodes of the desingularization trees of

singular points of X in the finite part of the plane. We
write t
, t 2 , t 3 , and t 4 for free nodes of the trees
Vp and Vp , where t. corresponds to Qi . We write
1 2
A. At' for i = 1,2,3,4 . Let us consider the
m, ~ m, i
following subspaces Ug and U' in

g·n /1
( n ( n t Ker Am t»n( n «Ker Am,l )n(Ker A m,4 »n
teV' m=O I m=A-g·n l

n( m=O
n {(Ker A
m,2 )n(Ker A m,2 ) )nWg ,

v /1
u'g ug n m=K'
Ker Am 2)
n Ker Am ,4) ,

all the subspaces being considered as subsets in wg ®iFp by

definition, n t = nQ .

Proposition 4.3.10. The image of the space Ug in

coincides with

V~ n L(2g·(6£ + 5)'(I + J) - g'D) ,

and the image of U' with the one-dimensional subspace


n L(2g· (6£ + 5)' (I + J) - g'D - g'F) •

Exercise 4.3.11. Prove the proposition. (Hint: use the

resul t of Exercise 4.3.8 and the description of divisors
I , J ,D and F).

Corollary 4.3.12. Let h be an integer,

o s h s (£ - 1) . Then the image of the subspace

K-gn 2 A-gn 1
g,h (n
m=K-gn 2 -h
Ker A
m,2 ) n m=A-gn
(n -h
Ker A

in VO coincides with the subspace


Vg n L(2g· (6£ + 5)' (I + J) - g'D - h'Q2 - h'Q4)

To construct the code we need the following notation.
We write ss (X) s; X (IF ) for the set of points P E X (IF )
~ ~
such that a p = x (P) and (3p = j (P) are supersingular
values of j-invariant in characteristic p. If P E SS (X)
is a singular point, then the tree rP and functionals
Am, t are defined, where t E Vp' is the free node of rp
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 483

corresponding to Qt which lies over P. Now let

ss (iC) n (X - Sing X) be a smooth supersingular point. Let
us extend the definition of rp to this case. We define rp
as a tree consisting of one free node wp labeled by the

Thus, V' = {Wp} • Let us also define the functional


A1,Wp (H) = H(ap'~p) ,


Noting that in such a definition for all P e ss (X)

the set Vp
of free nodes of the tree rp is in a
bijection with the set of points Q e X lying over P
we can rewrite the formula for the number of supersingular
points of X as follows:

E v' (p - 1) 0 (l + 1) ,
Pess(X) P

where P is the cardinality of Vp .

v' = IV'I
Collecting the results proved in this section together,
we come to the following

Theorem 4.3.13. Let us fix a non-vanishing element

p e U' and consider the following IF -linear map:
a g p2

1 : U h ® IF - - + IF n
g, p2 p2

H 1---+ (Agon +1 t (H)/A gon +1 t (Ha» ,

t ' t '

t running over the set U V' of cardinality

Pess(X) P

n = (p - 1)· (t + 1) Then the image of coincides wi th

Cg, h·

Proof: Let us begin with h = 0 , so that Ug,h = Ug.

Then the theorem follows from propositions 4.3.5 and 4.3.10,
from the definition of the code, and from the coincidence of
g·n t +1,t
(H) with the value of H in Qt • For h '" 0 one

has to apply also Corollary 4.3.12 •

Formulae. Let us give some formulae which are
necessary to construct a generator matrix of Cg,h·

First of all, we should work with the curve X defined

by the modular equation FN(X,j) = 0 considered in
characteristic p, so that

12· t+ll
F (
N x,]
.) -
- x 12· (t+1) + J.12· (t+1) + ~
t.. mn .x .yn

where c ba = cab are elements of Fp

Coefficients cab can be expressed in terms of the
coefficients of q-expansion of j-invariant.

Proposi tion 4. 3. 14. The q-expansion j (q) of the

function j equals


(1 + 504· E ~ (n)·qn)J
n=l J
j (q)
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 485

Thus we see that

where cm are integers. Now let us introduce the following

notation. We write IF
for the field IFp [ ( ] ' where
is a primitive root of unity of degree 11·g in

2 2
A (x, t) (t 121 · g ·X - 1 - c ·t 121 · g )


where c m e IFp are coefficients of the q-expansion of

j-invariant, reduced modulo p , and the positive integers u
and v are defined as

u = r12g· (t + 1) /111 v 132·t· (t + 1) •

Thus A(x,t) e IF [x,t]; B(x,t) ,C(x,t) ,D(x,t) e IF

[x,t] ,
P s
s = pr Consider an embedding of F(x, j) into the ring
IF [x) ( (q) ) defined by the q-expansion of j . If we set
p l1·t
q = t then the ring IF p[X] «q}) is a subring in
IF s[X1 «t». On the other hand it is clear that
IFs[x,t) c IFs[X]«t» . In the following exercise by Rm we
denote the operator R
m, t acting in IFS[X)«t»

Exercise 4.3.15. Let t 2: 133 . Show that


where A = A(x,t), B = B(x,t), C = C(x,t), D = D(x,t) are

polynomials introduced above. (Hint: Prove this equality in
the ring 1:[(11.t] «t)) , where (ll.t =
e , and then
consider the reduction modulo p. According to Theorem

FN(x,j) = ~(x - j(a(z))) (mod p) ,


a running over the set A of all matrices of the form

(~~) , a,b,d e 1:, a > 0, d > 0, a·d = 11·t, 0 s b < d .
since for a = (~~) e A the function j(a(z)) has the
following expans10n in t


taking into account the properties of described in

Exercise 4.3.6, one obtains (4.3.6) ).

12' t+11
R (F(x,j)) = x 12 ·(l!.+1) + L Qa(t).x a ,
o a=O
where Qa(t) e IFp[t,t ] •
since F(x,j) lies in IFp[X] «q)) and q = t
the Laurent polynomials Qa(t) I ie in fact in IFp[q,q ] ,
and we can therefore write

12· t+11 12·t+11

-ll·t·m -m
L r·t = L r'q
m=O am m=O am
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 487

for a = 1, ••• ,12 0e + 11 , ram e IF p

12 (HI)

L rom oq

Thus, the coefficients ram can be written out as follows:

the operator Qm,q acting in IF p ( (q) ) and Qa,x in

] «x». For 1 :s i :s 12 0
e+ 11 , 1:s b:s 12 0
e+ 11 ,

Proposition 4.3.16. For the coefficients of

the modular equation

X I20 (e+l) + )012 0 (HI) + 12~e+l a ob

L cabox 0) e IFp[X,j]

we have:

c a , 12 oHll a=1, ••• ,12 0e+l

r a, 12 oe+ll '

12 0 e+ll
c a , 12 oHll-i r a ,12 Hll-i L c am °v m, 12 oHll-i
m=12° (Hl)-i

for 1 :s a :s 12 0 e+ 11 , the last expression implying

cO,12o (HI) = 1

Proof: By definition, we have

L Cab'RoUb) for 1::s a ::s 12'£ + 11

thus for any 1 ::s i ::s 1~'£ + 11 and 1 ::s a ::s 12·R. + 11 we

12 '£+11
am ·v.

and for any i 1, ••• , 12'£ + 1

·V •

Using these relations for Cam' we obtain the proposition .

Now we shall describe singular points of X. To do
this, it is necessary to know the coordinates (CX p ,(3p) of
all singular points P e X lying in (the points
P,P e X n (1P2 - (A2) are both singular) and to have a
1 2
description of the divisor D of double points of
To determine coodinates of singular points of X in
the finite part of the plane we can use resultants. Let us
define the polynomials R 1 (X) and R2 (x) e ~p [x] as

being the resultant of polynomials from

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 489

considered as polynomials in j with coefficients from

IF [x] (we beg your pardon: they have nothing to do with
residues denoted in the same way). Let R (x) be the
greatest common divisor of polynomials R 1 (X) and R2 (X)

Proposition 4.3.17. The set of roots of R(x)

coincides with the set of first coordinates a p of singular
points (ap'~p) of X in the finite part of the plane.

Proof: The assertion follows from the principal

property of the resultant together with the fact that
singular points -
P = (a p ' ~p) E Sing X n IA 2 are defined as
solutions of the following system of equations:

FN = 0
{ 8FN/8X o
8FN/8j o

Corrolary 4.3.18. Let a 0 be a root of the equation
R(X) = 0 .Then the second coordinates ~p of the singular
points P E S1.ng -
X n
IA 2 with a p a0 are defined from the


To describe the conductor D of X, we must find an
expression for numbers nt' where

D = ~ n .Q
L. t t

since Qt is a smooth point of X, either 8P t/8Xt

or 8Pt/8jt does not vanish at the origin. Let us suppose

that BPt/BXtl x =j =0 * 0 (if it is not the case, one just

t t
has to interchange everywhere xt and jt ) . Thus jt is a
local parameter on X Qt at . Let ftU t ) be an expansion
of xt into a power series in jt ,

Let d = (24·l + 24)2 • Let us define R t e IFr Ut ] by


it is clear that deg Rt(jt) ~ d • In this notation we have

Proposition 4.3.19. For m = 1, ••• ,d let


Vt = max {m I b m * O} .


vt for j(Qt> * 0,1728,.,

vt - 1 for 0

vt - 2 for j(Qt> 1728
v t - e. + f. for Qt = Qi e {Ql,···,Q4}'
~ ~

10, e 4 = 11·l - 1,

f 13 2 . l2 + 122·l + 12 , f 12·l 2 + 144·l + 10 ,

1 2

12·l + 142·l + 132 , f 4 1321 2 + 144·l + 10 .

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 491

Proof: By Proposition 2.5.25,

= Be + D - 2' (6£ + 5)' I - 12· (£ + 1)' J •

Using the formulae for Be (cf. Exercise 4.1.22), for I,

and for J (cf. Proposition 4.3.3), we can conclude that the
proposition is valid if we sUbstitute

Il t ordQ (F~) = max {m I b:n '* O} ,


for v t ' where

From the properties of Rd it follows immediately that

bm = b:n for m ~ d . Now it suffices to note that

Il t ~ (deg hom 8FN /8X)' (deg hom F) ~ (24'£ + 24)2 d.

here by deg hom P for P E IFp(X,j] we denote the degree

of the corresponding form on ~2

Exercise 4.3.20. Check that

Il t ~ (deg hom 8FN/8X) . (deg hom F)

(Hint: Show that the degree of the divisor is

equal to (deg hom 8FN /ax)' (deg hom F) ).

The information obtained also yields formulae for

coefficients of functionals A t ' For a basis in the space
m, a b
Wg we choose a natural basis of the form {x'j}, a ~ 0 ,
b ~ 0 , a + b ~ g·s. Coefficients of A in this basis
m, t

are denoted by a mtab :

The above argument immediately yields

Proposition 4.3.21. Let t e Vp' Set et = g·n t '


Exercise 4.3.22. Prove Proposition 4.3.21.

Algorithm. Now we can describe a polynomial algorithm

of construction of a generator matrix for the code Cg, h •
We are about to describe its successive steps, pointing out
the input information needed for the step, information
obtained as a result of its work, and the computation

Step 1. Calculation of the coefficients of the modular


Input: positive integers £, p, g; £ and p

being primes, £ ~ 133 , P .. 11, P .. £ and g::s (p - 1) /2 .

Output: The set {Cab e IFp} of coefficients of

the modular equation (mod p) :

12· £+11
F N ( x, J. ) -_ 12 . (l+ 1 ) + .12' (l+ 1 ) + ~ a .b
x J L. cab' x . J

Method: First of all compute the polynomial

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 493

G(t) e IFp[t] of degree deg G(t) (ll·t + 1) 'g's ,

S = 24·t + 19 such that

G(t) t·Rj.1_1(j(t»,

where J'(t) =
m~oCm·t m ) is the Fourier expansion
t- 1 • (1 +

of j Here the formula (4.3.5) for jet) is used. Then

we can use the formulae of Proposition 4.3.16 to calculate
{r a.} and {v.~ , b} for a, i, b = 0,1, ... ,12·t + 11 and

coefficients {Cab} .

Step 2. computing the coordinates of singular points

of X.
Input: The matrix {Cab} of coefficients of the
polynomial F(x,j)

Output: The set {(a p ,(3p)} of coordinates of

singular points of X in the finite part of the plane.
Method: Computation of resultants, as in
Proposition 4.3.17.

Step 3. Construction of the set of labeled trees {Ip}'

Input: The matrix {Cab}' and the set {(a p ,(3p)}

of coordinates of points p e S~ng -
X n IA 2 .
The set
Output: {Ip } , p e Sing X of labeled
desingularization trees for singular points of X.
Each tree
Method: Ip is constructed by
induction. Namely, a subtree I C Ip is constructed, at the
beginning of the process coinciding with the root W'p of
the tree I p' Then the condition At = 1 is verified for
all the free nodes t e Vi" of the tree I . If this
condition is satisfied, then I = I p' and the tree is
already constructed. If it is not the case, the construction

of r is continued by blowing up Qt such that At = 0 ,

and of computing the labels by the formulae (2.5.7) to
(2.5.14) .

Step 4. Computation of the divisor D.

The set
Input: of desingularization trees
of singular points of X.

Output: The set of numbers {n} t e UV' , where

t' P P

Method: Follows immediately from Proposition


Step 5. Computation of the coefficients of linear


Input: The set {rp}, p e Sing X of

desingularization trees of singular points of X, and the
set {n t } ;

Output: The set of coefficients {amtab } of

linear forms {Am,t} in the basis {Xa.jb} of the space
g rt
, for a,b ~ 0 , a + b :s g·S , m = 0,1, ... ,g. n t '
t e UVp ,

Method: Follows from Proposition 4.3.21.

Step 6. Computation of the set sS(X)

Input: The matrix {Cab} of coefficients of

Output: The set of supersingular points {(ap'~p)}

on the curve X .

Method: Coordinates j(P) are obtained

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 495

sol v ing the equation (2. 4 • 8 ) and finding the corresponding

values of j = j (A) • If the coordinate f3 p = f3 0 is fixed,
the corresponding coordinates ap = x(P) are found from the
equation F(a,f3 o ) = 0 .

Step 7. Computing a generator matrix of the code.

Input: The set ss (X) , the set of coefficients

{a mtab } of linear forms {Am, t}
Output: The generator matrix H=H of the
modular code

HE Hat«2·(t - l)·g - 2'h)x«p - l)(t + 1)),1F ).


Hethod: Solving the systems of linear equations

one finds the bases of the spaces U and U'. Then use
g,n g
Theorem 4.3.13.

Remark 4.3.22. Note that codes obtained by reductions

of Xo(11·t) , cannot be 1F 121 -codes. To obtain 1F 121 -codes,
one has to consider curves of the form Xo(24·t)/11 , t ~ 11
being a prime.

Exercise 4.3.23. Give an algorithm for the code on the

curve Xo (24·t)/11 similar to the described one for
Xo(ll·t)/p. (Hint: The curve Xo (24) is elliptic).

Remark 4.3.24. To obtain the proof of part a) of

Theorem 4.3.1 without any restrictions on N and on the
divisor D used in this section, instead of W one has to
consider the space of the form

__l __ · W
Pm(x,y) m

i.e. the space of fractions of the form f/Pm(x,y) ,

f e Wm ' Pm(x,y) being a polynomial whose degree and exact
form depend in a controlable way on N and D.
Substituting W' for W , we can construct a polynomial
m m
algorithm for calculating the generator matrix of the
corresponding code which is entirely parallel to the
above one.

4.3.2. The case of Drinfeld curves

Now let us give an algorithm to construct a generator

matrix of the code

C' ( X' , 'P' , D') L

over IF for a Drinfeld curve being the

set of supersingular IF -rational points of X' , and the
divisor D' being of the form b·Q 1 ,where Q 1 is a cusp
point of X' such that all its inverse images on
are IF q2 -rational points.
In this section we use the following notation:
PI (T) e A = IF q[T] is a monic irreducible polynomial of an
odd degree m relatively prime to (q - 1) , generating the
ideal I = PIoA ; r (T) is a polynomial of degree at most
m - 1 , whose image in H = (A/I) */IF q* is a fixed generator
e of this group; X denotes the curve Xl (I) ,IT is the
natural proj ection X ~ X' X is the singular plane
model of X defined by the modular equation F I (x, y) = 0;
its singular points are P and P . v is the
1 2 '
normalization map v:X~X; cusps 1 (I) = v ({P 1 ,P))

is the set of cusp points on X ; Cusps' = Cusps 1 (I) (IF )

q is
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 497

the set of cusps on X defined over ~q' the latter set

coincides with n- 1 (Ql) where {Ql ' Q2} is the set of

cusp points of X'. For an integer b by D' we denote
the divisor b Q1 on X' By C' = C' we denote a

q2 -ary code on X' defined by the divisor D' and the set
of supersingular ~ -points on X' • The code C' has
q2 m,b
the following parameters:
n = n(C) (qm + l)/(q + 1)

k = k(C) ~ b - g' + 1 ,

d = d(C) ~ n - b ,

where g' = g(X') is the genus of Xo g':s n/ (g - 1) •

Desingularization trees of the points P 1 and P2 are
denoted, respectively, by r1 , r2, we write r r 1 ur2
We use the notation

V V Vp , etc.
1 2

Linear system To construct the code, one has

to construct the system L (D' ) in terms of polynomials in
x and y. To do this, one uses the following fact:

Proposition 4.3.25. Let f e ~ q(X). Then the

condition fen * (L(D'» is equivalent to the following

for some g e L(n *D') , where h IHlo

Proof: It is easy to show (Exercise 2.2.16) that

n * (L(F» = L(n *F) H ,


where by for HcGL(V) we denote a subspace of

elements fixed by H . Since it is clear that any element of
the form L ai g is invariant under H, the only fact we
need is that the element f e L(n *F) such that "I·f = f
for "I e H can be represented in such a form. To do this,
it suffices to take g = (5) -1· f , where h e IFp ,
h == h (mod p) •

On the other hand, the set L(n D')* can be given by
polynomials of bounded degree:

Proposition 4.3.26. Let

Wm = (p(x,y) e IFq(X,y) deg p(x,y) ~ q4m}

and let Vm be the image of Wm in IFq(X). Then

L (n *D') S;; V

Proof: Let f e L (rr *D') • Since the curve X is

smooth in the affine part of the plane, there exists an
element P e IFq(X,y) such that f = P (check!). Let
s = deg P. Let us show that if s > q4m, there exists a
polynomial P' of degree S' < s such that pi = P = f .
In homogeneous coordinates (ZO:Zl :Z) (such that
x = Z/Zo and y = Z/Zo) we have:

P(x,y) = Z~s'H(ZO:Z1:Z2) ,

where H(Z :Z :Z ) is a form of degree s The form H .

defines the divisor (H) on X . Let a e Cusps' (I) Since
f e L (rr *F) , orda(f) ~ -b , whence

ordQ ( (H» = s· ordQ (Zo) + ordQ (f) ~

~ s·ordQ ( (Zo» - b ~ (s - 1) + ordQ ( (Zo» - b .

Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 499

Therefore we have:

(H) ~ (s - b - 1)' L Q + (Zo) •

QeCuspsl (I)

On the other hand, for the conductor D e Div(X) of X we

D L n'Q ~ L (deg D)·Q
QeCusps' Q QeCusps'

since Supp D = Cusps' .

By Proposition 2.5.26,

we have

whence by the Noether theorem (Theorem 2.5.24) there exist

forms A and B, deg A = s - 1, deg B = s - deg H such

H = Z ·A
+ F'B

Now it is clear that we can put

To construct L(n *D') , we have to consider functionals
Ar,t defined in 4.3.1, t being a free node of one of the
trees r 1 or r 2 Note that since all the points from
cusps' are defined over ~q' the functionals A
r,t are
defined on the space Wm Note also that the functionals
are trivial for r < -q4m ·n t , where
n t = ordQt (Zo) , since any P e Wm can be written in the
form P = G(Z
,Z ,Z )/Zs
1 2 0
for s ~ q4m

Proposition 4.3.27. Let

4m Ker(Ar,t) C Wm

Then the image of the set in coincides wi th

L(n D') .

Proof: Since m
our only purpose is to
L(n D') s; V
sort out from Wm the elements p e Wm such that
ordQ (p) ~ -b for any t e V' • These are singled out by
the conditions for t e V' and
r = -n·q , ... ,-b

Realization of C' . The algebraic-geometric modular
code C' = C'm,b
is given by its generator matrix
over IF

M = (m (3)'
a, a running over the set of indices of
IF -rational supersingular points (Pal e Xo(I) (lFq2) and
over that of the basis of L (D')

ma, (3 = f(3 (P a ) e IF

Let S be the set of orbit representatives for the

action of H on R, where R is the set of roots of the
polynomial F(x) = FI(X,O) • The cardinality of R equals
n·h , that of S equals n; both sets lie in the field
L=lF s ' s=p . By R(j for (j e S we denote the orbit
of (j, IR(j I = h Consider the following IFq2 -linear map·
. .

E : Wb ® IF 2 ~ (IF 2) ,
q q

E : p(x,y) ~ h- 1 . L p(a,O)
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 501

Theorem 4.3.28. The image of i in (IF )n coincides

with the modular code C'm, b •

Proof: Let us consider the following map:

Pa being a point (a,O) on x 1 . It is clear that the



commutes. By Proposition 4.3.27 the image of Wi ® IF

2 in
V €'I IF coincides with L(n *D') .
. Slnce l is invariant
m q2
under H

i(Wb ® IF ) = l(L(n D'))* *

= l(L(n D') H) •

If f E L(n*F)H , it is clear that

so that coincides with the image of L(D' )

under the map defined by values at supersingular points
on X' .


Algorithm. Let us give an algorithm to construct a

generator matrix of C'
=• It is similar to that for
the code Cg, h described in section 4.3.1.

Step 1. Choice of and construction of a

generator in H.
Input: A positive odd integer m relatively prime
to (q - 1) •

Output: An irreducible polynomial PI(T) ,

deg PI = m, and a polynomial r (T) , degr(T) <m such
that its image e is a generator in H = (A/(PI)) */~q*
Method: To find PI(T) it suffices to sort all
monic polynomials of degree m, checking if they are
irreducible, and to find r (T) one has to sort all the
polynomials of degree at most (m - 1) checking the order
of image of every polynomial in the group H.

Step 2. Construction of r.
Input: PI(T)
Output: The graph where and
r2 are desingularization trees of and

Method: The same as in Step 3 of the algorithm

from section 4.3.1.

The next two steps are completely parallel to Steps 4

and 5 of the algorithm from 4.3. 1, for this reason we
mention only their titles.

Step 3. Computing the conductor D.

Step 4. Computing coefficients of linear forms {A

r, t} •
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 503

The next step sUbstitutes for step 6 of the algorithm

of section 4.3.1.

Step 5. Construction of orbits of H on R

Input: Polynomials PI(T) and reT) .

Output: The set S of orbit representatives for
the action of H on R, and for every cr e S a list of
elements of R lying in cr.
Method: Decompose F(x) into n h2
o factors
irreducible over find the roots of these factors and
q2 '
use the explicit action of e on points of X.

Step 6. Construction of a generator matrix for C'm, b .

Input: Coefficients of linear forms {A r, t } ' the

set S, and the set {R cr }.
Output: A generator matrix H' = H' of C'm, b .
Method: Construct a basis in solving the
linear system and apply Theorem 4.3.28.

4.3.3. Complexity

Now let us describe standard procedures necessary to

realize our algorithms and make us sure that they indeed
require polynomial resourses.

