Bonding Practice Test PDF
Bonding Practice Test PDF
Bonding Practice Test PDF
2) Generally, how many valence electrons are needed for atoms to be most stable?
a) 8 b) 6 c) 32 d) 18
3) Which type of bonding is characteristic of a substance that has a high melting point
and electrical conductivity only in the liquid phase?
a) ionic b) metallic c) nonpolar covalent d) polar covalent
7) Which particles may be gained, lost, or shared by an atom when it forms a chemical
a) nucleons b) neutrons c) protons d) electrons
9) Which type of bonds are formed when calcium atoms react with oxygen atoms?
a) hydrogen b) coordinate covalent c) polar covalent d) ionic
10) Which type of bond is formed by the transfer of electrons from one atom to
a) an ionic bond c) a covalent bond
b) a hydrogen bond d) a coordinate covalent bond
13) Oxygen, nitrogen, and fluorine bond with hydrogen to form molecules. These
molecules are attracted to each other by
a) coordinate covalent bonds c) ionic bonds
b) electrovalent bonds d) hydrogen bonds
14) The bond between hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule is classified as
a) covalent and nonpolar c) ionic and polar
b) ionic and nonpolar d) covalent and polar
a) b) c) d)
19) Which substance will conduct electricity in both the solid phase and the liquid phase?
a) AgCl b) HCl c) Ag d) H2
22) The electrons in a bond between two iodine atoms (I2) are shared
a) unequally, and the resulting bond is polar
b) equally, and the resulting bond is polar
c) unequally, and the resulting bond is nonpolar
d) equally, and the resulting bond is nonpolar
23) Which of the following solid substances contains positive ions immersed in a sea of
mobile electrons?
a) O2 b) Cu c) CuO d) SiO2
24) In the boxes below, draw a correct Lewis electron-dot structure for: (3 pts.)
(1) an atom of hydrogen
(2) an atom of oxygen
(3) a molecule of water (H2O)
Bond A Bond B
a) State one way in which bond A and bond B (above) are the same and
one way in which they are different. (2 pts.)
b) Draw the Lewis electron-dot diagrams for the two molecules above.
Label any partial charges. (2 pts.)
HCl Br2
26) Write the correct IUPAC chemical formula for the following compounds (1 pt. each)
27) Write the correct IUPAC chemical names for the following compounds (1 pt. each)
1) CF4 ____________________________________
2) N2S3 ____________________________________
3) MgO ____________________________________
4) NaOH ____________________________________
a) Name two properties of metals that makes them useful in electrical wiring (2 pts.)
b) Explain how metallic bonding between copper atoms can account for each of
these properties (1 pt.)
2) a covalent bond
3) a metallic bond
30) In the laboratory, a student compares the properties of two unknown solids.
The results of his experiment are reported in the data table below.
Substance A Substance B
Melting Point low high
Solubility in Water nearly insoluble soluble
Hardness soft, waxy crystals hard crystals
Electrical Conductivity poor conductor in both poor conductor in the
solid and aqueous states solid state, but good
conductor in the
aqueous state
31) Given the binary compound formed from magnesium and chlorine:
c) What type of bond forms between magnesium and chlorine? [Give one
reason to support your answer.] (2 pts.)
d) In the boxes below, draw the Lewis electron-dot structures for the
elements Mg and Cl. (2 pts.)
magnesium chlorine
e) In the box below, draw the Lewis electron-dot structure for the
compound formed from magnesium and chlorine. [Include any charges or
partial charges.] (1 pt.)
Which statement best describes the energy change as bonds are formed and
broken in this reaction?
a) The forming of the H-Cl bond releases energy
b) The forming of the H-Cl bond absorbs energy
c) The breaking of the H-H bond releases energy
d) The breaking of the Cl-Cl bond releases energy
34) When phosphorus and chlorine atoms combine to form a molecule of PCl3, 6 electrons
will be
a) shared equally b) shared unequally c) lost d) gained
35) In the box below, draw a Lewis electron-dot structure for a molecule of hydrogen.
REGENTS CHEMISTRY Bonding & Naming Practice Test Name __________________________
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REGENTS CHEMISTRY Bonding & Naming Practice Test Name __________________________
Mr. Dolgos Period ____
REGENTS CHEMISTRY Bonding & Naming Practice Test Name __________________________
Mr. Dolgos Period ____