Trigonometric Functions Relate To Medicine

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“The Connection between Trigonometric Functions and Real

Life mainly in the Medical Field”

Audrey Janelle Chua

Janlie Charles Gautane

University of the East (Manila)


Prof. Lyza Luchico-Bautista

October 2019




I. Introduction

You might read of this for a lot of times but trust me, students until now keep on

questioning WHY, HOW and WHEN can we possibly use these branch of mathematics in our

future life, such as Functions, Graphs, Algebras, Logs and many more.

A teacher once told me that math is a language, math is all around. Math is easy if

you understand it not memorize it. It is indeed right! He also showed us the essence of learning

Math, told us that we use this in real life though some may not be visible.

Trigonometry is a part of mathematics that reviews the connection amongst lengths

and edges of triangles. "Trigonometry started as the computational segment of geometry. For

example, one explanation of plane geometry expresses that a triangle is controlled by a side and

two points. At the end of the day, given one side of a triangle and two points in the triangle, at

that point the other different sides and the rest of the edge are resolved. Trigonometry

incorporates the strategies for figuring those other different sides. The rest of the point is

anything but difficult to discover since the total of the three edges rises to 180 degrees (normally

composed 180°)"

The historical backdrop of trigonometry returns to as right on time as the second

thousand years BC in Egyptian science (Rhind Mathematical Papyrus). The subsequent society

to utilize trigonometry was the Babylonians (known for finding hypotheses and proportions).

The improvement of present day trigonometry moved during the western Age of Enlightenment
(Isaac Newton and James Stirling).It was Leonhard Euler who joined complex numbers into

trigonometry. In addition, Colin Maclaurin in the eighteenth century was essential in the

improvement of trigonometric arrangement. Without Trigonometry and Sinusoidal Waves there

would be a concession in the progressions of Cardiology, Neurology, and Pulmonology.

II. Body

CT Scans and Medical Imaging

In the medical, field, doctors make use of CT or CAT Scans or the Computed

Tomography Scan. According to Wikipedia, a CT scan makes use of computer-processed

combinations of many X-ray measurements taken from different angles to produce cross-

sectional (tomographic) images (virtual "slices") of specific areas of a scanned object, allowing

the user to see inside the object without cutting.

The results where the CT Scan output is found in a Sino gram. It is the graph of the

radon that transforms and looks like a series of blurred sine waves, each with different

amplitudes and periods


"Cardiology is the examination and treatment of clutters of the heart. It is a restorative

claim to fame which is engaged with the consideration of all things related with the heart and the

courses" (Nordist, 2013). The field incorporates therapeutic conclusion and treatment of intrinsic

heart surrenders, coronary corridor infection, cardiovascular breakdown, valvular coronary

illness, and electrophysiology. Doctors who have some expertise in this field of medication are
called cardiologists. Doctors who represent considerable authority in cardiovascular medical

procedure are called heart specialists (Nordist, 2013).

An ECG or EKG is a significant machine in Cardiology. An EKG

(electrocardiography) records heart action by power. Besides, an EKG demonstrates the speed of

a heartbeat, the normality of a heartbeat, and the quality and timing of electrical flag as they go

through each piece of your veins (Heart Disease Health Center 1). Specialists use EKGs to

recognize and contemplate numerous heart issues, for example, respiratory failures arrhythmias,

and cardiovascular breakdown. The test outcomes likewise can recommend different issue that

influence heart capacities (Heart Disease Health Center 4). A Dutch Indies Inventor Willem

Einthoven found the Electrocardiography machine in 1901 and got a Nobel harmony prize for his

work in 1924 (A (not really) brief history of electrocardiography 4). The Electrocardiography

machine records a diagram that speaks to Sine waves. The manner in which it does so is on the

grounds that a heartbeat is repetitious it establishes a pace for a cycle. The cycle has an adequacy
and a period consistently and can have vertical and even move. The x-pivot of the diagram is

time in milliseconds and the y-hub is spoken to by the voltage (adequacy). "Each1-mm-division

on the even pivot is 40 ms; every 5-mm-division is 200 ms. Two 5-mm-divisions on the vertical

pivot are aligned to speak to 1 mV.