We should notice that we did not aim to minimize time

complexity when choosing standard procedures. A more subtle
computing techniques (preserving the general algorithm
structure) does not allow any essential economy of
computing resources.

Standard procedures. To realize the algorithm one has

to work with polynomials over finite fields which is reduced
to operations with their coefficients. To do this it is
convenient to describe ~ by its set of structure
coefficients {c i jk} , c i jk e ~ p ' i , j , k = 1, ... , r in some

basis {a 1 , ••• ,a 2 } of ~ over ~p


using this representation one can easily work with finite


Besides the procedures for arithmetical operations and

for the Euclid algorithm for polynomials, in our algorithms
we have to solve equations of the form P(Z) = 0 , where
P e ~ [Z] is an irreducible polynomial of degree
s = deg P. To find its roots lying in ~ it suffices
p r's
to construct a set of structure constants of
in the power basis s-l ,
r's = ~
[Z)/(P(Z» 1,{3, ... ,{3

where (3 = Z(mod P(Z» which is easy to do using the


where P(Z) = Z
s + a _ 'z s-l + ... + a ' The roots of the
s 1 o
polynomial P(Z) are {{3,{3P, ••• ,{3P }

Exercise 4.3.29. Check that the described procedure of

solving the equation P(Z) = 0 is of polynomial complexity.
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 505

When realizing algorithms, one has to decompose a

polynomial PelF b[Z] without multiple roots of degree
deg P = s into factors irreducible over IF b Let us
describe a method to realize such a decomposition with
complexity polynomial in band s . Consider a semi-simple
algebra R = IF b[Z]/(P) and let {C ijk }, i,j,k = 1, . . . ,bos
be its structure constants. Let L be a Frobenius operator
on R over the field IF p..

s-1 s-1 i op
Lao ozi (mod P) ~ L aI?oz (mod P)
i=O ~ i=O ~

Let HL be the matrix of L in the basis {cx ~ oxj (mod P)} ; 0

i=l,ooo,b, j=O,1,.00,s-1 of R over IF p ' where

{cx i } , i = 1,000,b is the basis of IF b over IFp . Solving
the linear system HL oX = X , we find an IFp -basis in the
L-invariant space RL. Its dimension equals to the number
of irreducible divisors of P. If r,r 1 z e RL are linearly
independent over IFP , then r 1 + aor z is a divisor of zero
for some a e IF p* To find whether this is the case, or not,
it suffices to calculate the determinant of the
multiplication matrix by r1 + a r2 in RL
o if it
vanishes, then r 1 + aor 2 is a divisor of zero. If
H(Z) e IF b[Z] is a polynomial such that

deg H(Z) < deg P(Z) and H(Z) = r 1 + aorz(mod P) ,

H(Z) and P(Z) have a non-trivial common divisor which

makes it possible to decompose P(Z) using induction.
When calculating the coefficients of the forms {Am, t}
it is also necessary to expand an implicit function Y
defined by F(X, Y) = 0 into power series in X 0 To be

precise, let F(X,Y) elF b[X,Y] be an absolutely

irreducible polynomial of degree deg F = s such that

F(O,O) = °, Fy(O,O) ;t °
Suppose that x and y satisfy F(X,y) = 0. Since
Fy (0, 0) ;t ° ,y allows a power expansion in x. Formulae
given in section 2.1.2 for power expansion of functions in
local parameters make it possible to construct segments of
corresponding power series bounded by a polynomial in d, s,
and b with polynomial complexity.

Exercise 4.3.30. write out a detailed algorithm for

the calculation of segments of power expansion in x and y
and estimate its complexity.

Polynomiali ty. To show that above algorithms are

polynomial, it suffices to show that the information used by
each step of the algori thm is bounded by a polynomial in
n. Indeed the procedures used in the algorithm are
polynomial, i.e. use a polynomial time and memory when
treating an information unit.

Let us give the required estimates for C and leave

those for C'
m,b as an exercise for the reader.

For the majority of objects used by the algorithm it is

clear that they are polynomial. Let us check the
polynomiality of the set of trees {rp} , of the divisor
D , and of the set {Am,t}. It is clear that it suffices to
estimate the whole number of nodes in all trees {rp} which
is equal to L IV I , as well as the degrees at of
PeSing X P
fields of definition of Qt
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 507

Proposition 4.3.31. We have

a) v P s 18' (6l + 5) . (8l + 7) •

PeSing X

b) vp s 12' (6l + 5)' (8l + 7) .

PeSing X

Proof: a) Let m = deg hom F N(x, j) be the degree of

homogeneous equation defining the curve in
specified above, m s 2·(12·l + 11) . Hence

P a (X) = (m - 1); (m - 2) s 6' (6l + 5)' (8l + 7)

By (2.5.3), we have

o s l = g(X) = P a (X) - L _ 8p
PeSing X

Using (2.5.5) for 8p we obtain

r . (r - 1) /2
PeSing X Q~P

= L 6' (6l + 5)' (8l + 7) .

PeSing X

Note that for non-free nodes we have

rQ ~ 2 , so that

L _ (v P - V p') = L
PeSing X P

::s L L r ' (r - 1) ::s 6· (6l + 5)' (8l + 7)

P Q~~P Q Q

L. _ v P ::s 6' (6l + 5)' (8l + 7) + ~ _v p.

PeS~ng X PeS~ng X

Moreover, we see that


E V' ~ E vp ~
PeSing it P PeSing it

~ E E r Q. (rQ - 1) ~ 12· (6t + 5)· (at + 7) ,

PeSing it Q---+P

which proves the first part of the proposition.

b) Since X is defined over IFp the Galois group

Gal (iF~IFp) acts on the set ~ Vp of free nodes of the

trees {rp} • The orbit length of equals at Thus

at ~ E. v'
- P
~ 12· (6t + 5)· (at + 7) by the proof of
PeS~ng X
part a) •

For D it suffices to estimate its degree.

Proposition 4.3.32.

deg D :s (12·t + 11)2 •

Proof: The assertion follows immediately from

Proposition 2.5.26 •

Remark 4.3.33. The method to prove polynomiality for
families of modular codes exposed in this section is valid
also for a wide class of AG-codes. To be more precise, let
Ci = (Xi,'Pi,Di)L be a family of AG-codes over IFq , where
Xi is an absolutely irreducible smooth curve of genus gi
over IF , 'P. !;; X. (IF ) , D; is a divisor on X; defined
q ~ ~ q ... ...
Chapter 4.3 POLYNOMIALITY 509

over so that has a "polynomial" plane model X.


and set 'P. is "polynomial" as well as D.~


polynomiality conditions mean the following: there exists an

algorithm polynomial in gi for computing the polynomial
F.~ (x, y) E IF q [x, y] defining a model X.~ of Xi... over IFq
(i. e . Xi is birationally isomorphic to Xi over IF q ) ,
the degree of Fi being bounded by a polynomial in gi ;
there exists an algorithm polynomial in gi finding out
whether the point P EX.~ (IF) belongs to 'P. or not, and
q ~

finally there exists an algorithm polynomial in gi for

calculating Di (i.e. the set Supp Di and the
corresponding multiplicities of P E Supp Di in Di ) .
These conditions being satisfied, the method used to
construct modular codes turns into a polynomial in gi
algorithm of construction of generator matrices Hi for the
codes Ci if n i ~ c'g i , c being an absolute constant
(in fact only codes with n i ~ gi are reasonable to
consider), this algorithm is polynomial in n i , so that the
family of codes Ci is polynomial.
The algorithm to construct Ci consists of:
a) calculation of the coordinates of singularities on

b) construction of the set of labeled desingularization

trees for the singularities;
c) calculation of the conductor;
d) computation of the coefficients of suitable linear
forms on some linear space (the forms depend on the equation
of Xi and on the divisor Di );
e) calculation of the set 'P.

f) computation of the generator matrix H.


steps a) to e) correspond to steps 2 to 7 of the

algorithm for codes on reductions of classical modular

curves. Step 1 of the latter algorithm garantees the

polynomiality of the plane model of modular curve.
The algorithm of construction of codes on Drinfeld
curves makes it possible to generalize the previous
algorithm to codes of the form C~~ = (X~,~~,D~>L
~ ~ ~
' where Xi...
is an absolutely irreducible smooth curve over ~q ,

~i s;Xi (~q> , Di is a divisor on Xi, and the curve Xi

is of the form Xi/G i , Xi being a curve with a polynomial
plane model, and G. being a subgroup of the automorphism

group of Xi of order relatively prime to q with a

polynomial action, i. e. such that for any P E Xi and
g E Gi the point g.p can be obtained as a result of
polynomial calculations such that the genus gi of Xi is
also bounded by a polynomial in gi. Here we suppose the
set ~~~ and the divisor D~~ to be polynomial in the above
The construction algorithm for the code sequence c/.

is similar to that for codes c.~ ~ the only exception is

that the calculations are performed for Xi which is a
polynomial plane model of X.,
hence in Step d one has to
work with the set of orbi ts for the action of on
~i s; Xi' which is the inverse image of ~i.

Note as well that the algorithm of construction of

codes on Drinfeld curves has a simpler structure than that
for classical modular curves, since the plane model Xi of
Xi has in the former case a more explicit definition~ in
particular, singularities of the curve Xl (I) are known
a priori.
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 4

Classical modular curves are one of those subjects

which from the viewpoint of their origins are just a problem
for a historian of mathematics. A reader interested in
the history of this field can refer to Chapter VII of the
book [Ab]; note however that even there he will not find a
complete description. Some information on the history of
modular curves and functions, and first of all on their
connections with arithmetics, is contained in the book
[VI 3], the reader will also find there a more detailed
exposition of the theory of modular curves. Now we shall
restrict ourselves to the principle landmarks of the history
of modular curves and functions.
Modular curves arose while studying elliptic integrals.
One of the main problems of the theory of elliptic integrals
was that of transformation. In modern language this problem
corresponds to that of search for an explicit expression for
isogenies of elliptic curves. The problem of transformation
was solved independently by N.H.Abel and K.G.Jacobi in the
end of twenties of the nineteenth century. An equation for
moduli of elliptic integrals related by transformation of


order n, is called the modular equation of order n •

Examples of such equations for small n were written out by
A. M. Legendre, N. H. Abel, and K. G. Jacobi. Modular functions
were studied from different points of view by G.F.B.Riemann,
L.Kronecker, C.Hermit and by many others. Later these
functions proved to be rather a powerful instrument in some
questions of analysis and number theory. In particular,
E.Galois calculated the Galois group of the modular
equation. Up to the seventies of the last century, the
principle object to study were functions obtained from the
Legendre modulus, the latter being a modular function for
r(2) and not for the complete modular group, which lead to
a number of inconveniences in manipulating them. Due to
R. Dedekind from the beginning of seventies of the last
century the absolute invariant j was studied and widely
used. A valuable contribution to the theory of modular
functions was made by F.Klein; he found out that they give a
uniformization of algebraic curves which were later called
modular curves. In papers of L.Kronecker, H.Weber, R.Fueter,
H.Hasse, and M.Deuring modular functions were applied to
construct class fields for complex quadratic fields
(1880-1930). E.Hecke greatly contributed to the theory
introducing operators now named after him. After Hecke the
theory did not attract much attention up to 1960-th when
deep relations were found connecting modular functions to
various fields of mathematics, first of all to
infinite-dimensional representations of Lie groups (the
Langlands program). The latter gave an explosion of activity
in modular functions, which was reflected in its principle
moments in the papers of conferences on modular functions
The best reading on modular functions are beautiful
books by G.Shimura [Shi] and S.Lang [Lan 3]. Here the reader
can find a detailed exposition of the material exposed in
section 4.1.1 except for the section on Weierstrass points

where we borrowed from the paper by A.Atkin [At] and for

Proposition 4.1.29 due to R.Ogg [Ogg]. The theory of moduli
schemes of elliptic curves was developed by P. Deligne and
M.Rapoport; it was essentially improved later by N.Katz and
B.Mazur [Kat/Maz]. In section 4.1.2 we follow [De/Ra].
Calculation of the number of IF q -points on reductions of
modular curves which is a simple exercise on application of
Deligne-Rapoport results, is taken from [Ts/VI/Z]. The
material of section 4.1.3 is mostly original.
In contrast to classical elliptic and modular curves,
elliptic modules and their moduli varieties have a unique
author (V.G.Drinfeld), and all results described in sections
4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are due to him (consideration of elliptic
modules is indispensable if we want to prove the Langlands
conj ecture for GL (2) over a functional field). A great
deal of these results is published in [Drf 1] and [Drf 2]
while the rest were learned by the authors from their
private conversations with Drinfeld. The only exceptions are
Propositions and Corollaries 4.2.23 to 4.2.45 which are just
a simple application of Drinfeld I s results. These results
are due to Vladut, see [Ma/VI]. section 4.2.3 is original.
The resul ts of Chapter 4.3 are due to Vladut
(cf.[Ma/Vl] and [VI 2]).

This part is mostly devoted to another kind of problems
which resemble greatly the questions about codes - namely,
to quite a classical problem of dense packing of equal
non-overlapping spheres in [RN. It comes out that both
direct application of algebraic-geometric codes and the use
of intuition developped while studying them are quite
useful. Moreover, in this part - especially in the last
chapter - one can see even better then before the marvelous
integrity of mathematics, two more parts of which - number
theory and that of packings being added to coding theory and
algebraic geometry.
In Chapter 5.1 we give basic definitions, put the
packing problem (both for lattice and non-lattice packings),
look at examples and discuss asymptotical results. Chapter
5.2 is devoted to some constructions of sphere packings
using codes; algebraic-geometric codes happen to be rather
useful, especially (as one would expect) for asymptotic
problems. Chapter 5.3 is a very short analogue of Part 2, we
give a brief textbook on number theory, mostly without
proofs, concentrating on the needs of what follows. Chapter
5.4 is the core of this part: we consider analogues of
algebraic-geometric codes from many different points of
view. We come to explicit algebraic-geometric and
number-theoretic constructions of asymptotically good
lattice packings. Algebraic-geometric approach should be
also quite useful to construct examples of dense packings
"on a finite level", but we do not say much about that here.

Chapter 5.1. Definitions and examples

5.1.1. Parameters
5.1.2. Examples
5.1.3. Asymptotic problems
5.1.4. Codes and packings

Chapter 5.2. Asymptotically dense packings

5.2.1. Constructions
5.2.2. Results

Chapter 5.3. Number fields

5.3.1. Algebraic integers

5.3.2. Extensions
5.3.3. Curves and number fields

Chapter 5.4. Analogues of AG-codes

5.4.1. Additive constructions

5.4.2. Multiplicative constructions
5.4.3. Congruence constructions
5.4.4. Remarks and open problems

Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 5



How can one pack equal non-overlapping spheres in ~N?

What is the density of such packing and how the density
behaves for N ~ ~ ?

In Section 5.1.1 we give necessary definitions and

state the problem rigorously. Section 5.1.2 is devoted to
some important examples, including the Leech lattice. In
section 5.1.3 we put asymptotic problems. In section 5.1.4
we discuss some analogies between codes and packings.

5.1.1. Parameters

Packings. Let us consider the classical problem of

packing equal non-overlapping spheres in ~N. Let P be
the set of centers and let

d = d(P) inf lu - vi ,
v,ueL, v*u


d is the minimum distance of the packing, which equals the

maximum possible diameter of non-overlapping spheres
centered in P.
The density of P is the part of covered by
spheres; to be precise, it can be defined as

~(P) = lim sup v(S n Bu)/V(Bu )



S {x e IRN I 3 yeP , Ix - yl < ~


Bu = {x e IRN I Ixl ::5 u}

and v (.) is the standard volume in IRN .

Lattices. If P is an additive subgroup of we

call the packing P a lattice packing (or just a lattice;
in this case we use the letter L rather than P). Further
on we suppose that the rank of L equals N since
otherwise ~(L) = 0 If L is a lattice then any choice of
a basis e l , • • • ,eN in L defines a map ZN ~ IRN ; its
matrix is called a generator matrix of the lattice.

Exercise 5.1.1. Check that for lattices the definition

of ~(L) does not depend on the choice of origin and does
not change if we replace the ball Bu by a cube (or by any
homotetically increasing solid containing a neighbourhood of
the origin).

Exercise Check that the volume of the
fundamental domain

F { L x.·e. ~ ~
10::5 x.

equals the absolute value of the determinant of the

generator matrix. This volume is called the determinant of
the lattice and is denoted by det L ; wedefine the
discriminant discr L of L as the determinant of the
matrix of inner products "(ei,e j )", i,j = 1, •.. ,N .

Exercise 5.1.3. Check that

discr L = (det L)2 •

Let VN rrN/ 2 /r(N/2 + 1) be the volume of unit ball

in IRN.

Exercise 5.1.4. Check that


Note that by the stirling formula we have

we write this as

--log V
N 2N 2
--log - -
2 N
Thus for N ~ 00 we get

- --log A(L)
N 2

Other parameters. Let us define some other parameters

of packings (which are often more convenient than b.)

05 (P) b. (P) IVN '

i\(P) -(log2b.(P»/N

v (P) = log2 05 (P) ;

we call 05 (P) the centre density, and i\(P) the density

exponent. Clearly,
b.(P) 2 •

For root lattices it is convenient to use o5(P) ; v(P)

is useful to compute the density of lattices obtained by
constructions of section 5.2.1. The density exponent i\ (P)
is especially important for asymptotic problems.

Densest packings. Set

i\(N) inf i\(P) b. (N) sup b.(P) , •••

PclRN PclR N

A natural problem of finding the densest possible

packing in a given dimension can be decomposed into two
A. Find the precise value of i\(N) (or I what is the
same of b. (N)
I or of 0 (N), ••• ).
B. Find a packing P with i\(P) = i\(N) •

These problems are completely solved only for N = 1

and N = 2

Since ~(P) ~ 1 , we get

i\(P) ~ 0

for any packing.

For N = 1 the answer is obvious: equal segments cover
the whole line, and hence for this packing Ll one has
~(Ll) = 1 , Le.

~(1) = 1 , i\(l) = 0 •

For N 2 the problem is not so simple but one can

prove that

~(2) rr/2v"3".

Exercise 5.1.5. Check that for the lattice L 2 c 1R2 = Ie

1 + v=3'
generated by 1 and we have ~ (L 2 ) = ~(2) ; L
2 2
is called the hexagonal lattice.

Strangely enough, i\(N) is unknown for any N ~ 3.

Densest lattices. For lattice packings we know

slightly more. Let

inf i\(L) ~l(N) sup ~ (L) , .••



~l(N) ~ ~(N)

Recall that a lattice L is called unimodular iff

det L = 1 . The dual lattice

Ll. = {x e IRN I (x,l) e 71. for any l e L}


is in this case also unimodular.

Recall also that the inner product in ~N induces on
L a positively definite bilinear form.

Exercise 5.1.6. Show that any integral positively

definite bilinear form can be obtained from a lattice.
(Hint: Let A be the matrix of the form; it is sufficient
to find a matrix M such that t M' M = A and to generate a
lattice by its rows).

Let now ~(x,y) be a positively definite bilinear form

in N integral variables, and let £ (x) = ~ (x ,x) be the
corresponding quadratic form. Suppose that ~ is
unimodular, i.e. discr ~ 1 . Such forms are in bijection
with unimodular lattices L in ~N • Set

7(L) = 7(~) min £(x)

xe71 -{o}

In lattice terms it is the squared length of the

shortest non-zero vector.

Exercise 5.1.7. Check that

7(L) 4·(I5(L»2/N.

One can naturally extend the definition of 7 (~) to

non-unimodular case:

7(L) 7(~) min (£(x)/ ~discr ~ )

xe71 -{O}

Now let us put

'1(N) max '1(11')

where maximum is taken over all positively definite bilinear

forms in N variables; '1 (N) and !J.g (N) are related by
formulae similar to those of Exercise 5.1.7.
Note that for N ~ 00 we obtain

.\ (N) - 1 og2 I 2N

log ('1 (N» - log (2No!J.2/N)

2 2 rre

Precise values of !J. g (N) are known for

see Table A.4.1 where we have collected the values of all
the above parameters for these N
Note that within the table !J.(N) increases and '1(N)
decreases. It is interesting to know whether it is the case
for any N
In Table A.4.1 the integrality of 0 (N) -2 attracts
attention. We do not know whether 0 (N) -2 is integral for
any N ; note however that the densest lattice of a given
rank can be generated by a matrix with rational entries and
the rat~onal~ty
° °
of o(N) -2 follows.

5.1.2. Examples

Now we describe the densest lattices for N :S 8 and

introduce some interesting lattice families.
We construct families L c ~N and give the values of

d (L) and det (L) • Other density parameters for these

families are given in Table A.4.2 of Appendix A.

The simplest family is

for these lattices

1 .

Root lattices. Let us consider in RN+ 1 the following

lattice AN of rank N:

AN = { La.·e. o }
i=l ~ ~

{e i ) being the standard basis in RN+ 1 .

Exercise 5.1.8. Show that the lattice is

generated by vectors


and that

~ , det AN = vN + 1

The family DN C RN is defined by

ai e ~ , L ai =0 (mod 2) }

Exercise 5.1.9. Show that is generated by

= e - e
1 2
a 2 = e 2 - e 3' and
aN = e N - 1 + eN and that

2 •

The following important family does exist only for

N = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. For such N define the lattice EN
in IRa by its basis:

for i 3, ••• ,N.

Exercise 5.1.10. Show that Ea can be given by

= {~
~ ~
2·a.eZ,a i - a . e Z ,
~ J

and that the rest EN are intersections of Ea with planes

of codimension (8 - N) . In particular show that

E7 {x L a ~.·e.~ I x e Ea a7 -aa}

E6 = {x = L a ~.·e.~ I x e E7 , a6 = a7} .
Show that d(EN ) = V2' and det(EN ) = 9 - N .
Note that At = Z, D3 = A3 E4 = A4 Es = Ds The
lattice families A , D , and E are root lattices which
arise in many questions: in the theory of Lie groups and
algebras, in the singularity theory, in the theory of
rational surfaces, etc.

The lattices r. Let now N ~ 8, N == 0 (mod 4). Set


Exercise 5.1.11. Show that rN is generated by vectors

1 N
e i + e J" and the vector -2" L e" ; and that
.... i=l ~

det rN 1

Exercise 5.1.12. Calculate the densities of the

described lattices.

The lattices A
= 71 , A
E6 ,
= D3 D
4 '
E7 E8 = r 8 have the density coinciding with that from
Table A.4.1; they are the densest lattices in their
dimensions. A proof of this fact can be obtained by the
reduction theory of quadratic forms; we do not give it here.
Note that for all the described families

We shall see that there are lattices which asymptotically

behave significantly better.

For N ~ 9 we do not know the precise value of Ae(N)

and only some bounds are known. As in the case of codes it
is natural to call upper bounds for
t::.e (N) !J.(N) and
possibility bounds and lower ones existence bounds (note
however that for A (N) possibility bounds are lower ones,
and existence bounds are upper ones).
We do not describe here various methods of constructing
dense packings in dimensions from 9 up to 100000. We need
here only the Leech lattice which is a very beautiful object
arising in many questions.

The Leech lattice. There exists a unique integral even

unimodular lattice of dimension 24 which has no vector of
length 11'2"'" (recall that a lattice is called even iff the
scalar square of any its vector is even). This lattice is
called the Leeeh lattiee and is denoted by A24 ; it is
closely connected with Golay [24,12,8]2-code C 24 • It can
be constructed in many ways. Here is one of the simplest.

The lattice A24 is generated by vectors

v.~,c -_·u. 1 ~ i ~ 24 , e e C 24
VB"" ~ , e

where u.~,e
has +3 in i-th position and ±1 in all other
positions, and the upper sign is chosen for a position where
the codeword e has 1

The vectors v i,e are shortest vectors of A~ , their

length being equal to 2 (their number equals 2 12 .24).
There are two more types of shortest vectors, namely t
and r.r. • ., , where

t = ~·S for e e C 2A , II ell 8 , c e (Z/2)

c,c VB"" e,c ..

vector s has ±2 in positions where e has 1, the

number of -2 is even, and the distribution of signs is
defined by c in all other positions s has zero
entries (there are 27 .759 vectors of this type). Vectors
r.r. .., are defined by

. ., -_·x
VB"" i,j,a
1 ~ i , j ~ 24 , i ~ j , a e (Z/2)2 ,

where . . a
x ~,J, has ±4 on positions i and j with
arbitrary sign distribution which is defined by a and
zero entries in all other positions (there are 1104 vectors
of this type) . These vector types are denoted (3 1123) ,

and respectively. There are 196560

shortest lattice vectors, i.e. any sphere in corresponding
packing kisses exactly 196560 other spheres.

Exercise 5.1.13. Prove that

and hence

o (A24 ) = 1 , v (1'.24) = 0 , '¥ (1'.24) = 4 ,

The covering radius of the Leech lattice equals 2~,

i.e. balls of radius 2~ centered at lattice points cover
the whole space 1R24. One can describe "deep holes" of the
Leech lattice, i. e. points with distance 2v'2' from the
nearest lattice point.
The automorphism group Co
of the Leech lattice is
= 8315553613086720000.

The maximal sporadic simple group , the Fischer-Gries group

(the Monster), can be realised as the automorphism group of
an algebra closely connected to the Leech lattice.

5.1.3. Asymptotic problems

For asymptotic problems it is convenient to consider

x = lim inf i\(N)

N ~ 00

To compute ~ , i.e. to understand which is the maximum

asymptotic density 6 = 2-~N of a high-dimensional packing,
is most likely a very hard problem. We are interested in
bounds for this value. The situation here is similar to that
in coding theory, and ~ is an analogue of aq(o)
A family of packings is a set {P N } of packings,
pN c ~N where N runs over an infinite subset of ~.

We call families with A({PN }) < 00 good families (they are

analogues of good families of codes).

Exercise 5.1.14. Prove that inf A({PN }) ~

{PN }

Similarly for lattices we set

~e = lim inf Ae (N)

N ~ 00

Bounds. Here are the best known estimates of ~

Theorem 5.1.15. 1 ~ ~e ~ A ~ 0.599

The upper bound which is the existence bound is called
the Minkowski bound, the lower one (the possibility bound)
the Kabatyansky-Levenstein bound.
The Kabatyansky-Levenstein bound can be obtained by
technique similar to that of the McEliece-Rodemich-Ramsey-
Welch (cf. Theorems 1. 3 .11 and 1. 3 .12). The proof of the
former consists of two parts: the first is the linear
programming bound for packing of spheres on SN c ~N+1 and

the second provides a way to pass from SN to ~N, which

is based on the following simple construction. Let AN be a
packing in ~N and let us embed ~N into ~N+1 in the
natural way (i.e. assuming that vectors from ~N have zero
for the last coordinate). Thus ~N n ~ = ~-1 let us
consider those balls from AN which are contained in the
unit (N-1)-ball. Lifting their centers to SN we obtain a
packing of ~ and its parameters can be estimated through
the parameters of AN.
Here is another bound:

Proposition 5.1.16.

is the ratio of the volume of the intersection

to the volume of where is the
perfect simplex of edge length and are
unit balls centered at the vertices of ~N

This bound gives X~ 0.5 but it is quite useful for
moderate values of N.
The Minkowski bound (which is an analogue of the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound) can be obtained by a techinque
similar to the code-theoretic one. A family of (non-lattice)
packings with i\. «PN }) = 1 is constructed similarly to
Exercise 1.1.54 (cf. Theorem 5.1.17); the inequality Xl ~ 1
can be proved by computation of the mean value of i\.(LN) on
a sufficiently large set of lattices. As in the case of
codes (see Remark 1.3.17), almost all lattice families have
i\. «LN }) = 1 .

Thus it is known that there exist lattices of density

A - 2 -N but we do not know how to construct them

explicitly. The problem of explicit construction of dense

packings naturally arises. Formalization of the explicity
requirement leads to the following problem.
We call a packing family polynomial if there
exists an algorithm which requires a polynomial in N
number of operations over real numbers and for an output has
an algorithm of consecutive construction of corresponding
sphere centers ( for lattices its output can be just the
lattice basis).
xpol lim inf A({PN })
{PN } polynomial

similarly one defines X~Ol for lattices, and also

and X~xp (for exponential families).
We shall look for upper bounds for these parameters.
Note that a priori it is not even clear that they are

Theorem 5.1.17.
xexp :s 1 .

Sketch of proof: For a given N let us consider a

cube K with edge length Nl/ centered at the origin and

the cube Kl of edge length N1/ 4 + 2 homotetic to K .

Let us pack the cube K by uni t spheres centered in
N- / 71.. To do this, arrange all the obtained centers in
3 4

some order: note that their number is approximately ~.

Using this order, we can apply expurgation to construct the
desired packing. Then we cover RN by translations of K.
1 •

Exercise 5.1.18. Check that the described procedure


yields a packing PN with the density

note that A (PN > - - + 1 for N --+ 00. Check that our
algorithm is exponential in N .

The situation with X~xp is more complicated. One can

Theorem 5.1.19.

We do not prove this result here, we only give a brief

description of the method.

Method of proof: Let us identify the field IFp for

p ~ 2 with the set

n - 1
Ip= { -~ , ••• , 0, ••• , E....=....!21} c Z .

For a positive
integer and for X E IF~ set
IIxll 0' = Elx ~.10', where la I for a E IFp denotes the
absolute value of x as of an integer. Let c be a linear
subspace and let k = dim C , IV = min IICIIO' where minimum is
taken over all c E C - {O}; C is called an [n,k,IVJ p -
"O'-code". The usual linear codes correspond to the
degenerate case 0' = 0 . A proof of Theorem 5.1.19 can be

obtained by solving the following three exercises:

Exercise 5.1.20.
Establish for "O'-codes" an analogue
of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound.

Exercise 5.1. 21. Apply the "simplest construction" of

Section 5.2.1 to "2-codes". Show that

det L = pn-k

deL) = min {p,~}

Exercise 5.1.22. Prove Theorem 5.1.19 applying the

result of Exercise 5.1.21 to "2-codes" lying on the analogue
of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound (for n = w = p ~ m) •

One can ameliorate Theorem 5.1.19 using nearly the same
method in a more subtle way and prove

Theorem 5.1.23.
~~xp :s 1

Remark 5.1.24. Moreover the same result is also valid
for packing any bounded convex body whose automorphisms
include the reflections through the coordinate hyperplanes.

5.1.4. Codes and packings

Between codes and packings there exists a system of

beautiful analogies. Indeed, one can consider an
[n,k,d] -code C S;; IF n as the set of centers of a sphere
q q
packing (of radius t = fd ; 11) in the Hamming metric.
Minimum distance of a code corresponds to the diameter deL)
of a sphere packing.

Linear codes correspond to lattice packings. Indeed, a

linear code is a subset in IF qn which is closed under
addition and under multiplication by elements of IFq' and
lattice is closed under addition and multiplication by
integers. strictly speaking, we can consider "quasi-linear"
codes, i . e. subsets which are closed under addition and
under mul tipl ication by elements of IFp (rather than IF q )
as an analogue of lattices, but we do not pursue this idea
Let c be a linear [n,k,d] -code. Then the volume
q n n-k
(the cardinality) of the factor-space IFq;C equals q
For a lattice L c ~N the volume of the factor-space ~N/L
equals det L Le. log(det L) is an analogue of the
code codimension (n - k) • To be definite we shall assume
that in the expression log(det L) the log symbol
corresponds to the binary logarithm.
There are two possible analogues of the dimension N
of a lattice (which equals its rank): the length n and the
dimension k of a code. We use the first one; nevertheless
we think that the second can be also of some use.
The density of a packing corresponds to the density of
a packing in the Hamming metric. Note that the density of a
lattice packing equals the volume of the ball of radius d
divided by det L. For the density of a packing in the
Hamming metric the analoguous statement is also true if we
assume the ball volume to be normalized:

the ball volume = (number of points in the ball)/qn .

An analogy between code and lattice parameters is not

complete. Indeed, the density of packing does not change
under a homotety L ~ a· L . Hence one can assume that
deL) =1 (or det L = 1) and thus a packing has two
essential parameters Nand ll, whence a code has three

essential parameters n, k, and d. Thus the unique

asymptotic parameter A is an analogue of the pair of code
asymptotic parameters (o,R)
An asymptotically good packing family (i. e. with
A < '" for N - 7 " ' ) is an analogue of an asymptotically
good code family (i.e. with R'o > 0 for n - 7 '" ) .
The Gilbert-Varshamov bound corresponds to the
Minkowski bound; and the Hamming bound to the condition
A ~ 0 . It is not clear which is a reasonable analogue of
the Plotkin bound (this is an interesting question). The
Kabatyansky-Levenstein bound corresponds to the McElice-
Rodemich-Ramsey-Welch bound.
Packings on a sphere correspond to constant-weight
An interesting question about analogies between
concrete code families and lattice families is mostly open.
For instance, parity check codes correspond either to
lattices AN or to DN •
The 6-function of a lattice corresponds to the code
enumerator; this analogy is quite useful.
unimodular lattices correspond to self-dual codes.
We are interested in analogues of AG-codes. We describe
some of them below in Chapter 5.4. These analogies are
closely connected to a very deep analogy between algebraic
curves over finite fields and algebraic number fields which
we discuss in section 5.3.3.


In the previous chapter we have seen that there are

numerous analogies between linear codes and lattices ~ we
have also constructed the Leech lattice using the Golay
code. Here we continue to use codes to obtain packings. In
section 5.2.1 we describe some beautiful constructions which
give various dense packings using various code families.
section 5.2.2 is devoted to asymptotically good packings
obtained by this construction.

5.2.1. Constructions

The simplest construction. Let p be a prime, and let

us embed IFp into 7L as the subset {a, 1, ... , p - 1}
Let C be a linear [N,k,d]p-code~ denote its image under


the composition map (fN '------+ 71.N '------+ rRN also by C. The
lattice C-71. = {a-c I a e 71., c e C} is of rank k. Set

L = C-71. + p-71. N ,
L = (x e 71.N I x(mod p) e C} •

The length of xeL is either at least p (for

x e p_71. N ),
or at least va (for x ~ p_71. N , since in
this case x has at least d non-zero entries) . Thus

deL) ~ min {p,va} ,

and for p = 2 we have the equality.

Let as compute det L ; since det (P_71. N ) = pN and
L/P-71. N <II C S; ~
<II 71. N /p_71. N , we have IL/P-71. N I = pk and

det L = P N-k •

Exercise 5.2.1. Let C be the even weight

[N,N - 1,2]2-code. Show that the described construction
gives the lattice DN •

Exercise Let C be the [8,4,4]2-code obtained
from the Hamming code by adding the parity check. Show that
L "" Es

Exercise 5.2.3. compute the density of packings

obtained from

a) Golay [24,12,8]2-code (compare it with that of the

Leech lattice);

b) Golay [12, 6, 6] 3 -code;

c) Genus zero codes (for various values of p and d).

Exercise 5.2.4. Show that the described simplest

construction cannot give an asymptotically good family of

T-lattices. Let L c ~m be a lattice and let T be

the composition of an orthogonal transformation of ~m and
of a homotety with coefficient t IITII. We call L a
(p,b)-lattice iff the following conditions hold:
a) T maps L into !oL
b) T maps L into L ;
c) poT = F(T- 1 ) for some F E Z[x]

d) b = -molog t
is an integer.

Remark 5.2.5. Any L c ~m is a (p,m)-lattice.

Indeed, we can set T

Example 5.2.6. For Z2 we can set T = ~o (i -i) .

Hence 2 T
0 = T- 1 = (i _i) , p = 2 , m =2 and b =1 .

The following definition generalizes the last example.

We call a (2,m/2)-lattice of an even rank m a
T-lattice. We shall see below that lattices D4 , Ea and
11.24 are T-Iattices.

Remark 5.2.7. For T-Iattices one can define the values

- -exp ~~Ol
AT ' AT ' and in a way similar to that of section
5.1.3. One has obvious inequalities illustrated by the

following diagram (where ~ stands for ~ ).

r r
-pol -exp

· IT

I' I' 'j'

-pol -exp

xpol xexp ,X

Basic construction. Let us consider a (p,b) -lattice

L c (Rm • It is clear that L has a sUblattice K of rank
b such that

Define Fq ~ as the composition

"'0 (Rm

Fq -----+ F~

Fp ~ {O, 1, ..• , P - 1} c I ,

and ~ corresponds to a fixed basis of K. Set

"'i = T
"'0 . We can assume that p
= deL) 2 ~ 1 (rescaling if
necessary) •
For consider a family of nested [n"k"d,]-
2' ~ ~ ~q
codes n
F :;, C :;, ••• :;, C such that d, ,t ~'p i1: 1 and
q 1 a ~ 0
C 4 = F <c , ... , C bk > • Set L = Ln , and
... p 1 i 0

Let us compute the parameters of these lattices.

Computing the density it is convenient to use here the
parameter veL) = log25(L) •

Theorem 5.2.8. Parameters of the lattices Li

obtained from a lattice L and a family of [n,k j,d j]q-
codes for j = 1, ... ,a and q = pb are:

a) min Ixl 2 ==1

-b'L kj
b) det Li = (det L)n.p j=l

c) V(L i ) == n·v(L) - b' L k.
j=l J

Sketch of proof: Let us use the induction over i

(for i = 0 the theorem is obvious). On the way we check
that T- 1 : Li ---+ L i - 1 and pT: Li ---+ Li • Let x e Li
and let
b·k. i
x =y + L~ aJ"T ~o(cJ')

for a j e l. , c. e C i
and y e Li - 1 Since p'T . sends
L.~- 1 into itself we can assume that o :s a. :s p - 1 for
any j , Le. that x = y + Ti~o(C) with
c e C.
If .
z e IF'q then ~o(z) eK!;L and since KI (T-1L n K) O! IF'q
we get ~o (z)
_ T-1L
Hence. x = Ti (T-iy + ~o(c» where
T-1y e T- 1 (L ) = (T-1L) n let c = (z 1 , ••. ,zm) ;t 0 then
~o(Xj) has at least d i entries which do not lie in T-1L •

which gives a). The statement b) follows from the

isomorphism L·IL. 1 '" C.~ the proof of c) is
~ ~-
straightforward .


Exercise 5.2.9. Give a detailed proof of the theorem.

Now let P c IRm be a packing (may be a non-lattice

one) with Po = d(p)2 i!: 1 . Set v = v(P) , and let P be
o b
the union of disj oint packings Px for x e IF~, q = 2
For v = (v l ' ••• ' vi) e IF! ' i ~ a set

Xv {x = (Xl' ••• ,xa ) e lFa

q (Xl'··· 'Xi) v}

p(i) , d(p(i) )2
U Px Pi v

Let Cl ,Ca !; IF n be a family of [n,ki,diJ-codes with

,··· q
di·Pi i!: 1

Let us consider a new packing


Exercise 5.2.10. Prove that v (Q) i!: n·v
o - b· L ki

If P = L c IR m is a (p,b)-lattice, we can set

L + L 1/1. (x.) x
i=l ~ ~

Exercise 5.2.11. Check that if the codes C. are


nested then we obtain the lattice of Theorem 5.2.8.

Remark 5.2.12. If the codes Ci are not nested then

Q is not (in general) a lattice packing.

Experiments show that the densest lattices are obtained


from (2,m)-lattices; moreover T-Iattices are most useful.

Note that for a T-Iattice the transformation T lifts as
(T, .•. ,T) to the obtained lattices and satisfies there all
the requirement of the definition of T-Iattices; Le. all
obtained lattices are also T-Iattices.

Three examples. Many interesting lattices are in fact


Exercise 5.2.13. Apply the construction to T-Iattice

and to [2,1,2] 2 -code C1 c IF 2 . Check that we obtain
Thus D
is a T-Iattice. Show that applying the
construction to D4 and we get Ea .

Exercise 5.2.14. Check that the following matrices

define the T-Iattice structure on D4 , Ea' and A24 ,

1 [ 1100]
1-1 0 0
'2" 0 0 1 1
o 0 1-1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1
1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1
1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1
4" 1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1
1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1
1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1
1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1

3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -3 1 1 1 -1
-1 1 I
1 -1 1 1 -3
1 1 1
4" -1 1 1 -1 -11
. 1
-1 -1 -3 1 1 -1

where the last (24 x 24)-matrix is defined as follows: all


the rows within the (23 x 23)-square are cyclic permutations

of the first one which has -3 at the first position and
quadratic residue symbol ( i -231)
at i-th position.

5.2.2. Results

Let us look at asymptotic properties of lattices

obtained by the basic construction.
Let there be given an infinite family of lattices {A}
m t t-i+1 m
and for any Am C IR a system of nested [4 ,ki , 4 ] m-
codes Ci for i 1, ... , t . Then, considering Am as
(2,m)-lattices, one can construct a lattice family {L N } ,
N t
LN c IR , N = m' 4 •

Corollary 5.2.15. We have

A({Am}) + L (1 - R i )


Exercise 5.2.16. Check this fact.

Similarly for a family {Am} of T-lattices and for

nested systems of [2 t ,k i , 2 t - i + 1 ] b -codes we obtain a family

{L N } of T-lattices for N = m'2 b .

Corollary 5.2.17. For these T-lattices

~ + ~'iE1 (1 - Ri )

A({LN }) A({Am})

This corollary is completely analogous to the previous

one; one notes that the transformation (T, ••• , T) in [RN
has the same properties as T .

Remark 5.2. 18. I f the codes are not nested then a

similar fact is valid for packings.

Complexity reduction. One can use the above results to

reduce the construction complexity.

Theorem 5.2.19.
a) ~pol ~ ~exp + 4/3
l l

-pol "exp + 1
AT ~ "T

Proof: For any c > 0 there exists a lattice family

{Am} of exponential complexity with A ({Am}) ~ ~~xp + C •
Applying Corollary 5.2.15 to {Am} and to the nested family
of Reed-Solomon codes with parameters


and taking into account that 4/3 we

see that

Since {Am} is an exponential family and hence it is

polynomial in N = m· 2
m , the Reed-Solomon codes are
polynomial, and our construction is also polynomial (i. e.
the construction complexity of LN is bounded by a
polynomial in the construction complexities of Am and of

codes), the family we obtain is polynomial. Tending c to

o , we obtain a). Similarly for T-Iattices Am we can take
nested Reed -Solomon codes with parameters

and since !. ~ (1 - R ) 1 , we get b) .
2 i~l i •
Asymptotic parameters. Let us look at the asymptotics.

Exercise 5.2.20. Using Theorem 5.1.17 check that

:\pol 2.34 ; using Theorem 5.1.23 check that I.e
;S ;S 2.34 .

Exercise 5.2.21. Using the lattice Z c ~1 and nested

code families lying on the Varshamov-Gilbert bound prove the
following result:

Theorem 5.2.22.

Further on we use AG-codes.

Theorem 5.2.23.

:;:exp ::s 1 •
/\T 30•

Sketch of proof: We only give a construction here. Let

us apply the construction to the Leech lattice A24 (recall
that it is a T-Iattice) and to the following nested family
of 2 12 _ary codes. For a fixed length n let do be the
maximal integer such that for d;So
d the dimension of the

corresponding AG-code is more than that given by the

Gilbert-Varshamov bound. We start with embedded AG-codes
C c C c ••• c C such that d ~ do and continue this
1 2 a
family by the Varshamov procedure (Exercise 1.1.53) getting
C a c C a + 1 c ••• c Ct with d :5 do Direct calculation
yields the statement .

Exercise 5.2.24. Give a detailed proof, in particular,
compute the exact constant.

Corollary 5.2.25.
AT 2.30 .


Exercise 5.2.26. Check that the construction of (non-

lattice) packings of Exercise 5.2.10 being applied to the
Leech lattice and to the concatenated codes with outer
AG-codes and inner trivial [n,n,l]-codes yields

Theorem 5.2.27.

Asymptotical results known to us now are displayed on
Diagram A.4.3.


In this chapter we briefly describe some properties of

algebraic number fields. In section 5.3.1 the basic
definitions are given. Section 5.3.2 deals with extensions
of algebraic number fields. In section 5.3.3 we describe
some analogies between algebraic number fields and fields of
rational functions on curves over finite fields. These two
types of fields are called global fields; they can be
investigated by similar methods.

5.3.1. Algebraic integers

A finite extension k of «J is called an algebraic

number field. Its degree n = [k:«J] equals the dimension of
k as of a «J-vector space.


If x E k satisfies the relation

xm + a m-l . x m- 1 + . . . + a 1 . x + a 0

then x is called an algebraic integer or an integral

element of k

Proposition 5.3.1. The sum and the product of algebraic

integers are also algebraic integers.

Proof: To begin with let us show that x is integral

iff there exists a non-trivial finitely generated I-module
Mc k such that x'M S;; M. Indeed if x is integral then
we can set M = I + x'l + .•. + xn-1'1 ; conversely if
x·M S;; M and v 1 " " ,vm is a basis in M then
multiplication by x is given in this basis by a matrix
Ax ' and hence by the Caley-Hamilton theorem x is a root
of the equation det (i\. - Ax) = 0 of degree m with the
leading coefficient 1 .
Let now x and Y be integers, and let M and N be
finitely generated I-submodules of k such that x'M ~ M
and Y'N S; N • Set

L = M·N = {a·b I a EM, bEN} .

It is clear that L is also a finitely generated

I-submodule of k • Then x'Y'L S;; L , (x ± y) 'L L


Corollary 5.3.2. The subset of integral elements of k

is a ring .

This ring Ok is called the ring of integers of k or
its maximal order. Any subring S;; Ok °
of finite index
[Ok:O] is called an order.
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 553

Proposi tion 5.3.3. For any Z E k there exi sts c E 71.

such that c·z is an algebraic integer.

Proof: Since z is an algebraic number,

for some ai E 71., O:S i :s m. Now we can take c

indeed one has

a 'a o
m 0

Proposition 5.3.4. The ring Ok is finitely generated
as all-module.

Sketch of proof: Let {W 1 ' ••• 'W n } be a basis of k

over 10; we can assume that wi E Ok for i = 1, ... ,n .
Let us consider the linear form (the kilO-trace)

one can show that it is non-degenerate (see Exercise 5.3.6

below). Let {W~, •.. ,W~} be the dual basis:

for i j
c5 ••
l.J for i * j

Let c E 71. be such that c'wi E Ok for any i = l , •.. ,n.

Then for any one has c'wi'x E Ok and
Tr(c·w'. ·x) E 71. • s;; C • (71.w 1 + ... + 7l.wn ) and thus
Ok is finitely generated .

Corollary 5.3.5. Anyorder ° is a free abelian group
of rank n.

Proof: The rank of 0 equals n since klO is a

torsion group .