The whole musculo-skeletal framework reacts powerfully to stresses and strains

applied to it. Reestablishing typical biomechanics adds to the ordinary capacity that guarantees

that physiological burdens and strains are safeguarded. Proper preoperative arranging is required

to reestablish ordinary biomechanics at reconstructive medical procedure. Compelling

preoperative arranging relies upon the capacity to reproducibly make exact estimations of lengths

and edges from plain radiographs. Estimation has turned into a vital piece of orthopedics to

characterize morphological variation from the norm, to get ready for recreation and for near

research. The most pervasive strategy for estimation is normally founded on lines drawn on

radiographs with no precise reference to the genuine geometry of the structures. This two-

dimensional projection of an awry three-dimensional structure prompts error and subsequently to

a trade off in the general exactness of numerous methods. Likewise it is additionally hard to

screen the movement of sickness as the definite relationship of the bones and joints to one

another, and to prosthetics, can't be precisely recorded. (Dymond, Asforth, Dymond, Sprirakis, &

Learmoth, 2013)
III. Conclusion

It is delusional to think that there are things that are only taught yet not used,

especially assuming that other things in math have no purpose in real life, because everything

that is allowed to be taught are also taught to be used in the real world. Lives can be saved by

mathematics like trigonometric functions; it may be in medicine like sinusoidal waves, in

measuring distance, in travelling, even reading and studying about earthquakes seismographic

record. Flattering it may be to find out that things are not always how they are perceived by

other, because they are not only used in the Medical field, mind you that the teachings in math is

universal, it is used also in the field of engineering, infrastructure, business, statistics, computers,

aeronautics, astronomical experiments, and etc. Limitless possibilities are encountered in the

world of math, there are no gaps, for a reason a bridge is connecting from its world and our

world and by this report we hope that we added a greater peripherals about mathematics.

The techniques in trigonometry are used for finding relevance in navigation

particularly satellite systems and astronomy, naval and aviation industries, oceanography, land

surveying, and in cartography (creation of maps). Now those are the scientific applications of the

concepts in trigonometry, but most of the math we study would seem (on the surface) to have

little real-life application. So is trigonometry really relevant in your day to day activities? You

bet it is. Let's explore areas where this science finds use in our daily activities and how we can

use this to resolve problems we might encounter. Although it is unlikely that one will ever need

to directly apply a trigonometric function in solving a practical issue, the fundamental

background of the science finds usage in an area which is passion for many - music! As you may

be aware sound travels in waves and this pattern though not as regular as a sine or cosine
function, is still useful in developing computer music. A computer cannot obviously listen to and

comprehend music as we do, so computers represent it mathematically by its constituent sound

waves. And this means that sound engineers and technologists who research advances in

computer music and even hi-tech music composers have to relate to the basic laws of

trigonometry. (10 everyday reasons why Trigonometry is important in your life).

The role of trigonometric functions is crucial in the vast medicine field, our shared

knowledge and facts that they are very useful are only parts of a whole of the history of

accompaniment of human health and mathematics. Thus we should take everything seriously,

saving lives is not a joke neither the study of such arithmetic student, complex it may be, yet

important. Every single day advances to another, in sometime nearer we often would need to use

these in daily life, we use these common to advance not to hinder ourselves in getting a better

life, and better health.

In conclusion we can infer that trigonometric functions really do have a big use in

medical field and in other fields of our life. We may not immediately see how useful it is but if

we dig deep enough there we can see its essence.

10 everyday reasons why Trigonometry is important in your life. (n.d.). Math Worksheet Center.
Retrieved from

Dymond, I., Asforth, J., Dymond, G., Sprirakis, T., & Learmoth, I. D. (2013). The usage of image
trigonometry in bone measurements. The journal of clinical and experimental research on hip
pathology and therapy. Retrieved from

Nordist. (2013). Trigonometry and Medicine. (T. Graham, Ed.) Relations of Trig Functions in Real Life.
Retrieved from

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