Therefore we have

Ok = :lw
+ ... + :lWn

for some basis } of

{W 1 " " ' W n k over ID such a basis
is called a fundamental basis of k •

Trace and norm. Let now L = {(j 1 , .•• , (j}

be the set
of distinct embeddings of k into a::. since for any
embedding (j i such that (j i (k) does not lie in IR the
embedding (ji (ji' these embeddings
does not coincide with
are present in the set L
«(ji'Ui ) , Thus if s
in pairs
is the number of embedding (j i : k '---+ a:: with (j i (k) c IR
(such embeddings are called real) and t is the number of
pairs (CTi,U i ) where (ji * (ji (such embeddings are called
complex) then s + 2t = n •
Let us set
Tr(x) TrkIID(x) = L (j.(x)
i=l ~


Tr(x) is called the (kiD) -trace of x, and N(x) the

(kID)-norm of x.

Exercise 5.3.6. Check that if a m·xm + •.. + a 0 = 0

is the minimal equation of x over D then min,

Prove that the bilinear form Tr(x·y) is non-degenerate.

Check that N (x) E:l iff x E Ok •
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 555

Discriminant. Let k be an algebraic number field of

degree n and let {V 1 ' ••• 'V n } be its fundamental basis.
The integer Dk = det (Tr (v.·v .) ) is called the (absolute)
~ J
discriminant of k.

Exercise 5.3.7. Check that this definition does not

Theorem 5.3.8. If n > 1, i.e. k ~ ~ , then IDkl > 1 .

One can give another definition of Dk which follows.
Let s be the number of real embeddings ~i and t be the
number of conjugate pairs (~ ., Ci .) of complex embeddings
of k Let A = IRs x ([;t be a commutative IR-algebra of
rank n s + 2t, and let ~ be the following ring

k - - - 7 IR
s x ([; t ,

a t----+ (~1 (a) , ••• ,~ s (a) ;~ s+l (a) , ••• ,~ s+t (a) ) •

Exercise 5.3.9. Check that ~(k) generates A (over

IR ); check also that ~(Ok) is a lattice in A ~ IR n .

Proposition 5.3.10.

Proof: Let {V 1 ' ••• ,Vn } be a fundamental basis of

k , let ~ . (v.) = x .. e IR for any i, j = 1, . . . , s , and
J ~ J~
let ~s+j(vi) = Yji+ ..;=r..Zji for any i,j 1, ••• , t , where
Yji and z.. e IR . Then

11 , ••• ,xS1 ,Y 11 ,z 11 '···'Y t 1 'Zt 1
det . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


It is clear that d

d* = det [~ 1 ~ , : . : ' ~s ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ . ~ ~ Z 1 ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ ~. ~ 1 ~ , : . : 1
X1n '···'XSn 'Y1n + v=!'Zln'Y 1n - v=I·z ln ,···

i.e. d* = det(ui(w j » , where {U 1 ' ••• 'Un } is the full set

of embeddings of k into Ie. Since by the definition of

for l:Si,j:sn, one has a matrix equality

where trans denotes transposition, whence

and we are done •

Units. An element a e Ok is called a unit iff
a e Ok Clearly all the units form a group which is
denoted * • Tors1on
Ok . elements of Ok * are roots of unity.

Exercise 5.3.11. *
Check that a e Ok iff Nk/~(a) = ±1.

The structure of the group is rather simple:

Theorem 5.3.12. Ok * is the product of its finite

torsion subgroup by a free abelian group of rank
r =s + t - 1 .
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 557

Sketch of proof: Let us consider the map

log O~ ~ ~s+t

a ~ ( 1 og I CT (a) I , ••. ,log I CT (a) I ; 1 og I CT
1 S S
+ 1 ( a) I , ••• )

Its kernel is the torsion subgroup of * ' and its image

log (Ok) is contained in the hyperplane H c ~s+t def ined
by Xl + ••• + xs+t = o. Indeed, Exercise 5.3.11 implies

2 2
I CT 1 (a) I .•••. I CT s (a) I . I CT s+ 1 (a) I .•••. I CT s+t (a) I = IN (a) I 1.

One can show that is a lattice in H (of full

rank) which gives the theorem .

The determinant of this lattice

R det[~O~I~l ~U~): .' ~. ~ ,~O~I~l ~u~+:_~): .J

logICT S +t _ 1 (u 1 ) I , .•• ,1ogICTS+t_l(Us+t_l) I

where {U 1 " " ,U S + t - 1 } is a basis of modulo torsion,

is called the regulator of k .

Places. A map II-II: k ~ ~ is called an absolute

value iff the following conditions hold:

11011 = 0, IIxll > 0 if X 1:- 0

there exist X, Y E k * such that IIxll 1:- lIyll

IIx-yll = IIxll-llyll ;

there exists a positive real A such that

IIx + yll :S A- (IIXIl + lIyll) •

Two absolute values II-II and II-II are equivalent

1 2
iff there exists a positive real e such that
11-" 1 =" -"e.
An equivalence class of absolute values is
called a place of k .

There is a beautiful description of all places of a

number field.

Let CT k ~ II; be an embedding of fields. Let us

put "X"CT 1CT (x) 1 iff CT is a real embedding (i. e.
Im CT c IR ),and II xII CT = 1CT (x) 12 iff CT is a complex
embedding) . These are absolute values. One can check that
two such absolute values ,,- "CT and II-II CT , are equivalent
iff either CT' = CT, or CT' = CT. Thus we obtain s real
and t complex places of k. These places are called
infinite or archimedean, the set of infinite places is
denoted by s IX)

Let then be a maximal ideal of Ok. For xEk *


ord (x)

One easily checks that

for any x, Y E k* .l.f also

,and x + y E k * then

Let us define the corresponding absolute value: for

x E k* let
-ord (x)
"xII = N(p) P ,
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 559

where N(p) = 10k /pl. For such an absolute value (and for
anyone equivalent to it) a stronger condition holds:

IIx + yll :5 A.·max {lIxll,lIyll}

(which is wrong for archimedean absolute values). Such

absolute values are caled non-archimedean. If p ~ p' then
the corresponding absolute values are not equivalent, i.e.
each maximal ideal (each closed Spec Ok )
point of
corresponds to a place of k . Such places are called finite
or non-archimedean.

It comes out that each place of a number field is

either infinite or finite. If v is a place of k then the
absolute values defined above are called normalized and
denoted 11·11
Let us recall that if there are no complex places, the
number field is called totally real, if there are no real
places, it is called totally complex.

Class group. Let Cl be an ideal of Ok' and let

a e The set C = a ·Cl is called a fractional ideal.
The set of non-zero fractional ideals is a group with the
composition defined by

Cl·b = {x·y I x e Cl , Y e b} •

Note that the inverse element is given by

Cl- 1 {x I X -1 E Cl - {O}} U {O}

We call fractional ideals c andequivalent iff

= a·c aek *
for some Equivalence classes of non-zero
fractional ideals form a group elk which is called the
(ideal) class group of k

Theorem 5.3.13. The group is finite for any

algebraic number field k .


The order of the class group h lelkl is called

the class number of k.

5.3.2. Extensions

Sometimes it is necessary to consider field extensions

K/k I K and k being algebraic number fields. Let
[K:k] = dimkK = n and let OK and Ok be the rings of
integers in K and k I respectively. Any x e K is a root
of an irreducible over k equation of the form

where a ~ e °
0 for i = 0 I • •• ,m •
Let us define the (relative) trace and norm as

Different. Let us consider the following subset in K

One can easily check that fBK/k is a °K-submodule in

K which contains OK .
Hence there exist a unique ideal
DK/k in OK such that DK/kofBK/ k = OK The ideal nK/ k .
is called the different of the extensions K/k The ideal

in is called the (relative) discriminant of the

extension K/k
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 561

Exercise 5.3.14. Show that the relative discriminant

DK/fD equals the ideal in 71. generated by the absolute
discriminant Dk .

Thus Dk is defined by Dk/fD up to a sign.

Exercise 5.3.15. Let be algebraic number

fields. Check that Derive from this the
following fact:

Proposi tion 5.3.16. Let the degree of the extension

L/K be equal to m Then

Unramified extensions. An algebraic field extension is
called unramified iff DK/k = (1) • Theorem 5.3.8 (together
with Exercise 5.3.14) implies that fD has no unramified

The rule defines a group homomorphism

Clk ~ ClK ; map defines
homorphism a
ClK ~ Clk . If an extension K/k is unramified and
abelian (i.e. normal with an abelian Galois group
Gal (K/k) ) then the (global) class field theory gives

Theorem 5.3.17. The group Gal (K/k) is isomorphic to

the factor-group Cl~NK/k(ClK)

Moreover there exists the maximal unramified abelian
extension Kl which is called the Hilbert or absolute
class-field of k ; Gal(K1/k) is isomorphic to Cl k .

Theorem 5.3. 18. Let Kl be the absolute class field

of an algebraic number field k. Then the canonical
homomorphism elk ~ elK is trivial, i. e. all the ideals
of Ok become principal in OK
1 •
Class field towers. As we have seen above ~ has no
unramified extensions. There exists many algebraic number
fields k with hk > 1 ; for these fields the absolute
class field Kl is an unramified extension of degree h k •
If hK > 1 we get the field K2 = (K 1 ) 1 which is by
Proposition 5.3.16 an unramified extension K2 /k (note that
the extens ion K2/k cannot be abelian). Iterating this
construction we get either
a) hK = 1 for some n; hence we cannot obtain a
larger unramified extension of k by our construction: or

b) hK > 1 for any n and hence we obtain an

infinite unramified tower k eKe
K2 c ... c Kn c

An algebraic number field which satisfied the last

condition is called a field with an infinite class field

Theorem 5.3.19. There exists a function f : IN ~ IN

such that if k is an algebraic number field of degree n
and Dk has at least fen) distinct prime divisors then k
has an infinite class field tover .

One can give a precise formula for fen) but we do not
need it here.

The discriminant Dk of a field satisfying the

conditions of this theorem cannot be small. One can ask how
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 563

to construct fields with infinite class field towers and

small discriminants. To compare fields of various degrees
one should use the parameter IDk1 1 / n (note that it is
constant in unramified towers). Here are the best:

Theorem 5.3.20. The field

2n _,...--;;-';'
k = D(cos 11,v-46)

of degree 10 over D has an infinite class field tower~

The field
k = D(v'2',v3'S'7'23'29 ')

of degree 4 has an infinite class field tower of totally

real fields~

and 1058.57 .

On the other hand using "explicit formulae" (cf. Remark
2.3.23) one can obtain a lower bound for IDk I 1 / n :

Theorem 5.3.21. Let k i be algebraic number field and

let n i = [k i :D] ----+ Let
IX).si be the number of real
embeddings and t. the number of pairs of complex

embeddings of ki Suppose that the limits (1' = lim s ifni

and "[' = lim ti/n i do exist. Then

Un. 1 2
lim inf ID I ~ ~ (4ne 7 + )(1"(4ne 7 ) "['

7 being the Euler constant. If the generalized Riemann

hypothesis is valid then

5.3.3. Curves and number fields

Algebraic number fields and fields of rational

functions on curves over finite fields are called global
fields. They have many features in common. Here we briefly
describe some of them.
Let k be an algebraic number field and let Ok be
its ring of integers. Let X be a curve over IF q ,
K = IFq(X) , let F be a finite set of closed points of X,
U = X - F and let OF = IFq[U] be the ring of rational
functions which are regular on U
For both rings Ok and OF any factor over a maximal
ideal is a finite field.
For OF all these fields contain IF q (the so-called
"case of equal characteristics"), in the number field case
among these fields there is an extension of IF p for any
prime p (the "case of different characteristics").
The notion of a place is in fact good for any global
field. One can show that any place of K = IFq(X) is finite
and corresponds to a closed point of X
We can choose various finite sets F and get various
rings OF' In the number case we can choose a finite set S
of maximal ideals of Ok and consider the ring Os which
is obtained from Ok by inverting non-zero elements of
ideals from S note that Spec Os = Spec Ok - S and

° °
f2l = k
Rings of the form Os or OF can be
characterized as those having one-dimensional irreducible
regular spectra of finite type over Z .
The number field case is mostly more difficult than the
Chapter 5.3 NUMBER FIELDS 565

function field case. Indeed, Spec OF can be embedded into

a proper scheme X and Spec Ok has no "good" embedding
into a proper scheme. The last fact makes it indispensable
to study infinite places of Spec Ok .

The field Fq(T), T being a variable, is an analogue

of 0 since k = Fq(X) (where X is a curve over Fq) is
a finite extension of Fq(T) the ring Fq[T) is an
analogue of Z. Note, nevertheless, that there is no
canonical embedding of Fq(T) into Fq(X) and hence we
cannot say that [Fq(X) :Fq(T») is an analogue of the degree
of an algebraic number field.
One can suggest another analogue of the degree, namely,
the number of Fq-points of X. Indeed, if IX(F) I = N ,
1 q
then the degree of a map f : X ~!p (i. e. the degree of
an extension [F(X):Fq(T»)) can not be too small:
deg f l!: Nj (q + 1) , since any F -point of X is mapped to
1 q
an Fq-point of IP and any fiber of f contains at most
deg f Fq-rational points.

Let a map f : X ~!pl be fixed, and let us fix an

F -point to on !pl. Then we have IPl - {to} = fAl ,
Fq(lAl) = Fq[T) and we can regard the integral closure of
Fq[T) in Fq(X) as an analogue of Ok . Note that this
closure coincides with ° to
= Fq [X - F to ) where F to = f

The ramification divisor of the map f is an

analogue of the different. The discriminant corresponds to
the divisor D = E ep·p where ep is the ramification
index of P E !P 1 • The Hurwitz formula (Theorem 2.2.36)
corresponds to Proposition 5.3.16. The value log is VTDkT
an analogue of the genus of a curve.

A fractional ideal tl = p p where p runs over
prime ideals of Ok' corresponds to a divisor on X , tl

corresponds to L(D) and the group Pic X is an analogue

of elk'

Note also that has no unramified extensions

(just as 0).
The value lim inf (g/N) is an analogue of
lim inf n The "explicit formulae" technique gives
estimates for both these values (Theorem 2.3.22, Remark
2.3.23, and Theorem 5.3.21).
In case of function fields there exists an analogue of
Theorem 5.3.19, i. e. there exist infinite unramified (in
some strict sense) towers (see Theorem 2.3.24.).
The question about an adequate analogue of the number
of rational points on the Jacobian is rather delicate. One
can suggest that its "genuine" analogue is the product
hk'Rk rather than hk •

Units 0 S* of the ring 0 S correspond to units OF * of

OF ; the group /.L k is an analogue of ~;. Moreover, just
as 1.n the number field case, 0F/~ * q* 1.S . a free abelian
group of rank IFI - 1 (note that an easy generalization of
Th eorem 5 .3. 12 says that 0S*//.Lk _~ 71.s+t+ISI-1 ).

There are some other analogies which are less clear but
also useful, and we use them in the next chapter.


AG-codes are constructed using curves over finite

fields. As we have seen in section 5.3.3 there is a system
of analogies between curves over finite fields and algebraic
number fields. These analogies lead to a number of
constructions of codes and lattices. We discuss here seven
constructions of this kind (the construction of AG-codes
being the eighth). Each of them can be characterized by the
following data: a) we use either number (N), or function
(F) fields; b) we use either additive (A), or
multiplicative (M) structure; c) we obtain either lattices
(L), or codes (C); d) the construction either depends on a
divisor (D), or not. These are the meanings of abbreviations
we use below. Note that the construction of AG-codes can be
abbreviated as FACD. For each construction we estimate
parameters and try to produce asymptotically good families.
section 5.4 • 1 is devoted to additive constructions
(NAL and NAC) arising in the number field case, section


5.4.2 contains multiplicative constructions of lattices (NML

and FML). In section 5.4.3 we discuss congruence
constructions, i.e. those depending on a divisor (FMLD,
NMLD, and FMCD). Section 5.4.4 contains some remarks and
open problems.
In this chapter we write log for log2 and In for

5.4.1. Additive constructions

Additive lattices (HAL). Let k an be algebraic

number field, of degree N = s + 2t , l e t Ok be its ring
of integers, and let

be the standard embedding. By Exercise 5.3.9 L = ~(Ok) is

a lattice of rank N.

Parameters. Let us compute the density of L . We have

seen above (Proposition 5.3.10) that

det L = 2- t _/T'n""""'r
·vlDkl •

Proposition 5.4.1.

";s + t' ~ d (L) ~ ";s/2 + t'

and if t o then
deL) ,fir.

Proof: Let

We have

I<T(£) I = I j=l]
Ex~ + ~ (y~]
+ z]~)

For £ = 1 , 1<T(1) I = ';S + t

The arithmetic mean geometric mean inequality yields

I E x~
+ ~ (y~]
+ z]~) ~·I
E x~
+ 2· ~ (y]~
+ z~)] <:

_ / s + 2t '. (-Ax:i!. . n t (y:i! + z:i!):i!)1/2N

- 2 I I ..
j=l] j=l] ]

=/ ~2 + . IN (£) I liN
K/ILl '2 + t

since NK/D (£) e I . In the totally real case

/~ x~
N l/2N
.;N". ( nx~ ) v'N". IN (£) I liN v'N"

2: 2:
j=l ] j=l ] K/Q

Unramified towers. Now let the field K vary so that

N ----+ DO ,and K is either totally real, or totally
complex. Then

~(L) _ -log yI~e ' + ~.log ~


If we want to construct good lattices the last term

should be bounded. It is definitely so if K runs over an
unramified tower of fields over some Ko ' in which case it
is just constant. We get

Theorem 5.4.2. If a number field K

of degree No
has an infinite unramified tower of fields K ;, K which
are either totally real, or totally complex, then it yields
an asymptotically good family of lattices {L N eRN} with

2n _,.......,.
For Ko = ID (cos 11 ,v-46) we get A - 2.2218 (by
Theorem 5.3.20 Ko has an infinite class field tower).
On the other hand, Theorem 5.3.21 shows that for any
family of fields K we cannot get asymptotically less than
1.193. . . (and 1. 694 ..• assuming the generalized Riemann

Exercise 5.4.3. Give an algorithm of construction of

the described lattice family and estimate its complexity.

Remark 5.4.4. In contrast to the polynomial and

exponential algorithms from section 5.2.2 for lattices from
Theorem 5.4.2 we know but a three times exponential
algorithm. Nevertheless these lattices are interesting
(their construction being quite natural).

Number field codes (NAC). The above construction can

be generalized using non-archimedean places. Let
be a fixed finite set of places of a number field
let key) be the residue field, for V E 5 let

k(v) = IR for real places and k (v) = II; for complex ones.
Let 0. be a fractional ideal such that SfnSupp(o.) = 121
where Supp (0.) = {1' E Spec Ok I l' 2 o.} • For any V E S
there is a natural map
CT V : 0. L(o.) ~ k(v) .

Together they form a map

~ E> k(v) •

Everything is quite ~atural, but what we get is neither a

code, nor a lattice (except for the case S = S00 discussed
above). Here is a way out.

Construction. Let Fix

[K:ID] =
two N = s + 2t •
integers q ~ r > 1 • Let Sf be the set of finite places
Y of K such that for some c(v) E ~

r ~ N(Y)C(V) ~ q

where N (v) = Ik (v) I . Let S = Sf U SOl' SOl being the set

of all archimedean places, let

n = lSI = ISfl + s + t .

To make our considerations simpler we suppose that the field

is totally real, i.e. t = 0 .


There exists a shift U f of U such that

CT(OK) being the lattice studied above. Divide each side of


the cube U' into q equal parts, and identify the set of
qN small cubes with ~N. Define

'PCXJ : U' n CT(OK) ~ ~

mapping each point to the small cube it lies in; let 'Pv
be the component of 'PCXJ corresponding to v E SCXJ For
v E Sf let 'Pv be the map

U' n CT(OK) ~OK~ °K/vc(V) ~ ~


where we identify the place v E Sf with the corresponding

prime ideal, and 0 /VC(V) ~ F is some fixed embedding
K q
of sets.


be defined as

for all v E S . The image

is a (non-linear) code of length n.

Parameters. The parameters are estimated by the

following result reminding one of Theorem 3.1.1.

Proposition 5.4.5. Let a s n . Then

a) d ~ n + 1 - a

On one hand

for any v e Sw ' and

s _r__

for v eA. On the other hand

for any v e B, and N(VC(v)) ~ r . Let IX = IAI, {3 IBI.

We have

Therefore a + (3 < a , i.e. d > n - a

b) We see that if a s n then IPs is an embedding,


Proposition 5.4.5 is also valid for t * 0 , but the
proof is slightly more difficult.

Asymptotic behaviour. Fix q and r and consider a

family of fields K of growing degree. Let

lim inf --~---~-
K n

where n = s + t + ISfl • We get a family of non-linear

codes with n ~ 00 and

if '1 < 1 ogqr then among them there exist asymptotically

good codes.
It is possible to prove modulo the generalized Riemann
hypothesis that '1 > (Vq'""" - 1) -1 (using the "explici t
formulae" again), which shows that the parameters of these
codes are worse than those of modular AG-codes.
On the other hand (modulo the generalized Riemann
hypothesis again) for r = ~
there exist fields with

'1 :s const·~

where const does not depend on q . Summing up we get

Theorem 5. 4. 6. A family of number fields K of

growing degree with

where n = s + t + ISfl, Sf being the set of non-

archimedean places v such that for some c(V) e 7L we
have r:sN (V)C(V):sq (r and q being fixed), yields

a family of asymptotically good non-linear q-ary codes with

any given ~ and

If the generalized Riemann hypothesis is valid then there

exist fields with

const· log q

It is not difficult to see that for large q on some
segment of ~-axis these codes are better than the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound.

5.4.2. Multiplicative constructions

Multiplicative number field lattices (NML). Up to this

moment we have used the additive groups of global fields.
Now we are going to exploit their multiplicative structure.

construction. We start with a number field K of

degree N = s + 2 t and a finite number of its places
S = S~USf which includes all archimedean ones, let
n = lSI . Let * be the set of s-units, i.e. a e aS* 1· ff
all the prime divisors of its numerator and denominator
belong to Sf .
There is a natural map

where v e S , and lIoliV is the normalized absolute value,

i.e. IIfliv IO-v(f) I for real places, IIfll v = 10-v (f) 12 for

complex ones, and for v e Sf • It is

clear that

Ker IPS = ilK

is the group of roots of 1 in K, and that

Im IPs C H = {x e IR n I LXi = O}

because of the product formula.

Parameters. Let R be the regulator of K and let

h = hK be its class number. Set h(f) = ~ lIn IIfllvl for
feK this is the height function (sorry that it is
denoted by the same letter as the class number) ; h(f) = 0
iff f e ilK • We set

h(K) = heal

and call it the height of the field K .

Proposition 5.4.7. Let LS =

a) d(LS) i!: _l_oh(K)

b) rk Ls = n -1 and
det LS ~ Vi]oRoh·r-r In H(V)

Proof: a) is obvious since IE x~

i=l ~
L Ix.1
Vi] i=l ~

b) Let the first coordinates in ~n correspond to

Consider the orthogonal projection

T H ----7 H {x E ~n I LX' O} = H e~n-s-t
o i=l ~ 1

{x E ~s+t I LX. = O} ,

T multiplies volumes by ~s + t j~ . Since H1nT(Ls) is

the lattice of units,

~s + t ·R


Using the obvious inequality

[L l:·ln N(v) : pr 2 T(L s ) ] :s h

vEs f

we get the answer .

Asymptotic behaviour. To obtain asymptotically good
families of lattices we are going to consider unramified
towers of fields. In such towers !'log
is constant.
Let us for simplicity assume that all the fields in the
tower are totally real.

Theorem "5.4.8. I f a number field Ko of degree n0

has an infinite unramified tower of totally real fields then
the above construction wi th s = S <XI yields a family of

asymptotically good multiplicative lattices

wi th N -----7 00 and

Proof:Let us first estimate det LS . Since in our

case Sf = (Zl, I~KI = 2 , t o bound R·h in the tower we can
use standard estimates for the residue of (-function of K
(see section 5.4.3 below), we get

where m = [K:aJ] .
To estimate d(LS) it is sufficient to estimate the
product Tlmax {l,lI f ll v } for f E K *-{±1} It is known .
that for any totally real field K of degree m

TI max {1, IIfllv} ~ ( 1 +2 v'5') m • (5.4.1)


Substituting these estimates into the formula for

we obtain the result .

For Ko = aJ(v'2',v3'5'7'23'29) we get A < 8.41 .

Function field lattices (FML). Here is a direct

function field analogue of the previous construction.

Construction. In the notation of Part 3, let

O~ (f E K* I Supp(f) ~ ~}

Recall that cp S;; for a curve

X(IF q) X over IFq and
K = IFq(X) 0Let Divcp(X) denote the group of divisors
supported in cp DiV~(X) of those of degree 0, Pcp (X)
the subgroup of principal divisors. Let J x = Div o (X)jP(X)
be the Jacobian of X.
There is a natural map

'Pcp f t---+ (f)

It is clear that Ker 'P cp = IF q* is again the group of roots

of 1 in K, and that

{x e 71. I L x~ 0 O} •

We set

Lcp = 'Pcp (Ocp)

* S;; An - 1 ® IR '" IR
n-l •

Parameters. Let us estimate the parameters of Lcp.

Theorem 5.4.9. Let Lcp 'Pcp (Ocp)* 0 Then

a) min v'2 o deg f '

* *
feOcp-lF q

b) rk Lcp = n - 1 and

IX(lFq) I - q - l]g
det Lcp :s ..;noIJx(1Fq) I :s ..;no [1 + q + --"-g-----

Proof: a) Let f E *
0'P , f e IF q*

IP'P(f) (Xl' ••• ,Xn ) E 7l. n


I IP'P (f) I = I L X.~

~/LIXil = 12.deg f ,

since Xi Ell., LX. = 0 , deg f = LX. • Any f E K maps

~ x.>O ~
IFq-points to IFq-points of (p l • The~refore

and we get the second inequality.

n- 1 = v'il
b) We know that det A and



L'P '" P'P(X) = P(X) n Div~(X) •


To prove the second inequality it is sufficient to establish

the following bound for the number of points on the


Indeed, IJX(IF ) I
= 0(1
- w.)
, W.
being the

Frobenius roots, Iwil = ~, Wg+i = Wi The arithmetic

mean geometric mean inequality yields

- Wi) n(q
+ 1 - w.~ - w.)

riE, (q +
1 - w.
- Wilr

and (5.4.2) follows from

- L (w. + w.)
i=l ~ ~

Asymptotic behaviour.
As in Part 3 we consider
families of curves of growing genus with

and set

Theorem 5.4.10. A family of curves x over of

growing genus g such that

- -----7 A > 0

yields an asymptotically good family of lattices {L N c IR }

A({LN }) ~ -log ~ + log vq + 1

+ A ·log (1 + q + A)


We are again interested to take the largest possible

A. Let q = p2m then we can consider curves with
A = ..;q - 1. Recall (cL Exercise 2.3.27) that for such
curves we can do slightly better than (5.4.2):

Proposition 5.4.11. For a family of curves x over


IX (IFq) I -----+ ..;q _ 1


there is an asymptotic equality

~.log IJX(IF q) I - log q + (..;q - 1) ·log G

Using this result we get

Theorem 5.4.12. A family of curves X over of

growing genus g such that

yields an asymptotically good family of lattices {L N C JRN}


s - log ~ + log v~ ~ i + ..;qvq:- ·log q

1 •
For q = 9 we get A < 1.8687 ••.

Remark 5.4.13. One can easily give an exponential

construction algorithm for these lattices.

Problem 5.4.14. Find a polynomial algorithm of

construction for these lattices.

Remark 5.4.15.
For an algebraically closed basic field
k of characteristic zero one can prove that deg f ~ g/2
for any "general" curve X and for any f E k (X) • If it
were the case for modular curves over ~q (which we do not
know) we would get the estimate

A({LN }) s - log yI~e + log /~~ i +

~ -
·log q

that would give A({LN }) S 1.18 for q = 16 .

Generalize the construction and the

Exercise 5.4.16.
density estimates to the case when 'P does not lie in
X(~q) , i.e. using points Pi of degree more than one.

5.4.3. Congruence constructions

Now we shall discuss some constructions depending on a


Multiplicative congruence sublattices (FMLD). The

FML-construction of section 5.4.2 can be slightly
elaborated. We consider some specific sUblattices of L'P.

Let D be a positive divisor on X, D=La.·p.

~ ~

r.~ deg Pi ' N(P i ) = qri

a = deg D L ai·r i .
We write f == 1 (mod D) iff ordp . (f - 1) 2: a. for any

E Supp D Suppose that 'P n Supp D = IZJ Let

(f E * I f
0'P - l(mod D)}

and consider the lattice

Parameters. Here are the estimates.

Proposition 5.4.17. Let L~,D = ~~(O~,D)* • Then

a) d(L~,D) ~ ~ ,

b) rk L~,D = n - 1 and

Proof': a) We use the first inequality of Theorem

5.4.9.a which in our case reads

-12 ·deg f' • ,

and notice that deg f' = deg(f' - 1) ~ deg D =a .

b) Theorem 5.4.9. b estimates det L~ , and we have

only to estimate [L~:L~,DJ. Look at the embedding
o~ ~ r-T 0p.'
A* where
0p. is the group of units in the
~ ~

completion of the local ring at Pi . Let

(xeO p . I x=1(moda i 'Pi)}'

We have *
O~,D and

[r-T0A*p . :r-T°p.,a.
A* ]
~ ~ ~

TI (
r.~ r .. (a.-1»)
~ ~
I I (q - 1)·q

Then Ker 'Pep IFq* and *

Oep,D n Ker 'Pep = {I} , therefore

Asymptotic behaviour. Consider the same family of

curves as in section 5.4.2, let ep = X(IF q ) and let D be
such that

lim deg D (2.ln q)-1

I X (IFq) I

(this choice appears to be optimal). We get

Theorem 5.4.18. A family of curves X over of

growing genus g such that

with the appropriate choice

divisors yields of an
asymptotically good family of lattices {L N C IRN} with

A ({L N }) oS - log ~ 1
-2 + -·log(ln
q) +

vg ·log q - log(q - 1)
.;q - 1 •
For q 2209 47 2 we get A < 1.3888 . . . .

Number field congruence sublattices (NMLD) Now we

return to the number field case and discuss an analogue of

In the notation of section 5.4.2 let be an

0. = n p/ '
such that Pi Ii! Sf (i.e. Sf n Supp 0. = fZJ ) . Let

* I f a l(mod o.)}
{f e Os

and consider the lattice L


Parameters. Everything is quite similar to the

function field case, though the estimates are slightly
worse. Let Ilo. = ilK n °s,o.
* .
Proposition 5.4.19. Then

a) d(LS,o.) ~ ~.(In NK/Q(o.) - (8 + 2t)·ln 2),

b) rk Ls ,0. = n - 1 and

det L

:s V(s + t)· (n - s - t)'·R-h- ( IT

In N(V») -NK/Q (0.).

Proof: a) Let

IPs (f) = (x , x , ••• , x )

1 2 n

Then we see that

1 _2 . LX.
2: -·Llx.1
v'il' ~ v'il' x .>0 ~

We have
L xi L In IIfliv
x.>O yeS
IIfll >1

L + L (-ordv(f - l»·ln N(v)

yeS veS f

ordv (f-1) <0

L L In IIf - 111v +
yeS yeS
00 00

IIfll v >1 IIf-lil v >1

+ L (-In IIf - lIIv) + L (ordv(f - 1» ·In N(v)

yeS YES 00

IIf-lil v <1 IIf-lil v <1

(we have used the equality ordv(f - 1) = ordv f for

ordvf < 0 , the fact that IIf - lIIv :s 1 for v e S 00 U Sf '
and the product formula) . We omit the third term (it is
non-negative), the fourth term is at least In NK/Q (0.)
since f - 1 e 0. , and the sum of the first two terms is at
least - L In 11211 v since

max {O,ln IIzll} - max {O,ln 111 - zll}

is minimum for z = -1 (both for z e!R and z e IC ) .

b) Knowing Proposition 5.4.7.a we have only to estimate

[Ls:LS,o.]· Note that *
Ker 'PS = /.1K' Ker 'PS n 0s,o. = /.10. '

and proceed as in the proof of Proposition 5.4.17.b .


Asymptotic behaviour. The proof of Proposition 5.4.19.a

shows also that if log NK/aJ(Q) > s + 2t then I1Q = {I}
since IPs (f) =0 for f e I1Q . We choose Q in such a way

(this is in fact optimal), K runs over an unramified

tower. For R'h/II1K I we use (as above) standard estimates
for the residue of (-function of K. They give

Let us choose S in such a way that s + 2t is constant in

the tower and that Sand Supp Q completely split in it
(of course this restricts the choice of the tower). We get

Theorem 5.4.20. If a number field of degree

has an infinite unramified tower in sets of
places So and Supp Qo split completely then it yields an
asymptotically good family of lattices {L N C ~N} with

II. ({L N }) ~ - log /2rr ' + --.!....logID - - ' (log rr - 1) +
e n K no
o 0

+ --.!.... L log(ln N(v» +

o veSof



2rr _~
For the totally complex field ~(cos11,v-46) and
50 = 5 00 we get A ~ 11.1512... • For the totally real field
~(1I'2"',v'305o7o23o29') and 5 = 5 we get A < 8.80 . This
0 0 0 -

are not best choices but what we get is always much worse
than for FMLD-case.

Congruence codes (FMCD). The construction we are now

going to expose corresponds to function field congruence
lattices in the same way as number field codes correspond to
additive number field lattices.
In the notation of this section suppose that D = poD'
for some positive divisor D' (where p is the
characteristic of ~q' q = pm ).

It is a p-ary code of length n . To study C we have to

use the Q-construction. Let C' = (X,~,D)Q and thus
C'= Im(Res~) where

w ~ (Res p (w), ••• , Res p (w»

1 n

There is the following obvious commutative diagram

d log 1
------------------~) ~~


d log *
O~,D ~ n(E Pi - D)

f 1------+ df/ f ,

Le. e e' n n
IF p

Parameters. Now we are ready to estimate parameters.

Proposition 5.4.21. Let D = p·D' ~ 0 and let


a) d ~ d' ~ a - 2g + 2 ;

b) k ~ n - 1 - m·~·a

Proof: a) The first inequality is obvious and the

second is proved in section 3.1.1.

b) Let B L~ , D n (pZ)n . Then

pk = lei = [L

B] . [A n - 1 :L~ ,D]

n n-1
n- 1: An- 1 n (pZ) ] = p
We have [A The multiplication
by p maps isomorphically An - 1 onto A n - 1 n (pZ) nand

L'P ,D' onto B. Therefore

Proceeding as in the proof of Proposition 5.4.l7.b we see


~ qdeg D - deg D' p
[L'P , D' : L'P , D' ] p

Summing up we get

Asymptotic behaviour. As usual the best results are

obtained for

~A ,

A being as large as possible (recall that A ~ ~ - 1 ).

Theorem 5.4.22. A family of curves x over

q = pm , of groving genus g such that

2·m· (p - 1)
~ A>

yields a family of codes such that for any

8 < p - 2·A
m· (p 1)

there is an asymptotically good subfamily with parameters 0


R > 1 - m·E.....=......!.· (2A- 1 + 0)

p •

One easily checks that this result is a particular case

of Theorem 3.4.23, but we do not know whether the
construction similar to that using L~,D can be given for
all codes from Theorem 3.4.23, or not.

5.4.4. Remarks and open problems

Here we list some natural remarks and questions,

without any particular order.

1. What is the best constant for NMLD-construction?

2. We have mostly restricted ourselves (in the

function field case) to ~S;X(lFq) .
All constructions in
fact work for any set of places of K , though places of
high degree usually spoil parameters. Can places of higher
degree be of any use?

3. In the number field case we usually supposed that

S 2 Sm • Can we get anything good without this condition?

Each construction considered above was encoded by
three or four letters. Formally speaking there are 16
possibilities. What can we say about those we have not

5. We obtained but estimates for asymptotic parameters


of our construction. What are their true values?

6. Can we use "explicit formulae" plus some other

considerations to give lower bounds of the density exponent
of what we are able to get by our constructions?

7. In the function field case the best families of

curves (those with IX (IF q) Ilg ----+ vq - 1 ) are prov ided
by modular curves which form ramified towers (the
ramification being rather "small"). What are their analogues
in the number field case?

8. The results we have obtained concern packings either

in IFNq
or in RN. Our constructions also lead to natural
lattices in IFq«T))N and in products of p-adic fields. What
are the correct parameters (how to put the problem) in those

9. Function field multiplicative lattices can be also

constructed starting with curves over any field, provided
that we know the finiteness of the subgroup in the Jacobian
generated by ~. Consider modular curves (say, over ~) and
~ consisting of cusp points which are of finite order (the
Manin-Drinfeld theorem). How to estimate parameters?

10. What can be done with varieties (over IF q and

arithmetic) of dimension more than 1? For example what are
the densities of Mordell-Weil lattices on abelian

11. K* and the map we have used is the

regulator map. What can be done with the help of higher
regulators on Ki(K)?
Historical and bibliographic notes to Part 5

The sphere packing problem in Euclidian spaces is quite

a classical one. Many generations of mathematicians
apprecia ted its beauty. Packings in three dimens ions were
studied by I.Newton.
D.Hilbert included the sphere packing problem into his
eighteenth problem (and it is the last unsolved question in
it, see [Mil]).
There are several excelent books devoted to packings,
for example [Co/Sl], [Rog] , [FT], and we address the
interested reader to them. It is worth mentioning that
[Co/Sl] contains a bibliography of about 1500 titles.
The A
packing is known to humanity for long. Its
being the densest in two dimensions was proved by A.Thue and
L. Fejes Toth. The fact that A
and A
are the densest
lattice packings in their dimensions was proved by
K.F.Gauss. The respective result for A 4 and is due to
A.M. Korkine and E. I. Zolotareff, and for E 6 , E7 , Ea to
H. F. Bl ichfeldt. The lattice 11.24 was discovered by J.Leech
[Lee 1], [Lee 2] (who used codes).

The root lattices of types AN' DN

, EN appear in
many different realms of mathematics (such as Lie groups and
Lie algebras, singularities, rational surfaces, etc.). The


Leech lattice looks no less important.

The Kabatiansky-Levenshtein bound [Kab/Lev] is an
amelioration of those by H.F.Blichfeldt (~~ 0.5) and
v.M.Sidelnikov (~~ 0.5096). The bound of Proposition 5.1.16
was found by C.A.Rogers [Rog]. Theorem 5.1.19 was proved by
J. A. Rush and N. J . A. Sloane [Ru/Sl] , Proposition 5.1. 23 and
Remark 5.1. 24 are taken from an elegant paper by J .A. Rush
[Ru] .
Analogies from Section 5.1.4 are quite natural and many
of them are mentioned in different papers (see for example
[Brou]) .
The problem of explicit construction of high-
dimensional packings is widely studied (see [Co/Sl]). The
first explicit construction of an asymptotically good family
of (non-lattice) packings is due to N.J.A.Sloane [Sl 2], he
has proved that ~pols 6. The basic construction of section
5.2.1 and Theorem 5.2.8 are due to A.Bos, J.H.Conway, and
N.J.A.Sloane [Bos/Co/Sl], they have constructed a family of
lattices that are not asymptotically good but whose density
exponent tends to infinity quite slowly. The non-lattice
version of the construction is due to A.Bos [Bos].
The complexity reduction trick (Theorem 5.2.19) is
discovered by S.N.Litsyn [Li/Ts 3]. This trick and
algebraic-geometric codes lead him and M.A.Tsfasman
[Li/Ts 3] to the best known estimates ~pols 1.31 and
~~Ols 2.30 . The rest part of Section 5.2.2 is taken from
this paper.
The most part of Chapter 5.3 is classical. We refer to
the books [Bor/Shf], [La 4], [We 4]. The existence of
infinite class field towers (Theorem 5.3.19) was proved by
E.S.Golod and I.R.Shafarevich [Gol/Shf]. Theorem 5.3.20 is
due to J .Martinet [Mar], who has constructed a lot of
examples of fields with infinite towers and rather small

discriminants. The inverse estimate (the first formula of

Theorem 5.3.21) was established by A.M.Odlyzko, its
refinement subject to the Riemann hypothesis (the second
formula of Theorem 5.3.21) is due to J.-P.Serre (see [Poi]).
Serre was also the first to notice that the inequality of
Theorem 2.3.22 (proved by V.G.Orinfeld and S.G.Vladut
[Orf/Vl]) is an exact analogue of inequalities of Theorem
5.3.21 and can be obtained by the same method ("explicit
formulae", cf. Remark 2.3.23).
The modern study of anologies between the number field
case and the function field case was started by A.Weil.
The constructions of Chapter 5.4 are quite natural and
most of them are well-known. The more surprising is that
untill recently no one ever tried to look at these lattices
from the point of their density. For the additive number
field latices this was first done by M.A.Tsfasman (see
[Li/Ts 3]. Proposition 5.4.1 and Theorem 5.4.2 are due to
him. All results on additive number field codes (including
Proposition 5.4.5 and Theorem 5.4.6) are due to
H.W.Lenstra,Jr. [Len]. sections 5.4.2, 5.4.3 (mUltiplicative
lattices) are mostly based on the results of M.Yu.Rosenbloom
and M.A.Tsfasman [Ro/Ts]. The FML-construction was
independently discovered by H. -G. Quebbemann [Que 2], who
used his formula (5.4.2) to prove Theorem 5.4.9; this
formula gives a slightly worse constant (A - 1.906 ). The
FMCO-case is due to V.O.Goppa [Go 4]. The list of questions
(section 5.4.4) is borrowed from [Ts 5] which is also a
general reference for Chapter 5.4.
There is some recent progress in the direction of
Question 10 of section 5.4.4. N. Elkies [Ell], [El 2] and
T.Shioda [Sh 1], [Sh 2] have shown that Mordell-Weil
lattices of certain elliptic curves over function fields are
very dense. Some of these lattices can be also interpreted
in terms of representation theory [Grs].


In this appendix we give a brief summary of some

results from our book. section A.I contains a list of
simplest bounds for parameters of a code, a list of
parameters of certain families of codes, a list of
parameters of certain constructions, and a table of
parameters of AG-codes obtained from curves of small genera.
In section A.2 we give a list of upper and lower asymptotic
bounds, we show various connections between them, and
present some tables of numerical values of these bounds.
section A.3 contains tables of asymptotic bounds for
constant weight codes and for self-dual codes. In section
A.4 we give tables of density for some packings, both
low-dimensional and asymptotical.

A.l. Codes of finite length

A.I.I. Bounds
A.I.2. Parameters of certain codes
A.I.3. Parameters of certain constructions
A.I.4. Binary codes from AG-codes

A.2. Asymptotic bounds

A.2.1. List of bounds

A.2.2. Diagrams of comparison
A.2.3. Behaviour at the ends
A.2.4. Numerical values

A.3. Additional bounds

A.3.1. Constant weight codes

A.3.2. Self-dual codes

A.4. Sphere packings

A.4.1. Small dimensions

A.4.2. certain families
A.4.3. Asymptotic results

A.l. Codes of finite length

Here we give a brief summary of results on parameters

of q-ary codes. We begin with bounds on the volume of a
code, then we describe parameters of certain families of
codes, and then we give parameters of codes obtained by
various constructions. We conclude the section with a table
of parameters of certain binary codes obtained from AG-codes
corresponding to curves of small genera.

A.l.l. Bounds

A) If there exists an [n,k,d]q-code C then:

1) k + d s n + 1 (the Singleton bound) ;

2) (~) . (q -

(the Hamming bound) ;

3) (the Plotkin bound) ;

4) for any integer w with 1 s w s nand

q·w 2
d - 2'w + (q _ 1).n > 0

one has

n - k ~ lOgq(~) + w.logq(q - 1) - logqd + logqA

(the Bassalygo-Elias bound) ;


5) let

Pi(j) =v~o(-l)V,(q - l)i-V,(t),(~:t)

ai ~ 0 such that

1 + E ai'Pi(j) ~ 0

for any j d,d + l, ••• ,n , one has

qk ~ 1 + E ai' (~) '(q - l)i
(the linear programming bound);

6) if C is a linear code, then

(the Griesmer bound) ;

B) Conversely, if

(the Gilbert-Varshamov bound)

then there exists a linear [n, k, d]q-code.

A.l.2. Parameters of certain codes

We give here parameters of certain families of codes.

In fact, in some cases we can not give exact values of

parameters since often we do not know them; it is true at

least that exact values are not worse than those given
below. If a family depends on some parameters then it means
that they run over all possible values such that 1 ~ d ~ n
and 1 ~ k ~ n .

1) Trivial codes (n is arbitrary);

a) [n,n,1]q-codes;
b) the even weight code: [n,n - 1,2]q
c) the repetion code: [n,1,n]q •

2) Hamming codes:

- 1 qm _ 1
- 1 ' q - 1

3) Reed-Solomon codes:

[q + 1, k, q + 2 - k]q

4) First order projective Reed-Muller codes:

[qm _
q _ 1 ' m , q
1 JlI-1]

5) Affine Reed-Muller codes (of order r):

r ii/ql
E E (-1)
JO ° (m) (m-1+; _qJO) (q - b) oqm-a-1] ,
i=O j=O m-1
0 0 ... ,

J q

where a and b are defined by

r = ao(q - 1) + b , 1 ~ b ~ q - 1

In particular, for q 2:


6) BCH-codes (primitive):

7) AG-codes: if there exists a curve X/~q of genus

g such that then:

[n , k , n + 1 - g - k] q

(note that IX(~q)1 s q + 1 + 2g·~).

8) Golay codes:

[24,12,8]2 ' [12,6,6]3

9) Goppa codes:

[qm + I, ~ + 1 - m·(d - I), d]q

and for q 2:

m· r~l ' dJ q

10) Justesen codes:

[ 2m. (qm + 1) , m·r,

i· (2,?).
(q - l)iJ

where e is the largest integer such that

f (2~).(q -
i=l ~
l)i s n - r + 1 .

11) Quadratic-residue codes ( q = p is a prime, e is

another prime and p is a quadratic residue modulo e):

A.l.3. Parameters of certain constructions

We give here the parameters of codes obtained by

certain constructions from some codes whose parameters are
known; in this section and m are positive integers
such that for codes obtained by our constructions we have
o s k s n, 1 s d s n. If we write the sign between
parameters of codes we mean that the corresponding codes are

Name of construction Parameters of Parameters of

old codes new codes
Lengthening by zeroes [n,k,d]q [n + e,k,d]q

omitting parity-checks [n,k,d]q [n - e,k - e,d]q

Projection [n,k,d]q [n - e,k,d - e] q

Direct sum [n 1 ,k 1 ,d 1 ]q [n +n ,k +k ,d]

1 2 1 2 q
[n 2 ,k 2 ,d 2 ]q d = min{d 1 ,d 2 }

Power [n,k,d]q [ e'n , e'k , d] q


Name of construction Parameters of Parameters of

old codes new codes
Tensor product [n 1 ,k1 ,d 1 1q
[n 2 ,k2 ,d 2 1q
Tensor power [n,k,d1 q

Pasting [n 1 ,k,d 1 1q [n 1 +n 2 ,k,~d

+d 2 1q
[n 2 ,k,d 2 1q
Repetion [n,k,d1 q [In,k, ld1 q

Code from embeded pair [n,k,d]q S; [n+1,k+1,d1 q

S;[n,k+1,d-1 1q
(ulu+v)-construction [n,k 1 ,d 1 1q [2n,k l +k 2 ,d1 q
[n,k 2 ,d 2 1q d = min{2d 1 ,d a }
Suffix construction ,kl ,d 1 1q S;
[n l [n 1 +n3 ,k2 ,d1 q
S;[nl,k2,d21q d ~ mined1,d2+d }
Combination of four [n 1 ,k 1 ,d 1 1q S; [n 1 +n 3 ,k 2 +k 3 ,d] q
S; [n 1 ,k a ,d 2 1q d ~ mined1 ,d2+d }
[n3,k3,d31q S;;
S;;[n 3 ,k"d,lq

Shortening by the [n,k,d1 q


Shortening by the [n,k,d1 q

dual distance

Parity-check [n,k,2t + 112 [n+1,k,2t+21 2

Subfield restruction [n,k,d1c/" [n,~n-mo (n-k),~d]q

Concatenation [n,k,d1 m [Non , kom , doD1 q

[N,m,D1 q
Subfield descent [n,k,d1 m [mon , mok 'd1

Name of construction Parameters of Parameters of

old codes new codes
Generalized [n,k.,d.] [N.n,k,d]q ,
concatenation 1. 1. qmi

~ mJ.,D.]
[N, j=l 1. q
L m.·k.
1. 1.

i = 1, ••• ,t
[N, ~L m .,Di + 1] ;2
J=l J q
d ~ mi n { d .. D . }
lsist 1. 1.

;2[N, ~ m.,D.]
j=l J 1. q

Alphabet extension [n,k,d]r [n , k . logqr , d] q

r s q
Restriction to [n,k,d]r [n,kr,~d]q
r ~ q k ~ n-(n-k) ·logq r

A.l.4. Binary codes from AG-codes

We parameters of certain binary codes obtained

from AG-codes of genus 1, 2 or 3 by concatenation,
generalized concatenation and some other constructions. The
table contains only those codes which are better than the
best known (before discovery of AG-codes) codes.

A) d 25

n 91 92 93 94 95 96
k 24 24 25 26 27 27

97 98 100 101 102

27.585 27.585 29 29.585 30.585

103 104 128 129

31 32 50.856 51.856

B) d 27

n 159
k 69

C) d = 29

n 151 152 153 154 155 156

k 58 59 60 61 61. 087 62

157 158 159 160 161 162

63 64 65 65.087 66 67

163 164 165 166 168

68 69 69.087 69.585 70.459

169 170
71. 044 72.044

A.2. Asymptotic bounds

AG-codes made it possible to obtain many new asymptotic

lower bounds for the possible volume of a code. Here we give
some diagrams which illustrate the relations between these
bounds; we give also tables for asymptotic behaviour of
bounds for 5 ~ 0 and 5 ~ 1 - l/q and tables of
numerical values of these bounds (computed by A.M.Barg). For
simplicity we assume that q is a power of a prime.

A.2.1. List of bounds

A) "True" bounds:
is the "true" bound for q-ary codes (Theorem
is the "true" bound for linear q-ary codes
(Exercise 1.3.2).
is the "true" bound for polynomial families
of q-ary codes (Theorem 1.3.25).
a.~ol,lin is the "true" bound for polynomial families
of linear q-ary codes (Theorem 1.3.25).
a.~Ol dec is the "true" bound for families of q-ary
codes with polynomial complexity of
construction and decoding (Exercise 3.4.33).
a.~Ol dec,lin is the "true" bound for families of
lineary q-ary codes with polynomial
complexity of construction and decoding
(Exercise 3.4.33).

B) Upper bounds:

RS is the Singleton bound:

Rp is the Plotkin bound (Theorem 1.3.6):

Rp(d) - 1 - q q- 1 .~

RH is the Hamming bound (Theorem 1.3.8):

RBE is the Bassalygo-Elias bound (Theorem 1.3.10):

q-1_ q -1./ _ t'Y.~')

RBE(~) = 1 - Hq ( q - q 1 ~

R4 is the bound of "four" (McElice-Rodemich-Ramsey-

Welch bound, Theorem 1.3.11):

R4(2) is the second bound of "four" for q 2 (Theorem

1. 3 .12) :

min (1 + h(u 2 ) - h(u 2 + 2·a·u + 2·a)}



C) Lower bounds:

RGV is the Gilbert-Varshamov bound (Theorem 1.3.15):

R BZ is the Bloch-zyablov bound (Remark 1.3.33):


RGv(o) - 0' J dx

where is the inverse function of

R TVZ is the Tsfasman-Vladut-Zink bound (the basic

AG-bound) for q which is an even power of a
prime (Corollary 3.4.3):

_~ -1
R (0) = 1 - (vq - 1) - 0

R; is the Vladut bound (expurgatory bound, Theorem

3.4.11), q being a square, it is given by

and is defined for o e [0'l ' 0'2 ]U[o'3' 0']

4 '
0' < 0'
1 4
are the roots of the equation

H (0) + q 1'(1 - 0) = 1 + (..,tq' - 1)-1

q q -

and 0'2 < 0'3 are the roots of the equation

H (0)
q + (1 - o)'log (q - 1)
q = 1 + (Vq'" - 1)-1

R~(O) for o e [0'l ' 0'2 ]U[o'3' 0']


RV(o) RGV(o) for o e [O,0~]U[0~,1 - 1


RTVZ(o) for o e [0'2' 0']


and RKTV(lin) are the Katsman-Tsfasman-Vladut

bounds (concatenation bounds,
Theorem 3.4.16)

where maximum is taken over all [n,k,d]q-Codes

qk being a square; RKTV(lin) (0) is defined
similarly with maximum taken over linear codes;

RKT is the Katsman-Tsfasman bound (restriction bound,

Theorem 3.4.23)

2m' (q - 1)
q' (q
m/2 - 1)

where maximum is taken over all positive integers

m such that qm is a square;

RKTV , KT(o)

RKTV(lin),KT(o) maX{RKTV(lin) (0) ,RKT(o)}


RSY and RSY(lin) are the Skorobogatov-Vladut bounds

(decoding bounds, Theorems 3.4.37 and 3.4.38)

RSY(lin) (8) = maX{R~V(lin) (8),R;y(8)} ,


R~v(8) = max { (1 - 2- (qk/2 - 1) -1 ) k -n - a-

k 8}

and maximum is taken over all [n,k,d]q-codes

such that qk is a square, R~V(lin) (8) is
defined in a similar way with maximum taken over
linear codes,

R;V(8) max {1
- 3m- (q - 1)
q- (q
m/2 - 1)
m- (q - 1)
where maximum is taken over all positive integers
m such that q m is a square;

RLT is the Litsyn-Tsfasman bound (Theorem 3.4.31)


max {1 - (1 - R (q' ) (8) ) - log (q')}

q' Y q

here the maximum is taken over all even powers of

primes q' ~ q Ry(q' ) being the expurgatory

bound for q'-ary codes,

max {R (q' ) (eS) 'log Cq' ) }

q' V q

the maximum is taken over all even powers of

primes q'::5 q.

A.2.2. Diagrams of comparison

In these diagrams we compare various bounds.

The notation A ---+ B means that A(eS) ;?: BCeS) for any
eS e [o,q 1]
~ and we can prove this inequality.
The notation A - - ~ B means that ACeS) ;?: BCeS) for
any eS e [o,q 1]
~ such that both ACeS) and BCeS) are
known to us, but we have no proof of this inequality in

A) comparison of bounds for q 2

Comments: One can prove that RGV(~) > RKTV,KT(~) for

all ~ except in a very small interval.

B) Comparison of bounds for 2 < q = P < 49


Rsv (lin)
Comments: 1. If q = 4 (and also if q = 3 ) then we
also have RS ~ RH •
2. If 2 < q = pm < 49 and m is odd, this diagram
should be slightly changed. One should then set
R TVZ (0) = 1 - r q - 0 where rq is not quite known. One
should also consider RLT which plays an important role,
e.g. for q = 47 it intersects RGv .
3. One can also consider the case of 2 < q < 49 ,
q * pm. Then there is no proper notion of linear bounds, and
non-linear constructions leading to RLT play a crucial role.

C) Comparison of bounds for q

! ~11<T

RSV(lin) ~11<TV(lin)
- ....... 1)3z ~ RTVZ

Comments: If 49 ~ q = p2m ~ 289 we also have

R GV ~ RKT and R GV - - ~ RSV I which is wrong if q 2: 361.

A.2.3. Behaviour at the ends

Investigating bounds it is useful to know their

behaviour for 8 ~ 0 and 8 ~ 1 - l/q . The following
tables display this behaviour for some bounds. For a bound
R (8) we give an asymptotic behaviour of 1 - R(8) for
8~ 0 and of R(~ ~ x) for x~ o.
For the bounds RSV' RSV(lin) , RKTV ' RKTV(lin) we
do not know the "true" asymptotics, but we can bound them.
Thus the "true" asymptotics are not worse than the
asymptotics given in the tables.

A) Behaviour of bounds for binary codes at 0 and 1/2 .

Bound 1 - R(8) Rf! - xl
for 8 ~ 0 for l;2 0
In 2 2
-2- ° 8 ° (log 2 8 )


} 288 3 °log x
- -_ox
343 2

1152 3
- 343 oX olog2 x
RKT - 8 °log 28 < 0
-_ox 2
RGV - 8 0log 2 0 In 2
1 2
R4 (2) - 2"°8 olog2 0 - 2 oX olog x

2 2
R4 In 2°° - 20x °logx

- 2"0 olog2 0
In 2
RH - 2"°8 olog2 0 > 0

Rp 2°0 2 x 0

Rs > 0

B) Behaviour of bounds for q-ary codes at 0 and q - 1


Bound 1 - R(5)
for 5 ~ 0
In q-5 (log 5) 2 q _x 3
2 q 6(q - 1)2-ln q

-2- q - q 1 -5-logq 5

(-.I([ - 1) - q4 3
- 2- -x -log X
(-.1([3 _ 1) 3 q
-2-5-logq 5 for q = p2m

- 2-
( q + 1) 2 -q 6 -x 3 -log X
RKTV(lin (q3_ 1}3 q
for q = p 2m+1

RKT -2- q - 1 -5-log 5 < 0

q q
RGV - 5-logl 2- (q - 1) -In q -x

2 __ 5
In q - 2-x 2 -IOlj x
- --a -logq 5 q
RBE 2 2-ln q -x
RH - --
a -logq 5 > 0
q q
Rp q - 1- a q - 1- x

Rs 5 > 0

A.2.4. Numerical values

In the following tables we give numerical values of

certain bounds.

The values of three upper bounds (R H , RBE and

are displayed (and for q = 2 the values of R are
also displayed) 0 For q = 2, 4, 16 we give values of five
lower bounds R BZ ' RSV' R KTV ' RKT and R GV ), and for
q = 64, 256 of seven lower bounds (R BZ ' RSV' R TVZ '
R KTV ' R KT , R V ' and R GV )' Note also that the given
values for RSV and R KTV are lower bounds rather than
exact values, since their definitions involve maximization
over all codes of certain type which we do not know.

The difference between the value of a bound and the

displayed value is not greater than 10-4 • Note that we do
not display RLT in our tables since its deviation from RV
(if any) is always less than 10- 4 • When the value is very
small we write aE-b for a 10-b • o

q 2

Lower bounds Upper bounds


.0001.9896 .9980 .9973 .9980 .9985 .9992 .9992 .9997 .9992

.001 .9546 .9836 .9801 .9842 .9886 .9938 .9938 .9971 .9938
.01 .7778 .8739 .8677 .8804 .9192 .9546 .9544 .9712 .9542
.02 .6609 .7738 .7884 .7847 .8586 .9192 .9185 .9427 .9180
.03 .5738 .7138 .7298 .6973 .8056 .8876 .8862 .9143 .8851
.04 .5039 .6538 .6798 .6173 .7577 .8586 .8562 .8862 .8544
.05 .4456 .6004 .6298 .5398 .7136 .8313 .8279 .8582 .8251
.06 .3959 .5504 .5896 .4698 .6726 .8056 .8008 .8305 .7971
.07 .3529 .5004 .5496 .3998 .6341 .7811 .7748 .8030 .7699
.08 .3152 .4504 .5096 .3298 .5978 .7577 .7498 .7758 .7436
.09 .2819 .4104 .4696 .2695 .5635 .7352 .7255 .7487 .7179
.10 .2524 .3704 .4347 .2095 .5310 .7136 .7019 .7219 .6927
.11 .2261 .3304 .4047 .1495 .5001 .6927 .6789 .6954 .6681
.12 .2025 .2904 .3747 .0895 .4706 .6726 .6565 .6691 .6439
.13 .1813 .2600 .3447 .0295 .4426 .6530 .6345 .6431 .6201
.14 .1622 .2467 .3147 .4158 .6341 .6130 .6173 .5966
.15 .1450 .2333 .2847 .3902 .6157 .5920 .5919 .5734
.16 .1294 .2200 .2547 .3657 .5978 .5713 .5667 .5506
.18 .1027 .1933 .2267 .3199 .5635 .5310 .5172 .5055
.20 .0808 .1667 .2000 .2781 .5310 .4920 .4690 .4614
.22 .0630 .1400 .1733 .2398 .5001 .4541 .4221 .4179
.24 .0485 .1133 .1467 .2050 .4706 .4172 .3767 .3750
.26 .0367 .0867 .1200 .1733 .4426 .3812 .3328 .3326
.28 .0273 .0667 .0933 .1445 .4158 .3461 .2906 .2906
.30 .0198 .0530 .0733 .1187 .3902 .3117 .2502 .2502
.32 .0140 .0444 .0533 .0956 .3657 .2781 .2118 .2118
.34 .0096 .0358 .0388 .0752 .3423 .2451 .1754 .1754
.36 .0062 .0273 .0302 .0573 .3199 .2127 .1414 .1414
.38 .0038 .0187 .0217 .0420 .2985 .1808 .1100 .1100
.39 .0029 .0144 .0174 .0352 .2882 .1651 .0954 .0954
.40 .0022 .0101 .0132 .0290 .2781 .1495 .0815 .0815
.41 .0015 .0058 .0097 .0235 .2682 .. 1340 .0684 .0684
.42 .0011 .0019 .0058 .0185 .2585 .1187 .0561 .0561
.43 .0007 .0015 .0046 .0142 .2491 .1035 .0448 .0448
.44 .0004 .0011 .0033 .0104 .2398 .0884 .0345 .0345
.45 .0003 .0007 .0021 .0072 .2308 .0734 .0253 .0253
.46 .0001 .0003 .0009 .0046 .2220 .0585 .0172 .0172
.47 5E-5 .0002 .0005 .0026 .2134 .0437 .0104 .0104
.48 2E-5 5E-5 .0002 .0012 .2050 .0290 .0051 .0051
.49 2E-6 7E-6 2E-5 .0003 .1967 .0145 .0015 .0015

q = 4

Lower bounds Upper bounds


.0001 .9920 .9985 .9986 .9985 .9992 .9996 .9996 .9999

.001 .9706 .9880 .9890 .9882 .9935 .9965 .9965 .9985
.01 .8481 .9143 .9241 .9103 .9517 .9733 .9733 .9851
.02 .7599 .8483 .8677 .8386 .9134 .9517 .9514 .9698
.04 .6330 .7355 .7733 .7129 .8472 .9134 .9124 .9388
.06 .5388 .6512 .6933 .6023 .7887 .8790 .8770 .9073
.08 .4637 .5899 .6171 .4973 .7355 .8472 .8437 .8756
.10 .4015 .5299 .5571 .4071 .6863 .8172 .8120 .8437
.12 .3489 .4796 .5067 .3171 .6402 .7887 .7815 .8117
.14 .3039 .4296 .4667 .2331 .5969 .7616 .7520 .7796
.16 .2648 .3796 .4267 .1581 .5560 .7355 .7234 .7475
.18 .2308 .3333 .3867 .0831 .5173 .7104 .6954 .7154
.20 .2009 .2933 .3467 .0081 .4805 .6863 .6681 .6834
.22 .1746 .2641 .3129 .4456 .6629 .6413 .6515
.24 .1515 .2441 .2829 .4123 .6402 .6149 .6196
.26 .1311 .2241 .2543 .3806 .6183 .5890 .5879
.28 .1130 .2041 .2343 .3504 .5969 .5635 .5564
.30 .0971 .1841 .2143 .3216 .5762 .5383 .5251
.32 .0830 .1641 .1943 .2942 .5560 .5133 .4940
.34 .0706 .1441 .1743 .2681 .5364 .4887 .4631
.36 .0597 .1241 .1543 .2434 .5173 .4643 .4325
.38 .0501 .1041 .1343 .2198 .4987 .4401 .4023
.40 .0418 .0841 .1143 .1975 .4805 .4161 .3725
.42 .0345 .0641 .0943 .1764 .4628 .3923 .3430
.44 .0282 .0573 .0743 .1565 .4456 .3686 .3140
.46 .0228 .0506 .0663 .1378 .4287 .3451 .2855
.48 .0182 .0439 .0596 .1202 .4123 .3216 .2576
.50 .0143 .0373 .0529 .1038 .3962 .2983 .2304
.52 .0110 .0306 .0463 .0885 .3806 .2750 .2038
.54 .0083 .0239 .0396 .0744 .3653 .2517 .1781
.56 .0061 .0173 .0329 .0614 .3504 .2285 .1532
.58 .0043 .0106 .0263 .0496 .3358 .2053 .1294
.60 .0030 .0042 .0196 .0390 .3216 .1820 .1067
.62 .0019 .0025 .0129 .0296 .3077 .1587 .0853
.64 .0012 .0016 .0063 .0215 .2942 .1353 .0654
.66 .0006 .0011 .0033 .0146 .2810 .1117 .0473
.68 .0003 .0006 .0017 .0089 .2681 .0878 .0313
.70 .0001 .0002 .0007 .0046 .2556 .0637 .0178
.72 2E-5 5E-5 .0002 .0017 .2434 .0390 .0074
.74 9E-7 3E-6 1E-5 .0002 .2314 .0135 .0010

q 16

Lower bounds Upper bounds


.0001 .9932 .9992 .9992 .9991 .9995 .9998 .9998 .9999

.001 .9796 .9935 .9940 .9926 .9962 .9980 .9980 .9993
.01 .8922 .9522 .9561 .9440 .9700 .9838 .9837 .9920
.02 .8246 .9122 .9241 .8971 .9451 .9700 .9699 .9834
.04 .7220 .8483 .8641 .8033 .9004 .9451 .9446 .9654
.06 .6418 .7883 .8133 .7420 .8595 .9221 .9210 .9466
.08 .5751 .7283 .7733 .6857 .8213 .9004 .8985 .9271
.10 .5178 .6683 .7333 .6295 .7851 .8796 .8767 .9072
.12 .4676 .6267 .6933 .5732 .7505 .8595 .8555 .8868
.14 .4232 .5867 .6533 .5170 .7172 .8401 .8348 .8661
.16 .3834 .5467 .6133 .4607 .6851 .8213 .8144 .8451
.18 .3475 .5067 .5733 .4125 .6542 .8030 .7943 .8238
.20 .3151 .4667 .5333 .3750 .6242 .7851 .7745 .8022
.24 .2587 .3867 .4533 .3000 .5668 .7505 .7356 .7583
.28 .2117 .3067 .3867 .2250 .5127 .7172 .6972 .7136
.32 .1722 .2578 .3467 .1500 .4614 .6851 .6593 .6682
.36 .1390 .2178 .3067 .0750 .4127 .6542 .6217 .6223
.40 .1111 .1778 .2667 .3666 .6242 .5842 .5758
.44 .0877 .1378 .2267 .3228 .5951 .5468 .5288
.48 .0681 .1128 .1867 .2815 .5668 .5092 .4816
.50 .0596 .1028 .1667 .2616 .5530 .4904 .4578
.54 .0450 .0858 .1267 .2237 .5259 .4526 .4102
.58 .0330 .0705 .0867 .1881 .4996 .4144 .3625
.62 .0235 .0563 .0572 .1549 .4739 .3757 .3149
.66 .0160 .0449 .0458 .1242 .4489 .3363 .2674
.70 .0103 .0335 .0344 .0960 .4246 .2961 .2205
.72 .0080 .0277 .0297 .0829 .4127 .2755 .1973
.74 .0061 .0229 .0257 .0705 .4009 .2546 .1743
.75 .0052 .0209 .0237 .0646 .3951 .2441 .1629
.76 .0045 .0189 .0217 .0589 .3893 .2334 .1517
.78 .0032 .0149 .0177 .0481 .3779 .2117 .1294
.80 .0022 .0109 .0137 .0381 .3666 .1895 .1077
.82 .0014 .0069 .0097 .0291 .3554 .1666 .0867
.84 .0008 .0029 .0057 .0210 .3444 .1430 .0666
.86 .0004 .0006 .0023 .0140 .3336 .1183 .0477
.88 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0081 .3228 .0924 .0304
.90 5E-5 .0001 .0003 .0037 .3123 .0646 .0156
.92 6E-6 1E-5 3E-5 .0009 .3019 .0338 .0044
.93 5E-7 5E-7 4E-6 .0002 .2967 .0161 .0010

q 64

Lower bounds Upper bounds

.0001.9936.9994.8570.9995.9994 .9997 .9998.9998.9999

.001 .9828.9955.8561.9958.9948 .9971 .9985.9985.9995
.01 .9087.9661.8471.9680.9589 .9766 .9874.9874.9941
.02 .8493.9361.8371.9441.9294 .9565 .9766.9765.9876
.04 .7569.8883.8171.9041.8703 .9198 .9565.9561.9734
.06 .6830.8483.7971.8641.8203 .8857 .9377.9369.9582
.08 .6203.8083.7771.8241.7809 .8533 .9198.9183.9423
.10 .5658.7683.7571.7841.7416 .8222 .9025.9002.9258
.12 .5173.7283.7371.7441.7022 .7922 .8857.8824.9089
.14 .4738.6883.7171.7171.6628 .7632 .8693.8649.8916
.16 .4344.6483.6971.6971.6234 .7349 .8533.8477.8738
.18 .3985.6083.6771.6771.5841 .7073 .8376.8306.8558
.20 .3657.5683.6571.6571.5447 .6804 .8222.8136.8374
.24 .3077.4883.6171.6171.4825.6284.6284 .7922.7800.7998
.28 .2582.4343.5771.5771.4431.5797.5785 .7632.7465.7611
.32 .2157.3943.5371.5371.4038 .5305 .7349.7132.7216
.36 .1792.3543.4971.4971.3644 .4842 .7073.6799.6811
.40 .1477.3143.4571.4571.3250 .4397 .6804.6465.6399
.44 .1206.2743.4171.4171.2856 .3967 .6541. 6128.5980
.48 .0973.2343.3771.3771.2462 .3553 .6284.5788.5553
.50 .0870.2143.3571.3571.2266 .3352 .6157.5616.5337
.54 .0686.1743.3171.3171.1872 .2961 .5908.5270.4901
.58 .0531.1343.2771.2771.1478 .2586 .5663.4917.4458
.62 .0402.0943.2371.2371.1084 .2227 .5423.4557.4010
.66 .0295.0543.1971.1971.0691 .1884 .5188.4188.3556
.70 .0208.0290.1571.1571.0297 .1558 .4956.3807.3097
.72 .0172.0253.1371.1371.0100.1402.1402 .4842.3612.2865
.74 .0140.0217.1171.1171 .1250 .4730.3413.2633
.76 .0112.0181.0971.0971 .1104 .4618.3210.2400
.78 .0088.0144.0771.0771 .0963 .4507.3001.2166
.80 .0067.0124.0571.0571 .0827 .4397.2787.1931
.82 .0050.0104.0371.0371 .0698 .4288.2567.1697
.84 .0035.0083.0171.0171 .0575 .4180.2338.1462
.86 .0024.0065 .0065 .0459 .4073.2101.1229
.88 .0015.0048 .0048 .0351 .3967.1852.0997
.90 .0009.0035 .0035 .0252 .3862.1588.0769
.92 .0004.0022 .0023 .0165 .3758.1305.0546
.94 .0002.0012 .0013 .0090 .3655.0995.0334
.96 3E-5.0002 .0003 .0033 .3553.0638.0143
.98 2E-7 4E-7 2E-6 .0001 .3452.0170.0009

q 256

Lower bounds Upper bounds

.0001.9938.9996.9932.9996.9995 .9997 .9999.9999.9999

.001 .9844.9965.9323.9968.9956 .9976 .9987.9987.9996
.01 .9173.9722.9233.9761.9687 .9799 .9893.9893.9950
.02 .8622.9522.9133.9561.9445 .9623 .9799.9798.9891
.04 .7751.9122.8933.9161.9047 .9297 .9623.9620.9761
.06 .7046.8722.8733.8761.8649 .8991 .9457.9450.9621
.08 .6443.8322.8533.8533.8250 .8698 .9297.9284.9474
.10 .5912.7922.8333.8333.7852 .8414 .9142.9122.9321
.12 .5438.7522.8133.8133.7477.8142.8139 .8991. 8962.9162
.14 .5010.7267.7933.7933.7277 .7871 .8843.8804.9000
.16 .4619.7067.7733.7733.7078 .7608 .8698.8648.8833
.18 .4261.6867.7533.7533.6879 .7351 .8555.8492.8664
.20 .3931.6667.7333.7333.6680 .7099 .8414.8337.8491
.24 .3344.6267.6933.6933.6281 .6608 .8139.8028.8136
.28 .2838.5867.6533.6533.5883 .6133 .7871. 7719.7771
.32 .2399.5467.6133.6133.5484 .5672 .7608.7409.7397
.36 .2016.5067.5733.5733.5086 .5224 .7351.7098.7014
.40 .1683.4667.5333.5333.4688 .4789 .7099.6784.6622
.44 .1393.4267.4933.4933.4289 .4366 .6851. 6466.6223
.50 .1028.3667.4333.4333.3691 .3754 .6488.5980.5609
.54 .0826.3267.3933.3933.3293 .3360 .6250.5648.5191
.58 .0652.2867.3533.3533.2895 .2977 .6016.5309.4765
.62 .0504.2467.3133.3133.2496 .2607 .5786.4961. 4333
.66 .0380.2067.2733.2733.2098 .2249 .5559.4603.3892
.70 .0277.1667.2333.2333.1699 .1903 .5335.4231. 3,445
.72 .0233.1467.2133.2133.1500 .1736 .5224.4039.3219
.74 .0193.1267.1933.1933.1301 .1572 .5114.3843.2990
.76 .0158.1067.1733.1733.1102 .1412 .5005.3643.2760
.78 .0127.0867.1533.1533.0902 .1255 .4897.3436.2527
.80 .0100.0667.1333.1333.0703 .1103 .4789.3223.2293
.82 .0077.0467.1133.1133.0504 .0956 .4682.3003.2057
.84 .0057.0267.0933.0933.0305 .0813 .4576.2774.1819
.86 .0041.0067.0733.0733.0105 .0676 .4471.2535.1579
.88 .0028.0041.0533.0533 .0545 .4366.2284.1337
.90 .0017.0028.0333.0333 .0420 .4262.2017.1094
.92 .0010.0018.0133.0133 .0304 .4159.1729.0849
.94 .0005.0010 .0010 .0197 .4057.1414.0604
.96 .0002.0005 .0005 .0104 .3955.1055.0362
.98 2E-5.0001 .0001 .0030 .3854.0613.0132
.99 1E-6 2E-5 2E-5 .0006 .3803.0314.0033

A.3. Additional bounds

Here we give some numerical values for constant weight

codes and self-dual codes (cf. section 3.4.4).

A.3.1. Constant weight codes

In this table (borrowed form [Er/Zi 1]) two bounds for

constant weight codes are compared:
RG (W,c3) - the "Gilbert bound", i.e. the random choice

H (w)
- W· H
- (1 - w)· H (
2 2
13 2w )


the Ericson-Zinoviev bound obtained from

RTVZ for w = p-2m

For w = p -2m :S 1/81 the values of K = 1 - c3/2w are

given such that for any one

and the difference ~(w,c3) = REZ(W'o) - RG(w,o) is maximal

for 13 = 13 0 = 2w· (1 - Ko) the values REZ(w, 0 0 ) ,
R G (W,c3 o ) , ~(w,c3o) and (~(w,oo)/RG(W'oo» '100% are also

W K K K REZ(W'oO) RG(W,oO) fl(w,o ) %
1 2 0 0

81 .290 .482 .386 .02043 .01994 .00049 2.4

121 .250 .567 .385 .01630 .01512 .00117 7.7
169 .164 .609 .384 .01317 .01188 .00129 10.8
256 .127 .647 .383 .00989 .00870 .00118 13.6
289 .119 .657 .383 .00907 .00794 .00112 14.1
361 .105 .672 .383 .00771 .00670 .00101 15.0
529 .085 .694 .383 .00576 .00495 .00080 16.2
625 .078 .702 .382 .00506 .00434 .00072 16.6
729 .071 .709 .382 .00448 .00384 .00065 16.9
841 .066 .715 .382 .00400 .00342 .00058 17.0

A.3.2. Self-dual codes

since for any self-dual or quasi-se1f-dua1 code

R = 0.5 , their asymptotica1 behaviour is determined by the
value of 0. Here we give (for several different q) the
numerical values of the Scharlau bound

vq - 3

and (for comparison) those of the basic AG-bound and of the

Gi1bert-Varshamov bound, i.e. 0TVZ and 0GV such that

Let us recall that 0Sch is a lower bound for

quasi-se1f-dua1 codes and for q = 2 m it is a lower bound
for self-dual codes.

q 25 49 64 81 121 169 256 65536

0 .25 .3 .3333 .375 .4 .4231 .4960
.3113 .3375 .3462 .3532 .3639 .3718 .3805 .4382
.25 .3333 .3571 .375 .4 .4167 .4333 .4961

A.4. Sphere packings

We give here tables of densities for certain sphere

packings in [RN: for lattices with N::$ 8 (cf. section
5.1.1), for certain interesting famil ies of lattices (cf .
section 5.1.2) and for the asymptotic behaviour (cf.
sections 5.1.3, 5.2.2 and Chapter 5.4).

A.4.1. Small dimensions

The densest lattice packings are known in dimensions up

to 8. These are the root lattices


We give here approximate values of various parameters

which characterize the lattice density.

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
fJ. e (N) 1 0.907 0.740 0.617 0.465 0.373 0.295 0.254
8 e (N) 0.5 0.229 0.177 0.125 0.088 0.072 0.063 0.063
i\.e (N) 0 0.070 0.144 0.174 0.221 0.237 0.251 0.247
ve (N) -1 -1. 792 -2.5 -3 -3.5 3.792 -4 -4
'le(N) 1 1.155 1.260 1.414 1.516 1.665 1.811 2
8 e (N)-2 4 12 32 64 128 192 256 256

A.4.2. Certain families

Let us give the values of 5 (L N ) and 7(L N ) for some

interesting lattices LN eRN:

LN 5 (L N ) '¥(L N )

7l.N 2- N 1

-N/2 2
v'N + r !IN + i

-N/2 2
DN ' N ~ 3
-N/2 2
EN' 4 :s N :s 8
v'9 - N !J9 - N

2- N/2
rN ' N ~ 8, 2
N - o (mod 4)

A 1 4

A.4.3. Asymptotic results

We give the best known to us asymptotic bounds for the

densi ty of sphere packings in rRN for N ~ to (cf .
sections 5.1.3 and 5.2.2):

r r t
-pol :s 2.30 -exp :s 1. 30 ----+ :s 1.30

l' ·I'
-pol :s 2.30 -exp :s 1

:s 1

Xpol :s 1.31 Xexp :s 1 I X :s 1

X ~ 0.599

Here means ~ and

where the limit is taken over all families of packings {PN}

with N ~ to ;

Xl is defined in the same way for lattice packings;


~pol is defined in the same way for families with

polynomial construction complexity;
-pol is the same for polynomial families of lattices;
~exp -exp
and At are the same for exponential families;
-pol -exp
~T' AT and AT are the same for T-lattices.

The bound ~ ~ 0.599 is the Kabatiansky-Levenstein

bound; the bound ~:S ~t :S 1 is the Minkowski bound; the
bound ~~xp:s 1 is due to Rush; all other bounds are due to
Litsyn and Tsfasman.

Recall that for additive number field lattices we have

A < 2.22 (Tsfasman) and for multiplicative algebraic-
geometric congruence lattices we have A < 1.39 (Rosenbloom
and Tsfasman) .

It is quite impossible to give a comprehensive list of

books and papers on all topics discussed in the book. We
have taken the following way: here is the list of nearly
everything we know on algebraic-geometric codes and a few
titles on algebraic geometry, number theory, codes, and
packings. Further references on codes are listed in [MW/Sl),
on packings in [Co/51], on algebraic geometry in [Ha].

[Aa 1) M.J.Aaltonen, Notes on the asymptotic behaviour of

the information rate of block codes, IEEE Trans. Info.Theory,
IT-30 (1984), 84-85.

A new upper bound on non- bi nary block

[Aa 2) M. J. Aa 1 tonen,
codes, in: studies in honor of A.Tietavainen (1987), 7-39.
[Ab) Abrege d'histoire des Mathematiques,1700-1900 (sous la
direction de J.Dieudonne), v. 1-2, Hermann, Paris, 1979.

[Ah/Ho/Ul] A.Aho, J.Hopcroft, J.Ullman, The design and

analysis of computing algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
MA, 1974.

Weierstrass points at
[At] A. O. L. Atkin, cusps of
Ann.Math., 85:1 (1967), 42-45.


[Ba/Ka/Ts] A.M.Barg, G.L.Katsman, M.A.Tsfasman, Algebraic-

geometric codes on curves of small genus, Probl.Info.Trans.,
23 (1987), 34-38.

[Ber 1] Key papers in the development of coding theory

(E.R.Berlekamp, editor), IEEE Press, NY, 1974.
[Ber 2] E.R.Berlekamp, Algebraic coding theory, Mc Graw-
Hill, NY, 1968.

[Bet] Th.Beth, Some aspects of coding theory between

probability, algebra, combinatorics and complexity theory,
In: Combinatorial Theory, Lect.Notes Math., 969 (1982),

[Bl/Z] E.L.Blokh, Linear

V.v.Zyablov, concatenated codes,
Nauka, Moscow, 1982 (in Russian) •

[Bor/Shf] Z.I.Borevich, I.R.Shafarevich, Number theory,

Acad. Press, NY, 1966.

[Bos] A.Bos, Sphere packings in high dimensional space,

Preprint, 1980.

[Bos/Co/Sl] A.Bos, J.H.Conway, N.J.A.Sloane, Further lattice

packings in high dimensions, Mathematika, 29:2 (1982),

[Brou] M.Broue, Codes correcteurs d'erreur auto-orthogonaux

sur Ie corps a
deux elements et formes quadratiques entieres
definies positives a discriminant +1 Discrete Math., 17
(1977), 247-269.

[Car] P.Cartier, Une nouvelle operation sur les formes

differentieles, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 244 (1957), 476-478.
[Cas] J.W.S.Cassels, introduction
An to the geometry of
numbers, Springer, Berlin e.a., 1959.
[Cheb] N.G.Chebotarev, Introduction to the theory of
algebraic functions of one variable, Moscow, 1948 (in
Russian) .

[Chev] C.Chevalley, Introduction to the theory of algebraic

functions of one variable, Math.Surv., nOVI, AMS, NY, 1951.
[Co/Sl] J.H.Conway, N.J.A.Sloane, Sphere packings, lattices
and groups, Springer, NY, 1988.

[De/Hu] P.Deligne, D.Husemoller, Drinfeld modular curves,

Contemp.Math., 67 (1987), 25-91.

[De/Ra] P.Deligne, M.Rapoport, Schemas des modules de

courbes elliptiques, Lect. Notes Math., 349 (1973), 163-315.

[Deu] M.Deuring, Die Typen der Multiplikatorenringe

elliptischer Funktionenkorper, Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg, 14
(1941), 197-272.

[Die] J.Dieudonne, Cours de Geometrie Algebrique, I, Aper~u

Historique sur Ie Developpement de la Geometrie Algebrique,
Press Univ. France, Collection Sup., 1974.

[Dr 1] Y.Driencourt, Une exemple de codes geometriques: les

codes elliptique, Traitement du Signal, 4:2 (1987), 147-153.

[Dr 2] Y.Driencourt, Some properties of elliptic codes over

a field of characteristic 2 , Lecture Notes in Comp.Sc., 229
(1985) .

[Dr/Mi 1] Y.Driencourt, J.F.Michon, Elliptic codes over

fields of characteristic 2, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 45
(1987), 15-39.

[Dr/Mi 2] Y.Driencourt, Remarques sur les codes

geometriques, C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris, 301 (1985), 15-17.

[Dr/Mi 3] Y. Dr iencourt, J. F. Michon, Rapport sur I es codes

geometriques, Preprint, 1986.

[Dr/St] Y.Driencourt, H. Stichtenoth, A criterion for self-

duality of geometric codes, Commun. Alg., 17:4 (1989),

[Drf 1] V.G.Drinfeld, Elliptic modules, I,II. Math. USSR

Sbornik, 23:4 (1974), 561 - 592; 31:2 (1977), 159 - 170.

[Drf 2] V. G. Drinfeld, Unpublished manuscript on the

Langlands conjecture for GL(2), 1985 (in Russian).

[Drf/Vl] S.G.Vladu,\:, Number of points of an

algebraic curve, Func.Anal. 17 (1983), 53-54.
[Ell] N.D.Elkies, Letters to N.J.A.Sloane, Aug.15, Sept.15,

[El 2] N.D.Elkies, On Hordell-Weil lattices, 29. Mathemati-

sche Arbeitstagung, Juni 1990.

[Er/Zi 1] T.Ericson, V.A.Zinoviev, An improvement of the

Gilbert bound for constant weight codes, IEEE Trans. Info.
Theory, IT-33:5 (1987), 721-722.

[Er/Zi 2] V.A.Zinoviev, T.Ericson, On concatenated constant

weight codes ameliorating the Varshamov-Gilbert bound,
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Author Index

M.J.Aaltonen 93,631 R.Dedekind 257,512

N.-H.Abel 257,511,512 P.Deligne 259,513,633
A.Aho 631 M.Deuring 258,259,512,633
E.Artin 257 J.Dieudonne 256,633,635
A.c.L.Atkin 513,631 Diophantos 256,257
E.P.Baranovskii 641 Y.Driencourt 386,387,633
A.M.Barg xv,387,632 V.G.Drinfeld xv,259,513,596,
L.A.Bassalygo 93 H.Elbr0nd Jensen 636
E.R.Berlekamp 632 P.Elias 93
Th.Beth 632 N.Elkies 596,634
H.F.Blichfeldt 594,595 T.Ericson 388,634
E.L.Blokh 93,632 L.Euler 257
Z.I.Borevich 632 G.C.di Fagnano 257
A.Bos 595,632 L.Fejes T6th 594,634
R.C.Bose 92 P.Fermat 257
M.Broue 632 N.Fliorova xvi
P.Cartier 258,632 G.D.Forney, Jr. 93,634
J.W.S.Cassels 632 R.Fueter 512
N.G.Chebotarev 632 W.Fulton 634
C.Chevalley 633 E.Galois 512
R.F.A.Clebsch 257 K.F.Gauss 594
J.H.Conway 595,632,633 G. van der Geer 634


E.N.Gilbert 92 N.Koblitz 636

A.M. Gleason 93 H.V.Koch 636
E.S.Golod 595,635 A.M.Korkine 594
V.D.Goppa xv,386,387,596, V.Yu.Krachkovskii 387,637
D.Goss 635 L.Kronecker 512
P.A.Griffiths 635 G.Lachaud xv,637
B.Gross 635 S.Lang 512,637,638
A.Grothendieck 258,635 R.Langlands 512
R.V.Hamming 92 D.Larner xvi
J.P.Hansen 386,635 K.J.Larsen 636
J.Harris 635 D.Le Brigand 638
R.Hartshorne 635 J.Leech 594,638
H.Hasse 257,512 A.M. Legendre 512
A.Havem0se 636 H.W.Lenstra, Jr. 596,638
M.Hazewinkel xvi V.K.Leontiev 93
E.Hecke 512 V.I.Levenshtein 93,636,638
C.Hermit 512 J.H.van Lint 93,634,638
D.Hilbert 594 S.N.Litsyn xv,93,94,387,388,
J.W.P.Hirschfeld 635 R.Livne 636
A.Hocquenghem 92 S.P.Lloyd 93
T.H0holdt 636 F.J.MacWilliams 92,639
J.Hopcroft 631 Yu.I.Manin xv,93,386,387,639
C. HOUZlH 256 M.Martin-Deschamps 637
D.Husemoller 633,639 J.Martinet 595,639
Y.Ihara 259,636 B.Mazur 513,636
C.G.J.Jacobi 257,511,512 R.J.McEliece 93
H.Janwa 636 J.F.Michon 386,387,633,639
J.Justesen 93,387,636 J.Milnor 639
J.Kaashoek xvi C.J.Moreno 639,640
G.A.Kabatiansky 636 O.Moreno 639,640
L.Kadlubowich xvi I.Newton 594
G.L.Katsman xv,93,94,386- M.Noether 257
N.Katz 513,636 A.M.Odlyzko 596
F.Klein 512 R.Ogg 513,640

R.Pellikaan 388,640 D.Slepian 92

M.Perret 259,640 N.J.A.Sloane 92,595,632,633,
W.W.Peterson 640 F.K.Smidt 257
M.S.Pinsker 93 G.Solomon 92
G.Poitou 640 A.B.S0rensen 643
S.Porter 388,640 G.Springer 643
E.Prange 92 T.A.Springer 638
H.-G.Quebbemann 596,640,_ H.stichtenoth 386,387,633,
641 635,643,644
M.Rapoport 259,513,633 K.O.Stohr 644
D.K.Ray-Chaudhuri 92 J.Tate 644
!oS.Reed 92 A.Thue 594
G.F.B.Riemann 257,512 H.J.Tiersma 387,644
J.-J.Risler 638 A.Tietavainen 93
G.Roch 257 M.A.Tsfasman 93,94,259,386-
E.R.Rodemich 93 J.Ullman 631
C.A.Rogers 595,641 R.R.Varshamov 92
R.Rolland 641 S.G.Vladu~ 259,386-388,513,
P.Roquette 641 M.van der Vlugt 634,642
M.Yu.Rosenbloom xv,596,641 J.F.Voloch 644,645
H.-G.Rlick 641 C.Voss 644
H.C.Rumsey, Jr. 93 B.L.van der Waerden 258
J.A.Rush 595,641 W.C.Waterhouse 259,645
S.S.Ryskov 641 H.Weber 257,512
W.Scharlau 387,388,641 G.J.M.van Wee 640
B.Schoeneberg 258,641 L.R.Welch 93
R.Schoof 634,642 E.J.Weldon 640
J.-P.Serre 258,387,596,642 M.Wirtz 646
I.R.Shafarevich 256,595, A.Weil 256,258,596,645
B.Z.Shen 640 J.Wolfmann 637,646
G.Shimura 512,642 T.Zink xv,259,388,644,646
T.Shioda 596,642 V.A.Zinoviev 93,388,634,638
v.M.Sidelnikov 595 E.I.Zolotareff 594
A.N.Skorobogatov xv,387, v.V.Zyablov 93,632

abelian presheaf ..•.•• 240 algebraic surface ••••. 225

abelian variety •..•..• 132 alphabet ••..••.••..••.•• 6
absolute alphabet extension .••.• 64
class field ••••..••..• 561 alphabet restriction •.. 64
absolute invariant ..•• 197 alternant code .....•... 53
absolutely annihilator ........ ~ .. 218
irredicible curve •.••• 170
archimedean places .••. 558
absolute value ...•.... 557
arithmetic genus ...... 222
abstract variety ...... 248
asymptotic bounds ...... 72
addition morphism .•.•. 415
asymptotically good
adjoint curve .•.•••.•. 147
family of codes •...••.• 52
adjoint polynomial •.•• 222 68
affine closed set ..•.• 102 asymptotically good
family of lattices .•.. 531
affine scheme .••••...• 240
asymptotically standard
affine space .•.•.....• 102 family of lattices .... 125
affine variety ........ 109 atlas ..•.............. 135
AG-code .....••........ 265
algebra of function ...••.•....... 410
distributions ..•••••.• 150 automorphism group
algebraic curve .••..•. 115 of a code •••.•.••.••.•.. 9
algebraic-geometric automorphism of
code .••...••••.•••..•. 265 a curve ...••••••..••.. 148
algebraic group ..•.... 131 basic AG-bound ........ 351
algebraic integer •.•.. 552 basic algorithm
of decoding ...••...••. 335
number field .••..•..•. 551 basic construction .... 542


Bassalygo-Elias code of genus zero .•... 38

bound .•••......••.••..• 31 code vector ••.••.•...... 6
codimension •••••...... 105
BCH -code ..........••..• 50
BCH-code in the group scheme ......•... 417
narrow sense .....••..•. 50
complete curve ••...... 115
isomorphism ...•••••••. 109 complete linear
system ••••••••.....•.. 123
Blokh-Zyablov bound •..• 84
complete variety ...... 252
blow-up of a point •••• 227
complex embedding •.•.. 554
bounds of four .•••••••• 74
complex place .••.•.•.. 558
canonical class ...•.•. 144
complexity of
canonical curve .•.••.• 158 construction .•.....•... 79
cardinality of complexity of
a code ..•..•..••..••.••• 6 decoding .••.•..•....... 79
cartier divisor ....••. 126
complexity of
cartier operator •••••• 166 encoding •••••.••....... 79
centre density ..•••••• 552 concatenation .••.•....• 63
centre of a point .•••• 251 concordant
trivializations ....... 289
"characteristic" •••••• 437
conductor of an
class field tower •.••• 562 extension ••.••........ 218
class group .•..••.•••• 559 conductor of
class number .•.•.••••• 560 a curve ••••••••....... 220
Clifford theorem ...... 163 congruence codes ...... 589
closed embedding ...•.. 247 congruence
closed set ..•...••..•. 102 subgroup ••••••••...••. 398
103 constant (pre)scheaf .. 241
closed subscheme .•••.• 247 construction of
closure (in spectra) •• 237 AG-codes •.••••.•...••. 266
coarse contravariant
moduli scheme •••••••.. 419 functor •••.•••.••....• 254
code .....•..•..•••....•. 6 correcting pair •...•.. 347
code domains .•..••..... 68 co-tangent space .....• 111
code from an curve •••••.••..•••.••• 115
embedded pair ......•••• 61 cyclic code •••.•••..••. 47
code of genus
decoding map ••••...•••.. 7
at most g ••••••••••••• 16

decoding of divisor of a form ..••. 128

concatenated codes •.•.• 64 divisor of
decoding up to t ....... 7 a function •........•.. 120
degenerate code .•...... ll divisor of a
hyperplane section .... 128
degree of a curve ..... 128
divisor of poles ...... 12l
degree of a divisor ... 120
divisor of zeroes
degree of a map ..•.... 120 of a function ......... 12l
degree of a divisor of zeroes
number field ....•..... 551 of a section ..•.•..••. 126
density ••••.•......•.. 520 129
densityexponent •••... 522 domain .....••...•.••.. 216
designed distance ...•.• 50 dominant map ...•...... 108
268 Drinfeld modular
designed dimension ..•. 268 curve ...••.....•...... 444
desingularization Drinfeld-Vladu~ bound.18l
tree ............•..... 230 dual code ......•....... 15
determinant.of a
dual isogeny •.••.....• 200
lattice ..•••••...•.•.. 521
duallattice ...•...•.. 523
different •••••••••••.. 560
diagonal morphism ..... 248
[n,k,d]q-system •....... ll
differential •••.•....• 142
dual projective
differential criterion
of non-singularity .... 116 [n,k,d]q-sy stem ....•... 12
differential form ..... 142 duality theorem ....•.. 154
dimension •..•....•••.. 105 effective divisor ..•.. 120
239 elliptic code ...•..... 299
direct sum of codes .... 60
elliptic curve ........ 19l
discrete valuation .... 118
elliptic function ..•.. 211
of a lattice .•..••..•. 52l elliptic module
(over a field) ....•••. 438
of a number field ..... 555 elliptic module
over a scheme .•....... 444
encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
of an extension .•...•. 560
distribution .....•.... 150 enumerator .•..•........ 14
divisor .••..•..•.•..•. 120
absolute values ....... 558
divisor of double
equivalent codes ......•• 9
points ••••.••.••...•.. 220

equivalent divisors ••. 121 field of rational

functions ••••••.•••... l06
equivalent 170
(fractional) ideals ••. 559 finite
equivalent Icharacteristic" .•.•.. 437
[n,k,d]q-systems .•••••• l0 finite place .......•.. 559
equvivalent form ..••..••.•........ 103
projective formally self-dual
[n,k,d]q-systems ....•.• l0 code ••.•••••..•...•...• 24
erasure ••.•••..•...••.• 64. fractional ideal ...... 559
erasure locators •.•.••• 65 free action ••••...•... 339
erasure vector ••..••••• 65
free product .•••..•... 403
error locators .•..•.••• 42
65 endomorphism •••...•... 207
Frobenius map •.•.••... 159
error vector .•.•...•..• 65
evaluation map .•..•.••• 38 function field
lattices ••••••••.•.... 578
266 functions on spectra .• 238
even lattice ••••...... 529 functor ••••••••...•... 254
exact differential fundamental basis •.... 554
form •.....••..••..•••• 167
fundamental local
exact sequence •.•.•••. 151 invariants ••••.•.•••.. 218
existence bounds ..•.•• 528 qap ••••••••••••••..... 163
exponential family general
of packings ••.•.•••.•. 533 Icharacteristic" ..••.. 437
expurgation bound ...•. 363 generalized
family of concatenation •.•..••..• 63
(local) lattices •...•. 125 generalized Reed-
Solomon code •••.•.••••. 41
family of lattices .•.. 531
family of packings •••• 531 generator matrix
of a code ••••.•...•...•• 8
family of vector
spaces ••.•.•••.••.•••• 112 generator matrix
of a lattice ••..•.•••. 520
Fermat curves ...•..... 344 generator
fibre of a bundle •..•. 112 polynomial .....••...•.. 47
fibre of a family ..... 112 generic point ...•..... 238
126 genus ...••.••..•...... 133
fibre of a 138
scheme morphism .....•• 251 143
field descent •.•....••. 63 geometric fibre ••..... 251

geometric point ••••.•• 251 hyperelliptic point ••. 165

g-family of codes •••••• 91 image of a
rational map •••••.•••• 108
Gilbert bound ••••.••••• 35
Gilbert-Varshamov class field tower ••.•• 562
bound ..•.•••••••••..••• 34
76 infinite place ........ 558
Gilbert-Varshamov infinitely close
curve •••••••.•••••••••• 75 points .•••••••••••••.. 229
global field .••••••••• 551 inner code •••••••••••.. 62
global section •••••.•• 240 integral closure •••••• 216
Golay codes ••••••••.•.. 54 integral function .••.. 443
good codes ••••••••••••• 68
integral scheme ••.•••• 248
good family
integrally closed
of packings ••••••••.•• 531
ring .................. 216
good reduction ..•••••• 235
inverse image
Goppa codes •••.•••.•..• 53 of a divisor ••••...•.. 127
graph of a map •••••.•. 235 inversion morphism .•.. 416
Griesmer bound ••••••••• 28 invertible sheaf ••.••. 252
group algebra •••••••••• 58 irreducible
group code ••••••••••••• 58 components •••••.•••... l05
H-construction ••••••.• 272
irreducible set •••••.. 104
Hamming bound ••••••••.• 30
elliptic curves ••••••. 202
Hamming codes •••....•.• 45
isogenous elliptic
Hamming metric .••••••••• 6 modules ••••••••.•••... 439
height function •••.••. 576 isogeny ••••••••••.•••. 200
height of a field •••.• 576 isogeny of
Hermitian codes ••••••• 317 elliptic modules ••••.• 439

Hermitian curves •••••. 317 isomorphism of

algebraic varieties •.• 109
hermitian product ••••.• 15
j-invariant ••••••••... 197
hexagonallattice ••••. 523
Jacobian •••••••••••.•. 133
Hilbert class-field ... 561
Justesen codes •.•••••.. 54
homomorphism of
elliptic modules •••.•. 439 k-divisor •••.••.•••... 172
Hurwitz formula ••••••. 159 k-map •••••••••••••.•.. 175
hyperelliptic codes ••. 322 k-morphism •••••••••... 175
hyperelliptic curve ••• 157 k-point ••••••••••••••. 171

k-rational divisor .... 172 local ring of

a point •.•.•....•..••. 110
k-rational point •..... 171
localization •..•...•.. 239
k-rational map ..•..•.• 175 242
Kabatyansky- locally ringed
Levenshtein bound •.... 531 space ..•.••.•......... 244
Klein quartic .•.•..... 326 logarithmic
Krawtchouk differential form .•... 167
polynomial •••..••...... 32 log-cardinality
Kroneckerian of a code ••••...•...•••• 6
product of codes •..•••• 60 MacWilliams identity ... 16
L-construction •••.•..• 266 mass-formula (for
lattice (in ~N) ••••••• 520 Weierstrass points) .•. 164
lattice (in Ie) •••••••• 211 mass-formula (for
lattice (local) ••..•.. 125 values) •••••......•... 204
lattice (non- maximum curve ..•...... 317
archimedean) .•.•••.... 442
maximum likelihood ...... 7
lattice packing .•.•... 520
maximalorder ......... 552
Laurent series
expansion •••••••.••... 117 McEliece-Rodemich-
Ramsey-Welch bound ..... 74
Leech lattice •••••••.. 529
MDS-code .•••....•.•...• 12
Legendre modulus •.•... 194
minimum distance
length of a code .•....•• 6 of a code .••••••..•..•.. 6
level structure ••.•... 417 minimum distance
line bundle •••••..••.• 113 of a sphere packing ... 520
linear code •••••......•• 8 Minkowski bound .•..... 531
modified algorithm
linear programming of decoding •...•.•.... 337
bound ......••.•..••...• 33
modular curve ....•.... 401
linear system ••••••... 123
modular equation ..••.. 412
linearly equivalent modular group ..••..•.. 396
divisors .••••.•••.•••. 121
moduli scheme of
local homomorphism •... 244 elliptic curves ....•.. 418
local invariants ....•. 218 moduli varieties ...•.. 413
local monoidal monoidal
transformation .•...... 227 transformation •....... 225
local parameter ...•... 116 morphism of
algebraic groups ...... 202
local ring •••..••...•. 110

morphism of commuta- number field •••••.••.. 551

tive group schemes .... 417 number field codes ••.. 570
morphism of families O-construction •..•.•.. 269
of vector spaces ...... 113
open set .•....•....... l03
morphism of functors .. 254
order ..•..•....•...... 203
morphism of 552
locally ringed spaces.244
order of zero .••..•... 119
morphism of
(pre) scheves ••.......• 242
order of pole .•.•..... 119
morphism of relative 131
dimension n ...•••.•• 251
ordinary elliptic
morphism of schemes ••. 245 curve •.•••.•••.••.•..• 201
morphism of varieties.l07
outer code •••..•••.•... 62
P-construction .....••. 275
congruence lattices ... 583
~-function ..•...•..... 212
multiplicative function
field lattices ..••...• 578 packing .••............ 519
multiplicative number parity-check .•.....•... 62
field lattices •.•••••. 575
parity-check code .••.•. 38
mUltiplicative system.242 parity-check matrix ••... 8
mUltiplicity of
a point ..••.•.••.••••. 228 polynomial .••.•••.••..• 47
[n,k,d]q-Code •..••..•..• 6 pasting of codes ••..... 61
[n,k,d]q-system .••.•••.. 9 perfect code •••••.••..• 57
n-set .•...•.•.......... 12
perfect field ..•••.... 170
nil-radical .•......... 238
period lattice •....•.. 211
Picard group ....•..... 114
(A~+BW)-theorem .••.•.. 223
place •.•••••.•••..•.•. 559
Noether ring ••.•••.••. 239
Plotkin bound •••••.•..• 29
Noether theorem •••.••• 158
polynomial family
non-archimedean place.559
of codes ••••••••.••..•• 80
non-degenerate code •... ll polynomial family
non-gap .•••.•...•.•... 163 of lattices •.•••.••... 533
non-singular.curve .... lll polynomial family
of packings ..••....... 533
norm •..•.••.•......... 554
560 polynomially
decodable family ••..... 81
normal curve .•..•.•.•. 216
positive divisor ••..•. 120
normalization ..•••••.. 217

power of a code •...•... 60 quasi-projective

scheme ..••.•.......•.. 248
power series
expansion .•••••••.••.. 117 quasi-projective
set ••.•.•••••.••..•... 104
presheaf ••.•••.•••••.. 240
primitive BCH-code ••..• 50 variety •••••..•....... 104
principle congruence quasi-self-dual
subgroup •••••...••.... 397 code . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 23
quaternion algebra .... 203
principal divisor .••.. 121
product of line
divisor •••••..••.••... 160
bundles ••••••••••.••.. 114
ramification index .•.. 130
product of schemes ••.. 247
product of ramification point .•.. 129
varieties ..••••••.••.. 111 ramified map ...•..•... 129
projective closed rank of an elliptic
set .....••..•..••..•.. 103 module ...••••.•....... 439
projective closure ••.. 103 rank of non-
projective curve •.••.. 115 archimedean lattice ... 443

projective line ra te •..••.••..•.•.•..... 6

over a ring •••••••••.. 250 rational
projective differential form ..•.. 144
[n,k,d]q-sy stem ••.••..• 10 rational function ..... 106
projective space •.•... 102 rational map .......... 107
projective structure .. 419 rational variety ...•.. 109
projective variety ••.. 104 real embedding •••..•.. 554
projectively real place . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
normal curve ..•.•..•.. 158
reduced spectrum ...... 238
proper inverse
reducible curve ....... 115
image .........•••.••.. 226
reducible set ......•.. 104
proper morphism ...••.. 252
proper scheme .•••..... 252 Reed-Muller codes
of the first order ..... 44
proper variety .••.••.. 252
Reed-Muller codes
q-ary code .•..•••..•..•. 6 of order r ........... 46
q-expansion •.••••.••.. 410 Reed-Solomon codes ..... 39
quadratic-residue regular function ...... 106
code ............••.•... 52
regular map . . . . . . . . . . . l07
quasi-cyclic codes •.... 52
regular point .•....... l11
quasi-projective 239
curve •..•..••.•••.•... 115 regular ring ..•...•... 239

regulator .••.•••..•..• 557 semi-local ring ..•.••. 218

relative decoding separated scheme ••..•. 248
distance ..•...•...•... 381
set of zeroes
relative elliptic of a section ••..••.••. 113
curve ..•.•............ 415 sheaf •...•.•••..•...•. 240
relative dimension •... 251 sheaf of rational
relative minimum functions •.•.•.•...... 241
distance •••...••.•....•. 6 sheaf of regular
repetition code ...•.... 38 functions •.•••.....••. 241
repetition sheaf of rings .•••.••. 243
of a code •...••.•••.... 61
shortening by the
representable distance .••.••.••••.... 61
functor ..•....•...•... 255
shortening by the
residue forrnula ........ 40 dual distance ••••...... 62
153 simple point ..••...... 111
residue map ...•........ 40
simplest construction
of a lattice •..•.•.••. 539
residue of a
simplest cuspidal
differential forrn •..•. 152
point ••.••..•••••••... 219
residue of
a function ••.••.•••..•. 40 simplest double
point ••••••••••••..••. 219
restriction map .••...• 240
restriction singularity •••••...•.. 219
of a sheaf •..•...•..•. 245
singleton bound •...••.• 27
Riemann hypothesis .••. 176
singular point ••...... 111
Riemann-Roch theorem .. 150
smooth point •..••..••. 111
Riemann surface .•.•..• 135
smooth variety ••...... 111
ring of integers .•.... 552
space associated to
ring of non- a divisor •••.•.••.•••. 122
polynomials ••...••.•.. 437 special divisor ..••••. 162
ringed space ...•...... 244 special linear
group ..•••••••••....•. 396
root lattices ..••..... 526
spectrum of a code ..... 14
scheme ..•............. 245
spectrum of a ring •••• 237
section of a
line bundle .•.......•. 113 sphere packing ••..•... 519

section of a sphere packing

(pre)sheaf .•••..•.•.•. 240 bound •...•••..•.•...•.. 30

self-dual code .••...•.• 23 spoiling ••••.•••.•••..• 27

spoiling lemma •..••.•.. 26

stalk of a (pre)sheaf.241 trivial codes .......... 38

structure of trivialization ..•..... 273
level N ••••••••••••• 417 uniformization .•••.... 213
structure of unimodular lattice .•.. 523
level I •...••.••.••. 445
unit •.•••••••...••.•.. 556
structure sheaf ..•.•.. 241
subfield extension .•••..••..•.. 561
restriction ....••...... 62
unramified map .......• 129
elliptic curve .•••.•.. 201 valuation ring ....•... 118
supersingular value of a
elliptic module •••••.. 460 rational function ..... 106
support •..•••..••.•••. 120 value of a section .... 126
syndrome .•..•..•....... 42 Varshamov procedure .... 35
T-Iattice .......••.... 541 variety •..•...•...•... 104
tamely ramified map ... 161 weight enumerator •••... 14
tangent space .•...••.. 111 weight of
239 a codeword •...••........ 8
tensor power weight of a point ..... 164
of a code .••..••••••..• 60 Weierstrass normal
tensor product form ••••.••••.....•... 199
of codes .•••.•••••••..• 60
totally complex •••.••• 559 ~-function ........•... 212

totally ramified ...... 408 Weierstrass point .•... 164

totally real ...•••.•.. 559 Weierstrass weight •... 164
tower of modular Weil theorem .......... 176
curves .•..•••••..•••.. 402
Weil pairing ...•...... 414
trace .••.•••..••••••.. 553
560 Zarisky topology ...... 104
trace of Frobenius ••.• 207 236
zero section ..•...•... 415
transmission rate .•.•..• 6
transpose (of an zeta-function .••.•.•.. 176
isogeny) ..•...•...•.•. 200 Zyablov bound •.•.•..... 83
List of symbols

The list of notation used in our book is divided into

the following parts:

A. General notation.
B. Coding theory.

c. Algebraic geometry.
D. AG-codes.
E. Modular curves.
F. Sphere packings.

G. Number theory.

section B corresponds to Part 1, section c - to Part 2,

section D - to Part 3, section E - to Part 4, Sections F and
G - to Part 5. All notation except that of section A is
defined in the section where it appears for the first time.

A. General notation

A c B proper subset A :;I: B ) ;

A ~ B subset (the case A=B is not excluded);

A ~B injective map;
empty set;

IMI cardinality of a set;

fog composition of maps;

Im I{> image of a map;

Ker I{> kernel of a map;

IN set of all non-negative integers;

7l ring of integers;

ill field of rational numbers;

IR field of real numbers;

It: field of complex numbers;

ill field of p-adic numbers;

IFq finite field of q = p elements;

7l/n ring of residues modulo n ;

fal integer part;

laf upper integer part;

Re z real part of zeit:

Im z complex part of zeit:

(~) binomial coefficient;

I{>(n) Euler function;

J.l(n) Mobius function;

lim inf lower limit of a real sequence;

lim sup upper limit of a real sequence;

L/K field extension;

[L:K] degree of an extension;

Gal (L/K) Galois group of an extension;

L·K composite of fields;

k algebraic closure of a field;


char k characteristic of a field;

norm of a E L in the extension L/K

TrL/K(a) trace of a E L in L/K

k[T 1 ,··· ,Tn] ring of polynomials in n variables;

k(T1,···,T n ) field of rational functions in n variables;

k[[T , ••• ,T ]] ring of power series in n variables;

1 n
k«T1, ••• ,Tn » field of Laurent series in n variables;
deg f degree of a polynomial;
A * mUltiplicative group of invertible elements in a

IFq * multiplicative group of a finite field;

GL(n,A) general linear group of order n over a ring;
algebra of (n x n)-matrices over a ring;

V* dual linear space;

dimension of a linear space over a field;
V ®V
1 2
direct sum of spaces;
tensor product of spaces;
n-th power of a space (direct sums of n copies);
n-th tensor power (tensor product of n copies);
n-th symmetric power;

det L determinant of a linear operator;

G/H factor-group;
[G:H] index of a subgroup;
<g> cyclic group generated by g

isotropy group (stabilizer);

group ring;

(n primitive n-th root of unity;

~n group of n-th roots of unity;

~k group of roots of unity in a field;

X addive character.

B. Coding theory

Section 1. 1. 1: A d(a,b) ; q = IAI ;

M ICI; k ; d ; [n,k,d]q ; R = kin; c5 = din; lIall ; H .

Section 1.1.2. ~ ; mq(k) .

section 1.1.3. Ar(C) , WC(x:y) . WC(x) B. C.l. g


Section 1.2.1. Pi (x) ; Ev~ ; Res? ; Res~ Sj(V) .
Section 1.2.2. C
, C
, C
, C12 .
Section 1.2.3. C eC
1 2
; c l ; C ®C
1 2
; c®l ; (C
I C2 ) .
ylin ; u lin lin
section 1.3.1. Yq ; Uq ; a q ; q q

Section 1.3.2. Rp ; Hq ; RH ; RBE RL R4 R

R Gy
upol,lin a~Ol apol,lin
section 1.3.4. u qpol q q
Section 1.3.5. K. K. lin c5 c5 1in dq>
q q q q

C. Algebraic geometry

Section 2. 1. 1. IAn ; IP n ; p , Q ; IP (Y) ; X ; U ; X.


dim X ; codimxY ; k(X) ; k[X] ; f X ---+ Y ; Uf f * (g)

deg f ; IX ; Op ; mp ; ep X

Section 2.1. 2 • X x Y ; tp ; 8F(p)


section 2.1. 3 . D ; deg D ; Supp D ; Div(X) ; Divo(X)

Div+(X) ; (f) ; (f)o (f) ",; (F) ; P(X) ; Cl (X) = Pic (X)

Clo(X) = Pico(X) L(D) f. (D) IHI

HO(L) ; D . !l, At, N o (D) ; !l®At ;
s' *
({Ui},{f i }) ; , (D)
Section 2.1.4. GL(n) g(X) .

Section 2.1.5. Xan

Section 2.2.1. df; n[X] ; n(X) w n(D)
, * (w) ; Autk(X) ; X/H , X/<g> , Xg •

section 2.2.2. Resp(w) 'mK

section 2.2.3. Bf ; ep F.

Section 2.2.4. W(P) •

Section 2.2.5. C ,• Cq

section 2.3.1. X/k ; X(k) ; Homk(X,Y) .

section 2.3.2. Z(X,t) ; pet) w. H(X)

Nq(g) ; Bs •

section 2.3.3. A(q) •

section 2. 4 • 1. A •
section 2.4.2. j (E) •

section 2.4.3. ft v Hom(E,E' ) End(E)

End (E) ; H
section 2.4.4. EndW (E) , Frob .
Section 2.4.5. A ; W1 ,W 2 1: = W2 /W 1 'P(z);g,g.
2 3

Section 2.5.1. AL XV
Section 2.5.2. Cp np ~p D .
Section 2.5.3. Pa (X) •
Section 2.5.4. (j ; C' rQ ; rp .
section 2.6.2. Hax(A) Spec A ; k(p)

section 2.6.3. F(U); PUV .

section 2.6.4. OX; XIS ; XXSY •

section 2.6.5. (Sch); (Sch/S); (Ens) (Sets); H x / s .

D. AG-codes

section 3.1.1. (X,1',D)L; (X,1',D)n; k c ; d c ; (X,1"!£)H

section 3.2.2. H(n,1',h,a); H(H,h,a) ;H(H,a) •

section 3.3.2. S(H) ; s(H) ; So (P) .

section 3.4.1. '1q ; RTVZ RV ; RKTV

section 3.4.4. RLT ; RSV RSV ; R"


E. Modular curves

section 4. 1. 1. SL(2,Z); PSL(2,Z) r(l); r(N)

ro(N) ; r ; SL(2,Z/N) ; PSL(2,Z/N) ; Ez ; Yr ; Xr ; yeN)
X (N) ; Yo (N) ; Xo (N) Vm ; ~N gN; go(N) ; q; cm ; jN
~N(X,j) •

section 4.1. 2. e (s, t) ; aN; E/S; (EII/S) ; E(S)

Y(N)/Z[l/N] ; AN = Z[<N,l/N] ; Yp(N)/Z[l/N] Yo (N) /Z [l/N]
BN = KN " AN; X(N)jZ[l/N] Xp (N) /Z [l/N] ; Xo (N) /Z [l/N]
XN = Xo(N)/p ; X N= X(N)/p •

Section 4.1.3. s(p).

Chapter 4. 2 . C k ; k

section 4.2.1. "char" K ; K{,r} f/J; Hom(f/J,l/!)

End(f/J) ; AutK(f/J) ; j(f/J) ; Gf/J(B) T(f/J).

section 4.2.2. GI ; A M(I); M(I) Cusps (I)

reI) ; XCI) ; ro(I) r l (I) H(I); Xo(I) , Xl (I), C(I)
Cusps 0 (I) ; CUSPSl (I) FI(X,y); Xl(I); N(I); g(I)
No (I) ; go (I) ; Cusps (I) •

F. Packings

Section 5. 1. 1. P a(p) L ; det L ; discr L ; d(L)

VN 5 (P) ; A(P) ; v(P) a (N) A(N) ; at(N) ; At (N) ; LJ. .
section 5.1.2. AN ; DN ; EN ; rN ; A Co 0

Section 5.1.3. X Xt -pol

-pol Xexp -exp
At At

section 5.2.1. XT -pol -exp


G. Number theory

section 5.3.1.

Section 5.3.2.
k ; Ok ;
° ; 5, t; Dk Rk Cl k hk

DK/k ; :l)K/k K

Section 5.3.3. Os OF
Section 5.4.1. sf S
00 Evs .
Section 5.4.3. o(q,r) .

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